• -• _ • VOLUME XVI. PITTSBURGH MORNING POST. rnit-!ahol err?, merttin2. iiiresdayt exicepUd) JAIME P. BARR, 13. 3430104a.rf ( . 50R7M11 Or woop AVMvrrm 811037, Dc:llars a year, payable strictly iciadvants El iLTSTR.bIy required if nct paid within the ye*. Ele Two Crit*--for cote at tho Winter: in sud by the NOW!! BOIL RATES. 09 ADVERT.IBING. I pally.)T'hrice' Tatibel Once alln W'lly a week la total torsi: l . paper. Cue insertion a? WO lusertione.....-_,..1 70 70 'itree ineartionss ....I 109 / 60 Oen week. ...... 1 75 ...... 300 200 I Li) 1 0.1 76 ca weeks.. ... 4GO 200 1 Int: 100 One month__ .... 100 55 50 It, 1 6 IlinTittPt 7GO 461 60 225 2Lb t-, tuunt....E 900 600 450 8 . 00 500 ion; moral=? 10 00 065 500 It 85 4LO situ ..... 11 00 725 E, GO 365 550 t-tr. months 12 O. BCO aOO 400 00 Nine m0nth5........... Iti 0010 3), 800 oa, 000 quo • .......... 20 00 1356 10 00 oii 1200 Par_dir,c, Cara, sir. lines or lees, par ..... 10 00 C0.!:703) , EU1 LT. IT One s.ralrl, r0e4:71E7.1111, (6XCiGfIiVO c' the ...,.. St 00 ' uotl:es, 60 cant!: ; Pesti' notiaos, 25 vests. PITTSBURGH SkTURDAY P OST A 111.11.31M0TH WEIEELLY, ON 'IA c 1 .7 ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, IN CLUBS OF 24=g-1° - - .13 per aulkure. CONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS rig • AT, Politiixtl, Literary, ligrianitural, Commer cO • Telegraphic and Idisctllememis. '23110 Paper bibm of the UM W.= sax, and neatly prints no tine whits paper, in large, clear typo, will be fonnd by the anbsorilict to giro belter satisfaction than any paper parliehed in Pitteburgh. vi6l: to tole a paper G9l Pittarargh, will Sri Eial".a and prolitabln Investmnni , h5.lklS P. BA M, espil editor and Proprietor. ae. r. es. a. 111.1 - 517 BAER & fiiirERS J BOOK AND JOB OFFICE ) Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. AIE; tindeldigned having made extensive addition:. ~; :11, LATEST AND HAND2OM.EST STYLE P TYPE, and improved Machinery, to tie M0P.1,11`113 POST tl JOB OFFICE, invite the Mutton of Bail Road (lacer Mare:lout 3, business Evil, and the public generally, to their I npctior facilities for crocntir.g with dispatch, or, reasonable trine, AL E. El A D 31' F. R.CAN T.ILL E LEGA L AND IW tEY OTTIF_It DESORIPTION OP PLAIN ar, FANCY PRINTING material being nearly all MCAV, we can give ass-u -nt,. of the lar-7c_ complete satisfaction, and solielt orders cc BOOKS, FalspriLETs., DAM ROAD BILLS AND CATTT4I, F. ANTI iDEIECKS, BLANK NOTES, Li - -7171t; . READS, DILL HEADS, i!lf L 8 LADING, cir.ouuat.9, BUSINESS CARDS, PAPER BOOKS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, 'BONDS, ac. Particular attention will alas be paid to the printing rif Poste:is, Pregrituanes, Lc. for Concerts, Exhibitions and tHrenses. BARR Ys MYERS. BUSINESS CARDS. Tree People's Shoe Store. D. S. DIEFFENBACHER & CO ., Cheep Cosh Dealers in all kinds of Eiononable BOOTS, SHOES AND iiiITEILS, For Gentlemen, Youth., and Children, tie. 10 Fifth Street, near Market, es:B PITTSBURGH, PA. o• G. rE7.-.a14 ......... 30L1100t1 B. A. JOEIieON & "JOHNSON, Proprietors of Childs 8; Co.'s Patent Elastic Fire and Water Proof o Cement goofing. 133 TILTED STREET. fIRDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith fully exectried, and all our work warranted. P-onfing material always on hand, and fur sale, Fitly rztlons for roe. ce JOS. P. 11M1111.`XON 42 GO,, ' ENGINE:ER.S AND itI.A.CHINISTS, Conner. of .rtret and Liberty sheets, P;itslizagh, Re. QUPERIOR STEAM ENGINES for Grist and asw hinting lositablishmente, M a nutactories, 4 —c.,trade to order. They also continue the ini N nisilictute of their Celebrat...il lnLlta' Toole, such as :,:ruing Lather, Iron Planers, Baring and Drilling lilachines, tc.'. Alec, Wromilt Don ehaitit/j, Pulleys, Hangers rte. teu Jeublyd TEN Trnala , Bo3 =BEV: I, 0. tritir.e. TRIOIVIPSON.t4. CO., - 11a0USE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND GRAINER:S. llit:i Third e-sect. `ION PAINT ING exceuted with lanai - near. and deipateli. M,xo.i Paints, Oils, Verat.sh, and English Patent Dry ers, Mnntai - zne Ziuck, u veig enperior article; Plata ielphia and rite burgh White Lead always ou head and for sale. We are prepared in grind nnlnra for Pr-inters, Drug giatin or tithers,-at the shot te,.t notice. es we have a Mill whinle :triads by stsera Painters will sate money by get two their colors ground with us,—. Ready r - ,r- GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, AT MANUFAcTURER'S PRICES. • HYDROMETERS or neighing opirits, the cheapeat and beet articles ever i.ronght to this city. THElliAlOftiLitEßB ANDeach. BAIDAIETERB, varyin: price from s.i3 to $.30 POCKET COMPASSES, ---- AND U VEYOR'S COMPASSES, lv:::y5 on Lan-ii at U. E. EIIAWS, Ctiffeian, Ga Fifth &rect. Cpl offs Arna. - mic flalL NEM B. C. & S. LI. SAW-lEEE, fraxt.-4.nartral-..r.3 :17 LARD OIL, CANDLE% PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAP No. IV co:! str;:‘.l, Pittsburgh, Pa. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— Thu urea of ri.A.Tn - u - roli BEA). Er. BROWNLEE was, on the 3.1 of tgay,l&)S, dia?..olvc , l by mutual consent, by the withdrawn!. of JEau EA,VitEtTli from the above arm. The accounts of too lain lira will be autled by HAWORTII A BROWN LE' E. nAwcipArg, in withdrawing from the above firm, kindly ii,arit.a hieLfermer Fitrous and also the patrons ot the lat.) firm, for the very liberal patronage he has re- Geived,imil would tindlyreeammend them to his sack . ..agora, HAWORTa s BROWNLEE, us they are determined to sell at low figures, having a `7017 large assortment of UHRAP GROCERIES. WINES and LIQUORS TEon nand. HU HAWORTH. lar DAVID lIAWORTH and JAMB BROWNLYIR have this day associated together, and will continue on the ulldiLikil at the OLD :TEND, corner of Diamand and Dia mond alley, under the style of ItAWOR.TH ft BROW:4Ln, where they hope to receive that patronage ao Je.ren to the old firm, a 3 they era determined to tor CBRAPER than any o ther Store kr the city, =lB Office of Sealer of Weights and Hesisures. THE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED , -IL REALER OF 1471GFITS AND MEASTIRES, lits 7 be found tienczforth, in Cherry alley, bat:What Third and fourth etrestz, where cadet's nneT be left. narlaat QUARLES SKENETT. AV S. HAVEN'S Masao Steal Pens juts received, and for sale at the Stationery store, NCR. 31,33 sad 35 Market street. ITVITE FRA_NK.LIN ALMANAC FOR 1859. —This well-knowa sad por.alar annual, formerly pat , . lulled by dohneton h Stockton, after a lapse of years, will again shortly La issued. The circulationsas formerly will l Le made by tie mathenttatician, Sanford. o.•Hil readMituat , Esq., who will also prepare for its . pages such e ter to will make it an eutertaining and instructive maga sine. Basidei the - reliable astronomical calculations, a now and ingeni:-Ma table of time, an accuratemethod of drawing meridian lines, and miter matters of pdrnianent value Will be added. Ordcrs of Moak aelieia and other deniers are solicited in adialiik.bli as Let ono edition will be printed, and orders will- t e nded a.,..sording to priority. .