F ALL DRY . GOODS C. HANSON LOVE Si No. 74 Market Street, RETWERN FOURTH STREET AND THE DIAMOND PITTSBURGH. PA. SIGN OF THE ORIGINAL BEE HIVE The anbteriber bas Just returned from Philadelphia, New ..,YorVoston, and same of the Manufacturing towns In the New gland States, so as to get a portion of our D03.13:18- no GOODS direct from the manufacturers, and save one ao_lat in receiving them in that way. Our stock of FOR kallbT GOODS has never been so complete. DRESS GOODS: VERY RICH DIMS SIBS, in Plain Black and Figured. VERR RIOH DRESS SILKS, Plaid, Striped and Emcee VERY RICH SILK ROBES, Black and Colored. VERY RICH ALL WOOL MOUS DE LAINS. VERY RICH ROBE 2:10V DK LAINS. VERY RICH COTTON AND WOOL MOUS DE LAMS. FRENCH MERINOS COBUR Gs The largest stock ht the city, end BETTER GOODS FOR THE PRICE OAR BE FOUI‘D IN ANY OTHEIt ROUSE WEBT OF THE MOUNTAINS, BOUGHT AT AUCTION LARGE QUANTITIES AT LOW PRICES, AND WELL DE NE, 111. D AT A VEILS SMALL ADVANCE ON; EASTERN COST SHAWLS- AND CLOAKS, Of entirely new designs, such as the TALNI.A SHAWLS, And many er NOVELTIES IN SHAWLS AND CLOAKS We bave been able to offer ficalarge and varied a etrek of all klnda of SHAWLS and CLOAKS. NEEDLE WORK : COLLARS, SETS AND SLEEVES, FLOUNCINGS, EDGINGS, MOURNING GOODS : BLACK DREES GOODS, SHAWLS, CRAPE VEILS, COLLARS, GLOVES, AHD EVERY OTHER ARTICLE IN THE LINE MOURNING GOODS DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUBLLNB, 011EUKB, GINGHAM:3, PRINTS, CASSIDIERES, CLOTHS, And every other article ninally kept In a WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF DRY GOODS Ai many of the above goods have been bought from the MANUFACTURERS and AT AUCTION FOR NET CAS , we are enabled to sell them as LOW AS THEY CAN BE PURCHASED IN MANY OF THE WHOLESALE HOUSES in the Eastern cities. In short, we never have boon able to offer no large and attractive a stock t, our numerous cue• amens and the public generally. 413". NEW GOODS RECEIVED DAILY. IDI4 C. HANSON LOVE, Formerly Young, Stevenson A: Love, and Love Brothers, No. 74 MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. selaltridacv SPECIE NOTICES. PERMANENT OFFICE. coanrtNe WITH THE URGENT REQUEST OY HUN ARDS OP THEIR PATIENTS, L ES. C.lir.-FIR AND J. W. SYKES have concluded to remain PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURGH, And may bo consulted at their Oleo, No, 191 Pews street, OPPOSITE ST. CLAIR HOTEL, Daily, except Sundays, for CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, EBONCHZED3 and ALL OTHER CHRONIC COMPLANTS, complicated with, or sensing pulmonary disease, including Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affections of the Liver, -.Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Female Complaints, its. DHLI /Trail 8 - 'TYKES would state that their treatment of Consumption is based upon the fact that the disease exists tts tist blood and system at large, both before and daring its development in the Zang:, and they therefore employ Mechem teal, Hygienic) and Medical remedies to purify the blood and strengthen the system. With thee; they 11110 SfEDICAL LN ILLIATIONS, which they talus highly, but only as Fhllia tsvet, (having no Curative egad, when used atone,) and lavw lids are earnestly cautioned against wasting the precious time of curability on any treatment based upon the plausi ble, but false idea that the "seat of the disease can be reached in a direct manner by Inhalation," for, as before stated, the seat of the disease is in the Mood and its (reds only in the bangs. Air No obexge for consultation. A list of questions will be sent to those wishing,to consul: tui by letter. my29:dbw Om BANE OF THE SOUTH 00UNTY.—At the Au gnat term of the Supreme Court of Rhode !eland, for Washington county, the first day of January, A. 0., 1819, was limited for bringing fn the bills of the Bank, with a vieW to a dividend of funds then on hand This order is made with a view to batten a settlement, and not to cat off bills not then presented, which moat, of course, all be paid, if the Bank is solvent of which there is no reasonable doubt. The bills will bo taken in payment of all debts. Bills pre. vented, for which reccipta are given, will be entitled to in terest. Bills may bo forwarded to the Receiver at Ken sington, Rhode Island. E. R. POTTift, an3l.lw Receiver. 10e NOTICE--TECE INTEREST COUPONS of the Bonda of Lawrence County, leaned to the PITTS BURGH AND ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY, due July. will'l6sB. paid at the race of W. IL WILLIAMS A CO., Pittsburg . . Pa. The change in place of payment ie made In comes/near& of the failure of the Ohio Life Insurance and TrusrOcuipany, Now York, where the Chapona are payable. By ordor el THE COMMISSIONERS. TILE BEST AN D •:: CHEAPEST VINEGAR tei se' • ing at the most extensive 171 ;',7n7,r - melt WAREHOUSE in W. This house now si plies, and has for the last t years, more than one-half ... i;1.11;. the Pittsburgh grocers, L • - the same in erery other eft; which t has been introduced. A. EALLOU, 146 Water street, between Smithfield and Grunt. anfidydaw LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS. PARK, M'CURDY 4f. CO,, nNANUFACTITRERS OF SHEATHING, AIX Braziers' and Bolt Copper, Pressed Copper Bottoms, Rs I SUN Bottoms, Speller Solder, &c , also importers and dealt: re in Metals, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire, &C. Constantly on hand, Tinmen's Machines and Tools. Warehouse, N0:149 Firs; and 120 Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Special orders of Copper cut to any desired pattern. my24:lydaw WILL RE-OPEN ON TEITTESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2D, PROF. OOWPER'S FASHIONABLE DANCING ACADEMY, AT NEVILLE HALL, 0314N1R 90IIRTII AND 14.131.P.TY STN. DAYS OF TlllTlON—Taesdays, Thursdays and Satur days. Blaster and Mims Clams at 3 P. N.; Ladles Claw 4 P. Gentlemen's Class SP. 14. Prof. Cowper oan be seen at the Scott House, daily. K2d:lm 15 ACRES OF GOOD LAND, 300 FRUIT tress, a well of good water, dwelling house of eight rooms, situate at one mile below McKeesport, and near to Baillroad Station, fur sale on easy terms by asl4 S. CUTHBERT a BON, 61 Market at. $l5 WORTH OF MUSIC FOR TWEN TY-FIVE OENTS—TIIE GENTLE ANNIE MELOMBT.—This little work contains all the words and Music of the new and popular airs of the day. The selec tion has been made with great care, giving only those songs which are good and popular. AU the beat Bongs of 8. 0. Footer, are embraced in this collection. A large 'Ripply just received, and brash) at the Music Store of sale JON'S! 11. MELLOR, Si Wood at root. VLOOR OIL CLOTHS—Jrat received from ju the factory, a large assortment of all widths an I new atyleo, for sale wholesale and retail, b 7 J. & If. PHILLIPS, 28 and 28 St. Clair street. FOR SALE.