F ALL DRY GOODS C. HANSON LOVE'S, No. T 4 Market Street, BETWEEN FOURTH STREET AND THE DIAMOND PITTSBURGH. PA. SIGN OF THE ORIGINAL BEE HIVE The =heather has Just returned from Philadelphia, New Fork, Holton , and some of the Manufacturing towns in the New England States, en as to get a portion of our DO3IES -110_000DS direct from the manufacturers, and save one prat in receiving them in that way. Our stock of 20E EION GOODS has never been BO complete. DRESS GOODS: ',tea BICH DRESS SIBS, ill Plain Black and Figured. RICH DRESS SILKS, Plaid, Striped and Brocaee Vr.BY RICH 81rK ROBES, Black and Colored. VrAi RICH ALL WOOL MOUS DE LAINS. RICH ROBS-MOUB DB LAINS. VERY RICH COTTON AND WOOL MOUS DB LAINS. FRENCH MERINOS COBUR GS, The largest stock in the city, and UTTER GOODS FOR THE PRICE CAN BE POUND IN ALIIY MILES HOUSE WEST OF THE MOUNTAINS, HATING BERN BOUGHT AT AUCTION L AILGE QUANTITIES AT LOW PRICES, ASI, WELL EE RE-BOLD AT A VW SMALL ADVANCE ON EASTERN COST SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, lir 6 ntirely new designs, gush as the T ALMA SHAWLS, dud many otter NOVELTIES IN SHAWLS AND CLOAKS Wa hate been able to offer so large and carted a dock of all !dada of SHAWLS and OLOARS. NEEDLE WORK COLLARS, SETS AND SLEEVES, FLOUNCINGS, EDGINGS, MOURNING GOODS : BLACK DRESS GOODS, SIIAWLS, CRAPE VEILS, COLLARS, GLOVES, • AND B VERY OTHER ARTICLE IN THE LINE MOURNING GOODS DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS : BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, ICKINGS, CHECKS, GINGU.A.IIS, PRINTS., KENTUCKY JEANS, TWEEDS, SATINETTB, CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, Awl every other article riettally kept la a WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF DRY GOODS As many of the above goods have been bought from the .11ANUFACTUKERS and AT AUOTION FOB NET OASH, we are enabled to sell them as LOW AS THEY CAN BE PURCHASEDIN MANY OF THE WHOLESALE HOUSES In the Eastern cities. In short, we never have been able to oiler so large and attractive a stook to our numerous cue. t camera and the public generally. NIP- NEW GOODS REC=D DAILY. f C. HANSON LOVE, Formerly Young, Stevenson do Love, and I cve Brothers, No. 74 BIARIIET STREET, PITTSBURGH. PA. ael3:lmdt: CARRIAGES. - C 4RUIAGE rat AA UF.ALCTORY AND EASTERN REPOSITORY = JOSEPH WuITE HAS JUST RECEIVED AT HIS RE POSITORY, situated near the Two Mile - L.. Run, between Pittsburgh and Lawrenceville, a •---21V— splendid and general assortment of Carriages, Boggles, En hies, Mc. His arrangements aro such that be is constantly receiving new and second-hand vehicles, and the public may rely on always finding a good stock on hand. lie also man ufactures to order, on short notice, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, And all pertaining to the- business. With eighteen years practical experience in this bnidness, and his well-known 'facilities, he flatters himself that he offers great inducements to purchasers. .13Z ,- The establishment is located on the route of the Ks celelor Omnibus Line of Coaches, passing the door' every fifteen minutes. selffulsw i 557,44- . C. WEST 41 CO., 11.1NOTACILSZILB or OARRIA.GES, RO:.2H AWAY!, BCGCIES, SULKIES AND SLSIOII.B. No. 197 Penn street, PITTSBURGH, PA. .tar- All work warranted to be of the best materials and workmanship. myl2:lydls - _ LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILI AND Smelting Works. PARK, M'CURDY CO ,, I‘/AIVUFACTURERS OF SHEATHING, Brsters' and Bolt Copper, Pressed Copper Bottoms, Still Bottoms, Spelter Solder, &o. also importers and dealers in Metals, Tin Plate, Sheet Don, Wire, &c. Constantly on hand, Tinto en's Machines and Tools. Warehouse, No. 149 First, and 120 &ton d street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Special orders of Capper cut to any desired pattern. my29.lydaw ISTENV FUR HAT AND CAP STORE, No. 96 Wood street, next door to S. McClnrkan's Sadiery, one opposite the Excelsior Eating House. DONNELEIT has a complete assortment of Furs, Hate, Caps, etc. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fars cleaned and alter ed to the newest fashion, and at the shortest notice. Good and tasteful work warranted, as Mr. Donnelelt received Diploma and the first prize at the Provincial Exhibition, Canada; and has worked in the largest cities in the world— Uraaon, Pada, Berlin, Amsterdam, Warsaw, Uamburg, e 4 York and Montreal. As a practical workman, he so licits the patronage of the public of Pittsburgh. Fars, Capes, Gloves, Cloaks and Plnah Caps made to order. AI- , Cash paid for Fars. 549 ABIN ET MAKERS & UPHOLSTERERS / COMPANlON—Comprising rudiments and prin cu,is of Cabinet Makieg and Upholstery, with the art of tinawing applicable to Cabinet work, the art of dyeing and sialrung Wood, Ivory. Bone, Tortoise Shell, etc., directional tor Blackening, Japaning and Varnishing, to make French to prepare the best Glues, Cements and Compoal. tl ri, and a number of receipts useful to workmen gener ally, dinstratel, by J. Stokes, fur sate by LUKE LOOMIS, ee`.9 Poit Building, 41 Fifth street fei - • BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, PRINTER & BINDER, R. WELDIN, Nu. 83 WOOD FT, ELSWEIN Yo MR" it y , N. GLOGGER, AIi.TIST, ee27:6md 0 ( Gli?/" ` -, 1;//,/ (J.) Iron City Commercial College, hasourgh, Pa.— Chartered, 18E6. 300 STUDENTS ATTINDING, JAH1T513.4, 1858 . Now the Lamest and moat thorough Conunetuial Schou or the United State& Young Idea Preparai for 4chia2 Duties of the Counting Room. J O. aarrn, A. it, Profesair of Dooli-Rdeping and Science of Accounts. A. T. DOUTILETT, Teacher of Arithmetic and CC,' anmercial Calcplatk , n. J. A. lIRYDRICII and P.C. JRNSINS Teachers of Book. Keeping. ALEX, COVi/L.F.Y, and W. A. lIILLE,R, ProfeAsore of Pen. manship. Single and Double Entry Book-Keeping, as used in every department of Business. Commercial, Arithmetic, Rapid Dustless Writing, Detecting Counterfeit Money, Mercantile Correspondence, Commercial law, are taught, and all other babjects necessary for the success and thorough education ct e practical business man: TWELVE - PREMIUMS, Drawn all the premiums in Pittsburgh for the put three years, also in Eastern and Western Cities, for beet Writing, /Or A.mo nor poi. xxicauvio WORE, aea IMPORTANT INFORMATION. dtadents enter at any time—No vacation—Time unlimited —Review at pleasare-43radnates assisted in obtaining sit ,iations—Tultkm for Pull Commercial Course, s3s—Average tinted to 12 weeks—Boand, $2,50 per week—kitationery,ls --Entire coat, $5O to $7O. sir minions! eons received at hail price,. - For Card—Cdrcular—Sper.imeres of Business - and Outs. Writing—inclose two stamps, k and whiress W. AMUR, sat MignsciA kesagrardii. INSERTINGS, ETC NO. 21 FIFTH STREET LOCAL AFFAIRS. The Weather.—The following is the tango of the thermometer and barometer, as kept by George E. Shaw, optician, Fifth street, on Saturday : suenuomurta. .InSnn. In shade. 