• G. JOHNSTON k act.,_ Publishers, Pi.iritari, St..tioners, sad Blank 11.x)lc. Makers, 57 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Je2/ F' ehoicesujunfine fox sal J.A. A. YE77.6.6, ica oGra 6 r Madie and Best ,sts. fy4,2,8,—"a0 Ole. °Oohs foireauto, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIENEWS UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, At ATITENS, BRADFOILD 00IINTY, PA., Jan. 1, 1858, as presented to the Stockholders, and made oct in compliance with the State Laws of New York, Ohio, Ind ifttin,llitnold,ac. eTicrtnlare. • The name of the Company is the FAUN ERS' UNION IN SURANCE COMPANY, located at Ath.nn, Chartered April bk,lBf4„ br the Legislature of Per:n.l)l\ aniu. Ch,rt.r Perpetual. Cash Capital, which is all paid up Surplus in addition thereto..... ALBEtZts fifty-four Bonds and Mortgagee,. at six and seven t cent. interest, amounting in the aggregate t0...1,152,310 0 , 1 e Which mortgagee ar or value hie and productive real estate, principally farms, recorded nod first liens, worth generally doable the amount and more than mort gaged for in each case, and in nu case leas than fifty "f cent. more, exclusive of farm buildings, and so certified by the Recorders, where recorded„ - to the and tore et the States of Ohio and Illinois. Nineteen six ?,4 cent. Bonds amply secur Ou ed. 47,W56. (Leh on hand and in Bank 06,440 Cash in hands of Agents, and in course of tranamkaion, by bonds with sureties. Due on looses re-insurxd, Bills' receivable, viz: pro uilasce y notes payable at bank and to the Oompany DIU-Mat accrued,(principally due January 1, 11'680 ..... 19 id Safe and cifim fixtures and fetal tura 1.750•0112 Fint TUN littia 1`..157. Amount of Prami-ams PneiVed daring the F $ b 6431 :ta Ain't intert ri...ceived during the yen: ... 11,142 G 6 Am't rezeivM from all other ecnrcca 2,480 GO ---- axPrs.'ortral3 Expenaea for tho yoar, including rouniiene, salaries, 'onto, rain &wallop, printing, advertieing, Cd taros, and all other oxponaca 19,199 llividczdzi paid during the 5ear...... 17,M1 ou e 3 paid, which occurr,.d prior to Docamber 31,1554 LG.EZ3 raid occurrtA duriDg re.:, . 46Loi ;•.4 the y adjastod und nut due ohico prdd) $ 12.ti00 kouion incurred and in process of Ainstmant. Loases reported, on which no aCtiou has been taken.. retnated, on ground of inour ante after fire, proporty transfer roabefore lea, property lett f..ot covero4 by the Poli T, do 12,110 00 :19,1o? 09 Whole =Oll tasks tater, during tee yr.iii...t,s,4to,eii2 uu - Whole arnormt of riaa at date 4,8 . 21,440 00 OP PESNSYLViIiIk, COZTZI OP Ilaseione, .is. C. N. Shipman, President, and J. IL Canfield, Secretary of the Farmers' Onion Insurance Company, being severally duly sworn, depose and tay, and each for himself says, that the foregoing is a true, f ell and correct statement of the affairs of said corporation, and. that they s.ro tho above de scribed officers thereof. 0. N. SHIPAIAN, President. J. E. CANFLEID, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn before me, this 25th day of Jelin arY, 1.855, B. C. LAIRD, Justice of the Peace. T. J. HUNTER, Agent, No. 00 Water street, Pittsburgh. BY TUB tiellatice Mutual Insurance Co OF PHILADELPHIA. ON BITILDItiOO, LIs.o.TED or. PERPETUAL, lIIEFLOIIAN DISE, ruaurrunr., II; 7:Qvi 01, (10UNTILY. Office, Pio. 308 Watuut street. CAPITAL, 01177,020 ..... —ASSETS, '8832,488 au Invested as follows, viz Flret Elortgitge on Improvo.lCity Property, worth double tuo amounts2o,2oo uu Pennsylvania Ita'head Co.'s 6 per cont. Elortgaga Loan, $30,000 cost 25,600 60 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Peun'a R. R. lsuta. 10,000 00 Pennsylraula Railroad Co.'a Stock 4,000 00 Stock of the Reliance Mutual Insurance Co 10,1 . 0 00 Sttrk of County Fire Insuranco CO • 1,660 00 3crlp of laundry inzr.raw.tsligmpanios 476 00 Bills Reeolvwile,Lusinelis papci . . 0,711 00 Book Accounto, eccruaii interest, etc 5,656 0 16,013 'lO Cash on 'Laud and in Bank —.....---- Clem Tingley, el:MOB-A Mspharn, William It. Thoropsou, hobo:: hies{}, Dayid S. Brown, William Mnsacr, Cornolina Stevenson, Benjamin W. Tingley, John 8.. Worrell, Marshall Hill, H. L. Carson, Z. Lotlirop, Robert Toland, Charles I.:Aend, tdoses Johnson, Jacob T. Bunting, Charles B. Wood, Smith Bowen, Jam:a B Woodward, 1 Wm. LI. Semple, Pittelig. mi 3 B. M. IrINCIAMAN, iieeretaiy. J. GARBINB a Cielt - Fili, Agent, mr3 n•ftli-eust c,ruer 11,Ird end csitzed streets. iIEitCBANTS' liiERANCE 0011PANY, Of Pilliadelphia. WM. V. PE'rfrf, at.. ..... .u. itirekNli, B.n:rt . :art Amount of Cavital Stud: paid Ia fcLai 1.,t1 Bariand £363,4•29 Ji as irea Cargo Ella on the Ohio owl Ithaalb.,ippi itivors and tributaries. Inaures again s t 1,,a3 or duo:logo by Fire, Liza, egsainst the PErila of tLe Sun and 1 nlood Navigation ..r.d.'l:/-4n4;,orthtio:/ D 1R ifOY 4E y: Wm. V. Pettit, J. O. td.,n tgata , ry , j.,un M. i• el 1). J. McOsbi., E. N. Witu.sr, Rene B. L. Wuolstos, John : 4 . Kist - A.4AL Ot‘sz L Wrieht, Johu. J. Patten:cl, Elwc.c..l T. Pu_•ey. WILLI.6II V. l'aTiT, Premien! E. F. Wlnilfat, Vt..; L. J. kIXAN:4, n SPX'S SNUBS: In Pititactelphs3: Etannlit2, Justice .k Bunk, ,IlorguU 6 Bildfulo, Pivaroy, Caldwell NO. 07 WATER b W. POIN DE-X.ITR, Agt•ut In Eeiger, Lamb & Truitt, Bro. & Co., A. T. Lane & Pl'isTi3BUßt.lll OFFIO 0, It api/ - - - WEST BRANCH MUTUAL INSUR,ANCE COMPANY, LOOK HAVEN, CLINTOIv COUNTY. CHARVERIZD BY TUB LEGLILA.TUBEGP PENSSYLYAIniie Cash Capika 0001.43 Piwnium Nctez...51:32,34Z, THIS' COMPANY WILL INSURE ON .A. Ihiildin,9, Mcichandise,, Idniitara, Lcc ,iu tc.wl., country: .DIR 11040,10: • - _ Gan. Jno.3.PearN, ELDII. (1. C. Ilea voy , I Cliailee A. M...3,i - John:B. Hall,:I I ChisrlGt Grist, Pt•ttr DiAnsson, T. T.: Abrams, II K. Jaclmkqn, W. White, - Thomas 'Kitchen. HON. G. 0.-ITATtIiEY, Proablent. T. T. AUSSME4 Vita•Piaidaiii.. TE[O2, lincavrillocnstary. . - - - ..- - AZ YBUSIZCZB PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARB, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT 111. Vie, DOLLARS PER ANNUM INSURANCE. F I ttE I NSUR ATi CIA:, $252,4415 ea) OLEM TINOLEY, Pmaidedt. Ll.Wrior=3. &i mud IL Lloyd, - ibr. J. B. Crowfurd, A, A.Ainittd - drizr, John W. Marlard, A. UPdegraff , L. A. Marken- Ilon. - B Cameron, JamEs Armstrong, A. Whits. ' • , Thos. Enwman OD, Wilt: , n F6arorii Jamea Qnigglo, Wm. Vanderbolt, - MM. Wm. Bigler, OITICR---NO. .5 FIFTH lITRERT, Prrinnussu. den:li } ,--- ---- . 3.-A: LIPPERT, Agent. --___ .