-24 Acres of first-class Garden Lind, situate seven 21111/11 from the city. lIIIKOTB - good—fine orchard, excellent water, limestone and oal In great abundance. Will be sold low and on easy terms. Aniy to JAMBS 0. ItIOH:BY, semi RNA Estate and Bill Broker, No. 85 Fifth street. d ilklL LOTH ORASH-5000 yards of Ldif ferent patterns, Jost received and for sale b J. & P 8, sal& Ssaad 26 gt.giatriareQes, I=l INSERTINGS, ETC EENTUOILY JEANS, TWEEDS, SATLNETTS, LOCAL AFFAIRS. Camp Dnqueine. Wo paid a visit to the camp groand above Bir mingham, yesterday afternoon, and found the village of Birmingham and the vicinity of the encampment alperfect whirl of excitement. Thousands of peo ple Slrrounded the two sides of the enclosure not fenced in, while every thirty feet a guard, the fiercest looking fellows, of course, being chosen for that position, strove, bayonet in hand, to keep intruders away, and many who thought to escape their vigi lance were driven back at the point of the bayonet. Still, Argns . eyed as they seemed to be, the guards could not keep the ground clear, and a goodly num ber, amongst whom were many ladies, got inside the guard, and among these we found ourselves. Among the soldiers a strict military discipline is preserved, and tho camp presents a singular appear ance, with its regular rows of tents, with here and there a company of soldiers, headed by a military band playing a national air. There were perhaps five hundred soldiers on the ground yesterday, including cavalry, infantry and ar tillery, several companies having arrived since our issue of yesterday. The Scott Legion visited the en campment in citizens' dress, not being provided with a uniform as yet. At three o'clock in the afternoon the companies turned out and formed in battallion for drill. They presented a fine appearance and wont through the various marches and countermarches with the aeon, racy of veterans In the army. The eavalry company under command of Capt. Vierbeller was on he ground, and it was the universal opinion that they were the finest looking company prark tit. The entire brigade will turn out io full dross parade to day, and visit the city. The following is the line of march agreed upon : Crossing the Monongahela bridge, they will march up Smithfield to Fourth street; up Fourth to Penn sylvania avenue; along Pennsylvania avenue to Chatham; up Chatham to Wylie; down Wylie to Fifth ; down Fifth to Smithfield ; up Smithfield to Liberty; up Liberty to Wayne; along Wayne to Penn ; down Penn to Hay ; along Hay to Fourth ; up Fourth to Market; down Market to Third ; up Third to Smithfield ; down Smithfield to end of Mo. nongahela bridge. The brigade will be under command of Brigadier General Snodgrass, assisted by Col. Thos. A. Rowley. Quito an excitement was occasioned yesterday by the antics of a horse belonging to a cavalry private, which ran away, to the great consternation of the crowd surrounding Cho camp, which was forced to give way as the animal came tearing at full speed towards them. His rider, however, finally succeeded in checking his career by bringing him up suddenly against a fence. As an instance of the power of military discipline and its effect—we observed a boy, apparently not more than fourteen years of age, dressed in uniform, guard ing some tents, with a musket on his shoulder. Three men, who wished to pass through, endeavored to ef. feet a passage, when he requested thorn to go aroun on their refusal, and making a persistent effort to go through, be presented his musket and drove them back at tho point of his bayonet, very summarily: The sham battle, so mush talked of, did not own° off. It is, as we anticipated, a hoax. Tha encampment will break up, and the soldiers retire to their homes, to.morrow. State Fate The following appointments have been made Ly the officers of the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society: COMMITTEE OF P.HCEPTE,II Hon. H. A. Weaver. Hon. A. W. Loomis. Co!. Wileen lit'Candlee BUPEIIINTKNDENTS. Mechanic's Hall, A. Speer. Domestic Hall, Moses Chess. Machinist Hall, John D. Bailey. Vegetable Hall, William Oliver. Floral Hall, Capt. James Negley and Jahn Mai-- dock.. Artists' Hall, James Reed. Horse Ring, Gen. Snodgrass and Satuu , Jlll'Elroy Cattle, John fladgson. Sheep and Swine, Win. P. Turner. Poultry, Z. Patterson. George Reed, John Smell, Judge Pack, William H. Eokels, John S. Gribben, Mr. Seiler, William Speer, Mr. Clandenen, John Layton, Mr. Swiler, Mr. Bucher, Jr., Luther Piper. , Wm. H. Young, John M'Kee, Jamtis Shaw, James Murdoch, Mr. Baxter, Thomas Wolfer and JQhn Green. A Day of Disaster—Three Fires at One Time. For some months our eity has been comparatively free from disasters by are, and those we have been called upon to record, have not been serious. Yes terday, however, a fatality seemed to exist in this particular, as will be sees below:— About eleven o'clock on Wednesday morning, a fire broke out in the upper room of a small two-story brick 140u5.0 on Third street, near Grant, occupied by Mr. R. R. Bolger and his family. The wind being high, the flames spread rapidly, and in a short time the roofs of the three other houses in the row were burned oil. Tho families occupying the houses, those of Capt. Mellon, J. L. Lyttle and Mrs. Don nelly, were enabled to remove the contents before the fire reached them ; consequently their loss is small. Tho engines ware soon on the ground and the datues extinguished in a short time, but the ro snit would have Loon more serious had not a three. story building on the comes of Grant and Third pro Meted the buildings from the wind. As it to, they are much damaged by water. Tho lose by fire is small, as the buildings can be repaired for eight bun dred dollars, and they are insured for double tha. amount. There was 1M insurance on any of the fur niture, but the loss was very trifling. The br.lidiegs 5.56 the property of a Mr. Williams, who resides in the State of New York. At about the same hour ie the morning, while the fire on Third street was burning, names were discovered issuing from the stable attached to the lager beer brewery of H. Klinzing, on Carson street, East Birmingham.. The fire spread rapidly, and in a short time the brewery was in flames, and was soon burned to the ground, with its contents, sumo (oar hundred bushels of malt, several bales of hops, a quantity of beer in barrels, and all the machinery. Nothing wbutarer was saved. The stable of the brewery, which was a br.el; building twenty feet by thirty-two, and some atia,zhod to soother building were entirely destroyed, while a frame building, in the rear if the brewery, which took fire from the excessive heat, was Only slightly burned the outside. Mr. Klinzing informs us that Lill leer is about two thousand dollars, while his insurance is not more than five light,i;otl. While the engines were engaged at thef,o fires, the roof if the residence of Copt. 1.1 Campbell, of the Duquesn9 !drays, situated on Western Avenue, First Ward, Allegheny, was discovered to be on fire. The alarm was raised, and In a shat time the whole neighborhood bad collected on the spot, and employ ed themselves in giforts to extinguish the tire. A portion set about removing the furniture, which was soon effected, with but little damage. In the mean time two hose reels arrived on the ground, end with their aid the flames were soon subdued, bat not ma , til the roof and the entire upper part of the building were destroyed. All the furniture, with a few trifling exceptions, was saved. The house was a three-story brick dwelling. owned by Capt. Camp belL He had effected an insnrance of $2,P00 on the building and furniture, in a foreign company, which will scarcely cover his loss and the damage done to his grounds. The damage by water to the lower part of the building is quite serious. Found Drozned.—Thu body of an unknown man was found floating in the Monongahela river, near the Six Mile Ferry, yesterday morning. Ho was re. speotably dressed, bad on black cassimere pants, satin vest, black cloth coat, blue cotton drawers and Munroo shoes. A silk hat supposod to belong to him was found near tho body, on the ri:or bank. His appearance indicated that he was about fifty•five years of ago. Coroner Alexander was called upon to hold an inquest, and the jdry, after a thorough examination, finding no marks on the body, returned a verdict of accidental drowning. The body was placed in a coffin and is now at the warerooms of Lemon A Williams, awaiting identification. Pittsburgh Theatre.—Another tremendous bill 13 offered at the Pittsburgh Theatre this evening. The performante commences with " Black Eyed Susan," a favorite drama, in which Mr. McFarland and Miss Cordelia Cappall appear in the leading parts. Then follow the wonderful performances of the Hutchin son Brothers, which draw forth the admiration of all—the usual dancing, and for the concluding piece the farce of "A Quiet Family. " Such a bill is sel dom offered, and we expect to see a large audience. Great Bill at Masonic Hall.