,'.--:;::•-, ~':N ,-,: , ~4,,: -ez4i. 7: A" 0:774".0,.e wl:i„.t,ti " i . 0 A LL DRY GOODS C. HANSON LOVE'S No. 74 Market Street, BETWETN LTREEr Az, LIE I.IAmoND PITTSBURGH, PA SIGN OF THE ORIGINAL BEE lil‘ E The ehlazefibor hag ;an retorted troy Philadelphia, New Yorkßeston, dnd &Alto ot the Maunfacraring towna tho NEC" England Rake, spa 3 to get a portion of oar DOrtfErt- TIC GOODS dirmt from me mannfacturErs, and sare ooe Profit in receiving them in that stay. , ear stort of FOR' RIGS EIOODS hag never beE.a so compete. DRESS' GOODS : VERY RICH DRESS SIKS, in Plain Black and Figured. VERR RICH DRESS SILKS, Plaid, Striped and Erccdo VERY RICH SILK ROBES, Bla.:1; and Colored. VERY RICH ALL WOOL MODS DE LAINS. VERY RICH ROBE MOUS DE LAINS. VERY RICH. COTTON AND WOOL MOOS DE LAIN& FRENCH MERINOS C 0 B Er P. U S , The largest stock in the city, and BETTER GOODS FOR THE PRICE CAN BE FOUND IN ANY OTHER 1101ISE WEST uF THE 110tRiTAINS, BOUGHT AT AUCTIoN LARGE QUANTITIES AT LOW PRICES, AND WILL BE RC-BOLD A? A VA SMALL ADVANCE ON EkSTERN COST SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, Of entirely Jugigns, such as the TALMA SHAWLS, And many r t cr NOVELTIES IN SHAWLS AND CLOAKS We ba7,3 been ab . ,o to offer so large and varied a stack of 611 kind; of SHAWLS and CLOAES• NEEDLE WORK : COLLARS, SETS AND SLEEVES, FLOUNCINGS, EDGINGS, MOURNING GOODS : BLACK DRESS GOODS, BRAWLS', CRAPE VEILS, C'DLLA.R.E, GLOVEB, EVERY OTHER ARTICLE IN THE LINE MOURNING GOODS DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS BLEACUED AND lINI3LEAOLIED MUSLIM, TICKINGS, OITECHS, PEIlqrS CASSIAIERES, CLOT HS, And ilvery other ertirt , ± nenaily Izopt to a WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF DRY GOODS AB many of the aLovo goads hays beeu bazigLt from the MANUFACFrITRERS and AT AUCTION F.IR N:ET CSSU. we are enabled to Ball them as LOW AS THEY CAN SE PURCHASED IN MANY OF THE WHOLESALE HOUSES in the Eastern cities. In short., we never nave been able to offer eo large and attractive a stook' to our numeroos ous t omens and the public generally. NEW (31..10D5 RECEIVED DAILY. HANSON LOVE, B; rm_rlc Yoring,s.tcvntson A Love, and Luca Ernther.i, No. 74 31ARKET STRULT„ PITTSBURGH, PA eal2:lm tiw SPECIAL NOTICES. PERMAN ENT OFFICE. COMPLYING WITH TILY, URGENT REQUEST Off' HITN DEEDS OF TUEIR PATIENTS, DRS. C. M. EITCR AND J. W. SYKES Hare coucludsd to remain PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURUII, And may be conralted at their office, No. 141 Pens street, uPPOSITP. ta. CLAIR tI3TEL, Daily, except Mtudaya, f• -, r CONSII=1i".':0::. ASTHMA, and ALL TIM:. • alb - INi° coMpLArrs, ceutplicated with, Cr aiming pulmonary diszaz,e, including Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Female Complaints, DRY. if/TOH k SYKES would state that their treatment of Ocutamption is base tipm, the tact that the df4rzr arid: to ail blood atutgitein at large, both before and during its detettraent in the licnip, and they therefore employ Mechan -1,4,1, Hygienic and Medical remedies to purify tho blood and strengthen the system. With these, they noo MEDICAL IN aaIoaTIONE, which they value highly, but only ea ha;;, (having no Curative erects when used alone,) and Inn era =neatly cautioned against wasting the precious time of curability on any treatment baaed upon the planet. Pie, but false idea that tho"soat of the disease can be reactmd in a direct manner by Inhalattou," for, as before slated, the .cat of the diger= it in the blood and erects only in the lectern. 04 - - No charge for conaultation. A list of questions will be EfAa. CO those wishing to courali us by letter. ray29i.daw LOA GREAT CHEMICAL DISCOVRRY.—JULES s HALTLI.'3 EAU ATKKNLENNP, OR HAI it RENO 'WAWA:4 is a never failing preserver, restorer and beautifier of the Heir. With no deleterious qualities, it is a pew:at m to the decay of the Hair, renders it soft, glossy and of the original color, when it has become gray. This valuable preparation will produce now growth of Hair, in place of hat destroyed by age and sichnes . Sold by B. L. FAELNKS TOOK it CO, corner Fourth and Wood streets, Druggists generally, and at the Laboratory of Jules, Hanel L Co., No. 706 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. aeLac ajl> DANK OF THE 8 - 36T11 OOTINTY.--At the AO gust term of the Supreme Courted Rhode island, for Washington county, the first day of January, a_ D., 1659, was limited for bringing in the bills of the Rank, with a view to a dividend of fends then ou band This order is made with a view to hasten a settlement, and not to cut on bill; not then presented: which must, of course, all be paid, if the Bank is solvent of which there istio reasonable doubt . The bills will be taken in payment of all debts. Bills pre• tented, for which receipts are given, will be entitled to in. terest. Bills may be forwarded to the Receiver, at Hen. sington, Rhode bland. E. R. POTTER, qw Receiver an3L NOTICE—THE INTERIs2T COUPoNS of the Bon.te of Lawrence County, famed to the PITIC,- Bnacia AND EAU; RAILROAD COMPANY, due Jnly, 155 1 3.wi1l bo paid at the office of W. 11. WILLIAMS & Pittsburgh, Pa. The change in plane of payment is made in consequence of the failure of the Ohio Life 'Entrance and Trust Company, Now York, where the 0:140U 3 ta, psyable B, urtLet ts2 THE COMMISSION pp s THE BEST A N D 13HEAPEST VINEGAR is ing at.the most extensive VIII .11 1 tVr.i.- &OAP. WAREHOUSE in the t=l . l West. This Ronan now sap tt,,,.,,„,, t ,rum t;tl plies, and Sac for the last ten ottWil'erEete„;- .... , years, more than one-half of 7'"12,1,-.4.;'..,..t -likt.:,:001 the Pittsburgh grocers, and '" , ;'"lrt- 1. - the same in every other city in winch it has been introduc A. BALLOU, 14d Water street, between cuutbtleld and Grat.t. iiiu6:lydtw LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MIA SMBI_,TING WORKS. PARK M'CURDY 41 - CU,, ANDT AO T LIRE R S OF SHEATHING, Braziers' and Boat Copp6r, Preased Coppr.r Bottoms, liaised Still Bottoms, Speller i3older, he . also importers and deniers in Metals, Tin Plato, Sheet Iron, Wire, ac. Constantly va hand, Tinmen's Machines and Tools. Warehouse, No. 149 iirAt ad 120 Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Special orders of Gupper cat to any desired pattern. my29:lydsw VIRST INTRO'UCED JULY, 1849. A. L. ARCEIADIBAULDS -Z: Portable Steam lloisting and Pumping Engine va to: l s , from 3to 50 hum. pow,ir. Also, Farm Ea 41.57 3lill Dri7era, 3to 30 Lora, en g ines always C 4 Lend. Manufactory, 13th Its Hamilton Street, Jy3w3indaw PHILADELPHIA A L ci 0 f r () HORNS:IS, ry7 Market Street, And their fine diEplay of ONE AND A-HALF ACRES OF GROUND plexaantly situate on Mt. Washington, with Oottage Dwelling lionza, Stable, Well, Fruit Trees, Grape Vines, pirrawbcnbaa, good fence, etc. The house contains a ball, four roam; and a kitchen. .