-- PIN: _FRANKLIN LNSURANCE OF PRILADNINRA. NWles- Cart, Taxies Wag'efi &Mild Gitintrlaada.g':"Brulth, GOO. W. Richard., hlordecatll:Lettis, Adolphi E. Borie, Davil 8. Browne, nu , rattemon. Cita& N. Baser, President. Min. G. Hannan, Feasiary. Continua to make imearance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property, in town nod cowntry, at rates ae low ae are conaletent with aecnrity - . The Company have' raserved o large Contingent Yund, jhich,wlth their capital and pcemintee, safely Invieted;af. ford ample protection to the awared. The &iota of the Company, on January liit,lBsl, as lath Waked agreeably to an 4ct of Attie:ldly, were so viafollow Mortgage t9lB,nBs, Beat &tate 84,377 78 Temporary Loons 83,908 11' Mcke 81,88; BD Cagy 0,31,6 Total tl l li2'd,7 oB 444 Educe their incorporation a portod of twentporte yoan4, they havo paid upward of due Million 'our Hundred. Thou. ;and Dollara,l owes by flre ; thereby affording evidence of the advantagds of tau:trance, as well as the ability and clleprftition to meat with promptnaia all liabilities. 3. GtAIthLIER 00FITIN, Agent, 'Waco, ncrth-eaat cor. Wood and Third et,. ESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. GIGE DSRSIII, i , r,aldont; P. id. Gni:DON, Becratary. Orrica No. 92. Water street, (Spang k Co's Warahouse,) ap stairs, Pittsburgh. win insure against all kinds of ilUt and MARIN - BRISK& A Home Institution managed by Direct. r, who are well knoWn in the oonanninity, and who are det , rmined promptness and liberality, to maintain the Ataracter which the have assranediss offering, the boat protection to tim.c who y desire to be irumred. _ maws, OCTOBER 3180857 Stock Azoountop ... ...... Mortgage,— Its Receivable, Office Furniture .. ... ...... Open .......... Premitan N 0... .... . . BMA Discounted, Dritsmong .11.1111Inr, (bingo Alex. Spar, Wnt Knight, Alincialder Nita*, win. IL Smith, P. M. GORDON, . • ._ gocrotio: George Dorsi°, J. IV. Butler, James McAuly, ArolrairAckley , Nathaniel .11oimes, D. 31.. Long; Backeta° l /? logivg *- -11114002'-'44XICIbe Country fos sale .M M Ngym, SI ELI= II QO. PITTSBURGH LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. NO. 96 WATER STREET, PIWTSPATROII, PA. GALWAY, A LSx. Beewall., Prenl.loo t. X A. itimineer Becrots.y. Airir This OOLOpeLl) LIIIICOci xoryinshrance uppertaining to or connected with LIFE aLISE.fI. Ahlo, against lIIII.L Atli) CARGO RIPiiB on the Ohio and Misalssippi Rivera and tributaries, eed MARINE RIEKB generally. And against Loss and Damage by Eire, and against the Perils of the liea and Inland Navigation sp Policies issued at the lownat rate tentai.usi with safety to ell partici'. - - - • $ 200,000 00 . 63,06 61 $263,485 61 hobart Galwr.y, ti..mutlltllllarhau, Jesepti P. GEtZ7.9III, M 1.:. , John ticott, James Meralrall, Davlciiticiley, J.l-1.1c.3 W. Hailthau, Lilicrisi Arbrittalat, rlliokauder Bradley, Joaepla IS. Leech, .ktm Pullartou, N. P. hart, David 11. Gliamt.era, gobort H. Hartley, William Carr. .1 u.). Mc.'i ill. .. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. WILLIAM BAGALICF,Presidont. SAMUEL L. MA:DMIELL, flersetary. OFF/CIS: OA Wafrr street, betwun 21Lrk21 and Weed strerla /RP Lamm' HULL AND °ARGO ))Jsl tl. oil the Ohio And ShariLiqippi Rivera and triLutarica. Er:auras against Loa or Damage Ly Also, ag.inst the Perils of the Rea end I Lland Navigation ,111 Transportation. 16,7d1 8..1 3-90 .1 William Ikkgathy, 8 - Amnol James M. Ormper, James Park, Jr., Isaac M. Pennock, Springer Eturbaugii, °apt. emumol C. l'uumK, _ Jub Calati woll. ja.211 PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, fnl) GJ ---$ 2f6,485 $v9,103 86 Bio. 1.18 Clizsio.it , street, Opp:Ate the Croton" 1 . 01180. WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU RANCE, either Perpanal or Limited, on every description of Property or rdorrhandisa, at roaqonabie rates of pr.,mium HOTELS & RESTAURANTS. MARKER. HOUSE, BLAIRSVILLE, INDIANA COUNTY, PA , COL. ROBT. EVANS, Proprietor, PURCHASED THIS HOUSE, from its former wc-ll.knowa ProprieWr, L. IL Mar. kor, Eaq , and refitted it, I am now prepared to receive and accommodate visitors. Tao rooms are large and airy, and well furbished. A good table always provided. In coonect'on with the House, there is also a good Livery Stable. Terms moderate. COL R. EVANS, ae.kly Proprietor. ---' Excelsior Restaurant, -, 5.144. ; No. 111 WOOL) Street, ' 114 4 1 Frri , liiing PAI 'CiZtV r AKE AND EASTERN PISII SOLD _,LA Wholesale and Retbil, at tha lowest cash priceS. Larga supplies of Melons, Peaches, and Sweet Potatoes reoslied daily. Mao, Now York Prince's Bay Egg harbor, Obeli Oyeters the finest over brought to this city. Every aelleacy the qee.qun constantly on hand, and rorved up lu the most palatable style. Don't forget the Ev.colulor Boa laurant, No. 111 Wood street. se; Ftfilt Mreet, Next Door to tie l'itteburgh Theatre. Thu house is new, built especially for the purposes of a First Olivia Restaurant and Sateen, and the proprietor bay. Lig had na , ,ny ypara exuerioece iii the business will keep constantly da hand the hest that — the' matisbta oaoid. 4iti Winos, Liquors and Alm, are of the bast quality. Ile wants all his old triends and the public generally to give him a call at the Symposium. $121,600 00 2,100 00 4,161. 67 240 00 9,479 04 14,8412 46 40,248 69 15,00 a 78 $817,t4t PITTSBURGH. SATURDAY' SEPTEMBER 18. 1858, INSURANCE. D1E4070 107 Dig/104(43e. Capt. M.rk Strafing eAmciel M. Kier, John 11. Dilworth, %Leitl Sellers, it. Rays. Jvha Walter Bryant, ROBERT P KING, PriAiderit. M W t: A Li, ‘Ol . I , Vice President. Charles ILayee, E. it. Curse, E. B. Eugtibh, (:,`urge W. Browa, P. B. FP.,raa, J,,so.ph B. Paul, C Sharma j '4lO Ultiytc,4, S J. Magargce, Wile.% V. iliAcEßtays, Pecretar). J. G. COFFIN, Agent, Coruer Third and Woad streets. JAMES RATER, Proprietor. THE SVlMPOglitiThil, WILLIAM C. CALL AGHF,R, PROPRIE roll, SCOTT HOUSE, Corucr Irwin Suraet auarluqucone Way, r.rI7SITROFT, B. 9. - - (Formerly of the "Marker Howie," Blairsville, Pa.) TH E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM PLETED ANDJOI'EN FOR OUEFT:i. It le situated In a central part of the city, Loin ,ouveilieut to all ltallrc,ad Depots and Steamboat Landings. The Home was built iu ISLA, with ell ia , ,lern haprovt cleutn, end fitted no in avian bid style—the entire Purtutur7 Lelag new—and vrtil In every i.-pert ei:st rhea IloteL 'Fine S'PA.IILES ar ratachrni to in preatio:•,. . _ CIO it INi<1:011D111212, , .41 ir:ST .S. it .A.ll By 81,1 Yt) - (IN(1, Ftrvp tiTglexr. rizatr& 41.6.4.,..1"..“1 . and 0tn.21.4 It, dire.l,l t., eutattli:thotteof, wtit..:ll Loot 1,4,61.1 ro,ontly tatod op tt,r alb r ai p o th, fttLa - diag at.JIP, tiATlhill HOUSE; IN A O.FINTI( I....`l`l'LliN! c onli try K'i k , ottowitu,t toart z.: aro. to Coll. Eci.