LOCA2.II, AFFAIRS. tug 1s the rautze of the thertr.eut, , ter and uhreteeter, RE kept by George E. Shaw, optician, Fifth stroot. yesterday : The I h< THEr.IiouETSII 9 A. 111 12 Al t p. Barometer, 29 410 The Shaw Kidnapping Case At tha opening of the CcciT7 Quarter Sessions yesterday morning, it wa ., hiat eras of the juror; wre quite di. By consent o nakel for both sides, the eaEie'wae ith el.rien jurors. The first witness called was Philip Hari-e, who testified that Iv , had known Ferris about four yaars; worked with him in July, 1i"57, for Mr. Faulkner, in Manchester. At that time he received a letter from ;arks, then in St. Louis, which stated that he th• e could do better there red advising Har lan 1 , 2 , T0. He left this city en the 4th of Au gust, 1857, (w t, b.,tvever, ..n the e.renizth of the let• ter) taking Ferri; with him. He said Ferris and he started rn a barter, Ferris proposing to go and Har lan agreeing to go if Ferris went. They went to St. Louis. Harlan returned on the 14th of September, leaving Ferris in St. Louis. He wanted HarlarCto advance him money to come back to Pittsburgh. Has never seen Ferris since he oath . ° back from St. Louis. Mites Owen. bf Memphis, Tenneeree, was next called to the stand. The defense afered to prove by this witne:s that he knew Ferris; had owed him as a slave ; and sold him to Raglan; that ho was and Is now the slave of Raglan; that he is the same per son who worked h re as a bricklayer. Also that Show did not entice him out of Pcnnsylmnia. - - - T 13.0 Court overruled the part of the effer relative to the slavery of Ferris, unless it was first proved by c?inputent testlayny thzt slavery exists in Alabama. Mr. Swartzweider offered to prove that slavery ex ists in Alahamq, first by Mr. Penney, an attorney, as an expert t'-en by tie United States Digest, contain ing decisions regulating slavery in Alabama, and finally F.:: Commentary, which contained a history e! the rise and progress of slavery, alleging that it aril axis's in all the Soutbrrn States. All the offers were overruled, Leing objected to by Mr. Kirk patrick, coarse , for the proseeution. Mr. Owen ass then caked to the stand to prove that Ferris was t.ut enticed to the South by Shaw. Mr. Owen tetifimi that he knee: Gee. W. Ferris. Last saw him in April, ISSS. Had a conversation with him, [counsel fr.r pro,ecution objected to the introdacti'on of this evidence, but the objection was overruled by the Court.] Ho showed me his satchel marked " George VT. Ferris, Pittsburgh, Pa." I should say that he was the same man who was in Allegheny. [All cyitinrice as to the conversation of witness v,ith Ferris was overruled by the Court.] Ferris was much iihe a white man, but had African blood in his veins ; I owned his mother. The de scription of George in Uncle Tom's Cabin was very accurate. On cross-examination Mr. Owen stated that he knew Ferris n. in Pitt,burgh by despatches he had seen from Shaw to Raglan, stating that Ferris was in this city. I first saw him in Natchez in 1855, when he cy Is the property of Henry T. Miller. Mr. Miller's elavcs were purchased by the friends of his wife. Mr. Sw:rteWebier stated that he had used every endeavor to get hli eltrese hero, bat failed, and he would, therefore, ask the Crentt to give him until mornin'. to rr:recure their attendance, which was granted by the C urt. The co , unsel then informed the Court on several points w'n eh w,uld be submitted : and at ha'f.past five o'clock, the Court adjourned. A Norei Ba.—A gentleman we wet if, probably anxious to imitate Bcr: Perk? Poore, made a navel bet previ ,, u , to the electi,c. Be is the prop:jeer-of a salt matures re across the ri er, and wagered a bushel or snit ersinst a dollar that a certain candi date would be Ocoted. Ile ,nbscquently laid a wager if five dollars v. ith r- tiler party that he would carry the bushel of f.a:t to the' residence cI . the , winner, in South Pittburgb, should ho lose. Tuesday decided the tlrst bet—, a loat. lc says ho will win the second, cod prop, .es to carry the salt ac agreed, to the house ti,a wlnnoi, a distance if a mile and a half. on Saturday m. mini,. It remains to bo aeon w - hothcr he v ;otter wager. We hope he may, having lest his money on a Democratic candidate. Polite —Bat little of interest occurred at any e.f. the p-; i ogee.. yeEterday. fh - nry Neomd ass. fined five dollara and costa by Mayor Wer- , er for the violation of an ordinance rota tivo to the removal of filth frrm caultp. Four Germ,i - tr ~rratted yost-rdav charged with stoning. totat..tes in trio couatry and bringing them to t tre, ttrn. Th.ry acknowledged the steal in.?. A brig tit - .d in the pn: , ero. , icri of one of them, t bett,og ,ho parties from whom the pittit,...-s w occ. Any ono having lest one slittuid ort'.l and so; if it is their property. A youtg mar, was arrePed on tuspicion of having Etolen ge , ,rtity cf lead, hut r.o evidcr.ce b...ing pro duced I,:ua, Wag cliNchargrid. Th u r.,o,:r e d c l a y 3 , 7,, :rine geode iaund In IM==El theca ,;ej tbeir Vier.: Oh CO' Pt ß o ii r,•n l .--.lb or four mouth , J. Edg , r hou.psur., Elsq . President of the PennE,Nivanta autbrnsed Conetant Esq , and , 'her gentlemen da!phid. r,vzr an and El ociare photo grnpic cie co of d:fferent remantiz and t.eautiful point:. They ooe .rningiy ob:ained accurate repre aent_'ion= Spruce Creek. the Allegheny Tunr_ol, e , and returned with port. folios crammed A LI. , aninevetnents of the party, Was. that of taking n phut:., :rtpla of ono of the finest engines on the r_ad, tho was standing in front of the western end f the Logan house, et Al% toono, st Ia the representation, which is M perfect, r. J. Weitzel, the conductor of the train to whioh. the ;ocomotive i 3 attached, is seen standing beneath the FEEI9.II house on the engine. The engi neer is seen gazing fr m the window, and the figure of the fireman is discernable in the background. In the distance, is a portion of the Logan rouse, and that part of Altoona which lies inomedia , ely hack of it, upon the ascending hill-side. The whole thing is •admirably and beautifully done. By its side, s'7ls no. tico an gccurate likene - ss of Rev. Alfred Cookman, formerly of the Methodist church of this place. It way presented by the reverend gentleman to Mr. horse Strici. —Mr. Grahntr, of the Bank of Pitt burgh. le.t hte h cse standing in Evan's alley ;fester day morning, ani daring his absence tho animal was driven tie It is hrlieved that the horse was E tole!), but there is no chic to the thief. —Attetiii.ir: to the first symptoms of worms in children, ..bon they liogin to pirk at the nose, when ?bore is dry - cough, and the abdomen is swollen, there is - eLlairigt 'certain oviden-is that the child has L'OrEt - .q. A snore cert..iu s nis when one or ro ere voided from the bowels. Worms are a great source of annoyance to the little sufferers, and their presence is apt to be attributed to other causes. Ono reason why children with - worms are neglected is because of the very offensive and sickening taste of the castor oil and tenrmiineil preparations, under the nano of vormifugas. No one need hesitate now whai to give; Holloway's Worm Confections have obvilited that diffieul-ty, by the invention of a pleas ant 6nfoction, called " Holloway's Worm Confec tion," made bv Johnston, Holloway Sc Cowden, Philadelphia. This is the only true confection sold. Parents and others having the charge of children, should be sure to ask for Holloway's and take LC other. You can get them in any quantity at No. 1140 Wood street. A First Class E;stoblisli elem.—We have often thought the establishment of Messrs. Reymer A An derson, on W...d street, wrs the most complete of its Lind in the evy. Where tho articles dealt in are of so perishat•le a character, it is difficult to keep up the supply, hut they mar ago to do this to perleetion, having a curitan'_ Eucces,ion of the various fruits and delicacies of the sensor. Purchasers either at wholesale or retail cannot fail to receive satisfaction, both in price and quality, at this popular house. Consto,ptire Hop,.