BIJBWESIS` -CANI)S 4 21411:1 1 1-4- C. iW,I.SGAT 3 CO3 , `a,"%irx ri Iv a L 4 .a; - Prrmlasez, MA+. f• - .` /Cr Omar., No. 71 Cip-Alt.:Asin.N.l. l ...etz4f wa nd Diarocad • -, 35 A. LOWRIE, Attorney at Law, -IV3v--4.orouroi strecti-entsb-arghf Sinithteld Calerz7 - decthly ;Nat , •. Surgeon Dentist., SUCOZESor to. G. Smithfield etreet. Mice hourelrom Bto 1 o'CiOee, And frcia lab o'clock. feblOY SCOTT, Dentsr,-Yourtb,-.3tr?.0!, ilve 1 / 4 . ' - ,eer 0f.1c9161.11 . 5 rf5.1,1 7 6 L'Oloes to 6 o'Lloca 'IL OS'EPLI FLEMING; snoooesor• to L. Will . tOZ-4:C0., corner of — Marl - et t and (to Dhunor , e , keeos constantlyor: hand a fell azzor'=ent. of DRUGS: - g‘;;D!! lavEscro F.DICINE:CIECESTS..-PITRITMERT,-arcd art!. elea'pert-41-ing Us Ids • • SEr Ph:ref:lnv; vrearriptiona (Awfully comp:. ended corm • - • WALL= - SCiara G. lit:tali s 117 P. M.ARSHA - LL & Co. ; importers and y dealers_in French ant: American PAPER , HANG INGS,' No, 87 Wood stcreet, Pittsburgh. ifirwal spats foi the celebrated manufactures of M oult- Dellocurl.l. - Ca.; Pres. ang7 lerr= 'LA•—• =Mart 3. ANDEII2OII. EYMP,R & _ANDERSON, (suocesson to Joshua Rhodes C 0.,) whoiNala dealt , rB in FOREIGN SIFPXS2,, , t.ll - Yra, 13PICE.?•, CONS' 1.:C.-110';.ARY, 81.13:4.11.73-, Igo-39 w. 90,1 street, opraiit fa, : . Irnrzb.. ay.? _ :It. ::_)iIEfiCHANT -TAILOR NO. 54 .ST. CL.412 STR.ka..7. ( Dr. leafes , • - y KERR, ARCHITECT - SEA10)TI , 11) *- 0 • r.= CJ ,or et Kt:liana Wo6d tO • In Ptditips' axd nuilding-roontinnea to prepare Nana poci/leation, of, and to, ,S,upesintond the.r.r3ctior. of o" descrlptiGn of "Buildin,v' A PULTON,, EILL AND 11 13. - A ,, S 8 EOUNDER, No. SO SECONlEntroet, Pittsburgh, to prepanstit. , ' fur/Ash-to order 011IIRMI, PACfatal ur.ClO. Of an c... - )M 10 to 10,0 W its. Critar. ftlß;L.Silnade . rdtr, STOP at d e•A of ail 577. 7 eg: gte.uutt.. , MINER.Aii !Ai:Y.ll;3, LOUNT.E.R i• and every 'variety of Br- firilEiti , manna . . . BARBP.T.'9 TENT .1.12:ZABLIO Ph...CR.INi., for SZ.ackul EC6.7.1n0:?.. I ap`23 ly - - 17 OUGURIDGE & MAXWELL; ILA - itsffuncluaiss L o oktug-taisascs, 11.1 Prat - 1.4c, anc Bruck:Ea bad Deals a ir. Clociza, - Eciase nurdziting Goods L ao. do. o-- .%5 Wood sitratt., above. Fifth, NTVISUR:III, I k f .I.lrnahm ta EDUCATIONAL. St. E'ratz•tis Academy for Bop-, uNDER THE CARE 0? T. FRANOLSCAN BROT111:1 LOrattp, Csigibria County, Pa. HI S INSTITCTTION, NATITRA7,.' ~.ituated 1.-Inontiotml pa:Tab-as, atorci, Hri .+n. eh cement , that h desired for n C(.tholir k icico,ted In thf., 11._0L7. ei•tlat tura- Sta4Ll. mntl route br-txrJ(l(ri a:: i i' tz I , ll(AnstiL yen,' (..ntuzidtting tta, drat :tidutnty 1n, 1:.t , 1 of ..Thly following. Tho TE11416 for .3.):1rd., lac:lading r. thuroci'a o:114h Soh tific.Courfe; $10;1 r:annum. - Tho no.: Modern Llnzlas . .,t-.3 (Ginn ,I,trn rya: re of sloy EiiIUOI Fraellia and uz.b of L'. doing for furtitex px.'-icrilitrs apply to , tha co;=.ler yr the A 10 tiemy iisfer:fac.,l can 44,44' .4 I, 114.11.1. EaF. .1.44 Vincent's Col!cue- anil triria.Zl7.-TUE CARS OP TIM ESICP.DICTiItE. PLTI.IT.ItS, Pertre Latrobe, V r ictrnoreLturt county, Prr. [NI THE; i';OLLEGE ARE TAUGHT TRIL tirit.achoa of Eno:listi Udocation. In tho 5E!*11.5.:42.1:, ...ithi.t.atttt.iet, Him y, ttherr,rinz, the different tranclo,3 of higher crudit.oli n.-..0.i6F,ry or c.ofr.l to a...a niyarinz Priegthouti. ttY.111 , 5 r, Tuition aro $Su per year, to •trictiy advance_:. Grrrian ar.:l wailothsr itingan.gos, Drawit4, t tog wad iin rut DU ezita cherges, excepting t-ocom pertgation for tin, use of instrtuaehta. Bootr, Stationery, nt.z., forio charged. Eor particolia , niii);y to the piro:Lcz of tbo Tho y , I.^iiire on theist tt . S6ptenit , earls oa tb.c :In of Jalytilirjoy, . FATHER. G. B Ti Itl. .Thl7l:4:te.r. of the Cloti•rjo BOOKS AND STATIONERY ROBEItT A. LOO MIS, (Srlccu,nor to I T. C. M.,..1.g9b,) BTA.Z.ONK: AND Di l&L E IEB. &ND NWSPAPEII.2., No. 41 Sinh stroet., Pittsbnigh, Pa. C o-Pa.rtnersalp. ' undersigned have entered into Cq - TPartnership, under the style of Wm. C. Jobnaten SAMUEL P. JOINSTON, - WILLIAM Ci. JOInISTON. Pittsburgh September 5,1857. 8. B..TOMUMN, JY ce. WRI•*G. JOiIigSVON QTA-TIONERS, Blank. Book Alanufacturerd, PE1NT..61113, No. srl9cod strt,d, bk-tueeii Third al.Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa - - ToIA.CCO AND SEGARS. D. RINEHART, I'V • -TOBACCO, SHUT AND CIGARS. WlCilVi.ill7. lIISUILTDO- 111:1111r 1.. 13.1.5GFUL.T. U I-',LINCA, RaBE.b."ISON & CO., Itlanu i, . 4,;,/ faaurers of Cat, Paiesed and Plain illUt. GLASSWARE, CI - JURIES liii LEWIS, ALDEIIIIA IS 4 i ieerclrozsci N 0.17 Wood otreet, corner ofFrunt, Pittsburgh: • • • z_. ', • i. 4 . —• All other tir:de of CilaitlWare and Wludow Gluts, a Aid EireaTicie justice of the Peace, t -- - - , - ILet pricai. apli:cll.3 , . OFkib t . ON THE : CORNER OF WYLIE ...,. AND Flinn .STRERTS. IA litishiegucennected with this' °Sloe Trill be attended to with promptness. Conveyances bf all kinds done with legal amilliscganoti""io Leeds, tortaluSe4i:Bon-ds, Powers of- et torney, Ito. Titles to Real I;state examined. To the meinberiof the Bar he tenders his services is Com iniasioner to take Depositions to be readia the several Courts of this Statp, aneelsouhorel - 'His" cface la ene'of the neer, Police Stations of the city, and.cou,equently his tacilities •n executing bustnece. of that kind are very-desire-id , i felfely ALDERMEN. _A,ldermaikls Ofiee. TAMES 3. lIOON, 'ALIjERIIrkI.4I, EX u JC:iTICE Of THE PiiACry AND POLICS. I......iIIaSTRATE-7Qilice, No. 69 Grant street, nearli a ite the Goat House, Pittsbargh, Pa. Depositions, Ackno ,,, . ledgments_and .Pronstes taken; the .Etf.ords examine... 4 Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Leases, Articles of Agin-, meat, and--of Partnership., Letters of Attorney,etc., drawn up at short notice; Marriages Soleutnined,-and business-in the line of his official duties, promptly:attendcd. to. An. &Inaba - or:1, from '134 it. to IP. from .ii tO6P Y. oraly REAL 'ESTATE AGENTS. SCUTHBERT & SON'S OFFICE; No. 51 ~ • aarket street, for the aSio and purehase Wile 11 Estate-, renting boluses, attending to insurance and rope e, obtaining Josue on bonds, niortgages, c,; making couves anees„,debonds, &C.; writing letters and corre , spondll g with parties abroad, tc. oclfi BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real_Estate and Ingurance Agent, , CLEVELAND, OHIO. Balfitx-Va.9.-13.43adn. Ellin a, Garretson E.c.b.e.rt Park.s. Esq. jylL, WESTE v.' ZT S ALEXANDER GARRETT, 'rt EAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. nO WATER STRREI', CLEYRIAND, OLEIC, llas for erne Lands in Illinois, Vtion-n asin, tlitchigna and ion , a. Ho will exchange isnds in Wia,w,adi,,, Lc., for Yirtabargh inanaf , ..n n res. nun for city preperty. All 'lowan of it:gni:yr ixrielvarod giant, Ly e above. ety and L'ennogny In Light. WHY WILL YOU . BURN CAMPRE:\iE VT AND .I.eLUID, when you can get a the.per and t ter light. Ire ILerheene Gil, :awls trona the Cry et Caut, - t Coal, pra , ..ares the cheapest, moat brilliant, steady, pleam.:t anti safe portable light ever offend to the public, danger aex_plaston ; mare brilliant than gas; and quite cheap; Tampa of the most eitr.ple and erAily manage ,, i traction. Ear sale by T. D. lIODKR , Z,BON, No. ill etuithfield street. te.,..owareol - a con/ace - sit alreadl• iv tho market, static from Cacciphene, with a halo Coal t to scent it.. [WA - I:3y - - - - COOKING BY GAS. A WORD TO THE LADIES. PUB HEATED TE8,51 is APPROACE- A. ING. sn3 w, thA Bet PL` tiell of tho L-adiel to ti :e fact that COOKING, IRONING, ETC., esn be tiorto with economy, without oppressive best. with oat soot, and with despatch—the tire t, ing ttlict!,ya ready In a moment—by cuing Plusgraveta GL.s tiooking, Stovit To which wo reux.r.tfolly invito your attenticAL, at No. :Co Brat/di - di] street. ff, BRO. County And City Eighth for sale. itor2.:Pin AYRES' WORM CONFECTION c ON•FEOTION NFEOTION,P 0 N TECTIONCONF , • T I 0 N , 0 1,1 O TIONtCIONF'FIC • l o , N C ONP E C I 0N,450 NPLICT O N,CON P ROT'S 0 N CONF . L'OT. I ON 60 N NECTI 0 Tho moat pleasant, sofa wid,,effactual Worm Remedy !WV 1 prepared and sold, wholaaalv _and retail, by HAFT, 71 CCM. Wood vald alzth arts., Pi ttabulgh, Pa Ai2d add birDraiiigida onefrany. - . PAPER.