.....,,.E74ist'...'':'':',-.:';4'.':4-4t,:''..: :.1.,,..::.';':::',.-7.4v.:, 7,7,57..,,5::c,r -_,,,''''' ;1:,i.)f1z.r:,!:L.,',.5-.''•,'''-''' _ Ett IMO 6, A OSt• -- J ANES p. BARE, Editor and Proprietor: - - - PITTSBURGH : ONDAY 1(101±NING••••••:OCTOBER 11 858 - - DEMOCSATIC STATE NOMINATIONS NS 817P11.11113 JUDGE, WILLIAM A. PORTER, OW PHILADELPHIA. roit CANAL COINNISSIONC.II, WESTLEY FROST, OP FAYETTE COUNTY. DENOCBATIC COUNTY TICKET CONGI3X93, =BY DISTRICT ANDREW WERE, city. mamma—mu) Distium JOHN BIRMINGHAM, Ohio. HAIIIIITEL tdclC£S, Itirm Ingham ASSIYHLT : THONLiS DONNELLY, Collins, PHILIP 11. STEYE,NdON, JOHN M. IRWIN, City, ailteavr monitow, Row. AUGUSTIIS HE, ARTJ, Mk heap BA&NES FORD, Upper Bt. Clair rurraowconsv: ALEXAbiDEB. BLACK, Bewlck.loy calikm-s' tons : TROUAB IaRLEY, Allegheny oason.D.: WILLIAM ALEXANDER Ijity Lutorrog: JOIN MURRAY, South Pittsburgh, DIM! 01L 0? MT POOH .101.1 N BOYLt, ludiana. A Csird--.To the Public. Mr. Editor:--0a ruy way bsvk from Butler last Tuesday I was handed a report of Mr. Thos. Williams' speech, deity • ered at Bakerstow n the night before. On reading it, I found ant , ng many other gross misrepresentationa about me, the following elegant extract:— " McKnight tied when he EaNII user rode on a 'free pass? I was astonished at this strong expression, especially as I had never said anything,of the kind; not deeming it my business, whether he bad or not. But considering it a chal lenge to draw me Gaon the matter, though not a very cour teous one, I addressed a note to Mr. Thomson, President of the Pennsylvania Railroad, and have just received the fol lowing reply : "OFFICE PREN'A RAILROAD COMPANY, Philadelpliia, October 1.1858. DEAR SIR: IN ANeWillt TO YOUR FAVOR OF Til 2iirn ULT. I WILL STATE THAT hilt. THOMAS Nvu LIAMS HAI; BIDDEN UPON THE PENN'S RAILROAD MORE TtiAN ONC YonE,FREE PASS." re, Very Respectfelly, J. EDGAR THOMSON, To ROMER: .kIOKNIGHT, EEQ." In order to vindlca . e the truth 01 history, let facts b anbraitted to a candid world, October 4th, ISIS. THE DEMOORATIO COUNTY COMMITTEE OF WCORRESPONDENOE have appointed meetings to be held as follows : MONDAY EVENING, 11th October, 7 o'clock, a. Markt.: House, in McKeesport. Epeaher3 will be in attendance. D. D. BRUCE, Chairman of Dcm. nuty Committee of Gorrtapodem-e. ...a:D DEIIOOB.S Tle NATURALIZATION CJDLUITT E E. JOHN McOLOWRY, JOHN TAYLOR, SAMUEL CA,IkRON, DANIEL FICHEISON, JAS. C. CUMMINS, 011,0. W. LEWIS. Either of whom can to consulted daily, at their respective laces of business. eels — a — - -- I) , cw XXIID CONGBESSION A.L DISTRICT.—In Eic . cordance with a resolution of the Democratic Con vention of September 11th, 1859, the following named 1 er eels are appointed a Committee of Vigilance, for the Twen ty-Second Congressional District : B. H. Herr, Charles H. Penl6on, G. W. Cass. Wm. 'Hulett, Lee Beckham, D. Campbell, Chaska Bryson, H. Ha sain ger, P. J. Sinclair. Capt. A. Hoye, W. Clayton, Samuel Smith, James Patton, Jr., Joseph Birmingham, D. E. McKinley. D. H. Willia - r a, E. McGee, - Samuel McCune. George Gent, Robert Steventua, W. J. Pollen. JOHN P. GLASS, Chairman. U. THE VIGILANCE COMMITTEE OF TUN DIP FKREXT PRECINTS, composing the Twenty-Shot and Twenty• Second Congriailonallnotriolo, will he supplied with the regular and only genuine Democratic Ticket, at the office of the limning Punt, I ittsburgh. JOHN P. GLASS, Chairman. See First Page. arr Let every Democratic voter make his rangements to-day, to attend the election to morrow. Recollect the importance of a single vote, and do not permit the ticket to be de feated for the lack of your vote. THE ELECTION TO-MORROW. The campaign is now near its close. There is but another day to work., See to it that every district is fully supplied,- with Demo cratic tickets,- and use your influence with every Democrat to secure his vote. It is of the first importance to the organi' zation of the National Democratic party, • that every Democrat should vote the entire ticket- Burke and Birmingham, should be our next Congressmen. and if you will it so, fellow Democrats ; they will be. Let no man who claims affiliation with the Democracy, vote for Thomas Williams. He is a wolf—a Black Bepublican Native Amer ican wolf whom Democratic shepherds have permitted to roam in the fold of the faithful. He hides his teeth now; when he no longer needs your votes he will denounce you with all the bitterness of years of hatred of your,. selves and of your principles. Do not trust him; Capt. Birmingham is your friend—he is the Democratic nominee, and is entitled to every Democratic vote in the Twonty•Seoond District. T he Twelfth of October Tn-4norrow elections take place in Penn sylvania, Ohio, Indiana, South Carolina, and Minnesota, the results of which, will do mach to determine the character of the nest Congress. None of these States have Sena% tors in Congress to elect, except Minnesota. In the present House of representatives there are from Pennsylvania, fifteen Demo crats and ten Republicans ; in Ohio, nine Democrats and twelve Republicans ; in Indi ana., six Democrats and five repulicans; in lowa two Repablibans ; in Minnesota, two Democrats. Total, -thistytwo Democrats and twenty-nine Republicans. Mn. WILLIAMS, the man who doubts the va racity of "an hireling because he is an hire ling," the man who can " smell a mechanic across the street," the man who will not send his children to public schools to associate with your children whom he stigmantizes as the "scrapings of the gutter," the man who buys the shoes for his family at the Peniten tiary, and says that - there are "better mechan ics in that institution -than outside of it," this man pretends to be a friend of the labor ing man. The , working men of the Twenty , Second District, are - not such fools as to be deceived by such shallow and mendacious demagog., ueiem. TiEL Gazelle makes the silly charge against Mr. Burke, that he is a dandy. We have known him for near about a score of years, and so far as our memory serves us, he has worn thatsame blue coat ever since we knew him, regardless of changing fashions. It won't do to call Andrew Burke a dandy. GERMAN Dralocaer,s of the Twenty-second District, remember that Them as Williams, if he gets to Congress, would deny you the right to hold any office of trust or profit under this government and Note for a law to keep you twentydone years in the country before yoU could. vote. t,_ ., t3w , ..,'-':,:lii.!. ROBERT lic K NIL; ll'r TURN OUT .:., ~ ~ 1 AN OPINIoN OF WEIGHT. TEIOMAS WILLIAMS ON FOREIGNERS , We have fr e quently remarked that all the NO FoREIGNER SHOULD BE ALL( )1V- great men of our party regard with pain and ED TO VOTE UNTIL lIE WOULD BE disgust the course which has been pursued in IN THE COUNTRY TW ENTYrONE endeavoring to make over the Democracy of YEARS, AND BE