—The Morrie Bros., Poll and Trowbridge Minstrels, at Masonic, Hall, of fer an excellent bill, combining rare attractions, for tale evening, on which occasion Billy Morris and Johnny Poll, the two great favorites, are to take a joint benefit. Billy promises to present to each one present a copy of the words of the song in which he excels, " Listen to the Mocking Bird." We can guarantee them an overflowing house on this even. ing, as the programme is the best they have yet of fered. Reading Matter.—J. B. D. Clark, No 4 Girard House, is always on hand as early as his neighbors, with the standard literature of the day. He has re• calved the Eastern Weeklies for this week, oompris tag Waverly, Harper, Ballou, Frank Leslie, New York Weekly, Flag of oar Union, Saturday Evening Post, Dollar Newspaper, American Union and all the rest. Give him a call. On Tuesday night, Mrs. Graham, wolf known to the police, attempted to hang herself to the bars of her cell in tho Allegheny watch house. She was discovered and cut down nearly insensible. Bowman & Cu :—My wife was troubled with cough and pain in the breast for five years—the last two of which she was very low indeed. I procured some of your Compound, and after she had taken it for about five weeks she was ablo to do all our house work, which she had not previously done for four years. We cheerfully, and unasked, recommend your Corn pond to all who are suffering under that terrible 4iseaso—Consumption. Lsinavatar, Hy., Jail. 18VII. JAIiES BOUTLIZELMID. Pilasx R. Sotrririawco Country NeNTIF. —A eon, aged eight or nine years, of Mr. Hugh Robinson, deceased, was drowned at Freedom, some days since. He was in a skiff alone, not far from shore, and was seen falling into the water; but the person seeing him, supposed that he was following the every day habit of boys, in jumping from a skiff into the water, made no effort to rescue him until he saw disappear the third and last time. After his body had been recovered, every effort was made to restore him to life, but the vital spark had fled. —The Brookville Guards, under command of Major Brady, made their first public parade on Wednesday afternoon last. The Guard.; wear the United States Rifle uniform, with the addition of a green_ falling plume and Sergeant's opauletes, and aro a splendid company. They number forty men, and expect large additions soon. —We are in fcrmod than an owl, measuring fifty - 0 vo inches from tip to tip, was shot on Monday, noar Hickory. We would like to floe the papers—or the —The Fair held at Greensburg, Westmoreland county, last week, from what we can learn, was only tolerably sumasful. An exhibition of the horses of that county will take place on the 20th of October next. —The Blairsville Academy will commence its fall term to morrow, under the direction of Professor J. A. Marshall,xaid to be very competent for his poei• Lion. The exercises on this occasion will doubtless be highly Interesting. —James Manslly was committed to the Suincri2ct county jail last week upon a eLargio of CU a - Lica , for biting elf the lower lip of John Loiiitordoo in a fight at tho Sand Patch Tunnel, in Laritha toit osh.p, in that county. A correspondent in yesterday's Chroai../e says that an accident of a truly distressing and shocking na. ture occurred at the Now Haven milk, Conue on Monday. Tho mills, which are owned by Mr. U. Nicol, had commenced work, and the hefts of the oog wheel becoming loose, Harry Nicol, brother of the proprietor, undertook to tighten them. His brother told him to be careful, as his position was a danger ous one, and he replied that " he was always so." These wore the last words he ever spoke; for, a mo ment afterwards, his brother hearing a jar in the ma. chinery, went to see what produced it, and was horrified to find the body of the unfor.unate man severed in two and shockingly mutilated. It is sup posed that that be reached too far forward, and hie clothes catching between the wheels, he was drawn in and mutilated as stated. Tho deceased waa married man, and leaves a wife and eight children deplore ble melancholy end. Died of hie h.jurice.—Mr. Byron H.oaoh, of Louis • villa, Ky., who h..d both legs broken by the railroad disaster on the Steubenville and Indiana Railroad, on the 10th inst., thirteen miles west of the former place, died in Steubenville, on Sunday night last, of his wounds. His friends and partner wore there and gave him every attention, but to no purpose. His remains were taken to leouisvill.) for interment. A New ilotre.—We have for a your pest advocated the steam fire engine system, and we aro pleased to sea that our firemen are about taking the matter in hand. The Allegheny fire oampeny have appointed a cemmitteo to solicit subscriptions. We heartily wish them success. Unsightly.—The new regulation hats, wor i by two companies at the encampment, aro anything but beautiful, and wore the subject of general remark yesterday. However, it is said they ere light and comfortable, N which is a more importota contidcra• tion—perhaps. Lecture.—The Hutchinson Brothers dcliverod a lecture at the Gymnasium, yesterday, I,efore a largo audience, on the theory of gymnastics, with illus tratlone, in their Inimitable style. It was entirely satisfactory to all present, and we learn it is the de sign of the members to endeavor to peocuro a repe tition of it, or another, during their I tay in the city. Presbyterial.--The Presbytery of Allegheny meets at Zolienople on the Ist Tuesday of Oitobcr. That ( - .1 New Castle meets at New London, Pa., on the same day. Smithson, the young man who shot Miss Henry will have a hearing before Mayor Weaver to day. The Presbyterian Synod of Allegheny City w meet in Dr. Swift's ohuroh to day. Oakland Country Sects.—The sites for suburban residences to be scld on the premises this afternoon at throe o'clock, by Mr. Davis, are the most beanti• fully located and convenient for business mon of any property which surrounds the city, being but a few minutes' ride in the 'bus. All wanting such property should attend the sale. Engravings and Framea.—A large oollootion on• gravings and the latest styles of gilt and r.,•o•ocl frames will ho sold this morning, at ton o'cl,A, and evening at coven o'clock, by Mr. Davis, at OA , orner of Wood street and Diamond alley. All in want of rosily fine pictures should attend. • Light (mats neatly made. Pants and vests suited to the season. Summer under wear of silk, tuni cot ton, silk azd linen hosiery, for men's and boy's wear, at close rates for cash, by Carnaghen, Fedora', .9 Iretlt, Allegheny oity. • PENNSYLVANIA, STATE PAI I? FAIR UROUNDS-YINTH 11'.4RD TOtSDAY, SMPTCHBER WIiDNEF.DAY, HKPTEIIBItit LH 'PLUIRSUAY, F.l,TftNlfle.R tie72.Bt 'LI tw and FRIDAY, OCTOIMR. I, 165E+ DR. J. lI3STENTIM'S CELEBRATED STOMACH E.UFTERR. for the cure of Fever and Ague, i, beyond all controveruy the safest and beet reto..4ly that could be need by the afflicted, for all dieeases of the above nature. The must violent attacks of CAI dreadful disease have been prevented by the use ot this reliable reined/. The "Mite's" have t son avail by the prow ietor In au ezGwsive prsetice, in the treatment of Fever and Agne, fur a nurol,,,r at year; and its wou2erful curative powers tire 'aid! know n bath to the press and the publ r. T , k/itl who le he a th.