9 A. M Cldndy 45° 12 M 54° 6 P. M. 48° Barometer, 29 440. Court of (tuartor Soattons, &e Before President Jti Igo William B. M'Clnre, and Associate Judges Gabriel Adaeds and John E. Parke. OCTOBEtt 9th, ISSS. Court opened at ten o'clock, when the jury in the case of Martin Frudenrick, tried on Friday evening for selling liquor without license, came into Court with a verdict of not guilty. In the case of Joseph B. M'Donough, convicted during the vitek of fornication and bastardy, John M. Kirkpatrick, Esq., made a motion in arrest of judgment and for a now trial. The grand jury having ignored a bill against Geo. Balph, for passing counterfeit money, the prosecutor, John M Kelvy, was ordered to pay the costs. Adam Newman, convicted of assault and battery on William Livingston, with a recommendation to the mercy of the Court, was ,cntenced to pay a nominal lino and the costs of prosocution. John N. Shaffer, John Franz and Lewis Kieb, con victed of an assault on William Livingston, at the samo time as above, at the Birmingham encampment, were sontenced to pay a fine of 01 centeeach and the costs of prosecution. In the case of Thomas Connor and Francis Rule, convicted of stsaling stern lines from the' steamers Melootte and Henry Graff, several witnesses were called to prove the good character of defendants pro vious to these charges; sentence deferred. Court adjourned until Wednesday morning, the jury having been dismissed on Friday evening .until that time. Two Dlstinquished ffiember■ of the Dra- matte Profession Poisoned. On Sunday morning, Norma and Charley, the well known trained dogs belonging to the Hutchinson brothers, who have recently been performing at our Tneatros, were unfortunately poisoned by accident. The dogs were very sagacious and were capitaily trained, and the loss to the owners is a very serious one. They were valued at thousands of dollars. One of them had appeared before most of the crowned heads of Europe, and both of them had traveled with their masters over half the world. In •company with their owcers they went into a drug store on Sunday morning, where unfortunately some pieces of meat which had been poisoned wore under the counter. Their intelligence did not enaLle them to smell oat the concealed strychnine, and they bolted the beef, poison and all. Antidotes were at once administered, but they were of no avail, and Carlo - and forma, who were to have appeared to night on the occasion of their masters' benefit at the Pittsburgh Theatre; died the inglorious death of com mon dogs. •"They strutted their brief hour upon the stage of life, And will be seen no more." The Young Men's Democratic Club, of Allegheny county, met last Saturday evening, at the Hal, on corner of Grant and Diamond streets. In the ab sence of the President, Mr. Will Black was called , e the chair. The club was then addressed by Col. M. I. Stewart and John H. Bailey, in reference to tho utility and practical importance of such an orgaLiza tion. The following resolutions were then adopted. Resolved. That the Executive Committee be in etruoted to lease the Hall on the corner of Grant and Diamond streets for the use of the_Cluh. Resolved, That the Collecting Committee bo re• quested :o make their returns to the Treasurer, Dr. Gee. H. Keyser. the early part of next week. Resolved, wo tender our sincere thanks to Cul. M. I. Stewart and John H. Dailey fo: their able and appropriate addresses to the club ; also, that our thanks are duo to Mr. Martin Connelly for the use of the Hall for this evening. Resolved, That we adjourn to meet at the cell of the President on next Wednesday evening at seven o'clock. A. T. HOWDEN, Ssey. Attempted LarccoJ of a Watch.—A young man named Thomas Whittaker was committed to jail on Saturday evening on a charge of disorderly conduct. It seems that he was et a hours on Smithfield street, in company with one T. M. Long and Billy Baird, when the latter saw Whittaker abstract from Long's pocket a silver watch, valued at eighteen doLars. Baird Made Whittaker return the watch, whereat he became indignant and called upon his friend, Bill Kane, to assist in chastising Baird. Kano struck Baird, and was knocked down for his trouble; when Whittaker kicked Baird in the eye, The parties wero arrested, and Whittaker committed for twenty days; Kane paying a fine of five dollars. On Sun day morning Baird made information before Mayor Weaver against Whittaker for the larceny of the watch, end a comrA2to,sn Fag lodged against him for trial. Grover 1 Baker's Sewing Machines.—Mr. V. Elliott, the agent fur these celebrated sewing ma' chines, advertises a redaction on the old prices of nearly fifty per cont. The machine that sold for $ll5 is now off-red for sale at $BO, and the reduction in the prices of the lower priced ones has been made in the same proportion. Mr. Elliott claims that his machine requires no leather pads end shuttles to wind twenty yards of cotton, but without the aid of either of those articles, will wind double that num. ber. The Grover k Baker machines have two spools of cotton and two needles, upper and lower, and they make a stitch that is impossible to rip. Those that have used them say they work neatly and perfectly. They are on exhibition at Elliott's Shirt Store, No. 21 Fifth street, where all are invited to call and ex amine them. Fine Cigars and Tobacco.—Ther3o who lovo a gen nine Havana, or:a fragrant regalia, or capital pria cipo, or indeed a good cigar of any favorite brand, will rejoice to learn that Mr. Lyon Arnethal has open ed a now establishment on Wood street, under the St. Charles lintel, where he has for sale, either whole sale or retail, as large Mad as lino an assortment of genuine Havana cigars and the best Virginia chew ing Tobacco as was ever offered in this city. Mr. Arnsthal imports, directly by way of New Orleans, and purchasers may test assured of obtaining from him a real article and no imitation. Tho smokers and chewers of the city will find at Lis store a great va riety from which to soloc,t, and all of tb,n very host quality. If Lis stock does not plena them they must be hard indeed to please. Another Bogus Dank Note—A dangerous F' aud.— Another bogus bank note, evidently designed to de ceive and defraud, has made its way from Indiana, and as the issue looks like a good bill upon some re sponsible bank, we will particularize it. At the bot tom of the note is printed " Stockholders individual ly liable;" and at the end, " Countersigned and reg• istered in the office at Terre Haute. R. S. Newton, Register." The vignette is two women with gauze robes lean ing on a , bank,• with water and ships, and a city with locomotive, manufactures and canalboat in the dis tance. On the right end a figure representing Agri culture, t.nd on tho other a female figure sitting upon some bundles of wheat as if resting after a harvest. Superior Pianos.—Those elegant Piano Fortes from the factOry of Steinway Sons, New York, which elicited such general admiration at the late State Fair, are offered for sale, as will be seen by oar advertising columns. They are considered by all judges tho most complete and perfect instrument as yet constructed, and need be but tried by the side of others to provo their decided superiority. There is everything combined to make up a first.olass Piano—sweetness and volume of tone, elasticity and lightness of teach, and extraordinary durability. We congratulate our citizens on the privilege of making a ehoic3 among such No. 1 articles. • A Cumplinunt.—One of our best home artists, Jas per Lawman, Esq., leaves this city to-day for Europe. He intends visiting Paris, where he will remain a year, devoting his time to his profession. On Friday evening a supper was given him by Mr. J. J. Wi llard°, of Allegheny, at which most of the artists of the city were present. The occasion was one of en joyment to all, and a high compliment to the tine social qualities and superior talent as an artist of the recipient. We hope he may return improved and meet with deserved success. Pieturec.—Thoso wishing accurate and life-like photographs or ambrotype pictures, should perane the advertisement of Rogers' Ambrotype and Photograph Gallery, in another column. He has a fine skylight, and all the necessary apparatus for providing nape- riot pictures. Several premiums have been awarded him for his work. He draws the patronage of all who desire fine-pietares Fines and Forfeitures.