DEPRIVED OF HOLD- the Twenty second District to the Black Be- ING OFFICE." , publicans for the sake of a local issue. Now, foreign-born citizens, read the record 1 one of the most distinguished Democrats of here presented, and we ask you to contrast it Pennsylvania, high in position at Washing with the noble and manly sen invents ol a ton, writes us in a private letter as follows: Democratic Statesman--Col. Benton. ,"I have no opiniaos to couceL.l. lam against the in w i h d i e c a h o i f t may repin b i l e a tpiroens presented, After such a. vile declaration, what are yo u te a r arl d w e eL er i in h ' L s e e to expect from so narrow and corrupt a poli • I district I should take a most decided part for titian as Williams. Place him in power, and I Capt. Birmingham, against Mr. Williams and he will carry out his native principles. \ Mr. APKaight. I can hardly imagine that the Democrats of Butler will vote against Mr. Biry DEMOCRATS : THEN WILL YOU VOTE , mingham, and I should ho glad to aid him had 1 FOR A MAN WHO HAS ALWAYS OPPOSED 1 the power to do so." YOU IN TOUR LIBERAL AND PATRIOTIC This is the opinion of every leading Demo• REGARDS OF THE POOR AND OPPRESS- °rat in the State. The taint of favoring re- ED OF EVERY LAND. pudiation must not be suffered to attach to --- the Democratic party. AGAIN, WE SAY MARK THE RECORD. In August, 1844, an American Association was lormed in this county, which adopted a declaration of principles and a constitution of sixteen articles. We extract two, which reg ter directly to the principles of the Associa tion, from the columns of the Pittsburgh Ga zette, of Saturday, August 10th, 1844. They are as follows : AMERICAN ASSOCIATION The American Association of Allegheny county, considering it their duty to organize for the protection of their common country, and institutions from Foreign interference that their principles may be fully known and understood, do declare— Art. 1. Relates to elective franchise. Art. 2. That the term of probation I\r nas uralization of all foreigners, ought to be and EATENDED To TWENTY- , ONE YE&RS that the proceedings necessary to obtain eer.l tificate of naturalization, ought to be so or , dered by law as to prevent fraud and cor re p tion therein. Art. o, That we do not propose by legisla don to divest foreigners of any rights already acquired under existing laws, but that in our opinion, the rights of citizenship to be cx. tended hereafter, ought to he so qualified as to DENY TO TRIER RECIPIENTS THE PRIVILEGE OF HOLDING ANY OFFICE OF TRUST OR PROFIT UNDER THIS GoVERNMEN T. At a meeting of this Association held on the sth of August, the officers for the ensu ing year were elected, and the following com mittee to prepare an address was appointed. TUOMAS wiLLIANts, A. W. Marks, Thom as M c Connell, R. W. Middleton, and A lex. Jaynes. Thomas Williams makes it his hoast that n ulit.i s he stank, where he has ever stood." DEMOCRATS, IRISHMEN, you can not vote for Thomas Williams, the Know Nothing. There is his record. READ the opinion of the great Dernocrati , statesman, COL.BENTON; his manly, noble, liberal sentiments differ from the bigot an d intollerant spirit of Native WILLIAMS. The contrast is as great as an American man-of war ship is to a flat boat. COL. BENTON remarked : " Who first unfurled the banner of equal rights and planted it on the ramparts of written constitutions. Who but emigrants, and the descendants of emigrants, who have erected in this new land an altar to liberty, with its tops as high as the heavens and its base as broad as a oontinent—emigrants who fled the oppression of the old world, and their noble descendants. Let, then, the lover of liberty, from every clime, come hither and worship at the altar in spirit and in truth, and he will be hailed as the younger brother in a family of emigrants. He comes to assist in reclaiming a wilderness of vast extent. He comes to chant forth his native and his vesper songs where the light of civilization has not penetrated. He comes to kindle the fires of liberty on hill tops and in valleys, as yet but indistinctly known. He comes to con. vert those heathens roaming over those vast plains which stretch to the Pacific ocean—to cast down the idols of superstitious worship, and to rear on their ruins temples to the true and living God. For such purposes and for such objects, I say, for ono, let him come, and may an ever ruling providence protect him on his way, and crown his efforts with sued cess. The panoply of our law is over him, and its aegis protects him from harm." This is the language of a true Democrat— one who stood by Jackson in the days of his war against the aristocracy. He was, (in the language of President Buchanan,) the right arm of General Jackson against the monied power of the country. ',When sneh a man as Col. Benton would speak thus of foreignors. What is their duty, now the great statesman is dead. Why carry to the election his noble and manly sentiments and vote to a man against Williams, who would trade you off were it in his power, and for ever deprive yon of the dearest privilege of a freeman, the right to protect your property by voting for your own public servants. Down with the craven hearted Williams and vote for Bir, vningham the disciple of Benton. Do this and you will prosper. il- THE True Press is maudlin about " Ra road misrepresentation " of its pet Thomas Williams. In what has Thomas been mis represented ? Certainly not in the fact that he has filled his pockets with railroad fees, and rode on railroad free passes. He mis represented himself at the commencement of the campaign. He claimed to be " not as other men are." He was pure and immacu late. The truth comes out, and Thomas finds it difficult to bolster up a bad record with ,a bad conscience. Since the commencement of the campaign, he has pursued a crab lik course, and been compelled to back down to the very edge of defeat, and to-morrow, over he goes MR. BURKE is gaining friends every hour. In vain have the Opposition press and the Opposition candidates sought for a vulnera ble point in his political position or his per% sonal character. He will receive hundreds of Republican votes to-morrow,.amd will be our nest Congressman or we have greatly mista ken the predilections of our fellow citizens of the Twenty-first District. MEN who make a speciality of one idea are almost sure to go mad. On the subject of himself and his own merits, Thomas Williams is a madman, unfit and unsafe to be trusted with your important interests. Even his pro fessional judgment as a lawyer has become so wprped by his constant attention to one idea that be fails in the courts. Quern Deus yult perdere priusquam dernentat. THE. True P.