American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, February 05, 1814, Image 4

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    3 : ite LSEICE ota 'd hi 3 hich 3} i
Edymich mounts the same weight of met. Baravia, Jan. 8A i d Just & rg Bo pa it appeay
tal with the United States, and three or A white man, whose savage Beart had indu- ol LOW Eo " =m ope, command
four guns more; and the Statira is superior ced him toadorn his person with an" Indian ing | ¢ Endymion, and capt. Stockpolg
Be ssadaiten to us by one or two guns. The disappoint- dress, was shot near Daniel’s Im, 14 miles comndf anding the Jtatire, to meet our fi
THE H APPY MAN. ment is very great with us, for every soul from this place, by Dr Turteloit, while at- gates the Untied tates and the Macedq
Happy the man who, blest with health, calculated on taking her with ease. You tempting to make his escape from fi HR ecato Monthy last, de;
Pursues the path that Fate hath made; (oo wo must trust altogether to our hecls. guard. He was taken gg a short dis- pat pe : a #4 > to sir Thomg
Who seeks for competence, not wealth, Your s affectionately, ; tance this side of Buffalo, an Was Joe a- Had vy, A t g 3 2 ockading squac
¢ Through the rich sources of his trade : A. CLAXTON. mong a party of Indians who just plunder« ren roposing gra iy capt’s Hope apg 8
if ed, and set Hodge’s brick house on fire. ask pole in their wish.—This invitatiogBt
Who joins no broils, who secks no strife: EARTHQUAKES. He was known to be a prominent leader a- uw derstand, has been declined by (ye
Bat that which industry Spproves : Ettract of a letter from Stanley Griswody mong the Indians, stimulating them to the Bris: dein a
Whose children dear and smiling wife Esq. to his friend iu Cincinnati, Ohio, da= 0 csion of the most wanton and crueb = 48 ndymbn mounts 49 guns, twen lf
Afford the pleasure that he loves: po Shangnrele Illinois Territory, barbaritics. There isbut one wrong at- ty 0 r Fi the i deck ; the .
| ecemoer 18, LJ. : 3 : . : , ta afira mounts uns, eichteen 2
ves the tavern to the fop, We are again visited here by the terri- tending this transaction, that is, ever ta Lp Ew T Wi = a 4
Zz Who leaves h ble phenomenon of earthquakes. A pret king him prisoner. # % . Unite tates ¥ x
Zz And worthless vagabonds that roam, ty smart shock occurred on the day of our — ints 48 gurs, twenty-forrr pounders of C1
And makes the tiller of his shop ; landing here, (Sunday two yesh) Which From the Boston Daily Advertiser, Jan. 18. tl main deck; the Mecadonia mounts
is happy home ; was the first that has been felt since las ) = RE , >.
+ The treasury of his happy ho spring. The day was very cold and clear POSTCRIPT. guns elghteer poundgrs onder main deck,
i iti ) hocks ONDENT. - 4 ae i. jr! |
ing Politics alone On Sunday last we had too severe SA0CKSy pooa gus ATTENTIVE CORRESP a :
’ Who, Jeav B die h : ds nearly equal to those formerly felt at Cin- Officer of the Newport Mercury, Lx of « letter da 2
4 "To party gives no ale cinnati. Several slight ones also occured Cer ¢ Te tot § . Jan. 14, 18%%.
But feels his conntry’s good his own, —But no damage was done at this place. SER LAY vi: litle of moment 5. sev. 1 bo
And for it honors those who bleed : At the United States Saline (12 miles This morning arrived hete the sch. Will- wn 4 be ts illont > ;
) back of us in the country) the shocks on liam, ‘captain Richards, of New-York, 40 le ves 8 y : g extract ¢
Who sees ip Heaven the brightest gem Sunday last were far more severe, nu as. days from N antz. The latest papers a lett froma gentleman in South King:
uae ambidous hong cope many in Seen dott vs were fel SER co hart nt lof tom BL dn ¢ 151 0 bi roe
And strives, in virtue’s path, ¢ to stem Mondey and Tuesday, and so late as Wed- the Paris Moniteur to the 30th of October. an Off oF Ir thist garrison: and he Nhe
The torrent cf a downward age ¥ nesday, which is the last I have hens from These we have been favored with. The does Bot bishand hang his head to thin }
: thence. It is very surprising they shou In tains Bonaparte’s himsé a ma,’ must De dead to every mg
Contented that he thus can live, be so severe and numerous at so small a Moniteur of the 30th, ton . par bral a religous sentiment that walks the
© And “envy not the proud and great, distance trom us, and not be percieved official narrative of his disaster, whic he bt te.’ “I have. to Snir of |
: Bi ive at this place. The damage done at thesa- 3..¢ not materially differ from the trans- maf br
bestowing what his Store sang line is considerable. Several furnaces hetion it the late Boston papers. one of the mst horrid murders whi the
To the poor suppliant at his gate. were broken down or much injured—sheds ation 1d Hi% “ft Nantz river on the annalsofmnkind afford. It apples by
2 : : overturned—the reels for drawing water ~~ The William le antz iy es. bofire dic ow Br | y
Who thus can walk in Wisdom’s way, upset—the logs for conveying it dislocated gsth November.—Captain Richards in- e eviden: jury of inqu@ Vi
Avoiding others’ faults to scan, ~the springs of some ells stopped, 2nd forms that Paris papers to the 20th Novem- the courtcenquiry, that on|the | Se
, ed with fresh water— Pes ot . C. x
May leave the restless world to say, wit? shined from them.—The lum- ber were received at Nantz the day before of os De C.
