F A L L DRY GOODS C. HANSON LOVE'S No. 74 Market Street, BETWEEN FOURTH STREET AND THE DIAMOND PITTSBURGH. PA. SIGN OF THE ORIGINAL BEE HIVE The enbscriber has Just returned from Philadelphia, New York, Roston, and some of the .Manufacturing towns in the New England States, so as to get ag)ortion of our DOMES TIC CIOODB direct from the manufacturers, and gave one profit is receiving them in that way. Our stout of FOR EIGN GOODS has never been so complete. DRESS GOODS : VERY RICH DRESS SEES, In Plain Black. and Figured. VERR RICH DRESS SILKS, Plaid, Striped and lirceaeo VERY RICH SILK ROBES, Black and Colored. VERY RICH ALL WOOL MORS DR LAINS. VERY RICH ROBE MOUS DR LAINS. VERY RICH COTTON AND WOOL MOUS DE LAIRS. FRENCH MERINOS CuBURGS, The Largest litcnk in the city, And BETTER GOODS FOR THE PRICE CAN BE FGUNB IN ANY °Tina ROUSE WEST uF TILE MuUNTAIRS, BOUGHT AT AUCTION LARGE QUANTITIES AT LOW pRIcES, AND WILL by RE-aaro AT A rid SMALL ADVANCE ON EASTERN COST SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, Of , - ,nttrali a.aw each ra tha lALMA SHAWLS, And many r t er NOVELTIES IN SHAWLS AND CLOAKS Vie have been abio to offer so largo and varied a stock of ail kind. of BIiAWLS and CLOIES. NEEDLE WORK : COLLARS, SETS AND SLEEVES, FLOUNCINGS, EDGINGS, MOURNING GOODS : BLA.cg, DREES GOODS, SHAWLS, CRAPE VEILS, COLLARS, GLOVES. AHD EVERY OTHER ARTICLE IN THE LINE MuURNINU GoODS DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS BLEACHED AtiD UNBLEACHED musLris, TICEINGB, CiIE4IEB, GlNGfi Alti.i, YEINT , CASSIMETtES, CLOTHS, And every c.thu talkie ceaahly kept in a. WELL ASSORTED STUCK OF DRY GOODS As many of the above goods have beau bought from tho kfANHFACTURERS and AT AUCTION FOR NET CASH, we are enabled to eall them as LOW AS THEY CAN DE PURCHASED IN MANN OF THE WHOLESALE HOUSES In the Eastern cities. In short, we never have beau able to offer so large and attractive a stock t) our numerous CUE t miters and the public generally. NEW GOODS 1J DAILY. WA C. HANSON LOVE, F.:.rmErly Tuang, Skvbnson & Loid, and t coio Brotbere, Nu 74 MARKET STREET. P;TT2BURGEI, PA selF.:imdAw SPECIAL NOTICES. PERMANENT OFFICE. 0:111PLYING WITH THE EIRGIaNT REQUEST OF HUN DRRDS OF THEIR PATIENTS, DRS. C. M. FITCR AND J. W. SYKES llara couelmlati tx, remain PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURGH, ALM may bo commit." at their. oftlm, 1910, 191 Para street, uPP08111: BT. CLAIR rural, Dafly, excopt t'audaya, for CONSTAIPTION, ASTHMA, ti6ONCILITIB ami A LL (THEI; COMPLANT, ~..amplicated with, or cam:dug pulmothwy dtcoa,o, iLcluctiag Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affections of the Liver, Dytyepsia, Gastritis, Female Complaints, 4e. Kt 9. MOH & SYKES woul i state that their treatment ,1 Consumption is based upon the fact that the disease =Ws t,‘ tie blood and system at barge, both before and daring al ikestopmen2 in the lungs, and they therefore employ Meehan hid, Hygienic and Medical remedies purify the blood and st, engthen the system. IWth these, they use MEDICAL Hi ttA:IATIONA, which they value highly, but only as Pa/lia. uel, (having no arratias effects when used alone,) and Inva lids are earnestly cautioned against wasting the precious tittle of curability on any treatment based upon the planal• to,:, but false idea that the "Beat of the disease can be reached la a direct manner by Inhalation," for a 5 fare stated, the of the disease w in (i.e bland and its effeds only in the No charge for coninitetion. A list of questions will be sent to those wishing to consult be by lettor. toy29:dtkw - - _ - 11 RANK OF THE SOUTH COUNTI.—At the Au) gust term of the euprsma Court of Rhode Island, for Washington county, the first day of January, a. D., 18E9, sisa limited for bringing, in the bills of the Beak, with a view to a dividend of funds then on hand This order is made with a view to batten a settlement, and not to cut off not then presented. which must, of course, all be paid, u the Bank is solvent of which there is no reasonable doubt. The bills will be taken in payment of all debts. Bills pro ecnted, for which receipts are given, will he entitled to in terest Bills may be forwarded to the Receiver, at Reu• czngten, Rhode Island. B. 8.. POrrilJt, n3l 4w Beedver. NOTICE—TIIS INTEREeT COUPONS of 043 llty Bonis of Lawrence County, issued to the PITTS BURGH AND Elan RAILROAD COMPANY, due July, 1858. will be paid at the office of W. IL WILLIAMS & CO., Pittsburgh, Pa. The change in place of payment is made to consequence of the failure of the Ohio Life Insurance nod Trust Company, New York, where the 03upous are ;pp:ibis By order of 152 Tag COSI2tUrISIONEES. • TIIE BEST AN ll . 13.7 rt.., CHEAPEST VINEGAR is sell• ing at the most extensive Vll4 EGAR WAIIEHOUSE in tho : 7 l ' , viNscr. - 1 . , i : " Went This house now sup ;... e - • plies and has for tho last ton • years, more than ono-half of .n r!.,":• the Pittsburgh grocers, and _ the same in every other city In 77, which it has bet. BALLOI3, 146 Water street, between bmithfield and Grant. aufidydkw LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL MELTING WORKS PARK ItITURDY 4. 00 .. AANOTAOTURERS OF SHEATHINO, Brastere and Bolt Copper, Pressed Copper Bottoms, still Bottoms, Opener Bolder, tc ,slap importers and dealers in Metals, Tin Plate, neet iron, Wire, ke. Coastaidly on hand, 'Simmered Machines and Toole. Warehouse, No. lag Firs:, and 17,Z Booond street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Special orders of Copper cut to any desired pattern. my22l.3rdscw - F IRST INTRODUCED JULY, 1849 L. AItOIIA.BIBAULTIi Portable Steam Hoisting and Pumping Engine 00. Wheels, from Bto 80 horse pawor. Also, Furor En and Eaw Mill Drivers, 3to 30 horse. .Eng Was always Ln Lund. Manufactory, 18 th S• Hamilton Street, PEISLADELPiI lA. E. SIMPSON 0. H. RIPPEY. ATE HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED together in the practice of the Law, under the firm liIMPBON & RIPPLY. Office, No. 94 Fourth Street. SIMPSON. .4111.8 ly 0. H. RIPPLY. FALL GO TO EtOR.NE , S, 77 Market Street, see their fine diaploy of kW GOODB, NOW OPENING ONE AND A-HALF ACRES OF GROUND pleasantly situate on Mt. Washington, with Cottage Dwelling 'House, Stable, Well, Pratt Trees, ' Grape Vines, strawberries, good fence, etc. The house contains a tall, funr roams and a kitchen.' $230 worth of Strawberries were enld from this place Lan season.' For price and terms, usll at the real estate Man of B. OUTEILISitT 80N, ee 61 Market street: ("I gg iOIB SICINS.—I have just received tg,.) a Urge supplj , of flue Ohamcds Skins. Those wishing 7.artleingof the kind, shorld call and examine my ata.k.be.7 ro . r =bolas elsewhere. JO& IL+> Os nal Oa= Diusald sad Ids &ed. INSERTINGEI, ETC iIi.NTIJOIiY JEANS, TWEEDS, EA TINETTE, F A L LOCAL AFFAIRS. The Weather.—The following is the range of the thermometer and barometer, as kept by George E. Shaw, optician, Fifth etrect, yesterday : raEnstomersa. In Btm. In shade. 