•e& appeals to the Native Ameri cans to vote for Thomas Williams. No trne American, whether native or adopted chi* 'oan or will vote for a man who stigmatizes the children in our common schools as " the scrapings of the gutter." aor the Pittsburgh Poet.J Mr. Editor:—The editors of the Dentocracec Herald having discovered an Jus.ling fraud," their paper comes out this week with a great flourish of capitals and exclamation points, peering up like bristled bayonets. They pronounce Capt. John Birmingham the bogus Democratic candidate for Congress in the Twenty-second District, while they, at the same time, have hoisted the name of Thomas Williams into their editorial columns, for the same import ant station. • Now wo ask most imperiously, what authority hey have to insert Mr. Williams' name in the ist of Democratic nominations and into the Dam- °cretin nominations and into the Democratic State and county ticket When they answer this question in the manner which it ought to be answered, the public will be prepared to judge in what quarter an " kstound- tag fraud" can be found. Again ; what authority have they for pushing Mr. Williams on to the Democratic party whether the party will accept 44,f him or not; thus reduce ing them to the alternative to vote for him or not at all?' Will they answer that the Democratic party gave them the authority! Perhaps they might, if a few wire-pullers about Butler and Allegheny constitute the Democracy of the Twenty-second District ; but if these are the fair representatives in this District, then all we hay- , to say Is, " good Lord deliver us from the influence of such a party." In another column, they say " the Democracy of Butler county, being without a candidate of their own, intend voting as a unite for Thomas Williams." We hope the result of next Tuesday will show that they are as much mistaken as the min was who kissed his cow instead of his wife. And, finally, for time would fail us to notice one-tenth of the lucid paragraphs portraying the dreadful condition of Butler and Allegheny corn. ties, the editor declares that " our houses are on fire! ! car fields are about be laid waste !!! our property pinndered ! I I l " &o , still using exclamation points proOsely, as a kind of round ing to their periods, Now, all snail hombnlation id superlatively ridiculous. We thought men of common sense were incapabto of such consumate folly—that men of sober judgment would not present them' selves to run altogether mad —but oda., we were mistaken. BUTLER COUNTY, OatAter GERM ANS, (JUL. PRESTON has'aceepted the nomination of Minister to Spain. EXUEsSIVE STUPIDITY chs.racteriees the eke tioneering articles of Mr. Williams' organ. 1 cannot yet, although so long in practice, lie plan sibly The following is a sample from several articles in his paper of Friday morning: Let it not be forgotten, that the Dispute) and Chronicle, during this stirring campaign have thrown the whole influence of their respec tive journals against the interests of these corn mnnities, by advocating the payment, both prin cipal and interest, of all the fraudulent bonds which have been issued to the different Railroad Companies. Should the tax payers decide, at the ballot lox, on Tuesday next, that they will never pay them, our word for it, both of these newspapers will take a new tack, and asseverate that they were always opposed to paying, too.— That is what they pall being all things to all i men. We give the whole article. Every constant reader of the Dispatch can answer for Wawa', whether there is a word of truth in the above statement, as regards this paper ; and ;',We are confident that it is also totally false as reiarde the Chronicle. Asa test of their veracity, wo will hand Mr. Williams or his soaps•goat a cheek for fifty dol lars, when they point out a single article, locol or editorial, from the Dispatch, during the present campaign, advocating the payment either of the principal or the interest of any railroad bond, either fraudulent or genuine. If they desire it, our files are at their services, for the purpose of testing this. Now see whether these wholesale libelers and slanderers will attempt to show that they are not wilful liars. We ask our readers to watch this matter. We are tired of being lied about by " dirty dogs." [Onr neighbors of the Chronicle, Post, Gazette and Journal, will much oblige us by copying the above, entire.]—Dispatch. MORE AP eartrAinurs.—We learn from the Philadelphia Daily News that D. C. Taylor, Esq., formerly of the Neptune Insurance Company of that city, has accepted the general agency for the sale of Dr. Coggswoll's celebrated Antiphlo gistio Salt, in the States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia and North Carolina. Dr. C. is fortunate in his selection of an agent, and we predict for his medicine un limited success throughout this agency. The Boston papers eulogize highly the medi cine, and its discover holds an honorable and prominent position in the profession, and his An tiphlogistic Salt is acknowledged to be a wonder ful and valuable discovery.—Transcript. WAsartrarow, October 9.—The President re ceived a telegraphic despatch from John Butter tield, President of the Overland Mail Company, dated St Louis, October 9th, informing him that the great overland mail arrived there to.-day from San Francisco in 28 days and 4 hours. The stages brought through six passengers. The President replied as follows : John But terfield, President of the Overland Mail Com pany—Sir : Your despatch has been received. 1 cordially congratulate you upon the result. It is a glorious triumph for civilization and the Union. Settlements will soon follow the course of the road, and the East and the West will be bound togllther by a chain of living Americans, which can never be broken. JAMES BUCHANAN. From Washington. California Overland Hail Sr. Louis, October 9.—The California over land mail by the Southern route will reach hero to-night, being twenty-four days out. The dates are to the 16th, ton days later than v►a Panama. A Great nedtelne for Featslee. Hundreds of stimulants have been invented and sold, purporting to bo speoitio in the various diseases and derangements to which the delicate form of wo• man render her subject. Tho result of all these stimulants has been to impart momentary activity to the nervous system, and false vigor to the muscles; but this relief has been succeeded by a depression and-prostration greater than before; and the repeat• - ed attempts of invalids to build themselves ttp by these fates remedies, have finally ended in destroying what little vital organization was loft. Bat in using " 13cerhave's Holland Bitters" you will find no such disastrous results. It' is a prirely vegetable com pound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Professor, Boerhave. Under its influence every nerve and mus cle receives new strength and vigor, appetite and sleep return, and, finally, perfect health. See adver tisement in another column. Caution !