'------' -' 1. -•-:. :-.., - ~-..-,2 _,i-,7;z4t,;;,t,-i- ~_--- -,r- , &';',- 1 . . - kt -- - *I t' l l c-- -- _ ___-- - - -- T_ • ...- ItljblAnifiE X VI. : statmoaffsmioe-0—.... PITTSBURG-11 MORNING POST. ' Pri ..-.: c..,. pi..e . f.0m , 1 easy inervatig ;• Sundays ez.seocri) Blf JA6I.W.S P. MAIM, Is -a: :7. •"..i-O , ul coxinza OF We,oD Ate FIFTB sTßEctii T ii e -.. , :v3 Collars a year, payable strictly in advance S.I Di. , 73 :nrir - -.1.1y required it not paid within the year. ....ell- - ff p ,. 0 topf.., Two Citsrs-for - .6 et the counter iu 6' )01 , ' 1 iby the News Boys. itATISi3 OF ADVERTISING. .E 3 trii7A. IDeue Thrice! Tnictl °flora In doily li- a . we a a we ek week.l paper. Oneloseition....----.. -50 - .. .. ..... 5O e r - ',./ ih=o-tler...: ._ ... -. 76 * 1 - *...- .' ........ 75 Ifi-f fr.sertions. - 100 100 On. tv‘ak .... . -.. 175 60 :a .:t.JJ 3 V'.. .L5......__... 3 591 200110 1 00 76 '1 r-, ~, , ' ... INJ 261 200 13( 1 (X) IL,- 1...te.t.i ... 600 F 45 50 Ijo 1 & .7".... IL ,12!.... ... . 700 465 LO 335 250 Tor.- mend. , 900 900 450 8 001 300 Sou ..- !no rti..3. .... .... 10 00 d 66 500 316 460 Thy, menthe... 11 00 736 660 365 650 S months 12 00 800 600 400 660 ES Nit mont',..a.L.._ ..... 16 00 10 35 800 6 2.t. 900 One :Cs , . -... 20 00 13 35 10 00 665 12 00 Sanding Carl, sly liras or less, pet annum - ... .. 10 90 C:3A_Ktipt et x AS PIZ-5.99 5, Z • One eausre, per annuro. (exclusive of the paper,)....... 21 00 ILiirrii,,, reetio..-ia, 50 cents :Death nctitcs, 25 ciata.___ PITTSBURGH ShTURDAY POST A - P MAC-III:10TH 'WEEISOLV. ON 5 ,1 03111; DOLLAR PER YEAR, IN CLUBS OP TEN. St 0 , pie Sufroecriptione, - - .. 6 % pe r annum. coN TAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS (0.-It , ' T t.V, ik - .lli.icsl, Literary, Agticultural, Common of .., I._ -... Taepaplilc aril Miscellaneous. This Pe,ar boo g of the LAP.OI.S.Of nu, and neatly prints on fine whlte paper, in large, clear type, will be found by She antaicriher to give bettor satisfaction than any paper vault :tied in Pittsburgh. Those trLe wish to taken paper nom Pittsburgh, will find t'ne SATIFDDAY POST a safe and profitable investment. A.! Ira.s, JA.filialS P. BARR, selil7 Editor and Proprietor. Az. r, f-..afi. en. a. ISTIERI NARDI & iiVERS' (30Z AND JOB OFFICE, CtS'S' 33LTIZLLIDIIsTGI . S„ Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. __.—....—.... Hq_ll_, andorsigned having made extensive akbn(...A.6 of the LATEST AND HANDSOMEST STYLE P TYPE, and improved Machinery, to the MORNING POST 300 OFFICE, invite the 6 ttentiou of Bail Road Officer Merchants. busine-s mon, and the public generally, to their opener fez illes for executing with dispatch, on reasonable come, 1:.. , L-.,,1.7. of R tAL n'OAD, MER - CANTILE, LEGAL, _aND El' 101 OTHER DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN etS FANCY PRINTING ....) - F-, Oar metviW being nearly all now, we can give Cant. auto ...t this r.. di_ complete satisfaction, and solicit orders or BOORS, PAN:MEETS, RAIL ROM) DILLS AND CARDS, BANK CHECKS, BLANK NOTES, LY7T - ' AR IT - FADS, BILL MEADS, BILLS LADING, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, PAPER BOOKS, DEEDS, 61011.TGAGE.S, BONDS, Ac. Xi; I ..I , enlar p., I, ~...lon will also I o paid to the printing of ho-t, , Plugregimes, itc. for Concerts, Exhibitions and Oircne- .. - DARR A MYERS. BUSINESS CARDS. The People's Sitoe store. D. S. DIEFFENBACH.ER & CO ') Cheap Ceeb Dealers in all kinds of Fashionable Bfit TS9 SHOES AND GAITERS ) I. r G. r.t1 , ,1 ma, Ladies, 'Soothe and Children, to. 17 Finn Street, near Illarkst, c..'i PITTSBURGH, PA. : G. f nlllll .............WY. J 011 9 ,0. S. A..7OIPaGA PERRIN & JOIINSON, Proprietors of Childs A Co.'s iraoent. idlostto Fire and 'Water Proof Cement Roofing. 133 Thall.D STRPNT. rIRDEB,S for ROOFING promptly and faith fully executed, and all ocr we, t. warrant.'). itoodnx material always GIL hand, anti for sale, with di rectoor.s tor mos. _ oep2ily JO , cf. 17. ridE3ILLTO64 ds.. CO., ENGINEER'S . 1 1NI) 171ACLIY19IISUICS, Garner of Ftt.::: a•:....1 Liturt 9 .dre-' , , P.LtittLOgit., P.s. QUPERIOR STEAM ENGINES for Grist and law Mills, Etrewenef, Printing Flatablishment, Ilanufa - tories, Ac., mode to ord. r. They e.Lso continue the manufacture of their Celcbrotoel ii...-rhiLieti f Tools, each ttO Porting Lathes, Iron Planers. Dorm.; and Drilling Machines, AT. Also, 'Wrought Irou Shaltto t - „ with Pulleys, Hangers 3c. Au. JaFulyd ,__ RotysT 1116STSON c. EIN Truntpaou JOHN Tillolsll-/SON (14)., OUSE - PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND cIIAINERS, N 0.1.35 Third ctr - et. SitiN PAINT ING exe. - ate:i with nestne. , a and cle.lnKtca. Nixed Painta, OiLs, Turpentine, Var.nish, Japnu ::nd English Patent Dry- YilL!Nlentaign , Zio.:k, a very superior article; Philn cl.:lphia and Pittsburgh White Lend elwt.ys on hand and for are prcpArad togrind re:ors for Painters, Drug cc utburn, at :lit shortest ti we have a Mill Which AT had, i ctmon Paint,r, will wave money by get t their color:4 ground with u•+. OurCnly GOLD AND SILVER SP3CTACLES, Li'ikritiffACTUELE.H.9S PFLICI4I3. HYDROIETERS Qt. the rl,3v,nt and artiala br or ttAA CH intIIO ,( ETF.B.P , A NI , LAttolditrillie., prier T.'. tu Se. IC $.2.11 <,..11. POCEET tt ;7,1 PASI7-31 , 'S, AND 1 7 F. V F. COMPASSES, U E. SiIANN'S, Practical Optician. bb Kifth &Tee. uppasiteldheouta flail c. .5. 0. sALwriEn, VIANSFIC6I737O,E LARD OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS No. /1 Wood ctrtii.t, Pittsbargh, Pa 'DISSOLUTION OF' PARTNERSHIP.-- The firm of HAWORTH BRO. k BROWNLEE was, on the 2,1 of 1858, dissolved by mntnal copsent, by the withdmival of HAWORTH from the above firm. The accounts of the Into firm will liosettlyd by ItAWORTH A. BROW NLEE JFHIJ HASVOE.III, iu withdravrinit from the above; iirm, Lindly ti4n - n.. hit former patrons and also the patrons the lste thm, for the very liberal patronage he has re-:, eeivtd, unti.wonld kindly rtezomroent them to hie snocessors,; HAWORTit as they are determined to sell at low fizores, havihg a ver large eisortment of CELRAP CIF.OOERT WINI , M and LIQUORS on hand_ JERIEJ HAWORTH. , ..ttai - DAVID HAWORTH and JAKES IatoWNLEr, Lace this day associated together, and will continuo on thd ;or:lciness at the OLD STAND, corner of Diamond and Dia! mond alley, nuder the style of HAWORTH. BROWNLRE, where , they h: 'pc to rec*ice that patronage so liberalli given to the oldf.an they are determined to sell CH RAPER than any ether Store in the city. myl3 : Office of Seater of Weights and Measures. PTIIE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED; enER OF FY - RIGHTS AND MEASCRES, tray be found henceforth, in Cherry alley, between Third end Fourth streeta, Nehare orders may be left. CHARLE.3 BARN TT. , o S. lIAVEN'S Elastic Steel Pene just received, and for sale at the Stationery Store, D;O4. 