„axe 4r-kx k r = j:' " .. ' -;P1 * 4 2:1, 1 41irtri.t444 7 • '4l'4 ming Vast. 7AMEB P. BARE, Editor and Proprietor: PITTSBURGH : TUESDAY MORNING OCTOBER 12, 1858 _ DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATIONS FOB Bt PECEILL JIIDGB, WILLIAM A .PO RTER, OP PEaLAIMILPHI FOR OAX JI. coinssioNsa, WESTLEY FROST, OP FAA O3IINTY DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET ,C03(1117.55, XIIST DISTRICT ANDREW BURKE, tats• CONCIE.I2D-EXCID ACT JOHN BIRMINGHAM, Ohio. SAMUEL LinILBE, Birmingham AssurniT : THOMAS DONNELLY, CoGint, PHILIP IL SPINHICEON, Moon, JOHN Hl. IBWIN, City, ROBERT MORROW, Ron. AUGUSTUS HARTJE, Allegheny sit.,: BARNES FORD, Upper ER. Clair I.IIOIIIGNMILY : 0 - AT VT ANDER MACS, wickley conassioram.: TROILAII FARLEY, Allegheny ALEXANDra City • arunou: JOHN =RE AY, South tlttsburgh, DISZCIOR OF THE POOR JOHN BOYLE, Indiana. See First Page. DEIKOCEL&TS, In casting your votes to-day, be true to your• selves and to your party organization. Vote for the Democratic ticket—the whole Democratic ticket, and nothing but the Demo cratic ticket. Remember, that all the great patriotic meas. urea which have caused the nation to prosper, have been initiated and consummated by the Democratic party. Remember that the Democratic party is the only National party of the country. Remember that your own lobal interests will be most safely and properly cared for if placed in Democratic hands. Remember, that the nominees whom the Democratic Fatty have presented for your suffrages are upright, honest, honorable, consistent men, while the ticket of your op ponents is composed of Know Nothings, Ab olitionists and renegades of every hue. Democrats of-the Twenty.second District, remember that an attempt has been made to cheat You into voting for Thomas Williams, an acknowledged opponent of all your print ciples and all your men—a Black Republican who has always publicly reviled you—a Na, tive American who thinks no adopted citizen. should ever 'hold an office of trust and profit in this government—who would keep every foreigner twenty one years without a vote— a man who will vote for these and kindred measures if he ever gets to Congress a demagogue who asks your votes as the friend of the working man, while he says he " can smell a mechanic across the street "—who - styles four children "the scrapings of the gutter"—who prefers penitentiary labor to honest industry—who has filled his pockets with railroad fees and travelled free on rail, road passes, and now comes—a living false pretence- 7 -and -- -4isks you to vote for him. Remember that John Birmingham has al ways-been your friend, and has spent a life time of devotion to the great interests of the Democratic party—remember that there is no other Democrat running for Congress in your District but he—remember that the President Senator Bigler, the Postmaster General, Judge Black, and all the great men of your party desire your undivided vote for the Deinocratic candidate for Congress Remember that Thomas Williams seeks but his own aggrandizement and three thousand dollars a year. He cares neither for you nor your interests. He "stands where he has ever stood "—the hater and reviler of Demor , cratic men and Democratic measures. Democrats, one and all, let there be no fel , . tering tooday. Let no one vote for a Black Republican ; let 'no one stay away from the Klls, or decline to vote for a single Demor , cratie candidate. The public voice is with us and with our ticket: Let every Democrat do his duty, and we shall. elect every man upon that ticket. DEMOCRATS, born on a foreign soil, who have made this the country of your adoption, do not be deceived by the specious representa tions that Thomas Williams is your friend. He is no such thing. He was one of the first men in Allegheny county to array himself against you an your privileges. He will vote to keep you from over holding office and to keep you twenty.,one years without voting if he ever gets to Congress. It is in Congress that all matters relating to naturalization must be determined. It is folly to send a manlike Williams there. Congress can have nothing to do with county taxes or railroad bonds. The bold attempt to cheat you out of your votes should be frowned down by every true Democrat. Vote for John Birmingham. llu is your man—ho has ever stood by your rights out of Congress, and he is the safest and be man to defend them in it. If you vote for Williams, you vote for a man who is hound 'to do every thing in his power to dis franchitse you. No German or Irishman, who Tespecti himself and his fellow countrymen, can vote, for Williams the Know Nothing. IN the days when the black flag of Anti- Masonry Waved over: Allegheny county, Thomas Williams was one of the most no torious leaders of that - bigotted faction. In deed, he has . always been an advocate of every narrow-minded doctrine which mis guided opposition to the generous views of the Democratic party has brought forth. He is an Anti-Mason, a Native American, an Ab olitionist, a Black Republican, and a bitter hater of everything Democratic, Capt. Birm ingham, compared with Williams, is as Hy perion to a Satyr. Every real Democrat will vote for Birmingham. LET the Vigilance Committees of the sev eral Districts see to it that every Democratic voter goes to the polls to-day. ISl.any an election has 'been lost through apathy. Let every democratic voter deposit his ballot tok. day. To•DAY every Democrat should vote as a Democrat, for his•party organization, and to sustain the principles he professes. Let no Democrat be persuaded to vote for a single Black Republican. Stick to the Democratic ticket. DEMOCRATS of the Twenty. Second District, Neither M'Knight nor Williams are entitled to a single vote at your hands today, It is in your power to elect John Birmingham, your Own candidate,,if you will. Do it I WE publish below tho result of the election n 1856 in the several districts of this county, or purposes of comparison TWENTY-FIRST DISTRICT DISTRICTS Pat h trgh. First Ward ...... ............. Second Ward Third Ward Fourth Ward Sixth Ward.--._.._..»_._..... Seventh Ward.. ........... Eighth Ward...------.... Ninth Ward ...... Birmingham ....—.—.... Lawrenceville-- ....... ...... Elizabeth Borough. South Pittebargh McKeesport...--- West East Birmingham. West Pittsburgh. Peebles, first precinct second " Miffiin Wilkins Plum.. . urtail ..... Jw.Teraou Rlizabeth --- Upper St Clair -.