VOLUME AL PITTSBURGH monNINt4 rosi. Prt""i and %, .havklyl !td. Lit J A fIE,S t% 11.11, Ii N.amia 07 W t 1 •1 ‘,l2.lith , 40t . y .3 Iy~a ; ' v;••{ n rh - o ILE• ihr:?e . 10 , ar thE . 'l6iZ 1 I i I .. CV! 'C .:, i 1 toxl 1 4Ch 1 :i it :11;0 1 7 kr• 1 4 ~.. :.(. - ;, (.(11i G 1,1, 4 ,(), .. .., 1V lry i C. c:,, (I , a' •-• ,--,, IL 1 13 t_ , r. Y., ! c .... 0 4 13 3 1 ' ,, 1 _.j . ,•, .. .., i :ill ~ - A l 13 ..: - .I II ~.: c C. I Fig.:ZCLIIIF 1.r.1. nil it 11.5 Z Ca 10in, [.Cc h111......10 !_1i1'i22.;_51.1 AT Pl.LLSiiii u tha peplo ,) Marritme Faottra , . LO craita ;Paa:ll PIIISIIRGI - 1 SATURDAY POST MAMMOTH WEEKILY. 05Lii ONE DOLldig. PER YEAR, IN CLUBS of tit gie, - - Rla IL: it" CONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS '1.1.13 DAV, r-nliticra, rary, Cr'.'' , :tO rl Local, Tcitl:;r6i.Lic and. iTilLzollanenua. Thin Paptr lx•lng of tho Lanur.s; Isehtly an flue white pai ,- /r, In lgrge, clear tyre, will bf , inn enbacritar to girt, bettzr asti3f.t:tic - a atan any 1 ,, y ,, r intlishad in YittmDr.r;,ll. Th. - nu fate a Pittsburgh, wilt '1,1.1 PC.•? - I's Gsf., rind gin thbit JA.121.111S P. iStAltit, F.c. , itrz and Pro- :let, L. V.: iit&fta de. iviVIERS) BOOK-AND JOB OFFICE, "EaTJI.L. /1 , 1 CaEl, Curves Of Fifth and Wood StrectS, PITTSBIII - 1.01 1. E undenigned havin,?, ?dad:: 6:ii-aipilve additicr,. _t tae LATEST Ait7l4 H LSO!'iEST STY t E tr , TYPE, apd improTul Mr. , Attiliert, - ,tc thrt .110B.Nrria ;.JB 01 7 E10E, tr.cite ta t:trpti , n of tleil R ,- . ,, .d 0.11. Slerchatatt, bu2ir.es3 th:t pull is ge , u&ra.ll), ulterior fitoilities :Jr ett-,:tactrng vitt; tans, all kin& of N. AIL Eto A, D , ivF ERCANTILE, LEG A L, /ll) ETIDIY Cr2LtER DESCRIPTION PLAIN & FANCY PRINT IN G r0.5tti , ..1 being nearly 511 Tac;c, ec can give once of tLe nioiL camplila satiZaotion, mod Dram bOOF—Q, pA 11 Pi 3 E,PP AIL ROAD BILLS AND CA.1 4 .1.)5, . BANK If:INCR.°, ELA_Nia: Lf 'TER HEADS, HILL to SU3, BlLti LADING, CLlLlTillAk.ti, DII.:IINESS CARDS, PAMIR BOORS, DELI_Pe, hIORTGAGES, • JrZ" P.:Z.411.w •atteaci.ll will 1.60 Lk, priut.,,g Pofitet.s., for C - q - lc,:srts, Arci:3•3l. hARP. h NIYEIL,, BUSINESS UARD The People's Shoe Store. D. S. DIEFFENBACHER &co , o:Leap Caah Deal6ra to uf BOOTS ) SHOES IND iiiITERS, Fer Gentleman, Ladies, Youths and OMUrea, AO. ILI Fifth Stract, riciar Market, cd PITTSBURGH., PA ME= PERRIN c,, JOHNSON, eroptietors of Childs & Co.'e Patent Elastic Ftre and Water proof Dement Roofing. 133 THIRD tiTRILWI*. ORDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith rally execited, and all our work. warranted. Roofing material always on hand, and for sale, with di rectione tar me setaa y JOS. F. HAMILTON & 00,, ENGINEERS AND 1114CHIN.ISTs, Corner of Past sad Ltherty street:, Pittsburgh, Pct. QIIPERIOR STEAM ENGINES fur Grint and E,Aw Mlll9, Brewenea Printing Establiehmou,-, incsde to order. They alto contwuz , Lt, ut.suntactuire of their Webrrit,d Machinists' Tools. such Puraing Lailie4, Iron Planers, Boring and Drilling Cr- Also, Wrou.:ht Iron iihafting, with Pulley'', SC. &C. 51it...1.3 -ROUST illollPaslN tut7:i TEOISPSON JOHN THOItILIPSON & CO., Horst - - PA- INTERS, GLAZIERS .1. Nll GRAINER , No. 1.13 U Third stroLt. .9.1(1N iNG esectund with neatneas and de patch. Mixed Pe. Turpentine, Tarnish, Japan and English Patent le Ville Montaigne Zinck, a very Fuperior article; and Pittsburgh White Lod alway 4 on hand and eale. iVe are prepared to grind colors tor Painters, Dr rr4- iridt., or others, at the shortest' notice, as we have a 14111 is h grinds by steam Painters will date money by ~.ett iug Weir c'...lors ground with us. GOLD AND BILVIiit tiPECTACLES, Et'L Eti.8.151-31t-PACTUREIVE. PItH r HTDROMET ER;.3 lica.p,st Kn.! • City. THERHOMETiate. A ISA l:,:11 ur gring to Irics from tr. to POCKET CIONIPABt3, A D UP6VEYOR'i COMPAS:JEF, I wave cr, a- - 1:41 F512/4 ea= opp,aite rtiasz•alz, B. .51. J. EL SAWYER, la n f cTORIIII LARD °IL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, No. i 7 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pi. DISSOLUTION OF PARTN EltSillP. The firm of BAWORTH bRO. A BROWNLEE on the ed of May, 1858, dissolved by mutual e%)aisGut, by Lb withdrawal of JERE HA WORTH from me above The accounts of thii late firm will be eottl, t.y HAWORTH' A BROWNLEE. JE111:1 uiTOHTfi, to tiom the at “s e firm, kindly thanks his former patrou. nwi Ms. - , the patr.::, 4). the late firm, for the very liberal parrousza r,- °dyed, and would recommend them to his 3110:4'8, EIA WORT© 1c BROWNLEE, as they ore determined at low figure; kgring a very large amortment cf OH EA P aaiLLlQUultSon hand. Jkaill HAWORTH tar DAVID LIAIVOUTE and JAAII'S BfluW'ri t. nave this day ass.xlsted together, and will condone on :se lousiness at the OLD STAND, corner cf . Diamond «Ind lila aemd alley, under the style of li.AWOILTH where they hope to Terme° that patronage oZ) liberal) given to the old fa - m, as they are determined to sell CILHAVEIt than nay other 'Store In toe city. myld Office of Sealer of Weights and Rileasures, THE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND ...TBASUR 89, ktay be found henceforth, In Cherry alley, be rat,h Third 9,nd Vocrth streets, uhere crdera may to left. MaBttl MIA BLEB 13.STINIa'v. S. HAVEN'S Elastic Steel Pens just receivad, and far rat e at tho Stationery Store, Jctft Nos. 31. 33 and 35 Market atre,t. THE FRANKLIN ALMANAC FOR 1559. —This well•known and popular annual, formerly pub lished by Johnston k Stockton, after a lapse of years, will again shortly be issued. The circulations as formerly will Is made by t-e skillful mathematician, Sanford CI. Hill, Esq., who will also prepare for its pages such reading mat ter SS will make It an entertaining and instructive maga clne. Besides the reliable astronomical calculations, a new and ingenious table of tima, an accurate method of drewiLi; meridian Mee, and other matters of permanent value will be added. _. Orders of booksellers and other dealers are solicited la advance of pnbllcation, as but one edition will be printed, and orders will be filled according to priority. WM. G. JOHNSTON A 00., Putiliehers Printers, Stationers, and Blank. Book Makers, b 7 Wood street, Pittsburgh. /e 22 ►rWO DWELLING HOUSES FOR RENT, by S. CUTHBERT A SON, 61 ifseVet stroet. 1 1 ,SEAlloll--.300 has. Pearl S etoßochestertar Ital age by (IQ HUBS' IL OOL , . ....,4 . i 14 4 . , . 3)-//,,,,. „ ..„.. .., ,„. „..,.. 7,, 40 ',...."/ ' • ' .4. -• , ... . - 1 -.,: t , ... ,•-• t , ,17. , vs • a r ' t•! Z • 1 ,f • . ~ ~`,. , .k , = • 4 0* m , ...,„ :3, • , F • n, • .... 1 1 . . V.. " / 4 . , . ..,.., „ . . 