VO,UMWE XVI. P ITT s;31711=.111 MORNING POST. Wed arid v‘ofm'pg, cfris rzol sliskfi.&:; ' S P. BART..., IN ..7NT 7":”cca wcon . knp pv-yr‘b: , t?ric+ l, • priz. th: countor ae• r . ,I( DIEM 1ac,3r4:1,,L4 Tbreo 1 7.5 4 1:0 2CA 2 ‘7.1 ,1 1 1 ICO • 5 C.-r ‘..; I 1 nC., 1! v....) 1 7 Cr, Polls IJ 0/1 t 3 tr.: 460 Ptvtiwontl7. , ;.... ,li Cr:, 7 85 , '6 601 3 5. - JI 550 81r. ....... 12 C. , 53 WI 00i 6 LA ) 'dint I , ' kg) 10 8,5 0-31 5 I:ti .1. 05 Laneyes.r. ........ (;•01 13 K I:2 CO Eroding 110 e.! er le t, pOr ennrJ 10 00 Ora aquas; per arrart,(errArLelea Marriage notic , ..s ceLtd ;11•= PITTSBURGH SATURDAY POST A mAßamorni - ViEEFax. ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER TEAR, IN CLUBS 02 TEN. 61 = g:1e Subanriptlaiaa, - - $2 , par amarrek. CONTAINS ALL TIIE CURRENT, NEWS Politt=l, Literary, Agricultaral, Coternor cial, Uoni, Telegraphic aadMiscelle.mgm). This Paper being of V.:031,11'03V 51.21, and neatly prints en fine white paper, in large, clear type, will be found by the etbscribEr to give better satisfaction than any paper pea t...hod in Pittabnrsh. Those who wish to take a paper from Pittibargh, will find 8.1.1 LTBDAY 2031' a safe and profitable investment. Addrees, JAMES BARR, t0r.17 Editor end Pre-...rioter. 'BARR & MYERS' BOVE AND JOB OFFICE, P 0537: DINGS,33 - IZ7=.. Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. tindeissigmed hang made extensive L additions of the LATEST AND RANDSOMEST STYLE B TYPE, and improved Machinery, to ilia MORNING POST 70 1 3 OFFICE, Urfito tae - 6 trot-Alan of Rail Road Officer Um-chants, braineas raoa, and the public, generally, to their aperior fazilitios f.r exeszting vith'dispnteh, on reasonable (ma, ell hinds of RAIL at:DAD . , LEGAL, AITO EVztRY CYI`.P. DESCLRIPTION OF PJ.ATN & FANCY PRINTING 4' Our mateiAl being nalrky all maw, we can give amen• anaa of ibe rnce: ;cull:iota earisfacilon, and ailicit order; BOORS, PAMPEILETS, RAIL ROAD BILLS CAltae, BANE II IMI% DIANE NOTES, LF MR =ADS, BILL BDEADA, BILLS LADING, CIROULARB, a— BUSloilli6 CARDS, PAPER BOOTIE, D.RU)S, MORTGAGES, BONDS, !kr.' - Perticalar attention will also be paid to the printing yf Poston, Bingrzmnaes, A-o. for Concerts, Exhibitions and Dirt-ases. BAP.R. A MYY.B.B. BIIANESS CARDS Tile ;People's Shoe Store. D. S. D . LEFFENB.LOTIF,R & CO., Che , ap Cash Dealore in - all tinde of Fashionable BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, For G ontl=von., Ledfas, Youths and Children, No. 17 Fifth Street, near lilscricai, ocS PIT.T.SBURGH, PA i• 0, roma: ......... JOECHSO3 S. A. JOECLIDON PERRIN JOHNSON, Propriexas of Childs & Co.'s ' Patent Elastic Fire and Water Proof Cement. Rooting. • 18 3 T131:333 STREET. fI RDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith ve,—,Cy ezoccted, and all our work warranted. Beang material always on hand, and for sale, with di rections tor use. sePtlY JOS. V. HAMILTON co„ rINGINE ERS AND HACHLICISTS, Gana- of Firs!. cud Liberty guts, Pittensreh P. Q.UPERIOR STEAM ENGINES for Grist ky and Saw Mills, Breweries, Printing Establishments, Manufactories, in., made to order. They also continuo the mentEcture of their Celebrat.d Machinists' Tools, such as ro ruing Lathes, Iron Planers, Boring and Drilling Machines, /to, Also, Wrought Iron Shafting, with Pulleys, 'ilangore, _ROM': ?BOXrSON JOIEEIV TEIO3 - 11 3 SON & CO., la OUSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND . GRAINER% No. 135 Third street. ' SIGN PAINT -110.1 executed with neatness and despatch. Ilixed Paints, dila Turpentine, Varnish, ,kapan [Ltd English Patent Dry ers, Ville Montaigne Zinck, a very superior article; Phila delphia and Pittsburgh White Lead always on hand and for tale. IT,a .re prepared to grind colors for Painters, Drug gists, or others, at the shortest notice, 85 we have a Mill wbich grind: by steam Painters will soya money by get ting their colors ground with us. GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, rtIiintIPACTURE.II.SS PrILIOILS. HYDROMETERS or weighing the cheapest and heat articles ever Li - ought to this city. zamanio=ogus AND BAMMETERti, varying in price from $6 to s2o obckt. POCKET COMPASSES, AND SURVEYOR'S COMPASSES, iwa T a Cu hand bt G. S. BRAIN'S, Preotical Opt. - c` tltts, &rect. oppoiao Hazard° Hall. B. C. St, S. EL SAWV.EIft, ..k.Nr.:YAOTIII'.=S as LARD .oth, CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS go. $7 Wood strcct, Plttsbargh, Pa PARTNERS. L 1 'The firm ofTAISSOLUTION BAWOR OF TH BRO. ts BROWNLE H E IP was, on the 3d of May, 1853, dissolved by mutual conseot,by the withdrawal of JEER; Mk:NORM from the above firm. The accounts of the late arm will be Bettleri by lEL3WORTH BROWNIARII. .CHT ./REILI HAWORTH, in withdrawing fromethe above firm, kindly thanks his former patrons and also the patrons Of the late firm, for the very liberal patron Ago he has re ceived, and would Idndly rooommand them to his ancceasors, lIAWORTH A BBAWNLER, na they are determined to sell at low 'fig - arta, having a very largo assortment of CLEF-AP 011.WE t triN, WINE.d and LIQUOP.9 on ad. JEHtf ILEWORTLI cer- DAVID IiAWORTH and JAlkOn BIIOWNIXE heve thie day as,ooisted together ; and will continue on the LlablUZ4 -, i i)U) sTAND, corner of Dlamand and Dia mond a 1103., widfr the stYlo of LIAWORTII £ 8R0WN.41114, where they h WYECOIVEI that patronage BO fiberfill given to the old trn, ea they are determined to sell OHRAYEII. then any other store in the city. myl3 Orrice of Sealer of 'O - eights and THE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, SEALER OP WEIGHTS AND KEAN:BIM, !day beionnd henceforth, in Cherry alley, be tswela Third and Fourth erects, where orders. may to left_ CITIABLE.s BArtNgTl'. IFS. HAVEN'S Elastio Steel Pens just IF • reoeirod, and fur sale at the Stationery Stare, J e 35 Nos. 31, 83 and 35 Market street. pHE FRANKLIN ALMANAC FOR 1859. —This well-known and,popular annual, formerly pub. oshed by Johnston & Stockton, after a lapse of years, will ,gain shortly be issued. The circulation' as formerly will =vie by t..e skillful mAthematician' - Eanford O. 11111, ..e5.12, --- wne will also prepare for lin pagess - nob reading inat -er as ;sill mate it an entertaining and instructive maga- Luxe. Besides the reliable rartrenocalLal calcoledions, a new sod ingenious table of time, an amarate method of drawing ,neridian lines, and other [flatten of permanent T aka will 9 added.. Orders of booksellers and other dealers are solicited in isenoe of publication, - as but one edition will be printed, A orders will be filled according to priority. W O. JOECNETOM 00, , 'ublishers, Printers; Stationers, anti Blank Book Mikan, b 7 Woodetreet;Pittaliurgh -ie23 `;WO DWELLING HOUSES FOR BENT, jbya. OVITIVENZ ar.SON, ly - '5l Macretreek. TARCLI-300 bss. Rochester Pearl Stiiroh, kJ tan a) bar fig.) shy s. CIOLUML . , . . .... . , .. . . . . . . . • • . . . - .. . , ~. .. ... . _ .. . . . ' .. . J + (7 . . . .. .