-iyttAro; soul r bet...l)no, ti h b It:weat 1111.. _ - TIIE NATIONAL SALOtINI Under F'oster's New National Theatre, PITCSIraittO Li, PA., D. BARNARD, - • - PROPRIETOR, 11. AS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and comfortable Aym, tm, large centre store in the uDLi VELUM'S lIALi , Fitch Area, as a Fitter CLASS RESTAURANT and SALO:JN. Having had many years' experience in the businesl, he la prepared to supply the best the market affords. His Bar will be furnished at all times with the best Wines, Liquors and Alee The entrance to the Saloon, Is lu the mitre of the Hall, alai refreshments will be furnished at all limes, DAY and NIUHT (Sundays excepted.) apl4: I y INASHINGWOIii HOUSE, COR PENA' A AVENUE 4- THIRD ST., VLIASDIhIO'VON, D.O A F. BEVERIDGE H. W. K.A.NAGA. U. Se z=(I3OTEIA )pposita the Penna. Railroad Depot, 10.RRIBBIJIW, A. (jelb WASHINGTON HOTEL, FORMERLY U. S. HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PA. Proprietor. JAMES SHANNON, pais HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE corner of PLNN and WASUINOTON Streets, between the CENTRAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD DEPOTd, and has undergone a thorough improvement, remodeled and tarnished with now furniture, and is now the most conve nient Hotel in Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Railroad, East or West. myStly MANSION ROUSE GEORGE AURENTZ , . . INEIL PnOtunivon .No. 844, Liberty street, Just beside the Passenger Depot of the PaltlVlValliS Railroad, which makes II the most convenient house I u the city for passengers arri ving by that road. . 13The proprietor having, at considerable expense, fitted tip, In excellent style, the MANSION HOUSE, would respect fully solicit a share of public patronage. There Is attached a splendid STABLE and extr,ieiv 0 WAGON YARD, afford ing ample accommodation tt, travelers and teamsters, His Larder and Bar will be inrili:)itz , l with the beol the market can ailerd. fabily = GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. ' P.5.30(..4!tX1M , MERCHANT TAILOR, Vornor or Fourth ao4 Su: lt htleld streets, RESPECTFULLY A N NOUNCES THAT he has recalved his Spring &ssort.aont of GENTLE. EN'S DRESS GOODS, Of the newest giyies, beat quality and moat elegant descrip tiona, which he in.prepata4 to manufacture to order in the LATEST FASHIONS, And with such a character of workmanship, as cannot fr to satisfy and please the most fastidious tastes, tr 0519 Lippincott, Sitoiten 67. Rsarsons, NO. 101 WOOD STREW, ZIBAIt, IvIANIJF.ACTUREAS OF - TRUNKS, Va 'ices, fist sad Bonnet Boxes, 'UMW Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags, Ac., keep constantly tAa hand a tarp stock. We are prepared to do a wholesale trade, and hay ing facilities to tarn out good stock at reduced prices, we would Invite the trade to call and PI/Mille oar gotala t bo .fryn ••Ma al . • . 1.010. Oa WIbMSOR SHADES.—GoId bordered, plain and fancy. Also, shade Trimmings; do., always on hand at and for sale cheap by • J. k EL PHILLIPS, 2l and IS Pt. filidr street. - E L ILL AND COLLECTION BOOKS-A largo assortment always on hanker made to order. W. B. RAVEN, Corner Market and.llecond streets. ' 1 • , wets K of 238 itcru, near Econo &SONmy, fa " IL'OUtalaraT , • 111 itaketstamot. EDUCATIONAL. WESTERN UNIVERSITY. Tas /ALL 11.811 07 TIIIB 17181:121321r. 11 WIIL COMMENCE ON MONDAY, 13EPTEMBER Gin Candidates for admission mill present tiiemsqves at the University Building, corner S.O Rods alia Mdi..U l ,13- C'ti; du MONDAY next, at U o'clock au3 I:2w W. BAK - HUI:I:ILL, Secretary. L ___ Madame Appoline•TeledouVs FRENCH. AND ENGLISH 110ARDIN0 AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADDIV, 145 Third street, Pittsburgh, Pa. This School, designed on the pleu of French Schoola in France, and modified 51 to 14s English departments ou the plan of French Schools, in the United States, offers to young ladles, bee:ides full English course, the best opportnnity of thoronglifY acquiring the French language and literature, the Principsdhaving re sided several years in France, and being assisted by Mr. Tetedoux, a native of Paris, and a graduste of the '• College Charlemagne" French and Latin sill be integral parts of the course. The Wine Arta will be taught under the superintendence of Mr. Tetedoux, a pupil from thaConservatory of Paris. • Arrangements have been ramie tor young ladlee who, hav ing already gone through a regular course of studios, still may wish to know English literature more thoroughly, acquire more tacility in speaking tho French language, and improve in the Fine Arts. School will open on the second Monday of September. , Panama's by the term of Five Mouths :—Board $i00; Tu ition $3O; Vocal Music $25; in classes $l5; Piano $22; Ilia of instrument $5; German and Italian, each $25, iu classes $10; Drawing, in classes $10; Oil and hater Colors at the Professor's price. All charges payable in advance. For circulara and further particulars apply to the Principal. MR. CLEMENT TETEDOUX annenoci.s to the priLfic that he has taken up his residence in - Pittsibrgh, and is e..vs prepared to give lemma in Vocal Music. For terms and further particulars apply to John 11. Mel lor's Must , : Store. No 81 od st. aull.6wd, MR S M. 11. M Y RS' ROME SCHOOL FOR TOEING LADIES Will rc-opon on the fllinT SIONDA lt of Sentewbur, at her residence, No. 249 Penn street. After the rat of October, a limited nuruber of Boarding Scholare wilt be received lu to the family. Arrangements have been aladeltxaccom ociale day boarders, P desired to country patrons: There s two sessions a day, Prow 9to 12 and 2 to 4 ' .vck It'Yr terms, e:rcniara, etc., Inquire of Church Book Clt.re, Mitth street ; J. Q. Mello:, or of tho Principal. an2ti:2w*' . • • r • (; 1 4 1' • / • - ) I?*n City Commercial College, l'aunurgh, Pa. —Charteied, 1855. UiO STUDIIS7B ATTENDING, J ta sa T, 1 58. Now the largest and moat thorough Commercial School of the United States. Young Men Prepare/ for Actual Dories of the Counting Roam. J C. SMITH, A. hi., Pretessoi of Book-Keeping and Somme of Accounts. A. T. DOUTHETT, Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial Calculation. .1. A. 1I syDßleg. and T. 0. dENKINS Teachers of BOok ili:.eping. ALKY. COWLEY, and W. A. MILLER, Professors of P6ll. tuattehip. Single and Double Entry 13ank-Beoping, as used in every dePailment of Linalucsa. Commercial, Arithmetic, Rapid Business Writing, Detecting Counterfeit Money, Mercantile Correspondence, Commercial Law, ere taught, and MI other subjects necessary for the EIICCOSI and thorough education of a practical business man. TWELVE PREMIUMS, Drawn all the premiums in Pittsburgh for the past three years, also In Eastern and Western Cities, for hest Writing, Air AND NOT POE ENGRAVED WORN, 'IMPORTANT INFORM An ON- Ftcdcnts enter at any tinge— N o vacation—Time unlimited -,Review a 3 ploasure—firadnates assisted In obtaining sit uations—Tuition for Frill Commercial Course, s3s—Average time 6 to 12 weeks—Board, $2,60 per week—Stationery, $6 —Entire cost, $5O to $70. - .84- Ministers' sons received at half price. Fur Card—Circular—Specimens of Business and Orna mental Writing—incloie two stamps, and address F. W. JENKINS,: an 6 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Q CIITIIBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 1,7 • Markot stroot,- for tbol sale and Piirchase of Real Estate renting hoagies, attending to insurance and repairs, obtaining loans on bonds, mortgages, Sic,; making convoy. ancsa, deeds, bonds, am; writing letters and corresponding with parties abroad, itc. ociE - - BELDEN• SEYMOUR, Real Estate and Imarance Agent CLEVELAND, OHIO. ttorzanooos.