American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, March 26, 1814, Image 3

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8irvrpar, Marcu 25, 1814.
«To speak his thoughts—
Murried....On the 10th of this instany by
the Rev. My. Johnson, Nr. Willian P3 Lil-
Gigi one oi the Editors the JuniatalGa-
zetie, wo Miss £mil, H. Smith, of tn€ v1-
cinity of Hunungdon.= &
At Philaddpia,
®f Flour, sup. per bbl
Ar Saltinore,
—Ditto ditto ditto
Ditto fine 2 N
The foregoing act was presented i
governor lor nis approbabin on YE
day the 9th inst. and Of Saturday last ne
relurned it to tac Hous of Rephes
fivos, waere ic orgliatedy kin the ol
ecions 3 :
b the Senate and House of Refrescnia-
tives of the Comm .nweah of %e nsylua-
The billenitled,¢ anact egulatn |
was prescated to me Kormy a
ou the Jta inst. 1 have gren WOH jeoiisid-
eriuon ail the facuities ¢ my mifid, aud
feelings of my heart, andl regret lo say
$0.0 uy COaviCUOoLS Of dur to die cominus
nity Will not petinit mc tap,
passage in Lo a law. in tur
as 1 do for re-consideraua, 1 B
peicr the Legislature © the oujectons
transmicted, Marca 19:0 313 agaist we
bi cutitied, © au act to caulisi a goucr-
ai system of Banking. . ubScopjcclions
appiy lo the present bd win #
force, because (t contemjates Ul
lishment ot a much greate uuu
ney coming LusLitudlons ; Jius §
furticr anu w.der, the bajtuh ots wh oh
i. Jeannot but.tolok evade TO such an
estabusament. Fo”
In addition to the objedons dithe jour-
pals of last session 1 wil brief | remark,
that ainough the sysien prop sed taen,
-and thus session cniarged pou, #las becn a
year before our fcilow Cizeng yet have
Tone of them requested tat it should be-
come the law of the stat / d I cannot
divest myseif ot the feartic if gshould be-
coine alaw, lt would ten onl to enrich
the wealtiry and «he sprudal )ry wile it
would in various forms lap purthens on
the poor and the industrus
%0 nazard an opinion thaici
have a great atfect In 1)
meat to weaken its fore
®1 destroying habits. 4
gives lorce (0 laws, alll
acquires dignity and refpd in proportion
to its uuliormity of pro@eug. Tis LI,
I presume © say, willpruce in society
an unhappy effect. Idiegzes we acts
ot legal associations, alld us proves the
weakness of the goverimen nay, it car-
ries on its face a wa raft tore traction
of the restrictive prowi§ionsherein con-
tamed, and in my opinidh go far to en-
courage the infraction of all vs.
It 1s a fact well agcerta:d that im-
mensc sums of specid havébeen drawn
from the banks in Penylvar and certain
other states, to pay falane for Britsn
goods which eastern Ficrcale cupidity
has smugled into the Wnted ates. The
demand dor specie hasfa conguence been
and still 1880 great thd the bksin Puila-
deiphia add in some ofer pai have siop-
ped discofiuting any few par. 1 ask a
patriotic -Cgisiature, 4s this « auspicious
era to uyso vastan efperime ¢ shall we
increase {toils pressuf ! shalve directly
aid our internal engmies to cstroy our
funds ant embarrass fthe govament, by
the ergting ol J@rtysone :w banks,
which must have regourse for ceie to that
already jnuch exhaygsted sourd
Is thfre at this time an intigent man
in Penpylvania who believeshat a bank
note of fuy description is the peescutative
of speck {1s therg net greatround for
fear, a nowledge that forty-oncew banks,
having } vominal capital of me than se-
venteefmuiton of doilars, up. the bare
piymeft of one fifth part, she have the
right(te inclination to do se:annot be
doubtel, under the predomiga spirit of
speculfion) an additional evevhelming
flood ofpaper, and thus totally stroy the
remainhg confidence im that taeum ¢ and
will noja hoarding of specie and. ruinous
epredation of bank notes, be natural
a of such a state of thz§ ?
On te ground of principle, gnerally I
may cgfidently say that industrys the on-
ly pergunent source of wealth, secures
subsisfuce, and advances our lierest by
slow yf sure and regular gains, ad 18 the
best pgservaiiva of morals. Noso spec.
* goveri-
dy operation
ing Banks,
ulation (ivhich this bill seems t6 invite) ; it
has the direct coutrary eifect: depending
on no fixed principles, it opens a fieid for
the excrcise of lngenuity, ever on the aliert
to take advantage of the unwary in the acci-
dential variation of things. Tle success of
the speculator by protession, tempts the
farmer and mechanic to forsake hs accus-
tomed honest pursuits, and launch in the
wiid sea of speeulation; ever exposed to
deviations frem rectitude, his morals be-
come weakned, and eventually ali sense of
commutative justice is destroyed.
