, -._BUSINESS - CMOS. AMuEL C. WINGARP , 'l"'4= 'Arl"rtlitAlZlr ACO 164 1 tY, ria93W13413. Nail aro-11'281,m0, ts-Viteen tk,tlt, raset spa Dismand AMY- TAIy.ES A. LOWRIE, Attorney at Law, ofiloe Porath street, Pittsburgh, het - Feun B=dthtleld and Merry elm, - - doently AUL, Surgeon Dentist, -sueoeisaor to 0. /Loy. Edddle, No.l.44l3mitheeld sizeeet.. - • 110-051 ea ban *tan 8 to 1 o'clock, and from 2 to 5 o'clock. Dentist, Fourth street, Jive doors u ;red of Market. " Air Orton hoar from a o'clock A. Di. to 6 o'clock P.ll. dear..y - • YOSEPII FIiEIVaNG, successor to L. Wil• tv.Dox Co,- -corner- of-Marker street and the Diamond, keeps constantly Oriland a full assortment of DRUGS, .31:ED MIDICINE CHESTS, PEE:YUMMY, and all tkrti• alas pertaining to hie business .//ar Plavicians' Preserktlons carefully compounded at all 1110Z121. jeiky IrAlrra F. ',• •a 3••• • • • —..icaar.a a ii 1J011:113 P. MARSHALL & W Co. ' Importers and • dealers French and American PIPER HAND [N(I3, li o. la Wood street, Pittaburgli.• zap -8010 writs for the celebrated reannfactaree of Moeotrs. Deliconri A 00 4 Parte: : - . ang7 Num J 1.073131 J. 61013.901%. .11EIRZYMER tk ANDERSON, (successors to Jogitua Rhodea & O),J , wholnint:. annlers in FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS, SPICES, CONTECTION A 11 Y, SUG A Re, 31A 0"8.4Cbe3 fait, Lppeut , tho Rotel, Nan . 51. LITT LE, IMERCHANT TAILOR /N. 54 ST..CLAER STREZI, (Dr. Now ~161SBURGH ejW. KERB, ARCHITECT, REMOVED from couter of Fifth and Wood to - r - B . TWERT, -.`" In pitillips' now building—continues to prepare Plans and Specifications of, and to §nporintend the &action as ecfrrY description oT itnildings. • • ' de%1134- A, FULTON, -BELL AND BRASS 10IINDEB, No. 70 SECOND street, Pittsburgh, Po, is prepared to furnish to order Priaelis STEls.ll33o,±a; P.AtTORT• 'AND OTIEINI Of nil sizes, from 10 to 10,000 lbs. CITIBLE BELLS made t) order. STOP and GAUGE COORS of all sima. for Steambo , dl. 3CIMUIAL WATER PUMPS, COUNTER BAILING3,' and every variety of Bran alitings finished 10 the neatest manner. BABBIT'S ANTI-ATTRITION METAL: FULTON'S PA TENT METALLIC PACKING, for Steam II:Tagil:It:4. [ap2.1:13, LOUGHRIDGE & MAXWELL, lIIAITITZACTITEXIL3 OP Frames, and Brushes; And Dealers in Chao, Hope Furnishing Goods •-•• Act. .•: At. 1540 Wood street, above Filth, Pirzsmsrum, 13raehea msde to order EDUCATIONAL. St. Francis Alcademy for Boys, UNDER TIIE OBIS OP THE FRANCISCAN BROTIIERS liOrSttft/I, Plimbria. County, Ps. r 111 S INSTITUTION, NATURALLY sausted for Educational purposes, affords till 'the in ducements that can be desired for a Catholic Institution. It is located in the moat healthy and pleturesipie yyJrtion of 'he Alleghenies, distant four milts from Cresson Station, the direct meal rant° between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. The aShoffottle_year commencing the first Monday in September, will close the llath of July following. The Terms fur Board, including a thorough English Belau tiflc Canrre t are $lOO per annum. The Mamie and Itedern Languages form an extra charge of $lO per annum. Washing ands e. of Baling $lO. for fisuther pat:Oculars apple to the stiperlor of the Acas liieferenciis can Benirade4o - the Rt. 'Rev. Dr. - O'Coutton. a ' - Vincaft's O loge--and OP. i raz usarznicTrfus yersisas, Near Latrobe; lltritzmurcland county, Pa. ; THE COLLEGE ARE. TAUGHT THE Usual branches of English Education. In thteS.E.IIII4.4.IIZI the Classics, ...Mathematical, History, Rhetoric", Phili.sqphy,.elq., and the different branches of higher erudition necessary or useful to those aspiring to Priesthood. Tide termafok Board and Tuition are tad per year, to be paid semi-annually, strictly in advance. german and French - and other languages, Drawing, Paint• tug and Mnsic,torm no extra charges, excepting some raceme penaatiou for the use of instruments. Medi:nue, Washing, Boots, Stationery, etc., form extra char gas. For particulars apply to the Director of the College. The Collegiate year begius on theist of September, and ends on the ae of July following. FATHER G. B Director of the College. BOOKS AND STATIONERY R OBERT A. ; LOOMIS, (Sncesaithi to L. T. C. llorgan,) BrATI-ONER AND DEALER IN BOOKS, PERIODICALS &NP NEWSPAPERS, N o . Fifth atraet; PRObttigh, Pa. • Co-Partnership. THE u ndersigned have entered into Co- Partnerab -11), under the style of Wm. C. Johnston G Co. SAMUEL R. JOIINETON, JR., • wiLLTANT G. JGENSTON. Pittsburgh, SopterLter 5,1857. 70M73201 51 , 313.... ... . . e ... Wit. G. OHISaTOIL r • NV 51. G; JO'LliNiTO . 5l 'lfz. co., QTATIONBRS, Blank. Book Manufacturers, 1.) and JOB PRENITERS,' No. 57 Wood street, between Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa. Be)al TOBACCO AND SEGARS. VET &D. RINEHART, VV . CLLICULICTI3IIIB9 AND TOBACCO, SNIIET AND CIGARS. ALDERMEN. 'CHARLES 'W. LEWIS, ALDERMAN, And Li -Officio Justice of the Peace; OFFICE ON THE ,CORNER OF WYLIE AND SiliTH STREETS. All brisinees connected with this &Hee will be attended to with promptnels. Conveyances of all kinds done with legal accuracy—gulch as Leeds, Mortgagee, Bond; Powers of At torney, Ac. Titles td Real Estate eraminad. To the members of the Bar he tenders his services as Com missioner to take Depositions to be read in the several Courts of this,State, filbleinewhere. Hia.olßce is :.one of the main Police Stations of the city, and consagnemtly his facilities in execatiae.businese of that kind are very desirable. I fallkly Alderman's ®face. JAMES S. NOON, ALDERMAN, EX OFFICIO JETSTICE OF THE PEACE, AND POLICE MAGISTRATE—Office, No. 69 Grant street, nearly oppo s ice thb Court House, Pittsburgh, Pa. Depositions, Acknow ledgments and Probates taken; the Recordsexatminea, Deeds, I3oncli, Mortgages, Wills, etVie.3, Articles of Agree ment, and of Partnership, Letters of Attorney, etc., etc., drawn -isp at short notice; Marriages Solemnized, and all business lit the line of his official duties, promptly attended to. fet. Office hours, from 734 A. Y. to 1 P. se, and from 2 to 6 P. L. apSily REAL ESTATE-±A(2MNTS. 0 - CUTHBERT SON'S- OFFICE, No. 51 . Market street, for the sale' and purchase of Real Estate, renting bouses,sttending - to insurance and repairs, obtaining lommon boutln mortgages, itc,; making convoy ancea, deeds, bonds, icc4 writing letters and corresponding with parties abroad, kc.. - - ode BELDEN SEYTVIOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND,' OHIO. RzsErsti=„l.—Mbooro. Halms, Gorrttoon d Co., Robert Parks, ti JYII:Y TXPESTERN LANDS. ALEXANDER GARRETT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. LO i3TRENT, CLEVELAND, 01110, .11. us fur sale Lauds to Illinois, W r isounsin, Minnesota, Michigan and lowa. Ile will exchange Lands in Wisconsin, Az., for Pittnburgh manufactures, and also for city property. All !Uteri of inquiry a , were.] eT24.13, by addressing me as above. Snfety and- Economy in -Light.. 11Y--MILL YOU BURN CA-MPH:BNB ' AND FLUID, when you can.get a cheoner and bet ter light. Pore Kerosene Oil, made from the gas of Cancel Leal; prodaces the cheapest, moat brilliant, steely, pleasant and safe portable light ewer offered -to - the.public, and no danger of explosion; more brilliant thou ittis; and quite ea cheap; riampa of the most simple and -easitly managed can structinn. For sale by T. D. G. lIODKINSON,," No. 79 Smithfield street. Ea.. Beware of a counterfeit shoe& in the market,Made from C . 7..mpher.c, with a little Coal ail to went it. [for/ay COOKING BY GAS. A WORD TO Tll.lll_ .L.A.DrigB'. HEATED TERM IS A.PPROACII- A, wad IV(' call the Wentiou 'of the Ladica to the tact that • • COOKING IRONING, ETC., 0..6. damn - with economy, without opora33lie heat. with out eoot, nz"t with iimpetcn—the fira being ala - ays redly in a m•7meat—Thy using 1:11?