•r ough renovation of their oblire xynlow,.li(juli not 1”11 to lays the "Bitters." rftle by 14144151 cl 411,1 d,+nl,•re ccun!ally, oyaryn bars, vsrrrrr:cl:eMlTll, ManufsettatetJ uud Proprietors, bb I,4'ntor sod 5.4 Itrvut streets, JULL6IIAUEL'd }CALI ATIIENIENNP, OR HAIR ,itIQ:UVATOR, in btfered to the public a,l the r, of 11JaierOCIS ihrlid. ell piper wants, WhiCli have twee] Its cxcalency. its (lb,: to aro dialuetrically opp Ate to those of most Other itibdtances outeriug into the iropositi of hair preparations, deleterious in their properties, and tieing injury perniaLoetly. This elcollent prepay - talon °Litotes baldness, restores the Flair injore.l by age or ilbhettith, with a now growth, 4,10 besuttrles the whole hold with fine g:osay Ilair. Sold by B. L. FAIINFSTOCR GO ,•.14n. t'.o, corner Fourth and Wood streets, Druggists generally, and at the Lab- ratoy of Jules Hanel it Co., No. 104 Chesnut street, seld J. M. OLIN'S CELBBBATED STAJMAI,III BIT TERS—Try them, and satisfy yourselves that they ore all [boy are recommended to be. The proprietor does out pretend to gay that they will cure all the diseases flesh is heir to, but leaves them to teat their own merits, and the constantly increasing demand for them Is eatilcient proof that they are all they aro recommended to be, and far en. perb.r to any preparation of the kind new in the market. ThAr sae is always attended with the most beneficial re. sults in cases of Dyspepsia, loss of appetite, weakness of the stomach, Indigestion, etc. It removes all morbid matter Gum the stomach, assists digestion, and imparts a healthy one to the whu!e system. Be sure and call for J. M. Olin's Celebrated stomach Bitters, and see that the article par. chased bears the name of J. M. Olin, as manufacturer. For sale by J. M. OLIN, solo proprietor and manufacturer No. 267 Penn street, Pittsburgh, Pa, and by druggists and ytie dealbrd gennrally JOSEPH MEYER, MANUFACTURER OF Fancy & Plain. Furniture & Chairs, Warerooms, 424 Penn street, ABOVE THE CANAL BRIDGE, aar In addition to the Furniture bnisinase, I also devote latent - tut to UNDERTAKING. Beams and Carriage! unalsb CIIAMOIS SKINS.—I have just received a large supply of fine Chamois Skins. Those wishibg anyib ng or the kind, shonld call and examine my stock be. fore r nrehasing elsewhere. JOS. PLEMING, ems' I Opener Diamond and Market straet ETCHUPS.- UO dozen Tomtit In quarts and pints; 1U " Walnut, for sale by RHYMER & ANDERSON, No. 30 Wood street, 8 Opp=lta the Et. Merle; 110 . _ _ COPYING PRESSES; Brushes ; Ink—for male by LIOR SALE.—A Farm, containing 115 acres, all Tillable and In a g xid neighborhood, twelve mile*, from the city. This would make a One stock farm, as It is well adapted to the growth of wheat and grass. Coal and limestone in great abundance. Will be sold low and on easy terms. Apply to JAMES 0. RIOEIEY, seal Real Estate A_ ant. ANIMA PAPERS. All idses and qaalitiea, far aale by WM. 0. JOHNSTON R CO., raper Dealers and Stationers, 67 Wood street. QOAP POWDER.-50 boxes Soap Powder 1,..) of our ewn manufacture, warranted superior to any offered for sale ln this market, on hand and for sale by felB Ti U. t 7 H a A Wrßa. QAWYER'S CHEMICAL OLIVE SOAP Is acknowledged by all who have used it, to be the beat and most economical Soap in use. One pound will do as much washing as three of common Soap. It contains no in =t that will injure the nerves of the most Waite or goods that may be washed with it. for aide by all thogrtacipal tincerieta dtalate in the city. ania PITTSBUIWff l'Ai J. E.. WELDIN COMMERCIA L. Weekly Review of Pittsburgh Markets The changes wo hare to note in the business world this week are very slight. Busineis has, we may any, improved a very little, but the Bales are meetly limited to a country end retail demand, the former being brisk. Many of the Country merchants, who have Leretoforo gone East to make their punchages, rot a to carry a large stock, are cowing to Pittsburgh to lay in their stocks. Tho liver has fallen a few inches since uur last, mad belop the slackwater no Luats are running. River men, who have been lying idle for months, and,husinces men generally, are waiting for a 1 e•tt r stage of Water, wheh a general activity is anticipated. In Money 'natters, vo have nothing of interest to note. W e have a sufficiency for all ordinary purpos. , s of trade, and the Banks and Brokers take np all the busincee paper. lit the rates of Exchange, we hilS 43 no change to note Western Exchange is quoted at par, and Eastern at 1 4, per cent. premium. The Bunk Stateturnta fir the week ending Saturday, September 18, mbew thr I,,ilowing aggregate:— September 11. September 18. 111,056,233 58 $6,089,536 MI 527,661 88 143,488 71 Asarn. Loans and DLsconnbi ..... Dun by other 8ank5............ Not.ca, &c., of other Banks and Tlea,ury N0tre... ...... I I A 11111fl_el I wtl II =MN 1.1- i -Ito-, Tti,,c nguret eili.,kc lb , ritiowi.ig comparative rimulta : Incri , il , :e in, Luaus and Lut:aunts $B3 3v2 9S 1.4 , cri...t3e in amount due by oilier Hanks 84,074 07 i 111:14.11.tiii ill NlittA and Ch cks of otter Banks, ac.. 7,825 91 Li, mina in Slie.ci. . . 410 86 Increase In eircubst lon 32,980 00 D rroAso in amount due to oilier Banks 2,975 08 Docreadie in Dop, ellon 78,261 88 Thu abare BEIOIIIB a net d,erpu.se In ARRAS of $43.602 34 alma tint weak, and a net decrease In Liabilities of $46 256 Vii-I,,avinv a balance In favor of tic Banks of $2,664 02. ASHES—The to ikot still remains quite dull, with no salsa wor th ./. Li ux. S.sla is still held at 33.i'@tdc., and Nitrate of Soda ire. Concentrated Lye 14c. Pearls we quote at bi..s;lyc. rota ore altogether nominal at s©s l Ac., 1k Ith sales el a lea cs , lng at 5 1 ,4" c. during the week. BAtY I N... Has undergone no change. Shoulders are quoted at 7@7-,',43.; Sides et 13W.X.,; Plain Hams at 0:74©10.-.; Cenva.4eori 116.1713 iO!.*A,l ; angst . Cured 124k1214c. AN: , ...Are merely comical $1,00@1,10 for small white. iturrEtt...There is no Batter offering at present. Pr ices are nominal a' 12( - 013c. for choice roll, In Carrels. 13/I , lolf , ..There is a good supply In market; sales of orimen are regularly made at $1,25, and for bettor kinds $2; fancy cctrunands p. 03002,50 dozen. t'E. is Pa AND TUBS...The Beaver manufacturers' prime t.re follows:—.-Buckets, plain Inside, dozen, $1,40 painted inside, $1,00; 3 hoops, $1,76; Tubs, No. 1.3 hoops, d. v., 0, $7,70; No. 1, 2 hops, $6,75; No. 2, $6 00 ; No. 3, $5 be , No. 4, $4,70; No. 6, 0,00; 11 uo.llole Ni, 2, $2,70; Halt barbel., sealed, $.1,15 CORD 'OH_ I Manilla Rope, cell lliit IL Manilla Rt•pc, r0t...14 o lb Taried •• • ...14 "LA lb .. Idle - `• ...it 11 lb Hemp •• •• ~ If ?lb Tatrisi - " .15lb Porto up Yarn, ii no .. 13 re, lb. Pali m i t Yarns, corn 12 'f In BED Canna...Manilla $1,87, $2,81®3 76 ii doz u: Manilla, coil, 16c. 11 lii ; lb -oil, $1,87, $2.7f4 i 75 - is it, otiii , Hemp, 's rail, 12c 14 lb. pt,,,,ail r,iwari..,sl,,iiiil. 07,, 'll doyen . 14..r.r. -i,,• p‘r dr; Cterrus Ceiini.3 a . c.,m .11 Rope 4 t,.; anti of.wards, ',Si: do b„,k,„, e,i, , ,. .2.4 ; 11,4 C or d $l/50® ;33:1.44,7 '., , el. ti• izen ; Plow 11103 $1,26; Sitlth Cords 1,8,60. CANDLES...The following are now the , urr, of rata of city inanulat inters: Moulds. 13.'. ti IL.; Lii i .o, 12 , 4 c.; Ater 22.® ?fir.. 14 lb. (. 1 1.11SESE..The demand it only ra.;iler“*. , with sales of Western Reserve at 7®7 1 ,-ijc, and Sc. fur choice Ito. CRACKERS...The prices bare undergone a further ad vance. The quotations are now aa renews:— Wan r Crackera 1,4 lb s,lijc ; Butter do. 6 , 4,c.; Sugar 8c,.; Soda 7c.; Boston 7c, Pilot Bread - -ti bbl. $4.50. DhlEb FRUlT—Dried Apples sell in small lota at $1,50 11 bush. Of Peaches there are scarcely any in market; held at $3,76(ii154. WILED tits k.F.. Transactions quite limited; emit airfoil brings 124.012 Ac. ROOS...The market is not very well supplied, but the de mand is light; the prices, have, however; advanced a shade, am. KOOS 1,1 packed are ti .w made at 744,®iic 51 doom. 4 , LOU it.... The receiptii this week have boon 1249 titan last, a• il the rs ark et exhibits but little change. Bu .era still touch lightly, looking for a decline when the river rhos From first hands the rates are: fur superfine t; $ i,25 to $5,40; (or extra superfine $5,505 - 95,60; and for extra family $5,87® PA. Frcm store, price-, vary, as In quality, from $5,60 to $6,80 for superfine to extra du, and $687 to $6,10 1.. r extra family. Rye Flonr is steady at $4,000 4,12 from s to, a. FISH.. .We have no change to note In fish. No. 3 mack• ' erel are still sold to the city trade at $lO, and at $10,5 t to the country. Halifax Herring Gaeta at $6,50@t5.75, and Codfish at kg..10,6c. The prices for take Fish ore no inflow - 8;- 1i him Fish, 'p bbl., $7, in half bbla. $3,60 ; Lake Tt at, It hid., $6, half bbls. $9,50: Herring, $6, half bbls. $3; t ii'mon, $B, half bble $4. Fr,e,n... At the mills Aran to middlings sells at 50 to 80r. - yt 100 fbs Oil Meal brings $27®523 51 too. FEATHERS...SaIes of prime Western are male on aii Ival at 45e. 1.1 lb. in small lots, and from 'store at 50c. FIRE BRICE—Sales are regularly made at $28®41; 'l4 M ORAlN....Sripply still continuos very light, ankle._ few vales from first hands. New Oats are worth 42412 , :c on lir mul, and 4746 U from store. Corn is unchanged qt 'OM', 62... Rye from store is worth 62®650. Barley i lanai ill it , • Wheat quotes at $1 to $1.26, according to iiteilit 'with RR mh,,,... r. I.—. ,:i... „ ~.___. , ttROCIERIE . S...Thoreis but 'aft° altorttirm Uhds has doclinsd to 0640% for prima N. 0 M 384,1 in Ms is quoted At Edo to city, ani , 63@55 to country trail& Rio Coffee rerubins firm at 1.2%0 for prime, and Rice is., Met nt 5(04i, with four transactions. Fl a Y—Receipta at the mdea this week have b.•eu shout as usual, with price' varying from $O to $ll per to —e slight decline. 1.1 IDES...Greco atilt.; have ativancea to ro.-p ID, wish 5 fi , le market. The eupply or Dry le very Ittuite4, and the goofed a I nominal at 17e. lltuN AND NAILS—The quotations of manufactured Iron are al follows:—Common Bar 214 to 2% . c.74 lb. .Natir are selling at 1,3,60ty4,76 for 104. to 4.1. • aNzirding to quality; the ter=n are six months' credit, or 6's cent. discoput far cash. hales light. LARD...Thu quantity la market is very light, au.l rates are almost nominal. City No 1 is firm at 104®11c, and country at 9 1 /Aloc. LEATHEB_The market la steady, with no change in our old quotatior.s : Red Spanish Sea, V tto=QUl'. Slaughter 26®28e. Skirting '' 28©30c. Harness ~ 241Z21i0. Upper .. ii dozen f.3oglao Bridle-- 1,381g/42 LUMBER, Seutoned...The following era the griotailllllN ...f seasoned lumber, from the yards in the city:— Common 1 inch Boards,' 1000 feet....... ...... :16 no Clear do du " 82 1.., Flooring drums! dou ..—. ..... .. 22 00 Shingles,74 1000 11 68 Lath, ......... . a 2.1 i Oak theilug, dressed, 1 luck—V low 1,..4 ... at, 00 do do 114 do ... .. 112 e 0 LUNt IS Eli, Groen ..Tlio market is unchanged; sales mu making at the river at $lO par thousand {ea tar un uun ,, i , sod $.20 fur clear. Sninglea, $2,50 71 thousand. 01F.SS PALK ...There is a hotter demand, with monn firm aces In prices; sales have been $l6 60 by the lot, and $l7 in • small way. METALS...Pig Lead has El diced lo 6, and Bar to 9467 Sheet Cupn e r 36'431c; Sheet Briers-32.c li z 01L 4 ...1iat little:change except it. Limicol Oil, which b.. 1.8 advanced to k.ur, o lsc, with a Ilitlit demand. negular sales of Lard are still made at kbc for J., 1, and 7bc fur lio2, by the manufacturers. PIG METAL...l4mmina at thu laat quotuticAi, v!r.: $.21( $36 for AlloglExy and antlirmite. POTATOES. toga tar supply POWDER—There has been a decline lu the prices f 75c nu f,rmer quotations of Blasting and $1 on ftifle; the quo tations now aro for Blasting $4,25 VS keg; BM° $6, SAND STONE—Rognlar sales of Iltintlugdon county, at $9 It ton. SALT...Pi ices have recently advanced and sales of Abe. gheny No 1 are now made at $1,85C01,40,and extra at $l,ll $1 bbl. From store figures are a trifle more. SEED...New Timothy is coming to market quite freely ; It brings $1,25@1,30 from wagon and $1,50 out of store. The demand for Flaxseed absorbs the entire supply at $1,25 to $1,35 bush. The receipts a m New are selling at 65®750. bqabel, with 4 SOAPS... The following aro the manufacturer's prices:— tic:sin 5c.; No. I Palm 536; Chemical .7.%: Castile and Toiler 'Dell lb. 15PENTING8, YARNS, to. clued, and the following are Sheetingo B%c. lfl yard; Niag POUND Nag. b to 10 W ive, VI 3)... 20 and 12... 21 (4i 22 (g) 23 24 go DOUR TAILS. CtarpetUlto,an.col. 2d " 5e10t,025t030 21 @ " ' LOtott4 22 4 1 wino 22 (1) Batting, No. 1.... 16 © No. 2.... 16 4, , tl i Bottlng... 17 16 © No. 400, It, doz 11 (0 No. 500, doz 10 © No. 600 9 (4 N 0.700 8 c No. Boo 8 CO No. 900 .. 8 (4, No. 1000.....- • ....... 8 Coverlet Yarn 27 •- Candlewick... . (41 TALL0W....1% - e prices have advanced; we quote rough at lb, and rendered at 10 1 ,4 c. YLNILOAR...ItaIIon Vinegar is quoted at 6c. to the city and country trade, and 9c to outside dealers. WHITE LEAD, LITHABGE, arc—White Load Is Arm and in steady demand at $2,5011 keg for pure oil, and dry ge IS lb, subject to the naafi] discount. Bed Lead 9Y 2 490, net, and Lytharge WINDOW CILSBB.:.The prince for city brands hays ad vanced, and we correct our quotations m follows :-6xB and 7x9, box of 80 feet, sl,Box 8110, $2,15; Bxll, 9xll, 9x12, and 10x12. $2,40; Bxl2, 9xlB and 9x14, $2,68; 10115 and 10x18, $2,75; 10 qi cent discount off. Oountry brands sue. lower. WOOL....The quantity In market has been huge, but sales mostly on private terms. Prices range frouttll to 45c, according to quality. RIIISKY...We have little change to note. Ibictilled is steady at 2t©27c., while Raw can be purchased at 24®25c. In large lota Foreign Markets. Fer .Ttamer A7agaral Livsarom., September 10.—Cotton Market.—The sales of Cotton for the week have been 67,000 bales, including 4500 to speculators and 9000 to exporter& The market closel buoyant with an advance of lAd, chiefly on fair and mid dling qualities. The clotting quotations are as follows:--N. 0. fair 794 middling 7 3-18; Mobile fair 7 7.16; middling 7 1 -i; uplstds lair 7 618; middling 7. The stock cf Cotton to port is 618,000 bales, of which 529,090 are American. Br , adstuffs Market—The market is steady with an aver age business, but no quotable change. The Brokers' Circu lar quote, the advance for the week on Flour at la and an Coru Bd@la for choice lota for feeding. Other circulars qultes Flour steady Wheat is active,. Corn firm at 33s 6d @3lc for yellow. Provision Market —The market closed steady. Beef Is steady. Pork is without change; BO American is offering. Bacon is firm, particularly for fine sorts. Lard is quiet. London Money Market.--Consols closed at 97 for cash and 97% for account Money is generally unchanged, but is abundant. The bullion in the Bank of England bad In creased £241,000. American securities were generally un changed. The Market for Brew:Litwin closed arm. Philadelphia. Market. Pnruniumns, September 22.--Plour; sales for shipment at ss s 0 for fresh ground superfine, $3,8734©56 for extra, and $6,25 for extra family; fere) , lots range from $9,60(457; the - receipts are liberal. In Eye Flour and Corn Meal there la nothing doing. The receipts of Wheat are small; the de mand Is fair, ealea 1500 bash prime red at $l,BO, and White $1,40. Rye is in demand at 76c for now, and 80e for old. The market is nearly bare of Dorn; sales of yellow, afloat, at 95c. Oats are in fair request; 1000 bneh new Dela ware brought 42c. Whisky is firm at 21% for Ohio and 240 for Pennsylvania. - - Now York Market. Nsw Yana ' September 22.--Cottoa is steady; sales 800 bales. Floor buoyant; sales 21,000 bash. Wheat firm; 81,- 000 bush sold. Corn ftrra; 41,000 bush add. *Ark firm; sales 2500 btag. Will*, dull. Sugar hoary. Idolassap Iralglrla lnactllll. l'ffs.nur.ott, Eeptember 22, 1858 .1 , ul I ir 20 :14 , ,C, 7 ••(., 1.4,1;61 1.0 1,495,741 uu 1t,?,71 , 9 4,5 159,734 87 1,818,851 4D 1,43,589 ~..The pieta have again 11.- now the ruling figures: Eagle • a RXe. WARN. No. 18 25 No. 17 241 (.41 ,No. 18 27 4;1 ... No. 19 No. V) Cincinnati Blackest CIITCIITNATI, September 22.—Plunr active; 200 bbls sold at $4,00©530 for fair to choke superfine and $4,25@4,60 for extra; receipt; 4200 bbla. Whisky 20c and dull; the supply exceeds the demand. Mess Pork; 200 Ude Ripley packed sold at $16,50; city packed is bold at $15,7b; 50,020 fba heavy bulk Sales sold: Bacon is without change and nothing was done. Money is easy, exchange ou New York has declined to a IR cent premium; the demand is falling off. itIETHUSALAH LIVID TO BR UPWARDS OF nine hundrri ye/ri 01 1 , but seventy years is now the age cfman, and iu cr ,e. reach even this age, it is requisite to guard well the health. Slight ailments, if neglected, lead to serious disemes. Immediate relief is afforded la cases of Sick Headache, which is frequently the forerunner of severe illness, by the nee of WILSON'S PILLS, which are prepared and sold by B. L. FAHNESTOOK & 00., Wholesale Druggists, and proprietors of B. L FAHNES. TOOK'S VERMIFWIE, No. SO, corner of Wool and Fourth streets. Pittsburgh, Pa. See advertisement on third page of this day's paper. R. T. KERNILDY W. a. ICABISEDY. PEARL STEAM MILL, ALLEGHENY CITY, R. T. KENNEDY & BRO. WHEAT, RYE, AND CORN PURCHAtiEb 51EAI, AND ift,.lllY, HAN U h l;!1.15D AND DELIVER IN PITr[JuIwH ALLEIILIEN auTaydaw I AUCTION SALES. nAILY SALES AT NO. 54 FIFTH ST., ie At the new Commercial Sales '.Dome, No. 64, Fifth Street, every week day, are held publi, Jales of goods in all variety, suited for the trade and consumers, from a large Stock which is constantly replenished with fresh consign ments, that must be closed forthwith. AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M., Dry 000,18 and fancy.articles, comprising nearly everything needed in the lino for personal and felony use; table cut lery; hardware; clothing; boots and shoes; ladies ware, Ac. AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. AL, Household and kitchen tarniture, now and second-Land; beds and bedding; carpets; elegant iron stone China ware; stones; cooking, utensils; groceries, Ac. AT T O'CLOCK, P. M., Fancy articles; watches; clocks ; jewelry musical Instill meats; guns; clothiug; dry goods; toots and shoes. book stationery, &c. I'o3l P. 111. DAVIS, AUCt.9 OAK LA ND 00UNTRY SEATS, AT AUC TION—ON TEIMISDAY AFTERNOON, September 23.1, at 3 o'clock, on the premises, will be sold : Thirteen very handsome altos for country seats, containing from oae to two acres each, adjoining the mansion of Jamea S. Craft, which are easy of access, and for beauty of scenery are not sorpa sod by any in this country. Plau may be seen a: the ancaun Room& Terms—On.-tenth cash, residue in niue yatirly payment with ill torest paychlo annually. 1 +,,,1 0 eels P. DAVIS, Auctioneer ORPHAN'S COURT ADJOURNED SALE of Real Estate in South Pittsburgh and Birmingham, on TUESDAY EVENING, Septet° her 28th, at 7% o'clock, at the Oommercial Sales Rooms, 54 Fifth ctreet, by order or R. Riddle Roberts, Administrator of 0. 0. Gregg, deceased, will bl sold : Three volu• blo lots of ground situate in South Pitt,borgh, being marked and numbered 3s, 811 and 96 In the plan of acid borough. Seven lots of ground in the plan of loth laid out by heirs of Urege, in the borough of thrminghatn, via: Nos. 91, 92 and 03, timing each o front of 24 feet on Carson ,treat, and extending back 100 fuel Chomut alley. No. 177 and 178 having each it front of 24 feet on Washington .treet, and extending back 100 feet to Walnut alley. Nos. 208 and 213 ouch bar ng a front of 2 feet on Washington s trot t, a- d extending back 100 test to Spruce alley. Title indisputable. Terma cash. (eel ) P. H. DA Vl:+, Auct'r. ,BII6iNEST: CA R D;:3 J. &'l'. GROUTT, BRANDIO, GINS, WINES, ETC., DEALERS IN FINE OLD MONUNOAIIRI.A RYE WHISKY, AND 4 .PPLE BRANDY. ALPO, RECTIFIERS AN D DISTILLERS, Corner of Smithfield and keront Streeta, hpl4 J PITT: , LIU LL PA. S. B. & C. P. MARKLE, MANUFAOTUREItii VP Jolt, ANL, ALL fiLN DS t.'N V DAPPING Warehouse, No. 27 Wood Sto•eet, PITTSBURGH, PA trg, Itaigi hough!. nt market prie JOIIN N.IOOItHEALS has removed to No. 74 Wator etroot, below 111.,rk“ JOHN 111001[1031EAD, COMMISSION MERCHAN T, I=l Plc METAL MW BLOOMS, NO. 74 WATER STI 107, BELOW hLARKET, turl9 PITTSBURGH, PA PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. 13. E AC JONIIS TNO. L. BOYD Will. EIoCIIILLOUtIII JONES, BOYD & CO. iddISTIFAITITRISS OF CAST STEEL. Akio, SPRING, PLOW AND A. E. STEEL, SPRINGS AND AXLES. Coriair Rots aisd First Strssts, PITTSBURGH, PA. LKOORHEAD Si. CO., IiANUFA CTURRR OF imerlean, Plain & Corrugated ) GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, For Rooting, Guttering, Spouting, &e. AOENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT IMITATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON. Warehouse, No. 136 First street, mr26:ly-is a. B. 11104,4C1itt3 & CO. MA.SIIP-I.OTIMPIRI3 OP ROGERS' IMPROVSD PATENT 8 TEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH, 001111011. 8088 A SID FIE-8T 13TILS88T8, L. C. HEPBURN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND (YiIiVEYAIIOIO 03T1 Q1:1 ILIaITrA3I.S. JAMES A. FETZER, forwarding and COD.ailissioll Merchant, YOU TIM 8 6.111 or lour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Beads, Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Corner of Starke% and. First ***** ts PITTSBURGH. PA. Rion To—Prarieis G. Railoy, Da,, William Dilworth, Sr., • Cuthbert & Son, Pittsburgh; Boyd & Ott, tietaken & vearingen, B. Brady, Cast , . M. a MBank. List & Unwell, Mingle & Co., George W. Anderson, Doub Paxton & Wraiths myB,Attlbsi WM. W. KNIGUT, w80rza.4.1.1 Als-D r.... FIRST PREMIUM READY MADE LINEN AND DRESS STOCK MAIiTIJFACTORY, NO. 606 ARCH STREET, ..AD/01. PRIM. Silk, Morino and Cotton Under Shirts and Drawers, Cra vats, Scarfs, Gloves, !Jandkerehlaa, to., Dressing GOW4H, Shirts, Wrappers, and Dress Stocks aside to irder by meas urement, and warranted to give tett mfaction. Jel:lyd E. P. MIDDLETON Si, BRO., DCPORTEREI OF WINES, BRANDIES, &C., ALSO DriALMILI IN FINE OLD WHISKYS, NO. 5, NORTH FRONT STREET, )nLlyd GO AND SEE GEORGE P. WERTZ'S First Premium Blind Factory, CORNER THIRD AND MARKET r TS., PITTSBURGH. riIIIOSE WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR A. House with VKNITIAN BLINDS, of the moat exqui sin and elaborate finish, vrW find it to their Interests to give me ac ll before purchasing elsewhere. My work is got up by the best mechanics (not apprentices.) Every attention 11 given to the wants of customers. Prices low. All work - warrantutL No. 72 THIRD Street, Pittsburgh. imAlyie DAVID H. WILLIAMS, rtIVII, ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR 1,.) FOR THE ERECTION OF GAS WORKS, for from five garners and upwards, and for Heating BuildinKs, public, or privntes by steam, Hot Water or Furnaces. wylitlyta PITTABUIttnt. CARTWRIGHT & YOUNG, (s.azuers to John Cartwright) . MANUFACTITRERS AND IMPORTERS of Pocket and Table Cutlery, Tackleund anl Den tal lustrumentg_ Guns, Pistols, Fishing etc., No. fitt Wood street They give special attention the manufactun ug of Triunes, Supporters, eto. Jobbing and Itepairtng itb punctuality and despatch. apl7 DERFECT TIME AT HALF TH E IL USUAL COST—AMERICAN WATCHES—APPLE TON TRACY & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF PATENT LEVER WATCHES, WALTHAM, MASS.—These Watches are made by the aid el new and original machinery and tools, expressly designed to secure, with a low price, a One substantial and reliable time keeper. To be had at our Agents, REINFMAN hiEVB.AN, Pittsbargh, Pa. APPLETON TRACY h 00., gal° - Waltham, Kan. WAGON GREASE—In cans, kegs, and Tv lima, IciF =de by itel6 H.Uale a. OOWNO. TERMS CASH ON DNL/VliNtY PITTSBURGH, PA PPI'ABITII6 /I. PA Vrt Ihts4itth ertreet. The steamer EMMA GRAHAM, Capt. MON. HON AYII7-8, will luaVti for the above and all 4 intermediate ports on ovary TUESDAY, at 4 o'clock, P. JE. Par freight or pahatign apply on lard, Lubricating Oil for all kinds of Machinery, Binnacle or Lamp Oil, is superior to the best winter strain sperm for burning in all kinds of THOMAS' SUPERIOR PATENT IMPROVED LAMP. This lamp performs a perfect consumption of all smoke and smell arising from tho use of oil, in which other lamps are found imperfect, thereby giving a much more brilliant flame. For sale wholesale and retail by aul2amd H . BOUREAU, Sole7flgent. A. H. C. BROCKEN, No. 22 Cliff Street, New York, ISIANUFACTURFIit OF GLASS SYRINGES, HOMEOPATHIC VIALS, GRADUATED MEASURES, ~, NURSING BOTTLES, ETC. wan wwe for Chemists, Drtiggistu, Perfumers, Photo- graphere, etc. Green (j Wpre by tbe package. A liber al diem/at made to the trade. Orders from Country Drug gista and Dealers aolicited. Price Lista sent on applica tion. iYanm FIVE LOTS OF GROUND, RAUH:CON TAINING one acre, Or asla Price $2OO each. Terms, in hand, balance in one, t•vo and three seats, situate at four miles from the city S. OUTIIBERT a Sow, geld 51 Market'atreet. INDIA RUBBER CQRKSQREWS; dt " Pah Holders; “ ~ Propelling Pencils; :- - Pens; Inkstands; " Pocket, 3. B. wawa% :Bookseller and Stationer, 6311 - cal street, near Pout& MEDICAL. DR. R. A. WILSON'S Tonic, Cathartic, and Anti-Dycpeptic PILLS PREPAROD AND SOLD 13)( B. L. FAHNESTOCK & CO WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND PROPRIETOR OP B. L. FAHNESTOCK'S VERMIFUGE, No. 60 corner of Wood and Fourth Streets PITTSBURGH, NINN'A riIIIESE PILLS HAVE NOW, TO A limited extent, been before the public In this section of the country for a period of over twenty years, and from the fact of their not being more generally known through out the length and breadth of the land, it might, perhaps, be Inferred [tuft they are lac!: ing In some of the great eaten. Bale of a fa., sly met - IMMO, or that there are other Pills their simericr, °ice t a each, however, is nut the case, their sap ley fr •!, t dispoeitiun or abilitr, on the part ot the igill al prcpi hater, (Dr. Wileon,) was always limited to such au extent at times to render it difficult to fill home orders, but with even this dieadvantage wherever used they have uever failed to call forth the strongest tektimony in their favor—testimony in many inetancesunaolicited—not gotten up expressly for publicity—but freely proffered to the in ventor as expreaalcase of gratitude for the great benefits de rived from the use of these truly wonderful P 11126 in proof of which we subjoin the following:— We, the subscribers, Ministers of the Gospel, and members of the Pittsburgh Annual Confereaoi of the Methodist Epis copal Church, having each and all of tie, during the past few years, had frequentopportunities of learning and trying the character of Dr. R. A. Wilson's Tonic, Cathartic, and Anti-Dyspeptic Pills, are prepared to, and now state with pleasure, iu this communication. that we know them to be an excellent medicine, and, as such, recommend their use to our friends and acquaintances, not only as a specific for dick-Headache and Dyspepsia for which they are recom mended, but as a safe family remedy among children, and for the prevention and removal of Bilious attacks, etc. Revs. Jas. 0, Sansom,Lemon,William Thos. Baker, Francis IL Read, Harvey Bradshaw, Wesley a, Smith, Moser Tichnell, A. Jackson, Cornelius Jackson, W. Browning, Hosea Megan, R. Bays, B. F. Sedwick, G. Martin, Thos. McGrath, J. Mr iteger, Wm. Smith, N. Callender, S. It. Breckunier, C. D.r Battle, John West, Win Tipton, C. Hodgson, John Murray, S. B. Dunlop, Dr. J. J. Jamison. From the Corresponding Conference of the Methcdist Protestant Church, signing the same.) Revs. Geo. Brown, Geo. Hughes, Joel Dolby, Jr., Z. Ragan, Jar. Browning, Wm. Ross, Rohe Simonton, Jim. Clark, Jas. M. Piper, Johu Burns, Daniel Ostron, John Beatty. My experience is not rue exteneive as the expression in the above certificate; but as fur as my opportunity of testing the virtues of Dr. Wilson's Plll3 has occurred, I cheerfully endorse the sentiment of their superior value. RBEV From the Bev. I. S. Hubbard, Ohio, Oct 27, 1439. Da. Wumatt:—l feel myself a thoneand times obliged to you. I have fur sown years been afflicted with the dyepep die and, lime VI.. good eff,cis already produced by youi pills iu my came, I ani perimaded that the continued use ot thorn will finally effect is thorough cure; I therefore, wish you to send me four boxes by the bearer of this, and °Wige yours, etc. ISRAEL SHARP. Extract of a letter from Col. Camp, en ,Iderly gentleman of 1 Virginia, who has raised a tiameren.e family, of sonic medical reading, an much experience in the use cl medicine. I do most earnestly hope that you will adopt some plan to supply us with you: ni.:st excellent Anti-Dyspeptic Pill. I have been in the is= bit ~r n-nrig it rnyaelf, and in my fanii 1 9, from the time you drift brought them into nee In our neighborhood, and upon all occasions have found them to answer the purpose for which they were administered My wife has b_ou ter, much afflicted with sick headache, aud, by tieing one-half or on of the pills, has uniformly found relief. I think it superfluous to enumerate the different complaints for which I have eilreinleteled these pills. Suf fice it to say that, e, far as the Numerous complain's set out In the wr,pp,r have fallen tinder my notice, the pill has life' the desired effect in removing the same; and so fa- a. , my. self have been co. con, d , I can ea) , that they leave the bowels in hatter er thou the use of any other cathartic that have used, 1 HIM, hir, your friend and JAMES M. CAMP CA.KREA.GES. C.4IIRIAGE 131ANUFACTORV AND EASTERN REPOSITORY JOSEPH WHITE HAS JUST RECEIVED AT HIS RE- P3SI I OILY, situated near the Two Mile s.; Run, betwr, u rlttsburgh and Lawrenceville, a tr:= splendid and general akisorticient of Carriages, Buggies, bti Isles, et , g 1 ,4 arrangement+ ate such that he is constantly r, co; vial; new and sewud-h.aud vehicles, and the public may r' n always finding a gc.od stock on hand. Ile also mau 1, t tures to order, on short notice, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, And all pertainiug tb butinous. With sigh Coen years' oractical experience In this business, and his well-known facilities ' he flatters aiunielf that he offers great Inducements to purchasers. /?The establishment is located on the route of the it.x. mlitior Omnibus Line ot Coaches, patlng the door every fifteen minutes. selo:dhw !Tek:i C. WEST & 1 CO lANMPAOTDR/ilifl OP CARRIAGES, ROOKAIVAYS, DIIGUIES, SIILKLES AND skraauEl No. BIT Penn street, PITTSBURGH, PA. fret- All work warranted to be of the begt:materiala and workmanship. myl2:lydis DAGUERREAN GALLERIES atilt:ly .ill R. M. CARGO & CO., Photographers and Ambrotyptsts, NEW YORK GALLERY, No. 21 /I.lli ncrett, and SUNBEAM GALLERY, 8. W. cur. of Market et net and Diarnoud. Nittabargn PRIOI9 TO SUIT ALL. layl9:tf-3p AM BROT Y P E S.—These beautiful and durable pictures on glass; in all their perfection and loveliness, singly or in groups, may ho obtainedat, WALL'S, Jones' Building, Fourth stseet. AMBROTIPES— A BEAUTIVUL AND DURABLE PICTURE WARRANTED, CAN BE HAD AS LOW AB AT ANY PINT CLAS3 ESTABLISHMENT IN lifE COUNTRY, AT W ALL'S, E“tirtb street R 0 4,4 a R N W DAGUERRMAN AND AMBROTYPN SKY AND aIDIG-L16.1512' G A Er 14 E Y Fl VTII sTsloryr , l EARL Y OFYOBITr7 THU PO3T-01 1 710.Z. ta„.PICIII2I.IIES taken In all the VLU'IMI styles, in ea, weather, and warranted to please, at reasonable ratoe. $3,.81c1r or deceased persons taken at their residence, al.e2o:lydaw-:s Removed to •21 Filth Street. VARGO & CO.'S PIIOTOORAPIIIO AND AniIROTFPEI UALIAIitY has been removed from 76 Fourth street, to No. 21 Fifth Street, near Market. Theaoroomo having beam built especially for the purpose, with three large lights, are sot surpassed in the city foi comfort, con VOLIINDCO and ex,eilence in arrangement. Bth Oar old viands and patrona and those wishing an perlor likeneazeu, are invited to call. ie. Receptlou Room and tipochnene on the ground door. ap7 STEAMBOATS ZANESVILLE. For Marlette and Zanesville. DEPOT FOR THE SALE OF COAL OIL, 133 South Second Street, LAMPS, LANTERNS, HEADLIGHTS, AC For sale by A NLIAL ISTATE FAIR TE.t..l Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society. aPPTPIEBta 29 - TH SOW, AND OCTOBER LB; 1858 FAIR G1{011.1,:'. PIVidLITRGif. Annual Addressec. Lr.3ep tit It P. M. A.,l'ards_of Com mittee announced Immodlidely eftErwerds. Articles fur exhinitt , n am'idresqed to A 0. TIKLEST.HII, Sec retor.), Monongahela Elf,nit., Pitt ,, brir;h All articles and stock intended for exhibition, transport ed froze of charge. Office, No. f 8 Fifth street, whore elotrirs Will he received, and exhir, tors' ticket. fee-pi:4lod. Ile,,ns of entry closed on Tnesduy, noon. PrdWitun 4,14E8 and List of Judges furnish ed on application 43- liltacibers' Tickets, I. Fingle admission 25 cents. Exhibitors must. becomehnewbers. A. 0. IIk:ISTER, Sect- tSry Slate Agricultural Foctety. D. A, TAGGART, Fc. ,- i'i*ul• tc.c.6:dsovtd—cG JOHN W.! Ii'CARTII.I7, BILL, AND CHILD YiTTBRI.re.OI.I, -V 4. Will prornpuy mt...u1.1 t.. ho Liadril.diting and Puistmg of (.11EttlULAR.8, ANI.) PL - 543445Thi1iii8, Fol AfllliiirlllGLlL, yalea, Etc. All orderri, telegraph, .5: otherwise, abut to the iflhe ii.o Daily ~ , rniag faithfully att.dided to. Pe-kage4 by 111 E, Adanli Er pram Gorapiitly will e vEly hay . to clisvetlous. 944 771 THE GREAT SUPERIORITY OF Over all other,. it • ! USC I. of (lathing and Shoe IlLitinfac turers,(Ja~,gre,Carriage Trimmers and Coach Makers, bee long hero snd preotically acknowleged. Which in a light, comp Act and uic , ' bly ozunruental machine ? (clothe Its vt.,r ,el k tltodly l with the large machines,) and meat LIL , COI‘, a f,k voritm fort family USG *tr. A full supply or th 4 nh we Machines for sale at New York prices, by it S,IIAW, It: Market street, anl9:ly-2p Pittsburgh, Penn's. SEWIN , - , G ; itl A. CLII N E S.- DOUBLE. LOCK *IWOI SEWING MACHINES! These Machines are ruina:itted to be the best In market for family Rae, making en elattic donbie thread stltek, which will not rip ..ven if every, fourth stitch be out. It IS the only low priced double thread Machine in market. Orders will bo received and promntly filled by M. DALY, Agent, No. 20 Fifth street, on the corner of Market alloy, Pittaonrgh, Pa. Ale- NOTICE-41 DAIO - , on the corner of Fifth street and Market alloy, is the only of the name In bnilinass on thin street. jytkly THE first place in public estimation is nbw justly. accorded tei the DROVER & BAKER. M.&. CHINE, for family nowink, for the following reasons t— lat. It is MORE GIMP', and REPTIN ORDER than any other machine 21 It makes a seam wili,ll will tfoT RIP or R.Avnt, though every third etitol Bd. It cows from two ordmary spool, and t Iv., all trouble of winding thread ie I, tilk. t.f.e Adlilt) Machine tau be adapted, at pleaemre, by a mere change of apoole, to all varieties of work. 4th. The dame .11achlu,:.ind ,Ilk, linen thread and spool cotton, with equal faciliti. 6th. The B eam id lig cLatic as the matt elaatfc fabric, so that It is free fromall LI4 P.ILITY to Bit PAK, in WAtill- ING, IRONING, or otheHlL-, 11th. The stitch made this.aluciiiee id wore 11EATITI• Wirt, than any other made, either by hand or machine , : OPINIoNA OF TUE MESS. Grover h Baker's Is the Le-t Amer. Agriculturist. To all of which toe Trihaio. nays, amen.—{N. Y. Tribune. It Id all that it cbdma t.o; Intiop3roleut. It finis/es Its ;Noi work; C Ole= jettrual. We give It the preference Amer. 13441. t. It needs only to be sien to ho apprecieterl.—LPhreno. Journal. 1 Adapted for wcelens, hero of e• Monthly. We like Grover .1: Bak, ebe,t. ' :.(Ladies' Wreath. ‘• Which Is the best?" G ov.,r A Baker's--; N. Y.Dlepatel. Puprrlur to all utbere —IN. Y. Mercury. We have no hesitation troonnnondiug &L. press. It requires no ro spoolieg.—[N. Y. Evangelist. For landly use tu ) are burevaled.—CN. Y. Daily News. They How a seal. that. Kill notrip.—(N. Y. Courier. It performs nobly and I :zpuelitionaly.--.N. Y. .E.viminer. Remarkable for the ci.e ticity ot warn.--[Polioo Gazette. Well adapted to all kin, a of family aowinz.-IN. Y. Obs. The most Me -sod covenlion cf modern tilllBB.—lMUtti. Magazine. Beat adapted for family lase.—(N. Y. Bey Book. We do not hesitate t , redommend N. Y. Chronicle. It sews strongly nod doe! not rip.--ildfe Illustrated. The prince of levEmtione Churchman. It is woman's best friend ,-.121. Y. Weekly News. And two hundred more rekarenceo. PHILADELPILIA To Clergymeta.a.ridevoleol Societies. TIM GROVER .1; BAK HRI 417c911.111 MACHINE CO. will sell, for the prevent, to Clergymen and Benevolent Bocistie4 their superior machin.t at crno-half the canal retail price. W C. ELLIOTT, Acenz, an 30.17 No. 21 Fifth area. 1 4 1 IRS'f INTR.{ i. ICED JULY, 1849._ A. L. AiLedAnnilAUL`VS Portable Steam Iloistiag and Pumping 'Engine Tx On Wheels, from 3to 30 bone pownr. Also, I' En glnea and Eaw Mill Drivers, tt to 30 hone. Engin alwAys on hand. Illannftury, 15 ala 8. Hamilton $ rests J y3o:3mrlioar ' PRILADEpP-1-11A. E. SIMPSON 2 0. U. RIPPEY. WE HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED together to the pmcL co of the Law, under the firm of 81.41P80N E lUPPEY. OfEtee,! No. 94 Youth Street E. SIM:PEON, O. 11. ItIPPEY. J. & 111. iIENRICE'S CENTRAL PLiANI.N Cr MILL, WATER STREEfP; nI.I.EGHIg y, ARE now in full operation, with Fay & Co.' improved znachiht,ry rim tin manufacturing of Sash Franaw, Doore, Shattesrsaud deuldinga. Mindere sad Con ttacton will find it to Metz advantage to call and aboertain our p antaardim rima. FLOUR -45 bbls. choiee Extra; u " Snperflno Just received and for eats by JAM r 8 A. , RETZRB, se2l Corner ?Istrket and Vint streets. CIOOPERS - WANTED-2 good Coopers ,wanted to w rk on tight work, Itiquira at JAMES A. FETZER, Como/ blanket and Youth streeta ITTSI3/113:11 THEATR Bole Leeeee and ilanar , s er, S. 8. FOAM. Btage Director O. M. Dem. PBIOE. oF ADMIBEI/Orir: Dress Circle and Parqn4tna.boo I Family Circle.... .2 Colored Boxes I 60a Colored Gallery—. Tickets to Private Doxeo-750 Whole 80mar...—...46 00 Proscenlnm Boxes $8 00. TREM EIN DpIIS BILL MIS EVENING, September 28d, will Ito pioenK BLACK EYED SUSAN. . . Mr. 151'Bailand Stisart.ldiss OordeliaCapped Till: BROIIiEIIB lIIITOBINBON, In a great is iety of astonishing feats. Dancing by.... ..Miss Jaya Turnbull and Miss Jennie To conclude with, A Qll.ll. FAIBILY. iiej- To-morrow, benefit of Brothers Hutchinson. .f, Saturday, a Gran/ Juvenile Day Performance. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Curtain rises at 7%. Box Offic open from 10 to 3 o'clock. I'~~s~®ldT~~7 ~a.~YaT... ONE WEEK MOIIIE oF THE FAVORITES. Etlowisty Eveuing, Szptember :30th. Ami Ever) eveum.; this week. AND REMEN' . , SECOND WEEK, AND ;.. 0118 r. IICCEBB OF THR FAR-FAME A` il ORIGINAL Morris Bros., Poll and Trowbridge Minstrels, From the School StroctlQpera Boma., Roston. THIR'T'EEN STAR PERFORMER& First wcek of tha COW-BELLO-111ANS on.„SIVISS BELL RINGERS. ita - fr New sctt, Bongs, Dances and Burlesques. La'- Admission, 26 cents; Chllren 15. Doors open at 7 o'clock, commence at. 8 o' lock. LON MORRIS, 8o . o hu.iiness Alanagar. 11 1 14tillibute* read ~l~Ullli~ ~~ SEWIN S I ;I; CO2 &ANC-U.7,E1; "MACHINE HIS NEVI FAMILY 11~CACUhlV E, T E SS. AND S4lO Are now on xhibition, at the HOSIERY STORE OF AIR. DALY, NO. 20 rxxima STR2ET, . W. Gam. fE LLIOT ITT =! l ' SZ. - 1 A mar. Medical