Thus impressed as to the probable con-
sequence of the bill, If enacted wito a law,
I -houid betray the trust reposed in me by
my feliow citizens if 1 were to approve its
passage. To differ from the representatives
of the people is painful to me, but to surink
from a respousibility which I consider my-
self in conscience bound to assuine, wouid
be criminal, 1 decline stating any objec-
tions which may have arisen out ot the
fluctuation of opinions amongst tie mems
bers of the General Assembly during the
pendency of the bit under considera
tion, and refer to them only to shew how
tic hopes aud fears of tne members them-
© selves were raised and depressed aud taeir
opinions aitered, by circumstances wihica
couid not at ait influence oars,
‘The bill is returned for reconsideradon,
u:.der the most perfect convictions that uy
duty to our common consiiiuents, to Lae
sta.c and the union, requires me io return
1t. Duly respecting the judgement and mo-
tives of the Legisiature, & trusting to taelr
liberality in viewwg my conduct.
I remain their feliow citizen. ©
Harrisburg, March 19ti, 1814.
Sli Sl
Yesterday the house of Representatives
proceeded to re-cousider the said bili 5 and
the votes being taken. agreeably to the al-
rections of the constitution, were as foi-
For the bill--Messrs. Allshouse, Bean,
Bolinger, Burchfield, Clunn, Crum, De-
chert, Dickerson, Dungman, Elimaker, 1'a-
ger, Ferguson; Forster, Grail, Grosn, Hart
J. Hays, S. Hays, Heaton, Herrington,
Heston, Hudson, Hyde, Jordan, Keer,
Krebs Kremes, Law, Lawrence, Lighwmer,
D. Maclay, J. Maclay, W. Marks, G.
Marx, Maxwell, M’Call, M’Comb, Mciz-
ger, Miller, Milliken, Jac. ‘itchei
Piumer, Potts, Pruner, P. Recd, Rei-
gart, Rinker, Robinette; Rotarock,
Seller, Sergeant, Shindie, Suerve, R.
Smith; S. Smith, Souder, Sterne Steven:
son, Stoy, Wallace, Watson, Weston, Win-
ters and St. Clair, Speaker. 66.
A gainst the bill--< Messrs. Addams, Bond,
Brooke, Carter, Cheyney, Conucily, Court-
ney, Darlington, Duane, Fackenthail, LEiy-
siuger, Harris, Heckert, Hindman, Hol.
mes, M’Coy, Murray, Poweli, J. Reed,
Reiff, Rowland, Rupert, Sutheriand. and
Thompson. 24.
~ Two thirds having agreed to pass the
bill, it was sent, together with the governs
or’s objections, to the Senate, who imime-
diately proceeded to re consider it; and,
on the question, Shall the bill pass! The
yeas and nays were as follow, viz.
Yeas. Messrs. Beale, Brady, Burnside,
Frailey, Graham, Hamiiton, Jarrett, M’Far-
land, M’ Sherry, Poe, Rahm, Raiston, Ross,
Shannon, Shearer, Shoemaker, Stroman,
Watson, Weaver, and Worrell. 20.
Nays. Messrs. Baird, Barclay, Biddle,
Erwin, Gross, Laird Lowrie, Newbold , Lod,
and lane, Speaker. 10.
So the bill finally passed.
el) + Qe
A letter from Washington to the editor of
the Commercial Advertizer, dated the
8th instant says,
“ A member of Congress, it is said, has
received a letter; informing that gen. Floyd
has been defeated by the Creek I[nd:dus.
He had 300 mien killed, and lest all his
House of Representatives, March 10.
Mr. SeyBeRT said he was about to off-
er a resolution for the consideration of the
House, the propriety of which had been
suggested by several gentlemen. Letters
have been veceived; in which itis stated,
that many persons are now engaged in mel-
ting the copper coins of the United States.
This was occasioned by the present enhan-
ced price of copper. Copper sheets were
were now Selling at from 60 to 70 cents per
pound. Those who melted the cents
coined at the Mint ofthe United States,
would gain from 20 to 30 per cent. These
proceedings, he had been told, had
alrcady occasioned much inconveni-
ence in some situations of the Wnited
States, and it was apprehended it wouid ens
jure those who were least ablé to suffer.
To some the amount might seem inconsid-
able and unworthy of legslative interposi-
don. But by the report of the Director of
the mint, it apears that the copper coined
in the year.
1810 amounted to
Maikng a total for 4 years of $33,090
On an average of8,272 per anum, which
for the last twenty years would be $165,440.
A much graeter amount of these coins must
now be in circulation ; but the inducement
to those who hdd already commenced to
melt them, must be sufficicut to continue
operations, and thus injurously to diminish
the circuiating medium, His resolution
was in the following words :
“ Resoloed, That a committee be appoin-
ted to enquire into the expediency of alters
ing the copper coins of the United Sates.”