—Bo careful to ask fa Baritone's Holland Bitters. Bold at $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5, by the solo Proprietors, Benjamin Page, Jr, .t Co., N 0.27 Wood street, between First and Second Eitroets, sad Drurests ocerally. . T' 4 STOCK FIXTURES AND LEASE of a Brag Store in a good CUTHBERT location In the city; for mile by . ft BON, 51, Market street. A. HORSE POWER, FODDER CUTTER, end Corn end Cob Crnehor, will be, sold to close the ot.s . , by (se29) !ABNEY IL COLLINS. NENV ADVERTISEMENTS. L A LIN ESTOCK St CO-, N. CO, c.,ruer of Ustin IL aJd Furth streets, as will la seen by card in today's paper, request 'tho attention of .the public gene rally to their largo and w. 41 assatal stock of Drugs, Paints, Oils, Patent Medicines, lc., all of Which they oiler at prices nuttally kw, and on terms accommo!ating, guar anteelug all they sell to give satisfaction. ocli N .- U N A RNS If AL , IitIOLLSktE AND ALTAI! DEALER GENUINE HAVANA CIGARS, AND BEST VIRGINIA CBEIFfiIiNG TOBACCO, WOOD STREET, UNDER TUB OHAELISs HOTEL, cell PITTSBURGH. PA. ROGER' A.MBROTYPE AND PHOTOGRAPH FiIET PREMIUM L F it , G A ti 70 FIFTH STREET, POST 021 , 1013 lirtureti tiiiien in all the vari,aia any weather, and warranted to i ihistse tit elliulatillk d. ..:rd perd,rii taken at their resi dence °ell YANKEE NoTIoNS FuR NOVEMBER ERNESTINE ; On, TUE HEART'S LONG, ING, by Aloth. COURTSHIP AND .MATRIMONY, Kober Morrie. DIHSMORE'S RAILWAY GUI DE for Ootober. APPLETON'S do do do HARPER'S WEEKLY, LESLIE'S PAPER, BALLOU'S PICTORIAL, NEW YORK LEDGER; NEW YORK WEEKLY. , FLAG OF OUR UNION NEW YORK MERCU Z RY POLIC GAZETTE, BOSTON PILOT, NEW YORK CLIPPER., PORTER'S SPIRIT, FOIL THIS WEEK, Toeethor with the lat,..t EASTERN PAPERS AND PERTODIOALS, for mlo by P. 11. JENKINSCO. ItoArookl Depot, Allegheny City. FIRST PRIZE' GOLD MEDAL PIANOS, ''7711',4 ,1 STEINWAY c S()NS, NEW V OREL, WHO HAVE NEVER FAILED TO RE- OgIVE A 1'111U; MEDAL valerev , r they hive ui hibited their pNiiIvALLED YIAYOi. Ala mg ILe more tweet one! atil itirtropolitaa Fair, 11155 Wasliingt-m D. C.. 9 Guld Me leas... American Inch nte, Crystal Palace, N. Y., 1 55, 1 Geld Modal Marymnd Institute, Baltimore ....... . Modal American Institute, Cry,,tal liin...—Gc,ld Model llentocky State i.tirr, houist!le ...... 1857 11 old Medal Maryland ID4tituto, idaltinv re 16.,7 Geld Medal OTl.€ Tl.a Commltt.« Instruments at the Am.rican Inatauta, Now lorL, ua above, was cmnpoWed COTTBCHALE, WM, MASON, WOLLENISAUPT. Gottschalk and Wir bo•ug the greatest and meat distingni,.hed lan ist4, and %Volley hay pt the moot eteb:ute.d c“roprdwr 101 the Plant) Ycrte in the United la a Et Ignificapt fact that WM. MASON, of Iloatoo, iton of the celeb•ated Lowell Itias.m. of BostOn, Author of tho .trtulna Sacra, and many other valuable church mask hooka, uses awl recommends exclmdvely the hTRIN WAY PIANOS as the VINItY ER MANUFACTURED IN THIS COUNTRY. We invite the ~ttention of porchase:s to our full at 04.11: of FULL GRAND PIANOS, Three-String:al Square Grand Plenum, A new impiovermait, which combines the Advantages of the grand an d the hod / ntol PIPIIOo, haviug the felluet of tone uf the former a 1, ths beauty and elegance et . the latter. Alan, the t•VPiRSTEINti r.Q.IJA RE OR .I,IOB.IZ , )NTAL , PI AN , I esc.rr style and prier, from $250 to $l,OOO. B i t ,- No one ran htv an ides of the pert-utnni to svlitcli the Plano Forte has bteu Lrisight, until Le has aeon iteile uni uallcdmato met Id. For tale b 11. liLEBER & NO. 63 Flb'T.l `STREET, Pole Agent for e.tviii way's Nhl.lol for l'ittabai4h and IVeel• ern Penusyl Van N. 15.--They will bo cold et Net. York Facing) prkia td warranted for tine yearA. I 10l CituCliET B. L. FAIINESTOCK & CO_ . CO co , Her of Wo,:i and ,Voti , Ni frets, FOREIGN AN ID DOMESTIC Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, OLASSVII tutu ON' ALL DiaISURIPTIONS, And Everytldn y Allen tuning to N« Drug Business THOSE IN WANT OF PURE AND genuine articles will do well to give us a call. Wo guarantee to sell as low as can Lo bought ill tide or other markets, and warrant everything t: isitction. We are the sole prof rfolors aud only manufacturers ot B. L. FAHNE3TOCK'S VEIOIIFUUE, Tonic, Cathartic, and Anti-Dyspeptic The beat cure for worms, either to obildren or adults, ever offered hi the public, is undoubtedly the 'Vermifuge, pre pared by ft L. Fahneatoz.k. Thirty years caperience In this class of medicine has given a lure guarantee that this fa en article every way worthy of confidence. As a cure fir worms it claims to be unequalled, and as a merchantable article it is prepared and Bold as D. L. Fahnestock's and no other, as the proprietors do not wish to have it con f:unded with any other article of Vermifnge a m in the market. WILSON'S PILLS have had a mere local existence for over twenty years, unsupported by a lvertising of any kind, au I held at drublo the price cf w hat they are now sold st, yet with all these dtsatlvantages, wherever used they have in no instance failed to render the utmost satisfaction in performing all the mquirements of a oaf/table/amity medi cine, and as such are recommended by some of the most worthy and responsible citizens of tho land. Hear for in stance what Col. Wm. Hopkins, of Washington, Pa., says: WAKIINGTON, January 8, 1818. Dr. R. A. Wilton, FiUsburgh. la.—l have been using your Anti-Dyspeptic Pills, When occasion required, for many years, and can truthfully say that I have never found any medicine equal to themthe In relieving e m r Li e le from affec ions of the stomach and head ; y have nevd to relieve me from headache, and have always left my system in better condition than they found it. I must confidently commend your pills as a safe and highly valuable medicine. .Yours re pectfully. Wei HOPI!: INS. Will am Eichbaum, Esq , City Treasurer, t aye : PITISDOEIGH, febrnary 8,1865.. hlesse.s. - 11. L. Ps EiNSSTOCFS. & Gentlemen:—ln ray opinion of the merits of Ur. R A Wilson's Tonic, Cathartic and Anti• Dyspeptic Pills, I will briefly state that for many years past they have been a standing 'medicine In my farui•y. A box of these pills is always left within the reach of any one who may [eel the necessity of taking a dome, ttey one to three. Whether it is owing to the efficacy of these Mita oc u.•t,, I do not pretend to say; but I can lafely (smelt that since we have used them, my family hal enjoyed uninterrupted good health, and I cheerfully recommend them to all who duly appreciate this inestimable blessing. Itespectfully yours, WILLIAM LTIMIHAIIM. RY - EC - ON OMICAL PURCHASER OF Dry Goods of every description will find it greatly to their advantage to call and ur amine our stack baforn purchasing elsewhere. I)IURE CATAWBA WINE.