'VOLUME XVI. PITISBURGII MORNING POST.. pri l ted anti every Bantlays emuptcct) Ey JAMES P. BARB, Ls MI BUSS 'if SST GOSNER 07700 D. AND 71778 TEllllS.—i'lvd Dollard a year, payable strlctly in advance Bit Mainers tux ratably reqaired if not paid within the year. Sir Single copier., Two Orn9—for sale at the counter in he 915 ca and by the liewa Boys. RATES OF ADVERTISING. I Ariez I Ttl7iCe I OtIC,Ia I / 1 / 5 / 21 / 1 3 ` in "via Imelda weal work. One Two 1n5erti0n........ Throe One week..... Two weeks.—.. Three Wt3f3k.l4 ....... One month. ........ ...- Two months-- ...... . Throe Pour m0nth5........... Rise months Fis months Nine months._.._. One year ...... Banding Oar.'., One ivars, per emn - Idarrtsge nonce, PITTSBURGH SATURDAY POST A MANNIOTEff WEEKLY. ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, 01.11 S OF TEN. Subeeriptionc, - - ID% par axisittina. CONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS OP TES DAY, Political, Literary, Agricultnral, Commer Mal, Local, Tel Miscellaneous. Thia Paper being of the Loan? SEA and neatly prints on fine white paper, in large, clear type, will be found by the subscriber to giro better satisfaction than any paper putilished in Pittsburgh. Thaw who wish to take a paper from Pittsburgh, will find S he SATURDAY POST a safe and profitable incoatment. Address, JAILLES P. BAR.R., sepl7 iikiltor and Proprietor. LO. P. ÜBE.. BARR & MYERS, BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, Pos-r sUILDI S. Comer of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. THE undersigned having made extensive additions of L.t.TEiT 2.17 L 111.NDSOMEST STYLE P TYPE, and improved Maciiincry, to the moanNo Pon' JOB OFFICE, invite, tla° ttimtion of Rail Road Meer Merchants, bncin.s and the public generally, to thar aperiar facilities for orevating with diapatch, cn :6.1w/cable arras, all kinds of RAIL ROAD, MERCANTILE, LEGAL, LVD ErffßY CtirDLls3, DESCRIPTION o PLAIN Sy, FANCY PRINTING JR' Oar matcdtvl being nearly all now, we can give an ancn of the incGt; ocimplete aatisfaillon, and solicit orders BOOMS, PAKPRLETS, RAIL ROAD BILLS AND CARDS, BANK eIIBCKS, BLANK NOTES, 1J "‘TER ELBADS, BILL ILEADS, BILLS LADING, CLBCJULARS, BUS LN hal CARDS, PAPER BOOKS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, BONDS, kc. Jar Par tlealar ztte•ation will also be paid to the printing Of Posters, Progre,wirees, kr. for Concerto, Exhibitions sad 01 4 . - cusas. BARR St MYERS. BUSINESS CARDS The People's Shoe Store. D. S. DIEFFENBACHER & GO., Oheap Cash Dealera in all lcinda of rashicraatA. BOOTS, SHOES AM) GAITERS, Per Gentlemen, Ladles, Youths and Children, no. 17 Fifth Street, near !Market, ocB PITTSBURGH, PA. is 0. Jotarsoa B. A. JOErliaolll PERRIN & JOHNSON, Proprietors of Childs t Co.'s Patent Elastic Fire and Water Proof Cement Roofing. 