American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, March 26, 1814, Image 1
n » B® Brrssrrs ’. Vor. 1} % BB DBB Drs srr rs srr rs 1 A 1 CONDITIONS. 7 mem) IE Hap NT TR § = S28 A ay 7 ried aA) LINN 7 px PROPOSALS. BY W. BRIN DLE, The meri an Patriot igh every Saturday, and forward to S| by the earliest opportunities, | will be two dollars per anim, of postage ; one half to be paid af of subscribing, and the residue piration of six months. 8 | No subscription will be take than a half year ; nor will any § be at liberty to discontinue his ‘pi all arrearages are paid off. 1} of x any subscriber to notifyia dis tinue BAL. WA By ad i # 3 v4 i 3 EA ww 3 pe of Lis paper, will be consider ’ ongagement. 7 i Advertisements, not exceedit : will be inserted three I n far, and for every subsequent i 'wenty five cents ; those of great Ih proportion. id Fa LEBANON DEMOC. « Intelligence is the life of liber.” RJ SKINNER, | Proposes fublishing weekly, i ) » { J Borough of Lebanon; Hi TO BE ENTITLED TH 1EBANON DEMOC ~ 2 accom pany a with propriety be expected t he principles soligitation for patronage. of thet Editor are decidedly d shailbe his constant endea rights and interest of the peopl to preserve the purity of 0 r rexttblican form of government. The Editor, under an tmp re citizens of Lebanon county are desrous of having an English paper inted n their own county, flatters himselflthat they will liberally patronize the « L@anon Demos ora hi While Congress or the I. fg islati'e may be in session, the Editor wilf have orress or 10 keep the ssionthat the pondents at the city of Wasllington ind at Harrisburg, who will furnisifhim regularly with the proceedings of those bodies, piculture. man- ces and itera- Internal improvements, a ufactures, the ars, the scid ture gencrally, are subject$that will te no- ; tced in as comprehensive manner 2; the Jimits of the paper will admit. An abstract of the prices Surrent ag Pala { dciphia and Baltimore, w ll appear reg ilar ‘ 1 iV 33 : if, by the first of May, three Jundred sith. scribers be obtained, the first number othe LD mocrat wy ifappedr about the Just of tha, inonth. ti Gan R CONDITIONS. i publish. "od every Saturday morning, on a handsone The Lebanon Democrat will be medium sheety with a fair type. The terms of the Democrat is two dols pe anti, half yearly infadvance. Ade cerisements will be published at the uss dai prices. ¥ .* Subscriptions received ay the Office of . : ¢ Amertoan Baten. oF For reviving, in the town of Northumbers land, the weekly Neewspafier CALLED REPUBLICAN ARGUS, AS several presses nave recently been established at no great distance, the present may be deemed an inauspiciodis moment for the resuscitation of the Argus. This ob- jection is much reduced if uot entirely ob- viated, in the editors mind, by considerin that, ene of these papers has announced its mended departure for Danviiie, and ano- ther disclaiming any attachment to either of the parties, which divide the nation. Under this aspect, if the editor succeeds, in estab lishing a press to which the republicans of Northumberiand, Columbia and Uliiion, can again resort with a warm heart, and a just coufidence, he will realise ali his expectas tions. f ; The revival of the Argus virtually im- plics ‘an adoption of the same political cha- Pactely and an attachment to the same poli- tical principles, which distinguished its for- mer existance. ——ilaving purchased Mr. Huston’s' establishment, the editor desires his inténsions may be distinctly understond, and will pot merely pledge himself by im- plication. As democratic republicanism has been dear to him from infancy, 80 his veie- ration for its principles he never will rein. yuish while intellect hoids its scat, The editor has no hesitation in avowing his poiitical character. The Argus never was, nor will He ever render it $any. this... Cer UUTHITE CT TUB at ie will never wrolig any mam, or any party; nor will he ever wilful. ly offend the majesty of truth. The sancs tuary of domestic peace shall not be bros ken; nor shall private reputation be the sport of maliguity, or the revenge. a The times require’ the most decisive ens ergy in the government, and the firmest union among the people—to promote these will be a primary object of the editor. But all attempts to consolidate our sovereign