VOLUME XVI. PlTTSnita NORM% POST. Printed arid Eutdzys e;ree! kd. JAAES P. SARA. J: "WOOD &Zit. a. rl.l 6762LT41, - yci;_..r; a !L, If not the year. +:.. culirA;,:r Br,ys. • ENT 1 . „ 3 , 0 _, I .7:617 , 1 •1, . o ' l .l v...•:.41:1 I ,-.;,•!--7.• rvrGar Ss Loh tr.serti: Gn= v. 7E 71: i (; , 'Ol.. I. ........... I. 1 100 i ?'-, f.,,,,. tit. , i f,, , , i 1 v 1 1 t, 4UO .'2, , t,`. 2 i. , ...1; I '.., ICC sc , '.; ,' 35 fs , l 1 . ..-• i L ',...1.. 4 E- - '; E.C.; '.i .., ': SC. MIME ThLi'E:, `a:D:iihtt it: 00; c r...",' :":, 4il: .. ~, 4 t.,‘ 11%,-; 11: ...41 4, 4'.4,1 tt. t 4,1 4 t , o 0, bt„ , it; A: J .4, 7: nt. 1; ii: 5St 990 s: G.ll la, 1:1 0,1 U ,',,, .1:: Go lUr ltst, par tinaliza ...... ....... 10 00 r.lO - 2th , .t F':ve ...... Ua.d, iIL One eq ae,;.:.t ~ Itrirtm,, , exclatfe t.) ; PITTSBURGH - aTURDAY POST ErfAMMG=TE: WEEKLY, ONLY ONE FALLig nit I.NAR, it.! CLUBS O TIN. . 11/ -6% per antWaritt.. CON TAINS ALL THE CURRENT. NEWS GP TE! LAY, Litcrr.r - y, -Oetr.mer PeiegTaphie. and mia , nilaneona. TU. Pr.per being of eim,. and nontly prints on fine white p.. - tp;. , r, In large, clear type, pill be found by th e p.fa.tcritar to give better eattifaoden thou arty paper priolipbod in I - Arta - ugh pin)v Isn to tat - a p.. - pez teem Pta,burgh, will dud zai i 1 ROSY POrT a ssfe and prontablo investment. JABIS P. BARR, Editor and Proorietor. Add: V... 131E=11 itivEas) nOUff. AND J 01; OFFICE, POST Tyur.r.,r)l2..pas, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. THE undcrsigmed having made exthuive I adlit:L.ne of the LATEST AND HANDSOMEST STYLE P TYPE, and I/opt-DT:A Machinery, to the MORNING POST 3•'1.3 vi PZCE, invite ft' " ttenticn of Rail Road Officer ele,relassta, br-eir,eso Da", and the yablie generally, to their operier f. rat for oxtenting orith &Lip:l:ay on reap: amble er Jae, cll Uncle of 3FERCANTILE, LEGAL., AND SliWa OTHER DRSCRIPTION OR PLAIN FANCY PRINTING Onr u• - .sterf;ll being nearly all r.ew, we can give awa• of ttp moot canapleto satisfaction, and solicit arders ;C , ES, Pnitrl'aLETB, ii.:111 ROAD BITJA AND UARDS, BANK :DELEOKS, BLANK NOTES, Lr'TER 1 , 1 7 1A11i3, BELL im.ADa, BILLS LADECG, - CDICULARS, BUSWESS OkROS, PAPER BOOKS, DEIRDS, hIORTGAGDS, BONDS, 80. c,:tention will also bo paid to the.printing :t Potter'', tc. fur Conoortit, Exhibitions and BARR & MYERB. BUSINESS CARDS. Peopie , t4 Shoe Storaei. D. S. DIEFFENBACRER &CO., Cia:al. Cash DaalGra in all t - .lnd3 of Far.lalonabli. It 001 ' 6 " SH.OES LIND GAITERS, For Gentlemen, Ladies; Youths and Children, 124. 11 V 12.114 Street, near Market, PITTSBITBGII, PA .„........WM. JOH2(80:1..». 4. EalllN PERRIN JOHNSON, Proprietors of Childs It Co.'s patent Eanctic Fire and Viiratar Proof Canient Roofing 133 I . I4TRD STREET. dARDERS for..ROOFING promptly and faith fully oxecttad; and all our work warranted. Hoofing material always on hand, and for sale, with dl r,,timia for we. Beviay P. 11:121ILTON & rr CRS A.ND MACHINISTS, ri-rraa• of Ant ar4 Liberty creed, Pkaburgh, 61 U PERLOR STEAM ENGINES for Grist and. Elm Mille, Breweries, Print:rig Ls' tablishments, made to order. They, also continuo the L.,,uuf..cture of their Cilebratoil Machiuists' Toole, such as .lug Lathee, Iron Flauers,llcring and DrillingMuchine4 is L'..so, Wrought Izon Shattlas with Pulleys; Eang&e, Lc. ,133:13,t1 JOULN TUOIMPSON CO., Li OUSE PAINT...ORS, GLAZIERS AND t- GIIAINERS, Nc. 185 Third streot. SIGN PAlNT exwmted with matrices and despatch. Mixed Paints, 'turpentine, Varnish, Japan and English Patent Dry c V,lle Siontr.igne 7.inch, n very siaperiur article; Phits d,inoi,. cud Pittsnargh White Liead always on hand and for k - ,;:. IA 0 are prcprzed to grind colors for Painters, Drag ar otnera, at the shortest nice, es we have a DUG : :rinds by ottani Painters will save money by get ei-Ar :,.tors ground with as. 1.1:m5:1y r-Tfl• s _ GOLD 4ND SILVER SPECTACLES.; MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. HYDROMETERS woighing eptrits, the climpeet and bast articisa over :o this city. a. - TalamamErurt.s AND BABOl2Ltardtt, gin ;, , rimfr - cm*-8 V>o . tech. POCKET COMPASSES, AND ‘,,LiItVEYOI3.'B COMPASSEB, hindrat G. E. Proxiv..../ Op.-I=n, 68 fifth &ree. oppc...e.to hniFda /inn. El. SAWYER, I=l itt) CANDLES, PALM . , TOILET, ANt' Ito3IN ;;UAPS No.* VS , o 2 xtsla4; 'DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— firm of fIAWORTU. BRO. d BROWNI.EB was, Ln the ad of May, 18a8, djaaalred by mutual 013:211ent, by the withdrawal of J}UU .11AWORN1 fr.:mi the above firm. `.(a...‘ tic - comas of the late firm will be settled by HAWORTH BUOWNLEE. JEER HAWORTH, i witi.diawieg from the above rm, kindly thanka his former patrons and lila - , the patrons the late firm, for the ver.y libcral patronage he has re, and would thadlyreDommend them to his ancceaeora, 11:: OItTS & BROWNLEE, as they are determined to sell ht.a ilgnree, saving a very large assortment of 0112- 0 it , ./.11..1t1R5, WINES end LIQUORS ow hand. JEHU HAWORTH.. Ca,- DAVID iIAWORTH- and JAMB BROWIiLLti this day usoeieted together, and will continue on the eipeuee3 thy OLD STAND, corner of Diamond ,and Dia z:l..l.d ender the style of Ii&WOB.T11 4 BROWN . L.EIi, they h,mk4.! roui re that paMonaga given mu old firm, es they ure determined to sell CHEAPt.Ien any other Store in the city. myl?, orifice of Sealer of Weights and Measures. OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, SEWER OP WEIGHTS AND MIZABLTRE4 !lay be thandbenceforth, in Cherry alley, be teeen Third Fourth streeta. where ardern way ba left. au l3tf lILEB BARNETT. IfS. HAVEN'S Elastic Steel Pens just . received, and for silo at :he Stationery Store, 1,28 N0a.31. 33 and 35 Market street. rrlIE FRANKLIN ALMANAC FOR 178;59. —Th.s well-knawn and popular annual, formerly put. p...hed by Johnston l Stockton, after a lapse of years, will shortly be issued. The cirenlatiens as formerly will made by ;...e skillful mathematician, Sanford 0. Hill, Lig who will also prepare Ihr its pagess such-reading mat. tar 163 will make it an entertaining and instructive utopi an.% Bondes the reliable astronomical calculatiolui, a new .ud ingenious table of time, an accurate method of drawing -oevidian lines, and other matted of permanent value will be added.: • Orders of book:sellers and other dealers are solicited in advance of publication, as but one edition will be printed, ..cd orders'svill be filled according to priority. WM. Q. JOHNSTON & 00., eubliPhers Printers, Stationers,. and Blank Book Makers, .67 Wood street, Pittabiro.. je23- 'TWO DWELLING HOUSES FOR RENT, 1 by B. CUTHBERT k EON, 51. Mut& street. irAllOll-30 . 