VOLUME XVI HOTELS & RESTAURANTS. AiRKER HOUSE, BLAII?SVILLE, INDIANA COUNTY, PA., COL. ROBT. EVANS, Proprietor, HAVINO PURCHASED THIS HOUSE, from its former well.k.nown Proprletcr, B. D. Mar ker s Esq., and refitted at, 1 am new prepared to receive and accommodate visitors. The rooms are large and airy, and well frasished. A good table always provided. In contrenion with the house, there is also a good Livery Etablo. Terms tucderato • COL E. EVANS, setly Proprietor. TIRE SYMPOSUEM: WILLIAM C. GALLAGHER, PROPRIETOR, ..POl4 axcet, Nest Door to tht PitW'urgh Theatre The haus* i new, built espocially Lor theparposes of a Find Clads Restaurant and Saio37l, and the proprietor hay ing tad many years experlenos iu the business will keep amatently ,4:1 hand the beet that the markets offord. His Winea,Liquort and Mee, aro of the best quality. He wants all his old triends end, the publiP generally to give hlm a cell at the Symposium. Vl2 --y_ •;. Exec War Lestaiarant, lit: II 1 WOOD Strvq, Pa:JAI - non, Pa, JAMES IitTER, Proprietor: jASE AND EASTERN FISH SOLD 41 Wholesale and Retail, at the lowest cash prices. Large Cappllee Gf Melees, Peaches, and Sweat Potatoes received dsfly. Abso, Nee - York Prince's Bay Egg Harbor, Shell - Clyaters the Groat aver brought to this city. Every delicacy of the ' season constantly on hand, and served up In the twat palatable style. Don't forget the Excelsior Rea.. tauraut, No. 11l Wad street. se-1 SCOTT HOUSE, CoriackPlrwita Street and Diaquesno Way, PIfirEBUIIOH, PA. B. D. MARKER, - - - PIitIPRIZTOU, (Son==y the "Harker House," Ttlairatille, Pa.) THE SCOTT HOUSE IS _NOW COM- Ftn - lin 0P.E.1 , 1 FOR GLIESTB. It is situated In a central part of the city, being convenient to all itediroad Depots and Etdantbest Lauding, The 'azure war. built in real. with all model n improv, Ole nti, and fitted np in splendid style—the ....Lime FurnitCll3 C4lng new—and will in 3vri7 rf , apect i.e a first lade liot.L Vine ETABLEA ar3 a:tactual to theprenttoe. j J.lty CORIEBUCOPILE RESTAIJMANT. Br ELI YOUNG, Farr" STittar. 2; tizg liM a The attention of Iteraianta and cthlra 13 directed to this' . establiahmant, which has ham recently fitted -40 up for tha parpao ci affording a SUBSTAN TIAL EATING HOUSE IN A CENTRAL LOCATION; Conutry fi)lka attending market arc particularly invited to lA - orything pertaining to en EATING SALOON will dwaye ho found, n, 11.0 treE.theet the market ‘tterdc. ap2lhlydd - w - - THE NATIONAL SALOON, tinder Foster's New National Tnentre, PITTSBURGH, PA, D. BARNIVRD, - - - PROPRIETOR, HAS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL rand comfortable style, the large contra atcre in the, ODD FELLOWS HAI,L, Fifth street, El9 - a FIRST CLASS, RESTAURANT and SALOON. Having had many years': experience in the lnasinms, he la prepared to ply the hest; the market affords. U:la Ear wilt be furnish-. at all tittles! with the best Wines, Liquors and Ales The entrance to! the Saloon, is in the centre of the Hat, and refreshments; will be furnished at all times, DAY and NIGHT (Sundays ! excepted.) aplkly WASHINGTON HOUSE, COR. PENNA AVENUE 4- THIRD ST., WASHINGTON, D. C. A. F. BEVERIDGE PB.OPILIXTHESS. H. W. KANAGA. U. S. HOTEL, Opposite the Patna. PLailroati Depot, HARIaBURG, PA (jels WASHINGTON HOTEL, FORMERLY U. S. HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PA. . JANIS 