$.O worth of Strawberries Wort , Sold farm this place Last season. For price and terms, mai at OS: Mal eitatO 0f11.7.5 of S CUTHBERT a BON, 61 _Masi sired. ~':r INSERTINGS, ETC ZENTETaY JEANS, TWEEDS, SATINLTTS FALL NEW 6001 A NOW OPENING -, '.,''t.ziig.t.:w., , ,...,;, , ,- , .:-...-..,.-....:,.-::.,-.,...:..,,,,...;. LOCAL, AFFAIRS. The Weather.—The following is the range of the thermometer and barometer, as kept by George E, Shaw, optician, Fifth street, yesterday • 11l Ea.MuILETER. In Sun. 74° 104° In shade 9 A. M........ .... 64° 12 M 750 6 P. M 70° Barometer, 29 4-10. Application for a New Trial. The argument for a new trial in the case of Henry Moore, convicted of connterfeiting, postponed on Saturday, came up in the United States District Court yesterday morning, Judge Irwin presiding. The grounds on which Mr. Swurtzweldei• based the application were as follows : First, that testimony had been discovered since the trial which would go to show that the money was not manufactured by the prisoner; Second, that there was no testimony that the money was made with an intent to defraud; and Third, that the Judge erred in his charge to the jury. During his long speech, Mr. S. said there were a number of persons, naming them, willing to swear that Arnold was the manufacturer of the bogus coin. He then repeated a part of his argument on the trial, going to show that Arnold was totally unworthy of belief, and as Moore had been convicted on his tes timony a new trial should be granted. Mr. Roberts, the Attorney for the United States, replied to Mr. Bwartzwelder in a short, but telling, speech, in which he laughed to scorn the first propo. eition, showed that the second was entirely foreign to the case, end that with the third they had nettling to do. The Judge took the papers and reserved a decision until Friday, when the Court adjourned. Country News —A camp-meeting, fqr what is known as Binning. ham Circuit, is now being held near Tyrone City. It is said to be quite large and well attended. Some thirty or forty tents have been erected on the ground, and quite a number of ministers from a distance aro present. Excellent order has thus far prevailed, dud it is expected much good will result. A bald eagle, weighing twelve pounds, and measuring six feet from tip to tip, and eighteen inch es in height, was shot near Unionville, Berke county, on Friday last, by George W. Buta, of Pottstown. Mr. Jonathan Greenewald, a highly esteemed citizen of Albany township, Berks county, met with an accident on Monday, the 23rd ult., which result ed in his death. He had beon to Hamburg!' with a team, to fetch a load of boards, and as ho was upon his way home, near Zettelmoyer's bill, about three miles from Hamburg, he fall frcm the wagon, which passed over him, and injured him so seriously that he died on the follewing Wednesday. He was forty two years of ago, and has loft a widow with ten children to mourn his sudden and untimely death. The Rockville Republican tolls of a man liv• ing near Stafford who bad actually never hoard of the Atlantic Telegraph. Bearing the bells all ring ing in Stafford, ho saddled p and rodo to town post haste, to see what was the matter, and when in!orm ad that the cable was laid, he wanted to know what cable, and said he never heard o the thing, and couldn't understand it. What a deplorable state of ignorance • • The mint:red wealth of lierks county is being rapidly developed. The Reading tin.-me ray., "We were shown yesterday a small specimen an troche coal, taken from a vain recently discovered in Albany township, Becks county, where there are in dications of a large deposit of this valuable mineral. We understand that several miners from Schuylkill county are now engaged in the vicinity of Werner rills, in digging drifts for the purpose of working these mines, and that the prospects of obtaining coal in sufficient quantities to repay them handsomely are very encouraging." —la Blair county, a load mine has been opened, and the Altoona Tribune sates :—" A few days since Vso were presented with a specimen of lead ore from the mine recently opened in Sinking Valley, this county, which was noticed some time since by one of our correspondents. Tho ore appears to us to be remarkably pure and of the best vality, and is said to be very abundant. With the ore is also taken out a substance supposed to be quartz, which is oonsid, ored valuable. Tired of Life.—Wo neglected to mention last week, that a German, whose name we did not learn, whilo partially intoxicated, jumped from the canal bridge on Anderson street, Allegheny city, down into the canal. Several persons were standing about at the time, hut made no effort to race him. Oa reaching the water, the German ch,oged his mind, thinking he would rather live a little longer, and af ter considerable exertion, succeeded in scrambling to the shore and getting out. There was but little water is the canal, or his experiment might have re• salted MOM seriously. Sad Caaualty.—An employee of Mr. Trepold, whc keeps a saw mill on the Ohio, near Economy, oppo site the town, lest his life on last Friday afternoon. He was ermaged in getting a large log of wood on the ways by means of a cant book, when he lost his hold, the lor. rolled back and the hook struck him on the forehead violently, breaking his skull. He lin. gored only a short time though medical attendance was immediately procured. His name was John Jordan ; ho left a small family to mourn his loss. Pas/4.5a Coming.