-- Lower St. C1air...... Baldwin Robinson Nc rth Fayette...-.... Swath Fayette Findley Moon Neville Snowden Collins Penn. Paton Chartiers Ciescent Ritchie'a majority over hlcOaudloia, (Dew Loth 1353. TWENTY-SECOND DISTRICT Lii EtTli LOTS .AUvherzy First Ward_ Second Ward Third Ward Fourth Ward Manche ter ........... ...... Sharpsburg Duquesne Tarentnm Sewickley Ohio. Franklin Deserve Ross Pine West Deer Fast Deer . Indians Shaler. McCandless Sewickley Vote of Paulo( county Total l'ary'!inco's majority Gros Gibron, The dolantle Cable. The statement made by Mr. Varley, the electrician of the Atlantic Telegraph Compam pany, is not calculated to raise any great de" gree of hope in the minds of the stockhol. ders of the company or of the public that the cable will ever be good for much. He finds " a fault of great magnitude, at a distance between 245 and 300 statute miles from Va lentia," and possibly in water of 410 fathoms in depth. There was a fault in the cable be fore it submerged, at a distance of 580 miles from ono end and 640 from the other, which he thinks is the One which had caused such alarm when the ships were 500 miles from Ireland, and when the signals ceased altogeth er and never certainly recovered. The cable is yet umbroken ; and it is not improbable that the powerful currents from the largo in• duction coils have impaired the insulation, and that had more moderate power been used the cable would still have been capable of transmitting messages. The power used, he thinks, will shortly eat away the exposed cop. per wire in the faulty place by electrolytic decomposition. The size of the present con ducting strand is too small to have worked satisfactorily even had the insulation ;been sound. With a strand of larger dimensions less currents would be required, and both speed and certainty increased. This seems very like giving up the possibility of any further speech through the cable. The com pany have lost their money, and their experi ence only to balance their loss. Alm Julia Dean Rayne. The celebrated play of " Camille" was giv en at Foster's Theatre last evening, Mrs. Hayne assuming the part of the much abused heroine. The author of the French play from which it is translated has unfortunately laid the scene in an atmosphere tainted with pruriency, but its tendency is highly moral from the first to the last, and the unfortunate victim of an almost involuntarLerror expiates by her life her departure froielhe paths of virtue. Mrs. Hayne's conception of the char acter is a delicate and feeling one, evincing no little study and deep reflection in her as sumption of the part. The scene with " mand's " father, in the third act, was most exquisitely rendered, and drew largely on the tears of her sympathising audience. Her death scene was painfully true to nature, and at the close she was enthusiastically called for by the house. This evening the play of " Evadne " will be performed, being the last night, but one, of Mrs. Hayne's second and last engagement. Another Railroad Convention It is proposed to hold a-general convention of managers of western railroads in the city of Buffalo, on the 13th inst. We understand that the purpose of the convention will be an endorsement of the principal features of the St. Nicholas agreement, and the adoption by the western connections of a general policy to conform therewith. Land Warrnts A letter from a brominent Banking firm at Washington, under data of September 27, states that the market was overstocked with land marrants, and that no offers were made for them. The quotations were nominal and unreliable at 75 cents for 120 acres, and 85 cents for 160 and 80 acres. The Missing /Eroskaut A Chicago paper publishes a " calculation" concerning Thurston's (the eronaut) fall.— His elevation was thought to be three miles when he was last seen, and assuming this to be .the distance he fell, it would only require thirty-one and a half seconds for him to reach the earth, a mean velocity of 495 feet per seeond. Assuming his._ weight to be 160 pounds, he would strike the earth with a mo mentum equal . to 160,800 pounds, or a little more than 80 tons—a power sufficient to scat ter his body, bone and muscle, into atoms so minute as scarcely to be perceptible, if not to bury him deep into the earth, A Batik of Gold. There is a project on foot, in New York, to es- - tahlieh a bullion bank, which shall use nothing but coin in its transactions. It meets pith the cordial approval of many prominent men, among whom are Martin Van Buren, Robert J. Walker, John A. Dix, and John J. Cisco. The capital is to be $1,000,000, and the revenues are to be de rived from loaning this sum, and charging a very small commission, from the two•hundredth to the one-tenth of one per cent. on the sums des posited with tho bank, which will always be pay able-in coin. THOMAS WILLIAMS ON FOREIGNERS, " NO FOREIGNER SHOULD BE ALLOW ED TO VOTE UNTIL HE WOULD BE IN THE COUNTRY TWENTLDNE YEARS, AND BE DEPRIVED OF HOLD. ING OFFICE." Now,foreign-born citizens, read the record here presented, and we ask you to contrast it with the noble and manly sen invents of a Democratic Statesman--Col. Benton. After such a vile declaration, what are you to expect from so narrow and corrupt a poli • tician'as Williams. Place him in power, and he will carry oat his native principles. DEMOCRATS: THEN WILL YOU VOTE FOR A MAN WHO HAS ALWAYS OPPOSED YOU IN YOUR LIBERAL AND PATRIOTIC REGARDS OF THE POOR AND OPPRESS ED OF EVERY LAND. 168 67 163 100 AGAIN, WE SAY MARK THE RECORD. In August, 1844, an American Associati.m was formed in this county, which adopted a declaration of principles and a constitution of sixteen articles. We extract two, which re' ter directly to the principles of the Associa tion, from the columns of the Pittsburgh Ga. zetle, of Saturday, August 10th, 1844. They are as follows : ArturaucAN ASSOCIATION. The American Association of Allegheny county, considering it their duty to organize for the protection of their common country, and institutions from Foreign interference that their principles may be fully known and understood, do declare— Art. 1. Relates to elective franchise. Art. 2. That the term of probation for na. turalization of all foreignors, ought to be EXTENDED TO TWENTYrONE YEARS * and that the proceedings necessary to obtain core tifieate of naturalization, ought to be so orN dered by law as to prevent fraud and corr u p- tion therein. Art. 3, That we do not propose by legisla , Lion to divest foreigners of any rights already acquired under existing laws, but that in our opinion, the rights of citizenship to be ex. tended hereafter, ought to be so qualified as to DENY TO TRIER RECIPIENTS THE PRIVILEGE OF HOLDING ANY OFFICE OF TRUST OR PROFIT UNDER THIS GOVERNMENT. 