VOLUME XVI. PITTSBURGH MORNING POST. Pried and rublaha every 9110113if18, .Mndays ezzepted) LW JAMES P. BALM, rarcsantli-STS? Onattalt 01 WOOD AND MTh Marla, TERMS.—five reellars a year, payable strictly In advance Biz Dollars 'availably required if not paid within the year. Sr Nagle copies, Two Csne—for sale at the oonnter in he 9iflos and by the News Boys. BATES OF ADVERTISING. • I .l7trice . l c reicl tz : o . .1n TM? fan isailt. ID atly.l One 00 60 75 Three insertions... 100 100 One 1 75 . ' Two weeks .... . . --,... 000 200 Ibu i 0.) 76 Three weed........_400 2 0.5 2Ou 1 '), 100 One month.. 600- 8 06 60 lal 1 6 Two montiac 700 435 t,O •2 35 260 Three months 900 6 001 450 000 000 sour m0uth5.......... 10 00 665 6Ou 030 460 Five months 1.1 00 7Lb 6GO 365 660 Ex months ...... 12 00 800 800 400 050 Nine manthel-----, IS 00 10 2.5 Bon E. 85 900 One ...... - . 20 00 13 fib 10 00 obe 12 00 Sanding Card, six linos or lees, per annum 10 00 Cl3lllfGLlaill AV 1111,913 34 3: One square, per annum, tome advt. of the paper,) 21 00 Marriage notices, 60 cents ;Death notices, 25 cents. PITTSBURGH SATURDAY POST A MAMMOTH WEERLIf. ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YEIR, AN CLUBS OF TEN. Slagle Subscriptions, - p.r CONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS OF THE DAY, Political, Literary, Agricultural, Commer Cal, Local, Telegraphic and Miscellaneous. This Paper being of the tar-arcs. Mil, and neatly prints on fine white papir, in large, clear type, will Co found by the subscriber to give better satisfaction than any paper published in Pittsburgh. Those who wish to take a paper from Pittsburgh, will fled she SATUELDAY POST s safe and profitable Investment. Addroas, J AIMS P. B AHR, sepl7 Editor and Pror. Haar. P. SLIM D. A. Mlles & 411.1[ERS 3 BOOK AND JOB OFFICE , POST Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBI I THE undersigned having mado exiensive .i. additions of the LATEST AND lIANDECibiEnT STYLE P TYPE . , and improved Macbinary, to the MORNING POST JOB OFFICE, invite thu a ttention of Rail Road Officer Merchants, business moo, and the public generally, to their upericrr facilities for t>secriting with dispatch, on reasonable erms, all kinds of RAIL R.OAID, MERCANTILE, ILE G A L , AND HMV OTHER DESCRIPTION. OF PLAIN &FANCY PRINTING: alar•Our mater "-a l being nearly all new, we can give assn• mice of the most complete satisfaction, and solicit orders Of BOOKS, PA6.'THLE2S, BAIL ROAD BELLS AND CARDS, BANK CHECKS, BLANK NOTES, LiMER HEADS, BILL HEADS, BILLS LADING, CHICULARS, BTJELNESS CARDS, PAPER BOOKS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, BONDS, Ao. .IF2r• Particular attention will also be paid to the printing Of Posters, Pregnancies, &c. for Concerts, Exhibitions and Tdrcued , . BARR MYERS. BUSINESS CARDS. The People's Shoe Store. D. S. DIEFFENBACHER &CO ') Uncap Cash Dealers in all kinds of Fashionable BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITER S , Far For Gentlemen, Ladies, Youths and Children, Zfo. IT Fifth Street, near Market, oc S PITTSBURGH, PA. j. O. P0.1.1:11 ......... SUMMON S. A. 300.1005 PERRIN & JOHNSON, Proprietors of Childs A Co.'s Patent Elastic Fire and Water Proof Cement. Hoofing. 133 THIRD STMHZT. ORDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith fully execatod, and all our work warranted. Roofing materialalways on head, and for tale, with di rections for. use. _ sepZ.ly JOS. F. HAMILTON din op., ENGINEERS AND imitatiam.sTs, tßnur of Fire( and Likrty rid:, Pittsburgh, Pa. QUPERIOR. STEAM ENGINES. for Grist and Saw Mills, Breweries, Printing Eatablishments, Manufactories, Ix., made to order. They alSdicontlnue the manufacture of their Oclebratad Machinists' Tools, such as, Turning Lathes, Iron Pianere, Boring and Drilling Machina; j to. Also, Wrought Iron Shafting, with Pulleys, Hangers Fen. to. Jafhlyd Sans „aolonsv summon— ..... a. sum-La . JOHN THOMPSON Si. CO., HOUSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND DRAINERS, No. 135 Third street. SIGN PAINT ING executed with noatneas and despatch. Mixed Paints, Oils, Tm-pentine r Varnish, Japan and English Patent Dry ers, Ville Montaigne Week. a very s'aperior article; Phila delphia and Pittsburgh White Lead always on hand and for sale. We aro prepared to grind - colors for Painters, Drug gists, or others, at the shortest notice, as we have a Mill which grinds by steam Painters will save money by get ting their colors ground with us. 1lor 6 : 1 Y j • GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, /kW MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. HYDROMETERS - _ or 'weighing spirits, the cheapest and best articles ever brought to this city. TWEItIidOSEETEIRS AND liA.ROlifiETUltli, varying in price from $6 to $3O each. POCKET COMPASSES, AND SURVEYOR'S COMPASSES, 'ways on hand at G. R. SHAVE, irVactical Optician, se23 oppotte hraeonlo Hall. B. C. & J. EL SAWYER, ICLITUTLOTVIIIEHEI OP LARD OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS No. 967 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 - 11S.SOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- 1.; The firm of HAWORTH BRO. A BROWNLEE was, on the Bd of May, HA dissolved by mutual coueoot, by the withdrawal of JEHIF HAWORTH from the above firm. The accounts of the late firm will be mettled by HAWORTH & BROWNLEE. iar arm ILiWORTH, In withdrawing from tho above Ina, kindly thanks his former patrons andalso tho patrons of the late Arm, for the very liberal patronage he has re. wired, and would kindly recommend them to his ancrsuora, HAWORTH. & BROWNLEE, as they are determined to cal at lovifigures, having a very large aaaortment of 0112 AP GROCLERLE9, WINES and LIQUORS on hand. _ JEIII3 HAWORTH. WT - DATED - ILAWORTEI and JAILER BROWNLEE have this day associated together, and will continue on the business at the OLD STAND, corner of Diamond and Dia mond alipp, under the style of lIAWORTH A BBOWNLKE, where they hope to receive that patronage so libarall given to the old firm, as they are determined to sell °NEAP= than any other Store in the dry. myl3 Office of Sealer of Weights and Itleaugures. - THE OFFICE OP THE UNDERSIGNED, MAL= OF WEIGHTS AND REASV:I2HS, r •• afay heiiiin&heneerorth, in CJhorry allay; , :botyroeg,Tkip...l andlithlstreets; where orders may be left. - GILLUM:3 BAILNEM. Av.; S rece . received, andlOr S ita E . Bale thCl Steel o Stationery t JeV3 Nos. 31, 83 and 85 hiark(4, street. THE FII,ASKIAN ALMANAC FOR 1859. well-kruratu and /*pillar annual, formerly pub.. ,abed by Johnston it. Stockton, after a lapse of years, will gaitishartly be Issued. The circulations as formuly +43 • mode by tae skillful mathematician, Sanford 0. Hilt aq.,litto will also prepare for its pages such reading mat: ter ss,Willinalre it an entertaining and instructive maga.: Ans.' Baldest the reliable astronautical calculations, a new -,ad Inge:dais table of time, an accurate method of drawing teridian linos, and other matte= of permanent Talus will to addod, Orders of iroolosellers and other dealers, are solicited in Irmo publimititra, as but one edition - will be al orders will be filled accordhag to priority. ' t.