—We are informed that Pauleen, the celebrated young chess player, of Dubuque, will pay a visit to our city sh.,rtly, having accepted an invitation tendered him by our Chess Club. When he comes we may anticipate souse tine playing. We have some amateurs here who are excellent players, but if they are to contend with this celebrated player they will ho obliged to brash up their knowledge and do their beet, both for themselves and the credit cf the oily. Th. Theatre —A good bill is presented at Porter's Pittsburgh Theatre thi4 evening. Mr. Taylor, a very clever actor, by the way, appears as Aylmere, in the play of " Aylmere,or the Bondman of Kent," and the versatile Musa Josephine Parker will slso play Milty, the maid with the Milking Pail," with songs. The attraction at this establishment is good, and we aro glad to 20) G )v. P,•rter's efforts rewarded by fair houses. That Cornet.—The comet of IS5b, which has been solong looked for, is now distinctly visible to the naked eye for an Lour and a half in the evening, though it does not shine with groat brilliancy. It may be seen every evening, soon after sunset, immediately over Seminary fill!, Allegheny. It is rising higher every night, and increasing in brightness_. Mrl. Ifcrcready.—Thislady,who will shortly wake the praises of the eastern and wenteia press, bath as her fast appearance amongst C ,.1.11'.32 heralded with a reader and an actress. She i it. , w at Wheeling, where she has been ~ :k.rtaly end well spoken of by the press. Daring the ceremonies attending the ,ledieation — of the Odd Fellows Hall, the fraternity will spare no pains to render the stay of inter guests pleaßnnb On the evening of Tuesday, the 2Sth, a ball will be given by the members of iron City Lodge, which will doubtless be well attended. Danger:rum—Baker, the man who fell from the new Birmingham bridge on Monday afternoon, is lying in"a critical condition in Birmingham. Dr. Walter is in attendance on him, and is fearful that he will not recover. Committed.—John Flood, charged by D. A. Stew art some time eince with the larceny of several sacks of wool, a3d arrested last weak, has been finally committed for trial by Mayor Weaver. A Little Girl, about ton yenri of age, fell into the caller of Haworth Brothers & Brownlee, in the DuA mond, on Monday aftornosn. Fortunately ehe was but little injured. We rafer our readers to tho advertisement o M'Cord & Co., Hatters, W,,od street, in another col umn. This old established house requires no room mendation from ns. Old Rye iFhtelqi at Aseiyuce's Sale.—This morn ing at ton o'clock, Mr. P. M. Dais, auctioneer, will call at Forsyth ct Co. ' s warehouse, No 61 Water grert, by order of assignee of Wm. S. Harris, 12,160 gallons of old rye whisky. Another Printer Gone.—ll. H. Whitcomb, well known to most of the fraternity in this city, died in New Orleans on the sth inst., of yellow fever. He was a young man, only twenty seven years of ago, and r native of New York State. L'ount erjeits.—C. anterfeit tens on the Bank o Chanitv , rsburg, and fives on the Philadelphia Bank are in circulation. They are, hochver, poorly axe cuted and easily detected. Recovering.—Wm. D. Gott, the engineer, and Solo mon Hoffmaster, the firemen of the locomotive at tached to the train which was thrown off last week, at Newton Hamilton, are both recovering from their injuries. The Scott Legion, at their meeting on Monday evening, resolved to attend the encampment next week. They will start on next Wednesday, and re turn the following day. They go in citizen's dress. GOV. Foster is making preparations for the early opening of the National Theatre. Cheap Goode.—We would call attention to the ads vortisetoent in another co'urnu of J. Bash, who has just opened a new well selected stock of dry goods of every description, fancy and staple, at his store, No. 65 Market street. The establishment has hitherto enjoyed a fair show of the patronage of the ladies, and deservingly. They know Mr. Bash sells low, and he promises to continuo to do so. Therefore live him a call. - - - Bowman & Co :—My wife was troobled with cough and pain in the breast for five years—the last two of which she was very low indeed. I procured some of your Compound, and after she had taken it for about five weeks she was able to do all our house work, which elle had not previously done for four years. We cheerfully, and unasked, recommend your Com pound to all who are suffering under that terrible disease—Consumption JAM= 8017TIORIAND. MART R. BotrigarmeaD. fraisTicairst /4., July, /846. • Sale of Stock, Etc.—The following Stooks and Real Estate worn sold on Tuesday evening by P. M. Davis, Auctioneer, at the Commercial Sales Rooms No. 54 Fifth street: 6 shares Mechanics Bank Stock $54 75 5 " bier. and Man. Bank 64 50 Pew No. 27 in Christ's IL E. Church 65 00 CI , A . if a .40 00 • 47 First Presbyterian Church... —lO5 00 Lot No. 6 in Berrybill's addition to lowa City...... 170 00 Lot 20x110 feet, and dwelling 7 0.2t10 Penn street, subject to $3OOO mortgage 2300 00 Lot 20x80 feet, and warrhonsb on Wood street, adjoining B. A. Pahnestock &Co —6050 00 The Ethiopians.—As on Monday evening, Masonic Hall was all filled last night, and the excellent troupe of Minstrels performing there did their best to please. They were eminently successful, as the repeated cheering of the audience showed clearly that they were delighted. This evening they make their third appearance with more new songs and a budget of fresh jokes. German Ball.—The members of the Pittsburgh German Homestead Society will give a ball, on Thursday evening, at Lafayette Hall, for the purpose of raising funds for a number of their members who have settled on their lands in the town of Marathan, Wisconsin. The affair will be well managed and no doubt pass off very pleasantly. Tickets of admis sion, fifty cents. In a Fit.