• Oring JAMES P. BARE, Editor and Proprietor PITTSBUR CI4: WEDNESDAY MORNING::OCTOBER ti, 18,58 D EMOCRATIC STATE NOXINATIONB TOE EITTPECEWiI 2IIDEM, Wit ILLIAI 4 I A. .PORTER. OP £IIILADRLPITIA. roa CANAL CONMISSIONCE, WESTLEY FROST, OF FA\ is."l - 1E COUNTY DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET 0056131:93, SIVE!? DISTRICT ANDREW BURKE, City. 003GRISH—RSTII) DISTRICT JOIEN EIRSIENGIIANI, Ohio. SETIASZ: BAMIIgL McKEE, Blrmii I"' K.S.ZINTA. S THOMAS DONNELL'S. iHILIP H. STEN JOHN M. ISW - IN, Ot . ), It(BERT MORROW, Rrz, AUGUSTUS HARTJE, BARNEe FOBS), Upper Er. Cinu PROILIONOTARY iTaY kbI).F.P. BLACK, &-whii.ley 001MSSIONI8 : THOMAS BARLEY, AllegLc,r, coeicitits: WILLIAM ALEXANDER City JOBN Smath Pitt,bnrgi :_DLBSC r. CY :RE MOB JORN PAI , YLk. , indiaaa4 A Card--. 30 the Public. Mr. Edr.& r:—O❑ my w.) bark (run Ruth-r last Tut I Was hanthal a r,p,rt of Islr.'rts.sr. • Ls. fired hi lietkerstuwa the rti,,:ht t. rut , t, 1 am- ug many other gives roierepree nt,rioe nt..ut following elegant, extrao..-- " McKnight heti when he 'lever rod. 'free I wee astonished ut this struug exp zurs!ua, I hod never taut anythlugcf the - kind ; tact oeorr.ing busine2s, whether had or nut. But consal,ring it a ha. lenge to draw me out on th, mutter, tho7gh n:A a vt-ry r. ur teoue one, I addreesi - Al a note to Mr. Thral.;on, Preeient the Pennsylvania Bailruad, end have just ree,ivea lowing reply " V.AILBOAD CE..):II.PA:- V, t v“t _ _ DEAF.: SIM IN ANEW Er. To YUIR FAVoli. '.[Coe ULT, I. WILL STATE `I MIL V. h. LIAM LiAr 4 HIDDEN UPON , AILROAL MORE TItIAN UP,.N A "PREA' Yearn, Very fit 3pCCtlnll), .1. _}.:DUAR `1110)11,,, Tu ROBERT linliNninT, In orda Vincii,n'e tLe trutn , Unaor), L t submitted toe candid world Oczo 4tb, lben rj:r. THE DEMOCRATIC COUNTY COIIMPYIEr (.F• OORRESI'CINDKNOE hay,' appoiptod I held e.s follows : WELINEDAY, 6th o,tober tecit•clr. : r . t rmc school Hone, io Pcaa.s lui town -111i 7th Oct,hor, 'I! o'clock, r 11 , al I'. V,' rae!,,tl in Pine township . SAIL: IiDAY, 9th October, 2 o'cleck. P r. , at r in Indibna township. SAME DAY, 2 o'clock., P. n , at JCL•❑ in townthip. svENINa OF SAME DAY, 7 o'cl,,ch, Stew-artatowtt. MONDAY 4YENING, llt Octuber, i o'cl .k. n M Henze, in r.lelieeepert fTeekere .11: be iu attendance D Chairman of D.,411 Cunuty C , :antoictre of clorr,-.1,,1, DENIOCILI TIC N ATURA ..IzATio • ; L SII Tr.r JOHN Mc.C.l OWNY, JON SAMUEL JAS. C. CUHHINS, ChtAi , . W. LE” IS. hither of whcm Le c„,tmulted daily, at 01.1. TI•St.CII , , laces tualn,sa. be -5 THE VIGILANCE CO .17,11 - TTES OF Tl± D'r. FEIRENT P'RECINTS. cotttintz th, ,r..t. and Twenty•Sxond I:c•ngr-bioual Ihstrict a. a tii 1 , •• dtiri lted with the regular and ..hiy r,ennine Democrir,c t, ..t the efliee of the .Mointng flst, S itzat.dirgli. 10. XXUD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. cordance with a resolution ~ f the Democratic C..n vention of September 15th, 1853, the E 11... ice named per son 3 are appointed a Commtieu of Vigilance, f,r t h., Tss, I, ty•Sccond Congressional Dietz - Mt : - R. H. Kerr, Charles 11. Paulson, G. W. Cass, Wm. It &Matt, Lee Beckham, D. Camptell, Clunks Berton, H. Ha esinger, P. J. Sinclair. Capt A. Heys, W. Ma) ton, Samuel Smith, James Patton, Jr, Joseph Birmingham, D. E. McKinley. D. H. Williare s, E. McGee, Samuel IsicCnne. George Gerat, Robert Stevenson, W. J. Fulton. JOUN P. GLASS, Chains is See First Page DENOURA TIC TICKNTS The regular Democratic tickets for the Twenty-First and Twenty-Second Congres• sional districts, are now ready and may be obtained at the office of the Morning Poet, corner of Wood and Fifth Streets FIRST PAGE On our first page will be found the follow ing articles : The Rock and the Bubble, ( Poe, try)--The Steamer Austria—Episcopal News —The Use of Coal—A Curious Delusion-- Americanism vs. Repulicanism• ANDRE.W BUILKie, ESQ The Gazette perceeives the great strength and hourly increasing popularity of our can didate for Congress in the Twenty-First Dis tict, and gives him a column of editorial in its issue of Tuesday. The most of its asser tions are well calculated to increase the high esteem in-which Mr. Burke is held, not only by every Democrat, but by all the best pot., tion of the opposition. It is nothing which any Democrat, and least of all such a one as Mr. Burke, need object to to have it said by the Gazette, that he has full confidence in the ad ministration of James Buchanan, and this appears to be the Gazette's chief objection to him. The Gazette however, makes one asser tion regarding Mr. Burke by which it intends to deceive the citizens of Allegheny county. It is this. The Gazette says "he desires to speak for the citizens of Allegheny County against the protective tariff." Mr. Burke in his pub lic