BUSINESS CA. 106. SAMUEL O. .WiNOARri, A Trßolucv.: az. 2.,.t Ormica, N o . 71. 0 3.,c,r.z , etrac - 4 tztVezn ru - trib at: Tat nd Diamond all -- J. ANT F,S A. LOWRIE:, Attorney at 14 , 174 office fourth street. Pittsburgh, between Sualthtidd and alleydoellti) Cherry al RILL, Surgeon Dentist, eueceEaor to G. lA..W. Biddla,. No. 144 Bmithf old Woof. oar=co boors from Bto 1 o'clock, and from !.; 5 o'clock. feblErly_ : SCOTT, Dentist, Fonrtli streaL, . west of Marks:. Jar Office hours from 9 &clues la 6 2. L. deo=-y_ LOSEPII FLEMING, fiueeessor ey oox .k Co., corner of Market street and the Dimnond, keepe constantly on hand a full assortment of DRUGS, ILED IODIES, ICEDIOLNE CILESTS, PERFlriaeltY, and all arti cles pertaining to his twiner - - Pleyectians' Prescriptions carefully compounded at all aorirs. y WILMS p. !LARAULLL. n. nuoass WP. MARSHALL &-Co. Importers and 9 dealers in French and American PAPEB. HAN& LNG.% No. 87 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Wfiele agents for the celebrated manufactures of Messrs. Deliootert Et Co., Parts. ang7 -73.08EHT J...kN7jMIS;I.I• 11Q EY MER wANDERSON, (succergs.ore. to IA) Joshua E.hodea k C 0.,) wholoaal2 , dealen4 In FOI:EIGN FRUITS, NUTS, SPICES, CONPECTI.:•N EY, SLTO... dc., No. M Wood Etre.4, oppcqihe -• '• frE,E, iMERCRANT TAILOR NO. 54 S 7. CLAIR STRE.I': (Dr. Irish's ,VSBOUGS _I W. KERR, ARCHITECT, REMOVED Cy from corxicr of Pith and Wood to STREET, In Phillip3' o nallding—continues to prepare P 13113 and Specifications of, and to ' Superintend the Firectior_ of every description of Buildings. de2C:l.-:" FULTON, BELL AND BRA SS _me FOUNDER, No. i 0 SE ND atroet, Ntlatur,7,l , , to preparod to furniab to order OIMRCEI, STEA.3IIIOAT, FACTORY AND &TEM. E 111 fi, Of all from 10 to 10,000 Its. order. STOP and GAUGE 06C5"..'..' CrIDID BELLS mad of all eizza. 2,IINEE.AL WALTER I'ITAPS, COUNTER and every variety cf C:lstiaga lialahod 10 tta , acnt..2l manner. 1:-i_BBTI'd AIN mla - A.L; A ' T ENT N: ET ic r. AC Klli G, for From.. En zi ap'22:l y I OUCH - II:II/GE & ItIAXIN ELL., EANUPACTI:SI.3I2I 07 `.uro Faarnee, 2,3,1 Braganca s And Deadera iu :;lock's, House Furnit.hing Gouda c. C. kc. 3f:36 Wood *treat, rthu-irc Mazhlue Ertiallo3 uuldc ~.oc•rd,/ EDUCATIONAL. St. 2rask - zils ilcarienny Tot . goys, Tr. 2. C.:'13.9 02 Losetfm Cambria, County, Pa rr 11 I S NATURA' situated. for Educational purpoe,es. aftordr. all.te. P Liner-meats that , an be d,-aired tar a Oatholic ins'itt - It to 13cated In chn mo-d healthy and p•Jrtioc .illeirnenica, distant four mile:: from Cret,dt Station, Arent mad con to betwetn Philndolph in and :49 t• r Ti:t "tholastic otrumer.cing; the first Monday in Srpten't.e - , will close the 15t1tt of July following. The Terms for Tkaard,iucluding a thorough laigrah Mac Conrie,rare $lOO per annum. The Gla_isie and: Modena Language , / form or eatrs. - ch;ri s - c of $lO per airman% Washing and ear of Eeddlr.g Par farther pc....lara apply to th. tuplzior the demy. 11.aforouces can be the P.t. aptlO:ly Vincent's College and Scantlinfe 7771 Cl.= 07 TUE DIMaIiNITIP.,7IiSSYSO4, Naar Lat.trobc, IN THE COLLEGE ARE . TAUGHT TILL a =al brs-ncho3 of English Education.' In the 5:t . ..' t11... , TARY., Le Clattl•toc, Sister}, !ihetoricz, Philosophy, r_tti differ.3.t. brhurll , ..s . 11:Aoor oro.titiou rt , coJemr7 tto. c7pizinz Tt`,. ior Boca::arz '4EO year, LI 1.0 ysid memi-anunally, atrictly 3.'t V NIAC.I. t3,rlTiat ok.t,r Path: tag az..l cht,r,t.u, , ft:.`ptltlg MUM.' 1 - 1,70:11 oeneation for the ura of inatrozoent.,. St,itionerj For I:...trticabl,, anph S..:h< Director of the Colleg.t.. ), , r I.,gic, on the let of tlept-Nalbcr, elide on tho Stl of Joly I'A.TRI 4 P . G. B Efti Dirfctor BOOKS A.ND STATIONERY OBER,T A. LOOMIS, -Kt (61.K.Ce3S , :r to B. T. C. 11 I STA:a:NI:It AND DEALER IN I P1,L.10.L. I AND N iti7SPA No. 41 gild] F.teot.., Plttsbutgli, Pa. Co—P:iC'eCn&2CNliF•. TUE undersigned have entered into C , ,- Prtrieriilaip, auder the style of Wm. C. Johnston k t_:o SAMUEL r.. JoiaNsToN, WILLIAM ftittebur - gh, Seutember 5, 1557. e...oura O. JOHNSTON er, E. R. JOENCITON, .12. W .111. A'FIONERS, Blank Book 'Manufacturers, and JOB PRLNTERS, No. 57 Wood shoat, t , ..dweet, 'Third and Fourth, Pittobargb, Pa. TOBA.CCO AND SEGARS. & D. RINEHART, E14TZ1 , ..19 LAP TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS ALDERMEN. CHARLES W. LEWIS, ALDERMAN, And Ls-Officio Justice of the Peace, OFFICE ON. THE CORNER OF WYLIE AND FUTII STREETS. All business connected with this office will be attendee' to with promptness. - Convevances , of all kinds done with legal as Leeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Powers of At torney, Ac. Titles to Real Estate examined. To the members of the Bar he tenders his services as Com missioner to take Depositions to be read in the 11;evend C.`ourie 01 this State, and elsewhere. his eißce is one of the main Polies Stations of the city, and consequently his fs.cilitios in or-orating business of thst kind are very desirable. I tel Alderman's Office. JAMES S. NOON, ALDERMAN, EX.- OFFICIO JUSTICEOP TILE PEACE, AND POLICF. MAGISTRATE—Office, No. 60 Grant street, nearly oppo a .te the Court Rouse, Pittsburgh, Pa. Depositions, Acknow ledgments and Probates taken; the Records examined, Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Wills, LeaSbi, Articles of Agree in,nt, and of Partnership, Letters of Att.irney, otc., etc.. drawn op as short notice; Marriages Solemnised, and all business in the line of his official duties, promptly attended to. Office hours, from 7 s.. to Ir. H.., and from to 6 P at. ply REAL ESTATE AGENTS OUTITRERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 o Market street, fur the sale and of Real Estate, renting houses, attending to insurance and repairs, obtaining leans on bonds, mortgages, dc,; making convoy. anew, deoda, bonds, de.; writing letters and carrcAponiiing with partiesabroad: de. , orlO BELDEN 'SEYMOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OEIO. tlars F. .i—.'.'