0 bra. RocheatarTitarl Starch, K. 7 to caski • Matta 11, MLLE! ' . . TI i=''.•, ... i i.. .:s- ;rt.l•l * / ' •'''' .. 4 ,.. : _ ---'. s •1t..:.. :,,.-:...'•... : ' ...... ....., ~ ADAMtr CORN SHELLER. T[IE PROPRIETORS OF THE "PITTS BURGH NOVELTY WORKS " haling, through Mr. Ad e m q , (the priecipatnalis genius of the firm,) ob tained letters patent, dated 17th August. 1858, for a ne and simple...instrument Inc SaliftlilNG CORN, truly neat, compact and. Portable, combining durability, utility and clearways; a necearary appendage to every farmer's biro, is now offered to the people of !the Halted. States at a very low price. We hare no ..Patent " for sale, but manufacture and sell the article at our works. Owing to its compact form it la destined coon to become an article of trade in every Hardware Merchants' shelf The Machines are of two SiZe.3 svoighleg only about 36 and 50 pounds, and may be secured to a poet, pillar, or door, as you would a coffee mill. We add no more, when mil, it apeaks for itaelf. isell3mdsw LITINOSTON, &LAI: &Co I the rap-•j ucAtice2,Z IT IS THE CIIEIPE'ST, SIMPLEST, SMALLEST, Will ChaiT Twice as Fast as any in the United Slates IT IS PERFECTLY ADAPTED tv.lhe Cleaning or all heeds, front the( r smalleat to the dtrge,t, without waste, and le • I only twenty inches wide. but must Le ace wvia be appre- fatal. Farmer-, Idattufac.urt•re, Me, chanica and ert•rybody else. are invited t, cv it 4 practical working, at the at.,re ctad , r t , ,e :it. Charles llotel, Pit:slugh selitamda%—eJ J. T 00,1).1)11.4, Azent. 1=33 AUTUMN TRADE, 1858 DRY GOODS, SHAWLS IN EVERY VARIETY. MARI N 0,4, COISUILOS, MUSLIN DELAIIi IS. VELVNTS, SILKS, ALPACAS, CL3TUS, CASSIME,F4II4S, SATINETS, VESTINGe. FLANNELS, IRINTe, BLEA'D AND SEWN GOODS With a complete line of EnisitoiDEßaEs, And ether etytta of Goods adapted to A FIRST CLASS TRADE. W. G. CHITTICK & CO., 433 Market & 433 Merchant SR, PHILADELPHIA. auLlehal-.r-me-we NTT. 65 FIFTH ST RE ET.- DURABLE, FIRE. AND WATER PROOF JOSEPH HART3IAN, Recently Agent for 11. M. Warren & C 0.,) B. 6. JOH9EIO3 GRAVEL C-1.1.0:.'f fg., ti SPRK opixmilto 0.1:1 oC7B Hall, Pittnburgit, I,g course of ;steady devotion to the Cure of Pahnonar.. , Con sumption Mid its kindred disease; together with my un rivalled opportunities and advantage of p ath °log !cal research —aided rtot4+ little by a perfect system of Medical /s.itaftl-' Gen—hare enabled me to earive at a decisive, direct and enc. oessfal course of treatment fir the positive and radical cure of all (Jimmies of the Throat., Lungs, and Afr-Passaget. By Inhalation,the vaparand curative properties of medicines are directly!adreseed to the diseased organs and the lutegti merit Idd not advise the rum of Medical Inhalation of any kind, to the exclusion of general freatmenfr, and although 1 consider it Q useful adjuvant In the proper management of those fearful and often fatal diseases, yet I deem it very n o . cmsary that each patient should have :he benefit of both goners] and local treatment. The success of my treatment its the above diesases, and the high character of the tactile ticu aver witbdi I have so long had the honor to preside,are too well known to need any eulogy or comment from me. At the solicitation of many private and professional friends, through whose philanthropic aid the allotharity has teen. 10c. , . and liberally supported, and after due consideration, 1 have concluded to mate such arrangements as will bring the Outfits of my experiments and treatment within the i.ach of all. and not confine myself, as heretofore, to those oaly who entered !hail:Lan - nary, or woo were able to cis!: me at my . o ffice. - Wiping therefore that the arrangement will give entire satisfaction, bath to my professional breth ren and tho public, I. would respectfully announce in con clusion, that Icalt_nolebecinsuiteclperroruiliy or by htter,ou ail disc:we as above, flied that the medicines, the samo as used in the lustftiation, prepared to suit each IndiVidual case. Inhaling Vapors, Medical Inhalers, cfr—, die., will be forwatdesl by express to any part of the United States or the Canada% 'ilitata.--Mg'harms of treatment by letter are as follows. , viz 1-s.l2.per mouth for each patient whiph will Include Mp.dicine sufficient for one month's two; also, lu baling Vapm, and an , nhaling Apparatns. Pi anent as G. i lows: VS to be paid to iirpres.a agent en reco,d et the hot of Mediclaa cud the balance $0 at the expiration of the month, if ;the pati:.nt. be cured or is entirely satisfied, with the treatment. Patients, by giving a full history of their case, and their symptoms In full, can be treated as well by letter as by personal examination. Patients averting them selves of Dr. Jarrett's treatment may rely upon Immediate an l permanent relief us he seldom has to treat a case over thirty days. Letters foiadvice promptly a.nswercd. For further pmliculars, address JAMES. M. JtJIRETT, PUBLISHED DAILY BY JA MIS P. BARR, AT THE " POST BUILDINGS," OURNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM: SCELLANEOUS. CLIMAX FAN STAPLE AND FANCY AT WHOLESALE ICJ .lEit.. Ei Gr CO la OF NEWEST STYLES. All of which are offered for cale, cheap ROOFING- CHEAP, MANIIVA':'TIIRER. AND DEA L. 1,11, W Rk: 'S ;}'ELT, OE N 1 .1.: N T ELASTIC CEMEN r, SATURATED CANVAS ROOFING ROOFING NI ATERIALB (3,A ILD FROM :;R..1 AMr.S M.. 1 R C.i E Ala" coohactiou tor th. past ciiht years with the above lo:titritiu v.. 05 Chief Yhyeician,aad a twelv. wane No. 82) Broadway, con Twelfth Et, Y. P. B.—Phyaiciaue wad ethers tiaitinF Slid - city uro qx.ctfully invited to cell aline Infirmary, whore many interesting clued can be witnessed; en where our ivi proved apparatus for the inhalatlon 'of medicated vapor. can be aeon and inepected. jy.3o;Bm Summer Lager Beer. - __, • • rfillE UNDERSIGNED BEGS tL&VE TO inform his Mondani:a the public in gem:rat, that he fain the daily receipt of this delicious Beer, from the well. known Brewery cf 1. N. Straub, Allegheny City, it baying been pronouneod to bo the best that was manufactured here for many yeas, CLEAR, TASTIECIL and PURE. Give me a call and try it. JOHN BOTH, ap24:if At his old stand, i o. 243 Diamend. A MRS MU J.II , I(IAR, MONONGAIIELA PLANEie NELL, would respectfully inform the public Inuit he has rebuilt since the fire, and having enlarged his 'establishment, and filled it with the newest and most ap proved machinery, is now prepared to furnish flooring and planed boards, scrowl sawing and reaawing, doors, sash and shutters, kiln dried, frames, naouldings, box making, to aonth Pittsburgh, September 7.16:4. 