speeches during the camp a i g n, has over and over again declared his views on the t ir iff question, and they are those of a true hearted and patriotic Pennsylvanian. Ile sees the necessity which exists for art increased revenue, and he advocates and will insi-t, it eleted to Congress, upon '5 uch discriminations in favor of the great manufacturing interests of Pennsylvania, as shall result in the v,rt atly increased prosperity of all the hranch,‘, „i productive industry in our State. NI r.kurke advocates such a tariff as will result in put ting every furnace in Pennsylvania, in blast, and give well paid employment to every the chanic in the State. • In regard to Mr.. Burke's chances f:r sue' cess, we differ largely with the GaLetbf. lie has but a small Republican majority in the district to overcome, and such is his great popularity among the people based upon hie great talents, his unwavering political consis, tenoy, and his unswerving advocacy of the best interests of the country, that this small Republican majority will melt away like snow in June, and he will be returned'to Con , gress by a handsome vote. THE American conferees in the Twenty- Second District, met at Bakerstown on Sate urday, and after twenty three ballots, resolv ed that it was not expedient to make a nom ination at the present time. THE people of New York city, pay a tax of eight millions and a half dollars, or nearly one hundred dollars for every voter in that City. tr,..lritiG DICSPEALATia.uv rooLISEl• Mr. Williams, in the True Press, charges a ocialition between Mr. Birmingbam and Mr. McKnight. The charge:is so preposterously absurd as to be undeserving serious reply.— The whole course of Mr. Williams and his Tr-u , Press has been most ridiculous from the very commencement of the campaign for Con gress. First, Mr. Williams' unfriendly con., test with Mr. McKnight fur the Republican nomination assures that gentleman that tho contest would be between there-olves—that den. 11.,1,inson sto,.d no chance. Whnn the reeeptiun rd the four v ,tes hint that his vanity had misled his judgmunt, he joins hands with Gen. R , ,him.on, James A. Gibson, and the rest, and forms a coalition to cheat the Democracy of the X.X11,1 District out of .tiLt., October Rul R 1 .liLls NI, Li T QS P. GLAne, CiJairrthilt their votes. In his egregious overseetimate of himself, he asks his Republican friends to swallow the entire Democratic ticket for the sake of electing him to Congress, and actually had at or time the vanity to believe they would 1 it. 11. has managed his campaign -r •rt- 1 Ily. His.lßepublican friends t: th I the I ~ t flocrats have placed (mem-1,6 naLle candidate in the field, and kill not tonell him. He is in the field fur Congress, without a nomination and without the support of either his own party or ours. Even the ultra anti-tax faction will not vote for hint, for they fully understand that the question is a purely local one, upon which a Congressman could have no influence. - If Mr. Williams' influence is to benefit the peo ple at all a this antistax issue, they see that at home lie ot some use as a lawyer before th, tirt-, where the qnestion must ix i.wcidr ,], n (-eta as a Cons grcssman. „f the XXILI District have 1 - 1.1'• that lir must forego the honors ~f a s, , at roil tho pleasant enjoy_ ..re it,ter e thousand dollars a ,t•es and knows . that the notniwition thi hearted Dem ,erat, like Capt. Birini Illake ' S Lis cluinue of sue , CL`SS a desperate 0111!, and hence his stupid charge of coalition with Mclinight. It conies with a very had glace from Mr. 'Williams-- this talking about coalition. Ilan he nut en tered into et,aiitions with a few misled Demu. erats to defeat his own party ticket' His cunspiring with the six wise men at Bakers- 'I V, LI'LH n t Fcntl;Led a he e - xpecte , l. The Deniocrticv of \lid I hntrict flivr , a v , ry correct arid just ‘,l Mr. ‘Viiiidnis. afieeti 1.,r UrLl li•T • ,ter; are not dei i•lved, but mil rally lily. true me to the support of their own candidate, Cap John Birmingham. D,niocr,t, of the Distriot, in their rhnice of a Gingre,ishiati, :are arrayed oto o osition t.i Bkek lialn,blicaoism. This they will not swallow, whether presented by th, regular praiitHonor 'Alkrknight, or the quitek . docq.ir Williams The charge of co alition is idle and ,roomiless. The only co: aliti-n which exists is that made by Mr. Wils N\ ith a few mis g uided and wrongheaded Democrats. .