•_.,. , . .. .. - • ' • . .. . •____,.,c .. ,-.. • ..... • it., t t t i •.:, . . ..,1,, 't. Lam:. 4 .. ......._.,, ....40,_ . --.; ' . ii,.. .;-:,::.•. .. -, ,-. : • ,: • .. - ~ ~- VI. . . ,-4- ,i.... 't',.._ ••• . .. :, • . ''' : ..- ' - ':- . 1.. ... . ''-'I. .. • ADAM'' CORN. SHELLER. rri the petm%). th rtalce3, 25 came. aUE PROPRIBTORS OF THE " PITTS BURGH NOVIIVEY WORKS" having, throngh Adams, (the principal mechanical genius of the arm,) ob tained letters patent,, dated 17th August, 185% for a now and eimple innrument for SHELLIXO CORN, truly neat, comp, ct and portable, combining' durability, utility and cloanneys ; a necessary appeaddge to every farmer's barn, is now - offered to the . oeople or the - Urtited States at a very low, price. We have no "Patent- Rights" for sale, but manufacture and sell the article at our works. Owing to its compact form it is destined soon to' become an article of trade in every Hardware Merchants' shelf The 3thehines are of two sizes, weighing only about 85 and,so pounds, and may be secured to a poet, pillar, or door, es you wankd a coffee mill. Wo add no more, when seen, it speaks for itself. esll:Bmdter CLIMAX F.N. IT IS THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, SMALLEST, AND Will Chaff Twice pa Fast as any in the United Stater TT IS PERFECTLY ADAPTED to the Cleaning. of all Seeds, from the ',..' 6 - smartest to the largest, witaout waste, and is II: . , 1 nnlj twenty Inches. Ai wide, bat must be seen to be epprod i atei. Farmers, Manufacturer!, Ile. cy chattim and everybody elec. are invited to BOP Its practical working, at the store under the St. Charles 'Hotel, Pittsburgh. selt:lindaw--cJ J. T . 00i)PIN, Agent. AUTUMN TRADE, 1858. DRY GOODS, SHAWLS IN EVERY VARIETY. W. G. CHITTICK & CO., 438 Market & 433 Merchant Sts., PITILADELPHL4. NO. 65 FIFTH STREET.- DURABLE, FIRE AND WATER PROOF JOSEPH HARTMAN, (Recently Agent for U. M. Warren & C 0.,) GRAVEL E121=33 PUBLIBRBD ,DAILY: BY JAMES P. BARR, AT Tlll- " POST BUILDINGS," OORNER OF WOOD AND IfEWTH STREETS; AT IflVl3l DOLLARS PER ANNUDIU MISCELLANEOUS. LIVINGSTON, COPELAND B 00 STAPLE AND FAN'CI AT WIIOLESALE 3CI MI 5 .5 Cols, OF NEWEST STYLES. MAILINGS, CODUEGS, MUSLIN DELAINES. VELVETS, SILKS, ALPACAS, GrscEfems. CLOTHS, CASSIMESERES, SATINETS, VESTINGS. FLANNELS, PRINTS, BLEA'D AND BROWN GOODS Filth a complete line of EMBROIDERIES, And other styles of Goode adapted to A FIRST CLASS TRADE. 11 of which aro offorod for Ealo, cheap as 7 m-f:-mo-Wa RO OF IN G CHEAP, MANUBA7I.I7P-Ell AND I)3.ILVSt N' th ELT, Cll AM ELASTIC CEMENT, SATURATED CANVAS ROOF1N( ROOFING MATERIALS VaL.OriTIOE, No. 65 Lill - fa STILEET. opposite Old 14:I 0r.13 HALL Pittsbargh. i j“) - • ACARL) FROM DR. JAMES M. JAR RI.IT, OE' TILE NNW YoRN. LUNO INFIRM illy—My connection for the put tight years with the above I:attitude n..as Chief Physician, and a twelve }ears' chars° of steady devotion to the unroof Pulmouar:, Con sumption and its kindred diseases, together with my un rivaled opportunities+ and advantage of pathological research —aided nut a little by a perfect system of 2iiedfail ir.ha:a tia:--has enabled me to aarlve at a decisiv4direct and sac cualful course of treatment f,,r the positive and radical cure of all diteassa of the Throat, Ltengs, and .eliso-Pavolet. Dy Inhalation, the vapor and curative properties of _medicines are directly &dressed 41 the diseased organs and the integu ment Ido .not advise the via of Medical Inhalation of any kind. to the exclusion of general trectmemi.; , and although 1 consider It a useful Anvant In the proper management of thase fearful and often fatal diseases, yet I deem it very no. cessary that each patient should have the benefit of bah peered and local treatment. The encores of my treatment to the above diseases, and the high character of the Inatitn. tion over whi"h I have so rang had the honor to preeide,are too well known to need any eulogy or comment from me. At the solicitatich of many private awl professional friends, through whose philanthropic aid the above charity has been long and liberally supported, and after due consideration, I have concluded to make such arrangements as will bring the b. nefits of my experiments and treatment within the reach of all, madoot muerte myself, as heretofore, to those only who entered the Infirmary. or who were able to visit me at ray office. Hoping therefore that the arrangoment will give entire aatisfactia4both to my professional breth: ren and the .public; I would respectfully announce irroon elusion, that /con now be c:mruitedpersonay or by icder,on all diseases as above, and •that the medicines, the came us need In the Institution, prepared to snit each individual case. Inhaling Vapors, Medical Inhalers, ilk-, ce., will be forwarded by express to any part of the United States or the Canada& Tensg--My terms of treatment by letter are as follows. viz : $l2 per month for each patient which will include medicine sufficient far one month's use; also, In haling Vapor, curt an Inhaling Apparatus. . Pi yment as fol Iowa: $.6 to be paictto Express Agent ou reC.4l4t of the box of Medicine, and the balance $8 at the expiration of the month, if the pattut be cured or is entirely satisfied with the treatment. Patients, by giving a full history of. their case, and their symptoms in full, can be treated as well by letter as by puss:mai alutrahltian. Patients avalling.thim selves of Dr. Jarrett's treatment may,rely upon immediate anJ permanent relief, as be seldomhas to tract dome over thirty days. Leder' for advice promptly answered. For further particulars, address JAMES M. JARRETT, M.D., No. 623 Broadway, cor. Twelfth St., N Y. P.B.