BUSINESS CARD. ULQ.WINGAR D, ATTORNX.V A ';.V LAW, Frrrotraan, Pala. r: - 6,3 'Orrick No. 71 a SANT elrset, tntrieern Footh eatet ad Diatom] sliey TAMES A. LOWRIE, Attorney at aw, u °dice Fourth emet, Pittsburgh, between Smithfield end Merry fillep -- - AHL, Surgoon Dentist, successor to G. Biddlo, 144 Smithfield trtreet. tarOdloe hour! from 8 to 1 o'clock, and from 2 to 5 o'clock. feblfely tSCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors , - weat of Market. w Office hone from U o'clock A. Si. to 6 o'clock P. H. decZcy yOSEPII FLEMING, successor to L. Wil cox A Ca., corner of Market street and eta Diamond, koeps constantlyon Nana a fall aseortmont of DR lies, MED MINES, daDICINE CRESTS, PERFUMERY, and all arti cles pertaining to his bemineaa- Air Physicians' Proscriptions carefully compounded at all nouns Jeihy_ iIiiLLICI P. IL ti 724 0, I ...JOLLZPLI LL. LIIMEOLS WP. MARSHALL & Co., Importors and a dealers in French and Arierican PAPER HANG INGS, No. 87 Wood street, Pittsburgh. .a-S ol e Rg=t3 for the celebrated manufactures of Mown. Delicourt it Co., Paris. ere PEELLP Earylay.^..-- ..... Ramat .I. ANDISSON . REYALEB. & ANDERSON, (successors to Joshua Ithodox k. Co„) wholAinl, /I, , :ilers in REIGNFO 3surl3, NUTS, SPICES, CONFECTiON k RV, 51in...1 A No. ZP Wood strort, opp.-wini , tlw ,• (I. ~ 1., 11,...,1, lnt , A brrqt. .1,.; __ _ _ J.'M. 1.11 I.IIERCI - IANi"TAILOR s.. (Dr. Irian Plan• .liniialar-1 d61.2.:13' W. IiERR, ARCHITECT, REMOVED from cocaer of Fifth And Wo•Jd T to In Phillips' n.ts balding—continuos to prepare Plan. and Specifieations of, and to Superintend the Erectior. c'VerY desclption of Buildings.' O. b 4 ST. CLAJR STKEE) AA .FULTON, BELL AND BRAS S , „ FOUNDER, No. 70 SECOND street, Pittsburgh, Pa., i 5 prepared to furnish to order OgURCIK,. STEA=QAT, FACTORY AND OTTER BELLS, Of all , corm 10 to 10,000 lbs. CratmE BELLS made to order. STOP and GAUGE COCKS of all sizes, far 61<=nbQat.14. 31INERAL WATER PUMPS, COUNTER RAILINO, and every variety of Braga Castings finished iC the uootrat manner. BABBITS ANTI•ATTRITION METAL: PULTON'S PA TENT METALLIC PACKING, for tit -- ,Pm Engines. [ap33;ly LOUGHIUDGE & MAXWELL, IS-LNI:RALTMIi.B o f Looking-Glasses, it. Framsa, and Bruslkts; And Dealers in Clocks, FLouse Furnishing Goods, aro. .to. AO. 1536 Wood street, above Fifth, Frnsavaaa, IL. I mh3: 1 y: IM.R...ellfrle — iirdah- . 3 mad, to order EDUCATIONAL ,Fraitteis .Academy fin-, 'toys, tiNDEA,T= 11£P* OF TEI2 FRAIICISCAI4,BIIOTIIERII ~L4tetPo, Civabria.County, wry n -I S INSTITUTION, ,NATIJRAT4,Y hltnated for Educational .purpooes, afforda all ' che ilcanientn that en alaf...xlftired Mr a 'Catholic Inaqtratoo. It is locAtM fit Ito most - heultly and - picturmique p.rtioo 4-tio ALloglienies, distant four ni ilea from erbd2ol.6tAuc,n, tf iirect, mail iontutiot wren Phi lace) p and Pi ttaluirg ti. T echoliotic year commencing the Mat M.mdav to Sept, will clotio the.l.sth of July following. The Tema for Board, including a thorough Xripaeiti sofon tific Courioa, aro $lOO per suntan. The CLELEEIC Utid , ilochirn Lang - nazes form an extra ehar,ca $lO per annum. ' Washing and ciao of Badding . Tor-further particulara apply to the g - nperior of lb: , .I..:s+ dewy.' — • . prmrmmmirnammEmElmomm apBCtlydaw •- . • 6 r letee-71VS Colieg 8 43 n1.1.11 2 UrY1 D op 'IIIB -CANE, or T 3 .S..I3.ESADICTINE__TATIIER3, /tar - 1.42-Abr .r Vide.sanfkrq county, Pa. • A. ILE • • N T -COLLEGE_ARE .TAUGHT TILE usual hin.r.ches of English 'Education. - : In tie SEIIINIIII.I% the Classizs, llathornatlcs, Bisb , r3, ltheturnm, Pluloruphy, etc., and the ilifferunt lir...unties id higher erudition necessary or useful to [hoe- aspiring t, irienlhood. The teems for Board and Tuition arc SSO per year, to ho paid riser-annually, strictly in enlvanoo. German and .French and other languages, Drawing, Paint ing and Nlusic,form no ortra eharges,...xeopting soul° recent penaation for the rise of instruments. Winilling, Books, Stationery, etc-, form extra For partanlai = ii apply to the Director of the College. The Collaginte year begins on the fat September, and ends on the ad of July following. FATF.M. G. B Diroctor of the Colloze. BOOKS AND STATIONERY OBEPT A. 1,00.M15, (Succol.mor to B. T. C. Morgan,) STATIONER AND DEALER IN BOORS, PERIODICAUJ AND NEWSPAPERS, No. 41 fifth strooz, Pittebtugt. Pa. Co-Partnership. Tnedersig,ned have entered into Co x Partnersbtp, under the etyie of Wm. 0. Johnston A 00. SAMUEL It. JOHNSTON, JR., WILLIAM G. JOHSTON. Pittsburgh, September 5, 1857. 30E.E6T0N, WM. 0. JOIINSTOY. "WM. O. JOHNSTON & CO., QT ATIONERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, and JOB PRINTERS, No. 57 Wood street, Wtweeo Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa. so3o TOBACCO AND SEGARS. W ti D. RINEHART, TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS ALDERMEN. CHARLES IV,LEWIS, ALDERMAN, And Ex.-Officio Justice of the Peace, OFFICE - .ON THE CORNER OF WYI,IE AND FIRTH STREETS. All brisines.24onnected with this &Hee will be attended to with promptness. Conveyances of all kinds done with legal arcnracy--such as Leeds, ilortgages, Ronda, Powers of Ar.. toruey, ac. Titles to Real'Emate examined. To the members of the Bar he tenciQrs hie services a Com missioner to take Depositions to be read In the several Courts of this State,Tkii'd elsewhere. His race is one of the main Police Stations of the city, and consesinentLt his ta...ilities in execntinc business of that kind are ten - desirable. I folO:ly Alderman's Office. JAMES S. 1100 N, ALDERMAN, EX OFFICIO JUSTIOE OF TILE PEACE, AND POLICE MAGIBTRATE--Office, No. 69 Orant street ' nearly cope s Ite the Court Rome, Pittsburgh; Pa. Depositlps, Acknow loAgments and Prorates taken; the Records examined, Deeds, Roods, Mortgages, Wills. Leases; Articles of Agree ment, and of Partnership, Lettere of Attorney, etc., etc., drawn op at short notice; -Marriages Bolemnized,und all business In the lino of his official duties, promptly attended to. 4s. Office hours, from 7 e. u. to Ir. x, and from '2 to 6 P Id. . aptay REAL ESTATE AGENTS. CUTHBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 • Market street, LI the sale and purchase of Real Estate renting houses, attending to insurance and repairs, obtaining loans on bonds, mortgages, &c,; making convey ances, deed; bonds, itt.: writing letters and corresponding with parties abroad, &c. 0018 BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OFIR) flarins, Gnrre[ao❑ .1k Co., Robert. ParCis. Esq. JylL•y WESTEIIN LANDS ALEXANDER GARRETT, RhAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. P) WATER STREET, CLEVELAND, OHIO, S'as for sale Lau& iu lil uoia, Wisconsin, Miubes.,ta, blieMiganand*lowa. Do will , xcliange Lauds in Wisconsin, An., for Pittsburgh manufactures, sad also for city property. Al] letters of inquiry answered gtutis, by addr.esing me as abate. attll:l3r t 2. Satiety and Economy in Light. WHY WILL YOU BURN CAMPIIENE AND FLUID, when you can get a cheaper and Let ter light. Pure Kerosene Oil, made from the gas of Cansel Coal, produces the cheapest, moat.brilllant, steady, pltass,nt and safe potable light ever offered to the public, and no danger Of explosion ; more brilliant than gas; and quite as cheap; Lumps of the most simple and easily managed con struction. /for sale by T. D. t G. HODKINSON, No. 79 Smithfield street. Beware of a counterfeit already In the market, made , Jru Ckmpher.e, with ft little Coal t til to scent it. ift:27:ly COOKING BY GAS. A WORD TO THE LADIES. THE HEATED TERM IS APPROACH INU, and we call the attention of the Ladies to the fact that COOKING, IRONING, ETC., wiLlabeoliocuy, without oppressive haat, with out soot, wad with tl , zepatch—tho tire, briug always-n - 10y in u Luc:neat—by naiug rtrasgeaven Gas Gooktug Stove, To which we reepea.fully incite your mit , ntioe, nt No. 75 Smithfield gtreet. S. A. JUIIN.S,":: g BRO. t_4.- Gcnnty and City Rights ler eHI u. up1.2:9111 AYRES' WORM CONFECTION', (.3 ONI+NoTION, co NIigOTION,CoN ,• B 4 OTION,CON COM O TION, cONFE o T10N,. 