< e 117 2 Iron I tn 11 Nev& . i;rt•at Stir L - LkP City t, thp 4th Septen) ha; reer ! iv. 1 Cummin , 1,11 reft:incd t the ,•itv afr,r ~1 u of days kaiir,n, with of thP 411, Moruno_..l ta. en. ';rant, and a mall named werc tried and,. , nviezed of a breach of tb • peace. Breaches of the peace are bc coruiog, quite o•duni.,n 2 io the streets of the holy city. Trouble is anticipated with the Indians. The mail ,1 the 11th ot August has been destroyed ty them, and the carriers barely escaped with their lives. Colonel Harbin had been obliged to call upon Gener al Johnson for an escort ©f soldiers to pro tect the herds of cattle -was driving to California. The Indians hive declared their intention to rob every main, and to stampede the stock of every emigrant train that at tempts t.o cross to California. Col. Lunder had arrived in Salt Lake City, Re reported that the wagon road under his superintend ence was progressing rapidly, and would be completed before the mountain snows set in. Brigham \ oung is still at Salt Lake City, Out closely confines himself in doors. Business was reviving at Salt Lake, and traders were coming in with their gouds. Show fell on the sth tilt., nt Platte Bridge, ab. ut one hun dred and fifty miles fil,OVe Fort Laramie. The Chess Ca teat. In Europa The exploits of Mr. Murphy in Europe have excited a lively interest, not only among the votaries of this ge ien title game, but among thousands to whom the moves on the ohessd board are unknown. It is not the contest be tween two individuals, neither of whom is personally known beyond a limited circle, but the match. between the Old World and the New, which creates this feeling, and causes the anxious inquiry on each arrival from Eu rope, How stands the tuateli between Mor phy and iiarwitz?' We observe that chess clubs are being formed in many of our large cities, and more interest is now taken in the game, probably, than ever before. The New York Chess Club rooms, at 29 Bond ,street, are nightly thronged with players, and new members are curitiintly joining. It is stated that on Mr. Murphy's return from Europe, he will spend some weeks in New York, and an opportunity will be again afforded to wit ness his brilliant strategy on the checkered Death of Aaron 0. Drayton, Esq. We regret to learn that Aaron Ogden Day ton, Esq., the Fourth Auditor of the Treasury Department, died very suddenly, in Philadel phia, on Friday afternoon. His health for a lung time has been delicate, yet he was gene rally able to attend to his official duties. Mr. Dayton wle a native of New Jersey, and ap pointed to office from New York. He held the positun of Auditor of Naval Accounts sinee 1-3—a period of twenty years—having received hi: appointment from Mr. Van Bu, reu. lie was a faithful officer, discharging his duties with fidelity to the public, and to the satisfaction ul all wit,) had business in his bureau. Ple'lean, A CWI. A• .) nuts from Mexico have been received at New t trleaus. 'lle papers report the vona itu prevailing lode extensively at Vera Cruz, and numbers were daily dying. Up to the "ttt alt., tioneral Riitles Lad nut made a land out retnainud on Luard the British steam er Clyde, at anchor off the port. It was the impression up.m quit- a noui!Jer that he might be called upon to ,uceced Zuloga at the head of the government. Th,, prop,siti.m recently offered for the recall of Santa _lrma was op posed strongly by Gene:al Eeheagaray, who threatened to join the Liberal army in case the proposition be persisted in. The final success of the Liberals was not doubted. Mr. Forsyth, the American Minster, was still in Mexico, at Tacubaya, where he would remain for several weeks, or until the vomito disap peared sufficiently to render travelling safe. —Captain Nleigs refuses to comply with the demands of the:plasterers working at the Capitol at Washington, who struck for higher wages.— H e says they are paid as much there as any where, and there are plenty of others who will work for the present wages. THE MONTAUK POINT MYSTERY EXPLAINED, Arrest of the Mate and Five of the Crew TJI iCU I.& 11 ?HIP PROVES TO 131 d Tali HAIDEE, u NEW YORK, AND' A. SLAVER- Nine Hundred slaves Landed at Cuba !Vroin the Y L‘ , Oiug Poet, of Mort.hly .111 , ,2 three weeks ag,l, United Si itt g Marshal' Itynderg reoeiv; , d inWrmation that a vessel had been t auk. off Montauk point under onspicious circurogtanoes. He immediately sent no of hie deputies, Mr. Do Angelis to inquire into the matter. Le Angelis shortly returned, bear ing information that the vessel had been sent tied, the crew had gone to d;fferent parts of the country, and that one of them had died of thr Arrtuati fever, and was buried to Now Lon don. Upon this information Marshal Synder' sect Maurice O'Keefe and Theodore itynders, two of 'his deputies, id search of the crow of the vessel. They were not long in finding out that three of the men were in this city. These men were arrested early last we,di. and itnpri-oned. The fact of thei. arie,t 11 br ti t, tga thacthoeo gall at largo would not tot put on their