811.81111011, Proprietor. pins HOUSE IS - LOCATED ON TED corner of PENN and WASHINGTON Streets, between the CENTRAL AND WESTITB.N F sTISIOAD - DEPOTS, and has. undergone a thorough improvement, remodeled and furnished with new furniture, and is now the most cone- Went Hotel in Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Railroad, East or West. myBly N. ANSION 1101; SE, GEORGE AURENTZ. Pcorniceron „No. ?Al Liberty street, Just beside the lager Depdt of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which makes It the most convenier.t house in the city for peeiengera arri. vbag by that road. Mae proprietor having, at considerable expellee, fitted up, In excellent style, the lif OiNSION HOUSE, would respect. tally solicit a share of public patronage. There is attached a splendid ST 4 PTY and extansivo WAGON YARD, afford ing ample accemmodatiun to travelers and teamsters. His Larder and Bar will be furnished with the best the mareet can afford. febl:y BUSINESS CARDS The People's Shoe Store. D. S. DLEFFENBACELER &CO Cheap Cash Dealers in nil kinds of Fashionable BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, For Gentlemen, 110. 17 Fifth Street, tßissr blarket, oci3 PITTSBURGH, Pt, a. FIIIMIN ......... --WEL JOHNSON a. A JU111;,..1 PERRIN JOHNSON, _ Propriatorn of Cbilda & Co.'s Patent Elastic Fire and Water Proof Cement Rooting. 133 TIFIB-D STREET. ORDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith. fully exect.ted, and all oar work warranted. Roofing rasteriAl always on hand, and for anlo, rectiona fc.a usa. mp2ly _ JOS. F. iIIiPIILTON £ 00., ENGINEERS AND MACIUNISTS, Corr..- of Stilt and Liberty areas., Pidirikokiii, Pa. UPERIOR STEAM ENGINES for Gr,L=t 1 % 3 and Saw Mills, Brewer:tie, Printing fitanufrictorlas, kc., made to order. They also continua the manufacture of their Celebrated Machinists' Toide, such as Zan:ling Lathes, iron Planers, Boring and brining Machines, do Also, Wrought iron ELIA Ting, Kith Pulleys, Ranger., JoSil.yd _ _ _ El= 3011 IN THO.DIPSON Si. CO., HOUSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND GRALNERS, No. 135 Third stmt. PION PAINT ING executed with noarnms and despatch. Id izad Paints, OfLs, Turpentine, Varniah, Japan and English Patent Dry ers, Ville Montaigne Zinck. a very superior article; Phila• delphia and Pittsburgh White Lead always on hand and for ialle. We are prepared to grind colors for Painters, Drug gists, or others, at the shortest notice, as we have a Mill which grinds by steam Painters will save money by get ting their colors ground with mi. [mrMly MEE GOLD AND SILVER, SPECTACLES. /11T IXIANUFACTUELICR,S PRIVALS. lIYDROMETERS GC weighing spirits, tno el:m.lNa; nrLd 1.),6t ccrtiele.3 ever $ ronght to this city. THE36.IOHETRRB AND BAR, Varying io price from $0 to t;.in POCKET COMPA33EB, AND 81/ R V'EYOR'S COMPASSE , lwaya on band at i 3. E. EllAVett, Frac:kW Optician, 68 Afth. 3:reet. te23 oppodte Lezanlz B. C. & J. U. SAWYER, lawsmicrruantaor LARD OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS No. 47 Wood t, Pittsburgh, Pa. TIISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— ij The Arm of Ra.W.ORTII BRO. & BROWNLEE wen t art the 8d of May, I&. dLaso - lcca by mutual cooseat, by the withdrawal of JR.IIII_4&WORTII from the above firm. Cho =minte of the late firm will be settled