0 ONFEOT I 0N,154 - 0 NPNOT 0N,C0N.Y.P.01714, -N,CONFECT I 0 N co 2.11'1310:LT1 oN The mcoat.pleasant., cafe and effectual 'Worm Itt.m,iy now In use. Prepared and cold, wholesale and retail, by ANGELL & RAFT, Cor-Waad and BLrth ate., Pittabargh, Pa , A_u.l sold kY Dinngiata cmwaVy. • la2l (11.1., PAPER—For Bale by E*2.o J. IL W.ELDIN D1d11213 111 ALL LIRIAI 01 No. 1.2.9 WOOL STREET BANKS. DOLLAR SAVINGS B .4. rii ii , No. 85 Aura .Tract, MIDDLE ROOtf, Jollllo' RIM BUILDING. OPEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 o'clock ; also, on Wednesday and Saturday evenings, from May Ist to November let; from 7 to 9 o'rloc,N; anti from November let to May let, from 8 to S o'clock. Deposits received of all sums not loss than Oris Dosses., and a dividend of the profits declared twins a year, in Juno and December. Interest was declared at the rate of stx per cent. per annum, on the first of December, litatt ; also In June and December, 1555, and in Juno and Dc-,enter, 1857 Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to the credit or the depositor as principal, and boars the same lutereu tout the first days of Juno and December, compotimling twice a year without troubling the depositor to call or even to present his pass book. At this, rate, money will double in lesa than twelve years, making in the aggregate Moat AND ONIInCALP PEA CLI - T. A TEA& Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules and llegnt lations, furnished gratis, on application at the office. Prealdent--GEORGIE AIL MIES" Vial PILISEDENTS. Hopewell Hepburn, John rattantenbrger, James Shiclle, N. Gr Marphy, Alexander Bradley, J saac M. Pennock, Robert Robb, ames 1). Holly, William 8. Lavely, James Herb:wan, 11111 Bnrgwin, John B Cosgrove, 713L0L10. William J. Anderson, James W. Hallman, John O. Backofen, Charles linen, Albert Culbertson, P. A. Madeira, John B. Canfield, John H. Mellor, J. Gardiner earth, Walt. r P. A:al r , Ai', Ait h7O A CArner. Will., Mtlk , 1.,,, i Cahq LAlii A. 1,1. r... 110, G, Si.P. 1 O.::: k, A. Cv I t no. henry t. 11.114 , ..1t, W.lllan. Chttighs,s, John It Sawyer, Frauds Felix,George B. BFianl, Doorge F. Gilmore, Alexander Tindle. James S. lloon, Theolald Dmbstaotter, William S. Haven, George R. White, Sareary and Treasurer—OßAS. A. OOLTON. 1 ft,3 BANK OF lOWA. A. J. STEVENS & CO., DESitOINES, / 01474, COLLECTIONS MADE and prompu it, milted. LANDS seltcted and located. Capitalists wishing to make inceatments in the West, can do so throngh this house. Correspondence solicited. AUSTI:4 LOOIM3 'Mt.:. 1.0011.102. AUSTIN LOOMIS & CU., lle,alera in Promissory Notoa4Bonds, Mortgages, ,uki all ~ #- . curitles for Money. Money on Chocle at short %lat.., with c.Altarra.l security. NOTES AND DRAWS BOUGHT AND SOLD Persons desiring Loans can be accomme4latrel on r bin tartan, and capitalists can be furnisbe.i ahtb securi ties at remunerative prices. A. 190, attend to the Sale, Renting and Leasing et RAtaie. Office, No. P 2 FOURTH etreot, above Wood. LOOM le, Notary Public. HOLMES SONS, Bankers and Ex . change Itr , ...knrs, and DuLtlora in.Notea, Drafts, Accept. anceo, Gold, Say. r and Han .t,ange on tile Engt arn and We - •itern Oitiei. constantly for aala. Collections Baia. in all the Cltea thronghont tic. U:.ltsd dtat.a. DAponit.s recciTc-d in par fends or current paper. No. til Nlartz.,4 b.,twee.ri Thic.l and ?win!. ern. Jdur ly rPHOMAS WOODS, Commercial Broker, and boater in Nutc , .., gnacki, Stc.cka, 14,a1 EsLuto. A , ntrect, Pittanargt, Pa- Jii°6 HOUERS. A . M. if. ... kIUNTKIC & ES AL 14 1 , GROGEW , ;, HS Second Si. 1& First stns., PETTSBI73,OB. PA. M. Mu.i.xr., Philp IMILLEEL Sr. MICEiETSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND IMPOI.t.TERS OF BRANDIES, WINES AND SEGARS, Noa. tbkl and 233, Corner of Libercy and Irestii Streets, AND SOLE AGNNTS FOR Vivetsrer's City Glass 5 PITTSBURGH, PA. 140 N, NAILS, CO TON YARNS, So, so., CONSTANTLY ON HAND El= DAVW 11'oirDLIs 101 1 CANDIAESS, MEANS & CO., %tOCISBOB9 TO %ICH 1 beCAZDII9B,I WHOLESALE GROCERS, DMUSEz IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, c.N ?ITV - lit URA II It ANUYA.OTIOIES EISNREALLY, Curner of Wood and Watar streets, 4' FOP.WARDING AND COMMISSION JAISIES COLLINS Forwarding and Commission Merchants, ESOIII.III7ORS ON fla Calllus , Pletsburgh, IlicradvilLe a Cale CANAL LINES NUB. 114 AND 115 WA.I - La STIVENT, PirlSNUilel3, PA 'MODES, ititA.GEN & CO., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION 1 1 13i1RCHA.MTB, No. 30 Soo ST., CINCINNATI, 0. Uy29 J. D. HOUSEMAN, (LATE OF EIOINEALAN A SMITH., ) COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, No. 9 N. Second Street, apS:3l:n ST. LOUIS, HISSCPURL CIELAS. lIUMEIBLIT.S, O. J. ii01, , A1 5 1, JOEiN WRIGHT Humphreys, tioffma & Wright, FLOUR FACTORS, riftODUCE AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 75 NORTH WHARVES AND 155 NORTH WATER ST., Above Vine Street, PHILADELPHIA. REFER TO Conrad, Thompson A Co., Philadelphia. Thompson, Clark A Young, niter, Price & Co., 11 Caleb Cope & CO, 11 Barcroft, Beaver & 411 Canby, Neville A Hughes, If E. M. Lewis., Cashier .P. and M. Bank, Mitehell,Caahler M.Tch's Bank. " Morrie L. Hallowell & Co., McCutcheon & Collins, John M. Kennedy k Co., Ilaiguel A Co., Pickett, Mathews &Co, Maysville, Hy. ShreWebury I Price, Madison, Ind W. U. Langley & Sous, tiallipolts, Ohio. Lawrence h Mathias, Louisville, A. a Bullock & 00., Cincinnati, Ohio. W. Holmes I Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. ' itsu,roley, (103 g -rave & Co., nevi S:lys ENEY li. COLLINS, Forwarding and C4Anuaiasion Merchant, and wtrolmile dealer 111 aSII, Ji.t.E111,5.E, BUTTER, SEED'S and PRODUCE generally,, No. Wood Arect,rlttsburgh. mato GLASSWARE. Linn G. CULLUM MQiUJLN .8.0.1W1T5321. ILWAILD DITBELDGI 111:14GT L. ILINGWAIT. OURLING, ROBERTSON & CO., Mann facturers of Cat, Prossed and Plain hint OTAABSW A RE, warehouse No. 17 Wood street, corner of Front, Pittsburgh. All other Lauds of Glassware end Window Gina, at .<5 , ,c Market prices. JAYLES Z. LULUS .316211 . 11 J. ULAN. EDLIE ULAM, Sueoessora to Mulvauy LA a manufacturers of Cut, lilorildbd and Plain nut and Fancy Colored GLAI 4 BWAIIItI, and dealers In all ands o: Window Glass, riasks, Vials and Battlea. Warta Onto corner of le.s2kat and Wattr straas, Pittsbngh. WINES AND LIQUORS. JOE MUMS & 00., WL101.1.1'31,1P. DILLLIBB IN WINES AND LIQ,UORS, AND RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, No. 155 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Mt,uon g abela and Rectified WhisLits--elso, Blackberry, Wild Cherry, Rand.° ry. Ind Ginger Brandies. [ap127.1, S. DLVLLI ICINNXDY. FIEVLIN & KENNEDY, Wholesale Wine and Liquor Merchants and Rectifying Distillers; Nc. 63 ST-al.-Jib-id stiwt, Pittsburgh, Pa. spa:ly BIM NE Y FOPS of various patterns, for ‘,/ sale by frar:Ml H. IL COLLINS. TOBACCO AN]) CIGARS.—A large assort meat of faTorite brands, on hand and far sale by WM. LL SMITH k CO., tne26 US Second, and 141 tlret etreete. IVIACKEREL-1 00 bbls. and half bbls. No S large, for gale b➢ 1 /9141 ILI N ICY • 11. COLLINS. 11 : LEA.CIIING POWDERS-50 cask!: o Tenuent's, Johnson's mid other breads just reed aud for sale low by J.NO. M. PERKINS & CO., 5e2128 Wood street. _. _ BOOK PAPER-100 reams 24.5.38, a nice article just received and for Bale by JNO. M. PERKINS a CO., se2 123 Wood 'area. N'LANE'S VERMIII.IO.6 AND LIVER PJ 6d.ti ..7b grow on hand and for Bala by B. L. FAIRIBSTOELLE Ca • uovlO Corner Wood and Fourth street& D _ UTTER—SUO lbs. fresh Packed Butter, FLAP JCVit reeetved and for sale by JASLES A. FWIZEIt, Reg t..erner Market and First streets. CIiECK 800 S-0 n Brokers at .all the Banks and iv. a. HAVEN, ©r:24 Printer a..d Stationer. igirßTßA_Plqtria I 'APER- 1 3000 reams aas't 7-- yyspgWrapping, aincerior article, for sale b. J•l9 J. R. WELDLN. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, At ATUENEI, 1111.ADF011D COUNTY, PA, Jan. 1, 1858, as preaentod to the Stockholders, and made out In compliance with the State Laws of New York, Ohio, Indiana,llllnole, &C. The ammo of the Company is the FARMERS' UNION IN SURANCE COMPANY, located at Athena, Pa. Chartered April 1;1,1853, by the Legislature of Ponneylvatiia. Charter Perpetual. Caah Capital, a hich I , all paid op Noll.lvo in atl.iitio. th,roio A9SETP Fifty-four Bonds and Mortgages, at six and seven IR amt. interest, amounting in tbo aggregate t0...516:2,315 Co Which mortgages are or valua ble anti productive reel estate, principally farms,, recorded and first lietis, worthgenerally double the =taunt and more than mort gaged for, in each case, and in no case leia than fifty. cent more, delusive of faim buildings, and so certified by the Recorders, where recorded, to the and tors of the States of Ohio and Illinois. Nineteen six 4 cent. Bonds amply secured 47,685 00 Cash on hand and in Bank. 6,449 12 Cash in bands of Agents, and in cour.;e of trunsruinsior, secured by Loth:e with enrolies Duo en loess rn-insured, ..... Lille IfliatiV.6l,lo, via: pruinuousty Lacs payable at bank and to the Company.... 