guard. Front one of the prieideetit the names of those e ngaged tu the expedition were learned, and from further infurmation from the same source, end upon euusultation with Mr: Theodore Sedgwick, the Vetted State!, District Attorney, Marshal Ryndere 091101 1 3(10 ,1 to send the deputies, O'Keefe and Ryndere to Boston in search of the remainder of the crew Arriving there, they fottua two of them, whom they placed in the temporary custody - of the proper authorities. The officers then proceeded to New Bed ford, near which place they arrested the chief mate, who had command of the vessel when the was scuttled. Ills name is Macomber. They found him at his house near New Bedford arrested him, and brought him to tide city. Tney then went to Boston, where they f+ll in with seine exceedingly disinterested persons, who made themselves very sociable in one way and another, till O'Keefe' and the younger 'gyre dors began to "smell a rat." Their suspicious were right, for they learned shortly afterwards, that these gentlemen were friends of the slavers, end had even obtained a writ of habCas corpus to servo upon them, for the purpose of having the prisoners brought up. ]jut the New York etlicers were too sharp for the Bostonian gentle men. A hack was procured, and the deputies and their prisoners jumped in. John cracked his whip, and off they flew to the railroad station, wake they reached just in time to take the cars for New York, stneessfully esoapiug the service of the writ upon them, and with it, possibly, a great deal of time and trouble. They arrived early on Seuday morning, and at once proceed ed to Marshal nyudei's residence in Ilitery stie,t, woke" him up from a 60110 peep, and ree eouutei titrlr" a I7entoreH to him, at the some elite exilibitieg the three prism:ere whom they eel along with tlo - ma The Mar.sh , tt ordered the ni t ) h. , , -ice , l up in Eldridge Street .1 ell forthwith to await examination. In the present state of the case, it is impossi ble to obtain full particulars, as the prisoners for the most part keep silent on the subject. We le-'.rued, however, twat the name of the veeet..l i s Raider, of w York," austral f New oeleans," as was stated a few I ego it the ace': papers. ,i1 , ert1 , 1.007 is ace out r in the feet that they Goal nail; ,1 a p canvass en her stern, upon ,whiCh was painted, in large lettere, •-• glizabeth, of Now Orleans It appears that the Hardee was titled out at this port several mead's age, anti sailed to the 0 - `,45: of Africa, whore she took in a cargo of 900 erases. She - then sailed for,Cuba, and the slaves wore landed at Cardenas. 'At that place t captain left thevessel, and theepest mate then took the command. It ie stated that the crew bad some ill-feeling, towrade the mate, and he was fearful they evil desiges againot him. The mate is au American, aid tee crew was composed mostly ofPortugese. The officers state that the reesendhe vessel wee scuttled was, that she had no papers by which elle could enter any port. The Marshal understands that the remaining portieu of the crew have left the country, and has consequently given up further ottitee after them ; LOA hit says that he believes he has done hie duty in doing what ht has. The examination if the parties will take place in the course of a few +Lye. 'Mr. P. J. Joachimeeon, ex-Assistant Unite I States Dietritd Attorney, h,a been re celled no eerinsel for the prisciecrie VARIOUS THINGS,: —Mr. Charles Brow,-011b of the rosoned pas sengers from the steamer Austria, vt heap clear intelligent eccount of tho causality wo have pab- was a leading member of the lamb. out.. statutory fine who served with suoh distinction in tho Crimea. He had boen appointed by the Colonial °thou, to organize a constabulary police force in the newly formed provluce or British Calumbia Moutez has written a letter to ltev. Ralph Hoyt, offering to deliver her lecture on Rome for the benefit of the church of the Good Shepard, which was destroyed I Hely Mr Hoyt replies, gratefully acoeptiug the offer of the generous and impulsive 1.)1:1. —James Rogers, the boy who murdered ,* James Swanston, in New York city, is to be ex. eouted on the 12th day of November nest. The Court of Appeals, has reversed the decision granting him a new trial, ant the Governor has refused to pardon him. —Morrissey and Heenan, the Benicia boy, are in the country near Buffalo, preparing to pum mel une another on the 20th. —A Texas paper states that a rumor that Oen. Houston will be acomdidate before the legis lature" to succeed the late Oen. Henderson, in the United States Senate. Others say that Hous ton intends to retire to private life. We think all this depends up DU the turn political matters may take between this and the meeting of the next legislature. —The American State Committee of New York, ,met at Albany on the let instant.