1 4 • DAMK , COIM SIIELLEFt. =II TUE PROPRIETORS OF THE "PITTS BURGH NOVELTY WORKS" lat Ting, through Mr. Adam., (the principal mechanical -1; mini of the firm,) lettera patent, dah-d Cith Anguir. 1353, for a no and ~ i tup'e instrument :or SHELIA NO hi.N, truly neat, comp, of and portabl, e,ombinin;; durability, utility and cleaunms; a necestary appentiai-.e to t.,.rmer's barn, Is new offered to the neaple of 17ait, I Las at a very low prico. We have no Potent ftichti" for sale, but manufacture and sell the article nt our wort.. Owing to Its compact form it is deqtlue.l acon to bc-cumn au article of trade In every Hardware Merchants' ith-lf Tho Machines are of t•vo deal, weigtithg only ab.ot 345 and CrO p,uudi, and may ha scoured to a pillar, or door, as you w,nld a coffee mill. Wa add moo, when seen, epeetb for itself. 3raidt W 1,1V1:4,./.0•ON, Ci)PVLA NI/ It: CO CLIMAX FAN. IT IS THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, SMALLEST, 1 PEI:FECTLY to 'b., Ckculug znt... t - utu ' fittlet'lvtt 7 . , Ll,O 4ste, tut".'.'v ,ia. brit . - !tiaautti , u r )1 Or) t?,l1 ar. , t. S. t Its Frac•i 10.,•1 HotAl F': Its DitY . GOODS, EFIEB9I4I AND ROSIN SOAP PUBLISHED I)ATLY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OP WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM: MISCELLANEOUS. IV:a ('huff Twice as Fag as any in the &rioted States Agnut All MN TRIDE. 1858. STAPLE AND - F NEY Al' WIIOLESAL - .IEI e 72- CZT• C.) 1"::, , OP NEWEST SFYLE::4 Ei 14' LTA U tki EVERY VARIETV. ill A KIN COBUROS, MUSLIN DELA N VELVETS, SILES, ALPACAS, GINGIJAMS. CASEIMORERES, SATINETS, VEST.INGS. FL ANNEL:', PRINTS, BLEAT) AM) liflOirt: (it), pOS Y; itL n comp:it° lino a E R 0 I 111 ,Hl 1 sS, ft ild t.t.l^,r at.) Ica of Gouda adapted to A FIRST CLASS TRADE. All of art: oticl-,1 for 6,!r• , chrap. VV. G. CHIVIICK & CO., 13S Market & 133 Merelt , tut PHILADEL Plll.l :Jw ti 'l' It t. F: "I I.I)OI'1NG CIIFAP DURABLE, FIRE AND WATER PRoOI% JOSEPH HARTMAN, • teee.ntly Ageut I, r 11 M. NV Laren & ) , lANUL'A TUKER AND 1,FA1.1.11 W 1. • Ilk GRAVEL El.l - !Lic CEMEN cAN VAS 1100 F i ; 1100FI4 MATERIALS E 4 -111 ir:REET, opr,oelto 041 V.,1 PittAburv, l l. Pte. !fft / A Celli) r JA NI S 11. J .c% R- I.f 1 . 11;: LLIN6 A F.l . —.Ay lut the 4 L el2Lt yea. a with the Abu* , I netitutlun. as Chief Physician, and a tx si ve yea's' course ut steady devotion to the Unroof Pula. mar, Con. samptiou aud its landre i diseases, together ulth my un rivalled opportunities and Zdyt.inte, ;T. of patlio;ogiCal Thdohrril —aided not a little by a perfect eystem of .Medic::' I , jusla• tier — boa enabled me to aarive at a decisive, &rot t and suo. cestitul course of treatment tor the positive and radical cure of all di•easea of the Throat, Lungs, ar.d Air-Passagts. Inhalation, the vapor and curative properties of rile,Leine, are directly a,..lrestaal to the diseased organs and the totegm meut .1 do not advise the use of Medical 'Mistral hu of kind, to the exclusion of yetwral Irellment; and a , though 1 cotifdder tt a useful ii.dJuvent in the proper maungoincui. ai three fearful and often fatal di.esser, yet I deem it very taw misery that each patient should have the benefit of I.oib and local treatment. The Flee-oaf of my t:eatmel t tu the above diseases, and the high character of the I tii hire Win over which I have 160 long had the honor to preside tot, well known to need airy eulogy or comment !row u.,•. At the isolicitation of many private anti I.refuss:mial frie•tde, through whose plulanthr , pic aid the above charity has been Mug awl liberally scpp,,rted, end after due consideration, I have couchhied to maim surer arrangements to will brtng the ti netlte nl oil exp,r.cohnt.e arel treatment within the ,each of n i l mud not confine myself, as heretofore, to three only who entered the luOrmary, or woo were able to rfsit a, at m y o fi...v. [lisping therefore that the arrangement will give entire satisfaction, b,th to my professional breth ren and the public, I would reepectfnlly announce In o - m• elution, that lean now be c,nsulkci personalty or by letter,ou all diseases as above, end that the medicines, the same as lased in the Institution, prepared to suit. each individual case. Ir.haling Vaivrz, AfAiicai Inhakrz, dc., rte., will be forwarded by expres. to any part of the United States or the Canadas. Times—My terms of treatment by letter are as follows, viz: $l2 per month for each patient which will include inedidue sufaci,ot for one umath's we; ale), In haling S epor, sad an inhaling Apparatus. Pr 'merit as tot low,: $6 to ire paid to Exprees Agent on rece..it of the box of Medicine, and the balance $l3 rat the expiration of the month, if the pati ut be cured or Is entirely satisfied with the treatment. Patients, by...giving a full history of their cane, and their symptoms in full, can be treated hd well by letter as by pastoral examination. Patients avaiting them selves of Dr. Jarre're treatment may rely upon immediate an I permanent - relief. as he seldom has to treat a case over thirty lays. I,stterti for atiTicd promptly ateiwered. For further pestlctilars, addrem JAMES M. JARIIETT, NI. D. No. e 39 Broadway, tor. Twelfth St.., Li Y. P. S.—Physicians and others visiting the city are re spectfully invited to call at the infirmary, where many interesting cases can be witnessed, and where our tn. proved apparatus for the inhalation of medicated vapor can be seen and Inspected. }yak:dm Summer Lager Beer. THE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE TO inform his friends and the public in genital, that ho Is in the daily receipt of this delicious Beer, from the known Brewery of J. N. Stnyttb, Allegheny City, It ha, ug been pronotmoed to be the best that was manufactarud herd for many years, CLEAR, TASTEFUL and PUlth. Give me a call and try It. JOHN ROTH, ap2.4:tl At his old stand, No. 26 Diamond. I AMES MILLING AR, MONONGAHELA u PLANING MILL, would respectfully inform the puhlic that be has rebuilt since the fire, and having enlarged his establishment, and filled it with the newest and most ap proved machinery, is now prepared to furnish flooring and planed boards, scrawl sawing and resawiug, doors, sash and shutters, kiln dried, frames, mouldinics, bk..r. in .ke. South Piltaburgh, September 7, 1.807. 10.40 GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. A. DM 'PAELLAND, • MERCHANT TAILOR, Corlior of Fourth and Smithfield Streets RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THA' be ba4 rived hie Spring Assortment of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, 4. 3 Of the 11.43 W t styled, Lest quality and most elegant descrip tions, Wilk he id prepared to manufacture to order ha the LATEST FASHIONS, And with such a character of workmanship, as cannot att to satisfy and Webs the most tastidiena tastes, I myli) - SITADES.—geId bordered, plain nd. tinny. Also, shade Trimmings, alwaye un halsill at sad for sale cheap J. by H. PHILLIPS, ATV and 48 St Glair aims. HOTELS Sc RESTAURANTS BLAIRSVILLE, INDIANA COUNTY, PA., COL. ROBT. EVANS, Proprietor, AVING PURCHASED THIS 110CSE from itA (ono, •I BI) \IA tor. I')01. and rt)fltted ),, I -1 , 1 • - ;•' P! ••••I •,••••,,,,,r1•.•&!--, 7 • : I:1 1 / 4 1 11. 1 ,1. A c; I. I. A(IIf F. I:, rAoricib:n,k, :10L13• is tww, milt nty.clally for tub purpo4,l ,4 a lis et Ciata sluntsuroct en/I 4.11111 the prop:it:tor loa int; : ail tnauy year. ”xpuriosoo in th GU/Si:A.4l4 will k cep constant's , on tiatul beet th st thin mss Isle ufford. lie Lignite and 9 1r.% arl of tllo beat quality. iloWalstE all Lie .l 3 tin" public guuuraily to give him a call at the Syrucrmiuu••. LJel2:l,y 4. 4 5 ) :.- - 41.A Excelsior Restaurant, No. 111 woon street, L , . PT2I3/31.1HGEt, Pi.- AKE AND EASTERN FISII SOLD .1J Wholesale nod Retail, at the lowest cast prices. Larg , supplies of 3delous, Peaches, and Sweet PotiVoes teethed duly. AlFu, New lurk Prince's Day Egg darbor, Shell Oysters, the fluter, ever brought to this city. Evt ry delicacy of the season constantly on hand, and served up in the wort palatable style. Don't forget the Excelsior Itt n. touraut, 'u. 111 Wood street.. Corner Irwin Street and Duquesne \Air y YITTSEIJ Rig It, PA. B. D. MARKER, (Fvt uko:13; of Clio ItLuter Pa ) d E BCOTT HOUSE IS NOW C 02,1 Ala/ OPEN teOlt al/ 115(76. It le eltnatkl it a cut: teal part of Cho city, Lailuir cuaiunient to all Itnllruail Stkaralivint Landitige. 'rho il,use wo,A built in 1364, with all modern laipluve inunts, and ilttwi up in splundid style—the entire Furniture tv itnr, ntra --and will in over} respect too a first class LioteL f.II'ABLES itre attscht,l to the pi uniisea. I jul2:y COlll%l 11:CtiAr ILE.' Et Eiias .11 El t11.4,111T By ELI YOUNG, Firra STRasT. , 4 .-:* 2 1 . 7 , The, situation ,f Nierrhauta • and othera is diracted to this". a.tublishniont. which fins been recently fitted up for the p.irpc.co of affording a CAN. TIAL LATIMI lIUUSI4 L^i A OIiNTRAI. LOCATION , aocatry folks attending nnuitet are particularly invited to all. Elverythir.g pertaluing h an FLIT itif3 SALOON will slwaya be found, of .ho fresh&it the wlrsat affords. sipftildyflL:w • sq. CLn• ley THE NATIONAL SALOON, tinder itcoster•ii Nevi f(fitlisital Tneeil re, PITTSBUP.O Li, PA., 1). BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, ItILS A FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and comfortable style, the large centre store in the off LI FELIAMS HALL, Fifth stre,t, al a MST CLASS ItESTAURANT and SALO, N. Hating had many years' experience in the Gaullism, be le repined to supply the Lest ,the market affords. Ills EMr will be furnished at all times with the beet tglues, Liquor 4 and Ales The entrance to the Saloon, is in the coerce of the Hail, and refreshments will be furnished at all tunes, DAY and NHS LIT (Sundays exc,pted.) apl4,ly WASHINGTON HOUSE, (1)R: PEN/vA AVENUE 4- THIRD %.. V. Ist; \,'ERIDUE 14. W. 'KANAGA.. S. FA 0 T E d, II ttp.),l Like Yarlaaa.. t/el,,t, S. HOTEL, IJITTSB1.1126 1 ! 1 , l'A I A.HICB aA51:60/4, Proprietor. HOW3E 18 LOCATED UN THE a corner ui P.,NN nod SASII I NliT , /N Siroets, Letvi li ch. , KN TAAL AND WESTERN EA 1 LILO AU DE I'OTS,I2!IIt tom nuclei - gone 31 thorough improvement, remodeled and forukhed With I.OW lau, thu moat frit, t 11,34 , 1 in Pittsburgh, or Travel , rs by ktalleoad, Fed di Iv oft. atyB,ly AN SION Eio I_l SE, Li ElOl - tGE A U EN'EL PLOPUI.LIGH _No. 344 Liberty street, Jrpit Uositio the Peksscii4er Depot of the Pennsylvania which makes it the oust sancenieut hound in the city"tor t riug by that road. Thu prepriotor having, at wuslderable expense, Altai up, ezoellont style, the 11AN8ION Roust:, would -respect fully elicit a share of public patronage. There in atte.da-d s tiTABLE and emteasive WAGON Y Alit., afford. tag attiplo uccoutunalation it, travelers and teamsb r u Ilia and his: will be fut uldhoti with Lob brat cur market c.iii ROU F ti, NEW ICE CREA DI SALOON, AND LADIK.,' 1 , 1 l' 11 STREET. hew It I sel, and Offal up eavoral couttuudi ,ui! , ,cll. (he Y.,xchauge Bank, .311 Fnth stovt, ahieb FIJI. now rut the Smartie: :1.0,4,11. IA • iee aud g-altlemeu oau ai yap:, find au abuudaut bupply 01 C.b:\ F Alt , NLi.O r, 101!: ell EA:11, %V AT KR 11:6—•!, au.l all the refre3hruentm or the e•e33.113. All :r 0 Geatt.d to VIA': the ro,aaa, and Lust :t,rlPtei eta. if 1.0 tfaltlNl(. V.'• tLippincott, Shorten Ss. P %nrsoni NO. 1 WOOD bI1l1;ET, H 1 I,IU. mi AN UFACTURERS OF TR'.rNKS, \r€t,- lices, s and Bonnet Boxes, LaAtillri Travelin g Trunks, Carpet 13sgs, hcc, keep conStantly tsa baud a karge stock. We are pt spared to do a Nrholeiale trade, and hay. kr : r, facilitias is turn out gro.l atnck of rsdncsd priut.ls, wr trou:,l in vi!. the titt.l-. to r.a:l awl oxt,titte our Iroct.l. , 1 ,0 ' . fl 0 M ERCIAL PRINT'INO . IL) I'c)- 1,12:GA I, Hit-co:0110 the neatest umuuer, promptly aud at ULIKAP HATE, by TYPE METAL FOR SALE DIARIKER HOUSE, [iv). Firth ffi,cr L'asburylt Th..a JAMES KATIEP., Proprietor. SCOTT ROUSE, wAsairguToA, 1). Ahl'jtaiUltil, PA CARD?, II A NDBILL: 4 , BILLIIEA DS, `Lullkl.) BILLS PAPER BOOKS FOR L A W YRRS PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, BARB_ Ss MYERS, hIORNINU POST JOB OFFICE, CORNER OP WO D AND ruin brfalTd The uutiervigned have a large quantify of L'YPEI METAL FOR SALI uquirn tit the MORNING POET JOB OFFICE BARR & MYERS se2 joos RESTS—Made of Mahogany and well finished, fur sale by W. 8. HAVEN , J AIrVER'S SEAL PAPERS Various sizes and c.lors al ways on hand, at W. I:LUTE:VS, jel4 Corner Market and Second eta. FOR SA LE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY.—One sMam engine with needful pumps and safety valves; cylinthr 1'294 in bore, 4 fret stroke, 40 borne power; one Woodworth planing mill, with right to use; sue circular saw mill; one upright saw mill; one lath milt, with shafting, pulleys, etc., spiders, etc., for aannect in g the same; one two thn d boner, 22 feat tang, 42 inch .e in diameter, all in good order ; also, 3 cylinder ballets, 2d feet long, end 30 Inches in diameter. The above will be sold altr.gether or separately, to stilt purchaser?. Apply to JAMES C RICHEY, se2'2Real E.itate and Bill Broker, 65 Fifth at -vv-A_N S2O,OOO.