8.210 82 Interest accrued, (principally due January 1, 1858,) ••••• 1 19 Se Safe and office Fixtures and Fmni tnre 600 00 ---$ 253,485 61 11100111 FOR Till nail 1857. Amount of Premiums recoivod during the 86,231 33 year $ Am't interest received during the year... 11,44:2 06 Am't received from all other sources ...... ....... 2,480 00 IMPIaDITUELsa. Expeusex for tho year, including Colllllll,l4inllS, Flalftrieb, rants, reit]. surance, printing, advertiHing, taxer, and all othar expenaem $ 18,199 66 Dividenda paid during the year 17,000 Liu beams paid, which occurred prior to Denembor 31, 146 7,674 66 LOSSES paid which occurred during the year 46,661 64 LI , :71..ME13. Losses adJusted and not doe (since paid) $ 12,500 99 LINEA incurred and in process of mijustrae4t..-- 9,307 00 Losers reported, on wbick no action bau been taken t,&10 00 Leases resisted, on ground of Ineuy ku3ce after fire, property tranefoi red before loss, property loet not covered by the Policy, *c......._...1'2,100 00 $ 39,407 09 8111012 tut Hoke taken during the year..55,44,8tv2 (a) Whole amocpt of yjek at date 4,861,440 la) TRrI OF PENNSTLX:I9I4, 651J:i77 Of BRADYOoD, rt. C. N. Shipman, President, and 4.8. par, field, Secretary of Lisa Peri - nen , ‘'uion insurance Company, tan, , , sever-II; duly sworn, depose and say, tiad, each for himself says, that the foregoing la a ttto, full and correct staLomeot of the affairs of said corporation, and that they are the above d. , ariberi officers thereof C. N. !iI3II . IIAN, Prßoidotit J 0A NPI ELD, Secretary. t?ill,acrils , d at d sworn bef ire me, this 26th day i 4 7,khs,H. 0. SATRE, Justice of the Peat, T. J. HONTEIt, Agent, atil7rly 1.,;() 90 Water street, Pittabnrs!•h. C. W. RICHETSSN, PITTBI UROII, PA INSURANCE. Fl RE INSURANCE, BY THE! Froaliadiee Mutual insurance Co. OF' PI TLADELPIIIA OU BUILDINGS, LIMITED OU pg,k-oral2,lL, IS @ROMAN DISR,IIIIWit/TURE, k. 0., IN TOWN Olt 00 tINIT-y • °Moo, No. $OO Walnut street. CAPITAL, 0177,9`i0..... gu. 1 u ceated as : First Mortgage on linprovod City Property, we, to double ttee amount $120,200 On Pouturyivanla Railroad Co.'s tl per cent. nor tgage Loam f,30,000 coat • 26,600 00 Allegheny County 0 per cont. Penn'a R.A. Loan. 10,000 Ou Pennsylvania Itailroadtlo:a 24.614 , 4,000 00 Stock of dm Reliance Mutual Ineurance C 0.... .. 10,160 00 Stock of County Fire Insurance C 0....,.. /,0:.0 0 : 1 Scrip of Sundry Insurance Companies 40 CO Bills IteceivaMe, business paper 62,711 60 11041: - . Accounts, accrued Interest, etc...... ........... 3,338 10 Cash on 4aul and In Bank 18,043 20 $262,466 69 GLizbl 1 11404.p1y, President. Dtaiarrons. flamuol notwirt Stoen t Masser, Botorain Tth6 lo Y , Marshall fill, Z. Lothrop, Charles Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, Wrn. M. Semple, Pittsl4l. d. MINIMA AN, 6ecretary. MINER. COFFIN, Agent, ner Third and Wood street 4. Clem Tingley, William 8.. Thompson, David S. Brown, Coruelina Stevenson, John 8.. Worrell, 11. L. Carson, Bober; Toland, Moses Johnson, Charlea S. Wood, James S. Woodward, mr3 B. J. OAR mr3 Ncrth-east CULT MERCHANTS' 018E1111110E COMPANY, Of Philadelphia. NVAI. V. PETTIT, President D. J. M'CANN, Secretary. Amount of Capital Stock paid In and itivestod...2,2oo,ooo Surplus 63,42.9 $263,4i2 35 Insures Cargo Risks on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivera and tributaries. Inures against loss or damage by Fira, Also, against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. DIRIOTOBS Wm. V. Pettit, J. C. Montgomery, John M. Pommy, D. J. McCann, E. Y. Witmer, Rene Gunton, B. L. Woolstou, John A. Marshal, Chas. B. Wright., John J. Patterson, Elwood T. PusoY • 01110188: WILLIAM V. PDTTIT, President E. F. WITUER, Vice President. D. J. MtCANN, Secretary. In Philadelphia': In F7iThrtipAia: Bolger, Lamb A Co., Steinatity., Janice k Co., Truitt, Bro. A. Co., Buck, Morgan A Stidfole, A. T. Lane A Co., Pnmroy, Caldwell A Co. PITTSBURGH OFFICE, G. 97 WATER STREET. ap9 R. W. POINDEXTER, Agent. WEST BRANCH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOOK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY. CUARTBRUD BY TUB LE6IBLATUR6 or PDRRBYLVAAI• Cash Capital.- $400,000 I Premium N0ia...51.32,343. TIIIS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, Lc., in town or country. DIR 11070119: Hon. J no. J . Pearce, lion. H. 0. Harvey, I Charles A. Mayer, Jain B. Hall, Charles Crier, 'Peter Dickinson, T. T. Abrams, DH. Jackman, W. White, Thomas Kitchen. HON. 0. 0. HARVEY, President T. T. Anasus, Vice President. Taos. KITCHTN, 80CTOtary. BurNuariaas: Samuel H. Lloyd, ) IDr. J. S. Crawfurd, A. A. Winegarducr, John W. Maynard, A. Updegraff, L. A. Mackey, Hon. S. Cameron, James Armstrong, A. White, Thos. Bowman D.D, William Fearon, James Quiggle, Wm. Vanderbelt, Hun. Wm. Bigler, OFFICE—NO. 113 FIFTH STREET, Pirranuacia. de2litf J. A. LIPPERT, Agent. TUE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE .A. COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. Dissirroas--Charles W. Banckor, Thutuas Hart, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob It. Smith, Goo. W. Iticltards, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolpld E. Boric, David B. Browne . , Aut. ris Patterson. Cum. N. DAKCIESII, President 011-01. G. Rsztocia, Sucrotary. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or Malted, on evory description of property, in town and country, at rates m low as ere conaistent with security. The. Company have reserved a largo Contingent - 1)111,d t 4hich, with their capital and premiums, safely invested, af ford ample protection to the aaanred. The Assets or the Company, on January let, 1861, as pe.(r llshed agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as follows, viz: Mortgage $918 ,1 Rota Esiote....- Temporary LoamEtocks Onatk, Ao„-- Total Slnoe their incorporation, a period of twouty,-ono years, toy have paid upward of ue Million Your Ehandred non. sand Dollars,iossealtylirei thereby affording ovidencetff the advantages' of insurance, as well as tho ability and disposition to moot-with promptueea all liabilities. • J. GAILDLNEJt COFFIN, Agont Office, north-east cor. Wood and Third t:ta. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OF on. OIRMON D.11:8IS, t n.ditiont; P. M. Cleauest Secretary. Ornos No. 92 Water street, (Spang & Clo's Warehouse,) np stain, Pittsburgh. Will insure against all kinds of t , I RE and MARl:Minim:o. . _ A Homo Institution, managed by Director, who are sell Shown in the community, and who aro deb-utilised, by promptness and liberality, to maintain the character which they have mimed, as offering the best protection to those who desire to be Ingram!. ASSETS, OCTOBER nit, 1857. Stock Accounts, alotguge,— ..... &Ills Receivable, Mica ihirnitnre, Open Acnzn..nts,---- Canty_ Premium Notts,-... - BBL Discounted, DEdIOTORB Geer:* Dante, J. Nv. J Animt NlcAuley, Andrew Ackley, Nathaniel llelmes, D.AL Long, C. W. Itlcketson, newt 4 PITTSBURGH LIFE.' FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COIEPANY, NO. 96 WATER STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBIEBT GALWAY, President. Max. l3aanizr, Vice President. 7. A. &MAHN Secretax7. 413r2biaCionigartyznakeaezeryinsarance appertaining to or connected with LEM =SKS. die°, against HULL •AND:OARGO RISKS on the Ohio and If mthedppi Rivers and tributaries, and MARILTiI ,11.11310 generally. = • , - - " - ^ • And against Loss and Damage by Sire, and against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety to all partici. - D 1113104013.13 Robert Galway;• ' • Samuel Bililarkan, . . Joseph P. Camara, M. D-, John Bcott, James Marshall, David Richey, James W. Hallman, Charles Arbuthnot, Altriandor Bradley, Joseph B. Leech, John Pullertim, N. P. Hart, David ti - . Chambers, Bobert H. Hartley, William Carr, Jno. Mullin. The Pittsb'h, tir, Chicago fzr, - RAILROAD WITII ITS AMPLE ROLLING STOCK and equipment, and IN thr,iugh connections,ll pre pared to transport Pass...4;nm and Freight iroa, pETTLA. DELPIIIA and rirrse.ukti Li to CHICAGO, ST. DIANA PC1,13, Ci NC N ATI, and all pliicos wont, with a great il.gree of regularity and tipoditiou. The tact that thin !Lied tut ma a direct and couoilidate nue between Pittsburgh and Chicago, is a sufficient guar antee that its Trains will make good Low, ,iud connection with Trains on other Road. 300,000 00 5.1,485 51 $253,48b 61 ON AND AFTER MONDAY MAY 16i 18L8, thia Train U. S. 