-For sale by. eel J. 1.1.. WELDTN =Mr. ',..6=7=4; AND D1AL.1213 IA ALL Si:Er - CA 01 No. 129 WOOD BTRE;v:I' . - INSURANCE. . BA. Ivy 011`; } 1.0V7 A . REPORT OF DIE CONDITION Ok' THE , A. J. STEVENS - & CO., , . i .. pusmourr.s, u7iwA. : FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, 4-10LLECTIONS ALAD,F,; and prompt, j .. At ASEINNS, 1111.ADVILD COUNTY, PA, lan. 1, ins, as blird'Ai the Stoc hlldtiorii r aild made out in cliitiplituace IL" ,mitted. LANDS seleCted and located. Capitatiets l i ' vith the State Lavre a New York,Ottio, Indiana, Illinois, Ao• wishilit"to make InveatMebte in the West, can do ao throngh tores.Exim. '' , B huns..e . . Come . -e uolicited. [my2.l:Bru Thenameolithe,Clotntiaby is the PAPA ( 11 1 P UNION IN - . - ____,— SURANCE COMPANYEIomted at Athens, Pa. Chartered Ain LI 13, 18b8, by the Lee3lMnre of Pennsylvania. Charter Per teal. Cash Capital, which Is all paid up........ . Surpinm In addition VI errto . BANKS. At:.l7L l 1,D00.9 TDOS. D. I.4DMID. AIJSTIN.'" LOOMIS "t - CO.; Dealers in 111,3kiOrtgazt, and all Sts.lnrltSf PromP.....tors.NoteArßoiill4, ai for rg,/ert camrity. NO2 ;tiAND ...D1L1...V1-a „8i1L10.1.1.1` 'AIN!) bl.).1.1). remona di‘eiring L0an...5 can be accommodated on re+taoaa• tile terms, and capitalists can be furnished with good sooty'. ties at remunerative pricer.... ~.„.. _, ,_ Also,..attsmd. tO:the Bale; P.cuting 4 . ga:bossing .o 1 ilea' Estate. Glee, Vo. 92. FOUB.rfril. ttrast, ahoy° W oo d. it , kg.,„ AUSTIN L 00111: Public.:./iotary utlailv TjR.O L M.E S & SONS, Bankers 111! can BrOter s, nal DaAlep in Igotea,Drafta, Accept. ancce, Goid. Slyer andr.l3alotel,''enge en the Dust rrn er.d. Weatern Citic,s con.itantly: Teri e, Collecticris rEcidiaiii nll 2iio .citiel United States. Deposita received in paifruadtkr currout paper, Gl' Lis het atreut, be . tveca 1:13.1rd and Fcrath eta. tje:10:ly WOODS, Commercial Broker, and Docaoi_in.-Notss; Bonds, Stocks; liteta .Estato, kr..., N 0.16 4 0, ?urth gree, l'ittatargh, 12.5: isa - _ • - 11. ..... ....JO6. li. 11 Masa:. WM. IL :MUTH . at CO., WiIOLE SALE , GRO GE RS, its Second x' l4l First sta., 22L% .6-77X31:1441§3.4 PA. . _ w.. Hula C. W.' itiCUVISGN, Pitt.ab'h IYALL ER RICRIETSON,' WHO LESALEGROCERS , ATil) I.IIPOit.TiRB OF 2:.3N DIES, WINES AND.F.(.3ARS. LSI oa. =to AAI3, Corner of Liberty and lirwin Streets, IN 0 SOLE A.GENTS FOR attearerls City Glass , PiTTSBURCH, PA. :ItUl4, :111.1Ln. o,lTTsiii Y A RN?, A.) , AO, CONSTANTLY 12,100 00 0 It. ci, MA 15.1.a.ii., ' ' Wli-LIEN IdiatV3- :' .. 5 , ' '.i... oeroiN ' $ ----- 39,407 ta Whole amcia , t of risks taken haring the year-$5,1.29,862 00. 74>eall'iriibilArlig 511.1 ANS cot 4.)0.5 WholntaxTedrit-orriat-at- date • • 4,861,440 00 1 z4AT.II 07 PENNSYLVANIA, C 0111517 OP BBADPOILD, 81. C. N. Shipman, President, and J. E. Canfield, Secretary .f the Farman? Onion Insurance Company, being severally duly ovirogi, &vase and sayt and each for hiTeelf says, that the foregoing to a true, fall and torrect statement of the D=L` 1:59 El affairs of said corporation, and that they are the above de , lia 1N , 14 Aii,....l di...,..A05, COTTON 1 Ail.'Nt4, , otrtbof careers thereof. .0, N. SUlPSlAN,..President. l J.E. CANFIRLD, Sezfretary. - Subscribed awl xworn befort tae, 0;03 25th day of Jane . '..2A i , 1., rec4l.tritit2il AITLIF6.OTIUB.6I3 08.1111dSAI.L.Y, ..f,. lb&Es, H. C. BAIL'D, Justice of the Peace. T J. 11LINTER, agout, ni.17:1 y 1.,,. 00 Watet stre.t, Pittsburg!. Fltt E INs Ejit NC - 9 uN iIAND V'WZ. A tectiorr.l.3.l,l 114 ILE - GROCERS, wrn~c of ?VC Foi4 iV" Ali.llile 6:: Pili 1) COMMISSION. BY TII.B .P.All.r&E , CO:22ANS fteliarece Elf.aa total insurance Co. '6 t , Pll I !ADE LP litA. il' c orwaruing, ar:4l Commission Merchants, i ON BUILDINGS, LIIdITBD ON PERPETUAL, Wilfl.ollAN -7.ek1.-.7eOA or tali ..DT&E; iiiiuniintr.; . Lo., IN TOW& 013 00B8TBY. 1 , 1 . 1 e.7ollice.a l Pltitebtaigh, ffnedleille :4 il.y . Sei Office, ..%o. 308 Wal.uut street. 1 C..; A N A. / 1, Li lq r. S . , capirAi., at 77,9146 A SSE T.3j, $9851,50193 019. . No, i - 14 A 711 1r; VT !TER AY nx...7.f.T, Prunior.aß, Pl. I nvesir , (l as follows, viz•L -' First Mortgage on ImproNe.. iCity Property, worth 11.H.0.P. Ef4, 41_4.GE.N . Pi. CO., doubly the amount $1.0, - .100 u 0 Pennsylvania Itailioad Co.'s 6 per cont. Mortgage 00z WARDING AND C0.11141.S SION Loan, pO,OOO coat. 1.iL500 09 • s,.Eituvrii, Allegheny County 0 per cent. Penn'a P. R. Loan. 10,000 Od Pennsylvania ILallroad Co.'s Stock 4,000 00 mait '' : i , l. 11 1 ) arc ALIO:S. ET., ijiNOIN74..T.I, 0. (75: Stock of the Italauw Insnranc.c Cu..._.. 10,150 00 - - ---- ' --'----. ' Mock of Cburay Flee Iraini•ance Co J.D. h 0 (18MA NI Scrip of Stinnw I neural:leo Ocaupal,ied ........ 1,050 00 475 00 Billsitecciya ',le., In:aqui:es paper ~ 152,711 40 . ( LAT tI O4 134th'1.21. Al ''' & SMIT:dI) • '-‘ 'Bind - Ae.xmuta, accrued interest, etc a,536 19 , . UOMi I ;iiSSiON 'AND FO — ItIV A &DING' Gael, on Laud and in Bauk 18,043 2.0 KEA C . O.ANTS; v r 4. second Street, m ST. LOUIS, MIsSDUILI. C'Seb Ltuto.w.7, O. J. itua •en, Juan Wiuu,,, augriphreas, Hoffitui & %right., ELOUIi IFA:JrI:OItS P1t.033 LICE ; AND GCNE:H.A.L COMftrifiSSION MERCHANTS, 75 NOLTH. WITARVES AND 155 NORTH WATER 'Jr., 2141.1AADIAIL. PH I A AbO 70 V itie Stre:7t, REFER TO cosursil, Thompson a CO., 'ihcuuge:a4Clor> C Young., Sites, Yrins Co., Caleb Cups CO, Laser°lt, Beaver Coc, Canby, Neville . ilaghes, M. Lewis, Cashier N. and M. Bonk, os. O. Cachicr Mirch'o Huss Morris L. llallowell a Co., It;cOntel , evii & Collins, John is Kennedy ivegael_ d: & Co., Pickccty Mathe•rs ILCo., ...,tirews.bury a Price, C. it. torn,lej 8 Son;, Mata A.. D. Butlosk sr. Co., W. V.olmos a. Co., Basilley, Cosgrove a Co., noviSily. LI . EN R Y tL CULLIN,S, Forwarding au' ji id Cotamission Merchant, and wholeaale dealer in FISH, BUTTE.B., SKETS and ritODLION generally, Z 5 Wood street., l'ittaLair,th. mare GLASSWARE. UV_ 14 , tioLrE &-, ITLA.,M, Successors to Miilvany manufactururs of Cat, Moulded and 'Flint and raucy'Colored GLABSWAILE, and dealc-rs iu tll kiads of Window: GlasiOlasks, Vials aud Battaa. WLI 'l3* boblisv corner of 11.41,ket and Water emots, Pittsbugh. ViLiES 4J uit4IJOUS. - .NOUN • . WI:10=161Z IN WINES AND LIQUORS, AND. B,ECTIEYEIG DisTILLEas, Lic,. L A S L,Abarty Street, inttaburgid, Pa. Alwaye on hand, Wines, Brandies, Gina, gonobgaheli and Bocrifted Whist ita-41so, Blackberry, :VlAMarry, .13.1-wiarry, ^nd Gin3er Itspl2:l, M. DIVLIN n . ST2O.6DIC fIEVLIN & KENNEDY; Wholesale Wine and Liquor Mer.luenta and Rectifying Distßlero, NO. ag Staithaid street, Yitt-bargh, Pa.' OIIIMYEY roes of various patterns, fur sale by [tur29l _H. U. COLLLNS. 11013A000ANDCIGARS.—A. largo assort,- A, merit of favorite brands, on baud and for sale by , WM. B. SMITE( h:00; Its &bond, it'd 1.17 First streets.„ OA ACK ER E L-100 bb . ls. and: half bbla 'No OA a wire. for cab s by I jr22l lIENILY EL COLLINS. 13.1A13.011L.NG POWDERS-50 cazikf of lerinancs, Johnson's and other brands just rec'd ald for e 3l ° low by JNO. M. PERKINS - d• CO, ..- 128 Wood street. _I3OOK PAPER-100 reams 24.x38, a nice artiele Jut received and for sale by JNO:4I. PEI:MINS:A CA., • ris Wood street. ' 14 jJj PIL ‘ I 4 6 7.5 . cn han lj d tkaPd2or, by lll Vll 11. L. 2...kELNESI`OOI.I k CO. - Corner Wood and roarth atratta - - - UTTER--4QO lbs. fresh Packed Butter P.JI 4 Just rot;eived sad for ttala by JAMES A. FETZER, Reg COIM.t . Markin and First streets. fl HECK BOOK S 1„,) ilrcAorti ni nr24 _ WRAPPINU PAPER--3000 mains ass't , eic Bag Wrapi 11- 0 13pOZIOI article, far. ado bei J. a. WIMDIN • UERItIgG—'IO bbla. No. 1 Potomae , Her ring, just received and for sale by 14.c0AVDLE82, 11.11A.N8 CO., Comer Wood and Water streets. VIVESTERN LANDS of goad quality, fcr rile or e•Leh.inge" for Real Estate fit ttio iity! • tip= S. LTUTUBNII.T Et SON, 61 Marko tst. DRIED APPLES-150 bus.. choice, I Apples, recdived and far tale, by • • JAB. A.; FRTU.II., Garner liarket and First strati. DINE APPLES.-500 received tide de sad for sale by RETIREE it ANDERSON, No. V 3 Wood atroot, coal Opposite St. Charley Hotel. riASKL+'T BOARD6-4'or Packing Joint& sold by. /WM. G. JOUNSTON a. CO., „ rar.rAtf.r.. 1.7 wo qtroot L-lisil,--7150,pkgs, White Fish, Trout. Sal mon, at:. • • .rtap7l.': aourss. If Fl—.loo - barrels' fresh - Lime just ree'd :a41., by , - _BF OOLTINB. DAPEV.IVAREELOPSE.-4NO. 51. PER- I. BINS kW:, No. 128 WoodaMat, have the largeet as Surtnent of all kinds of Papara ever in thti market, snob as Book and Printing Papers; Rag and Straw Wrapping, Letter,Manilla Raper of all rases; Capr • :• Book andlkotaroardr, - iCnvolOrpesl, - Tiscno; * Bonnet Boards , and 'aloud Papers; tiardwans:Papar,dz. Which we will soil at mannfaOturera Prlomrj . .