11440 GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. A. reprisaiLazno. MERCHANT •TAILOR, Ooresor of Fourth and Smithfield Streetes RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT he has received his Spring Aesertment of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, Of the newest shies, best quality and - most elegant dosed's torus, which he is prepared to manufacture tomrder in the LATEST FASHIONS, And with inch a character of workmanship, as cannot fall to aatisfy and please the most fastidiqus testae, EmYlp WINDSOR. SHADES.--Gold bordered, plain and fancy. Atso, shade Trimmings, lc., always on pand at and for male cl2eap by J. MUM% • gip ia Xi fit ! Mgr AIMS. HOTELS & RESTAURANTS BLAIRSVILLE, INDIANA COUNTY, PA., COL. ROBT. EVANS, Proprietor, FEAVING PURCHASED THIS HOUSE, fmn ita former w-:11.ke,, , n Pro•xletcr, B D Mar Eaq., r.t.4 refitted it. I ant to r. v! ,, t+ls. .Isl .r D,1.1 ti F :1: a' pc;": RE7 'kW I I.LI A3l U. ki ALI. A tt I: It, `,4 T..- thy, .s; f tete of a . qtltl prilalu:l:l' hnv /..vi ?U-LTH raprie2C: , iu the will kip aniatantla au tianit the that the markets afford. Ills Wines, lig pa. arni Ales, a.. • ..f thu best quality. ile wants all his of l aieuds tee pubilc generally to Oyu him a tail at the .‘lyzalxiaiatr 1Jo121y• Excelsior Restaurant, xo: IYOOD Street, _ ilarsßraa , n, PA J_CSIES KATEit, Proprietor. IAJ•l AND EASTERN FISH SOLD Wh,lesale and Rotail, 6t tb , 4 low,et cash prlcre. Lzirg s•ppiicn of Itel‘Jus, Peaches, and •Swoot Potatoes received Alts,, New York Prince's Bay Pgg Harbor, Shol Oysters, the finest ever brought to'this city. Every delicacy of the season cmastantly on b.stid, and served up in the meet palatable style. "Den% forgot the Excelsior Rnfl tstaltnt, No. 111 Wood street. se4 Corner Irwin Street curl Ilitiquoii• Wry, B. D. ':.IARKER, (Faraway of ttw "Marker Hanna," Blairsville, Ps.) rri LIE SCOTT HOUSE IS l'cOW COM LL AND 0?1 ,, N POTt GULtiTii. it is aittuAtal in a central part of the city, t,, , int; can t all Laliruad Depute and tquatuboat Thu lionau was built lu lasd, with all iitipii,v,- Eauuta, and fitted up in aplondid atyln--thu c.,tite iruruliurti wilt i t crery t-t_4:lo.lt:t ba t. else, Ilotut. tiue TAitLEA .re , utat i h,il h, the prowl,. Jdl'L•y CO Et Ni 'COI'L.E 't EST la - i_." 'ilk:in The att3utiou of and otheta la directed to 4,0 uitsbliehmenti which hm •-• . au for the'prrpo! , .o of - I'oolll_4,g rc SUBSTA I:1AL LATINO 110 USE IN A CENTRAL LOCATION:: Oon,try folks attending ralitkot,:aro leattL.mk , ..rly hriritod mil. Everything pertaining to un EATING SALOON will Klymysl.l., found, a the freoheet tho msrkt t arr.49:lvdAra THE NATiONAL SALOON , Cutler f'oster's Now National `l'lteatra, I'ITTSBUROU, D. BARNAN.D, -1 - - PC.OrfiItITOR, iI.AS FITTED UP Iti A TASTEFUL and comfortable style. the large Luau, s , ..re in the ullL FhI.LOWS HALL, Fifth strait, as a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT and SALO.N. llasing bed te,ey years' experience in the hatiness. he Is prepared to auppl, the best the market affords. His Bar wili be larniAw,l et all timee with the boat Wines, Liquors and Ales fhe , entrance to the Saloon, is in the centre of th a;.d relreshments will be tarnished dt all times, WO' 31.1.1 111 WIT (Sundays excepted.) aptt:ly WASHINGTON HOUSE, CUR. ?EN NA AVENUE 4r THIRD ST., A. F. I;EVERIDGE ae T 4A 9 JAZEF, TI - i3 HOUSE IS LOCATED ON TILE corner of P NN and WASLLINGTON Streets, between tho CENTRAL AND WI TERNRAILB.OAD DEPkYIs, and has undergone a thorough Improvement, romodenia and furnished with new furniture, and is now the most c%.flive- Mont Hotel in Pittabargh, for Trip:eh:la by Railroad, East or Wean , ACII - 6NTZ stre , t, jrtet. beside the ?avenger livpot of the retausylvauir. Itailread, which mahes It the most couvenicut home in the city for pacsetige., ring by that road. The proprietor having, at considerable expense, att...gi up, la excvlloat style, the lIANSION HOUSE, would respect ;ally solicit a share of public patror.age. There is 1 , 413C11.1 a splendid KABLE and extensive WAGON YAILD. Ir; auipla accommodation to traveler!, and ttanisti•rs, ja3 bardc-r-atd Bar will be fur:II:Al:el with the Lcat Lae lariket can af...)rd. te6l:y ROO 11 1 S, VEN ICE CREAM SALOON, AND LAD' E6.' 'U.K.& 71: k NT, i.lll It fitted up t..!.ruf..1 cu LA.Martil • Vll3 11,-.11, nourly o-poo:to rho P.X.Challge Bank. on .I1:16 •t - . mv; opou fur tho summer neasan. La. ••• oat: 0%1111 ran always flad au abundant supply 01 C'JNFECTION:IIIY, FRU TB, ICE CREAM., WATER and all the refre4hanants of the season. AL! -u' the rooms, and Wet for (.10 Shorten C'-iarsony 1.0-3 WOOD STREET, NEAR 111 7 1 . 3. 4 1 21. IN UFA CTUILERS OF TRUNKS, Va -11:,,e, Lt and Bonnet Boxes, Ladles Traveling 2runita, Carpet Bags, &c.,1 - Le,013 conStantly or. hand a , arge stock. We are prepare to do a trade, and bar. lag facilities to turn vat good 3 t.ck at reduced , prlcen, ,4 trrote to and or am, It e ocr goOlf, COMMERCIAL PRIN'I'INO POST LEGAL, Itl,AN Kti, Ex...cutod la t.llO w•atest Li:v..lo.r, promptly and of CHEAP It.i'l 3:4, 1,) au4 003501 DM WO'D AND rIFTII 8113.111iT9. T YPE METAL FOR SALE.- Inquir, at U 51oHNING POST JOB OP/ICE se2 BARR & MYERS. - - - POUR RESTS-Made of Mahcgany and ri-eu rinialt6d, fur attic, by W. 8. JIAVEN, J o •,..4 stationer. -- LAWYER'S SEAL PAPERS Various 4.1r-e3 and ci..),,rg ficways 'xi timid. at W. B. HAVEN'S, Jel4 Ckn-ner Market and Second etz. .FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROP KIM .1:igloo with ucedful pumps and thirsty valves; cyliiidgr 12% in bore, 4 f! et stroke, 40 bores power; one Woodworth planing ill, with right to use; one circular saw mill ; one upright saw mill; one lath mill, with shafting, pulleys, etc, spiders, etc., for sonnect, kg the same; one two tined boiler, 22 feet long, 42 inch .s in diameter, all in good order ; also, 3 cylinder boilers, 22 feet long, and 30 inches In diameter. The above will be sold altogether or separately to snit purchasers. Apply to MARKER • HOUSE, 1 11 . il.ll u• Xt.:re Ji.6 .7,,t re SCOTT HOUSE, PITISi3UP.I 13, PA BY ELI irOUNO, Tina Sta&KT WAS HI sitiTON, A 7. C. 7 E. W. KANAGA Oitioaaita the Patina. Railroad Depot, :tISBURG, Lute Ali N G 'l' OIV fil' 0T is :FORMERLY U. ts. Lo:TEL, PITTED Gil, PA. Prop-now: OP &VERY DLICRIPUON OA RD?, HANDBILLS, IJIL LEIF. AD? C DILLS, PAPER BOOKS ROR LA WYERS, PRINTINU OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, E6.4,R1.1 & 11YERS. MORNING POST JOB Ob'VICIE, The undt raigned have a large quantity of I'YPE METAL FOR SALE. JAMES 0 RICHEY. Beal Estate and Bill Broker. tl5 Plfth et. WANTED, $20,000.