31,113 an 4 35 Ilarkst street. TRUE FRANKLIN AL.3IA.NAO FOR 1859: —Tills well-known and popnlar annual., formerly pub. liabod by Johnston & Stockton, after a lapse of years, will again shortly be issued. The circulations as formerly will ix mole by t.,e skillful mathematician, Sanford 0. Esq., who pill also prepare far its pages such reading mat ter as will make it an entertaining and instructive maga rine. Besides the reliable astronomical calculations, a new and ingenious table of time, an accurate method of drawing meridian lines, and other matters of permanent value , will be added. Orders of book•sellers and other dealers are solicited In advance of publication, 11.4 — but one edition will be printed, and orders Nriltbe titled according to priority. WM. G. JOIINSTON C 0.,& Publieliers, Printers, Stationers, said Blank Book Makeri, 57 Wood street, Pittsburgh. J 822 LOUR,--4 0 Ibis. choice superfine for sal JAS. A. anraa, je3 Corner Harked and Vint di. bble, Oakum for salab_y__ semi a -maw% 3•,g • St. . . 4 . ' . • II X I/ tritrAt • t " 1 ~- .•.. . •, 7- ; 7 'l REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARINER'R UNION INSURANCE COIIPANY, At ATHENS, BRAEPOHO COMITY, PA., An. 1, 1858, at presented to the Stockholders, and mado out in complisnce with the State Laws of New York, Ohio, Jodi no a, Illinois, Ac. STATIMENT. The name of the °moony is the BAR 31 E. IN' UNI ON I N SURANO E COMPANY, located at Athrrns, va. ChartorOhsrter e.I April 13 , 1853, by the Legislature of P o nuiyivania. PernaL Oaah Capital, which is all paid no Surplus in addition thereto , ---- • • • ARSITS Fitly-four Benda and Mortgagee, at six and seven Ti cont. interest, amounting in the aggregate to.- $152,315 3.:1 Which mortgages aro or valuta. bla and productive real estate, principally farms, recorded and first liens, worth generally double the amount and more than mort gaged for in each case, and in no case leas than fifty ft cent. more, exclusive of farm buildings, and HO certified by the Recorders, where recorded, to the and tore of the States of Ohio and Illinois. Nineteen six cent. Bonds amply secured 47 6b., tie Cash on hand and in Bank 6,449 1 s Cash in hands of Agents, end in course of transmission, secured by bonds with sureties Due an losses re-insnred, he Bills receivable, viz: promissory notes payable at bank and to the Company...„„ interest scorned, (principally due January 1,1858,) 1 19 46 Bath and office Fixtures and Punt tare --$ 253,485 51 orocata for. Tsui rnart 1857. Amount of Premiums received during the 85,231 33 year . $ Ain't interest received during the year.... .... . 11,442 05 Ain't received from all other sources ..... 2,480 00 taiPtiviatosin Rxpedisea for the year, including ectmanissinns, salaries ' rents, rain. Buranee, printing, advertising, taxes, and all other expenses $ 19,100 88 Dividends paid during the year 17,000 00 Leases paid, which occurred patter to December 31,45 A Lessee paid which occurred during - the year . 4 , 3,861 Et LIABILMEB. Losses adjusted and uot doe (since Paid) ; 15 : 500 99 Losses incurred and in process of adjustment. Losses reported, on which no action bas been taken Losees resisted, on ground of insur ance after fire, property trunsfor red before loss, property lost not covered by the Policy, dim- 11. 5 10 u LI) $ 39,407 56 Whole amon tof risks taken during the year..55,421),86:2 00 Whole amount of 'risk. at date. 4,86t,440 Ott :24.A.YE 07 PENNSYLVANIA, COUNTY OP .1311ALYOND, it. 0. N. Shipman, President, and J. B. Canfield, Secretary of the Farmers' Onion Insurance Company, being severally duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself says, that the foregoing t, , .3 a L-ne, full and correct statement of the ifrairs of saddssorpos, and that they are the above de. sor ib6; Miters thereof. , 0, N. SHIPMAN, President. J. E. CANFIELD, gacretary. Subserad and sworn before me, this 25th assy .j u. ary, 1858, H. 0. BAIRD, Justice of the Pears. T. J. HUNTER, Agent, g o. op - Y street, Pittsburgh. Reliance Mutual InEturance Co. OH lIIFTLDEFIGS, LIMITED OR PERPETUAL, MEROHAS DlBl3, YURN/TURR, AC., I 1 TOWN OR COUNTRY. Office, No. 308 Walnut street. CAPITAL, 13177,920 ASSETS, 08591,465 SO. Invested as follows, viz : First Mortgage on Improved City Property, worth double the amount 1120,2.00 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s d per cent. Mortgage Loan, X3O 000 coat 23,500 00 Allegheny County 6 par cont. Penn'e. It. R. LUSH.. 10.000 00 Pennsylvania RaiL-oad Co.', 5t0ck...._.............. 4,000 00 Stock of the Reliance Mutual Insurance C 10,150 00 Stock of County Fire lust:mace Co 1,050 00 Scrip of Sundry Insurance Companies 475 00 Bills Receivableibusiness paper 52,711 50 Book Accounts, accrued intereFA, etc. 3,336 10 Cash on hand and in Bank 14,013 20 Olem Tingley, William R. Thompson, David S. Brown, Cornelius Stevenson, John R. Worrell, L. Carson, Robert Toland, Moses Johnson, Charles S. Wood, Jamrs S. Woodward, turd B. J. GAIL ud.3 Nortli-est cur. MERCHANTS' INSU Pralladelplaa. W3l. V. PETI.TI, -P• J M'CANS, &ere/ Amount of Capital Stook paid it mad Surplus ....... ...... ....... . ..• . 63, $•263,11:8 iwrirca Cargo Itishe on the lo shit !!lisslsstppl lUcc to ari.l tribnisales. Insures against loss i.,i tiAlllAt4t• !' 