.csera. Hanna, G urr•Ason .t Cn, rt F . Jr k pc. Esq j yllrg S R N 11.1-7 ALEXANDER. GARRETT, LSAT ESTATE AGENT, NO. 50 WATER STREET, CLEVELA...ND, 0 Lly.z for Lsnda iftscondi, Miant,3lz, Michigan mad lowa Ho Frill exchange Land" - , in `r7ic.)nsin. Az, for rittabargh nrannfartnrcs, and ale° for city prcpc.7l3. All letters of inquiry rinswc.76,l zrat 4 o, sboro.' Safety and 2c,f.)norg - ty in Light. WIIY WILL YOU BURN CAMPIIENE 2.7iD FLUID, when on can gat a cheaper and bet Pore Korcraene Oil, made from the gas of Chill.n: producoa tho-chespent, most brilliant, iitoAdy, ptea.ant d safe portable Light E.TOr offered to the onlitio, and d.ager of explosion; more brilliant than ;: - . - a‘ , ; and quit' tv cheep;Lmnps of thn mos, simple and olily Milnrsg , l con. 2trumiun. Yor sale by T. D. & O. HODILINSON, No. 79 Emitlifield strect. ta t ...Bev:area count,rFtit almi.:l7 in the market, mad:. trona Caziphene, cnti, a Milt , Goad tii oecezt IL Uc`67:ly COOKING BY GAS. A WORD TO 'l' 1 - i F. I.I.F.ATED rErt..ll 21PPROACL- A,. iNG. unct r.,11 atttnlic:3 4:f t!,:, L.) LI,. tact that COOKING, IRONING, ETC., c an b e dune with vc)L,ny, be,L. unt 5c.'0t,b2) , ..! with firp y iu a mc ment.,--I4 tzaiug. itinagraves Gas uoi3U.lng To which we reapeetfully invito your e.t.t.n;..„,,, at. No. Bakithtield street. S. A. 3011.tioN 8P.6. is County and City Righte for yule. .pl2-u .& REST WORM CONY.ECTION', c ONPEOTION Cu N.FECT IO N , CON • ECTION, CONF iIOTION , CONFt C TION, CONFE 0 ".• lON,C ONFEGT ON,OO NFEOT O N,CONHECT. IO N,CONFECIT lON CO NYECTI ON The =test pleasant, safe and effectual Worm Remedy now in use. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by b2ONLL Fs HAFT, CorMood and Sixth sts., Pittebtirgh, Pa , And sold by Drat gfnerally. 0 L PAPER—For eale by sam E. Et. G s M'. gil Firth &rot, P-Ouil : JONES' % . 1.:1 - 4" GOILLIVq. OPEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 o'clock.; also, on Wedneadac and Eaturday evenings, frum May let to November let, front 7 to 9 o'cloctr: arto from November let to May let, from d to 8 o'clrea. Deposita rex:TU.l of all some not hats than Qeoe Dold,le, and a dividend of the proate declared twice a year, in J ape and I.ll3Cllmb,i,T. Intorent roes declared at the rate rf sta. p-r cent. per annum, on the first, of Deoerala . r, ; oleo to June and DC.CdrnIA.,:, and in Juno and P.. et.,lp. Inttrct, if net drawn out, 19 placed tv th- L. depOSll.or re principal, and the s , -O f, 10 first of „ono r.nd Do,t•einlker, cemitoutplatg `Alf:, a stithoht trodhliug the dopocitor to call or eveu to pre,.nt Ilia pas., At thin rate, money will double in leas twolvo yearJ. malting in the aggregate - gran? AMY al - Zan/ Pia CENT. .t 0057.. 8C10k.9 I'oll MitilL4l the Chit: tor, italeeand Lttlout, furtoahe I gpst!.., oa applicatleh at the °dies. Prealde I:Lt.-OEOE O K h.LS2.P:SN,. Slat P115T2153-Yrd. John H. tihoehez, N. Grattan fdr.rphi, f. - .1.11,e M. Puatock, dilmeg. D. Kelly, Jan., Hardman, John 3 COnt,-ranT, Et:,O X iiOIN . 21.. J. S.T.EVENS DE6.Al.O.lti ''A .4MOI_,J,Et_MCINS MADE and prom - eta] cL,)N LLDS tit'lectod and 1 :u IDAee tt.vezzak,,,atE do 9 ,, tonws.) 'tut L.LC. Corritipundoac, V.:7l'2r; 1-• . , . • 111 Pro:n-111-01 - y 7-110Poy D r L.% r‘ 1,4AL2 Ca' eLCC:lllalro . ,ttA : •,i c C%ri t, tm R ,111 S fIII OE,ILC rousu,l,4-I,tlv, t Vices. attlvivi th-, Bank - or:1 ciald Mare-. Dr:.tu4, Gt •', • !4111,./1 h:11../0•11;r I.LI t: UL....V.lintlY !Or P.A!C. C:110:?. •I,c L JaAL.,I lIERSIE DMALIMS IN ALL ZIECD9 07 No. 129 WOOD STREAT E. WELIAN lAN K. J&-les!die, ) , :.obert S. 1,;:v. I). DEEM jun:it'd ulan, J. A Claarl:4 nap, John G. Iti.chot..n, Y. A. tilatleiim, Alt,ert John 3 CanneW, John J. gllrsltrier C 4.111!:., P. M: . A t I• 1-;,;.1,.:.,;, , c, ... ••., ...... Juhu .I'.. '.!-.w.-yyt E., r .-ti;Cir , I . i.ilX, ,- -, e.0r;. , , , 3 S. sbidei, ~,r5:....k.1111141(rr0, Alexancle..ltadit. T.heobal4 Urabgt.a.•tt ,. c4illian, S. Lls-..n.,.., Qcorge 11. Vilita, ,5..c.17-aar-jc.nd Tr,:voe.—C.ilA. A. COLIN).",:'. [fe.3 t.c ). L.OF. EMIEIIIII .;•li ill: } ~:L~l !:.. n._ ~~:, -_. IN= g . • 1, 4. sill t it. 3i. dkb secoil6 .;.% 147 First sts., .71VT:MXTB.0 , M, eill=l ,11..L1-2;st '?Ett:EiETSON, I N '7:10 LESAILE GROCERS, 13,11.A.N 1. 0 .. E:„ ",,,',, INES AND SEU Alt,t.: :82:4 c4ruzr y ft:llA. ••=l.l Irwin Si:a-cut* ie City Giasx PiTTSBURCH, PA. , u• H 1 zrAtt?..7 • c ? L ENE= A 112', •:1 115EME111121 tY AIL D D 0 Yiikii:•; , - .. , I'.S_ES Q.,").k'._,lL,t-,::; r _ . r Tad Ne=dvint , e. k.; G L LINES. 1',11:1E ,T, PITTEIa L. 713 H. 1 i , ..1 , 7 - ,. I 1:0-114 7 i.0 ES' , AG E l'' t. t - ;t•,v., i' 0 i:',V ''t DI NU AND COMM ISSION ~~~.etCFltl c'ci~ No. ;o SicAmmil.; ST., J. D. HODS MAN, (LATL, COMM ISS /ON 'AN - 1) F 0 lON Ni-11)ING m. •:-ccond,‘:Zru 4,01:16, PIM. lianirE.F_L-rs, C. J..11.).!1-N, JOll3l r11.1:17 littutpkreyg, 4,, Wright, FLOUIt P 4:4 trc N 11Z COMMESSION NiaUCKAUTS, 75 N(11s.111 Wil.A.V.Vhz AND 1 NuP.lll r IMIEMIIIIIIIIII liE. 1: '1 OULlta./ A U...., Ttiomplon, Clt.t. L . a V. t:u4, frier At Co., Catelt tl Co., lieavera , .t M. Latwis, C:taltier N. d M. a:t.ati, erzttio liaL Mc: rin L. 11...11.1,w,il :' , .icCuLelarou L John sf. E...eltuttLiy lialgtad t C 0.., Pickett, Mathrwa G Cc., iireet:gbary let . ...,tuy s ..sua., U. Lull W novib:ly . El\l'.7.t . 11. UOLL.iiN S, i orwe.rding and .. C.,.!:)1111.go.on Merchant, and wholeoale denier LT.. ii 6H, -11-2-, , Y-2• 1 :, Ist'/.11)..;1:., zit:Ebn soil lee.W.P..iol. .„;enerlaily, No. LS Vicoa :it:,-.1, l'lttanurr,t.. motif GLASSWARE. .Y.,73.3.tr11.0122 1 :TaC11. K - 0 , 7 !..RD Dri.1.7.1110.3 inciirr L. £l. - KOWLLI. , ROBERTSOI , ; ..Nianu ij Cu:, P - r-rz. - s, - land Piain Flint (ILASSli7i.lili, corner of Front, I'ittWLitir4.„ l .i. t.- A,l r ILn:tie tit.^_anwniti r.p1.1:65 ietad ULtJL. I EDLIE 6-„ UL A3l, itdulvany i Lodi,, taGariff.ex.rcra of 013, lituallorl e.nd Plain and i'ancy Colorea dealer 3 in all :.finds of Y. - induw Clnv, 'Viols and .tiortlna. War,. aocee and Water Pittabrigh. i_AQIIJRS.b jaMq IiZZAR dc GO., WINES AND LIQ,UURS, AND ItECTIFYINU DISTILLERS, Lao. 1 Litrarty Street, Enttrabzargh, Pe— .l.lllittryti Brf_ridioß, Gins, n.r.3 Etwx,kberr), , r =nd Ginger Fr es.:IN LP pAINLIN IiENNEDY, Wholesale Wine . L. 7 sad Liqn , ..,7 tier:l:slits ar4 It: - ..ctifynig Vitt. bu7gll, I'a.aapter f111%.1N1;.' , "1170PS of various p . atterns, for 5.%1: , by [ thr2sj U. V01:01000 A_N) Ili larget.assort uthai of fae,ffite. brAtils, on bind had for rale by WU. U. OD., 118 awl 147 Hr.: ltrosta_._ TM./ ACKEREI,--100hbla. and half Uhl& No )14_. 3 fcr tS f Eir..:•:itv IL C. 01,1.1745. LEACHING POWDEB,S-50 cask - of Pennant E, Johnson's and other brands j List reed and fur sah, tow by JNO. 31. PERKINS CO., 12S Wood str,et. BOOK PAPER,-100 reams 24x38, a n i ce r.roe:c just ro,:t:ved and for sale by JNO. 3. PFAKIN3 8 CO., se2, 123 Wood street. I_‘;Ii.MIFTJUIL AND u.s.