—A workman on the new buildings next our office, was prostrated by an epileptic attack yes terday evening. After proper attention he was able to walk home. The number of Bone of Malta expected to tarn out in procession this eiening is npriards of ono hundred and fifty. They will donbtlesa present a fine appear ance, and attract general attention. IVorkmen, aro engaged in repairing the Mononga., hole wharf, near the point. We learn that a ball is to be gotten up for the ben efit of James M. Kelly, shortly. Light eoats neatly made. Pants and vests suited to the season. Bummer. under wear of silk, and cot ton, silk and linen hosiery, for men's and boy's wear, at close rates for cash, by Carnaghan, Federal street, Allegheny eity. • EI,DR. J. HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS, for the care of Fever and Ague, to beyond all coutroveray the safest and beet remedy that could be need by the afflicted, far all diseases of the above nature. The moat violent attacks of thle dreadful disease have utter' been prevented by the use of this reliable remedy. The "Bitters" have been used by the proprietor in an extensive practice, in the treatment of Fever and Ague, for a number of 5 vore, and Its woueerful curative powers arewrll t now n to th to the press end tbo publ'e T ludo who deqtre 11 tta..r °ugh renovation of thine entire 135eteui, edlould not toil to use the " Litters." r .r 'ode Ly lruk-gieti iu4 4.. x lerx genArally, evi‘cyv.ltora 11.4STE`ITH it SMITH, Manutactarera and Proprletora, 68 Water and t Front street, .1. M. OLIN'S OELEBRATED STOMACII 11IT• TERS—Try them, and eatisfy yourselves that they ar- till they are recommended to be. The proprietor does not pretend to say that, they will cure all the diseases flesh is heir t., bat leaves them to teat their own merits, and the ronoartly increasing demand for them is sufficient proof that they I.re all they are recommended to be, and far an ri.-r to any preparation of the kind new in the market. Their 1190 i 3 always attended with the most beneficial re sulfa in cases of Dyspepsia, lass of appetite, weakness of the stomach, indigestion, etc. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, assists digestion, and imparts a healthy 'one to the whole system. Bo sure an 1 call for J. M. Olin's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, and see that the article per• chased bears the name of J. M. Olin, as manufacturer. - For sale by J. 31 OLIN, sole proprietor and manufacturer No. 207 Penn street, Pittsburgh, Pa, and by druggists and dexter• .71 - in. , 9 1 1v• 117'79 JOSEPH MEYER, ILILN lIPACTIIIVER OF Fancy & Plain Furniture & Chairs, Warerooms, 424 Penn §:lire et , ABOVE THE CANAL BRIDoE, I' Il' BURG 111, Al. In to the Furniture bualuesa, I ciao .levate otteLti to ii3llM.l a 71.1 Carr iug6e [Llalu.d. fur:A:4ll*—h: I L L RE-O P E N ON TFTER.STAY, SEPTEMBER E D, PROF. COW PER'S FASHIONABLE DANCING AT NEVILLE: HALL, CORNER FOI,RTEI AND LIBERTY on. DAYS OF TUITION—TaaAIey.s, Ttinredaye and Bnt.nr day+. Nlaster and &threes Claesee et 3 P. et.; Ladles Clear 4 ; Ge-tlemen'e Clams 8 P. et. l'r .1. Cowper cen be Feell at the Scott House, daily. ❑a2fi.lm NANO AT A BA KCiAI N.- A floe 6 Octave Rosewo,l Piano, from the factory of NUNNS d CLAIM, New Yuri:, will be ',old by the Eabscrit ,ord at a' t • sacrifice. it was vorchased some two years tads for 1.325, and looks fully as well, and is in every respect as good tes a new one. Sickness in the owner's family, has prevented them (tom mak . ng any 116 e of it whatever, and several cases of death having since occurred, it will be sold low as above. H. KLEIBEIt. k BRO., 53 Fifth st • - N. B.—A fresh supply of Steinway h Bons' celebrated Pianos is now on the any. Notice of arrival will be given. tte9 DISSOLIITION-THE FIRM OF KNAP, WADI?. k CO. WEL3 disrolred on the first of July last. Their unsettled business will be r.tteuded to by their stic i.eiworii, P, RUDD et FORT PITT FOUNDRY-CO-PARTNER. SHIP.—Tae undersigned rave formed a Co-Partner. ship under tbn firm, name of RN AP, RUDD A 00., and will continue the. business of the late firm of Linap, Wade A CO., at th' Fort Pitt Foundry. CHARLES [(NAP, Pittsburgh,l H. P. RUDD, July 1, 1858. f se7:Sw NICHOLAS K. WADE ()LIVES.- 5 doz. Epanish ; assorted, Just received and for sale by RIMIER et ANDERSON, No. 89 Wood street, Opposite she St. Charles noteL solo 1600• The owner going west and wil • sell We brick dwdling house on Webster ecreut, near Townsend, for the above price, and on easy t.rme. The house IR now arrengod for two families, but can bo easily altered to suit but one tunny. Gontaina six rooms sad finished attic. Lot *2l feet front by 109 (I , •ep to an alley. In a good neighborhood. S. OUTIIIIEItt SON, eta° 61 Market street. MACKEREL -25 bble. No. 3, Large; 10 halt bbl#. No 9, Large. (Jyl2) W. IL 8111TH 800. Yor sale by FriliE GOLDEN HARP.—A collection of Hymns, Tunes, Chants, short and easy Anthems, etc fur Sabbath Schools, social gatherings and the home r ch. by L 0. Emmersou, author of Golden Wealth. This new and valuable work for Sabbath Schools contains 500 Hymns, Tunes and Select Pieces for Anniversaries, Monthly Concerts, Sunday Scoot Celebrations, and other special occasions. The Hymns and Tuned have been chosen with special regard to purity, sweetness and simplicity— Jest published and for sale at the Music Store of JOHN H. MELLOR, No. Si Wood street. A, LOTS FOR SALE-SITUATED ON Federal street, Allegheny City, above North Common, will Le ec,ld low and on easy terms. Apply to JAMES 0. RICHEY, se7 Real Ewate and Bill Broker, fo Fifth at. STUB AND TWIST GUNS AT TEN DOLLARS STUB AND TWIST GUNS AT TEN DOLLARS. STUB AND TWIST GUNS AT TEN DOLLARS. STUB AND TWIST GUNS AT TEN DOLLARS. CARTWRIGHT & YOUNG'S, gel 3 No. 86 Wood street. CHEESE. --300 boxes choice cutting jug: received and for Emle by sea iItNIVY IL COLLINS B RANS -20 this. small white, for sale by sot lICNRY n. COLLINS. RIO COFFEE. --500 bags good to choice Th., Coff , e, now la9ding and lur sale by ?JULIO?. & ItICKETSOK, sel4 Nos 2.21 and 223 Literty street. sYRUP.- 5 Mids. Loverines first quality Syrup; 25 " 5J Ude choice Golden Syrup, now lauding and for 1511LLER, k RIOKETSON, Nos, 221 uni 223 Liberty street WHALE 01L.-40 bble. Bleached Winter W bale Oil, nst received and for sale by MILLER ar RIOORSON, ss 19 Nos. va and 223 Liberty street. SOAP__ 200 boxes Rosin Soap; 100 •' No.l Family Soap ; 200 Chem:cal Olive Soap , 25 " No. 1 Cin. Palm Soap, to etoro and MILLER & 11.10KETSON, Noe. 221 and 223 Liberty street. or sale by eel 4 ROUSES FOR R r NT, BY S. CUTHBERT & SIN, 51 Market street. A small two story brick house, of four rooms, kitchen and cellar, on Bluff street, Eighth ward, $2,00 per month, with approved security. A small house in Bplane's Court, $8,25 per month. A good dwelling house in complete orcer, (doves rooms, bath room, etc., situate on Second street. A house of ten rooms on Third street. A warehouse on Smithfield street. A large store room on Fourth street. . salt PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE THE largest and most elegant stock of Fall Dress Goods, Shawls, Needle Work, and all kinds of Domestic Goods that we have ever been able to offer—all cf which are selling very low. 0. HANSON LOVE, (Formerly Love Brothers,) sel4 74 Market street. 