11 Also, agathat the Perils of Ow Sioa and ul Navigation i.r.d Transportation. D 1E.2 C 7 On a: Win. V. puttit, J. 0. pl,utgou o 1 y, p umt , I). J. hL.llauo, L. ie.cq- V, sit, It. L. Weuhrtou, John A. klars ' hall, Chan. It Wright, J obi - , J. Patterson, Elio - owl T. Prine-y . -a. C. lIILLEII In Phitticielpluzez M pm7 a d t iphia: Beigor, Lamb et Co., StAnmitz, Justice A Co., Truitt, Bro. A Co., Bnck, Morgan & titidfole, A. T. Lane a CO., Poinroy, Caldwell A Co. PIMBITROLI OFFICE, t O. VI WATER STRBET. GO R. W. POINDF.XTER, Agent. ______ __~~_~_ _~~~- WEST BIR A NCH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOOK EATEN, CLINTON COUNTY. 0114-EYZTIZD BY TUE LECGSLATintg GP PENSEIILVAgIA capitsi poo.boo Premium N0w...5132,343. lIIS CoMPANY WILL INSURE oN I,l , ,celmuLtise, Furniture, ,iu toc.o iluu. J us. J. Pearce, tHon. u. O. II a. icy ,IChstice A. , John 11.Hall,ICharles Cast, Prior Dlckine. , o, T T AhramA, I'D K. Junkman, W White, Thomas Kitchen. HON. G. 0. lIARVE Pie:Meat T. T. AZBASI.3, Vice President. iirrcors, Etecretary. 1t51531103055 1 Hammel II Idey.t, Dr. J. B. Crawford, A. A. Winegardner, John W. Maynard, A. Updeg - raff, L. A. Mackey, Hon. 8 Cameron, Janie' Armstrong, A. White, Thos. Dowunin D.D, William Fearon, James Quiggle, Wm. Vanderbelt, lion. Win. Bigler, OFFICE NO. .7 , 1 FIFTH. STREET, PITISINSGII. J. A. LIPPERT, Agent. TUE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OP PHILADELPHIA. Dfasoson.o--Charles W. 'Mocker, Thomas Hart, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob H. Smith, Geo. W. Richards, Mordecai D. LOAiief, Adolph' E.Erie, David 3. Browne, Mor• rie Patterson. CH BLIICTEIaI, President. C u ,. Cl. BAR Secretary. Continuo to insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property, in town and conntry, at rates as low as are consistent with securb.y. The Company have reeerved a large Contingent rand, illich,with their capital and premiums, safely Inve.ited,ef• ford ample protz-tlon to tho assured. 'rbe Assets of the Oomptiny, on January lat. 1661, as pub. 'fated agreeably to an Ats of I..=.embly, were as follows, vie : litortge43l'... $918,128 08 &sal Estate 84,377 78 Temporary Loans- 83,088 17 Stocks 61,689 01 Clash, in..- 64,346 61 g :14,;•,-e.40-',,,-12,--,'ki-i puBLIBRED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARE; AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS FEB ANNUM: INSURANCE. FI RE INSURAN CE, BY THB OF PHILADELPHIA $282,4645 89 CLEM TLNGLEY, Presidrot. MECITII.9. S.amnol Blepham, Bobort William Mu.baer, Benjamin W. Tingley, Marahall Z. Lathrop. Chewlea 'Aland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, Wm. M. Semple, Pittab`g HINOLIMAN, iiccretary. COPTII4, Agent, ner Third and Wood atreets. ZINC E COMPANY, tIOALti: WILLIAM V. Frzz,:vr.t r, F. WITITER, lot Preziletit D. J. hIGOANN, &erftaTy. • Total '0,212,708 44 ti Since their incorporation, a peliod of twenty-one years, they have paid upward of One Million Four Hundred Thou. sand Dollars,' oases by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantagai of insarauee, aa well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, Mee, north-oast oar. Wood and Third eta_ WESTERN INSURANCE , COTIIP.A_NY PFITSBIINGII. GEeRGE DAR' , " R. 4 resident; r M. Geartort, Bacretarg. Omni No. 92 Water street, (Spaug k Co's Warehouse,) up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will insure against allidnds of r I UF. and MARINE MBE 8. A Home Institution managed whoicec , r , who are woll blown is the commtinity, and are dot,rminod, by promptness and liberality, to maintain the , haracter whir they have:x=od, caering the beat proto'tion to thee who desire to be insured. ASSETS, &NOUS Illst, 1E57 Stock ... Receivable,....- 013 litxmiturer ...... Opon Aco.. - luita, Prougturi --- Bills Discceanted,......... DLBETICALB - B. Miller, Jr., George W. Jackson, Alm Ilpepa:. • Wm. _- Alexander kiimmL, Wm. H. Erna, P. M. GORDON, George Darsis, J. W. lintler, James islrAnley, And:LWAckley, Nathaniel Holmes, D.ll. Lau& Q. W.,llicteticu. -30061b8 Comitry • • for ago wm, imam a go, B A ' 1 EP ki LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 96 WATER STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROB MIT GALWAY, P ri ,..1,1 07 ,... A:SY.liaatsst, 1-reabba, L. ru:1111.12.114 rlecretary. 466-This Oompauy orry lama[ finer. apt.ertatubug to or connected with LIVE Also, against HULL AND CARGO RISKS on the Ohio and Ilisabasippi 'Myers and tributaries, and NI &RINE 11.1868 generally. And against Loss and Damage by 'etre, and against the Perils of the Bea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies issued at the lowest rated ldat.mt with safety t parties. 4 200,000 00 53,485 51 $253,495 61 DIRWOTOAS. Icobart Galway, i.. dm u .., I of•Olarkem, Joseph P. Ciazzara, M D_, John Scott, James Marshall, David Itichey, James W. Hailmah, Charles Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Joseph S. Leech, John Fullerton, N. P. Hart, David H. Chambers, Robert H. Hartley, William Carr, Jan. MARL eeJb CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. WILLIAM DAGALEY, President. BAMUSL L. MAESHELL, Scorotary. OFFICE.: 9 inter street, betweas Harks/ a 4 Wood street' ier3r . Insures HULL AND 031100 1U Kd, ou the Ohio and Mississippi Etivare and tributarlos. Ins - tiros against Loan . or Damego by Also, against the Perils of the ilea and Inland Navigation end Transportation 1,761 0 7,838 61 William Dag&ley, Capt. Mark titsaling, Samuel Rea, Samnel M. tiler James M. Cooper, John B. Dilworth, James Park, Jr., iTrsucis Sellers, Isaac M. Pennock. William B. Hays. Springer ilarbaugh, John Shipton, Capt. Saurael U. Young, Walter Bryant, John Caldwell. fr,22. PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPAINY, $89.163 :45 No. 149 Chcanut Street, Opp - a:tits the Onatom Houae. NILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU riANOE, either Perpetual La- Limited, ou every Aescription of Property or Morrhandis., at r.tee.elat,a, rates pronsinp. I,tor,;:elit. P. Pr ,leut. l 9 L 7 6ALPaIAI, a.,..Pr.3hacLt. $90,135 96 HOTELS & RESTAURANTS. MARKER HOUSE, BLAIRSVILLE,II I IDiAN..4 CO wiry, P 4 , COL. ROBT. EVANS, Proprietor, IJAVING PURCHASED THIS HOUSE, from its former well-known Proprietcr, D. D. Mar. ker, Ea.. l , and refitted it, I am new prepared to receive and accommodate visitors. The rooms are largo and airy, and well furnished. A 2001 table always provided. with the House, there is also a good Livery Stable. I'omA rao.t.a,,ti.,. COL It. EVAN:, tielay nop-leto7. keelsior Restaurant, No. 111 WOOD Strut, f'7 7 5 atrnou, Pe, JAMES K./VIER, ProprleloF. lAKE AND EAST ERN FISH. SOLD Wholesale and Retail, at Ito lowest cash pricts. Large supplioA of idelens. Peaches, qnd Sweet Potatoes receic.ed dolly. Alao, New York Prince's Bay Egg Elarbor, Shell Oysters, the finest ever brought to this city. Every delicacy of the eeacon constantly on hand, and served up in the meat palatable style. Don't f.,rget the Excelsior Res taurant, No. lit Wood street. set _ _ WI L LIAM AGLIER, FE aria El (4.1-2. Fifth Strad, Next Door 10 l'atebtsry;, r eh. , horao is ua , r, bunt ospe•dally for tho pur i .o.los of a First Class IttAitsureat atd 2ab,n and thr proprietor hay. Mg, Lad many yeara export..l,le it the bastuca.a- viii keep constantly on hand the beat that the markota afford. 