180 180 805 874 107 At a meeting of this Association held on the sth of August, the officers for the ensu• ing year were elected, and the following com. mittee to prepare an address was appointed. THOMAS WILLIAMS, A.W. Marks, Thom as McConnell, R. W. Middleton, and A lex. Jaynes. 4854 1988; ov er both, 16F9 Thomas Williams makes it his boast that in politios "he stands where he has ever stood." IiERM ANS, you can not vote for Thomas Williams, the Know Nothing. There is his record. READ the opinion of the great Democratic statesman, COL. BENTON ; his manly, noble, liberal sentiments differ from the bigot and intolerant spirit of Native WILLI ANIS. The contrast is as great as an American man-of war ship is to a fiat boat. COL. BENTON remarked : "Who first unfurled the banner of equal rights and planted it on the ramparts of written constitutions. Who but emigrants, and the dei3cendants of emigrants, who have erected in this new land an altar to liberty, with its top as high as the heavens, and its base as broad as a continent—emigrants who fled the oppression of the old world, and their noble descendants. Let, then, the lover of liberty, from every clime, come hither and worship at the altar in spirit and in truth, and be will be bailed as the younger brother in a family of emigrants. He comes to assist in reclaiming a wilderness' of vast extent. He comes to chant forth his native and his vesper songs where thelight of civilization has not penetrated. He comes to kindle the fires of liberty on hill tope and in valleys, as yet but indistinctly known. Ha ;comes to, con vert those heathens roaming over those vast plains which stretch to the Pacific ocean—to east down the idols of superstitious worship, and to rear on their ruins temples to the true and living God. For such purposes and for such objects, I say, for one, let him come, and may an ever ruling Providence protect him on his way, and crown his efforts with stio cess. The panoply of our law is over him, and its Legis protects him from harm." This is the language of a true Democrat— one who stood by Jackson in the days of his war against the aristocracy, He was (in the language of President Buchanan) the right arm of General Jackson against the monied power of the country. When such a man as Col. Benton would speak thus of foreigners, what is their duty, now the great statesman is dead ? Why carry to the election his noble and manly sentiments, and vote to a man against Williams, who would trade you off were it in his power, and forever deprive you of the dearest privilege of a freeman, the right to protect your property by voting for your own public servants. Down with the craven-hearted Williams, and vote for Bir mingham. the disciple of Benton. Do this, and you will prosper. We have frequently remarked that all the great men of our party regard with pain and disgust the course which has • been pureued in endeavoring to make over the Domoaracy the Twenty•second District to the Black ReA publicans for the sake of a local issue. One of the most distinguished Democrats of Pennsylvania, high in • position at Washing. ton, writes us, in a private letter, as follows: " I have no opinions to oonoeal. lam against the idea of repudiation in any and every phase in which it may be presented, and were I in the district I should take a most decided part for Capt. Birmingham, against Mr. Williams and Mr. M'Knight. I can hardly imagine that the Demeorats of Butler will vote against Ur. Bin mingham, and I should be glad to aid him had I the power to do so." This is the opinion of every leading Demo crat in the State. The taint of •favoring re, pudiation must not be suffered to attach to the Democratic party. The great suit of Bates against the Illinois Central Railroad Company for the possession of the valuable depot grounds of that company has been decided in favor of the company. The case was tried in the 11. S. Circuit Court, before Hon. John INLane, and, it is said; the proPerty involved, with the eitensive and costly buildings thereon, was worth $2,000,000. The case is thus stated by a correspondent : " The claim of Bates was founded, under a title obtained from Kinzie to the lands, which land was, by the notion of, tha lake, inundated in coksequence of the United States'government building a pier into the lake for harbor purposes. The government, after having sold it to KinZini and received pay therefor; sold it again to the Central Company at $45,000. The company claim that Kinzie's entry of the land at the Palestine office in 1831 was void, because Con , gress had passed a law, before the entry was made, removing the place of selling to another district, and that, although a patent was subse quently issued to Kinzie, and the irregularity was provided for by special act of Congress, still, the original . entry being void, that the act cannot be legalized." DEMOCRATS, IRISHMEN, AN OPINION OF WEIGHT. The Great Illinois Suit. THE LATEST NEWS" BY TELEGRAPH. Latest from Europe—Arrival of the ' City of Baltimore. ST. Jomis, October 11.—The steamer City of Baltimore, with Liverpool dates to the 29th, passed off Cape 11.3.ce on Friday. Her news hags were obtained by the yacht of the U. B. Associated Press. She has a largo cargo and 100 passengers. The Gwalior rebels were defeated on the 17th of August, and 700 were killed. The British loss is trifling. Fort Procure, after thirty hours shelling, surrendered to Gen. Napier. Five hun dred of the police defeated four thousand rebels. Three Bengal regiments had been armed. Controversy between Whitehouse and the di. reulore of the Atlantic Telegraph Co. continued in the papers. The ports of Havre, Dunkirk, Dieppe, Calais and Bologne, in France, are to be put in a state of defence. Tho King of "Prussia is not to abdicate, but the Prince of Prussia is to I); regent until the physical and menial h, it ~f the King is re t ,• Preece say. 3 it Li tit ceatempla 1.1,,a to unite with Amer:ea 11 a telegraph via the ltueeian Possessions. Arrival. at St. Louts, of the Virst Over land California nail. Sr. Louis, Oct. 11.