'd.ll, First Express,. Second CIIICAGO—Firat Express, at 7:00 A. ‘i.; 20.c.0nd Rxpress at 1130 P. M. itlIA(111 CiIWINNATI—First. L'apress r. N.; Far-ntid Papress 7:2.6 s. u. REAM! P. LOUTS—First Express 5:00 A. ta.; Second kb:- press 4:69 P. IL All Trains make done Ct.-H[ll'l4,l-r ilotalru tms, emoulnati, 1,.. , Mau, it Sit s.; ith Ti i 1.,•.. V., a. 1,., , ! SI. : • . tho M .c 1,. K, 1: i 1 . 1.111.1 h vu btlYtlAl .All,l M 1‘ . 1•1.0... I ILETURIiINII I.r , 1 eki 7,336 .1 From Chicago. Ft. Wayne. I Crvatline. I Arr U. S. P.M 6:30 A.I. 11240 P. 31. thin: P. 14. let Express, e a ltiA M. 3ntl P. M. I 9:1:11'. M. I 6:1.0 Ato 2,1 1:25 A.NI 1:15 Thine Trains make close con nectionti with Trains for t Lt 4 sulelphia, Baltimore New York and Boston. Trains from St. Louis, Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Coletg. bus make close connections at Crestline wide nil return log Trains. At Fort Wayne, Trains from St. Louis, Obutral 111.1- Lafayettu, and intermediate places, connect with above Trains. At Furent, connections are guide with Trains to and from Cincinnati, Springfield and Dayton. The U. S. Matt from Pittsburgh to Crestline, being a train for local LT:S2 , neas, is overtakon by the Second Express. ACCOMMODATION TilkiNs--utave Now }Bic r.m tar Pittsburgh, at 11:30 A. M., and I' o Pittet ter New Brighton At A. M. nod 1 u 7 P. NI BLit/GAGE CIIECii ED Til chaige for bandling. Travel: Ts or persons intending to purchinae tic's eta lu Pitts burgh for the treat, will hear in mind that the only Agent authorized by th.., P., F. W. AC. It. lid C. AP. It. and Stentieuville and Indiana Itailroad Curnpauies, is 199,153 35 $90,d:1 e Corner Libarty and Grant air^at x. • BAOGAGE wilt fiat be iheclied for pnicani tichoti at any oiler pine“ iu tt in city. iYJ 00MALLINCE i.ON MONDAY, MAT 1001, an•l rciliiirif, until tufther MAIM .1 J. floli:.:TON, G u. Pas. , er. and Fi'L A g't. D. W. BOSA,'r. Agent., CLicag.• PORE, Sationntendi.nt. /N:rane, only .V/9 nui t l j) 10 , 1%if 11,finniti THIS LINE 1,4 e,tAiip:l6:A of 1!10 ?het Clam, lila 1,,t,d thr-1,;: 1,..i , L1,1 htgLiy cultivutod I • 84,377 7 . 83, 6 66 AT 61,38 U 01 . 64,346 81 $121,600 00 2,160 00 4,161 67 240 00 9,478 04 14,841 46 40,246 69 126,008 TS $317,841 78 Hiller, Jr., Geocge W. Jack,on, Alex. Bpwr,. Win. Knight, Alaimider Nimick, Wm. H. Smith, Y. M. GORDON. itsenatbtv; RAILEQA_DB, LELOAD NOTICE, on this road w ill b vC tho UNION Pittabargh, (2tuadayti exceptrl, as follows: PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE Pitts b - argh. errstline Ft. Wayne 7:30 A. hi. 7:07 P.M 240 d. M. 10:00 P.Ol 1 0:00 P. 51 1:1, P. 01. 1 10:223 P.AI I 4.50 A. 11.1 (1161RGE PAIiiiIN, (ittlee, (I, t e4 w. b the E. I'. l'as..t:ge.' 1).-1- WESTERN Et WPM, To CINCINNATI., LuoiSVILLO and T. )rotilB it IA PITTSBURGH, IF. WAYNE avd CIIICACIn, 4ND ..I`ICINNATI, lIAMILTt),N a. DAYT:IN frt. aLk. pw:.,W.;. c rr.ucr Uana C , IIIIIWAIOII U101.1.4/.1.1 bill is , .0 iasisalppi Itailroud, (tis truq, of .t“. I. a i A Ni. .60;i1a5i14:, • Natchez, tiew Ounn,ctloa 111,4113 at Lit iwtiAk 151L,..1 tht PACIfiC and Mingoari KANSAS AND NEBRASKA, And all Wee. 4.1,,t) ft! IL P. , fur vid all pu1,t.,4 i“ Plouttlehy .4 . .?•• 1 11.(.1g.ti Lit it ...”sti , t ..4.0 t. L, E c,„,„ - • • ) P. • 1.5 P j( PF.B7l.llgOr 7411 a riving in tin allinc :.t it~,or ;cart tau Low n•rar: othac "Couto For all,o, Tlixo - a,ch app,; Tiotiot Offine, CAM - 1.1,Y MuLtutiguilei, fiorme, vi at P. , 6a Station. Si - PeaKungen, dmiiroto of going this root Tirkeis via. Del2swiLro Cot-Off. J. 11. MoOltg, 23:10. P. Pt. W. At C. K. 1., IicLAREN, Snpt. U. 11. & D. R. H. the Cleveland, Pittsburgh Wheeling Elaiiroad, A 2Z b Pittsburgh, Columbus SI, _~'c~~~ - RAILROAD LINE Change of Time. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 10Tu, 1858, Trains Will In rtiu Ll Dep.ot younsyl yams Central itaillOati sa follows r”r 01.E7CLAND, BUPP/1.0, CLUCLUO IND INN AND Z_4.IiPSVILLE. • 6:45 A. M.} • For th-LIT.L.Lhh, TOLEDO. , DLTROIT 2:35 P A-NT. T 14.11 Tbi, train connoet4 LI tlovvki.i, with Detroit tine of litoarnera. 4:00 P. M.} Li l ri , v x. r AU. WAY STATIuNS lii& Ely/Ni Pasaengers desiring t., g' to Cniz,agu, or points beyond Chicago, via Cleveland, must ask fur ticlietA vie t_ levvland P 1 I'ESB UR 0 PI, COLUMBUS AND CLV(II-N NA 7'l (e 1 S MULLEN - WI L LEO RAILKUAD CILINGE 01, TlLAilil.—On and after MONDAY, Ll.O of May, 1858, Trains will leave the Depot of the Pennsylva• nia Central Railroad, as follow»: For STZTJUENTNILD, OOLIIIIIIOB, DATION, 3:00 A. M. LNDIASAFOLLS, LOULVILLY, CAID4, MLA:- PHIS AND New ORLDLNi. • FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. Luum, and AU. 2:35 P.M Pouvrs Bourn AND WEST. Through to Cincinnati without of Passengers desiring to go to Columbus, Cincinnati, et:: , or any points beyond Columbus via Stanbencillo ' must 5.91. fur tickets via btoubenville. JAMES FAIIMEIL, scperintendent C., P. @ W. W. W. RAULEY, myl2 I Superintendent P., C I C. It. IL PITTSBURGH & CONNBI4SVILLE RAILROAD. tIN and after Monday, the 10th inb , .t. Pass enger`ll,, Trains will be run daily, (except Sundays,) from the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Depot, as follows -- Mail Train leaves Pittsburi,h %nu A. M. P...xprom Train leaves Pittqbargh ...3tBo A. LI. Mail Tra u leaves ....... A. 11. 10; xpreaa 5:00 A a. Arriving at Pi ttsl, rgh day A. H. 'Pickets to be had at Pennsylvania Railroad Ticket utflen. Both Trains connect at Connellsvillo with Thantiug A Hall's Coaches for Uniontown, Frostburg, Cumberland, etc., and at West Newton with Coaches for Mt. Pleasant, Somerset, Berlin; etc. ' • Freights to and from Pittsburgh and Stations on Pitts burgh and Conneßsvillo Railroad, will be received d livered in Pittsburgh, at the " Baldwin Depot," oppoUL, " Duquesne Depot." Excepting such as Pig Iron, Lumber, Stone, etc., which will he loaded ur un.oadeci at uuter De pot, or at the canal Depot, as may be arranged with Freight Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad, at Pittsburgh, U. BLAOKSTLIN Salt. Trasuuportdtion Department I'. A C It. It., t Connellnvilln, &lay Cth, 1858. 1 niy New Route via River and Railroad. 1 . 11 7 indinaapolis it Cincinnati Railroad CiONNEOTINO AT INDIANAPOLIS with Terre Mantis, aud Terre ilituto.ansl Alton Railroads, to St. Louis and Lafayette and Indianapoli4 Now Albany and Salem, and Michigan Control Ronde for CHIC WO, ROCK ISLAND, BIJItLINGTON, and ell intormodiete points. Through Freight Train to INDIAN AP4LIS., TERRE HAUTE, LAVATE'rTE, and PERU. Freight curried from Cincinnati or LawtoLiCUbil[A, 114 thoerthan'atiy other' i . ,.;6urtiy - '24 bairt, and e s t FAA low rates. The only road by which shipmenta can be Made from Cin. chinati to the Weet, without breaking bulk. Consignments made to J. E. GIBBONS, Agent at Cincin nati: et, W. B. CUTTING, Agent at Lawrenceburg, will receive prompt atbeation, and no charge CUi cAarmi for dray* or commission at f.dsiorentebsirg. Fur further information, apply to THOMA RATTIGAN, (No. 116 Water street.,) Agent of the Company, who la pro gto give 11UOV011 'MCKIM to Indianapolis, Torre ante, il. Lafayette, Cfhicago, Peru, Greene...l4s, Crawfords ville, Charleston, Paris, and Mattoon. H. C . Loßci, Presidaat- MO. P. 011E61 E, Gen'l Freight Agent. FURNITURE. A AIILLIKEN4 CO. have op hand, at their extol:Wye 11 , 11111412 and °ELLIE 111ANITFAC TORY, No. 64 : , niithfleld street, a large assortineat of Fancy and Plain Furuitnre, which they will sell 16 per cant. lower than customary rates. Terms!, =all only. (dec7:y W 0 °DWELL'S FURNITJRE AND OEUIRB, Who!male and Retail, embracing every style of garniture, in Reciewood, Idaho ganY and Walnut, suitable for Parlors, Chambers and Dining Rooms, equal to any In New York or Philmielphia, and at lower . prisea Every article made by hand, and warranted. Cubit:it-makers sup plied with any quantity of FURNITURE and GRASPS, ou reaconable terms. hotels and Etemahoats faraialled at- the shortest notice. Wareroome, Nos. 17 and 79 THIRD Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 00Z2 10 BAGS Dried Apple.