13Is Wined, Liquors and Ales, ttr, ut U,-best quality. lie wauta all his old triendu and the pv.blit generally to give him a call at the 3 ymprisharn SCOTT HOUSE, Cornar Irwin Str..,at R ii Duquacn• Way, B. D. ISIARIcEit, - PROPP.IETOR, (Formerly of the "Marker Hance," Blairat - lik , , Pa.) HE SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM PLETED AND OPEN FOB. UIINSTS. It le situated in a central part of ate city, be;:4~ to all Railroad Depots and Steamboat Landings. The notate was built iu 1.866, with all modern Improve roente, and fitted up hi splendid style—the entire Furniture being new—and will in every ree•wct be a firat ClllBB HOWL STAIII.I.IB are attr.ched to the prothism , .. [ jel^_•y - - *4 il4iley ~4 1- T.:4 1 4 . ,.. Tht, atteuciJn of Itertilan....:i u ; ~..- ---\ kn7.,'7,1 . ,:zi -.4.6,,g and others 1.3 LltrActeri to thls'" ..;1 „. 4 cA'ol..li•iliiftAli. wa.Lil hi L2ca r:::Antly tittAd 4 op for the p0rp0....- of Pt" - slug e gUTISTAN. TAAL EAT! O ItolT61: IN A ORNTIIA I. LOCATION. Ormotry I,llt, atteuJing e.,.., , e,t ~t, particulm ly Inch-1 t.; ca 11. 11 - very thing perutMlui.; to , u EATINU t ., A LOON will gwAy A L. I',AILA, of the Ereem , et tho market iMorda. .t...•.!elydAsv • . tJudc , r Iteuatizro New National Theatre, PITTtIitiRGW, HAS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and comfortable style, the large centre store in the ODD FELLOWS HALL Fifth area, as a 1 , 111,2 T CLAtiS RESTAURANT and SALOJN. Having had many yeas' experience in the business, he is prepared to supply the heat the market affords His Bar will be furnished at all times with the beet Wines, Liquere and Ales The entrance to the faloon, is in the c , titee of the Hall, and refreshments will be furnished at all times, DAY and NIdHT (Sundays excepted.) apl4:ly 2,11X1 00 4,181 67 24000 - 9,478 04 ". . 14,841 45 125,003 73 $317,641 79 PITTSBURGH. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 1868, INSURANCE. PITTSBURGH Charles Hityen, K. K. c. i ..?„ El. 1-1. EligliaL, (1,-...age W. Brawn, P B. Savory, Joi:eph S. Patti. C. Sherman, John Clayton, 6 J. Magarg ‘e, X. Wilor. V. FiLiCKBURZiL, kiet.i . ,tary J. G. 00.P.FIN, Agent, CL.rnet Third and Wood strok.t.e. THE SYMPOSIUM. PrisTSit: l l[oli, PA or:mrvETCPTIPLE IiZtaSTAIUR.A.IIII'. B ELI YOUNG, Fir'u STRLNT. THE NiTiONAL SALOON, D. BARN NRD, WASHINGTON HOUSE 9 CUR. PEIVN'A AVENUE 4- THIRD ST., WASHINGTON } D. C. A. P. I3EVERI DUE PRoPRIETimIas. W. K.ANAGA. 11. S. H t 4 tytipozita the Pansast. itallrosid ifi•pot, 11.A.RILISBURG, PA. Del& 'WASHINGTON MOTEL, WORMYELY D. B. HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PA. JAMES BRANNON, Proprietor. FrHIS HOUSE 18 LUC.A.TED ON THE corner of PENN and WASHINGTON Streets, betwoon the CENTRAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD DEPOTS, and has undergone a thorough improvement, remodeled and furnished with new furniture, and is now the moat conve• nient Hotel in Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Railroad, East or West. myß:ly MANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AURENTZ, PP-OPSLITOIL No. 344 Liberty street, Jnst beside the Passenger Depot of . ihe Pennsylvania Railroad, which makes It the most convenient house in the city for passengers ant vin by that read. to proprietor having, at considerable expense, fitted up, In excellent style, the MANSION HOUSE, would respect fully solicit a share of public patron e. There is attached a splendid STABLE and extensive WAGON YARD, afford ing ample accommodation to travelers and teamsters. His Larder and Bar will DO furnish,' with the beat the market eon sffcrd. febLy GENTLEM EN'S DRESS GOODS. A. WE ' PJUiLUI:U;rD, MERCHANT TAILOR, Corner of Fourth and Smithfield Streets, RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT he has received his Spring Assortment of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, 01 the newest styles, bed quality and most elegant descrip tions, which he is prepared to manufacture to order in the LATEST FASHIONS, And with such a character of workmanship, ad cannot fa to satisfy and please the moat fastidious tasted, Imyl9 --- Lippincott, Shorten tz Pearson, NO. 101 WOOD BVIIKET, NEAR lawn. MANUFACTURERS OF TitIUNIIS, Va lioe,s, Bat and Bonnet Boxes, Ladies Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags, gc., keep constantly on hand s largo stock. We are prepared to do a wholesale trade, and hay% bag facilities to tarn out good stock at reduced prices, we wonld invite the trade to call and examine our gawp be• as ea. WINDSOR SHADES.—GoId bordered, plain and fancy. Mao, shade Trimmings, &c., always on hand at and for tale cheap by H PHILISPB, 24 and 28 Pt. Glair strept ILL AND COLLECTION BOOKS-A large assortment always on han d. kor made to order. S. RAVEN, Corner Market and Second streets. ode A I FAR by M of 238 urB. ea, near &mom, for OIITHEtIaT SON IA Wass gins. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. ROBERT A. LOOMIS, (Successor to B. T. 0. Morgan,) STATIONER AND DEALER IN BOORS, PERIODICALS AND NEWSPAPERS, No. 41 111th street, Pittsburgh, Pa. TliE undorsignod kayo entor.i,l itdo C1 ) - Ptirtuuruhip, meter the trey - loot Wm. C. Jetmeten A Co. SAMUEL It. JOHNSTON, .11 1 ... WILLIAM O. JOII3STON, Pltteburgh, September 5, 1867. 