—The overland California mail arrived at nine o'olock last night, bringing dates to the 16th ultimo, ten days later than the previous advices via Panama. A largo number of prominent citizens assembled at the Pacific Railroad depot on the arrival of the train from Jefferson city. Col. Butterfield was greeted with a hearty welcome, and formally received in a brief but highly complimentary speech by John F. Darby, on behalf of the eitizms. Col. But terfield responded in an appropriate manner, re turning thanks for the unexpected demonstratiog, and cordial' approval of his labors by the citi zens of St. Louis. The mails were escorted to the post Aloe by a long procession, with bands of music. The Alta Californian, of the 14th ult , pre pared expressly for the overland mail, furnishes the following : The news from Frazer River was unimportant. The water is still too high for successful min ing purposes. Trade at Victoria was much depressed. Dates from Oregon to the Bth state that Major Marnett has had a skirmish with the Indians on the Okanagan. Lieutenant Allen and six Indians wore killed. A party of miners, under Maj. Robinson, had been attacked by Indians on the Wenatoohe, and ono white man was killed. `Rumor obtained credit at Dallas, that lleueral Palmer's party had been massacred near Okan- nagsn. Good diggings had boon found on the Wen stabs. The Santa. Fe mail had also arrived. The Navajo Indians f,till refused to surrender the murderer of Major Brnoks' servant. On the 29th of Aufmst a fight oeourred her+ tween a small detachment of troops under Major M'Lean and a party of Indians at Bear Springs. M'Lean was severely wounded, and six or eight Navajos were killed. Col. Loring's command was expected at Fort Union in a few days. General Garland, Major Nichols and Captain Easton bad loft for the States U. S. Mint The amount of gold bullion deposited at the Philadelphia Mint during the month of Septembei last, was $89,470 ; silver bullion $713,354, including $36,783,90 Spanish and Mexican fractions of a dollar received in ex change for new cents old style copper coins received in exchange for new cents 53,759 ; total deposits $807,574. The coinage execu ted during the same month was as follows : Gold 5'.229,2211—5141,740 in double eagles, $26,980 in half eagles, $18,300 in quarter eas glee, $4.1,200 in dollars silver, $326,000 $121,000 in half dollars. 159,000 in quarter dollars, and $16,000 in half dimes ; copper, (cents,) 521,000 ; total coinage $576,520, com prising:;.-t . 2.0,003 pieces. —Judge Douglas has just made an uncondi tional tranbfer to the Trustees of the Chicago UniNeraity, of ail the property 4pon which the University 16 lonatthi, vaivnig all contingencies of the original 4ontraet, and giving a clear title. --Eliza Logan, Cbanfrau and Strakosch's opera company Shiall at Boston, =The receipts et the Illinois Central. Rails road for September will he about $215,000. The sash land receipts of the eame company, about $72,000. —The American chess ohampion, Morphy, has so far gained a great advantage over his present competitor, Harwitz, In the game now progressing, inasmuch an he has won four out of six games. —A. Keene Richards, of aeorgetown, Ky., hae determined to purchase the celebrated Eu glieh raoo horse, Fisherman, and bring him to t,his country. The price to be paid fur him is $30,000 . —The principal hotels at. NaratoL feet week. It. is estimated that the congress, Uuion and Mates, have each realized a net profit of $2.1i,- 000, —The Davenport Gazette states that an injunc tion has been issued by Judge Lowe, restraining the Rook Island Bridge Company from making such repairs as are very much needed, and the neglect of which may be the cause of soricus disaster. —Sugar and Molas3.eB, or the new orop, is be ginning to be brought rapidly into the market of New Orleans, La. —The New York, Times states that the work .men employed in cutting up the cable, in the machine shop, in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, found a break, a short time since, itt_the com municating copper wire about three-eighths of an inch long, through which the saw passed in the solid gutts, perch°, showing that the discon nection ,must have occurred during the process of manufacture, and therefore leading to the very great probability that other similar lesions may have occurred in other parts of the cable. A Groat Frio&One For FON:miles. Hundreds of stimulants have boon inreated and sold, purporting to be spadfic in the various diseases and derangements to which the delicate form of wo man render 4ar subject. The result of all these stimulants has been to iqpart momentary activity to the nervous system, and false vigor to the viessiea; but this relief has been succeeded by a depression and prostration greater than before; and the repeat. od attempts of invalids to build themselves up by these false remedied, have finally ended in destroying what little vital organization was loft. But in using " Bcerhaves Holland Bitters" you will find no snob disastrous results. It is a purely vegetable com pound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Professor, Bcerhave. Under its influence ovary nerve and mus cle receives now strength and vigor, appetite and sleep return, and, finally, perfect health. Bee adver tisement in nnotleor dolumn. Caution /--Be careful to Rah fur Bcerhave's Holland Blithers. Sold at $1 par bottle, or six bottles for $5, by the sole Proprietors, Benjamin Page, Jr., do Co., N 0.27 Wood street, between First and Scoond streets, and Druggists generally. CABINET MARE RS & UPHOLSTERERS COMPANlON—Comprising th. rudiments and prin. cipels of Cabinet Making and 'Upholstery, with the art of drawing applicable to Cabinet work, the art of dyeing and staining Wood, Ivory. Bono, Tortoise Shell, etc., directions for Blackening, Japaning and Varnishing, to make French Polish. to prepare the best Glues, Cements and Comp:mi d •na and a number of receipts useful to workmen gener ally, Ilustrated, by J. Stokes, for sale by LUKE LOOMIS, Post Building, 41 Flab street EVERY ECONOMICAL PURCHASER OF DU Goods of every description will Lind it greatly to their advantage to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsevzherc —lt x _ ORE CATAWBAWIN havehieE• day received a large supply of Paro Catawba Wine; alto a supply of Pure Catawba Brandy. Those hing either of the above can always procure a genuine article at JOB. FLEMING'S, Corner Diamond and Market street. - - -- • TAR CANT'S EFFERVESCENT SELT ZER--A medicine prepared on an entire new nrin c i., pie, from a late and accurate analysis of the celebrated Benner Springs, in Germany, with such additions and tin provements as Will be found materially to increase its efficacy. This inuch esteemed and highly valuable prepara tion will not. fail to - effectoally remove Dyspepsia or Ind'. goetlon, Biilloue, Affection, Headache, Heartburn, AcidityAcidt of the Stomach, Costiveness, Dont, flbetunstisto. Appetite, Gravel, Nervous debility, Nausea or Vomiting, Affections of the Liver, &a., he, Sc. A large supply of dal excellent medicine just received by GRIM JOSEPH PI.NNINU, corner Diamond and Market One:. .. „ „,,, f ,7,,F...7-.:. ,., :1747-4 ,,, ... ,,,,,,, . 5 .•=.5.r.r...„....,.:r: . ;.;':'.:::'.•: . -: . •; ., :: . ; :::•';':-': . *':'.'''' ....4. '"' : . '''''''''" .l ''''''''' ... . . . • ~, 1141 4 1 3 0 N WYE, 74 Market street U. TO YOUNG MEN —Rica. 0. Weotedicir' of New York, will address the young men of this city on TUESDAY EVENING, in the First Presbyterian Lecture Room, at 7% o'clock, P. - Suairor•—" Rise and Progress of Young Blen's Christian Associations in Europe and America." - _ • The public are cordially invited to attend. Admittance free W. W. merß, R. C. TOTTEN', IL W. STRICKLER, W. KINCAID, Lecture Committee. STATNMENT OP THE CONDITION OF THE BANE OP PITTSBURGH. !dormer MORNING, October 11th, 1818. MBANE: ....... _ , Loans, Bills and Discounts $1,619 701 40 Real Estate and Gronnd Rent 44,785 82 Stocks and Miensßanks 8,797 50 Due by other Banks. 193,909 19 Bank Notes and Checks, and 11. l. Treasury 1 47,734 87 Notes Specie 558,654 91 LIABILITIES Capital Stock. Profits and Earnings. Unpaid Dividends and Buepenee Acconnta 2,991 04 Dna to other Banka 00,448 26 Circulation 276,846 00 Depottita 798,665 03 Th. above Statement la correct, to the lust of my know ledge and belief. JOHN OHAHA6t, Prea!dent. Eiworn to and subscribed this nth day of October, 1868, before me, (oc12) AUSTIN LOOMIS, Notary Public. [U. STATEMENT OF THE EXCILANGE BANK OF PITTSBURGH. MONDAY Motunso, October Ilth, 1858. 41,3E6,746 44 46,920 66 013,211 66 166,600 00 88,; 00 36 74,886 El Loans and Discounts lt“al Estate Specie lu Vault U. B. Treasury Notes Notes and Checks of other Banks Due by other Banks Capital Stock . Circulation . Contingent Fund aud Prutita Depotita Doe to other Itautta $1,894,941 51 I certify that the above Statement In true to the beet of my knowledge and belief. B M. MURRAY, ()ashler. Affirm:d before me, this 11th day of October, 1858. ocl2 C. W. RRNEST, Notary Public. W. STATEMENT OF THE ALLEGHENY BANK. Pittsburgh, Monday, October 11th, 1868. ABBETS: Notes and Bills Discounted $632,318 48 Coin.. 70,862 13 Notes and Checks of other Banks 31,130 74 Due by other Banks 19,695 41 LIABILITIES: 176,20 00 2,000 00 126,3 4 83 387 00 Circulation Due to other Banks Individual Deposits., Unpaid Dividends $303,006 83 The above Statement ie corroct to the best of my know ledge and belief J. W. 0008, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 11th day of October 108. (ocl2) ROBT. FINNEY, Notary Public. il:ig, STATEMENT OF THE MERCHANTS' AND MANUFACTURERS' BANK OF PITTSBURGH. Molnar MoaNuca, October 11th, 1858, $174,417 00 248,013 70 ......... 13,558 09 6,985 22 Circulation. Dae Depositors._ Due to other Banks. Dne Commonwealth Loans and Discounts. Coin Notes and Checks of other Banks. United States Securities Duo by other Banks The above Statement is correct, W. H. DENNY, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed before me this Uth day of Octo ber, A. D., 1858. J. F. MACKENZIE, ocl2 Notary Public. M'DONNELL'S CATAWBA (ANGER WINE M'DONNELL'S CATA.WBA GINGER WINE, INITONNELL'S CA'ICAWBA °INGER WINE Ithe attoutioir of FASIILY fIitIN)QRS, WHOLESALE LIQUult DEALERS, HOTEL KEEPERS and tho public guilefully is invited to this W ne. It is prepared from the CATAWBA GRAPE AND JAMAICA GINGER, and is 0116 a the woat deqriout, healthful hew:ragas Wier introduced into the city. While its exaeordinary TONIC AND INVIOQRATINO PROPERTIE3, have obtained for tt the approval of the Medical tracuity and the Prose, wherever it has been us 3d. As a PREVENTIVE AND REMEDY fur U. c.01380.1110DC68 of the undden changes of tempera lure, pPenllar to the present season, IT HAS NO EQUAL Parties disposed to order a supply of this Wine CIII do ts., of the undersigned, at the Monongahela Rouse, for a few attys. JAB. M DONNELL, 0e12:1t 4 General Agent. pPRATS TIVENTY-FIRST ANNUAL BOOK SALE.OII TDBSDAY NVENINO, October 12th, at seven o'clock, and centliming every evening MIS week, Mr. Pratt will commence at the new Commercial Sales Rooms, No. fel, Fifth street, his twei,ty•hrst annual Baled' Woke In this city, having arrived with a large and varied stock of the latest and beat editions of sten lard works, fresh miscellaneous publications of the day, superb. ly bannd peplos of the family Bible, gold pens, stationery, 4c, ac. The books will I e arranged for examination and private sale rt low prices, during the day. ()ad P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. DAIN T ER'S ART, or a Grammar of Color ing; applicable to Operative Painting, Decorative Architecture and the Arts, with colored illtistrationa con cerning the modes and materials of Painting, etc., by deorge Field, author of " Chiomatfcs, of the Analogy, Harmony and Philosophy of Colors," and other worits;Loudon edition, just revel vtal and for sale by LUKE Loomis, DLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE OUR ja. stock of Dress Goode, Showle, Cloaks, Needle Work, Mourning Goode, Ac , before purchasing elsewhere. TWO MILKS FROM KILLBUCK STA, TION a valuable farm of 114 acres, two dwelling houses, two orals-de, timber, excellent water,&c., itc., will be sold at a bargiitu. CUTHBERT At BON, ecl2 11 Market street, rpwo MILES FROM KILLBOOK STA. TION u valuable farm of 114 acres, two dwelling Mutes ' two orchards, timber, excellent water,&c.,&c., will be sold at u pargnio. B. otrrasEn sox, uol2 01 Market street. TWO MILES FROM KILLBE(M. STA TION a valuable farm of 114 acres, two dwelling boners, two orchards, timber, excellent water, &c., &e.,, Wlll be sold at a bargain. S. OUTHBERT & SON, 7 F RENCH CORSETS at 88 cents a pair M. EC II LOS' OORSETS at ,f 1,60 KI:LEI:ON SKIRTS, FULL SIZE, FOR $l, mai upwards HORNE'S, 51 Market street. YARNS I YARNS! I—A now lot of goo , drab shaded and fancy colors opened at oak HORNE'S, 51 Market street. RUCHES, FLOWERS AND poNNEt MATERIALS can be had cheap at lIORNE'S, 51 Market street. UTTBR.—Fresh Roll Butter received and xy fo r sale by [ocl2l 11111NRY H. HOLLINS. DEANS.—SmaII White Beaus, just re calved and for oda by BMW( H. COMM. CHEESE.-200 boxes prime cutting Cheese la received and for sale by FINNRY IL COLLINS. FLAX. -700 lbs. Flax for sale by JAR A. FETZER, 001 Corner Wood and First etreet DauGs.— Cream Tartar, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral; Whale 011, Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup. For sato by B. L. HAIDINSTOOK A CO., oc9 No. 60, corner of Wood and Fourth streets. GUNSI GIINSII GIINSIII The bast assortment of GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS And Sporting Apparatus In the city, to at CARTWRKILIT 4 TOUNG'S, No. SO Wood street. sir Stub and Twat Gans as Jew as $lO. oc9 jAVE.4 COATINGS, BUSINESS COATIRRB, Fancy Vestings, Sido sand Quolmams, Dress Coatings, Furnishing Goods, In addition to mar splendid display of Ready Made Cloth ing, we have a mot btiltisnt assortment; of piece goods for Gentlemene' and Boys' wear, which will be made up at the shortest notice, imp after the latest styles, at low prices. otirginavo GOTHIC MALL, oce Corner Wood street and Diamond alley. LADIES' HIGH BOOTS, CLOTH.—A eu perior article for cold weather. DIFFENBACHER Jt CO., 009 N 0.17 Fifth streot. ATLANTIC MONTHLY, lIARPHS'S BIAGLZINE, FRANK LRBISE'S IdAtIAZINE, IiALLOIPB BIAGAZINE, N)r male by ocs 1110 FIRE PROOF MINERAL PAINT. 6 tons of di:Threat cobra on hand and for sale at 28 and '2411t. Clair otreot, J. a H. P1331L103. TIMOTHY SEED—Just reo'd and for sale by (a 5) HENRY H. COLLINS. URE PORT WINE, for medicinal pnr pow, by the bottle or Ea llo a, at FL&WORTEI t BROWNLEE'S, oft In the INetemnal. 1? iSH: 10 Ms. Lake Superior White YU ; 20 half bble. Lake Herring; 10 Fur mile cheap, to close COnd renti by JAMES A. PRUE% Carnet Idieritat Bad gird etreatik .:. - i.., , ....: ,. :';.':'....::2-' , .':! ... ',.'-'.:*' . : : .':';''.'::':...r':.'::: : :' - 7' , :; . ;:: : '.''':'Voir'.w. 4 , - i-....::::: : ., :.!•! - .,:i . --.,: , : ,. i , : . .,.. - , - 1,...,2....,.:4 . .. : . ,_ - , : , J? ,, : . 7..,.:: . ... , 4 :: :' : ; ,. ,.. - .,'.')::' , ,1.,,.:,i..i4:-:i- - ,..:. : i0: ..,,':'',..!:''...:. $2,468,533 64 $1,142,700 00 . 188,882 ar $2,468,663 64 .1,694,944 61 $ 818,000 00 . 497,79) 00 189,701 33 . 388,874 34 . 20,618 80 $ 668,906 7eya 820,240 83 150,444. 05 31.409 44 41,214 00 124,4,8 92 Fast Elulidinge, 41 Fifth etreet. 0. HANSON [AWE, 74 Markot street 51 Market street 'tootland'e German Bitten!, Lyon's gathairon, woes White 0 For October For October For October ; For October. LUKE LOOMIS, Poet Building; 41 Fifth &treat. t t it ift , LYON A R - N ST H 4 L, WHOLKEALS AND MAIL Mara /3! GENUINE HAVANA CIGARS, AND BEST VIRGINIA CHEWING TOBACCO, WOOD STREET, UNDER THE T. CHARLES HOTEL, ocll PITTSBURGH. PA. NEW GOODS. 1555. NEW GOODS. AT J. BUSH'S, No 65 Market St. , Second Door from Cbrner of Fburth. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL OPEN ON Monday, September 13th, his well selected stock of the latest styles in Dress and Cloak Trimmings, Bonnet Ribbons, Plowerk. and Ruches, a complete assortment of Embroideries, Collars, Sleeves, Paris Edgings, Children's Robe's, Waists and Caps, Shetland shawls and Woolen Cloaks for Children, Hosiery, Gloves, Gauntlets, Alexander Tativeu'e Hid Wove% French Corsets, Shapes, Expansion Skirts, and Brussels. (new styles,) Shetland Wool, Sephin Woonted, Purpen Paper, Patterns, Embroidered Slippers; Patterns for Embroideries drawn and .Embroideries worked at short notice. . Nancy llesd•Drkses made to order. I thank the - Ladies'-for Abelr kind patronage, and hope they will give me their custom for the fature, as I will al ways do my beat to sell them the goods cheap. Ladies, Call and examine the novelties at- J. BUSH'S, Be I fam 65 Market et., Rd door from fourth. FIRST PRIZE GOLD MEDAL PIANOS, j f MADE BY STEINWAY & SONS; NEW YORK, WSAVE AVE NEVER FAILED TO RE OEIV,E-A PRIZE MEDAL wherever they have ex. hibited their lIDIRIVALLIRYPIANOS. Among the more recent ones are Bletropolitan Pair, 1855, Washington, D. 0., Gold Medals. American 'malt ute, Crystal Palace, N. P., 1855, 1 Gold Medal Maryland Institute, Baltimore 1856 Gold Medal American Institute, Crystal Palace .1856......G01d Medal Kentucky State Fair, Louisville —1857 Gold Medal Maryland Institute, Baltimore 1857 Gold Medal NOTICE. The Committee on Musical Instruments at the American Institute, New York, as above. was composed of COITSCHALK, ._ WM. MASON, Gottschalk and Wm. Matron being the greatest, and most diatinguished American Pianists, and Wollenhaupt the mint celebrated composer for the Plano Home In the United It is a significant fact that WM. MASON, of Boston, 11013 of the celebrated Lowell Mason, of Boston, Author of tho Carmine Sacra, and many other valuable church music books, uses and recommends exclusively the STEINWAY PIANOS as the VERY BEST EVER MANIIPACTURED IN THIS C JUNTRY. Ws Invite the attention of purchasers to our full stock of STEINWAY PIANOS, OONILSTINO 0 F FULL GRAND PIANOS, Three-Stringed Square Grand Pianos, A new improvement, which combiriss the advantagea of the grand and the hertz mtalPianos, having the fullness of tone of the former and the beauty and elegance of the latter. Also, the OVERSTRINO SQUARE Olt HORIZONTAL PIANO. Of every style and price, from $250 to $l,OOO. JOB , ' No one can have an ides of the perfection to which the Piano Forte has been brought, until he has seen these unequalled Instruments. For sale by If. KLEBER & BRO., NO. 53 FIBTii Bole Agent for Steinway's Pianos for Pittsburgh and West ern Pennsylvania. N. B.—They will be sold at New York Factory prices and warranted for five years. -ocll [Firm of J. & 11. Phillip J DAVIS !i PHILLIPS, (Socceosors to Phillip' & Co.) BRASS FOUNDERS AND FINISHER PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS 833E2TE1 CHANDELIERS, PENDENTS AND BRACKETS STORE, NO. 67 WOOD STREET, FOUNDRY .AND SHOP, NO 148 FIRST ST New York Fur Company Agency BUFFILLOII.OI3 f.s . l ATE HAVE ACCEPTED TIIE AGENCY thn New York Far Company, arid have oa hand a complete aasortnaout of Buffalo and Fancy Robed, which we will retail at low pricer], and Heil td the trade by the bale at New York ratce IL U. ad EtTLEY & CO, Wood street, Pittsburgh, B,4(l(ll6,l:farness and Truak Makers F IR sT PREMIUM AWARDED fIY THY STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, To C-RSFF ,SL CO., Manufacturers: For the pest Couking Hauge fur women; Cooking' Stove fur coal : " for Wood. DinDuna fa boot Lam:drew. Also, on Land a large assort ment of Elenttag Stoves, Plalu and Fancy (hate Fronts, Faudure, Sad and Dog Irons, Sugar Kettles, Tea Kettles, Wagon Boxes, Hollow Ware, etc. GRAFI' & CU., uc.7:l ydaw Nu 124 Wood street. A. & F. MARBIJRG, W • hope' tors and Manufacturers of (JIG A It S, AND UENENAL C0.11.111,93.10N MERCHANTS, !o. 413 NV est Lombard SI., Baltimore, Old. We invite the attention of the trade to our large and well assortedlitoca of 'derman and Domestic Cigars. Our (acid ties for importing Ls well as the variety of our ar sortment, are uusurpasse by any house lu the States, while large eon trac•s made by one of the firm during the dull times iu Ger many, enable no to hold out extra inducements to our friends at present. si2S.ly JACO McCOLLISTER, No. 25 Filth Street, DEALER IN FINE CIGARS & TOBACCO. The stock of Chewing Tobacco and the variety and quali ty of Cigars at this oldOtablished stand will he found equal in quality to any to be had In the city, se2S Q,AMTJEL PRAVER AND TAILOR, O. 52 ST. CLASH BTBSET, PITTSBURGH, PA., Invites public attention to his sew and beautiful lased meat of Tall goods, consisting of Cloths, Caaaimeres, Vest, lugs and Coatings of every variety and style, made up with promptness and despatch, and at rates as low as at any similar establishment in the city. oc7:lmd - - A CADEMY OF PAINTING AND DKAW- Ll publto are informed that a school for the above branches will bo opened ou and after the 4th of On. tober, at No. 21, Fifth street, for those Who may be de sirous of obtaining a practical COUVO of lastruction. There will also be taught the use of the French Crayon, tinting with India Ink and Sepia; also a new style of painting in Oil and Water colors, by which the pupil is enabled to suc ceed more rapidly than by other methods. The merits of tiliB style of printing and drawing have bean long and sac cesssfully tested in miclasses. Raving in my possecalon large and finely selected collection of originals for every branch, I invite ladles, and those who may have in view :a coarse of lessons to call at my studio, No. 21 Fifth street oc22w T. N. CILOGGV.R. JOHN LOCpaq ALDWAID GEM. LOGAN & GREGG, DEPDBMINA AND, DAMS= IN Foreign..SL Domestic Hardware, 62 WOOD STRUT, PUTSBIIII,6III, PA. A full and complete assortment of all, denriptione oL Hardware, both at Wholesale and Retail, can be had at prices satisfhcntry to the purchater at the above establishment; tools of every description, in large varieties; 6lerchants, Mechanks, and Farmers are all invited to call. lsenam A. H. O. BROOKEN, No. 22 our Street, New York, LIANtIiACTUBSII oa GLASS SYRINGES, 11QhfCEOPATHIO VIALS, GRADUATED MEASURES, NURSING BOTTLES, ETO. Glass Ware for Chemists, Vlrnagists, Perfumers, Photo graphers, etc. Green Glass Ware by the package. .11 atdiscount used° td the trade. Orders from Country Drug gists and Dealers solicited. Price Lists sent on applica tion. stiodizu GENTLEMEN'S HATS FOR AUTUMN, NOW FEEADV. In preparing the Hata of the present issuer, none but the most flashed workmen have been employed, and nothing but the best and choicest - materials used. Every endeavor has peen made to combine Elegance of Form, with Fitness, and Beauty of Design with utility. The undersigned, there. fore coididentfy submha these elegant Autumn Hats to the inariection of gentlemen, and hopefully awake their liberal patronage. W. E. WARBURTON, Fashionable Hatter, No. 480 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. se2l:lm* EATIIER, HIDES AND OlL.—The sub *scriber would solicit tho attention of merchants end strangers visiting the city, to his present exteneire stock of Leather, shoe Bindings, Tanners' and Corriere' Toots, Tan ner's Oil, as., As which he offers to the trade at the lowest market prices. ihs solicits an examination of his stock. Md. WILKINSON, 217 Liberty attest. self Pittsburgh, Pa. PATENT GUN CANE.— The neateat weapon in nee, easily loaded, satrap ready for immediate service, and in appearance clearly resembling a tine gotta percha cane. They weigh but twenty ounces, about the weight of a good hickory cane, and are not liable to get out of order. an-Gentlemen are invited to e , ramlue them at SOWN & TETLEY'S, oda No. 136 Wood street. Ulan/L-150 lbs. Butter just re jur ceived and for Bala by JAS. ocll Corner Market and BIM street. BONNET RIBBONS.--A full assortment from Auction for sale at low prices by EATON, OREE 4 co., • ocS Cotner Minh and liarkeratreeta« OOTS AND SHOES..—Now, as the cold - wea ther has set in, You ghciald not fell to cill eE din ;People's Ois ter eap inappl Elmo Store," /MTh streret;hear Market, and gey.Gentd Boots and Show ) Boyd Boots and Shoes, Ladled Itootnba, Law Shoo awl Gaiters; /Hisses , and Ohildrens' * a y ; all lands or wallas- 4 . t, ..oca Dusrisruisuilisli. A CIO. - Wrz57,1 7 -7.57 „.,,,, tr. :,,,,,,,,,-, ,- . .... ,'-,i,:,,,..ci *g_w,•%v-v,i.*l,l7r' ---,----,'-' f'-,rn,,,,,,,„-11, , • •,• •.: -. , . -',-,,,,...:•:;'r :_,,..,-. WOLLENUA.UPT. JOB. 11. DAVLS JOHN PHILLIPS PITTEIBUIGH, PA ,~ b l i R'~ 2 DEILAWAE. - . SAFETY INSURINCiI iLAMIPAA Y INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE Olt SYLVAN - Li, 16.35. OFFICE S. E. CORNER THZE.IYA_ND Weal); FIIILADELFRIA. MARINE INSURANCE. ON VESSELS. 1 CARGO,To all pari j a of the world. FILMIC/HT, • INLAND INSURANCES On Coals, by River, Canals, Lakes, ind Land Carriages all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Mons ASSETS OP THE COMPANY. November 2, 1857. Bonds, Mortgages, and Real Estate. 4 $lO/0350 9 Philadelphia City, and other Loan.a.4 ~ : ... .. 137,011 ii Stock in Banks, Itailrbads and Insaraucal ... ~,,,, Companies 1 f '""—— Bills Receivable 9200191 91 Lt Cash on hand 38,892 08 Balance in hands of ,Agents, Premnama on Marine Policiels recently isseed,oul 92,13 u sv other debts doe the Company. 1 ilubscriptiou Notes .. r ..- 100,000 os DITINOTOILIY. James 0. nand, The:el:Ulna Paulding, Jame Mcaqueir, William Eyre, Jr., J. F. Poninlon, JeaMin P. Eyre, I Samuel E. Stokes, I Henry !Rican, Samoa B. McFarland, Thomaa 0. amid, Robert Barton Jr, John B. Semple, Pir.s/rarg.b D. T. Mc _gall, • " J. T. Logrtii, " W. 41.4.11T1N, Prasitlsu t, !dent. 