—Mayor Weaver has paid into the City Trea3ary, for the quarter ending Sep- tember 30th, fines, forfeitures and licences amount ing to $798,79. Of this $502,79 accrued from sum mary convictions, and $294 from dramatic licenses. This is much more than was paid in daring the same quarter last year. Dischargecl.—Grant and Knight, better known as "Little Chunka," who were arrested for picking pockets some days ago, have been discharged from prison by Mayor Weaver on condition that they would leave for other parts. They will probably clear oat, as they axe well known to the police., Carnaghan's advertisemont of men end boys' clothing will interest many. His manufacture of clothing has grown in popularity, from its neatness of style and durability. Buyers will find his prices favorable. Coulter ce Mentzer, House, Sign and Ornamental Painters and Grainers. Orders left at their shop on Fourth street, near Market, Burke's Buildings, will be promptly attended. "131 n Bowman Z. Co :—My wife was troubled with cough and pain in the breast for five years—the last two of which she was very low indeed. I procured some of your Compound, and after she had taken it for about five weeks sho was able to do all our house work, which she had not previously done for four years. We cheerfully, and unasked, recommend your Com ponsid to all who are suffering under that terrible disease—Consumption. 0. Isommudie Ey., July, 1U& and Merchants' Exchange. Gramnintitt:—Another year has been added to the exist ence of the Beard of Trade, and tho President, In common with other officers, having, according to the provisions of the Constitution ' reached the termination of their official connection with the It a,ociittlon, he deems it incumbent on himself, on retiring from office, briefly to recur to the action of the Board on leading topics during the past year. In do- Mg so the undersigned is folly aware of the many benefits which are e,xpecied to b., d sired from a healthy and well sustained Hoard of Trade, and although it cannot be claimed that the .Ameciation, crippled no it less b, ea by pecuniary resources, has fulfilled all the functions that properly belong to an inelitutiou of the kind, yet, nevertheless, through the action of the very of Board of Directors, who are now about to retire, It has frilly justified all reasonable ex pectations, and as an organ of the mercantile community of Pittsburgh, proved itself an invaluable Association well worthy of the.pnbl!o confidence and support. When the retiring Board were first elected to the respon sible duties assigned them by the Association, the entire country was apparently in a most prosperous financial con dition. Not a cloud was to ho seen. Suddenly the horizon became darkened and a storm burst upon us with relentless, fury. Every city in the Union felt tie desolating effects. Pittsburgh, though chattered by produce and forethought still felt the chock, and it became necessary to protect her from the fury of the storm abroad. The banks of the prin cipal cities in the United States having suspended specie payments, it became necessary that the Pittsburgh banks, though welt supplied with coin, should, in self defense, and to protect the merchants by preventing a drainage of specie from amongst us, also close their vaults. The laws of this State we 'e very stringent on the subject of suspension, and every bank which had thus nobly • telded to the public wel fare, had subjected itself to the je realty of a to: feiture cf its charter. What was to be done T It was necessary that the course of the banks should be sustained; the Governor of the State, at the urgent rol!cibdiou of many of the most in• duential of its citizens, was prevailed upon to issue a procla mation convening an extraordinary session of the Legisla tore. The Pittsburgh Board of Trade, as the proper organ of our mercantile community, was appeslrd to, and accord ingly unmue mg was called on the 3d of October, at the Mer chants' Exchange, when a preamble and resolutions were adopted unanimously, declaring that from causes having no local origin, and as unexpected as they were to be regre.ted, a portion cf our Banks had been induced to suspend, them e), renderi.,g them amenable to the penalties of our laws re specting Beaks. The resolutions declared that the Banks of this city were entirely safeadd Solvent; that their sus suspension was dictated solely by a sense of duty to the business interests of our city, and recommended an entire remission of the penalties imposed by the law of 1850, the resolution also recommended an early resumption of specie paymeattfand passage of an act limiting the per tentage of Bank dividends, and the amount of contingent funds. On the 6th of October another meeting was held and a commit tee sppcinted to proceed to Harrisburg and represent Pitts burgh interests mitring the session of the Legislature What the result of the action of your Board eau its committee has been, you aro already aware. Aided by the Philadel phia Board, and the influence exerted in other parts of the State, the desired legislation was obtained ; our suspended Banks were relieved feom their dilemma, and some whole come reforms were incorporatt din the Banking Taws of this State. Of the wisdom andltrepriety of the course of this Board there contact be a doubt, as subsequent events have proved. Pittsburgh sustained herself nobly throughout the entire crii is, and it is a remarkable evidence of the solvency of our business men, as Well as of their prudence and fore sight, that while hundreds pf merchants in other cities who had hitherto enjoyed the most enviable reputation for eta. bility and wealth had bean ; obliged to succumb to the pres sure of the times, scarcely a single failure occurred in Pius burgh The proposed repeal of the State Tonnage Tax and the dis criminations made by the railroads of Pc unsylvania against the citizens of Pennsylvania to their freight and passenger chargers, has been a subject of prolific discussion for many months, and it cannot be, dented that it is one of prominent Importance to the people of Pennsylvania generally, and the citizens of Pittsbn gh in piu-tioolar. The elibrts of PhiltVelptila and its Board of Trade to effect the repeal, have been unceasing. The Pittsburgh Beard, believing that no pc blic good could possibly result from such legislation, and that the coffers of our State were not exactly in so ple• thoric o condition as to require depletion to benefit the railroads, however deserving of the munificence of the Commonwealth, and representing a community which ha, felt deeply aggrieved at a system of discrimination em ployed against them, of a most burdensome and oppressive chsracter, bus been equally unceasing iu its efforts to pre vent the consummation of an act which could only subserve the private iuterests of the railroad of the :Rate at the es penso cf an exhausted treasury. On the bib of February last the question was fairly and impartially presented to the vmsideration of the Board, by the introduction and passage of the following resolution:— ./.24.;a4c-f, rttet g. cemmaittee is hereby appointed to Inquire into the following qUestlohs aod leport, as aeon as practi. cab e. the operation on the baldness interests of the city q Pittsburgh, end to suggest, for the consideration of thZ: Board, such remedies as may seem practicable for the evils which may be found to exist, viz . let Do the railroads of Pennsylvania discriminate against her cite& no' 24. If Lao, is the cease to be found lu the three mill tax , 3d. Should that tax bit repealed t A committee, was appointed, and after alai end laborious examination Jute the tubject, they submitted a mold elaborate and able report, containing facts of the must etartling nature, statistics of remarkable accurticy, and arguments so oilielueive against toe