• int Ett Drnitig, PITTSBURCM: --- FRIDAY MORNING: :t::::OCTOBER 30. 1858 -_ DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATIONS POEL SIIIMSNI JUDGE, WILLIAM A. PORTER, OF P 111LADis:LPH1 A 11.011. CANAL C0D1Y19.41011 CH, WESTLEY FROST, OF FAYFTTE COUNTY DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET 00rt68X3.9, EXt9l DIVRICT ANDREW BURKE, City. 005GILIS8-XIIID DISTRICT JOHN Bri3IIINORkE4 Ohio. szNAT.: SAMUEL MOIRE, Birmingham. Asaprau VIOLAS DONNELLY, NMI', PHILIP H. STEVENSON. JOHN M. IB.WIN, City, ROBERT 'MORROW, Boss. AUGUSTS ILARTJE, Allegheny stern: Ea.B.NRS %ORD, Upper EL Clair PROTHONOTARY: AT YWIDER BLACK, Sewickley OOMNIESILOISPR. : THOMAS PM:Miff, Allegheny ono= : WILLIA.3I ALEXANDIIR City, JOHN MURRAY, South Mt/burgh, D1E.10102 0? I'M POOR JOHN BO LW Indiana. OD THE DEIIOOBATtO COUNTY 00MIIITTEE OF CORILESYONDENOU have apt...inteii meetings to be bald as follows: SATURDAY, 241 October, 2 P. M., at Born's Tavern, In Rob- Ins= tornship. NVENING Of SAAIE DAY, in Lower St Clair township. MONDAY, 4th October, 2 o'clock, P. 11., at A. McFarland's, in North Payette township. EPENING OP SASS DAY, 7 o'clock, at Nobiestown. INIIDNE.6.BAY, WI October. 2 o'clock, P. 14 Fairmount Schnol Hoase, in Franklin township. TRintbDAY, 7th October, 2 o'clock, e. it., at F. Wiseman's, in Pine township. SATURDAY, 4th October, 2 o'clock, P. M., at Turner's Tavern, in Indiana townattip. '2 , Akt& DAY, 2 o'clock, p. M. at John Kown'a, in Bois township. 11I'TBNINCI OF BASLE DAY, 7 i .o'cL3ck, at Bollinger's, In &emulate.am. MONDAY YVKNING, 11th October, 7 o'cl.c.k, at Market Honreqn McKeesport. Spankeratin be In attendance D. D. BRUCE, Chairman of Dem. County Committee of Correepodence DEMOCRATIC NATURALIZATION COMMITTEE JOHN IirceLOWRY, JOHN TAYLOR, ) SAMUEL /JAS. CAbIERON, DANIEL FICHEISoN, AS. 0. CDIII4IINS, CHAP. W. LEWIS. Either of whom c ,u be consulted daily, at their respective Pigots of bzuthoEs. se2b Us THE VIGILANCE COMMITTEE OF THE DIF FERENT PRECINTS, composing the Twenty-Fir4 and Twenty-Second Congressional DistriM s, sill ho supplied with the !eviler and only genuine Democratic Ticket, at the office or the _Mining Past, I Ittalmrgh. JOHN P. GLASS, Chairman. 00 XXLID CONOTtESSION AL DISTRICT.—In cordance with a resolution of the Democratic Cr. re ventlon of September nth, ISSB, the following named per eon, are appointed a Committce of Vigilance, for the Twen. ty•Sscond Congreaniooal Diatric B. 11. Kerr, G W. Casa, Lee Beckham, Charles Bryson, P. J. Sinclair. W. Clayton, James Patton, Jr , D. E. McKinley B. McGee, George Gera, W. J. Fratm. JOUR W. GLASS, Chairman FIHST PAGE Interesting matter, editorial, news and tel egrapb, will be found upon the firs t page n this morning's paper. OUR WEEKLY. The Weekly Post is published today and can be had at the office in wrappers ready for mailing. In clubs of five, it costs only one dollars. Send in your clubs, friends, as you have been doing for the past month, and we will give you a real live newspaper in return for your money. We are deeply grateful for the hundreds of new subscribers which have been added to our Weekly list within a few weeks past. There is room for more. We wili furnish you with a first class family news paper, containing all the general, commercial, domestic and political news of the day, for a dollar. There will be a meeting of the Democracy at Butler this evening, at which Judge Shaler, Judie -- Shannon, R. Biddle Roberts, Esq., Capt. John Birmingham, and other speakers , will be present, and deliver addresses. The time to - the election is short, but the DemoP crate in the XXIId district will have an op, • portunity of hearing sound Democratic doc trine from sound Democratic sreakers. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. STATE FAIR EXTENSION OF TIME ! ! 111 conrequence of the groat numbers in attendance, and the interest manifested in the Exhibition, the Ootumittee Gf Arrangements havo determined to CONTINUE THE FAIR UNTIL SATURDAY, A T NOON. The olltra of the several ilroads leading East and West, have agreed to Extend the Time of Excursion Tickets To all Trains leaving the city on MONDAY, October 4th. DAVID TAGGART, President. A. O. HEISTER, Secretary. CCI THE SUBSCRIBER WISHESTO FORM a Co• Partnership, with some good business man to realde in or about Pittslinrgh, with a cash capital, say, of ,$2,100 or more, for the purchase and sato of Pind in the rikirth-western counties of this State. With the advent .gee in this business, which the subscriber now possesse, it could, with =eh a partner, be easily made to bring a prat, t of 50 to 100 per cent. Refer to R. Bargain, Esq, No. 122 Fourth street. J. b. HANNA, ocalei* Real Estate Agent, Franklie, Pa STOCKS AND BONDS, AT AUCTION.-- Cu TUESDAY EYLNING, October sth, at 7 o'clock. at the Commerc al Sales Rooms, 54 Fifth street, will be told: 55 shares Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh. 18 do Citizens' Bank of Pittsburgh, 2 Coupon, 7 cent-. Mortgage Construction Sonde, Pltssbnrg Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad Co. $lOOO eaci.. ocl P. 11. DAVIS, Auctioneer. CLOSING SALE OF PICTITRES.-ON PSIDAY MORNING, October Ist, at 10 o'clock, aa•t is the evening at 7 o'clock, will be sold the entire collection, of fine Engravings, now on exhibition at No. 95 Wood sf. Sale positive to avoid expense of transportation. Ladle) and Gentlemen wishing ornaments for their dwelling;, would do well to attend. ocl PEREMPTORY SALE OF BUILDING Lots In Eolith Pittsburgh and Birmingham. Agree. ably with atijeurnnuent under an order of Orphatue Court, will be acid, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, No. 54 Fifth Street, on SATURDAY EY l ?.NlNG,.October 2d, at 7 o'clock, by order GCB. Riddle Roberta, Adm'r of 0. 0. Gregg, dec'd. Lots Noe. ZS, 143 and 95 in the Van of the borough of South Pittsburgh. The following lota in the plan of lota laid out by heirs o f Gregg. in the borough of Birmingham. viz: Nos. 91, 92 endhaving each a front of 24 foot on Carson stroot, and extending back 100 feet to Chemins alley. NOL 177 and 179 having each a front of 24 feet on Washington street, and extending back TOD feet to Walnut alley. Mos. 238 and 213 inc h haring a front of 2 . feet on ashington street, and extending - back 100 feet to Spruce alloy. Title (ruilapotable. Term* cash. fowl) P. M. neTre. Ancer. WOOLEN DYER WANTED In a Fac tory near the city. Constant employment and good wogett, to a competent man. Apply to 8. CaTaBERT & 80N, 61 Market at. FARMS FOR `BALE AT TETElmu s B.tate office, 61 Market street, by ocl S. CUTHBERT S SON. QWLS, SHAWLS, SHAWLS-By far the largest stock and the most magnificent assort met in the city. Also, .a fall line of Cketut, Dress Goode, Needle Work, etc. O. HANSON LOVE, oci 74 Market Street 7 o'clock, at Bahl's Tavern Charles 11. Poulson, Wm. Hulett, D. Campbell, H. Hassing.....r, Capt. A. liayE, Samuel Smith, Joseph Birmingham, D. H. William s, Samuel McCune. Robert Etaven.on, P. M. DAVIE, Auctioneer NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE.—A first olaFs INlAir! . g:L4e, tor Ten Thou Emit! Dollars, payable in threw yea,. from thin date, as follows:—Fist year S3SGO, strond year $751,0, thi d year $5OOO. T. o Mortgage 1 , 4 OD a Ttlitlabi.- , prop, ty, and is is evzry respect a first rive security. Addre, et 30::1' A. it. ,at 11.41 tllce. CHAS. H. SUPER, APOTHECARI A\ I) Corner Penn and St. r sf reelm, PITTSBURGH. PA ELEGANT TOIL -1 1,T ARTICLES PERFUMERY, - OF - ALL D ESC RIPT lONS Mineral Water, MEI ALL VARIETIES OF SYRUPS ANII I,I,AVOMLING PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Accurately Compounded, Day or Night FINE HAVANA CIGARS, CHEWING TOBACCO, And a great Variety Cl Miscellaneous Articles F OSTER'S NATIONAL THEATRE.- Saturday, October 2d, 185 ki, Will be set apart for the JOINT BENEI- IT OP THr." , l )faiNso , VJ -,. 1-1_ And the Last Night of their Engagemen They wtlt appear on this occasion iu SIX OF THIN MAGNIFICENT DRAWING ROOM FEhFORMANCES, and one of their choice Ballets. THE STAR DRAMATIC COMPANY Will oleo appear in a novel three act drama. ta" Think of the • FIUTCIIINSON BROTEIERS, And give ib,•m n call on SATURDAY EVENING, When a large bill will be pre-!entad. COME EARLY. IIi k IESLIANNOCK POTATOES-50 sacks rtcolved and for sato by ocl HENRY H. COLLINS. RED POTATOES— 40 sacks received, and for sale by (ocl) HENRY H. COLLINS. GGS-3 bbls. received, and for eale by ocl HENRY H. COLLINS. DRIVATE DISEASES.—Dit. isiiuW.N'E , MEDICAL and SURGICAL Offices, No.: 60 SMITHFIELD Street, Pitts. •,..t...- ' .ll ' L l, burgh, Pa. - di! - --=C --- - Dit. BROWN is an old citizen of Pitts- ..ty , •''l - ?1.; . burgh, and has beeu in practice for the last twenty-Jim years. Ms business has .- •cr;fi-WC. been confined mostly to Private and Sur.. , 1 04: kr _ ~ • -.,.. gical Diseases. .rii, ' , V . . lux- S 1- fit.w.... - N. -: CITIZENS. AND STRANGERS 1q.1 . 4...4.- , . in need of a medical friend, should not '''t•-'.-.•.X.0 • tail to find out the sure place of relief. tii..•. - =.5. The Doctor is a regular graduate, and - e ~ • ...v, his experience in the treatment of a certain class of diseases is a sure guarantee to the sufferers of obtalatng peraemeni relief, by the use of his remedies and following his advice. DIL BROWN'S REMEDIES never fail to cure the worst form of Venereal Dise...ines— Impurities and Scrofulous Affections. Also, all diseezae arising from a hereditary taint, which manifests itself in the form of a totter, psoriasis, and a great many forms of skit dlaoaaea, the origin of which the patient is entirely ignorant To persons so afflicted, Dr. B. offers hopes of a 5 - are and speedy recovery. SEMINAL WEAKNESS. Dr. Brown's remedies for this alarming trouble, brought on often by that solitary habit of senimal gratification which the young and weak-minded often give way to,(to their destruction,) are the only reliable remedies known in tbi.• oonntry—they are safe, and make a speedy restoration health. BRATTY TTBM Dr. Brown's remedies never fail to cure this painful dls ease In afew days—he will warrant a cure. Ho also treats Piles, Meet, Gonorrhoea, Stricture, Urethral Discharges, Fe male Weakness, Monthly Suppressions, Diseases of the Joints, /fistula in Ano, Nervous Affections, Pain in the Bad and Kidneys, Irritation of the Bladder, together with ell diseases of an Impure origin. A letter describing the symptoms, containing a rim, dt recteci to Ds.. BROWN, No. 50 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh, pa, will bo immediately Answered. Medicine