• 3311 TRICKS AND TRAPS-Pries 'lO onats Bay a copy and keep oat of hot water. For +'o bj F.. M. JENNlNs mama,' Depota.and2beaviw. ;LACK AND FANCY DREIS,S w fall essartineut, WU cheap:_: - ' - 0. 11,AABON LOVE, forsee4l Lave Brothers, octal Solt street .1135123. Fifty-fear Bonds and Mortgagee, at six and seven lit 'cent. laterest, amountlr.gin the aggregate 0.41611,315 00 ' Which mortgages ge or valua ble and - 'p roductive real estate," principally -farms; roe:wiled and Ant liens, worth generally double . the amount and more than mort gaged for in each um, and Itt'no case lees than fifty 10 cent. more, exclusive of farm buildings, and BO certified by the Recorders, where recorded, to the and fors of • the Suttee of Ohlo'and Nineteen six., it cent. Rouda amply secured. 47,085 00 Cash on hand and in Bank 5,442 12 Cash in hands of Agents, and .I.n course of trimmed: mien, secured by bonds with sureties ........ ....... Due on losses re•lnsured, Ar Dills receivable, viz: promiasuiy notes payable at bank and , to the Company Interest accrued, (principally due JannarylB6B,).. Safe and office - Fixtures and Penni ' tttra moor Fos VII run 1857. A.mount Piemluma received during th e year' - • aa Am't future.% refnavud during the ear... .... y .. L 1,02415 Am't received from all other aonrcos 2,480 00 1181111CD111748. E./4)0036e for the year, including commistiens, salaries, rests, reit• &unmet), printing, advertising, taxes,mnd all other expenses f, 19,190 de. Dividends paid during the year 17,090 0.1 Losses paid, 'which occurred prior to December 81,1666 tosses paid which occurred during 46,561 54 the year LIABILITLO. Gosaes adjusted and not due (ainca $ 12,500 99 paid) Losses incurred and in procees of hiljnatmont.- - 9,307 Cu bosses reporfod,on which no action his bean taten,,. Losses resisted, on ground of insu ance aftef fire, property trawler r- red befoitlass, property , los: not covertd by the Policy, c • Water FlZzort3 M=llMll phlludolpLln Ky Madison, Ina . Gallipolic, Ohio. baniayilic, Ohio.; Cincinnati, Oh , a. i•ittaburgli, Pu it -On all= the- Banki an w., &MAVEN, Prlntar a•ed Eitationer. $252,40 Si) CLEM TINGLEY, Precident. DIEM3TOI22. Olem Tingley, Samuel Bierman; William R. Thompson, Robert Steen, David S. Brown, William Ilus,,er, (.7rnelina Staveue,,u, Benjamin W. Tingley, Join R. Worrell, attrphall mu, H. 1.. Carson, Z. Lothrop, Robert Toland, Charles Leland, ..ioses Johnson, Jacob T. Bunting, Charles S. Wood, Smith Bowen, James S. Woodward, Wm. hi. Semple, PittsUg Ear 3 B. :1 . HINCHMAN, Secretary. J. GM:DINES COFFIN, Agent, mr3 . : North-east earner Third and Wood streets. --------------'' MERCOANTS' INSMCE. COMPANY`, Of Pfiltdelphia. %gm. V. PETTIT, Prerktent. Amount of Capital Stock paid in and tnvested...s2oo,ooo fi S Surplus 63,428 86 $263,428 95 Inures Cargq illske on the Ohio and 'Mississippi Rivers and tributaries. Insures against toes or damage by Fire, Abdo, against the Perils of the Bea and Inland Navigation end "Transportation. Dinsatose: Win. V. Pettit, J. o:Montgomery, John M. Pamroy, D. J. McCant, it. It. Witmer, Rene Gnißea, B. h. Woo'don, • John Chaa.R.Wright, John J. Patterson, Elwood , T. Panay. eery:mile: WILIJAM .V. PET'I'IT, President. E. P. WITMER, Vice President. I). J. IiIcOANN, Secretary. asisnatiove: Jo Philadelphia': InPhiladelphia: Bolger, Lamb a Co., Bteinmitz, Justice & Co, Truitt, Bra: & Co., Buds., Morgan & fitidfole, A. T. Lane & Co.,_ Pu=ohCaldttell & Co. OPTIOE, O. 97 WATER MEET. ap9 IL W. POINDEXTER, Arl,nt• WEST. B . wa teg i ,M ' PAN V , .HATEdv, • L M I 1 N S 1111 c. .v 2; 04 cogAryr: CHARTED.= BY THE LE9IEILLYQUE,OB'PII2ISSYLOTAJNIA OW& cu5iaa.......—5800,06 I Prernisiss:Wotts—.SlA, 343 : . THis'COMPANY WILL INSURP .Buildings, Merchandise, lurnitnre',lc., in town or conntrs. •• D111.1010E8: Hon,Jno.J.PearcedHon. G. O. Harvey,loharles A. gayer, John B. Hall,' Charles CrLst, Peter' Dickinson, T. T. Abrams,Jackman, IW. • Thomas Kitchen.' • HON. G. 0. HARVEY, President.' T. T. .AnitAmp, VicalPresident.. Tnos. 111Toural, B&rotary. anissastioss: Samuel H. Lloyd, ' Di. J. S. 00sidord, A. A.Vinegudner, John W. Maynard , A. Dialegiaft, 1.. A: Mackey,' H6n. B. Cameron, - James Armstrong, A. White, Thai. Bowman D.D, Williard,FeartM, James Quiggle, Win, Vanderbelt, Hon. Wm. Bigler ) , OFFICE—NO. tis STREET, PITTSIIITE.GH. ' de2Ltf ' J. A. LIPPERT, Agent. THE' ERA-INTIM - 0 FIRE DISITRANCE COMPANY, OP PJM.ADELPELLB.. ' • ' • Diariumoza—Charies Banchar Thomas Wart, Tobias Waage:,Ezzitty - Geo. W. Richards, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolph' il.Botiti,:lintid Drourcus, flan riz qoplOn; Cass. N. Ilanu49Eit, President.. •szt ,4ecretair, , g • ; i ; Clonthauelditaate insuran.=, perpetual or limited, on °wry dasoription of prortVi r intoim and cOuntryka: rates as an are consistent with security. Tho Compatiy have reserved a Itrgc, Contlaseat PtuA, hchogith their capital and promiugo, 31- ample protection to the assured. . • • • j The Assets of thtreourpany, on January - 1at,3351, as ta;b• ehed agtoeablyto an Act of Aa3embly, wery az follows„ Me'rtgagv 55)18,12.8 88' I Real 3, tate ' ' 84,377 18 26myJaraty Loans— Bose &Adis 61,889 Oil Ctlsh 64,846 81 Total.. - $1, 212 ,7 03 44 e.; Etne.3 their. incorporation, a - period of twenty-ono years, they have, paid upward of One hißlion Four Hundred Than. Band Dollatu,losees by fire, thereby affording evidence of toe ad vantageS< f irstatuava :ea well asthma:duty and disposition 0 meet with promptnell all - eiItDUIRA COVE 111, Agent, tame, nortli-eant cor. Wood hod "roird sta • WESTIaN INSURANCE COMPANY Vhf " • O 8 . prrrsnueou. DAItSL.'I;- •-• „ • N. a 021)0tif Bezrehlry. up 017E01110. taNfiter str3izt, (Spang Werelumee,) stairs, Pittaburgh: •• - • • Will insure against all kinds et ; ; a .! DISKS. • A Home Inatitmlon, managed by DLT,ctcr , who f.L . r.owell known the community, and who are deb:mined, by tn prompesi o r.and. liberality, to maintaiti the Character oda.* abet 13trvetiail:ned, ce eficring the beat protection to thole lrho deterre tribe tusared. - • • ABSETS, 00TallE11. x, 1837, Stock ..... blortgage,— " Vl l 3 Itoceivabloi. office Furniture,— .... Open Preminm Bins Dlscounten,..... evcrFa Darele, J. W. ,Intlor, James McAuley.. Andrew Ackley, Nathaniel Holmcs, D. Bl;Long,, D. W. Rlekotten, - - PITTSBURGH LIFE.: FIRE ANDMARINE ufsgßArica.cOMP,ANYy NO. 96 WATE4. SZBRET, Prini))91111334014, 110 BEAT GALWAir, Trestient. Au= Itzezunr, Pxpidigit. AlatTllis Company makes ezeiyimMrtMco.apperhiling to or connected with MS MKS. CARGO SIORB.on the Obio. and ldissizalppi generally. y.• . And against Lou and Damage by Thc, and spinet the Perils of the Pea mainland Navigation and Transportation. Policies issued at tho lowest rates coradetent with safety to all parties." - „ • . DIT.AO7OIIB. Beheitilalsvay• . eamtuel 1201arhaa, 0 Joseph PRe=aut, John Scott, Jamoa Marshall, David Richey, • :dashes W. Hallman, r Charles Artitaatiot, Alestto&r_Brr.dley, J oseph 8. Le ec h. • - , ~AHQWmrI -vnattativait. . 3110. IticallL •-•-• . . . - RAILROAD NOTICE. - 1 1 illtititii. Sictzaretar lirralagapkeyst.. -. 1 AFAA. ON AND AFTSR,AIONDAY., J 1114" it g r •:- The Pittsb'h , I Wa yn e iii, Chicago 1 PENNSYLVANIA OE . N . T.a AIi,RAI liR 0A_I:" . ,-it.3_ . -* .. -,,-,,--: "Ifik " f - Y.K., S` . .:111f0 ,r, •ii 'i ',..-- F:s. - I"ii.ittii....o.:....:c'.wrai•isrri....,- • RAILROAD COMPANY, 'EI GI MIT 'lO ', I itilir Tritii II I'4 13. , .. TI a n d -ll' AMPI,E ROLLINO STOCK THY, MAIL TRAIN foaves the l'essengar. Station. every and equipment, and its threngh en n,,,ti0,,,,.,,,, 1 ,„ ria ;ruine...iiifcsiit'Srinday,') at 6:03 ollock, Pithibiiiigh _time, areal to transport Pass:ingers anti trul.,nt froot [tilts ill upalA and PITTSPUItO II to ClllO4. ;. ), .: c I.:,:t.'ic IN. v ar : - ... , :e ~, niatt , ittio :.1 11:00 P. M. . Ill,: i -. r , :' LINE Dtdll,, - c.:16 - .31.1 rg unday, at 1,..2b P. U., ar: LINAPOLLS, CINCINNATI, and all placea V. eet 311.1 tl'..‘til rh-ing ill i ' L ' il ' ulltil P hia at' 4, C j cl°°'' A. ti. , " 6 " I Pi 3 ' 6 / 1 1 Y eat, with a great degree Gt regularity ea..: • :.,,iitim.. • et principal stationn. ' .--.:: . 1 i v.,. ~i l '-: TEE EXPRESS TRAIN ' The fact that this itoad terms a Jireit end cotLiclot-te ~..t . c 4,50 o , c l u ~ 8 Ine betiroen Rittabtrgh and Chicago, is a suf. ''',,i.;,,, tear town, Will=ro, l C ) - I) ..if i l l i ng Only leaVe3 t.llO Station every evening 2, at. G reansburg, Lattybe, a J t ennta: enter: thatlta Trains will ustake-goott time, set ~,neet,on riebnrg with the Tl•aln tzln; "nn'atcl connecting - ' ' with Trains °mother Road. direct for 33 timore, and arriving in . Philadelphia or Baltimore, at LOO4clock, P.M.:', - '''' '' ' TIIE, . 