— - G. JOHNSTON S. 00., t ablisbers, Printerl, Stationers, and Blank Book Make_ bT Wood street, Pittsburgh. J 622 .1 blab. Choice stjerfine_for' sal et niXTRIt. " r " . " -by Cromer tin•S'Pliiit • 49_311,5. triksidAo4 - \ . ... . .., • . ..,.. • u'i .„ ~. / _ , , 3.,;, • . . _ ... • .... 1, - A . • , ,t , . m..., •. , • 1 '-•• A 3 2 .ti _., . g •. , • f • • I 1. ., / •/, ••• • 1 • . , .• . 4 f . . .. . aro. • a •• . • 1 ........, PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT Da gi POST BUILDINGS," cioRNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER*ANNUM! INSURANCE REPORT . OF, THE'CONDITION OF THE FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, At ATSENS, BRA.DPORD 001INTY, PA. Jan. 1, 1658, as presented to the Stockholders, and .mado out lu earuplieulee with the State lava of New York, Ohio, Indlana,llllnots, La. The name otthe:Compauy litho FARMERS' UNION TN SIIItANOE -00M.PANY, located at AthEna, a On:L:1 et t.,1 April 13 , 1868, by the Legiilattire Pcnnsyt‘ Gum ter Perpetual. : - Oa& Eapitel, ahich 19 all p. 51.1 np borplus in additl3n thereto - LOSLV Fifty-four 80143110 , 1 Afortgagm, ,et eli and SOTen COLA; aznonntiog ip tbs. aggrsgste_ Which Mori gaisa are or value.. hie and productivn real estate, principally farms, r4.orded and first limit, truth genersillydouLlo the amountand more than mort gaged fur In each case, and, in no case lees than fifty 'l - 1 0, cent. more, exclissive of farm buildings, and so cortlfiud by the "Recorders, aflame recorded, to the and tors of the States of Ohio and 'lllinois. Nineteen six 10, cunt. Bonds amply • 47,645 00 secured Osa• b on hand and in Bask., '6,441) 12 Clash in handi of. Agents, and in course of trim Li tainsiao, etecured by bonds with anretieei: 18,7131 Due on losses re-iiisnredi: Ac 7,325 51 Billi receivable ' via: promissory notes payable at bank and to the Interest accrued, (principally (lire January 1,1858 ; )_ 1 ID 46 Safe and °Mrs Fixtures and Ftont tare - ixopuz ion sal ma 1857. Amount of Premiums re:tived during We year 85,231 30 Am't intnresi, roceived daring the year 11,442 0 Am ' t recoived from all other snarce.s 2,480 00 uextcntrt au. Itxponses for the year, including commits - 11ns, salaries, teats, rein truranea, printing, advertising, taxes, and all other expenses $ 18,109 613 Dividends paid duririg the yoar 17,000 00 Losses paid, which occurred prior to December 31, 1858 Losses paid which occurred during the year 46,5 in 54 Losses adjusted and not due (since paid) $ 12,1300 99 Losses incurred and In procoss of adjustment Lasses reported, on whicli no action has boen taken Losses restlited, on ground of 11184r sure after fire, property transfer red before loss, property iota not covered by the Pettey, &c P 2,150 00 $ 38,307 On Whole anion .4 of risks. taken (haring the year-$5,429,04 00 Whole amount of risk at data 4,561,440 oo STATS OT PESNSELVAtiId, COUNTS OP.EILADPOIII4 St. 0. N. Shipman, President, and 61. K. Canfield, Secretary of the Farmers' Onion Insurance Company, being severally duly sworn, depose and say, and each for hie. aelf says, that the foregoing is o true, fall and correct •statement of the affairs of said coponatiou, 8114 that they are the above do scribed oilicers thereof. 43.. li. SIIIP iN, Proildeat. J. E. OANFIELD, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn before Ma, this' 2,5 th day of Janu ary, 18.55, IL. 0. BAilltb, Justice of the Perizc. T. J. ripsTElt, Agent, No. ID water sireei, Pittsburgh. FIRE INSURANCE, BY Tlrg flellauce Mutual Ingurauce Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. OH BUILDIHQS, LIN/TZT ) OR PERPETUAL, LIERCUAN DIRE, VURNITURE, ,Ia TOWN OIL OOUHTIIY °Mee, Co. 306 Waluirt, 'etresq.. CAPITAL, 11171,026 Invested - as follows, viz : Firer. Mortgage. on Improved City Property, worth double tne ituionnt tl`lii,..loo 00 Pennsylvania Itailiond Co.'s 6 per cent. Abattlago Loan, t,30,000 omt 25,5,10 00 Allegheny County 6 per rent. Peen'a 11.11. Loan. 10,000 (..0 'Pennaylvenis Railroad Co.'s Stork 4,000 GO Stock of the Itolianua Sfututil insurance tio 10,1fi0 00 Suck of Count,' Fire Itimirsura Co . 1,050 Co Scrip of Sundry Imuninra Companies... ........ .... 475 00 Bilis Itui.,n - iirs , le, linsinesa piper 62,711 60 Book Aore.unSa, accrued interest, et..... 1,3:10 10 Cash on Lund and 1u Bank 14 + 013 Sc) Clem Tingle:s, William II: Thompson, David S. Brown, Cornelius Stevenson, John B. Worrell, H. L. Careen, RobertTcland, Moses Johnson, Merles S. Wood, James S. Woodward, mr3"' J. AR mr3 North-inlet ode MERORANTS" INSITAANCE COMPANI, Of WM. V. PITTIIT, Petr:Lbenf 11. - 3 ,3f'&111 , /, .S . /c^,rfry Amount cf Capital Etc: - .1 raid ir, nud SZ3O.Oif.JI.I"J E 349.41-4 1n.1,• a Carg. P.isLuLio, 41.1 I.llAtis.appl trttAitti.lvi. Ibuiat , i ugain.t. 4.1 JamAltriby N.. ••, agritlht thn Pali', 0 1 tho tiild I übtl,ll Nnvigati..l ;Inirtrangrwrintion. 0te..5et0n.4... Wm. V. Pott.tt, J. C. Itta.ti,ontwy, .Iylw. M. P.o3i •3 D. J. '.1ic.13P. , 0, E .P..Witmor, 3‘ , . 11. , litlitlojk, B. L WoGlgtoti, J.:tm: A. MarAiall, CiLio Ti ii: I'. . Joh'. J. I'd ttk.:4suo, .E.lworptl 'PI 1?: 3 0, , ,. '4WP1.iirr....51 3 WILLIAM. V. PliT'W. i'rtulent E. P. WITTIER., ViciPre:idAt:. D. J. MoCANN, Le' rrdm-y. 411./th)9(.04:: In -..rilmielp74a: Btejimoitr., Jmitleo & Co., Buck, !Aargau & Nildloto, Isamr4,CaldNiell fr. Co. NO. 9T WATifir Vrusgr. W. POINDEXTER, &knit. In Phaule Edger, Lamb & Co., 'l'rnitt, Bro. a Co., A. T. Lane & Co., PITTSBURGII OPPICE, a. 9 WEST BRANCO MUTUAL INSURANCE COMP ANV .- • I LOCK lIAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY. CRARTSUED EY THE LEGISLATURE or PERHSTLVAIiII. Oath (14. -- ..b.a... ...... $300,040 I Prouitaii .Y0fAL..5182, 3-13 . Frill:3 COMPANY WILL INSURE ON .A. Bonding's, Merchandise, Fortutura, ,iii• ,In town ti toiletry. Lien. :filo. J Pearce, II:n.. z O. ° J. ° lll g e,r B: vey, !Charles A. Mayor, John B.Win, Charles Grist, I Pe Dickinson, i w T. T. Abrams, B. IL. Jackman, W. White, Thomas Kitchen. HON. G. 0. HARVEY, President. T. T. A eis too, Vice President.. Taos. HITCHER, Secretary. asSitanitoss: Samuel EL Lloyd, ' Dr. J. S. Crawford, A. A. Winegarduer, John W. Mainutd, 4. Clinlegrtitri L. A. Mackey, non. B.Cameron, James Armstrong, A. White, Thos. Bowmen D.D, William Fearon, James Quiggle, Wm. Vanderbelt, Hon. Win. Bigler, OFYIaIi—NO. CZ FIFTH tIiTILF,ET, PITTSBURGH. de2liti J. A. LIPPFJ.I.T, Agent. rrillE FRANKLIN, FIRE INSIJItANC: ji. COMPANY, OF PIILUDELPILIA. Innamasz—Charles W. Dandier, Thomas Hart, Toblea s . Wagner,Samuel °Mut, .11kob It. Smith, Geo. W. Richards, Mordecai' D. Lewis, Adolph, E. Boris,' lisvidli: Browne, tier ris Patterson. • • Cals. H. Esitexts, President. Cass. G. Bateoun, Secretary. Continuo to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property, in town and country, at rates as low as are coa.tatand with secarity. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund,' Ihich,with their capital and ptiitiiititnii, safely layseNd, af ford ample protection ter the assured. The Assets of the Company, on January let., 1.8,61, as pub. Wiled agreeably to an. Act of Assembly, were ail Mows, via: klortoge , ......$918,128 88 Ilea r.nao ... 114,5T1 78 Temporary Loans.. 83,98 d 11' Stocks -12 Clash, /to-- —.. 64X8 al -- Total —41412,703 44 Eir.oe their incorporation, a period of twenty-one years, they have paid upward of C oo 7 /44/11013 Four Hundred Thad. sand Doliars , l 063013 by fire, thereby Faarc4i3 evidence of the advantages of insurance, as well as the dairy and dtapasition to moot with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDENER COFFIN, Agent, Calm, north-out cot: Wood and Third sta. VirESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OP PITTIOUItfIK GORGE DARSFE, Iresident; N. Goanos, Secretary. 017.11311 No. Ira Water street, (Bpang C Oo'a.Warehonse,) up stairs, Pittahnrghwill. Ware &Pima lands of t 1111 and MARIN - La/BNa A Home Institution, managed by Directors who are well known. in the community,. and who are det,qmined, by Fomptneee and liberality, to maintain the character whirl they have asamaids zz4 offering the beat protection, to those who desire to be Mewed. ASB.IOB, OCTOBER 81341857. Btoek Acemmta, •••••• 8 12 4 000 00 2,160 00 iltga Recelvaide,4,l6l 67 Open Accs.-nnite,. 9,478 ,04, Premium'' '''''' 44:4249 159 """' 32:8003 George Dania, J. W. "sutler, Jainea Anleg, Axiclrew Ackley, Nathaniel Hohnes, D. IL Long; • • iiN.-5000 be Country Benoit, for ma , esta TX, 15, int= 99, 1,455 Ul 8.216 82 $ 253,455 61 $00,154 sn $9u,43, SG AssE7s, tassa,46s au 12n246:. S) I.EN I'l - Batnupll.4ln, Robert Steen, William lUneta.r. Benjamin W. Tingle;, Marano.ll Z. bottkfi.p. Chtiries Leland, Jacob T..Buninag, Smi;ll Bowen, Wm. M. Semple, r•itn:Vg 13INVEIMAN, eer. Lary. DlNEa°Fiat!, Ap7at, ii - et Third and Wood tit. cwt., $317,641 78 Dasoscatii Georg() JaCg 3 C , D. Max. . WmS'night, ' Alsrander ry;. P I a"TSBURGII. WEDNES DAY, SEPTEMBE it 22. 1858, INSURANCE. PITTSBIIIIOII LIFE. FIRE AND .MARINI4I INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 96 WATER STREET, PITTSBOIIIIII, PA. ROBllla GALWAY, Prlslidui.t. ••• .AUX.,11n150:7, VI.. F Oerraary. Lit k ktri,stery I C.R.1,,11..';, .•,(1 Cr g - ,,giggm.tpd FE AL;o, agano.4 ItULL ASI.) eAIL(i• 113 ;/AO i ' ;l•l6J and Miselasippi .ILI yore and Exibutai kft f rti I? iS !. generally. Aud against L4AI3 mnl Damage bi 0.,1 Phrilli of the our .111 d 11.1LIUd 41g30011 •' Pollele3 at the I.) (3kJe a n 1.11.• wi th ..`. t tll partial. DM/AC.IOSM. 1-:,,tiort thal way, 6auluol at'lliai knit J,:set,b P. 1iaz?..,,1, M. D., John : , - , tt, . .I,unoi SlurAhull, David lli• t•e , y, , J limes W. Hailninn, Marie, Arbuthnot, ' 411aranth,r . RE.adley, Josapb,S. LaL4,ll, Jolut K 9.110110,1, N. F. Bart, - DdVld 11. Chant:ors, Robert IL Hanky, " William Carr, Jon. Magill. u+ - :,6 CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPAN V OP PITTSBURGH WILLIAM BAG ALbl Y, rtoslditht. k i ~. IiAIIUD L L T. MAW: 2LL, fickTvfary. :OFFICE: Ilt Water st t, between Ms 71,1 and flo tlr.efe Akilt-Ingaree MILL D OATDIO !mina, 0u tho ohl, and bilmiildatppl Rivera aniii i tribatatica. lusuro4 bghlust Loss or smogs Ity VDU. Also, against the Perils of the ilea sad lulsod flastgatiou and Transportation. OFIIMIGTORO Capt. hinrk Starling, Samuel M. Ehn• ' John S. Dilsvoi lh. Prxnclo 1461 iv* 4, William IS. lir,' a. John Shipt,,u, WMGEtr H. Y t, !PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, William Ragalay, tiorpnel Rea, jeatlNl M. tooon.)r, Janie" Park, Jr., Isaac M. Pennock. lipringar liarbaugh, Capt. Samuel C. Young John Caldwell. Pio. 149 Cheeutut Street, Opp:mito the (holtottt JI otie.o. TAT ILL MAKE ALL KtNL)S (It' 1N:74)- It A NCI:, elthor Porpotuol Or 1A1110164, ou tirnitipti.al of Proporty or fttorchoodido, at rourwoublo 1,1,1 of 1,1,.10,..c.1 itnrEwp r is iNa, Nl_ W. BA LD WIN, Ite P.rt,:il4l,all. le aty En;4112411,- tl. PtiVety L: :Shea ruo u , Juit4 Jli t i J Ning,ll Y. PLAAJS.76I.IIII, SP.crotary. J. ce. uorei N. Al4OO. ilornur.Thlrd tkwi Vt'uo,t ntr,oo HOTELS & REBTMJEANTB rtr At 'EWER ILIOUSE, BLAIRSVILLR, INDIANA COUNTY, PA , COL. ROBT. EVANS, Proprietor, HAVING, PURCLI4SED THIS HOUSE, from its former Promi,d,r, 15 U filar ker, gsq , and refitted it, I am new prepared to receive and i•comatodate vitttnra. TLIo rooms are !alga and miry, and roll furtdahod. A good tublo alwaye provided. cc,nu,,t'ou with the Ilnude, tbrre 1 , 1 941 ,, a gia..l f leery StEible• TertLa mLd3rata. C.OI, h ~ rAN, se :Iy P rt.!, 'ter. _ TID Sr o SI 1p . L LIAM C. 04 LL 4(1111 7 :74, PROPRIETOR, Afth &red, Nest ik.or to Or Pittatotrith lheatre The bona: , b new, built oapeclally for the ptirl,nr;LA of a First Olney Etettaurttut and Saloo.i, and the pr, pm hav tqqg hod yval n i eq.p...16 ,, e1 In t.1;,3 Luatna.da aitf ked,, ngtantiv on hand tatl host that the' tnarketa Winea,lAquers and tier, an., of the boat Quality. Ile uant,i all b1..4 old triouda tte public: generally to give Lire a nail at the lympralitirn. Etlßtatattalt, 1-4 4, .% N 3. I t wooD Street, s. .*" . d . Wv Pet TSBITEIei Ps., JAIIi3IE4 6Tilft, Proprietoe AKE AN!) EAHTEI:N NISEI Wldtintoilo and Rotald at the Inattikt matt price Lang • Farplin4 of MOioTta. ai'd 8.1.4 , Po' roc:rived daily. Aid., flow York l'ituco's hay hor, Shell uyatora, tho fir! oval Nit? Ei , rd , AOKI - toy or tit. itetrion cdnttaintly oil hand. and gorvt,l up In the nivel palatable. styli.. WWt forgot the FAcolaior hot.- turant, No. 111 Wood etie. t. erg SCO r irr IiOU E Claimer IrtOn Strt tt mud Outi ttesue Wa v, I' A B. D. M ,IIULEII, - (ronAorly inn ..151aticar RE SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW CUM PLETIM Mn) OP.KN FOR till It is ,icciata•l In a mitred part of tLe city,b,iug cou voo tau: t, all Drast , : a!ic! r,u,,m1.01.12 Landin t , ri,Al2O bat in ) , St`, With all II1 , 11. • ra cud fitted up In .Ipt,tidid htylc--the Furnitura loins —and will ill ~v.r ty rexp.. tLo a Oral tan 1101..1. I , lln , ar, n!rnt 1..•,1 to tin t rtau,a. a 11 : 1 .'•) iIFST4,4 13? El.( Y.Oilt4G, . . . ~,.....,._ „.... ,itt.t.s,ltioa of N1,..1 - cliakil l : 4 -. c,;,,, 4, 52 . C•" " ; ,.. '-24; 4 .-'," ...1..a.61, i, a.,,,t,..1 L, tbiq go ' 414) r...hril. 1 hlllOl. 1., 'Atli( 1$ Liar i, .I,t. • -t.j..,, I:: t•.l - - --, tit• , J i.. ; •. •• r 61 , 111nri!4os: :',1!1jl'Al;!7• ! ' IL': (I.`;ti ii 4 )1,151,1 I . A l; E. , Tlt Ai. 1,:4;1 1 '1 , , i; , C';oi...i; l i;:il,ll•4l.,Wilt.e .1.•, , , ,, i..!. 1.,“,011b•fi 101.0 ,1 ...,• CI II tt.• : 7 . :10,...: I.:, I• ~- 1 /11,..! l.• it ti 1; ATINii :l'llLtlt 11 , 4 ~,. ifi ir.:,..y, 1,1 t:,c,i..t, ..1 LW:: 1i,..:1e it W.' i11:"1.. , ,L +.