BUSINES& CARDS SAMUEL C . WiNoAliii, BANK OF SOW A. R EPURT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ATTortriica' ~.t. 9 - . • L& '''.'4 , A. J. STEVENS & .CO., 1. -- firjersizala., Pssins.. DESMOLNES, ILI WA. FARRIER'S UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, ~. 0 ,,,,z, No. 71 3u.Aiii: .t.coci, b3.3.,......-v - a rcii...an ,roct COLLECTIONS MADE and prompui .v At ATI3ON&, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., Jan. 1, 1858, as apli presented to the Stockholders, and made out in compliance ad friaw.ond shey. saittod. LAN tu , F., iectod and located. Capitalists _ ___.. ~,...,_ . . TANIi.:S A. LOWRIE, Attorney at 1 -=." i wishing to make investment: 4 in the Ws3t, can do B . throne, with the State Laws of New York, Ohio, Indiana,lllinols, itc. BTATEN ENT. 0 aFicu Fourth rtc,,,t,Pltt.,l,ssgh..betwc,c3 Nultlalield end thl9. 110t1.90. Uorrespondeuce fit hefted. latycl:6ni S pA L: pri lt AN I 13 C . 18 E C 3 O . NulyP the N e 1'. 1, , ,, The name iif the Company is the FARMERS' UNION 1N de.7.11,15 Cherry S ite). g k isl ' a ted ttir, a,t uf A P t e h o e n u i: l ilv r a a ala Ch . Charter ° n. s.nsMN Lit),/1119 TEDIS. D. LOOMS. dill., Surgeon DtilltiL, UU.CCO6.3OI* to ‘..... W. Bddle, No. 44 Smithfield strot. A USTEN : 'LOOMIS & CO., Dealare in rpettnii. Ja r Oftc. hours from Sto 1 o'clock, and from: ti, h o'clock. Pik, Fromis.ory Niites,,Uonds , Mortga,:-. , :i. rlnd 1,1 143‘ciarlti , s 1 Caah Capital , which la all paid up fehlfcly _ _ Surplus in addition if., et, .SCOTT, D6ntisL, Fourth st,-..e÷:,t, Live • 1.07. a, from c' I.n -t... OSEPLI FLEMING, successor to • t - ooz .1: Co_ corner of Market nt•oet and th. Diamond, toepl constantly on-hands full ~isortment of DILEGg, ML O D. lOINES MEDICINE CHEST€•., PETtlitlmEßy, a nd ap, elm per taining to ilia brainms tar Pbytticiani` Prescript:ons carefully o , inp- . :•auded at all jr9:y ..... WAIT= P. MAmptui.J., , OPLIT. 11. ISVGII:9 IWP. MARSHALL & Co., Importers and • dealer in Prnrich and American PAPER HAN& LNG% No. 8 . 7 W.ood street, Pitt.burgr— IQrSele apnts for the eco.ebrated niannfactnros of Meerra. Doc:cart a co., Paris. angi PEG= ZinCra. .901/1317 J. LADKEISOII. -REY kLER & ANDERSON, (successors to Joshua Rhodos E C 0.,) wholesale dellcra in FOREIGN -FRUITS, NUTS, SPICES, OONFECTION ARY, SUGARS, &.c. SG. 34 Wood tita-ret, op-coy:to the Cl tarph. IL TITTLE, iALERC RAN Trf Al LOR s 4 ST. CLAIR STEEL.' ' (Dr. Irish'; New - jr W. KERB., AR - CHITECT, REMOVED from cor4er of Fifth and Wood to STREET, In Phillips' nor building—continues to prepare Plans sail Spscidcations of, and to Superintend the Erectiot of every description of Buildings. t1e2(5.15 4 A. PULTON, -BELL AND BRASS FiII.T.NDF.E., N 0.70 13 . g03isi'D street, l'itthburgl,, ts prepared to furnish to order OlaungE, STKAAIBOAT. FACTORY AND ttl'ziEit 1;111.1 Of all size, *:-‘ra 10 to 10,000 lbs. CHIME SELLS made ..rder. STOP and GAUGE COCAS , of all sizes, for Stcamboo.. 7.-lINEE.Af, WATER COUNTER, 13.A.11.1N05, and every variety of Bre, Castirnra finished 14) tne neet.e: =miner. BLESIVS ANTI.-ATTaITION METAL; FULTON'S I' TR:ITAIET—ULLC PACKINO, fur Steam Engines. tap2.3.ly OLIGIIRIDGE & MAXWELL, biANZTACITSZIa or LOOtattg.47lB..speri, irraines, ;Loa Briaih.c.s; aL Doalers in Clools4, Rona° Furnisning Goods &a: AO. Ac. No. .1%6 Wood street., above Fifth, PIrrSBVP4a. tlllol{ ErnsheL. maLIG tc. order , EDUCA.TION AL. St. Franc:Dig Academy for Boys, UNDER TEE CARE OF TEE FRANCISCAN BB.OTIEERP horett3, Calabria County, Pa. rrill I S INSTITUTION, NATURAr. , ,Y Eitt/atlje- far Bdnional paxpoas au,,,d3 ell .• dncements that ran deeirerl for a datholir Ins'itot; It located in the moot healthy and picturesque `%o Allegbeniee, distant four mike from Cresson Station, t' direct mail route between Philadelphia mil Pit•tehorga. T holantic year ccrarneucing the first Monday in Septot..."..E, will close the If.th cf July following. The Terns for Board, including a thorough Foglieh aciea title Conrca, are $lOO per annum. The Classic and Kod,ru Langnagor form an extra charge of $lO par ununre_ Waal - zing aud.cso of Bedding $lO. Por further pa: , :cniart apply to the superior of the r d.my. Rai - erotic - as can La the Rt. Res . . Dr. 6tincen.Vsllle:.4ce .anal Sq:3a2iglary, 1315 DER Tat C1,F.11 TEE EIENEDICTIMi FATHSP.E, Xsar -42.yr0b0,-Wczraorclanti county, . _ TafA s 'COLLt.FIGE ARE TAUGHT TlIS' liinal bramoicioi this atrlntih_tr,:i; the Qlti3aira, Mathernatica, Rhetoricz,-Philoacphy, etc., end the different br:tnelie. ~f higher erudition .nec. , egary , nceful to three Pr leethtxl. - - Thalerred to: ,Poard azd T'etion are e. paid semi-annually, strictlyinidvance. Ger4t4t. r.nd anclother languages, Dr,wiag, tug auilliiiiic,tarza-nutxtra, ellaa-ga,ezooptin r ; penPation for thev.3a 61 ir.E.l.inni , ut2. Waohing, looks, Etationery, etc.. font: eit:a For {srtiru hl apby t: the director ul The 0 , 11 , gA. The t , .. Kivet on the lot of Eeptcqui3r,ivi.d 0rt..71.1 un LIP, Jul, FATE ERG. It 11A1,4., Director of the CoilLg, BOGKS AND STATIONERY R OBERT A. LOOMIS, (Sn.ccosaor to B. T. C Morgan,) STATIONER AND DEALER IN 800E.1.,, -- -- AND NEWSPAPE.M, No. 41 Fifth street, Pittsbaigh, Pa. Co-Partneronlp. _ . undersigned have entered into Co _ Partnership, aruic.r the style of Wm. O. Johnetou SAMUEL R. JOU.N,TON, WILLiAAI G. JOY.:ASTuN. Pitmbargh, 52optepliper 5, 1857. B. A. JOHNSTON, Fr. CO., JOHN.:I - JOHNSTON TATIONERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, and JOB PRINTEIRS, No. 57 Wood atreet, bet vetu Third and ForirtliTPittaburgh, Pa. TOBACCO AND SEGARS. - 1 - 17 &D. RINEHART, YV RELLIZIACTIJB.XII.9 ArID TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS ALDERMEN. CHAB,LES W, LEWIS - , ILDERRIAA, . , And Ex-Officio Justee of the Peace, OFFICE ON • THE CORNER OF W YLIE AND FIFTH STREETS. MI business connected with this office will bo attended to with promptnesa. Conveyances of all kinds done with legal accnracy--ench as Leeds, 3lortgages, Bonds, Powers of At. turney, Ac. Titles to Real Estate examined. Tathe members of the Bar he tenders his services as Com missioner to tak* Depositions to be read in the several Courts of this State, and elsewhere. Ms office is one of the main Police Stations of the city, and consequently his facilities in o:xeutinc busir.es, of that Izini Are very desirable. ;'a ~:...) Alderman's Office. JAMES S. 1100 N, ALDERMAN, EX OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AND POLICIi: siAGISTRATE—Office, No. 69 Grant street, nearly 0p;,.,- a Ito the Cant House, Pittsburgh, Pa. Depositions, Acknovi- I edgments and Prooates taken; the Records examined, Deeds, Bondi, Mortgage., Wills, Leases, Articles of ticrc ,N -nitnt, andStif Partnership, Letters of Attorney, etc., etr., drawn up at short notice; Marriages Soleuluized, and 1.111 brines in the line of his official duties, promptly attended to, ••••,A. Office hours, from 7 a. at to IP. es., and from 2 t , 1.0 P ii. \ REAL ESTATE AGENT=.. Q., CUTJIP.RT a, SON'S OFFICE, Nu. 51 KY - a—Market street, for the silo and purchase of gel) Estate, renting, horses, attending to insurance and repairs, obtaining 103119 on bonds, mortgages, .tc„; making court.) - ances, deeds, bouds, t.c.; writing letters and corresponding with parties abroad, /cc. vc.lB BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real khate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. e , ai a. ilauzla, Ciarrt•taou 00., ii✓bert rari..e, Lag. NW SsE B. .I , T LFiZsD ALEXANDER . GA.RRETT, BAIAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. 50 WATER STREET, CLEVELAND, OHM, Eif..3 fur MID Lauds in Illinois, Wisconsin, Idinncs )t3, Nix.blgan and lowa. Ile will =chants:Lands in Wisconsin, c., for ill:tabu:gni n'nufactures, and also for city propc,r-ty. All lotwrs of inquiry answered gratis, by addressing me ro 14t0Ft. nathly Safety and ;Economy in Light. WHY WILL YOU BURN CAMPIIENE AND FLUID, when you can get a cheaper and bet• ter hem.. Pure Kerosene Oil, -made from the Gus of Cau:,..l Cal. produces the cheapest, most brilliant., steluly, plen.wlt mid sv.te portable light crer offered. to the public, and rep danger of ezplosion; more brilliant than gad; and (pote cti chewy, Lampe of the moct eimplo and easily maual, , .. , d con= Earucton. liar bale by T. I). 