—Messra. Hanna, Uarretoon G 00., Reber Parke. Esq. Linty ViESTEkiN LANDS, ALEXANDER GARRETT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. 60 WATER STREET, OLICV_ELA.ND, OHIO, Lies for sale Lands in Illinois, Wiutonain, Minnosot..%, Michigan and lowa. - Ile will etcbouge Lewis l die., for Pittsburgh uutunfficturea, and also fol. city property. Ail letters of inquiry answered gretis, by addronalng me as üboit, aulltly PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. AGRIST MILL--Threo run of atones and all the niachluory complete, corn and cob cracker, &c., Ac , all in good order, with a dwelling house, stable and two low of ground, itituato In South Pittsburgh, and will be bold on very easy term♦ by 8, CUTHBERT & SON, I ell' 6 1 Market street._ AWRENCE COUNTY BONDS WAN' AA ED, In exclAnr for loci. OUTLIBERT & SON, bl Ntarkot gt ASTEAM MILL in complete running or 11,r, with dwelling house, etc., coat the city, to sub., by S. lIITILLIERT A SUN, ap24 Niarket street STERN LANDS of goad quality, fay into or ezchnno for Real Rointo in the city S. & SON. 51 Mullet v. W E ttp.4 FAMILY RESIDENCE FUR SALE-A valuable property of 150 feet front on Covington at , Lawroncoville, by 100 deep on Walhington street to Cherry alley, Brick Dwelling Doane of 7 rnmoi4 well arranged,hatil room, porch, well of water sad pump, amble and coal house, kitchen range, etc. The roOimi are newly painted and pa pored, Bhadu and frult treci, grape arbor, great variety flowers, ere.; good p ling fence. The ab_ve opportunity to buy u 0, mpleto and pleasant Price low, and terms ucc,runiodating. S. CL1T11.131.11.1.T 9 EON, Real Estate and General Agents, jels 61 Market street. 911 E SIZE of the cheap Sundial; Loth , for sale by 8. CIJTIIIIERT 4 SON lo 50 by lUu feet. Location—Near the railroad Btatloia, East Liberty. Price—Prum $275 to $lOO each. Terms—Ouu tomtit in hand; romainder tants. years credit The Plan can be seen at the Seal Estate (Mice, 51 Market street. [jell. PROPRIRTHESS BEAR IT IN MIND, that the East Lib erty Lota are offered at each prices, and on such easy terms, as to make a home easily to be obtained Bear It in mind, that they front on w'de streets, are of easy access by railroad, and are very desirable locations for family residences Boar it in mind, that the plan of the lots fo to to seen at Jol2 61 MARKIN! STREET. GIOR SALE.-SEVENTY THOUSAND AORBS of choice Prairie and Timber Laud, situated in N orttiern foe a and Southern Minnesota, embracing the finest lot of farming lands over. offered in this market, us they are located conveniently to Mills, Tow= and lines of Railroad. Pamphlets containing information of value to emigrants and catalogucs giving location, description and price of the bond, with a brief description of the counties in ahioh they are located, can be had ou application at our ailed, and they will be sent free by Mail to persons sending us their address. WILLIAM FiIAZLEE A CO, m • ifctf Jones' Building, No. 67 Fourth street. rip EN DOLLARS IN BAND, will secure a .11. Building Lot of 2.5x100 foot on Mt. Washington.— Price, sloo—slo in band, remainder to snit pnrchasor. Al so, a Lot of 60x160 feet for $260—526 In hand, balance In payments to enit parchaeor. B. OUTIIMIT & SON, .023 61 Market street. 1 2 ACRES of Land and a comfortable House, situate near the Washington Turnpike, at about 3 miles from Jones' Ferry, will be sold on easy terms. Immediate possession. S. CUTHBERT & SON, 61 Market street. A LOT OF GROUND in East Liberty, near the Railroad station SO by 100 feet will be sold for sl4lb, one-fourth in band, remainder at six ' , card'. credit. S. CUTHBERT b. SON. 61 Market tltrmt. DiOTICE7-16Co-Partnership of BAGA LEY, OW3ORLYP. 00.bxpired by limitation, on the first instant. The businem will be cimtlnued by W. BAGALOY, at 18 and '2O Woad street, who will settle up the businese of the late firm. W. RAGAL'EY, JOHN S. 008ORAV E. Pittsburgh, July 221, 1813.—jr2.331 NEW FABRICS- IN DRESS GOODS.-- -LA A. L. P1A.80;.4 CO.,•Aove., NO. '25 Fifth Street, Ara now opening tfcb Dress bilks, Beragas, Org Paris Brilliants, And a splandid *fel ealun of SPRING BRAWLS. (apl 4,1 . 13,ED SWEET POTATOES.-15 barrels 14.7 Seed Sweet Potatoes for sale cheap te dose ow:WO !neat by JAR. A. PETZES, • • ap23 COMPOUND SYRUPS OF PIIOSPIIATES, . 011allEllIOAL MOOD—This preparation Is not in. tended as a popidar r melody, but is respectfully tabmitted to the Medical Faculty as a- nutritive tonie,:vrell . suittid, to supply the waste of elementary matter during:the progress of chronic cases, particularly in Dyspepsia and Cousump , titer. This preparation Ls 'pleasant to the eye, egreeablii,to the taste, and groatfal to the stonisob, , mldt'does not harm cap by protractod use, feldmholosaloanitrotell — 7O2ILPK JlLlamrill, garage Nomad sad Mgr* gaged. MISCELLANEOUS. THE DAILY POST. NO. 65 FIFTH STREET.- ROOFING CHEAP, DURABLE, FIRE AND WATER PROOF JOSEPH HARTMAN, (Recently Agent for H. N. Warren & C 0.,) MANUFA"TURER AND DEkLER WkRKEN'S FELT, CEALENT, GRAVEL ELASTIC CEMENT, SATURATED CANVAS ROOFING, ROOFING MATERIALS *.OFFICE, No. G 5 FIFTH STREET, opposite Odd Fat lowß Hall. Pittsburgh, Pa. .159 Suminier Lager Beer UNDEB.SiGNEI - 1 BEDS I.E.tVE TO lalortik hid filen& Mild tild public ut g,,ui rub that h , Is to the dully ratelpt at this dolictous Beer, !rum the woll 6uowu Lirewury ut J N. Straub, Allegheny Olty, it liamig boom prouvauctsd la IM. Lbu tkbeit that Mad tuatiuluctured her, Fur malty years, 01.1.:AIL, TAiTPFtj I, laid PURE. thud uia M :Mil dud try It. JOI.IN ROTH, AL At cid ,tatted, ,O. Y A it N S ITOCKIN AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES Always uu hand, and fur ealu ar A CARD FROM Lit. JAMESM . / - ' Jilt ti.RUT, OP Tay NSW YUBA IlAiNtl INPIRII ARIZ.