—Physicians and others visiting the city are re spectfully invited to call at the Infirmary, where many ' intereating caste can be witnessed, and' where our im Iproved appxrctus for the inhalation of medicated vapor can be seen and inspected. .17:1116m Summer Lager Beer. /IRE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE TO ji., Inform his friends and the public in general, that he is in the daily receipt of this delicious Beer, from the well known Brewery of J. N. Straub, Alleghony City, it having been pronounced to be the beet that was manufactured here for many years, CLEAR, TASTEFUL and PURE. Give me a call and try it. JOHN ROTH, ap21.11 At hia old stand, No. 2f, Diamend. TAMES MTLLINGAR, MONONGAHELA u PLANING would respectfully inform the public that he has rebuilt since the fire, and having enlarged his establishment, and filled it with the newest and most ap. proved machinery, is now prepared to furnish flooring and planed beards, scrotal sawing and resowittg, doors, sash and shutters, kiln dried, frames, mouldings, box meths.., &c. South Pittsburgh, September 7.1857. fseio GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. AL IVE'PAIMELaND. MERCHANT TAILOR, Corner of Fourth and Smithfield Streets, RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT he has received his Spring Assortment of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS,. Of the newest styles, best 4riality and most elegant descrip tions, which 4013 prepared to numnfacture to order in the LATEST FASHIONS, And with such a character of workmanship, as cannot fail to caddy and please the most fastidious tastes, rmyiti WINDSOR SIIADES.--Aold.. bordered, Tv .-pbOn and tonal. Also, shade Trimmings, Or.c., always on band at and for gale-abet? by ->- -•- •• . 4 •-• ARP sad 81. Ger stralL HOTELS & RESTAURANTS. BLAIRSVILLE, INDIANA COUNTY, PA.; COL. ROET. EVANS, Proprietor, HAVING PURCHASED TIES HOUSE, from it.. 3 former wto.l-Itric:kti Prvprkt,r, D Mar iitnr, and refitted it, I am e, , ,r pilvlro- I to I's vi,ft ,, rg. r,••• : 7!! ! ' 1-3 , 10 2.! , .)1 tf.loo : W 1511 5 . ,• S.! 0. rt 111 t!;•1!t!,, TILL' A)1 t P.'wri?:: m 7: th•-• ; of ti F. 11.1 • aull the propm,;ti•r hay lug ' a-1 itriliy Nears eXporl7'iu iu tti•J iiiih.l,[l;i wil4 k.PCI) curad the boat that tho luarkets otrord.• • His WA, Liquors and Aka, aro of thy but quality. Ile wants all his yid irienda and the public gonorts:ly to giro him a cull ut thy tirmpr-alwr-. Kteddior RestaurEnt, ") 4311, 4: BPt 14 - .% 111 WO OD Strut, 117.708 L-11011, y AKI AND EASTERN. FISH SOLD 911 Wlro;esale and Retail, at ths lowest cash lstfr supplied of Mel.ns, reachca, sod Potaioes recti , ed du , ly. Also, New York Prince'3 Bay Egg darbor, Shell Oysters, the guest over brought to Chia city. Every delicacy of the seasou constantly on hand, and carved up - in the most .palatable style. Don't forgot the Excelsior Rea taarant, No. 111 Wood street. stet Corer irwti► Streot ra udi Dll.llll/CGIIO WM.37, B. D. MARKER, (Formerly of the "Markor Pa.) 71 LI E. SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW PLIITED AND OPI'.N FOR GUESTO. It is - oitualed in a central part of the.city, being cunTouleal to all Railroad Depots and Steamboat Landings. The Llotisa was built is lAN, with all cal.piern ireprovt. mental, and fitted up in splendid etylb--tho entire lenrpiture being new—and will In every reepect be a firs: class llottl. Fine tiI'ABLES are attached lo the prerais,..:. CORNUCOPIAZ By ELI YOUNG, Firm STRZET. The attention tsierchanta $." - ""T? .And others in directed to tlie e y 0 7 .1 bas been rec_•ntly np f..r the porponO 01 affording a SUBBI'.&N -VIAL EATING /LOUSE IN A CENTIIAL LOCATION! Country folks attooliug, niartet are particulsri; invited to =U. rsverythlug pertaining to an IgATINO SALOON will , iwaye be found, of the freshest tLo raarkr.t Wi r ,rdl„ aava:iytleh, THE HTIONAL Under I.oatcr'et New National Tneatre t FITTS:I3I;RO , PA., D. BARN.-111D, - - - PP.OPMETOR, HAS FITTED Ul' IN A TASTEFUL and comfortable style, the large centre score in the uDD FELLOWS UAW.; Fifth ,dre.t, a, a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT and SAL 4 I. N. Having had many years' experience in the business, he is prepared to supply the beet the market affords. His Bar wit' be furnished at all times with the twat NYines, Liquors and Alex The entrance to the Saloon, is in the °entre of the lall, and refreshments will be furnished at all times, DAY ores N HT (Sundays excepted.) upl•kly WiSILINGTON COI?. PENT A AVENUE 4 7'HIRD ST., WAS 0.13. A. F. BEVERIDGE ------ PiweLlerak6a. H. W. KANAGA.. iT U. .S oJig 0 T g." 41 .a• Opposite the Penner. Ltatlrorld Depot, . HAERIRBURG, PA. ii• 13' .S T 4.) Al 'a C; , PololliillLY U. S. 1.;11 , 11., PITTSB ureoll, P JAMES 3H.LNA I OII, proprietor. PHIS I.IOUSE IS LOCATED ON TUE corner of PFiiN and WASII..MITON Streets, between the CENTRAL AND WEST - 10,N DALLEOAD DEPOTS, and has undergone a thorough improvement, remcaleled and furnished with now furniture, and la now the moat cony°. Meat Hotel in Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Nallroad, East or West. myS:ly aiANSLON HOUSE, GE OitGE A ()RE N T'L PROPR=7OIt No. F.,14 Liberty fria-cut, Just beside the Passenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which raaites it the moat convenient bonze in the city for paisengers err!. Ting by that road. The proprietor having, at considerable expense, fitted up, En excellent style, the fILbiSION UOIME, would respect fully solicit a share of public patronsgo. There le attached a splendid 6TABILD and exteueire WAGON YAILD, ing ample accommodation to travelers and teamsters. llil Lard-lr and liar will be furnished with the beat the market con afford. febl:y ROOFS, JEW lUJ CREAM SALOON, /ND I:4DIES' META JB.A.N.T, NO. 2,7 i FIFTH STREET. Tliaanliacriber t. 1149 it. 324 and dttod up sever.l conuno,ll - roams, nearly opposite the Exchauite Bank, On r itb St.r. , t, Which are UQW open for the Bummer auason. La C:ira and gontlemen can always Bud an abundant supply of FRU,T3, IQ?; CREAM., WATER aul all the refrelhrnantsof the season. All arc re,vrtfully reqaczted to visit the mum!, and writ for th,ru%.•Jr•••• i •:11 ti Nfm;ll,ll.l.lY. Lipphictott, glaorten P-Jarson, NO. 104 WOOD STREET, 1'13711. NUFACTCRERS OF TRUNKS, \Ta lkedrat and Bonnet Lutlio4 Travolizut Trunks, Carpet Bap, Ac..,,keop constantly MI Laud a large stock. We are prepared to do a wholearde trade, and hav• lug facilities to turn oat good swat at reduced pricer'. we would Invite t%s trade to call and rx,.,:olue our ;mad) Kr-. COMMERCIAL PRINTING° ,Ei.emitad In Um neatest manner, promptly and at CHEAP BATES, by PITTSBURGH. TD'S DAY, OCTOBEit. 164 1858, MARKER HOUSE, Ell L.nrt JAI ES RATER, Proprietor. SCOTT HOU;..i.E, PITT.'4I - 31; 11 , 3 P CARD?, lIANDBILLS, „lIILLHEAD9 OSTERS, LEGAL BLANKS COLOBED BILLS, PAPER BOOKS FOR LAWY ERS, PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, BL RR & MYERS, MORNING POST JOB OFFIOR, CORNER OF WOll , &ND MTN CERRITO TYPE METAL FOR SALE. Thounderagnrd have a large quantity of . irPYPE METAL FOR SALE Ingaire at the MORNING POST JOB OFFICE BARR & M 1 ERS BOOK RESTS—Made of Mahogany and well tiniahed, for tale by W. S. HAVEN, Jolt. Stationer. T_ AW YER'S SEAL PAPERS Various sizes and colors always on hand, at W. S. HAVES'S, el 4 Corner Market and Second eta. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY.—Cine steam engine with neodfal pumps and safety valves; cylinder 12% in bore, 4 feet stroke, 40 horse power; one 'Woodworth planing mill, with right to use; coo circular saw mill ; one upright saw mill; one lath mill, with shafting, pulleys, etc., spiders, etc., for connect ing the same; one two fluEd boiler, 22 foci lout, 42 inches iu diameter, all in good order; also, 8 cylinder balers, 22 feet long, and 30 Inches In diameter. The above will be sold altogetbor or separately, to erdt parchment. Apply to JAMES 0. RICHEY, 6622 Real Estate and Bill Broker. 63 Fifth et_ WANTED, $20,000.-TWENTY THOU SAND dollste of good "Wetness Paper. Apply to JAMB'S C. RICHEY, Beal Estate and Bill Broker, 65 Fifth street FINE LLUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLAR' will purchase a Two Story Frame House of 4 rooms collar, etc. Lot 20 feet front by 110 deep, sitcate in Allo gheny city. B. CIILIIBERT It SON. se22 /4 Market street._ CHEESE. -200 boxes extra prime Cutting Cheese, jut received and tor sale by 8e22, ' IEOZNRY H. COLLINS. MACISEREL-25 bble No. 3 Large, just received and for sale by HENRY H. COLLINS. IaONNET VELVET:—Every variety of Bon net material, Silks, Velvets and Sadao ; for age at, Dun . RORNICIL AISIERICAN WATCU FOR RELIABLE MK—These justly celebrated Watches disclaims any part of foreign mechanism in movement or case, and possess all the qualities of the best Seise Watches.. They are with Lever Focsperaent, equal to the English, and,in point of time and price, distance all compoce. MECNEMAN & bIItYRAN, No. 42 Fifth stree4mesr Wood, stal Agents for the celebrated Am. , dean Watcte.. 11011.00118.-50 dim reo'd and for t T.T :I JUP euell HIM EL :otw**moimlow..*.*m:fe*?.m*Nwvol.l ---- pRI.ZE M2DALS 0 , 1 . 0 ,Sffi..;," AWARDED FOR I. fii - - - 21 • 711,111t. , 1 ,1 r. ,, 5i. , t9 at tL.,ir cit. ll,l PiTtAlitrgh, 1856', ciblhF - .1 1, •• •ta r. tuna fety .t their la• A itt ;, 1, A ;.; II :•Gve. Charitable Mechanic Adefl ...... 7 —(1,0 d Medal Charitable Meehan': !Lau—. .......1886.—Gold Medal Mass. Charitable Mechanic ...... 1841—Gold Medal Mate_ Charitable Mechanic rtaa'n 1844—Gold Medal Mass. Charitable Methane Asia ............ 1847—Gold Medal now. Charitable Mechanic ..Sits'Et 1850.—Geld Medal !doss. Charitable Mechanic Aes'n. .1853 .Gold Modal Mate. Charitable Mechanic Ass'n ............ 1856—Gold Medal Albany County Fair, New 1 0rk..... ...... 1854...G01d Medal Maine Charitable Mar•hanio Alien ............ 1883.8111 , er Medal Mau. Charitable itlech9ulo Mien 1844.811ver Medal Mats. Charitable Mechanic Amen 1846. Silver Medal Charitable Mechanic Asen 1647. Silver Medal Worcester County Mechanic A55'n.............184 8 .211ver Medal Franklin Fnatitute, Pennsylvania ...... ......1848 Silver Medal Worcester County Mechanic Asen 1849.811ver Medal Mass Charitable Mechanic Astila. 1850. Silver Model Worcester County Mechanic ...... ...1851.811ver Medal WOrcester County Mechanic ...... —.lBsl.Silver Medal Ohio ante Board of Agriculture .. ... ---1852.811ver Medal Ohio State Board of Agriculture 1853. Silver Medal entucky Mechanics' Inetitute.....k... 1855 Silver Medal ,Mass. Charitable Mechanic Ass'n ...... 58 Silver Medal hlase. Charitable Mechanic Anen 1856 Silver Modal 1 Maori dtate Fair.-- ............ ...... —.1856 Silver Medal Muss. Charitable blechaelc Ass'n —lBlO Bronze Medal Worlds Fair, London 1851.13rongs Medal Mare. Charitable fdechanio Ass'a ...... .....1856.1tronze Medal Mass Charitable Mechanic Aeon . ....... ...1856.Brouze Medal A full supply of MIM=I PP,OPRIETOR, OHICKERING 4. SONS' PIANO FORTES, evrry deseriptiou, manufactured try them, eoneatingpf th .1r AND TR as. NEW COTTAGE OR UPRIGHT HAMA ALSO EIR NEW ENLARGED SCALE PIANOS. Ear For tale by JOHN 11. MELLOR, Sole Agent for °bickering it Sons' Pinno3 for Pittsburgh, No 81 WOOD STP.DET, between Diamond alley and Fourth st,eet. ocB STEINWAY'S PIANOS ACHOICE LOT of the unequalled STEINWAY &. SON'S, New, York Pianos, lust re ceived ; amongst them a Three Stringed Louis XIV, or 74 octaves, and superb workmanship. We match this !net nment against any Oran I Piano in this city for gran deur, volume and beauty of tone. Tha Steinway Pianos are beyond all doubt the molt perfect ones made anywhere, and are destined to become the most popular lastinments In the world. They are fully warranted by the makers and the Lubscriberu, and will be sold at New York fac'ory prices. For sale by 11. KLESER &..ERO, No. 63 Fifth et., Sole agent for Steinway's Pianos. Also received, a fine lot of tiunns & Mark's, and also Entibeni's Pianos. ee27 MILITARY GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE CONSTA NT- I.Y cn hand c e.mpletr, itoch SILK AND BUNTING FLAGS STADE TO ORDER, JiQO. B. WIPADDEN & SON. 96 11.A.P.111R MEET. QT. CII.ARLES LIVERY STABLES.- The undersigned has bought the lease , of the above named Stables, t0.,-.4). 5 r gethor with a portion of the or tsn• A:WA sive stock. of Horses and Carriages lato the property of James Mathews, decealed. In addition to the stock before-mentioned, he has also added a number of PINE HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES which were formerly employed at his Livery Stables in Third, below Wood street. As he gives hie personal atten. tion to the businen, a continuance of the patronage which he has hitherto received frG.:n public is solicited. JACOB GARDNER, SLIM&les Livery Stables. N. B.—A HEARSE and any number of CARB.IAGEB can thrays be procured for Vunerots. defef ST 0 ()KIN G YARNS- Alvsys on liand, and for min at hull 77 Market street. FLOUR. --4U bbls. choico superfine for sale by JAB. A. PETZEEt, (~,reer Market and First sig. GENTS' SHOES AND UAITERS e' JOB PRINTING.- Cards Freight Rills, Circulars, Dray Receipts, Bill Heads, Labels, Railroad Receipts, Bills Lading, With every other description of Job Printing, executed with promptness and at fair prices. J. 8.. WBLDIN, Printer and Bind..r, Wood street, near Fourth. PIANOS AND MUSIC• CHICKERING PIANOS, A Pi 0 •1A AND VEIT. NIVDAL A I+ILVELC Stk:DAL (M.!) %,111.1 titatm Agricultural Focit,ty at 1,. Id at P. tinburgli, 1863, • tiOLD bIEDAL. - - GRAND PIANO? PARLOR GRAND PIANOS, SQUARE PIANO!, IVI 1 1 I 'l' A Y GUOl) ti G.51:5187170 CI E./al. or PLURFA, .4"NOLtD.i, BAEfiEtt TASShLS, Volunteer CoFspianicsa Ri.."-4.331:1) VMS' MI VVT2lft:*r . 8 AI ancial-dartm AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, L 0 A H 1.) n I A H CHEAP PIEGPLRei SHOE STOKE, No. 11 IrIYTH ST 011ILDRENS' SIIOBS I Jai I fURE BLACKBERRY AND CHERR BRANDY, for medicinal prirpoloa, at HAWORTH 3 BROWN. LEE'S, 4'5 in the Diamond. INDIA RUBBER CURRY COMBS.