— Erastus Brooks was elected chairman. A opal.. mittoc was appointed to conduct the canvass A lotto: from ex. Governor Hunt was read, strongly endorsing the American 6andidates for State officers, and declaring that the Americans had no alternative but*to elect a separate ticket. The acceptance of all the candidates was then received. A large number of prominent Re• publican politicians were present, but there was no talk of fusion. —The Wheeling _Argus of Friday last, states that a great deal of counterfeit money on the Wheeling banks is in circulation. Recently, a man was arrested at the Pittsburgh Agrieo!- tural Fair with a large quantity ou his person. —H. M. Bowyer, who shot James McDowell, president of the Fincastle Farmers' B,nk, on the 25th of August, was acquitted by an ex amining court week before latit The announce ment of the decision of the court was received With applause by a large crowd of spectators. —On the morning of the Ist instant, a lire broke out at Pottsville, Penn., in a stable in the rear of the store of Wm. Mortimer, jr., which adjoins the Liverpool and London Insurance Company's office. The stable was entirely de stroyed, together with a valuable horse and two cows, and several sleighs and carriages. The loss is supposed to amount to $3,000. —A fire occurred at Boston on the let inst., destroying a large brick building at 41 Kingston street. The sufferers are Geo. H. Fox & Co., 'tigers St Wendt, and Jacob Thazter, and the I )9a i: estimated at $20,000. —Tho ease of (31. O. Bates, vs. the Illinois Central Railroad Company involving tho title of the Illinois Central Railroad depot grounds, which are valued at two millions, is under trial at Chicago before the U. S. Circuit Court, Judge McLean presiding. —John Brickar, of Liberty township, Colum biana oounty, Ohio, the Democratic candidate for Director of the Infirmary of that county, WMI9 instantly killed on Saturday last, by being run over by a two horse wagon. —A few days since, near Montgomery, Ala., a negro boy met in the road and killed a rattle snake, v; hich measured exactly six feet in length, twelve inches in circumference, and had as snap,' pendage twelve rattles and a button, indicating that the earpient was foarteen years old Tilli LATEST .11; g WS Blinister'• Testimony. 11,0h...1T0WN, Beaver CO.. Pi., Fob. fah, 18.)7. Wa puler buying BCERHAVE'S HOLLAND BIT 'BY T.ELEGIiAPI-I. TER .; r caeii, to save thndiscOunt. Hope 0 send : you ,0,..ti a r6oommendation froth our minister, testi t) i:.,g i.,, ,t., nirtitive poweril Signed, .:- MOODY & CAEIOTHERS. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE IN N. i•Oltli. t INDIGESTION.: DA ru‘sTewa, Montgomery CO., Maryland. January 315tr1.857. I rthvor (oh the benefit of any medicine HO 0111011 111 t:,11.1 llan b.,ttle of BiRRHAVE'S HOLLAND Id f [Tr—, I pu.chasod last Fall. I wish to know whore I can get it, without fear of imposition. 'iene.i, JOSEPH C. DELLET. THE CRYSTAL PAL kCE LWNTRO'i FROM A DRUGGIST. 'et FP Armstr,.ng Co., Pa., Dee. 15th, 1856. MESSRS. B. PAGE, Jn., Is CO. N 'YORE.. I tot,h r f 11 , s ll' D-•ar Sirs :--I. purchased one doz. of your BCER with all It:, c: meats k. 1.1 : •;t by LUNE'S TIOLLAND BITTERS, from your travel fire this sflorr)o , r‘. 'filo fire t r log agent, whioh hos given great satisfaction in this !umber room, which was tided WI U low . / -lea Seminal) another dusen, for which I en ou•t a lartri; qtvintity of 011 'wens , 1;= (.1,,,e the money: Signed; W. C. BOVARD. 11,v d that the fire V 72.8 the w r. A n.l to ie..'--Be careful to ask for Bcerhavee Rolland v. Wh en ea, tl em p, wpro f ir 4f i;.^ •--l 11,r h.;1,•. Sold at $1 per bottle . , or six bottles for $5, palace engine was br ) , Ight .ut, Lot -; A pe 61,19 Proprietors, Benjamin Page, Jr., ct Co., BO full of 13(100 that it T., -t,-,•i,s Wood street, between First and Second streets, OGIS arm The flames spread with astont.. •og ri‘pplity, cro- 4n I 13 "." - Z ftseeennte sting an Iminco,,. Loss ot wh v lk• th,t content of the Mls:, Lr, ou:11.1, • ott !. W.'rt ullt 1111illitIr • 1 ktie,•'; C 7 ,3 - t.• articles or .!;..ry r N.r:b 'kn. It is Impossible to ostimato rt - e to s with nrouricy The building rHolf worth $250,000 m•it have h e ed worth double that rint:;•:;,i From WaHkin.gl fl WABHINOTON CITY, 1)oloh , r t priwit.l let ter received front tl.O Fort um.: . w.Lgon uft,ler . (' I 1, wrlv cmplete.l Th.. I,rg couczali ,, n e , ?er hrll rti the Rio tirande assecohled z , n tao 21 of Seiterot , er. doir•getoe repre6mled rit.)4)ut Lap thou ~ . and people. R.E..oitl'o.n? ar re pa,sqed cnllieg on CongrpFB ..rpt„,7 an early day, deterrolonag not to send members to thy , Legislature of Now Mox - '” vrrd in new election for del , gite.4 to show hirg,e:sin;rensr•l volt. ac. Dist veer The Conventi. , n wa , A I.y L 0/1. 