-egrave's Gam Uooklug Stova, To which we rtspectially invite your attenti,n, at No. f 5 Smithfield street. - S. A. JOIISSON & fa. County and City Ilightsfcr gale. aplfht,m AIRES' WORM" cONFECTIOII 6 , C ONFBOTION co NFBOTI - ON,OO N F BOTIONc °NE' EIOTION,OONFB CONVF, o T lONiC ONFBOT I ON,OO NPBOT I 0-N, -- VONW BoT I 0 N,CONFBOT lON Co 10 ON . Tha moat pleaaant, gale and effectual Worm Remedy now In Caa. Prepared and told, wholesale and retail, by - ANGELL &HAFT, Occr.Wood and Stith eta., Pittaburgh, Pa And sold b3^DrOzAna }a4l 01 PAPER---For sale by se2CO J. IL WKLDIN D® 11, IA It SAVIN G S 111 AN K, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TILE No. 85 dburth shut, - .21ELDDIA soon; Gliiit Y : . N.iriv BUILDING. : FARMER'S lINION'INSURANCE COMPANY, , OPEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 o'clock ; also, '/1 " BENS, BIIADFCBD COUNTY, PA., Jan. 1, 1858, as nted to the Stockholders, and made out in compliance on Wednesday and Saturday ovonlrv, from May Ist l'r 'lth the State LO:31115 of New York,Ohio,lndiana, Illinois, ac. to November Ist, froro.7 to 9 o'clock; and from November w . EITAITMINT. let to May 18 4 4 from 8 to 8 o'clock. The name of the Company is the FARMERS' UNION IN- Deposita received of all sums not is than Oar Doll"8DRANCII COMPANY, located at Athens, Pa. Chartered and a dividend of the profits' declared twice a year, in June April 13.18E3, by the Legislatureof Pennsylvania. Charter and December. Internet was declared at the rate of six per Perpetua l. cent per annum, on the first of December, 1855; also in Cash Capital, which i 3 all paid up . _ . June and December, 1866, and in June mid Di - -cember, 18E.7. Surplus in addition thereto ..... -.. ;Interost, if no:drawn out, is_ pieced to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same interest from the first daytt . of 'June and Docembor ' 'cOMponntling twice a year without troubling the depositor to call or even to present his pass book. .1t this rate, money will double In lea 3 than twelva years, making in - tho aggregate mom ANT. mra-usis Pia CIZIL-A 'MB, Books containing the Charter, By-La we, Rules and Raga. latlotos,furnishati gratis, on application at the office. Preildent--GEOUGE LL 1125131. viol PULTAPINIS. Hopewell Hepburn, John H. Simenbergar, James Biddle, N. Grattan Murphy, Alexander Bradley, Isaac M. Pennock, I Rcbert Robb, James D. Kelly, William 8. Level,, James llerdmau, Hill Burgwin, John 8. Cosgrove, !sums& BANK OF lOWA. IL J. STEVENS & CO., DESMOINEI3, lOWA. CULT:FICTIONS MADE and prompLy mated. LANDS .elected and located. eapitalista wishing to make inveatmenta in the West, cau do no through this bowie. Correspondeurm aolicited. niy2l:6l:e - ............ ..... Taos. L. LOOMS. auaTrx AUSTIN LOOMIS & CO., De ail alerecuritiess in promissory Noteaponds, Liortgages, and S TorAL Money. :may - Leaned on Choke at short dates, with counters! scarcity. NOTES AND DRAFTS NOUGHT AND SOLD. Persons desiring Loans can ho accommodatel on reasona ble terms, and capitalists can be furnished with good Ilf.,Cari ties at remzinerative prices. Also, attond to the Sale, Routing and Lensing el ilea! Estate. Office, No, 9 t FOURTH street, above Wood. Qty AUSTIN LOOMIS, Notary Public. NHOLMES & SONS, Bankers and Ex . change Brokors,and Dealtwa Notes, Drafts, Accept ances, Gold, nilver and Bank Nona. Ilichange on fin ELM.- ern and Western Citiea constantly fur sale. Collections made in all the cities throughout the United. litodea, - Deposits received le-per fundear current paper, No.. 67 Market street, botweon Third and Fourti, ate. tia3tl:ly pHOMAS WOODS, Conanereittl Broker, and .3„ Dealer In Notes, Bonclai SN>eks, Bead lsatata, d uce, N 0.76 fourth street, Pittsburgh. Pa. Jane DIALMES ER ALL KIM 01 No. 129 WOOD STREET BANKS. William J. Anderson. James W. Hallman, John G. Backeten, Charles ?Snap, Albert Culbertson, P. A. Madeira, John B. Canfield, John li. Moll, r, J. Gardiner CoffiL, 1751 , .. r P. :-.13, -Lail, Al( trio A. Carrier, Wilson Miller. David Campbell. A. 11. - PolLaek, SI. D. Charles A. Colt ..,, lienrs L. Itiegvaiit, William .Dougtmls, John it. Eawyor, esancis Fe Goorgo S. Belden ; George F. Gillrooro, Alexander Thuile. James E. noon, Thookaild Umbstaetter, William B. Garen, Georgo B. White, Secretary eo. TT CStl.al k 7 —CHAS. A. COLTON. (tc G R LICERS W ISt. WM. H. SMITH & co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, IIS Second & 141 First prproltramc, PA. Wi.MILLea, ...... C. W. EICIATSON. Pnosb'h lIPII.LLI & IIiCitiETSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND PORTERS OP BRANDIES, WTNES AND SEGARS. Noe. 4ill and 2513, Corner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, AND SOLE AGENTS FOR Swearer's City Glass, PITTSBURGH, PA. IRON, NAILS, COTTON TARNS, Ba., &0., CONSTANTLY ON RAND NMI) WIDANDLIZa- WILUL ULAN& OutrlP Iti 9 CALNDLESS, DIELNS bt CO., tfaSC hawks, To 'mu. Iii41110141?-4,1 WHOLESA.LK GROCERS DLLS.= 111 IRON, NAILS, GLASS, uOTTuN imiNs &HD PITTS BMW 11 Id ANTI (ANIMA LL Corner of Wax] ana Water etreois, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION: JAMES COLLINS Forwarding and Commission Merchants, PI3.OPFZECOBS 07 TELF CloMiss' Pittsburgh, Mss.drinslris CANAL LINES. Nos. 114 AND 115 WATZII SWUM; PmSZ.DEGU, PA UIOIOIIIES, IIIAG'EN & CO., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION diNIRCIIANTS, No. 30 STOPLHOILEI ST.; Clx I INLTI, O. [Jy2.9 J. D. HOUSEMAN, (LATE; OF ELOIIiEMAN & SMITII,) COMMISSION AND FORWA aDING DIERCIIANTS, No. 9 N. Second Street, at)8:3132 ST. LOUIS, MISt3OMIL Otras. limanazis, C. J. Ho'. ‘4.14, Join; WalanT Humphreys, 110ffilifi 1 & Wright, FLOUR FA TORS, PRODUCE AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 76 NORTH WHARVES AND 165 NORTH WATER ST Above Tine Street, REFER TO Conrad, Thompson & Co„ Thompson, Clark & Young, Biter, Price k Co., Caleb Cope & Co, Barcroft, Beaver A Co% Canby, Neville k linghes, E. M. Lewis, Cashier P. and M. Bank, Jos. (1.1 - Hicholl, Cashier M etch's Bank. Morrisli. Hallowell A Co., centchebu & Collins, John IL Kennedy & Co., Balguel & Co., Pickett, Mathews &Co., Blireivitnrg & Price, & Sons, Lawrence &Mathias, a. D. Bullock & Co., W.E.olines & Co., Bagaley, Cosgrove & Co., novlikly* ENRY 71.1 . .. COLLINS; Foriiiarding and Commbision Alerchant, and wholesale dealer in FISH, ogmßaE, BUTTER, SEEDS and PIIODUOII gerierally, No. Lb Wood street, Pittsburgh. inure - - GLASSWARE. B. MUM -MORGAN ii01311111:8017. EDWARD IMP-134 1 ' FISN&T L. 1112CGWALT. VURLING; ROBERTSON & CO. Mann (admen of Out, Przesed and Plain Flint athisiveitit, warehouse j 10.17 Wood street, corner of Front, Pittsburgh. Are- AU other kinds of Glassware and Window Glass, at tow Market prices. , LOCO L.ZIDL ... J 139.1 .0 .1. UU tr - LA,m, Saccesscrra to Maivany Eirmici,.,tuassufactursre or vut,'Mouhied' iud Plain and FaticyColored GLASSWARE,' and dealers in all kinds of Window Olusi Flasks, Vials and 13ottlea. Ware house corner of Market and Water stioets, Pittabugh. zahadly . WILNLES AND LIQUORS 3031ng 13137A1l tr. WiL01.F.5411 Dr*l' - IN WINES AND LIQ,UORS, AND RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, 40. 155 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand, Wines, Brandies, - Gins, M.nengaLtela and 'instilled Wines lee--abso, Blackberry, Wild Cherry, Baspbe ry, •titd Ginger Brandies. (ap12:11 Dri'LLN El. KIINNILDS. DEVLIN £ KENNEDY, Wholesale Wino and Liquor Mercian:its and Rectifying Distillers, No. dl Binithre..ld street, Pitbndrgli, Pa. iIIiIM.NEY TOPS of various ioatterni4 for kJ Bala by Lmr:Alj . COLLINS. frOBACCO AND CIGARS.—A large assort: , went of favorite brands, on hand and for sale by w!i. U. 'S !MM. „ • ; 118 Feoand, and 167 First streets. MACKE ' L-100 bbla. and half bbla. No !Argo. for talc by f jr4l lIINLY COLLIN& I) LEACHING POWDERS-50 caskf of terinant's, Joluison,s-liad attar-brands lust- fee d and for sale low by JNR PER KINS Wood ‘ic - 1 " street. 001( PAPER-100 • reams 24x38, a nio articlojust received and foi nalo by JNO. 31. PRRIKINS g CO., 0 123 Wood ett•eot. NrIANE'S vrAßituFuur , . A.NW.I4.IILEB PILLS.-76 gross on band and for ago by B. L. PARNBSTOOK A CO. Corner Wood and Youth streets. B — --- -- - -- - LITTER-500 -lbs. fresh Pacied Butter, Just re:olved and for vale by Jdlin A. IRTZalli -*! se9 Corner Menke: Slid 'first streets. BOOKS—On all the :Banks and Brokers at W. 'Es. - -HAVEN, =lt Print= and 'Stationer. RA" e • I 4 reams 1180' sizes Bag Wrapping, asuportor srtlols, for sale Jel9 J. B. WIILDIN. AOBB4B. • Fifty-four Bonds and itlertgager.,at CI and Senn . 11 cent. interest, amounting in the aggregate W... 5152,316 00 Whtell"mertgages are or valua ble mid 'productivi . raid estate, prinCipally ferms, , rbcorded and first lien‘wortlt generally double the amotint and wore than mort gaged for in each caso, and In no case less than fifty TA cent. more, es.clusive of farm buildings, end so oertilled• by the Recorders, whet° recorded, to the and tore of the States of Ohio and Illinois. 'Nineteen six: cent. Bonds amply secured. 47,686 00 Cash on hand and• En Bank 6,449 12 Cash in hands of Agents, and in course of trausmiesion, secured t-y Lonla with sutetitrA Due on losses re-in.ured, Ellie receivable, promissoly Leta; payable at Lank and to the Company Interest accrued, (prbicipally due January 1, 185.9,) Safe and office Fixtnrea and Friini ture ----4 2.53,485 61: mOonz von. ;ii YIUB. 1857. Amount of Premiums received during the year t 85,231 3j Am't intermt received during the year 11,442 05 Am't received from all other sources 2,480 00 ---, 1-TPl.Snrrnal9. Expenses for the year, including conandaisna, salaries, rents, rein anranct, printing, advert - Jail:lg, taxes, and all other expenees $ Ca; filvidends paid during the year 17,000 00 Losses paid, which occurred prior to December 31, 1858 7,1114 6,3 Losses pain which occurred during - the year 46491 trt $90,435 id LLMUIL 63 . Losqe3tidjaated and not dunr(aince Lowe Paid, Incurred and In process of adjcifitniont Lanes reported, on which no action has been taken bosses resisted, uu ground of tabor. ante after fire, property transfer red before lose, property lust not covered by the Policy, ac 12,100 00 —$ 30,407 00 Whole anion it of risks taken daring the year.. 55,429, 8 132 0') Whole amount of risk at date 4,601,440 Oil ..3.T.STROF PVINBYLV&NIA, COUFftY OF BBADVORD, a:. C. N. Shipman, 'President; and J. E. Calitteld, li.cerancy the Farmers' Onion Insurance ' Corapany, bellig' severally duty ewer% &pace and say, and each for hie self says, that the foregoing in a true, full and correct Str.temout of the affairs . of said corporation, and that they are the above de aniihod officers thereof. 0. N. SEfIPIIAN, President. 3. R. CAN VI - WM, Secretary. Subscribed and evrern before use, this •=ll day of Jana. cry, 1818, H. 0. RAUL!), Juat.lciEt ortae Voace. T. J. auNTkat, gout, nr117117 Nu. 90 Water str.Ot, Pittebnriti. .JO3. it. IIUNIThIt BY T 2.19 Reliance Mutual linhinrance p• BOILDItiug, LIiiITED OR PERPRTIML, IttEROHAN DISE, FURNITURE, &0., IN TOWN OS OuITNTEi 1. °Slee t Ito. 301; Walnut utract. CAPITAL, 4)177,9 28 ..... ...ASSETS, $41:42,,4-66 Invested ss follows, viz:— First Mortgage on Improved City Property, worth double toe amount $ . 1'10,....V0 00 Pc!•nusyhlinie Rath oad Co.'s 6 per cent. Mortgage tasty, P/900 coat .. , _ 2.6,600 50 Allegheny eour.ty 6 L., - ;r rent. Poun'i It. IL Low,. 10,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Cwia iitt.:'' 4,000 00 Stock of the Reliance Mutual Warman:. ud....... 1'4,150 00 Stock of County &ire Insurance Co 1,06.) .0 Scrip of Sundry Insurance Companies...—. ......... 476 00 13111 a Receivable, buslneas paper 62,711 60 Ya n k4.,=,‘,uata, accrued interest, etc 3,336 19 Cash on leant 4:..:- . 1 4 1 Pull' 16,043 20 MANN INERANaI CURIO, Of Pillbadelphisol. WM. V. PETTIT, President D. J. 111'0ANN, Secretary. igilloplit of Capital Stock paid I.c, and Surplus 63,42 a 3f) PITTSPOURG 11, PA PHILADELPHIA Philadollata 'hfaimille, K. Madison, Ina Ciallipoi e, Ohio. Lonierillq Otut..l Cincinnati, Ohio Pittsburgh, Pa.. st INSURANCE. IRE INSURANCE, OF PHILADELPHIA ,V1L2,485 bll TINO.LNY, Pr.:spent. damned Blapham, Robert Steen, William &tattier, Bot k i.i.min W. Tingley, Dfarehnil lila, Z. Lothrop, .Cltarlea Leland, Ju.,..00 ting, Smith Bowen, Wm• M. Semple, Plttdb'g 11E401:MAN, iktoretary. DINES COFFIN, Aguut, ner Third and Wdod etreetn. Clew Tingley, WiWaal li. Thompson, David S. Brown, Cornelius Staveueou, Jain R. Worrell, B. L. Cauten, Robert Toland, Bloaoa Johnson, Marks S. Wood, Jens S. Woodward, mr3 B. S J. BAIL car 3 Nortt-emt cor V 63,428 36 revues Cargo Make on the Ohio and Miesiasiv,.: Z.lvere aed tribntarlea. Insures againet loan or damage by i;;. a, Also, againattho Palle of the tien and Inland Navigation and Transportation. DIIIICIT 01113: Pottit, t.L. gontgomery, John M. Patart.y, D. J.. McCann, H. F. Witniir, Rene On.illon, D. L. Wooiston, John A. Marshall, Chas. B. Wright, John J. Patterson, ElvtbOil T. ?tinny. - • • • • 07/ICIIP.8: WILLIAM V. PETTIT, Prerideut. E. F. W/TMKR, Vice President. D. J. lIOITANIV.BeAretary. Bla3k101190.11 1 1.1: Tn Philadelphia . : ; in Philddelphus: Sager, Lamb A Co., Stelnmltz, Juatice k Co., Truitt, Bro. &Oa., Brick, Morgan A Stidfole, A. T. Lane A Co., Prnuroy, Caldwell A Co. PITTSBURGH OPPICE, 'O. 97 WATER STREET. ap9 B. W. POINDEXTER, Agent. WEST BRANCH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOCK MAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY. 01168TP4LED BT Tlll7 LEGISLATAIRH OP PPAPSYLVAMIA Cash..... 4300,000 I Premium Nwe5...5182,343. THIS COMPANY 'WILL INSURE ON Buildings, Mercluidiso, Pun:Mare, ka, in town or country Dir.scsons: 1 HomJno.J.Pearce, Hon.°. 0. Harvey,loharles A. Mayer , John B. Hall, Oharlea CAA,Peter Dickinson,l T. T. Abrams, D. K. Jackman, W. White, Thomas Kitchen. HON. G. 0. HARVEY, Prosideot T. T. Aunsiss, Vice Prealdent. Time. liilOllPN, Secretary. BB PEBAIZIOs B Samuel H. Lloyd, 'Dr. J. S. Crawford, A. A. Winegardner, John W. Maynard, A. Updegraff, L. A. Mackey, Hon. S. Cameron, James Armstrong, A. White, Thos. Bowman DJ), William Fearon, James Qniggle, Win. Vanderbelt, Hon. Wtn. Bigler, OFFICE--NO. tl5 FIYIII STREET, Plrrammaa. de2Htf J. A. LIPPERT. Agent. pia FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. Dissoroas—Charles W. ikuicker, Thomas Hart, Tobias Wagner,Samuel Grant, Jacob It. Smith, deo. W. Richards, Mordentl D. Lewis, Adolphi E. Boric, David 8. Browne, Mor. ris Patterson. Ouse. N. 8.1.303:1U4 President. Ores. G. BALICIIII, Secretary. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, uu every description of property, in town and country, at rates as low ammo consistent with security. Thu Company have reserved a large Contingent Pund, Abich,with that capital and premiums, safely invested, of. ford ample protection to the assured. ' The Assets of the Company, on January Ist, 1861, as pub lished agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as follows, viz: Siortpga $91.8,128 68 Beal Estate 84,877 78 Temporary Loans 83,968 17 Stocks 61,889 frl Gash, isc.— 64,34 d 81 Total $1,212,708 44a slim their incorporations, s period of twenty-one years, they have paid upward of 010 MOD Your Ilundrecl Thom sand Dollare,l caeca by the, thereby affording evidence , of the advantages of ituraracos, well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptnea J s t.ll . OAIw^LN 1i 00.11Y1t2, Agent, OElce, north-east cor. Wood and Third eta. INSURANCE • WESTERN COMPANY PITTSBURGH. axonam 6A.Reax, troxident; - F. EL Gosport Secretary. Owner:Etc 92 Water street, (Epangit Ca's Warehouse,) up stairs, Pittsburgh. W ill Insure against all hind- of ,-1.1:19 and melums A Home Institution, iniod by , who aro well known in. the community, and who are dot. ruaussi, by promptnesi and liberality, to maintain the character which they haw assumed, as offering the best protection to those who desire to be insured. ASSETS, OCTOBER aist, 1867 Ittock Accaunts,... Offlca ............. Pninalum ....---••••• Bill D~conntod ....... ..... ...... George Lamle, J. 15 , . antler, Jewel 51cAnley, Ail rew Ackley, Nathanlol Holmes, D.ll Long, 0. W. BlokeUm, posti PITTSBURGH LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE IN FRANCE COMPANY, NO. - 94V - IYA 7 2'ER •'STREET, Privestruon,:rA. ECOSEIi:2 GALWAY, President itrit-TIALWAY, Vice President. Ras Tatra - nail Becrotary.'.. z *. rtiiii'.ibg to AltletliblOompaiLy Makin exelibisu -Mnceippe ' or cm :snorted with'LlFEl NIRO: • - - Also an the Ohio and Mississippi Elvers and tributaries, and MADIND RISKS generally. - • And against Logs and Damage by Fire,' and against the Perils of the Bea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety to all parties _ . DIENOTOItIi, ; C ''' i Hoba!rt Galwiy, Baratta} Waillarkan, . • .4 - asapbT. Gazzam, M. D., John. Scott, ) , riltrinattrshaU, -.. David Richey, . 'Ulnas W. Hallman, - , -: Clharlaa.Axtrathnot, Alenander_Hradb3y, !:__ , Jonaph 8. Leech, a John Fullerton, ~ •3N. F. Hart,. David H. Chambers, Robert IL Hartley, William Carr, Jno. !WWI. sa2b The Pdttsh 9 h 3 Ft: Wayne & Chicago r„Fa RAILROAD COMPANY, NVITII ITS AMPLE ROLLING• STOCK and equipment, and its through coutiiictiomids pre. Pared to transport Pageongers uud Freight from PHILA. DELPIIIA and PITTSBURG'S to CIIICAUO, ST. I.A/U1.8,1 ti- PIA.NAPOLIS, CINCINNATI, and all places West and South west, with a great degree of regularity and expedition. The fact that this Road forms a dirixt and consolidate lino between Pittsburgh and Chicago, is a sufficient par anthe that its Trains will make good fano, and connection with Trains en other Rend. ONAND AFTER MONDAY MAY 10th, 1668, the Train cn this rood will lento the UNION DEPOT, Pittsburgh, daily, (Sundays excepted, au follows: PASSENGEP. TRAINS LEAVSI Pittsburgh. Cr:NAM:a. U. 8. 7:30 A. M. 7:07 P.Ai First 11 press, 230 A. m. 10:00 P.M 1 1:00 P. hf.. Second " P. M. 1023 P.M 4:50 A. M. MACH 01110M10--First Express, at 7:00 A. M.; diaoud Express at 1:30 P. 51. ItEAOI.I CLNCINNATI—First Expresa 5:20 P. EL; SCl*Olid EXP 113 5 .8 7:26 A. it. REACLI. ST. LOUlS—First Exprois (GOO A. n...; Second E. press 41.1 All Trains makeu.,e. ttt t.;le , Stliiio krt . (;10:11.l. 10,t, Cinuunuti, liolianepoten and st. Ifol 1.0. with ram,' uu un‘ieLerh tizat...aA t. AI .11 I ialt•im ;1.., lit rent rams on the M. V.. at ,aid 1.111,1 with Ttititimi t.. 61 Day um and 3iich,6si, lwilrosd BETEhNINti. Viola Chicago. PLWayne. I Cretn.hr.e. I Arr.Ptt U. 8. Mall„ .10.10 P.AI. E.:'lo A. M. 1'1:10 P. ti. 8.62 P. k'. let Express, eAOA, M. 'ICs) P. M. I O:12 P. M.. olle A t-. 1 2.d 6e22.5 1:15 P P. These Trains make close connections with 'trains for adelphia, Baltimore Now 'Fork and Boston. Trains from SL Louis, Ir.dianapolia. Cincinnati and Coital bus make clone connections at 01%Thi.li no with all returnleU Trains. At Fort Wayne, Trains from St. Louis, Central Illi nois, Lafayette, and iutermediate pla,c.4, connect with al sae Trains. At Purest, connections are tutMe with Trains to and from Cincinnati, Springfield and Dayton. The U. H. Meal from Pittsburgh to Creatline, bceng a [La:, fur local bath noes, is overtaken by the Second Expreth. ACCOMMODATION TIi.AiNP--4,.!ave Nevi Brighton for Pittsburgh, at 11110 M.. cud li:Z5 P. ii. burgh for New Brighton c E;;:ki A. M. and 1.01) P. M. BAGGAGE 017.ECILED charge for handling. Tray eliis or perscua intending to purchase tickets in Pitt* burgh for the West, will bear In mind that th.: only Agent . authorieal by the P., P. W. A C. lt. IL C. A P. It. It., and St.mben villa and Indiana ltailroad Companies, ia GEOltilE PARKIN, at the Union Ticket (Ake, Ouunectzai with the Penn's It. It Passenger Depot, Corner Liberty and °mut streets. BAtitiAGE will out he chocked fur perEp.unei lickcas at any other place In this city. 'it) COMMENCE ON MONDAY, May lOtk, foul u'uutinou (Atari farther notice J. J. lititierth , l, Urn. Paso'''. cud Pr't. A eq. h. W. liOziS, Parte'r. Agent, MiY.43.P.., Superintendent.. $ 200,000 00 . 63,485 51 $253,485 61 15,'01 t•) „83‘ .1 3 19 a 8 $69,163 31," NEW lITIESTERN ROCTE, TO cINOINNATI, LOUISVILLE and ST. LOUIS VIA PITTEIBUItaiI, BT. WAYNE and CHIOAUO, $121,600 00 2,160 00 4,161 61 240 00 . 9,478 04 „ 14,841 45 .. 40,246 59 .. 125,003 78 $317,di1 78 Dammam u. Miller, Jr., - Goargo W. Jackson, Alex- Speor, Win. Knight,. Alaxindm Wm. IL Sr_Gat, 8. BL GORDON. ge.trotarr . . RAI - I,IIOA DS. RAILROAD NOTICE. tr . --ib A N , :INCINN ATI, HAMILTON A I•A I FoNIIA MIL Li Di VIA. lA:LAI/ZARB. OUT-01.4"? 14.st.Ince only 3'2.9 nuke id TIIIS LINE ii corepourd of li,(;;o1:4 of tllo First anLI 1.4a~ 1. n I -Inn iCal ..ad ,•1 t'a-z *A, In ,11.1.. ni ~th tI, 01,Iu tu,l ki LWI of I. A 41 t NI coutwo-1, Nvacatill. 4:uaspl.l3, oonutction p.. 10 .1 ht. 1.6 a. tiW tut, LILA IL:vt,r Ywlotd, for liAlidati AND NR.BRAtiKA., ha all Vie,r. Awo wunute nt lttucittatitt with R. R., fr,: eraultti , tt and all tt,./.t.ta Cti•hiaal lieutachy. Isitse 1., iit411.11:0.1 as follows: s `thrGa:gli LA, dlllO fit !Ail tog lii, It 3. 3() ~ 111 . i. Lilt two elvingt. a ~.ri,..1. • .i. ii • 1 W ring at 0:4i.: P. M. .......asi IA , • . i • 1 Ea pri , lii PlLsnengur 'VI ~i 11, I. . ~ ..,1 . c rt.? in g 1 . 11 Cl,Stiillo :It 1.'4 , 6 .) • v i ) I ...is", 10 ) A. It , On. '.3:00 I'. '.'..1 tta... 1.1A0t110t: ei2.:::G.1i.i.1 , l'ilio.iii(iii."..o.4), Furs mu Lour mu nary calker i:ointe. For all Information, and Ihrongb Tickets, spit!) , et tuc Ticket -Office, curuer Monougabe!:l cons,. or ;It Pc o er dtatiou. tkilf Ph...bug t.ra dogirotts of cutug tuld r 0.,; e,;li mdt I. TtckrW vLt Dolettare 11. itI.OUPAL, 6e t. P. rt i7..1 L.:. It. h., I.)IIC'L (.` 11 6. 11 It tt u 0v'2,4 The Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Wheellag Railroad, 4. Pittsburgh, Columbus 6 Cincinnati RAILROAD LINE Change or Time. (..)N AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY luru, 1b 8. Trai;ll6 !save 010 Depot ui Cht , V.nuy I I Ctthtral. Italb-Clad ^x fotilgtl: F ' ,r 01..CVSLAND, BUFFALO, 81:717.4i1T, 6:45 A. M. 011ICA(i0 AND INK WIST. WWI/SUN(' AND 7.A.N3Bvn.L.K. &or CLENeLaND, TOLLDO, DETBAAIT . 2:35 pc, m. crileMlo AND lUD W EAT. rrala r-rana , ,t, aCdt L.`"Lroit Imo of ateathara. 4:00 P. M.} Lll. WAY STATIONS ON 0110 Padsr-ugora desiring to go to ell'alago, or polati ba)roal Chicago, via Cleveland, rauat ask .or trchotd VIA Cleveland ITTSB C i7il, CO.L:LY,HUS D CINCLV NA TI kola STEUI3P—NTri,L AlLa D MANGE OF Tlll.lt.—On and utter IiONDA V, the lath, of May, 1858, Trains will leave the Depot of the Pennsylva nia Central Rearuad, as follows: For STSIIaraiITLIJA, 00L011131111, 3100 is M. F oINDIAN/POLL% LOUIBVILLII, puis AND NEW OELSAN.i. F[3:1(1121.a.N14611 A.NU ST. I,llth, and ALL 2:35 P.ll voitria BCPUTEI WFIT. ° Thloool to Cincinnati without change jjjitt of cart. Passengers desiring to go to Columbus, Cincinnati, etc., or any point, beyond Columbus via Steubenville, meat wltt for tickets vim Steubenville. JA.S.IES it, 13uperintendent 0,, P. A W. it. R. W. W. BAGLEY, Superintondont P.. 0 dr 0. It. It. PITTSBURG!! & CONNELLSVILLE R ALIILRO and after Monday, the LOth inst. Pii.BB - anger Trains will be run daily, (except Sundays,) from the Pennsylvania Railroad Paaieuger Depot, as follows : Mail Train leaves Pittsbar., h 7:00 n. u. LY - prosi Train leaves Pittsburgh .3:30 s. m. IL 05 LI a N Ina; Mail Tram Mayes Goiansitayine. 2400 A. Ai. Express 5:00 A U. Arriving at Pittsbergli 8:45 A. u. Tickets to be had at Pennsylvania Railroad Ticket °Mee. Both Trains connect at Conuellsville with Duuting A Call's Choachoo tor Uniontown, Frostburg, Cumberland, etc., and at West Newton with Coaches for Mt. Pleasant, Somerset, Berlin; etc. Freights to, and from Pittsbargh and Stations ou Pitts burgh and Comaellsvllle Railroad, will be remived and de livered in Pittsburgh, at the " Baldwin Depot," opposite Duquesne Depot." Excepting such as Pig Iron, Lumber, Stone, etc., which will be loaded or unloaded at Outer De pot, or at the canal Depot, en may be arranged with Freight Agent, Penuaylvauia Railroad, at Pittsbur OK gh. LIsLASTONII, Supt. Transportation Department P. a 0- R. lie Connellav ills, May Oth, 1658. w 3 8 New Route via River and Railroad. *[?sr, mid indicaapolis Cincinnati Itaiiroa, fONNECTIN AT INDIANAPOLIS with U Torre Haute, and 'Terre Ilante and Alton itaiircada, to St. ',Han and Lafayette and Indianapolis, N e w Alb any and 'Palam and Michigan Central Heade ter CE1101.1.10, was ISLAND, BUILLINGTON, and all lutermediat, Paints. Through Freight Train to INDIANAPOLIS, TEP.III, HAUTE, LAFAYETTE, and PEIIII. Freight carried from Cincinnati or Lswrmcebrir,; In lune timer than any other route by 24 home, and at as low rates. Theonly road by which shipments can be made from Cin cinnati to the West, without breaking hulk. Oatudipmentanaade to J. B. GIBBONS, Agent at Ciucin- I:Lad; Cal W. B. CIMINO, Agent at Lawrenceburg, will receive prompt attention and no clan,. for commission ; no alarga for &apart crs aratatiaion at Lawrenceburg, For further information, apply to THOMAS ILATTIGAN, (No. lib Water otreet,) Agent of the Company, who to pre. to give TICEOI GU aro:lM to Indlanapollo, Torre pared Lafayette, Chicago, Peru, Greencastle, Crawfm - ds. vale, Cbarleatost, Par* and Mattoon. IL 0. LORD, Progld.4t, JNO. B. OULBEIT., Gen'l Freight Agent. FURNITURE. A NII7J , TICFM & CO. ttava on hand, t Alik • their extransivo wanarrier and UP ion biktrupAo. TORY, No. tin Smithfield street, a large EaSortmant of Fancy and Plain Ytmeiture, which they will Bell per cent. lower than customary rates. Tome, cash only. WOODWELL'S FURNITURE AND °HAIM, Wholeanly and Retail, embracing every style of Primitive, in iloarsood, Mahogany and Walnut, imitable for Parlors, CRianabeffrand DIDIER &omit, equal to unpin New York tor Philadelphia, arid at lower price& Eery article made by band, and warranted. Cabint-maltera sup plied with aay quantity of FURNITURE and 011.2d112, on removable terms. Notels and Steemboata furniala4 at the shorteet moth. Wilireirod=3, Nos. 77 and 70 THIRD Street, Pittaborgb, Pa. oc2 I._ _ 1: . ) BAGS Dried . Apples, for sale by BAGALFS, COSGRAVE -, Nos-113 sod '46 Wood street - ---- -- _ _ _I - UST received another assortment of eocri , s vi and SHOES,entillsting of Ladies' Heel MAI and Slip pens,. G anVe. Eloys's Youth's, and a Largo variety of Ch ii dren ti Fancy filmes. Please give us a call, at the Cheap Cash Store of JOSEPH IL BORLAND, .1619 US Market street, second door from 'Fifth._ W OOL WAN TED--- HOMO IDs. Wool Wanted at highest Clibil ILITOINOCE, 31.013.1:E1tY & CO., 1.22 Second street, and 151 Front- prlea; by Je.2ltlmdaw IaAIR DYES--43tMhelor's Christadora's, i Alexander's, Slialores, and Wedor's Liquid Hair Dyes--a largo supply constantly on hand, at JOSEPH FLEMING'S, Coriam Diamond and MarkatatrouL - - - I Cta an S d . f7r !ale° fryUS U. teLLIe"INVaed ik - f ri tA ppiNci p ERS:41000 ieains sorted &my steaw ' ll7' -P . P 111 13.-foisalO by • • — U. G. - 30.11NETON A CA parr Degas, 67 Wood moot. SUMMor Arrangement. ON AND, AFTEA MONDAY, JULY G. PEN N S Y LVAN T- 1 - A . OENTRAL RAILROAD . • T _ V:wicigis ZaltIAM! EfIGLIT; DAILY '.II."RAINS. TUE MAIL TRAIN leaves the Passenger Station every morning, (Oicept flunday,) at 6:00 o'Clock, Pittsburgh time, arriving:in Philadelphia at 11:00'P. M. Tilh vAs7.• 1,11 , 11 t Daily, except Sunday, at 1:25 P. tx., ar riving /a Philadelphia at 0 o'clocs. A. a., and stopping only ui principal stations. TILE EXPRESS TRAIN !MVO the Station every evening at 0:50 o'clock. Stopping only at Greensburg, Latrobe, Jolnas town, 'Willmar°, Onilitr.ln, Altoona, &e. connecting at Her risturg with the Train direct for Baltimore, and arriving in Philadelphia or Baltimore at 1:00 o'clock,.P. M.; AGOOMMODATION TRAINS: THE JOHNSToWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN loaves daily (except Sunday,) at l:30 o'clock, P. P.l. Stopping at all etations, and running ea far us Oonematigh. FIRST ACOOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek Bridge loaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 10:40, A. M. ShOOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, Leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 4.20 P. in THIRD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at &20, P. IL JINTURNI.NG TRAINS arrive in Pittalrurgh as - follows :. Express, 1:45, P. U. Mail,3:lo A.-4.; Pact Line 2:25 a. tat Johan. town Accommodation, 11:00 a. Turtle Creek decor's molatioa, 6:50; A. B - g&COrkd Accoult, ..!,,tiou, 12:40, P. If.; Wayna Taird Arzniniandatiou, HO, Y. M. Tr—as for lilietrsvilla and Indiana, tou..wt at BlairmrDla I ut,rot.ti,.u. with D.anl train En3l, Expre , ...l train West, and Jt)ial:f vifil aCCl:oZtOdati ol l train Elan and Went. Ft`i'T3ltUßGl.l AND CONNELLSVILII4 TRAINS, Stopping at all Stations on the Pittsburgh and Connell*. ail le Row l, leave daily, (Sunday excepted,) as follows: HALL TRAM TM 6. n. EXP ILES M TRAIN-330 P. IP ETURNING TRAINS from Pittsburgh and Connellaville Road, arrive at Pittsburgh, &lb a. at. and 6:10 r. m. s.. The traveling public will Mid It greatly to their in tereot, in going Rust or West, to travel by the Pennsylvania Railroad, as the accommodations now ()tiered cannot be sur passed on any ether route. As the Road is ballasted with atone, arid is entirely free from dust, we can promise safety, speed and comfort to all who niay favor this Road with their FARt: $13,00 To Baltimore..... 10,00 " Lancter Tu Harris urg, $7.41. Baggage chocked to all Stations on the Petuisylvnnia Rai road. Lind to Philadelphia, Ealtimorq and New York.. Past:cages - a purchasing tickets in esni, rill t,e clutrged ton ,Ante in addition to the rltutiun I 'AC* eu. apt from Stations whers the Company has. no Agen 1. NOTE:VR--111 case of loss, the Company will hold them selves responsible for personal baggage only, and for an amount not el...tee:ling 13.00. N. 11.—The Excelsior Omnibus Lana has beau employed to cuavey Ps.seengers and Baggage to and from the Depot, at a charge not to exceed 25 cents fur each passenger and bag gage. For ticksts apply to J. STEWART, Agent, At the P. R. it. Passenger Station, on Liberty and Grant streets. TILE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting h — the Atlantic Cities with Western, North-western mid South-western States by - ,,a continuous Railway direct. This Road also connects at Pittsburgh with Dap ' tot Steamers to all ports ow the Wes' ,ann at Cleve land and Sandusky with. stemmata to all ports on the North , western Lakes; mailing the Most DSXOT, OUIJA.= and satisalLulintr9 by which FREIGHT can be forwarded to and trem the CP:am/WE:W. arktou Wawa's= Pittlatitalpinta Plittobiargh. rlßitT CLASS.— Boots, Shoes, Hata and Osps, Books, Dry Goode, (In boxes, bales aod trunks,) Drugs, (in boxes:and halos) t'oathere, Fare, &o. SSOONDGLASS--Dotne , tic Sheeting, Shirt: lug and Ticking (in original bales), Drags (In casks), Hardware. Leather(in runs or boxes), Wool, and Sheep Pelts, flostwaxd, it.c. TUllp CILL-4viip, Mout, Uiwine (in casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted (loose or hi tacks), Tobacco, maniac- Lured, (exempt Cigars or caw Ac., Ac. ei/CitTII OLASS--Conoe, Fish, Bacon, Beet and Perk, (lt, casks or boxes Eastward,) Lord and Lard Oil, (Fails, Soda Ash, Ger man Clay, Tar, Pitch, Resin, Ac., Ac. I:LOUR-750. :LI. until further notice. G 8.4111 in car loads, 3f) ets.ll 100 the. until fur [tier notice. Cifi.TtON-1,2 44 hale, not exceeding. 100 am. weight, until tut 111 - : ithipplug ;lay kagit of Phtlude . pntronago. Coo New Yurt... :• Itek.4l.tag, Orlcauv parflc - alar 1 "via Pennsylvania .14%,....1r0ad." AU wOw AKonts of this Road et Pill:,(..alphlit or L'1L , ..1..0r1h, w ill fi,rwarded without . _ are. we t:r.wrs- U.:: 13, N',., u,.. AC. It.tuphie, Tuna.; It. Y. g & Bt. 1,1,3. k. Co., Evansville, [ed; n nt n es eii, B e ll a cArter Jewett., Louisville, fly.; it. O. Idoldrunt, utt.g , o, 1 11 0 ;U. W. Crown & Co., and Irwai & Co., CAD , tt IIA Li ; N. \S' Graham k Co., Zanesville, Leeeh A C. , No. '4 IC id' ) Arott, Boal on ; Leech Sr, Co. N... Astz.r N I Villnun street, and No B Buttery Place, 1 , /..w Vol 8 I . Philadelphia. ttugraw A Rceiei Pahkuore • Pittainirgh. 11.11. 1101ISTON, uoneral Freight Agent. IL J. LOItIIIAERT, e l ,:: aporintendent, Altoona, Pa. G RtWERIES WINES AND LIQUORS Ibo bay& Uio Colt3o Ilk) chests Black and tlreeu 'VC ; 2.`.. bblo. GrUB/16,1 Sugar ; ttfi " Coffee 'lO " New York Syrup ; " Now °Thane Molasses ; o Tierces flow Rke ; Id baize W. W. H. Grant's Tobacco ; " B. and f Ayer Raisins; vu kegs liroLoh Plunnt; 2 P unchedua Jamaica Hula; " Santa Cruz Ruin; Pipea Holland Gin; MAU, Vrsnoli Brandy; Port, Sherry, Malaga and Chain. " g eel Wuiet ; Pure Old Bye and Reclined Whisky, tuatara and sa:s low, by IIAWOfITH dt BROOWNLI*I, Sur-T.:swore to Hawor.th, Bra. & Brownlee, Cur. (Jam Diamond and Diamond alley, m 720 Pittsburgh, Pa. Ci UN DRIES.- 6,191 b bbls. Eastwl , -k's syrup; 26 " New York " " Baltimore " t,4 hlnis New 01103111. Fu gar ; 1110 half chest.. Young Ilysuu Tva; Black Tow, for sale by j.,;1) dr, CO. MANILLA PAPER.—A largo lot various ruse, for Bale by IV 1 . U. JORINSTON A CO., rti Papa, V....1;4e. 57 Wend at. IJLANTATION SUGAR 66 MOLASSES -100 hhdia. folly fair and prime N. 0. Sugar 500 ibis., oak cooperage, prime N. 0. Molasses; 50 " St. James S. ft Molasaes, now landing and (or role, by MILL,ER 5. RICKETSON, terl6 Nca. 4.11 and '../.3 Litally atreet. iILL PAPER—Of best quality—for sale PO by W6l 0. JOHNSTON & CO., te'2B Stationers, 57 Wood street. L'i NV E El/PLS.—Buff, Straw, A n lbor and .42.1 White, Li ail .izcq, field wholesale or retat, by WM. U. JOLINSTON CO., tey7 Stationere and Paper Pealers, 67 Wood at._ SODA ASII.-100 casks Soda Asti, now landing and for sale by inylB MILLER & II ICKETSON . E°".-10 barrels fresh Eggs, just receiv ed and for sale by JAMES A. J/KPZEII., je2 . 2. Cor-oer Market and Siret atreet. r' _visit.— v.,..4 3 drains extra large Cod Fish ; 3 " large " " Just received and for sale, Ly MlLL.allt & RICELEITBON, rcre2s Noe. 221 and 223 Liberty street. -FOR SALE--One steam Engine, Cylinder 16 inches in clit meter, 43 feet stroke, with it Cylinder Boilers 32 inches in diameter, 30 feet in length, with fire front; Yly Wheel 16 foot in diameter. For price and terms, inquire of B. C. A J. H. SAWYER, jai) No. 47 Wood street. LADIES' KID GLOVE CONGRESS GAIT BILE!, with aud without !web, at tho' People's Shoo Store, No. 17 Fifth street- DIPPENBACHER. .trCO. GEN CS CONGRESS GAITERS CHEAP, the Peoples Shoo Store, N 0.17 Firth street. ',19 DIFFENBACHEIt A CO. T lIAVE constantly on hand a large supply of Pure Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes. There wishing anything In this line, can rely upon getting a pare article at JOSEPH - VLIMING'S, /Yl2 Garner Diamond and Market Meet. $1 600 WLLL buy a Dwelling House of 8 room' and bath room, good cellar, and other conveniences, situate on Franklin street s'3oo in hand balance at one and two yenta. 8. CUTHBERT a 81 Market 80 stN,reet. r 'WEE METAL, just received and for sale, by W. S. RAVEN, Stationer and Printer, Lr2l3 Corner Market and Second etroeta. MAW QOAPS.—A l;rge supply of Low's we kJ known Brown Windsor Soap, Just received Ala Roney, Palm, Lettuce, Nymph and Olin fancy Soaps con stautly on hund at JOS. FLEMING'S, Corner Diamond and Market street. 01,T0N'S WEST TOURIST &GULDE— ' For eale by J. It. WELDIN. DELIV ERNI) EVERY M0RN1NG...... Forney's Press, Public Ledger, N. Y. Times, herald and Tribune, and the Cincinnati 10,citemereial, aro delivered in every part of the city. Trade supplied by leaving your addrE4a at HUNT .t jel/ lamina: Hall • el Nf' RAILROADS. - - W E A R.- ! CHEAP. fient'a Patent Leather Gaiters; en Gatint Patent Leather Oxfords ; pi tieut'aCalf Boots; re tleat's Fine Slippers. P. '. CHEAP. AT Tilt PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, ~r 2 Na. 11 Fifth street, DIFYFINOACHEIL it CO, QTAIL CANDLES.-75 boies extra Ada k)! mantine Star Candles, warranted superior to any In the market, on hand and for sale by m yl3 & J. 11. FAWIrEII • QPONGES—A large supply of coarse and to line Sponges, of a s ary superior quallty,Just received JOS. FLEMING, Corner Diamond and Marketatreet. t lONERY FOR OFFICE USE--A Ly largo iipply of Staple and Fancy Stationery, for of tic,s, bank, eic.,fer sale , Ly (jolt) ‘ WELDIN. - 17 1 RESII TEA, MORE NEW TEA— The J 1: Boast Tea of every name, grade and color. The sub scriber has in store and arriving, a most extensive and c,:plupl , Le assortment of lea In chaste, half cheats and fand-; iy boles, all of which is offered at greatly reduced prices. je32 S. - JAYNES, Sfi Fifth street. AHOME IN THE COUNTRY.—A new Cottage Homo of 6 rooms, good 'collar and every convenience to make a confertable and pleasant residence; stable, cordage house, spring house, 260 peach trees; also, choice appli.s and other fruit, 12 acme of land, good quality for gardening purposes, situate at 3 miles from the city, near the Waahlugton Turnpike. Terms easy, and Immedi ate possession. For sale by. S. CUTHBERT a SON, 15'22 61 Market etre DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE-- A Dwelling Hansa and two large lots, with good Im. provemeals, immediate pesseadmi. Price, $lBOO. A Farm of 80S - acres, 40 fmproved, all prime land one mile from Fayette Springs. Prlce,4s per acre. A valuable property at Lawrenceville, in.complete order, good location, Immediate porsesalen--$3500. • A section of choice land in Franklin county, lowa, in good location--$3,50 per acre. 8. CUTHBERT & 8014, Je29 • 51 Market street; CLARK STREE---T. A - Brick Dwelling House oa Clark street, near Carpenter's alley, at the low price of gllOO. Me% three other Dwelling ilonses near the above.: Price,.sl.`4o, each. , Ternut.mey. 8. OUTHBEffiT 80hr. MarkeiaL IutEIIII,ING.-50 bb s Herringl43r sale b, AA. PM IL FL OOLLINb CARPE EMOVAL. - -J. & U. PHILLIPS hi.ve rennovad , to their new building, bloa. 20. and 28 8T GLAIR street., waist p,ldo,botween Penn Stroot and the Bridge. 3 zr. a H. iPHILiirPSI MAN ITIPACTMIZES OF MDR, FURNITURE; CAI3ItTAGE TABLE, AND TRANSPARENT & OPAQUN WINDOW SHADE OIIL CLOTHS Of different Colors. Also, LMALY,BB,IN OIL CLOTHS A VFINDOW SHADES, • 'FOf every descriptiOh. ' Dealers ill INDIA RUBBER GOODS, of all kinds, made under Goodyear's Patent; Agents of the Boston and New York Belting - Companies, for the sale of their INDIA HUB BBB, BELTING, ROSE and PACKING. LEATHER BELT ING of Eastern manufacture, a superior 'quality ; also, Lace Leather and Rivets. Agents for the, OHIO FIRE-PBOP MINERAL PAINT. • Dry and Mixed Paints,' Varnishes, 011.3, Turpentine, Brushes, Glass and -Putty. HOUSE AND LION PAINTING AND GLAZING, in all its branches, done in the best and shortest time. ide2oly J J. h H. PmLI.IPS, Eeore Nos.2tl and 2 St. Clair street; Manufactory at Phil- Bonilla, the' Ohio river, three miles below Pittsburgh. CA.PUTS, OIL CLOTHS, meriano, go., ' . AT TRH WOUeth • Street Carpet Store. •lIITALLIIM iekipeetfully 6' invite the attention of their former customers ' and tho public, generally to their present stock,' just selected for Spring sales embracing the very latest atyles of Foreign and Hosts filaulffacture ' isonahrting In part of "Velvets and Prussels, Tapestry and Common Ingrain: also, Brussels, Damask, Twilled and Plain Stair: CiAIiPETS. Oil CLOTHS FROM 2. TO 24. FM WIDII, • hugs, Mats, Stair- hods, Canton aid Cocoa Matting; List, Yarn and hag Carpets ; Yenitian Blinds; Painted, Buff and Green Holland Shades. „ It will give la pleasnre to show goods to all who may be desirous of looking or purchasing, and we are determined to otter inducements. to any who may favor us with a call, at the old stand, No. 87 FOURTH Street, near Wood. znyl9:ly W. D. 't IL M'OALLUILL CLOTH CLOTIIING--Of all kinds, black and yellow, far sale at the India Dabber Depot and 28 at Clair street. Ide9J Jot 11. PIIILLIPB.._ gIIL CLOTHS FOR TILE FALI-TRADE.: 'kJ" We have on hand, and; aro daily receiving additiorai thereto from our own and other manufactories, a large stoct; of Floor iluruiture, Carriage Trimpaing, Table Cover, fkraue 4 parent, Creen and Jtuff, and all kinds of Oil Cloth, used lor tiousefarniahing and other purPooes. Alan, Tranapment Window Shades, of dry and oil ttnish—gold bordered and, other atytee, and Window Shade Trimmings. Menimits and others will find it to their advantage to ex 0-111110 our Mock and prices before =king their purchases, elaowhare. J. a Li. PEULLIP3, salo • 20 and 38 St. Clair street. OIL CLOTH TABLE COVERS—Of our' owiai and other manufacturers, for rale wholesale and retail, by J. & IL Pfirr.fJPS, kin 28 and 28 St. Clair street. fr.RA_NSPARENT UREEN OIL CLOTH ? 3000 yards of a superior quality, just received from tun factory, and fur sale by 3. k ti. P111.1..1P5. • 17 • 28 and 28 St. Clair street. PARRIALIE OIL OLOTlLLS.—Knamellett with plain or figured backs—on muslin, Tvrillud and. Duck Goads, for sale by J. Et EL PHILLIPS, jyl7 3 26 and ZS st. Clair street. CA — POIL CLOTHS—A few. piecei on mus- Iln, silk, and intitatlon of silk, Lr sale at 28 and '.1.8 et. Clair stroot. ' • " J. &U. 1•11141,11'9 . 700, ci 100 IN OSPITAL StiEN.ITINLI—Of all 'widths and of the boat quality, for sale at the India iiiihbor Dcput, 2ti and •id tit Clair etraat jail dOc, 11 10 MIL INDIA_RUBBER DOOR MATS—The beat article in use, for dela at the India' itiabbdr Depot, of ' J. k IL 20 and 28 BtAllair atrart. 109 IDs t FLOOR OIL CLOTLIS,- ,t: Of our roan an eastern nwitiftittgro--411 widths, and tut to suit arty elan of roorgo or tmlls—ht tka Ott Cloth Waco rooms, No. 2dltua 2 !St. War Moot: octLits - J. A IL SI.IILLIPS. 40c 100 The Great Chance t Make Money. E BEST exp MOST CERTAIN SPELL'- $ LATION VIE TIMES—ONLY. ONE d s, buLLAII. PEE SliA.RlS.—Porly thousand dollars "v• worth of valuable Real Estate, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, with agreed variety of Fancy and Staplo Goods; to be disposed or in turfy, Woe sand shares, at one dollar per share, as follows:—Upon the payment of one dollar, i will send the payer a numbered re ceipt, which will entitle him to ono share in the above undi vided property. When the shares shall have beets the shareholders shall be notified of the kat, by mail, or through' the newspapers, and a meeting of the Shareholders shall thou be twill in the city of Phllrdolphin, and the whole of the property disposed of or distributed among them; Launch , way as shall be determined upon by them; each Sharehold-. or shall be entitled to one vote, a Committee to bo selected: by the Shareholders at said meeting, to conduct or superin tend the disposition of the property, according to the direc tions or the Shareholders, andl will then deliver the pro perty to such person or persons as the Shareholders may appoint to receive the some. The Raid Estate consists of one three story brink dwelling house and lot, valued at V 6500,1 and two three story brick dwelling houses and lots valued , at 2100 each, in the city of Philadelphia, clear of all inctuip trance, and title indisputable; the other property consists of the whole stock and fixtures of ono of the largest Watch and Jewelry Stores in the city of Philadelphia, now, and for a long time past kept by Nit* subecrilyier. The stock consist ing of very line Gold add Bllver litustingpdo Lever Watch en, very (Ina Gold and 'Silver Patent Lover, Levine and other Watches, Gold Chains, Pencils, Seals, Lockets, Ear ;Lugs, j Brooches., Bracelets, Diamond and other Rings and Pins,. Studs, Sleeve Buttons, to., &c., Geld, Silver, and Steel e p.c.! taclee, Gold and Silver Thimbles,Silver and Silver Plated. Ware, consisting of Tea Sots, Caora, Cabe Baskets, Cups, Spoons, Knives, Forks, Ic., Esc. .61.so,Fre.nch Clocks, Music , Boxes, Accordeonii, and a great variety of other goods. The above is not one of those schemes which are devised to en trap the unwary, but is and will be a fair sale of the entire property helonging to the subscriber, persons aro positively assured the stos.. k has not v . purchased for the purpose of I deception, and to palm off lumen Gilt and Plated Jewelry, I for dive Gold, none such will be distributed, the most ;aspect, able persons aro given as references, to those disposed to par-, chase shares. All ciders by Mail enclosing the money will be promptly attend.eil to, and receipts forwarded to the ad-' dress of the sender, by return mail. Any person Beading ton dollars at ono time, shall recelvoeloveu separate rachipta, la as many separate names if desired. In writing for shares, please tyrite the name of the Poet o.llce, to which you wish the answer directed. This la the greatest chance of getting a large amount of valuable property, for a small sum, ea has ever before been offered to the public. Send on your orders, as aliases are selling rapid ly, and it is conlidently enacted the distribution will aeon bo made. Articles allotted to persona at a distance, will be sent to them at their expense *S.; Agents wanteei uninicatione mast! COPYING PRESSES, with Screw and Lever, for Bala by W. S. HAVEN, Stationer anti raper Dealer, .20 Corner Market and Second streets. UMMER EXCURSIONISTS.- ILY Ladies who design taking a " Pleamire Trip,".ehould, provide theuntelvea with the NNW LINENTBX:VE,LING SKIRT] The above article can be procured at 7 • JOE. nourive. Jy1077 Market atreet. • _ JJURE FRENCH BRANDY, for medicinal purposes, by the bottle or gallon, at HAWORTH. & BROWNLIii'S, f is the Diamond. 10 SACKS FE B A AG THERS, oo f tia or ßAvn ) 1 1 00., Nos. 18 and 29 Woad aZraet. IYE.-125 bush - Rye for sale by • JAB. A. FETZER, .2 Corner Market and First streets riiIIIIOTHY SEED-10 bush. Good Timothy. A Seed for dale by JAS. A. FETZER, ILIYE FLOUR.-15 bbls. just received and for Bala by Nara] HENRY IL COLLIM. itY APPLES-100 bush., for sale by Joao Erma IL COLLINI TOXPANSION SKIRTS—SteeI Spring, and AU all the other celebrated Skirts, for ettle - by ap 26 11 LACK LACE MITTS.—A large stook of W excuitout styles, with and without ilagero, very cheap at (ap26) JOS. ROANE'S, 'll Market stmt. COTTON HOSIERY.—Every variety of Cotton etonninp and Half How at the lowest prices wholesale or retail, at SOS. uumErS, a. 213 'l7 Market street. CE,—Sis tierces prime Rice, just receiv ed and for nab) by KILLER do RIGKETSON, no►l2 Nca. =1 and 223 Liberty atrnat. LAKE FISH-15 whole bble. Lake Supe rior White Fish Just received and for sale by JAS. A. PETZIIIt, Corner Market and First streets. 1,8 s6on FOR a two story frame dwelling house and lot of ground SO fsot by 100, pleas ally situated ou SIC. Washington. Terms easy. fed . B. OUTBBELBT lr BON. 61 Market t. .118 ALLEN'Sflair Restorative, Brown's Les. Jamaica Ginger, Preston & Bierrilts Cooking Extracts, Kennedy's klodical Discovery, Thomp-son f s Washing Compound, l'snan's Indelible Inlr, McClung & Campbell's Starch, Borax, 4altpetre, • Lemon Syrup. For sale by B. L. VAHNEBTOOK h 00., 1923 • No. 80, corner of Wood and Fourth ati QYRUP.-10 bbls. N. 0. Syrup for sale, on IC consignment, by Olen JIMMY EL COLLINS. QTARCH.-250 bas lloeheater Pearl Starch readmi BP a fiv waa hv mum ir: COLLINS. BANANAS.—First of the, season just re• ceived by exprosa and for. solo by . • aEVIP.% A ANDERSON, No. 89 WOW atret,t. Oppotato ahorloo nowt. ROLL BUTTER-2 bbls.- Fresh Roll Butter received and fur sale by .7AB'. A. FETZER, tnyl2 'Dart= Idarbet and Ihrs , sta. DIUNTING °scented in the highest style o: art, and at ,reasov able prime, by • J. E. WELDIN, Bookseller and Stationer, 63 Wood street, near Fourth. NEW BEDFORD SPERM CANDLES.- . bona assorted atzta,,eis t b'is and 6's, Sperm Cazil on hand said for talisty . .11. O. kJ.H. OA Wiwi. TICIFF'S 40 K-KEEPING, .131nnka, and ji.jr Duncai's eydem of Pentwinabips for sale by - W. 5. lIAITEN, Cortor Marki3t and - Second striiets. CLOVERS RED.-25 sacks just received, an d (0? sa le by [O3lll HENRY H. 001L11,03 500' GROSS HAVEN'S' No. ONE PENS. Just received and fni gale by • - -W. tr. HAVEN. mr24 Corner Marked And &nand earects. FISU,for mile by 10 DRUMS C ? 3 1 121 OOBGRAITII co tics la end ID Wood Bisset 00.LLEY'S SAI I IVT4 for gale wholeslae TV. '63 l. fPtiltitllT:Priigl 3 9rAgi L : .1;4 . 4. I Cloraac ( Wood and Sittik W., iittabarati J. &..,11. PIIII.I.IPS town and village. All coral to • L. R. BROOMALL, ..,coad arm, above Vamr.l , ,t, Pla;adeiplaa WNING RODS-1 Bet Avnain R. g Roda, fo sale by (je2s) IIigNRY COLLTNS. 4.hwte_4L, ra - is GREAT BEA UTIFIER So Long UnanotesabiillY sought, FOUN AT : 1 AsT I'OR IT RESTORES PERMANENTLY Gray Hair to its origintl color ; covers luxuriantly the bald head; removes dandruff, itching andel' scrofula, scald head and all eruptions; nialreethe hair sift, healthy, and g oesy ; and will preserve it to any imaginab a ago, removes, as if by magic, all hlotches, etc. frem the face, and cures an neuralgia and tervons headache. See circular and the fol. Dona, N. H., Feb. 2d, leyt. PROP. 0. J. WOOD te 00.—..0ents: Within a few days we have received eon:way ardent end calla-for Prof. D.J.Wood's Hair Restorative, that today, we mere compelled Wend to Boston far a quantity, (the tr, doion you . form riled all`being sold,) while we might order a quantity froni'yon.4 Entry bone we have sold seems Ca lam produced three Or four, new customer-and the arprobatlon, and patronage it receives cram the most substantial and worthy - citizens of our vicini ty. Daily convince , es thatfrIOST:y4LUABLE PREP. ARATION. ' ' - saud us tl3 BOJO 5.i may be one gi'o93 of $1 1111Z34 and one dossu $2 size; and believe ns yputs very tespectflillY• `(Signed) DANIEL LATELOIIO CO. HiCkoaY (.49ovE, St, Cherlea Co., 110., N0v.19,1950 PROF. 0. J. WOOD—ppm- Sill: .9. 015 all time haat summer we were induced to use souls of your Hair Restorative, and Its effects were co w..aderfol, weJfeel it om duty to yon and the afflicted, to [...Tart it. Our little sun's head for sumo throe had beau parfattlytov ered with sores, and acme called' t scald head. The hair ab moat entirely come off in consequence,.when a friend, seeing hie sufferings, advised ua to nee your Itestoratlve, we did se with little hope of success, hut, to am surprise, and that of all ou-fTiOntie, a tiery_f, w applications removed Ue disease entirely, Mall a new and lushriaht frdp of hair soots started out, and we can new say that,* buy hue neb.ealthy a scalp, and as luxoriant a crop or hair es any other child. We can therefore, arxii do hereby re. oulinond your ,IleatOratlYe, as t 1 perfect remedy 1 x all ditem•es at fhe scalp and hair. TAr_v,are, yours respectfully. Ohollgh' W. ELIGGLNIIOTHMII, fIIIIA /MOGEN 110THAM.`, tio,D6lst, Maine, Sane ::,1866 PROF. WOOD—Deer - filr:,l have need twof.ottles of Profdssor WCIO:VB Bair P.estorative, and can billy say if is the greatest 'Recovery of the ago for restoring and changing the flair. Before using it I wee a roan - of seventy. My flair has now attained It 9 original color. Yon can recom mend it to the world without the 'emit feat, airily case waa one of the worst thud. Tours Respectfully, N..MORPHIC. 0. J. WWI) S, CO., Proprietere, 1112.11roacitv4, New Yor (In the great N. V. `Niro Railipg Establish - moat;) and . 11.1 Market Kr. at, Lutds, Mo. 1 Sold by Dr. 0 RO. UX EY 11.1 R, 140 Wood street, aria by all good Drnr:gi4ts soldgtadlw MEW ttirl l- . TlcaZti g r. Private and ( - leaden:dal Medical. Advice AT THE BUFFALO PRIVATE,Hospy- Tiir-Establiabod for_ ; the care. of tiyphilia, Botainal Wa.aknees and the Secret inttratties of Youth and Maturity, by J3l*. AkiO3 SON,..liuffin,i N. V. OUice aarnzr of Main and Quay tlelel.63,(ue taairm) A id.t)3T - SUMNTIKO INVENTION. An lustratmat for the Niro of Genital Dobllity, or Noctnr -0.1 t,uiesfo t, tapro proiierly,. known su BeininalVeldrnece, dec. Coll be pernoin. idly cored In from fifteen to twenty ilLys; by the nen of this timirnmeat, when used conjointly with medieinen YOUNG MEN TARE PARPiCITLAII INGTI.O3I. Dr. AMOS A 10h take plcresure./ It announcing that they have invented a must Laiportontlailr ument for dismal) of the above 61.mi:es. 'has biol subjected tea tost' by Ilia most elllillnnt pilyln:11•11/1 tnipinti. Patio, Philadelphia and New York; it has beau ‘lueltiriut 41,5 only, ti;eful izatrament ever yet Invet.leil, tot Sciiiinulyluatnevs,or any disease of the genital urge, r.,•c,aleedi;by 'the secret Lobito of youth. Dr. :doh , rdir w 11..1i.1‘.? the moot skeptical o s to the Metall of their mat:hope - 4, piodga themselves Digit In any instance where, tli-zy May - prove unsatisfactory altar fair trial, the money Hill lie ruined:A by retnrning tho lit. stromentin good order. I • Persons wieaing the useful Inatrainent clinsive that the price, with the eacompanyiag dinctloso, occrivoly ;tacked and lout by erprees,lii ten dalnit. NEW 11ElliEiniZI!AND QUIC:11. OUR ELI. Dr. AMOS 8 80r/ may bc!coUtllliled from eight o'clock in , the morning until nine at night, in every stage and aymp. tom of the Venereal Diset-..0, Gonerrhma, Glad!, to condors Symp_toms, Baminal or.d Eit - e tares ci the Urethra, etc., with inv °table ot: , ,Ccay. Tho treatment they adopt Is the lc-nit of upward of thirty years' extensive and successful practice in 1431.1.1int1. -Tin> moat inveterate sees of Venereal El'-i,t-r..k.01 - iraltatt,l ;In eight or nine days, ad CMOs of a lietrirelin two ur three days, at a mod erate expense. he. care effected without confinement or hindrance from haziness; 43, nodea and pains in the bones and linlba, effectually eradicated. - A (Milli INAILItANTUD. Dr. AMOS L. SON have ot rui their Litton LI op. tub& a ly to this peculiar &as of tralodleo, and thareltitthey lustro consequently bean enabled to render ifs thelrfollow-creataro a fully testified and grent'ully acknowledged by oonvales centpatlerita and others dully aching in town from olives of the country, fur rho exp 4 entpraticee only of consultatinna while their exertions havalbeen crowned with the inosesig nal advantages; yet from Iwhat they have unperienced I - inquiring into the masse ..17 these Infectious complaint (from their most Dimple condition to toot.ef the most dam Heroes and inveterated) thby Lave always entertained the possibility of their prevention and rotnoval, and likowlsobs variably found that the most horrible and mangnant forms of dlsesue could almost always he traced to ono of the fol lowing causes :—lgnortince, neglect, or the tll effects of un skilful and improper treatment; tatirefore,. Dr. AMOS & SON have succeeded in discovering, in the nelection of their remedies, a safe, effectual, fired condom , . conreo T.:matting all combination of remedies which bear en equivocal character, as well as those whose premature or injudicious application, might be productive of bad eenroor,oncos in the hands ad private individuals. In short the laudiblo end of their ree medics is the losconinge f F. great anys of human misery lel the atleniatton, relief and prevention of those grievous ketions that aro in reality the aocrot fog of lifa, and which, while they aojeztremely surround ris, aloud for. our skill and Interference for thoir!extermination.. 001,1141.9. 1 7 DIVAJXOB. Pomona lo any part the world may Ire ancuesalalks treated by forwarding a obrr&ct, dotall of that: can, with e remittance for meellclnes, l Ae. Addreos Dr. AMOS .% 'WM, corner Main ar.il Quay streets, Buffalo. N. Y. r . .PYi...2aLterly DRIVATE DISEASES.—DR. 144u)1111 1 ,9 MEDICAL :Ind surnioAL ovicA ;„,.., -,,,r,... No: 60 BIINP.XMLIY Street, Pitta• -- - -=-7 , -- burgh, Pa. ; , • ..... - • , 4' 1)P... BROWN in an old citizen of Pitta -' burgh, and - haa been in ,ractica for .tii• - last hoenty•five ware: ' butdaer boenoopfined mostly la ' r ivals am gicalDisootwa. .OTTIZENS AND BlE.Annutt la need of a medical fri e nd, shoal tall to Ilnd out the our4Elece oY The Doctor ha a regulat. gradual hta experience to the trait:neat of la 1, airs guar arita= to tVp euffercra Fa. relief, by the use or his rt.modies and fallowing hie edVitle, Mt. BROWNS 111-,11.1M.1118 flavor fall to cnro tiro wOrat form of VcacroaLDlgoascs— Impuries au