-7 g r,b na baud and for sale by B. L. FAIL; Tool{ k 00. uovio Corner Wood eod at - eet.a. uTTE 00 lbs. fresh Packed -Butter, 11.4: r , - ,- vod nod for solo by JAIIES A. FETZER, ae9 r.rnvr. `:arks,. Atli First Ktre•ets. elitheli 800 i(;-, _Brokers at WRAPPING PAPER-3000 reruns ass't daol Eng Wrapping, EilUpOriOr article for axle bS J. R. 442.ui:pu.i. 10.9 REPORT OF TUE CONDITION OF THE FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, At ATLI 3, 1111ADFoal) COUNTY, PA-, Jan. 1, 1858, as pret , oted to the stockholder, and made out in compliance with the State Laws of flow York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, &c, EITATEYINT. usaioof Ole Company is the FA ItMERS' TINTON IN SUICANCE CON VAN Y, located at Athena, Pa. Chartered Ai., it IS, ISeB, by the Ll. , g - i , :lstrro of Pennnyiyanis. Charter E'erv•tutil. Capital, hick I. 311 p.l .. I AflBols. Fifty four Banda and s.lort,gti, at s'!:t and seven y 1 cent. interest, amounting in the uggregate t0...5152,2.15 00 Which mortgagee are or ralua. biz and productivo real estate, principally farms, recorded and ant liens, worth generally double the amount and. more than mart gaged for in each case, and in no C&4O lea than fitty "f cent. more, ...telt:mire of farm buildings, and to certified by the itecordura, whoa recorded, to the and torn of the states of Oldo and Illinois. Nincteon six cent. c*,.,nds amply secured. 47,696 00 0 L, on hand and in Bank 6 449 12 Cash in hands of Agents, and in course of trans's...beton, secured 5. I is with cnretic, t• a: payaLle at bank and to Company accrued, (principally du,. January 1,18580 Safe and ofilaa Fixtuft•a and Et.i ui ..[atoms FOR. 1 . 1111 YEAR 1857. Amount of Prem.ll2m3 re:elved daring then 85,231 33 yi,lr A m't itaorr..,;. rd: dyed daring tho ).-ar 11,442 05 iim't rw:,i . v. 4 from all other rourcea 2,480 (H) ---- HXYZIN iixpeom , o for tio , Year, including, rz , utr, rein surance, printing, afiverrhthig, ttities, and all other expenara.......Z 19,109 66 pad during tho year ..... . 17,(1.3.) UU pai.l, whictl occurred prior to December 31, 1866 . which occurred during . 46,661 61 the y oar @MEM I. :{, ST, I C. W. ittcr.v.7,,t,. Ti,•.c. , JF Gi:NTS F') rI'7CON 1 A V .*, t T.:',. it C "rt.i_. il I. L 111; L. Viith IMIIMIIII rtladirso7;, Lau LmotHvillo, r)it CI riciuntici, I' —tin all the Banks and nAvEN, P rint e r a.ld Stationer. INSUE,ANUE d“-E.0,1 rud t,ta dn., (mince paid; f 11,bin) tk3 I.,caso, incurn...l end in pruc,sa of actinqtnient Loam,6 rvported,on which no action has been taker Loar,es rosiated, on ground of inNur anc' alter tiro, property transfes rPd bofore loin, property lost no cr,c,r,l t.) lb. $ 4491 99 F. holy amou •t.,1 r!,t3 takeu during the year...5:3,4'29,862 00 Hllll,llllt 0t risk at date .. 4,601,440 :•TA.751 or PoiNslmvw...itt;l2ointrtoe BRADFORD, 81. C N. Shiprean, President, and J e. Canfield, ~f the FarintaB' anion lu.urufle Company, being doveraliy duly sworn, drpo, nod ...lid each for lam toll says, lhot the foregoing is a true, full and correct statement of the affairs of raid corporation, and that they are the above de scribed cebrers thereof C. N SHIPMAN, President. J. I.; CANFIELD, Seel etary. rItoe.111;1 hehre rue, this 25th day of Satin. Rey. li. C. BA IliD, Justice of the Peace. T .I.IIUNTER, Agent, N. , 40 Water btxuet, Pittsburgh. • ir E N _ll, j,„ BY TtLE ffZetiatime Mutual Husairatace OF PHILADELPHIA BUILSANGS, LIMITND OR PERPUTIIAL, 1413t01iA24 D I 8 r., Vti 11lill'118.8, t.C., IN TOWN OH tilotils:Tlti . °lnce, ilo. 300 Walnut streot. r A i'.i.l./.1,, 0177,926........455E75, SiliSZ,4o.s 10. l u vogt,, foil ~ W 4., vlz :- • Firer 11orroge uu improved ult.) i'...p..ty, ei e. Lt. doubt. , tee ....8;i7.11t $1*.t0.2!.0 GO Yenn9ylvani..•4 itallteA Can a per II Jri.i.t.g.. L0au,520,0.:1. 1 cod .. 25,500 ut.. Alleigheuy Comity .1 per CHrit. Poun'rt It. R. L.. 1111. iO.OOO 0i) PennQylveitia ilaileeti.tiCti.'s Szt.ek 4,1.100 00 ii•LiAik i if the itiortuce :tiuto..ll lordruroie Co 19,150 00 Stoat of County Fire insurance CJ . 1,050 00 scrip of Sundry Ineurniaco (loropautee 4.76 00 Bill. t leeei-,wilo,l,usiliess paper 53,711 00 :; Ack oulata, :It cru.-d iuterost, ot.v 3,336 19 • li,ll And le 1-1,i.01t 18,043 20 51Z2,4 , 36 et) ClariNi TINWAY„ Pregldint. DIRMITOES. COm Ti,:4,10} I Samuel Bisplitini, Willl%m R. T - heinp"..e. Hubert Stcean, 1-.. , :ii :4 Brut::;, William Mustier, i.,,,,,,ii,,0 , 3t,,e,4;,,, ~. I ilenjnalih W. ThiglAy, Jehc It. Vi'orroll, Marnhell Hill, IL L. Caned!, i Z. Z Lothrop, R•ibert Poland, Charles Leland, ^,i-ii 3 ohl,on, Jacob T. Bant.i.g, Cli,ir!e, S :Food, Smith Eloweu, Jurri,-; i 4. NViiodr:tird, Wnl. M. ,leinple, l'iel..'e 11 , r'l .L. M. 111.NOLIMAli. iiieretary .1. GARDINE 0 - COlslfi_, Agent, lar3 Nort.h-o.vt c , ..r , be Third tend Wanl at.r.4AH. 'll 1) ( ‘ I'S! COVIPA, LIUO trarti. r VS." NI. V I' .... J N, S-Cretury. and oil BIT I . . € 4l, 4.'48 2L) V 263,438 31. inirirts "C•ar go lti.ka on the Ohio aad tlltdiwlppi Itivcri is ilintani.q liistriiaagainet lon or damage by Fire, it 1.40, of the San and Trbueportellou. Dia.iOTOSER J. C. Montgomery, John NI. Pumroy, ,u - Witmer, ',one Un, John A. rdarbball, Ches. C. John 3. PeLtornon. Inwood T. Pcsoy. \i'm. V. O 7 Yf Or WILLIAn 7EITIT, A-WA:Lies: Z. WITMEI., V e zzt Preritien:. :11..,CANN, Secretary. ztruaurzazt . B .. In POtiadelpia2. I /es Phi/adelphia: Sager, Lomb A Co., I Stolnmitz, Justice A Co., Truitt, Bro. A c0.,1 Bnclz, Morgan A Stidfolo, A. T. Lome A CO., I Pomroy,Caltlxvt-11 tk Co. PITTSBURGH OFFICE, W. PO 97 WATEM STREET. BO R. W. INDEXTER.. Agout. WEST IBUANCH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOOK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY. caAaTurtED BY THE LEGISLITHHE OP PENNSYLVANIA SE M,OOO Prahiliirt .Y0tr.3.4132,343. THIS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON Buil.lings, Merchandite, Furniture, tic., la town or country DIRCOTOLB Elan. J no. J. Pearce,' 11.'un. G. C. Harvey, I Charles A. Mayer, John B. Hall, Charles Crist,ll'ettr Picitirrion, '2. T. Abrams, LK. Jackman, IW. Whae, Thomas Kitchen. HON. G. C. HARVEY, Prodder& T. T. Annkms, Vice President. LUCA. ILITOHJ.7I, rlDeretary. 13.EF1F.111 , 101C.: sarnuel U. Lloyd, I I Dr. J E. Crawford, A. A. Winegardnrr, , John W. Maynard, lA. Updegrall, L. A. Mackey, Lion. $ Cameron, I James Armstrong, A. White, I 111,..a. BoAman D.D,I William Fearoo, James Quiggle, Win. V enderbelt, Ilion. Wm. Bigler, i,FFICE--Ni!. 6i:4 FIFTH STIL. NT, Plrranuemt. 0.e;;I:tf .. J. A. ueritivr, Agent. F, FRAN KILN FIRE ANSI.' RANCE Wail'ANY, 2ELIIADELPRIA. Da:mt.:chi—Charles W. Rancher, Thomas bact, Tobias Wagner, :'-sninel Grant, Jacob R. Smith, Geo. \S. Richards, ilorthoid D. Louie, Adulphi E. Boric, Thwiti S. Browns, Her. P _the :ram Prez:tient OEIIS. G. atticsir2., t'ocretary. - Continue to make i ufmrance, perpetual Gi on every description of property, in town and country, at rates as Low as are consistent with tocnrity. The Company have 1 , 35017124 a large Conth;3ent. ?mad, I,hich,Trith their capital' and premiums, safely invested, af ford ample protection to the tialured. - Tho Aseete of the Company, en January Ist, 1.48.1, as pub. ltshed agreeably tc an Act of 4tesembly, were as foilawa, via: Mortgag., 4118,128 - 88 Ectate. 