'l , lotrry and othorB Conriititer:..blo alto Ari• rtania from Texas :slid the eu,,ith.rn Stat, , t , 0.9 well as from :he northwest. f' I TI . is, 6f PM, had arrived with L.) netde. , meat on the tiara Poirn The cf the s,l7cr I.tin( orpaso, r.nd several new uco Generai Herrin re.s, at tho ittetanot I tary Case, returned f. •La York c, , e. : • tweeu th 12cCt..F..1 State:: The iu!erior Itepartm:.! ., h i t Flor under ihr C OL: of Ly, 1 I- 1u u r : of the c r. •, , , l;t-ntrEA Rli i 1. cp•nn. , ;lu, Al G:11 , - , in length Witty d V.elV iJ p:„En to :in ol!, organimil:on 11,; i Pr - ,idt to-rnorr. , w v It is tho , , • DeLvt GOVernurqiip ' been advised c - . 1 . 03a3 I¢a . 11 orh NEW V,)111.., 11, 7 1,,hur Patrick Trtry, on ..- 4 ou night at Cottatopoloan last night ul tne•r ts,sfa', L. Vic..., i Caltl,4 was instantly killed by E. et.it intiott, 1r the time. The it . 170 Irre,..ted .tvi t`, • rioters, who arc It.diang The Ph.llra - I Alonetl Tq. , l6r 11,v rg ";101 sligt,t tr.tmient to h...r mschinry I t not have been rtit tired In I:- ;01, olmp6rty h,v.• tit,tugat. Qt. , Arr,r St. L hoz. STIP t 1 I , M ,Stal Uttar, Arrezt of t,i,groe CHATHAM, C. W excitemeut hai been ttb ,, i 111 ‘:".3".t of legal pr.)klrectill ~A 1 • ~, 1. '• Of negreee f.,r rorr..a , bei; 4 lean t c 0 4 .•A the Great 1.9 therefrom n nezro pet vn L. 1 • lia, a planter of ;:it. nogrc.ro were bcuml for teal assizes. ul , grc• :41 urgent e.atre.4tie6 The Al La "(l 'relrgr.apik ..TRINtrI .r4;4, 4). r. 1•1. dale with \ tl f]b.GY,•^l. of :•;.rantrr LS a Nt-ot QUEBEC, f ).2t,brt T!l,' ,Lr tian lute NrrIVA , I wuh 1,711 , 131. ito I L.veri.. Hit . du! tidy', Eq. fy tho ti tr.0.i0nt,..., New 1 orl. Th , * ‘1 , 1"11 ~ .u.p3n .• ed the steamer Conv.rew, ( 11 the 6104.1.. - el it, ih.-Prinoe the Auloricaa 1,1‘; New York. The question to tiro ri'...,11.10y ur Pi tas-It has been satiefactortly sot ti,d The citicen draws her pretensions in favor of c, Prince r.f Prussia, who firSo l / 1 08 the title ut 00-rt gent, with unlimited power The Emperor of China is to have conf•:rrel him tho grand cordon f Saint Via limo: tro.,i Russia, and Coe'Legion 4 Honor : The London 'limes' Paris onrroi ponilent that the ports of Tahiti and Mitrqussths are about being declared free. The States General of Holland was opened I. ) , the King in person on the Dith ult. lu his aI. dress the King expressed a hope that the Stat., General would receive favorably the moasurc:i concerted to abolish slavery in the Dutch nies. Accounts from Spain represent the c•iuntry quiet. The dissolution of the Co tes great satisfaction to the members of the lii.er party. The Spanish (lovernment has ordered reinforcement of 8000 troops, and all the !arses vessels of war unemployed, to proceed immedi ately to Cuba. Statement c f One of the Rescued of the Burnt Steamer Austria QU EBEC, Octebir 4.—Andrew Lundsteain, one of the reseued passengers from the titeamer Aus tria, says that he saw the captain rush on deck, take off his coat, and running to the side of the vessel was about to jump overboard, when Mr. Bweenza seized and pulled him back He asked him what be was going to do, when the captain answered him to the effecit that he knew not wh at he was about. He then ran aft r.n i was kit sight of. The greater part of the passengers had collected in the fore part of the vessel, and as the dames progressed, were pressed ly that those nearest to the b:Te were f .reed board. Mr. Lutidsteoiu succeeded in making a sling with a rope, which suppr(ed two feet from the water. He afterwards saw the masts go overboard on the same side of the vessel where he was hanging, and was in gr. , . q.t danger of being knocked into the sea by the yard, which was hangiag cu the side of the ves sel, and only fell into the sea when the rigging burnt. He then let himself down into the wate• and swam to the modurnast, the end of which was sticking two feet cut of the water, by which he kept atiaat He saw three persons hanging to the side of the vessel by ropes , he threw a piece of rope to one, who proved to be the cook, and in this way he succeeded in getting on the mast alongside of Mr. Lundsteain, where tbey remained the rest of the night. He arta a 1113112 , bes of bodies floating by during the n'ght. In the morning they were picked up by a heat from the Catarina. A young girl and her brother supported themselves on the rigging of the bow sprit all night, and were likewise reeoued. TELLIES- El alsorled kw& : 10 - Currant, gnarl., puts sa.l . . 3 plots 0 " Gone, Jell Just received and for Bale by At ANDERSON, ti,k. 39 Wonli htTeil aelta 1s i. o pogre the t C.'bsrlt. 