- -Iv °l t swq• 2 E.,,! g 8 i l3 L ' e. IMISIDIEss olaii)S. 4 a. :,r,_.. __________ : 4g3A-it C. WENGARD , $ 0 e A .Trrognuy „mg LAIN, 1 „ PP. `+ ?v.. Dia Orr o i n, 1,i,T.N0. 71sIltAIPT effust, between Fodith it a t:set li F. A Its-1101ES A. LOWRIE, Attorney at laVir—, tp office Fourth street, Pittsburgh, between Smithfield and Cherry alley. decllay _____-_ 11.-- AUL, Surgeon Dentist, successor to Or. •W. Biddle,-No. 144 SualthfLold stroet tar- Office bonts from to 1 o'clock, and from 4to b o dark. fablfcly SNST .=----' ' t., 1., DT-7-1-Irthr.ast, o street, five, doors F. • west of lilaliii - t. W °Mice houra from 9 o'clock A. IL to 9 o'clock P. W.. dealy OSEPII 'FLEMING, successor to L. Wil cox tr. C.., corner of Market street and tt , Diamond, keeps constantly on hand a fell assortment of DRUGS, .11 ISP.D -lOLNIE.,‘, ILP,DICLICE CLIE.ST:4, PAILFUNLiiIRY, and arti cles pertaining to his businem -Phynicians' Prescriptions carefully com all pounded st SZ el 0•173. Je), _ - --------- .---- If Lir - 18 P. li.illier,eLL- -1032Pii a. Einefilll3 Nit P. MARSHALL & Co., Importers and • dealer! in French and American PATER LUNG. INGS.. No. 67 Wood street, rtittsbargh. JEN - Sol r siv,r.ts for the celebrated nr.nnfActuree of Messrs. A Deliconrt Cio., Paris. ang7 _ . _ eFEELLP 3.lTrign ...... ... ................. ......... nne'=r 1.1.5DX11.90,.1• LI ETMER & ANDERSON, (sucoessors to kV Joni,,,, s.sod, ,, .t C 0.,) crll,•!eial...!•.slerd in Yilr.rjati fi1.111T1 . 3 2 IN ITT , A, SPICES, q./N FEt ITICI.. '. r `., el ti. l A fte, S.t.. NO. '," We...! ~,- t, .11,4,41te Ow fi t. L.. . tem Liet....i. t'll:, , bra Ft. e.1,.:6 _. _ . LETT Li. , tAIERCHANTTAILO R NO. 64 ST. CLAIR STIZEI:i (Dr. Van. j W. KERR,. AIWaITECT, REMOVED from cutler of Fifth aud Wood to eAIR STREET, In Phillips' as* boilding—Coutintred to privare Plans and 3peCifielation9 Of, and to Superintend the Frectiar. d (Nary deserip•dou of Buildings. A FITI. aON7BELL AND BRASS .-10CINDUR, No. i 0 SECOND strast, Pirtsbargh, Pa., Is prepared= furnish to order OM-WEL STKAII-BOAT, FACTORY AND &TILER WILLS, Of all sizes, from 10 to 10,000 lbs. CR= BET-13. mado to order. SAW and 0 AlUtat cociLm of all alma for Steamboats. MINSELAI WATER PUMPS, COUNTER FAILINGS, and every variety of Brass Castings MIL:IA..I 0) the w.4t.st manner. BABRIT'S ANT . .I•AINRITION ?LETA ; FULTON'S PA. TIMT ALETALLIC PACKING, for jap2.1:14 L OUGIIRIDGE & MAXWELL, 1140•113PAOTITatica OP =la Brush's; And Dealers in Clocks, House Furnishing OCOIV &a. .to. Ao. 11a. t 26 Wood sixes', aboy• V ISBUSGH'IIIII, PIT, rrah&ly I "Alartino Brphes made to order EDUCATIONAL. St. Francis Academy for Boys, UNDER 'ISM CARE of Tara FIIANCTISCAN Loretta, Cambria Countyr Pat. • rrt Ii 1 S INSTITUTION, NATURALLY situated lb: Educational purpoaos, affords all Lhe in damn:mots that can bo desired (or a:Cathelio Institution. It is locsted in the most healthy and picturesque p..irtiuu ui 'he Alleghenies, distant four miles from Cres,on Station. direct.mail route between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. he scholastic year conimeneing the first ?steadily in September, will close the lbth of July following. Tha Terms for Board, including Et thorough English :Aden thai c;r,urse, are 000 per annum. Theselaasisandlledern Languages form en extra charge -cf Piper annum. .1Np:ill-ig and Qatl of Bedding $lO. ppr filittiorigsetivalose apply to the =parlor of the Aca• delay. BeferenceB can b rniade to the Rt. liev. Dr. O'Costica. acZO:lyavi IMM:zit's- College and Seminary, WIDER THE GAUP. OP TOR ItEASDICTINE PATELP,RB4, Naar Latrobe, Wei:morels-lid county, Pa. IN THE COLLEGE ARE TAUGHT THE nsnal branches of English Education. In the 9F2sllNeal7, the Classics, Mathematica. Ehetorics, Philosophy, et-., and the clitTetent brauchei et higher erudition necessary or useful to ti,-se aspiring to Pilesthood. The terms for Board and Tuition are SSO per year, to be paid sonal-annually,rtrictly, in advance. German and Ft math and other languages, I)re:win& Paint ing and Mtieic,form nu extra charges,excepting some recem wes%tion tar the use of instruments. Medicine, Wash:l,g, form extra charges. For particular.; apply to the Director of the College. The Collegiate year begins on theist of l+eptcmner, and aid, on the 3d et July f,,llowiu YAg. TE.EIt O. B LIMM, Director of 1.1,, College_ Retrench: Retrench!: ANOTEIER. CRASH—IN PRICES !—Bo tug ileterrniu , l to coil our eitockt, though "the Tiu,l tire Tight," oe mode w ewocp— RE LP D T kl.NTllll4ii'fOCti To still loner prices. fra•-ltioci in thtt time to buy anon the as,urtnirnt I= yet unbroken, and the Pri , ra.Pnt Down I Down II 0c""... - JO::.HORNE., 77 Mar%.o. f trot THE, LAST CIIANUE IN FIUURES. .2_ Bonnet Ribbons, worth 75 cente, at du % per yard. do do do 62 at 5o do do do 60 at 87% d_, do do do 5734 at 25 do JOSEPH HOP_NE, 77 Market etroe.t. ICLI V 13.1.4VET;,TRIMMINGS , AT REDUCED P.MCEI 4 .. ~.. A choice u.ssortineat on hread nud rtet at c o r r s i al ni o GENTZEMEN'S UNDER GARMENTS-- woo., tqlt, gorino and dem Cotton Under Shirts and Drawenk—l f.,--b.anyvly received at HORNE'S, deli) Alarket-stroet. VIVE Ceuta per Pound Reduction in the Prici. , of R 1 A 1.) LEY'S YALOlS.—Whoiosale linyerii and Peddlarn will ho furaillied with Ilitii.DLE:Vo TH.IiER-PLY I: NITTINLI YARNS JAL u reduction of Five Oeuti per pound, by 11" kaolin, after thik :5 dote, For i CN lll,oh, a nd nd btr °will only. JO. HOI 77ket eet, Agent for thoAlatinfactarer EMBROIDERI.E.S.—Our excellent stoc: o Froneh Embroideries, and the low : prices at whic L they memarlied, offers rare indncsidients to ladies wishing pirehsse the latizt styles. SOF,F,PH HORN E. - 77 iterket r.tro(4.. 14 4 1 ONEY ! MONEY 11-PRICES MARK AM, ED DOWN. .45r areat reduction to tee price of Embroideries. • Wo have gone carefully OIRT our hautisuruo etock of YRENCHAVORILED COLLARS, UNDER SLEEVE. 3,, eto., eta. And flied the pric,,.4a to suit the " Mod Time.." The Ladies limy rely ou getting barguiris at 110E.NE'S, 77 Market WE WILL SELL from the present time un 'col:mm(.ll4 cheep FOIL GASH. Please oral and avow ne our stock. C. HANSON LOVE, ock2o Vonnerly Love EMS., NO. 74 Market nt. DRINTED FRENCH MERINOES, for 62. IL , and 76 eenta, worth $1 and $1 25, the beat asec. atment in the city. 0. HANBON (formerly tore Brothers), .1-01 No 74 lilaricei atm-Q. BONNET VELVET.—Everyvanety of Bun net material, Silks, Velvets and Satins, for sale it . 1 novl3 11011 N 1.1” II - LACK AND FANCY DRESS SILKS. A full kssortment, vesy cheap• O. HINSON LOVE, formerly Love Brothars, N 0.74 V , arket etmet EV ------------- KRY Economical Purchaser of Drc,sB llooda, Shawls, Zstantles, du.: alio Domestic and Sta ple Goods, will find Win their advantage tonsil and exeini our New Stock rf Fall and Winter Dry Goods before parches I ug elsewhere. D. EiANBON LOVE, seta 1/ t merly Love lires., Noi 4 14 rdark4 et. lIQ 1 SHAWLS I—W, Brocha,AWLS Le., both long and square, tha ool very best in the city, and at very low priceg for cash. C. RANSON LOVR, formerly Love Bros., No. 74 Market street. PIQUE and MARSEILLES, Fleeced, makitigNtlud. A large aasortment at dea OW. IL WILITS d TO PRINTERS.