VOLUME XVI. PITTS3IIIIGH MORNING POST. 9Pliltzd C,ll wry mernin2, ( Siollayil.tzLzrecii) WA' JIAMICS P. BAlllt, Ls 71.11 ‘1•:4114k_11 LY WOOD A.ND tifT.D ittHMA —Tier Dollars a tom, pay.blo strictly In u‘lvauev 1311. I: 1,01, !la b y bad.. ttit:gle s.tas, Tee• Cants—aur ❑al., ht the countcr In nrol by ize News Boys. h A TES" OF ADV. ERTIBING. „ rz ,.. : D '7 . Thrtc,i o.r. a la 1,54.: a wre....k I toPek. laizaion— rW<, i xertione...—..., 71;' Three ineQrtic,nk. 1 CO One week... ..... . --I 1 iL Tuo week! C,3 Chn ....... 1 VJ I °Du 11::•:.1:` , L Ul. V o month, .... 60! rla., to: t,tl, rw.a.l" haul - 2Lne.. . five ....... . 1 11 tr.:: m0nth!........_...8iz I'l Lai Nine . 1.3 tr.) Cne ....... I 'lO t"..1 Pendit.y. iO.l. 11,a...a or 1, I=l One cquare, per annum, (ezr Liarringe toticc.g, tX., CCU PITTSBURGH SATURDAY POST A MAIIIMOTII WEEKLY. ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, IN CLIIIIB OP TEN. Slagle Subseriptior.a, -- CZ par annum. CONTAINS ALL TITT CURRENT NEWS OP THE DAY, relit:cal, Literary, Agylcultural, Oommar cal, Local, Teleamphie and Ilia=Manton!. This Paper being of the LAudis? axzi, and neatly prints on due white paper, in large, clear type, will be found by the imbealbor to give better satisfaction than any paper published in Pittsburgh. l'Oroff who wiale-to Ink° a paper from Pittsburgh, will find t he SATURDAY PUOT a safe and 'wettable investment. A ldmes, JAIBUS P. BARK, Editor and Proprietor. IMERECE! BA.IaR MYERS , BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, POST 13TJITAD 11 , 3 Gs. Corner of Fifth and Wad Streets, PITTSBURGH. THE undopsigned having made extensive additiuus tiro LATEST AND ELAN bSOMEST STYLE . _ P TYPE, zr_o iror.roveL: ito:l4:wry, to the I.IOIINIUG POET JOB OFFlcl, invit.. to 4 ttontiora of ftAil Road (Moor g verc hs t a,.., b aA l t , Lsi poblic gen.:raliy, to their aperior facibtioE.• for ox, [mg v:ith dial:GIL:l4 on reazoteiblo 6rma, all kinds of It N fi, ID A lITERCANTILE, LEGAL, .r.cp ENEity OTIUM DESC;RIPTION OF H 4411.4 87: TANGY PRINTING CZ—Our In7.tEre.ll heiug Dearly all we can giv, 10,11' SLIC,O tilv aatiefa:•Alea, and ordeal BOOR, PAMPHLETS, RAIL ROAR BILLS Arin USES'S, 13 All i; jIIECRA, SLANE. NOTES, Li 'TER READS, BILL . IIEADS, 0 - r - LLs LADING, CIROLTL.ARS, BUSTNF_SS CARDS, PAPER BOORS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, !WNW, Ac. ParLic.l4 :;ateation will also 1 - n3 paid to tho Coacarta, EXhiLitiollll nod airCll6,B. iaARR t M i IRS. BUSINESS CARDS TE - ie Peopge'rt Shoe Store. D. S. DIEFFENBACHER &CO., Cheap C Dealers to ail Liada Vaationabl6 BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, rcr den! leincz,lkelies, Youths and Children, No. 17 Plitit Street, near rilarket, PI'i'TBURCIH, PA I. G. ri.G.D.T.N WEL JOHNsGII- .......... L:JOHN..)II PERRIN JOHNSON, Proprietors of Childs & Co.'s Patent Elastic Fire and. Water 1 3 ra° t Cement Rooflag. 