84;877 78 Temporary Loans- 1.1.3,986 Iltocbm 61,881) 01 Cash, to 81.3,113 Total a1,,a2,708:44,1 Ednoo their Iratlon, a period of tweet 74.n0 year!, Choy havo upwere, of Ono-Million Your Hundred Thou• Band cues by thereby affording °lA.:cure of the, r.a the ability i.e.! dbi,icaldon to meet with prenipturas all J. GALlaiNtal 114iiFt' , 1, Agent, uaLi Orrice, north eaMt cor. Wood &LA Tbird ela - IATESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTS BUR(' it. GEORG?, l; it,ident; F. Id. (teapot ; Secretary. OPPICA No. 92, Wate , r Atrim.t, ~.Speug k Coe i 5 arebotiseo up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will Insure against all Mods of tliL ot, . Aill_NE RISKS. A Home Inutituton, managed by - who aro well known in the community, and who are deterrittioel, by promptness and liberality, to maintain the: tetra/lei whie.l they have assumed, ea offering the beet protectiou to three who desire tc be insured. ASSETS, OCTOBER Slat, 1857 Acoutuite,.. . llortgago,— Elite Receivable, Office ?limitary), ....... Open AccCTlnta,. ..... ...... Premium Neve,. ... Bills Disemintet.i, DUaltoElf , a ..34 - ;,iy. D&l'si,. il. Miller, Jr., J. s c.. .r.otler, George W. Jackrou, Janir:l Mc Auley, Alex. Speer, Andrew Ackley, Wm. Mrtig t .at, Nati. ' , lel Holman, Alexander Ninlick, D. M.. Long, Wm. H Smith, C. W. ilicketaon, P. H. GORDON. sri; Day• 24 Rzazct PITTSBURGH LIFE. FIRE AND -MARINE INSIJRANOE COMPANY, NO. 96 • WATER STREET, PITTS surto'', FA. LGBRIVP GALWAY, President. Aux. lisentarri Vice President. F. A. Rum:tut Secretary. AralrThis Company makes exery insurance entertaining to or connected vritICLIFE RISKS. Also, againit HULL AND OARGO RISKS on two Ohio and Idiesiraippi }livers Gnd tributaries, and j t 7 A RTIa RISES And against Loss and Damage by Tire, end eisinstilie Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies 148116 d at the lowest rates consistent with safety to Dral7CTOrat. B:obert Oalimy, - Samuel M'Clurkan •,.. Joseph P. Gazzain, M. D., Joins Scott, James Marshall, David Richey, 4. James W. Heilman, Charles Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Joseph S. LeeCil ' John Fullerton, N. T. Hart, David H. Chambers, Robert H. Hartley, William Carr, Jno. Malin. U.A.ftlll 07%.0 'il OTIC — E - . . - - i gas. SILICIACIaIIr A.Prairiglllll3llllll2.4.. I UN AND AIITETt r i iONlqOAY, Jpt,y . 6.- ---- The Pittsh'h E l Wayne &mileage' PENNSYLVANIA. CENTRALIO,ILROAP 9ft of -.- 11-. . - I - ''"2 ! IF.f3.- ". ! 7-r. er'"f7Fi I r ..,v• i...k0ZY.0:.-1-Nl„"Ofttet.,--kiree; - cr .. ' 9 * `r-4ii.....4161,.+!-.L.,•....!,7-5-.A...1.,- -- - - - , RAILROAD COMPANY, 'E II (4 lii T ' 'fa Acliiliit 'r s EtAINS. WITH ITS AM l'i E ROLLING STOCK . Tilt. MAIL TRAIN leates the Passenger Station every morning, (except Sanday,) at G:00 'o , ciock, ritubnegh time, and equi , ,,iiieu._, ...,...;.:Ite-....:z1. cur- naclioneJs Pr.' ' arri,ring in Pla: , .adel•phia at 1.105 P.' M. - pared to transport l',A.e-5e14,,,..1 ....:: i,•11,;111. lcoal PillitA- ,I il il F A.S - e LiNE' Daily, except Sunday, st k 25 I'• 31 ar DELPIIIA and P1'ii'; , ',..1.;! , .1; il :0 ,_:) :C. , C..r5.-7.'.1.011.1, I t.• , riving in Philadelphia at .5 o'clacs e. at, mid stopping only DIANAPOLLS, GIN ,:i.' :•..,Ti. e-i.l all 0 16 C' ' C..- '''t U" I k'''''h IA principal stations. area, with a great degrr, .t regulAcity sad -.l , , , edltion. TILE UXPILESS TRAIN Is:wee the Station every evening The fact that this li.,ad t , rias it direst and coo eEtiate at 0:63 Ocleck_ StoppiriHr only at Grosnsbarg, Latrobe, J °hush line between Pittsburgh and Chlotgo, is a stificicut guar man, Willuaore,thtllitZM Altoona, /cc., connecting at Tiar a:Am, that its Trains will make good tune, .:1.0. , Lnnectio" riahurg with the Train di;ect for Baltimore, and arriving in with Trnilla on other iloFei. Philadelphia or Baltimore at 1:00 o'clock, P., Id., ON AND AFTER MONDAY MAY 10th, 111-S, the Train ACCOMMODATION TRAINS: on this road will leave the UNION Dli,'POT, Pittsburgh, THE JOIINSTOWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN loaves daily, (Sundays bxcept.d, as follows: daily (except Sunday,) at 3:30 o'clock, P. M. Stopping at Pee,suaqu Ni: TRAINS 1.1 , .... 4, Vit all stations, and running as far as Conemough. Pittsburgh. Ciestline. FL Wayne, FIRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creak U. S. Mail, 7:30 A. M.. 7:07 P. 31 Bridge leaves daily, (except Sunday ) , at, 10:40, A. M. - First Express,. ..... .... ..i,lO A. IL 10:00 P M 5:00 P. M. SECOND AOO()MMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, Second " 2 ; 1, p, xr 1 10r23 P.M 1 4:50 A. M. Leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 4.20 P. IL BRACH CIUOAOO—First Expr,..,:., at 7:00 A. 1.1.: Second THIRD ACCOMIODATION TRAIN far Turtle Creek, Express at lao P. M. loaves daily, (except Sunday ,) at 0:20, P. so. REACH CINCINNATI—First Express 5:'..03 P. 114 Sod P.BITURNING TRAINS arrivo in Pittsburgh ea tollows:-- Express 7:25 a. so. Expresa,l:4s, Mail i ll:10 A.. 31.; Fast Line 2:25 A. u.; Johns- REAO I I ST. Lo Li IS —Flrst Exprey.s 6:00 A. H.; Second En. town Accommodation, 11:00 A. M. Pint Turtle Creek Accom press 453 P. ti. inedation,Eso; A. At.; Second Actct:irr,..,'...tiOn, 12:40, r. at.; All Trains mak e -1., 3r c. n: 'A' t. ..t .:': entlina for Colcm- Third Arzommodation, 6:104 P. n. hue, Ciothicati, In .• . —. ' , . _l_.; also, at ;Alt Trqins far Blairsville s.nil Indiana ~....-iect at Blairsville W ,y,,,. y, it ';`,„,„ , „„ ~ ,: , ... ~,, ~ ~, .-rt i:.ailri...a..^ Li inreigez,tion with mail train Rat, .Ip.::cen train Wert, and 1.„i.., ,u,,, ( ~,L,„.! 1; !. , , ~., ,„ ~ ,„-. ....,,, a: F , reat ,:itli the lebiolown accomedation train Cant and West ‘; -OW` ...I th: M. It ...! i 1.. h . , 1 I *0 It:. 'ir 'Oa: ~... PITTSBURGH AND CONNULLEWILLE TRAINS, I),ytoa acid Mi‘,111,411 1:,11!%3:1, Stopping at all Stations on the Pittsburgh and Connelly villa Road, leave daily, (Sunday excepted,) as follows: MAIL TRAIN 7::.9 a. u. I IiXPRESSTRAIN..3:3O P. If- RETURNING TRAINS from Pittsburgh and Councils - villa Road, arrive at Pittsburgh, 8:45 A. m. and 6:10 P.M. *sib. The traveling public will find it greatly- to their In tereat, in going East or West, to travel by the Pennsy:vania Railroad, as the accocamodatione now ofier,d cannot he sur passed on any other route. As the Read is ballasted with steno, end is entirely free from dust, we can promise safety, speed and comfort to all who way favor this Road with their patronage. FARE:— To New :ork. $lO,OO I To 8a1tim0re ........ " Philaialplus 10,00 " Lanc-isba To Harrisburg, $7.46. Baggage checked to all Stations on the l'enusylvanla Bail. raid, and to Philadelphia, Del :more and New York. :'avengers purchasing tickets in care, will I-a charged tan cents in addition to the Station rated, except from Stations where the Company has no Agent. NOTICE.—in case of less, the Company will hold them selves redponnible for personal baggage only, and for nu amount not exceeding ;100. N. IL—The Excelsior Omnibus Line has been employed to convoy Passengers rind Baggage to and 'Cron) the Depot, at a charge not to exceed '25 cents for esch pa!isenger and bag gage. ror tickets apply to J. STEWART, Agent, At the P. IL It. Passenger Station, on Liberty and' Grant streets. '2.00,6tie 00 53,495 51 $2u3,06 51 ~ - , 1 r 1 - !..,i 1 :5.7.0ra Gllica.4u. I FLA% ay . .rj.c. i Croctilu, I Arr.P. - .1::::. , !, U. ',. Mali, -10,00 '.!.1. ZOO A. Si. 1 1'2:4-0 l'. !.; . 8.5':. P.:?. let idspress, tMl,3Ok. It, ?..:00 P. Mi . I 9:12 P. M. 6:10 A Ir. 2d I " i :,.:25 A. 31 Li& P Thl'iaTraills make N.A. connections with Trains for .rO ,, adelphia, Baltimore Now York Lind 130iton. Trains from St. Louis, Indninapolii, Ciutir.nati and Colrin. bus make clone connections at Creetline with all retartilei- - , Trains. At Fort Wayne, Traits from it. Louie. Central lig 110ig, Lafayette, and Intermediate places, connect with above. Trains- At Forest., connortiond are Diada with Trains to ant? from Cincinnati; SpringEold and liayto , _ , . Tho IJ. S. Mat from l'ittibmth to Creotiine, being a train for local h.c-: negs, Is overtaken by the Second nr.j,:i. ACCOMMODAT/UN 'l' ttAINS—Le...vo Now Brighton fur Pittsburgh, at. 6:30 A. ]L. an a l L1:35 P. M. La.,,V3 Pitts burgh for *:ear Bright= :.t 'J.:',.., A.... 1. ~0.1 0:00 P. M. BACKIA.t.i k; CIiECKFC Tiiittlgill, and no charge for handling. Travelers oridorsoccs intending 13 pnrcha: , o tickets In Pitts burgh for the Went, will bear in mind that the only Agent author-zed by the P., F. W. &C. It. It.; C. ,t P. R. N., and Steubenville and Indiana 11.:..ii road Companies, is G.EOItGE PAIIII [N, at the. Union Ticket Mc., Connecta! with the I•ton'a IL It l'agt..,r,get 'MIKA, CciLl.': Lit,'lty end Grant ateets. BAGGAGE •will not to (becked ter peiwn,i pa:clic-An: Cickeni at any other pi,ce in thir. wt.y. Ti 1:1/0FTIENC '.. ON !,P IN ::.4 7, ' . .tay 1 , ..4h, aul c-n:inue until further nod: f.. .1. ,i• it ‘, , 1.:;e2: ..... , :i du.katdr. and zet. A i., , r t. D. 'r9. Suzci, Por,sr Agent, Chicago. mill Jud. 11. 31001 , ..F., Sm. t:nt..ndent. 1 19 46 MMEIE=M $99,15:1 35 00116 s, r 4-, L. , )L'ISV MU. n.;..1 ST. LOUIS !. CT H_A LTO:4 t; ;22STON t L1t6.111)r., 4111.. city 3L9 .Fitt,trartth to (tin:tams:l FrS LIRE is composed of Roads of tho Firat Class, uud i 3 lorated throngh a beautiful and highly cultivated portion ci the state. Direct conne:tin r made at. t"oc11.1111 i Oh the littiU and MiAsienippi Eailrond, (the tr:e.h3 ct t!, U. A O. L. conaortrd, Evanaville, Niemphia, Notriuu. t'd Lair o, ackaburg, Now Orlennot. Uounc-7.tiun at 6( too and Nt , ..curi River KANSAS ANDVI3BRASIA, AIA 411 WeS , . Aso GilllieCt.l (di fi,all.:ky C*l.l:.rql Co: Lczingtuu, De.a lentnk fort K t uturLy. ms Tltruz,gll to rrlth I,ut .3c,a cliange nr .;:so r a, ar , crring Ist t 44:, 1. Al , i:l.prezm Pu..le.tlgzr Tia , a, tr ". 1 0 I • D., , .. i riving lu Ciestdine ed. 10: , ..)4 2 7- '-' 1 •• i A. al., Ciu. 8:00 P. LI laiA. LAZIII,',4 , ' l'llh.Ch NI; TiiittAl 4 )ll. • - iiti E+ 4 as Law as v.... , 1cy (Aber Itolet.c. ,121,600 00 240 00 9,478 04 11,841 45 40,2,46 60 125,004 78 5117,641 n EIBEIEST W E-ITEE a4.tb 7 - IA PMBC; RC; WAYI - 41: mud lathlMito, !, Lfr-LAW/0.1.0 CUT-06F For all ial.olaat: aria Thruust. Tii.ket..l, apply at too Ticket A 3,113 0 , Or Kt Peon htZt. StlNtloll. CZ . "' PJ2: g flog 11:la .7111 i 4 nrilzatti via lkiaiwi.r.• J. Li.. 61.1,t F 11,. :411(.4. C. F i. Thu CleceilAnd, Pattsburgh wad. Wheeling Elaigroad, A N L.) Pittsburgh, Coiurabus & CiticiumuA 41 4 - ti'4a4 = RAILRUAD L L N E. Change c,r 'Ttinac. ON AN A ,, ".1:11,R itit,Nlln.Y, MAY ()I 1858. k 'Co Lilo .t.ta Central Railroad 'l, , r th.EVELLASD., 6:45 1. c ' CALICA , iO ivy TIID V, IN: • 6 AND 2.c7a•sva.“. Fur CLETZLAND, Toizno, 2:35 P. M. Th C i al s Catrit AN -E nn Tli e:t9 W :t B'r CieVOL with DetrAt line of I,:oaineicl. 4:00Po M.} A i l. Wee STAS lONti ON THE I:Fin Passengori , legiring to go to Chicago, or points beyond Chicago, via Cleveland, mart nil( for tickets via Cle-.•1..1aud P/TTSBO4 COLUMBUS S A .ND CIINCINIST A'l : ( t•ia .TEUBENFILLE,) BA IL te OAD CHANGE OF T1.11:..;.—un and after MONDAY, tit., 1015, of May, 1808, Truing will 1.15',J the Divot of the Penneyi a. nits Central Railroad, us follows A Ag Nor STalgitCM'Wi, CoLUISUS, DAYT ON, 3:00 A . Me} kinuatiSPals,,LAtnevata, Mau. PHIBAND NIAV FOR CINGINTT.\.T/ AND ST, Louts, and Au. 2:35 P. M I'OINTI3 SOUTH A : ND 'WSW , . I Through to Cincannati without chtne of core. Papsengers (LAHTI" 6 to go to Columbus, Cincinnati, etc., or any pcint.e beyondCointuhns via Otenbcnville, must tisk for tickets via Steubenville. JAMES FAIMEit, anparintandeut C., P. h. W. B. IL W. W. BAGLEY, myl2l 'anperintendent P.. C 4:: C. It. IL PITTSBURGH & CONNELLSVILLE KAII6II 0 A D. IL" ArAN and after Monday, the 10th inst. Pass anger Trains will bo run daily, (except Sundays,) from the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Depot, as rollows : Mail Train leaves Pittsbure h.........._......7tU0 A. Y. Express Train leaves A. H. h ail I.'ra:n leaves Counallsville . 7400 Express 5:00 a. u. At - riving at Pittsburgh 8:45 A. hL Tichots to be had. at Pennsylvania Railroad Ticket Office. Both Trains connect at Connollsville with bunting a Oc.aches for Uniontown, Frostburg, Cumberland, ere., and at West Newton with Coaches for Mt. Pleasant, gULLIOIRdt, Berlin, etc. Fmights to and from Pittsburgh and Stations on Pitts bargh and Connollsville Railroad, will be recoivosi and de livered in Pittsburgh, at the " Baldwin Depot," opposita " Duquesne Depot." Excepting such at Pig Iron, Leimber, Stone, etc., which will be Waded or aumaded at Outer _De pot, or at the canal Depot, boarranged with Preitlit ,gent, Pennsylvania Sailroad, at Pittsburgh. sutou'roise, stvi Transportation Departmant P. C o. 11. it.,l Counelleiville, May 6th, 1858. j New Relate via River and R.silread. 