proposi tion that could not fail to convince the candid and Impartial reader of the MP:tette° nod impolicy of the measure. The • eport was adopted by the lleitird ; is large editieu was or Morel to 1:e pubilehid in penisiblet form, sad it wan exten sively circulated throughout lie etato. A memorial to the Legislature againit the proposed repeal was al-o prepared, a committee wee appointed to correspond whh citizens of neighboring towns on the eubject and to distribute copies of the report of the committee. But Philadelphia, so in tent ripen ber darling enterprise, Nina not thus to be frus Crated. At a meeting of the Board hold on the 'l6th of March, a letter was read from the Hon. E. D. (laze krn, etat eteerill womb, re of the etate Recta , hed signed peper agreeing to hold an informal mooting on the lino ceediug Wednesday,' to hear arguments on the entiject of the repeal of the Tonnage Tali, by. the trieudi stet oppo nents of that measure, from Philadelphie nod Pitishurgh, eau advisme the Board that Pittsburgh slit:it'd be repro canted on that vCettaiOn. Accordingly e cumituitb, was ap pointed, and a d. legation sent from [hie city to represent us et the informal meeting appointed at the ilisigation of Philadelphia You are all well swore of the t r eeolt of that well fought battle, which rutulted in the complete triumph of the Pitteburgh Beard for that Ilaaßioll of the 1,: o~islnture, at halt. Had it e..t boon tee the F•Creautata . Amts of the Pittsburgh board. there is not the slightest doubt that the Tonnage Tax would have teen repealed. At a meanie of the Beard held on the 4th of .lone.lettets were read from teeth' Blodget, hs , /Secretary of the Phila delphia Board of Trade, and from W. L. Thomas, stat ing that Messrs. W. B. Thomas,Alexander Derbyshire, N. B. Thorepeoo, Edward A. Sunere and hldward C. Diddle were appointed a coremittee on behalf of the Philadelphia Board of Ttado to visit Pittsburgh for the purpose of con ferring with the Pittsbu-gb Board of Thule and City Conn. cila on the rubject of the repeal of the Tonnage Tax, and that the coutinlat u would visit Pittsburgh on Tuasiday after noon, the 10th lust A•eoeumittee was appointed by the Pittsburgh Board to receive the Philadelphia gentlemen, who were most courteously and hospitably received, and meetings were appointed for the conference, which lasted fur two or three caps, when it adjourned; the Philadelphia get:el - mu retuhtd home highly pleased with their treat ment here, but they failed to convince the Board, the Conn cite cr the cit'zens of Pittsburgh of the propriety of repeal ing the Tim - cage Tax We extended the hand of fellowship and hospitality to them, but, having adopted our line of conduct from a well grounded cenvictiOn of its propriety, wo could make no cenceesion to our Philadelphia friends, though greatly Bettered by their complimentary but,abor tin mission. The battle is not, however, ended. The subject will again be presented for the consideration of the Legislature et its pert Fea,ion, whell a more vigorous effort will be made to curry the nletietira through. On the new Board of Directors will devolve the duty of opposing it, but I Ala happy to say that mainly through the instrnmentallty of ear Board, the people in other parts of the State have been aroused to en noose hostility to this obnoxious measure, and there is reason to hope thst whatever the perteverance of our Phil cdelph'a friends, their chances of success will be lessened by a mow detsrminol reeistence from this and other see liens of the State. In conclusion, I Leg to call the attention of the new Board of Dirt Mors to a letter received from our Representative In Congress. the lion. David Ritchie, on the subject of s Na tional Armory, demonstrating the advantages Pittsburgh 5 , -I.'3° over all other localities as a site for this great Ne. thitial project, and which will probably demand the atten tion of tee Beard at au early day. Very respectfully yours, etc.. WILLIAM IL WILLIAMS, Presideut Board of Trade. PinsßusaH, September, 1e59. hiLEI3 Sournsawrro hLuar R. Bo Tho Board or Trade The following valedictory of the late President of the Pittsburgh Board of Trade ras road at a recent meeting of the Board of Directors and ordered to be printed : To the Mcmbera of the Pittsburgh Board of Trade Mrs. Jolla Dean Lleyne.—This lady was exceed-. ingly well received at the National Theatre on Satur day evening, in her great character of Lucretia Borgia. She seo - las to be particalarly adapted to this character, and the audience seemed t 3 appreciate the faithful delineation, terrific as it was. This even ing she appears to our public in a piece as familiar as household words—" Camille." We have never soon Mrs. Rayne in this character, but frcm the re port of the public prints where she has enacted it, a visit to the Theatre this evening would be richly repaid. She will be well supported by Mr. Leonard in the character of Armand. The piece, it is true, iv somewhat hackneyed here, yot should, and wo be lieve will, attract a fine audience to witness ber par sonation of this great character. Testimonial Benefit.—Tho complimentary benefit tendered to the Hutchinson Brothers by the man agers of the Pittsburgh Gymnastic Association, takes place at Porter's Pittsburgh Theatre, this even ing. A good bill is presented, the performances commencing with the historical drama of "Rob Roy, or Auld Lang Syne," with Mr. M'Farland as Rob Roy, Miss Cappoll as Ef elan and Mr. Homes as Os baldistino. Then follows the presentation of a silver mounted lance to the Hutehinsons, and an exhibition of feats of skill and strength by the Hutchinson Brothers assisted by a class from the Gynastin Ass°. tion. The Hatchinsons will also perform their cele brated barrel dance, for the first time in America. We wish them a bumper. _ A meeting was held in the Fifth Ward on Saturday evening at eight o'clock, at the market house, Dr. =Ahl in the Chair, and Win. D. Hamilton and David Strain Vice Presidents, and Henry Busha Soorotary. The meeting was addressed by Hon. Andrew Burke, S. F. Sabits, and I. G. Sproul. It was the largest anti-tax or any other meeting that ever was held in the Fifth Ward. Tho meeting broke up with three cheers for Burke. EVEN THOSE WHO ABE P? THE ENJOYMENT T v' of perfect health frequently have uoed to have re course to tonics as preventives of disease. We are never too well armored against the assaults of "th- ills that flesh is heir to." Such an invigorator they may find in SOS TETTER'S BITTEIIS—a medicine that canrot he taken regularly without giving vitality and elasticity to the gym tem. At this season, particularly, the strongest mania not proof against the malaria, in certain sections of the coun try. I n all cases of Fever and Ague, the Bitters are more potent than any amount of quinine, while the most danger. ou a cases of bilious fever yield to its wondorlal properties. Those who have tried the medicine aUI Inver use another, for any of tub ailments which the Hostetter Bitters profess to subtitle. To those who have not meala the experiment, we cordially recommend an early application,to the Bitters, whenever they are stricken by diseases of the digestive orgam. F.,r ease by druggists and dealers generally, (merry here and by ILOSTETTRB k SMITH, Manufacturers and Proprietary, oe9 68 Water and 59 front streets • 1:WBE WARE OF COUNTEBNEITERSI—Auza 114111:17.9 EAU I tISTILAU HEIR It=ronerivi has no equal in preserving and beautifying the Hair, and in re storing It when impaired or fallen Into decay. Sold by B. L. P.4.IINESTOOB CO., No. 60, corner Fourth and Wood streets, Druggists generally, and at he L a boratory of Jules Hanel It Co., No. 704 Masud atm; kteas*Plas• New Township.