-TWENTY THOU SAND &Bern of good Baldness Paper. , Apply to JAMES C. RICENY, 5e2.2 Real Estate and BM Broker. 65 Jllifth street FIVE IiUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS wilt purchase a Two Stmy Frame House of 4 rooms, cellar, etc. Lot 20 fart front ty 110 deep, situate in Ale gheny city CHEESE. -200 boxes extra prime Cutting Cheeao, just received and for sale by se= - HENRY H. COLLINS. AC t.EREL—L2S bbls No. 3 Large, just 1111_ received and for ante by HENRY H. COLLINS. B ONNET VELVET—rvarlet) of Bo n yicetan, roemNt4 A MERICAN WATCII FOR RELIABLE 7110.—Them justly celebrated Watches disclaims any part of • foreign mechanism in movement or cam ' and Num; all ths:quaUtlas of thelest Ewiss Watches.. They are with Lover gicipiment, equal to ' . 14;113.13, 'mid in point of time and price;distanc,o all competition. . "ItEIITEMAN & 312Y.RAN, No.-42 Fifth street, near Wood, ao2S] A gents -foi th a celebrated Am , rican Watche.. IDROOMS.--50 doa. reed and for I= mitt • , , PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1858. v ••ry t)r. PROPEL' I:To i:, Pa.:PHIL:I t 3.1.19 B. CUTHBERT & BON. 61 &arket street. PIANOS AND MUSIC. - , STEINWAY'S PIANOS. ACHOICE LOI OF the unequaled STEINWAY ikF :;• V-rkl';•, • ••• ,t r. • celvn.l; :ono .I'lhr. , or - t.v no.l 11 , • %i( a . 04.7 II :, .1 :I.;, City 1, tu -10111", TtALI it",l .. , o; 'q.:11 , 7,0 , P. 11104 are ley .:11 dor.:.: .1 11, At :14 r . rr twill. any ' , hero, nod urP .1 c :noel t.. utonott... lu the cord' I'b.-yn. i.:...0rr.tr.0..1 t.y the tso.knLn nOtcrib r-, no I wit: 1,v.1.1 at N sr Y rt prtcua by 11 :to) , No. k 3 Fifth fit., er,;••.lt,r r teionval's Piottoi. Alm.. it -- coins', t, tiro. 1.1 flat nod alto 1."!an.,1 cot; MILITARY GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBERS II A CONSTANT. LY n b Anti a a mplbLo stO.. M I L. 1 'l' A it Y () (.) I) S ONPIEITLMI IN PLEAT we PLUSTEL,, 5 W ,ALDc riAtil3Fr.2 Volunteer Conapaules re R4' YfICU WITH FULL 1 - QMPIYISTTLI etltalt 11,Yt102. rlLli !I ND II T INU FLAGS MA DE TO ORDER J & HON, 9/5 MARKET STRIDia CLIARLES LIVERY - STABLE - S.-- L. 7 The uederdigno4l hau bought the lutuw . • of thJ above Lamed Stahl,s, f gethor with n portion of tea cztoa- . . - 1,L% .. .f,,_,>‘,1'.',,A.r,p , ' ,LT.r. ve stuac o! Hordes and Carriages, Imo the property of James Mathews, deesaned. In addition to the e.tect. befereruen tluued, hn Mei ::i`4o aj , Jed ;11 itiunbut of PINE HUILSES, 1111GOILS AND OA.R.ILIAC3 whkh were fhrmerly employed at hia Livery Stabled ill Third, below Wood stuot. Ac he gives hie pmeonal ottee tiOn to the boatutes, a couttheronen of the p ttrc,:age v: iuub he had liithorto rt.-41 , 75 , 1 fren pattle I:5 k:JIiCIC,4I. 3 AChjb LI 6 R 1 iN Sz.-Onorlee Livery Btablea. Li.—A iIE,UIBII tlud any ournber ni ClAliat AGES con sieziyopri.crirel for Ptinerala. deZi Qi TUCKING AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, Always on band, and fur:aale at null 77 Market Rtreet. ill LOUR.- --4 t bbls. shuice su r larline 1.,r sale by JAS. A. FETZaR, I•N3 Vorr.: , .r Market and Winer sta. EN'ES' SHOES AND'OAITEiRR 0 A 1 t. P. rt' U 11 E A P YEui'Likri A 14'1'u/it, 1 rim. 17 L 4 1.71'11 rs Clill.DlLENde SIR.; I jea "WEE BLACKBERRY AND CiIERRY BRANDY, medicinal pnrponcd, at IL&WOWVI4 elt BROWN LErii, in the Elianivuld JOB PRINTING.— Cards, Freight Bills, Circulars, bray Roccipta, Bill Roads, Labels, Railroad Receipts, Bills Le With every other description 01 Job Printing, ese, qt.al with promptoosii and at fair prices. J. It. i4ELDIN, Printer and Bintkr, Wood street, near Vetirth. ?INDIA RUBBER .CURRY -COMBS.—The A. beat article in one, loot received at the India Rubber Depot, 28 and 28 St. Clair str,et. my 22 LAR D O IL.- ClO barrels Extra No. 1 Lard 011, 25 Nu. 2 Lard Oil, on hand and for rule, by [rnyl3j It. C. A J. H. SAWYER. INDIA RUBBER CORKSCREWS; Pen Holden; Propelling Pencils; Pens; Inkstands; " Pocket, J. R. WBLUIII, Bookseller and Btationor, 03 Wood street, near Fourth Fcr sale by - 0-1511..--SUO packages White Flil - T - gilmon, and Trott, for sale by (my2T) EL U. COLLINS. 1 - NO. TirCREAR Y'S COL'D PRINTING gp 1 by Imrlelj J. FL WELDIN )0 bags shelled Corn received and for vile by (Jai HENRY 11 011.1.1Nzi riCiI)NTItY BACON.-1000 Ibs. Country liAcon v Shouldord and Bides, roc.,-Ived t%ud for rale by JAS. A. vkrzkii, toyl2 Onrrido Market and Pret ate• TUCKWILEAT FLOUR.-20 Backs Buck wheat Slow, 60 lb sacks, Just received and for ode MoCANDLESS, MEANS & CO., Ooraer Wood and Water etreeta. 11 4 LOUlt-2.5 bble. SuperAne Flour received , a d for uale by bicoANcl.v.ss, =ANS CO, fV33 Comet Wend and Wtiter atroetu. MIGRANT RIFLES.-'—A most desirablo it 2 and cheap weapon, at SOWN B TETLEY'S, r7l 1 1 a. tea W,Pd iktrt,t. ________ y ARd.).—A. prime article of No. 1 Lard, in _LA barrels and kegs, just received and for sale by IUcCANDLEBB, MEANS A CO, latl3 Career of Wood and Water streets. HOUSE KEEPING ARTICLES.— German B lver Spoons; . Sliver Plated Spoons, (extra heavy;) - flausage Cutters; Table Cindery; Candle Sticks; Snuffers ; And many eater housekeepers' articles, for sale at eati BOWN A TETLEY, N 0.136 Wood et. C i at 6 W LA GI SS.-3 6 ~,,ao c oo no tr X. y e b a rand C) gr e( „ t il e ' l3; I 8 Window HENRY U. °ONS. NMAP OF OUR COUNTRY—Present L and prospective—embracing the United States' and Evir Territories, the Canada% New Brunswick, Nova Sootla and New Moundland; also &lexica, Cuba, and too W. I. Islands, CoutraLAmerica and - the Isthmus of 'Panama, all the New Discoveries in the Polar Regions by Dr. sane and others, and all the New Settlements,snd even the Counties of Han. MS and Nebraska, each in its proper position, all on the same Nicole, compiled from Government Surveys and other rolls. bin sources. For sale by W. B. HAVEN, Stationer and Paper Dealer, au2d Corner of Market and second eta. FOR SAL E.-24 Acres of first-class Garden Lind, situate seven mita imp. the.oity. Improve• meats good—dne orchard, excellent water, limestone and coal in great abundance. Will be•sold low and on easy terms. Agply to JAMES 0. RIOLIESI, eo2o . Real Estate and BM 85 Fifth street-. 'IOU BEB FOR RiliNT, BY S. CUTTHBER 13iN, 51 Market street. A smAn two otory brio= house, of tear recuir, hi:citon end cellar, on Bleff street, Eighth ward, $4. 1 :10 Per rA•-/th, wiar approved security. A small hoots in liplarkett Court, $8,25 per mouth. A good dwelling hopes is complete or: or, elevea rooms, bath room, eta, situate on Second street. A hetet+ of ten rooms on Third street. A warehouse on Smithfield arraet. A large store room on Pourth street sel4 _ _ 200 box.ea Rada Soap: - 200 '' No. 180 ully 800 p 200 '' Chemical Olive Bosp ; " No. 1 Cin. Palm Soap, la atazo and fur sale by MILLER. A LUCH.EIBON, eel t Noa. 2.21 . and_223 Liberty etroet. - HERRING -10 bbls. No. 1 Pezomtio Her ring, Jars received and for sale by - IifcCANDLESB, !MANS Sr CO., Corner Wood and Water Overdo. WESTERN LANDS of good quality, fa mle or exchange forlkal Baste In the city up 22 S. Cirri:Lß= k. ON. 51 Mailiet DRIED APPLES.-150 bee. choice Dry Applca, rix*ived and fot sale, JA by B. A. VELVPrq, spa Corner Market and First street+. 1111IIFE APPLES.-500 received. this day and for sale by ' REYMERA ANDERSON, . ria.B9 Wood otreet, 'Vomit° St. Charles trota GASKET BOARDS-For Packing Joints, sold by bra' JOHNSTON & 00, tilyrr Deelent. EtliVixvi street J'isn.—.l so a m White Fish, Trout, Sal eta. r rapn .1110111 Y H: L`oLLIN9. .I"TM. -100 barrels fresh Lime Just rea'd. 4 by final - BIBBY 0. comma p APEB, WAREHOUSE: NO. M. PER , . • HINE k 00., No. 128 Woad lariat, have tha largest as ',Damara. of all khids of Papers ever in this market, such as Book and Printing Papers; , , Bag and Straw Wrapping, Lotter; . Jliallins Paper of all adzes; - - Cam, ' Book and BoX Board4 o • 'Note; Envelope% , rdr, Timing ' - Bonnet Boa L and Glazed Papert; Hardwaro Paper,&c. Which we will sell at manufacture:a prices.— . i 1921 --. bble. Onicaul for Elide by I- , • —a, =slut; DEPOT FOR THE SALE OF COAL OIL, 1 32 south Sitoond Streot, Lubricating 011 for all kinds of Machinery, Binnacle or Lamp Oil, h enparior to the beat winter fitr.:.ll ;Tor ui for 1.,%r le .11 kinds of THOMAS" SUPERIOR PATENT IMPROVED LAMP This lamp perforum o perf.-ct comramption of 'in I.llllokt and erneil a. ring from the ueo of oil, to which .tlier lamps aro baud imperfcct, thereby giving a much mon, lir..liant flame. For rale wholesale and retail by atil2f2md 11. LIOUREAU, Solo Agent. -FALL FASHIONS. 4 mor..c..:oEl.3ciec (co., HATTERS, HAVE RECEIVED THE Fall styles et RILE Ef ATE, oesammu; HATS, FRENCH SOFT HATE. FP Li LirlT ATTORNEY AT LA W, Hollidaysburg, Blair County. Penn'a., WILL ATTEND TO ALL BUSINESS entrusted to Lila care, In the counties of Blair, Bcm• crest, Huntingdon, Cambria, and Clearfield so9:.m Ist/ tO.v Itilltidr, cr ~, rrc. rjlo STRANGERS AND VISITORS TO - THE FAIR.—SASH AND DOOR PAOTORY IN ALLEGIIENY.-13ullders, Contractors, or others wanting Sae, Doors, Window Fr imea, Shutters or 31ouldiege, should call at the OGNTRAL PLANING MILLS, and examine our superior work and finish, far with our present superior and Sne w rking machinery we are beyond competition, and our prices are mach below three producing an inferior ar ticle. Call and examine for yonreelvea. Jobbing, Repair ingoitc. piemptly attended to. J A H. T. PRICE, YARNS- JUSIIPI3 lIUktNE'B, Double Acting Engine, of two cylinders of 42 inch stroke 15 inches in diameter—estimated at fifty horse power each, with an independent cut-off attache 1 to each cylinder. Side valves with eccentric motion. One large regulator with connections complete, and indicator attached, for time and revolution. Main driving wheel 12 feet in diameter, of cast iron, with Inserted Goth. Jack gear running in connection ;vita it is of cast iron w,th put teeth, feel In diameter, giving velocity to the jack eh aft three to one of that of the en lines. Engines rests on Iron beds 20 feet long, 2 feet high, weighing 9000 Ms each. Main shafting connected with the jack shaft 65 feet long, 6 inches in diameter, of wrought Tennessee iron with stands and coupling complete. Bras , and babbett metal boxes; 7 large drums from 8 to 16 feet in dia;:ieter fitted on the shale. The foundations that the en. gloss and main line of shafting rests ou, are of. stone, and are fitted In such a manner that they cau be moved with the engines. Six cylinder boilers, 30 feet long, 30 inches In diameter. Fronts, grate-bars, pipes and connections for steam and water. Also, Faber water-gauge connected with each boiler. Boilers are arranged in two separate sots, rrm. nected so that- either or both can be used; one set can al ways be kept in order. Thor Aro made of inch Tenn/-saes I on. Iron fronts for boilers 23 feet long owl 6 feet high. The Engine and Boilers are finished, in all their parts, in the best workmanlike manner. They were built by E. L. Norfolk, of Salem, Massachusetts, at a cost of about 1.15,000. They ware used by the Government for a few months, and proved to be superior to any in the idiasissippl Valley. M ti a J. 41; EL YIIILLIPS MISCELL NEOUS. LAMPS, I,&NTERNS, LIEADLICIIITS, kC A.V3O : THE LATEST STYLES OP OAPS, gel 6 No. 121 Wood Street, Pittsburgh J. D. LEET, Con lral Planing !dills, Water street, betwoon Y Worn! and Baator. Allegheny City, Pa 848 WILLIAM 11. YEATON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 216 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Agent far Henisi* St Co.'s Champagne ; DutA Co. Am aterdam Gin; Havana and German Cigars; Wines, Bran Wag, etc.. to Opstom House and in Store • GOVERNMENT ENGINES AND BOILI4AtS AT BLUCTION, ON THURSDAY, 14TH OF OCTOBER NEXT WE will sell in the Navy Yard, at Mem phis, Tennessee, the ENGINEd and BOIL KitS used by the tioverument in the manufacture of rope. DESCRIPTION Ono-thlrd to lull duo 15th December, 1858; cue-third 15th June, 1859, and ono-third 15th December, 1869—notes to be s isfactorily endorsed. The sale will be positive and without reserve. ALSO: Win be leased at the same time, for 28 yeare, ell the Rope Walk not heretofore dlapmed. _ . O. B. LOCKE & CO., Auctioneers and Real Estate Brokora. bo2s:dtoclo Gil 5 WORTH OF MUSH) FOR TWEN TY-PINE GENTS—THE GENTLE ANNIE MELODIST.—This little work contains all the words and Music of the new and popular airs of the day. The selec tion has boon made with grad care, giving only those songs which are good and popular. All the boot songs of S. O. Foster, are embraced In this collection. A large supply Just received, and for sale at the B.fmlo Store of stile 'JOHN. 11. AtllltdrOlt, 81 Wood street ~ -, THE BEST AN D mv--.-- 1! 4:4 v... c.,.—c.• AV--"=tl et-,,,,-; 4 7...rt CHEAPEST VINEGAR is soli. A ve.. 1- 1 3r.....i N . „,.. , - I —i-Sa• lag at the most extensive YIN Duly ___."tli ' '".„7 — ",, EcAg .. EGAR WA.REHOUBE in the -"'"'"" t " WINIEGNii. vtivanignie , ..i :illoct- This house now sup ik i a,,,,. 2 seet pro IlieS and has for the last ton ;Ifl l l4lK- - :" ~ 1 . i ~,, „•,,-: years, more than one-half of ',..r." .0 ... 1 ,, % , ,rlmit, •LI. 4MT the Pittsburgh grocers, and -..,,,41,1 11 , ---.,,,i-i,... ,, ,l J tho same 113 every other city in t s , -o: , ••17 ,,, which it bas been Introduced. A. BALLOI3, 146 Water tartlet, onStlyclaw botwo.n 1.41311bl:101d and Groot FIRST INTRO TOED JULY, 1849. A. L. A_ROLIAMBAULT'S Portable Steam foisting and Pumping Engine On Wheels, from 3to 30 horse power. Also, Farm En gl nes and Saw Mill Drlvers,3 to 30 horse. Engines always on hand. Manufactory, 13th S. Hamilton Street. yafamdsau PHILADELPIIIA. 110 PRINTERS.—The subscriber has now hind, and is daily receiving, from the manatee. to, ors, a largo assortment of Printer's Stock. B. W. Potter's Prir.ter's Cards, from No. 1 to 7, Satin China, FOreelain Satin Enamelled, and colored. Card Beards, in sheets; kieCreery's Celebrated colored Inks; " Card Lay ' C Broe. " News " Varnish and Size; Colored Printing Paper. ; Pamphlet Cover Paper.; Mimed and Plated Papers, red, green and yellow ; Steel Blue Glazed Papers, and a large asaortment plain Note, Better, Cap, and Polio Poet, blue and white. J. R. WELDIN, tnyll 8:3 Wood street, near Fourth. :C L ',±, 0 A P S.- • 1000 boxes Rosin Soap, in lb., 2 16. and 3 lb, bars. 600 " No. 1 Palm Soaps, in lb., 2 lb. and 8 lb. ban 600 " Chemical Olive Soap, in lb. lamps. 200 " Oleino Oxide " " " 260 " German 14, 44 .4 200 Castilla " In 8 lb. bars. 60 " Para Palm " in Ib. On hand and for sale by J all ' B. 0. h J. FL SAWYER. CRAWLS AND DRESS GOODS, OF eery variety of style and quality, a large assortment and °hear& than they can be found in the city. 0. HANSON LOVE, oe2l No. 74 Harket etroot. :DEAR IT IN MINI), that the East Lib -1.1) erty Lots aro offered at such priced, and on such easy terms, as to make a home cosily to be obtained. Bear it in mind, that they Trout on whit, etreets, are of envy access by railroad, and are very desirable locations for fa,elly residences. Bear It in mind, that the plan of the lots LEI to be seen at Jell 51 MARKET STBkIET. OIL CLOTH CRASH-1500 yards of vari ous patterns and widths, Just received from the fan• tory, for sale wholesale or retail, by J. a FL PHILLIPS. tail 26 and 29 At. °lair er ••• ULACK AND FANCY DRESS SILKS. 4 full assortment, very cheap. 0. HANSON LOVE, formerly Lovs Brothers, cc:2l Ho. lik o stat strap* F VERY Eaonomical Purchaser of Dress Goode, Shawls, !Santlea, to.; also Dramatic and Sta g o Goode, will find It to their advantage to call and exam) our New Stock II Fall and Winter Dry Goods before purchas tug elsewhere. 0. HANSON LOVE, eon V' 14 3 snarly Lova. Brae.. N 4. 73 linsh.... at: QHAWLS 1 SHAWLS I—Wool, Chenille, Brochs, Se., both long and 'goon, the very best In the city, and at very low prices for cash. 0. HANSON LOVE, formerly Love Bros., 00v2.1 No. 73 Market street._ DIQUE aid — MA.RSEILLES, Fleeced, for making 13aaques. A large assortment at dad GEO. WHITE d a re a SHOULD you ask me, should you wonder, Where to buy your Bhoee and Gaiters Gammas for your feet in springtime, Boors with heels, and pretty Buss. Nioe Fag= Sumas for the 'summer, Patent Leather, Glore•lf id Mocasins Where to buy these cheap and goat too ; Lshoeld answer, I would tell you, Go unto the PEOPLES' SHOE STORE. To the Peoplae Cheap Shoo Store, To the Store of 'IIIFIBNPACHRE, apart No. 17 Fifth street. DOTATOES.-50 bags for sale by 5e2.5 HENRY H. COLLINS 110iP 10. COFFEE. —5OO bags good to choice A.AD Rio Coffee, flow landing and tar Bale by MILLER & EICKETSON, ael4 ' Kos. 221 and 223 Liberty street SYRUP.- 6 bids. Lovering . ' first quality Syrup ; 2 5 AI St it bbls. choke Golden Syrup, now landing and for sale by • MILER k BIOICETSON, eel' Noe, 221 and 223 Liberty street. VIT 01L.-40 bble. Bleached Winter V V Wbals Oil, Jot 113MIVEd and for vale by - • killiank 111MTSON; IRA am= grad adalibarty dxset. THE DAILY POST. (From dm NOW York Atlna.] TEN YEARS AN TEN DAYS. PHILADE L PHI A It is the 21st of January, 1858. I have stopped at this little wayside inn, not only that I may dine, but that I may overlook the town where I was born, and see my father's house, from which I have been ten years away. I shall stay here at this inn, a very comfortable spot, the sign of the "Thomas Jefferson,"until to-morrow, and think over all the events which have made me an exile for such 'a period, and what has occurred since. Ten years ago I stopped at this house for a drink of water. I was then a pardoned crim inal, going forth to find a new name and a new home among a new people. And I have found thBm. To-day lam re turning. It is only ten years, but by the will of Heaven, I return rich, and with a good po• sition in the home that I have left. I look out now from this window, and be. low me (for the inn stands much higher than the town) is my father's house. It is, per haps, six miles away. Farther still, on the right, there is a low, gray, stone building with grated windows ; that is the county jail. In that building, ten years ago, I was confined two months, awaiting my trial for forgery.— From that building I was conveyed to court, where I was convicted. In consequence of the respectability of my father, who had re paid all the forged notes himself, and my for mer good character, the Governor granted me a pardon. I will tell all the circumstances connected with it. My brother,W ilson Amer, and myself, Rob's ert Amer, were clerks in the store of Allen & Graham, that large drab colored building away on the wharf, about one mile below my father's house. That group of vessels in the river belong to Allen & Graham, and they still continue their business, I am told, pros perously, on the same spot. My brother Wilson was four years older than myself. We were my father's only chil- dren ; my mother had been dead since I was three years old. I loved my brother Wilson, I loved him better than any other thing upon the earth, until I saw Eunice Manly, and then I loved her beyond all the world, beyond my brother, beyond myself, and, I fear, beyond my God. Yes, I say this because I soon found that Eunice Manly loved my brother Wilson bet ter than she loved myself, and then I hated my brother Wilson, and for many weeks I could have slain him, but for a fear of discov ery. In all these dark weeks I was a mur derer at heart. I wanted only the opportunii, ty to become one iu reality. During this pe lied 1 think Eunice Manly feared me. She never would allow me the chance of speaking with her alone. She would not walk with me, or, indeed, enter into any lengthened conver sation. I believe Eunice Manly read my heart and feared me. Then, one day, ae I eat over my desk, I thought of all this, and looking upon it even in the light of policy, I thought how foolish it was for me to sacrifice my hopes in this way, Then I determined to be as kind and as courteous as I was now spiteful and rude ; and, perhaps, by this means, I might yet win her affections, and displace my brother. Again, for weeks, I carried out my plan.-- My brother met my kindness more than half way ; but I could still see there was distrust with Eunice. I labored long and diligently to win some show from her, and at last, be , lieving I had impressed her(more from my own observation of the tact that between Eti. , nice and my brother there did not seem to be so much intimacy as there had been, than from any encouragement she gave me,) I de termined to avow myself and hear her an swer. It was a very beautiful evening in May— Eunice would now talk with!me—and we were walking just down by the river, where the Lombardy poplars line its panks. I believe Eunice had a presentiment of something coming—from my silence, perhaps. Several times I proposed to sit, but she said " no." I offered to take her hand, but it was quickly withdrawn, but not so quick but I could feel the tremor. I had determined to speak that night, and I must speak, or die. At last I stammered : " Eunice—Eunice Manly, I would speak with you." She turned her pale face round full in the moonlight—and her face was white, without the aid of tho moon. "Well, Robert, I am here. Why do you not speak ?" It was the first time she had called me Robert, and my heart caught at the sound as a dying man clutches at a hope of life. " Eunice," I faltered, " for a long time back, I have acted very badly, but believe me, Eunice, it was prompted by no ill feeling, either toward my brother or yourself." " It is all forgiven and forgotten, Robert." " Yes, Eunice, I confess to you that I did hate my brother Wilson. I hated him be' cause I thought you loved him." She stopped and laid her hand in mine. And why," she said, "should you hate your brother because I loved hate "Eunice, I loved you myself !" " Yes Eunice, loved you better than life. I have loved you silently, I have lived upon my love and now, tonight, Eunice, I have brought you here to declare it." "Let us go home," she said, walking away rapidly. " No, not until you hear me Eunice, I love you ; you must say that you return my love, or lam lost. You are my first dream of life. Hear me. Say that you love me—that you will marry me?" " Oh, Robert Amer !" she sobbed, why is this ? Do you not know that I am to marry your brcther ? Do you not know that we ar to be married in a month ?" I have read somewhere in the memoirs of a State prisoner who was confined for sevens teen years, during which time, he heard the sound of human voice but once, then it was the door of the dungeon opened, and these words came out of the darkness—the speaker he could not see : "By order of His Majesty, the Emperor, I am commanded to inform you that on this day one year ago, your wife died 2" The door had been opened, and this great sorrow flung in to him, and again all was si lence and darkness. I was that prisoner—Eunice Manly the voice coming out of the darkness. In that one little moment how many years I lived ? Those words rang in my ears, not only as the doom of my body—they rang as the doom of my soul I I caught both:the hands of Eunice Manly in. my own. I looked into her face. I cannot believe there was anything in my countenance that night but a demon. I looked up to the stars, and out upon the water tripling in the moonlight, and there came a whisper to me: " Why not---why not kill her here upon the sand ? No eye sees you, Robert Amer I Will you resign to your brother more than your life?" And then the stars, and the trees, and the waters danced, and shouted, and blended into one dark mass, and Eunice Manly loomed above all as a great angel, her head sweeping the sky, and the next I, know, I was lying on my back on, the sand, and I held my hands up to the moonlight, and they were cove ered with bloc& Then it all came baok, and I shrieked, "Eunice," and raised my head expecting to Bee her lying dead by my side. She was coming towards me from the water's edge, and sprang a 4 I called her quick% er and knelt by my side. She had wet her A TALE OF EXPIATION IBEX 308, ha . ndkerchief, and now pressed it upon my forehead, as she drew my upon her arm. Ohl the heaven of 11:P ;,,.,:rent! The joy in the knowledge that I t a Murderer : that I had nut ki;k,. r. And there was she, kneeling beside head restine against her hart, ever t , +t, of whi c h I „ mg hear. There was but one wish then in my mind. It was that ~ime power would so sot upon us that we might remain thus forever. I would not speak, lest she might think that I had recovered, and withdraw her arm. Bat soon she had addressed niti, and told me how I had fainted and fell ; ho* in f:Clling, I had struck upon a stone, cueing myself on the head—the blood upon tn:ti hands came from this—how she had canon ;t - or help, but none came , and then I arose,jand we walked to ward home—Euni,2e it was who talked. [TO BE D .ll .i1„0.:' .- i'D.).',.‘ , ; i1A..1,1,-1": 1 - IAILY SALES A r At the new'' street, every week variety, suited toy stock which is ooi moats, that must Dry Goode end futwy n-••=rly everything needed in the line for pv..-aogel a.4d ude: table cut lery; hardware; clothing; booty raid 'lbw; ladies ware. &c. AT 11(Ye.11,00.3., Id. M., Lioneehold 11,1 kitchan tcsr.ilture,triew and ecamd-hand; bode and bedding; cnriret=; elegant:Arca gic , n 9 CI:17/a ware: ,Lover; cookin..; atenalig; Li 7 C'tlif.rjr,,, fancy artiolea ; sw.t.ch:743 • No(4••••• • i ”try 11101U41; gang ; Lir 3 • /. • : ntatlouory, Ltc. ' DA AUCt I3RICK DV t .1. t t.l CTS S AND LOTS IN WAI.a) AT C.:ICITfOIf.—On TtiatiflDAY uctob r It t 7 o'cicak,.at tha Comma:alai Pet :+ o•orn .I.lair otccet, will tx., told, that largo and v.tlu.b..J I.c of grontA h - av ng a front at 71 t6,3t on l'ennaylv , ,- ;Rauts near 'ar , o INset, And 82- tending back t •: t .o ea a inv aide. i.,n which Ia erecred two "sell 0o Stl,lgs, two El ..c.rl.e high, and other hail loge. aim., La' la at gr,AILd titanic at the c a-ner of ilacton a ecu=t itreet, having a front of 20 feet on 'Marion alrti-s sad ba.ok. niong Locust Street, 103 foot 6 , A .-. hip A C`10 , 3t44.1 two brick taccematit4 TitCa ' ocd RASTEK:i 13.0 I.< On FRIDAY - ?.. , 0.112 , front of the t oneene nay, wit, ha solo, ,ngtp!, tY , ~a,a ..tal ion Morgan 6trang• r, 15 1 ,4 high, ...nil:, wan anted nonad, and trots in owe puz. e 6 yearn old, 14% .. ‘1 t.a tr. hara , as, an Cx. celtent o t ..• • tA diploma waa awarded at the ytar old a .nd colt, silver tail. 15 . 1 ; 6 In to and actioa, and to which a prem,um , 1,1 , 1 H e r.et • , ate Fair. The horses ,:at, uoa , ;k, - f .the Scott PROPERTYF it A, GRIST I, _pee_ tgl ttu, imsE. Etc., Etc., all In go.: two lota of poor, mold uu vory easy el 7 col) cracker, . EL41:1!0 and .. . ,;• u•gt1,.13.1 Will be . ,ilb • H f ffi 80N, Jlatk.et atreoi. LAWRENCi.; 'J."! ';DS WANT ED, in oz.char,R , ap22. Ci ASTEAM :111 LI, it ...4niBte running or der, with ti uhar tho City, fur 13a10 by a Si , he 24 M .rkot titreet otl 1 0 Li' '1 11.!5 ;. i T . l'e r , • uttiA Liestroue or ru:ndi - ..", nut•l , , . ..-..... t .....-sr. pritchn;at ewe frame er.rediag bout., plo., 4., I. , ~ . „y . e,: ~,, ur,...nut trept,Law. rouceville, cacti 1,,,c.r 4. • .tt n ... rj;:-.9 .sod t,utlar, a garden of fruita, tlowerd and . , rublin•rt i Al in cdtnplota unter. Will be cold Inguthua, ... i 5.,..: .:........:tt? ~..... t•c•t placbasers. Apply to t , . ct - 1: LI i'..e T ,t tiON, attft i 41 Varkett otmat. ONLY $750 fur room!, klriv• (.I ant.ly oiratatod ir. ,oath Waabiiigtou, sold on imp turuu, 1), lila TO LET five .0 Lig i.oti 6. 6u rii 13Efti :t FON, LOOK AT I.lut:S!.Eb. - No. 17 Scott street., hours of $1.503. No. 56 Mar,mi 5.,.] •• ' for VIMU. l'eu. 31 C.:ark ntrt , ...L, :war ,ioy, for 1.1200. For srdo by1;1 r 20N, sirtOL FAILLLY RESII)ENOP F()F1 SALE-A valuable prop , rty c , I_u .t. 3 tlovillgtoll Lawroncevnle, by ide Qu eitreet to Cherry alley, Brick ',welling Hoare rif ~•.1 arnzaged,batti room, porch, well 01 water az.,l pump, stable and coal house, kitchen range, etc. The reons, nee painted and pa pered, shade and fruit tre.e, e^,i, variety ut flowers, etc.; good p lIuG :bncc *Eno ab ~Gera a good opportunity t bay a c inpo , t! , 'oak; realderece. Price low, and termi acenreta„d,u d. ac.AI Age OA M Alartiet street. VALUABLE R S Dr: C} FOR SALE.— A two Hu - my brick doodling il,nso, u itn lot of G 6 foot front on Cliff street, by Lei deep 77 , esk n.r.st, fruit and shade tries, g-rapq &rho , . thwe ' garden 3 , hones is well arreuged, 1 - 114 p.tricr with maildo mantle, dining room, library rL, ..achoa and penitry, I.lvo bed chumbera, bath r.xan, it . t; o u e 11:.,:1141 to fire places and pa:eut .ir c 11u•-•, .cau rut... 6. porticooil, large collar to five kit ftif,g , a t o p oas ,,,, R i on cant.", he.:_ For or pi 4 ,l•:tl and terms call at Oar office. . 071' a3 .ii SUN, oc2 o t !tsar .et atm , . AOR RENT --A birge a fin,, front on Tonne! ztte, - _ Apply Cf) s6oi IN EA.SY WILL bor o ry iu Allesklellß 1,),...1:18N1LT it Sun, GL 7 4 1.1rhtt atroo.' 4 iOE. S AI.E . L , -.:] VE 1;I 'I Ti_IUU6AND ACRES of chci d Frailli, ,I.lli r111) . ...111 Laud, situated in Northern 10.. a and ~.-: :h r., hi '. .i... , .CS. ,tabracatgths finest lot r.t !arming lentil 1 ie ,, e. -- tiercd in thi3 iith.rXot., ea they aro 44.1 aa, , . ) 7 a:od Coavan 7 . ..1.7.!12, Towt.e. and linos cf Railroad. Parcphiort cchrunin , lniOrn!atem of ValLa to emigrants and oetalog - ii-a iw h.,1 kw:tow, (h-ccriptiou cnd price of the land, .i with a t.,2'...* , ::.4, ,, Z , ri: Of Z.bl7 rountice. lu which they are lorctc. ca.. . , iaci r ,_. appiteittica at our office, and they wiii t. , et. , , i .c. 0......, la•reune [landing us their addrca.a. v. i i,... i : i.. .1 ,:IZl.6ii ti. 00., htiyaltti 3..... , ' r..i,aii, g, Pia. ro',. Paurtil rtreet- TEN DOLLARS IN Building Lot of Price,sloo--$lO hind. ,ot of 6U.1.100 fe.q. Ica payments to suit purcliaroi • Je23 12 ACRES of Land colda comfortable EonlBa, 61112 , :te, neAr r's,lJiniczna Turtapite, raL about 3 tuil.3 tom i o;sy terra,. Lmmedirste Je23 51 Maritet strot.t. ALOT Ok! OitO UN 0 in i , ',113t Liberty, near Lbo it,aro3d nterto mid for s27b, ono•fourth tt hattd..,4 - ATublOr st r. , 6Cia4' Credit. CUillOi.nt.e N. %lark:.t strw;t. 1 - 30 of for , half in 4.0 tkaa , l oud thu bal.:turd ICI olio gear, in Vi.. - countY, Pa , nos Cout.r , - , 4l'e; Thu soil 14 good, and tiffib,r of b,,,t quality4f..r by )Y 2O CU ill 3c, t'r 4 ;•Rill, tl Vim - tot at. (NLY t;750 Fat t A— WO STOLIX Dwel ling House, ibur wittr lot or ground 50 rapt front. on lAcntsr,- . 7 st , t.t oy 1.10 devi) to as alloy. Trnrius, s't to band. halr.ncr• sad !lips year!, ;.. .t i )' 6ovld 01 if ntrvat THE SIZE of till; 4hc,9,r, Building ota for eale by S. CO' Jv . .IA. ts,r Uinta - lon—Near the raiiroa Sat 1, "' 61 %Y• Price from V 75 Io s4ou es, b, Tertne—Onelearth 1.311 c, , ;', , rnatudor 1 4 4 ii - s yet:a crett. The Plan can be seen ut Lb. 'teal Estst, li c 0 61 Market street. 11012. No.( ICE. -T 1114'4 E t; Eli) AvE this I rrnol tCo ( u.der the style and firm of NI,OLoMF..?;I;, C o], a 3 cicdttra in Coal, in the caks of Pli LI .6a Nov: O. lolras. Grasin A . 4.3 2./ atz= arf.SLI. J )7d N rtice LOS REY. 1 Nl:e' Ugh :Y N fi. 00.3-41..1..V8. Pitt.bGrin. cpterntx; ACIIANCE FOR ALL.—Go to NG. 17 Fifth street, awl boy 3•Or.r Eh-o+4 fivai a largo mad welt setected Kock. Ledii' Wear. Gent'a Wear. French Mapco) Baatri, French 0:111 &KU, Sip Congfase Boots, • . 7411) BDOV4 Mor. ' " • e•if uniters, Lmting Gaiters, Rip 33regana, Buskins and Kilmer& -Leavy " . • Remember, at the Pooplo'a Rhos store. aells ' Di Fiitcl RACIRER ett 00. SUNDRIES.- 350 bags Rio Coifbe; 25 pockets Java do.; 50 bbis. N. C. Tar -25 " No. 3 s.lriket4; 10 Ws No.l do r 5 bbls. No 1 , do 100 half eta-ma T. 11 Ito.; " ". FPacki do: 10 " Gunpcmder do; 100 boxes Tobacco, various tivandri 100 kegs Bi Cl.rb 4da, Just la.adir4 and Ver s atile by 9.- sygs 051IT11 CO. ERRING-30 bble. Herring received -xi, far mu. by fa.9l COWAN& rPRICKSAN'p TRAl s ,S—Price 10 c:nts. Buy a copy an o keep, out of hot water. For sale by E. g. JWSZINB 11.4 4 1ranti D•rat, APPebeny CP3'. DIG LEAD—ait for ealB by es& WRY R. couitiall '4 FIFTH ST., N. ewe ha all , from a large 'rash eer.alg-a- ;1 V z3.....cu0:10,..041,r MMME RENT. Et 01 stones and - 4i;:knt. st liwetling; douse of four I, u“. ~ t? .oi of Mount iirc.ot, xlll bo n. .101' y -it I_ , ON rtrr:rt 4trevt. u 1 grutin:i having a I.vaitT..avouuct. ;1, /I *oNo 5. ctreot deouro a. r mit prtrchazor. Lr(1131100 la U FliT tr. SON, 151 „liarlcut atrat-