—The but article in use, just received at the India Rubber Depot, 28 and 28 St... Clair street. nly22 LARD OIL. 60 barrels Ritra No. 1 Lard Oil; 26 " No. 2 Lard Oil, on hand and for sale, by m•l3 B. 0. It J. IL SAWYER. INDIA RUBBER CORKSCREWS; Pen !Solders; Propelling Pencils; Pow; Inkstands; b cr aale by White Fish, Salmon, 1811.--6°° packages e (my27) LL H. COLLINS. and Trout, for ado by INC. D. M'CREAR COL'D PRINTING u 11 , 18--Bold by Fmr24l J. B. WELDIN. 001311.-10 bags shelled Corn received an , for We by ()ell ElatIRY IL COLLINS nOTINTBY BACON.-1000 lbs. Country la Bacon, Munn, Shoulders and Sides, received land for sale try JAB. A. FETZER, avl2 Corner Market and VIM stn. ..._ 1 UOK WHE AT FLOUR.-20 , sacks -Buck iNheat Mar, to lb sacks, just received and for sale 141c020. - DLESS, MEANS & 00, Corner Wood and Water streets. FLOC 8.--25 bbi 3 t e SzErfine Mar reoeiv an for salo by LBW, MARS & CO, 1020 Comer Wood and Water :Smote. ViMICIRANT RIFLES.—A most &Amble juj and cheap weapon, at SOWN TETLEY'S, Na. IRB Wood dime— , T ARD.—A prime article of No. 1 Lard, in barrela and kegs Just recoiTed and for tale by McCANDLESB, 11BAN,I$ a 23 Corner of Wood and Water etreeti. OUSE KEEPING German Silver Spoons; Silver Plated Spoons, (extra heavy ;) Sausage Cutters; Table Cutlery; Candle Sticks; Snuffers; And many other housekeepers' artbiles, for Redo at me2s BowN TZTLEY, No. 136 Wood at. (2 LASS.-300 boxes assorted sizes Window Glan l / 2 good canary brand, far sale bY 1:1176 MOM'S' 11. OOLLINK SHAWLS AND DRESS GOODS, OF every variety of /Ole and qtiality, a large aanartment and cheaper than they can be found in the city. O. EANSON 1092, No. 74 Market atreot,' ougVERY Eoeuomical Purchaser - of Dress goods, Blurathlifintles, ter.; slag Domestic and Star r lo t c=l l r t . fat° thl v r i g i r tap to tend e h d e big elseivharo. O. RANSON 14 asU V Salads Line Bra. No b T 4 Until st. ROOFING! ROOFINu I I ROOFING 111 Cat 1 dti AND CEWNT ROOFING, The film of Perrin .1 Johnson having by mutual consent, bran recency dissolved, G. B. BATES and Will 3311NSON give nollea that tboy,havo sneered igtQ planer - Alto for the purporoef carrying on the above ROOF %NG BUSINESS in all Its branches, ender the name and firm of BATEd 8; JOHN SON, at the tld stand, T 5 Smithfield otreet;neUr Diamond Oldliravel Boors . and All others ropGired will care Mi‘ting them-water•tlght., and perfectly securing them from the action of the weather; twice as durable as common paint, and less than half the cost. SHINGLE ROOFS PAINTED, thereby increasing their DURABILITY and making them FLREPROOP. All work cone in the most thorough and faithful manner by experienced workmen. N. B —The durability of the COTTON CANVAS is no destroyed by being improperly prepared for tii% roof. All having roofs to be repaired or renewed will dad it to their advantage to call on us before making contracts. BATES & JOHNSON, 75 Smithfield street, near Diamond alley. P. S.—References and Certificates at oar office. oc7:3mdaw OPOO.kk 4' '4 BOOTS & SHOES JUST OPENING AT JOS. I. BORLAND'S, No. 98 Market Street. The subscriber is Just receiving a large and wall selected stock of Fall and Winter BOOTS AND SHOES, Of every style and variety, and STRANGERS VISITING THE PAIR would SAVE MONEY, by calling and examin ing our stock and making what purchases they want. N. —WHOLESALE .11130.0EIANT8 supplied at a very slight advance over Eastern prices. Give ill a call, mid don't forget the place, at the Cheap Cash store of JOSEPH IC. BORLAND, • s 30 98 Market at. second door from Fifth. hFAJI.ETIII9, BUTTONS, ?RLNQ SA, ETC, ETO JvB[CYH HORNE'S, P. M A I J. a EL PHILLIPS Pocket, J. WELDIN, Bookseller and litntioner, 83 Wood street, near Vcnirth. ARTICLES.- MISCELL tNEOUS. IMPROVED ELASTIC FIRE AND WATER PROOF, IRON, TIN, COPPER and ZLNO ROOPI3 CEMENTED, JAMES C. EIRCHEW, Auctioneer, Beal Estate Agent and Bill Broker. No. 65 Fifth Street. DEPOT FOR TILE SALE OF COAL OIL, 132 South Second Street, Lubricating 011 for all kinds of Machinery, Binnacle or Lamp Oil, is superior W the best winter strain sperm for burring in ail kinds of LAMPS, LANTERNS, HEADLIGHTS, LC THOMAS , SUPERIOR PATENT IMPROVED LAMP. This lamp 1N311 . 01 - 71113 a perfect consumption of all smoke and smell arming from the one of oil, in which other lamps are found imperfect, thereby giving a much more brilliant name. For sale wholesale and retail by sul 9 2.nd If. BOURHAII, Pole Agent. tIFILL FiSffIONS .2 1 meeNcort.x3) (Co., HATTERS, HAVE RECEIVED THE Fall otylca of SILK HATS, CASHMERE HATS, FRENOH SOFT HATS. ALSO: THE LATEST STYLES Of CAPS, 8015 No. 121 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. 3. D. LEET, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hollidaysburg, Blair County. Penn's., WILL ATTEND TO. ALL BUSINESS if V entrusted to his care, In the counties of Blair, SOIII• erect. Hantlnedon, (Umbria, and Clearfield eatern TO STRANGERS AND VISITORS TO Tag FAIR-SASH AND DOOR RAPTORY IN Al,l,EGRDRY.—Ballders, Contractors, or others wanting Sash, Deers, Window Fr3mea, Shutters or Mon ge, should call at the 08:NTR kL PLANING MILLS, and examine our superior work and Stash; for with our present superior and fine w rking machinery we are beyond competition, and our prices are mach below these producing an inferior ar ticle. Call and examine for yourselves.. Jobbing, Repair ing,etc. prcmptly attended to. J. ft H. T., Cenral Planing Mille, Water Street, between Federal and Beaver. Allegheny City, Pa. se2B WILLIAM H. YEATON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 216 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Agent for Heidsick & Co.'s Champagne; Dutch Co. Am eterdam Gin; Haimaa and German Cigars; Wines, Bran dies, etc., in Custom House and In Store, ee2ltly* GOVERNMENT ENGINES AND BOILERS AT AUCTION, ON THURSDAY, 14TH OF OCTOBER NEXT. WE will sell in the Navy Yard, at Mem phis, Tenne.see, the ENUINEd end BOILERS used by the Government in the manufacture of rope. DE.BOaI2_TION : Double Acting Engine, of two cylinders of 42 inch stroke 15 inchea in diameter—estimated at fifty horse power each, ' with an independent cut-off attached to each cylinder. , Side valves with•, acentric motion. Ono ,larye regulator with connections complete, and Indicator attached, for time and revolution. Main driving wheel 12 feet in diameter, of cast iron, with inserted teeth. Jack gear running In. connection With it is of cast Iron with cut teeth, feel In diameter, giving velocity to the jack shaft three to one of that of the en gines. Engines nation iron beds 20 feet long, 2 feet high, weighing 9000 ihs each. Main shafting connected with the jack shaft 55 feet long, 6 inches in diameder, of wrought Tennessee iron with Elands and coupling complete. Brass and babbett metal boxes; 7 largo drums from 8 to 10 feet in diameter fitted on the ehafts. The foundations that the en gines and main line of shafting rests on, are of etone, and are fitted iii 'such a manner that they can be moved with the englpee..