—On Saturday, the matter of the now township proposed to be erected oat of parts of Reserve, Robinson and ltcss township, of which duo notice has already been given, was taken up on the bill of exceptions. Oliver 11. Rippey, EFq., mad e a long argument, containing the objections, and H. Brady Wilkins, Esq., replied to him, item by item. The Court then took , charge of the papers, reserving any decision in the matter for the present. The Meeting at Wood's Bun•—There was a large turnout of the Democracy at the Wood's Run meet ing on Saturday evening. Speeches were made by Messrs. Harper at: I Sinclair, and a great deal of ell thuaiasul was manifested. The meeting broke up with throe cheers for Captain Birmingham, the rep lar nominee for Congress of the Democratic party in the Twenty-second district. Smithson.—Mi , s Henry's case showing but lit`le change for the better, her physician not being will• log to pronounco her out of danger. Smithson has been recommitted until Saturday, the 23d inst., for hearing. The Shaw Caae.—This case, which has been post poned from time to time, will probably come up for trial on next Wednesday. We hope the Democrats will not forget the meet ings in the Fourth Ward, Allegheny, and in Man. chaster, this evening—the last of the campaign. U." J. M. OLIN'S CELEBRATES) S'POMACII BlT 'rEits —Try them, and satisfy yourselves that they are all they are rOCOLUllletidlii to be. The proprietor does not pretend to Hay that they will cure all the diseases flesh is heir to, but leaves them to test their own merits, and the constartly increasing demand for them is sufficient proof that they are all they are recommended to be, and far su perior to auy preparation of the kind n3w in the market. Their use is always attended with the most beneficial re suite in cases of Dyspepsia, loss of appetite, weakness of the stomach, indigestion, etc. It removes all morbid matter friim the stomach, assists digestion, and imparts a healthy one to the whole system. Be sore and call for J. M. Olin's Celebrated btoinach Bitters, and see that the article pur. chased bears the name of J. M. Olin, as manufacturer. Forsale by J. M.OLIN, sole proprietor and manufacturer Na. 267 Penn street, Pittsburgh, Pa., and by druggists and dealers generally. I V 29 JOSEPH MEYER, RANT FACTURER OF Fancy 6, Plain Furniture & Chairs, Warerootus, 121 Peon street, ABOVE TUE CANAL BRIDGE, @s; lu addition to ill. Furulturn boditioss, I also ,L3vota attention to ULIDERTAKINO Hea.aes and Carriagea urniabe+.l (;( Ht , l 211 E EtC A L. E s 37P3'RBURGIA 'BOARD OSP 'VILA/1.1; A :20 si lz 1.1 (it rd Pr aid,rlL Vi:d. H. e M.T LI Vice Prestrientt. ItAl&tt LiltittliY, Lit. F.D,VaItD GItEGCI,II Tr east.r :r N. kiOLMZE, Ja StApm‘,;(e7l4—.l . 2t. (I.,noninee qJ Arbitratim4 i'r Atedust. ISAIAH DICKEY, V P., C. IL PAULSON, JAMES GARDINER, DAVID CAMPBELL, AUSTIN Lt.OMIS. I.ll"rsuurtuti ra ARK is:T Ifeported Express!y for the Daily Mornind Post virnwuzeli, Octubtr 9, AS.S. FLCUR...fIas riper - Mortal no perceptible eturbro blued yesterday. No sales from first hands I - untied us. Th 6 qqautity disposed of from store amounts to orally 600 bar rels at $5,2e4",38 for superfine, ss,4o®®6,im Coo - .xtra dcA nod $5,85456 for extra family. OItAIN _The taarket lb 6111. ralea of 3:0 bthtl Cat 3, from gore at 45c., and 17.5. Welt Wheat do. at $1,05 11AY...12 lade from acaloa at $9 to $1.1" too MOLASSES...a:aI. 14 t.bla N. O. at 60(451e. BAOON.....Saleel 1000 IDA ilflM3 at 10e., and 2,1100 shoal. Jere at 7c. CHEESE .ilalca 40 hozeu W. R.7iiio7):ic- t 1 I- F'S/I...Sales of 10 bble. No. 3 Mackerel at $10,004511 POTATOES—BaIes 160 b rah. Ntatiannocks from store at 76e, and 60 bu,h Wheat at $1,37. 13 gANS...SaIes 20 bbls small white at $1,60 per bn , h. COFFER...SaIes 16 sacks Rio at 12%c. WHISKY...Regular salea of rectified at 2.6(ja2t 1, ., a lota. VIN EGA R... Regular ealee of dollop's to city and c..antry nt Lt gallon ; e all other markets 9c. rioi,v York tawriiet. NEW YORE, October O.—Cotton heavy; sales Ea, bales F our heavy; 11.000 bhls sold; southern .3.5 1'..!,66,80. Wheat decliued; 10,000 buob told; riel 7, - 1,1861,20. Corn heavy; 20.000 bush sold. at 10 1 4C - sallo Whisky dull at 23 :40 23 %. ilugar dull at 0%®7 40. Molasses dull; Now 89,14050 c. Pork dull; Meets $10.76; Prime $14,71 unchanged. !Moon qui tat 6 1 40834 Leather quiet; Oak 274430; Hemlock 20.4420. Hides dull; we-tern IS® YO. Tallow dna at 10c. Hew York. litook. Market. NEW YcHK , Cctober 9.-Btocks weak. Chicago and Bock Inland 66; 111. Central 78%; Mich. Southern 21 1 ,, , ;, v. Y. Central 83 1 4 Penna. Coat 76; Reading 60%; =want en and Misaissippi 1.14; Canton Co. 10).i; Missouri d's 86%; Mich. Central 550 ievelsnd and Toledo 56 1 A'',,; La Croese land grants '27. Cincinnati Market October 9.—Flour doll, and prices aro nomi nal at $4,60. Wheat dull at 90c©1,10 for prime red and white. Whisky has declined to 18c and is dull; there is no change In Provisions. The demand is moderate; no hhda Bacon sold at 5% and 7 for Shoulders alid Bides at 6 1-5. Thy Money Market is _unchanged. It. T. KENNEDY W. 8. K HINNEDY. PEARL STEAM MILL, ALLEGHENY CITY, R. T. KENNEDY & NIRO. WHEAT, RYE, AND CORN PURUHA`dED FLuEit, CJRN MEAL, AND HOMINY, MANUFACTURED AND DELI V &ICED IN PITTSBURGH AND ALLEGHENY. au7:lydewl TERMS &8H ON DELI); SCR Y I* 0. S. M. SPECIAL NOTICE. Au adjourned meeting of the S. O. CONSISTORY OP I. 0. S. M. OF COLUMBIA, Will be held at the HALL of the LAND CAMP 01 THY STA'rEI OF NEW YORK, IN NEW YORK CITY, ON MONDAY, OCTOBER. 11TH, 185 Et, At 10 o'clock, A. M. Members elect, and delegates, may communicate with HORACE L. PETERSON, S. G. Secretary, se27 118 Prime etreet, Philadelphia. American Patches' APPLETON/ TRACY & CO WALTHAM, MASS., MANUFACTUR ERS OF PATENT LEVEII WATCHES.—These superior watches are made by the aid of new and original machinery, expressly designed to secure, with a low pric,?, a FINS, RUHRTANYILL, DURAILLI and UNIFORMLY nEttasta time keeper. The movements are new in construction, and are prttnotinced by the highest authorities to be faultless in principle and quality, and have been proved by the most exacting tests to be reliable and unfailing in action. These watches are manufactured entire from the crude materials, In a single establishment, by connected and uniform pro cesses, the manufactory beingorganised upon the same sys tem that has b - en adopted In the production of the une qualled American fire-arms, which enables us to produce a movement at one half the price of any foreign movement of the eatue quality ; and we guarantee the perfect perform ance, for teu years, of every watch manufactured by us. All foreign watches are made by hand, the American watches being the only ones made by machinery upon a uniform system throughout Nearly all hand made watches are defective, and are continually gettingont of order. In many parts of the country it Is impossitle to find good watch repair,. re, and watch repairing is always uncertain, and expensive. The introduction of American watches discuses of this difficult% and country merchants, as well as watch' dealers, can keep watches as part of their miscel lau.ous stock, and thus supply their customers with a new staple, which may be used as any other article, without mystery or humbug. Sold by the trade generally, and by lit BIIINS A APPLETON, General Agents, ocSs3tudaw:29 15 Maiden Lane, New York. --. IEtEINEMAN & MEYRAN, Agents for Appleton. Tracy A Co.'. AMERICAN WATCHES, _ At Manufacturers' Prices. LuiratiL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. Oar stock of Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware Is very large at present—all at greatly reduced prices. 1111114EMAN & MEDIAN, ocd No. 42 Fifth street. kJ UNDB.I.ES.