9 A. M.. 74° 64° 12 M 104° 750 0 P. 2d 70° Barometer, 29 4-10. Country Sews. The Steubenville Herald has the following : A young man by the name of George Horner, of Burgestown, Pa., came to this city, one day last week, for the purpose of selling a colt. He called on Mr. Fred Fry—proposed to sell the animal—was offered, and agreed to take, $2O. Mr. Fry stabled the colt, and informed the young man that the mon ey wonld be ready for him when his father or guard ian would call to receive it. The owner of the colt called for it, however, and young Horner is now in the Washington jail on a charge of stealing the colt. The Newark Advocate says : There was a death by suicide, near Homer, Licking county, at noon on the ?.sth ult. The victim was Mr. Wm. Pearson, an old man of more than sixty years of age, a native of Ireland. He had been suffering for some days under a depression of spirits, and, to put an end to his troubles, hang himself with a rope, in the barn of Mr. James Patton, a near neighbor, with whom he passed .most of his time. The deceased had suffered at intervals, daring his ear'ier years, from fits of insanity. On his voyage to America, some ten or twelve yoare ago, he had the misfortune to loose his wife; and since then he las passed a lonely existence with but a single child to share his loss. Some time ago he deeded his estate to his son, reserving an annual inoomo sufficient fur his mainte nance. At last, life dragging too wearily upmi the sad old man, he yielded to the infirmity of his feel ings and brought its earthly troubles to a close. —The Bucks county Intelligencer sap that the grasshoppers continuo to commit terible ravages in that section of the country. The corn crop has al ready boon materially injured. —Mr. Jacob Harlan, of Stoughstown, Pa., had Lid right arm literally torn to shreds by a threshing ma chine, on Thursday laPt, though, it id euppoeed, be may still survive his injuries. —We understand that Mr. Jacob Seam, of North Huntingdon township, Westmoreland county, had his arm almost torn off, one day last week, while en gaged in threshing with a machine. The Comet—As many of our readers are anxious to sea the comet we give the following description of its locality : It is found, just after dark, a few de grees from the northwestern horizon, in nearly a di mot line with the Pointers in the Dipper, and about fifteen degrees from the lower one, Merck. It shines with the brilliancy of a star of the second magni tude, has a tail two or three degrees in length, and sets about 8/ o'o'ock in the evening, but rises again in the northeast about 3 o'clock in the morning, at which time it can be seen to better advantage than in the evening. The best point for observing it is from the St. Clair street bridge, when, by looking directly over Seminary Hill, it is distinctly visible. Bogus Railroad Subscriptions.—ln the Court of Common Pleas of Beaver County—Before the lion. D. Agnew and associates, September 14, 1858.-- Pittsburgh and Steubenville Railroad Company vs. Othneol Woodrow : Verdict for plaintiffs, $1302 31. The important point decided by the President Judge in this case rules many others, vie ; That all condi tions attached to subscriptions to stock, taken by Commissioners, are illegal and void; and the sub oription remains valid. They are the agents of the Commonwealth in receiving such subscriptions, and not of the corporation. J. S. Craft and N. P. Pet terrains, ci Pittsburgh, for Plaintiffs ; Cunningham and Clarke, of Beaver, for defendants.—Gazette. Fatal Accident—A Man Killed in a Coal Pit.— Oa Wednesday afternoon, about noon, a German, named Joseph Barker, was fatally injured at A. Mil ler's coal works, by a lump of elate, measuring six feat in length, four feet in breadth, and about two feet thick, falling on him and crushing him to the earth. Dr. Knox, of 11I'Keeeport, was sent for Ina modiately, hut life was extinct ere he arrived. An inquest was held by Coroner 4lexander, and the jury returned a verdict in aeoardanca with tho facts. He leaves a wife and ono ehild to mourn his untimely end.—Jf Keeaport Weekly. Bench Warrant.—Robert S. Carson, a liquor mer chant on Wood street until rec.utiy, was before Judge Hampton, in the District Court, on a bench warrant yestetday. Tho suit was entered by Mr Atwell, of the firm of Atwell, Lee ,t Co , who charges Carson with having made a fraudulent assignment to a clerk in his store, Mr. Atwell having given him his endorsement for ono thousand dollars. The toe timony was taken yesterday, and the case will I.e argued and probably decided to-day. Carl Forme..—Mr. Ullman, Director of the New York Academy of Music, has arrived from Europe, and will at once proceed with the arrangements for tho series of Mneical Festivals by earl Formes and the full orchestra of the Academy, under the direc tion of Mr. Auaburtz, aided by the leading artists of the Institution. Mr. Atkins, Mr. Ullman's avant courier, is now in our city making preparations for the first concert here, which will positively be given on Thursday next, the 23d inst. The Sons of Malta.—This body turned out last night, mounted on horses, to the number of one hun dred and twenty, with horses and roan draped in white, the faces of the latter concealed by masks so as to render recognition impossible. The marched through the principal streets of the city and then proceeded to Beitler's, at East Liberty, where a supper was served up for them. They presented a very singular appearance, and attracted large crowds in the streets. Sad S; . 9ht.—Passing up Smithdeld street, yester• day afternoon, wo observed a woman of respectable mein, apparently about forty years of age, In a state of beastly intositation. She had in her basket a bottle of whisky. On resoling tho corner of Third she fell backward on the striking her bead violently. ri was thought she was badly injured, and she was picked up by two gentlemen ; they handed her over to tho police, who found her fall had not injured her. Theatrical.—Mr. Taylor appeared as Jack Cade, last evening, to a good audience, and wa. well re ceived. The bill for this evening is a good one, con sisting of " Hamlet," in which Mr. Taylor takes the leading character, and in additii n a divert sealant, or oll4podr ida of pathetic and comic songs, dances, eta. We predict a full house. To morrow evening Mr. Taylor takes a benefit. The Minlrreis —A good audioneo graced Masonic Hall last evening, a large propc.rtim. of which con dated of ladies. The entire audierma seemed de lighted, and we take pleasure in saying that not one word was uttered wii:Th could give offence to the most refined ear. This evcniag they announce a change of programme, introducing a number of nov elties. Ua Saturday, a matinee for the benefit of ladies and children, will be given, at a reduction of rates far children. Fire.—A fire occurred in the Filth Ward at seven o'clock yesterday morning, when it craa discovered that the roof of the joweley store of Frederick Kra mer, on Penn street, between the canal and O'Hara, was on fire. It was extinguished before much dam age was done, beyond the burning of a hole in the roof. Watermelons and Oysters.—Col. Fricker, at Wal nut Hall, has past received any quantity of water melons and fresh oysters, both can and shall. They aro as tempting a lot of eatables as we have seen far many a day. Call at Walnut Hall if you want goad meal nicely served, or good things of any kind foi family use. A Young Man named John Orr, of Butter, was seriously injurod by a fall from the Butler stage on Ohio street, Allegheny, on Tuesday evening. His foot caught on the railing while he was in the act of jumping, bruising his foot and log badly, and in flicting a Fever° contusion oil his head. Another Race.