133 THIRD STREET. RDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith nifty executed, and all our work warranted. Roofing matodal always on hand, and for sale, with di. raztlorui tor um sep2ily JOS. .F• RAMILTON & 00., ENGINEEIIS AND MACHINISTS, COMA' of Pint ami Liberty streds, F-Ztleturgh, m. QUPERIOR STEAM ENGINES fo; Grist and Saw Mills, Breweries, Printing Establisiments, Manufactories, An n made to order. They also continue the manufacture of their Celebrated Machinists' Tools, such as Tenting Lathes, Iron Planers, Boring and Drilling Machines, - fro. Also, Wrought Iron Shafting, with Pulleys, Rangers to to jaSayd PEN THOMPBON IL C. IdILLER, 4:00)11N TOMPSON HHOUSE H PAINT r aS, GLAZIERS AND GILLINERS, No. ISS Third street SIGN PAINT Thre'execrited with neatness and despatch. Mired Paints, Oils, Turpentine, Varnish, Japan and English Patent Dry ers, Villa Montaigne Una, a very superior article - ; PhDs doiphia and Pittsburgh White Lead always on hand and for isle. Weare prepared to grind colors for Painters, Drug gists, or others, at the shortest notice, as we have a Mill which grinds by steam Painters will save money by get ting their colors ground with us. [wally GOLD AND SILVEP. BP SOTACLES, AVI r/I S F FbROMETERS cF V,elghing Spirin, the cLe!...pet end best ariicloa ever trcrto.t to Chia c!t - i. TIIEBAIDIMERS AND 13AROME•FeliS, varying in price from $8 to tap oath. POCKET COMPASSES, AND SURVEYOR'S COMPASSES, lways on hand at G. E. SHAVE'S, Frac:kW Optician, 88 INfth &net. c22G:3,9g.43: 0 0 0 L 1411.. R. C. fil. J. H. SAWYER, PLUM MITZT33IB 0 I' LARD OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS VQ.II-.7 Wood street, Pittsburgh, DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— _kr The firm of lIAWORTH BRO. & BROWNLEE was, on the 8d of May, 1855, dianolved by mutual consent, by the withdrawal of JERI; HAWORTH from the above firm. The accounts of thelate firm will be Battled by II A WORTII Zs BROWNLEE.% • .1141 T JEttil ILAWOUTH, to withdrawing rr m tue 4.bove fl rilr,:ldndlP'thanka his former patrons-e.nd also the patrons ot tins late firm, for the very liberal patronage he has re ceived, and would kindly recommend them to hin enroessorn, HA.WOBTEt A BROWNLEE, as they are determined to sell at low figures , Laving a very largo assortment of OHRAP =PIA 88,, WENES and 1,19.130118 on hand. BATORTH. Jar DAVID - HAWORTH and JAMES BROWNLEE have this day associated together, and will continue on the bush:mai* at the OLD STAND, corner of Diamand and Dia mond alley, under the style or HAWORTH BROWNLEE, where they hope Lore ceive that patronage so liberally' given to the old Arm, ea they are determined to sell OELEAPER than any other Store in the city. myla 01lice of Sealer of Weights and Iffeasurc . 3. HE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, A, REALER OT WEIGHTS AND MEASIJEES, I}orm foilheneeforth, in Cherry alley, between Third 944 4 Rourth wtreelw, where orders may be left. OBARLES RAHN-ATT. vr S. HAVEN'S Elastic Steel Pens just • received, and for sale et the Stetionery Store, ie2B Noe. at, 43 and 35 Market 'area. 4HE FRANKLIN ALMANAC FOR 1859. —This well-known and popular annual, formerly pub. !Abed hy Johnston k Stmkton, alter a lapse of years, will again shortly be lotted. The circa:diatom' as formerly will be made by Lie Mathematician, Sanford 0. Hill, E 24., who will also prepare for its pages such reading mat. :at as will make it an entertaining and instructive maga zine. Besides the reliable astronomical calculations, a new And ingenious table of time, an accurate method of drawing dentihnquies, and other matters of permanent value will ce added. Ortierir of book-sellers and other dealers are solicited in Advance of publication, as but one edition Will be printed, end orders will be filled J accordin to priority- Wild. G. OHNSTON k 00., ettlalishers Ptintant,Btationerie, and Blank Book Makers, 67 Wood street, Pittsburgh. je22 VLOUR.-40 bbls. choice superfine for sale _it: by. FIMER, - Owner Market and Pfrid sta. kNIONSi-10 bbla. Onicais for sals 02.4 gas_x -- - I ...., ` 1 :.' It; ....., ..., ... ..... -'l.‘, , • • it•„ iii 1 a :: • - .. .. + " • ' i .. i '.... '''' ..C= .... . --, t..: .....::, .% . 1 . ... 1,..... 7: 1. DEPORT OF.TIIE CONDtTION OF THE , _2 FARMER'S - UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, At AfiliElik: BRAIIP&D.:C.i/lINTII,,PA., J. 1,183 a, all presented to the Stockholders, and made out In compliance with the State Laws of New York, Ohio, Indiana,lllinola,Aci. The name of the Company is the FARMERS' UNION IN SURANCE 00afPANY, /mated at Athens, re. Chartered April 13, 1833, by the beztelatnre of Penney he, ter Perpetual. Caah Capital, which Is all paid tip Surplud in addition thereto in VP'k/y paper. A.SBSTB Filly-four Bonds and—lioi [gages, et six and Baron ? Galt. interest, amounting Au 00.aggr.egate Which mortgages aro or value We and preilactive real rotate, principally farina, _ recorded and first liens, worth generally donbi, the amount and mare than mort gaged for in each cam, and in no case lees than fifty. Vi cent. more, exclusive of Dam buildings, and so certified by the Recorders, where recorded, to the and tors of the Elates of Ohio and Illinois. Nineteen six 11 cent. Bonds amply secured. 47,035 00 Cash on hand and in Bank 6,449 12 Oaah fn hands of Agents, and in course of transmission, secured by bonds with sureties.. Due on losses re-insured; he Bills receivable, gromissoly notes payable at bank and to the 00mpany....... Interest accrued, (principally due January j„ 1 1858 , , 1 19 40 Safe an itellffa Fixtures and Rant taro 1 1 . 2 1 00 1 6 2 60 3 6. 4 60 6 50 d 60 9 00 12 00 10 00 4 561 6 00 6u d 00 8 thJ 10 W. , ntau. 1 the paper,)... th notices, 25 Amount of Premiums received during the year $ 85,231 30 Ain't interea !waived daring the year... 11,442 Ofi Ain't received from all other sources. . ... .... 2,480 Oct XXPLITVITGRES Ezpencea for the year, including commissir , ns, salaries, routs, rein enrance, printing, advertising, taxes, and all other expeusee $ 19,109 dB Dividends paid during the year 17,000 00 Loesee paid, which .occurred prior to December 31, Isp LCNIZER pia,' which occurred daring the year 4.6,501 64 LLLEILITIEB. Lassos adJusted and not doe (since paid) $ 12,600 Da Loma Incurred and in process of adjustmont. ... • Lows reported, on which no action haa been taken Losses restated, on ground of insur ance after ilre, property transfer- rail litters loss, property boat no, covered by the Policy, kc lal,loo 00 30,407 00 Whole amon .t of risks taken daring the year_ss,4i9,B6•2 et, Whole amount of, risk at date. 4,861,410 Cu E7A.71 07 rENN.9TI.VANIA, COUNTY Or 110,1070110, 7!. C. N. Shipman, President, and J E. Canfield, Secretary of the Farmers' Union Insurance Company, being severally duly sworn, clepane and nay, and each far himself says, that the foregonlg is a true, full and correct statement of the allairs of said co4oratiou, and tio4f thaY Ora tl4 aovo do eizribed ofilcipithoreof. 0. E. EitiPSIAN, President. 7. E. OLNIFIELD, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn before me, thin ?.sth day of Janu ary, 1858, H. 0. BAIRD, Justice of the Peace. T. J. MINTER, Agent, No. 00 Water street, Pittsburgh. 137 TEEM Reliance Mintizal linactrante O struriniap, LIMITED OR PERPETUAL, RIDE, VURNITURR, AO., IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. 1303.0 e, no. 303 'Walnut street. CAPITAL, 0117,9fz6 ..... 6302,1z0 09. InTasttd is follows, vls : P%ret Mortgage on Limproved City Property, worth double tae amount .1,1•20,200 00 Ponneylvariii. Railroad oo.'a d or tout. Mortgage Loan, 2.40,000 c,•ot 25,500 06 Allegheny County 6 por cent. Peen'a It. R. Lonh. 10,000 DO Pennsylvania Beilrand Co.'s Stuck- 4,000 DO Stack of the Rflianco Mutual Insurance C.. 10,110 DO &car of County. Fire Insuranco Co.. ...... .......... 1,066 Ou Scrip of Sundry Ineuranca C0mpanie5.,............ 476 po Bins Recoiveole,husinees paper 1.2;111 Boob: ..tcco - ar.ts„ atcrd - 4,=6 10 1,;31n on tsn.l and in Tina. *043 :20 tiii2,4E.s St) 144,61 TiiitirLl9V, l'ai r rajdtltit. Dik.l4lO.U.S. Clem Tingley, Suumel Bisphato, William B. Thompuxa, Robert Steen, David S. Brown, William Musser. Cornelius Stevenson, Benjamin W. Tingley, John B. Worrell, Marshall 11111, 11. L. Carson Z. Lathrop, liobert Poland, Charles Leland, Moses Johnson, Jacob T. Bunting, Charleo S. Wool, Smith Bowen, James S. Woadvai .1, I Wiz,. M. Stmt k ile, l'itt:liie,, noJ , 11. Lt. 1111CCILBAN, tiect....L.. y. J. (JARDINE ,v COFFIN, Agvi.t, tar 3 North-eta: cc.rner Third and 'Wood str,-L.1.. MERCHANTS' INSURANCE COIPANI'. WU. V. 41: - T.L.T, ..... 10.,ioLu1 Of 0.4.11441 Stc•ok ipvz0te,!..413.3,.!;t0 SCorph.2 .. . 15Q11',; • I ng - tret (Logo ItbAd on tae Obi() and hredatoilipi 110,45 tributaries. lustmettegaltoth.a.i or daulage by 1 , 1,b, agiLlll/11 the Perils ca the Sea amd inland tiavigatiou Will. V. P.L:it, :;;G..tz, -, ..ra..y, 3c M- D. J licOaqz, h. r. Whin,2r, B. L. iNucd,,tc,n, Juhu A...Min:hal, (Jilin B. Wii4l.l J Patteutt.n, Fliwoyi In PA: Saigon, Lamb & Co., Truitt, Bro. & Co., A. T. Lane & Co.. Pll.‘lBl3l.lMar (IMO ap9 it ~=~== ~. --~ - - _ MUTUAL INSURAN . C.r, COMPAN ti, LOOK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY. CIELARTDILED BY 2HS LZGIiti.A.TURB OP PEitgiTINAN/li CUM Capital— 4900,000 j f'reminns rrITIS ebarga. rut :I.- dAr .—c.l J. T. 000 DIN, Agent. NEW GOOD .i ISSB, NEW GOODS. AT .B US H'S, No 65 Market At., ,!..eccridpoor _from Corner of Aura . THE UNDEEtiIGNI.,i) WILL OPEN ON Monday, liept , mOis 13th, hie well selectod slack of latent stiles In breSs acid Cloak Trimmings, Bonnet itibbotia, ilowera and itnchae, a ‘,:onapiete iesortment of Embroideries, Sieeves, Parts Children's Robe's, WaLita and Caps, Soet'atiii Shawl.; and Woolen Cloaks for Obildroa, iituiery, Cloves, GirtntLets, Alexindor Tauvon's aid . , 'rouch Corsets, Shapes, Expansion Skirts, and Bussels. (nets style%) illietlann Wool, Sephin Woorsiod, i,erpen "Mt:lmA, I,.:roliroidered Slippers; Patt rue for Erni - reideriOa drawn, and iMabroideries worked at short notice. lie4d.Drtsiai made to order. I thank the Ladi - ” it kind patronage, and hope they will give me their o:Atom for the future, as I will al ways do my le•st to sell Flea. :be wc.ori.: cheap. Ladies, call and us mein., the tuec. Iti.E‘i at J. BUSH'S, 8.31673 m It, (octet or., ad door from 'math. N O. 65 tIF Tll STREET.- DURABLE, FIRE, AND WATER PROOF JOSEPH HARTMAN, - (Recently Agent for TI. M. Warren & C 0.,) GR AVE t SATURATED 6ANVAS ROOFING, 01FICE.' No. C. 5 opposite Odil lows Hall. Pittsburgh, l'a. J.Y 9 Summer Lager Beer. TIIE uNDERsicINED Brims LEAVE TO inform his friends and the. ptitilio in gancrat, that he is in the daily receipt of Beer, from the well known Brewery of J Straub, Allegheny City, It having been prononncod to be tiro part that was manafactrired here for many year, OLF.Aft, TALii - rEFIiL and PURE. Hive no a call and try it. JOAN ROTP:.. ap24:tl At his 211 Ditt , -4. STOOKIN'O Always 111/ htlllll, 'lllll f, . . ..... AO,..ED .F.,, , ,„..1, Ult. J A MiliS M. JAR ILENT, til."rit d :41..n Y01i..6. LUZiti ;INFIRM All.Y.—lly Colllleri iUll :,.f Aii, past ri.yht years with the ( 1 above institution - course of steady (I. ,, rut:vg t.., the t,3ire of Pnituoryary COll - and tie kinds.--: , di.,!...we, tnother with my on tivallectoppor tiillit let% La,: itil en. .n,,of 11414010giCalredearth —aided not a tittle by a pir.; r.t ayalcin of Mivileal /Maki tion—lifig ent.hic. , l me t., ter....tv.e at a de:,stynolireet act ono °conic] curie of tre.:tniol.t.• . ',,r i t,t , IP•nitiVll aild radical cure of all di!011.1 , 3 of the Ars, , Lee,i., awl Ai c-i'attagos. ify Inhalation, the vapor aryl t'arcove preneitioi of medicine. are directly wiressed ti, theaateasoe organs eel the integu- Mont Ide nut .ninit.e. tip.: t.ne , i l'..lr,iireynbaiatiore of not klud, to the exelnaion ...t . tpi,rel ireatio,..it; end although I gaisider It a useful reffuv,nit lo the prover man.agement of those fearful and on,i, tin ii !....c.....,.i, ),..4. i .teem it very rte , nese:try that each patient et.onid liar- the benefit -of .both general aini local trto,t , no.t 'illi, aacceaa of my trplittlieut In the above diseo:res, end i be high character of tha ininit in tiou over which I have no 1411 g bad the houor to prealile,are too we ll k no wn t,,, n e ,3l au!, nut g) or consent from' me. At the solicitation of many ie - iVatr rod professional frier:de, through whose philantbropi• rildltie alio,e charity ha's been long and Liberally supporten, and af:cr due couaidarallon. I have concluded to wake eMe at renetimenti 1111 will bring the In unfits of my experimuots and troatintine'velthitt • the reach of 4 all. and not contlue :rya- h, ne heretofore, to those only who cute - at the I u rlreetry, or who -were . .ibth tc; that me et my °Ulna. LioplugMitt:tufo that the arrangement ;. will give entire satisfaction 1 , ,,th to toy prowesional breth ren and - the public, I won. it tespectintly annolanco in eon 'clasion, that I can now be Onzulted personally or by totter,on all diseases as above, and that the liatAiniTlOS, the sante as used In the Institution, lirepaced to cult eath.ludividual carte. Inhaling Vapors, rilitilwi frt,a/ro a, de., dn., will be forwarded by express to any part of the 'United States or the enemies. Vmuts—My 'terms of treatment by letter are as follows, viz: $l2 per month for each pati-ont which will include medicine sufficient for one month's tiEW•t, Mtn, In haling Vapor, eta an inlatilimr A pietretne. . Pi Vment as fol lows: $6 to be paid to :rapre,l3 Meta: oil rose ,it of the boz of Medicine. and th- i. ti::1 rc $6 at the exptration of the month, if the putt of be cured or is eut,,eely e stisfled, with the treatment. Patient, by giving a full filstory of their case, and their symptoms in lull, can be treated aa Well by letter nit by pl-rtional extuination. l'etients availing them selves of Dr. Jarrele treatment -may rid, upon immediate an / pormanent -ollef, iis he seldom nes to treat a case over thirty days Le.tere car advice promptly answer:A For further particulate adcfreia ,I,A,Mile . .M. J A Itil EVP, Al. De No. 823 Ensallway, car. Twelfth et., ii. Y. P:3':--Physicians end einere vigiting the city are . re spectfully Invited to call T. the antlrmn.:y, tellers many proved inW apixi relting7 rat e3 us tau r ti e ha loihthel:Jrain and a - hero our it% of medicated vapor. can be noun end taapecte.l., jy3Ccettc V 61 Market street , EPAULETTPB, BUTTOI79, PRINGEf3, ETO, ETC CIOOPERS TEL)-2 btooci. Coopers IIL/ Waned to work on. tight work—good wages &sala— amd conAta , z!t. employmen ! . Ir.quir JAB. A FETZER, atr..l) Hart6t and Find ertreeta DRIED APPLES-50 butlipla Dried Ap ple", Jtva re , 7,3l,etOemdfa: aale by McdsLNDLESS, 111;t1tifi a c 0.,. , e 22 Wad rod Plater Amara. J. 11. PHILLIPS pAIN - TING ANII; PCASTERING, Wanted In exchange for twc lota of ground. an 3 3. CII" ; lIhRT 30?4, 61 Market at. NOTICE.—The o-Partnertthip of BAG A LEY, COSGRA V 4 R C . spire.l by imi cien, o the first instant. Ihe bAsio,s W l o annnuod by q BAGALSY, at 18 and 20 Wood Eitri,oi, who will settle np the business of tho late'w. BAGALEY, JOHN 9. ccsonevE. , 1848.--Jrl3:ti IMPORTANT TO ' BUYERS.—We have 1. now plaid upon crranrcr Lx Jt n GArr. .1;;;1,8 and SHOES, whlchiee offer 0. 1 1 an d axam - Ina !i10113: All or inialez.r.with c r c " -11 reasonable prim. Mi,aar bll,lk celcnaad, and wdbont heal.% Unliclrou'a Fancy Stroes, of die newest etyloa. 'We hava still a for alerie t i t. Lauber aaiterB Dat now dulling at graly redued pr. reeRNBSOIIER at Fifth rarest, near Market. 111 YE FLOUR Ibb s. fresh.growS Byo AA/ Pour just roceivki end for sate L bi A JIL. Currier Market and Hirst sta. a al2 __ - DUBE LIQUO.4B.—A largo supply of ji Virinesand Lignoro,*irictly pure for ritediptirposee. Th aw w ishing an article hat can ba relied on for purity, should call and examine my , stork :. JOB. FLEMING., 00 Gilmer Market atrost and rganXPlias NUM BER 295 I.iylN(iflToti, CoP&LAND & CO CLIMAX FAN. Ito()FING CHEAP, ANUFA Tint sp.: AND DEALER, W A;E. P, , ,E 4 FF't,T, 0 E M,EN T, R 0 0 F S, p3LABTiC CEMENT, AND ROOFING NI ATER! Al,B AT Mr`d4ll F A 011J1tE ILT PRICES, IllL ELL PM COPYING BOOKS—For aabti by • i J. R. WELDTN. Y A Ii N 77 Maitsot elroet