—Tho subscriber has now ou hind, and is daily receiving, from the manufac turers, a large assortment or Printar'd Stock. R. W Pottar's Printer's Card 3, from No. 1 to 7, 5. 4 ,-tiu Ctaua rogelain Satin ematnelltal, and colored. Card .113ards, in shaeta ; McCreery's C.Slebrated colored Inks ; " Card News tt Liy t Eros. Varniala aud Size, Colored Printing Papers ; Pamphlet Covef' Paperi , Glazed and Plated Papers, red, green aud yellow ; theei 'nue caned Paia3ra, and a large assiortment plain Note, Bettor, Cap, aud Falk, Post, blue aud white. J. R. WELDIN, 63 Wool street, near You rth SOAPS.— 1000 boxc.s gap, in II), 2 111. and 3 6,r3. 500 " 1 Palm gong+, iu 2 Th. aud 3 121 bap., 500 " Chemical Olive rlr:Ap, in 5. lumps. 200 " Oleins o,lde " " " 250 " German •I, Cs !IA " Canna 3 60 Pare Palm On hand and for sale by jell B. C. J. SAVI BOULL> you ask ma, aliould you wonder, WhPre to buy your Shore) oud °Altera for your toot in epritigtinfe, Boors with heels, and pretty llUSzt•ta. tic: Fazacti Superats for the .eutureer, Patent Leather Glows id I Where to buy thew. dice", and good too; I should aromer, I would tell you, Go auto the IMPELS' SHOE STORE. To the Peoples' Cheap Shoe Store, To the Store of DIFFKNPACILEP, sp2l No. 17 Fifth street, NEW BEDFORD SPERM. CANDLES.- 20 boxes assorted area, 4's, Ws and Vs, Sperm Candles on band and and for sale by jall B. 0. it. J. IL fiAWYKIL GUM., BUFFALO, CALF AND CLOTH. OVERSELORS, offered low, at "The People' shoe Sore," N 0.1.7 Fifth atrect, near Market. fel3 DIVVILVEACIIIRIt &030. BufFAco SHOES.—A splendid article of Genta' and Ladiea Buffalo Oyer ShosA. Also, Gents' OW Over Shoat, at the People's Shoo Store, Ho. rt Fifth $ treat, near Market. ncrv2l MIN(. 131. CARE. SODA.-100 kegs, just .12,4 meals ed aud for ado by 50.721 R L VAHNESTOOK t CO ONLY 4750 FOR, A TIVO STORY Dwel Usts Haase, of tent rboniii, IC!'s of ground tU loot tcenton Sionterey street. Allegheny nay-, by liftAteep to 413 alley. Terms, t. 400 in band, balance at one, two and three yeaß. OITITEBERS DOM 61 Market street. Dia GOODS. " in 3 11). Eres. .. In l Et. " DISTMTBACHEtt G ROGERS. I FU.. IL WM. 11. SMITH & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, lig Second 11. 147 First sts., mr26 pErTaBtraGEK, PA. Ntist. MILL.r. it, Phila ..... . .............. .0 NV akcx,l , .s. Pit IAM: In-MILER & iticaLorsonr , WHOLESALE GRA)CERS, AND IMPOItTkatS OF BRANDIES, WINES AND SEGARS, No .. 2 and 3ia3, Corner of Liberty and irlyvint Streets, AND EGLI; AGENTS FOR f,,:wearerss City Glass, PITTSBURGH. PA. iguN, N A COTTON Y AIINS, &a, &a., CONSTANTLY ON HAND [•f VID DI t. 33 :•3 110LESALE GROCERS Disixsa IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON \ARNE! ASD rITTSBICFBOU IiESIIPACTUILKB ficNxR ALLT Oormr of Wr.od had Water utr6eta FORWAADMi .AND .COMMISSION •k in ES CO LILA Forwaviing ami Commission Niecchants Vl.CallnlOdol or Stii i•iLt..24.i.agli,frsozadtrilit. a tag I% G_ANAL 4, , ,tt. 114 ANI, 115 WATER EalletT, ititIODES, HIAGEN 14. FoRWAUDING AND CODIMI6SiO.N vatc NIT No. ;',O 3V ,, t,34.7.U.13 6'., CINOINNAV., Jy'2o . . . D. HOUSEMAN , ( LATE OP I.I.OI:I , EMAN COMMISSION AND FORWARDING IfiEIitCERANTS, o tti Second Street, ap9:3lTi Fr. LOUIS, MISS Ain: CILA, UMMILIEI3, /VW. AN, .1911 N WltailiT iltimphreys, iloffoaa i & Wright, FLOUR FA 'rvTORS, E.RoDucE AND GENERAL COrOMIS.SION MERCHANTS, 7.5 nett , i rit,ercVAClD L. 5 NORTH AL(,ve, 1 ,16, St rat RI'ER TO Conrad, Thompson & Cu., linnplain, Clark. A luring, Siter. Price A Co., Copo A Co., Eaarcrott, Ihuiver A Co., C~aaLy. iNrcrllo & 11. M. LeWin, Ca_ahler P. Not.‘t M BAIA Joe. (I. Mitchell, Cashier Irt ban Dlurrii L. Llalkarell Alfa, dlcCutclacou A Collins, John M.'lietintalv A. Co., A Co., Pickett, Mathews &C. 0., Shreasabury A Price, LL Langley & &,ne, Lawrence & Mathias, A. D. lirdlo..k A & Cu., Ilagsle,;', - Co , gravo & 110,15:1y- HEN RN U. CULLINS, Forwarding and Guatiaiasivn Merchant., and whulaaale deakr In Fibil, LILULF.SE, BUT Ell, e•E ).,.! and eIiAJDUCIE gouorally, N. 85 Wood street, i'lLustraith. IlArt . ...... . . . _ GLASSWARE. LLIRIL a. CTIT.IIIIO 1.3011,161 1 ROHILTSCat. 6137161.1.. 107.11 677 I 111.711 T L. ILL7O7I6LT. CU.KLINkii, KO 13 E li.l' SON & CU., INIILLiu f,..--ur,,rr of Cut, Press,tln.nrll . lain Vino G Lruisw A R 4, xttre1,u1.,...7 1V,...,.1c0rn ... r of i•rout, 11.ttaburgb. Ail oilir.r kinda of I.lln...ssarliro awl Wintitu . tila,,,t, al .0.. r Niur:: , .. l . pries-11.011.11y rrotzt ..A. 1..5,,L., 2...06PL1 J. 1:11.2di . 1 r k 1 DL LE & U LAM, SaCeesgora to 51ulvany LA & i:,1;,,., tnrktufartn . rtnr of Cnt, ?Moulded and Vlain tint nnli Frowy Cr.i...,.i t: LAS.I..Y. , ' A ',....1 0 ., and 1.10:1'.,,u ..., 1.1.1 Z.intl.9 of Vv i0:10LT t•ilmEt, Itaukft, V trle 61,1 1:OttIo/. VT en. iIOWIEL COTiler C 0 7L0.7 - 1,4. find Viuttx “ta-oe.ta, l'i It-lb - ugh. m.t.Z..'dly - _-...• . . --• • .—. •••• WINES AND I.IQUOttS 3rOV.N BIOME. & CO., WINES' AND LIQUORS, AN!) RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, Nc. '15.5 I.lbe,rty. Street, Pite.sburgti, Pa. Always on hand, Wines, Brandies, Ulna, Monong - &ela and lleotitod Wa.ia les—alio, ina...kbarry, Wild Cherry, Rinillb.W-17.111d Giny, .r l;ran.be,. 1,4,1z.1y _-------------- , . at. DZYLrei 11. F.V.Ztri/DY. DEVLIN & • li.ri.i.lNN ED Y , W holesale Wine and Liquor Merchants and P.,...-till lug Distillers, No. lib Smitlifedd street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ap3:l y LARE FISH-200 packages arriving and for cala by (jy22) lit-4 it VH. COLLINB. , . 1 39 ACRE, et Land for $450, half in ~ 11111 and ib - b.i . ..,iice m one 3 o.lr, situate in Elk county, l'a., no,. Centre Wei 25 acres Cleared. The eni: lii good, isuLl Linlbar of toast finality, for Hide by jy2u 2. CU CEIBEET .t SON, 51 Market el. ... IDAPER WARELIOUSE.—JNO. M. PER ' ..i BINS .t. GO., Nu. 128 Wood street, have the largest as ~rtment 01 all kinds 01 Papera ever in dill market, inch as nook and Printing Paper.r, Rag and Straw Wrapping; Lis,, Note; and Wazed Papers; Manilla Paper of all tares; Book and Box P.oardc; :Cm valopes; Ticail.; Bonnet Board% Hardware Paperdi.c. Which we will cell at ant infacturers prices. I N DIA RD BB of CU RB.Y COMBS —Also, ...E. a large assortment of Dreaaing- Tuck and Lung Combs, just receil ei at the India Rubber Depot of PIiILLIPB, ell 213 and 28 Et. Ulair saw H ARPER,'S MAGAZINE, J recoiv,i sod tar 103, LA DRY APPLES.-50 Lb's. bright Dry Ap• plea, lectivod and for ealo, by ap3 . Me:llS 11. (1)1..1.1.1YM ORN APPLES.-15 bbls. Amick) Apple r&c,tiv,,a and for toile by 3P5 lIEWILY 11. (YiLLINS. BEith'S.-20 bbls. small White Beans, just reCkiVe4 and fa cale by H.F.NRY IL ammus. T_ IMO'PHYSKED.-10,1 bags reo'd and. for sale by 043) /HENRY H. COLLINS. IiEW WALL, PAPERS CHEAP.--,Still they come. W. P. MARSHALL & CO., cps) . 