—The Putnam is again on hand for a race, the Undine club having accepted the ohal lenge of the Julia M. Cooke, to run for a puree of $2OO, over the Monongahela course, Thursday even ing, the 30th inst., at five o'clock . An exciting race may be expected. Tht examination of Beaver Female Seminary COMILCI3O6II on Monday next, the 20th inst., at the Court House, and will conclude on Tuesday. On the Wednesday evening following, the exhibition, and awsrd of diplomas to the members of the Graduating Class, comes off at the same place. Grover Baker's Sewing .Machines.—lt is wonder fel how fast these capital machines sell, and how much delighted the purchasers are with them. Elliot, the shirt man, who is the agent for the sale of these machines in this city, has his hand• full these days. His store on Fifth street is crowded all the time by ladies and gentlemen, engaged in exam• fining and purchasing. Experience has proved that, in all respects, Grover & Baker's Machines do their .work well, making a firm, handsome stitch, and op erating easily and with great speed. They are strongly made, and not easily put out of order. The utility of these machines in every household cannot be over-estimated. The ladies who have used them say that they would not be without them if they cost twice what they do. There is no invention of the present age which is more useful or more universally popular than Grover 44 Baker's Sewing machines. The Olympic Ahead.—ln the cricket match be• tween thp Pitts!)ushers and Washingtonians, the " Olympia" club beat the "Grange" club by a large soots. Try again, Washington county. BOto/7/4/3 if: Co :—My wife was troubled with cough and pain in the breast for five years—the last two of which she was very Low indeed. I procured some of your Compound, and after plp bad taken it for about five weeks she was able to do ill our house work, which she had not previously done for four Vie eheerfully, and unasked, recommend your Com pctuad to All who are suffering under that terrible - /-tt — P ol/4im P tion • JAN Bouvraktaxn. MARY R. Botrukammo. launifra4 . l44 Myr 1866. Who Should Speak First.—Ladies frequently nom plain that gentlemen pass them on the street unno ticed, when, in fact, the fault arises from their own breach of politeness. It is their duty to do the amiable first, for it is a privilege which ladies enjoy of choosing their ; own associates or acquaintances. No gentleman likes to risk the "cut" in the street by a lady, by premature salute. Too many ladies, it would seem, don't know the rules of politeness. Meeting ladles in the street, whom we casually meet in company, they seldom bow, unless he bows first. and when a gentleman ever departs from the rules of good breeding, except oecasionally, by way of experiment, his acquaintances do not multiply, but he stands, probably, charged with rudeness. A lady must be civil to a gentlemen in whose corn • pally she may casually be placed, but a gentleman is not upon this to presume upon an acquaintanceship the first time he afterwards meets her on the street. If it be her will, she gives some token of recognition, when the gentleman may bow, but otherwise ho must pass on and consider himself a stranger. No lady need hesitate to bow to a gentleman, for he will promptly and politely answer, even if he has forgot. ten his fair saluter. No one bat a brute can do otherwise. Should he pass on rudely his character is declared, and there is a cheap riddance. Polite news or good bleeding is like the law—the " reason of things." - - Conferees.—The gentlemen appointed to confer with three others from Butler county, by the Demo cratic Convention yesterday, for the purpose of nom inating a candidate for Congress, were It. H. Kerr, Lee A. Beckham, and Charles H. Paulson Sent to Poor liottee.—Anna Maria Butler, the corn• panion of Jacobi, has been sent to the County Poor House for safe keeping until the case comae up for trial. Light coats neatly made. *ants and vet ,rtlitEA to the season. Bummer under woar of silk, and cot ton, 311 k a,-,d linen hosiery, for men's and buy's wear, at close rates for cash, by Carnaghan, Federal street, Allegheny eity. • DR. J. 1108TETTER'9 OELEBR AT ED 81031 AOll BITTERS, for the core of Fever and Agee, is Leyoei all ,ontreversy the safest and beat rctuady toot could La deed by the utlIP-ted, for all diseases of the shTv, voter" The most violent Minas of this dreadful disease have oft,o been prevented by the nee of this reliable remedy. Tee "Bitters" hare been need by the proprietor In an eitensire practice, In the treatment of Fever and Agee, for a comb, r of y::618, and its wonderful curative powers ore well t now n both to the press and the pub! c. Toole who de-it- a tier °ugh renovation of their entira system, ettnnid net foil to use the Bitters." ?jr sale by druggists and dealers generally, everywhere, sad by aOSTEITER it SMITH, Manufacturers and Proprietors, a 68 Water and 68 front streets. WJ. M. OLIN'S CELEBRATED STOMACH itIT TERS—Try them, and satisfy yourselves that they are all they are recommended to be. The proprietor dors not pretend to ray that they will cure all the diseases flesh is heir to, brit leaves them to test their own merits, and the constartly Increasing demand fur them 1. sufficient proof that they are all they are recommended to be, and tar sti pericr to any preparation of the kind n .w in the mark , t. Their use is always attended with the most beneficial re sults in cases of Dyspepsia, loss of appetite, weakness of the stomach, indigestion, etc. It removes all morbid matter from the Atomsch, assists digestion, and impsrrs a healthy one to trio whole system. Bo sore an I call fur J. M. olio's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, and see that the article par, chased bears the name of J. M. Olin, as manufacturer. Ear sale by .1. M. OLIN, sole proprietor and manufacturer No. 2d7 Penn street, Pittsburgh, Pa . sod by druggists and dealer. ,rtinnrlllv. i v 79 JULYS AXEL'S. &ALI ATISENIENNF, Olt HAIR RENOVATOR, is oltered to the public as the result of numerous chemical experiments, which have treed its excellency. Its etLs Li are diametrically opposite to those of moat other substances enteriog into the compositim of hair preparations, deleterious to their properties, and doing injury permanently. This excellebt preparation obviates baldoeaa, restores the Hair Misr - id by age ill-health, with a new growth, and beautifies the whole head with fine glossy Hair. Sold by B. L lIAHNRSTUuR ex CO, turner Fourth and Wood streets, g elle( ally and at the Laboratory of Jules Hanel A C.,• Na;(leant, t street, Philadelphia. Belt{ JOSEPH MEYER, MANUFACTURER OF nine/ & Plain Furni!nre it Chairs, Wareroonim, 42-4 Penn mtreel, ABOVE THE CANAL BRIDLiE, FITTSB UR 011 1' .1! /CT In addition to the Fern tort ketineed, I :Ono uevote attentlt.n ho UNDERTAKIN:i. Ltuarees 1:1..1 rarri..,.:ee Etrufelted. WI L L HE-OPEN ON THURSDA }; SEPTEMBER 2D, PRO F. COWPER'S FASHIONABLE DANCING A•r NICVILLB 11A1.1„ F.,GRTII A.N9 LLBILIVT sTY DAYS OF TIIITION—TneaIay6, Thursdays and ;,atur dup.% Master and %mos Claa ,- of vt 3 P ; LOCHOM Class 4 Y. 31 ; tlemen's Chum BP. In Pr... A -. Cowper oan bo seen at the Scott Howw, daily -- PIANO AT A BARGAIN.