re- publics, or to disever the confederation, Le holds in utter abhorrence. The state of our country arrests the solicitude of the patriot, while the situation of the world excites tye commiseration of the philanthropist. The desolation of a wide spreading war destroys the lives of the whole human race; from tue old world to the new extends its ravages, with aggravations of brutality and barbarity, unknown to civilized nations. Que country has been reluctaikly compelled io draw the sword in defence ot that indepengence so gloriously wrested from British tyranny. — United America has unfoided the vanners of justice and solemnly determined to de- fend the laws of nature and nations, and the rights of persecuted humanity. Freemen will never shrink from the defence of a cause so precious, of priucipies 80 condu« cive to the happiness of man To support this cause, to advocate these principics, snall be the primary duty of the editor, The local concerns of Northumberland, Columbia, Union, and the adjoinig counties shall receive particular attention. Lie cab- liest information shall be given respecting the interesting affairs of the state and the union ; and, especially, concerning the proa gress of the war. Legislative proceedings shall be diligently obtained and communi- cated. The cHusions of wit shall not be ex= cluded, and the muses shali be wooed with unabated fervor. CONDITIONS, The Argus, will'be published every Sa. turday morning, on paper of a good quality and printed with a good type—~The first number to appear as soon as 400 subscri- bers are obtained. ; ‘The price will be two dollars per annum, exclusive of postage—one haif to be paid on delivery of the first number and the remain. der in six months. No subscription will be received for less than one year; nor any person discontinue until all arrearages are paid: B= Subscriptions received at this Op- f Fick, _ rir rar arrests For ranrsr ssa ; IR SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1814. prey of individigal 8 Na eS TA a A SL, Bp dR AR Ss Pr ri fr rss, eT La Ex SSCL SSL ] »~ id ’ ’ ro 3 " ” Yh , » 5 os MS CIF IL EE I LE LAIR IS SUSE 1 rr rd ey SITS SE SLES SPS FILL II 5 1S Pr n STS LL rs Fr 4 i? a » wk ’ $ FOR SALE. TT: following tracts of Land, lying in the county of Centre and state of Peansyivania, viz. 4200 acres of first rate lime-stone Land, on Slab Cabbin branch of Spring creek.—13600 acres lying in Spring and Patton Lownships.—=4000 acres lying onthe waters of Clearfield creek.—3000 as Cres iymg on the waters of the Moshannon. L Also, about 1 0 acres lying on the wa- ters or South Wald ‘Bagle creek, in the county of Huntingdon, begining near Ty- ronc Forge and rung north easterly to the Centre county line, The first mentioned tract of 4200 acres, may be divided into many farms, ali of wich will be wef watered, well timbeped and coutain a quantity of cleared land, asitis supposed there are about 1000 a- res of cleared land on the tract, including large aud gooy meadows, The second mentioned tract of 13600 a- Cres is, caiculated chiefly for Iren works, being rough and staney, but well timbered. he third mentioned tract of 4000 acr g Is chie good Land for grazing. Of the fourd mentioned tract of 3000 acres on the Moshannon, not ng can be said in praise, but that it contains great abundance of Sandstone, and may probably contain I~ rou oar, Stone coal and Limestone. The fifth mentioned tract of twelve thou- sand acres, with the exception of a few farms, is alone, useful for Iron works Alsos two. other farm i - the. county Ceriroy “une aupotaing Tands of General Benner, son the head of Spruce creek (known by the nanic of Kerr's Place) con= ining 300 acres, Upwards of one hundred acres of which, are ip a state of cultivation, The other tract containing two hundred and twenty seven and hajf acres, adjoin, the estate of thomas Ferguson, Iisq. “dec CIghty or nmety acres of which are ajso in a state of cultivation. Both the last men. toned farms are excellent lime-stone Land, Indisputable tities will be given. For terms 2pply to R. T. Stewart. Esq. Bellefonte ; Vm. R. Smith, - Esq. Huntingdon ; and Whi. Pation residing on the first mentions ed tract. Bell fine, Feb. se. 1814, N. 8B. The tracts will be divided so as to accommodate purchasers. WILLIAM PATTON. oe TREASURY DEPR PMENT. . Dec. 27. 