4 G.H.ODKINSUN , No. 79 EntithilelJ etroot. F,ware of a counterfeit already in the market, 1D,1 , !C. from C.aumlione, with a little Coal Oil t ,- ,dceut it. fleZ:ly COOKING BY GAS. A NvoltD TO THE LAI)II , _;S. rriE HEATED TEAM IS APPROACH e.II the ettohtiOn of the LAE s lo t;ie text tout lIIONING, ETC., COOKING, Cau be don., with ecouomy, without opPr6 - 1 4 c 0 1 -'"'t• with out xnd with d-spatch—the fire Ming ttlwayz rea.'y !ti a InblaCYC!--.y Gr7,log Irlusgrave'il Gao .UoOhlag Stovc, To which we reepivrinlly invito your td.tt•n:i at No. Eadthe.old J01,1t35.0.34 1311,0. ounty and 01ty Itighta for salo. C atir.:4l.l Li AIRES' WO CONFECTION', C ONFECTION, 0 0 11 F I . 3OTION,CON FECTION,CONE 'NOTION CONFie, O TION bONFE T 1 ON,C U N F N C T ON,CO NF.EOT I O N,CoNF NOT 0 N,CONFNO!. NFEOT - 1. 0 N . The moat plaaaant, safe and liffect mil NV it . 1 Worm In we. Prepered and sold, Wholoz,ale and retail, by • ANGELI, Car. Wood and S.txt.tl Pitted.mrgh, Pa And told by Dene•yd...aa tr0773.1t7- .W 1 II 11l CAPER—For Bale by , IL,I se%) J. h. WELDIN. for Mone7. o'3 Cht•cks Ed MilOrt NVitl. socnriti . DV UGUT AN t.) 0 rcrcons desiring LcATM (au to accommodate! nut....•apiz.alivta can be furnished u ith tiss at rmiliation.:ive priced. I Also, att:Mel to We Milo, hauling owl Leming co ti.cal Offlre, 6e. t•" 2 rouH.Tli street, above Woot ALI,T..II\ LOUMi', otarY LIOLMES & SONS, Bankers and Ex cLange rtroker - s, and Dtealers in Notes, Drafts, Accept ancos, Silver and l3an't Notes. Pachange on the East era and Vientern Cities ronstr.nt.l3 for sale. made In 211-the citk4 throughout the initr.e. Sates. Deposits received in par funds or current paper; No. Mac Irot strr,t, I...tween Third and Fourth eta. Us:3o:ly rPIIO/11.AS WOODS, Commercial Broker, and ..a„. Dealer: in Notes, Itonds, Stocks., Real Estate., kc., No. 76 rAnrth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. j a ..a5 WIM. ILL , SMITE & Co., WHOLESALE GROG E RS, US Second Si, 14 First sts.. Wm. NILLSR, Phil. C. W. Facra Pit RICE.ETSON, W ROLE ALE GROCERS, Uur.. and 223, Corner of Liberty and .SO per year, to ' DYAT.MS I 1 KIMDS OP No. 129 WOOD a TREAT BANKS 4 1 PITTSBURGEL. PA.. A':;1) laiPur.T6E.3 uF BRANDIES. WINES AND SEGARS Ircirin Strm•ts, A:41) SOLE AGENTS FOR gtvetarer's City Glass, PITTSBURGH, PA. MON, NAHA. eirriNlN YARNS, A 0.., Iio.,OOM,TANTLY ON (lAN G. DAV:I, rjaAde, uzANs. H 9 CANDLES§, MEANS & eCC. , ..75111 , 0 51.121 OLESALE GROCL'ILS, ULAIAR-13 IRON, NAILS, ULASS, COTTON YARNS, PITTEB UriGII ANUPAOTtIaNfI CI Z. 4 t BALLY', Cornea' Of mtle, W.tdr POIM It it illi'll ..... iiN I) COMMISSION. --- -,-- - :41 - iES COLLINS ii - ofwarlling and Commission Merchants, TE..t C 01115.32, 121eadyllle 41.00 CANAL LINES. Nos. 1146:41) 11:5 WArfla EITILEXT, PITTGBIJI2.OII, P. iditIOED P.11.4,G C'l3., FoRWAB.I)INtI cOM.NI ISSIoN 1111 C N 'Es !t. 30 SYCA.IIO:IS ST., ClNLlEsii,s.ri., ,J. I). fiCiUSEINIA.N, LiuU iO.I.AN A 83111 tI ) COMMISSION AND FORWA RD IN G rtIEEL;I6 - . 4 117iT5, 1.) I.C. Second Street:, ST. LOUIS, 51L,:z2.1..'W. C- J. iiol rAn n J nuc Vi1.141,T HOLTOesi'l Virriwbi FLOUR A 1 1ORS, E? Cx, ANi ED Ca E. 4 L COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 2.1.)1X1 ;JABS ES A SI) 1S 19011T11 I=l it. 70 co r:i,i3l7/1111.30 LI d Co.. T.honipson., Clark Catch Copc, 14a:croft, heaver A Canby, Nevill , 3 LlngL,s, 1,4.. 11. i.IOWiS, Caibirr F. au ,l ,1. blank, Jct..? Mitenello.'.',;.idor 11. rch's hat, 4, 1.11.... - 3 - 13 L. Lthllowel I AC'. !..1.4.7 , .;u7..ch,0a G.:lllus. .101.411 8 7, Co., oh:o7,sutiry 8 trice, W. U. Langley a . Law :A. A. D. lin.loc.ti a CO., W. 11,41m.s Cozgrave 4. CO., ENE. i li. COLLIN S, l'orwarCiing and ECeinrat.dun Merchant, end wholesale dealt , : in Fail, Jai:ESE, BUTTER, SEEDS and PRODUCE g.neraliy, No. VS Wood street, Pittsburgh. inarr; GLASSWARE. . ........................."oat IN B) T. , 4. 11. S. LT L. 111.111 W ALT. CILTRLING, ROBERTSON & Maui ( facttuTraot Cut, Preasod and Plain Flint Gi_IISSWAE.E,' warehouse No. 17 Wood street, oorunr of Front, kittatrarun. MI other kinds of Glnzaware and Window Glass, at _ 11,zza z. lard. ..,oaz.rti J. 111.6. Z• Irs & ULuILLV.,-Buocessors to Muivany ALA a Lt-dlit, tuanufacturnrs of Cut, Moulded and Plain ilia and Fancy Colored aLddISW.A.RE, and dealers to ,111 kinds of Window Glass, Flasltf, Viala cud Bottles. Ware.. house corn::,r Lo. LE. - .•. -- ket and Water straets, Pltthbugh. WINES ANL) LAQ,Ljoits arOliEN BESAUL & 00., 1 - 7 CSOiLBILL DZALEES IN WINES AND LIQUORS, AND RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, No. 153 Liberty Street, Pitteburgb, Pa. Always on hand, Wines, Brandies, Gina, Monongahela and 11ectinod Wins i Blackz,r; 9, Wild Onorry, Itssidw ry. snd (huger litrandios. rani y M. DZVI.IN- U. ErSTis9l DEVII//4 & KENNEDY, Wholesale Wino and Liquor litur.:. - Itants awl Rectifying . 16 strl,:t. Pitt-burgh, rm. ft II NINEY fops of various patterns, 41„/ _salo by fint - 29 . 1 IL It. COLLIN 8. T 611.100 0 AND CIU A.E,S.—A I.9.rge assort ment of faYorito brandt, on band and for sale by IVA. 11. SMITII Sr. CO, au-26 118 Second, and 147 Pipit. atreeta. MACK EHE L-100 bbls. and half bbls. No 3 largo, for sale by 11y 3 HIM ICY U. OOLLtIIB. LEACIIINti POWDERS---50 cask( of Tennant s, Johnson's and other brands Just recd and for gale low by JNO. M. PERKINS k 00., Bo?. 128 Wood struet. BOOK PAPER-100 reams 24x38, a nice arack just roreived and for eAlo by JNO. XI. PERKINS a CJ., Reg 129 Wood street. 1 7 .ERMIYUGE AND LIN' h;_b o-.r., , zm on and for enlA by 1+211.11/ESTOCii. k CD. ;,u,16 Corner Wood and kourth TOUTTER-500 lbs. fresh Packed Butter, for Jcet roceived and for sale by JAMES A. FirTZEIII, 869 C,rner Market and Firet erreet.e. IT ECK BOOltS—On ail the flanks and Brokers at W. B. 111 mat Printer as ,11 StAttuner. WRAPPINO PA PER-300t.) reams ass't size, hag Wrapi.;ug, allveriur article, for emit , bS tc.lo .1. IL WELD;Y_ - - HERREN:U-10 bbL. No. I. Potomac. Her ring, jnnt roc.,ived and for eale 1,7 IIeC. 4 ..NDLCSS, k. CO., Jon Corner Wood and Water rareeta. ;STERN LANDS of good quality, ftr v ISAIe or exchange for Real Estate in the city ay.= S. CUTSBEILT :SON, 51 Llarkf , t Ft. lil 1 , :t) APPLES.-150 bus. choice Pry A ppl.ti, receirod and for fiitiu, by JAS. A. FETEk,....a., 3;-3 ilarner sTA !!fret stroa.i. DIE: APPI,ES.--,500 received this day and for Rain by raIkIER N A Wood t., myti7 • , ;,;-,,nto St. Ckerksa Borst —For Packing Joints, G AS K E T DO A.I:DS void by WM. G. SOHNSToN a CO., rtrvlT l,lFxr P. -IT-1 , 4. .E 7 Wpoi tiro-4. VISIL-130 pkgs. White Fish, Trout, Sal- A_ mon, etc. , oral EENIIT 11. COLLINS. Ir I: lOU barrels fresh Lime just res'd A h bY fmrSl LIJ:NRY H. CA' )L1 INS. 1110 have APER WAREILOUSIL.—JNO. M. PER- Ji.. fill•. , :S & CO., No. 'L Wood 'street, the largest 119 sortment of all kinds of Papers over in this market, each as Book and Printing Pepere Rag and Straw Wrapping; Letter, Manilla Paper of all sizes; . Book and Box Board's; - Cap;---- Note.; Envelop= Bonnet Boards TLisne; and Glazed Papvra; hardware Paper,&c. Which we will gall at trtannfactnY2/ TR IC liS AND TRAPS—Price 10 0 • nts Buy a copy and keep ant of hot water. For a tio b E. rtL JENKINS A 00., 2(23 Railroad Depot. Allegheny Clty.. ppLACK AND FANCY DRESS SILKS: A fnll nrsortment, very chfkap. O. HANSON !AVM, formerly Love Brothors, oct2l Na 74 Market stroell ABSETM. Fifty-four Bonds and Mortgages, at 'six and seven'f cent. intorest, amounting in the aggregate t0...5152,315 Or Which mortgages are or valua ble and productive real estate, principally farms, recorded and first liens, worth generally double the amount and more than mort gaged for in each ca-e, and in no case lens than fifty 'ft cent. more, exclusive of farm buildings, and so 'certified by the Recorders, where recorded, to the and tore of the States of Ohio and Illinois. Nineteen six cent. Bonds amply secured- 47,685 00 Cash on hand and in Dank 6,449 12 Cash In hands of Agents, and In course of tranemissior, secured by bonds with suretiee. ....... ....... Due on 1.3d911 re-inented, Bc Bills receivable, viz: prornis.ios y notes payable at bil.nk and to the Company Interest accrued, ,(principally due January 1, 18680 , safe and office Fixtures and Fru ni ture JOS. lt_ ULMTIai. Mom: ?on fan reAn. 1857. Amount of Preminnig received during the $ 85,231 year Am't ihtereet rmeived during the year . 11,442 Am't received - from all other eonrc,n 2,480 'Aire uSe9 for the year, including cotioniLsilus, =lanes, recta, rein mantic., printing, advertising, Camas, and all other expanses $ 19,199 fai Dividends paid during tho year 17,01)U 1 , 0 L 0390,9 paid, which occurred prior to December 31, 1866 Loosen pain which occurred during the year 443,66 . 1 tel I I &MIMS. Losces adjusted and not due (since paid) $ 12,500 40 Lerma incurred c.nd in process of adjustment. Loasea reported,ou which no action has beau taken Losses resisted, on ground of insur ance after.ftre, property transfer red before loss, property lost not covered by the Policy, ~tc 12,100 00 --$ 86,401 90 Whole amen .tut risks taken during the yeer..55,429,862. Ul) Whole amount of risk at date 4,861,440 00 -TATII OP PENNSYLVANIA, COUNTY OP BEAMED, s'. 0. N. Shipman, President, and J. It. Canfield, Secretar of the Farmers' Caton Insurance Company, being severa y lly duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself says, that the foregoing is a true, full and correct Eitatemeat of the affairs of said corpor ation, and that they are the above de scribed odicers therof. C. N. SHIPMAN, President. INIEZEJ J. E. CANFIELD, Secretary. Subscribed eed sworn before me, this 25th day of Jana ary, 1858, IL C. BAIRD, Justice of the Peace. T. J. RUNTER, Agent, I'll - US U RI, I , vit. ii.ADNI,i'lilA. M..ysN Mt-Sidon. lua I:a,ilp.)t 16, Ohiu. Chneianati, uhlu Pittsburgh, INSURANCE No. DO Wat e r street, Pitiaburgh F I. RE INSURANCE, BY TH.331 Reliance Mutual insurance Co OF PHILADELPHIA ON IitrILDIISO“, LIMITED OR PERPETUAL, EIRROBAN- DISC, FURNITURE, &C., IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. Office, an. 300 Wcaniat strait. CAPITAL, *177,9`.6 ..... ...ASSE7S, 02i6Z,41-65 60, Incestad as follows, viz:— First Dlortgage on Improved City Property, worth double ttm ammint :120,200 00 Pennsylvania Baru oad Co.'s 6 per cent. Mortgage Loan, $30,000 coat 2.5,500 0d Allegheny County 0 per cent. Peun'a It. It. Loan. 10,000 (k 3 reonsylvania Pailroad Co.'s Stoch 4,000 00 Ste-el: of the 11t fiance „Mutual Insurance C., ..... .. 19,150 00 i;tock of County Fire Insurance Co 1,060 00 Scrip of Sundry I neunimee Companies 475 00 13118 F.N:kivulle,busiolatg paper 52,711 50 it,..i: Awounta, accruati interest, etc 8,336 10 Chian on hand and In liailt 16,043 20 tFil,Cds SO OLEO! TINGLEY, Pr..!dolt. PIZZCTORB. Glom 'Tingley, William R. Thompson, Lavid 1. Brow Corn,lino Stovcineon, John II H. L. Carson, Ruben Toland, - ^ne6es Johnron, Charles Wood, Janics S. W oodward, mra P• 3. GAY , rar3 - North-oast cat lIERCIATS"H,INSURANCE CO PA Of Pialliadelplaia. vim. V. t-.1.."1fiT 4 Pre c.l - D. J. M'CANN, fecvlary. Amount. of Capital paid in and inrestod....V2oo.Ooo Surplrm t;.,4:-'8 1.268,9.1 S Insane airgo Iliaka on the Ohio and fdissisaippl Itisers tnd tributaries. Insures against loss or damage by Fire, Alto, against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. DILLICTOBB Wm. V. Pctdt, J. O. Montgomery, John M. Pnmroy, J. J. M.^..‘jnan, E. Y. Witmer Ilene Gaillon, B. L. Wooleton, John A. Maruhall, Ohms. B. Wright, John J. Patterson, Elwood T. Piney. 011105R6: WILLIAM V. PETTIT, Prefident. E. F. WITMER, Vim Pre.r.:d2n.i. D. 3. MeOANN, Byre cry. B.S1IE1E019: In Philade Phib,d4phia: Bolger, Lamb Bteinmltz, Justice A Co., Truitt, B. t Buck, Morgan k Btidfole, A. T. Lane A Co" Pnmroy, Caldwell A Co. PITTSBURGH OFFICE, 'O. 97 WATER STREET. apti it. W. POINDEXTER, Agrat. WEST BRANCH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOOK HAVEN, CLINTOIV COUNTY. CIIARTZR=D By TEIS LUGIBLATURB or PERASTLVAISIA Cash Capital $300,00 I Prcnitsai N0rt5...51.32,343. pats OOKPANY WILL INSURE ON Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, &C., 1a town or DIEIOIOIIB Hon. Jno. J. Pearce, Hon. G. C. Harvey, (Charles A. Mayer, John 11. Hall, Chs.rlea CAW., I Peter Dickinson, T. T. Abrams, DK. Jackman, W. White, Thomas Kitchen. HON. G. 0. HARVEY, President. T. T. Ahaame, Vice President. Thos. liiwrtart, Secretary. W. I 11 Ulti 019: &mac! IL Lloyd, I j Dr. J. B. Crawford, A. A. Winewardner,!Jolin W. Maraaad, A. Updegraff, L. A. Mackey, lion. B. Cameron, James Armstrong, A. White, Thos. Bowman D.D, William FearoA, James QuigglA, Wtu. Vanderbott, Hon. Wm. Bigler, OFFICE—NO. CO - FIFTII STILEtT, Prrranuaaa. de2l:tf J. A. LIPPERT, Agent. __..a THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE .4. COMPANY, Olt PHILADELPHIA. OptacTotts-4;haries W. Bancker, Thomas Hart, Tobias Wagner, Liwrinoi Grant, JacOb IL Smith, Goo. W. Itictusrds, Mordecai 1). Levria, Adoiphi E. Bede, David B. Brown% Mon rie Patterson. 011A9. N. Beaman, Preeddent. Cuss. G. Benca.m, Eecretary. Continuo to make insurance, perpetual cr limitod, on every description of property, in town and country, at rates as ;b." as are comdstent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Lund, ../tdch,with their capital and premiums, safely invested, af. ford ample protection to the assured. The Assets of the Company, on January ISt, 1861, as pub• lished agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as follos, w viz: Mortgage gsna,l2.B 88 absi Estato 84,877 78 Temporary Loana.. 83,988 17 Lttects 61,889 Cask, 64 7 848 81 41,812,708 44 ci Since tLeir locorporatiou ' a period of twenty-one years, they have paid upward of One Million Your Ilundred Thum .and Dollare,l oases by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages Of insurance, as well am the ability and di-myrmidon to mod with promptness all liabilities. - .1. GARDDIEII COFFII7, A.gous, ttoli °aro, north-east cor. Wood and Third Ci.s. WESTERN INSURANCi' COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH.. G.5..9.11GE I..roildent; P. U. Go2..nOrr, B.cretary. Ormn Nu. 82 Water street, (Bpang et 00'3 Warehouse,) up stairs, Pittsburgh. Willinsuroagainst all I.adiS ot 'F. an.' E11.15E..9. A Home lustitudon, managed by Dl:Jcf. she are all known in the community, and who are dc!. [mined, by promptness and liberality, to maintain the -haracter which they have assumed, as °tiering the best protection to thole who desire to be irstired. ABgET.F.., OCTOBER Mat, 18M Stock Accoanta,.. Mortgage,_ 11111.5 Boceivable,. Office. Yortritare,. Open Acocqots,.. Premium N 13111.5 Gt,0r?..4 J. `or . Jana?. ! , i,-Acley, Andrew Ackley, Nathaniel Elelni ,, J, D. M Long, 0. W. Itlctett.or., PITTSBURGH LIFE. -FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 96 WATER STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERT GALWAY, Prodder: Aux_ BruLDL2Y, Vico President. F. A. /titian-tar Secretary. .This Companyinakes exery insurance appertaining to or connected with LIFE GIBES. - - - • - - - Also, against HULL AND CARGO RISKS on the Ohic. and Mississippi Rivers and trihntaries, and MARINE RIMS generally. And against Loss and Damage by Piro, and against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety to all parties. DIBACTORII. Ftobart Galway, " Samuel ll'Clurkan, Joseph P. Gazsam, M. D, John Scott, 'James Marshall, David Richey, - -- , James W. Haihnon, Charles Arbuthnot, r" ilerander Bradley, Joseph 8. Leech, John Fullerton, N. F. Hart, David H. Chnmbers, Robert H. Hartley, William Carr, Juo. Monlll. i,' „l MOItM P • • • h 4 i g LW - 3.)AD NOT/CE. 1858. SunitstAr Airangdinient. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JL'LY 6. The PIMA ) Ft. Wayne. 6; Chicago PENNSYLYANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD „ BAILIt OA T) COMPANY, ITB AMPLE ROLLING..TOCK prc paroti to trunprwrt ,toti Fr.lo,lt Irate pill LA DELP 11 aLLI I'l El to :•.7. LOUTS, IN• DIAN A POLI iNN arid tdnci2e went, with a great dezree ~f ru t tnlnii‘i and • 11_ , ,,,unt.n. The fact that an. It.md I.yroul ES direc t lille twtwent. Vittebarw.h and Chim.go. le a in.tf.ei,ot gaar antee that its Trait", vrtil tnaki• Cot. Itt,CtiOLl with Trains an ether Itoe,l. $ 200,000 00 . (,485 61 $201,486 61 701 80 1 1 9 46 600 00 $ 253,486 $90,436 86 Samuel Biapham, Robert Stone, William !-Ineeer, Benjamin W. Tingley, s.l.arehap Hill, Z. Lothrop, Charles Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, Wm. H. Semple, PitteUg . HLNCHIfAN, Secretary. #1..N1.111 COFFIN, A gout, or Mild C: d Wood atreata $121,500 cc ...: co co 240 00 9,478 04 14,941 48 10; 48 69 121,003 73 $317,1341 12. MEESE R. Allier, Jr., Geurge W. Jr.: Ales Speer, Wm. Knight, Alexander Nirdiek, Win. li. Smith, Y. M. GORDON, ••s:tr, ISM ON AND AFTEIL: 11 MAY 10th. Train on this road will leave the LI 0 tslinit, - 1, daily, hira..aya emi-pted follows: PASSENGER TRAINS 1.1.1AV14 Pittsb - argla I C: Pt. Ways, U.B. Mall, 7:30 A. yl. 7:07 P.M First 2:40 A. 'l. io:on p ; Second " ..... 2:1 , P. M. l 10:2.3 P.M I 1•51 CillCAGO—.Pirst Empress, of 7:00 A. :1.: Second klsproas at 1:30 P. M. REAOI.I CI NCI NNA I —First Empress y,„ ; SuoOad Expreza 7:26 A. at. BEACH er. I ; ol:lS—First Empress fcoo t. st 2 Second .%z.. press 4141 p. m. All Trains make close ,ono• cri. nu el m4r 3 , f c. bus, Cincinnati, F: i ;;;; Wayne with 71.1:-, a.. ~ _ ., 1 ; a ;1e haft%) :•.: ti: st. : "rain, on late . ..L. F..,wins Cr. Dayton and Micli.. , en 1...,:r.a.1 REIT U ti. From Cultago. Pt: Wayne , . Lrestline. U. 8. 'Mail, .10,00 P. 31. 5:.10 A.M. i p. 8.52 P. 24". t. Ist Empress, ~.2,0A USA. P. 31. I 0:12 P. M. 6:10 A 2,1 " 6:25 A.M 1:15 P These Trains tanks close connections with rrair... for 1 , 1 - .1 - .; °dolphin, Baltimore New York nod Boston. Trains from St. Louis, Indianapolis, Cll.lCi tint,' mud ...kilLra bus make close connections at Cris:dine with all rob:trills,: Trains. At Port Wayne, Truitia from St. Louis, Central 111i -1,1019,, Lalayette v and intermethate places, connect with (+Lova Trains. At Forest, connections arc L 1152.0 alt.!, Trains to and from Cincinnati, Springfield and Dayton. 1116 U. S. Ma ; , 1 from Pittsburgh to Crestlino, being a train for local boot ilea., Is overtaken by the Second .Uxut , ss AC(XMLIIODATION T It: 1 1 4 WU for Pittsburgh, at 6:30 A. M., (151.1 12:55 P. M. Lear , Pitts bnrgh for New Brighton st 1..30 A. .„ ; 00 P. Ii BAGGAGE 0111:C3ED and uo cuarge for handling. Travelers or persona intending to purchay , tickets iu burgh for the Wont, will bear in mind thee the only Agent authorized by the P., F. Vi. 0. IL R.; C. &P. It. U., and Steubenville nod Indiana Railroad 001111/8"311,1, Ls GEORGE PARKIN, at the Union Ticket 01:lice, Connected with the Punn l a K. it. Pits,taiger Depot, Corner Liberty and U 1 ant streets. BAGGAGE will not be chucked for persons puichusing tickets at any ether place lu this city. To commENcy, lON MONDAY, Msy On 1 continue until further narks. J.! J. LIOUSTON, Gen. ;;;e: Pr't. Ag' t. p v.'. 1:0":., Pass'r. Agent, Cl:,: .1(.1S. 11. n-IE, Supernic.aeleilt. EVIY VV'IES'rEIEL:4; °E M, CINCINNATI, LOU iSVILLE and ST. LOUIS VIA nerar.u.s.uu, rr. WAYN E aml eIIICAOO (" • ANDOINOTv'NATI, lIAMILTONk DAYTON ItA 1 Llz 1)8 VIA. DELA WA.RE OUT-OFF laYy Distan Only 3,,t;) r,:iles from Yitizonry.l w Cinclandfs TIIIS LINE is composed of Roads of the First Olass, and is located throe:4h I,NULINI and highly cultivated portion of the S:at,,. Direct COUrieCtioll is mado at Cincinnati with the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, (the tr,v..Lis of thy. C. li fi 0. E. 0. m. Roads, being o - sunc•ct , d, :4,r Louisville, Ni. Luno, Evansville, Memphis, i mashurg, Natchez, New Orleans. Connection made at St. LO;!13 re !t, Pacific Railroad and Missouri Elver Packets, KAI`JSAS AND NEBRASKA, And all WEAL Alan connects at Cincinnati e Rentncly Central R. IL, ler Lexington, Danville, Frankfurt and all 1331.11U3 Con[rtil tiuntucky Trains leavo Penn e.c.:ezt ae followF : 3 • 1n Tal' , llll3ll ClLlClllieLti to to •_Et ennn, *IT nving at te44 1 5 . SI. • ' a k Past,ongor ,n 2. 15 I- . Acing in Croatilue at 1.0:06 •• 4.0 • A . M-, Cia. S:00.1 P. S.l 11: DA6t}AQti UII..ECK 1 4A 1 ii 11. Farm as Low at nray other Roaete. Fun all luchrtnation, and Through Tirketa, apply I.t tLr Ticket Wilco, corner Monongahela !lowly, or at Pica atro,,t Station. _ . . air deruirow, , 1/.." l• Tickets via DOeuare Cut-L.4. U. IL rz.uogc, Supt. P. It. tv. F C. It Ft, PAN'L Lqi!,t.. C. 11. J D. H. e, The Clevelmad, Pithibuirgh MLR Wiloolllo.g Rai iiro;did, A N Pittsburgh, Colurab:m Cill adivi*fi c RAILRuAIt LINE change of Tim , (N AND Al! LEIA. A . q. (-0 .1::4 • 1858 T 1 .ons will locvo tha i )-1 Alt LI: OP ILI iIS Central Itallrund F kl.O, D 6:45 A. f OLIIC tnt, AN 1 , VIZ ANT ZA.I4C , VILL.II a }, , r( LaVYLAN It, " 1471.014 2:35 P. rid. T v l r Thin train C 0111.11.1,13 at Clnyoti:n man IkAtrolt lino of tloamer:i. 4:00p. ALL WAY :....;7.A7IJ:CS CZ; Trio il7 k Lava. Paaaengers ikalring to go elliCak;.., or p..llats by,yui,l Chicago, via Cleveland, inult ont. , or tickets \ (.. levtiand Pn'TSBUR Gli, COL U2ilß CS A:i'D C'l 'WI SSA l' I ( - Jiet STEVBIL VVILLE,) li AIL itti AD QHANGE GP Tftda—on and Lifter MONDAY, the 19th, Of May, 1658, 'j'ralne will !trove the Depot of the Pen lo,ylvii- Dia Central ItOroad, ad followa : $:00 [ For STILISZITVILL:O," ec , LITLIDUa, DA riot, A. M.} INDIANAPOLIS, 1.01/16TILLE, Cenio, li u lnae &ND N Inv Otit.eAtiv. Po:: OmoriNATI ANDBT. Lo ma, and 41.1 2:35 P. iii„ 1. 5c , : 7 , M. .w.,. . 1 ... :,:f ork etr ii . to L,nap.ll a; t vlClalt cla.ly l' Passer.gere desiring to go to eon:imbue, or any points beyond Collunbus via Steubenville, munt emc for tickets via Steubenville. JAMES F.kILM Superintendent C., P.. 1 W. It. W. W. BAGLEY, 3uparintendent P., C . A C. it. R. myl2 PITTSBURGIiWAIN Ll SVI LLE RAILROAD. f - I N and after Monday, the 10th inst. Pass engerNU Trains will be run daily, (a:Leapt Sunday.) from thefenasylvania Railroad Paateuger Depot, a. 3 fiinows : Mail Train leaven Pittsburgh IWO A. IL Fa - pretia Train leavea Pittsburgh.-- ...... -3;38 A. U. aartlantae: Mail Tralii leaves Con nelluvilie 20)0 s. ta. Rxpress .7eoo s_ a. Arriving at Pittsburgh 8.05 A. La. Tickets to be had at Pennsylvania Railroad Ticket °nice. Both Trains connect at Conn& laville with Denting A. Cloachoa for Uniontown, rusteurg, Cumberland, etc., sod at Walt Newton with &aches fur Mt. Pleasant, Somerset, Berlin; etc. Freights to and from Pittsburgh and Sti.ti oa Pate burgh and Connelisville Railroad, will be received anti de livered In Pittsburgh, at the "Baldwin Depot," opposite "Duquesne Depot." Kzrepting such as Pig tree, Lumber, Stone, etc., which will be loaded or un , oaded at Outer De pot, or at the Canal Depot, as may be arranged with Freight Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad, at Pittabargh. 11. BLAOKBTONII, Transportation Department P. C. It. R., Connell:vine, May 6th, 1858. myB New Noirto yin River and Railroad. • g*:#111 16. t_ Indianapolis it Cincinnati Railroad CONNECTING AT INDIANAPOLIS with Terre Haute, and Terre liauto and Alton Railrc,nds, to SL Lania and Lafayette and Indianapolis, Now Albany and Salem, and Michigan Gent:al Boucle for CHIC W.), Roctii y.81 4 21_,ND, BURLINIITO ~ and all intermediate points. Through Freight Trio.) to IV.pl A N.:POLLS, TERRE HAUTE, LANAUTTE, and PERU. Freight carried Crom Cincinnati Or Lawrenceburg to iwC3 time than any other route by 'A hourr, and at adi iow ratt.g. The only road by which shipment , . can 40 mad, from Cin ch:trustd to the West, without breaking bulk. Consignment') mule to J. E. GIBBONS, Agent at Cincin nati; 01, W. B. CUTTING, Agent at Lawrenceburg, will receive prompt attention, and no charge for commiudon ; no theffvfor arayagd or connitteon at Lezorettcthurg. For further information, apply to THOMAS (No. 115 Watdr street,) Agent of the Company, who is pre pared to give VISOUGIi sSQYII S to Indianapolis, 'Terre Haute, Lafayette, Chicago, Porn. Greencastle, GT119,1 ( 3,11, villa, Charleston, Faris, and ~latwon. 11. C. LORD, Preald-lot . .117.:“). P. °HERE, Gen'l Frelgilt Agent. rar3 FURNIT URE. A`ILLIKEN it CO. havo on hand, ttt . their rzt.=tre wai n itifo'cata AANtlvri.)- Tony, O. stririg;. tui,nt of Fancy and PI io Yer.iitur , -4, which thcy ( t 4t..10w,r than cnittoniiiil , mita. uai &sc:l7.y W 0 OD WELL' S. FURNITURE AND mum, Wboionale and detail, e=brocir,g evory style of Furniture, ln..ala rt n y snitubie for Parlors, Ch.sinbors znd Dining goorue, euti,..l to any , int New York oxPhibulciphia, and at lower pr i ces. Eey article made by hatni, cud wr_rrautixl. atbiut-authen , plied with any quantty of 3*;IT:I3V and CH .1 ma, 00 reaoonable Carina. Bowls and atr_etabc:eu furnished at the shortest notice. `;ca, 77 and ) Tll7 aID St-rret, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 0 BAGS Dried u IG A A P L P i i r ca 'co fo .fuli t -li v e t b l. „ d ri 18 end Word etre= . T UST rred another eaaortrnont of BOOTS IN and SI; Fai t consist:lig of Wive' Heal 13.). , t , cad Slip. pars, Gent's, yes Yonth's, and a largo variety- of Chil dren's Fancy Shoes. Pleme give ni n call, at the Cheap Cash Store of JOSEPH H. BuIi.LAND, Jel9 93 Market street, sA.c.md door from Fifth. W 001, WAN TED -100,00 N. wow :t; anted rs highn:t. cash pricea, by ! lETCISCOC II ., Itl'eltAgEßY CO., Ja2l:lmdmir SecOnd street. and 151 Front. 11 . AIR DYE S—Batchelor's, Christadora's, Alerinder's, Shalon's, and hand J W F att - I's Liquid flair Dyes—a lame enpply constantl on , at OSEYII LEMING'S, Corner Diamtnd and Market etroot. UGGS. I -10 bbls. fresh Eggs just receive AM and for sale by r rnea VU. COLT,IN WRAPPING PAPERS,IOCO reams as sizes, ntraw and rag wrapping. for eels by IVIII. G. JOHNeTON Zs CO, GO Paper Dealers, 67 Wood inmost. IE UT DAILT TRAINS. T 11:: PIAIL TRAIN leaves tho Posaenger Station every m ~ excupt Sunday,) at 6:0".) o'clock, Pi tt;l'n h [Laze, arrira.g a!:11:00 I'. Si. 1111 ,. . LLNIn xc, pi P. iu Polludelphia at L a'clec a. M., and eapplog only nt prniciptl tlintionB. TLLE E.1.P1ik:62. TRAIN lenvea the Statton ev. , ry evening at 4-,51) o'clock. stopping only at Grewnebarg, Latrolio,3olanti LAin, W tihnore, tlallitmin, Altoona, &c connecting at Mr rl,burir, ' , val. the Tviin direct for Baltimore, and arriving in f I, laclelpkia or 11.1Itimore at 1:12.0 o'clock, P. M. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS THE JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves ,tally (except Sunday,) at 3:30 o'clock, P. hi. Stopping at all stations, and rtmuing as far as Conemeugh. FIRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek Bridge losses daily, (except Sunday,) at 10;40, A. M. SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, Leaves daily, (except Sunday) at 4_20 F. m. 1:111Ho AOO4)M.HoDATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, leaves daily, (except Sunday.) at 0:20, 0. a. RETURNING TRAINS arrive in Pittsburgh as tollowu : Lxpreas, L 45, e. a.; Mail,3:lo Fait Line 2:25 A. 14.; Johns town Accommodation, 11:00 a. a., First Turtle Creek Accom modation, raM. , ; A. st„ Second Accommod - ation, 1240, r. :4.; Third Accouounitation, 0:10, P. Pl. Trains for ilkw:oville and Indiana. at Blairsville .1...7.tkal with mail pain East, Expr,..-c train West, and toe Jolimitown accoinedation train East and West. PITTSBURG!' AND CONN ULLSVILLB .fRAINS, ,itopping at all Stations on the Pittsburgh and villa Road, leave daily, (Sunday excepted,) as follows: MAIL TRAIN 7:00 A. U. I EXPRESS TRAIN -3:30 P. kt- Er/Etc:VINO TRAINS from Pittsburgh and Conuellaville It„,el. arrive at Pittsburgh, 8:45 a. IL and 6:10 e. rt. Oa.. The traveling public will and it greatly to their in tercet. iv going East or West, to travel by the Penusy.vania Railroad, sus the accommodations now offered cannot be sur passed on any ether route. As the Road is ballasted with *-toile, and is entirely free from dust, we can promise safety, ,:peed and comfort to all who may favor this Road with their patronage. FAILS: ro New York $13,00 f To Baltimore. " Phliatielphia 10,10 I " Lancaster. To Harrisburg, $7.45. Baggage checked to all Stations on the Pennsylvania Hall raid, and to Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York. Paciengers purchasing tickers in curs, will lie charged ten route in addition to the Station rates, except Irvin Stations where the Company Met no Aguit. NOTICE.—In ciao of lons, the Lonspany will hold them selves responsible for perenual haggage only, and for an amount not exceeding 5100. N. B.—The 11.-celiiiur unmilma Lies has been employed to convoy Passengers and Baggage to and from the Depot, at a charge nut to exceed 20 cents for each passenger and bag gage. For tickets apply to J. WITWART, Agent, At the P. It. R. Passenger Station, 179 on Liberty and Grant streets. THE I'EN.N,SVLVA.NLA RAILROAD. '" ••• THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the Atlantic Cities with Western, North-western and South-western States by . ,a continuous Railway direct. This Road also connects at Pittsburgh with Dail. t of Steamers to all ports on the Wes' •r - , aim et Cleve land and Sandusky with sManiers to all ports on the North tetatern Lapse; making the molt CIIRAPILIT Veil askLunat. Rigrna by which FREIGHT can be forwarded to and from the 0,16.5.2 WAST, Assess, be twee= ti I lade Ipnia Es, I FIRST CLASH—Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Books, Dry Goods, (in boxes, bales and franked Drugs,tin boxea;and bales) imathers, Sure, Ac. SECOND CLASS—Domestic Sheeting, Shirt lag and Ticking (its original bales), Drugs (in casks), Hardware. Leather (in rolls or boxes), Wool, and Sheep Pelts, -Eastward, Ac., TILIRD CLASS.—Anvils, Stml, Chains (In — caste), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted (loose or in racks), Tobacco, manufac tured, (except Cigars or onto Acc.„ Ac. FOURTH CLASS—Coffee, Fish, Bacon, Beet and Pork, (in casks or boxes Eastward,) Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, Soda Ash, Ger man Clay, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Ac., Ac. FLOUR-75c. Vi bbl. until further notice. GRAIN in car loads, 30 cts.ll 100 the. natal further notice. COTTON—S 2 'V, bale, not exceeding 500 fbs. weight, until farther notice far In shipping Goods from any point East of Philadel phia, be particular to mark packages " via Pcurisydroania .Ratiroad.^ All Goods consigned to the Agents of this Road at Philaiislphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. Faerouv A/urns—Harris, Worminy A Co., Memphis, Tonn.; Sam A Co" St. Louis; C. G. tYitiley A Co., Evansville, Ind.; DumesniL Bell A Co., and Carter A Jewett, Louisville, Lt;.; R. C. Moldrum, Madison, Ind ; H. W. Brown A Cu., and Irwin Er, Co., W. Graham A Co. ' Zanesville, Ohio; Leech Co., N:. by Ettre,3t, Boston; Leech A Co., No. 2 Astor Home, fork; Nii. 1 William atreet, and No. S Battery N , E. J. anseder, Philadelphia; Niagraw A KllO tanon.; D. A. Stewart, Pittsburgh. 11. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. 11. J. LOALBAERT, Superintendent, Altoona, Pa ICOC:EI.IE:3 WINES AN.D LIQUORS Imo Rio Cuflev;_ ;I Pipes Ri - yllatid Gin; AI o, lirench Benn.ly; Port, Bharry, c1,...n- P.4.ue Mona; .ye and Re(Cih,d Whisky, in dtvl and fin - bak low, 'Dy iIAKUI.TId & BROWN LEE, Ilaworila, 8r0..4 &owl:floe. of the Diamond aod 'Di/V.107,d tu‘ 20 Pittsburgh, IUTj, I S UN S.- 16 Eastwick'd Syrup ; " yew York " lialtimoro " hhdri dew Orleans Sugar; 100 half chrsts Young Ilymuu Tea; 50 " Black Tea, for male by W. 11. 3111TH Sr. no • ANILLA PAPLR.—A large 1, t 'various iv& snags far aaie by Wit. G. JOIL.NdTON & CO., C. , 1 Pnruvr Panlvre. S 7 1 1 7,0 v•. IJLANTATION SUCIAR & MOLASSES -109 Ude. fully fair nutd prime N. 0. Sugar ; 900 bble., oah couporate prime N. 0. 5101a/wog ; 50 At. James 8.11 Molamen, now lending and R.r . !lido, by ' 11ILLE11 G It ICKETSON, rar2.l Noe. 221 and 223 Liberty etreet. DILL PAPER—Of best quality—for sale vr l r y WM. U. JOtfNSTQN R CJ , le2B Litationeeg, Cp7 stroot. FpV ELO PE S.—Buff, Straw, Amber and ViliVe, of ill: RiZeo, eulti wholesale or retail, I y Vi 31. a. JOHN STC.,`N Sc rl4l . t.:`l4-Louoro /did Pnper I:ealere. 67 Wood .t. QC/1)A AS 1.-100 c4sks Soda ABh, now loading and for auto by 11l IS STILLER ds RICKETSON. EUUS.- -lir barrels fresh Eggs, just receiv ed and dale by JAMS A. FETZER, je22 Corner Market end Pint streets. pall FISH.- 3 drums I,:.rz,a Cod Fish ; 3 " bsrga " " .:1114t rorAltrod and eak by MILLER RICKETSON, rr. r 2.5 Now. 221 and 223 Liberty street. BUR SALE—One Steam Engine, Cylinder 15 luches In th., meter, 4% feet stroke, with 2 Cylinder Bonen 32 inches in diameter, ;JO feet lu length, with tire front; Fly Wheel to feet in diameter. For prize and terms, in9nire of B. 0. -A J. EC LIAWYER, J',3L,') No. 47 Wend street. LADIES' K 1 I) GLOVE CONGRESS GAIT ERS, with and without hsels, at the Pe,..ple's Shoo Store, No. 17 Fifth street. DIFFENBACIDIR A. CO GEN "S CONGRESS GAITERS CLI EA L', at the People's Shoe Store, ro. 17 Figh street. DLFFENI3ACIIIIII & CO. j el9 LIAVE contently on hand a large supply 1, of Pure Wines . and tdinors for medicinal purposes. These wishing anything in this lino, can rely upon getting a pure article at JOSEPII FLEULNo . F, Corner Diamond and Mottos strr.U.. $1 60( WILL buy a Dwelling House of 4,7 5 rooms and bath room, goad cellar, and other conveniences, situate on Franklin street scoo in hand balance at one and iwo years. O. CUTHBERT SON, • 15 51 Market street. ripypE METAL, just received and for Fate, by W. 8. HAVEN, Stationer and Printer, 1026 Corner Mdrket and Bewnd streets. QOAPS.