—TW ENTY 'f II oU - BAND clallsrs of good Business Paper. Apply JAMB C. RICHEY, sell Real Estat., and Bill Broker, 05 Fifth street FIVE tiUNDRED ANI) FIFTY DOLLARS will pur.haso a Two Story Frame House of 4 rooms, rellsr, , tc. Lot 20 foot front by 110 deep, altuato in Alle gly.ny city. S curaußßT A SON. 5022 61 Market street. CHEESE.--2UU boxes extra prime Cuttin ch...se, Just received bud for ;ale by 8022 REMIT IL COLLINS. MAC& EREL-25 bble No. 3 Large, just received and for ,salo by ae22 lIENRY H. COLLINS. BONNET VELVET.—Every variety of Bon net material, Mut, Velvets and Sevin., for sale at novl3 ROUNIV/3 AMERICAN WATCII FOR RELIABLE TIMIL--Tbese justly celebrated Watchea disclaims any part of foreign mechanism in movement or care, and poSBCIIS ell the qualities of the beat Swiss Watches. They ere with Lover Escapement, equti to the English, and in point of OM° and price, distance ill competition. IiSJ.SEMAN 6r. Na 42 Fifth street, noar Wood, atapfpr_the celebrukud Am, titan W.tches. DROOMS.-50 dos. reo'd and for sale by AP nun HEM EL OW LW PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, OCTOBEit 7, 1958. PIANOS AND MELODEONS cEEEB ATE!) "I .INI VAC T 0 .2%1. :. Y. k MEM Fork Cit W WARDS ROW N, and W. P. 1:111illSON, FOrto N.faiii•r4; 01 of which will Wid ptIC(.4I, .lia wananlw7. The prii,olit sio..h, has basis aolectail by the subscriber per sonally, aiul every Plauu is warranted to be perfect In ever y particular and will be sold at i.,33 prices than have d9or beau offariul In this city, Fine non , au i ercJuil u.d P,auud to rout at $2, $3, $1 end $5 per motth. JOilN 11. '.1E1,1,011., 51 Wn.d street, WA s .s :.=; , 4 t PIANOS. ACIIOICE LOI or the unequalled STEIN WAY A SoN'S, New York Pianos. not rt: cemed ; auto:l l 4'4 them a Three Stringed Louts XIV, of 'PAY oc"aves, and saperh workman whip Wo tout, h this lust ornout a;ainst any Orant Piano in this city for ?tritn dear, volt 're anti beauty of tem, 1 lot Steinway Pianos tall 10-yuild all doubt tho watt yet feet t.ttta mad- anywhere, cod are UFA: awn tie moot ;aopular loot, Unients to Sims world. They a - t• t.tity a arrault-d :.y the makers and Ede xlitiacrita re, tot bald at N.ss Y, rk tac'cry I.lr.ceb For sal. by 11. H , No. bd Fifth at., Sa:e agent for et teiuway's Pianos Also received, n due LI of none t Clark's, and also Dunltam's Plano,. 11b., P ROP R I ETC ti, MILITARY GOODS. rruE SUBSCRIBERS IIA v E CONSTANT -a- LY hand ti ct;Mplet, SILK 6,N ti BUNTING FLAti3 niADIs To Olthillt QT. CIIIRLE,7i LIVERY STABLES.-i The Ciaderffignerd bu boalht the lease of the above named titahlet, /' sive stoct cf Liortle3llll.l late the property of James Mathews, decanted. in additiod to the stock before.mentiened,,he has also added a uatat.,t 01 VINE ItOBSES, BUGOLLS AND CABBIMIES, which Wdroe': formerly employed et Ida Liver) St4bles rhird, bolo*: Wood utroot. As, ha given Itt3 poreonal ntt,m don to the business.% a continuance of the paum.agu he het hitherto received n•G public is aolicited. JACOB GAIII , NEB, Bt. Charles liv, , r3 b. B.— 4 LIEARBIS and any number of CA ItRI AtIBS cwu slanye be pr,carod for TOCKINu l'at)FalEritEs ou Lanu , .11 ki fur ash, at 77 .11ark.t stroet ',l ti R. - 44) 1,1, -4 ottoice s % uro rl rfi ii: e fur Ai urtiula t i j t T V Corocr Thlrkut and Firm stt, ..._ G ENTS' StiOE: - AND GAITERS. ItI.ANK - ' IMMO PIANOS AND MUSIC SPLENDID NEW STOCK -0 F - 4ELE("11 , 1) kut 1 . 11, r k!.l '11:t 0.1 '1!1..: SUN'S, BOSTON, 11AV4N, it AU I , i a , A. 11. ti ALE Jt Ncw PIANOS TO RUNT Botwenn Di:smond All.) , and Fourth street (LITAR 1' t 1 () 1) ti 111 rear PLUhfc.B, it At ~ ..L DS : , ,i.tlHlgb T A t,8K1.9, ViOuuideT Coutp4r.See 1.11,61 , 1•111 D WIT LI /JILL ic,D IFldicel to ez 321 US I' NOM)/ 3110. U. f3tS'AGUR.I.4 60N. 95 MARKRT AT NIANUPACTURER:i . VRICES, U II E A I' lICEMEEI SHOE tirOlilt, It ntiu6A. It N. i jel 1)1.;101 EILACKBELtRY ANL) CaERR'? LitANDY, L.r tualicitatl parpobea, nt HAWORTLI cL lu tho Num . UB PRINTINO. uarti.i, Frvi g ht Mils, Circulars, Dray Receipts, Bill Heads, Llbels, Ruiii,....0l ItoLeipta, Bilis Lading, With every other duecriptiuu of JOl, Plilitil37, executed with pruxuldnese and at lair prices. .7 . IL VI• MLDIN, ts Printer and Mud, r, my3l Wood street, near furth. . _ _. INDIA RUBBER CURRY COMBS.—The JIL beat article in use, Just rezeived at the India Robber Depot, 28 and 28 EL Clair str,eL mr22 LARD OIL.- 511 barrels Extra No. 1 Lord 1.3d1; 28 " No. 2 Lard Oil, on hand and for oak., by [myl3l IL C. ,4 J. 11. SAWYER INDIA RUBBER UORKSOREWS Pen Holders; " .. Propelling Pencils; u " Pons; " " Inkstands; Pucka, J. IL WISLLIN, Bookseller and Stationer, ee:10 dg Wood street. near ll'ourtn. F1X1.1.-500 packages White Fish, Bainiva, and Trout, for sale by (ruy27) IL H. COLLINS. JNO. D. M'CREAIt Y'S COL'D PRLNTiIs: IN S—Sold by itar24l J. IL WNLDIN CCORN.-10 bags shelled Corn received and for Bale by Ile3l HBNBY lI . COLLINS COUNTRY BACON.-1060 Dm. Country - BACOD, Hews, Shoulders and Sidea, recdved and f,,r X 3 by JAB. A. FRITalt, myl9 Corner Market and Piro at.. i ,r bale by ictUCKWILEAT FLOUR.-20 auks Buck wheat Flour, 50 lb Backe, Jut received and for sale IicOA_NDLEM, hINANS & 00 Corner Wood and Water atreeis. FLOUR. --25 bbls. Superfine Flour received and for ealn by EicOANDLESB, MEANS a CO, foal Corner Wont end WaZer stretfte. VMIURANT RIFLES.—A most desirable and cheap weapon, at 1.1047:$1 a TETLEY'S, 41-4 • IN4. 1174 Wood ten:: t J ARD.--A prime article of No. I Lard, i 1,4 barrels and Eogs, fast received and for all, Ly IIitcOANDIXI3B, !MANS 8 Co., I a 2.3 Corner of Wood and Water A. aela HOUSE KEEPING ARTICLES. - - \Jlertutut Salver Spoons; ilvis Plated Spoons, (extra heavy;) Sansage Cutters; Table Oatlery; Candle Stinks; Snuffers; And many other housekeepers' articles, fur sale at 6825 SOWN A TETLEY, No. 136 Wt.:A .1. GLASS. ---3 00 boxes assorted sizes Window Giros, good country brand. fir sale by my 6 IfiblikßY H. 001.f.1N. 1 _ - EW MAP OF OUR COUNTRY—Present and prospactiVe,--elnbradifrk the United States and Territories the Canada+, New Brunswick, Neva Spotlit and New Puuutiland; ale Mexico, Cuba, and tee Islanda, Central kmerica and the Isthmus of Panama, all the New Discoveries in the Polar Regions by Dr. Kane and others, and all the New Settlements, and even the Conatiesoiltan• cos and Nebraska, each in itsproper position, all on the same scale, compiled from Government bur" ya and other rens. ble sources. itor ink by W. S. HAVEN, Stationer and Paper Dealer, au2 Corner of Mark - et and Stcend ate. _ -- VOR SA L E.-2,4 Acres of first-class Garden ii L situate raven milra fromthe city. Improve. mutts good — duo orchard, excellent z. - ater, limeetone and coal in great abundance. Will be aold low and on easy terms. Agply to JAMES C. RIOURY, Be2 o Real Estate and Bill Broker, No. 65 Falb street OUSES FUR BENT, BY S. CIITTLIBER EON, 61 Market itreet. A email two story brick bozo, of fonr . cuki tc4ou and cellar, 011 muff art ot, klighth ward, sqoo per month, with approved vecnrity. A email house In Etpltom Conti, Cont, $11,2•5 per mouth. • A good, dwe ll ing boasa in camp ,oreer, eleoroa roonte. bath room, etc., situate on Second stmt. A house of ton room on Tbirclitoreet. A %yardman" on Smithfield street. A largo store room on Fourth street. SOAP.- 200 boxes Roman Soap; 100 '• No.l Baldly Snap; 200 Chemical Oliva Soap; No. 1 Olm Pala► Soap, lu Mara and MILLER & ItIOICETBON, Nos. 2'21 and'223-I.lbarty'atireet. for gale by sel4 ONION 8.-10 tibia. Onions for oats by U, Ocadai KVA tiLlkl7lt:!‘, LIU ?PON ei„' (RING K.B,' -10. N.,'il YARNS- •ms! -d HORN I . NI I A RIMMMI J H. PHILLIPS MISCELLANEOUS. D EPOT FOR THE SALE OF COAL OIL, 1351 South Second Street, PEUILADELPIE . Lubricating Oil for all ktadt of Ma'alucry, Eittaa.le or arivarliir ti , tb, In-at t ,t Hain Hportu for I in all kinda of LAMPS, LANTERNS, HEADLI - GHTS, LC. THOMAS' SUPERIOR PATENT IMPROVED LAMP This lamp performs a perfect c,,tianuiptiou of all smoke aed smell arising from the use of oil, in which other laMpa ice local imperfect, thereby giving a leech more brilliant dame. Fur sale wholesale and retail by artl2.2:nd li. 13J11111 , . AU, Ade 'Agent. FALL FASEIIONS.4 Co., HATTERS, HAVE RECEIVED THE Ball ety:ea of SILEI HATS, UASIALE:RE HATS, FRENCH SOFT HATS. TEM LATEST STYLES 0? CAPS, No. 121 Wood Street, Pittaburtd, J. D. LEET, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Holliday sbar g, Blair County, Penn's., WILL ATTEND TO ALL BUSINESS entrusted to his care, lu the counties of Blair, Som erset, Huntingdon, o:imbrla, and Clearfield sea: m f 0 STRANGERS AND VISITORS TO THE FAIR —SASH AND DOOR FACTORY IN AbLEGIIEI Y.— Blliltierd, Contractors, or others wanting Sas'', Doors. Window Fr .mes, Shutters or MouldP.ge, should Gilt at the CENTRAL PLANING MILLS, and exinnine our superior work and finish, for with our present superior and tine w rking machinery we are besoml competition, and our prices are much below thcso producing an inferior ar ticle. Call and examine for yonreelyes. Jobbing, Repair. lug,ote. pr, tuptly attended to. J. A IL T. PRIOR, Oen tral Planing - Mills, Water street, between Federal and Beaver. Allegheny City. Pa. se2S WILLIAM H. YEATON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 216 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Agent for Efeidsick d Co.'s Champagne ; Dutch Co. Am stertialn Gin: Elaysoa and German Cigars; Wines, Sh - au diet, etc., In Custom House and In Store se2ltlye _ GOVERN NIEN 'l' ENGINES AND BOILERS AT AUCTION, uN THURSDAY, 14TH OF OCTOBER NEXT. WE will sell in the Navy Yard, at Mem phis, Teeßosser, the ENGINES and BOILERS used by the tioveramenTin the manufadah'Sf rope. DE2ORI PTION Double Acting Engine, of two cylinders of 42 inch stroke 16 Inches in diameter—estimated at fifty horse power each, with an independent cut-,;if attachel to each cylinder. Side valves with eccentric motion. One largo rezulator with connections complete, and indicator attached, for time and revolution. Main driving wheel 12 feet in diameter, of cast iron, with ineerted teeth. Jack gear running in connection with it is of cast iron with cut teeth, feel in diameter, giving velocity to the Jack eh sft three to oho of that of the eue• glues. Engines recta on iron beds 20 feet long, 2 feet high, weighing 9000 the each. Main shafting connected With the Jack shaft ,66 feet long, 6 inches in diameter, of wrought Tennessee iron aith stands and coupling complete. Brae, and babbett metal hove; 7 large drums from Bs' 16 fe, , t in die ui tor 9tted on the eha'ts. The foundations that the glues and main line of shafting rests on, are of stone, and thefitted in mach a manner that they can be moved with the engines. Six cylinder bailers, 30 feet long, 30 inches iu diameter. Fronts, grate-bare, pipes and connections for steam and water. Also, Veber water-gauge connected with each boiler. Boilers are arranged in two eeparato sets, - con. meted so that either or both can be used: one met caw. al ways be kept in order. They are made of % inch Tennessee Iron. Iron fronts for boilers 23 feet long and ti feet high. The Engine and Boilers are finished, in all their parts, in the best workmanlike manner. They were built by E. L. Norfolk, of Salem, Mas.sachnsette, at a coat of about $15,000. They were need by the Government for a few months, and proved to be superior to any In the Mississippi Valley. Ono-third to fall doe 16th December, 1868; one-third 15th Juno, 1859, and ono-third 145th December, 1859—notes to be satisfactorily endorsed. The sale will be positive and without reserve. Will be leased at the same time, fur 28 years, all the Rope Valk not heretofore disposed _ _ O. B. LOCKE 4 00., Auctioneers and Baal Estate Broker,' 6825:dt0c10 15 WORTH OF MUSIC FOR TWEN TY-FIVE CENTS—TEE GENTLE ANNIE MELODIST.—This little work contains ail the words and Masi° of the new and popular airs of the day. The selec tion has been made with great care, giving only thotiesougs which are good and popular. All the best songs of S. C. Foster, are embraced in this collection. A large supply Jest received, and for sale at the Masi° Store of anl6 JOHN H. AIELLOR, 81 Wocki street 77.1 TILE BEST AND. , c -t 1 CHEAPEST VINEGAR is sell Leg ut the mos* extensive VIN - sti or Ssissolwwk , F AMR WAREHOUSE iu thejlA N E A '6. l umnzy I,44iiiialssw, West. • This honse now sup , Isuluaism.:-. l ti: plies, and has for the last ten t., A Ti?;7...e: years, more than one-half of If'-trfj . l:s.: the Pittsburgh grocers, and •, • the same in every other city in WiliCh it has been Introduced. A. IiALLOU, 146 Water street, between Smithfield and ()ran an6.lpdlov F IRST INTiODUCED JULY, 1849.- A. L. ARCIIAELBAULTPS Portable Steam hoisting and Pumping Engine Ou Wheals, from 3to 30 horse power. Also, Farm En glues and Saw Mill Driv . ers, 3to 30 horse. Engines always on hand. Manufactory, 15 t h S. Hamilton Street, y3l):3mdaw PTIILADELFMA. TO PRINTERS.