. , ' sy• • . tet Utornitiff JAMES P. BASE, Editor and Proprietor PITTSSURCX : FRIDAY hfORNING DEMOCSATIC STATE NOMINATIONS TOE EitiPRIMII JUDGE, WILLIAM A. PORTER, Y)P PHILADELPI3IA YOB CANAL CONNISSIONNE, WESTLEY FROST, 02 FAYETTE COUNTY DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET 003GRISS, EXIST DIVIRICT .A.....!D8E1V BURKE, City. CONGRZFEI—=ID DISTRICT JOHN BIR3MGHAR, Ohio. 'Etrun.: PAMIIEL McKEE, Birmingham ASMIBLT : THOMAS DONNELLT, CAr;i,r.., pinup H. STEVENSoN, JOIIN M. IRWIN, City.', ROBERT MORROW, 11,04,. AUGUSTUS lIABTJE, Alleghtaly BARNES FORD, Upper St. Clair FSOTEONCY/ABY ALEXANDER BLACK, Sewickley COIOSISSIDICKEL : THOMAS PALSY, Allegheny OORUNTA : WILLIAM ALEXANDER City •uDtioa: JOIIN MURRAY, South Pittsburgh, Mites t. P. OP THE POOR JOIIN BC.TLG, indittua.! A Card--•To th• Public Mr. alitor - -On my wily beck from Butler Isst Tue,,lsy I was handed s report of &r. nog. Willi ons' speech, deli. • ered at Bakerstown the night bef,r, On rendinw, it, I t,..c.0d aim cg many other groin adirevre,entatione about m-, th following elegant extract:— " McKnight /fed when he E I.ver rode oa a 'free ;,z;' I was astonished at this strung expretslom especially as I had never said anything the kind; not deeming it my business, whether he had or not. But considering it a c lenge to draw me out on fly , matter, though not a very c•iari. :eons one, I addressed a note to Mr. Thomson, Preside!, L of the Pennsylvania Railroad, and have Jost received the fol lowing reply : "OFFICE PRNN'A RAILROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, October 1, ISS , DEAR SIR IN ANt , AVIIIt. TO VOIR FAVOR OP THE 29in ULT , 1 WILL STATE THAT MR. TIDEocs: LIAIIS HAS RIDDEN UPON Tll PN:NN'A PAILROAD MORE TIAN ONCE, UPON A'' PEER Vcure, Very It.f.st,tlr.lly, .1 EDGAR. 11.1011:-.O To ROBLE: MCKNIGHT, ES.:42Ja In order `'to cirlica•e the truth of Illgtlll - 3 I,t ta:i_r, I aubmitted V, a candid world ^ Octoher 4th, 18c8 TBJ DEIIOCRATIO COUNTY COMMIT! ic.?: uF COARESPOVDENCI: have. appointo4 th.+ting.g held aa follows : SATURDAY, 9th Gctober,2 o'clock, p at Taril..CH in Indiana to.-nehip. SAME DAY,: &duct, P. at John io i. EVENING (14 . SAME DAY, 7 o'Lluc::, at Stzwartatowu. MONDAY EVENING, 111 i ectobo.i, 7 o'clo.1:, a. nOirC, in McKeesport. paters ullt be in attendance. D. D. BRUCE. Chairmau of Df•M city Committee of Coor,t—dele DE.M(.IO.ItA TIC NATIIILALIZATION C .)3.!!_.11•17 JOHN Met/LOWEY, JOHN TAY LOit, SAMUEL CaO24t:RON, DANIEL FICH.EISON, JAS. C. CUMMINS, CHAS. W. LEVi IS. Either el whom c_u to couulted daily, at th.-ir Eat, lacet of Utt THE VIGILANCR COMNIITTEE I DIF FERENT PRECINTS. composing tit , - Tai-i.ty-t•tr,t and Twsnty•Second Cou;rt sdonal Districts, will be sumo with the regular and nnly grill:11116 Dmuocratic Tislist, at the aloe of the Morning Pcs.t. c Ittsburgh. JOHN P Chairman. See First Page. DEMOCRATIC TICKETS; The regular Detwieratie tickets 1,1- the Twenty-First and Twenty-Second Congres sional districts, aro now ready and may be obtained at the office of the Morning Post, corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. OUR. WiStEKLY The Weekly Pott may he had to-day at our counting room in wrappers ready for mailing. It contains all the foreign, domestic, commercial, local, and political news of the day. In clubs of five, our mammoth weekly costs but one dollar per year to each sub scriber. THE STATE TICKET Our Democratic exchanges from all quaro ters of the State, speak in the Moir eMiOur aging terms of the prospects of our candi dates on the State Ticket. They are unex ceptionable men in all respects, and will command the vote of every real Democrat in Pennsylvania. AT WORK The Democrats are at work with a will to insure the success of our ticket, Meetings well attended are held in different parts of the county, and the enthusiasm is irwreas ing every day. In the Twenty Second District the work goes bravely on. The true hearted Democrats of the District will vote to a man for Capt. Birmingham, and net for the Know Nothing despiser of Democrats—Williams. The Des mocracy of the district will be true to them selves and to their party. IN the Twenty-Second District no man, who is a Democrat, can consistently vote for Thom as Williams, a Know Nothing and a Black Republican, with such a Democrat in the field as Capt. John Birmingham. The can didate who refuses to vote for Capt. Birming ham need not ask for Democratic support. Those who wish to he supported as Demo crats are bound to give Democrats their support. Til True Pres.s is now mainly devoted to attempts to get Mr. Williams out , f scrapes, which he is continually getting into. Mr. Williams started into the campagn by de nouncing everybody who did not agree NS ith him, and closes it by continually apologizing fur his own sins. Poor Thomas ! IT 18 said that Mr. Thomas Williams ex-. Deets to receive a'` free pass " , up Salt River on Tuesday next. He claims the right to du Eu as a " private individual," inasmuch as the people do not desire his services as a Con. gressman in the Twenty-Second District. rT is with difficulty that the managers keep Mr. Williams stimulated up to the sticking point as the dap of his defeat approaches. We have more than once heard it stated that he wishes, even at this late hour, to decline the contest. We hone the managers will not permit him to back out. The election woul , l be like the play of Hamlet with the part of Hamlet omitted, without Thomas in the field. MR. WILLIAMS does not deny travelling on a " free pass," but says he earned it, yet over and over be denounced editors for using them who earn them ten times more honestly and honorably than any lawyer in the land. Mr. Williams has narrowed himself down into It very small potato, and is vainly endeavorim: to get out at the little end of a very small horn. WE have been told that Mr. Williams says he is fairly sick of the present political cam paign. We do not wonder. He has destroy ed a fair professional business as a lawyer in the vain hope of going to Congress, and now that he sees defeat inevitable it is very natl.; ral that he should feel a little sick at his ruin ed hopes and ruined prospects. TIIOIIISt !LUAU ABM NOTIII G. 9st. H Till KS ALL FOREIGNERS SHOULD BE OCTOBER 1858 TH VI NO FOREIGN BORN CITIZEN SHOULD EVER HOLD \N OFFicE OF READ rfHiiit, RECORD. GERMANS' WILL = YOU VOTE FOR A : WILL YoU VoTE FOR A ROBERT McK:,IiHT IN TIIE COUNTRY TWENTY ONE YEARS BEFORE BEING NATURALIZED, AND TRUST OR PP,OFIT MAN Wile WOULD DISFRANCHISE YOU MAN WHo DESPISES VW . AND WOULD TAKE AWAY lift; HAWED; AS CITI- ZENS IF lIE cOULD 4ILL : WiLL YOU VOTE nH; A M VN ISHO HAS ALWAYS opPuSED oU IN YOUR LIBERAL AND PATRIOTIC REGARDS 1F THE POOR AN DOPPRESSED OF EVEtt\ LAND AGAIN. WE SAY MARK THE RECORD In August. 1-44, an Arnrrioan WRS farmed in this a.h.pted declaration of principle , and a c‘instilliti , in uC idsteen We r:; tract two, which re' for directly t , the prinoipl-9 of the Associa tion, it un tho the :.;R SPin.lllL. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBUROH. WILLIAM BAGALIIIIf, President. SAMUEL L. MARSHICIL, Secretary. OFFICE : 44 Water rtred,betweeek Market and Woad &eels 43- Insures HULL AND CAI U3O RISES, on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries. Insures against Loss or Damage by FMB. Also, against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. • William Bagaley, Capt. Mark Sterling, Samuel Rea,: Samuel M. Kier Samoa M. Cooper, ' John S. Bllwortik, James Park, Jr., ; frauds Sellers .1911/10 M. Pennock, _ William B. Hviy a. Springer Harbaugh, i John Shipton, Capt. Samuel 0. Young, 1 Walter Rryant, John Caldwell. iail2 PHILADELPHIA F 1E AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY No. 149 Cheattut, S treat., 04msito the Custom House. WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU RANCE, either Perpetual or Limited, on every description of Property or Merchandise, at viasonabie rates of premium. ROBERT P.IKING, President. Id. W. BALDWIN, Vico President. MIMI& Charles Hayes, 30 It. Cope, • E. B. English, George W. Brown, P. D. Pavery, oseph B. Pan], C. Sherman, John Clayton, P. J. Magargee E. Wilor. P. Buotar4as, fleeratari. A. A. CARRIER & BRU., PITTSrURGII GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. Capital Reprasomaied, 63,000,000. COMPANIES OF HIGHEST ! STANDING, Ohar,ed by Ponneylvania and other Btatca. TIRE, MARINE AND LIFE 1 8.18118 TAKEN, OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS. ' 180. 68 wourvain. sTararr, A. A. CLIIRTHR. P/TTLIORGD; PA; 9. Milan. fdOCP/r1 THE . OLDEST - LARGEST LITHOGRAPHIC EBTABLIt3HAIENT IN THE CIPY WM. SICHI6.CH.MAN• PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHER, Corder Third and Market Streets, DIM'S COLLEGE 'BUILDINGS, Jy2Ely-2p TERRA COTTA OR STONE WALTER PIPES 4 From two to Er , ' inch calibre. PRICES from 12 to 30 Cents per Foot. ALSO—E ENTER P EARL STARCH poi. Salo WliolosaloTat. Planufacttarers Prlceqo by HENRY U. U. ~ I COLLINS,. FORWARDTNG AND COM MISSION MERCHANT, AND witousatz MIMI Di 0111inESIG, BUTTE*, SEEDE, WISH, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY. No. 25 WOOD STRUT, PITTBBURGE. dote • STARCH FACTORX. FOR SALE.—The Rocheeter Starch Factory, in toorough and complete working order, capable of turtling out two tone of Starch daily, will be Bold on very advintageons terms. This is a favorable opportunity for any duo wishing to inter into a eats and proStabte bushaess, agood run of custom being already well established, ,and'l. requiring a comparatively email capital. For further inforniation, inquire of Be6lm-2p] HENRY LL cotaaNs, 25 Wood 0. JAMBS FrieLAHHUGEHILIN, bIANUYA: --- ko:umaka 01? ALICOHOI49 Cologne Spirits end . Fusel •Oil, Nos: 167 and 170 Seeond Street. ateguyemp --=_• --_ ----,,,,_.------._-7-7.- ---:." PtatIEXIIIIM HOLLAND GIN BITTERS, IMPORTED BY E. FEPX & BON, 488 PENN BT., UEBH, PA.—We reepectfully call the LaLonde]] of the public to the above .pleb . ated Bittere, for which the Medical Court of Holland hat commissioned U 8 to act as 8010 Agents far the United Mates and Canadair. This article is prepared by so of the most sclentillo men of Holland, and Is the most p arable Bitters now in use. Wherever the Holland Gin Bl , re has been introduced, its t ic sale has been unprecedented. Persons. ishing to try them l can have a sample, with circular, sent gralis=r ba=roa, sample, ' ' Y. * . ,Pa.- y'rAr : ts . l l, _ 'P 2-1-I Lift . 702,781 31 P. A. MADEEtA, Agent, 95 Water street. Pittebtr:ga $237,710 b 5 I J. 0. COFFIN, Agent, Oornefr Third and Wood streets. PITTBEURGH, PENN'A