1 AIR OILS, POMADES, ETC.—I have Just received a large and flue assortment of Hair Oils, pomades, etc. Also, a fine assortment of genuine An tigne Oil, one of the hest Oils now In use for treautifyieg and promoting the growth of the hair. JOSEPH FLESHING, Corner Diamond and Market street. ARROW ROOT.-1 ease gamine . ermuda Arrow Root, received by JOS. FLEMING. Corner Diamond and Market street. McKEESPORT—TWO D W ELL IN G swum and a Store, situate on Filth street, !Wines port, will be sold at a bargain, by peg a =MELT 4 BON, 61 Market at. " I ""AliCUaGil GOAILE) O TRADU Al.l 1820.111 DICKgY, Ctramiltee rj Arbitrato4l for A uvurt ISAIAH DICKEY, V. P k.`. H. PAULSON, DAVID CAMPBELL, Stage of Water. One foot five inches water in the channel E.-precrly far the Daiiy Morning Pad PIrTaIItSGEI, epteinber 14, 80,. FLOUR. The sales to-day reach about 740 bbla. of which 865 Ms. were from first hands at $5,75 Rir eupertioe, and $5,375,40 for extra do ; the balance, 535 bbla., was sold tram store at $5,50 for superfine ; $5,62 for tetra do , $5,87@56 for ex; ra family, and some extra lots at $6,12. GRAIN...Grain trade dull. Bales of 400 bush. Oats from canal at 40c. HAY...SaIo 16 tomtit front scales at •19(J12 koU. bbla. No 5 Mackerel auld at VU,SO lentry trade SEED . Saks Lou bush l'in..utt. y Fes.] ft. n, waguu a $1,2541,80. EIIGAR.. N. u. primi. i❑ bluts 14-1 tag at 9%,@)1t.5..; 6 hhds at former figures. MOLASSRS...SaIes of It tale. prime N 0. at iido. ( OFFEE—SaIes 22 Backe Rio at 12%C. U1L...9 bble. Lard 011 No. 1 at 85c. PEACHES .E.a.lee 01 40 baskets Jersey at $.2552,75 basket. OHEESE...SaIes 30 bozos W. R. from store at 73,c. !b. SALT...4O bt Is. sold at $1,15. BACON...BaIes 3000 lbs. Shonldeis at 7c., and 2000 Ihd. Hams at 9%©10c. for plain, and 11@11 , ,‘ for eauvas,;ed. WHISKY...SaIes of 86 bbls. rectified at 26027 c In lots VINEGAR...Rev:Oar sales of 111llou'e to city and c,uutry at be. 'IS gallon ; t all other markets 9c. I'ittLeDULPHIA. ..."optstul., , r 14 —Flout market quit, I•ut tractors ere firm; Wee f, r expo, t 7.OUU bbls fresh grotto.] superfine at .55,6•2 , 4, und extra ream) et Sti,s,l; noire 10, botoe isse L $5,26(05,37/ 2 1 for e rowcadl. $640,2:, 0,5046,75 for eXtrs hou r ,. sod $740:1,50 for fancy Floor nod Corn Mout ale s Wheat is to Iltnit.oll dull bust, ut $1 '2141,35 for new rod, and (g)1,30 f•.,r -te,oly at 7M: jro old and 7U f.r uew Lkoi, Is I:I Wuud t • 4.4 ,- nti JUUU Ltl.b yollow hold ut 9.,?4c aflout ,11,1 filo lo , )ate w In I , ln m the r, quest:looU Until, how soothe, 0 e , ld ut .13 • Whl:t y Is drdl, ut 24 , ,,4®25 for bbl. CINCINNATI, September 14 —Fldttr unchanged, with a mod orate local dem ml for rxt•a bran is at s4,tid to /Au.). Whlaky unchanged; ailed art 700 Mot, at There Is not non.h done m Ploylsoolls: lOU tierces of Lard sold at lte,%. 'l•he market Mr rmk and flac.,n NSA rather dull Money is easy. The sates of Ittc ,a1.14c are unsettled. NEW YoaK , September 14 —Cotton quiet. ales 1000 bales. Flour dull; dales 10 000 bbis. Wheat LA, th3CULleil; 215,000 bush sold; red $1,14: v hit., $1.2541 30 Corn : salad 67,0 00 bush; white 80©88c. Pork lu.l .t $10,25©10,00. Bacon steady at ”,/,',@B)/ 4 ' inn else, and 1:1001:lidera. Sugar steady at 71MN. hoorlas tir,ndr, on Flour to Liverpool is 30; on Grain is R. T. KENNEDY W. R. KENNEDY. PEARL STEANI FLOUR, CORN MEAL, AND RoMINY, PITTSBURGH AND ALLEGUENY aa7.lydkwl SEWING MACHINES. SINGER'S ACADENII - , 4 z THE GREAT SUPERIORITY OF Oyer all others, for the use of Clothiug acd Shoe Mannface tares, Harness Makers, Carriage Trimmers and (loads Makers, has long been knows and pra , tlcally whnowleged. HIS NEW FAmaLi r MACHINE, Which la a light, compact and highly ornamental machine, (doing its work equally well with the largo umMines,) and canal become a favorite flr family nee tieY A full supply of the above Machines La sale at :iew York prices, by It. sr - flew, 32 Market street, y-2p Vittsbargh, Peon's SEWING CUARLES KNAP, WILLIAU WADE, H. F. RUDP, twin'. C. TOTTEN DOUBLE LOOK STITCH SEWING MACHINES! Are uow ou F,xhibitiou, at the HOSIERY STORE OF MR. DALY, NO. 20 FIFTH STELBET, These Machines are admitted to be the beat In market fot family nee, waking an elaetic doublo thread stitch, which will not rip ..von it every fonrth stitch be cut. It is th only low priced double thread Machine In market. Ordr, will be received and promptly filled by M DALV, Agent, No 20 Fifth street, on the normer of Market alley, l'ittaourgh, ter NOTICE—M DALY, on the corunr of Fifth utree and Market alley, in the only w.e of tho name to 'Junin°. ou thin Meet. jylfely THE first place in public estimation is nbw Justly accorded to the DROVER & BAKER MA CHINE, for family sewing, fur the following reasons lot. It is MORE SIMPLE and EASILY KEPT IN ORDER than any other machine. 2d. It make, a seam which will NOT RIP or RAVitil . though every third stitch is cut. ad. It sews from two ordinary spool, and thus all troubl of winding thread is avoided, while the same Machine can be adapted, at plowinre, by a mere change of spools, to al varieties of work. 4th. The same Machine runs silk, linen thread and spot, cotton, with equal facility. 6th. The seam is as elastic as the most elastic fabric, so that it la tree from all LIABILITY to BREAK., in WASH ING, IRONING, or otherwise. 6th. The stitch made by this Machine Is more BBAUTI - than any other made, either by hand ur machine. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Grover & Baker's is the best.—{Amer. Agriculturist. To all of which tte Tribune says, amen.—{N. Y. Tribune. It is all that It claims to be.—{N. Y. Independent. It finishes its own work ; others do not —lHome Journal. We give it the preference.--1 Amer. Baptist. It needs only to be seen to be appreciated.--[Phreno. Journal. Adapted for woolens, linen or cotton.—[ Amer. Medical Monthly. We like Grover A Baker's best.—{Ladies' Wreath. " Which is the best?" Grover A Baker's.—, N. Y. Dispatch. Superior to all others.—[N. Y. Mercury. We have no hesitation in recommending it.—{N. Y. Ex• prusa. It requires no re-spooling.—{N. Y. Evangelist. For family use they are unrivaled.—{N. Y. Daily News. They sew a seam that will not rip.—[N. Y. Courier. It performs nobly and expeditiously.—,N. Y. Examiner. Remarkable for the elasticity et seam.—[Police Gazette Well adapted to all kinds of family sewing—!N. Y. Gbs The moat blamed invention of modern times.