87 Wood street. NEW GOODS FOR SPRING own d S. We aro daily receiving m our auEaatern• factorios, additions to our stock, which cenibibi Iu part of Floor Oil Clothe, Carriage Oil Cloths, Ituroiture 011 Cloths, Table Oil Cloth', Creak Oil Cloths, Tranaparent Oil Cloths, S Transparent Window hades, Bull Holland..., and Shade Trimmings Merchants, iletuelfeepers, and others, requiring any goods lu our line, aro invited to call and examine the stock, arid judge for themselves iu regerd to the quality and J. A IL PHILLIPS, NG& 213 and 2.8 St. Clair street. m- Qlllll-10 1 BaltimoreSha, just roccAved ntta fur bato by MoCANDLESS, MEANS dc Ca t Corner Wood and Water streeta. HERRIN li—lu ibis. No. 1 Potomao Iler ring, juat rr.ceived and for sale by EIeCANDLUSS, hLHANS 3t. CO., Corner Wool and Water streets. DRIED APPLES.-150 bus. choice Pry Arpkx, Laud fur Kale, by • JAR. A. FICTSED., Comer .111s.skei mud First street!. DINE APPLES.-soa ietiaiv©d this da. 2.13 Eal-+ hp REYMER ANDERSON, .No. Sid Wood street, GV:xigito St. Clairlee SK AI - LDS —For avoking Joints, Bold by Wm. a. JOLEN'CON & CO., itpyiT Ptlrat riZiNgit. 67 Wood raft . ISIL-150 pkgs. Whit© Fish, 'Front, Sal - mon, etc. 4,71 RINK Y n. COLLINS. ii . 111.. E . -1 .00 barrels frenh Lime just ret'd 1.61 by faardi 1114 N EN IL COM INA. -(1-11I1INEY fOPS 4 various patterns, for 11..1 aalo liy (larfa2i , H. H. COLLINS. Ortc - C(CYOIr - CIGARg.—A large assort 1 . meat of facorito brand s , on hand S and for We CO by WM- IL MITH dt ~ 118 A•econd,-and 147 Drat sinks. • .. mAc EL-- , 1 4 30 bblß. and half bbls. No for sate by r 11121 TIENTLY FI. OOLLINB. TOWDERS7-50 -caskr o Tennant s,johnsores- and other: brands Just reef and for sale low by ' iNCL / 11 . PERKINS A CO, . 128 Wood street, pooh. PAPER-100 reams 24x38, a nice article just re:elved and fur 81110 by JNO.-21. , PERAINS A: CO., _ 3M Wood Meet.. _ Air LAN E'S V ERMIFIR/E—AND—LINEB PILLS .-75 grow ou tutnd and for sal". by. Leg B. L BAHNESTOOKI:Oc. - Corner Wood aid fourth'tstroati. _ IT4ttei; novl6 IBOTTER--500 lba. fresh. r,, fast received end for eat.) by ' , JAMES A. MUM, stsk9 Qorner Market and Writ, etreeta. JUS. x. ITUNTER HEMS 117.1A73 KIA 7i PITYPEURL:III, PL PEiI3,LDfi;LP I-11 A Philadelphia Maysville, Ky. (lain polo, Ulf Louievilio, 01, Ctuciaaaci, PictaLurgii, 1 WIIO7r.A DELLS - a IN 1,1,0 t oN11:3', Pout BANKS L4R SAVINGS HANEL, Neu 65 Resrfit Sired, MVO' 13.00 M, JONES' NEW BUILDING. ()PEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 o'clock; also, on Wednesday and Saturday evenings, from May let to November let, from 7 to 9 o'cioct; and from November Ist to May Ist, from 6 to S &clock_ Deposita received of all mama not team than 051 Dolmas, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, in June and December. Interest was declared at the rate Of six per omit. per annum, on the flirt of December, 19.58; also in June and December, 1.48 i ,, and in Juno and Ins•en,ber, 1857. Interest, if not drawn out, pi 111,tre41 to the credit of the depositor as principal, and been. the aline interest from the first days of Jane and December, compounding twice a year without troubling the depositor to call or oven to present his pose boa. At thin rate, money will double in less than twelve years, making in the aggregate lion? MC) oxs-utas rye C.15[2. .110011EI containing tho Crhaiter, Ity-Lnwa, Raba and Boo• lotions, furnished gratis, ou application at the °Moe. President_-GEOUGH. ALBEIME. vial esaaart ars Uopewal Hepburt, James 81ddle, Alexander Bradley, Robert Robb, William B. Lavely, Hill Borgwin, TH136211319. William J. ittidOreOn. 10110 W. Hallman, John G. Backofen, Charles K map, Albert Culbertson, ' P. A. AL:deli - a, John B. Canfield, .h.i.n 11. Alell,.r, .1. Gardiner Co:au, Waiter I'. M.,sela.ll, Alonzo A. Carrh,c, Wilson NI . .tle, David Campbell. A. M. Poll,. h, 1d D Charles A . Clalton, floury 1.. ltine,wait, William Douglass, John hi. Bawyor, Francis Felix, tleorga B. Belden, George F. Gillmore, Alexander Tindle. James B. loon, Theobald thabataetter Will *11:1 8. Haven, Ceorgo B. White, SEcrelary and Treasurct—CHAß. A. COLTON. - - BANK OF lOWA. A. J. STEVENS & CO., DislanoiNEti, touts. CIOLLECTIONS MADE and iv A../ MittuiL LANDS oelocuNl and locatol. luauufite wialling to mato luveAmentd lu tho Went, eau (mayd hrodnugh thi.3 holi.o. Oorrovuudeni:e edlidtod. Ildi _ . ATIVIN ............... . D. LOOMS. A USTIN LOOMIS & CO., Doalars iu 21"„proultmoryNutes,ilioulls, Mortgaged, and ail BtAaultiea ter Money. Money Loaned on Checks at abort dates, with collateral security. NOVAS AND DRAPTS BOUWIT AND 6tILD. Far suns dotriag, Loans can be accounsiodatol on reaaous ble terms, and cai. - italiits can be tUrnisbed with good sucw ut remunerative prieen. Also, attend to the Bale, Renting alei of Rod Estate. Office, No. U 2 FOURTH atroat, above R d i. • Mk. AUSTIIJ LOOM'S., Notary PuLlic. HOLMES & SONS, Bankers and Ex • change Brokers, andllealers in Notes, Drafts, Accept. anc.., (bald, silver and Buy': Notes. Etehauge on the Inlet. ern and Wo4turu eitios cenetantly ter tinla. 001.1.6Ctiula Mad: , ha 411 the cities throughout the United Btates. Deposits reculved in pa; lands or current paper, N. M.arltet str..s;t, between Third and Pourth ace Ijy.O - ly V piiOMAS WOUI)S, CoDllllercial Broker, and Dealer in Note», Donde, Etein., Real Xetate. ac., N.• street, I'd.t.sbargh, Ya.IV A CONIAINRCIAL PItINTINU sTEILT nE.S.:I4P7ION CAILLO, U.01)131 LL.b, ()ST ERS, LEGAL ULAN H.. PAPER BOOKS FOR LAWYERS PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, in Ur) neatest manner, promptly and at CIIEAP RATES, by ail TYPE METAL FOR SALE.- The unl,ralgurd have a largo Ltuaatlty of Vl'l'. FOR SALT nquire at th, MORNItill FJST JOB OFFICE A. LARGE AND WELL SELECTED tti.ect of Fall wear [ILA; received at the People's Shoe kitore," ;lo 17 fifth street, near Nfark.!t. tdqr.stock com• prises bent's, Ladlei', tlia4es', Boy.' and,Ohild!en's t7oar, made of the boot material, and will give aatisfactiou to ail who will favor us with their patronagee. A luiga usaurt client of Bole and Youth's Boots. A, email lot of Soiled Gaiters loft, will be eel I low. sell DI V If hiN & TJILL'S FRLNKLIN ALMANAC YOE. 1850, published by W. 0. JOLI.NSVIN et; 00. Printers, Stationers and dliudtrf, 67 Wood et reeet. liypr. Phosphate Limo ; Ddido Zinc; Citrate Potash; American Drop Black ; Nitrate Stsontia ; McClung A Campbell's Starch Star" Anis ; Black Mustard Seed; Garrett's Scotch Snuff. For sale by B. L. FALINESTOOK 03., :al No. 60, corner Wood and Formal street• PAPER HAN MiS.-W. P. MARSH ALL 00., nre now um - ling new Paper hangings in every style of °kith, Gold, :4atln and Plain 'finish. Beautiful panels in plain tiots, oaks and polychrome . , Decorative Bor. dors Teeter I, Figures, Bognita, Statues, Pictures (drawl. Cheap glazed and plain Wall Paper, of good designs, in great quantities. for sale at 87 Wood street seld lACUNT WASHINGTON. A Cottage Hones of 5 rooms and PA acres of ground coder good fence, apOe trees, peach and pear trees, straw harries, grapes, currants, etc.. will t o sold on easy terms. Posses sion on April Ist, 1859. 