“,,rtia. _ll ,1,4%.1.Vd _ _ THE NATiONAL SALOON, tludar N'a►tctc a dew Ne.tlonal I' ! D. BARNARD, - - - l'itorruivrou, H.AS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and c.ou.durtabli: sty le, the la, ga metre store ill the Opp FbILLOWS HALT - , Fifth t, fig a FIRST HIitiTaHRANT and Sa LOvt.l. ii.ivittg 'IBA many yr., a' 4perience in the husin4s, he la prepared totrupply the Is!,st the murhk. affords. llu Bar will be fttruiAted at all 1.1111 , 5 with tire best Wineß, Lignors and Ales The entrance LI the tt'.aloun t is in the Gantt, of the Hall, and refreshments will be faralshed a all DAy and NI4IIIT (Stitidar: excepted.) ly WASOINOTON PENNA AVENUE 4. THIRD ST., w Asti!. Nwrom, 4. F. 13 F. 17„E RINE H. W. KANAGA T . . 11 , Oppoalte the Pomom, -11.1troad Depot, HARRISBURG; .PA. l jolt, WASHINGTON HOTOL, FOR&EIMLY 11. H. ROTRL, PITTSBURGH, PA. JAMES SHAIINOII, Proprietor. ALIAS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE corner of PENN and WASTITNOTON Straeta, between tlto °UNARM , AND.WI4STRItti RAU:ROAD DEPOTS . , ttnd tin,urgo.o a therotigb tmprevethent, reieedeted and .farnt4hod with new furniture, and i 3 now tho moot conve nient Liotol in Pittaburgh,:for Travelers by Railroad, End 1113,8:1y Vr AN BIONIC° Cr RE, KMORGE AIIRENTZ, ..D112,' ;PauTageg .No„ $44 . Liberty street, Just beside the Passenger Depot al the Pormaylvanla Railroad, which makes tt most convenient Unita in thn Lily for p usoli gors ving by that road. Was.. proprietor Lavin^ at ransideiaLie iittisi op, ezeUltiot MIS; thir MAI:MN 11011811, would respect rally solicit a share of pablic patrona.o. There is attached a splendid BTAIILE and extensive WAGON YARD, afford ing ample accommodation to- travelers and teamsters. lila Larder and Bar will be furnished with the twat the marbet Call afford. febl:y GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. A. INT'PABLEMI. MERCHANT TAILOR, t7ornar o ; Fo ß ya ! It 4 Snalthpfld Streets, RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT he has received his Spring Assertto6ut of GIOIMEMRN I S DRESS GOODS, Of the newest styles, heat quality and moat elegant desci in tints, which he is prepared to manufacture to order in the LATEST FASHIONS, And with inch a charactki of workmanship, as cannot fail to satisfy and please thamoat fastidious tastes, 1at319 LipplilCOtt, Shorten & 11 - /arson, 1;f0. 164 WOOD fiTIMET, NEAR 1115'111. MANITFACTURERS OF TRUNKS, Va iM- "liceff; at and }forma Bout', Lattice Traveling Trunks, Carpet Ilags, &a, keep constantly VII hand. a largo stock. We are 'prepared to do a wholeeale trade, and hat. tag L ficliittes to turuont good dock at reduced prim, we Tepid Invite the trade to tall and erantinn .car good. ha. Go••••••rlsaalur ' WINDSOR SIIADES:—gIoId bordered, plain and Cantu. Also, shade Trimmings, An., always naliand at and for sale cheap by J. & IL PHILLIPS, 23-and %% Pt_ Olklr etriuf BILL A.ND 13OLL.KOTION • BOOKS-A large assortment always on hand, or made to order. , ba A Corner Market and Second streets. VERN of 238 - abies; near Econoniyi'fer gab bs & OUTIIBELT I BON; lisateSitnig, N. N. Corm, o ,, Orgti IV. P Rft PG It tt r^.c%r7rF.~.:r s^ BOOKS AND STATIONERY POBERT A. LOOMIS, -MAO (:.iti,:ceelsor to B. T. C. Alorgan,) 14TA9'ION MR AND DP.A LIM IN HOWL'S, P ratiODIdALFI AND NICIV:i l'A 1.1 0 41-1,; No. 11 Hir.o I, ritlnlait,tio, I !el— f, 111) , (,Nrwi i p-.1 '•!;ei•lrd rAw rL .11Nt 4 1. 1, ; J. \ - 111 I I k ME MI I I=IIIE U. )01friSTUNec( r TB IN Elt, 13110ik 11; L 1. •L. I'I4IUA, N. 57 ! „!•:.•c, Tw i d wtel 'POBACCO AND SIiTAA.RS:: • t. VIT D. RINIIIART, VV roliaccti, t,NITVIP AND CIGARS. Safely and Economy lu Light. Will' WILL YOU BURN l OANTII.E.NE AND FLUID, whoa you ran get ' r, ohesper and bet ter livLi K.• . roser,e 0,1, nettle iron' the gas of Cannel Coal, pr..slnees the ebeapeat, most brtllladt, ataady, pleasant sadßM. portable light cver offered to the publl4, mid no daugor of explosion ; mo 0 in infant that gas; and .quits as chAap; Lamps of the ne...st Ample manitgoll cou strotrtlon. tr or .100 by T. D. ti 0.11()IniINS01% No. 7il • 11-1_ I oof a anuter:eit the market, iuude Icran Canitdieur, ,vali a little lit tJ aera t It. It -1'11:1y COOK ING BY GAS. A NVQII. - D 'l'o THE :LADIES. li HEATED TERM IiAPPROAGII• Nsl tho Po I ii a fact that, COOKING, IRONING, E'l'(., Can ho with eCOlla , lll7, Witholl l .11 A 411- ./tat, Watt tioaritch--itia Ito Al, :1)1 rani: 1, iu tieing usgray.f.'n Gne U 0061,614 To which we regpectfully invite your uti.vot. .1 ui. NU, 76 Smithilr , l4l street. S. A ))11'.45..• 4 .4 BEiO. Con.ty (llty Right fir Halt, 41(111ES' NYVO.IOI tC ONE . N C T 1 , NC TI 00„ C u NINUT 1 , ‘: TIUN,CON - , U. r; • 'l' N , C u N T 'I u N (' tJ N N N U r IN,CN V V. I U uNN F. t; r N,c ONE.' NO 'l' 13 N 00T I 0 N Thu m ostpluasant, kart, .y now 100, Lreparea sad sold, wholosalo uud I,y ANGELL A lIA FT, • Wr. Wood and Rix uteri Pitt:A:nigh Pa , Led cold by Brecasin ha/ L!T. CIIARI.EB LIVERY Ail L I) Thu naders!z;r:,,,l 1,4,1 Ito (~ at,k.vo Stshirs gather pith a portion 01 the ext.en-i4: - .; Bice stot.k of Horses arid late the property of James 'Mathews, tidraron to the stusit lbs!'.lt7;;;;Jr:VonoKi ha has tilde added a 1311110 , 11 r of S'LNE riGriliCit, BU GGIES A ND OAILICIAG.E.I, which were formerly er.,ploye.l tit hie Livery &s hies In Third, below ViooJ atreot. As he given his personal s ;ton tlon to the brie a continuance of the patronage %% Well he has hither' alto.! frau. nnblin e - slicital. .14.0011 O.VaVP E. O s narle;l Livery Steil: s. U. B.—A lir:Attila and easy nisraber of thtitia.tclKH can always be pressured for Stinerale. new rgiuo o EMICAL OLIVE EI:ASIVE SUAR, manufactured -by B. U. & J. It. Sawyer, re ns-elves the preference over all other kinds Oyer oilorrol for family don. Its atlvantages over other Soaps m e cl:os,or to use. nue pound Mmg evall of common E. :in ;seat, the time turd only ho occupied its washing trail :Soap u. d le libieri of other Soap. 33. Labor is washing ran be. nearly dispensed with, as tins clothes will require little Ii any rubbing, thou avoiding iliebr vicar on [tie waslid.sgtrd. 4:11. Conine hard clot toss is'untutresnat whet: kids toot ' and or salt water itnow. ce squally as well Os soft. folio Printent, Machiniuta, Vainti re and others, rind it far superior to other Soups. 1;,- inot'od grease, tar, paint, printers' Ink and dirt cior;r hands, I'4lo rig (t akin colt. eini To avoid Ilto laic.. of rubbllag fhO clothes, and the use of tip, wash-board, the following directions should be followed : For the washing of eight or tau of a family, take ono pound of goap, cot it into shavings, and dissolve insane gallon of hot water; pill the clothes into a tub coritatiluq about D•ti gallons of Wan' water;ruur li lin) diseu sea aiel gtL thc.;cogbiy. 