--- ~s~~ _ ~~3g SAMJNL C. 10.i.111), ti.DrOgilig:lf AV LAW, Parnsasea, 41177.0T71,-4. No.. 71 GRANT'4 hAreen Pc zatit strszt ad IStur.gr.d a4es• spa. TAMES A. LOWRlE,Att6raey at Law, Er aloe Faartn erpet‘Pittaktrgh, hattvaiM Smithfiald and 41,111,, Surgetrn Dentist, snoomor to Q., ll„. Bidalo, N 0.14-1 Staithileld'Etroet. ,or Oftketonr3 from 8 to 1 o'cloct, and from .0 to Z. tablEdy f—stUff, Dentist, Fourth street, Live doois . west of Illarl. - 0_ /tar Office hours from 9 &clock S.2ld. to b o'clock P. IL decaCcy OS.E.PiI. FLEMING', suceessor..to.L. Wil cox Is Co., comet of Market street and tbo Diamond, keeps consuoilly oultutdiafall n.wrtmenf of 1r k 1.13 $.l; MED KEDICEVE Clii 3fi3, pflaFrUI11:111 - , and all ans. clog pertriisinto . • fr Physicians' Prescriptions carefully Compounded at sli noun. Warsca-v. ..... , ogreu tt. utfottes ur P. IkIARSFr ALL F., Co., Importers and yy "dealers in Fri - fich and American PAPER RANG INGS, No. 87; Wo4street, Pittsburgh. - 43)-Solo ag:nta for tho celebrated manufactures of Messrs. Deliccart A: C o.,m•is • one ...r.orini J. Amsasort. TIP ,EYZLER & ANDERSON, (fincceasors _t). itc.AlruffAhc;desi ki:134)14-E0f,Y...11- 1, ,rs 14)11E1(3N' FRITPIT, (X)N No. '.29 IForl atmct, Pr,t4,l, bra r,ll. • . J. .11...11.11TT1.E, NM (CHANT TAILOR NO. 64 T. CLAIR STREET'. ( Dr. Irides Ncts BuiUltsux.l u4.,T511V2.017 .KERR, ARCIIITECT, REMO VED aud Wax] to ' ..AIR STREET, In Phillips' lass, hnilding,--continnen to prepare Plana and Specideationc of, and to Superintend the Erectior_ of every deiurriptdon of Buildinr,s. A:. -Y. CrLTON, 31 E LI, AND BRASS . tOUNDER, N 0.70 HEOOND etnwt, Pittabrirgh, Pa., la prepared to furnish to order 0111311. CH, STEA7dIOAT . ,.PACPOiti . AND °Trait BELLS, all sbxa, trims la to 10,000 lbs. CHIME BELLS =ado to eider. STOP and GM:ME COCIIII of all aizea. for Stz.arnboata. MINERAL *WATER PUMPS, couN.."rn. - "RAILINGS, and every variety of Drawl Cartinga finifb.ed El the neeteet mariner. ANTI-ATTRITION ILETAL; I'ULTON , 3 PA TENT 'METALLIC PM...JONG, fc.r StoatnrE h i ti to, [ep,.Z:ly TOUGIIRIDGE t°6 MAXWELL, 11,41 U_lrC7l. ' OTT:MU-4 oP LOOkalliF,' , .CatStteS, ..U;r• Ir rautes, szatl. Brashe And Dealers in Clocks, flonze rurnieliing Deeds, &o. &a. ae. NO. 1546 Wood r.trest, above 'Fifth, PITIRMICIII„ PA. rmh3:ls I Itisebt brualloo mado to Order EDUCATIONAL. St. Frait6ls Acidettny for Boys, IINDER THE C 4 CS.F' OF Tat PR-4.1.701.5CAN BROTH:MIS Loretta, Cambria County, Pa. rIPHIS INSTITUTION, NATURALLY situated for Rdtmc.Coual purposes, affords all the in ducements that can be desired fur a Catholic Institution. Et is located in tho most hcalthy and pirturet:ono portion of •Se Alleghenies, thstant four miles from Cranem Station, the direct mail rcaitel , etween Philadelphia and Pi ashurgl,. The scholastic year commencing the first Monday In September, will close the 15th of July following. The Terms for Board, including e thorough English Sclen tills. Course, are.sloo per annum. Tho Cal9lC anti Modern Languages form an extra charge of $lO par annum. Washing and 11E, of Redding $lO. For farther pr.... — "..kraw - ,4 apt2ll, to the caper - 1,17 of the Ac, damp. Referenr.k. c:tint rzv..io to the Rt. E.C.N. Dr. O'Laralor,t. ap:,=ilayd& - x Vlntent's College and SemlEl=l 9 Eel= TIIP, ct..rE 68 IM.Z BIaNEDIVIO3I - 11 TATTIE6IIB, New Latrobe, Wesiztorelp.y.d countyi, Pa. NArriFI.COLLEGE -ARE - TAUGHT THE I • instal trwnehes of English - Education. In thiSTMINA.II.I7, tno_ Clarsims, Mathematics, 'His tory - , Rhea. P..., Philosophy, ete:, •and two different branchos Of higher eruaition tiocisary - or useful to those aspiring to Pritmthood. • • • =, The toms for Board and Tuition are $9O per year, to t* paid semi-annually, strictly in advance. German and French and other Icing - nava, Drawing, Paint ing and Music,torm no extr., _harges, exw..pting Bonin meow pens:talon :or the 1143 of instruments. Dooks, ntationcry, etc., form extra cheige.. For particular,' apply to the Direetor of tho College, - The Oollegie.to _year . ',gine en the lot of Septexaber, and midi on tho 3d of July following, PATP...rat O. It ITOINI, Dirro or of the Collt,gx. DRY GOODS. Af4rOaChl T6elronch!! ANOTRE . R CRASH—IN PRICES I—Be ing determined to 5211 our atoch, though the Timm are Tighe..," Gt have In:vie a general mgreel.,—.. lIIILLICEID TICS BIZTLILE 2TOCK To still lower prices. • - 43ir.-Now is the time to boy •rthen . the as.mrtmeut ia yet unbroken, and the Prices Pat.Downi lioWn I oct29 JOS.. HORN& 77 Market airc.et. rki HF. LAST CHArthN i‘il , boutt, woTo cents, at 62% per yard. do do do 62% • at 60 du do do do 60 at 87% ' do do do do El% at- • do .JOSEPH HORN - 0, oct3o . 77:Market street_ RlOll V ELVET„TRIMILINGS, AT REDUCED PRICE& icci k A chnina aasortment on hand and for sale at 101/1 . aCENEF. is 3lnraat OENTLEMEN'S UNDER GARiMENTS— LJI Wool Silk, Merino uud iieavy Cotton Under Elitrtn and Diamers--a fresh supply received az 13.011NE'6, del9 17 Market-street. FIVE Ceiaß per Pntmd in the . Price of BIiADIAS'S YAR.'NS.—Witolcaale Buyer' and Poddlara will he furutihad with BRADLEY'S THREE-PLY KNITTLNO YARNS at a reduction of Five Ceuta par pound, by the handle, attar thie &,to, For OtAh, and Oast-only. JCS. HORNE, 71 Market etreet,: A4ont ft,r the MaanfaCtUrcr ELBE° R lES.—Our excellent stock 13f French Timbre Warier, tied the low prices at which they : are marked, olara rare inducements Li ladies wishin g to purchase the etfled.. MONEY I MONEY II -PRICES MAF.K ANL ED DOWN. Sir Great redaction in tho price of Embrolderies. We hero pun carefully over our harolnon, Flock of rRUNCLI-WORKED COLLARS, UNDER SLR EVES, . MUSLIN SANDS, And fl 4 ned the prlcee t. 7. unit the "Hard The Ladies may rely on gottliq, bargalui at octrz 110.1.LN WE, 77 Idezkai Wee!. WE WILL SELL from the present time un commonly-claaap FOR GASH. Pleaca call and exaui C. ILANSON LOVJ, comi3rly Love litro3., N 0.74 Market a I no our stock PRINTED FRENCH MERINOES, for 62 satin cents, worth $1 and $1;25, the heat assortmen t In the city. C. IWISON LOVE, (formerly Love Brothers), • da2l do 74 Markel street. 11 0 NET VELVET.—Every variety of Bon • net ra,rial, &Ike, VP/ eta andB4, for sale at „ novl3 • TFOF:N3 d. LACK AND FANCY DRESS SILKS.— A. run aLqicciartent,stry cheap. .. , 0, TT ANSON LUVr., for=al ,Love Brothers, No. 74_Ala 2 area VERY . Economiesl Parehaser of Dress G 00.13, Shawl=, Rentle3, Le.; alio Domeette and Sta.- pie will find it to their eavantage W call andezentd our New Stock rf Fall and Winter Dry. Goods before purches az eLw.vhere. 0. lIANSON LOVE, sell- P merly.r..iien Etna., No, r 4 Market-es. HA.WLS! SILA.WLS I—Wool, „Chenille, Brocha, Le., both long and square, the very best in the city, and at !cry low prices fur cash. C. nANSON LOVE, formerly Love Bros., NO. 74 Market streot. il-1.4.),1JE and MARSEILLES, Fleeced, for making Basques. A largo-easortmant et. e1l1). U. WI/ OO'S TO . .PRINYERS.--The subscriber has now on hind, and Is daily roociving, from the manufac turers, a large assortment of Printer's Stock. B. W. Potter's Printer', Cards, from No. 1 to 7, Satin China, Porcelain Satin Enamelled, and colored. Card Boards, in sheets ; AloCreery's Celebrated echoed Inks; " Card Lay E Bros. " Newel s Varnish and Sine; Colored Printing Papers ; Pamphlet Corer Papers; Glazed - and Platod Papers, red, green and ; • -" Steel Bloc Cllzzed Papers, and a largo assortment plain Note, Better, Cap, and Polio Post, bins and white. J. R. WEL/YIN, 62. Ward street, near Fourth. 5, 1 1, 0 A-P 5..-- _ 14.7 1000 barea Eosin Soap, in Z. and 3. 19, bars. 600 No. 1 Palm Eoaps, in Th., 21b. and 8 Z. bars. 600 " Chemical Olive Boap, in lb. lumps. '4.10 Oleine Oxide " " " German -24 " Castile 6 0 " Pare Palm On hand ani for mu, by tali D. O. 4: S. H. iIdWYKR, QUOUlalyta ask me, should you Where to buy .sour Shores and Gotten Qum= lor your feet in springtime, Boots with heelß, sod pretty BUSKINS. Nl~ Farts B LIPPbs for the summer, Patent Lesth 7 r,.atovi.itid MCca.l4/O Where to buy thole chap and ;good loci; I L should answer. I ivemd tell . Sou • ' do unto the PROPLI - IS' i91.0E To.the.Peoples' Cheap She.; Etats, - - - • - To the Store ei .1311,1ENFACLir.F;, ; app• ' No. 17 .Firth•etreet... 'MEW BEDFORD SPEW „LA o el and ma . far s bozos asacrte al y d e-b elicit, 4'a, 6'a a sp*Oi Oindles n laud .1411 ri• o. * j SAVriagt. I'l' 'BUFFALO; CALF AND 'OEOlli OVEISMES, trtSered low , at suz" N 0.17 Fifth street, neartarkeli The ..p e iv e g sh oe a . ACHIM •4430.