„B4, cylinder boilers o. 36 feet long, 80 inches in diameter. Fronts, grate-bars t pipes and connections for steam and water. Also,.Vabor water-gango connected with each boiler. Basra are arranged in two eepa•ate sets, con ' looted so that either -or both can be need: one set can al ways be kept to order. They :.to made of % Inch Tennessee iron. Iron fronts for boilers 28 feet long and 6 feet high. The Engine and Boilers are, finished, in all their parts, in the best workmanlike manner. They were built by E. L. Norfolk, of Salem, Massachusetts, at a cost of about $15,000. They were used by the Government for a few months, and proved to be superior to any in the Mississippi TERMS: One•tbird to fall due 16th December,lBsB; one-third 16th June,lBs9, and one-third 16th December, 1880—notes to be satisfactorily endorsed. The sale will be positive and without reserve. ALSO: Will bs leased at the OMB time, for 28 yearn, all the Rope Walk not heretofore disposed. G. 11. LOCKE & CO., Ant:Wooers and Real Kdate Brokers. e62s:dtoclo $1 WORM. OF. MUSIO FOR TWEN- T." TY-FIVE GENTS—THE GENTLE ANNIE PiIKLODIST.—This little work contains all the words and Music of the new and popular airs of the day. The selec tion has boon made with grant care, Giving only those songs which aro good and popular. All tho beat rou ge of S. 0. Poster, are embraced In this collection. A. lar supply just received, and for ask, at tho &ludo Store of ttit3 JOHN H. HOLI,Oft, SI Wood street. —e_.: THE BEST AND . —.,, eiv.:,,,... fw..A...0 41,717.--t onnA.PEST VINEGAR la 13011. ,ir ..,=,..-7, 4F-."•—•-•*.:' .g at the most extensive VENI..N4.--=...7.. r"."... v 1 m . t: c Zit' HOAR w orutousE in the .-.. .Itw v ; N awww.. EGA .:ii.. 4.. an5....,4,41T.. West. This house now sup ;, 1.4 war.a.r..=7,- ~, , . F.rt , llsi:t plies, and has for the last ten .-5.t?...y.T.t.3 . .. ... 4 , ,...' . 1 . jeers, more than one-half o :;Tht;': , . l. ; . ;:r, 17,411;...4 . ,:tbe - Pittsburgh . grocers, and •;.:11.Y . :•.. ' ~,,, ; ,•47. , , : .", ' . the same in every other city in :"• 77 .........; : ,:. - .. which it . has boon introduced. A. BALLOII, 146 Water street, between Emithfleld mad Grant. aarallydaw "VIRST INTROL;UCED JULY, 1849. 1: A. L. AROEILABLBA.IILT , S Portable Steam Hoisting-and Pumping Engine On Wheels, frons.B.to BO horse power. Also, Penn En gins and Saw MID Drivers, Bto 80 bum. Enidnasalvntys on hand. Blenufeotory,lsSh St Hamilton Street, jatOdlmdaw . PRILADELPIILL Q k 0 A P 8 to moo boxes Rosin Boat i ba sp : lb. and 8 lb, ban. 500 " No. 1, Palm l n , lb 21b. and 8 . ban. 54:0 " Chemical O li ve 11, in lb. hum* 200 " °king Oxide a a " 250 a German g. 200 a Castile _ " in 8 lb. bars. 60 " Pare Palm " in lfb. On band and fcrr elle by jaw_:., n. O. s J. 131. flAwsrgr.. IG LEAD-300 Pip, forZIEBY sail ti-by'' LI IL 0 I • PITTSBURGH, PA PHILADELPHIA THE DAILY POST DR DOUGLAS ON APPEALS FROM - 3U= DICII Al; DECISIONS TO POPULAE PREJUDICES. In hi s speech at Galesburg, on Thursday, Uot. 7th, Senator Douglas, in remarking upon the Dred Scott decision, expressed sentiments in regard to the folly of appealing from judi.. cial decisions to the public voice, which may so aptly be applied to the Demagogueism of Thomas Williams in the present Anti-Tax campaign, that we copy his remarks, which are worthy the attention of every man in the cemmunity : I have a few words to say upon the bred Scott decision, which has troubled the brain of Mr. Lincoln so much. (Laughter.) He insists that that; decision would carry slavery into the free States, notwithstanding that the deci sion says directly the opposite; and goes Into a long argument to make'you believe that I am in favor of, and would sanction the doctrine that would allow elcves to be brought here and held as slaves contrary to our constittition and laws. Mr. Lincoln knew better when he asserted this; he knew that one newspaper, and so far as is within my knowledge, but one ever asserted that doctrine, and that I was the first man inieither House of Congress, that read that article in de bate, and denounced it on the floor of the Sena ate as revolutionary. WFen the Washington Union, on- the 17th of last November, published an article to that effect, I branded it at once, and denounced it, and hence the Union has been pursuing me ever since. Mr. Toombs, of Geor gia, replied to me, and said that there was not a man in any of the slave States south of the Pa tomao river, that held any such doctrine. Mr. Lincoln knows that there is not a member of the Supreme Court who holds that doctrine; he knows that every on 3 of them, as shown by their opinions, holds the reverse. Why this attempt, then, to bring the Supreme Court into disrepute among the people ? It looks as if there was an effort being made to destroy public confidence in the highest judicial tribunal on earth. Suppose he succeed a in destroying public confidence in the court, so that the people will not respect its decisions, but will feel at liberty to disregard them, and resist the laws of the land, what will he have gained ? He will have changed the coy ernment from one of laws into that of a mob, in which the strong arm of violence will be substi tuted for the decisions of the courts of justice. (That's so.) He aomplains - because I did not go into an argumenti reviewing Chief Justice Taney's opinions, and the other opinions of the different judges, to determine whether their reasoning is right or wrong on the quistion of law. What use would that be ? He wants to take an appeal from the Supreme Court to this meeting to determine whether the question of law were decided properly. He is going to ape peal from the Supreme Court of the United States to every town meeting, -in the hope that he can excite a prejudice against that court, and on the wave of that prejudice ride into' the Sen ate of the United States, when be could not get there on his own prieciples or his own merits.