by lIAWORTH moviraus. jEffEr HAWORTH, 1u withdrawing from tho above arm; kindly thaw his former patrons and also the patrons , t l a te firm, for the very liberal patronage he has re alved, and would thdly recommend them to his succeasors, lutWOlint & spownr.g, as they are eaterrairusi to sell 3 low figures, having a very large assortment of OLLEAP ußocrEgu a g , wiNET•a i ti LIQUOIIB on hand. JEHII HAWORTH. /fir DAVID ELSWORTIL and JAMES BROWNLEE Lave this day amorist.' together, and will continue on the tAlehletB et the OLD STAND, corner and ukond alley, ender the style of HAWORTH A BROWNLEE, where they hope toreceive that patronage so liberal. given the old firm, as they are determined to sell CHEAPER :,an any other Store in the city. i tn7l3 °ince of Sealer of Weights and ~Measures. OF r pg[E, OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, -FL HEALER OP intlGll73 APID idigif.SCRICS, .. BI .y bp found henceforth, in Cherry alley, between 'ihlf3 a ... Youth street; where orders reis be left. La women. . , , , • •.... '', .. '1 - - . 4„:„• . - 1 •-•'!. :,•.-•-::,... , ••• 1 . •;' (-,,i.- - •-.. 1 - •,;:, '•, •.,•"„ . , . iio • -3: • • a , - /11 1:0 t1 . 1: 11l- 4..• . ~.., , .. .._ r- / 4 •••• ''-,: - !--- tt - • . . -: - • • 0 - !-- .-. • u _ -, . , .. _. - .. ~ . - - ~ -- - , • A ili Vi s • :•-• 1 1 - - .; ''' _. , i . :4 - ~ ,, i • - :, .:. . . - r. i , " --",,,,, . • . . 1E121=3 B&B, R 10ERS3 ROOK AND JOB OFFICE, Corner of Fifth and;Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. (1 1 11 E undersigned having made extensive additivila of the LATEST AND LLANDe , ..; STI I. E F TYPE, and improved lifachlnery, to the Rii ill INO Pul , T JOB OFFICE, ILlVite the 4 ttention of Rail iload threluuas, business LI 2OO , and the public generally, to their ups:lgor facilities for executing with dispatcl., st ms, ell klethi of RAIL ttOAD, ir EEC ANTILE, LEG AL, AND EVkiltY OTllhli DrISCMPTiON OF PLAIN & FANCY PRINTING 44—Our iniateelnl being neari,) all ItoPe, w< • veztO MC 11104 C.31.1.1p1Mx HStbruelluli, ta,0r..11, PAMPHLETS, - it AIL i"....1AD RILLS AND CARDS, BA NE f..111.F.0K5, DIANE WARS, LI7'PER HEADS, BILL BILLS LAIDEtIO, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, PAPER BOuKS, DEEDS, hiORTGAGES, ROND:4, Ae, trAr- Particular efleatien will also be paid to the prlutiug aI Puetera, Progrminas, Ac. for Conoorts, Exhibitions cud 31rcElSexL - BARR & 51YERS. MISCELLANEOUS ADAMS' CORN SHRUG Ft.. 4ugh Mr. Adams, (the principal mechanical genius of the firm,) ob tained letters patent, dated 17th August, 1558, for a new and simple ieszramunt :or BLIELLING WEN, truly beat, compact and portable, combining durability, utility' and cleanness; a neNseary appendage to every farmer's barn, is now offered to the people of the Gaited States at a very low price We have no "Patent Rights" fur sale, but mannfacture and sell the article at our works. Owins to Its compact form it is destined soon to become an article of trade in every Hardware Merchants shelf The Machines are of two 0209, weighing only about 0.6 and 60 pounds, and may be secured to a poet, pillar, or door, FLY you would a coffee Min. We add no Inure, when 8.30, it speaks. for itself. sell:Smdsw LIVINGSTON, COPELAND 3 CO CLIMAX FAN. T Is THE (lIIEIPEST, SIMPLEST, SMALLEST, Will Chaff Twice as Fast as any in the United States TT IS PERFECTLY ADAPTED , ----- to the Clouting or all Seeds, from the ~A 1 =Wiest to the hrgeet, without masse, awl ler s only twenty inches wide, bat meat tie a en to mi be appreciate!. Farmer,, Mannfacturere, Me. 1 rif dnne& and eter) hotly a:be, are invited to eon Its practical working, at the store co..der the St. Charles Lintel, Pittsbnrgh. entrilmclies---c..7 AUTUMN TRADE, 185 S STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Ft b.; Hemp $1,87, $2,76®3,75 downy Hemp, •p coil, 120.1 0 b. • PLAVOrt taxas-Martilla 870. VI dozen. Hemp 700. per dos ClorroSCoultal....Cotton Rope 1 ,14 and upwards, 50; do below °‘ 22;;Bed , cord $2,54:03,82@4,75 down; 'Plow two $1,25- 'Posh Cl;;rds $8,50. OANDII,B...The, following are now the current rates of city manufacturers: Moulds, 13c. 'lto.; Dips, 12340.; Star 22,gyac. lb. onEEss...The demand is only moderate, with sales of Western Reserve at 7@7y a c, and Bc. for choice lots. CRACKERS-.The prices. have undergone a further ad vance.' The quotations arenow as follow; :-..Water Crackers Ito 5 1 / 2 c.; Butter do. 6 1 4 c.; lingart3e.; Soda 70.; Burton 7c, Pilet 13read Tik bisl• $g44,5a. - DRIED ifitliDE...Dried Apples sell in small iota at $2,00 'O. Irish: - Of Peaches , there are scarcely' any in market; held at $4,7 5 64 5 : DRIED BEEP.. Transactions- quite limited; canvassed brings 12412%c. - EGGB-The market is not very well supplied, but the de mand is light.; the prima, have, however; advanceal a ahade, and same of packed are now made at 934 c. slit dozen. 111.0111t....The receipts this week have been less than last , tied the market exhibits but little change. Balers stil 1 touch lightly, looking for" decline when the river rises. Prom first hands the rata, are: for stiperfinis $5.12 to $6,16 ; for extri'imperline $5,30456,45 and for extra family $5,80. Frorn_state, Priceasary, as hs quality, from $5,87 to p,62 for supeillna to extra. doonvd - $5,87:t0 $8,15 for extra family. Rye Platir is steady at $1,00®4,12 from ittore. ' FlRll....Wehave no change to note in flab. No. 8 mack erel are atillaold to".the city trade at $10,50 and at $ll, to the country.. Halifax Herringrinote at $5,50@55,75, and Codfish at 6®5 31 *. The prices iOr Liike Fish are • as bite bbl., $lO, in half bbls. $5,50; Lake Trout, 111)1,0, half bblas4,so. • . • ; PEED-At the mills Bran tomiddlings Bolls at 50 to 80c. El 100 lbs. Oil Meal brings s 2l @f 2B 6t ton. PEATHERB-Balas of, prime Western are made on arrival at 46c ." '0 lb: In areal lots ; and from store" at 50c. - arrival at BRICK-.Sales aro regularly made at pitwosii.la GRAIN ...s u pply still continues very light, makint fair salts from Brat Wanda. New Oats are worth 40@4 arrival; and 45 from store. Corn fa unChanged at 50©82c.. Rye from store is worth 72076 c.. Barley ha, advanced 'to 70075 Wheat quotes at $1 to $125, according to qualit_ -- GROCERIBE-.Thereti but 4ittle alteration - hare. it;gas in hhda tuts declined to 934@9% for prime N. 0, Molasaea ipbblslll"ata:eUeitY“ita6364stj g lat 7 trade RioOoffeere=firmatl2Wforpriae,anßicistiei at 54a65‘ with four transactions.; HAY. - .".lteceipts at the scales this week have been about as usual, with Films wining to= $9 to $U per tails UMBER__ 301„1 BlDEB...Oreerk Hides have advanced to Be. stab., with • firm market. The aupply.of Dry. is very limited, and the quotatisu is nominal at ifc. ..., . IRON AND NAllB:..'llie: qCortitititis' of wan famoxigl Iron are ae follows:—CoMulon. Bat 2% - to W 042 lb. Nails are selling at $2,50©4,75 for 10d. to 4.l.,accoMingto quality; the terms are six rumithf credit, or difloent. diworrat for cash. Sales light. ; - ,I;[ • " - ... , „ , LARD-.The quantity in market la very light, and rates are almost nominal. City No. 1 is Arai at /11)01.1c, and country at 100. LEATHER...The market is steady, wittt no, champs in our old quotations : - Red Spanish Bole tit n) . 22028 c. Slaughter . i .,, it Skirting , 22 Harness Upper lii &nen. Bridle-- ....,.... , ' . LUMBER, stawnea...pho 'following are , quotations of seasoned lumber, from thairepisinthe city:— Common 1 inch Boards It 1000 feet. ! _ r ........51.6 00 Clear do do " ..... ........ Vd 00 Flooring dressed do 1. . " .............. 22 00 Shbogles, Ifi 1000....... _ 860 Lath, " 1 .... . . ........ ...........-... 925 Oak flooring, dressed, X inch—Vl 1000 feat ... 80 00 do do .. do ~! ; .. 82 00 LUMBER, Green... The market Is 'unchanged; sales are making at the river at SIG per . thousand feet for common and $2O for clear. didogles, $2,50 e 4 thousand. MESS PORK...TIkere Is a better deniand, with more firm ness in prices; sales havocbeentiAso©sl7 by the lot, and $1760, in a small way. ,...,- .4 iIdETALS...Pig Lead bat dE.eliretto El; and Bar to 6%fily7; Sheet Copper 1360304 Sheet:Br= Filc-' lb. -. 01L5...N0 chatige in Linseed 011kwhichtvlirm at 8848,5 c, with a light demand. -Regular sales:elf Lard are still made at 850. for No. 1, and 760.1, or No. 2, by the manufacturers. PIG MEAL .-- Remain!{ at.tlia lalt quotations, vitt $24 $25 for Allegheny and anthracite:" -- POTATOES...New are, sellingat 60g80e. ray bushel, with a regular supply. , 0 . POWDER...There' has' Peen a decline inibe'nriceitf 760. on former quotations of Blasting and.sl en;lttiits; the quo- Mtions now are for Blastipg v 4,2 0. Vi keg; Rifle $O. SAND STONE,..Reigular sates, qf ,ifsmtingdon county, at SALT...Pricea „have recently acirarmed.and sales of AU& ghany No. 1 are maw made at 31,60 V 1 bbL , ptoua . store Ultras are a trifle more. ' fi n EED...New Timothy is coming , to - inarkefqxilli freely; it rings $1,50 from wagon and.. 51,75 'out 'of.store. the de and for Flaxseed absorbs the entire supply at $1,61:14) $465 VI bush. The receipts ere - fight.' SOAPS...The 'following r . are the . manufacturer's prioes 1— Rosinla.; lie,4 Pabrit%; Chemical 531; Castile and Toilet 10b.14 lb. e , ___- , 811.1127115164 YARNS, , &0..-The prima have again de clizusd,,and the follcrwing are now the ruling figures: Eagle Sheetings B%c. 4l yard; Niagara 1241. .. , . Noe; 6 tolo tn- .• No. 16 26 elusive, lb.- 20 44 ... NO. 17 ' 26 , 0 ... Boa 11 and 12.- 21 44 -- AO. 18 . .",27 -..0. ~ No. 15 22 . .44 v .., :tiro, 19................ 28 igy ... NO. 14 • 23 'ea ... ;iv. 20...... '- - 29 OJl' .:. i No. 400, l doz.-.. 11. ® ...'Carpobjh'n,tia.coL 28 . ... No. BOO,'f doz - 'lO ® ... "- whlte2sl:o2o" 21 ... No. 600...............„ 9 " ' . (.4, ..: '• ' ' LOtopt -' 22 .