1,.t th'em' ,, Sealt tWenty to thirty minuted, wring oat, raid rinse in warns water enee, cold wader twice. A very dirty wrhithand, or seam, or grease ',pots, Islay require a slight rubbing, but otherwise the iothos will come out cleat, and white, without rubb:ll , boiling. Cold water may be used in phrs nf ragen t ine skip OhnerVe our name on each bar. Fur solo, in any quantity, at our warehouse, No. Si el street, and at nor work e, opposite the hound bongo, Penn e) J, IL SAW'S'U.S.,. a 'l2l Nu. 47 Wood t. , • ,„ t • I • i f 4 v,lO auk • a 0 t. 43 Li; in At rtwila.l nod for MllO M (ALA N MLA N 3 tt , QOy Gorucr !Vooo,aud ntreqt.4. bble. Superfine Flour reebived do by SicCANDLEI3:I, StLA:so b ou, a t . 4 ciftsota, 1 - 4 1 it A 111 u .N 'T It most dosirablo Auj and rL ap vicA;con, nt 11.)%41 , 1 it '2El'lB V. 8, y 1 I•lo 100 Wocil A 1,1 ). A pinue urtielo of No. 1.14ur(1, in . ILA barrd: aad keo, plot received and for dab by AtctlAN.pL9'.Bs, 511i'4,1.01 Zy co., UOrriei of Wood and Wateedreeta. SPIURS- '25 bap; Pinu.nto; 100 " ruin Pepper, jth.ti rezeived and fur tall, g MILI•g A 1:4(.11(; 1 / 1 40N. itai stratt. ..NwARR.! VA LS.-- Wo oro -taking into store, (1.2 i Wood street,) an faitnewt., ateck of Iltic I'upor for jobbing pni,lesta ; also, Lotter, 0.ar,,. 1%0 N: ff ~ , / , [lVt 41 . 9 VS ,irVilt V U r riclty PE,POIIII, a eT9TY a ra.l cLoap as th ey can uc ntnp ot In 'lle Eat 4 where rwholefale or retail, very low rot Cub. • p 2. J.NU.. & CO Mitt; F181,4.—1Y hito Fish, Trout, Salmon, ana cunstaully on baud, a full stock to supply t wnolemato trade, by f myo 11. COLLINS. (111,ANOES.-300 bas. sweet, jug, reoeiyo and for Pala by 11M:7,11pt . .. - . Aiiritateog;. No q g Wad etroet, Opp:site the St. Martini Hotel. 11411.00M5.-10u doz. Extra Corn Brooms ID on hand and for auto by V. 3 J. ii. A. J. LI. HAWYKIL DUSTER TRIMMINOS--Drab and Gray Dnatin- Binding and Tasaola, plat operod at ap43 JOS. ElOtiNh'it, Mirka etrnot. MEW STEEL SPRING IRIS—Of the 1,1 moot Facofol etta7e; up Wand f.t thIRNE'S, - .4:4G , 77 Market street, EED SWEE'r POTATOES.-20 barrels IJi sesd sw.sot. P01111.0(4, roodvod and for sale by J&Mvii A; ITITZRE; I.'o IJar4ft 4;4 ttl?iit We:AL 141014.1,68.--6 bbh. Cuet.qaber Picklea, re ceiyed kind fur gala by JAALES A. 8111730., ta2o Ow nor Altgliat ana First strogta. rft ERFIIMER Y. —L4bin's, Bazin's, AIL Wright's, Glenn's and liarrisOn's Rxtracts for the handkerchief, constantly on hand at Jal Corner DimuoAd and Market et. ItlOF. AND RICE FLOUR; Corn Starch; Silver Gloss Starch ; llecker's Farina; Batter's deceit and Brorua ; Fresh Cocoa Shall Itt,oeivod and for gale at JAYNEke TEA S'I'OR.E, Si Fifth etre.t. liE L L U M COPYING .BOOKS. —These kooky 1)033033 great advantages over any othera; the paper being thick and strong will not tear when wet.' It Wiwi a moat perfect impression and Is convenient torefer to. W heat once in nee their anperlority is apparent.. ardd W. G. 4ciaNirtuei /1-00, Stationers, 67 Wciod st.- - -- $9OO FOR SALE—LA two Wry -brick lonso, of six vomit, well arranged, pared yard, with hydrant, bake oven, emote house, kc. The houee ie In good repair. Fainted and papered. Slttinte_ou &IA Line, Allegheny City. Tonna easy. S. CUTIIIIEBT rt SON, .1Y27 61 Market area. 11! AY STATE APPLE PARING- MA VERY UdEPOL AND SUPERIOR AB• TItILE—By five nuns of th 3 crank, the apple le PARED, CORM) and tit:WED. Patented, Ronlnbar., and lebrnary 17th, 1867, in Europe. For into in any quantity, at No. 94 Wood street, Pitto. lnargh. Please, call and anemias far yaarsolves. - . • 1T2 9 ,13AISIIIIM FAIINIATOOK. ISO° N SIN MONEY—.Notes of all Wis consin Banks, lxynght by - • • aa23 : HENRY EL thALINEI, 25 Wood erect. • NV - 00D STREET - PROPERTY . EtLll.—An undivided third part of. that valuable property, sitnate at the - corner or Sixth and Wood stroets, basing 131:1 feet front on Wood by 430 deep on..dinth street. One-third of the abovo will be sold for $.%000.• One-half, in hand--balanco at one, two and three years. _ 013111BE111' A BON, • - - 151 Market street. YDRAULIC PRESSED' ANDLES...€ 7 - 600 botei Hydrauffo' Preeied 'MOW& Candlea„ made axp e rli for Hammer use, on band and forage by, Cliffi a lV(X) ( b 4 : o 9. thiaA, yariliv&ixrd Dzer.itilq N. 129 WOOD STRSAT PIANOS AND MUSIC SPLENDID NEW STOCK -0B PT \ NOS AND MELODEONS ci-,D FOR Tlll4 FALL TLADE F1:031 'PHU CELEBRATED 'MANUFACTORIES (TICKETING & SUN'S, BOSTON, le AVEN, BAC & 0), and A. IL GALE A 00., New York City. WA") WARD & CROWN, and W. P. NM REtSON, Easton, and ether distingnialeed Piano Forte Malone; all'of which will ho sold at manufacturer's prices, and - warranted. The pre3out stock bas been Relented by the enbacriber per Banally, and every Plano is warranted to be perfect in every particul ir and will be sold at leas prices than have over been offered In this city, PIANOS TO RENT Fine new an 1 eecond hand Pianos to rent at $2, $3, Pend $5 por month. JOHN H. MELLOR, 81 Wood street, sel3 Between Diamond Alloy and Fourth street. AN ELEGANT SEVEN OCTAVE' ROSE- ViuoD PIANO .PORTIN IN P.Y. 011 A - NOE FOR GROOERIEB, OR DRY • (PDODS.—A splendid 7 octavo Piano i entire. , 5 ly new, will be exchanged for Dry licoda or I Gtoceries. The owner having no need for a Piano, is willing to part with it at Eastern cost, and take payment In Dry Goods or eroceries, from good houses. •This Piano may be seen at tholtinsic Store of JOHN H. MELLO% 81 Wood.street. PIANOS! • BITLI. GRAND PIANOS! ; PARLOR GRAND PIANOS 1! A ND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, 2 loom the Maimfactrry of GHIOKERIIVU.Sr. SONS', lioaroa, Just received from the manufactory of Glilckeriny Sous', Boston, the following desirable and elegant stock o their PIANO FORTES Oue Pull Bovoa octave Grand Piano Porto, with superbly carved cast,. Price $BOO One Full seven octave Grand Piano Porte, elegant Rose- - 'wood case. Price 4700 Ono Now Parlor Grand ebVeD, octave Piano, nearly equal In power to a full Grand, and occupying only the • room of an ordinary square• Plano. flica $6OO SQUABS PIANOS! Two full carved itO3I3WOOd, .1401113, XlVth, seven ,etaves, with carved Doak and Feet work. Two Rosewood seven octave—Clifford style. Two Itooewood, carved mouldings, seven octave. Four itosowood, plain found corners, seven octave. Three Walnut, plain round front corners, coven stews. Four •• 14 14 64 4 1 6 6 1 1 Pour Rosewood " All of Ma above WO of their NNW SCALE, and with full 11 , 41 411 1 attr, and their new Patent Action. ':. , Lest, Instruments have been finished specially for the sabsciiber, and will be werranied to purchasers. For sato ut their reduced priciA. JtaiN R. 111iLLUR, No 81 Wood street, Stile itgeut fur °bickering A Boas'. ALDERMEN. CILIIILE i S W LI %%fly, lib' ELWIN And Lx•Oilieio Juatioe of the Peace, OFFICE ON THE CORNER, OF WYLIE AND RUTH STRUTS. All business connected with this office will be attended to with promptuosa. Conteiances Of all kinds done with legal accuracy--ouch as Leeda, Mortgages, Donde, Pews's of At tbrneY, kr- Titles to Real 'Estate atainined. 10 the members of the Bar he tenders his servicenasCona rolisioner to toke Depositions to be read to the several Courts of this State, and elsewhere. His office is One of the main Police Stations of the city, and consequently his facilities in orecutine business of that kind are vary dealrolde. I felctly Aldernamils Office. fisAngS 3, lIOON, ALDERMAN, EX.