— (Laughter and cheers; "hit him again.") Sup pose he Elhonld succeed in getting into the Senate of the United States, what then will he have to do with the decision of the Supreme Court in 1 tile Dred boot case? Can be reverse that 'loci lion when he gets there ? Can be act upon it ? Has the Senate any right to revoese it or revise' it ? He will not pretend that it has. Then why drag the matter into this contest, unless for the purpose of making a false issue, by which he eau direct public attention from the real issue. He has -cited General Jackson in justification of the war he is making on the decision of .the court. Mr. Lincoln misunderstands the history of the country, if be believes there is any par allel in the two cases. It is true that the Su- premo Court once deciced that if a bank of the United States was a necessary fiscal agent, of the government, it was constitutional, and if not, that it was unconstitutional, and also, that whether or not it was necessary for that pur pose, was a political question forCongresa and not a judicial one for the coirie fo determine. Hence the courts would not deterinine the bank unconstitutional. Jackson respected the decis ion, obeyed the law, executed it and carried it into effect during its existence ; (that's so,) but after the charter of the bank expired and a proposition was made to create a new bank, Gen,. eral Jackson said, "it is unnecessary, and im proper, and therefore, I am against it on con stitutional grounds as well as those of expedite enoy." Is Congress bound to pass every not that is constitutional ? Why there are a thousand things that are constitutional, but yet are inex pedient and unnecessary, and you surely would not vote for them merely because you had a right to ? And because General Jackson would not do a thing which he had a right to do, but did not deem it inexpedient or proper, Mr. Lincoln is going to justify himself in doing that which he has no right to do. (Laughter.) I ask him, whether he is not bound to respect and obey the decisions of .the Supreme Court as well as me? The Constitution has created that Court to decide all constitutional - questions in the lest resort, and when such deciatons have been made, they be'. come the law df the land, (that's so,) and you and he, and myself, and every other good citizen are bound by them. Yet, he argues that lam bound by their decisions and beds not. ' He says that their d ecisions are binding on Democrats, but not on Republicans. (Laughter- and ap plause.) Are not Republicans bound by tho, laws of the land as well as upon Derboorats ? (It ought to be.) Is it possible that you Republi cansright to raise your mobs and oppose the laws o the land and the constituted- authori ties, and yet hold us Democrats houtuffo obey them ? My time is within half a minute of ex piring, and_ all I have to eeity. is, that I standby. the laws of the land. (That's it ; hurrah for Douglas.) I stand .by the constitution as our', fathers made it, by the laws as they are enacted' and by the decisions of the court upon all points within their jurisdiction as they are pronounced by the highest tribunal on earth ; and any mart who resists these must resort to mob-law and violence to overturn the government of laws. [Brom the New or Evtning'rost.] EXTRAORDINARY COUNTERFEITING ON TUN TURKISH. BANK. Liver Four Hundred Thousand bakes of the Bo gus Money, Together with Plates, 4-c., Seized by the Police in this dity--Arrut of Madame Se vesti, the Distributreas of the Bills, at S'yra,' Turkey—Her Detection by the Direct or of the Custom House, Abdallah Hiffet Bey, .4 - c., 4-c. One of the most extensive counterfeiting op erations that was over known came to, light, in New York city, oa Thursday, nearly halt a million of the spurious money being recovered by tin police, together with the dies, plates, &c., used for manufacturing the bogus stuff. The money is all Turkish bills, and a large amount of it Las bees succcesfnily passed in Constanti nople by a woman, who, from all the particulars that we have been enabled to learn, was the prime mover in the operation, and the principal or chief of a garg who aided her in its circula tion. It appears that the woman, whose -name is Mts. Bevesti, cc Moldavian, came to this country about a year ago, and put up at this St. Nicho las Hotel under the assumed name of Madame Gardner. It is not know if ehe was aiscompani ed here by any person, but after a short stay at the above hotel she changed her quarters to, a private boarding house in the upper part of the city. Early last spring ehe called upon Mr.' L S. Harrison, a printer, duing business at No. 82 Duane street, _and desired to know what be would print a certain amount of labels for, and . obtain the plates, &c., necessary for the print ing. Mr. Harrison : informed her of his price, when ehe left; but in a few days after she again called, and ordered four dozen of 'electrotype plates to be made, representing a very` C11160W3 looking label, which appears to have been 'a copy of a Turkish bill, with various -Arable letters in the centre and, around the edges c , Mr. Harrison thought them to ben label . for some Chinese In vention, and did not for one moment hesitate to accept the job. He accordingly agreed to. have the plates manufactured At the earliest moment. An arrangement was then made that Mr. Harri son should print 600,000 copies at one dollar a thousands and that they should be done within a certain given time. • The -work was accordingly finished, and all delivered, with the exception of about one-quarter of thcbills, which, together with the plates, were left in Mr-Harr/80We care, until th'y should be called4Gr by Mrs. Seveeu. nothing furiber Was hi•...rd (c. f this 170131811 bk - Kr. Harrison until his arrest ' Madame Sevesti, it appiara, as Boon as she r;toeured the bills, had three large trunks mann 'factored with false bottoms,(4itcl in a Abort time sailed in a steamer for Enrope. There she pro cured a passage in the steamer Agia Sofia, width rune between Liverpool and s Conetantinople, and landed at Syra. Oa leaving the steamer ehe appeared very anxieus about her luggage, and requested the Englishmanwho was attached to the Steam Company's dß°, to accompany her. to the Custom House, hopi g that by his assist ance she might have tke examination • got through with more readily,] and with less rigor. she also expressed auxietydest her dresseannd other articles of toilet should tie rumpled. The direfitor of the Custom }Ouse, Abdallah Hifi. Bey, assured her, with the greatest courtesy that nothing should be injured, but that her trunks must be opened, tkds was done and the very first looked at was found to have a false bottom. On this the director had all the rest of the:baggage removed intg.the inner room, and requested the lady to fellovt him there. A : farther search was then made, and two other trunks were found to be mode in the same man ner, and to have in them fOrged notes of twenty piasters, to the total amount (4..1.280,0* p,las. 4 , ter9, made up in packets lot - 1,600 'eabh.''" The' lady herself was afterwards searched, and there were found carefully' seViticl" in - her wader garteenr, 20,000 piaster! . more of liiil'eanie ” notes. The lady and her. ; baggage were lime diatly•eent off to the Minietry of Pollee, and on her way thither ale betrayed the utmost alum and ziginition. On being, interogated 'by - the''' Minister she gave her uame as 13--..;0- , --v that of one of the first families in the East. ,She .. stated that she was a native of Moldivia, , and that she was a married WOlllBll. She was aftter. wards removed to the pripon for women and. ' carefully watehei, and on the following day was taken to the Porte and examined by the Grand Vizier himself. It is believed that she is - only an agent for a bandy of forgers who - itaie '': made Eyre their head quartere. • : „ ~ . The fact of the arrest caused a great sense don in Byre, and eteps were immediately taken . " by the Minister of Policeiand tne"Ottoman gliv-'' ' eminent to ferret out, if possible, whereithe .1 bills were obtained.,and priatedr : The Ottoman gove:nment accordingly Wrote to the' Twirl& Minister at London, stating :the ariest 'of Mrs'. ''- Sevesti, with a large quantity of 41 adzes," or paper, money ; and-that sip 121E4, during a Judi! cal proceeding mud., before the .llinieter of po lice, stated'that she had used the "Wilms" to be printed by the above named printorin this city. The Turkish Mieieter at Lyndon; more • dingly wrote to the Coesul for the. .Ottoman. Porte in this city, J. Hertford Smith, Rm., which letter arrivo•A oct h",idoesday, by"the . Artt-'' go, giving his sespicien {that there was yet a large quantity of counterfeit money to hefound en Harrison's premises. 1 The officers, on stettobic' ' Harrison's place,' recovered about $4OO, OCIO of the- counterfeit money which they fousdl upon the shelves in, the office. All the plates were seonerd, and to gether with the prisoneri, aonvoyati before die Mayor. Mr. Harrison when arrested seemed very mudh surprised, especially when informed that, he had been arrested forioeunterfeiting. There can be no doubt but that Mr. Harrison was igno rant of what use the material was to have been put to, and as stated by Film, before the Mayor, that he supposed them to be labeli for some Chinese articles. Tbo either parties arrested were John Berney, Riehrd Tweed, J. W.:Rtim.. soy, M. J. Stillwell, Fred,lStiner, Morris Roach, James Connelly, and F. Ny. Griffith, all piintein. , The Mayor, after a shOrt conversation "with - Mr. Smith, decided to , hold Mr.' Harrison to 'bail in the emu. 0f,52,004 t 9, answer; if any ex amination might be required. His clerks were also held as witnesses, Mr. Harrison soon' gave the required bail and wan discharged. He describes Mrs. Se7esti, as a woman appa rently about forty years Of age, and was ,at all times elegantly attired. [and very lady-aa "in • her manners. 1 f AILY SALES AT $O:;.A4' FIFTH `ST At the new commercial Bales 'omns,"l7o.l4„'Hiftk street, every cr,k day, ere held publi.. lalso of geode in variety, enited tor the trade Thud' honstuners, from alarge' stock which is .constantly replenished with tech oonalgu ments, that Must be closed forthwith. AT 10 O'OLOCK, A. M., Dry Goode nal fancy articles, comprising nearly everything needed in tfie line for parsoisal and family use; table out. -ry; hardware; clothing., WOO and and shoes; ladles. ware, AT '2 O'CLOOK, P. M., Botu3ehold and kitchen furniture, new. and second-band; beds and bedding; caoto ; elegant iron stone Chhaa wars ; stoves; cooking rite„.6 a ; groik,ries, dtc AT 7 0 . 01,90 K, P. M., . Fancy articles; watches; clocks; jewelry; musical itultro! mania; guns; clothing; dry geode; boota and shoes. book stationery, dc. ” (LYNB . I P. 'A DAVIB. Aact.a BRICK DWELLING LI uIISLi3 • AN I LOTS IN EIGHTLI IWARD AT A.TICTION,.--Ort_ THURSDAY EVRNINti, ectob r 14 at 7 o'clock, at the Commercial Sales ißooms, 1 . 46.84 Fifth area, will. ho that large and valn-bie lot of ground having a N:Mot 72... feet On Penneybracia aienuer;•noar Mario , , Street, and ex tending back 190 t,ct to an alley 14 feet wide. on which hi erected two well finished brisk otvelling%, two stories high, and other bnik,ings. Also, that,l:l of ground alums at the corner of lidarion and Lomat street, having a front of 10 foot on Marion street. and; extending back,"aloriglximiat! street, 103 feet 13, inches, qn which is erected two brick tenements Title ft:di' ntahle Terme cash. ' • °di r P. AI. D&VIS, Auctionear. ; ALUABLE s.rocas AND BONDS, AT . AUCTION.—On R . ;PAI? 1 cENING, Oetober 14th, at 7 o'clock, at the CalmerClal Sales Rooina; Ntnr64 Fifth elroot, wip be eold: 7 shares Pittsburgh 4. Company. S do Idonongahelalßridge Company. 6 do Ping, Ft. Wiivoo and Chicatgl R. R. Co. One 7 Vk cent- Mortio . ..o ( 4, 1:10 . 713 lion Bond Pittabllrgiro Fort Wayne and Chicago itai:ruad Co for $lOOO. oc9 Oftal." 4 . auctioneer. _. - -.?.1-',....-, - : , : - - - -• .. 1 -.,-- ---- - CD : ---,: k .-T-Iltg, - .•- , i) , V 4 = !-;•:-..f.1'-i.Tirt-Tr:19,,,.1 7,-z-e.A . 1 . • - 111,, -, a ' ' .'71 1• 7 - ''.:',.,•-,' "f'" ' ~. 'OS - ~_ ~., .....,.,.„-,, c.n N 3 , 1.3, 2 , c ... 1 1 ..„ A A .., &. 7 .4 . .., x tni 7:: 1 1 qj - Pit ,i 5 144 0 i., l7 . L i t ,:..:,,:',-.1 -=', ,__L - #.4. ....,.._ ..,! c/a -. ..2 1 , gr'r. --- - • r.'-frafn t i,,t7g .4 .;:., ry ,:- . 7i-7,,,----,. --- ~....3 *. , ,,F,g:.:-,-0;,, .. cz) -2i,.14 . i ..I.Akgg. t iltii:ll4;;_-... --- :-...-,,.,.. ,... , t . trz . :.,.„ , ir:it::.-ctir,, s, ,_ , ,,,..4„,... . ,,. . „ . „.: -,,, =,l7.'"'-x....Z . - ".".'7.- - 2-, - : - 57 -I ' - • i '''k . : ll ',-i..:1::•. 1111.. .: . -t,7 ‘.'' ' ' : . i 4 - al fP . p. n .... 4 -•"" i =4lk:7Y -k.-",-;A:,—.44=.---' • H. CHILDS & CQ., OK OE WAREHOUSE No. 11.31 r ood strefst, IatAVE NOW 44 STORE ONE OF TUE A-a- largest and st =toasts° svAra of BOOTS AND SHOES, ADAPTED TO PAta.' AND' WINTEiTEAiI* Direst from the Hattufacithreri . Chiefly for 04814, . and soledd with gnat are as to • QUALITY AND SIZES, They feeTeanarq thoy l l,cosa offer -supentcr indaglizePt! • WEST >N BUYEiIs. 450- Merrhatate Pittsburgh rttloar to Ixavbfa , g°1:481"oa tb , olf woOco Ealtera OWIO3, eza tairtadto end exandue our stociri before baylo; eisooliFe• Paiticrilar,stiention given to ordesa. 1 0 GISMOS 411; CU. TIVO noE.—THE 13.NDERSIONEDILAVE .A.l 4. unde.is d formed a Co-Patna/14the W and firm th of Al ay cC1,0911 In, COSORAVEI At CO.. read lein ealers Coal, In the Wiles of Pittaburgla and New Orleans. maw outwit arrici, 10 1 3 Guerra JOHN AfrOLOSIE - 9, Jl,lllO ItdcOLOSEN • .JOEC3 41. CosaßAnt , Pittsburgh, etijitimhttr IssB-4,43431 4rIM NUMBER 311 AUCTION , SALES. • ^5." .... 74oLzsau PITTSBUBGEi, PA. E/er brought to 4is markbt, oP auat variety. lIATM4 IiEEN PMICPA'ARD "' rt:<