American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, February 05, 1814, Image 1
! | i a 1 'd eo Le dh!" arages are paid off. The ¢ 4 3 Ns IL 85S PSS ‘od pe rts rls IIIS SSL TLS CONDITIONS, I'he American Pat peat be published ery Saturday, and orvrarded to subcribers the eadlicst opportunities. The price ll be two doliars pet amium, exclusive postage ; one half 0 be paid at the ume residue a ihe ex- piration of six mont: F No subscription [will be taken for less r will ay subscriber gl % Avasy + per: guiil failure of * outinuan Eukah » adie "i oe of hif paper, will be considered ‘as a ncy | Afvertisements, not exceeding 2 squar wil be inserted three times for one dol r.fand for every subsequent iuscrtion Ce esfablish the Treasury Department,”the ecretary of the Treasury ‘respect- ly Bubmits the following REPORT AND ESTIMATES: djonies actually received SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1814. PLPET ISS PPPS PP LT TSP IA PIL FALL LISTS SILLS LETS TIS Cr BL Principal re- imbursed 3,197,102 07 oe nine 5, 317 54 8 As will also appear by the annexed statement E. And leit in the treasury or the 30th of Septem- ber last A —— 39,907,607 62 The accounts for the fourth quarter of the vear 1813. have rot yet been made up we Ertasyry, but the receipts and eX- quarter nave al (he penddtuves dqing that neariy as toiiow : Receipts from thc customs; sales ~ lof lands, and smail branches of the revenue, about Loan of sixteen mlilions Do of seven and a hait millions ‘Treasury notes fh! 3,300.000 1,500,000 3,850,000 3.680,000 £ rr ————— 12,330,000 Makino, with the balance in the treasury on the 1st of Octo ber, 1813, of | | 6,078.752 43 mit rnp An aggregate of about 19,302,000 \The disbursements have been Tor civil diplomatic and miscel- laneous expenses, about Military department Naval department | 1 Public debt (of which near 6,000,000 Was on account of * the veirabursénent of princis hp pal) 7,087,994 95 nd leavin in the treasury, on 400,000 5,887,747 ,248,145 10 5 1 the 31st Dreeimve, 184 95 a a 2 ds of the cus- i Jsales of lands, © mall branches of evernue and re-pay- ALY $ 13.568,012 43 Proceeds of Loans, viz; eleven 3 3,151,500 HERA 23,976,912 50 ther with in the | 352,652 69 An agreed 33,907,607 62 The pymetls from the Trea- b _ suryduri@lr the same peri- {| odlave afhounted to $ 32,928,855 19 {| wighi of For evil, dilomatic and 4 micellan@us expen- | _ ‘cej both foreign and 1 danestiec} 1,705,916 | Miitary depgrtment, in ~%_cuding militia and vol- | Swteers, ani the Indias andeparthent 18,484,750 7sincluding the build- dv ships, and corps 6,420,707 2 uo bout 4,685,112 95 } 18,509,000 Of the sums obtained on loan during the: year 1813, and included in the receipt y above stated, an account of the terms on which they were made has been laid before . Congress, excepting as to the treasury notes issucd under the act of Feb. 25th, 1813, and the loan of seven and a haif millions 0b- tained nnder the authority contained in the act of the 2d August 1813. The aunexed stocement marked F. will shew the wholé nmount received for treasury votes during the year 1813,and at what places they were =» or disposed of. Three millions eight hundred and sixty five thousand ene hun- Crod dollars, of the notes issued under the act of inne 30th, 1812, became due in the course ofthe vear 1813 or in the present moath of fanuary, end have been paid off by the funds placed in the hands of the com- ra‘ssichers of loans for that purpose. ‘The papers under the letier Go. will shew the meesures takep under the act of August 2d. 1813, and authorising a loan of saven millions, five hundred thousand dol- lars, & the mannerin which this loan was ob- tgined. The terms were 86 dollars and 235 cents in money, for % 100 in stock, bearing an interest of 6 per. cent; whichis equiva- lent toa premium of $ 13 31 cts. and 4 niivhs of a cent on each hundred doilavs, in money loaned to the U. States. Of this sum of & 700,000, about 3,850,000 were paid ia- to the treasury during the remainder is payable in the ‘months of Januery and Febuary 1814. For the year 1814, the exfenditures, as now. authorized by laws are estimated as. jul i. Civil, dipiomaticand misceila- N208 eXPCenses, S 1,700,000 2. Pubiic debt, viz. Interest on the debt existing previous to the war, : Ditto on the debt con- tracted since the war, including trea- sury notes & loan for the year 1814 = 2,950,000 5.050.100 Reimbursment of prin- cipal, including the old six and deferred stocks, temporary 5,978,752 437 Cle “year 1814, then the sum of the year 1813 and. J 1 - ed to satisfy appro; ‘'a- tions made prior to that nt loans and treasury : notes, 74450,000 12,200,000 13,900,000 . ‘Military establishment, esti- mated by the Secretary o War for a full complement (including rangers, sea-fen- cibles & troops of all descrip- tions) of 63,422 officers and “men, including ordinance, fortificaiions, and the Indian department and the perma- nent appropriations for In- dian treaties; and arming & equiping themilitia ° . Navy estimated for 15,787 of- ficers seamen and boys, and for 1,869 mariners, %& includ ing the service of two 74 gun ships for four monhts, and 3 additional frigates, for six months of the year 1814, and the expenses of the flotillas on the coast and on the lakes $4,550,000 6,900,000 Amounting altogether to $ 45,350,000 The ways and means already provided by law were as follows : I. Customs and sales of public lands.— The net revenue accruing from the cus- toms during the year 1812, amounted, as will appear by the annexed statements A. and B. to 13,142,000 dellars. Of this sum, about 3,900,000: was produced by the ad- ditional duties imposed by the act ot July 1, 1812. The duties which have accrued during the year 1813, are estimated at 7,000 dollars. The. custom-house bounds. out- standing on the first of Januaay, 1815, after making a due allowance for insolvencies and bad debts, are estimated at 5,500,000 -dol- Jars; and it is believed that 6,000,000 dol- lars may de estimated for the receipt of the customs during the year 1814. The sales of public lands during the year ending Sep- tember 30th, 1813, have amounted to 256,345 acres, and the payments by purchasers to 706,000 dollars, as will ap- pear by the annexed statement C. Itis estimated that 600,000 dollars will be re- ceived into the treasury from this source during the ycar 1814. The sum therefore estimated as receivable from customs and land, is br 3600,000 2. Internal revenucs and di- recttax. From the credits al- lowed by law on some of the in- ternal duties, and from the de- lays incident to the assesment and collection of thedireéct taxy it is not believed that more ought tobe expected to come into the treasury during the 3. Balance of the loan of se- ven anda half millions, alrea- d¢ contracted for 4. Balance of treasury notes already authorised 5, Of the balance of cash in the treasury on the 3ist De- cember, 1813, amounting as is above stated, to about 4,680,000 ‘There will be requir- 3,650,000 1,070,000 day, and then undrawn, at least 3,500,000 And leaving applicable to the service of the year 1814, 1,150,000 16,000,000 So that there remains to be pro- vided by loans, the sumof 29,350,000. : 45,350,000 Altliougly the interest paid into the trea- sury notes is considerably less than that paid for the money obtzined by the United States on funded stock, yet the certainty of their reimbursment at the end of the year, and the facilities they afiord for remittan- ces, and other commercial operations, have obtained for them a currency which leaves 8,500,000 - vie A I Pony ] h a uo : } rs A rrr srr FLT LT IT LG LIL ESS ILLES ITI IIT IDI DL IT LBL LIDS DISS L LESTE DTS SL PLDI GSES TST No. LJ . PIPL TIL PLL TILL PISS LILIES ISLETS TIGL ISL TTS LL : little reason to doubt that they may be ex= tended considerably beyond the sum of five milions of dollars hitherto authorised to be annually isaued. It wiil perhaps be cligi- bleto leave the exceutive, as was done iast year, a discretion as to'the amount to be borrowed upon stock or upon freasury notes, that one or the other may be resorted to, within. prescribed Limits, as shail ‘he found most ‘advantageous to the United + States. N The amount esimated to have been re- imbursed of the princi during the year endingion the 30th of Se tember last, including tikasur; pei temporary loans, will app t mate marked D. to have bag TUT dollars. As the payments oi i the loan eof § 16,000,000 had n _ completed, and the stock had, ly, not been issued therefor, it “cable to state with precision added to the putiic debt durin but, after deducting the above ment of 3,200,000, this addition ¥ short of § 22,500,000. F The plan of finances prope: commencement of the war wasfio 12 revenue, during each year of jis on ance, equal to the peace establis of the interest on the old debt & of the loans which the war’ necessary, and to defray the expences of the war out of the. loans to be obtained for that pur, The expenses of the peas ment, as it existed previous (¢ ments of 1812, made in contemplation war, but including the eight res gps: i “ed to the military. estabiishi ents and the augmentation of the 1: vy i service, authorised in 1809, amountcds deducting some casual expences, of militia « | 7 8 and other incidental iteins, to about [= = Re 8 7000,008 The interest on the een public debt, pay- wf able during the ; year 1814, will be, on the old debt, or that existing pri- or to the present war, ® 2,100,008 On the debt con- tracted since the commencemen of the war, includ- ing treasury notes allowing $560,000 for interest on the loan which must be made during the year 1814, a sum as small as can be estimated 5 for that object, $ 2,950,000 a Ee, 5,050,000 Making : - Aw - e = rom the revenues as now estab , In cluding the internal revenues and tax, are not estimated for the year 181 more than $ 10,10@ r ATC Viz: hi VE From customs and public lands, Internal revenues and direct tax, 3,500,000 6,600,000 10,100,000 If to this sum be added that part ot thé balance in the treas sury on the 31stof Dec. 1813, which has been estimated a» bove, to be applicable to the 4 expenses of the year 1814, & which upon the principles a- bove stated, may be consider ed as a surplus of revenue bes yond the expenses of the | peace establishment, and of J the interest on the public debt: for the year 1813, and theres § fore applicable ta the same ex« | al of the public debt - = = $12,050,000 The actual receipts into the treasury Ps - & € ’ { v wd tt A A w