—I have this day received a largo supply of Pore Catawba. Wine; also a supply of Pure Ostswba Brandy. Those wishing either of the above can always procure a genuine article at J 38. PLENIINGT, ...Corner Diamond and Market street. rtARRA.NT'SEFFERVESCEINT SELT i. medicine prepared on an entire new princi ple, from -a late and accurate analyois of the celebratixi Seltzer Springs, in Germar.y, with such additions and itu provemeuts as will be found materially to Increase Its efficacy. This much esteemed and highly valuable prepare. Lien will not fall to effectually remove Dyspepsia or Indi gestion, Billions, Affection, Headache, Beartburn, Acidity of the Stomach, Costiveness, Goat, Ilbeumetistn. Loss of Appetite, Gravel, Nervous Debility, Nausea or Vomiting, Affections of the Laver, Ac., Ac., ale. A large supply of this excellent medicine just received by JOSEPH MIMING, ocll corner Diamond and Market street. CITRATE MAGNESIA. — A fresh supply of this valuable medicine in solution end in the dry state, constantly on hand at JOSEPH PLXMINIPS, -ner Diamond and Market street. MADE 111 STEINWAY PHANOS, CONUISTIN6 O P WIIOI,6 4 SALE !' 1 bit 11 ti I! , ENN'A MEE= PA T T MEDICINES, DR. R. A. WILSON'S' PILES. C°22E11";4:613°. bA6.ll,sitLf'4rFssraloeoßbyCo., ez. ocu _ Corner oC Wood and First strEete. VIAY RUM -200 gallons for Bale by B. A- BATINUToCK I CO , Corner Wood and First streets. A MERICAN bblB. for Eat - B A.FAIINESTOCK A CO., ' CI- 1Y .Corner• {scud (muand First etreetg, FLOUR. -- 60 bble. (Sluice Superfine ; 40 64 4 . Family Floor - Just received and for We by JA S.A. FOTZEII, °on Corner kot and Fire' area NEW A 1 ' - it ." t . DEMOCRATIC MEETINOS.—There Will be a meeting of the Domrcracy to-n;glit, in the bor• °ugh of Manchester, at John Wagner'e houae, nod one at Pec•.'e bowie, la the Fourth Ward, Allegheny. Good Bomar ere will be In-attendance at both meetings. Del3loCraCy turn out, and hear the last epeechee of the ("U l'G=c FIFTH WARD, villa PRECINOT.—The folloW• ing ',Orions have -been appointed to act as Vigilance Committee for the Hirst Precinct of tho f itth Ward : Dr. Ahi, D rd'Guiro, Jas. Tucker, 11. Thompson, NA ni. D. Hamilton, B. Bishop Samuel Cameron, Jea. Williams, Jae. Lanahan, John Miller, J. Seaman, John Roll), .1. M'Clitcheon, Jno. Kearns, C. Fink, Dr. Cornman, H. P. Yo^st, E. Herd, H. Pe'cel, K. Van Buren, J. B. M'Dermott, J. Keller, A. Welsh, F. Wilharm, J. Heck, D. Lanahan, J. Creigan, 11. Kinsley, Wm. Littton, A. Hunter. --- OD F*FTH WARD, SECOND PRECINCT.—The fol lowing persons have been appointed as a l'iglance Committee for the S'ecosid Precinct of the Fifth Ward : Jno. Heldman, H. kl i Gee, ' D. Strain, 3. Shriver, J. Frew, U. Horning, J. A. Parkinson, B. Buorkle, Wm. Wiliam, Rq., 1., r. DULICaI, Neal O'Porinell, D. Elerwig. J. kfCarty, J. M'Cormick, John Lundy, Jas. Lang; Y. Dun, J. G. Weldon, J. Murphy, M. Rah°, J. F. Sabita, ~p J. M. Taylor, Chas. Felix, H Basha, P. 0 elsheimer, 11. Shoenfelder. BUTTER. -150 lbe. Rt,ll Butter just re ceived and for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, mill Corner Market and First street. VLAX.-700 lbs. Flax for sale by JAS A. FETZER, Corn , r Wood and First street. CARRIAGES. Having on hand at my e tabliahmen t, In Allegheny tlity, at the present time, the largest and most varied stock of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, ETC., Of any shc p probably in the West, I have been induced to store a portion in the large warehouse throe doors below the Monongahela louse, Water street, Pittsburgh, where citittens or strangers, desiring a good vehicle of almost any workscri ia ption, can o accommodated n good terms. The all of my own manufactu re, got up In the moat ar tistic style, of the best materials 'selected in the Rastern market with great care; two horse Carriages, single and double seats; Rsckaways, Physiciana' Rockaway, Prince Albert Buggies, Phaeton% Jenny Lind'JJH eta. N BOOTH. oc9*.rn air Call and examine them pOOTS AND SHOES..—Now, frs tge co weather has set ln, you should not MI to ell at the ".Pe(ide's Cheap Shoe Store," Fifth street, near Market, and get your winter supply. Gents' Boots and Shoes, Boys' Soots and Shoes, Ladies' Bootees, Low Shoes and Gaiters; Misses' and Childrens' wear; all kinds of Shoes selling cheap. eon DIFFBNBAOI.IIOI A CO. _ D RUGS.- Cream Tartar, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral; Whale Oil, Allurn, iloolland's German Bitters, Won's Bathairon, Little's White Oil Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup. For solo by B. L. F ARNNSTOCK & CO., oc9 No. SO, corner of Wood and Fourth streets GU N SI GUNS!' UUNSI The best assortment of GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS And Sportin CARaratus in the city, is at TWRIGEIT & YOUNG'S, No. SG Wood street. /Air Stub and Tw;et Guns as low aq $lO. oc9 LIVER COATINGS, BUSINFSB COA.TINCS, Fancy Vestinga, Bid° t andCaealmerea, Drees Coalinga, Furnishing Goode, In addition to our sploudid dlaplay of Ready bitade Cloth ing, we hace a ruo t brill( int at,ortnient of piece goods for tientleruena' and Boys' wear, which will be made up at the shortest notice, anp after the latest etylea, at low prices. BOTI3IO lIALIy ocg Corner Wood street and Diamond alley, TRIES' 111011 BOOTS, CLOTH.-A 8U parlor articlo t; 4 . cold ccehther. DiFFE SBACHERSc CO , NEW GOODS. 1855. NEW GOODS. AT ,1. BUSH'S, 6 ' Nu 65 .Ifarka St., Se and Dunr from Corner of fiburth. THE UNDEP.SIONED WILL OPEN ON Septemb•r 13th, We well selected Muck of the latest styles In Dross and Cloak Trimmings, Bonnet Ribbons, Flowers and Rushes, a i.ouiplete issortment of Embroideries, Cul.ars, 81ee:es, Paris Edgings, Children's Robe's, Waists and Caps, Shet'and Shawls sod Woolen Cloaks fur Children, Hosiery, Moves, t 3 inntleta, Alexander Tativeu's Rid Oloves, French Corsets, Shapes, Expansion Skirts, and Bassets. (new styles) Shetluni Wool, Sephin Wootsted, Perpen Paper, Patterns, Embroidered Slippers; Putt rim for Embroideries drawn, and Embroideries worked at short notice. Fancy lioad.Dressen made to order. I thank the Ladies fur their kind patronage, dud hop , they will give me their eastern for the future, as I will al ways du my twat to sell them the goods cheap. Ladies, cal end examine the novelties at J. BUSH'S, 5315;3m 61 Market st., 2d door from Fourth. A TLANTIC: MONTHLY, RANK LESLIE'S MAGAZINE, For rale by °di (111.11,DRENS' MERINO SHIRTS AN DRAWERS, In all sizes, at low prices, at . : IFORNE'S. 77 Mark- t street GAUNTLETS, GLOVES AND STOCK ING3.—A complete assortment rvceived at .c: RORNES, 77 Market street. 'UNDER SHIRTS AND DRAWERS fo men, and a full line of furnistdeg articles, ju3 Lpened at BORNE'S, • •• 77 Afirket street. BONN ET RIBBON S.—A full assortment from Auction for sale at low price!' by EATON, CREE dr. CO., , 8 Corner Fifth and Market etreets. TN ADDITION to our already large stock, wu are almnat daily rpcoiviug novo tiesin Dress. Goods Eihewle, Cloaks, &c. 0 HANdON ket LO stVE, 74 Marreet. CHEESE.-300 W. R. Cutting Cheese jus V received and for sale by 0 c ,4 lIP3NRY IL COLLINS. 01110 FIRE PROOF MINERAL PAINT 6 tons of different colors on band and for sale at 28 and 28 St. Clair street, se= J. & H. PHILLIPS. TIMOTHY SEED—Just reo'd and for sal by (ocs) HENRY H. COLLINS. IJURE PORT WINE, for medicinal .pur poses, by the bottle or gallon, at EIAWORTH A BROWNLEE'S, eb I o the Diamond. OH 10 TANNERY FOR SALE—Situate in a thriving town in Morgan county, Ohio, 4 town lots, good bub3tanial buildings, work shop, dwelling noose, etc., bark and mill house 40 feet square, with stone base ment; shop 22 by 52 foss, 34 vett, a variety of Snit trees, grapes, etc. The above tannery, with bark, shop, tools etc., will be sold at a grew: bargain, as the owner intends going West. For further particulars, apply at 51 Market street. eel S. OUT HBER l' '4 SON, heal Estate Agents. BBONS, RIBBONS—A choice assort ment of Bonnet Ribbons, at extremely low prices. Milliners and country buyers are Invited to call. EATON, MEE lc CO., Corner Fifth and Market streets. LOUR.-100 -- UR 100 barrels Superfine, Extra an F Extra Family Flonr, just received and for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, Corner Market and First streets NOTIC.E.—The Co-Partnership of BA.CIA LEY, 0080101 XE A 00. expirud by limitation, o the.,lirst instant. The business will be a utinued by W BAG ALEY, at 18 and 20 Wood street, who will settle up th business of the late firm. GALEY, JOHNSOOBOItAYE. Pittsburgh, July 22d,1808.—Jy2btf • • CAP OIL CLOTH.—On muslin, imitation of silk, and silk. A few pieces on hand, for sale low at 28 and 28 Olalr A:reat, sal J. k H. PHILLIPS. COOPERS WANTED-2 good Coop3rs wanted to work on tight work. Inquire of JAMES A. FETZER, darner Market and Ironrih litri.ota. BARLEY. -120 bus. Spring Barley, to ar rive this day, and for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, .‘"0 Owner Market and First streets. LINSEED OIL-6 bbls. for sale by an'A HRNRY H. COLLINS. C. HANSON LOVN, 74 Market street HARTER'S MAGAZINE, BALLOWS MAC; AZINE, For October. LUKE LOOMIS, Post Bulidinge, 41 Fifth etroeL 10 bbl 4. Lake Superior White Fish ; 20 half bbls. Lake Herring ; 10 " " Fur sale cheap, to ctcee cons ign AMES A. by ment, J FETZER, .. ,41 • Coruof Market and First &treats, WE %511. LL SELL from the present time un commonly oheap FOII.OABII. Flew.° call and exam 'no oar stock. 0. HANSON LOU, oct2o Formerly Love Ural, N 0.74 Market rt. JAVA COFFEE.—Just received a lot of strictly pnro Old Government Java Coffee. Also, La. glum and Ein Coffee, at JAYNES' TEA Errop,E, .6 as Fifth street. SOAP POWDER.-50 boxes 'Soap Powder of our owu manufacture, warranted superior to shy offered fur sale tu thle market, on hand and for sale by falB 80. & ff. BAVirl'Ell. 25 BB LS. superfine Flour just received and for &de by JAB. A. FET7JOII, Corner. Market and First in& ANOT LtER supply of Low ez Son's el:Tories Louden Tenet Bova received to-day, by Jos. SIM:I' 110, rein Corner Diamond and Market street: ELIAMI PYING BOOKS—For 8010 by tel 9 J. B. WELD.W. lALCHANCE FOR ALL—Go to NO. 17 Fifth 'treat, and buy your shoes .frotaXlargo and well selected stock. - o' , Ladies' Wear. CRAW° Wear. French Morocco Roots, French Calf Bode, Rip Congrees Boots, liip,Reots, • ' 'Mar. " 0 ' Cpjf Gaiters, LEV tang Gaiters, Zip Brog , e : lts, Buskins And Slippers. 'Heavy Remember, at the People's Bhoe Store. ae2,5 DIFFENHAOHEII & CO, C100F1111,5 WANTED.—Two or three mote rV good Coopera wanted to work on JAI tight woalla rk. Itrointre A. YEt c orner market mud zest Meets, '.'..:•.,11 . ;:tt:..5.•.z . v , ' ,- : ::.,:.:fg.p:q,:,:;.5,,,,..,:,,,,.,;.4„ I NEW A Li - \ OUSE fgaud lVizi:LN wi th ri' E ci p n the de A m'o -D m iWetiLcSamen°'n, douse o wanted in Allegheny City. -Apply at the dace of the eittr,' burgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad.. E4e23:tf -- [Oa THIRD WARD, FIRST PRECINCT.—The ing persons have been appointed to act as a Vigilance Committee, for the First Precinct of the Third ward Robert G. Brinker, W. B. McConlogne, William J. Montgomery, John McKeown, C. Flatowski, Martin Lytle, John Flood, John Vogel, James O'Connor, James Hagerty, Henry Colwell, Michael Mcßride, Ed. An.rents, Ed. Campbell, A. hicTighe, Thomas B. Hamilton, John H. Bailey, Jacob McCollister, Maurice Brennan, Xavier Walz, Fills. Laverty, Daniel Hagerty John Coyle, John Cairns, Henry Holwisch, Eli Young. The above Committee are requested to be at the Polls, at an early hoar, and remain there during theday. oc9 op THIRD WARD, SECOND PRECINCT.—The fol. lowing persons have been appointed to act a 3 a Vigi. lance Committee, for the Second Precinct of the Third ward: Obalea W. Lewis, . . Will Black. A. T. Hoyden, William Murray, James Gildee2 Peter Dean, John Lawler; William Baird, William Tani, ' Hent7 Sproul, Patrick Murphy, Dr. A: M. Pollock, g„,11,. Vinton, _ . ' - , Robert Duncan, M. O. Milligan, . Dr. L. - Oldshue, Thonut- J. Fagan, Bernd. Lafferty, Rd. McGarr, • John Coffey, John 0. Dunn,J-. H. Philips, ' John Magee, - . Thalami Pander, John Baird, . James P. Barr,' John Fender, JolimMenerty, Joha Mullen, John Layton, J. R. Bingeler, F. A:Bchochleiter, Peter Brady, James Herdman, Th. Umbstaetter, John Kelley, John (Minn, Robert Lore) William Mcßride, - Ed. McAfee,. Thomas Coyle, Henry Long, H. S. Kennedy, - -li'lennis Shannon, Pearce Brennan, John Burke, James Lindsay, P: licOasker, James O'Donnell, - Frank Gormley, Ed. Kelley, John O'Brien, ~ H. Abel, .• - . Thomal Magee, John Dillon,. — - .6Andrew Hayden, . - P.; Andrew above Committee are reqested to t o at the Polls at an early hour, and remain there daring the day. oc9 J. SANVNY PaILLIrs.. JOHN PRIMPS JOB. R. MIS [Firm of J. & S. Phillips.] DAVIS & PHILLIPS, (Successors to Phillip' & Co.) BRASS FOUNDERS AND FINISHERS, PLUMI3IIRS, GAS AND STEAM. FITTERS. BEAMS IN CHANDELIERS, PENDENTS AND BRACKETS STORE, NO. 07 WOOD STREET, FOUNDRY AND SHOP, .NO 148 FIRST ST, PITTSBURGH, PA. New York Fuir CompaikrAgency. BUFFALO ROBES. WE HAVE ACCEPTED THE AGENCY of the New Ark Fur Company, and have on hand a complete assortment of Buffalo and Fancy Robes, which we will retail at low prices, and sell to the trade by the bale at New York rates. R. H. HARTLEY & Wood street, Pittsburgh, octlelwdaitw Saddle, Harness and Trunk Makers. FIRST PREMIUM AWARDED B Y STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, To GRA.FF CO., Manufacture irS. For the beet Cookiog Range for families ; " " Cooking Stove for coal : it it ' for wood:- Diploma far beat Lanlidrey. Also, on hand a large assort ment of Heating Stovca Plain and 'Fancy (hate Fronts Fenders, Sad and Dog Irons, Sugar Kettles, Tea Kettles Wagon Dozes, Hollow Ware, etc. GULP? tr, CO., oc7:lydawz- , No. 124 Wood Arcot. G I G,A R S , AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 40. 48 West Lombard Si., Baltimore, Md. We invite the attention of the trade to oar largo and well assorted stock of Gorman and Domestic Cigars. Our facili ties for importing as well as the variety of our av sortment, are unsurpasse by any houso in the States, while large con tras a made by one of the firm during the dull times in Ger many, enable no to hold out extra inducements to our friends at twat. so'2B:ly _ - 11 c. 17 Fifth strati JACOB 'McCOVLIST ER DEALER IN FINE CIGARS & TOBACCO The stock of Chewing. Tobacco and the variety and quail y of Cigars at this old established stand will ba found aqua ❑quality to any to be had iu the city, tin2B LI AMLIEt, GRAY, DRAPER AND TAILOR, NO. 62 ST. CLAIR STREET, EITTSBUILGH, Pd Invites public attention to his new and beautiful assort• moot of Fall goods, consisting of Cloths, Clusimeres, Vest, lags and Coatiogs of every variety and style, made up with promptness and despatch, and at rates as low as at any similar establishment in the city. oc7timd For Octolwr For October ACADEMY OF PAINTING AND pu'llic are int - en:nod that a Batumi for the above branches will be °penal on and after the 4.th of Oc• tobor, at No. 21, Fifth atreet, for those who may 13.3 de- Attalla of obtaining a practical course of instruction. There will also be taught the nse of tha French Crayon, tinting with India Ink and Sepia; also a new style of painting in . Oil and Wat:r colors, by which the pupil to enabled to anc-: coal minis rapidly than by other methods. The merits of Ibis style of minting and drawing have been long and enc. cosssfully tooted to my classes. ' Raving in my posaeselon a taro and finely eeleated collection of origins's for every branch, I invite ladies, and those who may have in view a course of lessons to call at my efildio, No. 21 Fifth street. cc2:2w , T. N. OLOOGRit. For October HANDS WANTED.—A Oap 'Maker, and Girls that understand Cap Making and Bowing Fars, wanted. Apply at 00 Wood strest, where work can be fit; taincd, at good prices. A. DONNELITE, oc7:4t 96 Wood street. 8250 ti WILL buy a good dwelling house of eight roams, well of good water, 300 young fruit trees, of best selections, seine prime meadow land, 15 acres of laud, all in good order, and situate at one mile fr.= M'Keesport, and one-quarter mile from Crooked Run Railroad Station. Terms; One tnird in hand, remainder at one and two years. 8. CUTHBERT & SON, Si. Market street. TIIREE STORY WAREROCSE 0 Smithfield street, for rent. ply to B. OIITIISERT ;it 80N, 61 Market street NEW HERRING.— 200 boxes Mara Scaled; 800 " . No. I—for sale by mama aANDERSO str N, • Nix 89 Weed eet, oc7 Opposite the St. Charles Rote SARDINES.- 600 whole cane "Cori & Merlin ; 600 half " " 000 third " OLIVE OIL.-1 10 bastets quarts pare; 20 boxes pint 4 Just received and for sale by REindER & ANDERSON, No. SO Wood street, oc7 • Opposite the St Charles 110 L T "F r '4 •i (~~ s '. ' 4 £'~. A. & F.• MA•RBURG linpoi tors and fdanufacttuvu of No. '25 Filth Street, .4 " For sate by REYMER & ANDERSON, No. 89 Wood street, Opposite the St. Charles Hotel CCOOKING}PRUNES.-5 casks " Turkish; Just received and for sale by RHEIMS. dr ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street. COCOA NIITS.-5000 Fresh " Baracoa;' Just received and for sale by REY&IER Oz'ANDEITSON, : ocB No. 39 Wood street, opposite St. Chories Hotel. VENT ARRIVAL OF THIS YEAR'S OROP.-60 boxes IS. R. Raisins. • 100 quarter boxes IL R. Raisins. Just received this day by • REVISER. & ANDERSON, oc7 N 0.39 Wood street, opposite St. Olearlea Dotal. CU RR &NTS.-1O casks Zante just receive N..) this day by ItEYILEB. k kIiDEIIBON, oc7 N 0.39 Wood stmt. JOHN T. 4,00 AN LO G A N. ..& Oa , IMPOILTIDA AND DILLE:BA IN Forekgo. Domestic_iflardware, 52 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. A full and complete assortment of all descriptions of Hardware, both at Wholesale and Retail, can be had at prices satisfactory to the purchaser at the above establishment ; Mole of every description, in large varieties; Merchants, Mechanics, and Farmers are all invited to call. [se2B:2m A. H. C. BROCICRN, No. 22 Cliff Street, New York, MANUFACTURER OF GLASS SYRINGES, ROAICEOPATELIO VIALS, GRADUATED MEASURES, NURSING BOTTLES, ETC. Glue Ware for Chemists, Druggists, Perfumers, Photo graphers, eto. Green Glom Ware by the package. A liber al discount made to the trade. Orders from.Ounntry Drag gists and Dealers solicited. Price Lists , sant on applica tion. _ vaelro GENTLEMEN'S BATS FOR AUTUMN, NOW READY. In preparing the Hats of the present ham ' none but the most tiniehed workmen have boen employed, and Glot de hing but the best end choicest materials used. Every enavor has been made to combine Elegance of Perm, with Fituesa, and Beauty of Design with utility. The underalped, there fore, confidently submits theme elegant Autam n Hata to the inspection of gentlemen, and hopefully awaits their liberal patronage. W. B. WABBILEITON, Fashionable Hatter, No. 430 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. - - se2l•lmr AA. EATHER, RIDES AND OIL.--The sub scriber wonid solicit the Munition of merchants and the city, to tie present extensive stock of strangers visiting Tanners' and faarrlera" Tools; Teri- . Leather, Shoe Findings, on, tc., &c, which he offers to the trade at the, lowest market prices. Be solicits uu eXatsdiaditai of his s t oo k, 21rLfberty Street. . se27 ' Pittsburgh, Pa. p ATENT GIIN CANE.--. - The neatest weapon to nee, easily loaded, always ready for immediate service, and in appearance clearly resembling a line gala perdu: cane.. They weigh but twenty ounces, about the weight of a good hickory eano, and are not liable to got out of order. gir ebntlemert are invited to examine them at • , 340ligN tt TETLBY/3, _ oc9 N 0.134 Wood street. =~'=': `~ ~.4-t. 1 OFLIL4kVVAL.I__. SAFETY I N SURAN 601kIPA2‘ . INCORPORATED BY THE LEOULATUP.E OP J SYLVANIA, 1835. OFFICE, .1. r- CORNER TELIAD AND WALLki PH I LADELIYHIA. MARINE INSURANCE. ON VESSELS.) F CATIGO, To all parts of the world. FRRIOHT, INLAND LNKORANOEs On Goods, by River, Canals, Lahes, and Laud carriages all parts of the Union. SIRE INSUitANORS On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Hawes, Itc. ASSETS OF TEE COMPANY. November ill, 18f1. Bonds, Mortgages , and Beal , Xstate . .0101,350 s• Philadelphia City, and other Leans 137,011 ii Stock in Banks, llailroadsmidDisnrancel. 12,5 00 , Companies - - t Bills Receivable 4 5120,291 WA Caali on hand 38.951 641 Balance in hands of Agents, trap:aims on Marine Policies recentVistmed,ou 92,130 6 other debts due tho Company.... ..... Subscription Notes 100000 06 , i DIBBOTOII3. - \i James 0. Hand, - I Theophibas Paulding, 1 James Traqueix, William Eyre, Jr., J. E. P eniston, - ) Joshua P. Eyro, Ir Samuel li. Stokes, I- Henry Sloan, :. . James B. bloParlanti,, Thomas 0. band, Robert Burton, Jr., John B. Seraph 3, Pittnairei D. T. 151( _gait, ,' J. T. Logan, 4, ^ Whi. hiAETI.N, PresNo lii, i i dent. itary._ William Martin, Joseph H. Beal, Edmund A. Bonder, John 0. Davie, John R. Penrose, George G. Leiper, Edward Darlington, Dr. R. M. Hinton William 0. Ludwig, Hugh Craig, Spencer ILlcillvaln, Charles Kelley, ft. Jone 3 Brooks, Jacob P. Jone; TEIOB. 0. ULED, Vice Preal WARY LT1.813142, Boors` THE GRE4T WESTE,RN biro and Mirth. Inssurance Co„ OF PHIIaPELPHIA. Office in Company's littilding, No. 408 Walnut, Corner of I Fourth Sired. AuTlicarzym OAPITAL. qq $ 600,000 Capital paid in 4 52`12,800 00' Supine, Jaunty let, 1858_ , 66,277 06 FIRE 1138111111 NOE—Limited or Perpetual. MAW:NE INBIIRANCEion Vessels, Cargo and Freights. INLAND INSURANCEII by P4vers, Climate; Lakes and Land Carriage. DU/ROTORS: Charles 0. Lathrop, 1428 Walnut street. William Darling,l6lo Pine street. Alexander Whillden, Merchant, IS North Front. Isaac Harlehurst, Attorhey 'and Counsellor. John 0. Hunter, firm of Wright, Hunter g Co. D. Tracy, firm of Tracy, & Co., Goldsmith's Hall. John R. McCurdy, firm of Jones, White & McCurdy Thomas L. Gillespie, firni of Gillespie A Zeller. James B. Smith, firm of James B. Smith Ac Co. Hon. Henry hl. 227 South Third street. John 0. Vogdes, office Corner of Seventh and Sansom. James Weight, late Cobbler Bank of 'flogs. Alfred Talor office Otiiim..,City Property. Jona J. Slocum, office 228 Booth Third street. 0. O. LATHROP, President. W. DARLING, Vice President LSWIS 4 : 1 / L2(1°vi ` Y, t.Branch Office, 8 Wallet., N. L. Second Vice Pres%) JAMES WRIGHT, Secretary and Treasurer. H. K. RICHARDSON, Assistant Secretary. It. W. POINDEXTER, Agent. j 07 Water street, Pittsburgh MONONGAHELA INSURANtE COMPANY. OF PITTSBURGH. diLhISS A. ERITOHIPCN, President, 'IIIINILY M. ATWOOD, Secretary. OFFION-4No. 98 iffa.ter Strasti WILL INSURE ADAINST ALL KINDS JJt MIIIB PSAILINEI 8.13/12 ASSETS—MAY 20214 1868. Stock, Bine Bills, payable on demand, secured by two approved nruneza $140,000 00 Premium Notes • 47,003 29 Bills Receivable ' 9,060 21 116 shares Mechatdcs' Bank stock, cost 0,105 00 60 do Bank or Pittsburgh do do* 2,150 00 40 do Exchange Bank do do 2,050 00 190 do Citizens' Bank - do do -••• • 6,175 00 Balance of Book Accounts 8,050 80 Office Furniture..! 690.88 Cash 15,858 78 t h DritICIOUS: Janes A. Unto icon. 0 eorge A. Derry, Win. D. Rol mgis, Hobart Dazell, William Rea, / Thomas B. Chu he, Wilson hlllieri John M'Dovitt, my= g Win. A. Caldwell. Pennsylvania Insurance Company OFµ-PITTSBURGH. ....No. 63 /Polar ft,h 31,1r4161. I 3 " 1 . 040312 1 i JacotiPilinter, J. P. Taber, Goo. V. - Bniith, [Cody Pattortion, i O. A. Colton. A. J. Jones, W. B. Roßride Jas. H. Hapttine, u litunpfun. L Grier A. A. Oarrfur, Bob o trick, A. 0. SAmpsou, 4 J. H. Jorit,a, Julia Henry Sproul, Vooglitly, Chartered capital 9300,000 JIBE AND AIMING RISKS "i!AiiiilN, of all dxecrtptiona 0 711 /I aS: Preitbiont-r.-A. A. OABRIBB. '' Vico Proidont—BODY PAPEr:IO.3OI.I. - Secretary and Trenaurer-_-1. U IV, B. CITIZENS' INSURA TTSII lI NCE RGH. COMPANY OF PI WILLIAM DAGALEY, President. SAMUEL L. MAUI:CELL, Secretary. OFFICE: 04 Water street, between 21.4rIcet and Wuxi :greets zip Inanrea BULL AND CARA° RUED, on the Ohio Ind MissisaipplAtivere and tribntarice. Inenree against Loss or Damage by FIRE. Alm, spinet the Perils of the San and Inland Navigation end Tranaportntion. Wiri Hawk Samuel Rea, James M. Cooper, James Park, Jr., laaao M. Pennock, Springer Harbaugh, Capt. Samuel 0. Young, John Caldwell. PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE CO MPANY, it, 14.9 Chesnut. Street, • OppDsite the OtilitOM Honed. WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF ,INSII BAI4OII, either Perpetual or Limited, on every description of Property or Merchandise 4 at reasonable rates of premium. ' 1 BOBRItT P. ICING, President. . M. W. BALDWIN, Vice President. L DIRIOIOIIB. Charlee llayen, B. B. Cope, E. B. English, George W. Brown, . P. B. Savory, , Joseph H. Paul, C. Sherman, John Clayton, B. J. liagurgee, Id. WilOr. Y. litalatuustut, Secretary. J. C. COP IN, Agent, • S 1 . Corner Third and Wood streets. • A. A. cARitiER a BRO., PITTSBUJIGII GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. Capttal Represented, 133,000,tw0. GOMPANIE I I , OB HIGH= STANDING, Ottaisfted by Pennsylvania and other Stator. 111114, INP., AND MPH -RIMS TAKEN, OP ALL DitSCIIIPTIONa. Nei 63 YOUILTII STIVEZT, L. L. cartini4l • PTITEIBORGH Pa. . 8. CAZETZII fdetlO-lyl T HE :OLDEST AND LARGEST LITHOGHAPIIIO EHTAMLIBHMENT IN THE CITY. 11*. SCHUCHMAN, PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHER, Corner Third and Market Streets, DIJV6'2 COLLEGE 131.1ILDINUP., TERRA COTTA OR STONE WATER PIPES# From two to six inch calibre. PERMS from 12 to 30 Cents per Foot. ALSO—ROCHESTER PEARL STARCH For SoloWhol•solo at IGanulatAlarors Earle/so by WlENialir U. COLLINS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AM) VI/AMAMI DLit= of Guardisita, BUTTER, BF.N.DE, FISH, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY. „ tio,l 20 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH. 0014 YfrmEs ISIANIIVAOTWiIIft 01/ - 7 ALCOfsOI49 Cologne . Spirits and Fusel Oil, Nce, 167 and 170 Second Street, spl6:ly4;ip IDREDIIII3I HOLLAND GIN 'BITTERS, IMPORTBD BY P. FELIX b SON, 466 PENN ST., P}ITSBURPH,PA.--We respectfully call the attention of the Putilo to the above debrated Bittern, for -which the Medical of Holland has commissioned us to act = Bole Agep for the Untied States and Canada& . This article le prepared by some of the most scientific men Of Holland, and is the moat preferable Bitters now in use. Wherever the Holland Gin Bittern has been introduced, in; sale has brt unprecedented. Personstrishiug to try the article, can have a sample, with circolor, sent gratin by mail, by addressing V. PELTS R lON. Pirtsbunrit. Pa. 'VIE SUBSCRIBER WISHES TO FORM a Cio;Partnerehitt, with some gcxxl business Snap to mild° in or about ,Pitteleargh, with a cash capital, say, of VO® or ore, for the 'parohaso and gala of land in the North-western counties of this Stow. __With Use adiantagee In this .buidnele, which thy tfabiCrther now 000i501edffextoWitopoirrilichurraniceal t. artn Eig er, , bo s o o aldl . ii ildu tti to etr brin ee : a profit_ —J. L. MUM. Reg113134"81,14 WankUzle Pa, oallstie d • - , • - 7,a ;...4 LI 702.7811 21 2. A. MADIIIP.A, Agent, 96 Water 'street. Pittabwigh $237,710 66 brae.okous. Capt. Mark Sterling, B.anniel M. Kier, John 8. Dilworth, Prancts Bolters, William B. Hays. John Shiptoxi, • Walter Bryant, • Ja2 PITTRBURGH, PELVIV'd jJ. ! :'h`y~'~~r~:'' h, -_ . - _ . ..~.~.~,. s;,~,