FALL DRY GOODS C. RANSON LOVE' S, No. 74 Market Street, BETWEEN FOURTH STREET AND THE DIAMOND PITTSBURGH, PA. SIGN OF THE ORIGINAL BEE HIVE The sultscriber has jest returned from Philadelphia, New 4 . 0 7, &sae; and come of the Manufacturing towns in the New .England States, so as to get a portion or our DOM:ES /MO GOODS direct from the manufacturers, and save one pests In receiving them In that way. Our stock of FOR EIGN GOODS has never bean so complete. DRESS GOODS: VERY RICH DREStLAtirg, in Plain Black and Figured. VERR REM DBMS ME% Plaid, Striped and Brcuaie VERY RIOII SILK ROBES, Black and Colored. VERY RICH ALL WOOL MOUS DE LAINS. VERY RICH ROBE MOUS DE LAINS. . VERY RICH COTTON AND WOOL MOUS DE LAINS. FRENCH MERINOS COBURGS, The largest stack in the city, acd BETTER GOODS FOR THE PRICE CAN BE FOUND IN ANY OTIIEB. HOUSE AVEIikT OF TIL MOUNTAINE, BOUGHT AT AUCTION LARGE QUANTITIES AT LOW PRICES, AZD WILL BC . RT-6,SLID AT A VERT SMALL ADVANCE ON EASTERN COST SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, Of entirely now de:4ns, each as the TALMA SHAWLS, And many tr er NOVELTIES IS SHAWLS AND CLOAKS We bar© been able to offer ea large and varied a Elect of all lands of SHAWLS and CLOAKS. NEEDLE WORK : COLLARS, SETS AND SLEEVES, FLOUNCINGS, EDGINGS, MOURNING GOODS : BLACK DBEFS GOODS, BRAWLS, CRAPE VEILS, COLLARS, GLOVES, AND EVERY OTHER ARTICLE IN THE LINE MOURNING GOODS DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS BLEACHED AND lINI3LEACIHED MIIBLINS, TICKING 2, CHIGICE, GINGHAM, PE.INTS, CISIMERES, CLOTHS, Alid every other article usually kept in a WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF DRY GOODS Aa many, of the above goods have been bought from the MANUFACTURERS and AT AUCTION FOR NET CASH, We are enabled to sell them as LOW AS THEY CAN BE PURCHASED IN MANY OF THE WHOLESALE HOUSES in the Eastern cities. In short, we never have been able to offer so Largo and attractive a stock to oar numerous cos• tomereand the public generally. "(e. NEW 400D9 RECEIVED DAILY. S. C. EL4IiiSON LOVE, Formerly Young, Stevenson A . Love, and Love Brothers, 1re.74 MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. selS:lmiliw SPECIAL NOTICES. PERMANENT OFFICE. COMPLYING WITH TECH URGENT REQIIEFT OF HUN _REDS OF THEIR PATIENTS, L RS. C. 14 . FITCII AND T. W. SYKES Have concluded to remain PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURGH, And may-be consulted at their office, lifo. 191 Palma street, OPPOSITE ST. GLAIR HOTEL, Daily, except Sundays, for CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, RRONCHEED3 and ALL OTHER CHRONIC COMPLANTS, complicated with, or causing pulmonary disease, including Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Female Complaints, 4c. DEA /ITCH SYKES would state that their treatment of ilratumptionis based upon the fact that the disease exists in Ms Mood and system at large, both before and during its deodepetent in et /arojs, and they therefore employ Mechan ical, Hygienic, and Medical remedies to purify the blooding strengthen the system. With aise, they use METIOAL MAIATIONS, which they value highly, but only as Rigid gems, (having no it/Wattles effecte ai'hem used alone,) and Inva lids are earnestly cautioned against wasting the precious time of curability on any treatment based upon the plausi ble, bat false idea that the "seat of the disease can be reached in a direct manner by Inhalation," for, as before stated, the Nutt of the disease is in the blood and its effeu only in the lunge. iar . No charga for col:min:Won. A Natal ("meadows will be sent to those wishing to consult no by letter. my24:dsw 07 RISK OP THE SOUTH COUNTY.—At the An gust term of..e Supremo Court of Rhode Island, for Washington county, the first day of January, A. 0., ISI9, was l asinwi for bringing in the bills of the Bank, with a view to a dividend of funds then on hand This order if made with a view to hasten a settlement, and not to cut off bills not then presented, whial must, of course, all be paid, if the Bank is solvent of which there is no reasonable doubt. The bills will be taken in payment of all debts. Bills pre sented, for which receipts are given, will be entitled to in terest. Bills may be forwarded to the Receiver, at lien. sington. Rhode Island. E. R. POTTER, au3l:4w Receiver. tOm'NOTICE--TELE INTEREST COUPONS of the Borola of Lawrence County, lamed to the PITTS BURGH AND ERIN RAILROAD COMPANY, due July, ISA will be paid at the office of W. H. WILLIAMS & CO., Pittsburgh, Pa. The change in place of payment is made in con!equence of the failure of the Ohio Life Insurance and Trtar. Company, New York, where the Catipons are payable. By order of 172 THE COMMISSIONERS. 'HE BEST AN D 3T VINF.GAII is sell- . L. T ;'6,7r. moat extensive VIN• t- FAILEHOUSE in the vitstEr,krtl hts home now Sup .74.nrantintzt , .' 1 has for the last ten ire than one-half of ;;;7 4 7, 4 iburgh grocers, and in every other city in itrodnced. BALLOU, 146 Water street, between Smithfield and Grant. natlytikw LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL SMELTING WORKS. PARK, lEGURDY t!;* Co .) MANUFACTURERS OF SHEATHING, .11radcze and Balt Copper, Preased Copper Bottoms, Ba Still Bottoms, bates Saida', !to , also Importer! and deal,p In Metals, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire, Ac. Constantly on hand, Tinmen'e Machines and Toole. Warationea, t 0.141 l Pint, and 120 Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Special orders of Oopper cut to any deal:MA:fatten:L. ray29:lydaw WILL RE-0 PTE. N ON THURSDAY, SEPTEHRiR 2D, PROF. - COWPER'S FABSIONABLE -DANC IN G ACADEMY, NHVILLE HALL, wawa FaGßru 4 D LIPIP3II 81"9. DAYS OF TurlloN—Tueadays, Thursdays and Satur days. Master and Hisses Classes at 3 r. st.: Ladles Clue 4 et+Gentlemen'e Claes 8 P. /a. Prof. (limper can be seen at the Ecott House, day. an26lm 16 ACRE sy S oi 4 ,Yr GCIOD good erLt, LAND, 3hooFßones U ITt roa ms, climate at one mile below McKeesport, and near to asithumi s tat i on , for sale on easy terms by toga B. CUTHBERT BON, 61 Market at. 15 WORTH OF MUSIC FOR TWEN TY-FIVE GENTS—THE GENTLE ANNIE MELODIST.—This little work contains all the words and Mimic of the nsw and popalu airs of the day. The selec• tion hu been rnade_with grest care, airing only thn., 3 song , which are good and popular. All the beat songs of 8. 0. Foster, are embraced in this collection. A largo supply nut received, and for sale at the Biagio store of 1018 JOHN 11..1SIELLOR. 81 Wood et reet. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS—Just received from the fecterY , • large assortment of all widths sal new styles, for sale wholesale and retail, by J. IL PHILLIPP, 28 and 28 Bt. Clair street. FOR SALE.-24 Acres of first-class Garden Lend, situate seven milFI from the city. Improve ments good-.4trte orchard, excellent water, limestone and coal in great isbi:Liolu/ce. Will be sold low and on easy terms.. Agply to JAMES C. RICHEY, se2o Eftl Estate and Bill Broker, No. 85 Fifth street. n u fe rentp On( C j RA tr SH- ed s a o n o o fo y ndps yo f gdif- J. k R. 1P.,1,128, 28 dud 2d Bt. Glair strobe:. INSERTINGS, ETC EENTUCIKY JEANS, TWEEDS, SATINETTS, LOCAL AFFAIRS. • _ - The Weather.—The following is the range of the thermometer and barometer, as kept by George E. Sha,w, optic:an, Fifth street, yesterday: TELIMIONEVIR. In Sun. In ahade. 9 A. M 94° 70e 12 M 90° goo 8 P. M. goo Barometer, 29 4.10. The Birmingham Encampment. This encampment is now in progress, having been regularly opened yesterday morning, a number of companies having arrived on Monday night. The number of companies in attendance is eleven, num bering three hundred and fifty men. We copy the following list from the Chronicle of yesterday:— The Washington Infantry, Pittsburgh, Col. Rowley, thirty two men. The Pennsylvania Infantry, East Liberty, thirty five men. The Jefferson Cavalry, Jefferson township, Col. Hiram Haltz. The Independent Blues, Pittsburgh, Capt. Alex. Hay, thirty men. The National Guards, Birmingham, Capt. Dine roth, thirty men. The Montgomery Guards, Birmingham, Capt. Gul liver, thirty men. The Monongahela Artillery, Monongahela city, Capt. Cooper, forty-eight men. The' Union Artillery, Lower St. Clair township, Capt. Large, thirty mon. The Pennsylvania Blues, St. Clair ,o isrhip, Capt. Espey, twenty seven men. The Allegheny Rifles, Allegheny, Capt. Hardt mayer, thirty-five mon. The Turtle Creek Guards, Turtle Creek, Capt. M'Maetere, thirty men. The tents, which are the same as those used at the Ciriiliamsport encampment, are about one hundred and fifty in number, and will accommodate all the military expected to be in attendance. The Scott Legion join the encampment today, and wo under-. stand that the whole encampment contemplate tura ing opt on parade to. day or to-morrow. Strict military discipline is enforced hero, a speci men of which. was exhibited en Monday night. There is a law making it an offense to sell liquor or boar in any unlicensed house within a mile of a mil itary encampment. A number of lager beer eellera had pitched their touts in the vicinity of the camp ground, and a detachment was turned out by the offteers, who arrested some twenty-four of them and conveyed them under guard to the lock-up. Here they were kept till yesterday morning, when some were bold to bail for trial at Court and others dia. charged. Another man having struck a guard, ho was forth with court martialed, kept till morning, and then sent to jail. It is rumored that the encampment will break up on Friday morning, ending in a sham battle, but we cannot vouch for the accuracy of the latter. Annual Target Excursion The annual target excusion, at which the different volunteer companies will contend for a medal, com memorating tho raising of the siege of Puebla, on the 6th of October, will take place at East Lib erty, on the anniversary of that memorable