- OVPICIC JUSTICE OP THE PEACE, AND POLICE MAGISTRATE—Office, No. 69 Grant arrest, naorly oppo site tho Court Nome, Pittsburgh, P. Eopssitions, Acknow laigments and Prithates V.,:kott; the Records examined, Weds, Bonds, Mort.pt, - es,. Wills,. Leases, Acticlos of Agree ment, a - Ad of Partnership, Lettele of wrney, ego,. cfra'im np at short notice; Marrlagos Sotemnispd, and all Intaiaoaa to the iiva of his official datlea, frumptly attended to. Ina.. Office hours, from 73.$ /. rd. to / and from 2 to 6 elm. apB:ly DERSONS GOING WEST, who desire to purehtwo good farming lands, are informed tbat wo bavo for solo 632 acres of land in Bootle empty, lowa. Also 640 acres of land In FrantiliA coomty, will be sold on easy terms by B. OUTHBEILT 3 SON, 61 Market street. eIORKS FOR PRESERVE 44B I S—An im- Ia theme stock on baud, at the only 00$K MANUA° TORY In the city—No. To Bs*Wield street. !kn. H. OVERINGTON. A' iVVE - tLING HOUSE fin Thipl street jail rat root. S. OVTUBERT & BON, FOR RENT—A three story Dvmlling House on Third atreet—PUld pet d'_ 6 _,E UUTFIBEILT & SON, vain) Rstato AgAuta. 51 Market et. . . LA IterWiN E.— N, 21 cases N. Johnston el Bons ldedoo Olaret . Wine; 10 " " " St. 'Julien Claret Wine 60 0 0.0. St. Julien Claret Wine; in atom and for Idle by MILLItIt 4 igalf4llBlol, ili tay , _ Non. 442 and 223 Liberty *beet CIIEMIOAL OLIVE SOAP.IOOO boxes oheraioal Olive Erosive Soap, on hand end for sale 14- B. O. .t J. 11. HAWYBB.. EACON.-10 casks Country Buoin4 §40131- Jere, Sides and Hama, Jm,t . TF,317:1112: salTy Orr Market antliftret streets. - . casa9 Manilla Indigo, plat re ceived aid for tale by . znylB - ItIOHETSON. DRIED AI'PLES.-5 0 bush. Bright Dried Apples Jot received and for mile bq • - JAS. b. YVIIiER, Cyr .71P-r NtirVat and Forord ars. EMONS---25 Vice just received and for sale 44 by itLYnKt A ANDIIIIPON, 4 , 21 'Naafi Wood street. SKlNS.*Another supply of ‘,/ 01latacds Skins, vury large and flu received by J 013121.1 FLEMIN4, ea Corner and Diwand. 0 LET live Dwellinv UNiceu. 6 4 . arm BRUT 4 ;.SON • 61 Market stroet ITILASKS—A largo atisprtmerit of 'graverAng Flaska, of all slues and vatic:ilea - lust received by • JOdEllia. /Mumma, soe Omni g Diamond and Market *rect. ALARC(II Map of our country,with the States, Territories and counties bactly marks. ed. For Bale by W. 8. LIAVAN, national', su72 Corner Market and Second streets. JOB PRINTING.- Freight Bills, Vcniars bray Rocolpth, 13111 Ileads, Labels, Railroad Receipts, Blue Lading, With ovary other description of Job Printing, oxecutod with promptness and at fair prices. 3. R. WELDIII, Printer and Bind,,r, Wood street, near Fourth. 4) ACRES of choice latid, with . good Ad provemants, near tbeOlty,for sale on &lay lei= by a. argaliPT BON, 'elo - 61 roarkefrfreet. of 303 AltS Unionto w n, for BaleF arm ingB per d e: " neat 8. JOUTLIBERT tr. BuN, 61 Market et., WALLS 1 BALLS! BALLS I—A .Ivge sortment Poot, Solld and Bat Balls, just received and for sale, wholesale and retail, at the Ipdia Babbe'r. Depot. 28 and 29 Bt. Clair street, m • J. & IL PHILLIPS. tiAlslBl FANS! I—Palm Fans by thetas°, 4 12 dccan or single, at Eastern prices,wtth other varieties of fancy Alva, for sale at - 11011N - El3, • .185 77 Market street. 1 4 A R D.:. . . 0I•LI • .. . 50 barrels Extra No. 1 Lard Oil 25 ." No. 2 Lard 011, on hand and for sale, by Emyl3 8.C.. Et J. IL SAWYER. JA B V tri tt ctist e pur OFE 6 Old F go . r . vernmantJavnlbEect. ed a lot of gnyni and ItAa Ocdron, at „ JAYDIEW .TEA-STORE, STOR, .. 05 .38 . 11iftft ntreeL, IDURE BLAUKBERRY. .AND PRBFta DRANDY, for medicinal pupates, at . ITAWORTEI & 7 . iu the Mamma. 11.10011 RESTS--Made of Ilahogaily 'And ALt , wall tlalabed, far aale W. S. HAVEN; -- • jolt , _ • . Btritiol3Br.7 yAI ER'S SEAL PAPERS—'--Varions Nius'aiLd crlors oitt.hatita; dt W. B RAVRAI3, Corner Market and Bectmd its. VRENOH LEMONS. ---2 1: 1 1 1up i reig JI2 fcir Bala No. 89 'Wood stmt.! CIDRMAN DRAWI '0 PAP • In_jo fnr Nagravers; far sale bit' niptS , .. wodstralt.saiLihrow.. Arl:IIM BANDS O Port, Folios, ' Deak , fads, lut Bankers 00E4 Rest X1V363 2 IWO tociEstßoatilitilT sale byW a B.,I3AVEIN'Ec aplW' Clornas Market did fIIINNY SAOKS,.; . -_;300 3E4,0 tliztit:Ttras I UV: niiny Backs; nw and In gOod'anter;for ( liale by'' , my'2ll. . Owner Bird and Iderket strati. OAESTNUTSi-- - -5 Li daY, and for No by IL::: a BN • cep s ANDNUON§ No. MI Wia.td RIM QINPUIa. 1k.9110=12 rt -:- _ .-/- Iron City Commercial College, l'.uswirgh, Pa.—Chartered, 1855. 30 . 0 LifIEiDANT , E! Ifp . 8. Now the largest and most thorcMgb dMinderolallAilM;Sl of the United Stetee. Young dips-frepure4 for Actual Dutita of the Cbunting Room. J 0. Stiti[TH, A. M., Professor of Hook-geeping end Mem= 01'3%i - cot:ran. , • „ . , ' A. T„POUTUETT, Teacher of Arithmetic and Cowman:lC • '-" ' J. M 11 4 .7Y.D.n.104.an5t Pi 0. Jpit4s4llB Teachers of Bock- Reaping, AktaitOWLEY, lad W. A. AtII.LPRx gtofossore of Petr . manehip. _ Single. and Double -Enit7,llCik-lteeping, aa:neediniarory department or Bnaineas., Oonditerciat, Arithmetic, Rapid Busindati Writing; Dateettng Ootintitrfoit4lchanY; Mercantile Correepondence, Qemmercial.Lavti are.taVr . t,,and all other rubjecte iceeeeeary for the enbeess and thorough 'education of a -pmetkad hnaineeemai4 TWELVE ,gitEhlllllifia, Drawn all the pramintria in Pittebtrgli.for tbovast three years, also in Eastern and Vi'elltall po-3, for-beet Writing, Sir urn lii3T'vcra nakiviip r• - ' LIS P.Olt TANI N...1W-it: O l,A ON.. Students enter at any time No vsention=trao unlimited —Review at pleasure—Graduates assisted: in - obtaining sit tiations—Tnitlon for Full Commercial Course, s3s—Average time Bto hi weeks--Board, $ %60 per week—Stationery, $6 —Entire coat, $OO to rd. Ala',2dintsters' sons recoiled a 4 half ~,, • For Card—Circular—iipecimens of Business and 'Orna mental Writing—inelo.,o two stamps, and adderias ,P.W.J.IP.NKIII . 8, ans PitMburgli,'.Pentisylvania. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. IOIITHB.ERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 Market Street, for the sale and purchatie of Real Reta i ler, renting houses, attending•to insurance and repairs, obtaining loans on bonds, mortgages, dic,; making convoy emcee, deeds, bonds; &a.;-welting letters and -corresponding with parties abroad, ac. oclB BELDEN SEY'IOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. RiEtaxtutu.—Pdosums. Hanna, Garrobton 0o.; Robert Perlus, E 9• E T;.&AN:.D L ALEXANDER,,GARRETT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. 6b WATER STREET, OLEVELAND,OHIO; Has for sale Lands in Illinois. Wisconsin, Minnawte, Michigan and lowa. lie will exchange Landi in Wiicoutiln, Ac., for Pittsburgh nnunifactares,and also for city property. All letters of Inquiry answered gratis, by, addressing me CO above: • - • -anilrly PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. • A GRIST MlLL—Three run of stones and nil the machinery complete, cord and cob ciraclthl, , Ac., Ac., all in good order, wi th a,dwellinghotue, stable and, two lots of groand, eltnate'in South 'Pittitbargh t and will be sold on very easy terms by 13. OIJTHBIIRT it SON, ell 51. Market etreet. • - AWRENCF4 COUNTY BONDS WANT ED • Lit:del/Rake sp.2l. _ . 8.. 01JTFIBERT & ON, 51 Disakot rt. A STEAM MILL in complete. running or with dwelling home, etc., near the city, for gala by O. 01/TII33EBT dr SON, 5.iaP24 51 Market street. iIarESTMIN LANDS of, good quality, fat T V sale or exchange for Meal Estate In the city. ap 4 251 8. CUTHBERT ,!1 RON, 51 Markets VAMILY. RESIDENCE . FOR SALE— valgobla property of 150 feet front on Covington atc, lAwrencevillo, by 100 deep on Washington street to Cherry alley, Brick llWolling.llonsarll rooms,wellarrangod,biln room, porch, wall of water anilptimp, stable and cookhouse, kitchen range, etc. The roams are newly 'painted and le pored,. shado and fruit trees, grgie.arbor, great variety. of flowers, etc.; good •Llng forme: - - 'l!be above offera a good opportunity to buy u mplete and pleasaut residence, • • . I HE SIZE . of 'the cheap REulding Lo th 1: • for aalo by S. OUTII,IIFAT & SON fa 80 by 10e feet. lion—Near the railroad station, Fast Liberly. Price—Prom $276 td $4OO each: Terms-One-fourth in band; remainder at six years credit. The Plan can be seen at the Reallratate 012 be, 61 Market treat. . : - - • - Lle/2. DEAR IT IN MIND, that tha -EWA Lib-, arty Loth are offered at sualt.prices, and on mob easy terms, as to maim a holne etodly to be obtained. : Bear it in mind, that they front on wide.streets, are of, easy Itimus by railroad, and are very desirable locations for family rosidenoes. ".• ; • Bear it itA mind, th at the 'plan' l'orthe lots is 'to 'be' seen at' , 61,144tWiTa.. 61 Market street. .p.OR ALP,,,--SEVENTY,,=THOUSAND ACELEB. choke.Prairio and-Titabet-leatid, situated Ncrtherniu loita and :BOlithorti ldioneststai embracingthe flnestlot of farming lauds eve; Offered is ttda.,rearlret„, ad they an3lbcated cOnvenientli to 11i111s;Toismannii lines of ltailroacL .Pamphlets containing inlormittionint :nine to :emigrants and catalogues giving location, description and Ftieo thaland;viith 'a briefTesalptiois-of the counties in which they are located, can to bad on . appeatiou at our. oilicd,`and'they will be sent' free Within to potions sending us their . address., "FillidAat VW:MB, dt C0.,1 , niy:Ektr Jon' building, No, 67 Fourth street. Tras 1)(AL/its IN' it • I fii ec ure, a S. 11011'1141,0t of 26x100 1 foet "bri Mt. VVaohinkfoo.—• $l.OO-410 haud,xcanainder to suitiwchaaer. Al. Go, a Lot Orsozioo foot for $214426 . in lianc Valance in PaY/nouta to arat paxthfokor. B. -ouTaltliliZit 541 61 !larkot tarot. • '1 ACB I E§., of and : ,aeunf, `Turnpike, Ar Hens°, situate veer Washiligkin Turnpike, ai about milee troy aoncts' , Verry, will be sold on easy:terms. Immediate voesesakon. ' B. OUTIIBERT & BON, jel43 • &I Market street. • jLOT•OF GROUND in Eistliblitti;near the Railroad station 20 by 100 fentmaJannold: for one-fourth in hand, remainder al iSr..yearte credit. _ • E. einaRbatT.AVRON. my 29 . 61 blarkat, atrest. MILITARY GOODS. • • rilEd SUBSCRIBERS 1L&VB CONSTANT LY cti hand a'convieto stock ol MIIAITARX GOODS omournsio IP seas os BWOILDS, tuaruuru wura ruu s4ulnazir3 ssoir NO WELL BILK AND BUNTINO FLAGS ItLiDli TO ORDER. JllllO. 11. 1111tlie11.001E1 1 / ac-Sefl. i , ..1113 KAMM STB:rII42. t rAMES. MILLINGAR; MONONGAHELA RbANINO AILL, would respectfully inform the publip Oaf be lade 'rebuilt since the lire, and baiting inform ids edtabilstonent,,and filled ',it _witlf,thejtaatestanfl,lnest sp• pioved machinery, de now prepared to furniab flooring and planed 'Markle, borewl sawing and ramming, doorii itaati and. abutters, Min dried, frames, ntorddino, box making, ac. , • Bond] Pittsburgh, Beptemberl, 1857! (aelo OENTS''SHOES AND GAITERS. 0 !A D r • ; a , .0 PEOPLE'S , NDIA." RUBBER 'CURRY -'002i1.135.-The Wert article Ito, nite, ! lust Scetyed at tbet-341dyi 101 M r. 26 end VA 6t. 0141 r street. 1623"2:es w IL CLOTH CRASH-1500 yaxdtimf-sszi one patterns and widths, Jost reptval.frairtke fat: • rJr; for tale whOleaalti letall; by • 1 . • •• • - ' d k' H, PggLLIPB r -I' • .-.. net — • ' ` Iltrand s@GCislrst es llASS.;;—.3ooboiesaktotte& siseslViitd6 4184itoolpqAapry.brtuid, foredd by% - =Mot ieVii.T.,oa. , fi194:14.-4011,0aoktiges White:ll3l4i &Imo% ankTfont, trial& by (mrin IH. H. 030 1,11 i 8 . DAVOREARYS 0011'D PRINTIA, g•lgadlY ima 4 l - 3. ft. wnimi. 0RM: 2 :40 kip 'shelled Corti roceived $ . for !Tale by B6B'l lIIINRY IL COLLIIIIL, gouN TRY BACON :=l.OOO lbs. Country 1130031, 1 MIMS, Ohmldctra mudSidetsreoeifedtisiiefor psy' '' ' Coil . :ter I.9.r.katintrißirliii: HEOK BOOKS--On all t the - 16.43063 - and • 31r.OPrit 4 mi 24 Printer and Statloper. ,•I ea! ;I) RAPPING ' APER--3000 iearns'astff attos nag Wrybwing, comperior artiole for ado bi J. 54! EDUCATION4II4 OkrXII.I3ERT,,..* EON, teal Estsio.and General Agents, • *. • ' 'I ; 1 51.1darket street. EPAULETTEO, BASHES, TASSELS, . Volunteer Companies B /I A P OHEAP SHOE STORE; No. 17 SIKH. BT- gERIP A NW BPI,* 11811 ROOMS:=501101. - reied alid'f&viati by 1.; ,;..; _ - BUBOH NOVICMY WO - RW.I having, through Mr. .itdiims, (the principal ine•dianical ilknins of the firm,) ob ,taiped letters patent, dated 17th A.nguat, 1058, for a new And simple instrnment for 811E1 IV , IO COltN, truly neat, scpliipnct and portable, eceabining idnrability, utility and bleannees; a necessary appendage o ovary farmer's karn, tr now offered to the p,upli , ,o the itaitel . . , ;a tee at a very lo* price. We have no " Patent Plights" for sale, but malufecture and sell the article at .4.r - vrOrks. • i/vring to its compact forte it ie destined soon become lot article of trade in evert tierdwaro Mei chants'. , Tho Machines Ore of two biZefl, weighing only about 35 and 50 pounds, and may be s-ciared o a poot, pillar, or door, asyou would a coffee mill. We add uo more, when teen, It speaks for itself. B,3ll:2andaw Li VlNtitil'Ol , f, 00Piti.AND & 00 IT IS TEE UMW SIMPLEST, SMALLEST, 'Till Chaff Twice as Fast as any In the United States iT IS PERFECTLY A. DAPTED i A. .. . to the Cleaning ..1' an ;; , ..-.14, 1 from the 4 01— ) tlinallbst to the Ist-gest, wdinon uicito, and Ili E 1 only twenty inches wide, lint rilitlt)/tlFlOffil to Mili balappreciatet Farine. , , Nisiiiitaciut , -rs, Me. ley. 1 donna and oeerytxdy ids', are invited to Ree Ita practical working, at the etorr innder the St. Charles Intel, .Pittsburgh. i helfiluodaw—c3 J. T. 000 DIN, Agent. NEW GOODS. IS58„, liiEW GOODS. •AT J. BUSI-I'S, No 65 Market St., &eond Doofireiin Corner of Fourth. rrillE UNDERSIGNE.t) NyiLL OPEN ON Monday, I , apt-mb,r selected Block of the latest styles in Dress and e 1.4 Ti (mining?, Bonnet Ribbons, Flowers cud ItnAeo, s dornpleto issortritent of Einbrobleries, Conan.), gicuceo, Purls E4gings, Children's 'abbe's, Waists and Caps, Shetland iihavile and Weolen Cloaks for Children, [foolery; OloveS, Gauntlets, Alexander killativen's If Id 91oves, EiCtICIA U6rc ts, 44npea, L'tpanolon akirts, and Bassols. (now styles,) Shetland Wool, !Sophia Woorsted, Berpen Paper, ratttroo,[ Embroidered Bllppert PAtterns for Embroideries drawn, aid Embroideries worked all short notice. Fancy Heed.Th•raeeS Made to miler. ' thank the Ladlin for their, ki&d patronage, and Lope they will give me their cestnm foi. (he futon., as I will al wifys do my beet to sell glen; the w;tiods cheap. Ladies; call Enid flan:lino the nor.sitie3 at J. T31313H'8, italEsBm 01 Market et dr,nr from Fourth. N O. 65 IP fFTH STREET.— DURABLE, FIRE AND )V PER PROOF (Reoently Agent for H. hf. Warren & C 0.,) GRAVEL SATURATED OANTJIiS ROOFING, IiALOPPIOE, No. 65 FEE7II STRpiT r apposite Odd Fel- Icve Han. Pittabnrgh,Ta. JO • . . Suitanier Lager Beer. LEAVE , • TiliEnroUlDß 13E0S frol l ! B iii i i G an N ,l F tb 4n o pnblie iil gentiti,'thatTee bin tho daily receipt or thin delicious Deer, from tho well known Primary of 'J: N. Straub, Allegheny City, it !Wring .bion pronounced to be the but thatvmomanufactured'here fot many yearn, OLEAR, 'PASTERH. and PiTaß. Give me a ball and try it. JOHN ROTH, ap24:tf A i his old stand, No. 28 Diamond. STOCK,IN .LYARN37- Always on hand, and for A CARD FR,OIII Dui JANES 11.,JAR- - . , I ( RErr, pE . Til F. NEylvilifOltii VINO INVIII3I. . .... H ir .,:t c. 10 14: vse . e — ion bi ; y stitet, c i : ad n iyj n ii: ec de t .v i s o o n teilo i l o il,o r rt, t 7p, h tit e lis r , E in t arn e a i ia g:s fu t dr y an e lm ar o ti enarlii iv o l y th yeciar t o h ns e : s t imptiou and its .kindred diseasck, together ;withjmy un-. 'rifulledopportunities and ad vauta4o of pathological research ided not a little by ii p,rtect eyatem - of Jim:ice:l Ashcan.; • Wm—has enabled me to ittiriV,3 at 4k decisive, direct and ono- , ceSsfal courso•of treatment for thcrposi tiro and radical Cure'' opals diseasesof the Tlooty, LunAis,,unil .412 , Ptuza r ga. -By. 'lnhalation, the' vaPoriauf curative propertied of Medicines" : sip directly adiessed to the diqoweil organs and the, integu ment,,l do not advise the nee of iledical Inhalation of any kind, to tire-exOlaSion of general t*tatnielit; and although, I Consider MEI useful adjuvant in the proper, management of .those fearful and'often fatal dinewea,.yet I deem tt Very no cesary that , each patient should sive the benefit of both •gen t iraf Mid Ideal treatment. Tip. : en of my treatment irr 'behove dtseasess and the.highcheracter of the Irustitu• tian over whilh I have so long had the honor to presid,esare • trip *ell , knointo-tiokd any' enhgy or comment from me. At the solicitation or many privity and professional friends, :throrigh Wliaite'philarithromc aid the above charity has been' long and liberally .. .supported, ant after oensideratipn, I : - have conchiled to make such - mirangenientii 'as will bring the bonellta of my . orPorimeats, itwi. treatment Irittiin the, ' 'reach of all, arid not confine myOlf, es.horetofore, to these only who entered theTtinttuary, 4'ir. Who were 414646 visit • - nib at my, office. hoping therefore that the arrangement. wilt glvaentlre satisfaction; tAN to my' professional broth• - ' • ran and the public, A :would respectlally announce in con-, cltudosi that i easy 114:10 he ccnialted . pe:riandiv iir•OP Id,tii,oli ail dimities as above,; and that the medicines, the canto; 29 • piled in the Institution, preoarr to suit each individual • vise... /2thaliv rapers,' Iffeilkat Inliale r il,'-t6; :104 will In) , forwarded by express to any pa t,et ths :United States or the taimilas. • 'mats—My ternoi Of treatraent by letter are ,the follows, viz: sll4 . per month ihr each patient which ivill r :inillide medicine sufficient for one inouth i a nee; also, I n . ' , baling Vapor, and an. Inhaling Apparatus. , Payment as fol. • lotvit; $d to be paid to rprom .ett;out ou raw. it of the box of .Medicine , - and the batanCer . $6 ''fit tliti expnat,ton.a.the 'inbath, if the patimt be curial Or is: entirely, satisfied with, the 'treatteent. Patients, fryglVing a full histety of 'their Case, and their ayraptoses In full, can he treated as well by • letter as by personal oxen:death*. PE,tients availing them selves ' and permanent relief, M . he seldom leas to ti eat a.m. , ' a' over thirty days. Letters for advice proiaptlf' answered. Pot farther particulars addresa• .. ' - ,,AfiIYS Afx. J',3 hill:TT, lI.D. . . i . __., ... ' 20. 821- BroaLlWAYs,cor.,Tereitth 2t., 1 , 1- ' lr.. :. _ ) . :-. P.B.=-Physiciaus and others visiting the city are if2,- ,giedfally invited' tecall_ at the Inflrmaiy, where Many' . ' Interesting cases can, be witnessed, and where ~nr tins _prove apparatut for 'the inhalation of medicatettvapar canbo seen and inspected. i.. . .' . jyaiMrs • ~., BUTIONO, IBINGES, ETC, LTG. P. M A I COOPERS WANTED-2 Uood toopera Watited to work on tight work—good woges given-7 andoonstant employniont. -.li.quiro 3 o l l q:. A: jnaziit„ Cornet Market and-Firatktreiits. I)RIED APPLES- 0 buvll6lB • Diied ' ylen l jaid rennivelt it irtil i.g gap t llL tis olatu•.id find Water streetd• & IL%PHILLIPS: VAINTING AND PLASTERINGi Nyftntel In 6xclutrike for two 14ib Of , s. utxrusvcw.e'..t Usiket krt. CfrPartrierohip of' BAOA LBY; (39SGR3VE CI erspicod by limitation, o tip . tint 'natant: The imainosa Rill. be .et ntinned . by W .BAGALIF , Y, at Ittand`l4;lVnoil atroot, who Wjit,uottle np the bnitinaas of the lite '" t'W. DAGAIMY;'' e jugil 4tie6itAV ß f iPittobttrgb, July :241,1845.--jY2:I4 . , . rO.IITANT - TO ' 811 VliftS—..--=Wiii- him" 1 4: .bo ll tilaced.iipan.thedcorintar..a lot•of.f.Mts.D as i and jiTIOVS, which le oger Orli:AP. Call aad GAIT'. end iMI illiaw ,, i , RI inalor-wn.ar vlltag at •tho sai.:# • ritecuabz9l.rse.i. : .midse.ll{/awra, t,1,,ck.. 6.14 colored , with r$ Ahd..otie bale - 1,-,li. i Trhildron'a 'Vorty•l3ho^44..C.,f,,Eor 44)100 ityea:: .., tye'Late , 4-illi-ri OW 3-t2,1 fatPAC 4wPi .. "' 2 Gal- t9.se left., naw-N. - (ling q greatly twirl:led price?, . 00 'e , .•,:.,, • , .. • s DIFYINBACELF-. ll B i 1 4 ; in ' •,•,. .._ , • , tfi,;.l7 roiftl!__!__._._-------t-ree4.riear.M&Tket• 1 ----"- YE FLOUR p- — 0 1)1)1d; groun d R. 3 ast iecalsch NETzsa; ^ Market and First eta • ----71------laCr°l3-RE 14-'=A - ` largo '.stppiy .l3 pars I'o'3lo4llW Par" An onl"A'aatilli _ or , "Mines. I ' Ll •le .b.at can be relied on riCr A C° 668 wishing an hit° MS" stock. ..106. ifLEAP___44 A lma call and 6, '" aipe ...r....a—. A oeoa cad 3 MTIWOR 294, *i w out MISCELLA CLIMAX FAN. ROOFING CHEAP, JOSEPH HARTMAN, MANIIVACTUREM An) DEALER ITT W RFE N'S FF:LTa OP)U,ENT, AND 9 ROOFS, AND 1 BLASTIC CEMENT, E=MI ti ITD ROOFING RIATRRIALS AT MANUFACTUELEOS' PRICES, JOtitsYfi uo '9,, ELLI3I.OOPYINTI BOOKS—For sale by fell) J. It. WELDTN. JAR. PITTS- 77 Market street.