—Consumption. in some of its worse forms., has been cured by " Schenzk's Puimonic Syrup,"pr , pared by Dr. J. 11. Schenck, of Pailadelphia, a gentleman who has devoted twen tysfive years to the study of this disease. After hay. lug cur , d his own case with his medicine, he has carefully prepared it for the use of others in the care of that formidable and destructive enemy of human life, and with considerable success. The remedy is a simple Syrup, made from roots and herbs, which is as pleasant to take os honey, and beside has a won derful curative power. It is equally useful in bron chial and laryngeal difficulty ; for it should be con sidered that these diseases all belong to the same family ; hence, what will cure one will cure the others. Dr. Schenck has prepared a valuable medicine for dyspepsia called " Sea Weed Tonic," and Mandrake Pills, both made from plants and Poota, and free from all injurious ingrcd 'eats. You can buy them at Dr. tie ser'F, 140 Wood street. A Rud,c i 1 Cure Jar Rvito e.--If rupture can be radically ciied, it is imp-rtant to those stritoted to know that Fu eh is the caao, and with the assurance from Dr. Geo. H. Keyser, i.f 140 Wood street, who has devoted years to the study of the disease, and in the appliciiiion of trusses we think we are warranted in advising a)tir readers of the fact. Dr. Keyser says that be can refer to quite a number of persons in ihia city who have been entirely cured of the disease within the pact few years. It will at any rata do no harm to call on Dr. Keyser al.cl eo . A.ult with h m in regard to these instruments of which ho has a large stock on band at every conceivable price. ooulier & Mentzer, liouae, Sign hna Ornamental Painters and Gratners. Orders left at their shop on Fourth stroat, near Marlu.t, Burko's Buildings, will be promptly attended. .6m Boit:nun & :—My wits was troubled with cough 2.11 d pain in the breast for five years—the last two of which Ebe was very low indeed. I procured some of your Compound, and after she had taken it fur about fire weeks she was able to do all our house work, which ehe liv.d not previously done for four years. eeerflly, and tonal:ed. recommend your Com por.nd to all who aro suffering under tlit:t tcrrible rirense—Consumption. JAMES SODTREBLAND. MAsy R. Bournimaiu Lou mu" Ky., July, Mai • In San . 64°... .Cluudy The Opera Troupe.—We wore glad to see a larger and more select audience at the Pittsburgh Theatre last evening, when the beautiful opera of the "Ho hernias/ Girl" was produced. Every part was ex_ t, timely well executed, though Miss Hodson was somewhat affected by what is known among the pros fession as the "Pittsburgh grip." The song "I Dreamed I Dwelt in Marble Halls" was admirably executed by Miss Rosalie Durand, as were also the songs " 'Tis sad to leave our Father Land" and Why should we follow joys receding," by Miss Hodson. A ballad entitled the " Heart Bowed Down," by Mr. Lyster was also sang with much feeling and effect. The choruses were well executed and the piece altogether a great success. We only !egret that this exoellent eampeny cannot be pro called upon to favor us w.,th A longer stay. The opera for this evening i " .. 4 oine..eloule.," a grand c..wposition, nniven•ally known Lind al.:preen:Lid. Wo feel confident that the house will be well filled, and we trust that our expectations will be realized, as the merit of this troupe is certainly deserving of Success. Jubilation.—Last night the fellow craftsmen of James L. Graham, E 5..., the successful candidate for Sheriff, turned out en horseback, in neat white shirts, to celebrate the election. They were accompanied by one or two fire companies, several bands of music, and a long string of oys with torches. The affair was called a "Republican Jubilee"—very likely it was—it certainly bad no resemblance to a Demo cratic jubilee. The Gazette office was brilliantly illu minated, fled burned rod and blue fire enough to have made a Christmas pantomime immensely successful. Daring the campaign the Gazette has st-od the hard knocks, and as its party has been au et'. it was entitled to end the matter in a " blaza o: g,!ury as it did. Col. W. F. Murdoch was Captain thmral of the " Jubilee " assisted by a number f Marshals. It was a very quiet, sober jubilee, an , i =fter it was over nobody was ki:led, wounded or mis.ing, that we heard cf. Pratt's Tweviy fire! Annual Sale of Rook now progressirg at Dacia' Auction Rooms, Ne. 54 Fith street. Ile has one of the largest and finest assort ments of standard woths that be has ever brought to this city. He eel's nightly at aucti.:ll, and at pri , vote sale during the day. Now le the time for bar gains, as Mr. Pratt will remain only a sti:l.t time. • Niyht Schools.—At the last meeting of the Central Board of Education, AN ELECTION fa . thirteen Directors of this Bank will be held at tb- Banking House, on MO V: DAY, Novembar 15th, tyrtwaeu the hours of ten A. M am? two P. M. The annual meeting of Stockholde.n be held on TUESDAY, November 2d, at ten. A !M. ocl3 0. M. MURRAY, Carihicr. oc2lmJaw OFFICE it' PENIISYLVAN IA i ItA E 00. OF I'. IT:I3LRI' II October Pin, 18c8. TUB Sto kholdere of this Complny are hereby that the annual electioni for Directors, for the entnin., y or will be held at the office, No. 0 Fourth et not, b. tweeu the hours of 10 o'clock, A. 14. and one P. H., on 11,N Y, the first day of November, 1869. ocg:td 1. GRIFR SPROIIL, Berreterv. CLI.RRIAGES CARRIAGE BIANUFACTO R 'it AND EASTERN REPOSITORY JOSEPH WnITE Alni: AS JUST RECI.IIITED AT FITS RE- P.)SITORY, situated near the Two 5111 e Run, between I-junta:n . 4l and Lawrenceville,FY splendid and general smorinient td' Carriages, iluirgieli ate. Ril arrangements are swila that lie is onistlult.l) receiving new and second-band venicles, and the public Mal rely on always finding a geed stock on hand. tie also mai,. ntactnres to order, on short notion, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, And all pertaining to the busineva. With eigt.totm years practical experience in this bn.ineg and tieh flown [N.-ilit!!..! he flatters himself that ha °tiara gre,t inductinieute to parelasera. *a- 'rho establishment to loe4tel on the route of the colsior Ornnihns Line of Coaches pasting the doer evety fifteen minnteg. Neil/14R CARRIAGES. —l.la,ving on hand at my establishment, in Allegheny City, at the present time. the largest and most varied stock' of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, ETC., of any shrp probably in the West, I have been induced to store a portion in the large warehouse three doors below the Monongahela lions; Water street, Pittsburgh, Ahern citizens or stranger; de4iring a good vehicle of almost any description, can to accommodated no good terms. The work is all of my own manufacture, got up in the most ar tistic stole, of the best materials selected in the Eastern market with great care; two horse Carriages, single and double seats; Rsckaway; Pb,sicians' itockaways, Prince Albert Buggies, Phaeton'o, Jenny Lind's, et , JAIN EOUTEf. Arii- eau ani examine them. 0c9:2.m Mit . C. WEST & CO., 031 A: LIANIIPACTIIIIIIIIS OF CARRIAGES, twoaAways, 13IIGGIE8, SULNIES AND SLEIGEs3 No. In Penn greet, PITTSBURGH, PA. FS" All work warranted to be of tho materials and workmanship. R. WELDJ.N, r? e BUOKSELLEII, STATIONER, PRINTER & HINDER, No. 63 WOOD PT., DZIWZRA FOURTH AID BIPTEI, ill•riuso LI J N. GLOGGER, ARTIST, NO. 21 FIFTH STREET se27:6md. ( ( - ) iron City Commercial College, Ptit6o/ratt, Pa.— Chartered, 1855. 800 STUDZNIS kTraNDlNG,Jatiusar, 1858. Now the largest and most thorough Commercial Scheel of the United States. Foung Ma Prepared for Aducti Duties of the Cbunthtg Romn. J 0. SMITH, A. X., Pray:mot of Book-Koopiug and Bciouce of Accannti. A. T. DOLITILETT, Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial Calculation. J. HEYDRIOR and T. C. J 6711113 Teachers of Book fieopinz, ALEX COWLEY, and W. A. Nu LLRB, Professors of Pen manship. Single and Double Entry Book-Beeping, as used in every department of Eusinciss. Commercial, Arithmetic, Rapid Business Writing, Detecting Counterfeit Money, Mercantile Correspondence, Comitiercial Law, are taught, and all other subjects necessary for She success and thoron.z.h education of a practical business ntan TWELIVE Drawn all the premiums in Pittsburgh for the past three years, else in gaster*and Western Cities, for best Writing, AND Nov Ton mionstrao won', "iiltt IMPORTANT INFORM -1.1101 , 1. Students enter at anytime—No vacation—Time unlimited —Review at plessure-rGraduates assisted in obtaining nations—Tuition for gall Commercial Course, s36—Average time Bto 12 weeks—Board, $2,60 per week—Stationery, $6 —Entire cost, $6O to $7O. sir Ministers' smut received at halt price. For Cani—Cirrulai--Bpecimens of Business and Orna mental Writing—incfo.e two stamps, and address Jll/1/I.IIW, Pittantreh Peonsylvauts. I' , TRDIC A L. B. FAHNESTOCK & CO. 6U corner of Wood and Fourth Streets, Drugs, Iredicines and Chemicals, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, 15 $l9 Maul 10 22 24 2 ,VA.31,4 18 2.13a3ix, GLASSWARE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, 24 2%63 12 2 7-10(21'. 19 $2l 20 20(030 '• 2 24®3 And EtY!rygling Appertaining to the Drug BUSlrTheit. 23 2; THOSE IN WANT OF PURE AND verlu;ne articles will w.,11 to give us F. cull. We sa; lo .r as c.n to taught In this 0: other d ~± 33 :44,3 mgveminwnmwTgarwninwrilrrnm the sine pro, rotors and only manufactivern of B. L. FALINE,)TOCK'S VERMIFUGE, Tomo, Cathartic, and Anti-Dyapeptio The le at ante fur wa ries, either in children or adalta, ever tiered to the public, is undoubtedly the Veruaifnge, pre. par.d by B. L. Fahnestock. Thirty years experience in tab class < f medicine has given a 'Tire guarantee that this is an or bile every wisy worthy of confidence. As a cure for it claim; to be unequalled and as a merchantable article it i., prepared ant , o!ii as Ii L. FahneltOded sal no th , r, as the proprietors do not wish to have it car& waded whit as, other article of Vermrtoite n iw in the market. WI 1..?0` , 'S PILLS have 1. 1 „ mere local existence for er le etity years, nesepporte I by a ivertlsing of any kind, in I t eld et al, able tle , pr.ce cf what they aro now sold at, t with all i hese ,:isadvnatatteri, wherever used dlr.y have in no instance failed to retaler the utmost e.tisfaclion In perferintr g all :he l-rpicrements ef a rain hide family meth:- vine., and as such are recomm , oded by some of the most worthy and resparesible citizens r f tho land. Hear for in stance what Cal. WI, . Hopkins. of Washington, Pa., says: Wssuivarroir, January 8, 1858. Dr. R. A. Wi'son, HU:burgh. Pa.—l have been 'using ur Antl-Dysprptic Ma, when ec -eaten required. for many , s, and can truthfully say that 1 have never found any medicine qml to ilaem , n relieving me from affec ions of the st. mach and head ; they have never failed to telieve me tr. - n headache, and have always left my system iu better condition than they found it 1 must confidently cammend 5,11 r pills as 4 cafe and highly •.aluable m'dlcine. Yours re pe.,ffully, 110°K.INS. Will am hicnbaum, Big , Ci'y Treasurer, ~r 4s : PITTSBURGH, February 8, 1868. MESSRS. B. L. PAHNRSTOCK & CO.: (An.tlemen :—iu my opinion of the merits of Dr. R. A Wilson's Tonic, Cathartic and Anti•DyspeptiC Pills, I will briefly state that for many years past they have been a standing medicine in my y. A box of these pills is always left within 'he reach of any one who may feel the necessity f taking a dose, say one to three. Whether it is owing to the efficacy of those t ills or tut, I do not pretend to say; but I can snfely assert thatsince we have used them, my tamily hai enjoyed uninterrupted good health, and I cheerfully recommend them to all who duly appreciate this ir.e•timable blessing. liospectfi•lty your,. ocll WI! LIAM FIR. (JULY ERWELL'S RADIO A L RE 6ENEIt9TCfb, the sovereign remedy for sntrmator. rhoea or seminal weakness, sexual debility, impot,ncy, in voluntary emitsione, piles 'tr., In both sexes, the result of OW Iv indiscrwn n, inc.ipacitating the man for business, soci ety and ' , acrimony. r r rale by float Miner, Masonic Ball, sth street, Pittsburgh. Call for a gratis pamphlet giving particulars, cr sdd•ost B .x 453 G, Post Office, New York City. oc246mdsw:3p DAG UERitEAN GALLE'MES. .110GEIW AMBROTYPE AND PHOTOGRAPH FIRST PREMIUM MIME GAL L I.', 14; Y, TO FIFTH STREET, NEARLY tiPiOSITE THE POST 014WE_ Ur" Pictnrea taken in all thn various styles, in any a •rather, and warranted to please at reaionable rates 4-4- tick Cr decon,ed persJial taken at their resi dence. ocll EL RISY?E't, au I 4:ly—ls AM B ROT Y P E S.—These beautiful and durable pictures on glass; in all their perfection and loveliness, singly or in groups, may be obtained at WALL'S, J ices' Building, Fourth street.. [oc4.:lw R. M. CARGO 6z, CO., Photographers and Ambrotypists, NEW YORK GALLERY, No. 21 Filth gtroot, and SUNBEAM - GALLERY, a. F 7. cor. of Market 3treet and Diamond, Pittsburgh. PRIONB TO 8= ALL. egyiB:tf-31) AMBROTYPES- A BEAUTIFUL AND DURABLE PICTURE WARitANTED, CAN BE HAD AS LOW AS AT. ANY FIRST CLA& ESTABLISHMENT IN THE COUNTRY, AT felt W ALL'S, Fr arth street. Removed to 21 Fifth Street. CARGO & CO.'S PLIOTOORAPIIIO AND AMBROTYPE ei.ILLERY has been removed from '6 Fourth street, to No. 21 Fifth street, near Market. Thego rooms having been built especialiv for the purpose, with three larg- lights, are not surpassed In the city for comfort, convenience and excellence in arrangement. tifir Our old friends and patrons and those 'wishing en• p.-rior likenesses , are invited call. , op. Reception Room the Vrueod door. api For Marlette and Zanesville. v•-• The steamier EMMA GRAHAM, Capt. MON nos AYRES, V. ill leave for the above and al intermediatt, ;orts on every TUESDAY, E., 4 o'clock, P. M. 7nr f,izbt or ~31.».P ar , ,lv on Z..rd -C .7• ':f - ,:::-72."--1J--7 . 1 7 ----,-, O '';'''. 11 . 11 .-- e ". ; 14' kiL__ •ii !I - -- Z --- - ,SI:iA . E CVL‘LIEIIOIm . 41„,_ . : c,O . • ' - ":f. 1 ,e '. •, 1 f I ~ 1 I T mq n ItiN A m=i .._ i 1 ti 41 4 i ta ~ ztl 1 .13 - •I -1 C/a -4._;i.. , -- fi___Ciiii.liil7/.';4.,,) , 5 1 - 4's',7t.q -3 i, - ,:' E.-4 F - ''"' lf= kiiit4T'' - ii i l •- •'; 1,-i -11 if:k„ • - .- , 2 ; , f -E- 1 , iz.:;;!. ; .;1 4 fi„,:.; !.. - :1-- - =, 0 .......,-,,:',-...;_a"" ''l''' *---' 3" ~,--.:1-.3a.,ALd * ,...s ' ' ''.?:•7* . "'"' - -t‘i:" .. ` . . = 4 , 1 ''.l-,Pr-,-,7-4--t!-,7:irsy,ii; SHOE WAREHOUSE la AVE - NOW IN STORE ONE OF THE IL- 5 - largest and ino , t extensive stocks of BOOTS AND SHOES, ADAPTED TO FALL AND WINTER SALES, Direct from the Manufacturers' Chiefly for Cash, QUALITY AND SIZES, They feel assured they eau offer mire?. lc r inchteeruenta to WESTERN BUYERS. sir Merchants visiting Pittaburgh vitber, to purchase roods, or on their way to Eastern citio3, ar. :in:Sited to ca and examine our stock before buying elsewhere. Sir Particular attention given to orders. ac.2211“e'51 11. CO U. US & CO • F LOUR.- • 50 bb hi. Choke bnperflne ; 40 " " Family Flour; Just received and for sale by JAB. A t 1/1/TZFJ3,, Doll Oorner Market end RIM street. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, PITTSBUROH PIN'A EIMIIIMBI YOREEIG'N .41'iiD DOMESTIC P A TENT MEDICINES, DR. R. A. WILSON'S PILLS. STEAM 130AT6 ZANIESVIIILLE. . 7 _ 7 .--...m.uss 1. CR H. CHILDS & CO., WHOLESALE No. 1,33 Wood Street, Ever brought to Ude market, of greet .varieti, OTING BEEN PURCHASED And selected with great care as to J. & T. GROUTT, IMPOMILBS BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, ETC., DEALERS IN FINE OLD MONONGAHELA RYE WHISKY, PEAO AND APPLE BRANDY. ALSO, RECTIFIERS AN D DISTILLERS, Oorner of Smithfield and Wront Streets, apl4] PITTSBURGH, PA. S. B. & C. P. MARKLE , MA.I7II7PAOTTIB.IIII3 OP PRINTING, JOB, AND ALL KINDS OP WRAPPING PAP E R, Warehouse, No. 27 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. ta.. Raga bought at market prices. myB REMOVAL. JOHN MOORHEAD has removed to No. 74 Water street, below Market JOHN MOORHEAD, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 19R TEI BUT OS PIC METAL AND BLOOMS. Nu. 74 WATER. STREET, BELOW kLABILET, • mrl9 PITTSBURGH, PA PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. SAAO JONES JNO. L. BOYD WM. McCULLOUGBS JONES, BOYD & CO. KAIRTAOTI7IIZOO OP CAST STEEL. ALSO, SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, SPRINGS AND AXLES. Corner Ross and First Streets, jy2s PITTSBURGH, PA. MOORHEAD & CO., MANUFACTURER OP American, Plain & Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, For Roofing, Guttering, Spouting, Re. AGENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT IMITATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON. Warehouse, No. 130 First street, mr26:ly-ii PITTSBURGH, PA. lAA 0 JONIn D. D. HOOKE( :TEEN, CULTIVATOR TEETH, CORNER ROSS AND FIRST 8193.1111 TE, PITTSBURGH. PA L. C. HEPBURN, ArTORNOY AT LAW AND CONVEYANCER. WWII H. HIPUBIIRZI Na. PA Both stenzt sr. 7 Ilia JAMES A. FETZER, forwarding and Commission Merchant, FM 4133 Bill OP lour, Grain, Baqon, Lard % Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Corner of Market and First streets. PITISBTIBGH, PA. Arne To—Prancis G. Bally,For., William Dilworth, Sr., . Cuthbert & Son, Pittsburgh; Boyd & Ott, Heiskell & wearingon, S. Brady, Cash. M. & H. Bank, List & Howell, Mangle & Co., George W. Anderson, Donlo Paxton & Co. mytie.M.ti E. P. MIDDLETON & BRO., IMPORTERS OF WINES, BRANDIES, &C., ALSO DIPALERS IN FINE OLD WHiSKYS, NO. 5, NORTH FRONT STREET, Jel:lyd PHILADELPHIA. GO AND SEE GEORGE P. WERTZ'S First Premium Blind _ Factory, CORNER THIRD AND bIARICBT STS., PITTSBURGH. lIHOSE WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR House with VEN.ITLAN BLINDS, of the moat exqui site and elaborate finish, will find it to their interests to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. Ely work is got up by the best mechanics (not apprentices,) _Every attention la given to the wants of customers. Prices low. All work rarrantsuL No. 72 THIRD Street. Pittsburgh. [ukyB:l)is DAVID H WILLIAMS, CIIVIL ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR 'kJ FUR TILE ERECTION OF OAS WORKS, for fromfive qurners awl upwards, and for Heating Buildings, public , or private, by Steam, Hot Water or Furnaces. PITTSBURGH. PA. 1111IITCLACOCR, IVINDRE.2II.I' CO. (Sucsixasous to HIIPPYAN, APClsmity 8 C 0.,) FORWARDING ND COMMISSION MFROIJANTS, Wholesale Dealers in Produce, Flour and Wool, No. 114 Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. EII/11111150111: Springer 13 arbangn, Joseph E. Elder, St. Louis; Pittsburgh; Fenton Bros., 11. Childs it Co., Cornell & Dorsey, Baltimore; Bagaley, Cosgrove Co., " Garret itkortin,Philadelphm; McCandless, Means .1; Co., " James, Kent, Santee d Co. " G. W. Smith, & Co., " Weaver is Graham, Geo. M.& L. lord, Cincinnati Keene, Sterling it Cc., " A. B. Fenton .1; Bros, " Yard, Gilmore it Co., " mySlttf WILLIAM CLAYTON & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR. MERCHANTS, NO. 37 DIAMOND ALLEY, Near Wood street, PITTSBURGH, PA. AV- Always on haad, Blackberry, Cherry, and Cognac , Brandlen, Old Monongahela and Beatified Whisky, of the vo beet quality. WILLIAM BAGALEY, WHOLESALE GROCER, Nos. 18 and 20 Wood Street, jy23; tf PITTSBURGH W. H. Mall.F. • Dealers in Ready Redo Clothing and Cientlemen'a Fnrnlw ing Goods, corner of Federal street and Idarket Square Alle gheny City, Pa. ALRBLE! MARBLE!! Jr 0 NIJ9 al C RG 0 BAB A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION or MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, Enclosures, Posts, &c., itie. The public are respectfully invited to examine our dock Prices bow, end work "anreanted. vl2:v—ia 'TO. C. 15 LIBERTY Bram. POINT BOX FACTORY.- BIISIBIA OBTB26DORI Manufacture to order, BOXES suitable for Soap and Candles, Hardware and Variety Horde, etc., etc. Orders nrorrrtly filled ROBXRE DALYILL... JAMBS I. BREADING lop OBERT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale 2.11/ Grocers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants and Dealers in Produce and Pittabnrgh Manufactures, No. 251 Liberty street. Pitishurtrb. Pa. novreaT. SAMUEL FAIINESTOCK, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN The subscriber has received, in adiition to hie fall stock of Hardware, a very heavy stock of Meat aad Sausage Cut ters and Staffers, and a very large atock of Sleigh Hon.., loose and on strings, of a ranch superior quality to tit st usually sold in the market, all of which will be sold on the lowoat terms. (se27) 132,111,. FAHNISS'TOCE. CARTWRIGHT & YOUNG, (Successors to John Cartsoright,) MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS of Pocket and Table Cutlery, Burgle 'land ani Den tal Instruments, Gum, Pistols, FiAing Tackle, etc., No. Et Wood street. They give special attention the manufaetur• ug of Trusses, Supporters ' etc. Jobbing and Repairing Ithpanctriality and deapatch. apl7 CENTRAL PLANING MILL, WATER STREET, AL GERRENY, ARE now in fall operation, with Fay & CO. ) improved machinery for the manufacturing of &vat Frames, Doons, Shutters and Mouldings. Buildera and Con tractors. will find it to their advantage to call and pacer lain oat prices. PITTSBURGH, PA E. SIMPSON 0. H. RIPPEY. WE HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED together in the practice of the Law, ander the firm of SIMPSON & RIPPEY. F URNITURE FOR CASH.-- A full assortment of Pitiabargh manufactured FURNITURE, embracing BUREAUX, BOOK OAt3I3S, WARD ROBES, And every article needed in a well furnished dwelling, as well as a spledid assortment of OFFICE FURNITURE, Constantly on hand and made to order. .AB the only terms on which business is done at this establishment is for CARE. Prices are made accordingly. Persons in want of anything In the above line, world be advantaged by calling at FACKINER No. 103 ilmithileld street, helow Fifth. J. D. Fauglatc., Joss Lt. lawm. covnlY BUSINESS CARDS. D. 13. ROGERS & CO., 11•11171 . A0217112B13 OP itOGERS' IMPROVED PATENT . MoGE E mErtOLIANT TAILORS, Foreign and Domestic Hardware, No. 14 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. 3. & H. PRICE'S Office, No. 94 Fourth Street. r. SIMPSON, an2.0.1y 0. H. lIISPHY TAKE FISH.-- : ?b bbta. White lwish 60 “ Trint ; to Balrwa, rmehred cad for mak+ to way u, POSTER'S NEW fiIIONAL THEATRE. J. C. FOSTIO. Manager. IJ. PROOTOB...Btage Director Complimentary Farewoli Benefit, and moat positively last appearance of JlSlln DEA,:‘, UAYNE, wh will on this oc casion personate the characters of 4 ' Mariarta " in the Wife, and "Mrs. Chillingtone " in the Morning Call. This will be the last opPtlittunity afforded our citisena of seeing thii talented artiste an this - city, as previous engage rcvnts, Immediate departure. and retiring from the stage, preclude the possibility , f emaming. MS EVENING, °CI. beLi lath, 1858, will he peribrened THE Wag—Mariano, Julia Doan iTayne...3hlhin ht. Pierre, 0. foster...: mach, lannolvD...Fetrardo,hrßride. To conclude with, THE MGRNINt+ OA 1.1-314. Mailing • tone, Jolla Dean Heyne.4.Percy Ardente, Tannehill. ~ITTBBUR II TiIEATRE. Bole Lame and Manager,.....--.0. B. Penni Stage Director—a-- ..... M. RMS. - - Drees Circle and ParquettelDo Family Colored Boxes ...50c olored Tickets to Private flares-7So Whole 80xe5..._..—56 00. Secured Seats. 76c Proccordam rioted.. 8 00. Sean may be aernrua for 4a, whole of the series cd Operas. Box Book now open. Last night but ono