2 5 5 a ’
Drea) _. ‘THE HAPPY MAN.” bering noise, resembling distant thunder, he sailed, which he was unable to procure. son o ’ F Foy, called on a li gin)
; was heard very plainly here, but at the Sa= «pp contained the proceedings of the who lived ith him, who was Jetween fur i
line ib ves fjphei). The Na ho French Senate upon a new requisition by and five yas of age, to readper alph: et
/ THE CHALLENGE. poimah nd 2 E mas 4 Rh Bonaparte for 300,000 men. The men were ~—that she ead it through tip first tin
5 Coppy of a letter from iicutenant CLAXTON were greatly affrighted and mapy have de- ordered and several corps had already be- pretty corctly, and that Brogn then "0
TX to his father, dated serted. One honest fellow in remonstrat- oa, their march to join the army. dered, er) read it over agai, which sf |
Macedonian, New-London Jan. 19,1814. ing with these, declcred hewould stay at h's Bonaparte arrived in Paris the 15th Noy. did afar the letter P. whif: she cod
D raer—For the two last days work, believing ‘t would be as acceptavie : ' d d the or would »t speak ; upon whgh he wit
Earn : : to God to die with an axe in his hand as in The remnant of his army had crosse woli 3 uy ih aha
we. have Leen all anxiety; an American any other way—The weather on this day Rhine. No affair of consequence had taken out g( two alder sticks, wth which je
Saptaln iA o paso fos fhe By il eden and moist with some Snow 1, 0 since gu battle of Leipsic. Bonaparte ih ¢ Ro yore unfit}for he Fa: 17
i fe since, and communi. n. ¥ : Boairilite wpe rid pl hat he then tooda stick fev /'
eS havo : sulta- A thick faliing of snow appeared to pre- left Paris on the 20th Nov. to re Join his ar- rid p ry
ceted to commodore Decatur, a con : cede the heavy shocks for some minutes, my. Immense convoys of ammunition, pro- Sighe fc p candle rod, whith he §s Xi
tlon he had with captain Hardy, in whichs ,n4 continued a short time after them. Toi, Bad of Frank for che Grip. beat hé au woe np an wii wo Ania pk |
the latter said that two frigates were offy Writers on earthquakes are in the custom tt was said in France, that the recent. that afiethi§ a larger stick was put fto, i Xi
f equal force to the United States and of noting the state of the weather at the YR Ye G his hane byl his wife, with which he fe | 7 -
of equa. | : Nie time of their occurrence. losses of the French army in Germany were oh hy a tho io No we if
Macedonian, that he should have no ovyec: But from all appearrnce in this quarter jmmense. Great disaffection to the govern- he rat onic? 3 -iha {5
tion to a meeting taking place, but that he there seem to be no particular connection ment of the mild Napoleon.» snewing it- whipin het and after he had defisted \
could not allow the challenge to come from ——they have occured in all kinds of weath- x a Fiance. held he naked to the fire andre oofld |
. The hit was Still I think coldness and moisture at- self in er XS : idibad het x thatthe alii on ref back $55 Fad Al
the English commander. e hint v tend them more than heat and dryness. ws rench Senate, it was said, had re- 48 She : ck fas 1d bib
embraced in a moment, and captain Biddle of temprature. But this ma gees quested Bonaparte to propose to the Allied crispe by the jury, and (what is Hill rire WW
dispatched with a challenge from our com- fom he gresiel Rr county. powers a negociation for peace. He not horrile if possible) he held he es : % i
manders. In the mean time every prepars, weal — only rejected the proposition, but express- tweehis teeth for a whole hour, iclhe. if
ation was made, on our side, for" Extract of a letter, dated Sackets Harbour, ed great indignation at its having been chewd until lacerated to pieces. § Th@u-
ich all supposed no 2 8 8 g 1 fcr dt cunt a
diate engacor-= 7 Jan. 13. * made. ry fond a verdict of mutder a tBrin,
objecHon could be made to, the ote ®" « We have every possible reason to ex- Capt. R. heard nothing of the reported whos committed to jail in this towh f§a-
both ships Rr Ti i i pect and I have not the least doubt but that victory of Admiral Young. The French waithis trial in April next.