9 CUTI-111titT & BON, re la 51 sfarlast etrt+t. THE LADIES ARE INVITED TO CALL NO. 77 meaiiia STREE'F, And examine the NEW FALL STOCK. All the NOVEL TIES in Trimmings now open. Ala elegant stock of COL LARS and SETS, at vey low prices. INFANTS' ILOBEB and CAPS, RIBBoNS, r FLOWERS, and 15.1111inery Goods; Hosiery and Gloves, Yarns, Worsted etc. SOS. HORNE, 77 Market street. SECOND OP RIO ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH SCHOTTISH, Tho moat popular Schottish of Gila day. PRICE—T[Ii Wl' WrINTO Jog. received and fur sale, by ' 4 H. if.LEIPIII 111 LO., No. 63 Filth street picKL lo E do s z ..- 1 gall Ai avaort•td 3 , " quart 16 pint " FOR A liOl7 ST. Joit and for sale by REYSIE.R A ANDERSON, No. B 9 Wood etreot. floiei ARIMAN REZON—Constitation, Rules and Regulatk.i.s of the Ortind Lodge of Peunstylvatila, now edition. For aide by WRLDIN, 63 Wood street, near Fourth. DARLEY.-50 sacks received and for sale 1 P by [BOl5l HENRY H. COLLINS. ONE DOLLAR A WEEK FOR 104 weeks will pa . / for a lot of ground 25 feet by 100.-- GEL! y two far sale at that price and terms. Situate at 20 minutes nat. from the city. sale S. CIITHItERT & SON, 61 Market at. ®WEN & HUR,LBLIT'S Letter, Cap and Note Paper. Thigmill took the first premium at the World's Fair. For sale by 8620 _4OOIYARDS GREEN AND BUFF OIL N- 1 CLOTH, for sale wholesale and retaq, at the All Cloth Depot of J. IL PHILLIPS, gral 28 anti 23 S. ()lair streat. ENGLISH PICKLES-50 dozen assorted GUMBO A Blacker ...IV,, LraoMl E d, R I rEoi ANDERSON, rod and for e Flo by RI - N 0.2.0 Wood strest, eelli Opposite BLOiiistiat nota REED STREET.—TWO GOOD BUILD. ONO lots cow Hood street. P,:cn for both lots $6OO. Terms easy. for sale by 8. CUTHBERT BO N, salt 51 hlarkot r trout, ROOFING PAPER,--300 Rolls Sat receiv od and for sato, at manufacturers' picot, by JOLIN M. PERKINS it, CO., 128 Wood street. COPYING PRESSES screw Coping Presses; Cain and Lever Copying Presses ; fervor Screw, and S WAL O. JOHNSTONpring Copying Praised. & 67 Wood street SYRUPS.- V@ dos. Lemon Syrup ; 10 " Strawberry Syrup; " Pine Apple 6 " Ilasparry Just received and for sale by 11.1tYlLEIt A ANDERSON, No. 89 Wood street, Opposito the 81 Charlea STONE WATER PIPE.- WO porde 6 inch; WO 4 6 00 II 3 61 400 2 IA Recoiled and for sale by I J.33] HENRY H. COLLINS NEW BOOKS 1 NEW BOOKS 11— Mary Dorwant, by hira. Ann S. Stephens ; • Tho Joalon.4 Wifo, by Alha Pardo°. For gala by B.Loom, . Publishers' Agent, Poet Buildings, 41 Fifth street.. CIOPYING PRESSES, Copying Books, , I„,j Batahes, Oil Paper , for male by W. S. BAlftbl, rnr24 Corner Market and Second eta. VINE FLOUR.-20 bbls. Fine Flour in store, and for Bobo by IdcOANDLEBS, lemma Corner of Wood and Wsdnr rtreetsi. 111ROOMS.-100 dos. Extra Carpet Corn ..Brooinn on hand and for Edo by 11. O. A J. 11, SAWYER. AY & BRO.'S PRINTING INKS—SoId }v mr24l R. I.4IILDTTE Aff RS: ALLEN'S RAIR_RESTORATINt 1t L —Another aapply of. this joatly c.dobrated Mir Restorative; 'alio, a loge lot of Wiibd's'excellent Hair Re storative, recelted by JOB. PLEASING, len Corner Diamond and Market street, John IL Shoenberger, N. Grattan Murphy, Isaac M. Pennock, Jainea D. Kelly, Jame' BOTAIIIEM, John 8. Cosgrove, )IAMED BILLS, BAR/. cx. D3XIERS, MORNING POST JOB OFFICY, CORNEA oio wt: 1 p Plinff BARR & MYERS SUPPL IL k:<<, Aturoimo NOTICE. Th© Pittsb'h, Ft. Wayne & Chicago • • RAILROAD COMPANY, WITII ITS AMPLE ROLLING STOCK and e q uiinnout, and its through c,)iiheetitine,is pre• pared to transport Pas!sengort and knight front PHILA DELPHIA and PITTSBU itcl if to einoAGo, ST. LOUIS, IN DIANAPOLIS, (3INCI.NN ATl.and all plaza:: \V, s t !tad Eolith West, with a great degree 01 regularity nioi expedition. The fact that this 'toad tonna a direct and consolidate line between Pittsburgh and Chlasge, 61 II sufficient guar ante° that its Trains will wake good lime, and connection with Train!, on othor Itoad. ON AND A XTER MOND.AY MAY 10th, 16Z•e, the Train Oil this read will leave the UNION DEPOT, Pittsburgh, daily, (Sundays excepted, as follows: PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE Pittsburgh. I, Cr.atlitio. . Ft, Wayne. S. Mail, . 7:80 A. hl. 7:07 P.M ! First Express,. ...... ... 11:40 A. M. ludit) P.M ti:o4) P. M. Second .' .... ..... 2:11 P. M. I 10e2,3 P.M 11:50 A.M. ILFACII CILICAGO--First Express, at 7.00 A. M.; Second Express at 1:30 P. M. REAoll OINCINNATi—First Express fes.ii) P. st.; Second Expreza 7:2h a. 1 , 1• ItEACLI 6T. LOUlS—First Express '..)(,) A. ii., Second Ex. ti.press .1.14 P. N ~.. All Trains !oat , . ,!.....• . ,uo ,!..!!. .! .: ~..)11,„ S, , f..,Th„. e.. lic.s, Ci.ciinliti, 1 url ..- . . ..., ; . ! ••• .; also, ut :-.!“,:,. W Ilya!, a ills Trams“ 0.1 V. ibb:NU ns.,l ',A , ‘• , -.lrru liailromi for Lalayette, Cential Ll Ono)! rsu I :•l. Low. , ... -,.. al FLArst. WWI TrAloM t,t, the ',t. lt.. ii !. e:. r. I:., tir.l I •:1.1 ... Mt T1.1i1.0 re Du) , Lob cud Niu Lucal. It.utrool HET IiEN LNG i From Chicago. l't Way Lie. I Cristline. IA re Pttes, , z U. S. Mall, .10,00 P. 51. iota) A. M. 1tt...40 P.M. 1 S.nli P. V. Lit Express, 0,30 A. II 2:00 P. M. I 0. i 2 P ' , I. ..,,p) i_ !!_, 2 .! fc!to A.M I:1u P f-• Those Trains make close connections with erainn fur 17• k. adelphia, Baltimore New York and Huston. Train& from SL Louis, Indianapolis, Cue - iunatt and Cokes, has make close connections at Crustline a aai all term lilsdi Trains. At Fort Wayne, Trains teem t. LOMA, Central Illi nuia, ',Layette, and intermediate place, connect with atate Trains. At Forst, connections aro made a ith 1 rajas to and from Cincinnati, Springfield and Dayton. 'She 11, S. sisal from Pittsburgh to Crestline, being a train f,.r 10=1 box ll.* is overtakeu by the Sdcunil i.xpe/ ... ACCOMMODATION TKA..lNll—irtaieo Cl ete Ei-iht,..ti fur Pittsburgh, at d:3O A. NI., and 11:::', P. 31 IJ,lvr Pats burgh tor Now brighten LA O: :10 A. M. and 1' ..!.2 P. li. -li - AlltiAGE 011E03 Ef. 'YEIItOI3O it, .....t ~,, ills: oe foi hariliu6. Travelers or pors,us I: Aerating topurchise tiolat a in Pitts burg') for the West, will bear in mind that the. only _Agent afaboriznal by the I'., l! . . W. A C. it. It.; C. I P. R. ft , and Slsal... l )Yllie .1:1d lailitilia Itatiro. 1 Companies, is 0 EttittlE PARE.IN, ai the Uuiou Ticket. Otlloe, Connected with the POllifik P... It. l'a6agei! peput, Corner Liberty an su d Gr i w A i i ,.„L,. HAGGAI/I!: will not be checked Col pe , 14,1.3 Fir! lut,teg, tickets at any other place in tins i qty'. TO CaIYnIENCE ON MON DAY, May toth, sol ceutinne mill further num , . .1. J. HOUSTON, Gen. Pea•s'r. alai I l' L. A.6'l. E. W. UOSS, Pa,s'r. Agent, Chi. ~g,. : 1, 4 4 . 11. ''.',40011.11, 501,,,TiuL.,11,'• Hr. NUIV TO CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE an.: ST. LOUIS VIA PITI:813U I.l'. WAYNE awl CI: ii!Aao AND (11.1i0Di NATI, LIAMILWON e? 1;1. 5*1. 4 ,N 1:. ',ROA La DELAWARN CUT -or/ eja,. /hzta.riv only 320 ntiarsp...,4 - TIIIS LINE is ouniposed of Itoo.de of the First Cia:l3, and is local::'. tl.roo. t, „ 1....y.111 , 11 ~..od /41L. , 1i1y criltivdted portina ef tho :gat., y4rwr• c044. - .....,t . ...: 11 19 ina4l.