The motion was agreed to
NN tt 3 Gobo 2% 4 =
2 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given;
that agrecably to the provisions of the
act of Assembly; passed the 21st day of
Maich 1814, cnutied an % An act regula:
tu.g Banks,” Books will be opened to re-
ceive subscriptions for capital stock of the
Contre Bank of Pennsyirvania, oh the 25th,
26th, 27h, 28th, 29th and 30th days of A-
pri next, at the following places, from nine
o’clock in the morning, until three o'clock
In the evening of each day, to wit:
At the house of Elizabeth Menil in the
town of Pennsborough—=At the house of
Jacob Heiviey in the borough of Witliams-
port, and at the house of Leonard Pfoutz
at the Jersey Shore ; for the county of Ly-
coming. :
At the House of Alpheus Cheney in the
town of Wilisborough, for the couuties of
Tioga and Potter.
At the House of Evan Miles; i the bos
rough of Bellctonte—--At the House of
Duncan and Forster in the town of Aarons-
burg---At the House of John Ken;in Penns-
valley, and av the House' of John Kurtz,
in Mili Hail ; for the county of Centre:
and, at the House of Robert Collins in the
town of Clearfield; for the counties of
Clearfield and M¢Kean. At which times
and places, one or more of the commis
sioners appointed by the said act of Assem-
bly, wilt aticnd ; and to whom five dollars,
on each and every share of stock must be
paid at the time of subscribing:
Bellefonte, 24th March, 1814.
4t 7%
Lewistown & Kishacoquslas
THE subscribers to the sfock of the
Lewistown and K:shacoquillas Turnpike
Company, being now mcorporated by let-
ters patent under the hand of the Govern
or and the seal of the State,
Is HERr:7v GIVEN tO the said subseri-
bers, to meet at the House of James Kine
slocy, In Lewistown; on Wednesday the
eighteenth day of May next, in order to or-
organize the 8aid Corporation, and to
choese by a majority of votes of the said
subscribers by bailot, to be delivered by
person or by proxy, duly authorised ; one
President, six Managers, and one Trecasur-
er, and such other officers as shall be
deemed necessary to conduct the busifiess
of the said Company, until the second Mon-
day of November next, and until like offis
cers shall be chosen; and also to make
such rulesyorders and regulations as may
be thought necessary.
W. P. Maclay,
Andrew Keiser,
Jno. Alexander,
Robert Means,
Wm. Brown, jn.
James Milliken,
John M-:Dowell,
Richard Hope, |
March, 26, 1814.
ONE or two boys as apprentices to the
Boot and Shoemaking. Lads from twelve
to fificen years oi age wou d be preeed
~ Coma
RESPECTFULLY inform the publié}
that they intend carrying on the above mena
tioned Business at the House of Jas.® Roth-
rock in the Borough of Bellefonte. Those
Who please to favor them with their cilstomy
may depend on having their work done in
the ncatest and most fashionable nianner.
March, 26, 18 14.
~= y Aad
The Creditors of Christian Hamaker, late
ot Half Meon township, Centre county, det:
are hereby notified to file their accounts;
properly attested foi settlement, will
Charles Cadwallader, oh or before thé 1st
day of August next. This notice must be
complycd withy and the demands satisfied,
or they will incur costs.
: Adiiniciatriz,
~ i Son wh Ends &
RAN away from the subscriber on the
28th day of February last, an apprentice td
the Shoemaking, named {58
He had on when he went away, a Brows
Coat ef Homemade Trowsers, and othe
clothing. ~~ Whoever brings back the
sald apprentice to the subscriber shalk
receive the above reward, but no charges,
Miles township,
March 3, 1814.
WILL stand for mares the ensuing seas
son, commencing on the first day of April
and ending on the first day of July, at the
stable of the subscriber, in the town of As
aronsburg, at the low rate of one doliar amd
fifty cents and a bushel of oats the single.
leap ; three dollars and a bushel of oats the
season ; or five dollars and a bushel of oats
to ensure a colt. The money for the sins
gle leap to be paid at the time of service 3
for the season on or before the first day of
October ; and for insurance as soon as the
mare i8 known tobe with foal.
Is a bright Sortel, 16 hands high, rising
seven years old, is well made, and fit for
either Saddle or Gears. He is noted for a
sure foal getter. Good attendance, but nos
liable for accidents: :
Aaronsburg, March 12, 1814:
Immediately, a quantity of good, drg
Walnut boards, for which a generous prieé
will be given: :
Bellefonte, March 19, 1814.
els : . a “hon Pv w Sl ats Ww :
PHAYWO tracts of wood land, about one
an half miles from Bellefonte. One
tract contains about 70 acres, timbered
principally with Chesnut-oak, Hickory and
Pitch Pine. There is on the land an exe
celient spring of water. )
The second tract contdihs about 200 a<
cres of excellent timbered land, suitable
either for building or firewood. This
tract has two or three good springs of was
teronit. Good titles will be made for both
mentioned tracts. Persons wishing to pura
chase, may know the terms by applying te
the subscriber on the premises.
Seat of Content, March 9, 1814.
THE following descriptions of persong
are required to take licences, viz.
Keepers of Boarding houses, who charge
for Liquors used in their houses.
Physicians, Apothecaries, Surgeons or
Chemists; are required tb take out licem;
Collector, 19th district, Penn.
Aarcnsburgh, Marcy 13, 1814,
: I