8. R. JOLINHTON, JR Wld. G. 101IN9TOIL W. G. JOHNSTON & CO., STATIONERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, and JOB PRINTERS, No. 57 Wood street, between Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa. so3o TOBACCO AND SEGARS, w . & D. RINEHART, TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS. Safety and Economy in Light. WHY WILL YOU BURN CAMPHENE AND FLUID, when you can get a clasper and bet tor light. Pare IlerosenS Oil, made from the gas of Cannel Coal, produces the cheap/st, moat brilliant, steady pleasant cud safe portable light ever offered to the public, and no danger of explosion; more brilliant than gas; add (pile as cheap; Lamps of the us.at simple sad orally managed coo struction. Vor sale by T. D. it O. HODIUNSON, No. 79 Smithfield etroot tet. Bewareof a counterfeit already in the tuark,,t, from Camphene, with a little Coal Kr.kat It. I f,77:13, COOKING BY GAS A • WORD TO THE LADIES. THE HEATED TERM IS APPROACH ING, aad we call the attention of the Ladl,4 to Iho fact that COOKING, IRONING, ETC ., Can be done with economy, without opvcerosive heat. with out soot, and with despatch—the fire being always re:o y to a moment—hy using Ir . tuFlreve , s E as Vookinis Stove, To wlt th wo raapoottully Invite your attont.i.,o, at No. 75 Bruitlfflold uMet. S. A. JOLINiiOIkI tait... County and Oity Eights for aalo. :1402:9 Lll AYRES' WORM CONFECTION", C ONFEOTION, 00 NPEOTION, CON F NOTION, CON? EUTION,CONVE O TION, IDUN VE 0 T lON,_O ()NEBO T I ON,OO N VEOT 1 O N,CONF 1:0T1.0 N,CONFECT I ON CO NFEOTI U fP . Tha most pieuannt, tafe and sii.)c,nal Worm Remedy now in GAS. Prepared and sold, wholesale by 109 1 04 1 . cur:wca aid siy,to its., Pittsburgh, Pa And indd by Drat/Arts tamarally. " jai QT. CHARLES LIVERY STABLES.- The undersigned bas bought the lease ta of the above named Stables, to- , gother with a portion of the exten -247() dock of fiords and Carriadee.•• - late e roperty - cd dailies Mathews, oeceaseit 4 1n addition to the dock beforo-mobtioned, he has also added a number of BINE HOMES, BUGGIES AND OARBLiGES, which were formerly employed at his Livery Stables in Third, below Wood oil eat. As he given his pereohal atten• rim to tic eantiuralac , 3 of the patronage which he hoe [Mimi to roce,vcal fFJiv i• ' , lli° is 80 14Ci11 4 . JAOOB S:. Livery Stables: 4. • • N. 11.—A HEARSE and any number of OAHAIAHVS can always be pii,a.an-to far letinerab. delta 'THE CHEMICAL OLIVE ERASIVE SOAP, manufactured by 11. U. Er. J. 11. Sawyer, re receives the preforonco over all other kinds ever offered for family use. Its advantages over other Soapy are:--Ist, It Is cheaper to Liao, coo pound being equal to tare° of common rosin Sean. 2d. Half the time need only be occupied in washing this neap is used in place of other Soap. lid. Labor ra washing can be ne4rly.timpeanA wlth, Lis the clothes will require little if any rubbing, Thus avoiding tibeir wear on the wash-board. 4th. ltoilmg tifii clotiliti is tuthieessary when this Soap is used, and hard or salt water answers equally en wnil ne spit. 4th. Printers, lilachinicts, Paintera and others, find it fir emperier to other Soaps. It speedily re moves grease, tar, paint, printers' ink and dirt from the hands, leaving the skin soft, and frog from chapping. To avoid the labor of rubbing the clothes, and the use of the wash-board, the following directions should be followed : For the washing of eight or ten of a family, take one pound of Soap, cut It into shaving, and dissolve in one gallon of hot water; put the clothes into a tub containing about ton gallons of warm water; pour in the dissolved Soap, and stir thoroughly. Let them soak twenty to thirty minutes, wring out, and rinse in warm water once, cold water twin. A vog dirty wrist-band, or seam, or grease Th spots, may require a slight rubbing, but oerwise the clothes will come out clean and white, without rubbing or boiling. Oold water may be used In place of hot, requiring ab int double time in soaking. Obsarve our name oti each tar. For sale, in any quantity, at our warehouse, No. 47 Wood street, and at our works, opposite the Hound House, Penn sylvania avenue. B. 0. dt J, H. SAWYRit, ap2i No. 47 Wood street. BUCKIVIIEAT FLOUR.-20 eackß Buck wheat Iflonr, AO th sacks, just rocolvad and for ahl. by McCANDLESS, MEANS A CO., to2o Corner Wood and Water atreebs bbta. Suparilna Flut►r reoeiied sod for os.lo by MoOANDLEBB, MEANS A 00., 1.20 Oorner Wood and Whtor stroetd. L"MIGRANT RIFLES.—A most desirable aad cheap weapon, at IIOWN A TETLEY'B, vl Nei. 130 Wrnxi otripe. IA RD.—A prime articlo of No. 1 Laird ; in A barrels and kege,inst received and for sale by McOANDLESS, .116At713 9 CO., Ja•'P Corner of Wood and Water emote. 2,5 bags Pimento; 100 " Grain Pepper, Mal received and for Gale by 1111,L09R It HltlKh7BuN. ria No &V and V 3 Libetity 'street. PROPRIETOR, NEW ARRIVALS. — We are taking into .tore, (123 Wood street,) an tremens: stock of no.. Paper for Jobbing purposes ; also, Letter, i'ap and Note ; Knvtlope, lu great variety; .11anilla Papers, of every else, and as cheap as they eau be bought in the Ned., whore we offer wholesale or retail, very low for Cash. apt JNO. M PeltiSlNB & CO, L AKE FISH.--White Fish, frout, Salmon, and eickerel constantly on baud, a full stock to supply the wholesale trade, by [myEll HENRY Li. COLLINS. ORANGES. -300 bis. sweat, just received and for gale by REYIIBII 3 ANDERSON, No. 89 Wood atreat, myl7 Oprgsite the St. Charles Hotel. BROOMB.-100 dos. Extra Corn Brooms on hand and for wile by al V 2 B. 0. A J. 11. SAWYER. DUSTER TRIMMINGS—Drab and Gray Duster Binding and Tassels, rant opened at ap2i JOsi. EWAN tr 6, 71 Market street. 14-EV STEEL SPRING SKIRTS—Of the moat graceful shapes, on hand at HOItNE'd, myB 77 Market street, QEED SWEET POTATOES.-20 barrol u LI deed Sweet Potatoes, received and for sale by JAMS e. FETKER, al 30 Conker Market and Pint streett. DICKLES.-6 bbls. Cucumber Pickles, re L calved and for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, teo) Oorner Market and First streets. ERFII ER Y —Lubin's, BGZill'B, Wright's, Glenn's and Elarrison's Extracts for the handkerchief, constantly on hand at JOS. RIMMING , g, Je2 Corner Diamond and Market at. RICE AND RICE FLOUR; Corn Starch; Myer Oloaa Stereo ; Backer's Vartua; flawed Coma and Broma; Proati Cocoa Shell Received and for Bale at JA VIES' TEA STORE, its AtltL titree4. ELLIIM COPYING BOOKS.