• 'pit UEFA 0 Sll 3 pi en thd,, dc " of Gents' and Lading' Buffalo Over Shoes. Alloo Gents' OW °Val - EA OS3 . at the I'67P" Shoo st or e) / 40 -17711111 t M 54. near =rkot. . uov2l NG. 81. CAKE. SODA-100 just. icaeivoa and for rale by 23 10, • R. r. 9Anyemor:k-00. ONLY $7150 FOR. A.TWO. STORY Disrelt ling limo; of four root* with lot of ground 20 feet front otn-hionterey street, Allegheny city, by 110 deep ton allep t Terme, $4OO in hand, balance at one, two and three years;BON, ENS al /dab% street. WM. H. JOS. B. tILINT WM. 11. SMITH 'Si, CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS , 118 Second . 141 First sts., mr26 PrieinerCiladit A. glow-omit Ft t t.tob ITHILLIGit WHOLESALE GROCERS IM PORTERS OF BRANDIES; WINES AND SEGARS. s o .s. ;Jai and 223, Corner , of Liberty and Irwin Streets Mai SOLE AGENTS" Fax Sivearer's Giass PirrseuOcai IRON, NAILS, COTTON YARNS, ko., &a., CONSTANTLY i ON ELAND. mr.3 DAVID 11 CIANDLASd . , 1, ($41.11 1!1- ' .t.N „ 110LESALE . IRON, AND gAKIIgdOTIISS3.4.7.III6IA.T;LTT • • Camara' Wood Lid yriter steeetit; • 4 ''' • • _ imeamal, FORIVARDINO: - Aks MUISSION. Forwarding - anassion Merchants, Co'Cosn illcoarr , rtz C,7 colltait , Pittsburgh, Blssdril i a =aria - CANAL LINES. Nos. 114 AND 115 IVA.T.F.Ii MIXES, PITTSBURGH, PL. iLIarODES, HAGEN Si, CO., FORWAIWING AND COMMISSION J. D kIOUSEMAN, (LATE OF HOUSEXLIN'a SMITH, ) COMMISSION AND TDRWARDING 11/ERCEIANTS, no. u N. Second Street, aps:3m T. LOUIS, MISSOURI. CI . LLAEb Elownitzte, C. J. How Jotur Whla Humphreys, ifollina I a, Wright, FLOUR FA UIORS, PRODUCE AND GENERAL COMMISSION ME.NCHANTS, 15 NORTH WHARVES AND 153 NoRTII WATER NT., Above Vino &root, VIIILADI4I.IIMIA. B. it I? it It TO Conrail, Thompson .t Co., l'hiladelplaa. Thompon, Clark A lonng, Sint, 11 - toa .k Co., II calob Cope A Co., - Batoroft, Bearer k,- Co-, Canby, ruoillo At Hughe.t., " M-ItL 14wtai - Caalaior.l`. an d M. Bank, Jos. G. Mitchell, Cashier M. rchra Bonk. " Morris L. Hallowell &Co, -* McCutchoou L Collina, John -NI. Kennedy k Co., Itaiguel - & Co., Ilekat - t, Mathews a Co., Maysville, Ky. blir of elm r y A ynco, Madiaolt, lad W. H. LgugloyEt.Eaus, . Lialllpolie; Ohio. Lutertnee .rMathlaa, Lucia:ll 10, 01,:il A.. D. Bullock .t . . Co., Cincinnati, i , u • W. Holmes .t . Co., kittbbtu Kb, Pa. itagaloy, (Msgtao &- .. (...Na., r - ,. , 1 - .-.] . --, ' " -.., Inort.h:iy• - - ffENIII- 11. COLLINS, Forwarding -and :ainithiasicru Merchant., and wholenale dealer in Fl3ll, oiricE.S.R; BUTTER, 6.N.1193 c d PitODUOR generally, Nc. 1/4 PRiod street, Pittsburgh. mare 4-ei.C. B. Gii f.1170_ • HOSCIAN kGalurt.UA MID Ki DITILISIII ILINILT ILINCINVALT. kitiRLEsIG, ROBERTSON & 004. latuiu ) facturersot. Cut, Pr-az:sod and Plain Flint QLASSViAIt4 waraiorme No. 17 Wood atroot, corner of Front, P&tLabnrgli. r• All. othzr kinds of Olanawara and Window Ql.insg, at pricos. _ ap),141.y Lisas a. ulnas .1. uttua.. 11,321DierFa Er 1.21111., SaCCessors to Mulvoriy. Leda, nii.iiinflaurfaa of Cot, Mauldnd null-Plain Shur oriel Fancy Colored (ILASSIVARE, and de il , rH in all kinds of Window (lima, Masks, Vials and Rattles. Wilra• tlialio corner of ht,i:rkiii and Watar streets, Pittabtigh. mbkarty WINES AND LIQUORS, AND ...RECTIFYING , No. 165 2ittnbilurg It, Pa Alwaya:.. on. .111.043, rEI.II Gine ?dom,r,galiela and •ilectilled. . Acids; Blactbc•r-y MtLia Chergy,ltaujibo:ry; and G.kagerLizstudio. - . [aid , . DAVIS /1- "P" 1 " . * rIEVXLIN LE IiENNED:, :Wholegle ino jILI and : I,l4rior literchante and Rectifying 'DiStiIIOTS, No. 63 Slltit.lifibititti Pittsburgh, Pa. y • 132 ACRES of for $454; halt . in Ilan .I and the balance in one year, situate iu Mk ConnVy, Ps., neat Centreville; 25 acre cleared. The soil is good, and timber of beet quality,fur.salo by )1 10 , 'B. CUTHISkatT 43 SUN,M garkot at. PAPEB, WALRELISJUSE.7.--J.NO.LAI-PER KINS & CO., N 0.128 Wood street, have the largest as eel talent of all kinds of Papers ever In this inaikt, such as Look and Printing Papers; Wig and Straw Wrapping; Letter; Manilla Paper of all 612x3; Can; Book and Box Boarde; Note: Bavelopez Tissue; Bonnet lkau - ds; and Glazed Papers; Hardwaro Paper,&c. Which we,will sail at manufactrirers prices. 3y21 JOSKPE HORNE. 77 Market en.5t... - INDin RU 1113 ER CURRY Conßs—Als4 AL • ft Luria anertment of Dre9Ang - Tuck and Long Combs, jolt received or the Judi. itnbber llopot of • .1. t IL PECILLIPS., 611 28 and 213 EL e/alr Mere ARPER'S MAGAZINE, rIRY APPLES.-50 bbls. bright Dry Ap plea, rocoived 4,1,1 for aalo, by ap3 TJKNaY H. COLLU yr RN APPLES.-15 bbls. choice Appl o received and for sale by 84,5 HENRY H. COLLINS. FrLICOTHY SEED.-10 bags reed and for a sale by (ap3) HilliftY IL COLLINS. - MEW WALL PAPERS CIIE - Al s .—geill „LI they come. W. P. NIA.P.SIZIATiL Sc 00, S 7 Wood area. NEW GOODS FOR SPRING SALES.- We are recolviir , from our own and Eastern factories, additions to our steel, which consists in part of _Floor Oil Cloths, Carriage Oil Cloths, Furniture 011 Cloths, Table Oil Clothe Crash Oil Cloths, Tratuparant OU'ClothS, - " Transparent Window Shades, Buff IJobarals, and Shade Trimmings Merchants, Housekeepers, and others, requiring any goods our iino, are invited to call and examine the stock, and ridge for themselves in regard to the quality and prices. J. is It. PHILLIPS, Nos. 28 and .23 St. Olair street. QHAD-10 bbls. No. 1 Baltimore Shad just )4,3 received end for sale by - ; • McCANDLE.I3B, 3LLANB k CO., Cornor Wax, and i Wator streeth. ERRING-10 ,bbla.. NU: POt9plao Her ring, just received and for sale by McOANDLESS, MEANS t 00., JAM' (lamer Wood and Water areal. . DRIED APPLES.-150 buts., chola°, .1)* Apploa, roceivod and for sale, by JAS. /L.; IrErZEZ, spa C:•nor„„Pflarket and Pipit atreets. It 14 cr a in 8 lb: bars. InlM. - 1 - 1261.--I - 00 barrels fresh I ,4 by fnlx3l - - • HANBY. 11...93L1-ENI3. DIRVENI3AOIIIj3. on GROCERS. .I`.IES 'CCMAANS DINIILC /I ANTS, No. 30 S iOAIiOILE BT., CLIIOLITAB.TI, O. Ursa GLASSWARE. WIN N -1.144 LI k_) S. 301:151 '13.13:72M - Sc. --- CI IsuoissAte DEATIPR Di . - AKE la,Bll-200 plekakos trriving, and for flab bit: {j322}, TIFAMY Ir. COLLINS. 3113 t 13 4 ,11 1 1i63 sud 101 Ellle, at BANS.-20 bills. small White Beans, just rewired cod for wile by lIXNUY IL COLLINS. VINE A PPLE: &Y .& arid for sale by REYMKII. t AMDEB43O4 I • ND. 82 Wood street, . Oriwei*BtCniittloe *4Ol. GASE'L 4"l' BOARDS----For Packing Joint.% void by WM: G. J017.675T0N & CO, , myl7_ . Plipor Pealora. 67 Wood ISH.—i5O Icga - ,Saite • 110, Trou . mop, etc. 471 - I:I2NRY Ii:COLLINS. OBAOOQ:ANg 4- :9/ 4 141P . went of raiioriti; yrand!, ein j z su .4 _ reuol. y .11r it. 118 Second, atidl4l3l.ratctents.,- iteic/att—.-100 bbblua.d bnlf blits; iYn 111,ralarge, for sale by r MINTLY 11: COLLTNiL lar LE A CHING: ~.POWOA*- 4 _111).4,01 , t, ; Teanantat,Jahvanl ttucl, pthes bzan49. last ..iec'd and for sale losary • -41 ,414.0.1 t. KEEIKINEdr.:OO;-.. • se2 , ;:; i. 28 'W,oolf street: PAPER --la) rearnsaU3B; a nice artieleku3t remicod' and - for sale by sea: allo.-11, Xy&11.1118 ON • .123•WbOlittrek • M'LANE'S VERIVIFIIGE ANIVLIVE.II .LVX, PILLS.-15 grog on h and torli z aW' - t:phiums kva. cornet.: wood kid roarthnntf: - ., 100171" I'M.- SOO lbs. .14' esh : -Ptieltst - Butbf(l 7:: , IL- P jest rocoliad and for two by t 1" Y. &RFS A. FETZIO, Corner bs,..titat and Pint streets. _ novie •; BARKS. DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, • . . . ()PEN DAILY, 'from 9 to 2 o'olook ; also, on Wednesdni tind BettErday evenings, from May Ist to November lst, from 7 to 9 o'cloct; and from November Ist to Mayld% tkortilact 8 o'clock. Dopollts received of All BUM not less than Onn and a dividend cif the profits declared twice n year, in Jnfin and December. Intoreat was declared et the rate of six per oent. per 1111111:14 . 1 k on the first of Deceiol,r, .18:.6,•, also in June andlecittan44B6o,'nild in Juue:and tiecember, 1857 hitehist; "linedrav,ii Is 'placed to this credit of the depositor as pcinciptil,,and bears the arena interest from the flrst daps of Juno and IXTembor ' compouridhag twice a pair without troubling the dopositor to cull or even to present his pass hook. At this rate,,mouoy will double In less than twelve years, making ii , tlioligeregnte 019M2 Ann ons-aam, Bookso9r . itaiaing Arraswo, auks luml Beau* itloni,farniahea gratta„ op applpatlan at the office. A. J. STEVENS & CO., DESMOINIII2, WV. A, (lOLLECTIONS MADE and prornpu tu 1 6 ,/ 'flitted. LANDS fieloCtM and locat..l. wishin g to mak° inieidatontn in the West, can du co thn.ugh this house. Correspondence culleited. 