—The subscriber has now on hand, and is daily receiving, from the manufac turer:, a large assortment of Printer's Stock. IL. W. Potter's Printer's Cards, from No. 1. to 7, Satin China, Porcelain Satin Enamelled, and colored. Card Bards, in sheets; McCreery's Celebrated colored Inks ; " Card Lay & Bros. " News " Varnish and Size; Colored Printing Papers; Pamphlet Cover Papers; Glazed and Plated Papers, red, green and yellow ; Steel Blue Gleged Papers, and a large assortment plain Note, Bettor, Cap, and Vodo Post, blue and white. J. it. WBLDIN, in 11 63 Wood street, near Fourth. ‘,l, 0 A P S . LI 1000 boxes LWOW Soap, in la., 2 lb. and 3 lb, bars. 500 " No. 1 Palto Soaps, in lb., 2 lb. and 8 lb. bars. 500 " Cbemical Olive Soap, In lb. lamps. " Oleine Oilde " " 260 " Garman 200 " Castile 60 " Pare Palm On hand and for gale by Jall B. 0. & J. IL RAW ifa. QHAWLS AND DitESS GOODS, OF kjetery variety of style and quality, a large assortment and cheaper than they can be found in the city. Q. HANSON LOT 131, ae2l NO. 74 Market street. TEAR IT IN MIND, that the East Lib erty Lots are offered at ench prices, and on such easy terms, as to make a home easily to be obtained. Bear It in Mind, that they front on wide streets, are of easy access by railroad, and are very clearable locations far family residences. Bear it in mind, that the plan of the lots is to be seen at JOl2 61 MAB STILEBT._ OIL CLOTH CRASH-1500 yards of vari ow patterns and widths, mint 'waived tom the fac tory, for sale wholesale or retail, by J. H. PHLL.LIII3, En • 28 and 28 Ht. ewe 604,, BLACK -- AND FANCY DRESS SILKS.- A Call maortment, very cheap. 0. HANSON LOVE, formerly Love Bre;therv, Ha 74 Mutat IL-sea 'LIVERY Economical Purchaser of Dress Goode, Shawls, also Domestic and Sta ple Good s, will And it to their advantage to call and exami oar Nev Stock rf Pall and Winter Dry Goods before pnrchaa D EL&NSON LOYD, *alb If t; merly Love EXIXI, No. 74 Market st. Q.IIAWLS I SHAWLS I—Wool, Chenille, trocha, Lc., both long and square, the very best In the city, and et very low prices for cash.o. 'HANSON LOVE,form 74 erly Love Brea., No. Market Street. PIQUE a d MARSEILLES, Fleeced, for 11. malting Basques. A large assortment at 4150. R. WHITE a 0011 Q 11OUL) you ask me, should you wonder of Where to buy your Shoes and Gaiters ? GAMER for your feet in springtime. Boors with heels, and pretty Buteuxs. Nice FRENCH SLTSPEBS for the summer, Patent Leather, Glove• Sid blocesins Where to buy these cheap and good too I should answer, I would tell you, Go unto the PEOPLES' SHOE STOS.E, To the Peoples' Cheap Shoe Store, To the Store of DLITENPAOHEB . POTATOES. --50 bags for sale by €82.5 EIMIIIY 11. COLLINS RIO COFFISE. —5OO bags good to choice Rio Coffee, Elm loodimull tor sale by RR It RIOKRTBON, No& 1 and =liberty aired. _ S Y FL U htida. Lovering'a fire quality Syrup • ft II 1166 25 ill eip bbb3. choice Golden Syrup, now landing and for sale by 11111 AMI, h ItIGILLTSON, . Noo 221 and 223 Liberty streetT" VIT HALE 01.1...-40 bbl 2. Bleached Win VT Whale Oil, Just received and for ads by hULLIII RICKSTBON, solA Jim 231 and •:23 Mork" THE DAILY POST. The number of languages spoken is 3Ueel. The number of men is about equal to the number of women. The average of human life is 33 years. One quarter die before the age of 7. One -half before the age of 17. To every 1000 persons, one only reaches 100 years. To every 10J, only 9 reach G 5 years ; and not more than 1 in 50U reaches the age of 80 years. There are on earth 1,Uu0,000,.. 000 of inhabitants. Of these, 33,333,333 die every year : 7,780 every hour, and GU every minute—or one for every second. The losses are about balanced by an equal number of births. the married are longer lived than the single; and above all, those who observe a sober and industrious conduct. Tall men live longer than short ones. Women have more chances of life previous to the age of 56 years than man, but fewer after. The num. ber of marriages is in proportion of 75 to 100. Marriages are more frequent after the equinoxes—that is during the months of June and December. Those born in spring are generally more robust than the others. Births and deaths are more frequent by night than by day. Number of men capable of bearing arms is calculated at one fourth of the population. The Comet es Seen Through a Telescope U. M. Mitchell, of the Cincinnati Observatory, communicates to the Daily Gazette a very inter esting paper regarding the Comet, which now makes so fine a display in our western heavens at night, It was discovered by Professor Donati, of Florence; Italy, nearly four months ago, and for a largo portion of the time eince, it was detected, has been steadily approaching the earth, and in a direction no nearly coeincidental with the visual ray, that but for the computa tion, of astronomers, might well excite autioi pations of some fearful collision with our planet. Indeed, throughout the present month it seems to have been plungin g downward so exactly to,. ward the earth, that it scarcely changed ,its ap parent place among the fixed stars by a quantity larger than two or three times the diameter of the moon. It will reach its nearest approach to the sun in a few days. Its brilliancy will increase rap id• ly up to the close of the first week in October, when it will put onlits most splendid appearance, and will then rival in its grandeur the famous Comet of Halley, at its last return in 1836 This comet, Professor Mitchell says, " will soon commence to change direction, at first slow ly, afterward a ore rapidly, as Been from the earth, when sweeping swiftly round the sun, it will regain those distant regions of space, where in a vast proportion of its orbit hes, far beyond the reach of telescopic vision." He further states : "On the evening of the 25th of September, the appearance of the comet, in the great refrac tor of the Cimoinnati Observatory, was especial, ly interesting. The central portion, or nucleus., was examined with pow-re varying from one hundred to five hundred, without presenting any evidence of a well defined planetary disc. It was a brilliant glow of light, darting and flash ing forward in the direction of the motion to, ward the sun, c and leaving the region behind in comparative obscurity. But the most wonder ful physical feature presented was a portion of a nearly circular nebulous ring, with vertex reoted toward the sun, the bright nucleus being in the centre, while au imperfect ring swept more than half round the luminous centre. This nebulous ring resemble t those which sometimes escape from a steampipe, but did not exhibit the appearance which ought to be presented by a hollow hemispherical envelope of nebulous mat ter. " There was an evident concentration of light in the central portions of the ring, while, in the case of a hollow envelope, the brightest portlou should be at the outer edge. By micrometri3al measurement, the distance