- A Bile (31.6' Octave RosewoM Piano, Ar4hiti•Ell from the factory of NIINNB & CLARE, New will be sold by the subscrirem at a 4 sacrifice. It was purchased sozn two years ago for $1325, and looks fully as well, and in in every respect as good as a new one. Bicknes3 in the owner's family, has prevented them from mak ng any use of it whwever and several rases of deata having sines occurred, it will be sold low as above. H KIJKBER k 53 Fifth et ' N. B.—A fresh supply of Steinway & Bone' celebrated Pianos is now 4LI the way. Notice of arrival will ho given. self DISSOLUTION -THE FIRM OF KNAP, WADS A CJ. waltilktiCAVAl on ch.. first of lnly last. Their anesttled bush:les?' alit be tatenoird to by alai' sac ,essors, KNAP, RUDD Et W. . - Foit'ln Pitt' U N CO-PARTNER 8111P.—T,w cider..igued f.rtnad a Co-Partner chip under tho firm, name ut RN AP, HULA) A 00, and stdl t.utinue the bmilu , se of the lat, dam ol Huai), Wad: dt C.., at the Fort Pitt Foundry. ARLKS KN AP, Plttaburgh, 11. P. RUDD, July 1, 18.b8. f NICHOLAS K. WADE - - 0 1' I VES.-5 duz. Spatash Pli.M • aw,ucted. Just ro j :uived and Iv REYNIKK k Ar.DEILSON, Wood street, &epeelte she St. Croaks Forel $ 1 600 will • sal his brick d house au Webster street, near Townesnd, f.r the above prb,e, and on easy terms. Thn house is now arranged for two families, but can be easily altered to snit batons t sadly. Contains six rooms and finished attic. Lot 2-4 feet trout by 109 d.ep to an alley In a god neighborhood. S. CUTHBERT et SUN, anlo 51 Market street 9PLIE GOLDEN LIARP.—A oullection of 11 EIyMDS, Panes, Chants. Fhurt and easy Anthems, etc for Sabboth Schools, twctel gatherings and the home clr cle by L. U. Emmerson, aithor of holden Wealth. This new and valuable work for Sabbath Schools contalas 600 Hymns, Tunes and Select Piecoa for Anniverarlee, Monthly Concerts, Sunday Scoot Oelebrationsoind othel special occasions. The Hymns and Tunes have been chosen with special regard to parity, sweetness and idmplicity Just published and for 111113 at the Manic Store of A LOTS FOR SALE—SITUATED ON `ll Federal street, Allegheny City, above North Common, will ha cold low and on easy terms. Apply to JAMES 0. RIOELEY, sal Real Aar ate and Bill Brok.r, 65 Fifth st. STUB AND TWIST GUNS A 1E:: D RS. STUB AND TWIST GUNS AT TEN DOLLARS. STUB AND TWIST GUNS AT TEN DOLLARS. STUB AND TWIST GUNS AT TNN DOLLARS. CARTWRIGIIT & YOUNG'S, selS Fe. Fi 6 Wool street. CHEESE. —3OO boxes choice cutting OheeEe Just received and for sale by sei) HENRY H. COLLINS BRANS -20 bbls. small white, for sale by HENRY 11. COLLINS. RIO COFFEE.-500 bags good to choice Rio Coffee, now lancling,And tor gale by MILLER a RICKETSON, sel4 Noe. 221 and 223 Liberty street. SYRUP.- 6 lihda. Loverlng's first quality Syrup 25 " 6t ti 64 5u bbla. choice Golden Syrup, now landing and for sale by Ad iLLES & RIORETSON, sell Noe; 221 en I 223 Liberty street WHALE 01L.-40 bbla. Bleached Winter W hale 011, Just received and for sale by MILL&R a RICKSTBON, sel4 Noa 221 and 22:3 Liberty street. SOAP.- 200 bozea Rosin nom); 100 " No.l Family Soap; 200 " Chemical Olive Soap; 21 " No. 1 Cin. Palm Soap, In store and for gale by MLLES 6 1110BETSON, eel 4 Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty street. HOUSES FOR RENT, BY S. CIITH.I3ERT * B'3N, 61 Market 'treat. A small two story brick house, of fun rooms, kitchen and cellar, on Bluff street, Eighth ward, $9 . 00 per month, with approved security. A small house In Bplane's Court, $6,26 per month. A good dwelling house in complste orser, eleven rooms, bath room, eta., situate on Second street. A bonus of ten roams on Third street. A warehouse on Smithfield street. A large More room on fourth street. sel4 HAIR OILS, POMADES, ETC.—I have Just received a large and fine assortment of Hair Oils, Pomades, eto. Also, a line assortment of genuine An doe Oil, one of the best Oils now in use for beautifying and promoting the growth of the hair. JOSEPH FLEMING, seta Corner Diamond and Market street. ARROW ROOT.-1 ease genuine Bermuda Arrow Rozi,received by JOIL YLEMII.4O. sel3 Garner Diamond and Market street. IWKEE9PORT-TWO DWELLI NG AM, Same and a Stare, situate on Fifth street, McNees port, be sold at Bs. & Q , NST It BON, 51 Market et, ACADENII, CHARLES Ii NAP, WILLIAM WALE, 11. F. RUM., JOHN H. hINLL)II, No. Bd Wood street U( rg M 1 4 1101 A I I. 130 A It LI OF Trit.t3K. KIKCIIA.9I'rb , ET:CN 14V X: Presider::. R. I-A. I$C 17 ra:t.; Prriritel,L , t): ,10-1.011 anzonittee of Arbitrutwn for August. ISAIAH. DICK EY, V. F'.. C. El PAULSON, JAULFOARDINKR DA YID C AUSTIN LOOMIS Stage of Water. One fwt tiro incites water in the ch&lin.i Weekly Review of Pittsburgh Markets ert'r6l3l:lElGH, September lb', 18513 There hi, as yet, ts, perceptible Improvement In business here. The market le alm:st barren of Produce and Grain, the supply being limited to the requirements of retail deal ers The river remains at a stand, with only eighteen Inches by the metal mark, and the smallest brats are not able to run. The little freight that goes down the river ie taken in keel boats. Until the riv,r rises we can expect no lail,r,,,vemunt in LUSiDBBB, eitbri In pro:nen or manufac tures, and all uur bu,due.s !itch of luulrins auxloroly fur the Lill nor : 4 111t 0111 tha. Fa; I t. 6 Id' lutle An: go ILI pri..m [IA, 'or.diug :Lard Ls, bluauciul ultvira 6ui undri gut uo wnl..uul uu•rat6..i 111. re lb stilt bin til.t.“.litiAl eupi.l, 11/oLlej Via Lll5 Lit the buithicss .n,l nII 111 gout] p e ;. e r imd f . which la te,t. tuu. I. iltrcortut,ti et (Ail c,,taibue .Lout the canto. Westn, uita ale fuLds titid ur rent niiiini i..r la IL /nI. i r N.sw iwk sight 11.• bauli ethten,, r the week ertriirig. Saturday ::kiitrdr,brt 11, sh;..s. ILt I.L.i g ga - - rind ... r Tr6awary Nctes.. . . Luniurian. Circulation ..... Duo to other Banka 1,858,971 96 1.918,851 45 113c14 , hgnres stiorr the following comparative I PAllitil larreage in Loans and Diaconate $.70,487 Increase in amount due I.y other Hanks Decrease In Notes and Chi.t k+.•l Dom Hanks, 5r.27,73t1 in Deposit ca Increase In Specie ..... D. crease in Cir.. ills' I, . ...... • • .• Increase in amount dn:• r other Ha. ha I ucretue in Deposit', ASHES...The m Oral still remain. , quite dull, with in. sales worth reporting. Soda hell nt 3 1 4 Z-Ar., and Vitiate of Soda 6 1 /. 2 e Concentrated Lye 14 'ear we quote at 5 1 44.5%c. tote are altoc , ther nominal we heard at brit. nn sale drying the week—at BACON.. Has a.lynn .at a Rhode We quote Shun!d,rn at ; at ; Plain llama at 9%(chlth Canvaqaed llama lOymil; Sniia, Cared 12412,4 c. sl,llU(l,lti for xr,•all BEAN'... Are morel , white. BUPTER—Ther- 1. • limier all, dic• at present Pri,:es art: Lamilual at Id(cal3. 1••1 : boa, ~dl, la 1 1trr,1,4 PK minket ; fatifal of cowmen am regularly 11.1.1 • S I NA better total,. tancy ,••mrnandd bU 'ter, it BI Cl{ KTB AN Tuti-.. The 11,•aver luau ufacturere' prices are an follows!—Bickets, plain inside, - p dozen, sl,tb painted inside, $1 Zn) ; hoop+, $1,75; Tram, N, 1, 8 hoop., $7,7b; N-. 1, .2 n.. pa. $6,75; No d, $13.00; No. $51,0; No 4, $4,7:i No b. 144 at; Keeler.:NO 2, 1.2,7,', Halt Baahele, 103alart, $4,7t, WED WE_ Manilla Rope, coil 13 ? lb ' , landla Rope, cnt...14 ? IL Tarred '' 14 14 lb .4 bite " /1, IL Hemp '• " 15 lb Tat 7e.1 ...15 /4 lb Packing Yarn, fine . 13 "fi kmg Yarns, cum 12 IA IL Ben COEDS... Man Wit $1,87, ti.,elle.tigi 75 7 0 kita..l3 ; Manilla, - f roll, loc. lb.; Hemp '11,87, $2.761C03,75 dozen; Hemp, 1 1 coil, 12c. lb PLOUGH Ltrirza.. Manilla 87e II ;11 , 7,n Hemp 70c per d. OCYHON GORDA/Li... GottOU 11" i, uo.l upwards, ;du below sf, ?2; Bed Cord $2,W14,,a3.62..14.75 131, dozen, }'l t, ineA $1.25 ; Bash Cords St3.ou • CANDLES...The follow lug are now the current rates of city manufacturers: Moulds, 13c. I.; Dips, 12 1 ,4 c.; Star 22f5c. "0 lb. tiIiZESE...The demand for Ctii‘f , is entire'y local, and sale, of W. lt. are resru mid, at 7 1 , while Home choice Its have brought ac CRACKERS—The prices have undergone a further ad vatic, The quotations are now as follows:—Water Craclers th 5;4c.; Butter do. 6,4 c.; Sinew he.; Soda 7c ; 13..at0u 7.. hiet Bread 'tl hid. s4.le, Lail EU Fitt; 1T... D: led Al pies in small lota at $1 no 11 hush. (If Peach,. tilers nr- SC .1 - ( viy sty in mar aet. ; 11.1,1 at $3 75(th$1 DRIED Itlt.S.E.. Trac,ticttet; ,itete limited; canvassed beings 12412 1 / 2 e. Ete.iS...The market ;5 not I supplied, but the de !nand is light; the tr -, he in., hoe ever, a dvanced a shads, an' vales of parked n due t, FLOUR—The I . vlinn 11113 b. en a n inoi, hat 11,3 vier, though tho market Is will out material change Unring the latter part of (lie k tbo mui ply in wagons ins In .dorate, but rn, Is,ugh I light. From ft r•t hail J. prlces are for dri.l r t• Fr„':- st , e • nts , . ',jug% $5,50, extra do $5,75 an I en tr family $,5,874i-3 A few loth of extra white wl, at at 3". I_! 1 . 1,n rn manand $4@4,10 FlSH...There It tu. I tt:e lintri,,e hi the market. Marl.- No. 3 . 4 are e,l-1 to city trade and $10,50 country. Halifax I=lcri Aug .10,3, at tf faaati,s 75, and redllab at s@fsl,ic. The pricn a 1,4 - lake Full are an follows:- 10 kite Firth. bbl $7, in half . Lake Tr,nt. 'l3 LI M., $6, halt 1M15.53,5U; Hem ci: sti, Loll bLlt. V 3; t•it'mun. SS, half hble. $4. NEED... At the mule Bran to mid‘Fir.g, eons at 50 t, 30c. - 0 100 IDs nil 'Anal brinfra $27(0528 - .0 ton. YEA.THERS...SaItiI of prime Western are made on arrival at -lbe."f Ch. In small lota, and front store at 50e. FIRE 111110 K—Sales are raw:Andy made at VS@4O GRAlN...Supplles of Grain are very light, and prices. Wnly. New Oats bi ing. on a, ri‘ al, .10i . , while from at, 4fia. is the rata. Corn Ie 8. - arce at UR: Rya front more is worth 82485 c. Barley , emalus at 8 c Wheat gates at $1 to $1,25, according to quality. UltuCte,RlES...We have little to note. Sugar In still firm at fry 4 lloe. for prime N. O. in hhds acid 10 1 ,i(0103 f east, o yellow In 1.,b1, Molasses hue to city and 55c.. to country trade. Itio Coffee is dim at 12©12 1 ,..7., and Rice in tierces at 5.4;e!,..6c. HAY _Maintains the came price, ciz : s9@v2 to Eton. with increased receipts at scales. HlDES—Green ['him have advanced to Bc. 'y tb with a fl , ru market,. The supply of Dry is very limited, and the quotati.n is nominal ut 17c. IRON AND NAILS...The quotations of mannfactnred Iron are as follows :—i;outmon liar 2t,4 to 2.%c.'f1 lb. Nails are selling at $3,50(4.1,75 for lod 4.1., according to quality; the terms are sin months' credit, or s't rent discount ter cash. dales light. LARD.. City Nu. 1 is firm at 10'....01111.., end country at LEATIIRR -The mackrt is steady, with no change In on old quotations: Red Spanish Sole "et 15 . 22028 e. Rlanghter 23(4.2.8c Starting I• 2S@3Oc. Harness ...... ....... ...... 24406 c Upper sBo4Bu Bridle.... ........ .4.8d0:12 LUOIBER, Seawne.l...Tho following are the quotations of seacoued lumber, from the yards In tho city Common 1111.11 boarda., s lot@ tact $l5 GO 'lam- Vlooring aretynd J.: 22 Oil Shingled, 'f 1000.. ............ 20 Lath, 2 2.1 Oat: flooring, dreo.wd, 1 Inch—V 1000 10 ad do d.. 1 d., . 82 cm LUMBER, Green... The market in unchanged: aalot ar making at the ricer at I,ld f,tv thonaand foot for cornololi and PJ for clear. 9450 thonaand lea bettor doot4nri, wan too • Ilro. newt In prices; Valov Lae, Leen $lO 60 by ilia lat and $l7 11. email way. MICTAI,B...Pig Lead ha; .1. tt, mot Bar to 0%/Ft, - ; Sheet Cappor 36030 c; 141,,a t 11r.oa 31 1 x uute regn'ar sa et 1 ,rd at 8 50 for No 1, and 76c to No. 2, Lfu,.c 1 has cdtancad to 81*511., wn i. ~tuall !taloa. PIG METAL.. Remains at the last quoted 4.0. $2.4,, $26 for Atlegb.,ny and - iinthr.cite POTATOES—New are selling at b.s(in7sc bushel, with r. regular supply. POWDER—There has teen a decline in the pricue f ibc on former quotations of Blasting and $1 -a Rifle; the ye,. tattoos now are for Blasting $4.2.5 keg; little $B. SAND STONE...Regular esl«a ot Licatiagdou county, a $9 ton. SALT-.Allegheny No 1 Is row sold by manufacturers .1 , bbl., and extra at $1,16 From acc,n.l hands the urea are a trifle more. SEEDS.—New Timothy is corning in fieely, and sold si $1,25 to 1,30, while from store $1,60 is detnatid,l. There a ready sale for Flaz.se‘d nt 81,2501,30, with light supply SOAPS...The following ore the mauufacturer's prices Rosin 6c.; No 1 Palm 5 1, Chemical VA: Castile awl 10c. lb. SELEKTINGS, YbhNti, hr ...The prLee have agaiu d dined, and the ((glowing ate mow the t eling dgraes: Etsy, Sheetings Sc.-}l"f yuid , Niaguru PrUND TARN. Non. 5 to 10 In- 1 t.to. 10 cluetive, - itt... 20 © ..., t. 1 - Nos. 11 and U... 21 @ ... :to. 15 No. 13 22 ® ... No. 10 No. 14 23 ® ... ,t;cl 20 No. 400, VA d0z..... 11 ,CarpetCh'n as.cul ao No 500, do 7 10 whit.,:24toau 21 " 20[4344 22 (I) 8 twine 22 14, 8 (g) .. Batting, No. 1.... 18 4 8 .• No. 16 No 1000. 8 4 ... Family Batting... 17 4 Coverlet 27 Of (hu1king............ 1d iry Candlewick gi ....1 TALLOW...The prices hav(• advanced; we quote rou Kh at 7 1 ", e VI Ib, and rendered at 10,4 c. VINEGAR—Etta:in Vinegar is quoted at bc. to the city and country trade, and 9c to ontsideAtealers. WHITE LEAD, LlTHAltelt, &el.:White Lead is firm and in steady demand at $2,60 keg for pure oil, and di rfreiß Hi, subject to the usual diqc.nnt Red Load 9 , 449,.., net, and Lytharge WINDOW GILABB.-The pmea fur city brand,' 1.., .1. vanced, and we correct our quotariutag a. 4 follows :-6:8 aed 7x9, - 0 box of 50 feet, $1,50; Bxlo, $2,15; Sall, 9ill, 9x12, and 10x12, $ 2 , 4 10; Bxl3, 9i13 and 9x14, V.,85; 10X-15 and 10x10, $2,76; 10 ? cent discount off. Country brands toe. lower. WOOL —The qaantity in market has been large, hot sales mottly on private terms. Prices range from 26 to 46c, according to quality. WHISKI.-Bteady at 26@27c for rectified, cash and thir ty days; Raw 24%@25c. Philadelphia Market. PartaillilPaitt, September 14.—Flour market is firm, but devoid of activity; sales to the trade moierate at $8,70 to $7 for extra family, and 1,5,62 for fresh ground superfine. Rye Flour and Corn Meal are steady at $4. Wheat in limited demand; sales at $1,23@1,30 for fair and prime Penna. and southern red, and $1,35®1,40 for white. Rye in demand at 70c for new, and 78 for old. There is very little Corn offer ing: sales 4000 bush yellow at 82Y 2 c afloat, and 70 in store, and white at 88c. Oats lees acti►q emits of now Delahare at 43c, and old Penna. at 50c. Whisky dull at 24 1 Aigi2.5 for Penna. and Ohio in bbls. Cincinnati !Market. Onsatmsart, September 16.—Plour unchanged, with a mod erate kcal demand; sales 900 bbls extra at $4,9005.10, and superfine at $4,5054,70, the former rate for uninspected prime white. Wheat is a shade better, but not quotably higher. Oats are Irregular; salts at 53055. Corn an dokittred- Provisions dull; Bacon 608, with MOM sellers than Mayen; acme sides sold on_ ;glints terms, but under stood to be below 80. Lard 10%, with sales of 250 bble. Groceries unchanged, with a fair demand in a regular way. Honey is easy. Exchange firm at ki per cent. premium for Eastern, ED .I'3 Septembe/ 4 September 11 $5 985 766 31 $6,u66,233 58 468,267 14 527,561 58 366,717 0. 03'd.0 1.1 4 1,..:61195Gu 1:273,n0 Lt, 1,470,741 00 1,462.761 00 142,214 78 162,709 H 5 12 130 en Un) 40 4 6 I 61,74"4 illow York Market. Ngw YORE, September 16.—Cotton quiet; sales 500 bales: dealers are awaiting the Persia's advicts. Flour Is buoyant; sales 24,000 bales at $4,25@6,50 for eonthern. Wheat has advanced; Pales 35,000 bush; red $1,18@1,25; white $1,25@ $1,40: Milwaukee club and Ch'rago spring $1; western red $1,14©117; white $1,22. Corn is aduancing; gales 64,000 bush at 82@84c for white and 93@90 for yellow. Lard steady at 11X®11 3 / 4 . Whisky is drooping at 24@2.4N. :•lugar doll. Boca quiet at 9/ 2 @g% rough Sides 8 %. L.!stliet quiet, hut toady. RM., dull and firm at 1.04. Now York Sock Market. Nsw YORK, Seutember 1& —,•wcks steady. Chicago and :11.ock Island 693 , 4 . ; La Crosse and !ililwankee 2%; New York Central 78 , 4; Missouri Ws 84%; Erie 17%; 'rani:lessee 6'4 Central bonds 911 , , Michigan Southern 2:3%: Reading 48, Galena and Chicago 827 , ,; Cleveland and Toledo 33%. New York Cattle market NEW Yoaa, September 15 —Beeves Leavy; receipts 4000; ~ f sale, bat prices uunitered, ranging at 4%@Bc. r.heep Ithro advanced; receipts 12,500; the market clutter, tirct riultte; n fed $4,50@5,60; dintillery fed $4,70. PEARL STEAM MILL, ALLEGHENY CITY, R. T. KENNEDY Si. BRO. WHEAT, RV E, AND CORN PURCHARD Ft. R. OottN M EAT., AND FIJMI NY iIANUFACrURI4D AND DELIVERED IN PITTSBURGH AND ALLETJENY 'I CASH ON DELIVERY LT.7I y !Awl SEWING MACHINES. SINGER'S CCESS.I r a ; L l l • THE SlTEill4.krl'y CiF SEIN4.4IEit'4 111 t4111.V.U: IVt, 4 11 .q 1,.1 I.lh r one t I..thu,g Find ".1.u., 91nuu6c. nu.ln. HH, Is. nrl 111 ak an, 1. 0 4 t, s sud Con Lit c•F n , hxn lung mild 1.1.4 AIL nlll 11 F,r).,,v1,,,,e,r41 lIIS NEW FAilifil.W h ix ~ 1 141h1. nip t^t .tud highly ornamental rrochiur, , I,,ing Rn w,.rk equylly ‘v.,11 with the large Enesellities,) nod tutist Lee iii,, a Nvorer fi r +.l:r 1 lull 6.appl yOl Chu a, Mach In v f ,aIP at ! , ew 1 price+, by K STR 119, )Lae 4treet, .09 I t -. 2,, l'ittohurg I, St WINU M A ti H I N FOS g $lO AND $lO DOUBLII: LOOK STITCH SEWING MACHINES! Are now on Exhibition at the II u;.;I I.: T () Ft E F MR. DALY, NO, 20 PIP STREET, NIA. Lined toliiiittuil to 1.. in that het 1,.r !Auld) , Sri r•ivILIC thriirid titirch, which will ~ rip von tr tit Mitch ba cant It in the t 1. , 00. priced thrtiiid Ithlallll, tiihrktit. inirir r. th I r l mot I,r,iniiity 11. DAIS, Agent, So ZO Fifth NIA Market Vii.tsuirigh, Pa_ N..erICE I)AIX,Id ut Fifth st.rort stud Mark,' is t 1.11.1 iu IJUSIIIo,n ..11 this mts,ot Jyl6:ly AV. ' . . P 10 T , 0 z Tli E first place in public estimation is flow Justly accorded 1. , the GROVER A BAKER MA CHINE, C,r family Sewing, Mr the folio: , ing reasons:- Ist It is MORE SIMPLE and EASILY KEPT IN ORDER Oulu any other machine. 2d. It makes a scam which will Not' RIP ‘w RAVEI , though every third stitch is cut- Bd. It bows from two ordinary spo d, and thus all trouble of winding thread is avoided, while the same Nlachiue can bo adapted, at plea,ure, by a more cliaa.te of spools, to all varieties of work. 4th. The same tila,,hine 11:11:18 xilk, loon thread and opool cotton, with equal facility. fah. The seam is an elastic an the must elastic fabric, so that it is free from all LIABILITY to BREAK., in WASH ING, IRONING, or otherwise. 6th. The stitch made by this Machine is more BEAUTI FUL than any other made, eith..r by bawl or mmhitio. OPINIONS OF TILE PRESS. Grover & Baker's is the best...—, Amer. Agriculturist. To all of which the Tribune save, inneu.—[N. Y Tribune. It is all that it claims to be.—{N. Y. Independent. I tfinishes its own work; others do not.—Ltiome Journal We give it the preference—;Amer. Baptist. It II- Odd only to be seen to be appreciated.—(Phreno. Journal. Adapted for woolens, linen or cotton.—{Amer: Medical Monthly. We like Grover & Baker's best.—l Ladies' Wreath. "Which is the best?" Grover dr. baker's N. Y. Dispatch. :'uperiur to all others —EN. Y. Mercury. We have no hesitation In recommending It.—[N. Y. Ex• press It r quires no reapooling.—lN. Y. Evangelist. For laruDy one they are unrivaled.--I N. Y. Daily News. They sew is seam that v.ill not rip Y. Courier. It perfot ins nobly am , expeditiunsly Y. Examiner. Remarkable for the elasticity of n-azo.—[Police Gazette adapted co ail kinds of family sewing —' N. Y. Übe The most bleared invention of modern times.—:Moth. Magazine. Best adapted for fa oily use.—{N. I' Day We do nut hesitate to recommend IL—I N. Y. Chruhlele. It Bows strongly end does not alp.—,Life Illustrated The prince of invents no It is h.•-at - 7 v 011,1 two Lou JreJ itiurk. I otot,ile,.. Clergymen and Benevolent Soc. The 4111.4)1 , 1,it 1 14( 1 1irtilt: UPI yew Y I,f, pt t.÷4lo_, 1., CI, n I , tit litolr aultok.Uf kt hal; print' W ELLIOTT, ,11311 y No 21 ?Mb strto.t LOV ERI NG CO.'S tilt(}i. la tA,In W uyhnJ ; U • Pt , st dor 1.4/ ; /U Polvorlse.l, Just r0t,..,..1 a. 1.1 ItNYSIt:I". A ANDSlttiUti. o. 89 Wotri ntrret, Relfl !Dl,oNtto tlt. Chle. - tee Hotel. 1 4 1 1.0Utt-30 1,1,1 e. choice Extra Superfine , JS Supettlun; Jura, received and her selo I,y JAM' BA. FETZKR, nrl C..rtiot Nut Got nud Mint Are,tic S E N D UPPLI OF THE ATLANTIC TELEURAPH 1... i Uhl.' .4 I he day P —T El I RTY CENTS Jnet received and f r sale, by Fi Lte.ll , li. . stre,t LINTERPRISE ut;N WORKS, No. 136 Wood Street, v. - hug pieces, Rifle+. Piatois , 01 } . 11.0t Onus , iIIRdD by she Day vr Wt,t, at ARLEY.- -13 . 0 6aeks received and for sale 7 e Ly (si.ls) HENRY H. COLLINS. 10NE WATER PIPE --Received and for Li sal,' by lerlf.] HENRI 11. COLLINS. WAtiON UREASE cane, kegs, and tArr.b+, tit by 8.J15 HENRI . II COLLINS pAROUCHE AND Wit/WI, AT Are- TIoN - 4/r. Septaint», at IU Jclurk, at cu e ilommerdlal Sale» K• ome, [P-i Fifth ati,et, euptot tor Ihirolicha, and Due haul Botha, well Clutched Top Baggy. Emiteru niauafactcre. wet /5 P. r,L DAVI& Auction/wt.. . EM ERSON - - - 'S 11.A1 E. REST° RAT I V E-- - UN SATURDAY NORNING, September 18th, at 11 o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Rooms., 641 Fifth etreet, will be bold, for amount of whom It may ct acorn, to pay freight and charges, '25 boxes, .36 dozen kbneraon's celebrat ed Hair Restorative. sels P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. $20,000 Wanted $20,000. $20.000 0001) NOTES, BONDS, and Mortgagee. Apply to .TAILLEB 0. RICHEY, se: seal Estate and 818 Broker, 65 Fifth at. GOOD NEWS FOR HOUSEKEEPERS. —owing to the increased demand for ROASTED COFFEE, we have procured a NEW COMM MlLL,where those who may wish, can have their Coffee fresh ground at any time, without any additional charge. N JAYNES' TEA 811010, ata No. 88 rifth afreet. A LARGE AND • WELL SELECTED jak. stock of fall wear now received at the " People's Shoe Store," No. 17 nth street, near Idarkat. Our stock com prise Gent's, Ladies', Bruises', Boys' and Ohildren's wear, made of the best material, and.will give satisfaction to all who will favor us with their patronage. A large assort uient of Boys' and Youth's Boots. A emall lot of Soiled Gaiters left, will be sold low. eell, DEITIMIGIA01:13111 3 01) I=ll BOW'? d TETLEY'R, 11410)KaL. DR. R. A. WILSOZ4I'!-; Tonic, Cathartic, and Anti-Dy !peptic PILES hEPAIIED AND SOLD BY B. L. FAHNESTOCK & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND PROPRIETOR OF B. L. FAIINESTOCK'S VERNHFUGE, No 60 corner of Wood and Fourth Streets, PITTSBURGH, A THESE PILLS HAVA NOW, TO A limited extent, been before the public in data section of the country for a period of over twenty years, and from the tact of their not being mole generally known through. out the length and 'breadth of the land, it might, perhaps, be inferred that they are lacking In Romeo( the great °seen. Dais of a family medicine, or that there ale other Pills their superior, etc.; but such, however, is not the case, their sup ply from a want of disposition or ability, on the part of the original proprietor, (Dr. Wilson,) was alwaye limited to such an extent as at times to render it difficult to 111 l home orders, but with even this disadvantage wherever used they have never failed to call forth the atrongeat testimony in their favor--testimony in many instances tinsolicited—not gotten up expressly for publicity—but freely proffered to the in ventor as expressions of gratitude for the great benefits de rived from the use of these truly wonderful Pills, iu proof of which we subjoin the following:— We, the subscribers, Ministers of the Gospel, and member.. of the Pittsburgh Annual Conferelic, of the Beta . .fist Bpi. copal Church, having each and all of us, during the p n s t few years, bad frequent opportunities of learning and trying the character of Dr. ff.. A. Wilson's Tonic, Cathartic, and Anti-Dyspeptic Pills, are prepared to, and now anat. pleasure, in this communication, thai wo know them to bo au excellent medicine, and, as such, recommend their ia,o to our Iriends and acquaintances, not only as a specific for Sick-Headache and Dyspepsia for whirli they are recom mended, but as a safe family remedy among children, and tar the prevention and removal et Bilious attacks, otc. hem Jas. 0, dansom, Wm D. Lenin, Jni, I. Williams. Thos. Baker, Francis H. Read, liarve) Betel i .„•,., twch plows T,chnell, A. Jackson, Cornelius It:owning, Hosea McCall, R. !lays, 13. F sedwii If. 0 Muth,.. YW .a. Beneath, J. M. Roger, Wm. Smith, 11.1.1 it lin.cLunier, C. 1.. Battle, iluhu West, IVai il,.•igsoo, Joh u Murray, 8. B. Dunlop, Dr..l. J J ‘iii .."11 the Corresponding Conference of the Meth t Protestant Clint . h, signing the same.' Itevs. tie... Brown, Geo. Hughes, Joel Dolbv, Jr , Z. Ragan .for Browning. Wm. Russ, Itobt. Simonton, Jun tax, k, Ja. Pqmr, Julia Burns, Daqiiil O. Ostroff, John it,atty My .. , xporir•ricu is Hut as extensive as the expression In t alaa” cartilicato; but as far as my opportunity of 1.,t• r.rtues Dr Las ~cure rot, I hoer •I, Bri the sentiment of thefr superior value - - - From the Elev. I. 8. tiubliard, Ohio, Oct 'l7, 1e31.1 Ds. feel myself a thouliand times obliged t.• )gat i have fur HOtan years been eittiletai with the tlyettt mt cot, I, LAM th,r good effects already lirtaluoed tt) ,t•ut pills in toy cane, I aui persuaded that the einithined ust r het,, will finally effect a thorough cure; I therefore, svisli .11 In send we foot 1..u.T•11 by the bearer of this, and oblige IALLA Itt !'flA Y :tract ul u I,' I. •,11 jot. Uarati. not • I 4,11) , , - .Outiellinu • • .I , u•'. .•!••:•ua tii;o , l y, s 4 lcullical rending, nil r•.II a it•at ;a tho • . Jo most earheitiy hole that yon will adopt some plan t.. supply an with your most exmilient Anti Dyspeptic Pill. hare Poets in the iota of using it myself, suit in my form .), trom the Lime you first brought them into We in our ue.41. , • th .• I mei upoc all tit:CW.O6W LIM'S found Lheltl to fll,O • jo •. which they were administered- M I•••••v•c/ afllicted with sick headache, and, mem: •—.l or uu • ei Ihr pain, hall uniformly lemet l sites.l ituperlimmi Lo ruts aerate the different Pminialut,.. which I In. , ...,'ministered fhom,e plat. B.li 11,. it to say that, s tar as tip. lilitlisrtilisevtlipiallitti sat oat km the wupp , r iilimlia iuy air iris, item pill lit. Laii llr mlenired t•fl ,l Ct 111 1,1111,1..,; 0/0 .11110 ; C 1114: no far as Laj all 1.1• t, 1", old , I ,:u rzy :lest they tsars iii• •• sib that: l Liu nm , ,t any ad,., ,!. I LA, n l / 1 , iI . frit.tl .1 tad UA.KEti dt itit { Ci .4% FE'ACTO it ANL, KASTERN r.EPOSITORY JOSEPH AS JUST ItI4:CNIVED AT HIS RE- A. Pori I rut: Y, 01 • Twc lino, between Pittsburgh and Lawrenceville, a ephmlid and general sosortmentoP Carriiiies, Ruggles, eul- It ios, etc. Ilk arrangements are such I hat h- is ronetantl, rticeivlng new and second-hand vehicles, 11,1 tb , public nu, rely on always finding ago .d stock on hand. lie a l 4O Ina, - nfa. fort-s to order, on short notice, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, all pertaining to the ith teen Seta,' vii , .tical experience in this buithiel.', and hid well-kI,AVI: Iticitt,eB, he ti attera that he oircr.s tipnichaaca. Odir 'rho eatitliiiith in rut IC 1.)4,1:,: te. the r,tite of the Ex claier Oinitibna Lino of Coacih..a, paaiLi ti g the I.c.r ec(i.y minutes. moloedeoi AENP C. WEST it CO., CARRIAGES, RI it;l-•: A WAYS, JUR/GIBS, SULC,..LES AND SLED/ II:- No, 107 Penn street, PITTSBURGH, PA. X 1.4-. All work warrauted to be of the beel.materiul • ~ "1- !es oaltlp 11., 12.1 •i •, - T,EPOT FOR TUE SALT OF COAL OIL, 1321 South Scoond Strcet, PUILADELYLEIA. Lubricating CH for ell kitule of Marlinery, binnacle or Lamp (AI, is superiur to the brat winter 0.1-11.111 eperui fur burniug iu ell kiude of LAMPS, LANTERNS, HEADLIGHTS, LC THOMAS' SUPERIOR PATENT IMPROVED LAMP This lamp performs a toerfect consumption of all smoke and smell arising from the nee of oil, in which other lamps are found imperfect, thereby giving a much more brilliant same. For sale wholesale and retail by a a 12:220 11. IiOUREA U, Sole 'Agent. A. H. C. BROCK EN, No. 22 Cliff Street, New York, AI ANUFACTURHIR OF GLASS SYRINGES, HOMCEOPATHIO VIALS, GRADUATED MEASURES, NURSING BOTTLES, ETC. films Ware for Ch mdarl, Dro4,,M, 1 . ,101:ncr?., Photo Krarbers, etc. (4r, on Waal are by t'm package. A fiber al discount made to the trade f)rd-ri from Country Drug girls and Dealer's solicited. Prim List's aaut ou applira tiun. jy!m:lbu CLOSING OUT!CLO'i iNG ( I I-thi.lo of spring 7 and SU.1111.10: k)1 134. 3 , lti rill /EV: 110 ode, War: ud dow n .Wen's 0a1t...r., worth at Ladiete " 1,50 1.25 nu• Bows 1,2 U " 1,00 Boyn', and1)1111,1rou'o ovllloy, at the !farm , at tile , Bt o l of Jur'El'll li. IiUitI.AND, hiarkat Btreot, tm .1.11/1. roan Fifth. iid A . ‘ N 1,1,, , ,, fi ,„ PAPERS. —All size,' and is' & t'up r D. :micro and Htutlobere, au7 57 Kuc..4l 1 AURES of very desirable land, at a abort distance from the city, bay tug owoo . b. , autilul olloa lor country remidances-47 area cantata 4.0a1 of th, vnty brat quality. !fur vale by uu7 8 (. 1 11T11131C1IT & S , IN, id Mai ;sot at 3 LACKING --- 3 Lamle Ileidua'a rtnall 07,, 1110,64,6. 3 " Itt .In:4C rrceiva.l and for axle by REI'.T.IICII. A ANIAIRtioN, N... 35 Wool .troc.t, .o 7 , lppootta tho St Cliurfro Hotel. 1.4 1 It E 11 SUP P L Y OF TUE ,gam GENTLE ANNIE MED/DIST plitut—Phu, 20 cents; itlegaidly [..dirid, 25 (a II Just received and gait., by a 044 . ELMIRA A RIO,F . :1111 atrnot. - --Q t)ERFECT TIME AT HALE 1' H E USUAL COST—AMERICAN WATCHES—APPLE TON TRACY A 00, NIANUFACTURERA oF PATENT LEVER WATCHER, 11 ALPHAS], MASS.—These Watches are Lunde by tlt. unw' and Cr/ iglual machinery and xprattely desigued • to secure, with a low price. a Rh, subatautial and relltibla time, keeper. To he bad al our Agents, REINEMAN SIRYHAN, Pittsburgh, Pa. APPLETON TRACY & Cr), twit) Waithuuk, MUM. r IIE undersigned have formed a Co-Part-1 ershlp under Um Kt} .ifSEIACKLMIT, N14..1 N 00, tut itretheacting Wholesale Dry (4 nods business. WILLIAM JAMES McLAIN, 11110311 JONES, J• , IIN ADD \V, T. T. MY L Kft SFIAOK LETT, Mel.A & et) , dailera In For'• i,igo and Lkmiostic Dry 14,tc,14 •••,. 4 . atye,t. oppogitt , st.Chrlea Hotel un2.3:lw MRS. ALLEN'S HAIR RESTORATIVE —Another supply of this jor.tly a rated tteatorative; Mao, a large lot of Noon+ excallent Hair Re storative, received by JUS. 61.41M1:.:13, Ben Corner Diamond and Market street. 4.I'FARCH-300 has. Rochester Pearl Starch, 10 for t ala by OW HENRY H. 001,1,TNia. WSC 0 NSIN.—EIGHT Y Land for eels, hi the Stephene Point Land District. This land wilt be sold at a groat bargain. Apply to JAMES C. RICKEY, so 7 Real Estate and Bill Broker, 65 Fifth et_ AYER RAISINS-100 bxe Gomez brand Az just received and for Bale by RNYId ER A ANDERSON, No. S 9 Wood street ? ee7 °mold to St. Marla' Hotei. COPYING PRESSES— Screw Coping Presses; Cam end Lever Copying Pressed Lever Screw, and Spring Copying Presses Sold by VAS. G. JOHNSTON 'a clo • sa7 61 Wood street. , QWEET POTATOES-40 barrels Jersey Sweet Potatoes, Jost received and far sale by JAS. A. OETZB.II 7 se.l Curium Ilerket end First ate: POOPERS WANTED-2 good Coopers Iv wanted to work on tight work. Inqnire et • JAM11:8 A. FETZER, 8610 Oorner Market and rourth'etreete. T IME.-200 I:temle fresh Lime for sale by la sod lINNRY U. COLLINS. T TSB VO H-•T E ATRE. THIS EVENING, Stpk , uiber 16th, will be acid HAMLET, I'I4IMM l OE' DENMARK. ....Mr. J. H. Taylor. Ghost Mr. McFarland. Mr. Barnes dphrlia......3Maa O. OappelL To conclude with, .. . . .. .. . . Dr„( , ir, le and Parynetto.6oe Family Circle .25c Colored Boxea 50c I (lolored Gallery 25c. Tictrote to :livate 80x , (e...7be Whole Boree .S 5 00. PlUSGLAtililril BumeeL .$ 3 00. Doora open at 7 o'clock. Curt ila reed at Ty r Box Mee open from 10 to 3 lA/1{ .3 .€3 C:, 101 I CD XX AL Xx L. FOR SIX NIGHTS ONLY, Monday Evening, Slept ember 13th. Norris Bros., Poll and Tiowbridgo 41instrels, howl ,Stle , l 'pens louse, Boston. TiilliTlSelN STAR PERFORMERS, BEST RAND IN TFFI; rtiLD. Athol—too, 2i coot, ; OLBren 15. Doors open at 7 IL3q:, cumnn•nr., et S ;ic,..oi; ; LON MORRIS, Lu:sineas Manager. C JILL F - OR I ' PITTSBURGH.- UL' 1416,...i,J4` of the Acdaikey of New York, Lai o!Lhat A R L F U , R M E 8 , TH F: I'.E t 7 E T I. EVI 81510, p. a' At: stn 6nl tt"." (1131:4 r) OROEIEB. TEA n. rr, r Ace.l. ~! 1",.,r1t, ...ill give a Ham ru, . .•• ti C . t 011 Tu ttSDAY Rod FRI. DA 1. ...Or: 2,1 ar.i .Ith ,I eII pnrtlrtiluts iu future ,•‘:‘ . I 111 nrB:tf A i l ellllS}lValliii Slate, iigi•icultural Society. Ttlaimp. AND U'YTODEE 16T, 1858 A I'. • 10..1 RJ , Err.T!;LURCUI. •• .. httiv, 2P nt AWlxtd4 of Com- td I%t 1W414.6. I I •! /II Irt or.. h. 11 .111, t .r tranipcit All hWci••• I .r, 11,.. Itit WILLIAM Cilcat..iitt AND Cu RD I , 1, btng[n'oyri Am asiments, Sales, Ittc, All ur , terA, or otherwise, sell& o. tat t IB.• • 01 the Daily ilurninp Posi, will bd faithfully ,ttentled to t, nr r ty the A 4.013 E.:Lyrae Gompany will ,thh oced tu threctiors. BE+l4 I) AG If .ERI !i';A N ! GALLERIES CAittl;ol Sz. AsvibrotypiNgS, +a lt A LLERY, 21 FEW streot, and ^,LLERY, Diamoud, Pittidnargb. inglEttf—Sp 151 B ROT 1r —'--in'.:•••; . --A BEAUTIFUL AND DURA- Ii l'lCTUßE—earr4ate.i._..ei,,, b e bad e,a l o w as LL any tire. claqe eetabbehrneoi th.•couutry, aC WALL'S, Fourth street. MBItUT 14' S BEAU MfUL .AND DURABLE DICTUBB C.JU ':TUC v A ,• IWO £ CO.'S Pil i lo'fi)(,lS.Al'lllo AND 1 6 .2 AMBHOTYPIi i.LILLSILY htu,a boeu removed bow Nowt th rtr,ot, to N.,. 'l.l tirth ritrt.ot, unut - Market. - Th,,ge m ol a r , havir,r, for the pnrjoba, threes IlUre:SJintri I/1 tllO ulty for co,' fort, couveuituco nu•l .rena4etueut. 4147- Our old friell , l4 1 Witalittg tia• !r•riur likk!let,lo , l, ern tuvitr,i; ttl aUlltr.l ,1;.1 ••Il_l 1,1 111.• ,;, • aul l A A iLY SALES ATI N 0,11.4 if fler!' LI c , jf At in, Lai,' Cutilitlo.‘4lll 6ialed ...mo/11,, Nu. &I, ititth t, v,ory vstuol; day, aro bald ...lea v. py.t.413 ill WI y, nui4,.i 1;,1 tram trues a largo ctaleto.tly t!,sti L.ll/ NiaC, •ii. i/ Lo, forthwith AT 10 o'CLAA:R, A , In y u,+.(14 F.ud fauc,y 3rt1e16.5, comp, ming Ewa/ ly evba'y Wing Lh Iluu 1 ,, r plmoutti nuti traltly use; table cut , 3.; ttare, AT U'ULOCK, t!.,,int.t.,1,1 and liitchen tut ~•t l: and 1.t.,1 , 11itg; rarpoLN 0:0,41.,L 11..13 r-/••0-1, I.!, ; C f j, 111• . 7, b•••• •l• j•-• 11= k'ur IsiarleCtc,',Ac.ct - , tae.art,,i ; a o.la. blori , ea„ r+,ll i i•Jr .•., ovory TUerIDAY, nt I P. ?l .or tratgbt arr.i.y .11 l',rosrLt Ci•ATItAI. P .14AN I N MILL, A PRP- ST it 6.10/I`, ti LEOliftaiy• now in iilil oprratiort, with Fay & (Jo.' n•nely Enr th- ::,nuinf...turlug of dad* , k -•1 Bolidera and 1,../u -,thd 1r • • ti,ir nrint,l77: t,. null and nicortatu aulg•lydva $l5 , wuft"i'li uF INIUSI4) FOR TWEN • r VI V E r::‘ I` t i—CELF. GENTLE ANNIE rbk containa all the words and Lb- u..w torl ol the day. The eeleo tap, has b-on tat .. at c. .pal) thvaa eontga ..tr- g ~.1 Alt .t. best aoligH at y, O. ,a.• JZlil.ll acu4 iu tht,col:ectlue A 1.;;,p1y 111 , t rev-Ived, 0,1 for snln nt tlt., (I,lu nultl 3:',UN !I . street. REZOY---Constitution, Rules new rditiou tur n•lir, i J. ft l6t:LUI?:, aa%l o.i , Waal qtre-t, [Lahr Fou: Lb. A iiNOLi):•,,, DuveD liavidPori'q Writing y d. tIAVEN, tt0.:30r,,r. at, 33 and 85 aol.l Market street. Q . AN4 ER'6 CHEMOJAL OLIVE SOAP by all ie. nave lased it, to be the beat :140iit i hi !teiii. line p,unit eetll iititte much th of coilirtiiin Soup. It coatatua noire. greMeM that, et the most &Tonto or thus - nits with it. For sale by all thep. LOCii"l 11:4 l'Prq in the city. atfl3 T AKE F I Sli-300 pkgs. White Fish, Trout, :"ftl:noi,, , tc , for tab, by ZNEY IL COLLINS. DIG LEAD se4 bi. ACKp oo liEL barr; -- 1. No. 3 44 41 20 " No. I rrt'd snd for (ffol) t. HENRY R. OOLLINS.:._ TABLE CUTLERY, I TOILET CUTLERY, I BIROPANXOS' TOOLS, • • GUNIB,+PISTOLS, AND R., 8, • YISIIING TAMA I SPORTING APPARATUS. .fig. Particular attention poiti to 14XF/41_11NG. _ selS SOWN TR rLgY, No:138 Wood at. )YE FLOUR-19 Obis fresh ground Rye Flour, pet received Sad ;f°,lAV,c YETLlsar Comer Aorret and First streets. • MACKEBSL--25. bbla. No. 3, - liarge; 10 half! labia. Na 3, Large. For sale by („13,12) W. H. 3311TH 3 00. AMUSEMENTS. Sole Lessee and Manager, .B. B. Powia. Stage Director ....O. 15L Dem. Last night but two of the popular American actor, - ',Mr MR. J. IL TAYLOR A GRAND DIVitTIBMBNT. MAdl.•v Miss Jennie Eight. Ballad 'kiss Josephine Parker. Comic Song j Mr. Bartholomew. Grand Fancy Dance ... Miss Julia Tarrantß. Comic B , ,age Mr. Joseph Parker. Oaf' eridey. benefit of Mr. J. p. TAYLOR. PRIOgP OP AIiMIBBION RETURN or , ' THE, FAVORITES 0 )simE:;-401,N0 'l' le, I It ha razeivad, :41 . /f ou'ay 006. i I• Is:t11 : !,•. II; furnial, centa . 0 - .0 1 ,.• i r n • £.• . t'.l tr t:.i;r. sill ?..400.t.ty ~t , Inettd.SW 'A,r•; , A It THY, fin4tribtlior and Poster, t'l TSBURa alt, PA. WO! ,upt.l ) Mt' bud CJ thnq:atribntlng and Postiag of t ihOULAItr., uAttnii AND PROGRAMME?, ;11 .-- Zi tif 47c /4 A z