'Y William Marlin, Joseph 11. Deal, Edmund A. Sondes, John 0. Davis, John 8.. Penrose, George G. Leiper, Edward Darlington, Dr. 8.. M. HusSem, William 0. Ludwig, Hugh Craig, 13penoer !Konyaln, Charles Kelley, H. Jones Brooks, Jacob P. Jones, Tl/03. CI. HAND, Vice Pr , Becreter THE GREAT WESTERN i u Erlirc mud Marino ins ranes (loci - OF PII ILADELif ILIA. Ogce in Company's Building No. 408 Wain Corner of Fourth Street. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL i $ 500,000 Capital paid in 3=2,800 00 Surplus, Jaartry Ist, 1858 I 56,277 05 $217,574 FIRE INSURANCE--Limitod or Perpetual. MARINE INSURANCE, on Yeas*, Cargo and Freights. INLAND INSURANCE by Rivard, Canals, Lakes and Land Carriages 1 Diasorosa: Charlee C. Lathrop, 1423 Walnut Street. William Darling, 1610 Pine street: Alexander Whillden, Merchant, I,S North Front. Isaac Ilaslehurst, Attorney and Counsellor. Jo ,r ; 11 n O. Hunter, firm of Wright, Bunter & Co. E. Tracy, fi rm of Tracy & Co., Goh*..mith's Hall. Jo It. McCurdy, firm of Jones, White & McCurdy ernes L. Gillespie, firm of Gllletple k Zeller. JaWes B. Smith, firm of James ILI Smith & Co.' Han. Henry M. Fuller, office 227 Booth Third sheet. John 0. Vogdes, office corner of Hsventh and Sanaa:a, Jamsa Weight, late Cashier Bank 'of Tioga. . Talor office Cairo City Property. Jena J. Slocum, office 220 South Third street. C. O. LATEIROP, President. W. DARLING, Vice President LEWIS GREGOZ.Y, t Branch 040 a, Wail at , N. y . Second Vice Pres%) JAMES WRIGHT, Secretary and Treasurer, H. K. RICHARDSON; Assistant Secretary. It. W. POINDEXTER, Agent. 97 Water street, Pittsburgh. MONONGAHELA INSURANCE C OMPANY. OF PITTSBWIO.II. JAMEB A. 1111TOELEKN, frasilenti HTINEY M. ATWOOD, Secretary. OFFIOE...No. 08 Water Sts:Aite WILL INSURE AGAINST ALL iKINDB a RDA AM hIARINE BIZ' A.B. 1 Affill7Til—MAY 20n, 1668. Stock, Due Bills, payable on derband, secured by two approved namea..ci i t 5140,000 00 Premium N0te5......, 47,003 29 , Bills,,Receivable 9,968 21 115 shares Mechanics' Bank stock, coat 0,185 00 60 do Bank of Pittsburgh dci do 2,750 00 40 do Exchange Bank do do 2,050 00 190- do Citizens Bank do' do —..- , 5,175 00 Balance of Book Accounts 8,056 89 Office EurnituroB9o 88 , Oaeh 15,853 78 James A. Hutchison. Ooorge A. Berry, Wm. B. Holmes, 1 Robert Dabell, William Rea, Thomas B. Clarke, Wilma Miller, 't John M'Devitt, mv72 Wm. A. Caldwell. Pennsylvania Insurance Company OF PITTSOUROH. No. a$ Fourth stracsit, DIREOTO,Strif Jacob Painter, J. P. Tanner, Cleo. W. Smith, Body Patterooti, C. A. Wltoo. A. J. Jones W. S. Moßrldo, Jab. H. Hopkins, Wads liar ton. L Grit r Sproul, A. A. Carrier, Robert Patrick, A. 0. Sampson, J. IL Juno, Jobs Taggart,, Henry Sproul,ldea Vooghtly s Chartirsd Capital caothooe /1111.1 AND MARINE 111.3111 TAKEN, of all descriptions President—A. A. CARRIER. Vice President—RODY PATTE2BOII. tea) Secretary and Treaenror—l. Ri SPTIOUL. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OP PITTSBURGH. WILLIAM DAGALNY, President( DialiflllM L. hiABSIITH T y g oo st ary. OFFICE: 04 Water great, betwasn!Afdrket and Wood streets Insnrci ramr, AND CARGO BMA on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivera and tributafics. Insures against Loss or Damage bp. Mil. Also, against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. DrillXoVOt pt. Mark iitorling.. tiLimnel M. Kier, lfoho S. Dilworth, Iltanclio Sollars p. Hun. 'John Walkr Dristit, Ja22 Wllllam Bagaley, Samuel Roa, James M. Cooper, James Park, Jr., Imo M. Pennock, Springer llarbangh, Capt. Samuel O. Young, John Caldwell. PHILADELPHIA FIE,E AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , .110. 149 Clacsaw,t Street, Opppsito the Otuitom Muse. WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSET ILANOEI, either Perpetnui ur Limited, on ovary description or Property br Bierchilridiso, et ressonabla rates of precision,. ROBERT P. BIN:, President. M. W. BALDWIN, Vire Prasi,lent. ntaiorona. Charles Hayes, ~ Copp, B. B. English, 0o rge W. Brown, P. B. Savery, Jo oph S. Paul, 0. Sherman, John Clay ton, IL J. ldagarges, E. 91.1:1r. V. BLLOKIIIMIN, Sem Mary. . G. COWIN, Agent, Corner 'illitrd and Wood streets. A. A. CARRIER & PITTSBIII3.OII GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. ' Capital Itoprossoatodp $3,000,000. 0011PANLES OP HIGHEST STANDING, Ohalt'ved bi Ponnaylvania and other States. RULE, MARINE AND LIFE RISKS TAKEN, Of ALL DESORIPIEDMS. Mo. 83 319UUN3 STRICI A. a. amain.' .F7TYSHORO . a. fdaTa• y 1 THE OLDEST AND LARGEST LITFIOORAPH/0 EBTABLIfiiiMENT IN TEM OITY: SCHITHIPLAN, PRACTICAL LITHO'GRAPHRR, Corner Third and Market Streets, DllVrti COLLEGE BUILDING iprsporßaff, PZ2V2VI 1y2.1:1y-2p TERRA COTTAI OR - STONE WATER 1/11: 0 Es9 From two to six *oh calibra. PRICES from 12 to 8) Cents per Foot. ALSO-1100ELESMIC PEARL .STARCH For Sala Wholasali az Elaanfacturais Privets yy EFEATIVE la. COLLINS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSIOR MERCHANT, Jaw muumuu' tivita >l4 1311EISSZ, 13uvrbart;t REED% Inglis AND PRODUCE GENERALLY. No. 26 WooD STUMP, Przersßutunt. Utild JAMES McLILANGIMLIN; matte AO 07 ALC011.014 9 Cologne Spirits d Fusel 011, Noe. 107 and 70 Seoond Street. somos:4o_ DREMIUM HOLLANI) GIN BITTERS, 1 IMPORTED BY F. FELIX .% EON, 468 PENN ST., PITT. .BBURGEr, reepectltair call the alt6itti e/ 1 " the public , to the above o debrated Bitters, for which the Medical Court of Holland has commissioned us to act as Bole Agents for the Drifted Btal and Canada,. This articiele prepared by mom of the most solentiflo mica of Holland, and to the moat pre arable Bitters now in use" Wherever the Holland Gin Bitters hali been introduced, its sale has been unprecedented. Persons wishing to try the artiole, can have a sample, with circular, sent gratis by midi, by addresaing F. VESIXI .a. RON. Pittiborch. MBE SUBSCRIBER WISHES TO FORM tiCo•Partnersidp, with sem good businessman to reside in or about Pittsburgh, with a cash capital, flay; of $2OOO or moro, for Um purchsie and sale of land in the North-western count:lea of this State. With the advuttages is this busluses which the subscriber now possess°, it could, w i th =c hi, partner , b e slid!) , made to bring a profit of 60 to 100 per cont. Refer to N. Bargain. Esq., No. 122 Fourth street. - • J. Is. HANNA, ixt3..lls! ReAlO44l l l. AP% Vraziklln o Es. - 2.. &R. 702,7138'8! P. A. Agant, 95 Wat.ir area., Pittabaygtt $287,710 U 1 I=l