11,401 (Me, Dye ;Mutts Patent Mednnnns, For sale by B. L FAUN 41aPOCE: & , Wholesale Druggists, and Proprietors of B L. FahneatneL'a Vermifnge and R. A. Wllsan's tills, No, au, comer Wood and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh, Pa; B ARLEY.-120 bus. Spring Barley, to ar rive Lhis day, and for sale by J &ALES A. F('TZEIL, sello Co , ner Market and First starts -- - - MATSON'S SYRINGES.—Another sup ply of these excellent Syringes just recr-ived. vial:dug anytning in this tins should call and ex .nine ti:... t afore purchasing elsewhere. JOSEPH FLeal No, oc4 corner Diamoed tuid Market et , . - rt 0114-6 bbla. for sale by bia2 il. OuLu.Nd. DIED: , cling, the sth lust , enpt J C. DALZELL, b var . of Hs ;,..1 will thko plact: thin ufirruvoo, ot two o'clock 1402. rekiidbace on Water nu'Lot, liuminghain, near 'rt.! fn.,u Je Ld . the thmity are re:ve,t- ~.y , I 1. T' ~. (, IF, I) IGVIIAd Lls Attui,J NEW ADVERTISEMENTS :Norlci; —REV DR. JNO. 1.1111.41 T )ni WILSON, ei Ne w York, will deliver a lec:nre in the chapel cf the Illeetern Theological eeruinary, Ridge street, Allegheny arty. on TUTS (Wednesdar) AFTERNOON, at four o'clock. pißi..is r,sp , wtfolly invited to attend. Loct3: I t pARis MILLINERY.— 11111' 4 . LEH li, of Phi I,llauLLAcv to the LinLims ut Piitabwrgh that she wilt .Pfa• e va 2t101.1131/AV AND FRIDAY of this week, at , t Charles Hotel, Itoum V', a hands,mo assortment of P 1,16 ililliurr9, to which the attention of the ladies 1 3 desire 1. tOrlt3/ . 1 M. EHR. • The puldic is respectfully Informed that this distinguished A caeric.a, Artiste Is engaged at Factor's New National The• limited bomber of nights, comnieueing the pres- ev• nin,t - —Lentz hur first dad only star engegetbent here, al on :Le Lei win:Won of which she fnlflfe engage Ile ',hi West and eolith, and then pro.2eeds- to klutop9, where • he lemmas for a length° lad period. Ln addilmn to well knowu poptil.o . playa, Mra. J D. Bap, will pruduc, the new pie.es of "Grin. Liu," " Tlis Dutu'a Wa g er(' nod "',ling Philip of Trance," with Other attractive 1. , , v01ty. .slra. Itn nee engagement 19 positively for ten nights only, and no plays.a ill no repeated. [oceelt TUE OFFICERS OF THE STATE FAIR h leg too parsimonious to let exhibitors know through tue pre-e the list of premiums awarded at the late Fair, here desired all who .tro anxious to call at a certain sewing ag,ucy , on Fifth street and learn their fate, where thty con hove the privilege of examining the premium sew .!!y, marine.. Was the premium to this machine given in ..00eid‘xstien of the use of this room by the said officers La t yrar the officers of the County Fair awarded the first eodum. to Singer's Sowing Machine, for• family me and i, , r heavy work. At that time, Grover A Baker's Me , hteo was not in the and of competition. A silver medal u-OR awarded to the Singer machine, but the agent of Wheeler a Wilson purchased a medal and made use of itote though t h d been oh Wined from the Society. Now, as then, the s'lnirs of the So tety aro in the bands of the Fifth street k nee, and we presume they will have a gold medal this your, es they only could afford a silver one last year. It ~rla,nly would have given greater satisfaction to comprti t..ii pilaos had the officers of the Society chosen to se a private office f. r the transaction ct their business, ha rt ~„ , , ..eems. in Charge r a competitor for r iv. , pub Fe, exhibitors in general, justly 1., c•e a of t5.C1.1,11. I k L rriit .t t W 0. aLLIOTT, Agent Lircie , ir k V ater's n g Machine. r i STYI,f; Yrintel icq Nina lie ',it ei, Llanthome (all wool) Phil:, Poi' if., Oh, vri.• and re, ry thee article usually 1 , 00.1 tll a Walt 0 11 18./Tle I et. C , r, f C. LIANSJN LOVE, 7 t Market street. BRICK D';' , Et,l,l,N6 OLi BEB AND Liil - 3 IN 1. 1 ill WARD AT AIIOTION.—On Ttillittstls r 11, at 7 o'clock, at the : a boom-, No. na Fifth street, will be sold, that.or „ , 1 r if e.onud buying a trent of 72 feet 011 .•Ls') I• a is el hear I street, andel• t t ailey id teat wide, on which 04 ere. 101 1,1: 1 . , 1 1 Ii • lb d riot wrili no, tiv.i stories high, 1 1 13/1 •1 1 1,i r Ind wit, air., ti,at tof ground Husain et . Ma-i. LI AL, I.,ccist, street, having a front or .10 10.0 . ~0 M,LIO I I street, and Erltr-uriirr back, along Lo. not t is erected two brick taiiii,nena ii Ti it Terms cash. ori P. M. DAM, Acictinii =ME MIME LioßsEd AUCTIuN, a. k MBA MORN I Nt3, f;ctobor R, at ll ,'cluck, Ul th- d<.•tt ,Irrier ut it %via ntroet and will ha .old, eappl. brown ntehion Morgan -1 ratty, r. 1.0/ 2 hnu,.a high. 7 years odd, warranted ...1 i isms in J Ia; a, own pacing ma a ti years old, 14!.2 tir.d genth , is haromo, an cx.. aoh.ol eid :la male for a stly, and to which a diploma was ..w,r.1,1 at In, !at.. at, Pair; ou.. iwo year old cud cold Ally, tail, I ban 'a high, groat atlle all catit.o, tail to w h., II e i r,tnlum wi.s award di at tt, last 3lata Fair. The I, ,an la.w ha examined at tar stqblea at the Scott P. M li 1 VAS, Anctioteer. NF .W GOODS. 