3,21:em 1n7...13 .J 002119 TUO.. L. 1.005 Li. A USTIN hOO/5118 & - CO., Dealorki in _ Promissory N otes,ltionds, Mertgaws, and all i3CHlarnica for Money. _ Money Loaned on Chocks at short datoa, with Coliat.ral security.. NINES 'AND DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD. ' desiring Loane can be accommodate I hie terms, and caDitiillats can be ftridsliod with good :-..ocari. tine at remnuertieiv.3 Also, attend to the SI.;1141, rind Leming of heal Pe , tate: ' On.co, No. 92 kOURTU strut, above Wood. vre.. AUSTIN LOOMlg,'Notary add:d .11,91.100 &.SONS, Banker, and Ex • c.z.nge Broke; g4ct r.s.ajcpi in Notes, Drat te, Accept. ancea, Gold, Silver rind .133,:ceatty ou the Emit- urn and Western Cities constantly for 'nil,. Collectione made in all the cities throughout Lue Utat.t,tl statem. Deposits received in par fund, or rurr. , ot parrOr, N. *2,7 Market ctreet, between Thtrd uud Ftoirtil Jit3ll"ly T 110.11.103 WOODS, Commercial Broker, and nea;,:r In `d H;, id.tult f Si. e .t."-,r . 9, Reel E9titto,l - c., N 0.76 m teurth street, PibnigE,.4. Ant FOR AUGUST. LOO IS', Post Building . .CUs rils Street. VIDDLII . I3(IOII;'3ONrie ntriLtlNG Pregident-1110012011 . ALI3RILE. Hopewell 'Hepburn, _ John 11..Bhoenbergar, Janice Biddle, - ' :: • N.• Giattan kitirphy, Ale:Ai:A.3r Btailioy, Isaticl.l. Pennock, Robert - nob% " • 'Jamas D. Rally, William B. Ludbl, . • -.' Joules lierdnum, 11111 Iturguin John B. Cosgravo, - . :.. 2:.:. entmca. -.-- , William J. Andel:on. James W. Rahman, John G. linekofen, eh:idea litim.. Albert Culbertson, P t... Madei. a, ..I,4bn R. Canfield, 3,1.,. U. Ni..;!..i . J. tifirdiner Catlin, lault..:r P. Mi.raimil, A Mayo A. Carrier, Wawo' 51.11c‘r. David Campbell. A. NI i'.Al,,k, At D Charles A.Coltem henry 1.. UiLigwalt, William Itunglapa, Johp ht. e..awyur, Prancla 'Felix; . George B. sf,ta,:p, George I'. Gillmore, Alexander Tizidl.. James B. Noon, TheoWd Unibutnettor, William B. Haven, George R. White, Sleretarycnd Tritin.frer-7•CH AS. A. COLTON. Lie BANK OP lOWA. COMMERCIAL P,RINTIN be CVEna O.3CNPTIntg CA ELD), lIANDBILLS, D 1 LLIIE 1)9, "otil'EßS, 1, hIGA 1 B 1 .A N CqLOl3 ED LITIAP PAPER BOOKS FOR LAWYERS, PRINTING OF EVERY DI±',S011.11?TION, Nlaretnd in Um neatrat manner, promptly and at CHEAP LLATRS, by BARE & MYERS, MORNING POST JOB OFFION, CORNER Or WOD AND PIFER &TREATS TYPE METAL FOR SALE.- The uuderaigatd 114V0 0 large quantlty of "L'YPE METAL FOR SALE Inquire at tho MORNING rO.3T JOB OFFICE BARR & bIY ERS A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED •Fitock of full wear now received at the " Poopla's Shoe titoto," No 17 Piftli street, noun Onr dock corn priges fdLlaeal 'aifd etkildteri'a wear, ulado of ttf, , "lf.at mKtlriai Lail il 1 "give itntisfaCtfon to ail who will favor na with their patronage. A bug: , onlott 'intnt of Hoye' and Youth's BOOM. A small lot Of Soiled Gaiters left, will lie eel.] IoW. sell• DIFFENBACEItiIt t CO. I_l - ILL'S FRANKLIN ALMANAC' FOR 5 isr,v, published by' W. (1 JOHNSTON R: CO. Printers, Stationers and Binders, sel7 67 Wood strut. St ANTONIVE ; _ ITypr. Phosphate Larne ; Irciide Zinc; Citrate Potwar; American Drop. Black ; Nitrate Strontia ; McClung Campbell's Starch ; Star Anis; Black Mustard Seed; Garrett's scotch Snuff. For sale by B. L FAIINESTOOK CO., sol 7 No. 60, corner Wood and Fourth streets JJAPER lIANINGS.—W. P. MAIISII A LL .t nre now cponlng now Paper Banging° in every style of Cloth, Gold, Satin and Plain Finish. Bowlful panels in plain tints, cake and pelyciironie; Decorative Her. dere, Touter!, Figurea,,llognets, Statues, Picture° Circles. Cheap glazed and plain•Vi'all Paper,' of good designs ) in gloat quantittea. for Bala at 87 . Wood titr..ot. sold ltitrOUNT. WASHINGTON. — A Cottage ..LAM Rouse of 5 rooms and acres of ground tinder good fence, apple trees, peach and pear trues, strawLerrieur, grapes, currants, etc., will to sold ou easy terms. Posses sion on April Ist, 1859. S. CIPPLIBEST b. SON, veld .51 Market street. TIIE LADIES ARE INVITED. TO CALL • N 0: 77 MARKET' STREET, And examine the NEW FALL STOCK. All the NOVEL TIES in Trintminge now op.e - n4' An elegant stock of COL LARS' and SETS; at very. low prices. INFANTS' ROBES and OAPS. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, and Millinery Goods; Hosiery and °lova; Tarns, Worsted etc. Reid JOEL HORNE, 77 Market street. SECOND OF TILE ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH SCHOTT'S'', The moat popular Schottfah of the day. PRIOR—TIIIRTY OENTO Just recabrod and for sale, by a 02.4 IL BLEIIIII BED., No. 63 Biala strut PICKLES.- 10 doz. 1 gallan assorOd ; 60 di 444 3 " quart " 16 " pint " Ju.t rce'd and for aalo by RHYMER k ANUNREON, No. 89 Wood 'Arcot, onocad to St. Charles Hotel A lIIMAII FELON—Constitution, Bides aud Itoirdations of the Grand lodge of Pennsylvania, now odition. For sale by J. R. WELDIN, 'nen 63 Wood street, near Fourth. A.RLEY —so:sacks received, and sale n 'by, [6815] IIENRY IL COLLINS. ('NE DOLLAR A WEED FOR 104 weeks willpar foe a lot of ground 25 feet by 100.—. Only two f, r sale at that price and terms. Situate at 20 minutes velk from the city. add & COTHREB.T & BON, 61 Market st. gIIRLBUT'S Lettor, Cap and \Jr Note Paper. This mill took the first premium at the World's Fair. For aalO by - " - - 4000 YARDS GREEN AND BUFF OIL OLOTLI, for Bale wholesale and rota% at the Oil Cloth Depot of solg NGLISH PICKLES-50 dozen assorted _LA Orono & Bjackerell's brand,' raceind And for _rale by ItSYILEB. a aziogasoic . '- - - No: so Nvixo *tract, 808 ' • •'-'• • : Cbaib4.llateL REEii2 STittET.4:—TWO:S di5015,1.1411.1.D. ING lore near tied streoi. PC.C;3for both lota $6OO. Terms easy. , 'o - r into by 8: OUTILBRIIT 80N, - :451. Mark-eVetteat, 00FING PAPER-300 Rolls just receiv ed and for JUEN Intpricras,reo 128 Wood edri:et. eel 4 - • COPYING PUESSES-- Screw Coping Proms; CUM and Lever Copying Pros:lee ; Lever Screw and Spring Copying Predict!. G. JOHNSTON & 00, 67 Wood Meet. Bold by 4 an 7 har • • • 200 'dos. Lersou pyrup; 10 " wherry ByruP; r - " Pine Apple • „ 5 is Raspberry " by .T ... n t received ssnd fc7:71 :13, 7 11rar: nAsivrEothißsoarlsie.e. No. jeg ' Opposite the St. Charles hotel STONE WATER PIPP.,-7 500 yards inch ; 4 " 504 y tr 3 ft 400 14 2 e ! Received and for sale by rian , HENRY 41.. COLLINS NEvrßiaoKst NEW BOOKS! 1— Mary Dorwont, by Sire. AznB.334p4ona ; The Jealous 191113, by 1111fin,Parthro: 7 Far ease ' br " A. LOOllll3, •-• • • - Publiihere Agent, "' Poet Milldam 41 Witlik iitreet PO P A _ G PRESSES, Copying 'Books, 74., IEISI-abed, OE Papal; foriale t 7 W. S. HAVEN, bnar - 2 , V ' Conan 11arket and Pecond ' I INE PIAIIR.-20 bbls. Fine Flour in gattai iirnt i ss, fe2o N "-4:krtmr Wend and Water streets. j00.115.--100_dok. , Eitra ..(:)tirpot.' Corn rgoms olkb.wil And t 2.13 ale by. _ . • • .•i:.,:i . noi 4k AK„:B,a AR - 9. 1 .0.D . T.G INKS-L=Bof mr?..vortu ATT:EN'S HAM RESTORATIVE' ginpply of this celebratoil-llair licettilithl4 alacOi large lot of mood - s excellent Hnfr $e dere:lvo, received by J. 03 WLESIING, Corner Diamond an d Itiarket street. The Pittsb'hy Ft. Itique& Chicago RAILROAD COMPANY,. WITII ITS AMPLE ROLLING STOCK and equipment, and its through curinections,ls pre. pared to transport Iliosmigers and Yreight from PUMA. DELPIIIA and PITTSBURGH to CLIICACo, 81`. LA)ULj IN DIANAPOLIS, OINCINN ATI, and ell places Weat and South west, withn great degree of regularity and expedition. The fact that this goad terms a direct and consolidate' Una betwQen Pittsburghuad. Chicago, is a sulticlontgastr antee that its Trains will make geed time, and connection with Trains on other Road. ON AND AFTER. 1101iDAY MAY lOth, 1808, the Train. on Oillioad will hair, the UNION DEPOT, Pittebargh, daily, (Sundays excepted, all follows: L PABSENOER TRAINS LEAVE Pittsbargh. Omitlino. I Ft.llfayno. U.S. Mall,— ....... 7:30 •A. M. 7:07 P.M First Enr " on, ...... A. M. 10:00 P.M I 5:00 P 4 M. Second 1{:1i P. M. 10723 P.M 460 A.M. REACH ORICAGO—Firat Exprmte, Itt 7:00 A. M.; Second Ezrusso at 1:30 P. M. ItEAQII CINCINNATI—First Express Er.2o P. v. BOCODd Express 746 A. IL 111:A0 LI ST. I,oUlS—First Expre , m b:CM) A. ts 4 Second En livn; 4:53 P. U. ' All Trains make rie.e. 01,11.. i. at o,•z.illine for Colum bus, i'meiniza.i, ot3t., at aunt Wuyuo vats Train, ott 3.1.:.911 '.,. A. rn 11 road Ler Leap tt.., LrAl t• 111 141,i .i • ••I n. a( F,,r,a( Wltt, T., sins on tho M. it. r. L. It It. r...at lota,. with Trains cm Dayton and Michigan ltailroad. RETURN] \IL E Front Chicago. Ftwayi. „ . cr „, t u n ,. Ar . r. p a a.,,, 0. B. Mai1,..10,00 P.M. 6;30 P. 8.1,2 F. Ist Express, 0,30 A. M. 2.110 P. M. I onl2 P. M. I 0:10 E. 2(1 " 5:25 A. - Al Them Trains make close conne,:thais with 'Prains for 1'94 lialthoore Now York !aid Boston. Trains from St.Lonia, Indianapolis, Cha innati and Coloaq..- tins make close connections ut Crestline ‘vitil all rotnriin+ Trains. At Fort Wayne, Tabus from St. Louis, ticetral 11E WAS, Lhayettn, and ititerrnedhtto plums, corl u oct v;ittt at o*.k. Train°. At Forest, COl/ LICLI.IO/111 tau mace with Trwins to and rrona Cincinnati, Springfield and .I)q , yttitt. 'Pilo U. S. Meet creni Pittsburgh to Cre,tline, being, 11 tritiu 1,4 leuM boos overtakun by the Se , ond Lapreus.. ACCONIMODATION rsTaw ItrigLtbri fur tittal,urgh, at tt.:3o A. 24... I t.. 35 Loa% t; Pitts burgh for NOW Brighton of 9 - .Ctu A. M. awl ti. ItAGUAGIL CHECKED 'ilia...A-Litt, and i.O I,a• tlauttlittg. Travelers or persons intending Ilin - o.ms.. tickets In Pitt* burgh for the Wcar, will bear In mind that IL.. only A,,n2.1 opt.l.iornted by the P.,1. W. ..t U. It. It.; C. A: I'. It. 8., and StenbonOlio and inditsa ' EUI(IE PA lin N, at the Union °nice, Uouurctod with t.ho Penn's IL It. Passenger Depot, Corner Liberty itud tl rant miss Is. BAGlJAktitt will act Go chezked for persons patchn,ing tickets at any other pinta in this o,iv. 'PO COMM4lr.tog* ON mot 4 i)Av, Slsy 10th, anti ccntione nntll farther notice. J. J. HOUSTON, Gen.-Taas'it Fet. D. W. Ohicagu. joS. ii. hjOiNal, Suptriiiatetalanc. NEW W EST' E,0 ''s'., T 0 OINC INN ATI, LQUISYILIi ant 6T. LOUIS v fx-3-41-4 AND UINCINN ATI, HAMILTON A DAYTON ItAli-RoAD2, Dittanc, only ,z . v . i4r,S jioln Fatiburgh Cincintialt Tiiis LINE is o,omDosed of Road,; of the Firet Ulce., and ie 14.X:41t11/ tt, lOUgil a beautiful mud kt- f my ;,, , ,riiee of the L.L.B Direct coonectian in ulcie 4i14 end ILAILrond, (the tracks 61 ite C. E. & & 0 itoadv, being connected, fur Lordnilio, 3t. I,oubs, Evansville, Cairo, Memphis, Vicksburg, Natchez, New OrleAni. GohneeL/On kuo.ue L.,;; ; q r;!01 0,19 Pe,ifie and Missouri Elver KANSAS AND NEBRASKA, And all points West. Alec COLMOCLS at Cioclunntl with kieetucky Central IL It., fur buzingtou, Dune lle, Free Y fort OAR (.4 C00te , ..1 Na.ntuck..y. TreinA Ilitchs hem mireet puition 3- 30 • M e A. ThrOUgh L./ with , DUO change of care, Cr 10Z+ riving et II:46 Y.ld. *) •15 P .I tA eraitilbe T st itrob Ai+ • • irri. • • A. NI., Chi. 8:00 P. M. six DAGO AGE OiIECEF.D TIIII.OUIIII. I.DII Per all Ittfortuaiktu, and Through Tirlt.ln, Apply At the rurp!l...r NtAuunsths , lft Noun', or of Penn .1. Stilt/OU. Ati k r Pautougers iluairons of •rill ItA TieknUi via Itelawato Cut.O.C. J. It. 141.00):1!, Hula. v. Ft. W. = 0. it. ,aunt. U. 11.1 D. it it The Clevelantir Pititgburgli and Wheeling gallroadi, A N D Pittsburgh, Coltimbus & Cincinnati RAILROAD LINE. ceau.ago of Timm. ON AND AFTER INION DA V, MAY 101 . 11, 1868, TraioA Ivo! Lave tho Dui.ot of Cilo ri•[. naylva,l 1.4 ebb tral RA i 1 rliltil / ti 1,,. I. / rifl . Y. , I t/I.RTlittAyis it LI VrA ~ DLTIWIT. JJJ 6:4S A. ill. ufficAdo4.l.l) TIES 111' 1:.41'. ri fIEALLYG AND ZAN CHV 11. LE. 1.....1' CL6:lii.LtaiL;Tol.l3•o, i.t7i 'WIT . 2:5 P. N. :._ - 6 - Ti t i '' X i rrl A cO D nii Ti f.. l q V u l'H t.C l: levi , lt9. wiLil I‘4rult Duo Of ethainorh. 4:00 P. 11.1 Ed ! . y . Al ! W ~..4"/ . 5'4710,18.0K TUE. ill VII: Pasbuge , a deslrlug, to r.r•la Chi a go g or itoltan 6,) , ad C,Licais. , ,o, via elevolan.l;l4usp .. usl:_for . Liollots via Oluveloo.l SUPPLY J. 11. WELDIN J. h_II. PHILLIPS, 26 and 29 St. Clair street E. &1 TARGA') 8. RAILKOAD NOTICE. VIA, DXIAIVAItE (`U2-OFP Fare et. Low as rAny other itcsato I'II'2:MULCH; —COLITAIBUS AND CANCINNAT I (oi.. STEUBENVILIAY RAILROAD cniANOI.2. OF TLlllll.44in and "after mospAy, the 1001, of May, 18&8, Trains will leave ilieliopot of ' trio Polloylvo uht Contra) Itoilroatt, as foltowA : For STooIIgOVILLZ, 1.....1.1111L.116, DA 'll ON, 3:00 A.ll. hin.,..., LOCUVILLI., CALY.U, Ale.t.l. Willi Abil NOW Otti.o:llta. . Fol.'. CfNeihri.P.7l AHD ST. Loout, r o od All 2:35 p . i m.. • L'Oiti7S BOUT!! AND WCNT. Throogh to OntenakaLi without deuitgy of coca. . . . Pannongerii ilioiiring to go to Colninlino,Cini•immti, Cie or oily paints beyond Co!motrs vii moot oik fur tickoto viii ritenbonvlllo. J Lliiiioriutoiolout it., P. W. It. ft. W. IV. BAGLEY, Buticrintc•rlont P.. C Sr. C. It. It. PITTSBURGH & CONNELLSVILLE RAILROAD. IN and after Monday, the 10th inst. Pan:, eager Trains will he rue daily, (except ittindays,) frent the Pennsylvania, Railroad Paste:leer Depot., at ',Atom, : Mail Train loaves Pittsbnr-li 7300 A. U. Express Train leaves Pittsburgh-- 3:30 A. u. RETURNING: Mail Train leaven Cr' muellsville 2:00 i.. u. Express 46 500 A. is. Arriving at Pittsburgh - 1t.15 a. st. Tickets to be had at Pennsylvania Railroad Ticket Office. Roth Trains connect at Connellsville -with Diluting A Hall% Coaches for Uniontown, Frostburg, Cumberland, etc., and at West Newton with Coaches for Mt. Pleamut, Somerset, Berlin; etc. Freights to and from Pittsburgh and Stations on Pitts brirghand Connellavillei Railroad, will be received .zed de livered in Pittsburgh, at the "Baldwin Depot," opposite " Duvets:to Depot." Excepting such as Pig Iron, Lumber, Stone, etc., which will be loaded or nfficatled at (Inter De pot, or at the canal Depot, as may be arranged tit ith Freight Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad, at Pittsburgh. IL BLAIDESTONE, Supt. Transportation Department P. t C. It. Counellirville, Hay Rth, 1858. ji New Roily? via River and Railroad. Indialaapo is Ciaelnuati Railroad VONNtOTING AT INDIAI'4A POLLS with m h .," Terre Haute, and Terra Dante and Alton itailroiols, to St. Loafs and Laray - ntto nnil Indianapolis, New Albany and Belem, and Michigan Central Rolls for OEIIO i , lO, ItOCK ISLAND, BCRIANSTON, and ull intorinediato points. Through Freight Train to INDIANAPOLIS, TEIGIB HAUTE, LAFAYETTE, and Freight curried from Cincinnati or taliWlmicAmrg In 1 0 „ 1 , time than any other route by l hunts, and at as low retes. The only road by which shipments can be made from &matt to the Wait, without breaking bulk. Conalgnmenle made to J. B. GIBBONS, Agent at Cinch: natif W. ILL CUTTING, Agent' at Lawrenceburg, will receive prompt atteralcops and.no ;charge for commission ; rw aionsfor arailis or cuir:44 - giii.4 hf - Lair For further Information, apply to TUOMAS (No. 115 Water street,) Age.% of the Company, who 19 pro pazol to give 48ER015011 asauna to Indianapolis, Terri. Haute, Lafayotte, Chicago, Porn, Groencaaths, Crywf or d if _ Charloston, Paris, and Mattoon. D. a 1011 D, President JNO. F. Gaul Freight Agent. tnad FURNITURE. A AILLIdKEN CO. have on hand, at AIM • matt extensive CABINET and CHAIR niANUBea TOIL; Na. 03 divot, a largo assortment of Fancy and Plain .Ifraultgiro thoy will soil 18 por rent. lower than enitionary rather. Teruo, cash only. [ dr,c27:y 111111 T 0 0 D"tir 41 4 -FURNITURE AND :pH ,~Piioleutla iiud• notan, onibrneing iorory etylo oflhinaitnre, tn ktoamrdod, Mahogany and Walnut, anittati for Parlora„ Ohainbnt gal &Dining Room; Nnal to any tn' Now Vorkorroitadotrbta, and at lower peens. Every atildantada by hand, and 'arurruuted. Gthint-makers snr. plied with any quantity of FUELTruitE and 011A1E11, on reasons* tants. Hotels and Ei.tanabotda tninithed at lilt 3 shortart Warorocr, ?gm 77 and 79 TIMID Strut, PlttabttrO, pa.oe:2 , 10 BAGS Drip i d ui lk. A pp , lp e f o o s ? Wye 12QRA1. mr24r • Nod. 1B nod 20 Wood stroot JUST.reonived another assortment of Boors and 811011.1, consisting of Ladies' Ilsel*tdi and Slip pers, Gent's, Itoys's Youth's, and a largo variety of Chil dren's ,ganef Shoes, ',. Pltseseiltve U 9 D calk at, ;hi, Cheap Cash Store o fTOSEKI 11. BORLAND, jel9- Y •98 Market str r det, nemmd dooffrbrn WOOL WAITIIIII--- - - vv, • • .100,000 IthiT. Wool Wantad at I.lgtaait cutit urrogooes,:woßPFlLY 122. Sectaid atreetoitullbl 17-root prk.ix, by . 1821:1mdaw HAIR DYE:l—Rstcholor's, Christs, Ale:tap:ler% ShOgii..W.And Natle4 ..134ir' Dyed—a large supply.czaelzkaklyiaEhrad,itu G,a; &4:-:•iiiiir'stlitnond and ttlarkot street. I?GGS.-10 bbls.4oi;h Eggs, just received and, for C4lB , tvirtall LIF.NOY IL cour,is. 1111g r RAPPING !PAPRRS.-10 0 0 reams ail _ , floitectair:oKitiMilixo rag wrapping, for mold WM. O. JOHNSTON t CO, jaePapa: Peden, in Wood area. RAILROADS 18/IS. °Wanner . Arrangersaant. ON AND:AFTER IiONDAY, , JULY .5. PENNSYLVANIA 4ENTRALRAILROAD x. - kw PrA%-t!"...5 - I • • . . • . Ir" 'Yu A ltrir MIII4 TRAIN. jearee the ; Passenger Station every Morning, (ox - r•Att Sunday,) at 6:OU o'clock, pitta bucght thug_ arriving m Philadelphia at 11:0U P. M. , • . THE PART LINE Daily, except Snuday,iit ar-', riving in Philadelphia at 6 o'cioos A. sr., and storming only r.t pnucipal stations TIINEXPRMIS TRAIN leaves the Station every evening at 9:50 o'clock. S topping only at Greensburg, Latrobo, Johns._ town, Wilimore, Chink:hi, Altoona, Sc., connecting at liar.. risburg with the Train direct for Baltimore, and arriving in Philadelphia or Baltimore at 1:00 o'clock; P. 11. T ACCOMMODATION; TRAINS: THE JOINSTOWN ACCOMMODATION mama leaven daily (excePt Sunday,) at 3:30" o'clock, 2. M. Stopping at all stations, and running an Ihras Conemapgia. FIRST. ACCOMMODATION - 'I9IAIN . for Turtle Creek Bridge leaves daily; (except Sunday,) at 10:40; A. Mi SECOND ,AUCOMMODAZION TRAIN for Turtle Creek,: heaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 430 T..= , • - TIMID ACCOMMODATION TR AIN for Turtle, Creep., leaves daily, (except Sun day,) at &20, r. • • RETURNING TRAINS arrive in Pittsbing,li as faidwai ,- - Exprosa,kl6, pay; Atm:plea.= FrPt Line IA: a 4 Johns town Accommodation, 11:00 A. M.; lilrot Tuitle Creek Accoca tkl,i4 A. at.; .26C023.11 ACCVair..to!atiOn, :12:491, P. Aq . Acciumucxlation;T:lo, P. U. . - , Tiouoi 6.r Blain:villa anTlfidloilii, counoct at Blairsville into:re:4ton nit!' mail train •R-_nt,'4l2privor lcnn Went; and tho Joliontown acoaunxlattou train Rant cud West. PITTSBURGLI AND OONNIILLSVII,LE TRAINS, Slopping at all Stallone on the Pittabargh and Conriello villo Road, 'rave daily, (Sunday oxcepted,) an follows: MAIL TRA1N...... 7:00 A. st. EXPRESS TRAIN...S:3O P. m iLET URN] NO TRAINS from Pittsburgh and Connelleville Road, arrive at Pittsburgh, 8:46 e.. ht. and &a P. m. cs-,,„ The traveling public will find It greatly to their In torNtt, in going Kant or Wont, to travel by the Pennsylvania Railroad, as the accommodations now offered rlmuot bo our on any other route. Ai the Road is ballasted with clone, and is entirely free from dust, we can promise safety, 4.e.odand comfort to all who :tiny favor thil with their valronage, _ .7: 24_41 Co NOV/ ':n'k•.. ....$18,50 I To naltiroors. ... 10,00 I " Lansaster. To Harrisburg, $7.45. Isaggago chookod w all titationTo; tt o Ponnaylvanin road, tad to Frills:44llra, lialtimoro awl jierar York..` P.lntaugcro imictinaing tickets in care, will bo charged ten contra in addition to the Station mtes, olchi.t from Stations where the Curupen) het no Agent. NOT1()el—In coie of loss, the liumpony will amid them eel one r.-pponsible for personal baggage only, and for an amount not uiceetling t.lOO. N. ii.—The RlC3t..lld' Omnibus Line hns bt•en employed to convoy Pamorhrors and llng3azt, to s - ntl from the Depot, at a nharo not to exec:A2s cants for each pr%asouger and bag gago. lot thrkeis apply to J. buw...tirr, Agent, At Lie P. R. li. Passenger btatlon, jag ou Liberty and Grant street& THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAI/ THE GREAT OENTRA_L ROUTE, wundcting the At!antic Cities with Western, North-western and South-western States bye continuous Hallway direct. Tlll3 :tons also Coon&e,s 6, I.lCtsparkn wit!) cot "'4,1 , F1)13( , r , i to ports on the Wee' , at Clove laud snd Sandusky with steamers to all ports on the North- Lakes; making the most nnutc7, 011.11Apisi and 1211. (Alai aouri by Which F [WAG UT can ho forwarded to au from qo 14q.sivr batween entuada Ipinl a. et. eixtafoargh. FIMT CLASS. Boots, Shoos, Hats and Cops, Books, Dry Goods,(in boxes, bales 170°' V 100 and trunks,) Drugs, boxesland bales) Feathers, Furs, SBOOND 0 LABS—Domestic Sheeting, Shirt ing and Ticking (in original balm), lirugu (so 0.4.4 . 64), H.C.rdin - ..r.i. Leather rolls or tosea), Wool, and Sheep Palta, itastWard, &0., ao, THIRD CLASS.—Anvils, Stool, Chains (in casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted (loose or in sacks), Tobacco, mannfao turwl,(ez.Cont Ci , nrs or mt,) (3.44.8111 - ro, and Pork, (in casks or boxes Eastward,) Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, Soda Ash, G er man Clay, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, dm., Ica. FLOUR-75c. y 4 bbl. nulil further notico. GRAIN in car loads, SO eta. yt 100 Pim until further notice. COTTON—S2't bale, not exceeding 600 lbs. weight, until Eart4,,r outfit._ khiPping Goods from any point Haat of Philadel phia be loarticalar to mark packages " aia Pennsylvania Railroad." All Goods consigned to the Agents of this Road nt Phila6zlphia or L'ittsbnrgh, will be forwarded without detention. Fawolt7 Aohare—)Darby, Wormlov A Co, Memi‘.ll3, Tepn.; R. V. sr.es (Ai Lents; G. - V.104 e, Ind.; trurnemnic Bell & Co., and Carter & Jewett, Louisville, Hy.; It. 0. Meldrurn, Filadison, Ind ; 11. W. Brown & Co., and Irwin Z.- Co., Cincinnati; N. W. Graham & Co., Zanesville, Ohir;; IRty:h F. Co, No. fo Kilby stract, rior,toTl; lia e pll cp...., Islo:tfliitagonae, Ne . vi atieet, tint! 140. 8 Battery Place, New York ; E. J. Speeder, Philadelphia; ?degree; t (teens. Baltimore; D. A. Stewart, Pittsburgh. M. IL LIOUSTON, General Freight Agent. H. J. LOMBAEILT, an 3 Superintendent. Altoona, Pa. GERuCItIES WINES AND LIQUORS 11) Lego Rio cwr.. ; lUn eliei.toi Black and Green Tem : •z 0 bbta.eritene.l 31,ghc ; 26 " Coffee zu Now York Ylyrup: 20 " Now Orl(ana Nlolatizos ; Tiercea Now Rico; tu buaeu W. W. H. (Armot.'a Tobacco; 100 M. It. and Layer liailn4; koga Franolk elranti; 2 ruochoonoJacumico Rom; Santa ern! ;Cum; 2 l'ipn.l ti d land ; Also, rreach Brandy; Port, Edo,laga and Chain :.ague Wined; Purw Old ttyo mad l‘cottiled Wlpoky r inatory and ft.; .a:e low, by lIANYOUTII • - 1.41.0tiN1:141.; Socrxl. - wa 140..1 Ilrakiqif , 00, Oor. of the DIUMOII , I and 'Diamond alloy, Pitti,bugh; kJ' 15 bids. El.', wick , * Sy, ; ' 25 •` N••.. 1...1. 25 " " GI 1,114 Urbrtm4 2: l sgr.r ; wo heir ri,o2tm Young Ilysou 14) Tc.a, for undo by je.so 17. 11. B nrll & CO j k o i l i a .4 r , F r o ol4 lot a v c a i r ) iouB eQ Pll,g , Or W,.441 at. EJ4LANTATI N HUQAIt 4.15 tads. folly fair e.1‘.1 pe irao N. 0. Su.gar ; 0110 bbla., oat: cooperage, primo N. 0. 111olaos; (.0 " aL Jame) S. 11 Molasees, now landing and for anlo , by MI - LIAM 4 itlati.LTSON, mrls Nan. 121 nail =I Liberty btre*t. ILI. PAPE It--Of best quality—lbr sale -T- 11 by WM. O. JOHNSTON a CU, NVF LOP ES. - —Ruff, Straw Amber and WI, m„ of all Hillod, !.td ratan, I.y WM. G. JOUNSTON h CO., my 7 tilatiourrl and Paper 1 . ...0kra. (.4 Wtroti SODA A 5.11.-100 caHlis Soda, As now Im ding mid for cols by VGGS.-10 barrels fresh Eggs, just reeeiv ed And for wilt, by JAMES A. FRTZHIt, jol:2 eurnor ?di:Am:and litrit greets. D ISH %,4 3 thumb extra largo Owl Minh ror wile, by niiIIL FoR SALE—Ono Steam Engine, Cylinder 1.5 inches in di.lneter, 4;,e, GA) I, /3 Lroko, with 2 Cylinder Rollers 82 Inches In dfilmoter, D fufuellu length, with fire front; Fly Wheel ltl foot In diameter. For price and tGrnie, Inquire of B. (I. Et J. TI. SAWYER, Nu. 47 Wood etroot. T AlllES' KID GLOVE 'CONGRESS GAIT ERS, with and without hods, at the Pe.plu's Shoe Store, No. 17 Fifth etroot. DIFFENBACTIER k CO. GEN U'S CONGRESS GAITERS CIIRA at the People's Shoo Store, FO. 17 Fifth street. DIFFENBACHER it CO. lIIAV E constantly on hand a largo supply of PlEU'o Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes. Those wishing anything in this lino, can rely upon getting a pare article at JOSEPLI PLEILING'e, jyl2 Crwnor Diamond and Market circa. 6 o f WI LL buy a Dwelling House of 1_ v..." Is ruorus and both room, good cellar, and other conveniences, situate on Franklin street. seoo in hand balance at ono and two years. S. OUTIIBERT & SON, JyL5 6.1 Market street. TYPE METAL, just received and for sale, by W. S. HAVEN, • Stationer and Printer, ]e:6 Corner Market and Second streets. QOAPS.—A large supply of Low's we 1,0 known Brown Windsor Soap, Just received Als Honey, Palm, Lettuce, Nymph and other fancy Soaps con stantly on hand at JOS. FlAlurNoz jyl Comer Diamond and 6larket street. CIOLTON'S WEST TOURIST it, GUIDE .I For aulo by (J 019 ) J. R. WKLDIN. DELIVERED EVERY MORNING..... Forney's Press, Public Ledger, N. Y. Time.e, nimbi and Tribune, and tbo Cincinnati Commercial, are delivorr,ii in every part of tho city. Trade suppled by leaving your address at HUNT . MINER, Jell Masonic Ball. / GE.N T'S WE A R.— ' CHEAP: • Gent's Patent Loather Gaiters; cl .c... Gent's Patent Leather Ozfords ; - 1:1 -c, ; I Gent's Calf Boots; Gent's Fine Slippers. Oi• , ti C.) crnAP. i , . • AT Tug PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, Jer2 No. 17 Fifth meet, DIFFBNBACHBIt & 00, TAR CANDLES.-75 boles extra- , Ada -1,7 mantino Star Candles, warranted superior to any In the market, on hand and for ea% Ly cayl3 B. 4.1. a J. H. SAWYER PON G ES—A largo" supply "of 'etdirife 'aild kl flue Sponge'', of a very impostor quality, net received 108. FUXIN°. aerner Diahiond and Market street QTATIONEItY VQ.B. .OFFICE large enmity of Stapler and Fancy Stalionei7, for of. flora, Lanka, oto.,for an% by ' J. It. WELDIII. VEESII TEA, MORE NEW' TRA:— . Tlte finest Tea of every name, grade and color. The' sub scriber has in store and arriving, a most extensive and complete assortment of lea in chests, half cheats and fami ly boxes, all of which is offered at greatly rednced.pricea. 164 B.42tYNEB 38 Fifth six t. , ee AHOME IN THE COUNTRY.—A new , H Cottage House of 6 rooms, good cellar, and every Convenience to Cottage, comfortable and pleasant residence; stable, carriage bowie spring bongo, 250 peach treed also, choice apples and other fruit, U acres of land, good quality for gardening enrposra, situate at 3 miles from tho city, near the Washing on Turnpike. Terms wisp, and immedi ate possession. }or sale by. S. CUTHBERT' II; EON, 51 Marko etre 4.. ES BLE.PROPERTY - FOR •SALE -A DWejltok Eloise and two large lots, - with good ira- pro iemortaolcorgedimapeßlvAalna. Prioe,.slBoo. . . A Sarm of 303 acne, 41) improved, all primp land ono rallo'freth lrayette - Springs. Price, $6 per acre. Aildnable - property at Lawrenceville, in 'comPlete orders good location, immediatOpoeseavion-43400. • A zecOon of choice, land In , Franklin county, lowa, in go od location.—;,2,soller acre. 013911181c1i2 Es BON, JeW 51 llarket street. PLARK STREET. A Brick Dwelling on Clark etreet; tintir Carixtiteirs Oak, at 'Cho low Priol) of 11100— A 1 so; throe Other Dwelliniffaarza near tttl.above, Ilice.sl2 l A each. Terms easy , .;• - - 7 • 8. (WTllBlOl.l' SON. 51 Maricati.- ERRING.-50 bbla Ilezring for sae by JUL ieBQ 11 OOLLINEI No. $1 100 tha 600. 71 100 1305. 400. 11 100 ibs Stx%tionorH, 57 W. 0,1 otreet. MILLEit " " inst received and MILLER ct RICK insfiON, Nov. T2l. and 2•Xi Liberty street CARPETS AND • OIL CLOTHS. VaIIOVAL.-4, hair() removed to their now building - , Nos. 20. and 28 ST. GLAIR street, weiateldo,botwon Penn street end the Bridge. J. 44, U. r, , nitiLTOS, r4ANTrimnatras ov - noon, itrlt ' NiTtrItE r OARRIAGE, TA33 . 14 AND TWIBP.A.BENIt& OPAQIII2 WINIPOW S l aking - O.IIE. CILADTIII,S. , . OfAifferentOolors, _ Also, DI:LAURI; IN OIL CLOTHS & WINDOW SHADES, Of every description, _ Dealers' In' INDIA DIJBBIGItIIOOII/3; Itinde,'made under. Goodyear'e- Patent; Agents of the Boston and Now York Belting Comp:Woe, for the sale of their INDIA BUB. 888 BELTING, IIOkiII:and.PACLICING; LEATHER BELT. LNG of Eastern manufecture, - .a - superior 'quality; also, Lace Loather and Rivets.. Agents' for the OitlO KINE m : PAINT, Dry and Mixed Paints,> Varnishe s _ Oils, Turpentine, Brushes, Glass had.Putty .: HOWE AND ,pAINTING AND GLAZING, in all its branches, done in the best and shortest time. ido20:1Y1 J. .t H. PIaLLIOPS, aura - N.06.20 and .2 'St. Clair street; Manufactory frt Phil Illumine, on the Ohio river, three miles below Pittsburgh • CARPETS; OIL CLOTHS, MATTLNG GT Tfill • • Eoutith Street Carpet i .-Store c ; WV D: &I'CALLUM tfully o invite tho attention ,of their former customers and thil, public generally to their presentelock, just selected for Spring sales, enibracing the very !stoat styles of ..Forolgn and Hours Maunfacturei eoneictingln,p/rt,01., Velvets no 11rnaiela, 'inpestry and 00211S7 . 10)1 Ingram:. aims,;Brussels, Danmt, Twilled and Plain 1.14.1r,a/iItPETS: OIL ()LOUIS Pliolif 2 TO•2l7Elik WIDE; - . Rugs, Mats, Stair Rod; •Cariton and Cocoa lilattlng; Yarn and Rag Carpots ; Venitiaa Blinds; Painted, Buff Arid aroen Holland Shades, it will give na pleaattro to uliow &tub t6sill who may lie deeiroue or looking or purchasing, and:wo are to oiler indwenaoute to auy who way favor as with a call, at klio old atend, No. 87 YOCUM' Stroot, noni Wood. myltlily W. 1). '1 _ldl • _• nil, CLOTH CLOTILIDIU-01. 01 kinds, ideck and yellow, fir rule at tho India Dabber Depot and 25 St Clair street. [de2] J. a 11. pIiILLIYB, tIL cOLOTIIB FOli. TILE -FALL; 11tADE. We have U 3 hand, and aro daily receiving; additions theroto Li 12.11 out own and other maxiutextories, a largo atoch of Floor Lturnitun), Caning° Trlinzeing,Tablo Cover, Troia. parent, Oreen and BuiZr, anti all hinds of Oil Olotii;ttioti for Lionsatintaishing and other purposes. "Alen, Trenspatent Windt)* Mattes, of dry and oil 113 - 412311g01d bordered and other stylos, and Window Shuts Trimmings. tderchrz,te awl othoro will find it to their ativantago to OA.- amine our Rock and'priees ber‘sne reaping their purclume oisewhoro.. I. St Li. Pliltid soli) LZ and 288 t. C.".air street. OIL CLOTH TABLE COVERS—Of our owou and other manufacturers, fur tale Wholesale ated retail, by J. & 11. PHILLIPS, .1 Y l 7 2.0 and '2B 8k Clatr street. ryi.RANSPARTEN UREEN O4L CLOTH— A_ 30W yards or a til:porlor quality, just received from 'ilk° factory, and for"sale'by J. 1C H. PHILLIPS. JYI7 20 aud 28 et. Clair street. (MARRIAGE OIL OLOTLlS.—Elaamelled with plain or fignrod bacta--on - 'ewilled and ILLO2 'Jacob, fey sale py - - 4. - 4 pilibia • 1Y47 243 awl 2S St. Clair Btroot. CAP 01G CLOTHS —A few pieces on mus lin, silk, and imitation of silk, ft.r sale at 26 and 28 Olalr stroot. (JYU) J..IL YIIILhuI d. ROSPITAL SfIESTINO-OXII wilt s and (tit beet at the India Rubber Dept, and lea at. Clair Meet. jail J. A EL PHIL' IPS. 11NDIA RUBBER DOOR MATS—The best article in win, for ElaiU at the ladla Dauber Depot, of ' 41. eigt.LArs,' ' ell 'lB St: Lisit'atreet. I,PLOOR OIL CLOTHS,- Of wax own and eastern manufacture—all widths, and oat to waiit, any else of rooms or halls—at the Oil Cloth Ware mows, No. 20 and 3S lit. Clair street. oct23 J. S: IL PECILLIPB. ,Great C'it&Tace to Ird.selie Dioney. r 6111 E REST eain MOST OEE.TAIN SPECU LATION OF ME TIRES—ONLY ONE LiuLlAlt PER filiAßE.—Forty thouthud dollars worth of valuablo Real Estate, Watobm Silver and htEvet Elltwe, with a groat Variety 1 :14- of fan4and Stalibitioodi; to be disposed of in forty thee sand shares, at ono dollar per share, its follows:—Upon the paynieut of one dollar, I will send the payer a numbered re. ceipt, which will entitle hint to one sh*re in thu fi bovo mOl- vided property. W 1403 (.{le bi l araa eituilf tip° both sold, the shigeltuidoit shall fib tit tilled Of Llib Mat, by mail, or through the nowepbperu, and a meeting of the Shareholders shall then btLield in the city of Phiirdelphia, and tho whole of the property disposod of or distributed/L=llg them ' • id such way us shall le deterinineil upon-by them; each ttliarehOld er shall be entitled to one Note, a tioinntittf , s `i;oL , imiectud by the 3lmroholdere e . , ..„ 0 4 fif.tet',a, to coilduct or sapetlm to i ,4 tNa fiketuudvion of Wu' prdperty, according to the dire. tithe theighareholdors, and will *thou deliver the pro perty to such parson. Or peracum au the ;Shareholders may appoint to receive the same. The Real Estate et:l4l4'4i of one three atory brink kan ; :e f,tid lid, valued ta $2.500, al, too throe.uteey gelling hbuses and lota valued at '3i On each, in the al* of Philadelphia, clear of all incunr bt ante, mid title inflisplltablo; tho•other prOperty e.ohaisbY et the whole stock and litanies of two of the I;wii r ot Watch and Jowelry is the tiiy of Yam, and fur a Lana The stock ceitail.st- I n if' of very line Hold and Silver ltuntingCase Lever tVatch es, very fine (bold and Silver Patent Lever, Lupine and other Waft-hes, (told Chains, Peuciluf Seale, lieckehi, her hinge, Dismamil and other Wags tad Plus, mitnis, Slime° buttons, de., Act, Gohl,ttllvor anti:4lo:4 cite Qui d :111d 4' and ffilver'Pleited lysee; conaisfilag of Ted gets; tatters, Cake Baskets, Cape, ltpesine, liuivea, Eerks, Ac., &o. Also, Preach Clocks, Mimic I ka.00 . , Aecortloona, and n great variety 0; other goods. Till) above In not ono of thouo sthenies which itist MP iii ito it ftifi sale of tie entire 1 411. 1 44- 4 I.6ll,fiPalg to Wt , britiloril),,r, persons urn poiitivaiy art:wren the etotilt lea not baottpurehaaeti for the put-poi-to of doci,ption, soil to palm off Common (lilt and Jewelry, ter lien (Sold, none ouch will bo distributed, the most respeaa ably peraems are given to ruferone.a, to timaetiena,don tto pat eltatto abaro3. All orders by Mail ouch - ming the mono,- will be promptly attention to, and te. - oipts ntrwarnoti to the tlretts tlct staple, by rdihvis nowt ten d.,thue at one ellitti,lthail rssteiroelstvon sep a rate lit au many Gepartito namha if &Area. 1;4., in writing for itharea, ploatut vrrlte the nom„ Post t welch you wish Uto nn,wor directed. 'l'ititt in tint greatebtchanco of gottinh a larva manna!: a T:11,241 , 10 prap4eiy, i,c a ttelail azni, atilt:Qs b‘dbro Lem inured eo the public. gaud on your ,rd, - e, I.:, shales ar e ti ming vapid ly, 1111E1 it Ia confidently e,peeted the dietributien b..1)11 be weds. A mica allottol la.rgaus at a aiatan. ik, iUI Lo rent to tltiau nt thair bir.calaa i„.._Ageata walttat" mnrleutiona meats 10 PY 'NU PIe.ESSES, , with Screw and I.) Lever, for nal° by W. 3. ItA'v'EN, titationq and Paper IJorilor, Cyrnt,r Market aucl Bauika utruam. Q t (JALIIIER, EXCURSION.ISTS. whoilenign taking n Plealsurn Trip ,' . hnnld pr,,vido tilmweiveH with the NEW LINEN TRAVELTNU kJ lET Tho abovearticlo can La precurod ut j yit) DUBE FRENCH BRANDY, for medicinal pnrponon, by tin battle, or gallop, at ILISVOILTH DROWN - LW:li, fell lu Lho Dimond. 10 SACKS 1 0 B n i' c f 4. 11,E 8 ItS c , os fo o r a -etti t c , 1,../yty) 143.12 and Wood ItYkl,-1.25 bush Ryo for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, jy2 Corner Market and First atruata. TIMOTHY SEED-10 bush. Good Timothy Sood for solo by JAS. A. FETZER, 1 4 1;01.11I-15 bbls., just received and ILA for &Ala by kar3J RENICY COLLINS. KY APPLES--100 bush., for sale by JoSO HENRY U. corumis. UXPANSION SKIRTS—SteeI Spring, and 112/ all the other celebrated Skirts; for sato by ap2tIJOB.IIOII.NE, 77 Market street. • lop LACK. LACE MITT .—A largo stock of excellent styles, with and without fingers, very cheap at (ap2B) JOS. HORSE'S, VI Market street. CIUTTON HOSIERY.—Every variety of 4,/ Cotton Stootinga and nal( Homo at the lo mat prices iitioletale or retail, at JOS. 11 JUNE'S, ep2.3 7: Market atroot. )ICE,—Sis tiercos prime Rico, just receiv .u) nd and for sale by MILLER. ILICKETSON, vurel2 Ma. 221 and 22J I.lbert7 stmt. LAKE F. whole'bble. Lake Supe rior White Vial/ Just,recoivesl and for sale by J. 6.8. A. RETZER, Ccrner awl First streets. $6OO FOR a two . story framo dwelling house and lot of 'gr'outal 50 11. et by .Itio, piens fitly situated on Mt. Washington. • terms etiai. • . 410 8. COTHDERT SON.:EI Market t. IVl " ir 0 AI 4 L v n EN. Jamaica 11 . 1 in R p e r sto . Preston & Merrille Cooking Extracts, Kennedy's larsiicul Discovery, Thompson's Washing Compound, Pyson's 'lndelible Ink, McClung & Campboll's Starch, Ealtpbtro, • • Lemon Syrup.- • For sale-by B. L. JtANNEBTOOII. A AJO., Iy2l = No. nc), cur f Wood and Fourth eta. QYILUI I .-10 bblo. MO. Syrup for Jude, on congumonit. bY fitf , 7) , URNEW:IL COLLINII. PARCH.-260 bxs-Rochester Pearl Stareh, `rocalmi end Oar esl4 frw ' TIENRY LT. COLLINS: BAN AN AS.=—First of the - Balloon" ",just te . c,iwod by expreaq and tot ealp-by._ R.LYMEL: A, ANDISILSOI4, : . ' ' Wocid Street, ' Ortioalte gL,Obaifoa RIZ D (J 1,1; BUTTE 11.--- 1 21)41.;Freiili Itollltutter ax• ail 4 tut Oorroor . :3larkviirD'a Ora eta: DitINTIN t executed strlo of nit, orat aVro4UlOr able kricog," bjr J. It. V7JSLIDIN, lipokugiter ant) Stationer, " led at root % ncar Pourth. WEIVJBEDIi,'ORD - SPERM OANDLES,;-- IA be i.k. um:Ad ntzeo,..VaiVE aultra, Epflin ou bond find (4Z:l:Abby . 43, *,;A: Ti, 14,4_4f VGV. LIFE'S .1.1(,) OK- KEEPING jihiji"gt. 3; tam Duncan's: elystnat of ParaustorlT; ffv Market cud i'ectgad sires.:!: WNING RODS—LBO , -Awning liodß, for - oesy furatir R. COLLIN/1: . CILOVERSEED. Backs Just meowed, und'ror:aaaa-by [fall attbnlY 11. 004LIN8 ockn GROSS LIAVEN'S'No. QNETENs. Jazt rapaved and fin :gale•by - w. 6. 11.4 - mt, Cower Market and itetylidureot t . _ DRUMS COD FISIIi-lor`ssale by ' BAGALEY; .00130Rtozu 'a (30., ,Yea. is sad Wood atewt. 411£24,i r ,r... .VATA3OI.S . I,IiVg , : SAUTE for rale wholeslao VV and mall a• the ViiiSthit•Of Jowl ,TR., 4 41 20 Gamer t Woc4 artzt Six th NW, VAttactrith nnvn and villago. All coin Lia It. Biti./OM ILL, -.COLA trett, Abovo Cheramt, JOS. HORN L'a. 77 Market. ,Ueet MEDICAL. -TAE GREAT 'IIEATJTIFIER. . „ • So Lciug Unsucces4ally Sought, FOUND AT LAST! Oft IT RESTOIttg'PERIqAIVENT'LIC .&" Gray Hair to its origlrpil color; covers lazuriantly the bald head; removal . ; 41andrriff, itching and all gerohala, scald head and all eruplona; makoitho - hair 'soft, healthy, and' osay ; and will preserve it to idly itilaglnab e agar, retard* ea if by magic. all blotehefi; efo from theta* atid'unina neuralgia and i nervona hauled o. deo efreular and thefbi. lowing: D0003; , N:111:, ..1%, , 24, 1857. i PROF. 0. J. WOOD CO.—gents: Within a few daya we have teceived eo many ordern and data SeiPfaCt).MWooditi Hair Restorative, that today Wowere,ronnellotilwaimillitr kcsten far a quantity, (the U doaoii jou forwArdeii. - albning duld,,) while we might order a tithintttylibin Abary dada ear hart sold "moms to Turzi itictueici Vote or Air new art/mere and the al probation,: Anti - patronage it teCeil'B9 (tarn the moat Ezbatautial awl; yorthy citizens of onr ty, fully convince toil that it islA S.O.3ItVALUABLRPB.EII% ARATION. send ns 69 soon e. 4 'ote gross 'of alize; anti one dozen $ size; and believe us yours very respectfully. (Sig,ued) DANIEL LATHORP & 00. 1111.XORY GROVE, St. Cherles Co., M0.,.N0v.19, 186. PROP. 0. J. irooD—Doart Kir!' 'Fame timalist stounrer we were ir.dured to tlso your Hair ItestoratVga, and ire offect9 were so we feel it our datsrto you tina 010 IlinlEtod, to report Our little 11011'14 lined for genie' time had been periecilycov ered with sores, and soma called it scald toad. rho hair al: *lost entirely Mine off in consequence, when a friend, seeing 1113 sufferings, advised Tj3 to use your Itutorative, we did so with little hope of suceeas, hut, to our surdriso, and that of all our friends, a very few applications removed the disease dutirely, and a uew and histirmet,crop,of hair soon etarted out, and *0 'cad hhw Fai that oar boy basso holdthYa'scalp, and as limoriant a crop of hair a any other child. We can therefore, and do hereby recommend your Restorative, as Si Perfect remedy tier ell - diseases or Mile scalpel:o)9lr. , 1 ,; We arc, youra-respeaftdik. 0E014(14 W. lIIGGINROTHMI, A. lIICIUMBOTHAY GAradNp, Maine, Salto W., 1855. . PROF. 0. J. WOOD—Dear iii: I liave usod two bottles of Profeasor WOOd'a /lair Itolorative,.and can trulyisay the greatest diseorety of thaaga for-restoring and changing the Hair. Boforo using. it I was a man of seventy. My 'Hair has now attained its Original color. Yon con ream in:nd it t 6 the world u about the least few,r, as my . wasci was on of the worst hind. Yon lloopeetfolly, i. DOI MURPP.Y. Q. J.:9 , ..131; s CO., Proprietors, 312 Broadway, New York; (14 the great N. Y. Wire Railing Est.o.blinhrnent,) and 114 sliarirot str e et, it. i.nnle , Md. • -• Sold by Dr. ti Et). ti. N.la3lil ~ No, 110 Wood street, and by all good Druggi4b,. It t n!::4w Private and Conilitiratiol Medical 'Advice A T THE BUFFALO PRIVATE AL—EA Alitthed for Um cure of Ey'phills; _Bending Woaknese and tho Secret Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, by Dr. AMOS A EON, Buffalo, N. Y. 0..Tr . 0 corner of Matz and Quay streets, (up Matti.) A MO .1: Art leatvoment for the /re 4.4 Gonital Debility, or Noctur nal Eratmlon,t, more prop° Iy known as Seminal Weakness, go. Can be permanently-cored In' from itfteort_to AVranty days, by the Tina of this instrument, when used quajointll with modleinoa. YOUNG MEN TAKE', PARTICIIIAVoIiOneIii. - - Dr. AMOS A SON take pleasnrein nanoanoing that they have invented a most itnpartantln'it: nment for the mire of the above diseases. It hti ir 7 en subjected to a teet by,thq meat aminset r l-;,-.lefen.3 it London. Parte, Philettelphis soul Mew has bran declared the only risofel hastruxora ever yet Invehtod, for the dare of Seminal Wcnkueaa,or any disease of the genital orvtne, cause/gby, the secret habits I • ' ' of youth. Dr. AMOB k SON, to th+,r to aatiell the most - d ltpu ta l as to the mprit6 thoir iaatrnment, SledS o tlemeelves that iil any thatance where thiyi may provo:oneatisfactorystiat fair triacthe mortar tt 1l Fha rbfr'42tied by rah:l=ll2olb In• strument is goal ortla". • ' • - Persona wiahin cZtil abi,o3 umeral Instrument will obeerve that the •,..rat the ”:7compartying directions, seemrely I ,i,cgod sail sent by caßrorte, to tea dollars. Niles AND QUICK CURg..I. Dr. AMOS it Sin/ may 'eel rimy:died from eight o'clock to the morning oatii nine r.t blight, in ciery stage se d symp tom of the ViMortial'likmase (Maorrhcoa, Gleete, condary Symptom% Remivil,W.ceznem, Impotence and Stoe times of the Vrethrn,.eie., with inviolable mriresy. The treatment they tido& is the re:init or upward of thirty yew's' extensive end micoie.tal raLCtiCp ha. London. The most-inveterate uses of Vene:erd Dires.ies lekatili‘tod ilnleight'or nine clesa i nd casts of a slight thitnie in twa or three days, at a mod. orate expense. Tihi) mire &tooted. without a atzeminit or htedvaxce nom baemee.;;; Mee t nodes and poles in the boars linabs, effect - a:Ay orodhiatedi .1 h DUBAI Dr. AMOS /4 hCi'l have dcivoteil theirtiention exoluidve I ly to tliii rmsaliar clamor maindioe, Ural the relief they have;; souslogooutly been enabled ti render to their fellow-creature ,- a fully testified and ,gcaltkily Acknowledged by - contralti:, con tpationte and, others deily,arriving in town from all parilL of the Connisg, for the express pnrposeroulyrif consultatiana; while their exertions brae boca crowned with the ets- -... nal advantages; yet from w.. , .?`, they have- experioneedt - inquiring into the C.74eiefi c.y . time° infocVorta. complaint (from their moot simple, condiL:on to illot of the most dun gerens and invoterebed) thoy , limia , aintle entertained the possibility of their, proven; o 4 and removal, and likevidoettp *variably found that the ,raos.., horrible and mangrisnat forms of Mecum) ci,..1;;;1d - rdniest, always be traced to Ono of - tho fol. ;owing doilies :—lgriernice,:negleet,Ar the ill cdbcts of nn. - n tn skilful and improver - treats ; ;' therefore , Dr. , .010 - a: - SON have nacceeded in diseev ring,. in the selection of their romodisn; a safe; b &duel, nnettutiona - canoe; omitting rill combination of remedies whlc ; ; bear an egnivocalcharac., as well as t110:30whoao premat to or injudicious application, might bo productiva of bad consognenees la the hands of private individuals. in alio:tithe "audible end, of -their re medico to the lemming (if a f s m: , tit MeV Of Iltiourt Inlsory by the ationiation, relief and pr vAntien of those grievorm to filetiene that ate in reality tit secret foe of life; and which, while they Be extremely Burr atts„,call alond for our drill and interferonco for their.oltMminiktip. ' , ' 0011IaltY 111VAIADB. ' - Pe?Nons la way tart c maid may be imeem'Ally emoted by forwardin3 a earroai. detail of their,o: , m ii vilatil ramittabee for rnoilletaEo; /to. r Addrocs Dr. AM OS es EON, i 4 trtor tied Qutiy stroota, Buffalo, N. Y. E.. jaMilltvtly leit'EVA l l l ll' DISEASES.—DR. Bittp.WN't3 lIEDIOA_L and SURGICAL Offic No. 50 13141T1121 1 r13) Streit, Pil burgh, Pa. Is ins old olliton °FPO burgh, wad hm boon In prootiO for last twenty-fire yean. Lien buslilese boon conbnod nioaily to NI - T.7dd and p,, glcal Dieeat:eo, , 01132.Wi1l AND tITAANCIPLIta In need of a medical friend, ohould salt to find 'on& tho mire placolof eel 'Cho DoclolL a n ragulor gradialto, hin of:petit:net, in the treatniont of r auto g4ttrlti.tuD to Van aullefrers of t om.— rollof, by tan 'nun of hi 3 rerandleo and following hia - PROIVN'S Iut",tLIDIE,g . never all to curt) the wont lota's. of .Vonerool Disonaath.—' Inipurft:ed oil tkrofolou.ri clicausos arising from o borcAltory toint,whichmardfactl itaelf in tho form of n tot I.r, psn-labla, and n groat many fornatrof akin dEcatea, tho oil t on of. which th¢ potlont isoolfrolyixrcorant, o porecala Dr. offora bones of r awe an(l speedy seetOredy., ' • ".- Dr. rento(11.•?. for flip alarming tronbla, brogght. on often by that bolitury habit of oononolgrattficatton whinh the young awl we ofton Oro way to;(to their own destrootion r ) aro tho only roliablo remoillos known in thb country—thoy aro gale, end vaktho n Rjo i szt . yoreatoratlOn 1 U VMaxls3l , Dr. Drown'of remedies never fall to 'currithiSlahifal - dli• ease in a few &yr—he 'will warrant a care:: lie alSi3 - Matt - Piles, Utast, (lonorrhcez.,. Sittlettre,' Urethral Tiiachargee, Ye( male Weakness, Monthly' fintpreittions, :Dlifearien ;of tha Joints, Yistnia to Ano, Nervdmi Affections; Pain in theitaok and Kidneys, •Trritation of tha. Bladder,. togstittisivith, all diseeseil of an in:ware origin. ' -- • ' A letter describing the symi)torns,' eentaltilisOt reeted to IfROWV,Nc , .. be Smithfield Street,-Pitbdrargh, Pa., will be icomeriihtely answ±red. lyledieir.e sent to any address, enfsly peeked and secuto from observation. Odic. and PTive.+a Siooma , Nol 60 Smithfield street, Pitts, burgh, Pa. - 2-2= TV W IS YOUR TIME---134. Simmer__ .1.1 Shoes whilst you can got`them so cheap, nt ths - PF.O.; - FLU'S I.IIIEAP SHOE .STORE, r0..17 Fifth street. Wo will continuo to Bell at roticod rates for p.evoral weeks Save your mosey by buying ' r ak the low prices. Clortt'a • Gaiter., for tho exceeding low price of $.2. A few more Ladies' Gaiters loft nt worth $t,76, soiled ou the soles— Congress Gaiters for $1,25. Now is the time to buy cheap. aulfi ' DIFFENBACHEIr& :FOB -PRINTERS, .1 _. .. .... CP Etationerd,ii • ''. r : I: .. ' Blink Doak Maiteii,'', .- ,'- -..--• , and Paperlinalars: . - 117 M. it., JOHNEITON .t .ClO, - . ~ ati24 . - 2i . 57.WaDd street. , OLIVE OIL-12 liketeof line` • Olive Oil;' fur tablo nue, recutvad t ,15 day, by : .' ' - •• -- , .19:1E1'. - t1 FLEMING, etzni:r Dlamond and 'Jarred BE. - 1310TORIAL WIN ON Seit NS -.A ..EL clew, boautiful and cheap; ( (NIVA/CM for trio ex. chiding of of ail Mudd, from po , sing through win• down whoa is raised, n f,.ut (h. ulma - 1,40 admit. ling a fre3 current of . got up in a. variety of beautiful sef , ari!, aro ornlaitonthl,noyiell a Bak, wholOpOlo andietnit fit'2ond Int St:'Clarr ntrootjbt & Ulan; an 6 Solo Agent foe :114uuLtOtuforti -,riftabniglai,i',7% - - OBACCO.-75 bongs, assorted brands, •s'B, 6 1 d . , and 16's Tobacco, ti Innaing,'6ildfcir rile' by • - 1:101i1g2710N,.. al l6 •' ' - Nat. 221 and TX liberty iOat YRUPS.-- _ ‘ lky Go bblo. choica Clobionl3.iinp ; 20 " Faatniclea Eirst Quality Syr u p; •„ •,' 75 " 13t. Joanci!. Stigor llonsettolOssoa. In.htoro and 'fiirosla by - AlicLElt dejItIOE..ETEOIi, au 6- 1 NotG22l and MA, R•67•71 - Acan . F.,- ,• _ urowrix • Tti'rENTY CENTS, and selbiik Tv•' ' at TWELVE CENTP.: white'.ina - ColoiCA . 'Cotton Q .,.... 74. ,,,, , a , „., .• , . i , . - 39.SEPILIfORNWIly - ""Z e _ 4 7 - t.'''' • '• ' ' .. -- '77.l l 4arket'efsent: • .' (10 TO TILE PEOPLE'S_BELOLSIORW: .and bay your Shoos anretincedTrices.; A few mars. SOILED Eaolga and GAITERS selling tIMAT'.' GEZMEO. GAITERS and saORP, 'Bolting low; GenfliTatent leather' Gaiters for $2. Now is the Mime forliargnipa." i3onnit 00 . cars a pair. Gent's Calf, o.xfprati And - Tlesiltuck and Oar Define; chomp. Boy's Atha Y4rith'a 'Etrimnier Shoos ladling At low tales. `IIIFFENBAtaiIdf .13 47 ' " Fifth - sfivet;n6aiMaikeV:-' . , ._ A NOT I I-ti a; a u ; p ly cif le w& , weii-anperner J I." 1 11" a ibiletßmptieceitzd tcpday,_ _,--Y '' : ~.... - •• , . ~.. , • JOB. IFIEELEtri, ~- , . bald- '' * Cfmacr Plamand azad I kot and. ttr - yr op, rs:wlid~ Tip jinn, t , - Lot " - /1, 11 1/610* . : Printod in anprifor'etilo at abor£ uotieb, l: Printoric Mani Book hiennfactemere wad Stationer:, - _67_Wood street,- EMONS-50 boxes', roac: .9%,4 dor, jurt teeetvedhnd fer - RIVIDOVACABINIRSON, £t‘ .pray-sB-Wood street J 10 - ',pelt° the St. Charleeso S . . anf4l . Alrrioar , BLACK. ,GRAPE COLLARS.--Beantifal styli f or gait), at JASUPEI HUM% iron ra itrukti ago