—A large supply of Low's we known Brown Windsor Soap, Just received Ala Honey, Palm, Lettuce, Nymph and other. fancy Soaps eon stantly on hand at JOS. 94111.11.1NGT, jy7 Corner Diamond and Market street. CIOLTON'S WEST TOURIST ScOUIDE— Wor sale by ( Jel9) J. B.; WELDIN. DELIVERED EVERY MORNING.•••• Loorney:a 2,r--7, Public Ledger, N. Y. Times, Herald and Tnbune, and la Cincinnati Cammercial,are delivered in every part of the city. Trade supplied by leaving your addreas at HUNT It !MIER, Jel; Masonic Hall, Gent's Patera Leather Gaiters; n ..; Gent's Patent Leather Oxford.; .:". Gent's Calf Boots ; Gent's Fine Slippers. td a- E".) . CHEAP. .-ti . AT Tau PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, Jol2 No. i 7 Fifth street, RIFFENBACH CR & CO. TAR CANDLES.-75 boxes extra Ada mantino Star Candle, , ;tarrunted raperior to any in the matter, on hand and for sale by Inyld IL C. .11 J. IL P.AWTER. CIPONGES—A large supply of coarse and fine Sponges, of a 'gory unpericr quality, jut reoilyesi Ly JOS. PI...RUING, .0 i 2 miner Diamond and Marlod street. ____ - 4.,;;TATIONERY FOR OFFICE USE—A larg. napply of Staple and Fancy Stationery, for of fice% Walla. etc..far eale by ( Joni) J R. WRLDIN. LIItESII TEA, MORE NEW TEA- The :Moot Tea of every name, grado and rotor. 'The aub scriber has in store and arriving, a most extensivo and complete assortment of Tea In chettta, half cheats and fami ly boxes, all of rrhirh le offered at greatly rodnced prices. S. JAYNE:B, 29 Fifth stroet. 110AIE IN TILE COEJNTRY.—A new cott..g-5 Eenso ofd rooms, good cellar, atal every couvenience to make a comfortable and pleasant residence, stable, carriage hones, swing house, 250 peach trees also, choice apples and other fruit, 12 acres of land, good quality for gardening MIT pose! situate at 3 mileo from the city, near the Washington Turnpike.i Terme etsy, and immedi ate possession. Nor ante by. S. COTILBERT 4lk EON, /922 61 Market etre ce... DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE- Dwelling Home and two large lots, with good fEl procemmts, immediate peens - Ann. Price, slBfo. A Farm of 503 acre!, 40 improved, all prima hard 0120 mile from Fayette Springs. Price, $6 per acre. A valuable property at Lawrenceville, in complete order, good location, immediate pozieession—s3.soo. A nection of choice land in Franklin county, lowa, in good location—s2,4o For acre. S. CUTHBERT A SON, je29 51 Marta street: °LARK STREET. A Brick Dwcilling ae,„,/ Homo on Clark street, near Carpenter's alley, at the low price of $llOO. Also, three other Dwelling Hones near the above. ' Price, s l".oo,each. Terms easy. • S. CUTHBRB.T i SON. 61 Marketet. ILL ERRING.-50 bble - 114iiing fok Isale - by LI. KO EL H. COLLINa .7,Z.5g,;'....7t-,:"i`;:-.. .74.,i,1,0',';, •,..'l''''''..V.4.'-'''s.; '.-SM?,-;;kiT.lid:.*V.,F.PT‘,..W.,-.::..i:.., ?:,.'!.11)1I.--P:',..j...-:-.5::::',..i.MW:7;-:,.;.'2.;:n4gV5.:.;,':,', RAIN, ROADS. lOU chests Waal and G11\1:1 VA.. btda. Crushed Sag. r , 2;) ". Coffee :I0 " New York syrup; " Vow Ortraos Tierces Now ILIA', 10 boxes W. IV. 11. (Irant',4 Tobbec,) 100 " Fl. H. and Layer Raisins; 20 kegs Preach Pluem; Punchsous Jamaica Rum; s4lita Orum Rum; W E A R.- UA P. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. EMOVAL.—J. & .11. PHILLIPS have ALI) removed to their new building, Nov. 2tl and 23 BT. CLAM BZI - 41134 west side, between Penn street and the Bridge. MANUFACTURERS OF FLOOR, YinuirrunE, OARR IACI _ TABLE, AND /13.ANI3PAREN1! fs OPAQUE . 4 . 4) 4 ! t74;U tl' tt CLOTEUt Of different Cotom Ai o, DIALERS tN On CLOTHS WINDOW SHADES, Of every description. • Dealers in INDLA RUBBER GOODS, of all !Grids, made tinder Goodyear's Patent; Agents of the Boston and Now York Belting Companies, for the sale of their INDIA RUB BER BELTING, HOSE And PACKING. LEATHER BM/T. IEG of Eastern manufacture, a superior 'quality; also, Laco Leather and iii - reta. Agents for the OHIO FIRE--PROOF ItiLIERAL PAINT. Dry and Mixed Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Turpentine, Brushes, Glass and Putty. HOUSE AND BiGN PAINTING AND GLAZING, in all its branches, Ina in the best and shortest time. de2lkly J. A Et PIIILLITS, ?Dm Nod. 26 and 2 St. Clair street; Manufactory at Phil on the Ohio river, three nillea below rittaburgh CA2I?ETB, OIL CLOTHS, HATTING, tT THE eovv.".lik Street Carpet Store. D. & H. M'CALLUNI iespeetfully • invite the attention of their former customers and the pnblic generally to their present stock, jam selected for Spring sales, embracing the very latest styles of Foreign and Ciente Matinfacturo, consisting in part 01 Velvets au! brussels, Tapestry and Common ingrain: also, Brussels, Damask, Twilled and Plain Stair CIA.RPILTS. oil OLAJTIE3 FROM 2 TO 24 FEET WIDE, Rags, Mats, Stair Rods, Canton and Cocoa Matting ; List, Yarn and Bag Carpets ; Veuitian Blinds; Painted, Buff ana (1 mon Rolland Bhades. It will give Ain pleasnro to show goods to all who may or desirous of looking or purchasing, and we are determined to oiler inducements to eny who may favor us wan a at the old stand, No. 87 FOURTH Street, near Wood. my 13 :Iy W. D. a. ii. M'OALLUISI. OIL CLOTLI. G'LOTIIINU—Of all kinds, black and yellow, Or sale at the India Dubber Depot and 25 St Clair street. ldeifJ J. d li. PiilLL.ll'6. tiIL CLOTHS FOE THE FALL TE,ADE. We have on hand, and are daily receiving additions thereto from oar own and other manufactories, a large SLOCi.. of floor Furniture, Carriage Trimming, Table Cover, Trans parent, 12.7.nen and Buff, and all kinds of Oil °loth, mod tut Uouselulaishing and other purposes. Also, Transparent Window tihides, of dry and oil finiob—gold bordered and other styles, and Window Shade Trimmings. hierclisaats and others will find it to their advantage to ex amine our stock and prices beforo making their purchatea ohiewherr. J. it li. PLliLi.li' t, eel° 2d and 28 St. Clair street. OIL C.LUTA TABLE COVERS—Of our owon and other manufacturers , for sale wholesale and retail, by ic H. PHILLIPS, jyl7 28 and 28 Bt. Clair street. rfiIE.ANSPARENT GREEN OIL CLOTII- .L 3000 yards of a superior quality, just received from tn. factory, and for sale by J. et iL PLEILLIPS. •17 20 and 28 81. Clair street. CARRIAGE UiL CLOTllB.—Enamelled with plain or tignred backs—on muslin, Twilled and Ductr. (loads, for sale by J. A IL PIIILLIPS, J) I 7 28 and 28 SL Clair street. CAP OIL CLOTHS—A few pieces on mus lia, tsni, cud imitation of edit., f r sale at I.le, and 28 Olala Strout. J. It 11. PiLILLIett. Ittabargh 70c. IN D. HOSPITAL SIiESTINU —Of all widths and of Coo heat quallq, for sale at the India linbber to put, 26 and 28 SL Clair street. jail 600. IA 100 Itn NDIA RUBBER DOOR illATS—The beet a article in urn, for sale at the India Itunber Depot, of J. :s IL 211.11,h113, ell 16 and St Cl3t7 gtreot. 600.11 100 IN VILOOR OIL CLOTHS,- ...g• Of our own and oaneru manutacduro--all widths, nod cus to salt any E 1156 of rowan or halla---nt tho Oil Cloth Ware ruousa, 26 and 2S St. Clair Rtreet. oct23 40c. 71 100 tos Great Chaise ifiarle TUE BEST AND MOST CERTAIN SPECU LATION Of TILE Li (Nit LLAR PEE. 611.11t15.—Forty thousand dollars worth of valuable Iteal Estate, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, with a great variety ' of fancy and Staple Goode; to be disposed of in forty toeu sand shares, at oue dollar per share, as tollowe s—Upon the payment of one dollar, I will send the payer a numbered re amid, which will entitle tom to one share in the above midi vided property. When the shares shall have been sold, the shareholders shall be notified of the tact, by mail, or through the newspapers, and a miming of the Shareholders II then be held in the city of Philadelphia, and the whole of the property Slalomed ot or distributed among them; in ouch way as shall be determined upon by them; each Sharehold er shall be entitled to ono vote, a Committee to be selected by the Shareholder@ at said mooting, to conduct or superin tend the disposition of the property, according to the direc tions of tho Shareholders, and I will then deliver the pro party to such perton or persona as the Sharelielders , e.ny appoint to-receive the, name. The Real Estate consists oI one three story brick ilWelling house and lot, valued at Vhettil, and two three story brick dwelling houses and lots valued I at 2700 each, in the city of Philadelphia, clear of all iliCaLll - and title indisputable; the other propeaty consists of the whole stock and-lixtares of one of the largest Wheal end Jewelry Stores in the city of Philadelphia, new, and for long time past kept by the subscriber. The stock consist ' lug of very ono Gold and Silver liuutmt.l , ,se Lever es, very the Cold and Sitv 311€101.1.1er l 5 atrli it., Gild • Sar 11E33 3:11c r3celm.s, iiiatnuud nti,l (3.11 , 1' i 1 Ingt.b!ri line, awry hatruns, tic., and Stui ssvcr r.-,coo -co, Tua .._store, Pete Itizkord, 5p0,3113, LC. dleo, I , 'rench Clucks, Memo Boxes, Aceerueotis, aid a steat varioty ui other goods. _ 41,UVf , 13 LUL CO3 01 thume nci.iva, Whi..•3• tap the Cah-1-1), and willl , l' a fz erne of WO 03'11.. property i,el. , e;.;tr.g to the subscriber, pm=ts, am lmsiu.aV} :tenured tae ceo—us hoe bona tics the purr,. : 7wa;nlu t, 15r3.1 61 . .1.,/11.31.••3 U11:41.,t: for the :luau:l , l ,- h will lb , most rest Port(Pl are ir.'lYt -- chose shares. As orders by 11311 t the be promptlyatteuded tr. :SO: lurware,i to tin ad drnie tilt. sender, by return man_ Any i.,..rseu ten dollars :it ono time, shall rez.. , ive , leven sepiou.t.e in as tunny separate 3).11103 if gln writing fur shares, please write the name of the Pea; tutee, to which you wish the 403 con directed. Thee the greatestcdmaco of getting a largo amount of vu' We property, for a small sum, is has ever before been offe. - c.l to the public. Fend on your orders, as shares are selling rapid ly, and it is confidently expected the distribution will coon D 3 made Articloa allcttotl to koraoos at a atatatice, will bo e,lat to thtm at their expence Agenta wawa(' rattuicaticins tuuut COPYINU PILES6E,S, with Screw and Lever, for sale by W. S. fIAVItN, titationer and raper Dealer, jy2o Corner Market and Boceud tUyl,4l ,1i EACUIiSIOII.I.STS, Lidien who design tin a " Pleasnre Trip,",ahould provide themselves with the NEW LINEN TRAVELING SKIRT! The above article can be precured at JOS. HOENE'S. 77 Market strea. - DUBE FRENCH BRANDY, for medicinal ji purposes, by the bottle or gallon, at I.IAWOItTLI t 11110TVNLI;17,S, fob in the Diamond. 10 SACKS FEBAAOTAIFEyRSc,osfoGraIaI4I . bye,, IM!MI ItYE.-125 bash Rye for sale by JAS. A. Fi.ITZEiI, ..)92 Coruar MArket. Nail First Ntreut2 TIMOTHY SEED-10 bush. Good Timothy Seed for gale by JAS. A. FETZER, RYE FLOUR.-15 bbls. just received and for tale by [ror3l HENRY H. COLLINS. J R Y APPLES-100 bush., for sale by AY 1 4.0 HENRY IL COLLIN& .EXPANSION SKIRTS--Steel Spring, and all the other celebrated Skirts, for palo'hy ap26 JOB. HORNE, 77 Market street. LACK LACE MITTS.—A large stock of Jo excellent styles, with and without fingers, very cheap at (ap26) JOE. UOhNE'S, 77 Market streat. COTTON HOSIERY.—Every variety of Cotton Stockings and Half Hose at the lowest prices wholesale or retail, at JOS. LLAINE'e, ap•L'd 77 Market street ICE.—Sig tierces prime Rice, just reeeiv lad ed and for sole by MILLER is RIOKETBOI.4, eorl2 Nos. 221 and 1.1.3 Liberty street., 4 FISH-15 whole bble. Lake Supe rior White Fish Justrezeived and for sale by JAS. A. FETZER., J 8 Ccrnor Market and First stro,ta. $6OO FOR a two story frame dwelling Louse and lot of gronnd 50 feet by PO, plEns qtly situated on Igt. Washington. Terms easy. I fE,B 8. CIITEWNET Er eON. 63 ki. to: t. "TUBS. ALLEN'S Hair .. Restorative,, IVA. Brown's Bia. Jamaica Ginger Fronton a Merrill s Cooking Extract Kennedy's Medical Discovery, I Thompson's Washing Componnd, flames Indelible Ink, 1 .. McClung a Campbell's 2 tai.ch, Borax, ealtpotre, Lemon Syrup. For ash) by B. L. FAHNESTOOK h CO, .i. 923 No. GO, corner of Wood and Fourth ete QYRUP.-10 bbls. N. O. Syrup for sale, on connignment, by (apT) HENRY - H. COLLINS TARCIL--250 Cis Rochester Pearl Starch r..mircd and trr 9 ail by if 21 , 11tV H. COI 1.1 Zig ANAN/1.5.--Firet of the season just re -1 coived by express and for solo by ARMED, A ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood Street. Opposite St. Chau - los Dote?. OLL BUTTER-2 bbls. Fresh Roil Butter 1.4 0 received acrid for Laic by JAE. A. FETZER, InTl2 Corner Market and litre. eta E.IN TING eiecuted in the highest style a art, and at reasonable prices, by J. It. WELDIN, Bookseller and Stationer, 63 Wood stroot, near Fourth. NEW BEDFORD SPERM CANDLES.- bozoi aksorted and 6's, sperm Ciad?e, 04 hood and fos bv D. wit J. 11. SA WV 17 ' • FIUFF'S BOOK-KEEPLINU, 11 tanks, arid DUM:111 $ 8 ayatorai'enmanutdp, far GaIa LIAV by W. S. .1!;N, Carapr Ziarkat and Eacand strete AwNIN. set Awning Rods, f or esOn by (.1025) ELENRY H, COLLINR. CLOVEESEED.-25 sacks just received, and ter ado by [folli ELENILY H. COLL.IN 50QGROSS HAVEN'S No. ONE PENS, Just rxa➢ved and L - a We by 1121V.M. Caner MAO; and eeoond stn.-box. - i t 0 DRUMS COD FISH, for solo by BACIALEY;OO23L'AVE c Co., Nca. 13 and 23 Wcoo stuot. oopxy , s, SALVE for salo wholeslWO v t find ratu4l thdDragetoro of /3A ST, dad Clamor f Wood and Stith atl., ritiddrargb wvw. vdrel 4 4tAF-z,,,,0.5 • • • - • ' 'S' _ , _ J..% H. PHILLIPS, J. A H. PHILLIPS J. & 11. PIIILLIn :owe and village. An c:tyl L. It. BIiOOMALL, .coned etreut, above Cheanu:, Philodelp:& Pas. ib and 20 Wocil • I • GREAT 1),1-4,,f t 111 So Long Unsuccessfully Sought, FOUND AT LAST! von IT RESTORES PERMANENTLY Gray 'lair to its' origin • 1 color; covers Inx t ,th ht l y th e bald head; removes 4andnaff, itching and all scroll:LlN scald head and all crop:Mug; makes the [lair edit, healtht, e end ; andp iI l pre•aairva it to any imaginal) a age, el m ove , as it by magic, all hit:tches, etc. from the face, and cares all neuralgia add norvods headache. ; , ee circular and the fol lowing: Dovcs, N. IL, Feb. 2d, lata. PROF. 0.4. WOODt CO.—fients: Within a few days we have r eceived so many orders and calls for Prot 0. J. Wood's Hair Restorative, that to-day we were compelled to send to Roston for a quantityl (the 6 dozen you forw rded all being sold,) while wo might order a quantity from you. Every bottle we have sold swiss to hare produced three or four rseto customers and the alprobation, and patronage it-receives Pram the most substantial and worthy citizens of our vicini ty, fully convince us that it id A hlOSlf VALUABLE PREP• itATION. send ns or soon as tray be one gross of 4-t size; and one dozen $2 size; and believe U 9 yours very respectfully. (Signed) DANIEL LATHORP A 00. Liickoßr Gsovn, Charles CO., !10., Nov. 19, 18Z PROF. 0. J. 19006--llear some time last summer we were induced to use 80111,, of your flair Restorable, and its effects were so wonderful, we feel it our duty to - you and the afflicted, te report it. Our little ann'o head for some than had been perfectly cov ered with sores, and tome called it scald head. The hair al most entirely came et in consequence, when a friend, seeing his sufferings, tuivised no to use your Restorative, we did so with little lame of Ice,a, but, to imr surprise. Kul that of all our friends, a vex few applicatic,US removed the disease entirely, and a new and luxuriant crop of hair noon started out, and vie con nowiany that onr boy has as healthy a scalp, and as luxuriant a clop of hair as any other add. Wu can therefore, and do hereby recommend your Restorative, as a perfect remedy for all diseases of the scalp and hair. We are, yours respectfully. GEOltOlll W. ELIGOLNBOTHAM, sARAci A. LIAGII4I;OThiAII.I GLIIDItiEII, Maine, Sane 2, 1e55. PROF. 0. J. WOOD—Dear tilr: 1 have used two hottlea of Profeasor Wood's Hair Restorative, and can truly say it is the grAtest discovery of the age for restoring and changing the Hair. Before using it I was a - roan of sevt.nty. My Hair has now attained its original color. Yon can recom mend it to the world without the least fear, as my Nk . a one of the worst hind. bourn Reapoctfally, 0. J. WOOD Je CO4, Proprietora, 312 Broadway, New York, (in the great N. Y. l .Wire Bailing Establiatirnent,) and 114 Market street, Bt. LOnis, Mo. Sold by Or. GEO. BFI. KEYSER, No. 110 Wood street, and by all good Druggist : ,..... sel:3mdaw NE*, TE.E&TMEIrr. Private and Omifidential. Medical Advice I AT TEM BUFFALO PRIVATE 110SPI TAI—Estaratied for the cure of Syphilin, Seminal Weaknes.s and the ecret Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, by Dr. AMOS A SON, Buffalo, N. Y. Office corner of Main and Quay ,trouts, (dp stairs.) A MOST, SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. Au instrument for the cure of Genital Debility, or Noctur. nal Naninsions, more properly known as Seminal Weakness, "E.c. Can be permahently cured in from fifteen to twonty days, by the use of thi. instrument, when used conjointly with medicir.en YOUNG N TAKE PAIITIOULAII NOTIOIL Dr. AIII.OS a. SOl'if take pleasure, a tennotincing that they have Invented a meet impertonti astr ument for the cure of the above diseases. i It has been subjected to a toot by the most eminout physicians in London. t'aris, Philadelphia and New York; it has been declared the only useful instrument ever yet invented, for the cure of Seminal Wookness,or any dizesse of the genital org , anti, cancedAby the secret habit of youth. D r , Amo3 it POV', to order to satisfy thn moat skeptical as to the tuorits of their instrument, pledge themselves that Di any instance whore they inr.y prove unsatisfactory after fair trial, the money will lie reft,uleil by retnrning the Ire strament In good order. Persons Wishing Bite above metal Instrument .1 It observe that the price, with the accompanying direction,. securely packed and sent by u.ILLACCO. in ten dollars. WiIt:NITS AND QUICK CUR ti , Dr. AMOS d SOt may be consulted from eight o'clock In trio morning until line at eight. In every stage a 'id symp• tom of the Veur Leis ease,elenorrivery (fleets, .ccondary Symptoms, Seminal Vieekness, impotence audit tunes of the Urethra, etc., kith inviolable socresy. The treatment they adopt is the reimit of upward of thirty years' extensive and ancceasbal practice In London- The must Inveterate :met of Vonereel Dioceses piredictod to eight or nine days, nd castes of a slight nature in tem or three days, at a mod orate expense. Tip care etlected without cenKiiement or hindrance from butenuns; also, bodes and pains in the leinea and limbs, effectually eradicated. OUIIII WARRANTED. Dr. ANUS I SO, N have devoted their attention exclusive ly to this peculhir 'clots of maladies, and the relief they have conseqnentipbeereniebled to render to their fellow-creature fully testified a. d greatfully acknowledged by convains coutpatients and dthets daily isrriving, in town front all parts of the country, for the expreer purpose only of consultatnus while tail* exerti los have hem crowned with the most rig nal advantages; y'ft from what they have experienced i inquiring into this canoes of these infectious complaint item their meet Omple condition to that of the most dna germs and iuveter,tcd) they have always entertained the iscanibilits of their pieev-upon and removal, and likewise ha v:..rlatily - found that the- norribie and mengnant forms of disease be trace,. to one of tho fol lowing causes :—lgnortenee. neglect, er the tit effects of ut ak:lfni and improper crsistment;• therefore, Dr. AMOS it f-ON have succeeded iti discovering, in the selection of their remedies, a eafe, ePectuai, and CattiOEW coarse ; omitting all combination of refittedtes which bear au equivocal character, ace well es those whose premature or injudicious application, ought be productiis of bad consequences in the hands of private individuate. Jr. short the lemlible end of their rem medics is OW o f a great 1.11a53 of hl/111111 misery by the atleniction, relief and proTeutien of those grievous Os diction that are tia re.lity the secret fee of life, and whirls, while they no extioniely cur:Gun:l us, call aloud for our o till and interference for their extermir,atten. • INV.LieLD2, . - Pomona to anj . part of the wsrbl may be sucil.......lsittUg "orated by forwarOing a cc.rrbzt dels.ll of their clap, with remittance for tuesicintz, trddrees Dr. .a410:i3 F. G is , corner Llain and Quay streeZ Buffalo. i 4. Y. , ja.2l3:d..twly pRIVATEI' DI SEA SE S.—DR. blivIVN'S yr miuoAi and 6UILUICAL °Maas., No. 50 SMITEI.VIELD Strfy.‘3, burgh, Pa. DE.. DROWN is an old cittrea of PitOrt• burgh. and has Coon in practice for t'cta last ltueniu-dlas yv.r.t. ilia Cu pitta lute - been contnati mostly to Private anti SniL • gical Diseases f ornmaie AND Bf Lti ttsl tittrag.✓A.,, - to need of a macal friend, shonld not tail,to /Ind o tio Earn klaco of renaf. The Doctor is al rogniar grednate, and '4ll ll hi) expo:lance in Vie treatmouf of a certain clasa of diseasea is a ore guaraisro fO thO iitliloCarEl Of Obh. , i , htlIR permanent relief, by the uaJ a fda remedioa and following hi% advtca. uaVcr fail u. cure tho swret fa m of Venereal Disemes— Lnipnritiea and ' (icrofnlor., ie dineasca arising from a hereditary !Mut, Whlth o nift:tiltsetfttthe ..,. 'form of a tottor, , psorhiale, d a many foria:TIOSIIVit (112 oro,es, the ertitni of whip the pat au: is nearly ignorant T o persona so erfllicird, d. hopes Of a sera mud spar.. 37 recovr..7i L Dr. prc.v.'res teir.o , De.s for th., alt:rn.dn g Crontde, eroa.c ah bt on often by that) solitary habit of ar , ,,, grlal g - rAthication crits the young and ,eat-rain , ictioft4,n give way ta,(t4) their owe destruction,.) firq ;be only reliable romt,lics known In this country—they art cafe, end niako a sly2,oay reatoration health. r RHPaTMATfaitf.. Dr. Brown's i l oraedles never fttil to cure painful dlw ~830 i n a feto drOit—h , .) Will warrant n cure. He nip treats Piles, ()loot, Gonorrhter, dtricture, Urothrel Discharge, Re mato WeaLneed„ Alonthly E.r.ppreesicas, Disoc.-...s of alp Joints, ristala n duo, NLlrvous Affections, Pain lo the Hie% and kidneys. Irritation of the Bladder, togotio , r with all diseases of an 4.pure A letter desciribing the symptoms, contedult.g a car., dl. ratted to DR. BROWN, N. be binithtleid street, Pittebarg,h, p a ., will be lmdmdlately answered. Idefilcine sent to any 'address, safely l' r asted and socrire, from obvq , n.tto u. Office and PT:Trate Reomg, :Tic. 60 Sn)Sthnold ute,, , ,t, FitTz: burgh, ?a. ; spa NOW IS YOUR TIME—Buy Summer Shoes wliilst you can get them so cheap, at the PEO PL.e.'n CHEAII SHOE 510.11.0, Ye. 17 Filth Street. We will continue GO sell at reduced rates for several weeks.— Save your mo4ey by buying a - the low prices. Gent's Gaiter. for thppp@@ exce , ding low price of a.. A few more Ladies' Gaiters eft at $1,2.5, worth $1,75, sailed on the soles. Qougress Gaits d for $1,25. Now is the time to tny cheap, anlB DIFPENBACHER S. 00. JO 3 PIibiTERS, •Statione.7a, I Blank Book Makora, ; and Paper Dealers. i t WM. G. JOHNBTON hCO, an 24 57 Wood street. LIVE;(I NJ. foi table '15.1, received this day, by JOSEPH FLEMING, Corner Diamond and Market et. ICTOILLAI, NY IN DbA r--- B —'--- C3REE N . new, beautiful and cheap article, designed for the ex , - chiding of 'Dalian+, cf all kinds, froth pa,sing through win • dews when the each is raised, and at same time admit ting a free current of air. They aro got up in a 'yarfety of beantifal scenes, an• are ornamental as well as useful—fee sale whole3zde and retail, at 211 and 28 St. Clair street, by J. A H. PIIILLIPS, and Spld Agent for Manufacturers in Pittsburgh. D.RIEIIiAPPLES-50 bushels Dried Ap- Ples,Jaat received and for vale by rda.UNDLEI 4 B, =ANS /r CO je22 Comex Wood and Want streets I MPORTANT TO B Y ERS.:---We have now pladel noon 'ho counter a lot of SOILED GAIT RIO and 6114),K5, witch we offer CLIEAF. Call and exam ine dom. Ail hinds of entamer woar selling at the most reasonable price. Alf 3:4C3' Gaiter; black and colored, with and without ;heels, low. Children's Fancy Shoes, of tbo newiwtstyles.l hove still a fow Alen's Patent Leather °anent left, nOv selling at greatly redu ACHEB CO, No. l 7 Fifth etre , t, near !darker. RYE FLOE:TR.-2U bb f is. fresh ground Eye Llonr ,:cut recalved and or rite by As. A. 151.1.zrz, Ocrner Market and First am 101013 RE I LIQ U ORB. —A large supply of .5. Winet aud Liquors, irtrietly pure for mentral put - pavan, Those wishinrt my that con be relied on for purity, ti ttauldt'aii ait l ezminiue y 4 (4 ) es, JOS. FLEMING, " 6 ,' ' 0 -rnrm 453.r , ket .rtre4f an.: Dtatnr‘n i. I OB 1 --- I.rSiTI.N CIT--: vg card ' ,„ oirculAns rric,:i L!.. L .,.,. BEI L:ellre.:, Letter Roads, Chow Rills, I.:ii,dia,au Printed in aulf , erior style at Alert native, by WM G. JuIEINSTON to 00, Printers, Blank Book Manufe.ctarera and Stationers, MS 1 i UT Woiml ,treet. ______ • - f r ENION--50 boxes Palermo, in No.I or 2.4 dor, Jusit received and for bale by , REYMEIt k ADIDEP.2ON, No, 84 Wood street, J.llO . , Opposite the s`... Charles HoteL F Olr' SIN - V - fd Olt ATO gross tka fcr two FAMIEBToCK A CO., 07,1 8 !m ata.wtq BLACK 4 CRAPE COLLARS.—Beaatif atvintbr Likk. a t 7013/en HORNE'3, "^- s•-• VOBACt4O. - 7 5 boxes, assorted brands, s's, B's, and i i lo's Tobacco, now lor:dlng, and for ,ale by Litli A RICKETS anti Nal. 221 and =9 Llbtirty /street, DANINL N. MURPHY