1813 IT 15 HEREBY MADE kNown. That pursuant to the second scction of an act passed on the 2d day of August, 1813, eititled « Ap act laying duties on notes of banks, bankers and certain companies ; on notes, bods and’ obligations discounted by banks, bankers and certain companies ; and on bills of exchange of certain descrip- tions,” an agreement has been made by the Secretary of the Treasury with the Cen- ire Bank of Liennsylvania for the payment by the said Bank of an annual composition in lieu of (he stamp duty oh notes by them issued, of one and a half per cent: on the a= mount of the annual dividend made by the said Bank to theip stock inlders. W. JONES. Acting Secretary of the Treasury, CENTRE BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA. T a meeting of the Directors held on LA the 4th day of February, the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That a further payment of five dollars on each and every share of capital stock, subscribed for in the C- nire Bank of Pennsulvania (being the 7thand 8th iustals ments) be, and are hereby directed to be paid into the Bank, on or before the 6th day of April next. By order of the Board, JNO. NORRIS, Car heir Bellofante;, Xep, 4 18134, Of yon 35 Lott St ni rrr Vr rors ’ For rrr , rrr B® H = i] 5 i: T ¥ ARSE List of letters remaining in the frost office at Bellefonte, December 31 y fr08t1813. (A.) Samuel Ardery, 4; Joseph An- drew, B. John Bowersock, John ‘Barren Samuel Barr, David Bowman, William Baily, Richard Bush, Caleb Bailey. James Boarland, Michael Boyers, Nicholas Bush, Joseph Boone (C.) “John & Washington Corsse, John Copenhaven, Samuel Carnell, Doctor Cowden, Richard Canoll, Thomas Cornway, William Cooper. (D.) Jesse Dale, John Dunkle. (E) Deocter Frede- rick Essig, 2; Magaret Eaken, Henry Ei, scohavey, Job England. (F) Rebecca Far- low, James Fulton, Alexander Fulton, Jue. Feavon, Samuel Fulton, William Fisher; (3) George Gieim, Robert Gardner, Philip Trove, (H) Daniel Hammer Abraham Hardsock, Thomas Hall, Matthias Heps sha, Nancy Hood, Daniel Horn, John Has- tel, George Michael*Hollenback. 9 David Jones, Elizabeth Jack. (K) Wil» liam Kennedy, Josiah Kirk, Nicholas Ke] ler, Merinas King, Frederick ellop, 2. (L Thomas Lewis, Amos Lewis, Isaac Lyman, (Wn John Miller, Mary M«Canna, William orrow, James McIntosh, Hannah Mach- lan, Hugh M:Mellin, John MGee, Sarah % M:Clintock, Mary Meyredy, Joseph: Mors: rison, Andrew Moore, James McCray, Jas cthb Menich, Daniel M:Cracken, Jno. Ms Carting. (N) Mary Nesselrote, 2; Chris+ tian Nesselvote. (0) Margaret Prentice, = Joshua Prentice, John Pennington; James Packer, Joshua Potts. (R) Jobn Rey. (S)« Savouck Bout, William Searcy; tratton, Richdrd Saddler (T Me. Thorndyke, 23 David Tweed, 2 ol Andrew Thompson, Thomas Thomas. (E) Evan Williams, Jesse Willams, James Woodside, Jacob Way, Adam Weavery Henry Work, (Y.) Herman Young. R. I. STEWART, p, \. “TO RE Joor one or more years, and possessiap given on the first day of April next, a farm on the south side’ of Bald Eagle Creek, near the mouth of the Same; forty or fifty acres cleared, a proportion of which is meadow. There is on the premises .¢ good Apple Orchard, with a number of on ther fruit trees. A Saw Mill, two square log Dwelling Houses ; a number of othep buildings and Sugar Camps. For terms, apply to ¥ JOHN FLEMING. February 19,1814. NOTICE THE Subscriber respectfully informs. his friends, and the public in general, that he bas commenced the Saddle and Harness making business, in Bellefonte, next door to Mr. Roland Curtin’s store, where all or- ders will be thankfully received, and puncs tually attended to, by ' WILLIAM KEEVER. Bellefonte, February 12, 1814. NOTICE e THE subscriber respectfully informs yrs friends, and the public in general, that he intends carrying on the Cabinetsmaking by siness in all its various branches, in the bg rough of Bellefonte. He flatters himself; that from an attention to business, and the superior quality of his work, to merit a share of the public patronage. ; EBENEZER MAGEE. Bellefonte, Feb, 12, 1814, ’ N. B. One or two Journeymen wanted gs the above mentioned business, to whom good encouragement will be given, ; One or two apprentices to the above mens tioned business will meet with good encon « rigemet by applying to the subscriber. ¢ EB. AML ui Shares