143 T.ltf r,TE.RET 'RS for ROGI'I NG' Tiroraptly arid 116 W- El:di exam :ad, and oil our work w&rruntod. Buuflne latiturial odc;,3)a on lewd, aid tur link, wail di ra::tiott¢ tar riP4... septtly JOS. F. nadI.II,TON Cr, CO., ENGINEPAIS A,NO MACIELNISTS, - Corner of Ari: and Litzky strut, Pia.sburgh, Pa. SUPERIOII STEAM 'ENGINES for liriA and Saw &Rik BreWCrieS, ['tinting Estublishmente, hlaraitactorl,s, to order. They also continue the manufacture of .their C.lebrat.4l Nlschinists' Tools, such WI Thruing Lathe., Iran Plar_t•re, - goring end Drilling Machines, , Nittati4h: I ri F.hr.fting, with Pol:413, - nangon 8c ba jaB:ly.l RAIN £71012807i..-•.......11. 0. 1111.1.1.. t. JOHN THOISIPSON .51. CO., Er i OUSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND CaLLNIIIIS, No. Third stroet. .SIGN executed With neatueo; end de,patcle. sized Paints, Cila, Turpentine, Varnish,. .I,:pala and English Patent y eta, Ville-ilobtaigne finch, a very superior article; Phila delphia rand. Pittsburgh White Lead always on hau4 r o od for 6:1c: We 0.7,T prepari to grind colors for Painters, Drug gists, or others, at the shortest notice, sa we have a Mill which grinds by steam Painters will save money by get- Wag their colors ground with ow tmrs:ly GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, A, T ANUFACT RER,S YRIOILS HYDROMET - ER B cs vetglaing baJt atticicv cce tien.itt io tlilß city. AND ItAituitiliTEllt., fir} lag 1.6 Fuel(ET CO:s1 VASSES, AND SURVEYOR'S COMPASSES, lwaya on hand .t G. E. 811.AWS, fraei.l.3l Opti.„Tian, b 9 Fifth greet. sea upwaito Zil.n.vorLU Hull B. C. & 3. H. SAWYER, LARD OIL, . . CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS rg 0. l Wood g:v set, Pittstmrol, Pa. DISSOLITTION OF PART N ERSHIP.— The arm of BAWOBIM 8110. & BROWNLEE was, on the 23 of "slay, 1658, diaaolved by mutual consent, by the Withdrawal of 4.Efiti fIAWORTU tram the above arm. The nor-0111Ra of the tat arm null b. aottlea by 11.1.WORT1i A BROWN LEE. airdEIIII HAWORTH. in witlidzasituz flow the above firm, kindly thanks his former patrons and also the patrons of the late firm, for the very liberal patronage he has re ceived, and would kindly recommend thom to hie successors, HANVOitTR k BEOWNLEE, as they are determined to sell et low ilgurea, hsvi u g a very large ae or:tmentof CHEAP GROCERIES, WINES and lactuons on hand. RIM HAWORTH. Atir DAVID HAWORTH and JAaIJ 3 BROWNLEI have this day assodated together, and will continue on the hardness at the OLD STAND, corner of Diamond and Die. mond'alley, ander the style of HAWORTH X RROWNLFX, where they hope to receive that patronage ea liberal , " given to the old firm, as they are determined to sell OHRAPRIt than any other Store in the city. mylS °Mee of Sealer of Weights and - ;.- - - alseasures. jHE 01170 E OF THE UNDERSIGNED, SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, hiny.,_be laird henceforth, in Merry alley, botweon Third and Amnia streets, where orders may Lo loft. ' ePtA RLE3 BARNETT. S. HAVEN'S Elastic Steel Pens juts receivott, and for sale at the Stationery Store, Nos 31, and 38 Market street. riPHE FRANKLIN ALMANAC FOR 1859.' —This nell-known and popular annual, formerly tithed by Johnston k Stockton, after es lapse of years, will again shortly be issued. The circulation+ as formerly will be made by Lie skillful mathematician, Sanford 0. Hill, Eon' who will also prepare for its pages such reading m i ll, ter•as will make it an entertaining and instructive maga tine. Besides the reliable astronondcal calculations, a new and Ingo:done table of time, an accurate method of drawing meridian lines, and other atters of permanent value will be added. Orders of book•sellers and buttonoher dealers are solicited in advance of publication, as a nd orders will be filled according to priority. • - VaL 0. JOILEISTON A 00., ,?-ablirhers Printers, Stationers, and Blank lloolt.nakers, by .Wo od street, Pittsburit insimus GILOUR.-- 40 bbls. choice superfine for 'lisle V- by JAS. A. WITPZER; i ConterlifirkEttad-intst Os: bbla. Onions for saleb_y__ r.ll , oif .wwai, In Wkly Par 'Y E , , l 0) Go fal 1 t: LO 1 Jj uo 5 0:p1 1 4 :IN Uua 4vu S OL, 10 Ja CUS abut. 8 th. Ur 65 13 s.r. L I f the papui,). th roticea, 15 rents lEEE= 1r.1.151779CrCia-7,3 0! ...„........ • , __. \ •"4. • . - i , -.5 • ..v. • • • 40 , Ai . . . : 04 j''' ‘.•:.,i W.) .c.l . ...L •• , • • . .:..,, . i'r • „ ,• . . . .•,- .t.,•,, ' , 1 .: 1 1 / ~. ~, ~. ' '• - " ' r . .Of ii ' l i," '''' r'. . ' " '''. ••.. ..r t ... „,.. . %;........ . . ... , ..:,..,... :.... , :.;, . ....,. f ~ • . :... i. A :., . . . - - / % ',.* - 4; ir ~ • • - - , - . 4 , ,•'./ pITRLISHED DAILY BY JAMES F. BARR, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," OORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM INSURANCE. REPORT OF TILE CONDITION OF TILE .PARIIER'S.UNION.-INSURANCE COMPANY, At ATHENS, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., Jan. 1, 11158, as proaente4 to the Stectholdm-a, and made out in etunpllsuee with the State Laws of New Yurtt,Ohiu, ludiana, Illinois, Au. 5TA11310 42 . ,The named the Comilarty im the FARMERS' 13:410N. IN SUItANOF, cam PAVY, locatA at Athena. Pa. Charturod Aprlll3, P 163, by the Le,ridatnra Pounaylraia Cha.rthr Perpetual. Cash Capital, which all paid up Surplus iu taillilou Water° ASSETS. Fifty-funr Bouds hal Mortgagee, at sir. and eit, von Q c 4114. anagiuting iu tho agzregate \Faith 13.P.IIIKagoa lire or valua ble au-1 prnductivo real principally farms, recorded cud tint Ilene, Korth generally doubh. the awunnt and more than wort gaged for in each rale, and in 1,0 caao less than fifty '4?.. mat_ exclusive of farm buildings, and HO certified by the ltecordeis, whew recorded, to the and tore of the States of Ohio and Illinois. Nineteen six V, cent. Bonds amply 47,635 00 secured Gash on hand and la Bank. tl 443 12 Cash in hands of Agents, and in course of transudation, secured by I.K.ndi with suretien.....—....—.. Dne on leases re-insured, .... Bills receivable, via:. promissory uotta payable at bank and to the Ocaripalay Interest accrued, (principally due January 1, 1858,) Bare and ofdsa Fixtures and Frani tura I.IICOXi YOH 4113 TKLII 1857. Amount of Premium received daring than 86,231 3J year Am% lutereA ri,eiVed during the year 11,442 05 A't received tram all tabor aorire.o. 2,480 00 in ltiponsee for the yoar, including rommisal , •us, salaried, routs, rein nronce, printing, advortising, tains, and all other expenses $ 19,19'3 GE Dividends paid during the year 1f ,oklu 00 paid, which occurred prior to De