- 850 bags Rio Coffee; 25 pockets Java do.; 60 bbls. N. C. Tar; No. 8 Mackerel; 10 kid No. 1 do; 6 bbls. Na 1 do; 100 hall chests Y. 11. Tea; 60 " Stack do; 10 .4 " Gunpowder do ; 100 boxes Tobacco, variots brands; 100 kegs Bi Garb soda, just landing and tar sale by 6E25 WM. H. Rd= 00. NEW STYLE DRESS SILKS, Printed Merino's& Ilion, De Lefties, Handsome (all wool) Phids, Poll de Ohavrea, and every other article tomelly fund in a well assorted stock of Dress Goods. O. HANSON LOVE, ocil 74 Market street 'LIN@. BI.OARB. SODA.-100 kegs, just ALe received and for ado by mTRI TAEEMMICIS A CIA PO LET—A Stcme Room ini Mirket street' 442141:4 A. W. %AMC ee'.23:td -W. NOTICE—THE INTERE&T COUPuNii of the Barris of Lawrence County, leaned' to the PITTS BURGH AND ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY, due Jnly, 1858. will be paid at the office of W. H. WILLIAMS A Ou., Pittsburgh, Pa. The change in place of payment is made fu consequence of the failure of the Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Ocmpany, New York, where the Ompons are payable By order of mr22:dl y—lo I jy2 THE CIO3IMISRIONERS. PITTSBURGH', i'.ll SPECIAL NOTICES. FERMIN ENT OFFICE. OOMPLYINH WITH THE URGENT REQUEST OF HUN )BADS OF THEIR PATIENTS, 1...R5. C. M. FITCH AND J. W. SYKES Have concluded to remain PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURGH, And may be consulted at their office, tic)• 191 Penii street, OPPoSITE S'f'. CLAM. HOTEL, Daily, ozcopt Santla39, for CONSUlct'ituN, As`2llslA, BRONCHITIS and ALL PTIEfEn. t HBONIO COMPLANTS, complicated with, or causing pulmonary disease, including Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Female Complaints, cre. !.. , ns 'ITCH ic SYKES would state that their treatment of Cc nolcuptlon is bused upon the fact that the disease exists in ti,e bloat and system at large., both before and during its development in the Lungs, and they therefore employ 'Mechan ical, Hygienic and Medical remedies to purify the blood and strengthen the system. Wit/ these, they use ItEDIOAL IN EULATIONS, which they value highly, but only as Ft/I:il eums, (having no Curative eats when used stione:,) and Luv4,- lids are earnestly cautioned against wasting {he precious time of curability on any treatment based upon the plaual ble, but false Idea that the "Beat of the disease can be reaoh,•,i In a direct manner by lnhaLmou," for, as luture stated, the teat of the dixaee is in the b: ,of and its el - , :ts only ui the lungs. Aft- Nu charge for counialtation. A lint of questions will be sent to thoue wiehiug to oimault as by letter. luy29ulaw ( I Un THE ARTIFICIAL LIGHTNINCI it AT I.' LAS II E'S through the Atlantic Cable, bears leas resemblance to the lightning of heaven, than Olds duru'a Hair Dye bears to the natural coloring matter f black and brown hair. Quick as a flash it darkens t 0 grey, red ur sandy fibres of the head, the lips, and the in to an ebony hue, while it lends a healthy lustre to them. contains no caus tic, and ten minutes, once In mix or eight weeks, is all the time required for its application. Bold everywhere, and ap plied by all hair dressers. ORISTADORO, No. 6 Astor House. New York. 0 H. KEYSER, oc2lmdaw Agent at Pittsburgh. OFFICE OF TIM PITTSBURGH AND BOSTON MINING COMPANY, Pittsburgh, September 11th, 1858. NOTICE.—The Stockholders of the Pittsburgh and Boston Minin; Company are hereby not• Sod that a special meeting will be hold at the oaks cf the Company, in the city of Pittsburgh, on WEDNESDAY, the 6th day of October, ut 3 o'clock, e. at., to confider the subject of organ izing an additional company, with a view to a more rapid development of their extensive mining territory. By order of the Board of Directors, THOMAS M. HOWE, Secretary. OFFICE 011 PENNSYLVANIA:INSURANCE 00. 01+ PITTSBURGH, October 11t6,1858. TDB Stockholders of this Company are hereby notified that the annual election, for Directors, for the ensiling y ar will be held at the office, No. 63 Fourth street, between the hours of 10 o'clock, d et. and one P. 11., on M )NDAY, the first day of November, 1869. oc9:td 1. URI SPROU L, Secretary DAGUERREAN GALLERIES ~,,: emu: au 14:Iy—ia B ROT I .IP E S.—These beautiful and hirable pictures ou glass; in all their perfection and Invelinera, singly or in groups, may be obtained at WALliti, Jones' Building, Fourth street. ioctlw R. M. CARGO & CO., Photographers:and 4itstibrotypluts, NEW YORK CIALLERY, No. 21 Filth strest, Itttki SUNBEAM GALLERY, S. W. car. of Market .Itrt.t.L fA Diamond, Eittoburgt.. PBIO.OB TO SUIT ALL. mylfhti-4p A MBROTYPES- A BEAUTIFUL AND DURABLE PICTURF WARRANTED, OAN Bh EIAil 4S 100 W 41 /a ANY in.a.sr CLASS KSTMITIEIIISTE^;I', IN TUE aouNTEN, Ar WALL'S, Pwartb s treet iterfairved to 21 Fifth Street. ARGO & CO.'S PHOTOGRAPHIC AND AMBROT VPE OaLLNRY bas boon removed from Y 6 Fourth street, to No. 21 Fifth street, near Market. Thetierooms having been built especially for the purpose, with three large lights, are not surpassed in the city for comfort, convenience and excellence in arrangement. oar Our old friends and patrons, and those wishing su perior likenesses, are invited to call. ta,_ Reception Room and Specimens on the ground floor. ap7 STEAMBOATS VA.lOl4ki , lll l lA I For Marlette and Zanesville. Tho steamer EMM& GRAHAM, Capt. Mon. ,nlOl AYRES, will leave for the above and all , -- ,,,-. T .--- 11ttermediata porte on every TUESDAY, et 3 o'clock, P. M. Par freight or parlanp, apply on board -. .i - 4-1-9 - - - :;—' -- 7-7,-;' C=D . f ..,',"i 14111 . * ' ." :iF ,'F.. ;•,: : :: = ~ 4 nEjta g ~,,,1 i ,,; „ . .4. _„.,ih,1,,, c.„3 ,z 4; ,41. 0 , 1 1 1.•,,,,.; ip,,il,!. 2 1 ,4,5: , -.5• : ,, : _, : ,,,,., . f rii,(l g ,:,.- .A .. ce3 k - A. 4 7 _,... ~i, . ~--,?., .451 , 1' . g ~ ~ 1 ,1.. . . 'AI E....... p. t .,,,,, 1 , m ; ;.sEferi '4 , ,A , ' .. . i . mil 4:l Nu Frir.. ; ,eat I lUbt., lii,!Al." . .° ~ --z... , :-:i...... -, : ., t r iqs ... ti- -- i. 7 4. Z...d4. . -' ...r't Dc: -.1 4 • P, aq_ 4 j _ H. CHILDS & CO., WHOLESALE SHOE WAREHOUSE, No. 133 Wood Street, DAVE NOW IN STORE ONE OF THE largest and most extenelve stocks of BOOTS AND SHOES, Ever brought to this market, of great variety, ADAPTED TO FALL AND WINTER SALES, HAVING BEEN PURCHASED Direst from the Manufacturers' Chiefly for Cash, And eetectod with great care tie to QUALITY AND SIZES, They foal assured they can offer superior iuducernents to WESTERN BUYERS. - 441 .- Merchants visiting Pittabargb citlicr to prirchaso goods, or on their way to Kwitera aru invited to ea and examine our stock before buying elsewhere. air Particular attention given to orders. ae2fialaw2m H. Unit. OS dG CO. COOPERS WANTED-2 Good Coopers Wanted to work on tight work—good wages given— and constant employment. Inquire of JAB. A PETZER, Corner Market and First street& DR> CIILVERWELL'S RADICAL RE GENERATOR, the sovereign remedy for soermator• rboea or aminol weakness, sexual debility, impotency, in. voluntary emissions, piles Ac., in both sexes, the result of early indiscretion, incapacitating the man for fmsiness, soci ety and emtrimony. Rcr tale by Hunt do Miner, klasonio Hall, 6th street, Pittebnrgh. Call for a gratis pamphlet giving particulars, or address Box 4596, Pest Office, New York Olty. oce46mdatrBp TIMOTHY SEED-30 bbls. choice Timo thy Seed, just received and for sale by JAMES A FETZER., Corner Msorket and First streets. CONGRESS WATER:4A fresh lot of Con dayesa and Empire and Spring Water received tide bY JOSEPH FLEMING. oc4 corner Diamond and Market street. COOKING PRUNES.- 20 casks German; 10 casks Turkish—for sale by DEEMER 6r. ANDERSON, oc4 No. 39 Wood street. APPLES -10 baMIS Green Apples this day received and for Ws by 6629 HENRY H. COLLINS: ALARGE Map of our country, with the States, Tenitories and counties distinctly markt ra - IVor Bale by . W. S. HAVEN, Stationer Corner Market and Second etreeta.i I'OUNDRY ItILETAIp.