flom the central point to the circumference of the ring was found to be about nine thousand nine miles. Tlll6 . would give a diameter of eighteen thousand miles, in case the ring was entire. Similar measurements, made on the evening of the 2t;th of September, indicating a decided increase in the radius of th 3 ring, which was now not ;cos than twelve thousand miles in length. On the same evening I noticed that the luminous envelope did not blend itself into the head portion of site tail, but appeared somewhat to penetrate tit:o thisinebulons mass especially on the upper part, presenting the appearance of about 200 degrees of spiral. The tail on the 25th was decidedly brighter and better defined on the lower portiot,-, while on the 28th there was a much nearer rs preach to equality in brightness, espwially w ..r the head of the Ai:ht. Throughther telescope, and near the bead, the tail presented the appear ance of a hollow nebulous envelope, under the form of a parabola of revolution, the edges being brightest and well defined, while there WP.:3 manifest fading away of light to wards the central region. Through the vast depth of nelonloue matter composing this wonderful appendage, the faintest telescopic stars shone with undiminish ed brightness. " Na one can gaze on this gigantic objeot, in all its misty splendor, without a deep impres. sion that the eye is resting on a mass of nebs boas matter precisely snob as the nebulous theory of La Place supposes to have .been the primer deal condition of our sun and ejl its planers, and from which chaotic canditiolli this beautiful system of revolving worlds hal been evoked by a single law. " The only comet which has presented r‘ii appearance resembling the one now visible, is the one known as Halley's comet, as seen by Sir William Herschel and others, in its return in 1886. There is a marked difference between the two: That while the envelope of Halley's comet is t eseribed as a hemispherical hollow en velope, is shows more the shape of a nebulous ring ; there is a faint light, of irregular outline, but not to be mistaken by even a casual oti server." II S. SS " in 8 lb. bar'. " in 1 lb. " Na 17 giftb street Peculiarities of Our Race. Th• Sugar Crop of Louisiana A correspondent of the New Orleans Picayune expresses his view of the yield of the sugar crop as follows: The general impression seems to be that there is an immense crop of sugar in Louisiana tt is season. Now this is a mistake which I wish to correct. There is no doubt that more sugar will be made than was last season, but the amosn t will n • efabove that of a fair average—Bay 325,000 hhds. Putting the loss by crevasse (in• eluding seed required from others by those merged) at 76,000 hhds. would make 400,000 hhds. for the State. The osne is not as good as it was in '5B ; there is not as much of it, and shall we have as favora ble a winter as that year, when many planters were grinding in march, and some in April, '54? In Louisiana you cannot well estimate a crop until the crop is made. It is not once in ten years that we get such a winter as that of '53 At this moment the ratoons are sweet, but very dry ; the plant cane is very green, though of good size. In fine, lam willing to risk $.250 on my estate against that of any speculator who may try to bring down prices by reports of an immense orop. This game is played every year, and, unfortunately for tho planters, with success. I notice that the sugars of the coming crop in Cuba hive been sold at $2B and $25 per box, and large advances made. This gives us hopes of good prices here, which would be but fair, after the short! crops of the last two years. A SLASDEIC. REFUTED —A clergyman was charged with having violently dragged his wife from a revival meeting, and compelled her to go home with him. The clergyman let the story travel on until he had a fair opportunity to give it a broad side. Upon being charged with the offense, he replied as follows tt In the first place I never have attempted to influence my wife in her views; nor a choice of a meeting: Secondly—my wife has not attended any of the revival meeting at Lowell. In the third place, I havenot attended any of the meet, inga for any purpose whatever. To conclude— neither my wife nor myself, have:any inclination to then megtiugs. Finally—l never had a wife." NUMBER. 307® \ CECTION SALES: 4.; Il,l' 911,f2 ,1 11' NO. A 4 FIFI'II ST., nox '.ootua, No. 64,11Ntatt. et, ••• !' • .c puLli.. ;alai of goods In all v th , tm..to and canaumara, from a large att,,2l; wLict, is v....theta:My rhplanbhi'd with freak consign meet Lc r.bard forthwith. AT ID crqLoull, A. M. Dry raT,ry ~rtklt.t, comprising nearly everything tt,,, Dne ter 1,, , r0nal and family use; table cut , Li,,tbleg; foots end ladies ware, '2 AT O'CLOCK, P. M., tranitnro, new end secondhand; 1,-14 L.o.l.ltult; c:%rpets; biegant iron stone China ware; et,s • rit.,•netio; griJcerieA, A'r T oT,Loon. , r,liC y nr !1.. C.; M . ; Imam! !!!!•at,. , 1, e ;dr 91 qc. , , 1•3 i , 30t9 and ahoea . book rat/ (ROMP' ..:d. DAVIS, At/0/.0 B RICK NTI:LLINU /I OU SES AND WARD AT AIIGTION.—On 'DJ tiftelf , sfulf:r 14. at 7 o'clock, at the o , •uf tne : • ISt Fifth street, will bo sold, that ler;te vain. tdo lot of ,;:,,oral having a front of 72 feet en l'• , 41a arenhe , neer ilstriol reet, and ex teeth:, it b:lck net 1., an ader ii fart wide, on which le erected Ewe na..,eed ga, two stories high, and o' her Lad that lot uf ground situate et the corner of Marion an,' Locust street, having a front of 20 feet on Merlon street, and extending back, along Locust street, 102 feet inches, on which is erected two brick tenementa Title icdli - stable Terme cash. dud P. It. DAVIS, Auctioneer. ASTERN fLOR-BP4 'AT as ii lON . *in MOP.NINCI, Oetober 8, at It oclock, in front 01 the 6zott Hanes, corner of Irwin street mid Dn. gnome way, will 1w sold, dapple. brown etalifon Morgan ttrang , r, 15V, hande high, 7 years old, warranted sound, and trots in 010; brown paeng mate 0 years old, Id% hands I. hill, warrioted nod gontla in harness, an ez cellent .5!4.21a mire for a ,a.ly, and to which a diploma weal n warded at the let» raata Fair, oao Iwo year old stud colt, Raver tail, 15 . ,4 h.in . 