" sed by their comman hc Fe then 7° will be attacked during the winter.—— fleet at Brest and Toulon were still in port. ~~ “ heard the confessipn of the ler ff
\ rs hem the substances o A three hioart Report says the enemy are making every ne- Fifteen frigates had sailed trom the differ- reac The wretch said {he was hot A ¢
{ on foot, they wer pa GN 1 his as cessary preparation for the’purpose at ent ports in France—2 frigates sailed from he ttributed the dea h of | childitfl el
7 cheers. Captain ones Soe a A Ne Kingston. A short time since several de- Nantz in co with capt. R. buning, saying the fire was hotter i a : &
3 BB tached companies of troops amounting to Mr. Crawford our minister in Prance, suposed; but offered nolexcuse orfphias 7
A spoken with great modesty, ¢ my lads, our h SERB ov. 5 id : id Fla 2 orn adh. ¥)
Ny 5 Rs wil cont ood T bento s very pict about 800 men, were matched from this has been acknowledged, and it was said, Uo for the whipping. It i » al su
Se cru [BY 3 : ilis, leaving this pl : ith hi i ins that Brown’s wife, and Baker and hie
7 it able one.” Captain Biddle went on board place to French Mills, leaving this place was much pleased with his reception. nf w ’ ¥ .
the 74, a signal was immediately made for
the two commanders of the English fin-
_ gates, and they went on board. Captain
Hardy addressed them. ¢ Gentlemen, here
are two letters for you, it rests altogether
with you to decide on the matter; Stask-
pole, of the Statira, answered with the
greatest affection, ¢ pon honor, siry itis the
most acceptable letter I ever received.’
The final answer was tobe given yesterday.
Captaiu Biddle returned and related the cir.
¢umstances asI have mentioned. For my-
self, I thought from the manner of Stack-
pole that he would be the first to flinch’
I am not able to say that he did, it is e.
pough that the captain of the Borer (sloop
of war) came in yesterday and made known
_ that they had declined meeting us. This
\ circumstance has made a vast deal of con-
rsation here much to the credit of our
€omanders—it will probably be distorted
into a hundred different shapes before it
is done with—1I have therefore given you a-
somrect though brief account of it. The
ES 1 NL i es "
nearly destitute of troops—there remains at
the Harbour only about 700 or so of Harri-
son’s men. Our fleet is moored to the best
advantage, but at the best they can only o-
perate as batteries.
Another letter states, that Mr. Eckford
was there, and had about 400 ship carpen-
ters at work ; and that all the force were
employed in cutting and drawing timber,
and erecting block houses.—Gaz.
BuarLingtoxn (Vt) Jan. 14.
General Wilkinson and suite arrived at
this post on Wednesday of this week, and
are now on their way to Albany.
A detachment of about a thousand men
have arrived at Plattsburgh from the French
Mills, and all the troops at this post have
been ordered thither. The object of the
enemy appears to be to divert the attention
of our forces in this quarter, while they are
transporting their military stores to Kings-
ton. We have it from good authority, that
120 yoke of oxen have gone over the lines
for this and other purposes.
CaptyR. has in charge despatches for our
Govemment from Mr. Crawford.
Extract of a letter from a gentleman at
Meadsvillegto the editor of the Pittsburg
Gazette, dated 10th of Jan. 1814.—I have
this moment seen a letter from captain El-
liott to General Mead, in which it is men-
tioned that the British after the destruction
of Buffalo, recrosed the river, but that they
have again appeared, and from the great
number of sleighs and sleds they have col-
lected, an attack on Erie may be ex-
pected as soon as the ice will admit. The
British force is estimated at about 3000,
including Indians. Our force at Erie is a-
bout 2000 militia.
~NEW LONDON, Jan, 19.
We arc informed that in consequence of
a conversation which took place in the ca-
bin of the Ramillies, in the presence of an
American citizen who was landed a few
wie, (a young couple lag] marl) werd :
al the time in the Pom, and never
mde any attempt to pscue the childs °
Biker has been imprisogd. The child ex-
pred about 15 minutes ffter the last whip’ =
png and burning. i Ha
It is impossible a mde hard hearted sel
d monsters never metg Jtis a matter|of
wonsolation to the peo of this town, thi
dthough the order wf committed hen
tie family in town, arf
mee F
LE &
‘A bill passed the dna
Mmnday last for raisir
senate for
two judges to the supleme court.
Wednesday last, by a