% for sale by BAGALEY, COMillAYti 01, Noa- 19 and 10 ,Taxi etroot -- - . UST received =other assortrnettt of BOOTS and SHOES, consisting of Ladles' Heel Boots and Slip pers, Gent's, Boys's Youth's, and a large vi,ariety of Oh 11. dren's Fancy Shots. Please give as ta call, at the Cheap Cash Store of JOSEPH 11 HOKLAND, Jel9 98 Market street, second dot from Fifth. ItV 0014 WIN TED— ,OO4I le. Wool ivante.l Ai inataea cash V HiTen oooK, mum:to( co., 132 Second street, and lbl Prout prices, by Jn2lrlredim HAIR DYES--Batchelcrr's, _Christadorafe, AlexawieeLl, ShaloU% alklYateri Liquid Dair Dyes—a large supply constantly on lautd, JOSEPH FLkIAtING'B, Corner Diamodd and qarket etre4:t. -10 bbl®. fresh Eggs jest received E a G ud . forsale by {mail ki , Z+BY COLLINS , WRAPPING PAPERS. -10t 0 reams as sorted sizes, straw and rag wrappirig, for sale by 'MIL G. JOHN BTON . 1 / 4 Co, /. 9 Paper Dealers, 67 ',Wood street. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD tIE AIL TRAIN leaves - 1110 Paasonger Station every re., twig, (i,xcept Einntlay,) at : 6:00 o'clock, Pittsburgh time, aril, lug in Philadelphia at 11:00 P. M. 1.111 PAST LINE Daily, except Sunday, atl:2s P. U., ar riving in Philadelphia at 6 o'clan.i and atoPPing. only at principal stationa. THEXPRESS TRAIN leaves the Station every evening at o:50 o'clock. Stopping only at Greensburg, Latrobe, John*. town, Wilimoro, Gallitzin, Altoona, ga., connecting at Har risburg With the Train direct for Baltimore, and arriving in Fliilielelphia or Baltimore at 1:00 o'clock, P. ILL ACCOMMODATION TRAINS: THE JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN loaves ; daily (or, , 14. Sunday,) at 3:30 o'clock, P. M. Stopping at' all stations, and running as far as Conernaugh. FIRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek Bridge leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 10:40, A. M. SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, 14. aves daily, (except Sunday, ) at 4.20 P. M. THIRD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, leeves daily, (except Sunday.) at 8:20, P. U. RETEIFIN DM TRAINS arrive In Pittsburgh as follows its press, 1:00, P. st.; A. 8.: Fast Lino 2:25 Johne tetra accutuansistion, 11:00 A. at.; First Turtle Creek Accom rzfl; s. at., Second Accorcinodution, 12:40, P. U.; ril 0:10, P. U. 'rr.Q 116 fur Blairsville and Indiana. con acct at Blairsville le , •I :iii,ll With mail train EAsi, Express train' West, and tie• .I•,tinr u sozoloodaLion train East and V, set. vri-rs11(1 RD Ll AND CONN LILLSVI L L TRAINS, Stopping at all Stations on the Pittsburgh and COlinelill - leave daily, (Sunday excepted,) as follows: fdAIL TRA1N......7:Cd 31. EXPB..ESS TRAIN 4 .10 P. li- RETURNING TRAINS from Pittsburgh and Comaeßavine Road, arrive at Pittsburgh, 8:45 A. m. and 8:10 P. M. M. The traveling public Al find it grotly to their in tereat, is going East or West, to travel by Me Pennsylvania Railroad, as the accommodations now offered cannot be BM , pasa.-.1 on any other route. AA the Road in ballasted with sumo, and in entirely free from duet, we can promise safety, speed and comfort to all who may favor this Road with their patronage. . . 5o Pi .• '• Phi iath:lll:tia. Ltaws,a,..., check.' to all Stntiow; on the Pell nsylvanta rn.i.d, :o.t to Philinttfpnia, lialtintoro and Now York. ratutout.ters pia, toeing trots to will be charged ten rents lit sdditien to the Station rules, except from Stations whe t -, tie Company hoe no Agent. case of los, the Gotopany will hold thorn snivel riwpotifililu for pernolata baggage uuly, and for an amen t ,! i.cceetting $lllO. N. Lt.—The kx.colitior itmuibus Line has Woo employed to convoy l'itasengorti and Laggago to and from the Depot, at a charge not to :Lb runts fur each passenger and bag• gage. Vet .1. `3TEVI4Wr, At the P. R. It. Passenger Station, y 0 on Liberty and Grunt streets. TEI NSVLV AN lA RAILROA.D. TILE Ci REAP CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the Atlantic Cities with Wedtorn, North-western and South-western Stater, byu contiuuoaa Railway direct. Tide Road also connecta at Pittabnrgh with Dail • col ilteatner to all porta on the Weq 'Zr., atm at Cleve land and Santini,lcy with eteamere to all ports on the North weAtern tahoe; raaklng the moat DIILSOT, CRILPIST and ar..t.i et t i;. , rTZ by a 1:lo4 FREIGHT can he forwarded to and hula the Cini &T )17i153. titian* bet. are• n Philadelphia Qs, Pittabst rein etRXT hoots, Show, Hata and - Cal.. P....1:H, y tiooda, (in Loxes, balea uad ri oute,) Druga, ( in boxex;and taloa) Fenth, - ,re, Fora, 2tc. i(fTION D C LASS-1)0,11Ni tie Sheeting, Shirt fig and Tinhing On original hake), I;, up (in ea,0:8), liardv:ara, 1,o:Aller (in or hozoe), Sheep Pella, ILlNtward, fir, Lc. Ti( HID CLASS —Anvils, Steel, Chains (in 131^on ,pad Pork, Salted ((Joao or tii i+444), manufac tured, (except Cigars or cut,) Bc, 46. VO U NTH CLASS—uotri., Fish, Ilacon, Beef and Pm - tc, (in casks or boxes Enalwardj Lard and Lard Oil, Naito, 801111Aiih, Ger man Clay. Tar, ritzh, sin, Au., to. LeJ lAd. null! further notice. (ill:A1N hi ear loau,i, au eLi. 1l) Ina. until fn r:lter notice. OOTTON--$ . 2 "0 bah, not ~.xci, . iing'brA ths. weight, anti further notion. - ~~~~F~ gym,... 4 , 47 -- le shippluy rthy point, of Philndo phis, bo F,articular to 0,:.:b pxkugel "via Pezn.ty/vania Eallroc,J." All u tl.O A4oote of this Road uill l forwurdial without 1,, 1 4 , ~ r oo.lloniplils, Tenn.; ?. XlB.l J Co., Bt. ;e. 01.0113' 4 Co., B'vanevillo, Ii d ; Durnoou,l, 11,11 t- ni,,l Ca r 1.. r & Sewott, If y.; it. C. Meldrnin, yl.wi, ,i, lad ; 11. W. Brown & Co., and W. (I ruLam A Co., Zanesville, ; 44-.0 cut, I3urtii ; LooCh & Co., d Actor 11%41,, k: V )L ; N,, btrect, and Nu. 1 Hattory N.• IA 7427.,:craw A : , L A. ~ ..;l,wart, Pittsburgh. H. H. HOUSTON, 4.l.ueral Freight Agent. U. J. I.O3IBAERT, cY • 1 • ,, ritendent, Altoona, Pa. MEE= i 1 ROC ERI Eti WIN ES AND LIQUORS 1 .1 - 1.5 u Lags I ti. Coffee; 100 chests Black and (liven TOW' ; ...!..§' tads. Crushed Sugar ; 25 “ Goethe . A: 4 ) ‘. New York Syrup ; tie." Orleans Molasses ; 'S Tierces New Rico; ‘ i 10 Iltaxs W. W. 11 - 14 nt's Tobacco; ldu " M. B. and La r It.i.ins; `.11.) kegs French Plums • ;e PunAe.Ons Jamaicq um; '... ', Moth Ortl¢ Rpm; 2 Pipeq Holland di.; i Alen, Iti each Brandy; Port, Sherry, Malaga and (Mara i Aga° W fuel ; Pure 01.1 Aye and Reotilled Whisky, in atoro .....1 1.,r t. 3 ,.... 1.. w, by HAWORTH. t BROW.NLEB, Sar.,..,e.ors to Haworth. Bro. At Brownlee, Cur. of the Diamond and Diamond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Q O, U Ic DR, 1 11, S.- 15 bt,bi Enid wick's Sy' up ; 25 4 . :New York *. '• Ba;ti ~,,, re '• C 4 bbild. New Orienum B,r,gar •t lun hull Cilkt9tH Young Hysou Tan; Black Tea, for sale by je2,o W. H. SMITH tic 00 MANILLA PAPER.—A largo lot various taus, for ealo by WM. 0. JOIRM'ON & CO., Nir,arlora. VI Vinod et. I,ANTA'rION SUGAR & MOLASSES--- 1.1.4) taids. tally fair and prime N. 0. Sugar ; GOO bbbi., oak cooporago t prime N. 0. Moiassee; 50 at. James S. II Molasses, now landing and fr.r rule, by MILLER k BIOKETSON, 0,r25 Noe. 221 and 223 Liberty street. BILL PAPER—Of best quality—for sale by 1931 G. JOHNSTON 44 CO , Stationere, 67 Wood stmt. 1 4 1 NV E LOP ES. Buff, Straw, Amber and 1,_14 whit., of all siz.3, sold wholosalo or retail, by WM.. i 3. JOHNSTON .& CO. ? bly7 Ik:4i:titers and Pepor Tealers, 67 WOO,/ Rt. SUDA ASH.-100oasko Soda Ash, now lauttittg and for sale by uiylb I.E.R t lucorrsod. itiGliS.-I,U barrels fresh Eggs, just receiv ed i••; - an JAME A. FETZER, Caron: Liarnet and Vint streets. luD Fl 3 drulan aztra Lugo Cod Fish ; • 4 inr sale, by En r 25 I , OR SALE—One Steam Engine, Cylinder 15 inches in di. meter, 4% feet stroke ' with 'Cylinder Boilers i 2 inches In diameter, 30 feet in length, with fire front; Fly Wheel 111 feat in diameter. For price and terms, inquire of B. a a J. U. SAWYER, jeau Bhp. 47 Wood street. ...LA DIES' KID GLOVE CONGRESS GAIT ERS, with and withont hook, at the People's Shoe Store, No. 17 Filth stri.L. DIFFENBACHER A CO. G T' ENS CONGRESS GAITERS CHEAP, tho Shoo Stort, No. 17 Fifth strait. jelS DLFFENBACLIER & CO. HAV I.l'. constantly un hand a large supply ja. of Purr %I/nm and Liquors for modicinal purpoefia. anything iu thia line, can rely upon gutting a pure article at JOSEPH FLIMINGI I , :1Y1.4 Corner Diamond and Markel street,. $l6OO V ILL buy a Dwelling House of 8 rooms and bath room, good cellar, and other conveniences, sitnate on Franklinstreet. V.OO In hand balance at one and two years. S. CUTEIBERT * SON, rrypE METAL, just received and for pale, Ly W. 8 HAVEN, Stationer and Printer, Je:2l3 Corner Market and Second streets. QOAPS.—A large supply of Low's we known Brown Wiodaor Soup, Just received Als honey, Palm, Lettuce, Nymph and other fancy Soaps con dontly ou hand at JOB. FLEMING'S, 19 7 Oorner Diamond and Market street. rIOLTON'S WEST TOURIST & GUIDE &) Bale by (J 610) J. R. WELDIN. _DELIVERED EVERY MORNINO..• Vorney's Press, Public Ledger, N. Y. Tilllfill, Herald and Tribune, and the Cincinnati Commercial, are delivered iu every part of the city. Trade supplied by leaving your utidroas at HUNT Ar. MINER, jel2 Masonic Hall. GENT'S WEAR.— c CHFAP. Gent'3 Patent Leather Gaiters: z.,*. Gent's Patent Leather Ox f or ds; 54 Gent's Calf Boots; i to Gent's Fine Slippers. c.) CHEAP. • AT TRH PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, JOl2 No. 17 Fifth street, DIFVENBACHEIt & CO TAR CAN DLES.-75 boxes extra Ada mautine Star Candle, warranted superior to any In the market, ou band cud for sale by PONGES—A' large supply of °oars* and dno Svuogea, of a very bnperior quality, nat received JOS. FLEMING, Oorner Diamond and Market street. JTATIONERY FOR OFFICE USE-A large supply of Staple and Fancy Stationery, for of floss, banke, etc.,for sale by (Jew) i ft. WELDIN. L'IRESLI TEA, MORE NEW TEA— The afloat Tea of every name, grade and color. The sub scriber-ham in store and arriving, a moat extensive and complete assortment of 1 ea In chests, half cheats and fair& ly boxes, all of which is offered at greatly reduced prices. je32 S. JAYNEB, 38 Fifth street. AHOME IN TILE COUNTRY.—A new Cuttagn House of 13 rooms, good cellar, and every convenience to make a comfortable and pleasant residence; stable, carriage house, spring house, 250 poach tree% also, choice apples and other fruit, 12 acres of land, good quality for gardening purposes, situate at 3 miles from the city, near the Washington Turnpike. Terms slay, and immedi ate possession. For eale by. S. CUTHBERT a SON, if 22 51 Market stre DESIR BLE PROPERTY FOR SALE- A Dwelling House and two large iota, with good im provements, immediate pesseasion. Price, $lBOO. A Farm of 303 acres, 40 improved, all prime land ono mile from Fayette Springs. Price, $6 per acre. A valuable property at Lawrenceville, in complete order, good location, immediate possession—s36oo. A section of choice land in Franklin county, lowa, in good location—s2,6o per acre. S. CUTHBERT A SON, 61 Market street- LARK- STREET. A Brick Dwelling uonso as Clark street, near Carpenter's alloy, at the low price of $llOO. Also, three other Dwelling 'Houses near the above. Price, $l2OO, _each. Terms easy. glib 8 CUTHI3HRT A SON. 61 Marketst. 11011111/KRING.-50 bble Harrinc , for sale by JUL / 1 3.3 g ell. °waxy a RAILROADS. Summer Arrangement. ON AND , AFTER MONDAY, JULY 5 51.3,1;0 I To Baltimore -10,00 I " Lancaster.. Tu Il&rrisburg, V. 35 large " " Just received and itfILL.EFL 4 11101LET8ON, Nev. 221 and 223 Liberty atreet. B. O. a 3. H. SAWYER CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. & H. PHILLIPS have removed to choir new building, Nos. 26 and 28 BT. OLAlit street, west side, between Penn street and the Bridge J. it H. PHICIGLIPS, biANUTACTUDEBE OP FLOOR, FURNPFUELF, OABRIAG V, TABLE, AND TRANBPADENT A OPAQUE WINDOW SHADE OIL CLOTHE% i Also, DEALERS IN OIL CLOTM3 E WILNDOW SHADES, Of every description. Dealers In INDIA RUBBER GOODS, of all kinds, made ander Goodyear's Patent; Agents of the Boston and Now York. Bolting Companies, for the sale of their INDIA RUB HMI BELTING, HOSE land PACKING. LEATHER. BELT ING of Eastern manufacture, a superior 'quality ; also, Lace Leather and Rivets. Agents for the 01110 FIRE-PROOF MINERAL PAINT. Dry and Mixed Paints, Varnishes, 011 s, Turpentine, Brushes, Glass and Putty. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING AND GLAZING, In all its branches, done in the best and shortest time. itle2oly J J. a H. PHILLIPS, &We Noe. 26 and 2 St. Clair street; Manufactory at Phil tipsville, on the Ohio river, three miles below Pittsburgh. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, KATTINO, Eto., AT TII FouVith Street Carpet store s UT D. & 11. M'CALLUM respectfully •V V • invite - the attention of their former customers and the public generally to their present stock, just selected for Spring sales, embracing the very latest styles of Foreign and Homo Manufacture consisting in part of Velvets and Brussels, Tapestry - and ' Common Ingrain: also, Brussels, Damask, Twilled and Plain Stair CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS FROM 2 TO 24 PERT WIDE, Rugs, Mate, Stair Rods, Canton and Cocoa Matting; List, Yarn and Rag Carpets; Venitian Blinds; Painted, Burr anu Green Holland Shades. It will give tus pleasure to 'show goods to all who may be desirous of looking or purchasing, and we are determined to odor inaucementa to any who •may favor us with a call, at tho old stand, No. 87 FOURTH Street, near Wood. myl9:ly W. D. it 11. Id'CALLIJII. (IL CLOTH CLOMING—Of all kinds, black and yellow, far sale at the India Rubber Depot and 98 fit Clair street. [detlj J. &H. PHILLIPS. g IL CLOTHS FOR THE FALL TRADE. NJ , We have on hand, and era daily receiving additions thereto from our own and other manufactories, a large stock of Floor kurnittire, Carriage Trimming, Table Cover, Trans parent, Green and Brill, and all kinds of 011 Cloth, used :or lionsefunishing and other purposes. Also, Transpai out Window iihades, of dry awl oil Mardi—gold bordered and other styles, and Window Shade Trimmings. kleretsints and others will dna it to their advantage to ex. amino out stock and prices before making their punt aegis elsewhere. J. h 11. PLULLIF.-, sal° 2C and 23 Bt. Olair street. OIL TABLE COVERS—Of our °won and Other manufacturers for sale wholesale and retail, by J. & 11. mumps, 28 and 28 St. Clair street. TRANSPARENT UItEEN OIL CLOTH-- 3000 yards of a superior quality, just received from to., factory, and for sale by J. & 11. L'ELII,I,II.'S - 26 and 2.5 St. Clear streot. CARRIAGE OIL CIMTIA.S.—EnaIueIIQ with plain or figured backa—on muslin, Twilled and Duck Goods, for sato hg J. & 11. PIiII,IIPS, Jy 17 2d and 28 St. Clair atrok.t. OAP OIL CLOTHS—A few pieces on mug via lin, allk, and imitation of adk, f r Hale at d and 2kt St. Clair atront. (J 917 ) J. & 11. PIiILLI i•S. Too. Qi RIO Me HUSPI'rAL StiENTlNti—Of all widths mid of the b,oL quality, fur sale at tho I !Ala Rubber U. Vdt, 'bland Clair stroot. J. cIL L. PHILLIP:4. 60c. 41100 ma NDIA RUBBER DOOR MATS---Tha bed artiela iu Loc,, I,lr solo lat tho India liqbbar Donut, of .1. Z. L. PEILLL.I.P.S, all 10 and tiS dt Olair straot. 60c. 100 IN GlLOtiii, ()IL CLOTIIS,- Of our owo Skti.astoru ruonula.tnro—all widths, and cut to soft any also of rooms or halls—at the Oil Clui,h War. ruotua, No. 'f.a and 2a idt. Clair strum. xcd J. At H. I'ItILLIPB. 400. Ti 100 Ma ,Great C120.11C0 to Make Money. f RE BEST AND MOST CERTAIN SPECU LATION Olt TILE TIMES—ONLY ONE LivkLAß. PER SUARK—Forty thomand dollars py worth of valuable Real Estate, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, with a great variety of Fancy and Staple Goods; to be disposed of in forty thou sand shares, at ono duller per diary, as follows:—Upon payment of one dollar, f 'will send the payer a uumbeied ceipt, which will entitle him to one share in the above undi vided property. When the shares shall have been sold, the shareholders shall be notined of the tact, by mail, or through the newspapers, 131,4 d a meeting of the AnrOleJiilJ/ then be lima iu the city Of Philrdelphi4, and the whole of the property disposed of or distributed among them; in such way us shall be determined upon by them ; each Sharehold er shall be entitled to one vote, a Committee to be selected by the Shareholders at said meeting, to conduct or superin tend the diePosltion of the property, according to the direc tions of the Shareholders, dad I will then deliver thelpro party to such person or prams as the Shareholders nay appoint to receive the same. The lteal Estate consists of one three story brick dwelling house and lot, valued at I.loti, and two three story brick dwelling houses and lots \ Ined at 2700 each, in the city of Philadelphia, clear of all i arum brance, and title indisputable; the other property corisievi of the whole stock and fixtures of one of the largest Watch and Jewelry Stores in the city of Philadelphia, now and foe a long time past kept by the subscriber. The stock , consist ing of very fine Gold and Saver Canting Case Lever Watch es, very flue Gold and Silver Patent Lever. Leiden and ether Watches, cold Chains, Pencils, Seals, Lockets, Ear Kings, Brooches, Bracelets, Diamond and other Kings and Pius, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, dc., dc., Gold, Oliver and Steel Spec tacle[., Gold and Stlvnt Thimbles Silver and Silver Plated Wire, consisting of Tea Sets, CaZtors ' Cake Baskets, Cups, ' Spoons Knives, Forks, do. Also, French Clocks, Muse) Boxes, icon - deems, and a great variety of other goods. The above is not ono of those schemes which are devised to en trap the unwary, but is and will he a fair sale of Li.) entire property belonging W We enituafribur, persons are positivf tisaared the stock has not been purchased for the purpose ..t deception, and to palm off Common Gilt and Plated JevTeti - L., for fine Gold, none such will by diatribe:Led, the tenet respect.. able persons are given as references, to those disposed Co p or dingo shares. All orders by Mall enclosing the rouney will be promptly attended to, and receipts forwarded to the ad dress the sender, by return mail. Any person eutelitig ten dollars at one gpil receive dere:, separate receipt..., in as many separate names if desired. 1021.,1n writing for Shares, please mite the name of Poet Office, to Which you wish the 'answer directed. ; the greatest chance of getting a large amount of valuable PrOperty, for a small sum, us has ever before been offered to the pub4c. Seed cr, your orders. an shares are galling rapla ly, and it is conlbiearly aT. E 4od the distribution will sou be made. Articles allotted topersone at a distance, will be !rout to them at their expense vra..Agents wan tat' , &own and village. Ali cua.• muulcutious must) to G. R. Brikow, t„ 4Q4d. aseot., abuvu Ofr-onntit, Jr2.B:ly • Philadelphla. COPYING PRESSES, with Screw arid Lever, fur Bale by W. S. HAVEN, Stationer and Paper Dealer, Jy2o - Corner Market and Second tltroete 6, - . 4 IIJMAIER EXOURSIONIS'rS.— taLadfee whodueign taking a Pleasure Trip,",ehonld provide thetuselvea c 1,I!o NEW LINEN TRAVELING HETIII I The above article can Le precurcd at DURK FRENCH BRANDY, for medicinal purposes, by the bottle or gallon, at HAWORTH A BROWNLF,E'S, In tbo Dialllolla. I . 0 SACKS FEATHERS, for sale by BAG ALM", COSORAVE & 00, tuella Noe. la and 21) Wood ch.,:at RYE. -125 bush Ryo for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, jyd Corner Market and First etreet.e. TIMOTHY SEED-10 bush. Good Timothy Seed for sale by JAB. A. YETZhIt, RYE FLOUR.-15 bbls. just received and forßale by [mr3J HENRY H. COLLINS. DRY APPLES-100 bush., for sale by j 0.30 HENRY H. COLLINS. EXPANSION SKIRTS—SteeI Spring, and all the other celebrated /Ririe, for inleby ap26 JOB. HORNET, 77 Market street. lIDLACK LACE MITTS.—A large stock of AI excellent styles, with and without fingers, very cheap at (ap2e) . JOB. HORNE'S, 77 Market street. COTTON EIOSIERY.—Every variety of Cotton Stookiap and Half Hose at the loweat prices wboleeale or retail, ut JOS. LORNE 8, ap2e. 77 Market street 61 Market street. ICE,—Six tierces prime Rice, just recei v Lib ed and for sale by hiIIALER, & RICH hanON, ron/2 Noe. 221 and 27.3 Liberty strneA. _EA4.KE FISH-15 whole bble. Lake Supe rior White Flan Jant . readve4l and for Hale by JAS. A. FETZER, JyB Corner r4arkot and First btrouts. $6OO FOR a two story Iranio dwelling house and lot of ground GO (cot by 100, ploav nely aittuttod on Mt Waablogton. Terms oaay. foe B. OUTIIBIZT t fION,, 61 felarlc.Gt t. IVIRS. ALLEN'S Hair Restorative, Brown's Ess. Jamaica Ginger, Preston t Morrill s Cooking Extracts, Kennedy's Medical Discovery, Thompson's Wanking Compound, Even's Indelible Ink, McClung ,t Campbell's Etarcb, Borax,altpetre • ' Lemon Syrup. For vale by B. L. FARNEBTOOK a 00, jy23 No. SO, corner of Wood and Fourth ate QYRUP.-10 bbls. N. 0. Syrup for sale, on comognment. by (10) HENRY - IL OOLLINE QTARCIL-250 bxe Roe • ostor Pearl Starch, rwatTod and for CaSii t/9 13BNRY 11. ClOid TNR. B AN ANAS.—First of the season just re ceived by express and for sale by REYMER A ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street ap34 Opposite St. Charles hotel. OLL BUTTER-2 bbls. Fresh Roll Butter JLIIY received tied for male by JAL A. FETZER, mvl2 Cloruer Market and pu t t ity DRINTING executed in the highest . style of art, an j d a l try ir a c calt , I tTelfer and Stationer, myl3 -63 Wood street, near Fourth. VW. BEDFORD SPERM CANDLES.— i m boxes assorted sizes, 411a,fi's and Ws, Sperm Candies on bind and for sale by ' • if: 0..8 3.11.19 , V4Viag. DUFF'S BOOK-KEEPING, Br , s, Duncan's 'system of Pennuinshlp, for sale by W. 8. EA YEN, mr24 Corner „Italica and &mond street& AWNING RODS-1 set Awning Rode, for gale by 0325) HENRYII. COLLINS. CILOVERSEED.-25 sacks just received, la and far sale by [falll ILEINBYU. OOLLII 8 50 i ) GROSS HAVEN'S No. ONE PENS 1.• Just received and fel sale by W. B. HAVEN, melt Corner Market and tlecond atreeta. 10 DRUMS OOD FISH, for sale by RAGALLEY, GO&IBAVE a Co., uaz24 Nos. IS and 20 Wood straeL WOOLLE Y' S SALVE for sale wholeslae end retail at the Drug Mora of JOHN HAFT, JR., da2Bl Clamor I Wuu4 aaJ litstta sus., eittsteurgh Of different Colons JOE. I:loBNE'ti. 77 Market street GREAT 'BEAUTIFIER So Long Unsuccassfally Sought FOUND AT CAST! I'OR IT RESTORES PERMANENTLY Grey Hair to its origln'al color; covers lrauriantly the bald head; removes dandruff, itching and ail scrofula, scald head and all eruptions; makes the hair soft, healthy, and g osey ; and will preserve it to any imaginatie age, removes, 8.3 if by magic, all blotches, etc. from the face, and cures all neuralgia and nervous headacl.e. See circular and the fol. lowins: :I:tovica, N. H., Feb, 2d, law. PROF. 0. J. WOOD A CO.!--Gental Within a few days we have received so many orders and calls for Prof. 0. J. Wood's Bair Restorative, that to•daY we were compelled to send to Boston far a quantity, (the 8 dozen you forwizded all being sold,) while we might order a quantity from you.' Beery Goals we have sold seems to have produced three or four sew castonurs and the approbation, and patronage it receives tram the most substantial apd worthy citizens of our vicini ty, fully convince us that leis A MOST VALUABLE PREP. kRATIoN. Send ne as soon as may lie one gross of $1 size; and one dozen size; and believe d 4 yours very reivectfrilly. (Signed) j DANIEL LATH.ORP S CO. Ilickost Osovt, St. Ohariea Co., .1.10., N0v.151,1858. PROF. 0. J. WOOD--Dear Sir : Como time last aurorae: we were induced to too elate of your Harr Restorative, and :, it 1 effects were a w , ..nderf I, we feel it our duty to you and the afflicted, to revi.rt it. Our little sou's head for home Lino, had been perfectly coy ered with soroi, and Borne Called it scald head. Tho hair al. moat entirely came off in consequence, when a friend, seeing his sufferings, advisod us to rise your Restorative, we did so with little hope of succese,!but, to .mr surprise, and that of all our friends, a very fowl appilcstions removed the disease entirely, and a now and Iniuriant crop et hair Boon started out, and we can now any that our boy teas as healthy a scalp, and as luxuriant a croi of hair ns any other child. We cau therefore, and do hereby r ecru:twat' }our Restorative, as a portent True. dy for all diseases of the scalp and hair. Wonrel, yours respectfully. tikIOR.GE W. .I.IIGOLNBITTIIAISI, BARAH A. HIGGINBOTHAM.: iisitonssa, Bone _• 1855. PROF. 0..1. WiioD—Dear Sir: 1 have used two bottles of Professor Wood's [LA' It.isturative, and can truly say It 15 the greatest discovery of the age for restoring and changing the Hair. Before using it 1 was a nian of seventy. My Hair has now attained itg original color. Yon can mune wend it to the world VC lama the least fear, as my case was eec at the worst kind. Yours ilespectfally, 0..1. WOOD & CO., ProyWiel ore, 312 Broadway, New York, (lu the grtat N. Y. WirejPwilius EsteNishment,) and 114 Market atrta,LSL Loula, 140. Sold by Dr. 441 , ...u. 11. ft O'lBEll, N. 14u Wood elteet., and by all ga,...1 Jirtiggsits. esl:3mclkw NEW T*IIATPABIATT. Private and Confidential Medical Advice! ALT THE BUFFALO PRIVATE lIOSPI TAL--Establithectifor the cure of Syphili3, Banana' cVo.acuess and ili(lBrxrot I . 'llin:rade-a of Youth and Maturity, by Or. AMtht . ,SON, israt'filo, N. Y. ()hire corner Of Mau and Quay atroete, (up at.aira A MOST VI(: Ir 4 ii..NTION. Au laatrum,ut tur lb , 0/1 N octet.. r.. 1 thuissionn, mare pro!,-)r [l..t. II AZ do i Lad nem, Az. Can be purinnuontly,..nied is frum Eftoon to twenty days, by the me LA this ilo:trrizamt, ahuu liettql vorijoilatij with tniglicluee. YOUNG MICA PAKTICULA tt NOTIOA. - - Dr. AMOS A F3...hN take likaaure, u antioraiclag that they have invoated a awot ituO•rtautt umout fur tho CtISO 01 Cho tibiZeNo Loin Ivabjoctel tO a tat by the moat otultu , ut pl,Tukciozi 1.01,3 ,- m. Park, Philealelphia anti Now 10 - h, it hn., IrtILL the wily metal instrument t•vot }Ht i tr:t•ut• I. Or Ll,'cnia..l,or any tti o szactet hetlta of 011(1,. 1 , %11,3 , f 1 cl - , l:r to vt:i.fy tea mrt ttleptical Lit.q.lllJ •Awe:, plo,igu thouratdos that In inky inAunt,i wt.wr3 1.1,4 y 1,1,” prove ondatlafaztory afkr fair trial, the money wilt I,n r.,...funcifAl by returning thn ta n ILI 6 . 00.1 . Pordoita wishing the nt.,Wo tineful itletruniatit will observe that the prier:, with tilt., aceotripanying direettoito, Krznrely e acked and e,nt by , - Aproiz, It, ton dollsro. NEW REllEL•tilti AND QUICE 01711,14 A, Dr. AMOS 6 SON may I , a cousult‘el from eight o'olock In toe morning until nine st night, hi every stage &ad symp tom of the Venereal Difitth), Cionorchiee, Oleets, 1.,, colliery tly , reptoms, Setulual Ilf,altie,, , , , impot, , nre cad St .: tares of the Urethra, etc., with tavioleble secrecy. 'l' he treatment they adopt is the result of Upward of thirty years' extensive and successful practice to Louth,,. 'el'.., moat Inveterate a8C1:1 of Venereal Dkolaehilerinliated ,in]olght or nine days, ;.d cases of a alight nat.:at:, in two oz three days, ut a mod erato expense. The cure; ea:acted without confinement or hindrance from be mess; OSO, nodes and pains in the bones and limbs, etrecteally eradicated. A CUM WAJULtNTJID. Dr. AllOB .b SON -hay, devoted their attention exclusive ly to this peculiar cleaner:maladies ; and the relief they have consequently been enabled to render to their follow-croatnro e rally testified and a - re.atfally acknowledged by convales centpatients end, others deity arriving in town from all parts of the country, for the express pruimati only of consultations while their exertions have been crowncd.with the most el; tel advantage 4; yet from what they have experienced I • inquiring into the C4A:146 of these infections complaint (from their meet simple condition to that of the most don 6erons and Inyeterattel) they have -always entertained the posaibillty ct prove' Lien and removal, and likewise in variably found that the moat horrible and maugnant forms t.f disease could almost a 1 4 ,2.... Inc tracod to one of the fol lowing canes:—ignorant-', newtt-ct. 01 , the 111 offeete at 1111. Willful and improper trdatuieut ; 1.4 , 4-Lolore, Dr. AMOS ‘lt i b ,i, e - Z - ,ll;tiUal of their t+ON have succeeded in discovering, namelles, a safe, effectual, and cautious coarse; ollfire& l 2?2,l_ combination of remedies Lich bear an equivocal character, 1,, it. ,4 well as those-whose pr ainre or injudicious application, might be prodnctiva of ad consequeucto In the hands at private individuals, lu short the latidibin cud of their re motilee is the lessening o la groat mars of human misery by the atleniation, relief an preveutiou of those grievous af. aietions that are lu reality the secret foe of life, and which, while they so extremely surround 113, call aloud for one atilt and interference for their eztf.Trainatien. COUNILY INVALIDS. 2o:sons In any part tho world may bo succerafaAl treated by forwarding a tom= detail of their cam, WTI 91 remittance for medicines, Ac. Addroes Dr. AldOS A ON, t.trrw,r Ilain and Gitay Mara, 1.4.4i.0. If. V. JallidAwlv licriv IS YOUR TIME-I-Buy Summer Shoes whilst you 4rila get them so cheap, at the PRO HA'S CHEAP SEIOF. STORE, No. 17 Fifth street. Wo will continue to soil at reduced rates for several weeks.— save your money by b ying at the low prices. Gent's Gaiters for the excecd' low price of $l.l. A few more Ladies' Gaiters left nt $l, 5, worth $1,75, soiled on the solos, Congress Gaiters for $l, 5. Now is the time to buy cheap. aulB DIFFENBACIIER h 00; j 0 fi PRINTER 3, station6rs, lilauk Book Makore, and Paper Dealers, UM. G. JOHNSTON t CO, • 67 Wood street. au24 OLIVE baskets et tine Olive Oil, for table, 1/rIC, recdived lbw day, by JOSEPH FLEMING, Corner Diamond end lim - itet et. DIOTORIAL 1 INLOW SCREENS.-4 J. now, bountiful andicheap article, designed far the ex cluding of insecte, of al kindn, from pa - eing through win • dowa when the each to r toad, and at the same time admit ting a fres correct of ail', Thoy are got up In a variety of beautiful scenes, an and ornamental as well es nsoftd—for male wboletalo and retail ? at 20 and 28St Clair titreet, by J. 4 11. praidaps; Sole Agent or Manufacturers in Pittsburgh. KTOBACCO.-75 lbaxes, assorted brands, s's, a B'i , , and lLi'a Tobopoo, now landing, and for sale by MILLER. k and Nov. 221 and "a 3 Liborty street. YRUPS.-- tnJ ell lads. cboloo cloldon Byrtip 20 " Eamtnick's Firnt Quality syrup; " ht. Janos' tingar flonco rlnlasmaa In store and 1.4- nal° by 111, LER rt ItICniETBON acid Noa. 221 and 223 Liberty WR T OH TW CENTS, and selling at TWELVE C *NTS, whit. and colored Cotton litcoltinga, at JOSEPH ifanNivs, au24 77 MArkrt etreat. x !`9o TO THE PEOPLE'S 13HOE STORE, acid buy your Stto(a at roduc,l pric, 6. A low more :',OLIJEL) HOES and uIkIIAITER3 Bolling CHEAP. CENT'S (IA 'TEM and SlMES,inclllng low. Cent's Patent Loather ;:laitora for 'fa. Now 'sidle tuna for bargain. ao and prii• cure a pair. tiont'd Calf and Bock and Calf Ouitera, cheap. Buy's :And l'outb'a Enamor noes Belling at loci raves. Cull suud. DIE PENBACIIER h CO. jl• 17 I Nu. 17 Fifth street, near Market, _ A NOl' supply of" Lou , & Son's superior T.41et0,413:1 re•cnivc.l t6 -Jay, try JOS. PLEMINO, inld C!'ortior liinrxoud and Slarkot. erect YINiftiOOK S—Forsalo by J. R. WKLDIN. VELLUM CO tow CIOUPERS WANTED-2 Uuod Coopers qJ wanumi to world uu tight work—good wages given— and constant employment. Inquire of , JAB. A FETZE4, Corner Alarket and Vint street& DRIED APPLES-50 bushels Dried Ap ples, put recee4 and for sato by 41citANDLESS; MEANS St CO., 1e22 , Comer Wood and Watbr streetu. DAINTi - NUL AND ,PLAST MIAMI, wanted ja, fn exchange turAwo lota of ground. an 3 aj CUTHBERT & BON, 51 Market at. IVOTICE—The Co-Partnership of BAGA. VI LEY, COSOII 4 a.VE Ac CO. expired by o the first instant. 'As business will be ca attuned by W BAGALEY, at 18 and 20 Wood street, who will settle up the business of the late firm. W. BAGALEY, JOIIN B. COBORAVE. Pittsburgh, July "x,1858 jy23:ti IiMPORTAN'.. TO BUYERS.—We have JL now phwod upon the counter a lot of POLLED GAIT- Lki.a and SHOES, which we offer CHEAP. Call and exam ine them. All Wadi of summer wear selling at the most reasonable prices. Misses' Gaiters, black and colored, with and without boots,! low. Obi Wren's Fancy Shoes, of tba newest styled. We have still a few klun's Patent Leather Gaiters left, now Mhos ut greatly redo ed priced. DIPPENBACIIEX l CO, No. 17 Fifth Street, near Market. RYE FLOUR.-2U bbls. fresh ground Rye Flour Just rixolved and for Gatti by - JAS. A. MVO, Comer Market 4nd not BU. PURE LIQUORI3.—A. largo sappl3r, of Wines and Lignord, su - ictly pure for modiml impost:a. Thera wiahing an article that can be relied on for purity, should call and examine my stock. JOS. FLEMING, end Owner Market street and Dim:WO. ri 0 B PRIN ING.— , U cards, . Circulars, Pried I i xfA Bill Luling, Letter Benda, Bhow Bllta,Labell,irc Printed in Empotiothetylo at abort notice, by 1 ital. O. JOHNBTON .6 00, Printers, Blank Doak Itannfturers and gtatimera, 67 Wood strooL EINIONS--- 0 boxes Palermo, in No. 1 or der, just rer4lved and for sale by REYNER . ANDERSON, No, 89 Wood street, i o..oslte the St. Charles HoteL - EtrviistatuTo.R..-10 gross AY for gado by u AL. PAIINEEITOM ON gkIrON Wpnil sn 41 'First atrag4g. LAO COLLARS.—Boastifi .1.11 style• for ral/, JOSEPH HOENVIII, tom tV ;WWI stave `G2. , = 1 .114 DANIEL N. MURPHY