1518, NEW GOODS. No or, Market St., Szeond Door from Corner of Aura. TIIE UNDERSIGNED WILL OPEN ON tiopterub,r 13th, his well aeleeted stock of NI,: Ica in Dress sad °lost Trimmings, Bonnet Vlowerit and llncher; it tompleto ,asortment nt Embroideries, Col' are, Paris Edgings, Children's P.obo'i, Wals.ts nod Cops, Bilethand Shawls and Woolen C. at., Children. Hosiery, Oloves, mullets, Alexander s. 114,1.. U .I ' 4 Itl French COrnil6l, Flaava, Espaus;o:, -lift-Ls, lull lins/eis. (new .tt. les) 811.4.1und Wcol, S,-phis 15, Porpen Patterns, Embroidered Slippers; Volt rns I,r Elnit roithiri-a4....vin, and ranbroiderles worked ut shori :fancy (toad Dresses muds b order. ;hunk if:, Lihies f/r their kind patronage, uud hope in their custom for th, future, ad I Will Hi +.lol •.,) I , •el to SOW VLO,LI the guv.l.l cheap. Ladies, call 141,11 - •`.11 the novelties at J. BUSH'S, s 4 .1 65 Market et., 'ld door from 'fourth. . 1: LI. d,\ i'l tvul'F: W &N'rEl).—Two or three more C.,operi wantul to work on tight work. Enquire • I me. A. SELZER, cti G)r.,er Marktt and Mind streets. K :3 TONE FOUNDRY He Haven, Campbell & Atterbury, COOK, PIMA AND HEATING STOVE CAST IRON ROUSE FRONTS, ETC WAREHOUSE, NO. 13 WOOD ST., 1,7 1 X EC CI TOR'S NOTICE.—Notico ie hero- Azj by given that Letters Testamentary upon the estate ,t 1 JOHN elittMe KIFFNItft, late of Sewickley town.h , p, Allegheny county, Pa., dammed, have been granted to the niider , ogeol. AU parsons Indebted to said estate will make I,a7m. ut, nod those having claimi will, present them duly I ill thebt c dell to the antnicilbers, wltHrn two months. WILLIAM BILEITENBTEIN, HENRY GRO'S, 8,,t1, ✓ }:. township, Beaver county, Pa. Post otht,e, Ecrn.nly ae2l:tit eY-Tn N;)"1' iLM ENT NOT ECE.—In pursuance of a Resolution of the ['resident and Managers cf the t.T erecting a bridge over the Allegheny river, opposite Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny, the second installment of , ice Dollars a share, on the new Capital Stock of the Company, will ba payable to the Treasurer ou the 20th day of October next. WM. ROSEBURG, Treasurer. LTENRY (•EBWII3, Manufacturer of all macs of Hemp and Tarred Ropes, Manilla and Hemp iod Ceres, fine and common Packing Yarn, Tarred and Spen 'fare, Sash and Bell Cord, Wool Twine, Broom Tying aild :erring Twine, Flax and Cott m Seine Twine, etc. A fml supply cf the above articles constantly on hand, or made to order, at the mweat cash prices. Warehouse, No. 489, corner of Pew, and Walnut streets, t,eo ,querm above the Fittabursh, Fort Wayne and Chicago liadroad Frei4ht Depot, rittsburgh, ea. aci2ll:3m-m-w f-sevw. MILS. JULIA LEAPT BAYNE W 1910 PAYS FOR IT ? I. B S S MANUFACTURERS OF SAD [RUNS, SASH WEIGHTS, WINIJUW GRATINGS, PLOW POINTS ENAMELED ARCHES, JJB CA:3TINGF. uF ALL DESJRIPTIONS ORDERS RESPECTFULLY SOLIOITEI 1!!=MII!I Allegheny Bridge Company AL UADEMY OF PAINTING AND DRAW -Th-• ore informed that a sehrol for the noare hrs .t to, will be opens 1 on and Wier tit 4th of Oc totter, id No ft. Fifth street, for those woo may be de an Al.:Ming. ;5 practical con-, ofinatrnction. Thorn will sin 1 , •7 , tlilgt.t the use of the French Crayon, tinting with I ldia Ifk and n:ipia; also a new style of painting in ;in mid Wet r agora, by wh:ch the pupil is enabled to mac, crag Inn, rapidly than by other methods The merits of troy sty le of pi lacing and drawing hare been long and um. is my classes. Having in my nonunion a arse and nobly selected cdlltctiou of otigina's for every brttneti, I make lea or, and those who 'ado have In view a inure of lessons to call at my studio, No. 21 Fifth street. co2w - T. N. GLOGGIVI. JOBS I . LA ...t.DWAktD GREGO. fOG AN & URE U 0, LWOW/TITS ANTI DEALERS Ly Foreign & Domestic Hardware, 62 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. A full and complete Lineament of all descriptions of Hard ware, both at Wholesale and Retail, can be had at prices satiefaCtory to the pnrchafer at the above --establirhment ; tcola of every description, in largo variatles liferchanta, lirchanics, and Farmers are all Invited to call. Lsetitilatn FRESH DOMESTIC FRUITS -100 doz.n Fresh Peaches, In quart cane; 25 " Pie Fruit, assorted ; 25 " Fresh Tonudoes, in bottled " Pine Apple, In bot lee ; lu " Strawberries; J eat and fec aide by REFAIER & ANDERSON, --No. Ett) Wood etheeti: uppOille the Bt. Charted Hotel. - PA L 1 rr O N - 11 1 1 & HAVING LEASED THE SALESROOM, CORNER OF' i tei a & ui (r.cdutly occupied as a banking houce,) and baying alt