25E4PEW Inditaapolis Itailitoa4 CIONNECTING- AT INDIANAPOLIS with Torre Haute, and Terra Haute end Alton RaiL - oads, to et. Louis and Lafayette and Indianapolis, Now Albany and Salem, and Michigan Central BOLviJ for OHIO (00, ROCK ISLAND, BURLINGTON, and all intermediate potntii. Through Freight Train to 11;DI1N POLIS, Thasitli LAFAVATTE, and PERU. Freight carried from Cincinnati or Lawrenceburg to Ica time than any other route by 'A hours, and at as :ow rated. Tho only road by which ahipracnta can be made from Cin cinnati to the West, without breakhig bulk. Consignments made to J. B. GIBBONS, Agent at Cinch, nail; at, W. B. CIMING, Agent at Lawrenceburg, will receive prompt actontion, and no charge fcr corandezion ; me 6'i:ergs/or drayax. or iit>eim-fseitis cl Lirtv;Tertcebuiv. Per furtheectormation, apply to THOMAS EATTIOAN, (No. 110 Water street,) Agent a the Company, who la pro pared to give mnoran tacrainm to Indianapolin, Terre Saute, Lafayette, Chicago, Perth Greenonatle, Crawford:- Chariesten, Paris ' and Mattoon. U. C. LORD, ProsideTA. )lao. P. Ca.MII, (Isn't Freight Agent. mrti - URNIT UM!. A AIILLIK_EN & O. have on bend., a • their oxtensive oenriarx and.0144.1P. WIANUFACI- TORY, No. 64 ~ r etiliLeld street, a largo e_atortedout Vaney and Plain Furniture, which they will =AI U. per mmt. luwor ratat ':cash only. . idnelT:y than centzzaary ritt:ls.,t - - ------ W 0 ODW E LL'S FURNl'rti RE AND 011MatS, Wboleezle..and He 1, embracing t tv.y style of Furniture, in licnieriW, Mahogany fibril:Wallin% suitable for Parlors, Chambers and Dindng Rooms, equal to any Ls Nett Fart prr.biladatpand at lower prices. livery article made by band, and a - an-anted. Cabint-makern sup plied with any quantity of FIIIINITURE and MLLES, on rtaacnable terms. Hotels gad Stembbsta fartarled at the shortest notice. Waite:eons, lion. 77 and 79 THIRD Streot, Pittebnrgh, Pa. -10 BAGS Dried Apples, for'eale by BAGALS7, COSGRAVE a CO., mr24 NOG. IR Fuld 2 Wood etre& LIST r co iv ed another aestirtieent of SOOTS VO and SHOES, consisting, of Lailio-s' Heel Boots and Slip pers, Oont's, Boys's Ponta's, and a largo variety of Chil dren's Fancy Shoes. Flew pied no u call, at the Cheap Cash Store of JOSEPH H."EOREAND, Jel9 98 Market street, second door from Fifth, W OOL WANTE D -100,000 to. Wool Wanted at highest cash 1111 .41 . 01LZE.-"LY 8 CO., L 1.2 Secoiad Atreet. and'3sl Fr out- P rices, 1 md by Je2l:aw DYES---Batcheloes, Christadora's, Alexander's, Shalon's, and Water's Liquid Nair Dyes—a. largo supply constantly oh Land, at JOSEPH FLEMING'S, • Corner Diamond and Martat stunt. - - GUS. 1Q ibis, fresh Egge jast received ALI and for sale by fmr2ol 1444 kek S COLI7N9 WRAPPING PAPERS, 010 reams . as .ortaii tau", straltd4iNv)raggtVoit sal: by a s p Paper Dealer', 67 Wood street. RAILROADS , TIIE PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROLD. « Y , 4; THEGREAT CENTRAL ROUTE connecting fhe Atlantic Cities with AVt-iteze, NOrth-western end Smith-western States by , Ji continuows Railway direct. This Road also connects at Pittsburgh with E of Steamers to all ports on the Wee r , eau at Cleve land and Sandusky with steamers to all ports on the North ,...,,tern Lakes; making the moot DIRIXT, 07m412115T and Eallt Hut ROUTH by which PitEIGHT can be forwarded to and from the tra.3.HT Waal. It.r.tcsi between Philadelphia. ditt. CLASS.—Boots, Shoos, Hato and Caps, Books, Dry tioodA, ( in Maas, baleo and cranks,) Drugs, (In boxosk-nd bales) Feathers, Furs, Ac. SECOND CLASS—Domestic itlitsning, Shirt ing and Ticking (In original bales), Drags (in ro.lta), Hardware. Leather(in rolls or boxes), Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Eastward, Ac., A°. TIMED CLASS.—Anvils, Steel, Chains (in' casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted (loose or In sacks), Tobsceo, inauniao. tnred, (except Cigars or cut,) Ac., Ac. ;BTU. CLASS—Coffee, Firth, Bacon,Boef and Pork,(in caskil or boxes Rentward,) Lard and Lard Oil, Naile, Soda Ash, Ger- ; man Clay, Tar, Pitch, Basin, Ac., Ac. J PLOIIII-75c. bbl. until further notice. GB.niIN in car loads, 35 cts."4l 100 toe. until farther notice. COTTON—S 2 VI bale, not exceeding 500 }Ds. weight, until further entice. zio- In shipping Gods from auy point East of Philadel phia, be particular to mark packages "Ms Penury/sant:a .dailroad.,' An Goods ceeinceed to the Agents of thin }toad et imiliv:rilphia or Citt,lsirgb, will be forwarded without detctll- c. Fusion? Pureed.--I.larrio Wormley -it Co., 51,niniphis, Tenn.; it. F. Sam A Co., St. F. G. O'Rlley 1 1 / 4 Co., Evansville, Dnmormil, Deli A Co., and Carter A Jewett, Louisville, ay.; a. C. ideldruni, M.,•;•eeti, I col ; 11. W. Brown A Co., and Irwin Co., Cineine ,N. W. Graham A Co., Zanesville, Ohi o • Leech A. c o ., 54 F,115) mtreot, Boston; Leech A Co., No. 2 Astor ; I William street, and No. 8 Battery Place, No, Y.,. , !..',seeder, Philadelphia; Regrew ,s )focus.e; D. L. Stewart, Pittsburgh. !I. H. HOUSTON, Freight Agent. EL J. LOMB /superintendent, Altoona, Pa. ROCKRIES WINES ANL) LIQUORS ‘ir 1110 tezo Rio Coffee; lOU chosts Mack and blroou To.s bbla. Crushed Sugar ; " Coffee " Now York Syrup; yr " Now Orb - arm Itlolassos ; 5 Tierces New Rice ; 10 boxes W. W. H. Graat's Tobacco; lon " Id. if. and Myer Raisins ; kogo French Plains; Puncheons Jamaica Rom; 2 Santa Crum Rum ; 2 Pipes 'Holland Gin; Also, i>roncii Brady; Port, Sherry, Malaga oud Clam. Wlues; Puce Old Rye and itecttdod Whialty,iustor. , :to! oak low, by ILAWORTEI 4 BROWNLEE', en,covsoro to Ilaworiii, Bro. &. Brownlea, co,. or Lilo Diamond and Diamond alloy, Pittsburgh, Pa gUN to bbll3. Eastwick'n Syrup; 25 " Nov York " 25 " Ssltitnorr cW lihds. Now Orleans Sugar ; lOU ball chosts Young llyaon Tea; GO " Black Tea, for eale by W. IL 811TH & CO BiA.Niz.,ILfLAor sale e P b A y P W ER :I .- 0. A jou la N rs o l N ot various CO., r realer. 67 Wood +r. DLANTATION SUGAR MOLASSES- K. 100 hbdn. fully fair and prime N. 0. Sugar ; 600 bbla., oak cooporaga, prime N. 0. Molasses; 1,0 " t. Jlllll6B S. 11 ..4.lolacsea, now landing and fur sale, by MILLER a 111011ST80N, rartra Nos. 21 and 211 Liberty 14treet _DILL PAPER—Of best quality—for sale Al by WM.. G. JOHNSTON Er, CO, • jrai, Statiouers, 5T Wood street. IpIN VEI,O Straw, Amber and 1..4 White, of all elmq, sold wholesale or retell. by W U. JOSTON St CO., my; 6tationers and Paper Coolers, 67 Wood qt. SODA ASII.-100 casks LiAa Ash, now banding and for ez.slo by 18 MILLER et RICKETSON. 10 barrels fresh Eggs, just reeeiv od tiedcalo by JAMS A. FETZER, e 22 tlnroor Itesltet and First street.. OD FISH.- 3 drams extra large Cod Fish ; 3 .• largo " " Just received an for Brie, by MILL 6B h itICKETSON, tera Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty street. 1 :41----()R SALE—One Steam Engine, Cylinder 15 inches in di- muter, 4% feet stroke ' with 2 Cylinder Before 82 inches in diameter, '4O feet in length, with fire front Fly Wheel 18 feet in diameter. For price and terine, inquire of B. a A J. EL MUTER, 'e3o No. 47 Wood street. L ADIES' KID GLOVE CONGRESS GAlT with and without heat], ot the People's Shoe Store, No. 17 'Filth htmet. T DIFFENBACITER tr CO. GEN i''S CONGRESS HAITEES CHEAP at the People's Shoe Stor Yu. 17 Fifth atreet. • 9 De, IFFENBACHER k Co, IHAVE constantly on hand a large supply of Pare Wine 3 and Liquors for medicinal purpose. Those wishing anything in thin line, can rely upon getting a pun) article at JOSEPI.I FLEMING', jyttl Onrner Diamond and-Mar , let :greet_ ‘OO WILL buy a Dwelling House of 0 8 rooms and bath room, good cellar, and other conveniences, eltuate on Franklin atieet. VOO in hand balance at one and two yearn. B. CUTHBERT dc BON, 61 Market street. TYPE METAL, just received and for Bale by W. S. HAVEN, Stationer and Printer, 0213 Goraer McirStet and Second etreete. QOAPS.—A large 'supply of Low'e we known Brown Windsor soap, Just received Ale Honey, Palm, Lottnca, Nymph and °the) fancy JO Soa cot stantly on hand at JOS. FLEMING'2 , , Corner Diamond and lifrrket street. CiOLTON'S WEST TOURIST & GUIDE- Yor sale by (Jo 19 ) J. R. WELDIN DELIVERED EVERY MORNING...-. Forney's Preis, Public Ledger, N. Y. Times, limald and Tribune, and the Cincinnati Commercial, are delivered in every part of the city. Trade leaving your addrcts at HUNT lixannle Hall GEN T'S , WEAR.- ' CEIFAP. Genol2AV:int Leather Gaiters ; ca Gent's Patent Leather Oxfords; MI Gent'e Calf Boots; re Clones Fine Slippers. >. 0111.1 AP. AT THE PEOPLE'S BROS STORE, JerlB No, 17 Fifth street, DISFENBACITEIt 4.. CO, WAIT CANDLES.-75 boxes extra Ada manener star Candles, warranted superior to any in Oh market, ou bend end for ealo by DflS. C. S. SAWiRit PONGES—A large supply of coarse and N„„31 Sao Sponges, of a Cory euperfor quality, jolt received b JOS. 1 0 1,Emme. ycl2 Corner Diamond and Market street. QTATIONERY FOR OFFICE OSE-A large sn'pply of Staple and Fancy Stationery, for of ficee, banks, etc.,for gale by ( jell)) J. 8.. WBLDI.N. VRESII TEA, MORE NEW TEA— The finest Tea of every name, grade and color. The sub scriber has in store and arriving, a most extensive and Complete assortment of Tea irr chests, half chests and fatal ly bores, all of which is offered at greatly reduced prices. je32 B. JAYNES, 35 Fifth strsot. HOME IN THE COUNTRY.—A new Cottage House of 6 rooms, good cellar, and every convenience to make a comfortable and pleasant reaidence; stable, carriage house, spring boasts 250 peach tre saso, choice apples and ether hilt, 12 acres of land, good quality for gardening purposes, situate at 3 miles from the city, near the Washington Turnpike. Terms easy, and immedi ate possession. For R. CUTHBERT it SON, jy22 51 Market etre ex.. DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE- A Dwelling 1101180 and two largo lots, with good im provemeate, peasesalon. Price, $lBOO. A Farm- of 303 acres, 40 improved, all prime land one mile from Paget° Springs. Price, $6 per acre. A valuable property et Lawrenceville, in complete order, good location, immediate poasearion—s.3soo. A section or choice. land in Franklin county, lowa, in good location—s2,so per acre. S. CIITIEBEICT et SON, je2s 51 Market street. CLARK STREET. A Brick Dwelling Hone on Clark street, near Carpenter's alley, ate los price of $llOO. Also, three other Dwelling Houses near tile above. Price, $l2OO each. Terms easy. E. CUTHBERT .k.SON, 51 lklarlf dd. EBRING.-50 bble Herring for sale 13: JLJL 1630 OOLLUilit CARPETS AND OI lop RMOITAL.—J. & 'H. PHILLIPS have AN meowed to their new budding, Noe. 26 and 23 ST. aide, between Perin troot and tho Bridga 3.' U. rktimiaPai,, ttIANUVACTUREV3 OF FLOOR, FURNITURE,CARRLSGR, TABU ANDA'RANBPARFINF ..4i.V)PAQUE , T' OWSIiftMEDIE cALOTHkt Of different Colors.' Alec, D 'EALLBS DT OIL CLOTHS it' WIN "DOW SHADES,, Of erery . description. Dealers he INDIA ZITIOIEB. GOODS, of ell kinds, ramie ander Goodyear's Patent; Agents of the Boatoxt and Now York Belting Companies, for the sale of their INDIA MM. BEE BELTING, BOSS:and PACIIING. LEATHER BELT. INN of Eastern mannheeturis, a superior'unality;E also, Lace Leather-and Rivets. Agents for the 01110 kEEE-PHOOP ram.ERAL PAINT. Dry and Mixed Palate, Varnishes, 011.3, !Turpentine, Brushes, Glass and Patty. HOUSE AND ZION PAINTING,,AND GLA2ING t In all its branches, done in the beet and shortest time. Ide2Coly J. H. PaIiLIPS, eaare N. 2Aand 2 St. Glair street; Manufactory at Phil. on the Ohio river, threei miles below.Pitaburgh. CAF-nTS, OIL CLOTHS, IaATTING, - &a., AT Tali VotaTth' Street -Carpet Store. WD. & IL M'CA.LLUAI respectfully. 6 invite 'the 'eltZlatioii - bf their former customers and th e F iona get erallyto - thelr present steoki just selected for Spna g sale s ,43ilbracitig the very latest styles of Forei g n acid !. ' .leanfacture eonsisrting. In part ot. Velvets and Brussels, Tapestry and Common. ingrain: also, Brussels, Damask, Twilled a n d Plain Stair CARPETS. OIL GOTHS FROM ti TO 2; FRET IVIDL, Huge, Mate, Stair Rods, Canton apki Cocoa Matting; -List, VLian and Rag Carpets; Vonitian Blinds; Painted,Bnff and Growl Holland hbades. . . It willgive us pleasure to show goods to all who- may lae desirOtl3 of 'coking er purchasing, and WO are determined to otter indorsements to any who may favor lIS WitiS a call, at the old stand, No. 87 FOURTH. Street, near Wood. inylatly W. D. et U. b.1%.72.11tri1. OIL CW:EII OLOTIIIIIU—,Of aarkinds, black and yellow, fa sale at tho India Rubber Depot and 23 di. Clair area. J. ts PaILLIVE._ fiL CLOTHS FOR THE FALL TRADE. We have on hand, and are daily receiving odditioLs thereto frontons .own and other manufactories, a, large atomof Floor garniture, Carriago Trio, ming, Table Cover, Truss. parent, Oreen and Buff, and all Lindy. of Oil ()loth, as,sl flowiefarnishing and other parpoor.a. Also, Tranopaisiti Window glades, of dry and oil flash—gold bordered ano other stysoo, and Window ando Trimmings. Merctuanta and other,, will find it to their advantage re ex amine oar stock and prices before Poking their lircha,t..—i eleowherr. J. t li. PUTT.' sole 20 and 24 Bt. Clair eireeL OIL ()LODI TABLE UOVERS—Of our owon and ether manufacturer,. for sale wholemle and retail, by .1. .5i H. PUILLIPB, 17 28 and 28 St. CMWettest. riIItANSPAItENT (34-LEEN OIL CLOTH II. 3000 Yards du superior quality, just remised from ttue factory, and for sal° uy J. li. PHILLIPS. 26 and 2S St. Clair street. (IAItRIAGE OIL CLOTII6.----Kirlatelled %.) with plain or figured baeke—on muslin, Twilled and Luck. Goods, for sale by J. t 13. P 11.11,4128, .1.)/7 26 and ZS dt. Clair street. fIAP OIL CLOTHS—A low pieces en mus lin, silk, and imitation of silk, r tale at 26 and 28 St. Clair street. (jyl7) J. h if. 111.11.LII:S. ittsburgh TOC., 11 trrd HOSPITAL StiEETINU—Of all wicithe and of the boat quality, for wok at the radio Rnbbot Lk put, 2e. and 'ZS St. Clair street. 130 c. cp 100 Um - - INDIA RUBBER DOOR MATS---The best article in two, for sale at the India Rubber Depot, of J. ex t!. rfIILLIPS, . 1 :•16 .I.lti 9 , 4 rat. Okrir etreet. 500. 11 100 t .141LOOR Oth CLOIIIB,- Of our own and eastern ni4u width% and oat to sail any silo of rooms tno Oil Cloth Ware rooms, Isitt, Stl and l 61. t. ;suer: oct23 400. +0 100 Dm Great CilaiiiCb e Honey FPIIE BEST tau) MOST CEE.TAIN SPEOU , J. EAMON OF THN 'I2I:MES-01.i la ONE„,.- 25 , aw D rns. uLLAit p Silelliti—Puny thousand dollars l Z-7:>,Z worth of valuable Saul Estate, Watchett, Jewelry, .., Silver and Silver Flutes ',V are, with a greet variety of Fancy and Staple Goods; to be disposed of in forty moo sand shares, at one dotter per have ea iollOWS:—Upea the payment of ono dollar, 1 wilt semi the payer a numbered re ceipt, which will entitle him to one share in the above undi vided property. When the chores shall bave been cold, the shareholders ehall be limited of the fact, by mail, or through the newspapers, and a meeting of the Shareholders shall then be held in the city of Finirdelphis, and the whole of the property disposed of or distributed among thorn; in each , way as shall be determined upon by them; each Sharehuld- ' er shall be entitled to °fie vote, a Committee to be aelected by the Shareholders at meeting, to conduct or superin tend the disposition of the property, according to the direc tions of the Shareholders, and I will then deliver the pro perty to such person or persons as thratthateliolders may appoint to receive the came. The ,itcalitistato consists of one three story brick dwelling holier, and lot, valued at 1411600, and two three story brick dwelling houses and lots veined I at 2700 each, in the city of vhiladelphia; clear of all Mown brance, and title indisputable; the ethix property cenaista I of the whole stock and fixtures of one of the largest Watch and Jewelry Stores in the city of Phllzdelphiti, now, and for a long time past kept by the notscrtber. The stock. consist- log of very rine Gold and Silver Limning Coos Lover Watch- es, very tine Gold and Silver Patent Lever. Lelane wad ocher Watches, Cold Chums, Peacila, dean., liecke - .e, tier range ; I h.-caches„ Bracelets, It:amend one other .E'Jogs aud Pins, Studs, Sleeve liattonts, de, arc., Oetri, diver said Steel Spec tacles, Gold end Silver Thimbles, silver end Silver Plated Ware, consisting et Tea e....)tr., C.3t, , ..)re., c,Ais Baskets, Cups, Spoons, KiliTeD, Forks, lc., so. Also, French Clocks, Amato 13orn,Accorcluons, and a great varuity of otnEr goods. Tho nbove Is not one of therm asiteinen which we devised to en trap the unwary, but, Is Bud will be a lair sale ~...0 tie outlro , property belonging to the subsclober, persons are positisuly assured the eback has nut book purctitJed ice the putriAtee. of deception, and to palm oft COliiii.".l3 ( lilt and Plated Jewelry, for fine Gold, Lune curls will be anstritrated, the must resyreets able persons are given WI references, to ti1 , i6,2. (:ieptlia , l to pur chase shares. Ali orders by Mail 'enclosing the money will be promptly attended to, and receipts forwarded to the ad dress , of the sender, by return mall. Any Fenton 115DAIIUS ten dollars at one tie e,shall receive eleven seperatortrelpte, In as many separate lialW:33 if desired. V„, 1.. In writing tier (hate, please write the name of the Post lace, to which yon wish the emitter directed. =his is the greatest chance of getting a large amount of valnae4,3 property, tor a email aura, as has ever before been offered to the public. bond on your orders ' as shares are selling rapid , ly, and it is confidently expected the distribution will coon be made. Articles allotted topereons at a dilitallee, will he' neat to alum at their expense te...Agents wanter” ratifications rased . _ COPYING PRESSES, with Sorel , / and Lever, for sale by W. S. LIAVNti, Stationer and Paper heater, Jy-20 Corner Market and Second elreetri. .-QJIL UM EXCURSIONISTS.— PO Ladies who design taking a ` aleasnro Trip," Jhonld provide themselves with the NEW LINEN TRAVELING BKIETI The above article can be precut - 0d at - DUBE FRENCH. BRANDY, for medicinal Is purpose», by the bottle or gallou, at RAWOItTdt BROWNLEIn, fes in the Dia:au:A. 10 SACKS FEATHERS, for eale by BAG LEY, COEGILAVL at 00, Nan. t 8 BEd 2.0 L9riG strva. A YE. -125 bush Rye for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, •2 Corner Market and First streets IMOTIIY SEED-10 bush. Good Timothy deed for oalo by J.C.B. A. 12,17.E1t, ItYE FLOUrit..--15 bbls. just received mud for bale by [me] lIHNRY H. COLLIN:4. DRY APPLES-100 bush., for , sale by alsMitY ii. COLLIII EXPANSION SKIELTS--Steel Spring, and all the other celebrated iikirta, for We by a. 26 JOS. 1101tN14, 77 Marha atr.-et. 112 LACK LACE MITTS.—A large stock of excellent styles, with and withant Engem, very cheap at (ap26) JOB. HOWIE'S, 77 Market etract. CIOTTON HOSIERY.—Every variety - u 1. 0 1 Cottou Stoat:ll3ga and Half How at the lowest price!: wholesale or retail, at JOd. rivltliEr ap2B Market etvlt. 10P 10E.—Six tierces prime Bice, just reeeiv ad and for sale by :MUER iSKYKETSON) nasl2 lloa. M. and 22S Übertir stmt.. AXE FISH-15 whole Ws. Lake bupe isj. rlor White 1. leh Just received and for sate by JAS. A. FETZER, .8 , Caner Market and First aref4.a. $6OO FUR a two story trains dwelling home and lot of ground po feat by 100, pleas' usly 'situated ou Idt. Washington. Teems easy. fed CUTfildllar FlArbet MRS. ALLEN'S flair Restgrative, Brown's Cm Jai=lea Ginger, rreaton tier/ill s Cooking Extracts, liennedy's Medical Discovery, Thonipson's Washing Compound, Pyson's Indelible Ink, McClung 4 eimpbeire Marc Lemon fisrup, For halo by B. L. e4lINESTi.4)lirs QO., 23 No. 80, oorner of Wood aod FoOrth Rty QYRUP.---10 bbla. N. D. Syrup for bate,'on 10 consignment, by (ap7) ELENRY IL (TOLLE* . tas