-180 tons soft Faun ,: drs Metia.ne sale b, (IM MOOLIMIS. - ~ ra z §. 3 I A t-, t-K1 0 4. , L= PITTSBURGH, PA BUSINESS CARDS. J. &'l'. GROUTT,• mporricas 01 BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, ETC., DEALERS IN FINE OLD - MONONGAHELA RYF.WHISRY, PEAO tI AND APPLE BRANDY. ALSO, RECTIFIERS AN D DISTILLERS, Corner of Smithfield and Front Streets, apl4] PITTSBURGH, PA. S. B. & C. P. MARKLE, MANIIPAOTURBILS OP PRINTING, JOB, AND ALL HINDS OH WRAPPINO 3E: 2 ' 3E=' 51 Warehouse, No. 27 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. In- Rags bought at market prima. myB REMOVAL. JOHN MOORHEAD has removed to No. 74 Water street, below Market JOIN MOOREHEAD. COMMISSION MERCHANT, ros ?U BALI OP Ple, METAL AND BLOOMS. Nu. 74 WATER STREET, BELOW DIARmRT, mrl9 PITTSBURGH, PA PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. ISAAC JONES JNO. L. BOYD WM. MoDULLOUOR JONES, BOYD & CO Nizrtnrecrtvalas O O AST STEEL, ALSO, SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, SPRINGS AND AXLES. Comer Ross and First Streets, jy2.5 PITTSBURGH, PA. MOORHEAD & CO., MANUFACTURER OF American, Plain & Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, for Roofing, Guttering, Spouting, dZo. AGENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT MUTATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON. Warehouse. No. 136 First oltreot. mr2ti: 1 y• is 111= IP. B. ROGERS El CO., itdECITFAOTIIREIOII OW 1:06.13118' InPROVED PATENT STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH, CGStillint R. 1186 AND FULFIT STRSIZTS, L. C. HEPBU RN, ATTOtLNEY AT LAW AND CONVEIYANCIta ornes V/1113 .116131111111;1. JAMES 4; 12;'ETZER, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, tOt. GP lour, iirain, Swim', Lard, Buttisr•Boods, Driad Fruit etw.t.tikubo oonorally, Uorioor of Idatratiii,and 1/rot otreoto. PITTBRUP.tiII, PA. Ravin: To—Francis 0. Banay, .119 r, Willlt m atlvarth, Er. . Cuthbert' it Son, Pittsburgh; Boyd A Ott, Ileirkal weuriugen, S. Brady, Caab. SS. Al. Bank. Liot h Etowt-11, Mangle a On., ri.lorgo W. Anderson, Boni., Paxton .t Co 1/W21 44 %74S E. P. MIDDLE ON & 8110., IMPORTERS ON WINES, BRANDIES, &C., A(430 pIULI:RB VVIE OLD WHISKYS, NO. 5, NORTH FRONT STREET, j,Lljd PHILADEL GO AND SEE k GEORGE P. WERTZ'S First Free:manta Blind Factory, ooRNER THIRD AND MARKET Fn., PITTSBURGH. TE'"F4 YURNISH THEIR 1101180 with vu.NlTl_Airi BLINDS, of the most exqui site and elaborate will find it to their interests to give we u C 4 1 ,1 b''' ll "7 - e purchasing elsewhere. rely work is got up by t h e"" . . - st mechanics (not apprentices.) Every attention is to the wants of customers. Pricoa low. All work ;surrantoLL No. 74 TIMID Street, Pittsburgh. rrayB:ls-12 DAVID H. WILLIAMS, OIVIL ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR k,/ FOR TILE ERECTION OF GAS WORKS, for from five qurnere and upwards, and for 'loafing BMWino, public or private, by Steam, Hot Water or Farnacea. myS:lsla PITT.SBUROTI„ PA. HITCHCOCK, IWO:MERV & CO. (81.16CliaSORE4 TO HOFFMAN, NVOILIIIRY & 00.0 _FORWARDING -5 ND COMMISSION MFACIIdINTS, Wholesale Dealers in Produce, Flour and Wool, No. 114 Second etreat, Pittsburgh, Pa ; n3r Esoz s: a pringer Hartmn gla, Joseph E. *Elder, L. Louis; rittsburah ; Renton 8r0.i., Ct LI. Childif A Co., J. °MUM& Dorsey, Baltimore; Bagaley, Cosgrave A 0.)., " Garret A Martin,Philadelphia; HcOandlesa,M6atlll a Co., " James, Hont,'Santee& Co. " G. W. Smith, A. Co., " Weaver A Graham, a GOO. M.& L. Hord, Cincinnati Keene, Sterling A Cu., " .4.. B. Fenton A Bros., " Yard, Gilmore AGo , " styllkif WILLIAM CLAYTON & CO., WHOLEBALE AND RETAIL AQUOR MERCHANTS, NO. VT DIAMOND ALLEY, Neer Wood street, —Always on hand, Blackberry, Cherry, and Cognac Brandies, Old Monongahela and Rectified Whisky, of the se boot ilzallte. do/Cydels WILLIAM BAGALEY, WHOLE ALE GROCER, Nos. fiS and 20 Wood Street, jy2d: tf W. U. MeGEE fIROILiIiT TAILORS, Dealers in Ready Made Clothing and Gentlemen's Furnish lug Goods, corner of Federal street and Market Square Alle gheny City, Pa. jel2ly M kRBLE I MARBLE!! JOEffcia elti)C-PWRG HAS A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF MIONU. Will 9 GRAVE STONE& Enclosures, Posts, Ste., &C. • The public ere reepertfully invited to examine out etock Prkze low, and work warranted. vl2 v --tz Nn. 5146 STONE" pOINT BOX FAOTORY.- BUSTIA. & GHTEIBIDORF Manufacture to order, BOLES suitable for Soap and Candles, Hardware and Variety Goode, etc., etc 19 Orden promptly tilled ROBERT UALIERLL. .1 AIM I. IIIII&Dnia lop OBERT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale ii_td Grocers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants and Dealors In Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 251 Lilwrts gdrect. r tpluziertt. Da. nosier). SAMUEL FAHNESTOCK, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Hardware, No. 74 Wood ..Treet, Pittsburgh. The subscriber has received, in addition to his fall stock of Hardware, a very heavy stock of Meat and Sausage Cut ters and Staffers, end c. very much largo dock of Sleigh Bells, k)030 and ou airings, of a superior quality to that usually sold In the market, all of which will da on the lowed terms. (se27) BAHL. NAHNESTOOK. CARTWRIGHT & YOUNG, (suootuors to John Oartiorighl,) ANUFACTITRERS AND IMPORTERS Dm: of Pocket and Table Otitlery, Surgical and ant Den tal Instruments, Guns, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, etc., No. Se Wood street.. They give special attention .the manntactut , ag of Trades, Supporters, etc. Jobbing and Repairing Itn punctuality and deep:tel. J. & IL PRICE'S C 3 DINTRAL PLANING MILL, WATER STREET, ALLEGHENY, ARE now in full operation, with Fay & improved machinery for the manufacturing of Bash Frames, Doom, Shutters and Mouldings. Builders and Con tractors will find ft to their advantage to call and ascertain on, prices. solthlythos FURNITURR FOR CASH.-- A. fuLl assortment of Pittaburgh mannfacture4 eUENTPURK, embracing BUREAUX, • BOOK WARD ROBES, And every article needed in a well famished dwelling, as well as a apiedid assortment of OFFICE FURNITURE,j Constantly on hand and made to order. As the only terms on which business is done at this establishment is for CASH. Prices are made accordingly. Persona in want of anything in the above lines would be advantaged by calling at — PM:MITER A IRWIN'S, No. 103 Braithliald street, hell= Fifth. J. D. lianinnsia, Joys H. Tawrv. mvl2tl7 -1-.--iIOIIII3ON H. RUM. WE HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED together in the practice of the Law, under the firm of SHOWN BIPPE.Y. Office, No. 94 Fourth Street. SIMON. 0. H. RIPPEY. L AKE FISH.- 76 bbb. Whits Yiah ; .50 " Trout; - 40 t eatine . p,iecedved and far eatela um 4x4 . JIHMIX U: 00 PITTSBURGH, PA D. B. 803 ill PITTSBURG 11. Pd Nit Vo,rilh &L.-set. PITTSBURGH, PA PITTSBITAGH G. I. DOSOHL &n C 0 AMUSEMENTS FOSTER'S -11E - W - 14.110 NAL THEME, J. c. FOSTEB hinnagjr. - 1 J. iIiOCTOILStage 'Director GREAT ATTRACTION, ' - CONTINURD 81100E24 ENTHUSIASTIC AUDIENOB. Fifth night of JULIA DEAN RAYNE, who will'appear as "Camille." This pop alai and higlly celebrated artiste Is nightly received tkr h .thc,ute el applause from a large and fashionable audience. _ _ =MEM _ - THIS EVENING, October 13. th, 1158, will be performed 0A11111LE; OR, THE FATE OF A CIOQUETTE.—CaIaIe, We. Julia Dean Hayne..iirmand, Mr. J. Leonard. In consequence of the great length of the piece no other trill be performed. tar Tuesday, sixth appn--I pI T T SBURGH THEATRE. -..,; dole Leman and Manager,..........0. 