„ iti Os, I,iiati wail Lilt: A 0 ULP) A „IA 111.,..As'tippiftalituad, (flo• t.0,.._.:. . ' • • LI. !toads, bai ls , ' outiectod, I::.: ' do, -:•. I,a - ,:.1,, .1:VallIrtille, Oi.:L-o, Memphis, Vii,iz.dmirg, Natches, Noll 0r10t...w. Owatieetion mule at Rt. Loniu with thd Paxilic Railroad and Mlaunri Filar 1.'„..L., , ,, for • rANSAS AND 11113311 Anil ell plats 'o'(3.3i. Liao C,11.4,4d Nritil KULICIICITY ConLrel R. R.. Err Li.iiington, Nr.rnirrort and pII palnta in Central li.entncsy. Tr.-And 10...w0 o root Stamp twt follol - 3:30 _A. M. I "ant, :0' riving tat a:l5 . 11173 ar loaprotri P , 1.5 1? nritt“ In entatlin , IA 1c 06 • I S.M.. Cm. >3.110 P. M. 8i , A1(.3 AG els v 9 Tlittollt. 11. Mace sam LOW n [trio. Fur all iuturinat , a. ai.i Throu A li apitty ti C.to Tlcr„yf)..T,:re, corner hfonorrir, , a , . la licus, ar r.t PGtiu street Statiop. *car Pawengewa C.aita stit, Ittr Tickeld via DeIAWIVE , Cut-OLf. J. B. Lunt. P. Pt. W. L U. tt. C ll 9P. The Cleve Maid, Pitinburah ataa Wheeling Raili-ead, rittsburgh ) ColuEibus W - 4 4 1,re,m0A -- fg4 •11.A1L11 OA ll Lit 4 . Eilange. .0.. r 1-11..,. ON AND AFTER, 1‘1()N1).-A Y, ii.l A V 11; i it, lik,ii. Tri.j..1% , ..1 :imv•• tL,. . ~, ..: ~ ......... , ..,,• •):,,.... ContrE.l haiirlica ..0 I,' '..;•:?:. :. - F.. t2,...:;vi:Li:...i, ;:.. i ~...•. 1 fe:7l,t,T, 6:15 A. M. ~ ,:l i.!.l10 A:if) I'll I: N ip r. W LLEII-i . :.1 Ah u In N, 'VI; 1 r; 1 . ifor Ci.r.vEl..A.lio, 'Et LxDO, DreiwiT 2:35 P. 111. ,-,- i',:‘,"°,,"`!,`::', l :,'-": , ':',... 7 ,....,,,,,L.::,;' .i,„ 1,,,„it line of ,:t„.,,,,,. N.} LINO. ALL WAY STATIONS ON TON HI \ Cu 41;00 PI p i ,,,,,, 3 0up3ra deolyliag ti, g , , t. Ch 1 . .11g0, or pili u till Iwyt tpi Chicago, via thovaiaild, ia , ...,..1. ~...-.4: !•,;• ti, !,,,,, ~ ,„ 0,,..„.1,,.„) PITTSBURGH, CO 1; 11. V II I; S A .'.1.. , C.' i:it.lr. i AT .11' i (.4.i STEVER,' NT r 11, L ,',.' ~ ;.• ,i I li 0A D CHANGE Olf Talist.—tin aial i.tiair MO, OA Y. It - l'• It, of ?Any, 18.58, Trains will table the i e , lx.L of Ilio l't•liitmyl to. Dia Contra' Railroad, as followiii— } ir , At ' FOr Zrttinc.NTlLl.r. Colt. ,`: .3. 1/k s . • : I, 3:00 A. an. IriDi.itieiPitLls, iutitn‘til.f. CilP-0, NI ci, Pule AND :SE% i...-ici.t..icit.. F.•ft i'li.ilriilifi Ali, i , r. 1. t ii, t.:. I iI • 2:35 re. II ~...., :0 ,t•iii W i ,_,. If Th —, roug h to Cincinfoiti vilitioc.i t Lon gt • Of Cal , . Paraienoto drithig to i-,fi to colnmlini, C;n, i.,,,,,t, e t .., ur any iiiiiun bt-liatti ea•uitfint.t VII iitaiii•ctiv Ilk, moot t,i, for ttelteta via Stcutienviiie; JAHES Fa irili,ii., rloporint , ioe.or.t C., l'..t St". ft. it. W. W. HAG I_Elv, buouroltrodoot I' . ti .t C. it. it. PITTSBUItGIi & CONNELLSVI 4.1 1!%••: I i • " A . R A fir IN and after Monday, the 10th iti:q. i• - 11, - ;!- Nur engur Trains will bo ruu daily, tercopt Sundays, ii, .an the Pennsylvania Railrosd Piecinugir Dcpet, si. follow, Mail Train leaves Pittsbnr,.ll...... .......7iou o. s, I.:apron; Train leaves Pit t.bnrgh.. .. .....:1:30 A. rd I:LEVU:IIIINa' Man 'Train leavoi C u nnonsviii.,... ...... ........u0 A. Id. littpresi 6 ' Arriving at Pittsburgh P.:1l, a hi. Tickute to be had at Pcuusylvarda lLtilt.;:i ' 'I 1 li..t int. .n. Bah Trilina cam:teat at Counellsville with Denting A 1101 I'D Coachea for Uniontorrn, Frouthurg, enrube..a.u. l , ei•• . ...- wi at Wed. Nownia with C0art,..... fur ,11. pi er ,,,,,,,,, ;;;,,,,,,,, :. Berlin; etc. , Freights to and from Pittsburgh and the..„0 , 0,1 op irg t a . burgh and Connellaville Railroad, will t o roteir c.i aod .1.... ' livered 1u Pittsburgh, at the 0 italchtf in Dep. i," opiaent. " Duquesne Depot." excepting such . a.O Pig lien, I.nai L.., , Stone, etc., which will he loaded or uhluain .1 ..t ..01 , a, ,',. pot, or at the canal Depot, as may be arranged a it!, Fiot, I. l Agent, Pennsylvania itaiiroarl, at Pittsburgh. 11. 13141.01itiTt.iN tr., c.up'... Transportation Department P. A 0. R. IL, I . llonnellsvillo, May Oth, 11168. ___.—nog_ . _ New Route vie, Flavor t.nti F.ll ilToad. ..._, •r.T.rk.:t. ,* e.g.. A_ __ India apolls (6 Cincinnati itaiiroa4l CONNECTING A' INDIANA i>oLis w i t h Tdrj. , 3 Lunt, I:11d TOitio LEW ik, a 0 1 A Itoa Rai lcoialti, to ;it. Louie ana Lteroo4. l 3 Glid Imilarcipolt, Now Ailiany . and Salem, and Michigan Central Itzwis ...., CHIC V; 0, BOOK. LIZARD, 8U111.1.1.R.1T0A, and el I,...totmediato points. Through Freight Tntin to li
r, 0.0 Cl.e cinicati to the West, without htcaiiing bulk. Consignments made to J. E. tillitiONS, Agent at ;sluclic. nal; to, V. 11. CeTT.IIIO, Agar:. at Lawroccobut,:, rail! receive prompt Eatz4gori, arid LU ch. rge fur coml. itHlOll ; tie cit i ng for drayage erartwiy;atit=r, at Laerrn. .. cehurg. For further information, ap li ply to l• i):.;A:i It...Tilt/AN, (No. 11.5 Water strootd Agent of the Coaipany, .1„,.., iv pre to give TaROllOll raniii.Pa to Indian:volts, Terre ute, Lafayette, Chicago, Porn, fireenc.vitle, Cre,,ei,,,,b. , i.:f_va.-;.i.:Von, Paris, awl Msttooo. ii. 0. LORD, Proaidc7..t. NO. S. calaiii, G-Lti'l Vt,-.4,!..t Agent trir3 J. R. WELDIN 0 A• MILIAKEN St CO. have uti hand, at - • their extoustve OALUN ,VP and Will 6. aLiza - jFAc. , y, Np. N4 ::.,tuftlifield strerzt, a largo t-Jsortment ui liaiicy and Kan ViirialAtCy Vthich they will sail 15 p • • cil,A;11). '..- AT TIOI PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, Jel2 No. 77 Fifth street., DIFFENBACHEIS A CO. OTAR CANDLES.-75 boxes extraiTa -1..., cu ~'.,::a 9ti , r Candles,' wurranted superior to any in the unisket: . ealttnti ;44 fj.`f sato by mylS 0- C. ii 3. 11. FAIVINIt. - --- -- - QI'ONGES -- A large supply of coarse and lc fine Sponges, of a very superior quality just received h. JCS. FLEMING Corner Diamond and Market Stfaat. 01 7 f f I'lo NE RY FOR OFFICE 0 - SE-A er Staple autl Fancy Stationary, for of. -- 6vdcs, t•tc',(o: RCIO §Y (j 110) .J IVELIMiI. tiTe9, t, 1 . - - I Pi 111;9H TEA, MORE NEW TE4. — The - .P.: fie...nt Tea of every name, grade and raid.. '''he not norther Ilea in ator., Lind arriving, a taint extensive and eerapl.nte ariaiirtici.at oil ea In el:testa, half chants and fami jyr t„; . -r,e, all of which ii u nwell et greatly reduced pricon. jed2 , 8. JAYNE.S, 38 Fifth atrent. - AHOME IN THE COIJNTRY,-,-A new Cottage House of 41 moms, good cellar, and every conveuiama - to mak: , a c/..infortable and ph:num:it reaidenee; stable, carriage nouan ; erring house, 5. , 50 peach trees; also,choice m. , plen aria other fruit, ;.2. '4.,:rr:s of hand, good quality fur gation:ng ourpeEea, situate` at 3 niilea frog: the city, near the Wanningion Turnpike. Terme NOV, and faimoili• ate ixAbesaion. Fur Gala by. '.S. OUTIIBEIRT 4 SON;'. • -.1Y:42 Ed. Marke o.c. DESIRAPIE PROPERTY FOR SALE— Dwelling novae, e 4 two large lots, with good im provements, immediate pen l eaion, Priem, $lBOO. • - A farm of 303 acres, 40 improved, all prima land one mile from Fayette Spr.ngs. ' Price; $8 per acre. A valuable property at Lawrenceville, in complete order, good location, immediate peaccepion-43500. A section of choice land ilk Fraultlin county, lowa, in good location—s e ,so per acre. a. OUTILL: ilia a SON, 5l Market street. STREET. A Briek Dwelling •Ai Ilopze on Clark otreot, naar Corponter'4 alley, at the low price or SUM Also, three other 'Dwelling Ilenaus near the above. 