„. No. 700 '*. - ' l ' 8(4 ; ... f Wine '' ' - ~. .22 No. Boo - 8g , !.. Dattbag, No. L.; 18 .' ' ... N 0.900-.... ......... '8 (4 -. " No. 2...., 16 No, 1000--- .... . . '-'' 8 el'::. Family Dotting.; /7 " ... Coverlet Yarn..... 2 eiit -...... Caulking 18 ... . . , Candlewick..; -. . •20 ig, - ... f , TALLOW .We quote rough at 7;1, c,i4 Ib, and rendered at 10W. VINEGAB—BaIIou Vinegar is quoted at Sc. to the city and country trade, and 9c' to oritelde dealets. WRITE LEAD, LITHABOB, &c... White, Lead fa firm and in steady demand at $2,60 la keg for pure oil, and dry nit lb, subject to the usual discount. _Rod Le 11%(49o, t, and Lytharge 8%. WINDOW 4311,488;..The prices for - city brands ham ad vanced, and we; correct our quotations as follows •,-4.1.18 and 7x9, Vi box of 60 feet, $1,6% , 8.110, $2,16; Ball, 9.xlL 9212, and 10'12. $2,40; Sall, 9x.13 and 9114, .V.,a; 10115 and 10x18, $2,75; 1011 cent discount off. Country brands 600. ower. - • • WOOL....The ,quantity in market has been large, but sales mostly on private terms. Prices range from 28 to 45c, according to quality. WHXSKY...We have little change to note. . Rectified la steady at 25@28c., while, Raw can be purchased at 23c, in large iota. -- Ow HENRY CLAY and along list of his distipgnished cotemporaries to thO United States Ber ate and House of Representatives hsvO g7Nun the strongest testimony of the benefits which they derivel from the nee of W1L80 , 13 HEADACHE PILLS. Stich testimony as thia Is'entitte grave consideration. This' invaluable remedy is prepared and sold by D. L. PAHNESTOOI CO., Whaletale Drug gists, and proprietors of ',D. L. FAHNESTOOK'S VERB.U. PUDE, No. BO,' corner of Iliroo I and 'Fourth streets, Pitts burgb, Pa. ' • ' - • • Bee advertisement on third page of this day's paper. DRY 'GOODS F IRST GRAND OPENING NEW FALL GOODS, - AT - HORNE'S TRIMMING STORE, No. 71 Maarket Street, DRESS TRIMMINGS : 311 the latest styles of FItINIGEI, FANCY VEILVETS, and other &ILLNCI NOVEIIIIS3 for DRESSES Ai , N D CLOAKS. MILLINEIiY GOODS: RIBBONS, I FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, BLONBS, LACES SATINS AND VELVETS,, AT LOW PRICES. EMBROWERIES An tutu ante stuzli. of COLL ARSII AND BEIO, Wenn the lowest grades tji the Iciest 18/KtiOlijiiioiiii, cheaper thsn eve; her.,re offered in this city. HOSIERY AND GLOVES The celebrated Ribbed. all r 001, STOCKINGS, In all Om: all kind, of sep4analAe GLOVES. IN THE LADIES' DEPARTMENT, Under the supervision of .114 1 0. A. a/VETE% will ha found th' belt makes a EXPANSION SKIRTS,' FRENCH consats, ill all Sim, - LADIES CHILDREN'S UNDER GARMENTS, FRENCH ROMS; INFANTS. SHIRTS, HOODS AND POLKAS, ZEPHYR WORSTED, SHETLAND WOOL, KNIT SHAWLS, and FANCY ARTICLES GENERALLY. FOR MEJS' WEAR: There' is a fell little of the best make of SHIRTS, DRAWERS, I UNDERSHIRTS, COLLA.HS, CRAVATS, TEES, STOOKS, SIISPENDERC, BOOKS, GLOVES. ETC. VAItIETLES, WOOLEN YARNS, TIDY COTTON, The hest Fake of Stocking Yarns at msnafactaieve, prizes, always on hand. IN OUR WHOLESALE ROOMS, UP gTAIRS, - We have a choice stock of TRIMMINGS,. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, MILLINERY GOODS, To which we Invite the ott l entlon of lEtezebant* and =nem CIPA! oar . Block to A'IntORASED FOR CARTi t direct frornreportere and litann , taotnrers, and in lote Iran AITO• TION, we are prepared to! OFFER GOODS AT PRIOEB 116 LOW A 8 A. Watt of the DTonntatns. i i ~ .rpr Our cnotomera an attangera vlaltlug the State Natt Ty are invited to can and ei mine for themselves. . . sa2s:lwcbai3aw NEAR FOURTH. , , OSEPIX, 139?•:PTE , , No, 77 5600'es -1,1728111:111,011,