—My connection fur the past eight yeare with the above lustitation, as Chief Physician, and a twelve years' course of steady devotion to the Cure of Pulmonary Clow eumption and its kindred dismay's, together with my nu t Walled imparts:witted and advantage of pathological research —aided not a little by a perfect system of Medical Inhalu gimp—has enabled um to artrive at a decisive, direct and sue- CA sant course of treatment far the positive and radical cure of all di-eases of the Throat, Lungs, and Air-I - Wings& By Inhalation, the vapor and curative properties of medicines are`directly aireseed to the diseased organs and the integu ment Ido not inla(d° the use of Medical inhalation of any Mud, to the exclusion of general treatment; and although I consider It a useful adjuvant in the proper management of those fearful and often fatal diseases, yet I deem it very en cesaary that each patient should have the benefit of both general and local treatment. The success of ray treatment in the abovediseaeos ' and the high character of the Institu tion over which I have so long had the honor to preside,are too well known to need any eulogy or comment from me. At the solicitation of many private and professional friends, through whose philanthropic aid the above charity has been long and liberally supported, and after duo consideration, I have concluded, to make such urraugementa as will bring the U. nefits of y experiments and treatment within the reach of all, and not confine myself, as heretofore, to those only who entered the Infirmary, or who wore able to visit me at my !Alice. doping therefore that the arrangement will give entire satisfaction, both to toy professional breth ren and the public, I would respectfully announce lu Can di:mien, that !can now be cam:sited personally or by letter.un ad diseases us above end that the medicines, the same us need in the Institution, prepared to suit each individual case. Inhaling Vapors, Medical Inhalers, do., dc., will be ' forwarded by expressf-to any part of the United Btatee or the Canaelam. Tams—My terms cf treatment by letter aro OS follows, via: $l2 per month far each patient which will include medicine sufficient for one mouth's nee; also, In tiling %%poi, and an Inhaling Apparatus. Pt !moat as fol. In paling I' .ga to be paid to Express Agent on recast of the box _of Medicine. and the balance $l3 at the expiration of the Mouth, if the pall. nt be cured or is entirely satisfied with the treatment. Patients, by giving a full history of their case, and their symptoms In lull, eau be treated as well by letter as by personal examination. Patients availing them selves of Dr. Jarrett's treatment may rely npou iianted.tate ant permanent relief. as he peld,o,m has to treat a case over thirty days. Letters fur advice promptly answered. For further partimlara, address JAMES M. JARRETT, M.D.. No. 82) Broadway, con Twelfth St., N. Y. P. B.—Physicians and others visiting the city are ro• .pectfully invited to call at the Infirmary, where many interesting cases can be witueased, and where our im proved apparatus for the inhalation of medicated vapor can be seen and inspected: jyalk6m MILITARY GOODS. rtriflE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE CONSTANT LY-B. on hand a complete stock of MlLf r rAitY GooDs OOHSIbPII9O t PART OP PLUM, 8WORI)e. fIASELFA TASSELS Volunteer Companies rußrilinm WITS RILL EQUIPMENTS 41. T SHOAT NOTIUN BILK AND BUNTING FLAGS MADE TO ORDER JNO. B. rd , IPA DUNN & SON. my 18 OS MARKET STREET. fIAMES MILLING AR, iIiONONGAIIELA Pi., NU MILL, weak! respectfully Inform the public that he has rebuilt since the tire, and having enlarged his oitablintiment, and tilled it with the now-st and moot ap u,)ved machinery, Is now prepared to furnish flooring and planed boards, scrowd sawing and reaawing, doors, 41.1,11 shutters, kiln dried, frames, mouldings, box making. do. )oath Pittsburgh, September 7, 1857. I , 1" GENTS' 8110R,8 ANI' liA ITEIV-; t. u F At H A 1 i) L E M I A P a li P E JIIEAP N' E, N.. 17 PI 11 OrinDß ENS' Sao gq. I Jetl 8 INIMA ItC.BBEE. CURRY COMBS.—The boa article In lbw, Juet eivutl at the ludia Itabt.r Depot, 26 awl 213 St. Clair str«et. 11122 OIL CLOTH CRASH-1500 yards of vttri ona and undtbs, Jut received from the lao• tory, for solo wholomale or retail, by J. !I IL PHILLIPS, iny22 2d and 2A OL Clair lUD.* LABB.--300 boxes assorted sizes WiTidow "Ji Mani, good eeuutry brand, for ratio by iuyd lIINNRY CoLbleid. BROOMS. --5U doz. recd and for sale by aura III:INKY H. COLLINS. Fisii.- .SOO packages White Fish, Salmon, uma Trout, for ,ade, by (Lny•27) If. It. COLLINS. J 4 .0 . U.rd'eltlilAkt. VS COL'D PRI N'll ISO 1N „ S --Sold by luo - 241 J. R. WELDINI. `'TORN.--10 bags shelled Corn received and i_/ for solo by (1.31 HENRY H. COLLINS. CIOLIN TRY BACON.--4000 .lbs. Country ILI Bacon, Ilan's, Shuult:.in and Sbloo• rocavod Owl for Wu by JAS. A. VE11114;:. wvl2 eernor Rlralsot and Vtrat >fir -On all the _Banks and w. B. 111, YEN. Printi , r a d Stati.uor. VELLUM COPY I N 0 1300 K S—Fur sale by ids+. J. IL WELDIN. LIECK litiO K.B Brokorti nc mr24 COOPERS WANTED-2 Good lx:opers IL) Vented to work on tight work—good wages given -• and constant employment. Inquire of JAS. A. ROMER, Corner Market and Picot street& DRIED APPLES-50 bushels Dried A plea, just received and for sale by McCANDLEdIi, MEANS & CO., „aa Corner Wood and Water atreeta. DAIRTING AND PLASTERING, wanted to oxcLange for two lota of ground. an 3 B. CIITIIBEILI: .1s PON, 61 Market et. Tyr -- RAPPING PAPER.-3000 reams aas't VV iz Rag Wrapping, asnporior &Aida, for sale GS J. R. WELDIN. MOUNT WASRINGTON.—For Sale—A emnfortable two story frame dwelling house of four .rooms, with a large lot of ground, fruit and shade•trees, flowers, a good cistern, with pump, in the kitchen, &a, palling fence, situate on Sycamore street, Blount Washing ton. S. CUTHBERT it SON, j cif 61 Markerstreet. 'IMPORTANT TO BUYERS.—We have now placed upon Cho counter a lot of BOILED GASr- ENS and SHOES, which we offer CHEAP. Call and exam- inn them. All kinds of.sumnurr wear selling at the• mint reasonable prices. Mama? Gaiters, black and colored, with and , without heals, law. Children's- Fancy Shoes, of the newest styles.. We hare* still a few Men's Patent, Leather Galtereleft; now unit:Wet greatly redumd prices; DIPHENBACIINEt & 00, N 0.17 girth 'street, near Market. DYE FLOUR:2-20 bbls: fresh ground Ryo Flour.inet received and for eat by. JAS. A. VATZER, Corner Afarket and !hist 13ii. VIRTU: :141QUORS.—A ,large supply of - I;,` —. Winos and Liquors, strictly pato for roadl6.lpnrposego. 'Xhosa wishing an article that can lie relied lon 'for , purity, should call and examine m stock. JOB. Warm% gee Clamar dm)-11,3,4 DitavaA Greater love than this hath no man, tliat he lay down hie life for his friend" Nation's Luvo lay dying, and the P(:iplo'a prayer ariA,-, Fr , klllvarth to heaven at early dawn and twilight's misty strong men stood pale, and woman's wail was but subdued in sound, Lest wilder grief should shake the Chief, whose home V, ey thronged around. Then forward stood a gallant youth, within whose kindling eye Rhone _woman's love and manhood's truth, and courage hounding high; Hia flashing cheek, hie lifted brow, glowing with hero-light, Awed those who would have barred him from the Home of Woe that night. ROOFS, "01 skillful leech, they tell me As we love mast die ere day, Bo fatally the lifo•blood from hie frame bath ebbed. away ; Mine, young and fresh, ie throbbing wild through every swelling vein, To him. I'll give it, freely as the sky pours down its rain I" Ilia arm was bared. " Such bath been done," gravely the each replied, " Yet know—and parse—beneath the teat the giver oft bath The sage In, eubned softly where the noble thief lay low, %nit pale, pale brew and hollow apes, and breath drawn feint aid .16w; K gently by the conch and whisperedlo the eutterei'e, nAr The tervcat Inca that fain woult win him hack, at price b., uh