VOTATIVIE XVII PITTSIMVA iIOitNING POST. :rut•ht.kr.d er mcmir4, ly fed. E: J ES P. 7.721. MET LT 0? WOOD &Y., rltla STALI:a, ;f not - ;.1 , 1..1. the yen. =OEM rwo Cryts—ityr .rtir tt. th, cottutbr in MIME h. ' , fr. 4•,•, c., the F. 41:v> ttY ADVERTISIINNI. n 11.17.1 , 1 in W`Jilyi i t. I paper. MOM One Two 1n,0rt1Jr.t....-> Three lavrtir•na One wreck.......... 00 200 160 ; 0. 1 260 200 6 lk, 0 8/160 - 01 1 . 4 65 60 00. 600; 4 60 1) co: 6 65 1 b 06 11 out : 1 1 .5 _5 50 12 00 600 eOO 16 00 10 36, 11 00 T. 161 13 1161 10 00 or IeCJ, per 1111IICIll. TLirre C;,/, tiAnrlnt.. T.ro mentlr, :ire, :..,tans. P,Lr Inr‘ral,m. mon Nine month., I:p c:Lx'iultaals rxxxsußD Due squsre, p.r aunulo,; exclusive of the paper,) Harrjage n0t.15,,t. f 0 centz ; Death not:s,a, 25 taut PITTSBURGH SATURDAY POST A MAMMOTH VVIEEFOLV. OM ONE DOLIAR 'ER YEAR, EN CLUBS OS TEN Si"gt• Dribr.ortptiosta, - 82, per annum. CONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS or VIA DAY., Political, Literary, Agricultural, Commer cial, Local, Telegraphic and Miscellaneous. This Paper being of the LLSGIST 5113' and neatly prints cn fine white paper, In Large, clear typo, will be found by the rabscritier to give lettcr satisfaction than any paper pntill;hed in Pittsburgh Those ;dm %len to ta:te a paper from Pittsburgh, willfind S loe SAT.ITEDAY POST a ease and profitable inveetment. Addreae, JAMIE P. BAHIA, tepP7 Editor and Prir,rietOr. /3117E1331 RARE & MYERS , BOOR AID JOB OFFIC2, o Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. TLE undersigned having made extensive additions of the LATEST AND HANDSOUEST STYLE F TYPE, and improved Machinery, to the MOR.F_NO POST JOB OFFICE, invite the ttention of Rail Road Officer lltrthAuta, buiness meu, and the public generally, to their uperlor fazilithel Co: executing with diapatch, on reasonable ermo, all kinds of RAIL 110 AD, Br ERCANTILE, LEGAL, AND EV:IRY OTHER DESORIPTION OF PLAIN FANCY PRINTING ler Our matoi-41 being nearly all new, we can give assu gnee of the 111051. cAymplete satisfaction, and solicit order BOORS, PAIM - lUETS, RAIL ROAD BELLS AND CARDS, BANE "NIECES, BLANK NOTES, LI 'TER HEADS, BILL HEADS, BILLS LADING, CEROULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, PAPER BOOKS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, BONDS, &c, Partienlar attention Will also be paid to the printing of Posters, Progremmeß, !cc. for Concerts, Exhibitions and Circn=ca. BARR A MYERS. BUSINESS CARDS The People's Shoe Store. D. S. DIEFFENBACHER & CO., Cheap Caah Dealers in all kinds of FtwhionablE. BOOT'' , SIDES AND GAITERS _ Par Gentlemen, Ladies, Yontha and Children, Ho. 17 Fifth Street, near Market, 008 PIITEIBURGEI, PA PERRIN JOHNSON, Proprietors of Childs t Co.'s Patent Elastic Fire and Water Proof Cement Rooting. 133 THIRD STREX.T. ORDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith fully exechted, and all our work warranted. Roofing material always on hand, and for sale, with di rections tor use. anokly qos. 17. uAraturoN & 00„ ENGINEERS AX MACHINISTS, Cyrr..cr of F i rs! ar.d ./.47)erty stredt, Pitts burgh, Pa. LT PE RIO R STEAM ENGINES for Grist and Saw Mills, Breweries, Printing Establi' moats, Manufactories, made to order. They also continue the manufacture of their Celebrated Machinists' Tools, such as Turning Lathes, Iron Planers, Boring andlirilling Machines, &c. Also, Wrought Iron Shafting, with Pulleys, Hangers, ec. kc JaSilyd J3.0=1 . 11301E790N Jour a THOMPSON & CO., II - OUSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND GE.A.-rNERS, N 0.135 Third street SIGN PAINT ING executed with neatness and du:lye-tem Mixed Paints, O. Twpautine, Varnish, japan and English Patent Dry eis, Vale Iluntaigue Zinc's., a very superior article; Phila tklubia and Pittsburgh White Lead always ou hand and for sale. Vie are prepared to grind colors for Painters, Drug glitz. Or otla..rs, at the shortest notice, as we 116113 a Miii vhioh grinds by steam Painters will save money by get ting their colors ground with Es. (=Say__ GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, p. _MANU.PACTURER 9 S PRICIE.S. HYDROMETERS or weighing spirits, the clips:peat and heat articles over brought to this city. TUEB.MomETERE AND DA.ItOILETEKS, Varying in price from Se to .$3O each. POCKET COMPASSES, AND SURVEYOR'S COMPASSES, 'ways on hand at G. K. SHAW'S, IFrn..ctical Optician, b 8 Fifth S.urest. oppoulto Masonic Rath E 3. C. Z J. a. SAWYER, NAIWY OITILIZ9 OP LARD OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPB, No. 47 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. lIISSOLUTION OF PAIITNERSHIP.— .1,,, The firm of TI&WORTII BRO. & BROWNLRE was, on the 8d of May, 1858, dissolved by mutual consent, by the withdrawal of JEW"! HAWORTH' from the above Arm. The , accounts of the late firm will be settled by mamma & BROWNLEE. Wr•JEHU HAWORTIL, In withdrawing from the above firm, kindly thanks big former patrons and also the patrons of the late firm, for the very liberal patronage he has re ceived, and would kindly recommend them to his successors, HAWORTLI a' BROWNLEE', az they are determined to sell at low flgtirea having a very large assortment Of CHEAP GROCERIES, WINES and LIQUORS on hand. HAWORTH. DAVID HAWORTH and JAKES BROWNLEE have this day associated together, and will contlnne on the business at the 01J3 0 STAND, corner of Diunand and Dia mond alley, under the style of HAWORTH . it BROWNLEE, where they hope ' )rtceive that patronage so ilberall given to the old nrm, as they are dotermined to sell CHEAYETs than any other Store in the city. Office of Sealer of Weights and Measures. THE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, RF ALES OP WEIGHTS AND MEASuass, Slay be found henceforth, In Cherry alley, be ten Third eud Fourth streets, where orders may be left. min& OIIABLES DAIIt•TETT.. S. HAVEN'S Elastic Steel Pens jus 1117 . • received, and for eato at the Stationery Store, Nog. 31. 33 and 35 Market atri3et. THE FRANKLIN ALMANAC FOR 1859. L —This well-known end popular annual, formerly pub llied by Johnston a. Stockton, after a lapse of years, will otn shortly be issued. The circulations as formerly will - made by tm skillful mathematician, Sanford Q. HM, • who will also prepare for its pages such reading mat ..•r as will make it an entertaining and instructive maga , ae. Besides the reliable astronomical calculations, a new Id ingenious table of time, an accurate method of drawing ...eridian lines, and other matters of permanent value will I.:, added. Orders ef.book.sellers and other dealers are solicited In • MECO of publication, as but one edition will be printed, • 1 orders will be filled according to priority. Wei tl . JOHNSTON & 00., .bMhers Printers, Stationers, and Blank Pock Makers, 57 Wood street, Pittsburgh. jet ,I WO DWELLING 110IISES FOR RENT, .1. by 8. 0UT13131133S k 80N, 51 51arkot street Tll-300 bze. Rochester Pearll3tiaroh, .41 MUM Ei. CAL .- .., ' * al . . . . .. . . ~... ' . + . ' . 41 . - . 'd - • -•• ' . „ „...,, bi . , . .:. .. .. ...... ......„. ... .... „.. . . . . ~..., . ...„.4 - .. ' , 7-• ' * ik ‘ - - ' .1 4 k - ":. -...- ~ b...„. g ' 4 ,' . ' 4 `^\~` ,- - --s. •R - f . . 4r-:---_,... .. i:: . ...-:. -:.• , ... 0. .. 1 I .i.: •, „. , , ..-.. £ . . .. ...... 0 t - ~, , ~...: ", t itt ~;.-, --..„--........ ~.. .. .. , -T., ~Ail .„.1...; ~. . ..,.., .. 4. , % •e . . , .. .. .... • MISCELLANEOUS. ADAM' CORN 50 i 0 1 75 I_ 1 100 1' 1 5 2 :75 - ;6u 3 3: , 4 50 ;3 o:,1 550 4 001 650 5 :;.0 900 6 60 12 00 ..... 10 00 TIIE PROPRIETORS OF THE "PITTSL Ai BURGH NOVELTY WOIIITS" having, through Air_ Adam, (the principal mechanical . gsnlus of the firm,) ob tained lettere patent, dated 17th August, 1958, far es new and simple instrument Mr SHELLING CORN, truly neat, comp+•ct and portable, combining durability, utility and cleanness; a necessary appendage to ovary farmer's barn, is now offered to the people of the United States at a very low price.- We have no "Patent Rights" fcr sale, bat manufacture and sell the article at our works. Owing to Its compact form it is destined soon to become an article of trade in every Hardware Merchants" shelf The Machines are of two sizes, weighing only about 85 and 50 viands, and may be secured to a post, pillar, or door, as you would a coffee mill. We add no more, when seen, It speaks for itself. sell:3mdew CLIMAX FAN. IT IS THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, SMALLEST, Will Chaff Twice as Fast as any in the United States TT IS PERFECTLY ADAPTED to the Cleaning of all Seeds, from the smallest to the largest, witnont waste, and lii A only twenty inches wide, bet roust be ss , e, to la be appreciated. Farmers, Manufacturers, Me• ry chanica and e-erybody else, nre invited to see Its practical working, at the store under the St. Charles Pittsbur , h. eel:a:oda w--al lEl=l J. T. GO')DLN, !wont. AUTUMN TRADE, 1858. STAPLE AND FANCY DRYS GOODS, =1 ISL M C) CJ) JCO OF NEWEST STYLES. SIEIAWLS /N EVERY VARIETY. MARINO& GOBURGS, MUSLIN DELAINES. VELVETS, SILKS, ALPACAS, GINGHAMS. GLOTTIS, CASSIMEEEDES, SATINETS, VESTINGS. FLANNELS, PRINTS, BLEA'D AND HEWN GOODS With a complete line of EMBR OIDE R I LE S, And other styles of Goods adapted to A FIRST CLASS TRADE. All of which are offered for ealo, cheap W. G. CEIITTICK & CO., 438 Market & 433 Merchant Sts., PHILADELPHIA, au i"1:2 - at- fr -me-w o - NT O. 65 FIFTH. STRE E T.- A.-11 ROOFING CHEAP, DURABLE, FIRE AND WATER PROOF JOSEPH HARTMAN, Recently Agent for IL M. Warren & C 0.,) ISANUFA7 - TUE ER AND DEALER IV AIR Rf ' RAVEL SATURATED CANVAS ROOFING, ilgt.oPiacE, No. EL Fii iil S2IIE.KI. oppodlte Od.l Fel owe hall. Pittdburgn. J 99 ACARD FROM DR. JAMES M. JAR BLTT, TLEK NEW YOR3 LUNG INFIRM" ARY.—My cauutztion fur thu . past Light years with the above Institution, so Chia' Physician, and a twelve years' .couree of steady devotion to the Cure of. Pulmonary Con sumption and its kindred diseases, together with my nn rivalled opportunities and advantage of pathological research —aided not a little by a perfEct system of Medical inhala tion—has enabled me to early° at a decisive, direct and Imo• ctssful coarse of treatment for the positive and radical cure -el ill df,easee- of thr• 7iroat, Lsengs, and Air-Pcsurves. By Inhalatkai, the and curative properties of medicines are directly alicoSed to the, diseased organs and the integu ment Ido not advise the use of Medical inhalation of any kind, to the exclusion of general treatment; and although I consider it a useful adjuvant in the, proper management of those fearful and often fatal diseases, yet I deem it very no. canary that each patient should have the benefit of both general and local treatment. The success of my treatment in the above diseases, and the high character of the Institu tion over whirl: I have eo long had the honor to preside,are too well known to need any' - eulogy or comment from me. At the solicitation of many private and professional friends, through whose pliilanthropio aid the above charity has been long and liberally,armpartedi and after due cnnsideration, I have concluded to make inch arrangements as will bring the b nefits of my experiments and treatment within the reach of all, and not confine myself, as hero:afore, to thole only who entered the Infirmary. or who' were able to visit me at my °files.' Doping therefore that the arrangement will give entire satisfaction, both to my professional breth ren and the public, I would respectfully announce in con cluaiou, that I can now be consulted personalty or by icefer,on all diseases as above, and that the medicines, the same as used in the Institution, prepared to snit each individual case. Inhaling Vapors, Irftelioal Inhalers, eta, &a, will be forwarded by express to any part of the United States or the °sundae. Times—My terms of treatment by letter are as follows. via: $l2 per month for each patient which will include. medicine sufficient for one menthes two; also, In haling'Vapor; and an I libeling, Apparatus. - Pi yment as fol lows : $8 to be paid to Express Agent on remit of the box of Medicine. and the balance $8 at the expiration of trio month, if the pati nt be cured or is entirely satisfied with the treatment. Patients, by giving a fall history of their case, and their symptoms in fall, can be treated as well by letter as by personal examination. 'Patients availing them selves of Dr. Jarrett's treatment may rely upon immediate ani permanent relief. Labe seldom has to treat a case over thirty days. Letters for advice promptly answered. or further particulars, address JAMES DL JAIII.LETT, U. D.. • No. EY) Broadway, cor. Twelfth St., N. Y. P. S.—Physicians and others visiting the City are re spectfully invited no call. at the infirmary. where many haterettlng cases can briwittiessod, and where our im proved apparatus for the inhalation of medicated vapor caribe' seen and inspected. Jy3B:l3m TILE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE TO inform his friends and the public in general, that he is in the daily receipt of this delicious Beer, from the well. known Brewery of J. N. Straub, Allegheny City, it having been pronounced to be the beet that wasjnatinfactured hero for many ymrs, (MBAR, TASTEFUL and PURE. Give me a call and try it. JOHN BOTH, ap24:tf At his old stand, 2+0.28 Diamend. JAMES MIIJANGAR, MONONGAHELA PLANING Win' would respectfially Inform the public that he has rebuilt since the fire, and having enlarged his establishment, and filled it with the newest and moat ap proved machinery, is now prepared to furnish flooring end planed boards ' scrowl sawing and resawing, doors, sash and shutters,. kiln dried, frames, mouldings , bin making, to. South Pittsburgh, September 7, 1857. (said - GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. 11.. 'PABILAIM. MERCHANT TAILOR, Corner of Fourth and Smithfield St I)ESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT he has received his Spring Assortment of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, Of the newest styles, best quality and most elegant descrip tions, which he is prepared to manufacture to order in the LATEST FASHIONS, • And with inch a character of workmanship, m cannot fall to satisfy and please the moot fastidious testes, frayl9 WINDSOR SHADES.—GoId bordered, plain and fancy. Also, shado Trimmings, &d i always on band at and for tato okpap by H. PHILLIPS, - *OS Ikad St $& Oistrogralli PUBLISHED DAILY TAY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE fi POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS ; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM:: SEIELLER. LIVINGSTON, COPELAND A 00 AT WHOLESALE FELT, CEMENT, ROOFS, ELASTIC CEMENT, ROOFING MATERIALS Summer Lager Beer. HOTELS & JtESTAIIRANTS; 111 3 ARKER HOUSE, BLAIRSVILLE, INDIANA COUNTY, PA., COL. ROBT: EVANS, Proprietor, " HAVING PURCHASED THIS HOUSE, from its former well-known Proprietor, B. D. Mar ker, Eaq , and refitted it, I um new prepared to receive and accommodate vLsitrrrs. Toe rooms are large and airy, and well furnished." A good table al way. proveduel. r OWI with the Musa, the ree is %Ilea a po),1 I every Stolelo. ferrets ruttier ato et.)l„ E. EV A ;el ' at 4:ly t.ert %erector THE SYMPOSIUM. WILLIAM C. GALLAGHER, PROPRIETOR, Pt;Rh Street, Next Door to the Pitt/burgh Tivoli& / The house is new, built especially for the purposes of a Find Claw Restaurant and 'Saloon, and the proprietor hav ing Lad many years exporienoei in the business will keep constantly on hand the best that the markets offord. Hie Whim Liquors and Ales, are of the best quality. He wants all his old friends 'and the 'public generally to give him a call tit tho Symposium. deltly Excelsior Restaurant, T 1 :: ,Alr No.. 111 WOOD Ettrottli:4,,,. JAMES ILAT,ER, Proprietor. TAKE AND EASTERN FISH SOLD Wholesale and Retail, at the. lowest cash prices. Large supplies of Melons, Peaches, and Sweet Potatoes received daily. Also, New York Princes Bay. Egg darbor, Shell Oysters, the 'flout ever brought to this city. Every delicacy of the season constantly on hand, and served up in the most palatable style. Don t forget the Excelsior Res. tanmnt, No. 111 Wood street. se4 SCOTT HOUSE, Corner Irwin Street and Duquesne Way, PITTEBIIRGH, PA. B. D. MARKER, - PROPRIETOR, (Formerly of the "Marker House," Blairsvllle, Pa.) TH E SOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM PLETED AND OPEN FOR.GUESTS. It is situate In a central part of the city, being convenient to all Railroad Depots and Steamboat Landings. • l'he Botunivres um In' Ina, with all modern improve ments, and-fitted upin - irplanclid style—the entire Furniture being now—and will in every respect be a first class Hotel. line STABLES are attached to the premises. Del:by .COlittiifUCOt'lLM 117.ESTAURANT. By ELI YOUNG, FIFTH STREW. • The attention of Merchants Ak . - -„NA•eamiago, and others is directed to this'ujks, ssia.blishmtmt, which has been recently fitted up for the purpose of affording a SUBSTAN- . 'MAL EATING HOUSE IN A CENTRAL LOOATION! Country folks attending market are particularly , Milted to mil. Everything pertaining to an EATING SALOON WSJ always be found, of the freshest the market affords. ap29:lydA-ur TAB NATIONAL SALOON, Under Foster's Blew National Theatre, PITTSBURGH, PA, D. BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, HAS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and comfortable style, the large centre stare in tho ODD BELLOWS HALL, iiifth strect,'.tiCti-FIRST CLASS ILESTAIIRANT and SALOON. Having had many years' experience in the business, he Is prepared to supply the best the market affords. Ilia Bar will be furnished at all times With the best Wines, liquors and Ales. The entrance to the Saloon, is in tho centre of the Hal t and,refreshments will be furnished at all times, DAY and . NIHHT-(Sundaya excepted.) WASHINGTON HOUSE, COR. PENIVA AVENUE 4 THIRD ST., WASHINGTON, D.O A. F. BEVEILID4 H. W. KANAGA U. S. HOTEL, Opposite the Deana. Railroad Depot, HAREILSBUIId, PA. [Jolb WASHINGTON' HOTEL, FORMERLY U. S. HOTEL, J MISS SHiaiNON, rpHIS HOUSF, IS LOCATED ON THE corner of PENN and WAREUNGTON RtreMo, between the ORNTRAL AND WEBTRRN RAILROAD DEPOTU, and has undergone a thorongh4 improvement, remodeled and furnished with now furniture, and is now the moat conve nient Hotel in Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Railroad, Emit or West. tnyBily - MANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AURENTZ, Pacirsaarax 844 Liberty street, just beside the Passenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which makes it the most convenient house in the city for passongon; err!. Ting by that road. The proprietor having, at conslW4hl.3 expense, fitted up, in exoellent style, the MANSION EIOUBI4, would respect. rally solicit a share of public patronage. There is attached splendid 8T.4131.X. and iitensii•e WADON:YARLO, afford. (t. 4 atiple accommodation to. travelers and teitsastels. His Larder and Bar bo furnished with the best the 'market can afford. (chivy STEW ICE Ott SALOON AND LADIES' RESTAURANT, NO. 27i FIFTH STREET. The subscribor hue ltaaed, and fitted up several ooromodl • ons roams, nearly opposite the Exchange Emits, on uitth street, which are now open for the Bummer Beason. La dice and gentlemen con always Bud an abundant. supply of itlf4l - 1 CONFECT,Ii.hit Bald TB, 10EOitEatd, ATER lObld, and all the refreettpaohte of the wean. All Ore respectfully reported to visit the monk and teet for tbeteselvta. 'lO.Ol u. kindlbf [XV . lApplngott, Shorten & Pearson, NO. 104 WOOD STREET, NEAR MANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS, Va lices, Sat and Bonnet .Boxes, Ladles Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags, Ito., keep constantly tat hand a large etock. We are prepared to do a wholesale trade, and hay ing facilities to turn out good stock at reduced prices, we would Invite the trade to call and examine out goods i.e. ,12 COMMERCIAL PRINTING° 07 sinray 1:01:50IIIPTION. CARD?, EFANDBILLB,ABILIIIRADB, POSTERS, LEGAL BLANKS, COLOSED BILLS, PAPER BOOKS FOR LAWYERS, PRINTINO OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Executed in the neatest manner, 'promptly and at °REAP lIATEB, by BARR & MYERS, MORNING POST JOB °PEON, ooaaxa co WOOD AND 717TH sTazsre TYPE METAL FOR SALE.- The underalgned have a large quantity of (TYPE METAL 'FOR SALE Inquire at the MORNING POST JOB OFFIOR. BOOK RESTS—Made of Mahogany and .!a well finished, for sole by W. S. HAVEN, jel4 Stationer. TWYER'B SEAL PAPERS -- Various 14 eke , and,colors allow on hand., at W. B. HAVRWB, fell FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY.—One steam engine with needful pumps and safety valvez; cylinder 12% in bore, 4 feet stroke, ,a 0 horse power; ens Woodworth planing mill, with right to nee; one circular saw mill; one upright saw mill; one lath mill, with shafting, pulleys, etc., spiders, etc, for connect ing the same; one two fined boiler, 22 feat loll& 42 inthes In diameter, all in good order; also, 8 cyliAder boilers, ,22 feet long, and . 3obachet in diameter. The above will be sold altogether or separately, to suit purchasers. Apply to JAMBS 0. RICHEY, se= Real Estate and Bill Broker, 6 Fifth st. WAN TED, $20,000.-TWENTY THOU SAND dollara of good Business Paper. Apply to JANYB O. RIOHBY, 8622 Real Estate and Bill 'Broker. 68 Fifth street. FiTh, LLUNDRVO AND FIFTY DOLLARS will purchase a Two Story Frame /1017.313 of 4 rooms, cellar, etc. Lot 20 feet front by 110 deep, edtintte in Age. gheny city. 8. INITHBEST a SON. 1 . 61 Market !treat. PREESE.-200 boxes extra prime Cu' Ti.j . Cheese, Just received and for sale by 0,522 HENRY IL COLLINS. MACKEREL -25 bbla No. 3 Large, just received and for sale by HENRY H. COLLINS. DONNET VELVET.—Everyvariety of Bon= 1.11 net mataritd, Silks, Velvets and Utne, for sale at novlB ITORNI7I3 AMERICAN WATC.U.yoR liiiLIABLE TlME.—These : jostli celebrated Watches iisseimme any:part of!foreign mechanism in, movement or case, and possess all the qualities of the lust Swiss Watches. They aro with Lever Escapement, equal to the English, and in point of time and price, distance all com_pe tition. MAN A MEDIAN, No. 42 Fifth street, near Wood, - se2B3 • , Agents far the oeletrrated Am. stem Watches. xp DROOld&-40 riled and. for *Ally_ =Am PITTSBIIRGR, FRIDAY, OCTOREa 15, 1858 PUOPIIIIt 88 PITTSBURGH, P 4. Propriotor BARR & MY ERs. PIANOS AND MUSIC pRIZE MEDALS AWARDED FOR pi,, ......,,,,,..14 i's.:' , ..- , . • " ~., i , - 44 1f.' 4 .1 ,, It , . ~ I . 't I , ! ; ;t' .! .' CHICKERING • PIANOS. Ponaßylvania @tate Agricultural Society tine hold at Piltihurg A DI PLOM A AND SILVER. MEDAL. Pe nsylvaula natio Agricultural Society Lt their exhibi at Pittsburgh, 1858, A su.vus MEDAL. t Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society at thoii exhitii Um held at Past urgh, 1863, . . • A GOLD MEDAL !diva Charitable Mechanic Asa'n 1837—Gold Medal Maas. Charitable Mechanic Ass'n.- ...... ...1839.-Gold Medal Mass. Charitable Mechanic Main 1841...G01d Medal Mass. Charitable Mechanic Ass'n 1841...G01d Medal Miss Charitable Mechanic A55'n...........-1847-.Gold Medal Maga. Charitable Mechanic Amen isso..a old Medal Mass. Charitable Mechanic Men 1853...G01d Medal Maas. Charitable Mechanic Aas'n 1856...G01d Medal Albany County Fair, New York 1854...G01d Medal Maine Charitable M aelianic Ass'n 1833.811ver Medal Mass. Charitable Mechanic Assn 1844.811ver Medal Maas. Charitatie Mechanic Ass'n ...... ....-1846.Pilver Medal Mass. Charitable Mechanio Ass'n 1847.811ver Medal Worcester County Mechanic Ass'n-......--1848.811ver Medal Franklin Institut; Pennsylvania...* 1848 Silver Medal Worcester County Mechanic Ass'n. ...... ....1849.131.1ver Medal Mass. Charitable Mechanic Aea'n 1850.8i1ver Medal Worcester County Mechanic Ass'n-....1851.811ver Medal Worcester County Mechanic Asa'n... .M....lBsl.SUver Medal Ohio State Board of Agriculture. 1852.8111.er Medal Ohio State Board of Agriculture 1853. Silver Medal it entncky Mechanics' Institute......... ...... 1855.8E11'er Medal Mass. Charitable Mechanic Asa'n 1858.13!1ver Medal Mass. Charitable Mechanic AeB'n.... 1856 Silver Modal 11.1ipoiiSState Fair.--. .... ." 1858 Silver Medal Mass. Charitable MechaaicAss'n.....-...-18i0.Bronge Medal World's Fair, London 1851.Bronga Mend Masa. Charitable Mechanic Ass'n 1856. Bronze Medal Macs Charitable Mechanic Ass'n ..... ....1856.lironzo Medal A full tatipply of CHICKERING 4. SONS' PIANO FORTES, Of every description, usannfactwed by them, oontaitlng of filch- tIRAND PIANOS, PASCAL?. GRAND PIANOS, SQUARE PIANOS, AHD TIIIIII NEW OOTTAGE , OR. UPEIGHT PIANUS, ALSO. THEIR NEW ENLARGED SCALE PIANOS, For sale by JOHN H. MELLOR, poi . ° Agent for Chickering Bons' Pianos for Fittabargh, No. 81 WOOD STREET, between' Diamond alley and Fourth street. ! ocB STEINWAY'S PIANOS.' ALCHOICE LOT of the unequalled exaniw&Y & BON'S, New York Plauca, lust re. vatted ; amongst them a Three Stringed Louis XIV, of 73,4 octaves, and superb workmanship: We match this Inst - nmout against any Grant Plano in thls city for gran deur, volume and beauty of tone. The Steltiway Pianos are beyond all doubt the most perfect ones maddanywhere, and are destined to become tho most popular inetiumerits In the world. They are tally warranted by the makers mid the subscribers, and will be sold at New York factory prices. For sale by IL KLEMM & 13.1t0 , No. 63 Fifth et., Sole agent for Steinway'6 Pianos. Also received, a fine lot of Minns A Clark's, and also Dnnham's Pianos. seS7 MILITARY GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE CONSTA N LY on band a complete Mock m MILITARY GOOD:: 00311181180 IA PLR? OP P LIIIfXS, BIiVILDS, 8 MEW, TASSELS, Voluntser Conapaalca rusr.twu WITH 11:111 IQUITILEITH AR 11110B.T NC.TIOSt. BIOS AND BUNTING FLAGS MADE TO OILDi:R, JNO. B. RI'9'&I3DK.BI & KO5l. 95 MARKET STREET. QT. CHARLES. LIVERY STABLES.-• The mideral,gned has bought the /CABO , of the above named Stablet f ltw.s... gether with a portion of the enten MN A elve stock of Horseaand Cartilzea late the property of James blatliews, deem:el , S addition to the stock before-rdentiorscd,he has also added a number of DINE HORSES, BUGGERS AND OARELIAHES, ablch ware formerly employed at hie Livery Stables In Third, below Wood street. As be gives his personal atten tion to tho business, a continuance of the patronage which be has hitherto received fume publiobs solicited. 46.00.11 St. Oharlea Liveryry Stables. IC B.—A HEARER and any number of OAABIAGEB can always bo procured for innorabs. da29 sTOOKINd AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, Always on hand, and for aale at suit 17 'Market atroet. F14C1U14.-40 bbls. choice' itilierible for sale by JAS. 4. FETZER, lea Cornsr Market.and Wint sU. GENTS' SHOES AND GAITERS L - 0 P. I'd A II A I D 4, E S I A U. 8 E P. 0 Al 8' CHEAP. 8' a PEOPLE'S 0 A BROE STORE, A I Na. 17 PLPTH BT. I T 1 ORILDRENS' 8110E8 lid] DERE jILAOKBERAY' AND CHERRY BRA.NDIF, for medicinal purposes, at HAWORTH. k BROWNLEE'S, in the Diamond. I OB ,PRIN TING.— • u ,I".lcards, ' Freight Bills; Circulars, Dray Receipts, Dill Ifeado, Labels, RaiLroad Receipts, Dills Lading, With every ottier description of Job Printing, executed with prothptness and at fair prices. J. R. WELDIN, printer and Bind,..r, mifil Wood street, near Fourth. PIMA RUMIER CURRY COUBS.—Tho A. beat article In nec, Pat 2eceived at the India Blabber Depot, 28 and 28 St. Clair street. ely22 3. A H. PIHILIPB. LARD OIL. 60 barrels Extra No. 1 Lard 011 ; 25 " No. 2 Lard 011, on hand and for sale., by [m9/8] B. 0. J. 11. SAWYER. _ _ INDIA RUBBER CORKSCREWS ; ' ‘4 Pen Holders; " Propelling Pencils; o Pens; " Inkstands; u u " Packet, For Bale by .1. B. WELDIN, Bookseller and Stationer, se2o MI Wood street. near Fourth F"ll• —5OO packages White fish, Salmon, anti Trout, for ago by (iny2T) H. H. COLLINS. NO. q3-4301D. Itr REOAR COL'D PRINTING tiVd DY imr24IWELDIN. CO • N.-10 bags :sale. orn received and for sale by fle3l EMMY H. COLLINS CCOUNTRY. BACON.-1000 Ibs. Country Bacon, HAMS, fitionlderg and moms- received snd for ease ' JAB. A. FETZiAK, m 11.9 Oorner ISforkefand Viral sta. UIICKWICEAT FLOITIL-20 sacks Buck ", wheat Flour, 50 lb ado, Just received and for sale ISIcOANDLEI3B, MEANS & 00, bY fe2C, IPIOn3---25bbls~ Se Flour received and for sale by itMerwunnB, MEANS it CO., fa2o Comer:Wood and Water streets. EMIGRANT RIFLES.-43, most desirable .12/ and cheap weapon, at BOWS A TBTLBVS, awl Na . 196 Wont!. erect. ARD.—A prinier.artiole of No. 1 Lard, im .1.4 barrel: sad kegs,/at received and for sale by , ticOANDLEM, MEANS .4 CO., Isla . Garner of Wood and Water streets.' HOUSE KREPING ARTICLES._ German Saver Spoons; Mu Plated Spoons, (extra heavy Satan° Cutters; Table Cutlery; Candle Sticks; Snuffers; And many other housekeeper& articles, for sale at se26 WWII A TEPLEY, No.lBB Wood at. boxes assorted Biwa Window G LA.SS.-L4OO Wink good country brand, for sale by my 6 HENRY -H. OOLJJNR. SHAWLS AND DRESS GOODS, OF every variety of style and quality, a large aaaortment and ohearer than they can be found in the city. Oi HANBON LOVE, Na 74 Market street. FeIVEBY Economical Purchaser of Dress Goods, filmyls, Mantles, dn.; alsciDomettlo and Sta. Goods, wilt Ilnd it to their advantage Weill and esaml our Nowtt.ockrf mai and Winter DryGoodsbeforo probes . sailening& - " .0. HAMM LOVA - bandy Imairesitior Naltd ROOFING! ROOFING ! I ROOFING II ! CANVAS AND CE.III7NT noonNi; The firm of Perrin & Johnson having by mutual consent, been recenty dissolved, 0. S. BATES and WM. JOUNSON give notice that they have entered into I.arteerphin for the purpeao of carrying on the above IitOOPrNOBOSTITES in all Its branches, tinder the name and firm of BATES & JOHN SON, at the etand, T 5 Smithfield street, nenr Diamond alley. Making them water-tight, and perfectly securing them from the action of the weather; twice as durable at common paint, and less than half the cost. SHINGLE ROOFS PAINTED, thereby increasing their DURABILITY and making them FIRE-PROOP. All work done in the moat thorough and faithful manner by experienced workmen. N. B —The durability of the COTTON CANVAS ia no destroyed by being improperly prepared for the roof. All having roof] to be repaired or renewed will find it to their advantage to call on us before making contracts. BATES & JOHNSON, 76 Smithfield etreet, near Diamond alley. P. S.—References and Certificates at our office. oclifimdew p. OlO §'k 4 P BOOTS & SHOES j JUST OPENING AT JOB. H. BORLAND'S, The subscriber is Just receiving a large and w•ei se!ected stock of Pall and Winter BOOTS AND SHOES, Of every style and variety, awl STRANGERS VSITING THE. FAIR would SAVE MONEY, by calling and examin ing our stock and making what purchases they want. N. B.—WHOLESALE MERCHANTS supplied :a a very alight advance over Eastern prices. Give n, . a call, and don't forget the plans, at the Cheap Cash Etore RJOSEPH it ASO • 30 98 Market et.. semaid door from Fifth. Auctioneer, Real Estate Agent and Bill Broker. DEPOT FOR THE SALE OF COAL OIL 1.321 South Second Street, Lubricating Oil for all kinds of Machinery, Minna, 19 or Lamp Oil, is superior to the beet wittier strain smart, for burning in all kinds of TIIOIRAS , SUPERIOR PATENT IMPROVED LIMP. This lamp perforate a perfect consumption of all smoke and smell arising from the use of oil, In which other lempq are found imperfect, thereby' giving n much more brill'ant flame. For sale wholesale and retail by 12:2Md H. BOUREAU, Bele 'Agent. _ _ EPA 17LEI1E 8, DIPPIONS, WRIN:II4 inc, h. CO O(C / CPIRLI, CSEC' HATTERS, lIAVE RECEIVED THE Ball styles of SILK HATS, CASHMERE HATS, FRE..L'II vilirT HATS. ALSO: ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Penn'a., iIfiTILL ATTEND TO ALL BusiNgss V v entrusted to his care, in the coriuttes 1 Blair Sem ervet. Huntingdon; Cambria, and Clearfield se9l-tu STRANGERS AND Vl6FroitB T" ± THE FAIR—SASH AND DOOR VAUTORY AbLEGEMNY.—Bailders, Contractors, or othor. wanting Sao, Doors. Window Fr Ames, Shutters or Mouldi,gs, should call at the OSNTRAL PLANING MILLS, and otamino our superior work and finish, for with our present Ft/ porlor and fine w rkiug machinery we are beyond competition, and our prices are much below three producing an inferior ar ticle. Call and emamine for yourselves. Jobbing, Repair ingAtc. prk.mptly attended to. J. A H. T. PitiCE. Con-qral.Planing Mills, Water street, between Federal and Deaver. Allegheny City, Pa. 4e28 YARNS- JOSE PQ 1.1.0i1,N MISCELL NEOUS. IMPROVED ELASTIC FIRE AND WATER PROOF, Old Gravel Roofs and all others repaired wi h care. IRON, TIN, COPPER and ZINC ROOFS CEMENTED, No. 98 Market Street. JAMES C., faIiCHET, No. 65 Fifth Street. LAMPS, LANTERNS, HEADLIGIITS, LC A I FALL FiSHIONS,t-ii THE LATEST STYLES OP CAP?, No. lit Vrcod Stirot, Pittethurgli J. 0. LE ET, WILLIAM H. YEATON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 216 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Agent for Hoidsick 8 Co.'s Champagne; Catch Co. Am eterdam Ohl; litiVana and German Cigars; Winos, Bran diCs, etc., in Chtstotn House and in btoro so2l.ly* GOVERNMENT ENGINES AND BOILERS AT AUCTION, ON THURSDAY, 14TH OF OCTOBER NEXT. WE will sell in the Navy Yard, at Mein phis, Tenne,see, the ENGINNS end BOILERS need by the Government in, the manufacture of rope. AESCRIPTIOT Double Noting Engine, of two cylinders of 42 inch stroke 16 inches In diameter—estimated at. fifty horse power each, with an Independent cut-off attachoi to each cylinder. bide valves ecceutrie motion. Otto large regulator with connections complete, and indicator attached, for time and revolt:Mani Slain driving wheel 12 feet in diameter, of cast iron, withlnserted teeth. Jack gear running in connection wits it is of cast iron with cut teeth, feel in diameter, giving velocity to the jack shaft three to one of that of the en gines. Engines rests on iron beds 20 feet long, 2 feet high, weighing 9000 Ers each. Slain shafting connected with the jack shaft 66 feet long, 0 inches in diameter, Of wronger Tennessee iron with stands and coupling complete. Bras t' and babbett metal boxes; 7 largo drums from 8 to 16 feet in diameter fitted oil the charts. The fonr.dations that the gines and main line of shafting rests on, are of atone, and are fitted in such a manner that they can be moved with the engines. Six cylinder boilers, 80 feet long, 30 inches in diameter. Fronts, grate-bars, pipes and connections for [ steam end water. Also, Faber water-gauge connected with each boiler. Boilers hie arranged in two sepax ate sets, con nected so. that, either or ,both can be used; ono set can al ways be kept in order. They at e made of% in - _h Tennessee iron. Iron fronts for bpilers 23 fet long end 6 feet high. The Engine and Boilers are he shed, in all their parts, in the best workmanlike manner. They were built by E. L Norfolk,of, Balem,Massachusetts, at a . cost of about ,16,000.[ They were mixt by the eovernnient for a few months, and proved to be ircipertor to any in the Mississippi Valley. One-third to fall due 16th December, 1868; ono-third 15th Jona„ 1859, and one-third 15th December, 1859—notes to be satisfactorily endorsed. The sale will be positive and without reserve. ALSO: Will be lewd at the acme time, for W. yearn, a the Rope Walk not heretofore dispoted. G. B. LOCKE t CO., Auctioneers and Real Otato Broken!, 2:dtocao $l5 . WORTH i. OF, CE , T MUSIC HE GFT?NTRL:IiTWAmENNIE asiorerg.—This Mae work contains all the words and Music, of the new and popular airs of the day. The selec tive has been made with grist care, giving only them !longs which are good and popular. All the best songs of S. 0. Foster, are embraCed in this collection. A largo supply Just received, and for eels at the Music Store of sole JOUN 11. 8.1.131,L0R., 81 Wood street -,,, THE. BEST AND -,'4 • W , It . f ...cn.,-tnt ' 4 s --...7 . fax A. P EBT VINEGAR is sell-A iiit . , `',, i ,..atE,::„, ing at the most extensive VENT. 7 ,R. i- - lfamoift• 4 ,,, A l-- MAR WARETIOTJHE in the w i raG ,...a '- 41P.I '''''' - ' : West. Thla hawse now sup- jinn.-r';. nntißM7lll,.. -. - 1' . ....1101.! . lies, and lieu for the last ten' k1qi.1."4 , :4 7 ,r. .. 1 40 1 111 . 1;: , :„ : ,' P yeara, more than one-half of Y.F , -cAP, , ;-'---: . zi;...-littf ; ;.. the Pittsburgh grocers, and ,M. ~ ..,:.,,,,.y ,' - ' - the memo in every othercityin .' ' '., -", a whi ch it has been 1 CLlMluc°d lt AI A.LOtl, 146 Water street, , botween llmilhtlabi and (Iran( ' orail yilikvf VIRST INTROPUCED JULY, 1849. i: A. L. AROHArrIBAIMTIs Portable Steam Hoisting and Pumping Hngine On Whoa% from Sto 30 harm powor. Alio, farm }in ginea and Raw Mill Drivara,3 to 30 horse.. Unginm always on hand. Manufactory, 15th St Hamilton Street, ly3amdatr PIRLADELP 111 A, Q. 0 A P S -- 1000 boxes Beeln Soap, in lb., 41t. and 3 lb, ban. 600 " No. lUm Soaps, in ID, 2 lb. end Ilk ban. 500 " Chemical Olive Soap, In-15. 200 " Mina Oxide - 61 •"• 250 " German 200 " Castile _ 110 " Pare Palm An hand and for sale by • • fall IQ LEAD-300 Pigs, for oal o by so 4 It 3T U. PITTSBURGH, PA PHILADELPIIIA In 8 IN bum " in 1 B. 0. a J...5L BAWYNIt PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT• i t GRIST MlLL—Three run of atones and In all the Machinery complete, Corn and cob . cracker, tic Aq., ell in good order, with a dwelling bonus stable and two lots of gronnd, sitnatein South PittolicirgWonil will be sold on very easy terms _ CUTHBERT & SON, eli" 61 Markel-street. WP.EN 00 11' T TY BONDS' WANT orchange for •‘ 8. CI At SON, 51 Market at. STEAM MILL in complete running or der, with dwelling house etc., near the city, for B:CUTHBERT t 80N, 61 Market street. OUT OF THE ClTY.—Persons dekrous of residing out of the city, can purchase two frame dwelling bonen pleasantly situated on Chesnut streot,Law• renceville, each - hone contains 6 rooms and cellar, , algarden of fruits, , Vowera and .shFobbory. All in complete order Will be sold together, of separately to snit purchasers. Apply to 8. CUTHBERT & SON, anti 61 Marked street. ONLY $750 for a .Dwelligg House of four rooms, a large Lot of ground, Trait trees, etc., pleas antly situated in Youth Pittsburgh,. on-the point of , aloinat Washington, immedintly opposite Smithfield stroet; will be sold on easy terms, by S. OUTEIBSRT & SON, Iyl3 51 NI arkat street. TO LET five Dwelling Houses. p. curusna ic SON, any 61'51Ekikat street.-, LOOK Al." 111.14 HOUSRS.—No. 17. Scott greet, hones of 7 rooms. • Price, $lBOO. No. 56 Marion street, honee of 7 rooms, for $l7OO. No. 31 (nark street, near Carpenter's alley, for $l2OO. For sole by . 8. , 0UT1113.511tT dt SON, 51 Slarket street. FAMILY RESIDENCE 'FOR' SALE-A valuable property of 150 feet front on Covington at; , wroncovilla, by 100 deep on Washington street to Cherry .dley, Brick Dwelling House of 7 rooms well arranged,bath room, porch, well ut water end pump, stable and coal house, I.ltchen range, etc. The rooms are newly painted end pa• pored, shade and fruit trees, grape arbor, great variety of .lowers, etc.; good p bug fence. The above offers , a good .pportuni ty to buy a a mplete and pleasant residence. Xrice low, and terms accommodating,. S. , 1111. ELBERT & SON, Real Estate and General Agents, 61 Market street. VALUABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE.- A two story brick dwelling house, with lot of 98 feet rent on Cliff street, by ltd deep t..) Fisk Weer, fruit and shade trees, grape arbor, flower gardens, ac., lac., The house is well arranged, with wide halls, parlor with marble Itiantia., dining room, library room, kitchen and pantry, !ice bedshambers, ath room, flag stoco hearths to fire places and pa , ent iron flues, ward robes, two porticoes, large cellar in five divisions, kitchen range, k.c. Immrdi te possession can be had. For price and terms call at our ffice CUTEtBEIRT ck SON, oc2 81 Marmot street. OR RENT.—A: large lot of ground having 1:u dine front on Tunnel street and Pennsylvania avenue. Apply to S. Cirri:MEM 6t SON, et 28 ' Market prnet. s6oi IN EASY, PAYMENTS, WILL %-f buy a neat two story house in Allegheny 3 CUTHBERT a SON, 61 Market street. i?OR SALE, -SEVENTY THOUSAND ACRES of choi-o Prairie and Timber Land,situated i Northern loe a and Southern Minnesota, embracing the I Lneet lot of farming lands ever offered In this market, as t hey are located conveniently to Mills, Towns and lines of I railroad. Pamphlets containing information of value to ( migrants and catalogues giving location, description and 'rice of the land, with a brief description of the 'counties In they are located, can be had on application at our r like, and they willbe scut free by mail to persottri sending their address. WILLIAM FR A7TER & CO., . my:6:tf Jones' Building, No. 67 Fourth street. TEN DOLLARS IN lIAND, will secure a k.L Lot of 25x100 feet on Mt. Washington.— !rice, $1.00—;,1.0 ie hand, remainder to suit purchaser. Al. s•i, a T.ot of 60x100 feet for V. 00—525 in hand, balance in nymonts to suit purchaser. S. OUTilititßT .k SON, cl 3 51 Market street. 1 6) ACRES of Land and a comfortable Some, situate near the Washington Turnpike, at shout S 1111109 from Jones' Ferry, will be sold on easy terms. Immediate possession. ii. CUTHI3EBT & BON, A LOT OF ()ROUND in East Liberty, near the Railroad station 30 by 100 feet will be sold for 42.7 b, (me-fourth in hard, remainder at six years' credit. 8. CUTHBERT & SON. 61 Market.street. 3013. E S of Land for $450, half in tam i and the balance in one year, situate In Elk clauty, Pa., neat Centreville; 25 acres cleared. The soil is faod, and Limber of beat quality, for sale by j y2O E. (ArTIIBERT. a BON, 51 Market et. ONLY $750 FOR A TWO STORY Dwel ling abuse, of four mow, with lot of, ground 20 feet f. oat on 'Monterey etreet, Allegheny city, by U 0 deep to an alny. Tonne, $4OO in hand, balance at' one, two and 'nue r.B . E - SIZE • of thit'oheap, fots .1 for aalo by S. CUTLIBLILT & SON is BD by 400 feet. Location—Near the railroad etatlon, "East Liberty. . Price—From r... 176 to $4OO each. Terms—One-fourth in hand; remainder at slx.years credit. The Plan can bo aeon at the Deal Latato Mice, SI Market e rect. (jell/ - lENTLEMEN'S HATS FOR AUTUMN 137 Now READY. f preparing. the Hats of the present issue, none Let the oat noodled -orkmou have Leen employed, and nothing but the best and choicest materials used. Rvery endeavor h been made to combine Eleasnoe of Form, with Fitness, mid Ueanty of Design with utility. The undersigned, there. fere, confidently sahmts these elegant Autumn Hats to the inspection of gentlemen, aad honefally awaits their liberal pttron ago. W. F. WARBURTON, Fashionable Hatter, Plo. 4bo Chesteutiltreet, EAPIIER, HIDES AND OlL.—The sub- Bcriber %staid solicit the attention of merchants and strang-ra visiting the city, to his present extensive stock of ',steer. Shoo Plodings, Tanners' and Coners' Tools, Tan irt:'s Oil, &c , kc , which he offers to the trade at the lowest r. arket prices. Ile solicits an ex.satination of his 'stink. WILIMS .11".1, 217 Liberty street. se27 Pittsburgh, Pa. • UN DRIES.- • 350 bags Rio Coffee ; 25 pockets Java do.; 50 bids. N. C. Tar ; • 25 " No. 8 Mackerel; 1.0 kits No. 1 do 5 bbls. No. I ; 100 half chests Y. IL Tea; 50 " Black do; 10 Gunpowder do; • 100 boxes Tobacco, various brands; 100 kegs Bi Carb Soda, just landing and for sale by 0825 WM.. &'CO. p t i.Ef,v STYLE I/RESS SILKS, Printed 'lorinoea. Moue De latines, Handsome (all wool) Plaids. Yoil da Gbavre‘t. and every 'Other article usually fcnnd in a well aeaortod stock of Dreg. Goode. HANBON ocd 73 Market street. YONG. 131. CABS. SODA.-100 kegs, just re-Ared and for aalo by roy2l R b VA FYN WIWI{ k r7IIMOTHY SEED-40. bbls ohpioe Timo thy Seed, Jug received clad for Bale by JAMES A. E Corner Ma•ket and 4'9 NCIRESS W A T ER. —A frea ./ pees and *Empire end Spring Water day by JOSEPH oc4 cc rear Diamond and A i t LARGE Map of our countr.i, with tho RatEs, Torriprlv3 awl war ties ditdoctiy marl For tale by OT W. S. 11AVE:4,12tstionor, aui2 Carat: Marlot and Wconwl otrialta. rplIE S . P:.JCK FIXTURES'..AND LEASE of a Ding Store in a geed location in_ the city; for NI le by 3. ObI2III3FIRT it• ;:e2. bl. Itlarkat etrePt. _ ‘IO.A.P POWDER.-50 boxes, , Soap . Powder Ly of oar own manufacture, warranted iinpenor to any offered for e.ale in this market, on hand and for aale by L• 18 .Ca CL k .7 It 9 cri BB LS. superfine Flonx jest received. and .4+ *JP for aalo by , JAB. A.' FETZER, (loner Market and Pint itin, A NOT z ,Lit supply of Low t Sorea Eruperio) Lon , Toilet Soapa received to-day, by JOE. FLEMING, ' fold Corner Diamond and Market Ittroro.. NO rICE.-THE UNDERSIGNED DAVE this day termed a (16.. Partnership nr.iler the style and firm of I{.CLOShi Y, CO2GRAVE St C 0.,: Eta dealers in Coal, in the cities of Pittsburgh and New CirlSiins. ALW CALLAS'S OPPIVE 108 GEI TILE invs.a.r. JOHN McOLOSKEY, JAMS McVOSKEY, JOHN S. CO.SGHAVE , Pittsbnrgh, typterubs ., 7 20th, 1858—eco.nl . m • SITAWLSI—WooI, ),,j• Brocha, ac., both long and square, the very best in the sity, and at very low prices for cash. C. ILLNBON LOVE, formerly Love Bres., nov2l No. 74 idt - zdtet etroet. DIQUE and MARSEILLES, Fleeced, for making Basque& A lameeozortment decl GEO. P-. ' 07 E 1 7:11 A 008 ,110 ULD you ask me, should you wonder, I.) Where to buy your Shots and Gallen? Germs for your feet In springtime, Sown with heels, and pretty Busints. Nice Tamen fltrepnas for the mummer, Patent Leather, Gloso-Hld Illocoatna! Where to buy these cheap and good too; I ahould answer, T would tell you, Go unto the PEOPLES' SHOE STORE. - To the Peoples' Cheap Shoe Store To the Store of DDIFENPACELF,E, 'No. 17 Fifth street. I)OTATOES.-50 bags for sale by se2s LONEY H. COLLINS RIO COFFEE. —5OO bags good to ohoieo Rio Coffze, 0.. v 'witting and tot sale,by • MILLES.-k EtICKETSON,. seta. Nos. =land 223 Littl - ty street.. • DEAR IT MIND,, that the Ea*, Lib erty Lots are - offered at each pekes, and on such easy Lerma, as to irusiteateM.o eazily to In obtained. Bear it in mind, that they front on wide streets, are o f easy amen by re-limed, and are very desirable locations tbr family. residences. Bear it in mind, that the plan of the lots is to be. seen at . 1012 • ~ W 14,643,42g2 EMECEET. -DAILY S SAT NO. gy.l-: . ST., At the new Co. martial • 00121‘5; NO. 54, etreet, every week day, are held t101i.7• ;ales of - grads In al! variety, suited for the truth -, and c.-[warners, from a large atacS which is constantly replenished with fresh cyfr.sign merits, that must be closed forthwith. AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M., Dry Goods and fancy' articles, comprising nearly everything needed in the line for personal and family nee; table mit lery; hardware; clothing; boots and shots; ladies ware, &c. A!1 '2 O'CLOCK, 2. M. Household and kitchen furniture,' new and second-band; beds and bedding; carpets; elegant' ron stone China ware ; stoves; cooking utensils; groceries, 4Stc. AT 7 O'CLOCK, P. M., Fancy articles; watches'; clocks; jewelry; musical instru. moots; guns; clothing; dry goods; boots and shoes. book stationery, do. f (seBl P. M. DAVIS, duct.s - DR . ENTY-FIRST ANNUAL - BOOK SALEH. On October 12th, at seven o'clock, and condoning every evening this week, Mr. Pratt will , commence-at this `new Commercial Sales Booms, No. 58 Fifth street, his tweety•first annual sale of books in thil 'city, having . arrived with a large and varied stock of tho latest and oeat editions of atan and works, fresh miscellaneous publiCatiorti of the diAnsuperb ly bound copies of die family Blole, gold pens, stationery, &c, &c. The books will belarranged for examination and private sale rt low prices, during the day. ocl2 K P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. ITALUABLE STOCKS AND BONDS, AT AUCTION—CM TR 0 8. , T1A Y E V ENING, October 11th, at 7 o'clock.at the ;,Commercia: Sales Booms, No. 14 Fifth street, will be sold:, 7 shares Pittsburgh Gas Company. 8 do bitonengatiela Bridge Coo pony. 5 do Pitta., Ft. Wayne and Chicago 11. B. Co. 10 do Banir of Pittsburgh. - 10 do Citizen's Bank stock. One 71$ 'cant. Mortgaio Consanctinii Bond Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and 1314cagoitaproad P.0.,.f0r $lOO 0 ocl4 P Li. DA VlB. Auctioneer. ALM. SOAP.—A large assortment of pure a Patio - Soap; also, a supply of genuine uantilo dcap, received by JOSEPH lint ING, 5024 Corner Diamond and Market Erect. MEEN FUN SKIN - POWDER —4 gross of Hobb's getrtdno Me FUlf; u!go,. 2 groes, of ?dean Fun Skin Belts, ano and_euellent rreelred by JOSEPH FLEMING, 6E+24 i Corner 'Diamond and Market armor,. OIIAMOI 9 SK. i N 8.-1_ have just received a large snook, of fine Chamois Shin. Those wishing ',myth ng of the_kind, should call and examine my stock be. fore f =chasing elupwnere. JUd. ;"L EJAING, Cor ,,, r Diamond and Market str..st. c ,op„,NG PRESSES;y run" I,nk—for salt) by FOR SALIA.-11. Farm, containing 115 A. acres, all Tillolo and In ag od neighborhood, twelve miles from the city This would make a fine stock farm, as it is well adapted t the growth of wheat and• grass. coal and limestone lu. great &bamboo:. Will be Bold low and onaleasy terms. Apfly to 'JEUIES 0..111013E1, se Heal flatate,Agent. , - tAWYER'S CHENItCAL OLIVE SOAP is acknowledged by all Who hare naafi it, to be the beat and moat economic*, Coup In nee.. t no p.und will do as much washing as three of cornm6u Sap; ft contains no in • gradient that will in.tore the nut yea et the most del'cate or finest goods that May ha vial it. Nor sale by all ,thoprinclpal gTOCeriert and tloalor4 in atty. . au.l3 MOLASSES.— 100 bbln.Pcirto 10cu turd °O.*: • 00 " GOlden Syrup, for Bal9 by 6025 YVII. 11. SMITH a 00 _ _ STEW ii 1:1910. TELF. ATLANTIC TELEGISAPII MARCH, by Fran cis H. Brown, a correct likeness of Cyrus W. Field. Titla is one of the v ty best marches published, and destined to become immensely popular. Price, 40 cents. THE GENTLE Ab4NIE s Mcc BOOti, contains 60 pieces of Music, with the words and rutt•ic Iu Lenutiluttype, and elegantly bound. Price 25 cents IYREILE HAS . LULA GONE/ A now Song by S.C. Fos tor, Esq. Price, 25 Gents LIMIER IN BLISSFUL REPOSE, the latest now Bong by 9 C. Foster, Faq.,i.with beautiful lith..grapbio title page. Price, 85 cents. ' Any of the above tent by msil, pre.pati, on receipt of the above prizes, For eale by JokiN ". 51ELLOB, rel 6 81 Wood street. _ F LOUR-45 Obis. choice Extra; . " Superfine Flour. Just received and.forisalo by . 'JAW O'A FETZEB, so2l Corner Market and Furst streets. 61 Market street. (C.)IL CLOTHICRA SII —5OOO, yards of dif ferent patten4just retofved and for isitlO by J. 1s H. PHILLIPS, solB 7 2,t1 nod 28 Pt: Clair otreoe,:. 'IODERFECT TIME AT BALE TH E .USUAL COST=AttIESICAN WATCHES—APPLE TON TRACY it C 4, MA‘ri'FACTUREII3 t.lll' PATENT LEVER WATCHES, V ALTD.A6I, BlABS.—These /latches are made by the aik of new, and ortt,inal machinery and itnobt;-ain'essly'designed 'to Return, With it low price, a flue .sitbstantiaL and reliable time keeper. -To .'be had at our 'Agents, ILEINEDIAT AIEYII.AN, Pittal‘iirgh, Pa. -APPLETON TRACY A CO., selo Waltham, Mau. A.OUTHBERT &30 / MarkelEtreet TZEI, irst strefts ' lot of Con•, cc-wive(' this LEMING. • .arket street. AIMBER 2 SUCTION.. SAT.J_IS. ANILLA' P 'PE.gti , -- All• sizes and (facilities, for sale by i Wal. G. JOETVEIT"N .CO.,t' raper Dealers and Ftationers, 57 Wood street. . . IigI~CKERETA-25. bbbs. No. 3, .Large ; 'lO hall Mb. N . C.. 3, Large. I_L(kl2) - • -W:.II.:SMITS t 00. For gale. by WHOLESALE PAPER , WAREHOUSE. —The atiqntion of clualera in Paper, is invited to our large'y incroascd stock of Writing Papers of all sizes and qualities, and at low priced. - • WM. a. JOHNSTON g CO., so -?0 57 Wood °trout. _JOINED BLONDS.-2000 dozen in White, Mack, and Alagp.o, froah from tho looms of On.at Britain, and for trap cheap, at 71011NE 7 6, 13.324 a 17 Mark. t atraet. - DLEASE ' - ALL and see, our all wool Plelde at 3154; c = ute; double width ditto, 37% conta, and the cheapest let of Trench Merinos In the city, at 82% cents--ull colors. • C. HA.NSON LOVE, a 0 .2.1 74 - fdarket street. tar A ORES OP GOOD LAND; 300 FRUI n' T Lie, a go'cid-orascr, dwelling home os welt roma, situate at u o rote oflow,Mciteeoport, and neer to Reiilroad Station, fereoie ea Okay teiricoi oy . eel4S. CUTHBERT. b. EON, 51 Market et. BUIiNING 4I,FLUID—A surerior article. of Burning Enid constantly on bano and or halo by JUL-Melt ELExt ae24 Corner Diansmd and Maned stroet. 15 olioie4 land, a large, dwelling htlose, fru trees, rneado , , good watt% ex, for $2500, for sato by I S., cIIIIIII,ERT',4 SON, HO2ri 51 Matta street. AGOOD ho se and lot on Webster street for slaw. Hari sale by B. all'ililhaT lc 130 N, 3,25 51 Market street. ATIO bus DOTATOES—Lou bags for sale by ee3o HENRY U. •I Live „ - ...._. ONE AND 4-1141.1 4 te ACRES, or ti•ROU'riD 41 . 0 - • • • n pienanntly &Item. cL .4% vi ash groh, with Cottage 1. welling klonza ' ,:itii ule, i yid), Fruit T.cdie!.. - , G ape Vice 3, - ritrawberriea. good FOO, etc. The hohi.3 con ta.iirs a hall, Sour rooms ani.l a . tction... $2OO worth of - atrawberriog were gold fcom thiri place hilt :...caloa. For pt ico and trrmx, call at the- coal e3tSiis ofil co of ' ri; CUTIII3%'ItT e: SON, 1 e 3 :r. , - MEW WAIL PAPERS AT ELEVEN pence peir 11; for este. by ' 46113 • Wt- MARSIViIIa a . lIRE _PAL4 SOAP-A. have ju&t recaiv ed a Urge ouptily of Ilao PolLa Boap, fz.m oelo brated.niatraWtory. r, Also, a 18rge lot of Clee.4 ars and Law Son's finely , flavored honey Boap, constantly on hand JOS '9LE'dllifPs, ase ,t ,Croirr Di.renod ad,'" “rket ct , GERMA ,U N .A.RDW_A_RE & CUTLERY, -imported' _ , •eand for eale at low flgaros, by ee2B:ly A. dc F. iIABBLIAG, Baltimore, Md. AA - . 241ILLER',S. CELE LIR ATED ANA; SPARKLING HOCK and !.10SdLLE WINES, 1m- Ailed ling for sale by • NV. A. A. P. ra.AL.SURG. se2B:ly B6lO t.gbnte, Bnittmoce, Md. "WOOLEN DYER W A NTED— r fri a Fac t' tory near the city. Constant ettplajmeas one soar wages, ta consiiTt4EA mnn— API) Y !!" 4 _ _ M _ ccl • 'B. CUTHBERT 80, 61 M arket at. VARMS FO A BALE 'AT THE REAL .I# 4 : EOnt.e oblceibi Markel *ca. try ocl S. CUTABiRT & SON. ESHANNOCK POTATOES-50 ettoks received and for Bale by EtE:4IILY 11. C(LLINs. 0.1;441($600 fora stable. and ,building- lot '.14 feet front. on Lap)/ etre by 100 deep to Oarpon ter'a a boy. Jar pale by 6 ..014/413EAL',Ek SON, m:551 %Jerk ..t ettnet. LASS.-2#o bores Silt) fo , sale by I. HENRY 11,CULTANS I GGS-3 bl la. reoeived, and for sale by o~i g ••N:y - 10 - 1.011 R.—100 barrels Einperilne, Extra and I: Extra Fara* Flour, Just resolved and for sale by JAINE A. 8,U1.7411. OCA . • - - Corner bIMITst and Fifer 11441)t5. ,4riAE) OIL .9LOTH.--On muslin, imitation ' , Li of alik, andle4. A few Flame on hand, for salo low at - 23 and 28 Clair greet, ec24 1; - J. & Q. Putt LIPS. CIOOPERS WA.NTI,II-2 good Coopars %in:toted to fight work . Irpire of •-: *4321 Ci.rner su•i'i-"ntath ARLET. 4 _I2O bgt3., Spring Barley, to ar riv..his :br :ate by . JANIE'S A. FETZER, Co tier .s.ln.rke kund :First streets. T .I.NBEBD OIL-6 bblL for Bale by sat T: ',141t IT CO L NB fIITRA.TE IMAGNESIA.---A' fresh suppl of this valftsple medicine En solotion and in the di , state,. constahtly on han . d at JOBEPIT NG'S, 0011 corildititatooA A *IA 1. LI - an- street ATELLIINVCOPYINGI3QOI3,&-Tor sale b V I€o i • ' WillanNl J. B. WRLDIN ay receives,y EtiliY CAAANS