'Price . fatal -each Tertna easy. , 8. CyriUßV.R.`: SON, Ol t Markelei. bbls Lierring for sale by 1.1 103 u COLlams CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. 14, EMOVAI2.--4:. Sr, H. PHILLI PS have romovatt_to their now building; Noa. 26 aad 6T. 0 LAIR greet, west, eide,between Rent: tstroot and tho Bridge. 11./"lniairE'S) DIANUFACTURERS OF FLOOR, FURNITURE, CMtRIAO TABLEE, AND TRANSPARENT Ec'OPAQuE WINIOG'W SHADE 011.N.4 CIOTEEti , 1 Cli didereaf Colors. D2AT..1.118 IN Olb CLOTHS WINDOW SEAD.ES Of ev,Nry descripOom • Dealers in INDIA RUBBER GOODS, of all kinds, made antler Goodyear'e Patent; Agents at -the Boston and Now York Belting Companies, for the sale of their INIfIA IItItBELTING, HOSE and tucrazza. LEATIIEB, BELT. ING of Rec.:ern manufacture, a anperior'quality; aLso, Lace Leather and Rivets. Agents for the OHIO PLRE-PROOF MINERAL PAINT. Dry end Mized Paints, Varialshes, Oils, Tarpentino, Bralthe3, (11.1:33 and Putty. 1101ISII AND SIGN PAINTING AND GLAZING, in all Its branches, 'deZe In the boat and shortest time. fde2oo.y j J. ct 11. TBILISI'S, aare Nas.26 and 2 St. Clair street; Mann2ctory at Phil. elpsvllle, on the Ohio river, three mike below Pittsburgh. capnr.s, OIL - CLOTES, MATTIEG, AT THIS raolsfrth Street Carpet Store. . 'll 7 U.& II_: respectfully In.vite' tho attentich of their •lernivr v....ate:dors and.the gonerodly to their pronent stuck, just seiceted for Spring Dales, embracing the Tory latest styles of Fort•ign and timmo-Uanntl..clure,.oonaiiting in part of Velvets am! Brrmsela, Tapeatry and Common In6 , rujia. also, Brtucele„ Daniatir, Twilled and Plain - Stair thiItDETS. OIL CLOIIISTIEO 3I 3 TO2I. FELT /Ingo, latda,'Stair lloda, Canton and Cocoa Slatting; I.ot, Yarn and Rag Carpet'; Veuitiau Blinds; 'Llaintod, 'f ua end Ureen Shados. • It will givapleacure to show good; to all a' ha Iraq 1. , itibircala of looking or pnrchasing, and we are determined to offer inducements to any who may favor us with a cull, at the old stand, No. 67 POOILTEI Strost; near Wood. naylS:iy • ' , W. D.. _ CLOTH. OLO'fIIINO--iitf ail kinds, NUF Idsek and yell iw, f 'rash) at the India {lubber Dopot and 2a so Maar streat. (doe' J. I; 11. Plii bid P. 6 . 1411. CLOTIIS FOR TILE FALL TI. - I.ADE. % o rV,o I,rrik, oratand, and acs daily receiving additiori thereto f:eui our ceNu alb:other neanninetrirlas, a liiry3alocB of floor eurulture, Cartitige Tdrarcing,Tablo COY.) Trai,f, paront, Ltzeon and Bun; and all klniLs of 011 Cloth, esod :or ilonaohatiliaiiing and other purpoacis. Also, TrAnspato at Windoes glad;., of dry and ell nniali—gold horde: oil and other lay ;La, and Window niiado Trimminge. filtachunts and at liars will Cud it b. Viola- advantago amine Out' alatit arid . price., before Taking their pi.r‘natsc. I elueviherd. J., H. PLULL: cult> 26 and 25 St. Clair :drool*. I. oLuTil TABLE COVERS—Of our °Won and taller tuannfaiturerm, for Pale n aidettale end J. L IL Pill ',LIPS, .1.07 26 and 20 St. Clair etreet. rpRANsPABENT ()BEEN OIL CLOT ll— lttbiu yarda ul n superior qua.ity, jut received loom tile Lae:tory, and for tale by J. is It. jyli 2.5 and Clair street. d riARRIAGE OIL 0LuT11.6.----Enamellea IV with plain or rigured muslin, iscided arid Duck for talc by J. a u. id 17 20 and St. Clair idle. I. ()AP' OIL OLO'1:11S—A fele! pieces on inus ha, talk, and imitation at oak, L. I sale at tai and it Ht. Clair area. (jyri) J. 4; tl. PHILL USPII'AL SllhlrlPiNG—of all widths mud elf the liteit quality, for rude at the india hid, bur Unpin ; 20 mid 'l,B St. Clair street. jell NDIA .IJOUiI.I%IALS—The i;ust artado iu uso, for sale at the India DJ:labor Depot, of .1. IL P iII.LLIPS, '1.3 vent 98 NI Chair all act. Ittebeirgii 70c. la leo it,: 00e.. V 100 11:1. 50c IGO MH 1 . 4 3 .L001t, OIL CLOTHS,- Of C] r WI I CIPA(.rn maunfacturd—all idEat, Bad our. to Baia auy also of EJOM6 or half—at Oil Cloth Wc.ro roolito, '46c,ati :flair ati.rr. dot:4l 400.11 100 tba ,Great CitaElCiL s to Tilli BEST AND MOST CERTAIN SPECU LATION Olf TILE TEtIES-01 , .:1 , 1 IItiL,LAI3. SLlAltE.—.Forty thews:sill dollark worth of TRioaolo heal Estata, Wutchea, joweti y„'" ihlvor and Silver Plated Ware, with a great 4ei iety of Iftnicy and disple Goods; to be disposed of u, tarty ote,n sand shares, at one dollar per share, as lotion payment of one dollar, I will send the payer a taltaber.,..l r.. Ceillt, which will entitle flint v ;ma Cuatu to toe übore undi vided p.opoi . ii. 1 1tiou theall'arcii shall have btu, sold, toe sharehdldorsahalflie notiAecrof the fact, by mail, or through the newspafers, and a meeting of the ho.irehelciern rbad then be boo tuo city of Phrtdeintlia, sad the t. i:ole of the property disposed of or clietriblited among them; iii such way; an shalt be determined upon by them ; each Sharehold er shalt 11:1eutilled to Cue new, n Cornusittee to be selected by the Shareholder' at said meeting, to conduct or surieriu tend the disposition of the property, according to the dtroc tiuns of the ialiiiroboltiors, and I will then deliver the pro perty to ancu peracm purcuips as tho tiliarcholders niay appoint to receivir the :tame. The Baal Estate ,. CenEneta of one three story bride dwelling house arid lot, valued at and two there story brick dwelling housed end lota valued •nt 2100 each, in the city of Philadelphia, clear. of all inaum braueo, and tulip Ind'i.sVpht, l l o 3 ttle ottior 'Qropeity co:nista of the whole stook e..n.d•Etatitres or ono. of tiro litrice3t Watch and JeWelry Iltorea iii the city of Philadelphia, non, and for a lung time past Itnytt by the ealwortner. 'rho shie s t: consit,- tug of Tory tine o,old nod :'issuer Iluntiaz Cep., 1.ev, , ,• ur es, very flue t;old andblivor L2.teat ',Ever, g.„t atohuti, @nod Chains, 60a13, itrotscht - t, Bcif,ol.ats. Dlnnettan turd °Utter Vitt S arel i'„,l,4xna, nit;l ttaaert, gold cad River Thimbles, fu ver and :liter ?fated Ware, constettng of `sea Sea, e , totorti, Cale Poslr,:ta, Goo, Knit*c.,ll , olfact, tt(t., .41:0,i'reat ).ecordcooki, and a E,'ltaa, varibly ;runs a. Tlio In not ono of those scheme., which are datrieett to on. to fl trkyeetiy, but ie naiad 1,1112 , .1 r tale tha Cr; y Inno,szittv avntlia(lt)/0. 3 1 , n 42 rro not l,uo pnotth/ , . 0 . 1 for Litt Ote tient ntion, and to polio off Commun. (A/it eon, J.• for :lee (101 d, unman such will be distritmted, .•I , able yOII,OIIEI are Div on aV roforencte, La, LllO3 I. V.:• alata slnv , ..e. All o , hl-y.i‘by Moil et:Lb:a:on ;i.,• he promptly attenddd to, and rezeiv,..:c dr,oc 91 the aindor, by rotnrn ton anlinra at one tiinD, grill receqe clev:tu Fteptite.h• p.ta. stts roa.oy stcuni.ite ileme.i ii dcuitot;. writing fur sharou, plow Vii'4o ;sane:,•.• P 0 ,,: calve, to Wltt.:ll yin with the at.swer thre,te-.1. the grenfrst ohanon of ti-stlng , a lat'se EV[l . Ol, , t property, tor a small sum, natant over befor••• te, the public. 'demi ou your ordure, as shara ,nitsti; and it confidently vipected the tinstrittt... v be rande. Aerials n 1 it to ti diata,,,e, them tit thoir *3, Ago LI L 1 17 aurae . ninmicationa alum 1.,. n. L 3 , -oti!ti...tiit... No. ...,.....1..1 tiit..itZ,lti.J.:ii , t..tto , ..11, Jyllb 1 y H.lottHitit:3. _ COP 11N kJ PILESS ES, with Screw told Lev.... for ,ilt, by W 6. ]SAVE' , ;, t-taititu , ...r 111111 L'lti•er 1 , ,l! , ,-, J.Y2.OCot tier 7tltirket suit eer.itttl Httee!tt. ___ 4+, U.NIM it, l4ii;Xli U liS it) N IS'rti. - --- 0 Ladle', wilt, ti -eign cilibi, .4 . I 1.'11,0 .` 1 . y, " . nllOlll l l ._. provide tilt oteetvec with ti,,, - - . -- NEW LINEN TRAVELILu abovo artltio call Ln twocurt,l at jOO 77 Marko , . atto:t. _ . 3U RE FRENOLI i3itANilY, for medicinal pnrposos, by the t)ottle or gallon, ISAINORTII is to.: Doooo,ol. 14 8A (11‘ ' S I" '13 A 14 F A ' i i ,p }' % ," 1-a)yr.), _-._ E.-125 hush Rye tor sale by yew JAR . A krI4VIZER, Cattier Market and First A 1 . 124 H. - r. , MOTH Y SE . ED -10 t.t.uL.(.4c)0.1 lunot.hy 8..,(1 foe edlo by .1...15. 11 F t , ,TZFA•t. , itY f il o, I: ei L l,, O b lO y 1:.- r --; , 5 1 bbll. l dr t ,T, t y r i c i ee t, i o v i e „ ii i N it ,! id n i tlY APPL.II,ti----100 hush., for stubby ja.". 140 iIEZ4HY A. Cul.f.lN.;. VXPAINSION SKIRTS--Steel :ipripg, a1,..1 O.A all the othnr ‘otehmted 6lkittg, for 'a1•• i.,y -... JOS. litniN 0, 77 Market stmt:. . _ anLACK. LACE MITTS.—A large stock of - excollont eltylo4, with and without tiag,l, you rip .t (ap:ltt) JOS. lIMINES, 77 MAilt , it Estri,4. COTTON HOSlERY.—livery variety o iiuttou Sitociiiu6a arid :10 . ,,; is aie pritb• *liulesulo or retail, at JvS. a JILNE r, !ont.lrlet “treat. iUI ,—Six tierces prime Rice, jurt recetv ol and for stilt , by MILLER et faCri ET64.)1`.4, N. ',.;tl Rad Itt3..Libt-rty i t ASE FISH-15 whole bbls. Lake Supr- Aj. rior Fitt, Jtiat recaivod and fur nalo by ..tAti. A. %ER, Ccroar Diarket nod it ft . 1 i.?01.'" ? .. t two story trarae dwelling bow,: ao , t (Ot of crourvlso fear by 100, pleas situated on Mt. Washiligtdil.Turlo . ; CU'ILI.I3ICri! Z. s , I)N, 0 . r . M3rirt t. MRS. ALLEN'S Hair Restorative, Brown's Lae. Jamaica Ginger, Preston Morrilts Cooking Extracts, liimuody's Medical Inszovery, Thompson's Washing Compound, Tyson's lint:Hid:3 Ink, McCleug E Carapbt.ll's Slat, b - P.-10 bblk3. O. Syrup for - eat°, on comtigatimaL ty (up 7) 1 - 111:11Ii.li U. COLLIN/3 QTA LEE+ ti.c.eheiter Pearl. Staren, rf . 4 ,rime re, cull., • BANAN AS.—First of the Eiw..6l.ni juat re exprE414....1 ror by : S P 1 t 1.4 A NDL:11: - 1ON, to.rl !•ift-14. ChiirlCA bota. a. is L. I'1111.I.1t•R J. .f.• IL L.LJ r.;id t,ZI Dr. o Let , tl t ot 7 bri3l.l6lg till 011. P tit Lt.; ;:t..111., 1111:,.t...1 watch the eed •,!.-a e.tve their OWE ,qtru,tlo,l r. i Lt 4. : 11 t La thin tit. Ift tge,l •.A) eal !t: Ler-lors For [sato I , y is. b. i*MINESTO(U It CO., No. GO, tyruer of SCrood and Fourth Hsi BUTT Fre2li Itoil I.uttor li re , :z..;ved P:r cult: by JAii. 'A El .2e,rr.or Marhot %*.F • lop TIN (..= eseented in the high o:,L ~tyl art, and r eatior abla pricer, by • 3. IL WELDIN, Itauloelier and IttL=ti , Pin'r, my 3.3 4 tla lacntl titrv?t, os it c, it EW 13EDFORD SPERM CANDLES.- - 22) trAC , 3 assorted M7.-^4.1.; E..perra (34, - ;;...11ca 00 hand and ant gar. lqv it. C. 8 .1. P T Teti, TUFF'S BOOK-KEEPING, Dunce:lid bjetem of Pcnroaurldp, for p.. 31, t 4, C,1,26.r r.rl,-,4 WNING ItOllS-1 :,:et Awnifig . Rotis, .tsk.r& bv (J S) I EIENR'Y U et:LLINS - - - 6-11.0VERSEED.-25 sacks just received, tL+f sal for cab-) by [ll.lll IiNURY I. 001,LL13 600 C .in.. R 9ft li v& A i la rE d I' f .4 : 8 0 ,1 1 '51 .4T ONE PENS. E. - zaysu, ooroex maitot Lad S=and It' DRPhiS for ar.eV yESQ o Ntv./EI d t Woad et,C.ot.. jOO LL Y'S SA-LVE for tale wholoLi la ;awl at the DTIItt BtOte N. 30IIN JIAPT, Jr., 42.431 ' Udroar t Waal and 1311,1ia Bed, eittsbargb G.EAT/ .BEAUTIFJER So Lo - ag f Unsuemssfally Sought: FOUND AT LAST! 1T OR .1T 13 ESTORES PERMANENTLY Gray 'Hair to its orig;n4 celer zwee:s inturiantly the bald heed.; roinceii ll:inch:oT, itching and mild head and all erup icing; inalies the hair y healthy, and g easy; and willdire , ,ervo it to any inntgiueb e Bge, crILOVOit, no if by niogic, blotches, etc. from the face, and cures ail neuralgia and neirveto heado.roa. See circular and the Col lumina: DOVER, N. H. Feb. 2d, PROF. O. J. WOOD lu CO.—•ienta: Within a few :Cays we have lecived soluany orders and calls for Prof. O. J. Wood's Hair lteatoratilo, that tn.day wowere compelled to send to Boiton fzr a quantity, (tho 6 deecu you forw.rde.d all tieing a01 , i,) while we might order a quantity from you. Every bottle we have *Ad seems to hare produced three or four new cuttomers antil, the e.: probation, lind patronage it receives tram the niest?ldattintial and worthy citizens of our vicini ty, fully convince c 3 that it in A Mor3P VALUABLE; PliklP• ARATION. Saud 113 FIR noon 115 1: :it' Co teae gr 0.3.9 or $.l size; and 0130 dor,?n tmiieve y( mire very reßpeettully. u.tESL I.ATEIOI I -P CO. latut Guava . Sr. co., Mo., N0v.14, 1.556. O. . vie: Solna cinia dast summer we ward year lte,trirativo, and it, o rr t aa ;,• .'or duty to you and the. niiiiernd,iti. -• • . Our Intl,. f.'4•l4'.{ 11 , ,,t1 101 151100 Ulna had 1.-• n pcilactly coy erad with ...Ord Tha hair al mt,r,t untirnly a friend, his eutfcrialpi, to ws dui with little h.-1. , 'lt aad thai all our ltiend., a ‘,,c 1.6 rt'itl ved tt%e alst•ao entirety, and :s an 1 It: hair a gartuil wit, and vie 0051 0.1.0 hr , ' • 1 ,- .5 has 1 . ..51.,...1tby a stall., au,l as lax:intuit a crap 01 b./.if a 1.11.1 other child. \l, can therefore, 1104 do hereby rest intuend your itratorativa, as a pii lift renii-dy f.. 11.11 diSDE4II Of the ecalp and - Woc.te, yours W.. itli.Rll',4.llol'LlAllt, A. 117410 I li ILDIN CR, Maine, Bane PROP. 0. 3. WOOD—NIA' sir: 1 Lava tided two huttle3 of Profengtir Wood'a tiair Itc - storatica, and u,.n truly gay it is tho greatett dieeovery of for reltoring and changing tho Hair. 4 Dolor° liming it i 9 , 119,;11 man L ot enmity. My Hair Lid glow attained its originet color. You cat recom mend it WI tin world n tho io t d'uqr, as my c ice w.ct lino or th..;[ wend niml • DANIL I . IMUltril 0. J. WOuo Proprietors, 312 Ilrondway, Nuw York, On Llin gout N. V. Wiro Roiling 2,etabiidii,nant,) on 11A Nlarkot arket, Sold 1,3•' Dr. 01-10. by all Kola llrnd.gr. i`Fi:E6 . 7.-1111-912.1'11 1 1 1 1Lr11.14,1r.`, PriVatla axt.d.C:);ifitizzi.l--i•-azti;.;tvi Ad ~ ., , ,ce i A,,i,..'T rill E Bil i'l. - i'AL',) I.' R.! 4 _A:1 . 1' . .. I 1 , ..r.Thi'1:.5.,1— :.S.,1— '3.E.1330,1ipi,e , t i t tee • to e -...f ;3 1 , 1:1115, t'etaint..l i'Venktiork z,ri ft the it,' , ...ret It, tirmitito t,i' Vont!: f_ied i'ile.turi ty, by lir. A 1 ..:ot3 A: :43fi, titihk,h , , N. I OW:, cocain . ‘.l Melti and Qiio etreet , , i.it-, : , ii 1 .3.313 3 -, 3 cf - .3'.( - 373/14. An itintrumeet b.. te. ~..: 0 L.t 11,1,“..1 I),t - dity, or aiactor nab rani. itionz, Plore ezoltotilt ; - ..utts. t• et C. nt.nal Wein:Mies, tit. COI be p 3,1 tirtte.uf±y cured in front 011eett to twenty daya, by the tote c.i _1 o ieztremi.mt, when used conjointly with Itiedirinen. YOUNtI I.lliN ,_,At. 111 PinitTle , .iltifell NOTIOit D r. A .. 1103 ...ttti.ft. to e: ft. i announcing that they have in ten tod a i.e.i.i importanti aitr anoint for the cure of the aboYe alitAmiee. It iota been eubjected to o tent by the malt online.: leis yid , roue: is London. i'ratr, Philadelphia and N e w Yet'{; it bin 1.-ea fie:l.h.re. - 1 the only nnc.fiti lirarnment everyet '. le,t...it, t• .r tip; rite of i1en.i3,...:1 . 3iti`e. , :i/c11.3,33 , ,e3 !lay dft , eate tit the eonital organ:, ci,nuailLby tha semat iatibiti at south. f ir. . Ali,i()B ‘ l,, gi.ii:, to t e .lbe ii, ~......i.,fy toe neat almptictil aa to tie marlin of tii.i..... inatroment, pledge theauelvea that to ally i 1 ~. - intone° where !lien I.ltrl y preee iiiinatinfnatory totiei fair tr el, the money it. ill' u refunded by retartaint the hi. Str111:004t. ID good order: Persona winhilat tho 333. , 56 w.34311.f.n3tr.ti0 , e.v,: . :pi1 , ..3 - . , :nrsEt that thd,pric.n, w.rii [l_ , . - 10C0111pertying tlirt , :tlo . o4, aocortily poured and Bent by r.11 . -rimes, in tea dollar.. NEN*/ If _bird VD] i , ,i., A,4 :9 Q.. 31 i .'', tf- 01:3 i:, -.": D r. A . 403 ,7 . 1 nat, nib' ho ~..- e in0.13,. t 13,9_1 eight • - /P3ocit ha the morning antil nine oi night. in etary shsire t=.l(l tlyniv- OW of the. Ven,:e . „. l Olaf 01.0. 11 , ,,,,,r1, , ,e3i, (31,011, •e eontlary Symptoran, Sem i ii..l '6% 6t_ n n . , I mpt.t.•,.. e - ..t!.1? t direr of the Urethra, eta., ti t'l, !..ii vim tbie nee, I ,i ) . -.', • ,rcilLinett I they adopt in toe j...,01; ta fii,e,,..ru of t.ttAri, ytar.t.f I..t.t.enairt and ettccoonfol.prectico In London. "'ho 10051 triVetcrele noel of Venereal Liit,,,,ma :,o-,minced le,eittlit or nine days, nd cauee of a ',light. nil urn ai P. iir thri 0 Sayre, at 33 muil• erate-aspeitse. Th.:. cm," onected lei ilb in t eentnnement or I,naaroooe 1re.03 hi:1.:n.103 , 0; al,a, bode:: anti n'-nine in the batten end lintbe tiffii.ttni , ,lle evade:qt.:ed. ' A Oaf ti l l l)tellitAiiii92'ela. Dr, A . /40'i,' , it; 2014 have ilevoted thtili* t.ilention en ....imie a ly to thin Trectilier clans of infilittlitin, and the ruble.' they hal a notletladialy timu enriblod In render to their tellow-creature ti fully ttaiiletl Lt'ati 6-rotttfnily tteataowlettge(i by cm. yobos 1 CV6.4/2tl :tit cad ciliniri; daily titrrivis. ',it Lova frpui All party of the —i. co.rititr, fin' t'aa e1.pv:3333 purpoto only s f cp,i,altstloL 3 ii I v:42.11.5 tltAir ,::):.:•rtial,a h:Lve Into graani.- 1 , i.n rii, o to at .i ;n,; li ti mine tagel; ...i. foam alei, .i.ei C .i. -,.. elimeed i laqu--- , i iio LieLie ite_ _.‘„.., .. o, . ~., i ttel,,,ltt at, t i. (kora t ar ii! langt. Itir..title (midi', ion to ciao. of the TA,AIt dun gerana a a 1.,,, , ...:h.t.1) th,, ini , e ale r.;.11 eiltitri.olned the I ponsibili y cit 1.1,,i2: pl't - tyer:lJn ~ ,,.i ren.eyal, i .,a,l iitivegi. , ,, in. i variably nand that the ate it 'terrible and mange:-ant forma of difiona ritig,hl ehowit altenym be traced to out , at the fat loading clteetii —toioram,,e, ;:e Alert. 03 t',,,,.. LII ,:13,p t,.: of nn ekillnl and tuttiro: - .er treatute - nc: flieratore, Pr. .OIIIUS A i HOW have oneet..netntti in ditn , werio.o . , in the , ftttete . o of their t - eillectleZ, A tiftf , , yiteCt !6!,000 c ectiorttt t.ettr to t.o._tn t0...5 mit oentititiht ett tr,SittlltE-I: - .tr.1 - tili . : 11 '1•• .tr n_t -4111,...ntittlint:. , t - H_..'—„, r-1 Well 03 tht:t-et Hihnit.10',....41114:t , or iejLutt.ten , ..,..i.i.,corior., might be prntinctiv, of bad roneecr-iiii ..it in the , lit.r.iin CI private ir, , diablitbla. Lri abort ti -1,,,. .... , do ibm al their r...e 10n0ien in tti), ler - ...:t....1e,, t) I J. ;r, , ..1. i 1.C. , ... at: manta notary by the atlenitlon, rend r.nd ;a erentiln id' ti - e.ati griiii.nna of. ;:-;irtione !fiat are in roelity the 0.-iiaret ho at Ilia, atot tctdch, whim the i n so extremely eurranna he., e.t.',l •r!tl 43 C• I' star rind nail interi'erii et; f..:a fez:: nnteriiimittinn. ccanci , ;::ni: 1.7'.4 - VA.LiI - 244... Pargrrel-n in any part of ;io; Vrirld Tots 7 ite caccce,tallg treated by forwarding, it core: t i' - ..:it ..-; tlitir t -,5e, with a ionattanc.e tor medicine', r.,, Addrce„; Dr. !di . . iel A i't.ie. dlt , co, ii,r Stain omit Canny , itroota, Buffalo:1. Y. Inttiti-aly . . t7.11R1 'ATP', DiSF,ASliiS.—iiii.. is I,litWi'l'S .11. 31_)1041. and P',lltalt) A :., t3t.Lie,,t, 113).; 6 (i inf i'Ciii , .'ll4`,..t , ~ . ..:ir .....t, rui . ,, . burlit,,P . , D. 11.. D.l.ll)tiiri il nit 11;4 ..iti.. , ..0.1 of PlV.ti• ." '''' '- ' :' , '; ' : l ) .:. I.i ' ....!''''''! barg,h, and a.o been in penc.tit e i..r tee ~7 1 -...,,ii.e.i.e.,.-7,..g:,a, lest ttarad,`,l-fiue vr , vrs !it: bi - :nut:en hoe cit:„=7,-iiiilit,o:44if.t bona COatint.a iiiiii,:ir 1., ziivatit, ea.... 1 Zitti-r d '7 4 l4.iin.t.:eit, -.l v gical Diaianimi. tt.tc:Stpii;:i eif f„.41.., 1 apriafill?. ..n1, , `... , inTitAilti ititr! teg„.!,4 _ e i e LitkiFeit e ...- iii toed (4 a rnedicel ftiaeil, abenlil triA .....36.,i41„;...rititii, F . tall to find out tlit, auto r ii.ic.i, of relief. ~, , ,,ytr,.., Oft. ; i.i The Doe:' r in o i.-tigailer ieltitinate, und - t. •n:q4l .- it - X - ': 1 hit et !ii..• . ..nee in the tr , ttltltlttt of a coin iiii , . t ittrt ,4 t. ..... . _ ...._....,_-__ -- 6s o 'lO TELE PEOPF, SHOD;ErSHOD;STOP - ' , „,„41b!,v,.,..,nr ;,,,h ,f) l'A p , inectl Vitt,.t. A 1.•:-.; More b,:!'jl2..C. ~13,,P., toad 0 11_ , ..' , 2'..+ eall , .lg, OIL 1/.ll'. OE rsTr 6 .6.4,1TF.ii , an .1 ;3. 4 (t312, 8 , -1111.g low. Gonz'a I?•stent L".. tw ' r GfaiorA f,... - i5..2. Now it tho tints for bard..i: . • - • 0 ' '''''' t", (° ". enri3 a pair. • (..- 1 ,., - .l:', C,t:: 1. , . - ,..r.':: qtr:' ' ".tios, on , IL a- ,, 1 , C ,, i/ 04.14 - re, el - .2.1t*.;•. ii.,..l'd 41,1 . I't.ilti.,' , . , :-.-;;;;I::,,,,_ Ph:eil r...liiog at al - / rstem. (.;-al I ..,..r..q,. i.ll-Oi.:KDACtiF:Ii. .f., C. iYI7 r.,. 17 1.:10: .Tre,..t. f,:.:l7Mark,y.. _ et; A., I THF 1.4 u te1:8,r94140 ,t•vt t , =MI t'. t i'avr Doaters. 1: M. G. JOHN:IT , c. CO, 7•44.7TLp1y 1.4 , 7; irOULI.• _ CslaiLr LUld t 108 Pll, EN TI I‘lo. -- • t.. 4 C...c.:(...,, clr.w.b..m., Vric.o L'..;:,-:, VA: ....ae.L7 ; ifvt1a.11.,...',.;.% - 1...1 , ,0 - a , "4.11113,Lnt.dif., 6 ).: Pfinted In sargilor ii:sl, :It ‘lart autico, by' w:1 C. JOUN:triVii 4 CO, rriat.--7a Rl:ink licA.;.: .'illualfaciau:rnan a d ;6 wo ti,,,, t.'.. 1 Di.; r rit , rye I XONS--fTO boxes Palermo, in No. 1 or "IA iblr,,joia r.e. , :. , :trati aral faraaa, by i) . IttIYM.F.R. ,&,..AN .E.1....".1, No., .59.11,:.A.1 Ot rc,t, 9iYlO Opposite the Et Thari... flot<4. ANFo itlysi.zi-vicloß.A - To -- R - ..-- - 1.0 gross IL; fi-..r it..... 10 by ,E.... A. VAIIN.EBI7.t.I._ A CO.. tom,::.. 1T:.44,1 Grz.• :....,, ~,,t, --- 13 erratTa.l 8- - LAi;i. -,.•_, A PEl)(irc—A-CtS4 styles for rob, w; JOSDPI3 BORNVS, cg 2:) IT IleorA.einet i .1/ b", _ •t..-4 4,f line (Itivo Oil,