8. Poirna. PEtlOgs 01. A 9HISSiON: Dress Circle and Parquetta.6o Family Circle...—. .... Colored Boxes 50.; colored Ge11ery...—...-250. Tickets to Private 80xe5...74 Whole 80x05......—.45•00- Proscenium ...... $8 00. . Grand Complimentary Testimonial Benefit, and presenta tion of a &liver Mounted ; Lance to the BROTHERS HUTCHINSON. THIS EVENING, October Iltn, tho rerformance will cow , mance with ROB ROY; ,a, AULD LANG SYNE„--Rob Roy I,l"uregor tampbell. 4 Mr. M'itarland.«Helen re- Gregor, Miss Cordelia Cappell. After which the , rand opening exhibition of the evening will embrace the whole of 'the members of Professor THOMAS P. HUTCHINSON'S Class No. 1, selected from the members of the Pittsburgh GYintlastiOAsamiatiall who will, in conjunction with the Brothers Hutchinson, go through a variety of their manly and athletic exercises. To conclude with (first time in America) the ' BARREL DANCE. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Curtain rises at 754. Box Office open from 10 to 3 o'clock. JOHN W. M'CARTHir, BILL, CIRCULAR AND CARD Distributor and Poster, PITTSBURGH, PA. Will promptly attend to the . Dlstributing and Pasting of BILLS, CIRCULARS, CARDS AND PROCB.A.MBIES, For Railroads, Ships, Stestnhoiti, Amusements, Sales, Etc. All orders, either ny mall, thlegraob, or ritherwhie, sent to the ttLe or the Daily liaTing lint, will be faithfully attended to. Tankages forwarde ; by the :dame Express Company will be promptly distosed of timer, na , to directions. sel4 SEWINii MACHINES. SEWING 511AOHINES.- Tlll6l $2O itikAlD $4O DOUBLE LOOX sumac • SEWING MACHINES! Are now on Exhibition, at tho HOSIERY iiTORE OF M.R. DALY, 1 NO, 20: -.- iir. STRIIET, These 31r:chines are aCialii tvi to be the best in market for family nee, making, an elastic double thread stitch which will not rip ..von if every forirta stitch be cut. It Is the only low priced double three Machine in market. Orders will ba received and promptly lltd by Y; .20 1 , M. DAL Agent, di No Fifth ctrect, on th diner Of Market, alltiy,, ,Pittsourgla, Pa. ,t: -, v- NOTICiti---iti..l) I,Y, via the corner of Fifth street and Market alloy, in Cl,o 0010 a ,'i i-.: the name 112 . 1n1.41110EW on Coto atroot. ,IY15:ly S I N C'Ef 4 P., S 0.4 72 ro SINGE S SEWING MACHINES, IMPORTA NT To THE PUBLIC A. now Family Sewing AlRSbins, combining the latest im provements, at the extreme low pri:e of FIFTY DOLLARS. • The pfted of all our standard Machines have been greatly - seduced. BlNGltlit'B ISII. I .OIIINES, it is well known, though dearer in price, have always been cheaper, In fact, considering what they.iwlll do. than aoy other. The prices are now rednced -o tbat all malt be satisfied. Call and examine the new ',facilities at the law prices, t oc7 JdrltAlV'tl, 32 Market street. SEWING [MAGI - lI:NES' W - ERE AWAR D ED THE FIRST PRE MIUM at tb, Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society at their Annual T , Whitton., Beptember 28th, 29th, 80th and October let. 18L8' intlThis Prentin was not bought, As the ti'e heeler Sr Wilson Sliver * edai Was. The undersigned hereb challenges, a trial of SEWING MACHINES, before own stent judge& to be selected by ~ ...thibitors or by the audioea, in CITY lIALL, or elsewhere ~ at any time. . i On and after this d 3to t o ;rice of our Machines will be reduced as follows; . .1. New Machine, plain finichl table Do de plated table Do do with cover , and drawers.. Do do large size, Do do do do ". plated... Do do plated and pearled And other slain In pre pktim. The Bret place, in publicii. estimation is now Justly accorded to the GROVER, 4 BAKER MACIIINB, for family idewin,g, for the following reasonsl -Ist. It is MOUE SIMPLR and IiASILY SEPT IN ORDER, than any other machine.ii, 2d. It makes a seam which will NOT RIP or RAVEL, though every third stitt is oat. Bd. It saves from two o , inary spools, and than all trouble of winding thread Is avoided, while the same Machine can be adapted, at pleasure, bp" a mere chonge of epools, l to all varieties of work. 4th. The same MachladTllll9 silk, linen thread'and spool cotton, with equal facilitY. sth. The seam is as elmstic as the most elastic fabric, BO that it is tree from all LIABILITY to BREAK., in wAtia. ING, IRONING, or otherwise. „ - 6th. The stitch made b, this Machine is more BEAUTI FUL than any other made, either by hand or machine. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Grover A Baker's is the beat--(Amer. Agriculturist. To all of which ti r e Tribune says, amon.-4.N. Y. Tribune. It is all that it claims td be.—{N. Y. Independent. WI/lir/vs its own work; others do not.—(Home Journal. It needs only to be aen to be appreciatedshreno. Journal. Adapted for woolens, 'linen or cotton.--(Amer. Medical Monthly. We like Grover 4 Bakers beat.-{Ladies ' Wreath. And two hundred more rilferEaccs. w. p. ELLIOTT, 'Agent, At the ilifth Street Shirt hiantifactOry. Pittsburgh, Po. PHE CH EDI I A L OLIVE EEASIVE SOAP, manufactured by B. C. .b J. 11. Sawyer, re receives the prefei , zi.,:.•J G o ici v . il e r r all eGa other kinds ever offered for family nee. Its advantaged c c pa are:-Ist. It Is cheaper to 11130 one poen (.Pug nal to three of common rosin Soap.* * 2d. Hal flh time only be occupied in washing when this Soap is need iris place of other Swap. Bd. Labor in washing can be nearly dispensed with, as the clothes will require, little if any rubbing, thus avoiding their wear on the wash-board. 4th. Boiling the clothes is unnecessary when this Soap is need, and bard or salt water answers equally as well as soft. sth. Printers, Machinists, Painters and others, find it far superior to other Soaps. It speedily re moves grease, tar, paint,Printers' ink and dirt from the hands, leaving the skin soft, and free from chapping. —, To avoid the labor of rubbing the clothes, and the use of the wash-board, the following directions should be followed : For the washing of eight or ten of a family, take one pound of Soap, cat It kite shavings, and dissolve In one gallon of hot water; put the clothes into a tub containing about ten gallons of wwater ; . pent In the dissolved Soap, and stir thoroughly. Let them soak twenty to thirty ariL minutes, wring out, and e in warm water once, cold water twice. A very dirty wristband, or seam, or grease spots, may require a alight rubbing, but. otherwise the clothes will come out clean and white, without, rubbing or boiling. Cold water mr.yr be used in-place or hot, _requiring about double lime in soaking. ifar Observe our name on each bar. ' For sale, in any quantity, at our warehouse, No. 47. Wood street, and at our works, . . panto' tho &dud House, Penn. Sylvania avenue. B C. & 3; H. SAWYER, ocl • . . No. 47 Wood street. UWE LOTS OF' GROUND, .EAOLI `CO • gg TAINING clue ncrNifor We. PricaB26o each. Term, in hand,belance is one two and three veers, eltuate at lour miles from the city 11 : 8. OUTEIBMIT h 801si, tele i 81 Market street. sIYRUPS.- • - CO bbbs. sham Golden Syrup; 2d) " Eastnic.Wrifirst Quality Syrup ; 75 " St. damns' Sugar House nolassas In store and for sale by I MI UR & RD:MEV:SON aus bros. 221 arid 223 Liberty street. WORTH TWENTY CENTS, and selling at TWELVE CEITIT, 'white and colored Cotton Stockhige, at JOSEPH I.IORNEII, an 24 77 141arki dent CIO TO THE PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, k.JI and buy your Photis at reduced 'wk.& A few more SOILED SHOES and. GALTB.IO selling 011BAP.• G GAITERS and SHOES, selling low. Gent's Patent easbar Gaiters for $L Now is this time for bargains. : Go and pro cure a pair. Gent's Calf Oxfords and Iles, Buck and Calf Gaiters, cheap. Boy's-an Youth's Summer Shoes selling at knir rates. Call soon. DIIRENILWILES CO,, jyl7 17.41114 fltrainar anoa of Julia Dean Heine "it $5O 80 75 CO 80 00 65 00 99 00 100 00