70H N .,& 8 00 ,20 01131 .. °DATION 'TRAINS; qN AND ANTES, MONDAY NLAY 101,h, iStB, the Tra il: on thiiroad•Will leave the UNION DEPOT, kittabinl, , ,h, dully, (Snmittya excepted: a 3 feIIOWS: nil ACCOMMODATION TRAIN , leavas daily (except Sunday,) at 3:30 o'FloCk, P.M. titopPinr!t, PASSENGER I TRAIN B LEAVB , all etationa, end running; as far as Conernaugb. g. - • •, . ,ottstrurgh. Cr,”ti0.0... 1 att. Wayne: FP,IST ACCOMMODATION TB.AIN for Turtle- Creek O. 8. bisil, 7:30.A. 11. 7:01 P.M ; Bridge leaves daily, ((accept fintiday,)-at MA A.M. -, trot Hare 55,.......... 2:40 A. IL 10:00 P.M i fsOJ P. M. SEOOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle ()reek, iecond "' - ' '2:li P. 11. I 10:23 P.M I 4150 A.M. Loaves daily, (except Sunday,)atrla 2. rt. REACH CHICAGO—Brat itxpr:-a: , , .it 7:00 A. M.; ihaiond 'THIRD ACCOMMODATION TRAM -for:Turtle Cr:34, /spires at 1:30.P. ii. t .. -- - loaves daily, (except Stinday,) at &20, P. U. ItEAOH catiOINNATI—FizEt Baprerti 6:20 r. si; ,' incild RETURNING TRAINS arrivoin Pittsburgh as fakirs:— Express 7:26 A. r.. Expr0ti0,1.:.45, P. it.; Irfail, 3 : lo A. l f 4 PastLine 2 .2s A. 1.14 Johns= I REACti 13T:: • 'LOUIS—Pita Ezpre.s 5:0o 1. eac Second Ihr.• town Accoramodationi 11:00 AC; -.First Turtle Creek Ancona press 443 P.M- ~, '. roodation, 6:6:4, Second Accoramotintion,i 12:40, P. on IAU Trains make time conn,ell.,:„.- .... I::reelline for Celnini Third Ac..loraroodation, 8:10, P.' L. a. , kres, Cincinnati, In:lien:o.oj ,, end ""' !, ' , di° ; also, at l'o - tt 'i`rilue for ish,irs7ille.and Indiana', ,Janeet at Blairsville W apse with Trains on Pir.t.:-..ii: wii :,..-tard Railroan for t a rers..ction with mtdi train- 'NSW, Exptesairain Weer., arid' Lafayette, Ce 0 Lta.l.lll/!•ria ~.2,1At.t....i1ei ; r+.e. , x, at Pareet ytth cat: Jol..titown necomoiletion train East and Welt. • 'Zrains eu the M. It. aL. E. h.. I: , ,-...11.n.i. v. i,h 'lsins on I eliTzds ;Mall AND 001.iNET. 1 8Uririsi TRAINS, Dayton bud \habit:J.:l It adioad a:opt:lug at all Stations on.t.tie.ltittehtirgli_and Cannella. AL-TURNING.; vale hood, leave daily, (Sunday excepted,), as follows[ • , , ,_ Krim Clum3o. 11-Wayne. I Crustilue. I Arr.i-nts:ed, MAIL TRAIN 1100 A. K. I EXPRESS TR:UN-B:30 P. It= C. S. 1tia11,..10,60 101. lefeo A.M. 12:40 P. i,t. till P. lc, RETURNING TRAINS from Pittsburgh and Connellsville I hit Express, ts,atm..m. 2:00 P. M. 9:12 P. M. T. 8:10 A Ic: [toed, arrive at Pittsburgh, &4b A. ti. and 8:10 P. a. 6:25 A.ll'-' 1:15 PO. ts.,',:he :raveling public wiß.flud it greatly to their In These Trains make ClO9O connectional with Traina for Pk-?,. corset, in going East or West, to travel by the,,Penlasytvarda arleipbia, Baltimore New York and Boston. Railroad, as the accummodetionts now offered cannot he Bur -1 Trains from St. Louis,lntlianepolis, Cincinnati and Colaba- passed on any other route. .43 . 1 the Road is' ballasted with has make ctoae connections at Crestline with all returnhrp stone, and is entirely free from dust, we can promise safety, n4rixals. At Fart Wayne, Trains hum St- Louis, Central lilt. speed ' und cmulart to all who may favor this Road with their • nuts, Lafayette, and inter.mudiate place.% COIIROCL with atola patronage. FARE : - Trains. 'At Forest, connections are merle with Trains to and t`o New Y,:14 $lB,OO ;To Baltimore.. 'flow Cincinnati, Springfield and Dayton. The U. S. Mad " Plilladelphii.. .... .. It - 4o° 1 - " Lancaster from Pittsburgh to Crestinse, being a train for loud Ito. Philadelphia.. . .... .. Harrisburg, 57:45. doss, Is overtake% by:the:Second Express. I Baggage checked to all Stations on the Pennsylvania RA. I ACCOMMODATION TRAINS---Leare New , lirigriton for roe-I, ant to Philadelphia, Baltimore and New Ybrk. • ' Pittsbrirgir, at; •Bilio A'. IL, and 12:36 P, N. Leave Pitts- i`P..IfanIKSEI purchasing Stettins in care, Stitt is charged ten &nigh for New Brighton at g:3O A. I', ahl i",...A P. M. - Cti.itil in Ottdltloh to the tnintint rate., except from Station BAGGAGE CI.LWILV) TIIIIGUGH, and no charge for where the Company hoe no Agent. . handling. . NOTICE.—In mile of loss,-the Company will hold them i Travelers or poisons intending to pnyCliaeoticketa in Pitts- selime reapousible.ifor personal baggage only, and' for 'an burgh kif the V,•ost, will bear in mind Mat Viz only Agent anuyaut, u,...t. elxv2.l . ag $lOO. authorized by the' P., F. W. Is O. It. It.;, . C;._& P. R. IL, anti • N. B.—The lircelsior Omnibus Line luta been employed to . Steubenville and Indiana Rallies:l Companies, is convey Passengers Mid Baggage to and from the Depot, at a 'GEORGE 'P ARKIN, at the Union Ticket Ofilce, charge not to exceed 21 cents for each passenger and bag. , Connected with the Peon's P. li.: Passenger Depot, gage. For tickets apply to J. STEWART., Agent, , ; P,orner Liberty laid Gram sir .: ta. At (tie P. R. E. Passenger Station, ~. ; BAGGAGE will sot be checked for persona part:he:nag ;so on Liberty and Grant streata; tickista at any other place in this city...! I TO COMM.UKIE UN MONDAY, Slay 10th, and c•mtinue &Ail turther notice. , • J. J. HOUSTON, Oen. I'nca's. arid fr't. AWL D. W. 11088„ Pas*. Agent, Chicago. JOS. 11. MOOR'S, Superintendent. $ 200,000 00 . 63,48+5 51 V. 53,185 61 is ^Oll til 7,hc5.1 51 1 29 46 660 Oo $ 268,485 51 $99155, 35 $90,4.5 Rd 'NEU' WEgTERII gtailfT To CINCINNATI, LOUIEMLE , atul BT. ttitiiB VIA PITT4MIRGII, WAXIN E mad CLUt...A(3O, AN ti,`../ FlAMilatlN os liA TEO:4 ley. Distance only 39 miles from Itit.turgi , I tncinn ti ---- --- iiIIIS LINE is. eompotitla of I.naii!3 of the --liiratlilaaa and hi located-Alirciagii a beautiful and highly caltivatud portiou of Abe. Stns... IDlrott chnuettiou is mad. at rinrinithti t-. 41) tl, e Oldu and Miaalattppi Railroz.i, (thetrmka ,g - tl ,(IIT h D.,.& G. '9 Rozala, *dug counoet,i, St: i Liatiaville, t:t..t.Le! 2.., Eransvino, Ca's°, ' •litamplila, Vichsburg, Natchea, i. , .1)17 Orleans. C 5 Cloanactioa mane at St. Irma .- Litt thtf Pacific Raiicoid and leitaaouri River Patiien, f•y•- $121,500 00 4,161 67 240 00 9,478 04 14,841 45 40,216 5 125,003 73 $317,641 '•8 • • IL Miller, de., GoOrge Jackatm, . Alex. Spear.: Wai. Xnight, Alexander =aka, Wm. H. Smith, • 'P. IL GOUDOIL • , Mato: fsAIL,I3,OII;Dt... DEL.kIV.tiI,E t/IJ-OPY KANSAS AND NgBILASKA, Xial all valuta, Also. conr.oeta alai Co,ucra.l R. R..; tor I:4zingtko, Ualvll t and all pointo In 0,0.:ral Koplacty. Trains laave V./a. ea t Ptilion 28 tuliuwc : 3°30 . A. - • es, r.ving at l'. )1. Expreg.4 Pa.sco ago: .2.15 1-4 to Crest gES., 11.4(40•AC1E. CIIEt3b:E.I.) T1.1.111)(1•111. -• • Pare as Lov. , rca aka y mot. er 110.;;At...., Fur all information, and Through Tickets, apply t.t tt 13e.ket UCJ,.;o„ corner laor.ougahola ~r at Pun otr, Station. Nalsonera dadrour, 1,...0t0 aAk '..r Tiokots Aria,DeLewisr4Ciit-Olf. "-• J. U. ISIOOIIE, bupt. 5 3 . Ft. W. C. R. . DAN' silo.. C. If. Efl Ft 11' uov - '2B r . • - r• Tie Cjeltehipad„, lillttsburgla anxa Wheeling Railroad, AND eittsburo, Columbus & Ciaticialanti Maia - • R A ILR OA D LINE. Clia.nio of Timt4. (IN AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 10Til, 1858, Trains will love the Depot of flit! ! onnsylvan a rad Railro S ad vs followr. :_ 6:45 A. M. i/Or VLEVEIAND, KurrAdo t DitTilulT, CLIIUIOO AIZD TEM WE .7. lirii.viiffo A.:JD ZAvaavivat. 2;3.5 P. M. . 1 l'Or CLEVELAND, TOLEDO, DILTILoLT Ja- TF?d u s i t c n c l k in c,o AA'p un Th ec v is Vi a r- jlilereLfilo, viith Detroit lino of ateranor 4:00 P. M.} L i l .i 'o . r • ALL WAY STATIr ON Yll! It/. n:11 Parzong'ors dartrir.v. to-go to (iiiicago,`or pliittfrboycial --qhicago, vid Olovoisa, moist cok for ticketl vir..•tlloTelatl . ~ PPITSBURULT C(. ..41 , 11) CILVW.N.MATI (via 15.71.EITBEAVVILLE,) RAIL re OAD 011.2t..NG.4-0P MM.—AM and aft& ItIONDAY, the Deb, of May, /a6§ - .Trains will leave the Depot of Lilo Pennsylva nia Oeotrallitailroad, as follows:- 3:00 A:3i. ''''1. 8 ...T.,-.0 8 "...' , Ilui. c "u'Lrrhi'''' . - • , mils Lao NEW OatuArts. _. . . • i FOIL CINCINNATI ADD ay. hours, und ALi 2:35 P. M ' . Fotters SOUTH AND WWI. , • I TitrAubt.s Cincinnati without clinht;e: Passengers desiring. to go to Clolumbris, eincAnntiti, e:e , or any points beyond Columbus via Stontxtnville, must ask for tickets via Steubenville. JANIEO itiriCtillit, llumA.intondent W C., .-BAGLEYP. l'.. ~ W. , my. 1.21 . Superlatemient , P.,, C ..t. C. it. P.. _ __ _ PITTSBURGH & CONSELLSVI LLE U A A. R. 0. A. . afterlionclay, the 10th inst. 1-ats,,- 4.." anger Trains will be , rairr.claily, (sr.cept Saacisys,) from the Pennsylvania liailroaddesseniler Mail Train leaves Pittsburah....- 'age e. n. Express Train leaves Pitt.slibrgh 32.0 . Mall Trsaa I.3avits tIonaslistilla•••••••••••••-2;00 a la- Express " ...fie a. Arriving at Pittsburgh' Tickets to. he had at Pennsylvania Railroad Ticker. e e ltec. Both Trains connect at Connallsville with Denting Coaches for Unfontovni, Frostburg, Cumberland, occ., Gnd at West Newton with Coaches:for Mt. Pleasant, Somerset, Berlin; etc: Freights to and frOmout illations On Pa to burgh and Connollaville Rallied, be reouitrod sud livered in Pittsburgh, at the " ilaidwin .Depot," Opp(); , itt, Duquesne Depot." Alseeptlag each es Pig lion, Stone, etc.,' which will he loaded or utoriaded 'at .tutor De pot, or at the canal Depot, as =ay be arranged with ?might Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad, atTittsburgb: 13LACK,ST.Oli E, cap' s. Traasportatlan Department P. 4.• 0. R. It., t Clonnellsville, M.Sy 6030 1858 - I mys Vow --Route via River- and Railread.'. • t -• rtzian.:7 , x4.7ifzi • irozPo-t ,l-4 ti'aga.• Cilleinnati Railroad CIONATEOTING AT INDIANAPOLIS with .Terre Halite, and .Terre Mate and Alton Railroads, to St. /ant and Lafayette and - IndianaPolir, New Albany and Salem' end flicnigan Central' Reads far ORM ROCS, ISLAND, BILRLINI.ITQY,'..aad All iu termeduite points. , Throtigh 'Freight Traln to INDIANAPOLLS, HAUTE, Lit➢VATLTTE,' and PERU. itrol,ght carried from Cincinnati or Lawrenceburg f Is to time than as 'other route by Yd beam, and ct ca low rated. The only, road by which cljmumit , ran to wade from 01 C. cinnati to the 'West, without hreekng Consignment& Made to J. R. GIBBONS, rent et Clucin tati; oi; NY:II:'CRYITING, Agent at Lawrenuebrag, receive prompt - attention, nud no charge for commieelon ; chartiaft - 7, drayav or watailaien at Letrrencebuni. For,barther information apply tIIiTLIGMAR RAT:W.IAG, (N 0.116 Water street,) Agent of the Company, who ia pre. Dazed to give 'IIIIWV I 3 I 3 atertitfra - to iudiar 420 11, 1 / 2,, r2 4aza t aut , Lav , stt.% -ohj og o, ram, Greencastle,,Crawfuzin• villa, Charleston, rat*ville, and Mattoon 11. C. LORD, Pre:id n. JNO. CaEMFL, Gang ntrA FURNITURE. , 4 1111141,11 UN 5., CO. have on. - b.und, at MI a thoir 01 - lvasivo O.LUENET CHAIR. MANUFAC TORY, N 0.64 SrolNalehl arsol, a 13,:g6 amortment of 'Fancy and Plain Struitare, ahloh fleT , ct !I 15';..!? l awn . than onstoraary taloa. Term, cast oaly. f•locßT:y VIT OdDWEL S FURNITURE AND V CHAIRS, Wholesale and 31eMil, evorr, style -Of Varnitere, In Boxwood, htalliTstry and Weant,t, suitable for' Perlorstal=bers and Diniug ilootory oqua t o any tallesrYorkfUladolphin,and LA lower prkes. Every articieliiAdo 14 hail, ancrirarr-ntod. Cabint-makors enp- Plied With emy tincntrj of POILNITITEE and GELID a, rreSSonable terms. ffotaho o Btainlroots tarnished ht tha rltrtest notice. 'Miro:T.4=r, Nca. 77 1:1.1 V) 'TEEM, Etront, tsbargh, Pe.. 6(.7.1 110 BAGS Dried Apples,. for sale by oosagArr. & Co., - IP. and •e 0 Wood ntruat. TUST received mother assortment of BooTs ep and SIIOF3, consinang Ladite Heel Boots and SHP pore, Gent% Boys'if Fanth'e, and a large variety of Chii• dren'a Fancy: Shona. Please give na a call, at the Cheap Cash Store of , :JOSEPH . Bin:LAND, Bamid door from' ifth. WOOL WANI.ILD -- ir imooo , ft. Wool Wanted at highest carat & Co. Tricot:, by Je2l:lmday . 3Zlficcondrtrobt, andlsl. Frotit.• ICI AIR DYES--BatcheLties,- Christadora'6, Aletaindeelt, Shaliiea, and Water's Liquid Hair Hyeit—ll'lnsenpply eoliatantlyArAiWeat Girni siDiatnarid'and Market area'. VSIGIS.,IO.bbIu. fresh Eggs just received 2.lo2_finitrorentqbyr • tvzsZl 111,;NBIr coramis UERS 1000 natal , as seed .1" ct fat Bale by • tr, tivigmr6Dtan ow w o od dna. it°ll6a. Fig6l4. A ` w A. G. JOHNBTON 00/- 13E . • T IIE .PENDISYL ANIA, , RAILROAD, 41111GREA.T CENTRAL ItQl/TACtintecting fiTr,n-'72.lAtheAtlantie Cities with Western, North-western and South-western Staten by r a ton &Jars `Railway direct. This (load also connects Pt Pittsburgh with:Dail -- e of Steamers to all isotts on the Wes' , aaa at Clove. land and Pandusty with steamers to all ports on the North cm demi Lat.s; nicking the moat DULLIC.I", CEMORST an , j. , 2,ouva by svbich FREIGHT can beforwardod to and ircm the GRIST Wear. ita:. Lc:. tic.tvireesa Philadelphia VillizT °LAPEL—Bouts, Shoes, Hats and 1 Jape, Ilooks, Dry Goods,(in boxes, bake I and trrtuks,) Drugs, (Intoresland bales) 1 Osattem, Furs, Ac. HEWN:9 CLASS--Domentic Sheeting, Shirt-' tug uud Ticking (in, original balsa), Dregs (in casks), Hardware. Leather(in rolls or bores), Woe Land Sheep Felts, Eastward, Ac., Ac. TRIAD CLASS.—Anvils, Stool, Chains (in' casks), Hump, Bacon and Pork, Salted (loose or in sacks), Tobacco, manufao tured,(es.copt Ciguit or unto kc.,-Ao. rOIJII.TII CLASS---(k.ffeo, Fish, Bacon., Beet and Pork, (In cazikn or boxes Eastward,) Lard and Lard 011, Neils, Soda Ash, Ger. man Clay, Tsx, Pitch, Ilosin km, lec. bbl. far ther notice, GRAIN in car loads, 35 cts. 11100 lbs. until farther notice. CiYITON—VII bale, not ercoeding 500 sca. weight, until =cher notice. 0.4, - In chipping Goods troth any penal Bata of .I'hidallel phia, be particular to mark packages " ire Pennsy/vania Raiiresa." All Ono-1s nonHigneci to the Agents of this Road et Phila.:rip:2in or l'itaome;,h, will be 'forwarded without detoo kli.:111111? An ,d, rii.lor A Co.,l4lompidn, Total.; IL E. 63E3 A Cu., St. Louis; 2. G. Ind.; Dun:lasi:al, poll A Cu., aud Carters Jewett, Louisville, Ky.; li. C. lloldruns, Mi'linon , Ind`; 11. \ 13i•own s tc Co., and Irwin of Cinciunalt; N. W. Graham A. Co. ' Zanesville, ; L.seeh A Co., ;r4 street, Boston; Leech A Co., Nu. '2 Aetnr 1", o ; No. 1 William street, and No, ' ,7 ; J. Snevkr, Philadelphia; ?tth,grair Koons. 13,,Pina,1 e; P. A. ntewart, Pittsburgh. d. H. HOl3l3l'ON, Cieeeral Freight Agent. H. J. LONLBAP,IIT, Superiutondent, Altommaa. - - - - (11:m1E111ES WINES AND LIQUORS 4 .3 10.1 Black and Ufa. .n , CrusLed.,Sugar ; Con - et , .Nocv 'Fort B,yrnp ; " Now Orleans Mole,saot ; T106:158 NeNi itICP ; It/ boos W. W. H. tirttlat'a Tobacco ; hat • M. R. and Layar Rejoins ; 27 ktass French Plumb; 2 Puncheons Jamaica Rom; Banta Crna - Rnuo ; 2 Pipes Holland Gin; 'frond, Bronly ; Port, Shorry, Malaga and ()ham pagno Winos; Pnro 914 ityo and Recttilod Whielty, in store bad for szto.low, II A I,VORTH * BROWN LLB, Suoceaaoro tiayort,h, Hrowytloo, of tLo Diamond - and Diamond. alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. QLJN DRIES.- 16 bbla. Eastwick's Syrup; 26 " Now York " 25 ." Baltimore " ,t t 1/114.,1115w Orleans Sugar IGO li.alafi.ests Young Hyson Tea; 'Black 'ban. for lisle 47 W. 11. SMITII & CO - - 11J A NLLLA iPAPEII.--A large lot various jut sizett, for ealp by WM. II JOLINMIC CO; • (4; ,purer realer,. 67 . -W* Ft..- PLANTATION SUGAR a MOLASSES -r . 100 . hlida. fully fair and prime N. 0. Sugar bble., oak cooperago, prime N. 0. Molasses; " St. Jamee S. El Molaeeee, uow landing and lor nie, by i MILLER' & AICHETSON, ri6 1;03. T.ZI and 222 Liberty Ptreet._ I[.) ILL PAPEB-01 best quality—for sale Ly Itt"41: G: TOIDIBTO - N . & CO , .le9B -"8 - tiationopi, 57 Wood str3et.: LINgELOPES.—Buff,. :Straw, Amber and White, of 41 Vices, gold' Jibolovle or retail, by WM. - G. JOHNSTON. & to Stationoro 'NKr t'ealers, 67 Wood it. ( k ;101)A A 511..-1.00 ea,sks. Soda Ash, now i,nut lag and for Kale by myn MILLI 3 . RIONETSON, Ea GI S.-- LO- barrela fresh Eggs, jiwt.receiv txt .nd t.,r• sale bye JASIES A. FETZER, Marks: and lilrst streets. 0 - 161 J FISH. --.-- , ..„,..t - % 3 drums extra large Cod 'flea ; 3 •• largo " " Just roeolved and fer ease, by , lillLL.tat it. I.IIOIIETSON, rr, rth . , NCH. 221 ands Liberty atreoL *SALE-:-One Steam - Inginet, Cylinder • it, Ecaoea di,rtatori4% feet stroke, with 2 Cylinder Bonen' 32 inches in, Ed feet in length, with tire front; Yly Wheel 19 feet-in diameter. Fur i,-rido and terms, ingrate of C. C. it J. El. SAW nil, J. N0..47 Wood street. LA 1)1 ti;S' K!!) GLOVE CONGRESS GAlT .tai without hr.da, at (k Pooplo'a Shoo DIFfEINI3titiRPM. it CO. lEEE 1 I:N'''S CONUILESSAIAI'fItIitS CJIEAP People's Slipe Store, No. 17 l''thotieet. DIFFF.tiIi.ACUSit & Co. iilf DNT AE COristataly on hand a large supply of . knre Wince and Liquors for tundicninV, purppseg. Thee wh+hing anything/Li this lin. can rely upon getting Q pure arti , le et .I(Arxtr 1ux..3.1.nv0 8, 1712 Luton Dlerielell end Idartret *tyact. ... S 1 600 WILL buy a Dwelling House cf 8 monis and bath room, good cellar ' and other corrienlancee, situate on Franklin street. SCCO in hand balance at one and two pears. 8. CUTHB 61 ER I T arkt4 et.reet:. YPE METAL, just received andfor sale Lry NV. • Stationer and Printer 1e2.13 Oorner Market and Second streets. iQuAPs o —A largo supply of-, Low's „wo ky known Bro W-n largo soap, - iiiit 'Tr:Rived Ala Gooey, Palm, Lettuce, Nymph and other fancy Soaps can atautly on hand at JOS. FLEMING'S, , Corner Diamond and 11.411tet streak ' COLTON'S NVES'f TOURIST SGUIDE k_i lior sale by 0519) - J. IL VirNLDIN. .' DSLIVERED EVERY PLIORNINO.-- • FUntaY 'l3 Preys, Fublie Lodger, N. Y...Timos, Beirald end Tribune, end Our Clecinnati CandmereinVere delivered in every part of the city. Trade snpplied by leaving ycrut itddrese ro ITUNT & MINER, Jell 'lldsoble UAL t C E N 'I ' S - 'WI A R.- . CLIFAP. . ' 0 tuit's Puldn't Leather Getters; ' en, fjont's Patent 'Leather Ozferdet:74 • i... O ht's Calf F.oot.i ; dent's Fino ElippdL.P.ers. Y AT _Tad . PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, -.- No. l 7 Fifth street, DlifFEINBA0111:11 L CO. QTr R CANDLES.-75 boxes extra Ada -1,0 ..LlA.zittne Stir Candice', Warranted AmperiOr to any in the -tharlist, on hand and for Tale by n. PAWYF.II PONUES—A largo supply of coarse and Eno Sponges, of a 'very superior quality,mnet received by -- JOE; FLEMING. Corner Diamond and Ifarkfit street. , tX T .C.R --- )Nhft , Y FOR OFFICE IiSE--A 5 Lirg3 souply of Etapio•arol Fancy' , StatlorfOry, for of btc.4far gala by (J 019) J It. WELDIII. WRESH TEA, ..MORE NEW TEA— Tho is firkeet Tea of 6'7.34 tv-kelec grade and color. The sub scriber ban in store and arriving, a most extensh , o and complete assortnient of lea in cheats, half cheats and fami 1y hazes, all of which offered at greatly reduced prices. jeC2 , EL:JAYNES, 38 Fifth street. . HO - RE IN THE COUNTRY.-4 new . JOS.. Cotteg,e , on of thorns, good caller, Aid ever , ' convenience to reeto a c:rafortable and pleasant residers:el stable, carriage hoax:, spring house, 250 peach trees alio, choice apples and other trait, 12 acres of landigood quality for gardening Purposes, situate at 3 lanes frcon tho city, near the Washington Turnpike. Terms easy, and immedi sate posaessio - a. 'For sale by. S. OUTIIBEET. EON„. , Ir 2-2 t 1 Market stre cu. ESIRABLE PliarealY FOR- BALE— ! w' , A Dwelling House and tWo'large lota, with . good Jai ,provementik immediate v.v.& on Price, $lBOO. :Inv:m(1, all prink, iland one I;eilz, from Hayotto Spnnge. Price, $6 per acre. A valuable property at Lawrenceville, incomplete order, ,good location, immediate posaearice--$3600. A section or choice land in, Franklin county. lowa, ill good fellation $2,66 dre. 8:0131Z1IBIMA! k. SON, e 29 • • .61 Market street. CI4ARIK. STREET. Brick Dwelling •Etonse ailtlaric allei, at the low price of PM. Also;tbree otherliwelllng on near the - above. 171ce,:a.n=- oasb. Terms easy. , l il. C RBl3jtT A.SON. 6/ Maketet G VIERRIN . G.- - -50:Iiblif H. u. 00141.111 d ; TS AN EMOVAL.—J. & H. PIMPS hive - - )JILTI). removed to their hew building,. Noe. .2i and, 28 ET. ,13liAllOttreet, weet eide,between Penn streetalid PRIL,LIPI3 I • .:AiNIMACTIIIIXII AND 1316 P FLOOD, YUENIPtiIati3 OPA O QUE LEVAath i , TABLE, TRANSPARENT wIN4I . Ow smorar. OIL CLOTIp. Of different Lkoloco. Also, DUA.Liolati lII.OIL 01A NUS a WINDOW SHADES, Of overy.desaription. Dostora In INDIA RUBBIM. GOODS, of all kiade, made under Goodyear's Patent; Keith' of the Boston and New 'forkßolting °Comp:mica, fat :the sale of their INDIA BIM- - , BRII BELTING, HOBE ;and PACKING. LEATHER BELT- II G of ICiastern manufacture, a superlor'quality; also, 'Lace I:Mather and -Rivets. 'Agents for the OEM PLEB—PROOF lICINYThaL PAINT. Dry and .lined Paints, Varnishes, Gib, Turpentine, Brushes, Glass and Putty. ELME AND KWH , pAINTING AND GLAZING, in all its branches, 40ne in thi,tiest and sluirtest time. ' fde2.o:l yj' ', .- • j. u. p E;ore!Nos.2B - and 2 ~Bt. Clair street; I aprorllie. on the Ohio river, three miles below Pittsburgh. CADV4 . I3 , VATTING ea 202 T EfE dieouatti , , Street Carpet Store. W D. ,Eo.MTALLIIM respectfully v v Invite the a ttention of their forme r customers agdthe piablio geneilillyto theinprosent stock, just selected ler Spring salep; embracing the very ilitestetyles of Foreign' wind biontivAiminfacture eorisisting -in, part of Velvets and Brussels; Tapestry and Common Ingrain: also, Brussels, ..Banmek Twilled'and Plain Stair CARPETS. OIL' CLOTHS FROM 2 TO 21 MET WIDE, Rliga, Mai; 'Stair Rods, Canton and Cocoa Matting; List, Yarn and Bag Carpets ; Venitian Blinds; Painted,' Buff and Crean Holland Shades. iz * It will gAire us pleasure to show goods to all who may ba , desirous of looking or purchasing, and we are determined to o er inducements to any ..who may favor u with a call, at tt a old stand, No. 87 FOURTH Street, near Wood. mylthly •W. D. II'OALLIIM. : IL CLOTH CLOTll.fital-=Of - all kinds, 41) black and yellow, far sale at the India Rabbet Depot dZd St Clair street. [deg] 3. H. T 1;l3 $ 9,60,1 . a 0,50 (AIL CLOTHS FOR THE FALL TRADE. We bare on hand, . and are. daily receiving additions thereto from our own and other manufzetoriea, a large sock of Floor Uurzdture, Cairtage Trhaudng,Tablo Cover, Trans. *eat, Green and Buff, and all kinds of 011 Cloth, used ior Zonseinnaisidng and other purposes. Also, Transparent Window Chalice, of dry and oil tiniah—gold bordered and other styles, end Window Shade Trimmings. pierchsata and others will dad it to their, advantage to ar., amine oar stoca and prices before making their purchases elsolihere.' kH. PHILLIPS,' IBM 28 and 2S St. Clair street. .111 LL CLOTH TABLE COVERS—Of our owon and other mannfactrwers for tale • wholesale mad retail, • by 3. & H. PHILLIPS, 17 28 and 28 St. Clair street. TRANSPARENT GREEN OIL CLOTH -3000 yards of a suporior goality, jut received 'from t 5 o faotory,'and for sale by J. do `ltal. Clair st DuqA.R -- RIAGE OIL CLOTHS.Enamelled , with plain or figured backs-on muslin., Twilled and Hozds; for sala by , . a PHILLIPS, t 26 and 2S St. Clair street. PAP OIL OLOTILS—A few pieces on mue- Tray en, end imitation of ailk, f r sale [i. and 2.S St. Clair street_ (jyl7).• J. Jt IL Pfill.r,Trs. • t tilsburgla 70z. ;f1 100 GUI. 110SiTCAL .611EtITINii—of all widths and of the beet quality, fof sale at the India Rabbet 111.. put, :Id and 28 t. Clair street , 60c. cp 100 Ma INDIA RUBBER DOOR MATS—The best article hi wso, for sale et the Judi.% 1132hlter Depot, of J. Li. PITILLIPS, boo. ft.loo lb ULOOR OIL CLOTHS,- Of car own and eastern manufoctura---all widths, and rat to trait any Mae of roonia or hat 1— tha Oil Cloth 'Wore roinual No. 2.0 and Xi at. Clair alma', wad 400.3100 QM. IGreat Chad itiolaes - f BEST op MOST CERTAIN SPEC LI LATIQN OF 't TIIIES---ON.LY , ONE Doillefili, PER SIIWEE.—.Fuety thousand dollars Worth oe valuable Reel Estate, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, with a groat variety of Fancy and Staple Goods; to' he disposed of in forty nee: sand ebaree; at ope dollar per share, as fellows the payment ()lone huller, t will mud the payer a lumbered re ceipt, which will entitle him to one share is the above undi vided property. When the shares shall have been sold, the shareholders shall be notified of the'fset, by mall, or through the newspapers, and a meeting - of the Shareholders shall then be held in the city of Philrdolphia, and the whole of the property disposed of or distributed among them; in such way asahall ho determined upon by them; each Sharehuld er shall be entitled to one vote, a Committee to be selected by the Shareholders at said Stetting; to oondact or eupei in tend the disposition of the property, according to the direc tions of the Shareholders, and I. will then dellyer the .pree perty to such person or persons as the Slam/Molders may appoint to receive the same. The Real Estate consists of one three story brick dwelling house and lot, valued at Pi , 00, and two three story brick dwelling houses and lots valued at 2100 each, in the °Riot . Dttiladelphia, clear of all 'ileum brance, and title indisphtable; the other property consists of the whole stock. and fixtures of ono of the largest Watch and Jewelry Stores in the city of Philadelphia, now, and hr a long time pest kept by the subscriber. The stock consist ing of vary flub Gold and Silver limiting Cute Lover Watch en, very fine Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Lupine and other W etches, bold Chains, Pencils, Seals, Lockets, Tar hinge, Brooches, Bracelets, Diamond and other Rings and Pius, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Ac e dm., Gold, Weer and Stool Spec tacles, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Silver -end Silver Plated Ware, ccuiestlng of Tea Sets, Castors, Cairo Baskets, Claps, Spoons,Knives, Forks, Ac e Ac. Also, French Clocks , 311nxio Boxee,Accmrdeores, and a groat variety or other goodie The above is not one of those schemes which are devised to en trap the unwary, but is and will be a fair sale of the entire property belonging to the subscriber, persons are poeitively assured the stock has not been purchased for the purpose of deception, and to palm otf Coalmen Gilt and Plated for lino Gold, nonesuch will ho distributed, the moot respect. able persona are they as references, to disposed to p ur chame shares. All orders by meil enclorar' .g the money will Les promptly attended to, and receipts forwarded to the ad-: dress vi the sender, by return math Any person son drag ten dollars at one time, shall receive eleven separate receipts, in as many separate names if desired. en. In writing for Blume, please write the name of the Post Wee?, to which you wish the envier directed. eV, is the greatest chance of getting a large amount of valuable Property, for a email sum, 813 has ever before been ofiered to the public. Send on your orders ' es /shares are selling rap id ly, and it is conlldently expected the distribution will soon be mode. Articles allotted to persons at a diatancie; will be sent to them at their expense ..Agents wanosi" mtusications masts COPYING PRESSES, with Screw and Lever, for etile 1.1 ,W. 5. u4vr,N, satioacr and Paper Dealer ' -20 CO Abrkot and &Pond etree MO ts., NIKR EXCURSIONISTS.- kV Ladies whodosign taking a " Flamm Trip,".ehould provide themselves with the NEW LINEN TRAVELING SKIRT! Tho above article can be procured at p-FR medicinal URE •ENCH BRANDY, for medi purpose b y the bottle . or Italian, at ILIWORVI Es BROWNLEE'S, • • In the Diamond. 1 BACKS FE B A AG THET ; S do f so or B r y I 2 a by oo. Nos. 18 ci4d 20 Wood Wart :111YE.-125 bush Rye for sale by • -JAS. A. FETZER, •2 Corner bil.rket and-Firatatroutd TIMOTHY SEED-10 hugh. Good Timothy Seed for male by : v • DICE FLOUR.-15 bbls. just rooeived and forralo by [mra] HENRY IL COLLINS. TRY APPLES-100 bush., for sale by Je43o , MMUS IL COLLINZI. I'X.PANSION Siring, and all the other celebrated Skirts, for-Eale by ar26 J08.1101011;17 Market atm-A. 10tLACK LACE MITTS.—.A. large stook of y eicellent atyles, with and without fingers, very'cne,g) of -lap2B) • JOB. nonfir , 77 Market stroi.4._ CIOTTON; 110SLE111.—Every variety .0 I Cotton Stoorlage and Halt Rose at the lowest priCC3 aitolestilo or retail, at JOS. LIJIINE 5, ap23 ICE,—Six tierces prime Rice,just reed , / ed and fur Bala by MILLER & RICKETSON, rorl2' Nut. 23.1 and ti 3 Liberty street_ ARR.FISH-15 whole bble. Lake Supe rior White Fishlaskruceived aad for sale by JAB. A. FETZlidt, 'Coruur Margot and FLrut areas. $6OO stor-ydluramteetebydrote,l,laitg utly nit sited on 11. t. Vir.ablugton. Terms way. CUTLIBRIV2 t SON. ra 11.8.-kat t. - - ALDEN'S _astir Restorative, Brown's hari—Jankalca iliAgsr Preston a , Ilorrill a Cooking Extracts, ilennedy's Discovery, Thompeon'a Washing Conaponnd, ilcion's Indelible Ink,. !Scaling it Ctunpbeli'a giur Borax, Saltpetre, Lemon Syrup. For We by B. L. VAEINE3TOOII—k CO., Nu. W. 'corner of Wood and Fourth ,aa YRUP.-10 bblg. N. 0. Syrup for gale, on cousilgunioaL bi (mg) 3:MUSS - IL COLLINS QTARCIL-250 Ids Roohestor Pearl 'te.rah mtvivhd and fiat aria ha IrkNilY 11". fOLI•ItiA. Fumst of the 'sewn just re eared by expires and for Bale by ILEYMER. & ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood etreer. Cppesite &A:Starke Hine— OIL BUTTER-2 bbls. Fresh Roll Butte roctived and for Bale by ddb. A. FETZER, , rayla • . Do r- ner Market and Firs. ate. 11 TEW BEDEW SPERM 011.1PLES, 20 boxea azacalad 44; Wa and C?a, Eparm Ctriadlee nu band and far rata by D. & a&grvra. TUFF'S 130 S K-FLEEPING, Bl in tri3, an Drincan's system of Paiscanablp by sAumeal, garner Market sad Famed atreeta, O LOVERSEED.-25 sacks just received, vLi and kW WS 131 Valli MOM U. COLLINS n i r i GROSS HAVEN'S No. ONE PENS. Just received and fcs tale by w. lieu% Corner Market and second streets. l(1 DRUMS COD FISH, for sale by uf -BAGALIM OCMIII4III h CO., 10411.• - ' Nas-18 ad V) Wooi str.a. WOOLLEY'S SALVE for sale wholeslao I'o reuil at the Dray Store of 1- JOHN MINT, JR., WA] Corner Ccirogd and atilt Ma., Vittsbargli J. k H. lIIILLIPS. M=EM J. FL P.IIILLIRS ;own and villago. 1 1t coaa -I to L. It. 101COMALL, orid stroet, above Chesnut, Philadelpia JOE. HOIINE'B. 77 ?!ark ft stroot tiIIsETING executed in the highest style o : art, nudist redziona'bietirlces, by J. It. WELDIN, Bookseller and Eitatkaker, &3; Wood street r near Youth. WNING RODS-1 set Awning Rods, for. mle by 06251 um /By U. uottus. GREAT B 1 ,1 ;21 UTIFIER 136 , 1 , 011 g Unsucossatally Sought FOUND AT '4A STY I'OI RESTO.RES PERMANENTLY Gray gainita color-1 ciivers luxuriantly bald head; removes dandruff, itching Mid all scrofula, scald head and all ernviona; makes the hair soft, hcaltny, and ; and willpreserve it to any imailn face,ge, rEmoses, as if by magic, all blotches, otc. from the and cures all neuralgia and nervous headache. SC/ circular and the fol lowing, Dovra, N.:l 1., Feb. 24 18d7. PROF. 0. J. WOOD dt CO.—Ciente: 12Ithin a few days we have received so many orders und.oalis' for Prof. 0. J. Wood's Hair Restorative, that today we werorcornpelled to sand to Boston Mr a quantity, (the l dosion you forwarded all being sold,) while we might order a quantity from yoa. Shay boUla we have sold seems to Afire prod ur three or four new customers and the a, probation, and tronage it receives from the most substantial and worthylcitizeas of our ',Mini ty, fully convince us that it is A HOS; VALHABLX PIMP` A ilaten.l.32i Send us :a soon as may be one grots of .1:1 size; and one down $2 size; and believe us yours v(Fy respectfully. (Signed) DA::: LATHOSP di 00. iitchour Charles C..; N0v.19, 1844. PROP. O. J. WOOD—Door oir : eotue Law List sninmer we were induced to use some of your liar ilestorstive, and its effects were 00 wenderful, we feel it cur duty to you and the afflicted, - to report it. . • Our little son's head . f.,r tome time had bzen perfectly cov ered with sores, and soma called it eotiLl heal. 'no hair al most entirely came off in consequence, whoa a Crieocl ) Keying hie sufferings, advised us to use your ;Restorative, we did s. with little hope of bIICCeSiI, but, to war surprise, ;,u i the: at all our triends, a very - few application the disease entirely, and a new and luxuriant crpli cf hair soon eturtod ont, and wo can now say that our boy ihte 11 , 1 haelthy n scalp, and as luxuriant a crop et Mitres any other child. We can therefore, and db hereby ikonsmein:dye& lltsterative, as a perfect remedy for all diseases of the scalp and hair. Weave, yours reipectfully. IiRIOINBOTHAM, rSARAII iiIGOINIIOTII.3. I. d.; sa. t hinine, 4urto d 2, 1855. PROP. O. J. WOOD—Dear 'Sir: I lace used two bottle's of Professor Wood's ilair;ltestoratlye,end can truly say it is the greatest discovery of the age for restoring and changing the Liair..-? Beldro using it I wet aLiumn 'of acridity,. Sly Hair haii now attained its original tdlor. You can recom mend it to the world without the last fear, 00 ray case wa, ouo of the worst hind. Yours 'llespectfully, PAN] 1 0. J. WOOD 2t 00., Proprtetora, 392 Broadway, New York, (tn the ,great, N. Y. Wlre Databllahint•nt,) and 114 Upshot &tree:, ot. ',onto, Mo. Sold by Dr. DEO. 11. 11.F.Y3.11E., P.O Wood atreot, Dud by all good Draggiata. eoliamtlaw 'REV? vazia:.o-` 2 IMISNII'. 'Private Euid Gotifidentialißledical LAvicel • p - A T TIIE BITITAIO T=L—"istablinhed'ilir. the diare of iiyphilis,lsinurni? Wessuuess and the Secret Infirmities of Youth and Ale.turity, .bY Dr. AMOS it SON, Buffalo, N. Y. Office corner of Ifain. arid Quay btlV3tB, (up stairs.) A MOST SOl:t:NTirial s_NYitINTION. An Instrument for the oura of tlonital Debility, or tioctnr nal ft:missions, more properly imetvit sa Seminal 'Weakness, ito. Can be pethinrioutly curod f t Imm twenty days ' by the nap of this instromeht, when used conjointly with medicines; • • YOtri'.lQ, KEN rAi 1, PAIMIOULAN. NOTION. Dr. AMOS A SON ttilth - plcainfre anuotudeing flint they have invented a roostimportanti d'str meant for the cure of the above diseases. It nos been i.ubject, d. to a test by the most eminent physicians to London. i s arl; r Liiie.deirttin and New Ynric; it has been declared the only useful Lust:amens over yot invented, :Or the mire of Seminal Weithnostoor any dLweo of the genital ergalito tianuod ; Lby the score!. habits of youth. Dr. .ABOS A SOU, is erae o satiety the r.htst the - pr.:oat se to the iinolts of ittEstrll zniAtt, thestnahves that la any instance whore they may noeiltuiactcri after fair trial, the moue- 'alit ref:in:Lid by relit 121.11 , 1 the ire etrameut in good oder.. Persons wishing the above useffil inetrumoni %LAN observe that the price, with the accompiMyring ilireetios:, securely Niched and sent by ". es rest, is ten dolus. AND QUI01 , :. OUT.t , Dr. AISIOS a SON may be conohliicti front eight o'itiatiri in the morning until ulna at nlght,l, in every stage o O. wimp• tom of the Viitisioni Disesse, Gonorriaas, sanniary Symptoms, Seminal Weakness., Impotence unlit. c tares of the Urethra, etc., with inviolable sscre4y. The troahncitt they adopt is the result of opward of thirty yearo' extenalin and successful ',notice in Lons on. meet inveterate area of Venereal Disoares loradirte.t in eight or rinse days, nil cases of a alight notate in tAiis or thlTe Lit, it mod. crate) expense. 'Zhu core effectild vrithout confinement or hindrance from business . also, Midst and rab".. , in ties Mims 0111:1 limbs, effectually eindi_ A atath Dr. iiikiOS a -BON have devotad their attention eaclasive ly to this peculiar class of malacties, and the relief they have consequently been enabled to reader to their fellow-creature fully testified and greatfallyl achriowledgcd by convales centpatlents and °there daily arriving in town from all parts of the coantry, for the ezprose purpose only of consultations while their exerlions have beat crowned with the roost eig nal adVnistagse; yet- from what they have experienced l - inquiring into the causes of these infectious complaint (Crum their moat 12iu:11,10 cowilt i ta that of the meat den gerund and inveteniM , l) they 73 always entertained die possibility of their prevention and removal, and ilitewtie in variably found that the most horrible and nieugnaut forms of disease could almost alwayt4be traced to ono of the fol. lowing causes .7—lgnorance, collect, or the effects of nn skilful and improper rrentur34t; tnort•turd, Dr. AMOtI S. BON hare succeeded in, in the c,Auctieci bf their remedies, a safe, effectual, and •;.antrons coarse ; omitting all combination of remedies whichibear an equivocal character, as well as those whets promatuie ur application, might be productivs at bsii cencequencea in also hands ci private individuals. In short the latidible end of their rei medico is the lemening of a great mass of hymn= .miamry by the atleillalion, relief and proVenten of them grievous al flictione that are in reality thelsocret fee of 1i o, end which, while they so extremely nurrunirl no, call aloud for our alit end interference for their exttiminut,oa. 0 OUN TIW - /NYA LIM Pea - one in any part of tho world may be snoccestully G•eated by forwarding a corn/ detail of their case, with a remittance for mudiciate, Au. • -• Adchues Dr: AMOS .a 60N, Main and 2najotrebte, linthio. N. Y. iriSf.UdicirlY • ..u. 'figIiRTITATE DISEASifIS.—DR. IsituViN'El IdEDICAL and STIDa/CAL G.T.cee, No.l 50 ErdITILIIIELD Street, Pitts. .v.:',., -.,.. burgh, Pa. 1 z i.:' .. DILDBOWN is on old citiz act s' of Pitts- ..-., t-,, , -::t.15,..;,, ,, ,,,;:.,-; burgh, and has been in pr o for thq ~...44,,...,, 4 it-f,r-41, , ,, last twenty-five year!. ME. b . :nos lirlyclirp 4 :l,,T,.'l,ktV been confined mostly to Private and Sur-Oz,V , yrif, gloat Diseased. ; , 474!., =WIENS AND STlLAiil2l.fat'i3 -. .., : ii i .',9 , - in need of a medleal friend, ahouLl not ~, ,lA t esp!!' tail to And out the sure plat of relief:Lel% . ~ .e , The Doctor. le a regular gra unto, and ”V. g.1,t1.e— -hie e.tporience in the treatme , t of a certain elan of diseases is a sore guarantee to the staerere of obinbtogpermanent relief, by thO'use of his remediee and following his ad iice. DR. 131 - :o7(ti!S RIINUL'.D.• I]a3 never fall to care the worst: forM of Venereal Dizesote.:— Impurities arid' Scrofulous Affection:l. Also, all ti16,...W.t1a arising from a hereditary to 4t, which ma:life:do 'limit in the form of a tatter, prod:sale anti' a. great many forms of Shia diseases, the otigln of which flo patent is cutirely !gccrant To persons so afflicted, Dr.,1133. offiClJ hopes .of a ' , lure and speedy reco - My. . • 1 SEMINAL lIVIDAIQW - r2d. Dr. Brown's remedies forithls alarming trouble, br,:ught on often by that sollts,l7 habit of seuanal gratification which the young and Weali-mindelollms give way t.,,(t0 thelrawa destruction) aro the only ratable r omhdiea emeler. in this country—they are safs, anal realm e. tDebily nsibration health, Dr. Brown's remedies miter tail to ma thin painibl ease in a feta days—ho wari^szit - r. are. Ile alit tzezel Piles, Cacti, Gonorrhenn, Otricture, 'KettUral Diache.rsvi, male We t•nosz.,.hiontbly4 Sapp-Az/iota, Diseases of ais Joints, Plateda lu, tr;.,nor.o AZ:alm, Pain iu - the Dant and Kidneys, irritation of the Bladder, together with all distance of en ofig#l. A letter deeilibing, their eymptoras, ceutaining a Ens, di. rooted to DII. BROWN, ..10 w i3mithuold etrcat, rittaborel, Pa., still bo inimedintety 40,bvieff,J. nvikine azr.t to .1,15 aildreza, tarot; pcckod r-nstbozme., %rem acrsatico.. OiEce, end eft - rata Rooa4, Nu. v., Orzithfin,ld burgh, Pa. NU OW IS YO TIME—Buy summer ehow whilst you • u gut them so cheap, at tho , BILOE l'01111; V. 17 Fifto 'street. We will continue to sell at roduced roles for stveral Niue:B.-- save your money , by buying is. the low lime-. Ocnt'a Ositteri for the excurdldg low price 01' V.?.. A few more Ladles' Gaiters left at $1,15, worth $1,75, oiled on no, soles_ Congress Gaiters for sl,lis t Now to the time to buy, cheap. _ • DUFENBACI.II.I3. .2 CO. 7 OS PRINTERS, atatinerm, Mat ers, and per Desiera JOILNSTOts.I Ai CO, an 44 Wand street. - - ----- CI-LI V E 011,1 4 .; baskets of tine Olive Oil, for tante o_ie, recOtved this day, by JOSEPH . ri.ENIII:tt, 001 . r,r 'daimon:l and 'dart et 11_31 ( .2TORIAL - ‘,41'1•1110tIr .A_ now, bclutiful and cheap arttc',o, ;lied for the-ox. chiding of in?flecto, L.f ad tbrongh wju• down when ci.Le twlit iy ridaod, art th- 7.4171 t, time admit. Ong a tree, current of (di. They aro got to in n variety of beautlfalsa'nca, 51/1": arS oru Irneatp..! useful—ter Halo whatelala and ratan, at '2tl and Y.B .;t. street, by J. & 11. P;III.L.LPE, on 6 bole Agentjior Mrlnufactoror4 in Pittsburgh. APPIIS—:SO buatiols Dried Al, Ides, Jnsl, recet rtld and for sal , ::: CO Corner Wood and Vfc. ratroeta IMPORT --- ANT 'ro BUYERS.- -- We have now placod upon collator a lot of lio/1,411) GAIT -111118 mid 13130E3, which we offer CLIEA?. Call and exam ine them. All kinds of Ordruasr wear sulking at tho most reasonable prices. Miami Ualwre, black aria colored, with and without heels, Childrea'a Haney Shoes, of the newest styled. We hav still a few Meals l'atent Leather Gaiters left, now selllng',at greatly redumd prices. LIG~3tI(B'.CUI It ft CO, On. 17 fifth street, war Market. RYE FLOUIL—t-20 bbls. fresh ground Rye Blonr Just receded. and fc,r &Ste by .3,13. A. prrzE.n . Garner Market, and Hirst atu. - DIME LIQUqRS.—A large supply of Wines and Lbquarl, atrictly pure ter niedifal ParPG 32 . Ulm wishing an artibie that can be railed an far purity, iihtnald call and muninto ray stock. Jr..)14. VINMINt4, ace c4^iner Mzik,t letrool and Iltazr.on JOI; PRINTIAG.— i clad; if . , clxgrA&.--4, Price Li4tD, ' lu 1. ll 14in T, Letter Hen , . L;bow .1111b3,Lubris,4* , ,J Printed in superior style t.' abiot astir.), by Wk. G. JOli3ii3TfOli a- 00, Printers, Blank lioc. Itranufacturars and Statiattr.., .nl9 l if ifa Wood etcroW. EhION? , --- der, pelt raolve OR grosa g k AraloitlYs arVIG - . !N.:7o4for_saer ,by ' ".13.,>A„. rAscLuN,4I3,,TtFC4 Ito LACK OR , r _LP style. fur ir.lo. großAcco.- 7 8% and 10'0 To '4' itiEr:o7lA= - - ores Palerm i o, n. No. 1 or 'and far ads by ILEYAIEII. 4 ANDRE:3ON, No, 1:•.0 Wood scree, - Oppoalto tiro SL Obarb33 JC:?:.ZPR. EtORNLYZ, boxes, assorted-brands, 5Pe, COO, now landing, and for sale by r`rFLTMTI t BIOKETSON, 1 1 Nos. 2310nd 223 liberty street._