sant to any address, safely packed and secure from observation. Office and urisate Rooms, No. 50 Smithfield street, Pitts burgh, Pa. apfi jHE CHEMICAL OLIVE ERASIVE SOAP, manufactured by B. C. A J. ii. Sawyer, re receives the preference over all other kinds over offered for family use. Its advantages over other Soaps ere :—lst. It is cheaper use. one pound being equal to three of common rosin Soap. 2sl. half the time need only be occupied in washing when Oda Soap is used in place of other Soap. sd. Labor in washing can be nearly dispensed with, as the clothes will require little if any rubbing, thus avoiding their wear on the wash-board. 4th. flailing the clothes is unnecessary when this Soap is toed, and hard or salt water answers equally as well as soft. sth. Printers, Machinists, Painters and others, and it far superior to other Soaps. It speedily re moves grease, tar, paint, printers' ink and dirt from the hands, leaving the skin soft, cud free from chapping. To avoid the labor of rubbing the clothes, and the use of the wash-board, the following directions should be followed : For the washing of eight or ten of a family, take one pound of Soap, cut It into shavings, and dissolve In ono gallon of hot water; put the clothes Into a tub containing about ten gallons of warm water; pour In the dissolved Soap, and stir thoroughly. Let them soak twenty to thirty minutes, wring out, and rinse In warns water once, cold water twice. A very dirty wrist-band, or seam, or grease spots, may require a slight rubbing, but otherwise the clothes will come out clean and white, without rubbing or boiling. Cold water may be used In place of hot, requiring about double time in soaking. SRI- Observe our name on each bar. For sale, In any quantity, a our warchouse, No. 47 Wood anretu, anti at oar works, opposkto the Round House, Penn. sylvanta B. C. k J, Li. SAWYER, ocl No. 17 Wood otrobt. MOUNT HOPE NURSERY, UPPER ST. CLAIR TOWNSHIP, ALLEGIIEN Y COUNTY, Biz and•a half mimes from Plt!shargh, consisting 1n part of a large aascrtment of APPPLE TREES., two years old, of th e most valuable varieties. Yearling and two year old PEACH TREES, of the finest quality Selected varietiosof PEAR. Dwarf and Standard Selec-ted varir Vol of PLUM and CHERRY. Also, ORNAMENTAL end SHADE TREES of the most hardy aorta. Every variety has been selected with great care, and will be warranted to fully come up to the representation given of it. By close attention to bu i. saw, and a proper Lusa of the experience, by which this Wili ness is governed, pdrchasers will be .dealt with to their in t rest, and receive such instruction to planting, etc, as the subscriber, after twentydlve years' experience, may deem necessary. AU ord. rs promptly attended to. ae.30:1.a. JOUN. SMITH, Mt. Letianon P. n. - - AHORSE POWER, FODDER CUTTER, and Corn and Cob Crusher, will In; told to closo the Ota, by (geP) HENRY H. COLLINS. Fisll - "big. Lako Superior White Sleh ; 20 half We. Lake Herring; • 10" Picker 1. For sale cheap, to cloao conaignment. by JAMES A. FETUS, se.T, Corner Market and First !streets BARLEY. -120 btu3. Spring Barley, to ar• rive Ma day, and far swely JA6IE,S A. FETZER, Cke tier Market and Firiit streets. CIIICKERING & SONS' 1 - ,, H , A. -- - . --' L----',- - -=--'---- -- ~_ 117101,- -r r-41,.,:113'4,1'' 4 1 ,.,:11 3 '4, 1 '' ' ;,, 4,7. , ;',.,',',..'',,H;,?' .....,-e',r).:..7' , ' • ..: ',''''' • '''''''. , : . 7 , tl Ti(ii!': l o,.' _mo ~, I ;,4;01, , , 1 1111):,' 1, !...,..,.., ~ '!: ' ~... - ,,, 09 , - . E.7.F , ' ..:: - - - ‘ , ..7 , 1. ,, . - :,;,F,i;F11: r..,H . 0t. , 1 I I 1 iH-, J , 1..1....., , .....,...].: : :„..„,. 1 .......„;, : „...„.- 6 1r.1J.4 . . A .,_-. ltrv A ll o,i , 4 1„-•,.r.,' , J, ...,..,,,, 1,1„,,)..„. I , J F 17 -7r- L , r,- . 17, ,• , 1 , „ ... , 1 _,..., . ------ j r_ii t 1 . crrn+fH i t ,1 , 1 1 1 A - 4 „„, l ilti',„ •i- , :. .'.' 1 . ;171A71571;•,1 , 7 , 7pfil'ilhothll , millii.Api'Dy,...7117 — "MI LL, A1, - I' , 3itilityi . j% r1y.17 , 11 L ,, i1h.....' ' ~ t t ~, , Z .:- . . - rtP -,‘,. jr ii 1 1 lirj , , )1 , ~ ' l, 1.,1 . , iY,''.iM, j! 1 1 71411 inE, 1N ).11 - 1 qlllllll 1O ‘,,,,,,, „ ,10 ~1i 1 ~ I ; , I illilil ~ r' ~ 1 , LILA ....- ' ' I'l'' : 11 , .t ? i 4 '. 1 ''' 1 1 .. ~ -4 ----- e,,, ENLARGED NEW SCALE PIANO FORTES. Tho vabfierther Imq Judi received nix. ini , erh i °Have Hine I'orteo 6f the NEW A StJA I, :', I:elug ,th- diet that have bee.i., brought to c ty. Aleo, on,. of OiIICRiaLING at. BONS' NEW BOUDOIR OR COTTAGE PIANOS. The immense demand in the Eastern cite. for these instruments hes compelled the Jileasra. Chickering to employ heir entire force of nearly five hundred mon on the NEW ECALE PIANOS. The public are respectfully invited to call And eon them, and judge for thetuselve.i. . . EATON,C 1-41 & CO., HAVING LEASED THE SALESROOM, CORNER OF 14'11'1'11,i MARKET Slit FiE'N' (r.cantly occupied as a bankin g kuuse,) and havin g alt4re,l and Improved the snitadly fat :I FIRST CLASS TRIMMIN(i AND FURNISHING STORE, Respes.tfully solicit an early inspection of their I II go and deslreble stock of seasonable duwls, which have been pun b Ised OA:4f, from the beet Manufactories and iwportfng Utnt.os Ira the ro,t e rn sin's,,. Wo titian aim to keep our sks so constantly replenished, that our customers may always rely on tintin g a complete assortment of all firth lets iu cur of trade. Our selections or FASHIONABLE DRESS TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDERED COLLARS AND SETS, RIBBONS AND MILLINERY GOODS, Elmo be made with teach care as to S 'l' Y L E , QUALITY AN D PRICK. And will, we think, give entire eativlnitiou. We have port:thaw(' a full essert,ent of BAJOU'S KID GLOVES, and a complete stock of 110SIERY, GLOVES, AND KNITTING MATERIALS. We Anil' give special attention to LAMES' AND G gran' FP Rtirsulzill II I yD.3. heopin eou,iserly on hand the ' FRENCH CORSETS AND SKIRTS ; all! sizes of CUSTOM MADE SHIRTS AND COLLARS, With a gnat variety of Under darmenta, Cravale, iuspeuders, flandkirichiefs, Umbrellas, eta. [lavin g the ::4IN 'IL., I long experience in the businets, we shall strive to matte it the Interest and pleasure of the public to deal with no. F. IL EATON ..... N. O. MAORTTM JAMES W. CREE. ge29:514-e•W&S Fifth arid Market Streets. .L, 0 5 BOOTS & SHOES j E.: JUST OPENING AT JOS. H. BORLAND';-', No. 98 Market Street. The ;übarriber ii Juat receiving fi a of Phi! awl Wtntt BOOTS AND SHOES, tit e%ory style and variety, and STRANGERS 'PEE FAIR would SAVE bit)Nslif, t y and t/ tug our sto, k and making what rinrchas.a they want. N. it L'.SALE 3iEriCUANT3 sti;.plied at a r,ry slight advance 0 i , r , r Emtorn p71•. , s ()iv& call, and don't forget the ',Mc at the Clitmp Cash store of JuSEPLI fl. bt..) ft LA Z. 30 98 Maiket at, second door from rlith SHINGLE MACHINE.-41,11 forever removed against Stowed Shingles. Mot/ WIWI E . • 111.NLI L E LOW at Mechanics' Hall. has ,h-monstrated the fart that Sawed Shingles parpass Split or Shaved Shinglro. They Ore wale with the grain of the timber, the some ea Sit ovsil hblaglot, —the raw drosses the shingle in place of phasing. This machine turns out Shingles wits groat rapidity, and is attracting a large share of attention on the Fair Uronnd. Wo shell speak of it again. se3o JAMES C. RICKIET, Auctioneer, Real Estate Agent and Bill Broker No. 65 Fifth Street. PITTSBURGH, l'A -100 bags for sale by POTAT S. OE sao "7. — Z:,:i 1 _ . _.. .-................, „..,.._ 1 ,li ;I ~ __l , lacE WAlSPetar 4 --, ilEg A s . I 2 p ria g li,l # l z 1 ~. , 1. . ._ 4l ? ffi c 1 ale fif .-1 - t f,,p,' - ', 2 1 1 l i rl • ........ j r . : c..ea --Li j- a ! CH 1:61a, C I ...it. PEA! 1 ''-' - -.- - ::i E--. ff.- , ..1 ly i ~., .5 ... _ , ~ .,: . ;,-.1..„, i il k ...,,,.i5 ., -_, E , ; ''' 4- 12' , 7 ---- .L - 7 - .;• -''' '''; - . '-ux. ' 12 1 1 2. ' '±'.?---`;---- H. CHILDS & CO,, WHOLESALE SHOE WAREHOUSE, No. 133 Wood Street, HAVE NOW IN STORE ONE OF TILE largest and most exteaslve sleeks of BOOTS AND SHOES, Ever brought to thin market, of groat variety, ADAPTED TO FALL AND WINTER BALES, HAVING BEEN YUltellerlED Direct from the Manufactarere' Chiefly for And celeettal mdtb great car, i.e to QUALITY AND SIZES, They foe] assured they cu offer supothir illdtlCBl3ll3lits to WESTERN BUYERS Air. Merchants visitlu,4 Pittsburgh salt.' to purchase, goods, or ou their way to Hellen/ citiem, are invite., t., cal and examine our stock before buying else a hero j Particular attention given to orders. se29:daw3m CHILDS & Co. THE ATTENTION OF MEN OF MO L ERATE ?SEAM is called to the offer for ale of folly of the most eligible BUILDING LOTS, In the Second Word, Allegheny City. The prime are suited to hard time!, and time wilt be given to gni: all pnrthesers. For lartictilani, Inquire of ALEXANDER HAYS, Surveyor, Cor. East Common and Water street, se29:lw Allegheny City. riEW FUR HAT AND CAP STORE, No. 96 Wood street, next door to S. McClurkan'a &diary, lane opposite the Excelsior Eating Honee. A. DONNHLEIT has a complete aasortmentot Pare, II atr, Cape, etc. Ladies' and Gentleman's Pars cleaned and alter ed to the newest fashion, and at the aborted notice. Good and tasteful work warranted, as Mr. Donnelelt received a Diploma and the first prize at the Provincial Exhibition, Canada; and has worked in the largest cities in the world— London, Paris, Berlin, Amtterdam, Warsaw, Hamburg, hew York and Montreal. As a practical workman, he so- Belts the patronage of the public of Pittsburgh. Pura, Capes, Gloves, Cloaks nd Plash Caps made to order. gir Cash paid for Pore. ,ee29 CIN ET MAKERS £ UPHOLSTERERS 11 4 ,1 A11 COMPANION- the rudiments and prin cipals of Cabinet Maid .g and Upholstery, with the aft of drawing applicable to Cabinet work, the art of-dyeing and staining Wood, Ivory. Bono, Tortoise Shell, etc., directions for Blackening, Japaning and Varnishing, to snake French Polish, to prepare the beet Glues, Cements and Composi tions, and a number of receipts nseful to workmen gener ally, Blastratecl, by J. Stokes, for sale by LU LOOllll3, se29 Post Building, 41 Fiftb stroet R EL D N , RtIOICULLIR, lIT.ATIONER, PRINTER & BINDER, No. 63 WOOD FT., BrINTKEN routreti php FflTu, Fliveutrnau JOHN H. MELLOR, 81 — irti Street, SOLE AGENT FOR CRICKERING & SONS, FUR PITTSBURGH AND WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA U.ENKY LIOLLINS MEM PITTSBURGH, PA ' • ._ I A R C II ITECTURA L.- & MOSER, .t.:LIIITtiCrd N o. .11.2 Street, ,vptop;'4 , the CaskOn /row , . Ex,,ute Maus, and Hpecitiattiuus for all h,1:111,4 of 1.u.1 ~.I and sup: r.. tie t oa of 0.,. 111 r. liAltlt ul