American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, April 02, 1814, Image 3

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    Beate and “rect the $4id subscribers, and
if the whols
such district be net then subscribed, then
also all those who shall afterwards) sub-
scribe to the number aforesaid, into any
“gue body politic indecd and in law, BY thie
nae, style and tide herein before afi: ced
16 the bank of such district, ard 8
name th ghey s Shai have soptinugl : sucee $
number of shares aliotted to
their successors, lands, teriements
riditaments, rerits, goods, chattles
to an amount not exceeding in th@ whole
the sum herein alloted to such digifict ing
pany in security for debts, and
£rom time to time to sell, grant @&
lien or dispose of ; to make and
common s¢al and the same to affer or re-
new at their pleasure j to bye-la
trary to the constitution and laws
States, or of this state, and generally
and be invested with the duti@ powers,
rights and privileges which by #i
this comunonweaith belong t§ corpora-
See, 3 And be it Surther
That the seven persons firs
such letters patent shall as sof
niently may be, give such notife agis here-
in before required to be giver ich dis-
trict previous to opetiing the’ to re-
ceive subscriptions of stock within
of the time and place by them
for the subseribsrs to meet in o
ganize such corporation, and toghoose by
-a majcrity of votes of the said sbscribers
by ballot 13 directors ; excepti
thanics’ bank of Philadelphia, th
vania Agricultural and Manufact
the Centre Bank of Pd
which shall be authorised to
rectors, and excepting also the
Northern Liberties, which shdl
directors, to manage. the busi
company witil the next succee
election as hereinafter provid
any ciection stockholders resid ben
state at the time of such elect
by proxy, when the instrumes
constituting the same shall ha
en and dated within two moni
the time of holding said cle
person holding such proxy
the same or convey the Powe
eu to him to any other perso
. 6. And be it Further acted, 2
Th Ya fre directors first choseflas aforesaid
in cach district shail procul certificates
for the shares of stock of sgh conipany,
aud shall deliver oné certificfle signed by
the President to be chosen hereinafter
directed, and countersigned I (he cashier
anid sealed with the comm@ seal of the
said corporation, to each flerson for the
share or shares as the sg@ickholder may
choose, by him her or the; ubscribed and
held, subject however td a the paymerits
due and to grow duc there.
pot con-
cled. © #1
F named in
ag conve
Ine bank
and 1sylvania,
may vot
of writing
| been give
all tr ansfer
there in on -
(Remainder in off next)
alem, Feb. 12
A letter from My. Prols, an American
gentleman from Massachfsetts, now resid.
in at Paris, owier of thagdceicbrated Ame-
rican Privateer dated the 30th of
Pecember Ie ceived in fthis town, states
that the True Blooded Yankee has captur-
ed since shd was fittedf out twenty seven
vessels, andmade two Hundred and seven-
ty prisoners During fhe last cruise. Ox-
nard who naw commas her, took an Is-
land on the Eoast of Lland, and held it six
davs. He fo took a/port in Scotland and
burnt seven} vessels at anchor. The Bun.
ker Hill, Tae the Linnet British sloop of
war, armed With 14 eighteen Pp yunders and
one hundred and thirty men, be longing to
the sam? cogcern ly Was fitting out and near-
ly ready forjsea.
Nothing few at Halifas, the 3d instant.
No late arrvifals from England, and no pri-
zes sent in uh
+ by a "oa :
o that date for seme time
ie laws of
And at
On ; but no,
aE Te
‘ To. speak his thoughts— 3
Is every Freeman's right.
Sarvrpar, ArriL 2,
At Philadelpiay
Of Flour, i per bbl.
Ae Baliimere,
——Ditto ditto ditto $6 25
~~ Ditto fine do. ona TS
fii Sie
The following billy, entitled ¢ Ax Act 10
passed at the late session of the Legic!
lature ;
Sect. 1. Be it enacted, &c. That after
the first day of Sept. next the following ar«
ticles owned by or in possession of any
debtor shall be and ‘are hereby excmpted
from levy or sale on any execution or other
legal process which may be issued against
such debtor for debts, rents excepted,which
g all have been contracted afier said first
foo a a
87 62148
day of September, that is to say, housc=
hoid utensils, not exceding in value fifteen
dollar ; the necessary tools ofa tradesman,
not exceeding in value 20 dollars; all
wearing apparel; two beds and the ne-
cessary bedding ; oie cows and a spinhing
London, Jan. 8
Vice-armiral sir A. Cochrane 15 expec-
ted at Portsmouth in a few days, to hoist
his flag on board the Asia for {he North A-
merican command.
A rumor has been circuldted for these two
or three days past, in the circle of superior
emigrants from France, that a digect invi.
tation has been received by Louis XVIII
from Normandy, to return, and with an as-
surance that hig standard would be sura
rounded “by thousands 5
hearts devoted to his ¢ use. f
War- Department, Downiiig stect, Dee. 30;
Despatchies have been received at this
office from the Mar uis sof Welling gton, dd-
ted the 19th and 22d insts. It appears that
since the battle of the 14th, marshal Soult
has made several movements on the tight
bank of the Adour, and towards the rear of
gir Rowland Hill's position; but these
movements were forescen and frustrated,
The enemy being foiled in every attempt
to dislodge the allied forces from their po-
sition, the main body of the French army 3
has retreated from Ba yone, and has march-
ed up the right bank of the Ardour, towards
Antigua, Feb. 27,
Bya London paper of the 8th of January
with which we have been obligingly favor-
ed, intelligence of the highest importance
to the future happiness of the civilized world
has been received. Since our last, there
have been rescued from the fell grasp of
Bonaparte; the State of Holland, Flanders,
Switzerland, and the principal Italian states
by an express request of the people, is now
on the shores of the Adriatic sea.
united to Holland, under the “Jaited Nee
therlands, having at the head of the general
government the prince of Orange, with the
title of the Royal Sovereign of the - United
Netherlands. Again has Vici crownee
who aren gheirg , : .
ted for any kind of public business.
_ Session will be given on the first day of May
che afnis of Wellington. Undér the walls
of Bayone Soult made a desperate stand,
from whence he was driven with great loss
~—that the town is in possession of the als
nes---the ports of the river Ardour on
which it stands, are open to all nations not
st war with any af the allies. he
The following persons have been ap-
pointed agents for the American Patriot
and will reccive subscriptions and pay-
ment for it from those resident in their
neighborhoods, friendly to its interest, viz 4
For Mill Hall and its vicinity,
Mr. John Curts.
Great Island,
Pine Creck,
Rosear Hamirron, Esg.
Je sey Shore,
Tuoris MCrifrock, Esp.
Pennsylvania Furhacey, Huntingdon co,
Mr. Davin STEWAR?.
«5 CR
Causes for trial at April erm, 1814, in
the Court of Common Pleas of Centre
J. Miles & al. vs.
Job Packer V8.
J. Nixon’s, Ex’s. vs.
Keatley & Tate
J. Penn, jun. &c.
W. Goodfellow
P. Doughérty
John Jack
John Davis
W. Smithy
B. Elliott :
M:Clallin for B.
Tonsey for Ogden
J. Keviin’s Ext’s. Confer & Wolf,
A. Ream C. Keatley,
Maybury for S 13. 8. Potts,
J. Speakman Davis & Patton,
W. W. Woodward sauie,
G. A. Bicknel, . Same,
i Miles (23 Jacob ‘Taylor,
TAAT well Known Tavern Stand, situ,
ate in Aaronsburg, Cetitre county. The
House is built of stone, and is well calcula-
G. Knox,
R. Curtin,
J. Gardner & al,
J. Tate,
A. Aljison,
Jos. Boone,
1. Dunlop,
F. Dale,
D. Barrett,
Boggs & Royer
D. er y
P: Taylor;
For terms apply to the subscribe
AAroxspuRG. ApriL 2, 1814.
RAN away from the subscriber on the
28th day ol February last, an apprentice ta
thé Shoemaking, named
He had on when he went away, a Brown
Coat ef Homemade Trawsers, and other
clothing, = Whoever brings back the
said apprentice to the subscriber shall
receive the above reward, but no charges.
SP ———
. —
Miles township,
March 3, 1814.
RESPECTFULLY inform the public,
that they intend carrying on the above men-
tioned Business at the House of Jus. f Roth-
rock in the Borough of Bellefonte. Those
who please to favor them with their custom,
may depend on having their work done in
the neatest and most fashionable manner.
Murch, 26, 1814.
as ~~ § Ey et. wt DQ ©. ees eit
The Creditors of Christian Hamaker, late
oft Half Moon township, Centre county, dec.
are hereby notified to file their accounts,
properly attested for settlement, with
Charles Cadwallader, on or before the Ist
day of August next. This notice must be
complyed with, and the demands satisfied,
or they will incur costs.
UBLIC NOTICE is hereby sive
that agreeably to the provisions of th
Assembly, passed the 218t day of
14, entitled an « An act reg gula-
Janks,” Books will be opened to re.
e1ve subscriptions for capital stock of the
Craire Bank of Peansyivania, on the 25th;
26th, 27th, 28th, 29th and 3Cth days of A=
il next, at the tollowing places; from nine |
o’ lock in the morning, until three o "clock
ii the evening of each day, to wit:
At the house of Eiizabety Merril ift the
town of Pennsborough—At the house of
Jacob Heiviey in the borough of Williamss
ott, and at the house of Leonard Proutz
at the Jersey Shore ; for the county of Ly-
At the House of Alpheus Chee; i in the:
town of Welisborougs§ for the counties of
Tioga and Potter.
At the House of Evan Miles, ih thé bow
rough of Bellefonte---At the Store of
Duiican and Forster in the towh ¢f Aarons-
burg---At the House of John Ker, in Penns-
valley, and at the House of John Kurtz,
in Mill Hail ; for the county of Centre:
and, at the House of Robert Collins in the
town of Clearfield, for the cotintics of
Clearfield and McKean, At which timbs
and places, one of more of the commis
sioners appointed by the said act of Asscme
bi§, will attend ; and to whom five dollars,
on each and every share of stdck must be
paid at the time of subscribing.
Bellefonte, 24th March, 18i4.
4 7
. le SET ke
J. Shaw, 1
Loittopn or Kuacogialla
THE subscribers to the stock of the
Lewistown and Kishacoquillas Turnpike
Company, being now mcorporated by lot~
ters patent under the hand of the Governs
or and the seal of the State; . |
Is BERF2Y GIVEN to the said stibscrie
bers, tomeetat the House of James Kir
sloe, in Lewistown, on Wednesday th ¢
eighteenth day of May next, in order to or
organize the said Cory poration, and to
choese by a majority of votes of the said
subscribers by ballot, to he delivered by
person or by proxy, duly authorised ; one
President, six Managers, and one Treasur~
er, and such other officers as .shall be
deemed necessary to conduct the busines
of the said Company, until the second Mona
day of November next, and until like offis
cers shall be chgsen ; and also to make
such rules, orders and regulations as may
Be thought necessary.
W. P. Maclay,
Andrew Keser,
Jno. Alexander,
Robert Means,
Wn. Brown, jn.
James Milliken,
John M:Dowell,
Richard Hope,
March, 26, 1814.
ONE or two boys 4s apprentices to the
Boot and Shoemaking. Lads from twelve
to fifteen years of age would be prefeed.
THE following descriptions of persons.
are required to take licences, viz.
Keepers of Boarding houses, who charge
for Liquors used in their houses.
Physicians, Apothecaries, ‘Sutgeons of
Chemists, are required to take out licens
Collector, 19th district, Penn.
Aaronsburgh, Marcu 12, 1814,
THE highest price will be eiven fog
ciean Linen and Cotton RAGS, a olf
Rar Mii S28