8 high, great style and action end to which a premium wee award d at the fast State Fair.. The hureen e2.aruitied rt Lilo et.uiles of the Scott nonce 10 61 I P. M DS VI 9, Auctioneer. UNDiALWRiTERS' SALE OF STEAM BOAT' FIXTI;Ii THURS DAY M)11%10.0, C: bet ,A •o c'ckck, n the fourth ~tory of \V A CC-load,, 1,19 Liborcy atrcet, corner of Cecil alley, will be sold, e of (2,0 1.1 Furniture, blocks and tackle, pi` c ;Kora end ,tiett-rat, psrouline, ettrvey chat, office cafe, Ilfo preservers. Az trues, etc , trout the wr, Is of the ate3ub3at North Star. ocb I P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. Pitol 4 l , llTV F 94 SALE OR RENT. A MlLL;—Three mu of stones and Aiat, ..it the r; complete, coin and cob cracker, , all In good order, with a dwelling house, stable and two lots ,•1 ground, altnain to nootth Plttabargb,and will be sold on re• - , , easy term: hl & SON, i ell 51 Market street. LAWitir•Nei , ] C'qtyNTY BONDS WANT ED, in itchani; - i. j laL.l S. tall!! A SON, Ell Market at. ..,. A STEAM i ,;3mpliete running d.r, Ewer the city, for sale by ‘• it BON, ep24 51 Market street. OUT OF ti PY. l'ereons desirous of 10, City, otn purchase two .frame Li; dwelling pit : Cheannt, street,Law; rep ce ;4, Ln ue Z? 10011111 end cellar, a garden of fruits, tiow,r “.,.I .ilrtit'l All to complete order. Will be sold I , r , . at,t Is to snit purchaaere. Apply to 3. 010l'ilIDEIIT 8; SON, sus 61 Marked street. ONLY $7." , u Ilweiling House of four u 1.1,; - ,;;; t r un.l„ fruit trans, eta., pleas antly situated 01 LI the point of hlonnt Washington, inantsits t j Stalthilobi street, will be sold on easy to; by z*. 01.1 Pl 4 01MT & SON, 11,13 51 SlRrlret ctroet. TO LE P five Dwelling Houses. :3. CUTHBERT 4 SON, 61 Market street. LOOK AT rtlE EIOUSES.—No. 17 Scott street, Lose ;Imama. Prico, $lBOO. No. 60 Marion ht/11, 1 mcno, for $l7OO. No. 31 (Hurt a:r , ‘t nbar niley, for $l2OO. For gal, by • . 4 011T1113.1511.T & BON. 1,C3 61 Maack Meat. CAMEL t .i , ..;:.:SIDENCE FUR SALE—A ~turo,l„ pr.,n.•: c, . t 1 'it fart front on CatingtOn et., hawrenceville, Iry I oki Weebington etreot to Cherry L11.3y, Brick Uwe,,tme; Ilene , : Lit 7 room's well arranged,bath room, porch, well (t water pomp, e table and coal howie, Lzitx room, rue ...kelycy painted and pa sad fruit c. eae, gray, arbor, great variety or flowernonc.; good p litg fence. 'Trio above diets a good opportunity to hop a c .mploto and pleasant racidonoe. Price low, and terms? accommodating. EL CUTEIBERT et SON, .aal Estate and General Agentn, 015 ' 61 Market street. VALUABLE RESIDENCE FOR SA.L - E.-- A two story d wolfing house, with lot of 98 feet front on Cliff street, b' deep to Fmk street;. fruit awl shade trues, grape arbor, flown. gardens, Ac., Ac.,Ths, house is welt arranged, ith wide halls, parlor with marble mantis, '' dining room, library room, kitchen and pant'. five bed chambers , bat retno, flag I n boatthe to Jiro places and parent dour, ward robes, two porticoes, large collar are divisions, kitchen range, Ac. Immedl• rite possession can be had. Ror price and terms call at our °dice . . CUTiiUtfiil A SON, 61 Market street. - --- VOit RENT —..9! is lot of ground having t. in iron; on'i'oa ulstreetuudYeunsylvanlaavenna Apply to S. CU 11.1BLIT.1' k SON, ae2B I 61 Market street. $6OO IN EA,: - Y PAYMENTS, WILL I, w , two biury house in Allogharti• Li 51 Market-letroot. 1 4 1 01 i . SA LE VXNTY TllO U:SAIVD ACRES of cool find Timber Land; situated in Northern In. n sad .lnothern Mini:manta, embrticingtho finest lot of farming ia4s evvr °newt! in this market, as they ern ;nested c.niv,olo,cly to stills, Towns and lines of Railroad. l'ampill6ia cOntauting iniormation of into° to emigrante an giving 1. - otation, description and of the land, with a l;rict description of the counties in which tly.,y are t o at ed, t r i 1. ,, kid on application at our ~tnce, and tri ,, y rico by mail to persons sending no their addr,-, WI LI,I A t 1 I.' FAZlflit & 00. i ,` Lity:ll:tf C 7 Foarth.street. r~ • EN DOLLARS' IN lIAND, will secure a Building Lot of :ritorto on Mt. Washingtonr. 1 .. Price, iann—pf.l to 11,1 li , znuiaLlt.r to suit purchaser. Al. eo, a ' Lot of (..0x10:.) fr.,: for iu hand, bilanco , In paytnenta to snit Furc..4, , r. id, UU'LIII3SILT et SON, j 02.3 iii Market etrest. 12 ACRE'S ~t IL:Lad and comfortable ar the vin.tlington Tarnpikb, at about 3 mil. trout , rxt vi,tl Lo r•ald on easy terms. Inunedint ,, ,t.xtdessicn , CUTLIBEH.T is SON, ALOT u N D ich East Liberty; near the itallrua.l trot will be Gold for $276. ono-fourth lu ; I 15,rri.lador at sir. yowl,' credit. 3 ‘.) rut $450, half in Lan and th ein year, altuato In Elk county, Po., 11 I:Pr, itt:r...:l cleared. The soil lb good. and ilr.nl,f , r b fur =ale by ~ .11:1.1.1ing..t. 4 60. N, bl Market FA- O " Y $759 'O/0 STORY Dwel ii,,n4t.‘, of roar .I.lt r.t of grcnnd 20 feet fr.at .14n,dore.:, y c ity, by 110 d ot , to an .2ft. ' two and three, I:. ~car a. • ..JUTILDERT BON, e0vf.1,4 i V Marki4 ctrftt. THE 81Z Eof tioj ;heap Bililding, Lots for sale by 8. CLlT.kti;t,ii.:. & duti 13 30 by 100 foot. Location—N , ar the milraa..! 1.1a4t Liberty, Price--From .$275 to .$4.430 each Torsos—On The Plan ci street. NU fIC this „ LII9 071. 9,acl firm of n. CI.O 111", coSGRAVK 4 CO., as deal= in Coal, in the calve of .11.f.t4burgh arid DT.. T. 7 ()deans. Nox ,Rt.EJL.Nd /06 011.,4 VSEAMTELSZT. JoiiN IicOLOBILEY, JAM [.O , hIcOIO9KLY, J El, WB' BAVE. Pittsburgh. 1/zs--.3z;z3:ln, ___ ACIIANCE FO;„ .!. ALL.—Cio to No, 17 Fifth street, and;tuy your shoes from a large and well selected stock. 1.-adtes' Wear. Gent's Wear. French M.rocco Boots, French Calf $0( ta, Kip Congre. Boots, Icip Boots, M 0... " i... 11 Liaiters, Leo ting (3-attars, Kip Brogans, Bnalcius and 411pri...4. Heavy KOMOititer, at the People's Shoo Clara. ise24 DiIetNBACHEB 6r. OD. SUN 360 bags Rio Coffee; 2j pockets Java do.; 50 bbls. N. C. Tar ; " No. 3 MlLciterol; 10 kite No. 1 do; 6 bbls. No 1 do; luo halt chests Y. li. 5 eat; 50 " " 13.4 ea. do, 10 " `• Gimpowder do; 100 boxes Tobaccp, Tarions broads: 100 kegs BI Carb:lioda, just landing and for tale by se2s W. 11,, lit. SMITH ec 00. ERRING-3I bbls. Herring received and e for sale by e°9l 13/SltY H. CO LING. RICKS AND TRAPS---Prica 'lO c zits. Buy a copy and keep out of bet water. Poresle by B. hl. JENKINS & 00, add I Railroad Depot., Allegheny City: QOAP POWDER,.--50 boxes Soap Powder of our own roanufactnre, warranted superior to unjif offered for gale fn tb.is rear - fret, on bend and for ealo by .felfi I I TI 9 A WPIM. 2A' BB LS. sup just received and 'AP for 2a13 by 1 JAS. A. FETZER; Oorner Market. and First sp. DIME PORT WINE, for medicinal per potat, by the bottle or gallon at EiAWORTiI saovnainra, eS f et t 2 a 11)Ismccod. TO LET—A Store Room on Market streeti ititit4ro A. W. CiAZZAM. FOUNDRY METAL--180 tone soft Foun dry Metal, far ;alp by (AA) H. II COLLINS. pIG LEAD-300 Pigs, for sal eby MEM IL OOLLINM 5i Itlnrket street. A. 00111 di.= & SON. 51 Ilarkut street.