I deep within his very soul he felt each thrilling avoid , ilk failing life revived iigniu, end In his Lithium eitirred— Fitintly he premed the friendly band, unclosed his fading JoSEPLI lIOILNE'B, 77 Market street SPA ULETTES, BUTTON 8, rIIINGES, isTO, ETO .J. & 11. PIIII.I.II'S frfom the Dublin Nation.] THE HANSOM. What matte' I—light the coat," he cried; ;with love hie byes grew dim— A hundred lives cif .11iSP3 wore cheap to ransom ens like him I" sped. And looked the thanka he could not say, which tint to OW Ills life wag Love—and love like this renewed his vital glow! Better thou cluoaon blood out poured of Nature'a richest flow. Aud tiod, wbosedearest name is Love, from Heaven's high throne smiled down, And to the sacrifice so froe, as freely gave its crown: "rwse paid in heart—the victim's part accepted lull and true Save Christ's dear lovo on Calvary, what more could mor tal du? ti vc,t to tires his race, to mould a nation's fate' And glorify tied's saving hand by actions pure and great ; But far a n d Wide that tale was told of him who freely gave beers' i bent lib el in gushing flood that Chief beloved to Pronnaly this tribute shall be his for many a year to come! " Tim stream that warmed that generous heart was worthy such a home I" FARMER MKE'S GRANDSON. BY VIRGINIA F. TOWNSEND " Loaning on him, make, with reverend meekness, Ills owe, thy will, And with strength from Him, shall thy utter weakness Life's task Iola" Well, Aunt Esther, what did he say?" " Yes, do tell us, what did he say?" Cousin- Alice Lake echoed eagerly my words, as our aunt came into the sitting room where we were lounging away the pleasant summer afternoon. I see her now, though half a score of years has the grave dust hidden that face from the eyes that loved it, as she came through the door, with her soft, slow step ;'with her liliac colored silk shawl, and her Leghorn bonnet, trimmed with white satin ribbon. Aunt Es. ther Lee was our father's only sister, and she had been a childless widow for many years, the latter half of which she had passed at our home. Cousin Alice Lake was passing the vacation w.th us. There was •not a year's difference in our ages, and wo had been schoolmates , from early childhood, and I believe sisters eel- I dom love each other as. we did. That afternoon Aunt Esther had started out on a visit to Farmer Pike's, the rich old wid% ower, whose great yellow brownish house stood on the turnpike, half a mile from our house. ... - Farmer Pike was a strange, hard man ; you would have felt this with one- glance at his strong, rugged features, his iron gray hair, and his large, muscular person, that had not bowed itself with the weight of three score years. lie lived with his housekeeper and his hired men,in the great yellow brown house, an hon est, industrious man, but without a single af fection or social sympathy in the world;— with a life as cold and stark and barren as a desert; over whOse bosom no running stream winds its necklace of jewels; in whose dry, dead heart no sweet flower opens its soft lips to the sunshine. Yet Farmer Pike's life bad its tragedy, so i believo.all lives have, if we could only un look the hidden cabinets, where they are laid aw ty from every eye but God's. Many years ago, Farmer Pike had married a woman much younger than himself. A woman ith one of those gentle, shrinking, mimosa natures, that seemed to have few points of sympathy with his coarse, rugged character. llowover,l believe they got on well together, aod it is probable the tremulous, gentle wife called out whatsoever of tenderness there was in the coarser soul of her husband. Atlast, a sun was born to them, and the delicate mother fall into a decline, and before her boy's life had covered its third year,the grass had laid its green covering over the mother's head. Mrs. Pike and Aunt Esther Leo were school mates, and had always been friends ;so the farmer placed Joseph under her care, and he cou tinned to reside with her until at my moth er's death, which occurred several years later, my aunt came to us, the boy went home to his father. Joseph was a warnAhearted, but terribly self-willed boy. My aunt had more influence over him than any other person, for she loved him almost as though he were her own child. believe, too, Farmer Pike was very fond of his bright, handsome boy, but he wag a cold, undemonstrative man, and' he and Joseph never got on well together. As the boy grew older hie father determin ed upon making him a farmer but Joseph's active, energetic nature revolted at this life . he was bent upon going out into the world, and trying his fortune there. I knowlthe old yellow brown house witnessed some terrible contests between the father's will and the eon's determination ; there were harsh threats on one side, and sullen resistance on the other, until worn out with these things, Jo seph made up his mind to " rum away and.go to sea." Ho did this with his usual rash impulsive% ness and then farmer Pikein his wrath, lifted up his hand and swore solemnly that Joseph should not inherit a dollar of his property; that he would never see or speak to him again to the day of his death. He lived in the gel lowhiown house, a lonely, childless old man,. broadening his acres every year, and brood., ening, too, by his cold, selfish, unproductive life, the gulf between him and the kingdom. of Heaven. One day in the late spring, however, an old man and a little golden haired ,hild stopped at our house, and asked for Aunt Esther Gray. Then for the first time in all these years, wo heard of ..Toseph Pike. Life had been with him " no dance of roses" . nut a long, sharp struggle. he had married young, and his children WA been taken fir•oni him, and at last his young wife had been laid beside him, leaving him only the golden hik ed boy that stood before us. • Joseph inherited the delicate constitution of his mother, and his. health had failed Un der all these trials.. Lie lu4 wandered ,from place to place with his motherless. bop in search of now strength. But, he failed rap-. idly, and at last bitnself gave' npull hope, of recovery. Then he wrote to my aunt,' the, • mother of his boyhood, as he called her, and bequeathed to her tenderness, his only child, scarcely four Flare old. And the old man NUMBER 291; who brought him to us, was one who Joseph had once rescued from drowning, and who remained with him, out of gratitude to the last hour of his life. Aunt Esther bowed her head above those golden curls, and said, while the tears drip ped fast on the bright face that was so like its father's—" I will take the child." " I've made up my mind," said Aunt Es• ther, suddenly one day Just after dinner, and she folded up her knitting and looked off a moment on the dusty road that wound like a dingy red ribbon through the pastures of Woodside. " What have you made up your mind to . do, aunty? " asked cousin Alice Lake and I, simultaneously, as we looked up from the magazines we