—These books possess great advantages over any others; the paper being thick and strong will not tear when wet. It takes a most perfect improsaion and ii convenient to refer to. When once in me their superiority is apparent. Bold by W. JOILDISTOIi k W., ea Btationera. 67 Wood at. --- 900 e FOR SALE—A two story brick home, of six Noma, well arranged, pared yard, with hydrant, bake oven, smoke house, &a. The house is in good repair, painted and papered. tutuntn on East Lane, Allegheny City. Terms easy. B. CUTHBERT & BON, 61 Market street. B AY APP PARING MA OHINE—A VERY USEFIJL AND SUPERIOR AR Tichg„—gy five turns of the crank, the apple is PARED. OORED and SUOMI Patented, November llth, 1850, and February 17th, 1867, In Europe. For sale in any quantity, at No. 74 Wood street, Pitts burgh. Please call ond examine for yourbelvw. iY22 i3A, II : . WOOD STREET PROPERTY FOR }MM.—An undivided third part of that valuable ETamliy 18 , the situate at corner Stith Wod 0 feet front on Wood byof and 60 deep on S i Sixth etstreets,reet. Ono-third of the above will be sold for $3,000. Ono-Ludt In band—balance at one, two and three yearn. B. CUTHBERT & S t a E, 51 Markerea. • YDRAULIC PRESSED CANDLES.- _L. COO bore* Hydraulic Premed lipoid Candles, made warmly for Summer nae, on bawl and for Kale by - • • 8. CL k,J. EL. OAWYBIL . reirlittig: 7 3oo bxe. this • • arriving, ‘,./ ago try ONSO : 1 ' H. Co -Partnership. LIMIIIPACTIMIBB MID DIIAALKES IN ALL rums 0) No. 12D WOOD STREF3 SCONSIN MONEY—lvotes of all Wis oonetn Bauku, bought by HENRY 11. COLLINS, 25 Wood Meet. PIANOS AND MUSIC SPLENDID NEW STOCK -0 B - PIANOS AND MELODEONS E L ECT ED FOR THE FALL TRADF PROM THE CELEBRATED MA NUFAC T 0 HIES CHICKERIN4 it. SUN'S, BOSTON, RAVEN, BACON & 0), and A. It. GALE & CO., New York City. WuODWARD & BROWN, and W. P. RIIEBSON, Boston, and other distinguished Piano Forte Makers; all of which will be sold at manufactureei prices, and warranted. The present stock has been selected by the subscriber per sonally, and every Piano is warranted to be perfect in every particular and will be sold at less prices than have ever been offered in this city, PIANOS TO RENT Fine new and second hand Pianos to rent at $2, $3, $4 and $5 per month. JOHN H. MELLOR, 82 Wood street, 5,13 Between Diamond Alley and Fourth street. AN ELEGANT SEVEN OCTAVE ROSE- . WtiOD PIANO FORTH 1N EX -0 ANU FOR (411,11)E11I ES it K DFt Y GAIODB.—A optimal 7 octave Piano , outiro- - It 11 ; new, will be oschuut,ol tor U, y Om, la or • G roenr ins. The owner having tio need for 111 Piano, is willing to part with it at Eastern Coat, anti take payment lu Dry Hoofs or brmairlos, from good hollr.Od. This Piano may be aeon at the Mimic Storm of sel3 JOHN H. 31 HUGH, 81 Wood etreet. piANO - r ~.44 • - 1 14" 1 1 1 1 Y1 FIT LL GRAND PI A NOS ' PARLOR GRAN 1) PIANOS 11 AND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, room the Manufactrry of cHICKERING t SONS', Jnet received from the manufactory of Chickering . Sons', Boston, the following- desirable and elegant stock o their PIANO FORTES : Ono Full seven octavo Grand Plat,' Porte, with superbly carved case. I'rice One Full seven octave Grand Piano Forte, elegant Rose wood case. Price .$7OO One New Parlor Grand seven octave Piano, nearly equal in power to a full Grand, and occupying only the room of an ordinary square Piano. Price $6OO SQUARE PIANOS! Two full carved Rosewood, Lords XlVtli, seven octaves, with carved Desk and Feet work. Too Rosewood seven octave--el i fiord style Two Rosewood, carved mouldings, seven octave. Four 'Rosewood, plain round corners, ileveu octave. Three Walnut, plain round trent corners, ric“ri,l3 raves. Four el. ' Four Rosewood " 1 ell of the above ura of Weir NdW SOAI.k, and with fall i.r•u iconic; mad their new Patent Action. Thelso Instruments have been neighed specially for the subscilber, and will be warranted ro purchasers. For Hal e at their reduced prioe.t. oOtiß H. MELLOR, 1•;‘). of Wood street, 4,.17 bole Agent for Chickeriug 4 Sous'. ALDERMEN. CUARLES W. LEWIS, ALDERMAN, And Px.Officio Justice of the Peace, OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WYLIE AND VW H STREBTS. 611 business connected with this office will lie attended to with promptness. Conveyances of all kinds done with legal accuracy—such as Leeds, Mortgaire, Banda, Powers of At t . racy, 4:c. Titles to heal Estate examined. To the members of the Bar ho tendon hie services as Corn. ratasioner to take Depositions to be read in the several Courts of this State, and elsewhere. Isis office is one of the main Stations of the city, and consequently bia facilities in business of that kind are very desirable. I felOily Alderman's Office. TAMES S. 1100 N, ALDERMAN, EX OFFICIO JUSTICE OF TUE PEACE, AND POLICE MAGISTRATE--Ofilce, No. 9 Grant street, nearly oppo site the Court House, Pltzsburgh, Pa. Dermaitionii, Acknow ledgments and Probates Galion; the records intamined, Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Wills. Leases, Articles of Agree inept, and of Partuorahip, Letters of Attorney, etc., etc, drawn up at short notice; Marrittges Solemnized, and all bustnet,ei the line of his official duties, promptly attended to. ?a,„. dice hours, from 7,ki t. ti. to 1 F. sr-, and from 2 to B F. at. apStly 13ERSONS GOING WEST, who desire to purchase good farming lands, are informed that we hare for sale 612 acres of land In Boone county, lowa. Also 843 acres of land in Franklin county, will be sold on easy terms by B. CUTHOBERT & SON, inylb 51 Market street. PURRS FOR PRESERVE JARS—An im mense stock on hand, at the only CORK MAMMA° TORY in thenolty—No. 76 Smithfield street. j yl5 H. OVERI NOTON. A DWELLINGHOUSE en Third street 2. CIITHEIORT £ SON, FOR RENT—A three story Dwelling House on Third etreet—s2oo per year. S. OUTEIBNIIT & SON, Real Retato &Rents. M Market et. CLARET WINE.— ‘,../ 20 cases N. Johnston & Sone Skidoo Claret Wine; 10 " " St. JMieri Claret Wine 60 " O. O. St. Julien Claret Wino, in store and for MILLER 8. ILIOILETSON, tuyl3 Naa 2ZI and 223 Liberty street. ('ILIEMIOAL OLIVE SOAP.--1000 boxes Chemical Olive &wave Soap, on hand end for sale by O. d J. H. SAWYER.. BACON. -1O casks Country Bacon Shoul der., Sides and Hanle, past received and for dabs by .110. b. FETZEB., La•td Comer Market and i'irge streets. INDIUO.-2 cases Manilla Indigo, just re calved and for sale by !aylB bIILLEIL E E.ICKETSUIsI. DRIED APPLES.-50 bush. Bright Dried Apple 4 Piet received and for rale by JAB. A. YETZER, nir2l Oornor Tdarliet and Second eta. 1 EMON -25 bas just received and for sale by REYM .13 ANDER- 4 0N, JY 2 I No. 59 Wood street. CHAMOIS SKlNS.—Another supply o cbtomolA Skim, Very large and fine, received by J)t;EPli FLEMING, br6 Corner Market strket and Diamond. TO LET tive Dwelling lioueee. n. CUTHBERT A SON, unb Al Marital Mtroet tiILASKS--A large li,eortment of Traveling Flu .ka, of all sizes and % , tiriAlea part received by JO Pll FLEMING, 8:6 earner Diamond and Market street. ALARON Map of our country, with the btatte, Tertiwrios rod counties distlictly mark. ed. For sale by W. S. HAVES, Stationer. aul2 Corner Market and Second streets. ejUlfl PRINTINU.— k.wda, eroiy.,ht itill , A, Circulars, Dray itereipte, 1111111...,i5, Labels, itar.:.ad fiecolos, Bills Lading, With every otb,, doecription of Job Printing, cx ..,, ted with promptness :41.1 at fair prices. 4 - J It. 0/ELDIN, Priutor and r, m 731 Wieeul Arcot, near FOlit 01. 12 ACRES 0f choice land, with good nu prt,veruottto, near the city, for Hale on easy terms by N. OUTIIIOIILT t NON, jolo 61 inartet. straet 303 ACRLB of Farming Land, near Uniontown, Pa., for Bale at $6 per acre. .31 UUTLIBEAT t MUN, 61 Pilaritot et. RALLS 1 BALLS! BALLS I—A large as ortadent ,a Foot, ifulid and Bat Balla, haat received and for dale, whulaaaio and retail, at the ludla Rubber Depot. 26 and 28 Bt. Clair rtreet, my 29 J. a H. VANS! FANS!! -Pe.lin Fans by the eme, JL: down, or single, at Ea t.,rn pricoa, with other variation of Fancy Fana, for sale at HORNE'S, 77 blarket_stroot. L A R 1) OIL. barrels Extra No. l Lard Oil; 2.5 ‘• No. 2 Lard Oil, au hand and for sale, by ErnylBl B. O. a J. H. SAWYER. JAVA Ca FE received a lot of T. I Atrletly two Old Oov,rnment Java Coffee. Also, La 84.Yr0 and Rh, Coffee, at JA YN TEA STORE, JeA5 88 Fifth street. IDURE BLACKBERRY A.kl 13ILINDY, for medicinal purposes, at HAWORTH & BROWNLEE'S, in the Diam ond. BOOK RESTS—blade of Mahogany and wall litdobod, for ertdo by W. 8. RAVEN, jel4 Stationer. A`9~YER'S SEAL PAPERS Various slam and colors always on hand, at %V. 8. HAVEN'S, Corner Market and Second sta. Jo UR—ENCH LEMONS. 20 just received an for axle RHYMER ANDERSON, iY2B No. 89 Wood drest. ERMAN DRAWING PAPER—In rolls tor EngraVerf, for Sale by J. 6. WELDLN, Wend Omit. tutor Waif 10: - - (ADM BANDS„ Port Folios, Desk Pads, kx smarm Oaaea, Port ?donates, and Pocket Books, for Ede by W. B. HAVEN'S,. apl9 • Oorner Market and Becond street ____ (1 ' SACKS.-300 large three bushels 14. A Uny Sacks, new and In good order, for sale by JAS. .11- alt, ms2o Career lniet and Morketetreeta. CIAESTNIITS.-5 barrels Italia g received this day,an d for aala by • • -• • & ANDKRE M ON,. ; No. 81) Wood eet" %Wits It. Maim trotd, , ' ; Vl=-61,-'1"-``=-; EDUCATIONAL. WESTERN lINIVERSITi: TUB PALL maul OP THIS INSITIIIPLOW WP LL COMIdENOE ON MONDAY, Candidates for admisalon will present themselves at the liniveraity Building, corner of Ross and Diamond streets, en MONDAY next, at 9 o'clock. au3law . _ Madame Appoline Tetedouxls FRENCH AND ENGLISH BOARDING AND DAY 8011001. FOE YOUNG LADLES, 148 Third street, Pittsburgh, Pa. This School, designed on the plan of French Schools in France, and =stilled as to the ltaglish departments on the plan of French Schools, in the United States, offers to young ladles, besides a full English course, the best opportunity of thoroughly acquiring the French language and literature, the Principal having re sided several years in Prance, and being assisted by Sir. Tetedonx, a native of Paris, and a graduate of the " College Charlemagne." French and Latin will be integral parts of the course. The Pine Arta will be taught under the superintendence of Mr. Tetsdonx, a pupil from the Conservatory of Paris. Arrangements have been made for young ladies who, hav ing already gone through a regular course of studies, still may wish to know English literature more thoroughly, acquire more facility in speaking the French language, and improve in the Fine Arts. School will open on the second Monday of September. F.tpanses by the term of Five Months :—Board $100; Tte hien p.); Vocal Music $25; in classes $l5; Piano $25; use of instrument $5; German.and Italian, each $25, in classes $10; Drawing, in classes $10; Oil and Water Colors at the Professor's price. All charges payable in advance. For circulars and further particulars apply to the Principal. Mkt CLEMENT TEVEDOUX announces to the public that he has taken up his residence in Pittsburgh, and is now prepared to give lessors in Vocal Music. For t:ruls and forthor particulars apply to John 13.,,51b1 Music Stork', No 81 Wood St. anll:6Aid MRS. M. M Y E R S' HOME SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, Will re,)pon on the YlltisT MONDAY of September, at her residence, No. 249 Penn street. After the first of October, o limited rinmber of Boarding Scholars will be received into the family. Arrangements have been main to accom odat, day hcar.leis, I , docirod to conntry patrons. There will be two HrSllOll6 day, !rem 9to 12 and 2to 4 o'clock. For t....rms, circulars, etc., inquire of Church Book Store, MI. street ; .1. H. Mellor, or of the Principal. au26:2w* Iron City Commercial College, Pc:i..ou7gie, Pa.— Chartered, 1856. 300 STODIINTB AITENDING, JANLIA.::: O,IS &S. Now the largest aid moat thorough Gs.utthorcial dohool vi the Unity.' Stuaes. Young Alen Prepared for Actual Thalia of the Cbunting Ronn. J O. SMITH, A. M., Professor of Hook-Keeping and B.:1011W oC Accounts. -1. T. DOU'rfIETT, Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial Ceslcialation. J. A. II EYDRICK and T. 0. JENKINS Teachers of Boa. Keeping. ALEX COWLEY, e nd W. A. MILLER, Professors of Pen inanship. Single and Double Entry Book-Keeping, as used in every department of Business. Couunercial, Arithmetic, Rapid Business Writing, Detecting Counterfeit Money, Mercantile Correspondence, Commercial Law, are taught, and all other subjects necessary for the success and thorough education of a practical business man. TWELVE PREMIUMS, - - Drawn ail the premiums in Pittsburgh for the past three yearn, also in Eastern and Western Cities, for best Writing, 44" AND NOT nu ENGHAVID WORN, IE4 IMPORTANT INFORM ATION. Students enter at any time—No vacation—Time unlimited —Review at pleasure--Graduates twisted in obtaining sit uations—Tuition for Full Commercial Course, s3s—Average time 8 to 12 weeks—Board, $2,50 per week—Stationery, $0 —Entire cost, $6O to $7O. /Ice Ilinistere' eons received at half price. For Card--Circular—Specimens of Business and Orna mental Writing—iuclo a, two stamps, and address F. W. JENEINS, ant Pittsburgh, Pen.usylvezia. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. CUTIIBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 1,3 a Market street, for the sale and purchase of Real Estate, renting houses, attending to insurance and repairs, obtaining loans on bonds, mortgages, i&c,; making convey. anoes, deeds, bonds, itc.; writing letters and corresponding with parties abroad, &c. oclB BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. REFIBMICIEL—Messre. Hanna, Carreteon & Co i Robert Parke, Esq. blitY 'WESTERN LANDS. ALEXANDER GARRETT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. 60 WATER STREET, CLEVELAND, OHIO, Has for sale Lauds in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan and lowa. He will exchange Lands in Wisconsin, so., for Pittsburgh manufactures, and also for city property. All letters of inquiry awiwored gratis, by addressing me as above. 61 Market street. PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. AGRIST MlLL—Three 'tun of stones and all the machinery complete, corn and cob cracker, Ac., all in good order, with a dwelling house, stable and two lots of ground, situate in South Pittsburgh, and will be sold on very easy terms by 5, CUTHBERT Ss SON, elf 51, Market street: AWRENCE COUNTY BONDS WANT AA ED, in ozchango for land. Lip= S. OLITILBERT & SON, 61 Market at. ASTEAM MILL in complete running or der, with dwelling hone, etc., near the city, for Bale by S. CIITHEEB.T & SON, aP24 61 Market street. WESTERN LANDS of good quality, for tale or exchange for Real Rotate in the city. p 22. S. CUTHBERT Sr SON, 51 Market at. L I AMILY RESIDENCE FOR SALE-A valuable property of DO feet front on Covington Lawreuceville, by 100 deep on Washington street to Cherry alley, Brick liwolling House of 7 rooms well arranged,bath room, porch, well of water and primp, stable and coal house, ltitcht n range, etc. The rooms are newly painted and pa pered, shade and fruit trees, grape arbor, great variety of throVelli, etc.; good p .hug fence. The above offers a good upporteuity to buy a c mplete and pleasant roaidenee. Pri, , e low, Led terms accommodating. a S. CUTLIBERT Real &state and General Agents, Jtle 61 Market street. r LIE SIZE of the cheap Building I;u/.3 for sale by S. CUTIIBFIaT & SON is 30 by 100 fee:. Location—Near the railroad station, East Liberty. Price—From $275 to 400 each. 'Perms—One fourth in hand ; remainder at six years credit. Toe Nan can be seen at the Meal Estate Unice, 51 Market street. [Jel2. BEAR IT IN MIND, that the East Lily erty Lute are offered at such prices, and on ancli emy iof I•JS, tot to make a home easily to be obtained. Bear it in mind, that they front on wide streets, are of easy nec , ..vss by railroad, and are very desirable locations for family rosidoneas Bear it in mind, that tim plan of tIiIMIARILET be e lots is to seen Tat f - - FOR SALE.- SEVENTY THOUSAND ACRES of •choice Prairie and Timber Laud, Situated In N orthena tout a and Southern Minnesota, embracing the fine 4 lot of fanning lands ever offered In this market, as they are located conveniently to Mills, Towns and lines of Railroad. Pamphlets containing information of value to emigrants and catalogues giving location, description and price of the laud, with a brief description of the countiee in which they are !mated, can be had on application at our office, and they will be sent free by mail to persons sending WIT.T.TAM FRAZIER CO us their addreer.e. niy:fctf Jones' Building, No. 67 Fourth street. - - - TEN DOLLARS IN HAND, will secure a Building Lot of 25.r.100 feet on It. it ashington,— Price, $.1.00—53. 0 in hand, remainder to suit purchaser. Al. so, a Lot of 60x100 feet for $2.50--$2.5 in hand, balance in paymenta to suit purchaser. 8, OUTIIBERT , et, e 23 61 Mark street. -1 ACRES of Land and a comfortable Air Hausa, situate near the Washington Turnpilte t at about 3 miles from Jones' Ferry. will be sold on easy terms. immediate possession. 8. CUTHBERT .4 SON, je'M Ed. Market street. A LOT OF ()ROUND in East Liberty, near XI.. the Railroad station 80 by 100 feet will be sold for one-fenrth In nand, remainder at six years' credit. B. GUTHERRT SON. 61 Market street. _ _---- NOTICE.—The Co-Partnership of SAGA LEY, COSGRAVE S 00. expired by limitation, on the first instant. The business will be c.i.ntinned by W. BAG &LEY, at 18 and 20 Wood street, who will settle up the business of the late firm. W. BAGALEY JOHN 8. 0086134NR. Pittsburgh, July 't.24,3.868.—jr23:11 CIIERR NEW FABRICS IN DRESS GOODS. A. A. MASON tr. CO., herd., NO. 2.5 Fifth Street, Are now opening rich Drees Billed, Benwee, Chat Organdies, Paris Brilliants, And a splendid selection of SPRING SHAWLS. (apl Q RED SWEET POTATOES.-15 barrols /4, Seed Sweet Potatoes fee sale cheap to close consign ment by JAS. A. FRIT= ' a1?23 ' .*4. - • • r!, OW/WOUND SYRUPS or PHOSPILATES, Tv OR 0101110 AL FOOD--This prtpazation HI not in tended as a popular i emedy, but is r • unbraittod to the Medical Faculty as a nutritive tonic, Vldi salted to supply the waste of elementary matter during.the progress of chronic case% puticalarly in Dyspebitia and WhiumP' tion.r This preparation is pleasant to the eye, egteetible to the taste, and greatftil to the stomach, and does not news. eateby protracted nee. Bold wholesale and retail by JOSEPH I/LEMING, ' Oman Ldiumnd and Market Waal. F !-.,,11'',";. Wis.,:;i•A . -! . '. ''. W. BAREWELL, Secretary .e r A. .. _