—{Moth Magazine. Best adapted for family rise.—[N. Y. Day Book. We do not hesitate to recommend it.—[N. Y. Chronicle. It sews strongly and does not rip.--" Life Illustrated. The prince of inventions.—jprot. Churchman. It is woman's beat friend.—[N. Y. Weekly News. And two hundred more references. C ME CIAI,, k . ;III3IIIUNTS' IL.EC El t 4 maiden! WM. H. FMITH ice Pr!! +Jeri!: EWA' sKll (111EUU, 2 MEM CD N. uoutitte, J ,iuperienctent SNOWI'L PITTSEIURGH IYIARKET Phtladelpnia Market Cincinnati Market New Vorli Mai litl. ALLEGHENY CITY, K. T. KENNEDY & BRO. WHEAT, RYE, AND CORN PURCHASED .kIANUFAOTURED AND DELIVERED TEq. s l 4 %SU DELIVIIIRY SINGER'S MACHINE MACHINES THE $2O AND $4O W. C. ELLIOTT, To Clergymen and Benevolent Societies. The GROVER A RARER SEWING MACHINE CO. will 8811, for the putout, to Clergymen and Benevolent doctetlee their imperlor =chine at one-half the usaal retail price., W. C. ELLIOTT, Agent, No. 21 Yitth street. --er- --- COVERING & CO.'S SUGARS -16 bble (Imbed; 10 " Powdered ; 10 " Pulverised, Just reoefvid atel for mile. by &HYMEN A ANDEBSON, N 0.139 Wood ,treat, Oppootte. Bt. Marta, Howl. '•f,,,,.,.,:,, , T , ,!;•• , , , :-, , _ , BRANDIES, GINS. WINES, ETC., DEALERS IN FINE 01. D MONONGAHELA RYE WHISKY, READS AND APPLE BRANDY. Also, RECTIFIERS AN D DISTILLERS, Corner of Smithfield and Front Street®, a. 14 PITTSBURGH, PA. PRINTING, JOB, AND ALL KINDS OF WRAPPING M I Ea. 5; Warehouse, No. 21 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. tmt.. Hags bought at market prices. myB 111 ES GARDINER AUSTIN LOOW IS. REMOVAL. j (113 N MOORHEAD has removed to No 74 Welter Area, below Market COMMISSION MERCHANT, PIG METAL AND BLOOMS, NO. 74 WATER STRiaa, Bt t.ow MARKET, mrl9 PITTSBURGH, I'A ITTSBURGII STEEL WORKS. SAAO JONEH JNO. L. BOY 1.1 . V/51. aietKILLOUL3/3 CAST STEEL ALsO, SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, SPRINGB AN!) AXLES. Cornet R.ore and First Streatc, zo PITTSBURGH, PA 001ZHEA D & C: 0 . American, Plain & Corrugated, ALVANIZED SHEET IRON, r ar tiootni g, u utterlug, Spouting, Etc War•lsouse, el o. 130 trlrst btxsel., mr26:ly-Is it I KW IAIPItOVED PATENT r EEL CU LTI v ATOR EEl' , CORNER Rose ANT) FIRST STRESS'S, PITTROURbILI, PA L. C. HEPBURN, A 1 TuliN N.l Al' LAW AND CIONYBYANO Eft thlB P 7 1? LI 11. 11,11PEU3OR/1. Na 89 Pozurtb attael Forwarding and Commission Merchant, oar, tiratn, Bacon, Lard, Batter, SeedJ, Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Corner of IX! tax kat and tarsi PITTSEttI PA. Rocca TO—Francis G. Bailey, &If" William Dilworth, Sr., . Cuthbert A Son, Pittsburgh; Boyd A Ott, Haskell & wearlngen, B. Brady, Cash. M. & M. Bunk. lAst & Howell, (dangle A Co., George W. Anderson, Dottie Paxton & Co. Wheeling. wirilaanti WM. W. KNIGHT, WkIOLESALE AND RICTLIL FIRST PREMIUM READY MADE LINEN AND DRESS STOCK MANUFACTORY, NO. 608 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Silk. Merino and Cotton Under Shirts and Drawers, Cra vats, Scarfs, Gloves, Lluudkerchiefs, /to., Dressing Gowns, Shirts, Wrappers, and Dress Stocks made to order by meas. mamma, and warranted to give satisfaction. ,le1:1yd g o__- n = E. P. riIIDDLETON & BRO., IMPORT&REI OF WINES, BRANDIES, &C., ALSO DEALERS IN 14'INP, OLD WEIISKYS. NO. 6, NORTH FRONT STREET, J,1.1 . )(1 PHILADELPHIA. GO AND SEE GEORGE P. WERTZ'S First Premium Blind Factory, OORN ER THIRD AND MARKET STS., PITTSBURGH. rr HOSE WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR 1. House with VEll=l6ll BLINDS, of the most exqui site and elaborate finish, will find it to their interests to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. My work is got up by the best mechanics (not apprentices.) Every attention is given to the wants of customers. Prices low. All work warranted. No. f 2 MIND Street, Pittsburgh. [myEirlyie fIIVIL ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR FOR THE ERECTION OP GAS WORKS, for from five qurriers and npwarda, and for Heating Buildings, politic or private, by Steam, Hot Water or Furnaces. e.y&lits PITTSBURGH. PA. (Successors to John airtsoriglit,) ;VIANLJFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS iyA_ of Pocket and Table Cutlery Btu-gloat and aul Den tvl Instruments, tines, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, etc., No. 85 Weed street. They give special attention the manulactur lag of Trusses, linpporters, etc. Jobbing and Repairing Ito punctuality and despatch. apt? 111PCILEEIRIV Lt. CO. • (tioaussolte TO llorn(N, NlTEatair & Ou,) L'ORWARDINO AND COMMISSION M.FROLIANTS, Wholesale Beaton§ in Produce, Floior . and Wool, No. Ili Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. a 110101/11: Springer liorbsogn, Joseph E. Elder, BL Lords; Pittsburgh; Fenton Bros., i Childs a 00., " Cornell & Dorsey, Baltlmoro • bagaley, Cosgrove .t Co., " Garret &Pdartln,Philadelphii M.-Childless, Moans AOo , " Jam" Koliclitintoe. tt Co. " (I. W. Smith, A Ou., " Weaver & Graham, rr Geo. M.& L lord, Olnclnuatl Keene, Sterling & Co., " A. S. Fentoa & Bros., ,Yard, Gilmore £OO., " naySiorr /kr Ai ways on band, ,Blackberry, Ukerry, and OolT,nac Brandbai, old klunuugmlAola and Rectified Whisky, ut tho to bout yugiSty. delbrielt WILLIAM BAGALEV, WHOLESALE GROCER Milers In Ready Made °lathing and Gentlemen's Furnish lag Goode, corner or Nedar4l straet and Market Square Alla gheuy Oity, Fa. Jel2•ly BUSINESS CARDS. J. & T. GROUTT, S. B. & C. P. MARKLE, MANUFACTURERS OF JOHN MOORHEAD, I=l ONES, BOY D & CO ILAIILIPAOTOHERS OF kiANIIPACTURER OH AORNTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT NOTATIORI RUSSIA 8H ET IRON a. 511. ROGERS & CO., bI•IPTIPAOTUTIERB OP JA@IF.,S A. FETZER, cmaTvitaitionr & WOUNG, WILLIAM CLAYTON & CO., WIIOLESALE AND DETAIL Aquoit MERCHANTS, NO. 87 DIAMOND ALLEY, Near Wood street, ...... PITTSBURGH, PA Nos. 18 and 20 Wood Street, .u. al. DOSCH. McGE E C 0 MERCHANT TAILORR, W. H. Moi.IEE M fitiRBLE! MARBLE! J 0 II J 9 Caißfii 0 11A8 A ISSAIITIYUL BeLIWTION Or MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, Enclosures, Posts, lac. Thu public are reapoctfully Invited to examine our dock. Prtatwt low, and work warranted. 1 SP:i —4. NO. 863 Llktettlf IT MM?. JJOINT BOX FAOTORY.- BUSHA IL OUTEINDORP Manufacture to order, BOXES imitablo for Soap and Candles, Hardware and Variety Gonda, etc., etc. cis. Order,' promptly diteil POURS DALSXLL J AXIS d. BRILADINO D OBERT DALZELL CO., Wholesale AA, Grocers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants and Nalerd In Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 251 Liberty street. Pittebersb, Pe. wcsS.Sm. F URNITURE FOR CASH. A tall aaaortment o Pittabtu - gh mannactureJ FURNITURE, embracing BUREAUX, - - - - BOOK C A 323, WARD ROBES, And every article needed In a well furnished dwelling, as well an a sidedld assortment of OFFICE FURNITURE. Constantly on hand and made to order. As the only terms on which business is done at this establishment is for OABH. Prices are made accordingly. Persons in want of anything In the above line, would bu advantaged by calling at PACHIEMB t IttWIWB, No. 103 timithlteld atm; below Fifth .1. D. Iltannoin, .101711 M. tags. NEW ICE CREAM SALOON, AND LADIES' RESTAURANT, NO. 27} FIFTH STREET. The subscriber has Rased, and fitted up several oominodi ous r001:021, nearly opposite the Exchange Bank, on Fifth street, which are now °pea for the Bummer Beason. La. dies and gentlemen can always find en abundant su ply of FRESH CONFECTIONARY, MUMS, ICE WATER 10.118, and all the refreshment /lot the season. All nve :m = 4 4 requested to visit the room& and test for om 0010) IL buarenuir. Tonle, Cathartic), and Anti-Dygpeptio B. L. FAHNESTOCK & CO., No. 60 corner of Wood and Fourth Streets, rrIiESE PILLS HAVE NOW, TO A A limited extent, been before the public in this section of the country for a period of over twenty years, and from the tact of their not being more generally known through. out the length and breadth of the land, it might, perhaps, b e inferred that they are lacking In souse of the great men. dole et a family uledlclne, ur that there are other Pills their saperier, etc.; bat each, however, is not this cue, their sup ply fruits a want of disposition or ability, un the part of the original proprietor, (Dr. Wilson,) was always limited to such au extent as at times to renderit difficult to fill homeorders, bet with even this disadvantage wherever used they have never failed to call forth the strongest testimony in their tavor—testimony In many Lust:woes unsolicited—not gotten up expressly for publicity—bat freely proffered to the in ventor as expressions of gratitude for the great benefits de rived from the use of these truly wonderful Pills, in proof of which we subjoin the following:— We, the subscribers, Ministers of the Gospel, and members of the Pittsburgh Annual Conference of the Methodist Epis. copal Church, having each and all of us, during the past few years, had frequent opportunities of learning and trying the character of Dr. R. A. Wilson's Tonic, Cathartic, and Anti-Dyspeptic Pillß, are prepared to, and now state with pleasure, in this communication. that we know them to lee an excellent medicine, and, as such, recommend their use to our friends and acquaintances, not only as a specific for dick-Headache and Dyspepsia for which they are recom mended, bat as a safe family remedy among children, and for the prevention and rem f Bilious attacks, etc. lives. Jas. (3, klansom, Wm Lemon, Jno. L. Williams, Thus. Baker, Francis H. Rea , arvey Bradshaw, Wesley oik Smith, Moses Tichnell, A. Jackson, Cornelius Jackson, W. Browning, Hosea McCall, B. Hays, B. F. Bedwick, 0. Martin, Thos. McGrath, J. H. Heger, Wm. Smith, N. Callender, B. H. Brockunier, C. D. Battle, John West, Wm. Tipton, C. Hodgson, John Murray, 8. B. Dunlop, Dr. J. J. Jamison. 1 From the Corresponding Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church, signing the same.) Revs. Geo. Brown, Geo. Hughes, Joel Dolby, Jr., Z. Ragan, Jer. Browning, Wm. Ross, Moist, 81monton v Jno. Clark, Jan. e. Piper, John Burns, Daniel 0. Ostron, Johb Beatty. My experience is not as extensive as the expression in the above certificate; bet as far as my opportunity of testing the virtues of Dr. Wilson's Pills has occurred, I cheerfully enderee the sentiment of their superior value. WILLIAM REEVES. From the Bev. L 8. Hubbard, Ohlo, Oct 27, 1819. Da. WttBiin:—.l feel myself a thousand times obliged to you. I have for some years been afflicted with the dyspep nix and, from the good effects already produced by your pub to my case, lam persuaded that the continued 1180 of thew will dually effect a thorough core; I therefore, wish you to send me four boxes by the bearer of this, and oblige yours, etc. ISBARL SHARP. be tract of a letter from Col. Camp, an elderly gentleman of Virginia, who boa raised a numerous family, of some medical reading, an I much experience In the nee of medicine. PITTSBURGH, PA l!.!1=1:1 I do most earnestly hope that you will adopt Some plan to supply us with your must excellent Anti-Dyspeptic Pill. I have been In the wabit of using it myself; and in my feral ly, from the time yon first brought them Into nse in mu neighborhood, and upon all occasions have found them to tuusWer tbu purpuSo for which they wereadminlstered• My wife Los b u r-r v much afflicted with sick- headache, and, by using oue-hall of one of the pills, has uniformly found relief. I think it superfluous to enumerate the different complaints for which I have administered these pills. Suf fice it to say that, so far as the numerous complaints set out In the wrapper have fallen under my notice, the pill has had the desired effect In removing the same; and 00 far as my self have been concerned, 1 eau say that they leave the towels in better order than the use of any other cathartic that I havo ustA, CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY AND EASTERN REPOSITORY JOSEPH WHITE HAS JUST RECEIVED AT HIS RE POSITORY, situated near the Two Mile Run, between Pittsburgh and Lawrenceville, a splendid and general assortment of Carriages, Duet ales, etc. His arrangements are such that he is constantly receiving new and second.hand vehicles, and the public may rely on always finding a good stock on hand. lie also man ufactures to order, on short notice, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, And all pertaining to the business. With eighteen years' practical experience in this business, and his well-known facilities, he flatters himself that he offers groat inducements to purchasers. Oa-The establishment is located on the route of the Ex celsior Omnibus Line of Coaches, passing the door every fifteen minutes. selo:daw aßt i tk C. WEST & CO., 'RE, PITTSBURGH usirSt2:lv coinadv EMI DR. R. A. WILSON'S PILLS PREPARED AND BOLD BY WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND PROPRIETOR • OP B. L. FAHNESTOCK'S VERMfi'IIGE, PITTSBURGII, PENN'A 1 am, bif, your friend and well-wither, JAMICEi M. CAMP CARRIAGES. lIIANCITMMIIIIII6 ON CARRIAGES, , WOHAWAYS, BUGGIES, SULKIES AND SLEIGHS No. 197 Penn street, PITTSBURGH, PA. 4:0- All work warranted to be of the treattmateriala and workmanship, myltlydie DEPOT FOR THE SALE OF COAL OIL, 132 South Second Street, Lubricating Oil for all !duds of Machinery, Binnacle or Lamp Oil, in euperior to the beet winter drain sperm for burning in all kinds of LAMPS, LANTERNS, REAELIGHTS, EMS' SUPERIOR PATENT IMPROVED LAMP. This lamp performs a perfect consumption of all smoke and smell arising from the nee of oil, in which other lamps are found imperfect, thereby giving a much more brilliant dame. For sale wholesale and retail by an 12.14 ad H. BOUREIAII, Bole Agent. A. H. C. BROOXEN, No. 22 Cliff Street, New York, MANUFACTURER OF GLASS SYRINGES, HOMEOPATHIC VIALS, GRADUATED MEASURES, NURSING BOTTLES, ETC. • Glees Ware fur Chemists, Ih agaistd, Perfumers, Photo graphers. etc. Green Glass Ware by the package. A liber al discount made to the trade. Orders from Country Drag girls and Dealers solicited. Price Lists sent on applica then. Jy3o:3m iILOSING °CU CLOSING 'OUT 11—Sale ‘.) of Spring and Summar stock of BOOTS and sumo clouds marked down. Nieu's (lettere w0rth.......44,00 selling at $2,26 44 2,60 • 2,00 - .' Ladlee' " 1,60 " 1,26 CI .. 1,26 " 1,00 " Boots " 1,26 " 1,00 tilissee', Boys', Youth's and Children's belling at the same. roportton, at the Cheap Cult Store of JOSEPI.I H. BORLAND, OS Market street, two doortifrom Fifth. IVIANILLA PAPERS. All siaaa and qualities, for sale by WM. 0. JODIDISTON & 00., Paper Dealers and Stationers, as s VT Wood street. 5(1 ACRES of very desirable land, at a ‘4 , short distance from the city, having some beautiful bites for country reeldencea-47 acres contain coal of the very beat quality. for sale by an 7 B OUTIIBER.T h BON, 61 Market et BLACKING -3 barrels Mason's small size Blacking; II " " medium Just received and for sale by RHYMED h ANDERSON,. No. 89 Wood street, Opposite the at. Charlea Hotel it E H GENTLE ANNIE MELODIST. -eigt PRICE—Platn, 20 mints; Elegantly bound, $llB cents' Just received and for sale, by an 24 H. KL.EBEE. k BRA), Nu. 63 Fifth street. DERFECT TIME AT HALF TH E USUAL COST—AMERMAN WATCH6B—APPLE TON TRACY & CO., 11ANLIPACTURERS OF PATENT LEVER WATCHES, WALTHAM MASS.—These Watches are made by the aid of new an d' original machinery and tools, expressly designed to secure, with a low price, a fine substantial and reliable time keeper. To be bad at our Agents, REINEMAN & MEYSAN, Pittsburgh, Pa. APPLETON TRACY & 00., we.lo Waltham, Mass. ripliE undersigned have formed a Co-Part .a, neraldp under the style of SHACHLETT, McLAIN & 00., furbtrausacting Wholesale Dry Goods business. WILLIAM SHAOKLETT, JAMES DWAIN, HUGH JONES, JOHN AUDAY, T. T. MELEE. STIAOKLETT, McLAIN & cO., wholesale dealers In For. sign and Domestic Dry Noods, No. 43 Wood street, opposite B. Charles lloteL an2B:l2n MRS. ALLEN'S HAIR RESTORATIVE —Another randy of this Justly celebrated Hair Restorative; also, a large lot of Wood's excellent Hair Re. etorative, received by JOB. FLEMING, sera Oorner Diamond and Market street. QTARCH-300 bxs. Rochester Pearl Starch, 114ji for a ale by (.e4) HENRY IL COLLINS. WISOONSIIC-EIGHTY ACRES 0 Land for sale, Is the Stephens Point Lsnd Distrie This land will be sold at a great bargain. Apply to JAMS O. RN/12Y, eel Real &tate and Bill Broker, 66 Fifth st. LAYER RAISINS-100 bis Gomez bran Jut received and tor sale by Run= a ANDERSON, No. 89 Wood street, saT Dolmas Bt. Mules Rotel. COPYING PRESSES- Bcrew Coping Prams: Cam end Isrrer Copytag ses Lacer , and SwinPreeg Copying Press( Screw W. G. .TOBVBTON A 00, 5T Wood street. QWEET POTATOES -10 barrels Jersey kJ Sweet Potateestjust received end for sale by JO. A. MI" Cbrnor Bilikeliirst eta. .• -100PERS WANTED -2 good Coopers wanted to work on tight work. ILqulro of /OMB d FIVZIIIt, Oorner Market and Fourth etreeta. SA oe4 1111 E.-200 barrels freelrUme, for eale by EMMY H. 001.LINS. FEEMEN THIS EVENING, &plumber Sib, will be perfumed ATLEXEDIE, TEE-BONDMAN OP -SENT. Lord Aylemere.... IL Taylor. Lord Bay, (first appearance,) .. . B.M. Duda Marianne }...Mine °Orden& eappell. To conclude with, MELLY, THE MAID WITH i THE MIMING DAM M ll l7, with song, --Miss Josephine Parker. parole 0p sraldSlON: Orem OLrcle and ParcinettelOolktexay Otrola--...-••••25°. Colored Boxes 500 Colored Gallery.. . 280 . Tickets to Private Boxes.-760 Thole Boxee ...$6 00. Proscenium 80163 $9 00. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Cattalo rlea'a before a. Box Mos open true 10_ to 9 o,cluck.l RETURN OF 'l'llE'. FAVORITES FOR-SIX NI . GtITS ONLY, Culildt - 3144:11.1 Monday gvautiag, sibp4. oi b er . 131. b. • Morris Bros., Poll and Trowbridge Minstrels, FrommllanBtiEvt.Q L pera use, liketoa. tteit eumeoamtatd, ttEsT , BAND IN 'tilt' WO ~ 1.1). 4 / 4 1- Admi3slon, 26 L‘erli3 ellAfell 16. Rama open at 7 o'clock, eottinJouce of tt o'cloOk. i LON MORRIS, 3EB 11us1nzas Illanagor. CARL FORMES IN PITTSBURGH.— hi. D. ULLMAN, Llreeto4 at the Aaderay a New York, has Lho ttuuOr tu aunounca that " CARL• R 8,. TEE OR ATE. T LOUR/ BASSO, Assisted by the principal Att:ets tlnd the (BAND OROBES TDA of the Academy of Music, New York, will give a Mam• moth Musical Festival lu this THURSDAY and FAL DAY, September 23d and 24th. ir till part:Malan in &tare advertisement. sa ga ANNUAL STATE F IIIR op Taig Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society. bIiPTEUDaI 12itH, 29TH AND AND emus /8; 1863 PAIR 4.4RoUNDS, NlN'i'll ARD, Annual Addiumee, Friday, rit .*1 r m Awaids of Oom mit tee announced Inuntiltately eittrwardli. Articles for exhitlthai addressed to A ij„ Et e , retarb Pittsburgh. All articles sad etook luteaded l iar exhibition, teensport ed frail odic., I'7 deFffsh street, where entrlea will be received, ,icktib tore' tickets fluntattAti Boats of en try closed au „1.1.;,•, noon Premium Lists coil pit of JuAges fur/dell. on topllcattou 44- M.Aubete . Tickets, s'l. eelculestan, ELtilbiugs moat b,come. cuede*d. A.O. MUSTER, - &xi tary attitt, Agric . altaral Society. D. A. TA(RIART, Pftsldellt. ," • fieB.llawtd—