were reading " That I'll take Weston, Joseph's child, and go straight over to farmer Pike's this af ternoon. He'll be just about over his after dinner nap when we got there. It's very well for him to talk as he does, so long as he don't see the child, hut come to that, I believe, 'twill be more than he can bear." We believed it too, when we saw the beautiful little creature waddling out. of the front gate by aunty's 'side, although when the neighbors had informed farmer Pike that Joseph was dead, and lie had bequeathed his • only child to my aunt, he had sternly replied let her keep him then. As-for me, I:will never see' him, never have anything- to do with him." It was not I) , wondered at that Alice and I awaited our aura's return, with' eager curia ositv, or that Ilia aaioiries with which my story commences, greeted her entrance. She did nut reply at once, she took a palm-leaf fan that lay on the table, 'seated herself in the arm chair, while her features worked pain fully. " I never bad anything came across me . so," she exclaimed at last, more to herself . than to us. And then, the tears rolled over her cheeks. After awhile she grew calmer, ' and told het story to cousin Alice and me, sitting in her large rocking -chair fanning herself with her palm-leaf fan. - • " You see farmer Pike had ,just risen from his afternoon nap, and was going out 'the back door as I gut round by the meadow in front of the house. I espied him and hur ried round there just as he got up to the well." , I, "' How d'ye do, Farmer Pike?' I said in a free neighborly sort ,of way, as I came .up to him, 'can't you let this. child have a drink of water; he's had a long walk, and got preta ty nigh tuckered out.", " The old man was completely taken aback. I could see that, by the; way he looked at, me, and I looked back at him asaaml and inno cent as a lami, Then he 'glanced . at the child, and I saw the ranseles round his tight mouth quiver a little, but he didn't say a word; he took up the tin cup thatistood on the spout, and tilled it from the bucket, and held it out to me, but his great hand shook so the water spille I out over the top ; but of course I didn't notice that, I jest kept on talking in the most natural way you could imagine, about the fine weather and the good crops we were like to get. "'Now say, thank you, grandpa,' I said as I flung out the water after Weston had done drinking. Thank you, grandpa,' emu° out the soft, small tones of the little child, and I knew they went away down in that stout old man's heart like a sharp cutting. tinrord. ' . • Who's that- are child ? ' he asked in a low, gruff voice, as if 14 didn't dare trust it to speak louder." 1 ' "Well now Farmer Pilie , ' . says I , 'to hear you ask that question. If ypa can't tell the color o' them eyes, you must be struck stone bind, and did you ever see a ferehead that was just the shape o' that one, and n.little round head that was never still bet al'aye kept Shakin' and diddlin' round like 4 loaf on a silvertree, and if you don't know tliat, you can't forget that heap o' golden curls, just the ooler o' ripe rye when the sun strikes on it. I never see curls like them exhept on one head; and that's under the grass a long way from here now." ) " The . old man sat down on the stoop, and I saw it was because his great limbs shook so he couldn't stand. i " I sat down toe. "T is rather warm, far mer,' I went on, ' standin ' in the sun to-day, though there's a veil breeze from the west. Speaking about Weston,: though, I don't think he has his father's mouth, though Joseph had . a way of settin' down tight and grim, just like yourn, farnier, 'specially when his mind was made up on any subject.". . . "But if you look ybu'll see that mouth ' - '5.7.; was cut just after the patteru o' Mary's, even to the dimple in the left-corner. 1 declare, it - - takes me right back toithe time when Mary and .I. used to go to school through the pass - tore. What a merry, funslovia' creetur she wits. I used always to think her laugh sound ed a good deal more cheery than the robins in the bushes as we went along." "' Don't,Esther, don't!' ;mid Farmer Pike, ' and put up his hand as though it was more than he could bear, and this face was white as the tomb-stone. He bad'nt called U3O Esther though, for more than twenty ye..;rs." " I saw now was the time to strike, and says I ' Yes f s'pose it's tryin' to yeur feelin' farmer, to talk about them times, but it's coin fortin' t . think you've got your wife and so all made out like a picter there. Weston, you dear boy,' 1 called out to him an he was huntin' butterflies on the grass, and he came trottin' up to us, ' now go and say, ' granpa, won't you kiss me?' " And the little fellow went up and lifted his sweet, baby face to the old man, and lisped out so pretty, r Won't you ties me, grandpa?" "The old man reached out his arms, and gathered up the child in eueti a quick, hungry sort of a way, that I ryas althost scared, and he groaned out, " Oh Mary 1 oh Joseph !".in a way, that made my heart stand still, and he hugged up the boy so tight to his broad bosom, that I knew he neveg would him go from it again." 1 li• 1 At this point in her story, Aunt Esther paused and cried, and so did cousin Alice, and I, thought we laugli4d at each other all the time. , .. ~ . "Well what happened next, Aunty t" I asked as soon as I could. "I didn't stay anatb.er miaute, child. I could'nt. I just slipfied round the corner of the house, and hurried off home, bat I heard a deep sob as I opened the gate. softly; and I knew it Caine up froina heart that hadn't shed a tear for more than forty years. But it eom . forted me all the way back to think - that if Mary in heaven knoWs what I've been dein' ' today she'll thank rue for -it." - "But we shan't have Weston with, us.any more now. How. shall 'we get along Without him ?" I eiclaime/ , suddenly, `for' all our hearts had grown to he i i iweet child.- "Yes, we,shall havd.hiin,"' answered-Aunt Esther, quietly, nntyigig the strings of herlegs horn bonnet.' "Farmer Pike said more than twenty years ago he wouldn't trust any Woman in the village but rento bring up-a, child; and. he ain't goin' to. thinltless of me forthis day's work." i ' Annt Esther wal , ,right. Just. at evening, fainaeg Pike cainateimd to our hons 4, leading Weston by the laud. " Miss , Lee," he said, " I ain't got anybody at home J. quite like to trust him with,•buti- if-you'll-take the child, we won't say; anything about the-pride, only I'll see you don't lode by it." _ •-i-,:..: -i And Aunt Eathet took him. , ~-.; ; •-,,-, But every morning and evening ; Varmer Pike came up to see his little grandson,and Wee - never tired of bringing - Inm' fruits and toys, :until the little one learned: to; watch ea gerly:for, lila grandfathee&conaing. ; .. .:. - That little golden bead somehoW completely revolutionized the old man. The harsh lines around Ida faoe grew softer, and he would sit q': q .. a: