VOLUME XVII, PITTS!tURGII MORNING POST. Tinted and to•ry tomoinr„ Eus.eisyf face) fed. Cs .lACA sJi ie . HAttit., Tell NOn.ii-.1,17 CORIiF.F. OF WOOD AND flint ATIARITii, - botlara a 'mar, payaNeatticily iu advance roquired if not paid within the year. Ear . Two CINTS—Cur eelr of the °venter In the;fl69. , . Boys. it A'l ES oN ADVERTISING. Tit L.ta. I D a ay. l a Ttr.: l .7 , ' a ro, icelO week w n. e ., , e i al.ln pa ii;A:ly • Ono insertion_ ..... 601 •' 60 IWO 1n5art10na..........1 75 , --- 76 Throe insertiot. a.. a I 00 1 Ou One weer;.........1 75 60 rwo weeta. ..... 00 9Jo 160 1 60 16 'uree weeks 1002 05 2 fidi 1 2i. 100 Ono m0nth.........,._E 00 35 60 1 1 5 Two moutl,a.. 700 485 60 235 2 50 Three months 9 00' 800 4 60. 2 00, 3Ge Your months 10 00 085 bon *Z.• 35 460 rive ....... 11 00 1 35 1 660 806 660 Sli ... 00 8 ut, eOO 400 060 Nine month:, 10 00 10 25 800 E. 35 900 One year. 20 00 19 55 10 00 686 12 00 Sanding Card, cis Doug or less, per annum 10 00 ens...mums AT rtresdnta: One sq - nare, per Rennin, (exclusive of the paperj. ..... . 25 00 Marriage notices. 60 cents ;Death notices, 25 cents. PITTSBURGH SATURDAY POST ' A BLA.IOIOIOI.g. WEEK.'. 'ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, i..i CLUBS OF TEN. til l* tuts Bubsariptionn, -8% par ainanne. CONTAINS ALL TILE CURRENT NEWS 01 TIIE DAY, Political, Literary, Agricultural., Commer ciel, Local, T.elegnhfc oral Miscedancons. This Paper being cf the tinearf size, and neatly prints on flue white paper, in large,- clear type, will be found by the anbseniber-49 give letter aatisfaction than any paper published in Pittsburg.. ` 3 .l.^hose who wish to take a paper from Pittsburgh, will find I ne SATURDAY POST a safe and prostable Investment. Address, JAIBBS P. BA_RR, sepl.7 Editor and Proprietor. es. P. ZA22.Au. A. AIMS Po &Et Itc: MYERS' BOOK AliD JOB OFFICE , POET is.. - tr=oprlsicts. Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. TuRE nderaigned having made extensive Llo ns of the LATEST AND HANDSOSIEST STYLE additions I TYPE, and improved Machinery, to the MORNING POST SOB 011 'ICE, invite th o S :tendon of Rail Road Officer terchanta, busin - am moa, and the public generally, to their npericr facilities for executing with dispatch, Do rentable tera, all kinds of t RAIL ROAD, MERCANTILE, LEGAL, AND EYHRY OTHER DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN & FANCY PRINTING 4.35" - • Our matotll being nearly all new, we can give unca of the 12105: complete satisfaction, and &elicit outer' 'Jr PAMPHLETS, RAIL ROAM BILLS AND 0.113.1. id, BANE. OILEOES, BLANK. NOTES, Lir'/...ait HEADS, BILL HEALS, BILLS LADING, OIROULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, PAPER BOORS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, BONDS, de. frir Par tic Ciletr attention will also be paid to the printing of Posture, Progr.r.mtuo..4, LT. for Concocts, Exhibitions and Circuses. BARR A MYERS. BUSINESS CARDS. The People's Shoe Store. DIEFFENBA.CHER & GO., ()heap Cash Dealers In all kinds of Fashionable BOOTS, SIIOES AND GAITERS, Yer Gentlemen, Mlles, Youths and Children, no. 17 Fifth Street, near ocS PITTSBURGH, PA FJOII.ER PERRIN ei JOHNSON, Proprietors of Childs k Co.'s patent ii.'lastio Fire and Water - Proof Cement Hooting. 133 THIRD STILRET. ORDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith folly exiinted, and all our work warranted. Roofing material always on hand, and for sale, with dl reniceas for U/13. seP2:IY JOS. F. lIAJELILTON & ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, turner of iFirst and Liberty ends, Pillsburgh, Pa. QIIPERIOR STEAM ENGINES for Grist and Saw WM. Breweries, Printing Establishments, Manufactories, fc., made to order. They also continue the manufacture of their Celebrated Machinists' Tools, such as Turning Lathes, Iron Planers, Boring and Drilling Machines, Also,c. Wrought Iron Shafting, with Pulleys, Bangers, 4.a. Lc. IsSayd 5011.118.4 THOMPSON I o ."1 201CPHON JOEIN TIIOIIIPSON & CO., I_IOUSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND GRAINER% N 0.135 Third street. SIGN PAlNT ezecuted with neatness and despatch. Mixed Paints, o.ls. Turpentine, Varnish, Japan and English Patent Dry ers, Viiis Montaigne Zinck, a very superior article; Phila delphia and Pittsburgh White Load always on hand and for &.f , . We are prepared to grind colors for Painters, Drug: gt,ts, or utheril, at the shortest notice, es we have a 31111 hich grinds by steam Painters will save money by get (tog their colors • .and with an. pnrfely! - - GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, F.'➢ 51ANURACITIIB.MDIM3 PRIOIES. ATDROAIETERS cr vibighing sptritn, tLe ateapast and best articlim ever brur ght w thia ctty. T1140040.111-Thits AND IsAßOSitaglict, irb.rll.lg froin VS to t3O osch. POCKET COIIPABBEB, AND :3UP.VEVOR'S COMPASSES, I w aya cn hand at 0. R. SHAW'S, .1 - i aakul 00 'Liam, ES Afth greet. c i 5 oppoalta ELBA B. C. & J. R. SAWYER, 0! LARD OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS no. -17 NV ood street, Plttsburgh, TAISSOLIITION OF PARTNERSHIP.- The firm of HAWORTH BRO. A BROWNLE wee, on the tld of Hay, I&E.S, assayed V,y mutual oopeent, by the withdrawal of JEIII3 HAWORTH from the above firm. be accounts of the late firm will be settled by 11AWORTS A BROWNLEE. qty JEHU ILiWORTIi, In alilidrariag from the above firm, kindly thanks his former patteus and also the patrons o, the late &To, for the very liberal patronage ho has re ceived, and would kindly recommend them to his successors, HAWORTH A EROWNLEA as they are determined to sell et low figures, having a very large assortment of CHEAP OROOERIES, WINES and L/QUORB on handi3WOßTti. 4:5 - • DAVID HAWORTH and JAMES BROWNLEE to.:e this Ll:,y associated together, and will eantinue on the hnoineas at the OLD BLAND, corner of Dim:nand and Die, mond alley, ;ludo: the style of HAWORTH & BROWNLKB, where they hor.e to receive that patronage so liberal!. given to the old firm, 119 they -determined to sell 011RAPBE thtm any other store in the city. myl3 Office of Sealer of Weights and Measures. FIE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, -IL SEALER OP WEIGHTS AND AfEAVIC NS, 61st' to found henceforth, In Cherry alley, be twi,en Third and Fourth streets, where orders may be left. mrl CHAHLSfIBARNETT. WS. HAVEN'S Diode Steel Pens just . received, and for &do at the Stationery Store, Je26 fins:3l, 33 and 85 Market street. HE FRANKLIN ALMANAC FOR 1859. —This well-known and popular annual, formerly pub. fished by Johnston a Stockton, after a lapse of years, will again shortly be issued. The circulations as formerly will tA3 made by i.e skilifal mathematician, Sanford 0. Hill, wbo will also prepare for its pages such reading mat ter as will make it an entertaining and instructive maga sine. Besides the reliable astronomical calculations, a new and ingenious table of time, an accurate method of drawing meridian lines, and other matters of permanent value will ee added. Orders of booksellers and other dealers are solicited in solvar,oe of publication, as but one edition will be printed, ,ad orders will he filled according JOHNSTON to iorit STO y. -WM. G. N a 00., Yuldb.hers, Printers, Stationers, and Blank Book Makers, 67 Wood street, Pittsburgh. - . je'a 'lwo DWELLING HOUSES FOR RENT, by s. CIITEBERT & SON, 51 Market street ITAEWH--300 bxe. Rochester Pearl Starch, I. : . 1. -- --, —., '•., * -- -.t.' V' c ' ) L. Z. t • --, ti G` - 7• 3 e ...:: .. : _ 1 , 7 -:, .i. A.....g ADAM ' CORN SHELLER. THE PROPR.IETORS'OF THE "PITTS.: BURCEEL 510Y,ELTY WO d" having, through Mr. Athens (the principal mechanical arnius of the firm) ob tained letters patents dated 17th August, 1858, for a new and simple instrument 'for SEIELLING COR.N,tr uly neat] oomp.ct and portable,' combining durability, utility and cleanness; a necessary appendage. ta every farmer's barn. L now o ffered to the people of ‘thelifaite3 States at a very, low price. We have no *Patent 'Rights " for sale, but manufacture and sell the article atunr works. Owing to its compact form it is destined soon to become au article of trade in every Hardware Merchants' shelf 'The - M.4.111es are of two shuts, weighing only abont 35 and 60 pounds, and may be scared to a post, pillar, or door, as you would a coffee mill. Wo add no more, when seen, it speaks for itself. • sell3mdaw LIVINGSTON, COPELAND .t 00 (1 14 I M ' A X FAN. IT I THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, SMALLEST, Will Chaff Twice as Fast as any in the United States IT IS PERFECTLY ADAPTED .LA , ji to ;.be Claintro; of all Eeedl, froat the 0 . .. i enrallett to the hugest, ardnont wand, &IA b. , c. only tauty inclle4 wide, bat mast be te-e ) to Mil be appreciate! - Farmer; Nianufactur.re, Me • 1 i .11,7 I chanlcs and 0 , 4 rybody also, are invited to see , its practical working, at the store under t , _e St. Clouded Hotel. Pittsburgh. eel.::ltndaw—cJ AUTUMN TRADE, 1858. DRY GOODS, ICI 41;3 0 OF NEWEST STYLES. SHAWLS IN EVERT VARIETY, lIAItLNO9, Cf./BURGS, MUSLIN DELIIN ES. VELViiTS, BILKS, ALPACAS, GINGI3AMS. CLQTUS, CASSIMEREMES, SATLYETS, VESTING& FLANNEL, PRINTS, BLEA'D AND lIROrN GOODS With a complete line of EMBROIDERIES, A FIRST CLASS TRADE. W. G. CHITTICK & CO., 438 Market & 433 Merchant Sts., PHILADELPHIA au27rinAr-mo-we NO. 65 FIFTH STREET, DURABLE, FIRE AND WATER PROOF JOSEPH HARTMAN, (Recently Agent for 11. M. Warren & C 0.,) EZESIIII GRAVEL SATURATED CANVAS ROOFINti, 1136,01 VICE, Nu. 6E. VIPTLI STREET. opposite Odd Fo 'ours Ef.alL Pittsburgh. Pr IYO A CARD FROM Du. JAMES M. JAR x3 REIT, OF VIE NEW Y 02.3. LUNG INFIRM ABY.—My connection for the past right years with the above Institution, sa Chief Physician, and a twelve 3 ears' course of steady devotion to the Cure of Pulmonary Con sumption and its kindred diseases, together with my ure rivalled opporranities and advantage of pathological research -aided not a little by a perfect system of Afedituilabub> tion—hss enabled me to maitre at a decisive, direct and suc cessful coarse of treatment, for the positive and radical cure of all diseases of the Throat, Lungs, 'and Air-litstagas. By Inhalation, the vapor and curative properties of, medicated are directly &dressed to the diseased organs and the integu ment I de. tot advise the use of Medical Inhalation of any kind, to the exclusion of general treatment; and although' I consider it a useful adjuvant In the proper management of those fearful and often fatal diseases, yet I deem it very ne cessary that each patient should have the benefit of both general and local treatment. The success of my treatment In the above diseases, and the high character of the Institu tion over which I have so long had the honor to preside,are too well known to need any eulogy or comment from mu. At the solicitation of many private and professional friends, through whose philanthropic aid the above charity has been long and liberally supported, and after due consideration, I have concluded to wake such arrangements as will bring the te_nefita of my experimentraed treatment within the , reach of all. and not confine myself, as heretofore, to those only who entered the Infirmary, or who were able to visit me at my office: hoping therefore that the arrangement will give entire satisfaction, both to my professional breth ren and the public, I would respectfully announce in enri ch:mien, that l ean r.aso be consulted personally or by leiter,on all diseases as above, and that the medicines, the same as used in the Institution, prepared to snit each individual case. Inhaling Vapors, Medical Inhalers, &a., etc-, will be forwarded by express to any pmt of the United States or the Oarizulaa. Timis—My terms of treatment by letter are as follows, viz: $l2 per month for each patient which will Include medicine sufficient for one month'e min; also, In haling Vapor, and an Jahaling Apparatus. Ps yment as fel lows: $8 to be paid to Depress Agent on rece ;rt of the box of Medicine, and the balance $8 at the expiration of the month, if the pail nt be cured or is entirely satisfied with the treatment. Patients, by giving a fall history of their case, and their symptoms in full, can be treated as well by letter as by personal examination. Patients availing them selves of Dr. Jarrett's treatment may rely upon immediate iml permanent relief, as he seldom has to treat a case over thirty days. Letters for advice promptly answered. For further particulars, address JAMES IL JARRETT M.D.. No. Eal Broadway, our. Twelfth In., N Y. P. S.—Physicians and others visiting the city are re spectfully invited to.call at the Infirmary, where many interesting cases can be witnessed, and where our im proved amanita for the inhalation of Inedicated vapor can be seen and inspected. jy3Cr.6m • • I TINE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LFAVE TO .a. Inform his friends and the public In genets], that ha is in the daily receipt of this delicious Beer, from the well known Brewery cf J. N. Straub, Allegheny City, It having been pronounoscl to be the best that was manufactured here for many years, OLEAB, TASTEFUL and PURE. Give me a call and try it. JOHN ROTH, At Ills obi stand, No. 28 Diamond. TAMES MILL.INGAR, MONONGAHELA U PLANING MILL, would respectfully inform the public that he has rebuilt since the fire, and having enlarged his establishment, and filled it with the newest and most ek proved machinery, Is now prepared to furnish flooring and planed boards, scrowl sawing and resawing, doors, sash and shutters, kiln dried, frames, mouldings, box making, die. South Pittsburgh, September 7, 1857. 1..40 GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS A. - V.I'PMUGd!tMrD, MERCHANT TAILOR, . - Corner of Fourth and Smithfield Streets, RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT he has raaeired his Spring Assortment of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, Of the newoat styles, best quality and most elegant descrip tions, which he is prepared to manufacture to order in the LATEST FASHIONS, And with such a character of workmanship, 113 cannot fail to satisfy and please the most fastidious tastes, myl.9 WINPSOR SHADES.—GoId bordered, plain — tit:id fancy. Also, shady Trfatings, ho., always on hand at and for sale cheap by I. a EL PEII.I.IJ.PB, sad 92 ESL Mgr Mesh PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE ii POST BUILDINGS," OORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM MISCELLANEOUS. J. T- GOODIN, Agent STAPLE AN!) FANCY AT WHOLESALE And ether etyks of Goode adapted to An of which aro offered for sale, cheap ROOFING CHEAP, MANUFA - TUREB, AND DEALER W hilt ' •Y) LT, CH WE T, ROOFS, ELASTIC CEMENT, ROOFING NIATERIALS Summer Lager Beer. HOTELS & RESTAURANTS; MURKIER HOUSE, BLAIRSVILLE, INDIANA COUNTY, PA., COL. ROBT. EVANS, Proprietor, HAVING PURCHASED THIS HOUSE, from its former well-known Proprietor, B. D. Mar ker, E,sq , and refitted It, I am new prepared to receive and accounaod3te vieltora. Toe rooms are large and atry, and well fury,tahe.l. A Rood table al •ieye provldral. 1:1 a.,:,:it,e1)11 with the Ilouse, these le mitlr, a g I ivory Stable Carve mcderaio. C•JL R AN+, v.4:1 Pr-nrleior. THE SYNIPOSIIUNI. WILLIAM C. GALLAGHER, PEOPIIII3TOR, Filth greet, Next Door to the. Pittsburgh 7h•atre The bouse is now, built especially for the purposes of e First Class Restaurant and Saloon. and the proprietor 'hav ing Lad warty years exporienco in the business wiU keep constantly on hand the beat that the markets effort Elie Wines, Liquors end Alee, aro of the beat quality. Ile wants, all his old friends and the public generally to give him a call at the Symposium. jel2ly % rip Excelsior Restaurant, No. 111 WOOD &red., Prrramou, Fi., JAMES HATER, Proprietor. AKE AND. EASTERN FISH SOLD ij Wholesale and Retail, antler loweit cash prices. Largo supplies of Melons, Peachea, laud Bwoot Potatoes received daily. Abu, New York Prince's Bay Egg Harbor, Shell Oysters, tho finest ever brought to this city. Evury delicacy of the season constantly on hand, and served up in the most palatable style. Don't forget the Excelsior Res. taurant, No. 111 Wood street. sea SCOTT HOUSE, Corner Irwin:Street and Duquesne Way, PITTSBURGH, PA. B. D. MARKER, - (Formerly of the "Marker Heme t " Blairsville, Pe.) 1 11 1 H E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM- A. PLETRD AND OPEN FOR GUESTS. It is situated In a central pert of thaLcity,lAng convenient to all Railroad Depots and Steamboat Landings. The Douse was built In 18fiO, with all modern Improve ments, and fitted up in splendid style—the entire Surname bellignowand'vrillta every respect be a Urn class Dotal. Pine STABLES are attached to the premit... Jelly CORNUCOPILT. RESTAURANT. BY ELI YOUNG, FIVTII Si.ILLET Th attention Ormerclidbto - - and others ill directed to theecKa. extahliehment, which has been recently fate& up for 'the parpose of affording ti SUBSTAN TIAL EATING IfOUEN IN A CENTRAL LOOATION;t, Country folks attending market ate particularly invited to tall. Everything pertaining to an EATING SALOON will always be found, of the freshest the market affords. ap•tiklydAw. THE NATIONAL SALOON, Hader Foster's Now National Timentro, PITTSBURGH, PA, • D. BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, HAS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and comfortable style, the large centre store in the ULU) FELLOWS CALL, Fifth area, as a FIRST CLASS BILiTAUILANT and SALOON. Raving had many years' experience in the business, he is prepared to supply the beat the market affords. His Bar will be furnished at all times with the best Wines, Liquors and Ales. The entrance to the Saloon, is in the centre of the Ball, and refreshments will be furnished at all times, DAY and NIOLIT (Sundays excepted.) apl4ly WASHINGTON HOUSE; COR. PENNA AVENUE 4 THIRD ST., WASEHNOTON, D. C A. F. BEVERIDGE H. W. KANAGA U. S. HOTEL, Oppo•it• Lilo P•nna. Railroad 1)•pot, HARRISBURG, PA. J. 15 WASEEIUNGTON HOTEL, NORM ERLY U. S. HOTEL, PITTSBUAGII, PA. JAPIEB SHANNON, Proprietor. Titus HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE jk corner of PENN and WASHINGTON Streets, between the CENTRAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD DEPOTS, and has undergone a thorough improvement, remodeled and furnished with now furniture, and to now the moat conve nient Hotel In Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Railroad, East or West. nayS:ly DIANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AURENTZ PROM:MY No. 344 Liberty street, Just beside the Passenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which makes It the most convenient house in the city for passengers arri ving by that road. , The proprietor having, at considerable expense, fitted up, In excellent style, the MANSION HOUSE, would respect fully solicit a share of public patronage. There is attached 3 splendid STABLE and extensive WAGON YARD, afford ing ample accommodation to travelers and teamsters. Il ls Lac ler and Bar will be furnished with the best the market can afford. febLy NEW ICE CREAM SALOON AND LADIES' REETAUBANT, NO. 27i FIFTH STREET. The subscriber has Eased, and fitted up several conimodb one rooms, nearly opposite the iSzchange Bank. on Filth street, which are now opea for the &tremor Season. La• sio and gentlemen can always find an abundant supply of F EMIL CONBECITIONVIY FaII.TS, ICE CREAM, WATERIgEs,Vind nil the roireshments of the season. All are respectfully requested to visit the rooms, and test for ttmcilsei•••.- , 1•10) IL &UGLY LET. Lippincott, Shorten AL Pdarson, NO. LA WOOD STREET, NEAR FIFTH. • MANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS, Va .jvj Roca, Eat and Bonnet Boxes, Ladles Traveling Trunks, Carpet !3age, kc., keep constantly on hand a large stock. We are prepared to do a wholesale trade, and hav ing lauWtiett to tarn out good 'nook at reduced prices, we would Invite the trade to call and examine our goods he COMMERCIAL PRINTING OP alit! DUCRIPTION CARD?, lIANDDILLB,SBILLILEADS, POSTERS, LEGAL BLANKS COLORED BILLS, PAPER BOOKS FOR LAWYERS, PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Executed in the neatest manner, promptly and al 011111 AP BATES, by BARU & MYERS, MORNING POST JOB MICK, 0013MILU OF WO3D IND FIFTH biILISTB TYPE METAL FOR SALE Tha undersigned have a largo quantity of ;TYPE METAL FOR SALE Inquire at the MORNING POST JOB OYPICE ROOK RESTS—Made of Mahogany and AP well tinialuxi, for salt) by W. 8. UAVEN, . _ Stationer. TAWYER'S SEAL PAPERS Various dross and colors always on hand, at W. B. HAVER'S, aii Corner Market and Second eta - IU 4 OR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY.—One steam engine with needful pumps and safety valves; cylinder 12% in bore, 4 fret stroke, 40 horse power; ono Woodworth planing mill, with right to use; one circular saw mill; one upright saw mill; one lath mill, with aludting, pulleys, "etc. spiders, etc., Or connect ing the same; ono two tined boiler, M. feet wig 42 inches in diameter, all in good order ; also, 8 cyllndir boilers, 22 feet long, and Winches in-diameter. The above will be sold altogether or separately, to snit purchasers. Apply to JAMES 0. 11101111 Y, se22 Beal Estate and Bill Broker. 85 ltifth et WANTED, $20,000.-TWENTY THOU SAND dollars of good Baines Paper. Apply to JAMBS 0. 11.10IIEY, Rea! Rotate and Bill Broker. 85 Fifth street UWE LIUNDBED AND FIFTY DO :• s will purchase a Two Story Frame Howe of 4 room, cellar, etc. Lot al feet front by 110 deep, situate in Ale. gheny city. N. CUTHBERT a SON. seat 61 Market street. CHEESE. -200 boxes extra prime Cu W N... 1 Cheese, Prat repaired and for sale by se= HENRY EL COLLINS IVIACKEREL- 25 bble No. 3 Large, just received and for sale by HENRY H. COLLINS. 111) ONNET VELVET.—Every variety of Bon i) net material, Mtn, Velvets and SaUna, far sale at nariS - - AMERICAN WATOII FOR RELIABLE celebrated Watched - 0 0 mm' any part of foreign mechanism hi movement or case, and poems all the qualities of the best Owl= Watches. They are with Lever ,nscanercent, equal to the English, and in point of time and p& distance an oompetiticn. RUN+ • FaiLN do EILEYRAN, 4.2 lath street, near Wood, Agents tar the celebrated Am. rican Watcheq. DROOIIB.-50 des. roo'd andfor t= AI men BEIM B. PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, OCTOI3Eit 14, 1858 PROPRIETOR, PROPRIETRESS BARR & MYERS PIANOS AND ➢MUSIC. PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED FOR Pit47-7:P Eji t CHICKERING PIANOS. oiSiLi Pvanmylvailla State Agricultural at that! lion hold at Pittiburgh, 185 F, A DIPLOMA AND NII.VI Lt MEDAL. Pe Agi lout to their exhibi held tat Pittiburgh, 1888, A SILVER, MEDAL. Peuney!walla State A gricultural Focioly at their exhibt Lion held at Pataburgh, 1858, A GOLD MI,DAL Mare. Charitable Mechanic A.l3B'U ...... ......1837...G01d Medal Mate. Charitable Mechanic Allen.- ........1839...0 old Medal, Mate. Charitable Mechanic A.s'n 1841...G01d Medal Mate. Charitable Mechanic Aire!' 1841...G01d Medal Mum Charitable Mechanic Aae'n 1847-. Gold Medal Mate. Charitable Mechanic Arlen 1850.-Gold Medal Mass. Charitable Mechanic Aee'n 1863...G01d Modal Hasa Charitable Mechanic Ass'n 1868.-Gold Medal Albany County Fair, New '. ork 1864...G01d Medal Maine Charitable Mechanic Mien 1833.811ver Medal Mass. Charitable Mechanic Ass'ia 1844. Silver Medal Masa Charitable Mechanic Ass'n ....18413.Silver Medal' Mass. Charitable Mechanic Ass'n 1e.47.1311var Meal' Worcester Comity Mechanic Asen-.—....11348.811ver Medal Franklie - institute, Pennsylvania ...... ......1848 Silver Medal Worcester County Mechanic Amen ' 1849.f:diver Medal Maas. Charitable Mechanic Aas'n 1860.1311ver Model Worcester County Mechanic Aea'u L9sLEilver Medal Worcester County Mechanic A5en......-...1851.8i1ver Medal Ohio State Board of Agriculture. 1852. Silver Medal Ohio State Board of Agriculture 1853.811ver Modal K entucky Mechanics' Institute... ........ -..1866.5i1ver Medal Mass. Charitable Mechanic Ad9'l) IV 58.6'lver Medal Masa Charitable Mechanic Alien 11156 Silver Medal Illinois State Fair 1850 Silver Medal Mass. Charitable Mechanic /tan IVO Bronze Medal World's Fair, L0nd0n..........., Mass. Charitable Mechanic Ass'n Mass Charitable Manhunt: Ass'n., A full supply of CHICKERING 4- SONS' PIANO FORTES, Of ovary description, 'manufactured by thorn, consisting of thAr ORAND PIANOS, PARLOR GRAND PIANOS, SQUARE PIANOS, 4.IND :H•tH NEW UOTTAUE oa lIPICIGHT PIA NOB, ALSO. THEIR NEW ENLARGED SCALE PIANOS .sEir For salt, by JOHN H. htELLOIt, Sole Agent for °bickering A Sons' Pianos fur rittsbargh, No. 81 WOOD BTIIII.IIT, between' Dianiand alley and Fourth street. ocB e.:41T••••14.-r; STEINWAI • I 8 PIANOS. ACHOICE LOT of the unequalled STEINWAY & SON'S, New York Pianos. Ina re. ceived; amongst them a Three Stringed Louis XI V, of 7;./4 octaves, and superb workmanship. We match this instrument against any Grant Plano in thin city for gran. dear, volume and beauty of tone. The Steinway Pianos are beyond all doubt the mad perfect ones made anywhere, and are destined to become the moat popular instruments in• the world. They are fully warranted by the makers and vie subscribers, and will be sold at New York factory prices. For sale by . H. KLEMM & BRO , No. L 3 Fifth at., Sole 'agent for Steinway's Pianos. Also received, a flue lot of Manus A Clar2'o, and also Dunham's Pianos. ee27 MILITARY GOODS. rr LIE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE CONSTANT. LY on Land a complete etock 0! N 1 I I 1 'l' A R Y (1 O 1) :A ooristatma IN PART OP PLUMES, BWORDS, SABIIIIB, TASSELS, _Volunte•r Companle, FURICCILLILD WITH LULL atilaP.lll3l73 AT eq.C2.? 11021011 SILK AND BUNTING FLAGS MARS TO OUDEIL JEW. B. ➢IWFADDEIC £ SOS. 9a bt ARRET STIMET QT. CHARLES LIVERY STABLES. - 14,7 The undersigned has bought the lease of the above named Stables, ta %.i,w 4 .rvqve f. .gether with a portion of the ester'• ft. sive stock of Horses and Carriages, - late the property of James Mathews, deceased. In addition to the stock beforamentioned„he has also added a number of PINE HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, which were formerly employed at his Livery Stables In Third, below Wood street. As he gives his personal atten tion to the businese, a continuance of the patronage which he has hitherto received Ems public is solicited. • JACOB GARDNER, St. Charles Livery Stables. N. B.—A HEARSE and any number of CARRIAGES can always be procured for Iftmerals. &AD STOCKIN G AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, Mime on baud, and for tala at atilt 77 Market street. VLOUR.-40 bbls. choice superfine for sale by JAS:"A. FETZER, eitCorner Market and First sta. GENTS' SHOES AND GAITERS , L 0 A li D E I A B °HEAP a PEOPLS'S 81101 i BTOBR, No. 17 FIFTH Sr ORILDIIENS' BRUES Dell DURE BLAOKBEURY AND CLIERR BRANDY, for medicinal purposes, at HAWORTH & BROWNLEE'S, or, In the Diamond 1013 PRINTING.— Cards, Freight Bilis, Circulars, Dray Roos!pis, Bill He ads, Labels, Railroad Receipts, Bills Wing, With every other description of Jub Printing, sawn tod with promptness and at air prices. J. It. WELDIN, Printer and Bind.r, m 31 Wood street, near Fourth. TNDIA RUBBKR CURRY COMBS.—The beet articlein use,Just received at the India linbber Depot, 28 and 25 St. OI street. m7'22 LARD OIL.- • 60 barrels Extra No. 1 Lard Oil; 25 No. '2 Lard Oil, on hand and fur sale by [629/81 B.C. 6( J. 11. SAWYER. INDIA RUBBER CORKSCREWS ; Pen Holden; Propelling Pencils; Pens; Fur lola by ISH.-500 packages White Fish,•Salmon, and Trout, for sale by (mY 2 T) U. H. COLLINS. .140. D. Pd'OREARY'S COL'D PRINTING INKS—SoId by !wail J. IL WELDIN. CORN. -10 bags shelled Corn reeeivedLlNS and for ask by IJc3l HENRY H. COL COUNTRY BACON.-1000 lbs. Country Bacon, Hams, Shoulders and Bides, received n d fur sale by JAS. A. YBIZER, tavl2 Garner Market and Vlrst stir BIICKWILEAT FLOUR.-20 sacks Buck wheat Vleur, fie lb auto, Jut received and for sale hicOANDLESB, MEANS a CO., Oorner Wood and Water tdreeta. FLOI .-25 bbl SlTUfins) Flour received and fur sale by BWANDLESS, =AM a W., Corner Wood and Water greets._ I?MIQRANT RIFLES.—A most desimb 4.2 and cheap 'weapon, at BOWN TETLEY'S, Na 189 Wned Orem lA_RD.—A prime article of No. 1 Lard, in j barrels and Yap, just received and far sale by MA:CANDLES.% MANS 00., Conant of Wood and Water streets. HOUSE KEEPING Berman Silver Spoons; Silver Plated Spoons, (extra heavy ;) Sausage Cutters; Table Cutlery; Candle Sticks; Snuffere; And many other honeekeepers' artlelea, for sale at set2s BOWE a TETLEY, No. DM Wood et. fiLASS.-300 boxes assorted sixes Wind° . Mao, good oonntry Wand, far Sae bY mYB TIMMY (X)LLINA QRAWLS AND DRESS GOODS, OF kj every variety of style and quality, a large assortment and cheaper than they can be found in the SONcity. C. HAN LOVP., Na. 74 Market street_ 10VEBY Economical Purchaser of Drees All • Goods, Shawls, Mantles, U.; also Domeatio and Sta.' pie Goodswill And it to that: adivinstage to call awd oxami our Now Ma el Tall and Winter Dry tkoodsbetoropurohai tag elrewbasre. 0. HANSON LONE, alb Nepal: Lozarca,No, T 4 NNW at. 1851.1 irons Meld .1856. Bronze Medal lBsELßranze Medal GIP AULCITEB, BUTTON S, PRINUI , 4, ere, ITC YARNS- 30biLPH 11011,NE'B, P A H o o J. a EL PHILLIPS Inkstands; " Pocket, J. R. WELDIN, 13001[1161 1 / 3 7 and Stationer ca Wood street. twat /aortal ARTICLES.- MISCELL 9 NEOUS. 00FINW ROOFINU l I ROOFING 11-1 IMPROVED ELASTIC CANVAS AND CEMENT ROOFING, FIRE AND 'WATER PROOF, The firm of Perrin A Johnson having by mutnal consent, been receuty dissolved, G. 8. BATES and MI. JtaNSON giro hotice that they have entered into partnership for the purpose of carrying on the above ROOPING BUSINESS in 41 its branches, under the name and firm of BATES & JOHN SON, at the rld stand, 75 Smithfield street, near Diamond alley. Old Gravel Roofs, and all others repaired wi h tare. IRON, TIN, COPPER and ZINC EOOl O B CEMENTED, Mating them water-tight, and perfectly securing them from the action of the weather; twice aS durable as common paint, and lees than half the coat. HIINOLE ROOFS PAINTED, thereby it.oreaslng their DURABILITY and making them PIKE-PROOF. All work done in the most thorough and faithful manner by experienced workmen. N. 13 —The durability of the COTTON CANVAS is no destroyed by being improperly prepared for the roof. All having roofs to be repaired or renewed will find it to their advantage to call on us before making contracts. BATES & JOHNSON, 76 Smithfield street, near Diamond alley P. S.—References and Certificates at oar office. ce:l7:llmdaw VPOP kgrkk kr BOOTS & SHOES JUST OPENING. AT JOS. H. BORLAND'S, No. 98 Market Street. The subscriber Ii Just receiving a,large and well selected stock of Fall and Winter BOOTS AND SHOES, Of every style and variety, and STRANGERS VISITING THE FAIR would SAVE MONEY, by calling and examin• ing our stock and making what purchases they want. N. B—WHOLESALE ME itCHANTS supplied at a very slight advance over Eastern prices. Give us a call, and don't forget tho plats, at the Cheap Cash Store of JOSEPH D. BORLAND, • a RI 98 Market it.. second door from Fifth. JAMES C. RICHEY, Auctioneer, Beal Estate Agent and Bill Broker. No. 65 Fifth Street. D EPOT FOR THE SALE OF COAL OIL, lasa South Stioond Street, Lubricating 011 for all kinds of Machinery, Binnacle or Lamp Oil, is superior to the beet winter strain sperm for burning In all kinds of LAMPS, LANTERNS, HEADLIGHTS, LC THOMAS' SUPERIOR PATENT IMPROVED LAMP. This lamp performs a perfect consumption of all smoke and smell arising from the use of oil, in which other lamps aro found imperfect, thereby giving a much more brilliant ileum. For sale wholesale and retail by aul2./md 11. BOUREAU, Sole - Agent. FASEIIONS.A 'MEC 4C)3E;r63:3 0 HATTERS, HAVE RECEIVED THE Fall styled or SILK HATS, OASHALERE HATS, FRENCH SOFT HATS. THE LATEST STYLES Oh' CAPS, N 0.131 Wood Street, Pittsburgh J. D. LEFT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Penn'a., WILL ATTEND TO ALL BUSINESS entreated to his care, in the counties of Blair, Som erset, Huntingdon, Cambria, and Clearfield. se9:am 910 STRANGERS AND VISITORS TO THE FAIR—SASS AND DOOR PAOTORY IN ALLEGEIMPL—ThaiIders, Contractors, or others wanting Saab, Doors, Window Frames, Shutters or Mouldings, should call at the CENTRAL PLANING MILLS, and examine our superior work and finish, for with our present superior and fine .w,rking machinery we are beyond competition, and our prices are ranch below three producing an inferior ar tick,. Call and examine for yourselves. Jobbing, Repair ing,oto. primptly attended to. J. &IL T. PRICE, Con vat Planing Mills, Water street, between Federal and Beaver. Allegheny. City, Pa. sea 8 WILLIAM H. YEATON, CalifiliSSlON MERCHANT; No. 216 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Agent for Holdslok &Cell Champagne ; Dutch 00.-Am eterdam Gin; Havana and German Cigars; Wines, Bran dies. etc., in Custom House and in Store. sandy* GOVERNMENT ENGINES AND BOILERS AT AUCTION, ON THURSDAY, 14TH OF OCTOBER NEXT. WE will sell in the Navy Yard, at Mem phis, Tenneeeea, the ENGINES and BOILERS used by the Government in the manufacture of rope. DEPORIPTION Double Acting Engine, of two cylinders oi• 42 inch stroke 15 inches_ in diameter—estimated at fifty barge power each, with an independent cut-off attached to each cylinder. Bide valves with eccentric motion. Ono large regulator with connections complete, and indicate; attached, for time and revolution. Main driving wheel 12 feet in diameter, of cast iron, withhoserted teeth. Jack goarrunnhog in connection who it is of cast iron with cut teeth, feel in diameter, giving velocity to the jack shaft three to ono of that of the en gines. Engines rests on iron beds 20 feet long, 2 feet high, weighing 0000 lbs each. - sin shafting .. co n rected with the Jack shaft 56 feet long, 6 inches in di ter,.of wrought Tennessee iron with stands and coupling complete. Brias and babbett metal boxes; 7 largo drums from 8 to, 16 feetin diameter fitted on the ehafts....The foundations that the en gines and main Una of shafting rests on, are of stone, and aro fitted in such a manner Oat they can be moved with the engines. Six .cylinder boilers, 80 feet long, 80 inchesin diameter. Fronts,- gratehars, pipes and connections for steam and water. Also,Yaber watergange connected with each boiler. Boilers are arrangeciin two separate seta, con• mooted so that either or both can be used; ono sot can al ways be kept in order. They are made of %inch Tennessee lion. Iron fronts for boilers 23 feet long and 6 feet high. The Engine_and Boilers are finished, in all their parts, in the best workmanlike manner. They were bunt by E. L. Norfolk,of Salem, Massachusetts , at a neat of about $15,000. They were used toy the Government for a few months, and proved to be superior to any in tho Mississippi Valley. Ono-third to fall due loth December, 181%; one-third 16th June, 1659, and one-third 16th December, 1859—notee to be satiefactorily endorsed. The sale will be positive and without reserve. ALSO: Will be leased at the same time, for 28 years, all the Rope Walk cot heretofore disposed. G. B. LOCKE dr 00., Anotioneers and Real Estate Brokers. $.l 5 vaLHoOF s—TEE MUSIO G LOA T N TLEAV I ' N IE MICLODIST.—This little work contains all the words and Music of the new and popular airs of the day. The sale°• ties tete teen made with griwtoare, giving only those songs which - Fre good and popular. All the beet songs of S. 0. Fester, AN -ambrawd In this collection. A largo supply Just received, and for sale at the Music Store of anlB Raw tunapEt, 81 Wood street. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST VINEGAR to eel t wz t -_— ,. : ing at the most extensive YIN BOAR WAREHOUSE in the snea.c. Wart 'Ms house now in. JINC • pike, and has for the last - ten pests, wore than one-half pt •.• the Pittsburgh grocers, and • the same in every other city in • which t has been Introduced. A. BALLOU 148 Warne street, between Reid:ol6ld and Grant. aufelidkw FIRST INTRODUCED JULY, 1849. A. L. AROILICIBA.IILVE4 Portable Steam Hoisting and Pumping Engine On Wheels, from 3to BO horse power. Also, Vann En glnos and flaw ISM Drivers, 3 to 30 horse,. -- Engines always on hand. Hanufactory,lsth Sr Handlton Stzeotg JyBo:3mdaw PETLAEIII.PIIIA. QOAPS.— kj Iwo bozos Rosin Bmp, in ID., 2 ID. and 3 ED, ban. • 600 - no.l Palm Boape, blib, 2l b. and a lb. ban. 600 " Chemical Olive Soap, in ID. lumps. 200 " Oleina Oxide " " ?50. : " Genhan - ' 230 - 60 :".- Pare Palm On band and folsala by 16111 ICI LEAD-300 Pigs, for sal 43 by EA HIM IL 0011 M - - ...;;.1;:,:t.t::;*.r.. - ,. ,- ,.':. , 413::,..-1i , • ,,- ----- , -- - • •-- •• ' ''.••:i - ; - .''..`.: . :.!,....!;!2g0": 2 '''.-T . ' ...'.'-..-... '....•:.•••:!.......:: :•:,.....'':.....,..,..• . .-.. ..... . . PITTSBURGH, PA PHILADELPIIIA " inll4 " ; ii#.BAWFEEL. ~ P.:',:t. ,, -,-ig.;:i. l PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. A GRIST MlLL—Three sae of stones and 414,1 all the machinery complete, corn and cob cracker, itc., all in good order, with a dwelling home, stable and two lots of ground, situate in South .Plttsbargh, and will be sold on very easy terms by B. 017TIEBEERT & SON, I ell ; 51-Market. !Meat. T AWRENCE COUNTY BONDS ,WANT ALA i•ID, iu .xchange for laud. air 22 8. 01.1TEIBMB.T & BON, fa Market at, ASTEAM MILL in complete running or dor, with dwelling house, eta., near the city, for sale by B. CUTHBERT k BON, ap24 '5l Market street. !JUT OF THE OlTY.—Persons desirous - of residing put of the city, can, purchase two frame welling houses pleaSently situated on Cheimittstreet,Law rencosille, each house contains 5 rooms.and cellar, a garden of fruits, flowers and shrubbery. All in complete order Will be sold together, or separately to suit purchasers. Apply to 8. CUTHBERT k SON, • if . t,:i ans • 51 Harked street. ONLY $750 for a Dwelling Hefts° of- four I." rooms, a large Lot of, ground, fruit trees, etc., pleas antly situated in Booth Pittsburgh, on the point of Mount Washington, immediatly opposite Smithfield street, will•be sold on easy terms, by S. CUTHBERT A SON, 13 , 18 61 Market street. 1 1 0 LET five Dwelling Houses. E CUTHBERT SON, au6 61 Market strati LOOK AT TUE HOUSES.---Yo. 17'Soott street, houio of 7 rooms. Price, $lBOO. No. 66 Marion street, house of 7 rooms, for fl7OO. No. 81 Clark street, near Carpenter's alley;,for $l2OO. For sale by S. CUTHBERT I SON, 61 Market' stmt. FAIAILY RESIDENCE FOR SALE--A valuable property of 150 feet front on Covington at., Lawrenceville, by 100 deep on Washington street to Cherry alley, Brick Dwelling Maze of 7 rooms well arrangad,bsth room, porch, well of water and pump, stable and cohlhonae,, kitchen range, etc. The rooms are newly painted and pa pered, shade and fruit trees, grape arbor, great variety of flowers etc.; good p ling fence. The above offerA- good opportunity to buy a c mplete and pleasant residence. Price low, and Lerma accommodating. 8, curI:MELT A SON, Real Estate and Genezal Agents, 61 Martel street. VALUABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE.- A two story brick dwelling house, with lot of 96 feet out on Cliff street; by : 166 deep to Fisk street, fruit and shade trees, grape arbor, flower gardens, ic., The house is welt:arranged, 'with wide halls, parlor with marble mends, dining room, library room, kitchen and pantry, five bed chambers, bath room - , ;flag 'stone hearths to fire places and patent iron 'flues; ward robes, two porticoes, large cellar in five 'divisions, kitchen 'range, ate possession can be had. For price and terms call at our office. n. OTITEIBEILT Jr , SON, oc2 61 Market street. I'OR RENT. A large lot of ground having n Sao front on Tunnel street and Pennsylvania avenue. Apply to y. CUPEIBEILT SON, Be2B Ed Market street. $6OO IN EASY PAYMENTS, WILL kJ , buy A neat two story house in Allegheny 8 CMTHIIERT A BON, 51 illarket street. - pox SALE.— SEVENTY THOUSAND A:_ ACRES of choice Prairie and Timber Land, situated in N crrthern 167 a and Southern Minnesota, embracing the finest lot of farming lands ever offered in this market, as they are located conveniently to Mills; Towns and lines of Railroad. Pamphlets containing information of value to emigrants and catalogues giving location, description and price of the land, with a brief description of the counties in which they are located, can be hod on appliCation at our office, and they will be sent free by mail to persons sending um their address. WILLIAM Eli AINER & CO., my:ffitf Jones' Building, No. 67 Pourth street. TEN DOLLARS IN HAND, will secure a Building Lot of 26'100 feet on Alt. Washington.— Price, sloo—slo in hand, remainder to snit purchaser. Al. so, s Lot of 60x100 feet for $250—526 in hand, balance in payments to snit purchaser. 8, CUTHBERT & SON, je23 61 Market street__ 1 6) ACRES of Land and a comfortable •F Heine situate near the Washington Turnpike, at about 8 mhos ?rem Jones' Ferry. will be sold on easy terms. Immediate possession. S. CUTHBERT & SON, Je23 fil Market street. - A LOT OF GROUND in East Liberty, near the Railroad station ab by 100 feet will be sold for $275, one-fourth in hand, remainder at six years' credit. S. OIITHBE k ST & SON. 61 Market street. 32 ACRES aid ES th ? , f bai Lf e o fo ne r y s4s o3i o t , na h te iii ra 1 alfin k county, Pa., near Centreville; 25 b ricree cleared: "ThO eoll IS good, and timber of beet quality, for wile by Jy2o 0. CUTHBERT k BON, 51 Market et. ONLY $750 FOR A TWO gTORY'I:4(3I- ling Howse, of four room, with Tot of ground 20 feet front on Monterey street, Allegheny ray, by 110 deep to an alley. Terme, $4OO in hand, balance at one, two and thre pare, B. 01311313KEtT &SO ' iter2a 61 Market dreet I.RE SIZE of the cheap Building Lots for sale by B. CUTHBERT % 80N is 80 by 1.00 feet. Location—Near the railroad station, East Liberty. Price—Prom $275 to $4OO each. Terms—One-fourth in hand ; remainder at six years credit. The Plan can be seen at the Real Estate Office, 51 Market street. [jel2. c/a - - va E- - f' H. CHILDSM& Co., WIIOLESALE SHOE WAREHOUSE, No. 133 Wood Street, TAVE'NOW IN STORE ONE OF THE largest and most extensive stocks of BOOTS AND SHOES, Ever brought to this market, of great variety, ADAPTED TO FALL AND WINTER ' BALES, H&VING BEEN FEEBRASED Direct from the Manufacturers' Chiefly for Cash, And eelected with great carp I to QUALITY AND SIZES, They feel assnred they can offer supei ior inducements to WESTERN BUYERS 3.lBrchants visiting Pittsburgh either to purchase goods, or on their way to Eatteru eitiae, are invited to ea and examine our stock before buying eleewbere. ger Particular attention given to orders. set dhwem 11. GUILDS et, CO. N ° T . ICE.-THE UNDERSIGNED 'HAVE this day farmed a Co-Partnership under the style and firm of DIcOLOSHEY, COBELRAITE: di CO., as dealers in Coal, in the cities of Pittsburgh and blew Orleans. NZW 0111,74103 01/1031: 108 Olin= VILEST. 'JAMES McCLOSELY, • JOHN S. 0013GRAVTI. Pittabargh. (,)?ituinbar 20th, 1.855--8622e1m Q.ELAWLS 1 SHAWLS I—Wool, Chenille, 1,7 Brodie, tc., both long and square, the very beet in tbe city, and at very low prlcea for cash. O. DANSON LOVE, formerly Love Brom., nov2l • No. 74 Market greet DIQUE and MARSEILLES, Fleeced, for making Basques. A large assortment at GEO. 8. LUTES et CO•i3 k,)HOULD you ask me, should you wonder, Whereto buy your Shoes and Gaiters ; Garr= for'your feet In springtime, Boars with Imola, and pretty /MUM' S . Nice FlUaillft BUTrias far the summer, Patent Leather, Glove.llidltioneens I Where to buy these cheap and good too; I should answer, I wanld tell yott; Go unto the PEOPLES' SHOE STORE. To the Peoples' Oheap Shoe Store, To the Store of DIPPENPAOHER, spa No. Pt Fifth street. POTATOES. -50 bags for sale by sas lIENEY U. COLLINS RIO COFFEE. —5OO bags good to choice BID Code°, new landin and tor Bale loy fj ItIOKETSON, Nod. 221 and 223 Liberty street. EAR IT IN -MIND, that the East Lib.: 41 arty. Lot! are offered.at each prime, and on finch easy a terms, as to maim home easily to be obtained; . ilear it in mind, that they front on ,wlde streets, are of easy limas by railroad, and are very desirable locations for throllyirteldenoie.. - - • •- -.1 • Boar it in mind, that the plan the lots hi to be seen at jel2 dl 23ARKi7P 13T8RIn. ' - Cit • E=llbl v1.‘4,t1 !im at; fsq lit ...If -----."1 B IF'' li iii = ~,,.-.1 PITTSBURGH, PA NtliBER 1 AUCTION SALES. DAILY SALES AT FIFT,II ST, At the new Cutatuercial 1:$1:12 No.. 64, Fifth street, every week day ; rue held viill, ailed of goods in all variety; suited for thei trnd. au; r I.34alers, from a large stuck which ia cuastently reniothahed with fresh consign manta, that must be closed forthwith. Al' 10 O'CLOCK, A. I'd., Dry (I n d s an d fanny articles, coinpriaing nearly everything needed in the line for Raman! and family use; table , cut lery; hardware; clothing; boot!' and chte.a; ladles warn. ,to. AT 2 O'CLOGg, P. 11., Household and kitchen furniture, new and ascend-hand; beds and bedding; carpeta; elegant iron :tune China ware stoves; cooking utensils; groceries, an. AT 7 O'CLOCK, P. M., Fancy articles; watches; clocks; jewelry; was.l4;al Wawa. meats; gnus; clothing D • dry goods; boots and aboe.s. book stationery, Erz. rseBl P. M. DAVIS, Atims pRiiTT'S • TWENTY; IRST ANNUM, BOOli sAut—Ott TIELESBAY EVBl`alifi,;Cctobet: 12th, at seven o'clLrck, and continuing every evening this week, 'Mr. Pratt will commence at lthe new Comuiercial Sales Rooms, No. 54 Fifth street, his tworty•first annttal saleof books In this city, having orrtved with a large and varied stock of tiev;tetest and,f es:; editions of staultard works, fresh miscellaneous publications of the day, superb ly bound copies of , ttio family Bible, gold pens, stationery, .kc, /Lc. The books will to arranged tiir egsminattou and primate sale It low prices, daring the day, , ocl2 M.. DAVIS, Ancttonodr. V . DWELLING II S-E S AND ; Lars IN EIGHTH WARb AT AUOTEML—Ou THURSDAY . ..EVENIN4, Octal's' . 14, at 7 o'clock, at the Oommercial Sales liomate, No. 44 Fifth street, will be sold, that large and valasble lot of groand haring a trent of 72 feet on Pennsylvania avenue, ileac Merlol streetAtind-ett tending back 1.70 feet, to an 24. feet wide, on which is erected two well finished brick •ftweltingb, two starlet high, and other buildings. •Aisu, that, tat of ground eltume.at the corner of Marion and Locust street, having a front of 20 feet on Marion attest ; and extendlng.back, along Locnet street, 103 feet 8% inches, on which id erected two brick tenements Title indi ntable Tams cash. • • ocd P, M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. TALM SOAP. —A large assortment of pure . Palm Soap; aldJ, a V.ll ply of genuine Castile tioaPp JOSEI'LI FLIMIIIO, übr Dl mond and b.larkat street_ received by 5024 IVIEEN FUN SKIN POW DE R.-4 gross of Hobb'd catmint. ?do -a Pan; also, 2 gross or Mersa Fan Skin Bolts, a D.l and excellent article, rcceivad by JUSEPIi. FL.EI3IING, 6.2.1 Corner Diamond and Market street. CIIAIOIS SKI N 8,- 1 1 have just received a large eapply of fine Chamois Baina. Those wishing nyth ag of the kind, examine ay stock be. fore r urchming elsewhere. i JOB. VII EM Ma} 6.0 Orray.: Dl4Trultr.l. tvtri Market street. COPYING PRESSES'.; Ink—for tzlo ikv iL , OR Farici, containing, 115 _L. actes,all Tillable and in a k .rd nelghborhciod, Melia rodeo from the city. This would matte a due stock farm se it is well adapted to . the'growth'uf whaat and grass. Ctid and limestone In groat abaudai4t. t'dtl be sold low and on easy terms. Apply t,. JANIE 3 C. Ii.ICHEY,, ee2o itsel Estate Agent. MANILLA PAPE All sizes and qßulittes, fur dale tiy W If. 1. .1071: ,- : , .'1 ,- 14 hr CO., Pupa I , l'it're and ,Stationers, era 57 W0r..1 street_ QAWYER'S CLIEMI4!AL OLIVE SOAP Is acknowledged by all whd has, usrd it, to be the beet and most economical ;ipaii in iise. p.und will do as much washing as three of 0111:161.1 60,1[1. lc contains no in • gredieiat that will if:ik:l - s ..1 illn meet del'cate or finest goods that may by wa,hJd w Ali it. For sale by all the principal groceries and de :Ili; lu the nty. aula MOLASSES.-- . 100 bbls. Porte bac') untrl Out..t (ioldon Syrupi for 6int4 by WM. U. SMITH At 00 NEW 1Y USIC.- ,TEIE ATI c q:(1 MARCH, by Fran ce:, 11.- Brown, with a ...a:vita 114;9'9,9 of Oyu W. Field. Thb to one of the very beat tutirt,heepublitheil, and destined to become immensely popular. Pr!re, 40 cents. THE GENTLE ANNIE sr. , NG BOOK, contains 60 pieces of Music, with the words and made In eeenti mai type, and elegtuitly.bonnd. Pries 25 cents O.A$ LULA GONE? A new Song by 8.0....F05ter, ter, Esq. • Price', 25 cults t LINGER IN BLLSSPIII. iIE`pCISE, tie ; lateat new i3oug by S. C. Foster, Esq., with bettuttrui'llth.graphic title page. Price, 86 cents. Any of the above neat by Well), prepoil, on receipt of the above prices. For sale by ". DIELLOII, selfi 81 Wnnl street. FLOUR --45 bble. oh, i.OO Extra; 30 ' , 13u i tertine Flour. Just received and for Elsie, by "JAM 0 A FETZER, re2l Cornor narkat and First streets. (ML CLOTH CR-ASEE--5000 yeads.of .dif Nur ferent patterns, Jutt re+red and for fink) by J. a, H. MILLIE'S, aalS Ed and 58.8 t. Glair DERFECIT TIME AT HALF TH E USUAL COST—A Si ERIOAN WATOHES—APPL- TON TRACY a Ca, Aids? LTACTURNitti tiP PATENT LEVER WATCHES, WALT Et Am, MASS.—These Watches aro made by the aid of new Mad ori,,inal machinery and tools, expressly designed to secure, with a low price, a fine substantial and reliable Hind keeper. To bo bad at our Agorae, HEINEMAN a ALEYHAN, eittsbnirg.h; Pa. AIIPLETQN TRACY a ON Waltham, Blass. 14ACKEREL--25 bbls. No. 3, Large ; 10 bill bblq No.B, Largo. Jr/2) ti. H. SMITH :& 00, For Bale by WIIOLESALE PAi'ER WAREHOUSE. —The attention of deitiera in Parlor, Is Invited to onr large'y increased stock Writing rapers of all sizes and (pantie+, and at low pricoh. WNI. JOHNSTON ei . CO., woad 1 57 Wood etroet. JOINED BLONDS.--;-2000 dozen in White, Black; and Magma, fro+ from tho Minna •of Groat Britain, and for nal° cheap, FiORNE'd, an 24 ' "77 Iffarkq. street. PLEASE CALL • and see our . ail. ;Wool ± Plaids cents; LiCable'lvidth' ditto, 87kCenta, and the cheapest lot of French 3tertnoe in the city, at 673 Cents—oll colors.' o. mugsort lovn, se24 74 Market street. . ..N :ORES OF GOOD LA - ND '3OO FRUIT . lEr troop, a well cf ocal Naar. dwrlllrig house of alglal roams,situate at one Mite. roCIOW s.lcliora , ort, r.r,a 11.01: to Raillraxl Iltation, for aalo on loaaT torma 1) 4. 4 7 . . aOl4 8. 01:71.1.15ERT - .k SON, 51 Market at. iaguENING FLII superior .article o IJUI Burning Iltdd comae:ol7 , on land and for ealo by AosErs FLEMING, , Corni.r 4 Difiruord and Mirhet street._ I.SACRE S of choiol: land, a largo dwelling house, fruit trees, eUeadow, good water, ac., for woo, for gale by .1- B. curLiaa'ar ,i. SON, 13825 , 51 meta street. AGOOD house and tot on Webster street for $10:10. Bar sale by 1 CUTHBERT et BON, ee26 b 1 ItarlLot stroat. -100 bun. thin day reaeived, by Ewa- IL, COLLINS. OTATOES.—Iuu for sale by se3o HENRY I.I..UoLLILis nNE AND A-HALF AOII.IIIS OF GROUND 'lsj pleasantly innate on With Oottsgo ntaDlo,rttlit Teens, (}tape Vines, trawberrieeL good fenco, 0t4,. The hotuhs - contains a hall, font rooms and a kitchen.' $2OO 'worth of Strawberries were add fecuirtlits place last season. or inlce And terms, Call at the real estate oflloo of B. IMITEIllllill: dt iiON, '1 rq y tot Listipt Iwo 'MEW WALL PAP AT ELE II pence per roll, for cab by er.:23 II W. P. MAIOIIIOSL. lc 00 DIIRE PALM SOAP— have just-roomy '. ed a largo supply of are Palm Soap; from laull'a vole, brated manufactory. Nevi a large lot of Cita , era and Low Son'a finely flavored buoy Soaps, constantly ou - hand at ;OS i'LMHLOUYS, (Verner Dian - totl and 'larked at GERMAN IiARpWARE CUTLERY, Imported and fur sale at low Iltrore a, by • _se2S:ly VI. A. .1q E. MARBIIII4, Beltlmore !dd. M — ATIL MULLER'S (JELEMULTED .SPARKLING 110011 and MOBFILLE Nr ,B 3 portcd and for Sala by W. A. a E. mAISBURG, sa2B:ly , .ore:.Kent,Baltimoie, Md. NVOOLEN DY.OI. WANTI.4ID—In a Fac tory near tho cltg„ Constant employment and good wagea, t& a oompotaat man; - Apply to 001 8. CILMUSEILT a 80N, 51 Market at. IPARMS FOR SALE AT THE REAL .1: Estate oboe, 61 Market street, 0 by , B. OTBILEST BON. • NESEIANNOCE. POTATOES-50 - sacks received find tor Tale by HE H. OCILLENEL NIX nO4 LY $6OO fo ,a stable ' and building lot 24 feet front, on Logan street, by 100 deep tot rpen ter'e a ley. For gale by: OUT-9:IIEIST 6c . 40N, ae2b 61 lisrlsk4 strut- /1 LASS.--200 ttozes 8z10: fot 'sale. by_ e 25 MINAY IL COLLIN'S. L'GGS-3 bble.'receival, and for eale by 124 od j IicNBY H. COLLINS VLOUR.—IOO barrels Superfine, Extil4and Extra Family Flan; just received and for aide by ' JA.11.10 A. W.STZ4II, or-t 1 Corner 1 , 1 - 4rltet and First atroets. OAP OIL OLOTH.--On =iglu, imitation v."of eflk, andeak r A few piecea on hand, for sale low at I 28 and 28 Clair areet, sa4 P , .1. k EL. Plillt,ll,B. OOOPERS IYANTED-2 good ; 09qpore wanted t..) wz rt. au tight work. , lActire of JA311, , g se2l 4 Onraer 3tarkbt sod IPoorth etresty. V/ ARLEY.I2O boo. Spring Barley, to ar rive ibis day, eind for eels by . JAMES A. FETZER, l• Owner Market and Fire. streets. J INSEED bbls-. for sale by , sta I HENRY Et COLLINS. efITRATE MAGNE : SIA - ;=-:-A ftesh'supply N., of tlaisviOtuat3l44olll? In aolation :Lad in the dry state, constantly on band at JOSEPH FLEMING'S, all I . ' owner Diamond and Market street. J. R. WRLDIN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers