F ALI, DRY GOODS C. HANSON LOVE'S, No. 14 Market Street, I.ETWEEN FOURTH STREET AND THE DIAMOND P:TTSBURCH, PA. SIGN OF THE ORIGINAL BEE HIVE The subscriber hasjast returned from Philadelphia, Now ' nl " , P-oatuu, and some of the Manufacturing towns In the Stat:.a, ea as to get a portion of oar DOMES ' IC t;`.) , IDS direct from tue mannfacturere, and sate one in receiving them In that way. Our stuck of Foil iii.)llDB has never heeu so complete. 3)RESS' GOODS : t RICH DRESS SIFTS, In Plain Black and Flgnred. RICH DRESS SILKS, Plaid, Striped and Brecaeo RICH SILK ROBES, Black and Colored. RICH ALL WOOL MOUS DE LAIN - ILI.CH ROBE MOBS DE RAINS RICH CODIT.)N AND WOOL MOUS DE LUNE FRENCH MERINOS COB URGS, Ttin iiirgest stock in the city, and ! LITER 4100DS FOR THE PRICE P'ET.FOI.I:::D IN AN V OTEIRIt HOUSE WEST OF I=l )1 7 (41 - 1'1' AUC'FION '.!LOE QUANTITIES AT LOW PRICES I=ll ADVANCE ON EASTERN COST :;`}JAW LS AND CLOAKS, eetirely sech as the .A I,M A SHANV And many ct.' er )VELTIES IN SHAWLS AND CLOAKS IV, trt,va hblo to over la:ge and varied a stool; o L:71.2. of itna CLCUKS. NEEDLE WORK : CoLLAft, SETS AND SLEEVES, FLOUNCINGs, EDGINGS, MOtTiiNING GOODS : GOODS, sHAWLS, CRAPE: COLLARS, GLOVES E.;ERY OTHER ARTICLE IN THE LINE 'lotritNlNO 1 0 111ESIT(' AND STAPLE GOODS BLRACHED AND UNBLEAOHED MUSLINS, ~c::rxc~. i t11X..•, TN4I ri .t Ptl N'TS, EEN TUC Y JEANS, TWEEDS, S.ATINETT 8, CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, Arid 7 ca.ll,E arthlei arias is latlit in a WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF DRY GOODS A , 1. - .3,2y since has bum bought from the a 11 3 ,1 AT AUCTION PJlt NET CA SU, valL:td t, nail them a 3 LOW AS THEY CAN BE I'i:RCLIA.SED IN MANY OF THE IYIIOLE3ALE HOUSES rn cii,,,e. In short, we never hove been able lar,in, and attractive a stock t.) our numerous Cue ( and tr,,, puLinc generally. Clr -- NEW G0.J . D.3 RECEIVED DAILY. C. HANSON LOVE. I;•proi ,, rly ro , thz,Blov”amon tt Love, mad I cwo Brother, ~.,.:1 MAILKIIT STZgI:T, PiTTSEIIPALI, PA =MOE 671.RRIA.GES C ARIZIAGL-] NAIVET FACTOR A N EtziSTEftN REPOSITORY JOSEPH WitilTE UAS JUST RECEIVED AT lIIS RE IKlBlTalir, eituat..d near the Two Milo Rau, betwc,n Pittsburgh and Latrrezcovllle, a fri . :21. 1 -3" . and feral , aas,irtnient cr Carriages, Boggles, Sur i ;•.1. etc. at, hrrsocements are such that ho Is constantly r•-•;r:ing uew cud so , „„•oud-hsnd vehicles, and the public may t-ls en always finding a gt.ed stock on hand. lie also mat. tures to order, on iihort CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, And till pertain:mg to thebn:ineia. With eighteen years racricql expeTletece in this 1272 irl E , 39, and his weldknown tscihtles, ho flatters ',lava:4f that ho offers great Inducements to parchasers. ta" - - The cstal.,lish.nt nt 18 located on the route of the Tx ( Cmnibus Line of Coaches, pa3ning the door every C.ften miuutt.t. selo:d.aw CI AP:3.III(.IES. Having on hand at my ,-stabliah MOM t, in Allegheny City, at the pros - n t time, the largest end meet varied stock of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, ETC., airy ehcp probably in the West, I have been iudtved to ....ore a portion in thy, large , warehonse three doors below the 11 , .uong_ih,gA liens,, Water ,treet, Pittsburgh, where or strangers, desiring a gxd vehicle of almost auy ~ , ,xlptioa, can l e accommodated cn good terms. The :3 all of my cw'n in.tuufacture, got up in the most ar ta.-ic Atyle, of the best materials aelocteii in the Eastern ....rket with gr-at core; trio home Oarnagos, tingle nod ..11;sicians' Rockaways, Prince r: liai.7l,s. 1 11 , ,r30r1'0, Jenny Lind's. et. 4-4 - • Cati e:olrairie thEni ' -4: : .;17. & C. WEST & CO., ORLIe CI .1 11 11 I A (4 L S , SIILEIES AND SLIIIGIIB PiTTSBUR.3II, PA. AU wre-t: war. - Elet , J. t the t:CS...lltaterif.llll Find . rt.:y . l2l3th COPI'E MILL Sole/A.lElp, Works. PARK II'CURDY CO ,, -, 4./TANUFACTUREI-1S OF SIIEATITING, 111 Br:L.:ter,' and Bolt COpper, Pressed Copper Bottoms, Bottoms, Speller ilo!,Jer, fe , also importers and ra in Slot:11a, Tin Plata., Sli.et Iran, Wire, .tc. Constantly Aod, Toots. Warehouse, N 0.3.49 and S Pi tt.Nlmrgli, P a A peclal ordure I 00,11,c7 cat 1,1 ,r - . L 1 , I N .7? STATIJIN Eft, FILINTEaL BINI/E:t, 6 3 , ESA:VEEN FOULTLIII.ND Fll.lll, N. (1 11. u!I ci E R r. ft '1 1. NO. 21 FIFTH STREET ee27:6nad ( ( kvon City Commercial College, Pitt.smzigh, Pa.— Chartered, 1855. .9 T UDE LIT 8 ATTENDING, JAE4132—E.Y.1858 Now the largest and rousctlicrough Commercial e.ChOul the United State. Idea, f - rep..:. 167 Ac:aal Duties of the Ontritinv C. SLii. i 1.1, Prolos,or kll 8...0k-Reeping and of Acra,remta. A. T. DOUTti Err, Teach Lt ~1 Arithmetic and Commercial Cnlcalation. J: A. ELETEDRiCii and T. C. J NS Teachers of Beek- Kceping. ALEX COWLEY, and W. A. MILL.EIi, Professors of Pen. inAnahip. Single and amble Entry Book-Keeping, as used in every _a-tree-et of Business. Commercial, Arithmetic, Rapid • ~in.to Writing, Detecting Counterfeit Money, liercantllo ,apondence, Commercial Law, are taught, and all other ,e• j., ne...nary for the success and therouch ,Lduciition pra,tle-ai brigillef2 man. TWELVE PBBMIIISTS, DraV.li eli tie premiums in Pittsburgh forthe pant three duo in c.a.,tern and Western Cities, fur hest Writing, :r3.T Ton ENGRACZD WORK, - a& I MPoRT.4 NT INFORM ATION. q.idents enter at any time—No vacation—Time unlimited -IteviAw• at ples.inre—Uradnatee assisted in obtaining lilt ,ti,)ns—Tnition for Full Commercial Course, s3s—Average e , b to 12 seeks—Beard, $2,10 per week—Stationery, $6 Entire coat, $6O to ;o'o. Minietere eons recoPre4 at halt price. For Card--Circalsr—Epecimet , of Business and Onus. Writing—facto -, two etainps,And address E. W. JENKINS, nfr Pittahorch. NInDAVIVII7II9. RUM.-2,00 gallons for sale by 13. A. FA.HNESTuOK 6; 00., Corner Wocd and Yirst streets foU UUly. CLuia Bup4Alna 4U e'• " Family Flour; Just received and tur sale, by JAB. 4„ T7ya, Corner !dirket and Bind teL 7qOU.!iTA IN?., INSERTINGS, ETC GOODS JJHN SOUTH ock:m LOCAL. AFFAIRS The Weather.—Tho following Is the range of the thermometer and barometer, as kept by George E. Shaw, optician, Fifth street, yesterday : T LI 1: &MOIL ETEP.. In Snu. ...........Cloudy 9 A. M 12 hi 6 P. M .. Barometer, 29 3.10. The New Orleans English Opera Troupe. This evening we are to' be favored with the first entertainment of the operatic character we have had for some time, by the Now Orleans Opera Troupe. They have just c mcluded a two weeks' engagement in Chicago. The Democrat has the following. We hope they may receive abundant support. They re main but fcur nights. Miss Rosalie Durand is the Prima Donna: The Now Orleans English Opera Troupe have now played with as three nights, and have given the most decided eatisfaction by their performances. As an evidence of this we need only refer to the very largo and fashionable audiences they have attracted each night. "La Somnambula," "Daughter of the Regiment" and " Crown Diamonds" have followed in succession, and in every ono they have done not only themselves but the opera justice. Miss Durand seems to possess a phieique capable of carrying her through any amount of exertion; she comes to her task as fresh as any bird, and warbles on, quite un conscious that the air was'made fur any other pur pose than ,to convey floods of rich melody to wonder ing listeners. She possesses, too, a remarkable power or lighting her fa •e with sunny smiles, with these bright looks and some of her ...harming cos tumes, the stage becomes radiant with her presence. Taeso qualities tone so nicely with her voice that al most every rne experiences a sensation of extreme delight whan she makes her appearance. H o d,e n may be considered a wonder in the musical world ; her form is tall and graceful, and she underrates, without hesitation, all the parts allotted to a first tenor, and so bravely does she accomplish her note that hat faw aro disappointed, even among those who are ac•ru,t-tned to tenors morn ponderous in voice and form. She carries herself in male attire with a grace and manliness which few females could hope to equal, and gives more value to her figure than most men do with twice her bulk. The marked feature of her style is sadness. Her face ever leaves a sad impression on the heart of the spectator. Her cried is plaintive in the extreme, while her gentle, undulating movements only serve to strengthen the idea—. This quality gives her wonderful power in ballads especially. Therein we have never heard j her equalled. Mr. Lyster is a very good singer, and most excel lent musician. The troupe is a decided success, and will continue to draw full houses as long as they stay. Lake Superior Copper Intelligence. By a circular recently issued wo have the latest news from the mines. Early last month an advance in ingot copper from 22.7. par lb., 4 months, to 24e. oaeb, affected favorably the prices of mining shares. The accounts at a later dive of the decline in Eng. laud simultaneously with the rise hero, suggesting a fear of importations, and consequently a reaction in the price of copper, have checked operations in shards of the dividend paying mines, and produced among other causes, a decline in those which are lia ble to assessments. Toe August product of the Central was 18 tons. Copper Falls stock is at $6. Valuable discoveries of mas: coppi - ar continue to bo made in the Copper Falls Vein, cow worked ou the tribute system. The ship ments froze the Franklin this season have been 52i tons of barrel work; gioCli: sales $5. The Isle Roy ale product thus far is 217 tons stock $3,25. The work en the disputed tract "at the Natii.cial pro gres.,es favorably. The i.-birments from the Pewabie this teat-on to September 26th are 228 tons; stock is 7i. At the Minnesota a dividend of $9 per share is announced, payable November 1, to holders of Octo bar 20. This will make $300,000 paid from the ournings of 1142 last fiscal year. At the Quinoey shipments have been made of 135 tuns barrel work. Valuable discoveries have recently been made under the explorations of Mr. S. N. Rill. In Rockland the announcanacnt of na assessment of $1 par share OD the 15th inst., has depressed the stook to about $l3 to $l4. The yield for August is understood to have been 22 tone exclusive of stamp work. Battle at if iddletozon.—On Saturday evening last, a train of cap was engaged on the Pennsylvania PAilroaci, 1 . , - )r the purrs° of conveying psesengers " free of charge" to a political roasting at Middle town. The train, coneisting of four cars, was with 231 persons, meetly impel.ed by curiosity, and esker for a tide without expense. Having arrived at their destination, a portion of the inmates strolled up to the place of meeting, and listened for come time to their speakers. Other por tions scattered themselves around. One of these parties entered a hotel, and a dispute ensued about sonic trivial matter. Tho quarrel found many advocates, and several rtelrre cuhuad, finally ending in u sort of battle in !ha neighborhood of the care. The war raged furi ously fur n time, tha participants being from the po litical meeting, and nu doubt inspired with unparal• !clod ardor. The ;units were that several citizens of the place, end a number belonging to Middletown, were in jured. Tho cars of the Pennsyvanialtailroad Com. pany were battered 0008 derably, glasses being broken, ..te. The conductor was hurt, but not seri c.a.:ly, and when the train got under headway for Harrisburg, the inmates were greeted with a parting salute from their political Middletown friends. The joke of the matter was, hotiever, that tho salute con sisted of bricks and stones clicoharged from the out., side through Oa car windows. More About the Comet.—A visitor which excites as much attention sw the comet cannot expect to escape without a duo eharo of newspaper notoriety. We have done oar share in recording its iflustrions movements, Lot must give it yct one notice. On Saturday root, bit , it wa3 nb.irest the earth, ar.d was ahout three times a 4 brilliant se on the 2:1,1 of September. Neverthotoi.s. it was 52,000,000 miles distant, quite a comfortable assurance to thine who :oar a collision between the planet and cur sublunary sphere. But era our readers aware that scientific men have really agreed on the possibility of such a collision, and that the famous Whiston, one of the authorities at the beginning of the last century, prognostic‘qed an end to the carte at the approach of cue of these bodies, while the earlier thearizsrs in griad , gy at °stinted tor the deluge, zis well as the eont“rtlere and dislocations cf the various strata of the earth, on tb_ /opposition f previous ring enctiecters of the earth with carnets. This theory, however, has been pirtial'y exploded by the discovery that the luminous masses, brilliant and fearful as they ap pear, seem to be nothing bat immense whisps of nebulous matter, to which the lightest gas of the rcnaut is as heavy as IRO pliest gold. It is heepes sible, thcrefore, for these "airy nothings" to have produced such terrible havoc. Murderous Assault.—A German named Christian Wolz, residing on Seventh street, who is alleged to be insane, made a fu. -. .us attack on his wife with a hatchet, yesterd:: c ,rtbetting, giving her a blow on the head from %•I:delt .t is doubtful whether she will re cover tl Pen took a carving knife and made a devolve attempt to take his own life, inflicting eight gashes en his throat, three of which were se rious but nut dangerous in their chsraoter. Welz was arrested immodtatoly by Alderman Rogers' po lice, and after having his wounds dressed, was sow. mitted to jail. Wolz prosecuted his wife for adultery some time since, but it being groundless, the tables were turned, and ho was sent to prison. Yesterday morning he was ro!eased, and, still laboring under tiro aelusion flit his wife was faithless, ho made the desperate attack which may result in her death. IVori;:d in Children.—This is a prevailing disease among children, and is frequently neglected on ac count cf the disagreeable taste of the usual vormi loges, which not only fail is many cases to take away the worms, but also weaken the system and leave the little patient pale ands ckly. This has been reme died of late by the introduction of Holloway's Worm Confections, which is in the form of a sweet and pleasant candy. Its sweetness, however, is not its only merit, for besides this, it soon relieves the suf ferer of those tormenting inhabitants of the stomachs and b0...7e1s of children. Dr. Keyser, of 140 Wood street, has them for sale at twenty- fivdconts a box. • Theatre.—Owing to the rain yesterday evening, and the excitement attendant on the olec• Lion, Mrs. Julia Dean Ilayno was greeted by a limi ted audience last evening. Her acting, however, was, as usual, exquisite, and those who were 'resent went home highly delighted. This evening she ap pears in i ho great character of Parthenia, in " Ingo mar, the Barbarian." The piece has always been a favorite here, and seldom fails to draw a good audi enc-, when performed well. With Mrs. Bayne as Parthenia, and Mr. Foster as Ingomar, we feel cone dont it will be well enacted. The after piece ie "P. P., or the Man and the Tiger." On Thursday, Fri day and Saturday evenings Mrs. Hayno will appear in new [deem Paulse Fr.—We stated some time since that a letter had hood written to Paulsen, tho oelobratad obese player, asking him to fix a time for his visit here. The following reply has been received, and we may now expect him at that time : Dusugun, October 3, 1858. J. It. Hu?man, Esq.,—Dear Sir :—Your favor of the 23d ult. is at hand. In order to snit your con venienco in regard to the time for holding the Chess Exhibition, I herewith agree to visit Pittsburgh in tho early part of Doesmber, Yours truly, Coulter e; Mentzer, House, Sign and Ornamental Painters and Grainers. Orders left at their shop on Fourth street, near Market, Barko's Buildings, will he promptly attended. 411301 Bowman et: Co :—My wife was troubled with cough and pain in the breast for five years—the last two of which she was very low indeed. I procured some of your Compound, and after she had taken it for about five weeks she was able to do all our house work, which she had not previously done for four years. We cheerfully, and unasked, recommend your Com pound to all who are suffering under that terrible disease—Consumption. J " ES S°U TEIRLLNDe , CLAIINTLEM, GLOVES AND STOOK- Keay EL SOINIEBUIAID V I jjjQL complete assortment receimi at lionevusas, Ky., Ja * odi HORNE% 77 /Wet street. In glade ...58° ...570 Liberality.—lt will be remembered that James Plummer, a member of fhe Tyrone Artillery, was in. jared at the Hollidaysburg encampment by the pre. mature explosion of a piece of artillery. A sub ecription has bean started for the relief of him and his family, and $ll2 have been already subscribed and paid over for their benefit, at Tyrone. Subscript. Hone are progressing in other quarters, and the amount raised will be considerable. Settled.—The preliminaries of the rasa between the " Cassiday " and tho " Gullet" beau have been arranged, and will shortly be made public. Carnaghan's advertisement of men and boys' clothing will interest many. His manufacture of clothing has grown in popularity, from its neatness of style and durability. Buyers will find his prices favorable. • EVEN THOSE WHO ARE IN THE ENJOYMENT of perfect health frequently have need to have re course to tonics sus preventives of disease. We are never too well armored against the assaults or the Ills that flesh • • is heir to." Such an invigorator they may find in HOS TETTER'S BITTERS—a medicine that cannot be taken regularly without giving vitality and elasticity to the sea. tern. At this season, particularly, the strongest man Ls not proof against the malaria, in certain sections of the coun try. I n all cases of Fever and Agne, the Bitters are Inure poteu' than any amount of quinine, while the moat danger ou d cases of bilious fever yield to its wonderful properti_ss. Those who have tried the medicine a 11l never use another, for any of the ailments which the Hostetter Bitters profess to subdue. To those who have not made the experiment, we cordially recommend an early application to the Bitters, whenever they are stricken by diseases of the digestive organs. 1 , ,,r sale by drumigte and dealers generally, everywhere and by LIOSTETTER d SMITH, Manufacturers and Proprietors, oc9 68 Water and 68 Prop* streets U . J. M. OLIN'S CELEBRATED STOMACII BIT TERS—Try them, and satisfy yourselves that they are alf they'are recommended to be. The proprietor does not pretend to say that they will cure all the diseases flesh is heir to, bat leaves them to test their own merits, and the constantly increasing demand for them 11 sufficient proof that they are all they are recommended to be, and far en. perior to any preparation of the kind ii)w in the market. Their use to always attended with the most beneficial re sults in cases of Dyspepsia, loss of appetite, weakness of the stomach, indigestion, etc. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, assists digestion, and imparts a healthy one to the whore system. Be sure an I call for J. M. Olin's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, and see that the article pur. chased bears the name of J. M. Olin, as manufacturer. For sale by J. M. OLIN, sole proprietor and maturfacturtr No. 257 Penn street., Pittsburgh, Pa., and by druggists and dreier, generally. 1319 fur. B.E. WARN ON t:OUNTFINEITSILSI—Jrnss HAZEL'S EAU I USTBALB HAM RISTORATIVE hee no equal in preserving and beautifying the Darr, and In re storing it when impaired or fallen into d •cay. Sold by B. L. FAIINESTOOK G Cv., No. 1:10,' corner Fourth and Wood streets, Druggists generally, and at tho Laboratory of Jules Hanel k Ca., No. 704 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. nen _ JOSEPH MEYER, gaNUNLCTURIt 0.7 Fancy Si, Plain Furniture Si, Chairs, tWarerooms, 424 Penn street, AB( )VE TILE CANAL BRIDGE, PIT TSB UR P si. itiT In addition to trio Nana ?tare business, I also devote attention to UNDERTAKING. — Hearses and Carriages an:lll4,A. ikkiEW FUR ITAT AND CAP STORE, No. inp Wood street, next doe? to S. Mcelurkan's Sadicry, aoe opm•lte the tlxcelstor Eating lion4e. A. DONNELEIT has a complete assortmentot Pura, Hate, Oar., eta Ladies' and Gentlemen's Pura cleaned end a1t.41- NI to the newest fashion, and at the shortest notice. (loud and tasteful work warranted, as Mr. Donneltit received a Diploma and the drat prize at the Proaincisl Exhib:tion, Canada; and has worked in the largest cities in the world— London, Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, Warsaw, hamburg, ew York and Montreal. Al a practical workman, he so licits the patronage of the public of Pittsburgh. Pars, o%pes, Gloves, Cloaks and Plash Caps made to order. aai- Cash paid for Fars, OTICE.—The Co-Partnership of BAGA _ LEY, COSGRAyE & 00. expired by limitation, o the first instant. The business will be ci ntlnned by W BAGALEY, at 18 and 20 Woad street, who will settle up the business of the late firth. W. BASALEY, JOHN 8. 008 GRAVE. 13:0 Pittsburgh, July 22d, 18511.—.1y2 R. WELDIN, No. 65 Wood street, near JFourth, keeps constantly on hand a large assort. merit Veal ordinary patterns of lILANkiI ACCOUNT 1130uK8, and is prepared with tho best foreign and domestic material to make to order every article required by Hankers. 51er. cheats, or Incorporated Companies, In the bast manner, and w.th a view of giving the utmost satisfaction In quality and price. Commercial printing of every description will be executed with the greatest care and promptness. an 21 FEE BILL of Aldermen, Justices of the Peace, and Constables, n. dor the Act of April 18th, 1067, printed and fur stile by W. S. HAVEN, Printers and Stationers, I y2O Noa. 81. 83. and 8.5 starkei Are4t. $250( ) W ILL buy a good dwelling house of eight rooms, well of good water, 300 young fruit trees, of best selection 4 Borne prime meadow land, 16 acres of land, all In good order, and situate at oue mile fr)m ?d'Keesport, and one-quarter mile from Crooked Run Railroad 13;ation. Totmas; (Me Laird In hand, remainder at one and two years. ' HREE STORY WAREHOUSE, ON Smithfield streot, for rt.LtttlY to B. CUTHBERT & SON, oci 61 Market struct. NEW HERRING.- 200 boxes Extra Scaled; " No. I—for sale by RHYMER A ANDERSON, No. 89 Wood street, w• 7 Opposite the St. Charlee Hotel QMWINES.- 506 whole cane "Cori & Marliu 500 half " 300 third " OLIVE OIL.—; 10 bullets quarts pure; 20 boxesplet Jost received an 4 for sale by REYMER A ANDERSON, No. n Wood street, 0c.7 Opposite the St. Merle. Ilotel eIOOKING PRUNES.-5 caskifurklsh,":" N../ Jost ro t -eyed and for sale by REYMER A ANDERSON, 0,7 No. 39 Wood street. 0000 A NIITS.-5000 Fresh " "Waco's," Just roceived and for sale by RHYMER. & ANDERSON, ccS No. 39 Wood street, opposite St. Charles Hotel. EW 4RRIV4L OF TETI'S YEAR'S CROP.-53 b4eq M. B. RaiJina. 100 quarter boxes M. iL Halides. Just received this day by RRYMER & ANDERSON, oc7 No. 39 Wood street, opposite St. Charles Hotel. IJ RR AN TS.-10 casks Zantc just received thia day by RAVAIEB. & ANDERSON, oc7 No. 39 Wood street. WE WILL SELL from the present timo un commonly cheap FOR CASH. Pleaso call and exam lee our stuck. C. HANdON LOVE, oce.lo Formerly Love Broa., No. 74 Market at. JAVA COFFEE.—Just received a lot of strictly pure Old Government Java Ooffee. Alio, La guru and Rio Ooffee, at JAYNES' TEA STORE, .5 13/3 /Mb street. QOAP POWDER.-50 boxes Soap Powder of our emu manufacture, warranted superior to any offered for Kale in this market, on band and for sale by n C. h J. B. SAWYgR. 2c BB LS. superfine Flour just received and V for sale by JAS. A. "ETU% Corner Marker and Bfrat aza. ANOTLIER supply of Low & Son's mimics Londoi Toilet Soap, received to by JOS. Viral - No, felG Corner Diamond and Market 'street. V ELLUM OUPYING BOOKS—For sale by v le.lo J. B. WELDIN. ACHAIWE FOR ALL.—Go to No. 17 Fifth street, and buy your shoes from a large and well selected stock. Ladies' Wear. Oeut'e Wear. French Morocco Boole, French Calf Bo( ta, Kip Oongress Boots, Kip Boots, Mar. " . 4 Calf Gaiters, liaL ling Gaiters, Kip Brogans, &Ulla= and Slippers. Reim " Remember, at the People's Shoe Store. *625 DriVRNRACITER. & 00. Lows PAULSEN TN ADDITION to our already large stock g we aro almost daily receiving novelties in Dress Goods, Ehawle, Cloaks, etc. 0. MANSON LOVE, ocB 74 Market street. CIHRESE.-300 W. R. Cutting Cheese just received and for We by 004 lIXNRY H. COLLINS. OHILDRENS' MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAW/M3, to all sizes, at low prices, at ocS RORNES.77 ilarkd street. Election of Bank fXrectors.—At a meeting of the stookholders of the Monongahela Valley Bank, held at M'Reesport on Thursday last, the following gen tlemen were elected Directors for the ensuing six months:—Alexander Miller, William Whigham, John Rowland, James B. Huey, William Dunshee, J. F. Ryan, J. B. Mitchell, W. 11. Hill, G. F. M'Clain, 8. D. Dillaye, W. S. Drigge, H. L. Bateman, and E. R. Fowler. The Directors then held a meeting and elected Alexander Miller President, and J. L. Langley Cashier. Counterfeitc—Ten's . on the Merchants' Bank of Albany, N. Y. Vignette is a female, seated on a bale of cotton, with a spindla at her side, and in the dies tanee is a mill. On the right end is a medallion head, surrounded by flowers, fruits, au., and on the loft is a mechanics' arm holding a hammer, sur rounded by scroll-work, and surmounted by an eagle. The bill is unlike the genuine. Three's on the Bank of Cape Ann, Mass. Vig nette female and eagle. On the right lower corner is a man gathering corn. The bill is unlike the genuine. B. CUTHBEB.T & SON, ' 61 Market street " Fur sale by 4.EY,11.E1t & AND gli§ON, No. Ut Wood street, Opposite the 81. Charles Hotel COMMERCIAL. seirprsunvitaa noARD OP TRADE: AND MERCHANTS? I.".ICLIANCIba. Vioe Presidents. ieelAu DIOHICY, let. EDWARD 68.Et311, 2 Treasurer. N. 110L151.0, Jr urcrirdenderit. .R..L.E.1 - 11 SNOWDEN ConsmiLtes rf Arbitration for August. ISAIAH DICKEY, V. P., C. U. PAULSON, JAMES GARDINER DAVID CAMPBELL, AUSTIN LOOMIS. Stage of Water. Your feet three inches water In the channel. PITTSBURGH MARKET. reported Expressly for the Daily Ardining Prfreauxon, October 12, 1859. FLnUß...Beloi of 250 Lbble. at $5,25 for anperflne, $5,40 (N 5,50 54 extra do., and $5,87@56 for extra faintly. GRAIN—Sales of Oats, from store, in EIIIIIII/ lots at 46a. BUMMER/IT FLOAR—Sales 1000 tbs. at r,50q111,715 p cwt. CU ERSE...SaIes 40 Loxes W. It. at 7%c. FISR...Salea 13 bbla. No 8 'Mackerel at 110,50®10,75. BACON...SeIea 1000 lbs. Rams at 10.:. OlL...Falea 8 bbls. No. 1 Lard at 85c. OOPFEE...BaIes 13 aacks Rio at 12 1 4 c. MOLASSES...SaIea 10 Ibis N. 0. prime at 520@53c. BUrTklli.—Salee 4 bids. Roll at 15c. WHISKY...SaIes of rectified at 25@20c., in lots. VlNEGAlt...Regnlar sales ofllon's to city and country at 6c. 'ft gallon ; t) all other markets 9c. Philadelphia Market. PECIIADELPRIA, October 12.—Fleur is quiet, sales of super fine at $5,50 and extra family at $6; sales to the trade are moderate at $5,5C©5,132% for common and granda,ss,7s©sB for extra and $8,125!ig6,78 for extra and fancy. Nothing doing in Rye rionr and Corn Meal. The demand for Wheat le limited, sales of red at $1,25e1,27 and white at $1,34© $1,38. Rye ranges from 75 to 80c for new. Old Corn is dull; sales 2000 bash yellow at 85%c in store. Oats s.eady; sales of 4000 bash Delaware at 48c. Whisky dull at 23 , /,.@ 21c for Pennsylvania and Ohio by the bbl. New York Market. New YoaK, October 12.—Cotton; sales 5000 bales; quota tions are nominal. Flour declined, 185,000 bbls sold. Wheat declined; 30,000 bush sold at 2c lower; good red $1,15 white $1,80; very choice Milwaukee club $1; Chicago spring unsound 74c; western white $1,11,23. Corn heavy; 41,- 000 bush sold: white 71348 d. Pork dull at $111,40©16,50 for Mess and $1.4@14,75 for prime. Tildes heavy at 9%©10c. Sugar heavr.at Now York Btock Market. Nov Y, RE, Cctober 12 —Stocks dull; Chicago and Rock Island 66 1 4; 111. Central bonds 89; N Y. Central 83%; Read ing 60; Canton Co. 20; Galena and Chicago Sit; Mich. Central 68 . 14; Erie 16%; Cleveland and Toledo 839%. CiliCillkill li Market CINCINNATI, October 12 —Flour very dull; sales 200 libla sold at $4 Wheat Is nominal 5111184 unchanged and dull. There is a good demand for Baum; 150 hhds sold at 5%@i% for Shoulders and Sides; 200 btd Mesa Perk cod at $l5. Linseed Oil has d dined so Mo. B. L. FAIINESTOCK & CO., No. 60, corner of Wood and Fourth streets, as will he seen by card li to-day's paper, request the attention of the public gene• rally to their large and wall assorted stock of Drugs, Paints, Oil■, Patent Medicines, Ac , all of which they offer at Plices initially tow, and on terms accommodating, guar anteeing all they sell to givo satisfaction. ecU K. T. KENNEDY PEARL STEAM MILL, ALLEGHENY CITY, R. T. KENNEDY & BRO. WHEAT, BYE, AND CORN PVEOHAEED BIA)IIR, CORN MEE.L, AND HOMINY, MANUFACTURED AND DELIVERED N PITTBBURGLI AND ALLEURENY aa7 15 dam+ f 4 :lnerican Watches. APPLETON/ TRACY & CO., ALTv k ili o M f r MASS., SS 4iru hl a AwlTUcia'AEBCTUel waperiur waLlatas aro made by the aid of new and original machinery, eitpreSsly designed to secure, with a low price, a FINE, SUBSTANTIAL, DUBABLi and UNTIOASILT B.P.LIABLB time keeper. The movements are now In construction, end are pronounced by the highest authorities to be faultless in principle and quality, and have been proved by the most exacting test. to be reliable and unfailing in action. These watches are manufactured entire from the crude materials, in n single establishment, by connected and uniform pro cesses, the mannftur.ory being organized upon the same eye tom that bas ben adopted in the p - oduction of the one quailed American tire-arms, which enables tut to prodnco a movement at one half the price of any foreign movement of the same quality ; and wo guarantee the perfect perform ance, for ten years, of every watch manufactured by us. All foreign watches are made by hand, the American watches being the only ones made by machinery upon a uniform system throughout. Nearly all hand made watches are defective, and are contlnunlly getting cut of order. In many parts cf L e country it is impossible to find good watch reptilr. rs, and watch repairing is always uncertain, and expensive. The introduction of American watches disposes of this difficulty, and contra merchants, as 'well as watch dealers, can keep watches as part of their miscel laneous stock, and thus supply their customers with a new staple, which may be used as any other article, withent mystery or humbug. Said by the trade generally, and by it liBINB & APPLETON, General Agents, oc2:3mdaw:3p 16 Maiden Lane, Now York. REINEMAN & MEYRA.N, A,rente for Appleton, necy & Co' 4 51 E1IOAN WATCHES, At Manufacturers' Prices. LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. Our stock of Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware is very large at present—all at greatly reduced prices. RELNEMAN & MEYRAN, as No. 42 Fifth street. TERRA VOTT/I , OR STONE WATER PIPES 9 From two to six inch calibre. PRICES from 12 to 30 Cents par Foot. ALPO-ROCHESTER PEARL STARCH Wor Sale W 11010.14.10 at Illantufacturors Prices by HENRI' 111. COLFAX% FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. LAD WILOLZBAIi DIAL/0/ IN curacsie, BUTTER, SEEDS, WISH, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY No. 26 WOOD STSZAT, JAMES IncLAUGMLIN, MANUPACTITRER OP ALCO'''.. 0149 Cologne Spirits *2.nd Fußel 011, Noe. 167 and 170 Second Street. splo:ly,ndp THE SUBSCRIBER WISHES TO FORM Co•Partoerebjp, with name good business man to reeldo in or about Pittsburgh, with a cash capital, say, of $2OOO or more, for the purchase and sale of land In the North-western counties of this State. With the advantages In this business, which the subscriber now pastime, it could, with iruch a partner, be easily made to l?ring a profit of 60 to 100 per cent. Refer to H. surgpiu, Esq., No. 122 Fourth street. J. L. HANNA, Real Rstate Agent. Wranklin. Pa. TLEMEN'S HATS FOR AUTUMN NOW READY. In preparing the Hats of the present issue, none but the most finished workmen have been employed, and nothing but the beat and rhoiceit materir,ls titled. Every endeavor has been =de to cOmtiine Elegance of Farm, with Fitness, and Beauty of design with utility. The undersigned, there. fore, confidently submits these elegant Autumn Hats to the inspection of gentlemen, and hopefoliy awaits their liberal patronage. W. F. WARBURTON, Fashionable Hatter, No. 430 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. ao2l:lm• EATHER, HIDES AND OlL.—The egb -11,4 scriber would solicit the attention of merchants and strangers visiting the city, to his present extensive stock of Leather, Shoe Findings, 'Fanners and Minters' Tools, Tan nor'° 011, Ike., ac , which he °Kara to the trade at the lowest market prices. He solicits an examination of his stock. WM. WILKINSON, •_'l7 Liberty greet, se27 Pitteburgh, UN DRIES.- LI 350 bagit Rio Coffee 25 pockets Java do.; 60 bbla. N. 0. Tar ; 25 " No. 8 Mackerel ; 10 kite No. 1 do; 6 bbla. No. 1 do; 100 half cheats "4". U. Tea; " " Black do; 10 " Gunpowder do; 100 boxes Tobacco, various brands; 100 kegs Bi Carb Bodo, just landing and for sale by 5.32.5 WM. IL SKIM .t CO. NEW STYLE DRESS SILKS, Printed Iderinoes. Mons De Lalnes, Handsome (all wool) Plaids, Poll de Chavres, and every other article usually found In a well, assorted stock of Dress Gads. O. HANSON LOVA ocd 74 Market street. _ 81. CURB. SODA.-100 kegs, just Medved and for azde by coal R. L PAITIDERTiVICtan TIMOTIIY SEED-30 birds. choice Timo thy Seed, Just received and for wile by JAMES- A. FETZER, act Corner Market and First streets. CIONGRESS WATER.—A fresh lot of Con gress and Empire and Spring Water received this day by JOSEPH FLEMING. oc4 corner Diamond and Market street. COOKING PRUNES.-- 20 casks German; 10 casks Torkieh—for sale by KEYNES k ANDERSON, 004 No. CD Wood street. A LARGE Map of our .country, with the States. Territories and counties distinctly marls; e4 . lFor sale by W S. Illalriff o llitationer, • anl2 Oorner Market and Second streets. rrHE STOOK FIXTURES AND LEASE sale by of Drug Store In ft good GIITIIBMIT & SO locatlon in the city r ' for oOZ- S. N, /dukes atrele‘, Preztden:. V9Lil. IL IMITU W. 8. KIINNEDY TE UfA OAST! ON bRI,IVRRY SPECIAL NOTICES. PERMAN ENT OFFICE. OOMPLYING WITH THE MONT REQUEST OP RUN )REDS OP TM= PATIENTS, L RS. O. M. FITCH AND J. W. SYKES Have concluded to remain PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBITRGH, And may to misalted at their °Mee, No. 191 Perm street, OPPOSITE ST. CLAIR HOTEL, Daily, except Sande) s, fur CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS and ALL r TURA 11110NIC COMPLAINTS, complicated with, or causing pulmonary disease, Including Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Female Complaints, *te. DRP /ITCH A BYRES would state that their treatment of Contamption is based upon the fact that the disease exists in tAs blood and system at large, both before and durin g it, aevaDp.nt in the lungs, and they therefore employ Mechan ical, Hygienic and Medical remedies to parity the bloodand strengthen the system. With these, they use MEDI(Ma. IN HALATIONS, which they value highly, but only as Rama. tow, (haring no Curative effecie when used alone,) and Inva. lids are earnestly cautioned against wasting the precious time of curability on any treatment based upon the plausi ble, but false idea that the "seat of the disease can be reached In a direct manner by Inhalation," for, as before stated, the teat • g Jae. &rut& is in the blood and ii, eject: only in the longs. Ste` No charge for consultation. A list of questdoing will be sent to those wishing to consult as by letter. my29:daw Un THE ARTIFICIAL LIGHTNING THAT FLASHES through the Atlantic Cable, bears lees resemblance to the lightning of heaven, than Chistadoroie Hair Dye boars to the natural coloring matter of black and brown hair. Quick as a flash it darkens the grey, red or sandy fibres of the head, the tips, and the chin to an ebony hue, While It lends a healthy lustre to them. It contains no CBlll3- tic, and ten minutes, once In six or eight weeks, la all the time required for Its application. Sold everywhere, and ap plied by all hair dressers. ORISTADORO, No. 6 Astor House, Now York. 6 IL KEYSER, oclimdaw Agent at Pittsburgh. NOTICE—THE INTEREST COUPONS of the Bomis of Lawrence County, issued to the PITTS BURGH AND ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY due July, 1858. will be paid at the office of W. IL WILLIAMS & 00., Pittsburgh, Pa. The change in place of payment is made to consequence of the failure of the Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Ccmpany, New York, where the (Imports are payable By order of Jy2 THE COMMISSIONERS. OFFICE OF PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE CO. OF PITTBI3IIIIOH October 9th, 1868. THE Sto.kholders of this Company aro hereby notified that the annual election, for Directors, for the otuming y ar will be held at the office, No. 63 Fourth at•oet, between the home of 10 o'clock, A. U. and one P. M., on MONDAY, the that day of November, 1858. oc9;td 1. DRIER SPROUL, Secretary. MEDICAL B. L. FAHNESTOCK & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 60 corner of Wood and Fourth Street, PITTEBORGH, PENN'A MEZZO FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, GLASSWARE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, PA TENT MEDICINES, And Everything Appertaining to the Drug Business T HOSE IN WANT OF PURE AND genuine articles will do well to give as a call. We guarenlee to kidl as 100 as can he t.inglat in this o:other marlieti., nut] warrant everything t.• give Nitiefaction. We are the sole proprietors and only tnanufactri era of B. L. FAIINE.sTOCK.'S VERMIFUOE, DR. R. A. WILSON's' Tonic, Cathartic, and Anti-Dyspeptic PILLS. The beet cure for worms, either In children or adults, ever offered to the public, is undoubtedly the Veradinge, pre pared by li. L. Fab nestock. Thirty y ears experience la this class of medicine has given a pure guarantee that this is an article every way worthy of contidence. As a cure for worms it claims to be unequalled, and as a merchantable article It Is prepared and sold as D. L. itahnestock'e and no ether, as the proprietors do net wish to have it confounded with any other article of Vermifuge in the market. WILSON'S PILLS have had a mere local existence fur over twenty years, unsupported by alvertising of any kind, and held at drnble the price of what they are now sold at, yet with all these disadvantages, wherever reed they have in nn instance failed to render the utmost satisfaction in performing all tho requirements of a valuable family medi cine, and as such are recommended by some 01 the most worthy and responsible citizens of the land. Hear for in stance what Col. Wm. Hopkins, of Washington, Pa., says: WASIIINGToN, January 8, 1858. Dr. E. A. Wilson, filtrburgh. .Pa.—l have been using your Anti-Dyspeptic Pills, when occasion required, for many years, and.can truthfully say that I have never found any medicine equal to them in relieving me from affec ions of the stomach and head; they have never 'failed to relieve me from headache, and have always left my system in better condition than they found it. I must confidently commend your pills as a safe and highly valuable medicine. Yours re peotfully, WM. HOPKINS. Will am 81;thbaum,litaq., City Treasurer, rays : PITTSBURGH, February 8, 1858. Uremia. B. L. FAIMBTOCEIC & Co.: Gentlemen my opinion of the merits of Dr. li. A Wilson's Tonic, Cathartic and AntLDyspeptic Pills, I will briefly state that for many years past they have been a standing medicine in my family. A bps of these pills is always left within the reaA of any one who may feel the necessity of taking le - dose;eay one to three. Whether it is bwlng to the efficacy of these pills or not, I do not pretend to say; but I can safely asset t that since wo have used them, my family has enjoyed uninternapted good health, wadi cheerfully recommend tbam to all who club: appreciate this inestitgable blessing. ItbepectftillY yours, WILLIAM EIOHBAUM. CIILVERWELL'S RADICAL RE GENERA2OII, the sovereign remedy for spennatorr rhoea or seminal weakness, sexual debility, impotency, in voluntary emissions, pilea tc., in both sexes, the result of early indiseretto;, inuapecitatiiag the man for business, soci ety s t ud matrimony. For tale by Haut it Minor, Masonic Hall, sth street, Pittsburgh. Call for asratis pamphlet giving particulars, or address Box 4586, PFat Mee, New Tore City. oc2:6mdswlp DAGUERREAN GALLERIES ROGERS' AMBROTYPE AND PHOTOGRAPH FIRST PREMIUM GALLERY, 70 FIFTH STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE POST OPPIOE. Kir- Pictures taken in all the various styles, in any weather, and warranted to please at reasonable rates. Ea- Sick or deceased persons taken at their resi dence. aultly—b Ala BROT YPE S.—These beautiful and durable plaurea on glass; in all their perfection and loveliness, singly or in groups, may bo obtained at WALLT, Jones' Building, Fourth street. [oc4:lw R. M. CARGO & CO.. Photographers and Ambrotyptsts, NEW YORK GALLERY, No. 21 nth street, and SUNBEAM GALLERY, B. W. oor. of Market street and Diamond, Pittaririgh. PRICES TO SUIT ALL. my/9.1X-Bp AMBROTYPES- A BEAUTIFUL AND DURABLE PICTURE WARRANTED, CAN BE HAD AB LOW AS AT ANY 11118 T CLASS KATABLISMINNI' IN TEE (X)IINTBN, AT WALL'S, Fourth street. Ilemoved to 21 Fifth Street. CIARGO & CO.'S PHOTOGRAPHIO AND AMBROTYPH GALLERY has bees removed from 76 Fourth street, to No. 21 Fifth street, near Market. These rooms baring been built eapecialli for the purpose, with three largo lights, are not surpassed in the city for comfort, convenience and excellence In arrangement. ier Our old friends and patrons ; and those wishing =- pallor likenesses, are invited to eall. Ita.. Reception Room and Specimens on the ground floor. ap7 STEAMBOATS. ZARESnIWM. For Marlette and Zanesville. The ,ateamer EMMA DRAW AM, p ai l, m os , • Anis, will leave for the above and all ediate porta on every TUESDAY, at 4 oklock P. M. Poi a.ht orMinuare amity on board. 0 LBT—A Store Room on Minket street A• 44124 M• BUSINESS CARDS. J. &-T. GROUTT , LIIPIMUBS OP BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, ETC. DEALERS IN PINE OLD MONONGAHELA RYE MUSHY, PEAOU AND APPLE BRANDY. ALSO, RECTIFIERS AN D DISTILLERS, Corner of Smithfield and D'roset Street., apl4l PITTSBURGH, PA. S. B. & C. P. MARK LE, MABIONSOTIMIIIa OP PRINTING, JOB, AND ALL HINDS 'OP WRAPPING Warehouse, No. 21 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. Raga bought at market prices. myB REMOVAL. e j 01IN MOORHEAD has removed to No. 74 Water draft, below Market JOUN MOORHEAD, COMMISSION - MERCHANT, 1011 TEM ELLS OP PIC METAL AND BLOOMS. NO. 74 WATER STREET, BELOW MARKET, mrl9 PITTSBURGH, PA PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. EBAAO JONES MO. L. BOYD WM. MoODILOUOB JONES, BOYD & CO. PLOSPIPOOTINUtap OP CAST STEEL. ALBO, SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, SPRINGS AND AXLES. Corner Ross nod First Streets, jy2s PITTSBURGH, PA. 31 00RHEAD & CO., MANUFACTURER OP American, Plain & Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, For Rooting, Guttering. Spouting, f&o. AGENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT IMITATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON. Warohonio, No. 136 First otseet, mr26:ly-is PITTSBURGH, PA. 18/a0 JON.IO D. D. DOULIi D. B. ROGERS & CO., ILARIT7AOTIIRZE9 OF soma' IBIPROVED PAITIN'r STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH, Coma ROSS AND FIRST STRUTS, PITISBUBGII, PA L. C. HIEPBURII, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND OONVEYANCER. 0D71611 MTH U. UPUBVRU. No. wa Pave) atroat *)11) , ,T;13 JAMES A. FETZER, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, DOB Mil BALI 07 Our, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Prui and Produce generally, Corner of Market and First streets. PITTSBDIIGH. PA. Rana To—ltranois G. Bailey, EsP., William Dilworth, Br., . Cuthbert & Son, Pittsburgh; Boyd & Ott, Makell A wearingen, B. Brady, Cash. M. & M. Bank, List & Howell, Mangle & Co., George W. Anderson, Donlo Paxton & Co. Wheeling. E. P. MIDDLETON & BRO., IMPORTERS OP WINES, BRANDIES, &C ALSO DBALERS IN FINE OLD WIIISKYS, NO. ~ NORTE( FRONT STREET, PHILADELPHIA GO AND SEE GEORGE P. WERTZ'S First Premium Blind Factory, CORNER THIRD AND MARKET STS., PITTSBURGH. riIHOSE WISHING TO PUNISH THEIR A. Hones with VRNITIAN BLINDS,Iof the most egg W aite and elaborate finish, will find it to their interests to give me a cull beforo purchasing elsewhere. My work is got tip by the best mechanics (not apprenticed.) Every attention Is given to the wants of customers. Prices low. All work warranted. No. T 2 THIRD Street. Pittsburgh. fmyB:lyis DAVID H. wrT.T.TAISIB, CIVIL ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR FOR TEE ERECTION OF GAB WORKS, for from five qurners and upwards, and for Heating Buildings, public or private, by Stearn, Hot Wiater or Furnaces, tayttlyis PPEPBBIIIIOI.I. PA. igIITCENCOCIE, ThiICREIMEtIi & CO. (Buoatizeas To HIRPEtAA , 141'0111ZILT & 00,) VORWARDING AND COMMISSION MBEOHANTS, Wholesale Dealers in Produce, Blonr and Wool, No. 114 Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 11.117111BINOMO: Springer iiiirbaugh, Joseph IL Elder, St. Louis; Pittsburgh; Fenton Bros., H. Childs & Co., Cornell & Dorsey, Baltimore; Bagaley, Coegrave & Co., " Garret &Martin,Philadelphia; idoCandless,Means 4 Co., " James, Kent,'Etantee& Co. " G. W. Smith, & 00., " Weaver & Graham, Geo. M. 4 L. Hord, Cincinnati Keene, Sterling Er. Co., " A. B. Fenton & Bros., " Yard, Gilmore & Co., " rayaktf WILLIAM CLAYTON & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR MERCHANTS, Near Wood dreg, NO- £7 DIAMOND ALLEY, PITTSBURGH, PA. Sir Always on hand, Blackberry, Cherry, and Cognac Brandies, Old Monongahela and Rectified Whisky, of the se bent Guilts'. deleydeb WILLIAM BILIALET, WHOLESALE GROCER, Nos. and 20 Wood Street, jy23: tf PITTSBURGH. W. H. MoGRIA -G. M. DOSCH. WII. McGE E & CO. • mmitenzan TAILORS, Dealers In Ready Made Clothing and Gentlemen's Furnish ing Goods, corner of Federal street and Market Square Alio &KIP City, Pa. jed2ay A.RBLE! MARBLE!! a~ola7o .Tft 9 eitff.aliao BAB A BBAIITIVIII. ii&LEOTION OP lONMENTS 9 GRINE ENONES Enclosures, Posts, ay., Au. Tho f o u ir blieze ree worr ctfuli wam f it rted to examine our stock Prices vilsv..-14 NO. tB5 LIDDOTY OINT BOX FACTORY.- BUSUA & GUTIANDOILie Manufacture to order, BOXES suitable for Soap and Candles, liardware and Variety Goeda, etc., etc. *O. Orders promptly Oiled- 114,2211 y 110BMIT Dlir 4 rwr JAILZS 11. =LADING D OBERT DALZELL & CO., Whohisale IA; Grocers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants and Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, 261 Liberty west. Mahwah. Pa. erteraY• SAMUEL FAIINESTOCK, lIIPORTER AND DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Hardware, No. 74 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. The subscriber has received, in addition to his fall dock of Hardware, a very heavy stock of Meat and Sausage Cut ters and Singers and a very , large stock of Sleigh Bells, loose and on strings, o: a much superior quality to that usually sold in the market, all of which will be sold on the lowed terms. (se 27) CARTIRMIGHT it YOUNG, (Hauxuers to John Cartwright,) ICIANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS Dm of Pocket and Table Cutlery, Surgic,d and and Den tal Instruments, Guns, Pistols, Hishing Tackle, etc., No. 846 Wood street, They give special attention the manufactur. ag of Trusses, Supporters, etc. Jobbing and Repelling ith punctuality and despatch. tip'? J. & IL PRICEIti CENTRAL PLANING MILL, WATER. STREMM, ALLEGHENY, A BE now in fall oparhtion, with Fay & Co.' improved machinery for the manufacturing of Sash Frames, Doors, Shutters and Mouldings. BM:ldeas and Con tractors will find it to their advantage to call and ascertain our prima. aulthlydsw FURNITURE FOR CARL— BU A. full assortment of Pitteb W mgh manufactured IDINITIIIIIII, embracing REAUX, BOOK cAl3tll3, • WARD ROBES, And every article needed in a well furniehod dwelling, as well as a "spledid assortment of OFFICE FURNITURE, Constantly on hand and made to order. As the only terms Cu which business Is done stuns establishment b for 0.11311. Prices are made accordingly. Persons in want of anything in the above line, would be advantaged by calling at YAMME & No. 103 Smithfield me R et, Mow lift. J. D. VAcannin, ansag IL Teem R. filltlihsON---.. ..... ----O. EL RIMY. ATTE HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED 1 vv , • together fifths practice of the Law, wader the'firm Of BIMPB6N k RIPPE!. • ' ! Office, NO. 94 Forth Street. - .- . • R. EDIPSON, 1 an 2O tly . : •' ' - . .' . 0.:11.1112PNY. ' LAKE,gibbw.bita'..b; “ Trout; do " eadakrzynosived arid for salsify • 001aUltil. IJ 4;R qv/ w figi:l4Voti J. O. FOSTER.. , ....txteuiilger. J. PROCTOIL.BIego Direclar The attractioe of the great American actress, :41V- 4 . 11:11JA DEAN HAUS, 'her re•ezt.. still continues una THIS EVENING, Octeber lath, 1808, will toii pidormed INGOHAB, THE EAL BARTAti—parthenia, Alas Donn Hayne...lngomar, paor...Folydor, Mr: Leonard. • To conclude with P. P.: o, 'PPE MAN AND TIM ITIBB.— Bob, B. It. Maginley. To-morrow, "Madelamer or, the Foundling of Ports." Friday, Benefit of Julia Dam Hartle, When will bo pro. duced a clew tragic play translated tont the Ciernian, the author of Ingomar„extiressly for Julia Dean Bayne, entitled GRIEffiLDLS, together with a toznedletto, in both ; of which she will appeari and most poeltively loot appear. once of Julia Dean fLync. IT T SBIII!GH THEATRE. Bole L4xusee and Mcinager, Stage Director......;—.. _ PRICER rOP A1)111891011: Dress Circle and Parenette.6oc Family Oircte-.—...........250. COlored Boxes.. i...60c colored Ga11ery.............250. Tickets to Private 80xe4..764 'Whole 80xe5...-.....* 00 Secured Beats_,' 76c Proscenium Boxes— 8 00.. - Seats may bo secured fir the whole of the seriatim Operas. Box Book now 0pen ......_ PARTIotTIiAIt NOTICE. The manager takes p easure in announcing to the citi• rens of Pittsburgh that li has effected an engagement, for positively four nights only, with the farlamed NEW ORLEANS ENGLISH OPERA TROUPE. Who have just played an engagement in Chicago to oval , Rowing honees, and are passing through this city on their way to Philadelphia. ,I Miss 11.08AISEI DURAND, Prima Donna Assoluts; Miss t o OtORGIA HUDSON, Te ore Oontraltino; Mira A . KING-, Seconds Donna ; Mr. F . LUTES, Primo Basso Bari tono ; Mr. BANK MEW Primo Buffo; Mr. N.B. SWAN, Basso Profondo ; Mr. G. g WARBLE, &condo Tenore; Mr. .1. ARNOLD, Second° Barre • Conductor, Mr. A. RESIT, Jr.; Manager, Mr. N. S LYSTEII, THIS EVENING, Octobeir 18th, will be presented Rodeo Comic Opera of THE BARBEE OF SEVILLE. Doors open at 7% o'clock. Curtain rises at 8. Bon Mos open from 10 to 8 o'clock. JOHN Wt M'CARTHV, BILL, CIRCULAR AND CARD DistrlbutOr and Poster, PITTSBURGH, P.A. Will promptly attend td the Distributing and Posting of BILLS, CIRCULARS, DARDS AND PROGRAIIIitttA For Railroads, Ships, Steansboati, Amusements, Bales, lib:. All orders, either by meil, telegraph, or otherwise, sent to the ALw of the Doily jAtarning Poe, will be faithfully attended to. ra,kages forwarder by the Adams Express Company will be promptly disposed of aecoring to directions. sett --- SEWING i MACHINES. WING MACHINES.- THE AND $4O DOTTBLI7 LOOK 6TITOR SEWING ' MACHINES! Are now on xhibition, at the 1 HOSIERY , STORE OF MR. DALY NO. 20 11,1 7 713 STES.BET, Those Pdachinea are admit ted to be the best in market for family use, making an elastic double thread stitch, which will not rip yen if every fourth stitch be cut. It is the only low 1,11C4311 double Thread Machine in market. Orders will he received and promptly filled by M. DALY, Agen No. 20 Fifth ntrent, on the corner of Market all ey, Pittstrargh, Pa. NOT - I.Oll—M DAL 4, on the corner of Fifth street rind Market alley, 11 the only one of the name In business on this street. 1515:4 S I N 0 -4' SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. A new Family Sawing itirichine, combining the latest im• provementa, et the extremelow price of FIFTY i DOLLARS. The pri 68 of all onr atandard Machinns have ben greatl lly reduced. BINGER'S SEWING 5180ETINES, It is we known, though dearer In prfee, have always been cheaper In fact, conshiering what they will do. 'than any other. The prices are now reduced -o tleat.A.l mn;t be satisfied. Call and examine the now tfacl4nes at the low prime., at oc7 11.; STRAW'S, 82 Market street. GROV SEWING MACHINES WERE AWARDED THE FIRST PRE mum at the Perinsylvarda State AscrlmiUnroll Society at their Annual Exhibition, September 28th, 29th, 80th and October Ist 1818. This Premium vas not bought, As the Wheeler & Wilson Silver Was. The undersigned hereby challenges a trial of SEWING MACHINES, before competent judges, to bo selected by exhibitors or by the audience, in CITE HALL, or elsewhere at any time. On and after this date the price of our Machines will be reduced as follows: .. New Machine, plain finish table Do de plated table Do do with cover and drawers. Do do large size...—i.. Do do de do pleited ...... ....... Do do plated and pearled And other glues in prrporti n. The first place id pnblip es mation is now Justly accorded to the (ROVER k BAlikat 21.0131 NE, for family Sewing, e 4. for the following reasons:— lat. It is swab illreiPLli add MELLY SEPT IN. WED. than any other machine. 2d. It makes a seam whichl will NOT RIP or RANI% though every third stitch is Out. Bd. It sews from two ordinary spools, and thus all trouble of winding thread is avoided, while the same Machine can be adapted, at platten:es, by a mereen: e s, change of spools, to all varieties of work. 4th. The same Machine mutt silk, Huh thread and spool cotton, with equal facility. sth. The seam Is as elastic as the most elastic fabric, so, that it is tree from all LIABILITY to BABAS, In WASH ING, IRONING, or otherwise." 6th. The stitch made by this Machine is more BEAUTI FUL than any other made, either by hand or machine. OPINIONS OF' THE Grover & Baker's is the beet Amer. Agriculturist. To all of which the Tribune says, amen.—[N. Y. Tribune. It Is all that It claims to be.-i-{N. Y. Independent. ft./Writes its own work; others do not.—{Some Journal. It nieda only to be seen to be. approcfsted.,—(Phretto. Journal. Adapted for woolens, Itee4 or cotton.—{Amer. Medical Mofithly. 4 We like Grover & Baker's be4.-- ( Ladles' Wreath. And two hundred more references. W. 0. ELLIOTT, Agent, A t the Fifth btrcet tibia Manufactory, Pittsburgh, Pa. THE O 11. EMICAL OLIVE ERASIVE SOAP, manufactured by LB. O. A .7. fl. Sawyer, re. receives the preference over all other kinds ever offered for family use. Its advantages cur other Soaps are :- ISt.i It s cheaper to use, one pounqkffering equal to three of common rosin Soap. 2d: Plalf;.keitime need only be occupied in washing when this Soap le used in place. of other Soap. Sd. Labor in washing can be nearly dispensed with, as the clothes will require little if any rubbing, than avoiding their wear on the wash-board. 4th. Polling the clothes is unnecessary when this Soap is used, and herd or salt water . auswers equally as well as soft. sth. Printers, slactLinism; Painters andothers, find it far superior to"other Soaps. It speedily re moves grease, tar, paint, printers' ink and dirt from .the' bands, leaving the shla Hof; and free from chapping. To avoid the labor of rubbing the clothes, and the use of the wash-board, the followingdirections should be followed.: For the washing of eight or ten of a family, take one pound of Soap, cat it into shavings , and dissolve In one gallon of hot water; put the clothes into a tub containing about ten gallons of warm water: pour in the dissolved writ Soap, and stir thoroughly: Let esm soak twenty to thirty minutes, wring out, and - rime in warm water once, cold water twice. A very dirty thand, or seam, or grease spots, may require a' slight -r bing, but titherwise the clothes will come out clean and white, without rubbing or boiling. Cold water may be used in place of hot, requiring about double time in soaking... - WY. Observe our name on each bar. For sale, In any quantity, at our warehouse, No, 47 Wood street, and at our works, opposite the . Round House, Penn. Sylvania avenue. B. O. 41. V. IL swim, , oci .1 No. 47 Wood street, V - - I'VE LOTS OF GROUND, E.l.lOllOON ' TAMING ow) acre, for Ede Price $2OO each. Terms, )( g in hand, balance In one, two end three years, situate at tom miles from the city 84 CUTHBERT BON, sae 51 !Barka. street. SYR I 'S. 60 bbla. amine Golden Syrup ; 11" F 20 6 ' Eestnielee Birit Quality Syrup; 75 " St. James' Su;ar Uouno slolame Inure and for sale by MI...LES, 4 itIOISIITSON Noe. 24 and 43 GibortY Emit. unt9tlv 11 ORTH TWENTY PENTS, - anct selling at TWELVE CENTS, iyhise' and Imlcied 'Catkin Stoatlitga, at r J*OI3EPII RORNWEI, • sa24 ' 77 !darkPratreet. , HORSE POWER, ODDER CUTTER, . and Corn and Cob Onzaher,_will be sold to L close the' 06 5 bY cam) ' H.' ClQuaia. AMUSEMENTS. —.O. 8. Poam. 0. M. Dane. BR'S IMPOhTANT TO THE PUBLIC R BAKER'S 76(0 80 OD 66 00. 00 00 100 00