Ft ALL DRY GOODS C. HANSON LOVE' S No. 74 Market Street, BETWEE STREET A.Nb PITTSBURGH, PA. SIGN OF THE ORIGINAL BEE it i E The subscliter has just retuned from Philadolphia, ~.rr York, Boston., alid some of the hianufacmring towns in the New Ragland States, so as to get &Tonic° of our DOMES TIO GOODS direct ircm the manufacturers, nod sato one Profit in receiving them to that way. Cur stezk of FOE, SIGN GOODS has never tint , eo cOmp!ot, DRESS GOODS : VERY RICH DRESS SIRS, in Plain Black and Figured. VERR RICH DRESS SILKS, Plaid, Striped and Bn:caee VERY RICH SILK ROBES, Black and Colored. VERY RICH ALL WOOL MOUS DE RAINS. VERY RICH ROBE MOILS DE LAINS. VERY RICH OOTION AND WOOL MOUS DE LAINS. FRENCH MERINOS COB U It GS, The largeat atkck in the city, and BETTER GOODS FOR THE PRICE USN BF. FOIMB IN ANY CrrilEß HOU3S yeEsT OF THE MOUNTAINS., BOUGHT AT AUCTION LARGE QUANTITIES AT LOW PRICES, AND WILT. DI RE-SCLD AT A VEI6I SMALL ADVANCE ON EASTERN COST SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, Of Entirely new de3igLd, each us the 'l' ALMA SHAWLS, And maul- Ct er NOVELTIES IN SHAWLS AND CLOAKS we Lava Leen able to offer go largo end varied a 13t003 of all Lindy of SHAWLS and CLOASS. NEEDLE WORK : COLLARS, SETS AND SLEEVES, FLOUNCINOS, EDGINGS, MOURNING GOODS : IMAM DRESS GOODS, SILA.WLS, CRAPE VEILS, OOLLZLE.S, . GLOVES, AND EVERY OTHER ARTICLE IN THE LINE MOURNING GOODS DOMESTIC"AND STAPLE GOODS BT•1&CBED AbD UNBLEACHED MIISLINS, TIOHLNO3, GING H AMP, FEINTS, CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, - And every other article aintely kept in a WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF DRY GOODS As many of tha above goods have beau bought from the MANUFACTHR_EES and AT AUCTION FOR NET CASL I , we are enabled to sell them a 3 LOW AS THEY CAN Bh PURCHASED IN lIANV OF THE WHOLESALE HOUSES in the Eastern cities. In then, we never have been able to oiler so large and attractive a elect - to our numerous Coe, mere and the public generally. 4ar NEW GOODS RECEIVED DAILY. 1;t C. HANSON LOVE, Formerly Young, Stcvanabn t Love, and love Brothers, Nu. 74 HARICUT STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA ael3:lEO dt w SPECIAL NOTICES. PERMANENT OFFICE. COMPLYENG WITH THE. I:O3A3E2v"T REQUEST OF HON DEEDS OF THEIR PATIENTS, DRS. C. M. .F7TCH AND J. W. SYKES Have concluded to reumin PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURGII, And may be emanated at their afire, No, 191 Penis street, OPPOe,ITE ST. CLAIR HOTEL, Daily, excapt Sundays, for CONSCIMPTIoN, ASTHMA, LIIONCIUTIS and ALL CTILE:: COM PLAtas, complinted with, or airl?iag puLakossry dizaage, IL:eluding Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Gastritla, Female Complaints, 4e. WY, Awn & syh - Es woull state that their treatment of Contamption is based the fact that the disezze =Ws ix tls blood and systoni at large, Loth Defers and during ill development in the lungs, and they therefge employ Mechan ical, Hygienic and Medical remedies to purify the blood and strengthen the system. Pah these, they nee 1.11:DIOAL IN HALATIONS, which they value highly, but only as Ratio floes, (having no Carafire effects when used alone,) and PlTS lids are earnestly cautioned against wasting the precious 'tires of curability on any treatment has-3.i upon the b a t false idea that the "seat of the disease can be readied In a direct manner by Inhalation," for, (s before stated, the act of the di:tease is in the blood and itz e f fect., only in the lungs. ,t - g- No charge for consultation. A list of qneations will be ssnt to thoso wishing to consult no by letter. niy29olaw A GREAT CHEMICAL DISCOVERY.—JULES lIAUEL'S EAII ATHENIENNE, UR EFAIa RENO VA R, is a never failing preserver, restorer and beautifier of the Hair. With no deleterious qualities, it is a prevent ive to the deeay of the Hair, renders it roft, glossy and of the ortginal color, whea it has become gray. This valuable peeparatlon will produce new growth of Hair, in place of that destroyed by age and sicknes &id byß. L. FAHNES TOGS & CO., corner Fourth and Wood streets, Druggists generally, and at the Laboratory of Jules, Hanel tk Co., No. 708 Chesnut street, Philadelphia 10. BAHR OF THE SOUTH COI.INTN-- . .—At the AO gust term of the Supreme Courtof Rhode Island, for Washington county, the first day of January, a. 0., 1819, was limited for bringing in the bills of the Bank, with a view to a dividend of funds then ou hand This order is made with a view to hasten a settlement, and not to cut off bills not then presented, which must, of course, all be paid, if the Bank is-solvent of which there is no reasonable doubt. The bills will be taken in payment of all debts. Hills pre sented, for which receipts are given, will be entitled to to tereat. Bills may be forwarded to the Receiver at lieu• aington. Rhode Island. E. 11. POTTER, au3l:4w Receiver. Us NOTICE—TH:2 INTEREST COUPONS of the Benls of Lawrence County, brined to the PITTS BURGH AND. ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY, due July. ISIS. will be paid at the office of W. H. WILLIAMS & Pitteburgh, Pa. The change in place of payfuent is made consequence'of the failure of the Olde Life Insurance and:Trtist Company, New Ycrk, where the .C:mpona are payable By order of i 52 THE 005111 1 ,-,,,„ 1 -rm TILE BEST AN Ji (91120,PEST VINEGAR is -.4e-r—r o ing at the most extensive VL'i• - PAAR WAREHOUSE in the:i viNE44 ki West This house now Frup- itt=uumumr_ iv plies, and has for the last tan ifmtit,,. ttoje.-, years, more than one-half of . • .4 the Pittsburgh grocers, and the same in every ether city in which it haa been introduced. A. EtA.LLOU, 14d Water street, betweso emithdeld sod (hat, anM ydaw LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER AIM SMELTING WORKS. PARK M'CURDY 4r co., MANUFACTURERS OF SHEATITING, Brazier-a' and Bolt Copper, Pressed Copper Bottoms, Itaisol Still Bottoms, Speiter Solder, Lc, also importers and dealers in Metals, Tin Plata, Sheet Iron, Wire, La. Constantly on hand, Tinmen's Machines and Tools. Warehonso, No. 149 First, and 120 Second etreet, Pittsburgh, Pa. Special orders of Copper cat to any desired pattern. my2l):lyclaw FLRST INTRODUCED JULY, 1849. A. L. AIteII.a.IIIBAULT , S Portableteam foisting and Pumping Engine j~ u Whoefs, from 3to 30 hocse power. Also, Farm En ems and Saw Mill Drivers,3 to 30 horse. Engines always 1.. n hand. Manufactory, /5 th S. Hamilton Strout, jy3o:3mdsw PHILADELPHIA. FALL. GO TO HOftNE , S, 77 Diaries Street, And seo their fine display of NEW Golpg. NOW OpRNTik: ONE AND•A-ELALF ACRES OF GROUND pidasantly situate on Mt. Washington, with Cottage Dwelling Holm, Stable, Well, Fruit Trees, Grape Vines, Strawberrice , good fanCel etc. The holm contains a hall, four rooms and a kitchen. $2OO worth of Strawberries were sold from this place last season. For price and terms, call at the real estate Maw of S. CUTHBERT ON Market street. Titt INSERTINUS, ETC KENTUCKY .JEANS, TWEEDS, SATnaTTs BEM FALL LOCAL AFFAIRS. TERRIBLE AFFAM IN THE FIRST WARP. A Young Lady Shot by her Lover. The First Ward, in the vicinity of the corner of I Liberty and Second streets, was thrown into a state of great excitement on Saturday morning, by a rumer that a young girl named Eleanor Henry had been shot by her lover, Thomas Smithson. The crowd soon collected around the house of Mrs. Henry, on the °error of !Liberty end Second, where tbe weeaded girl lay, aaxicae; to hear the story, which we give as we received it. Thomas Smithson, Jr., a young man only eighteen years of ago, has for many years been acquainted with Eleanor Henry, a young girl of seventeen, small, slightly built, but of a neat figure, and quite handsome. He naturally became enamored of her, but as he was somewhat dissipated, she gave him little encouragement, treating him quite coolly. About eleven o'clock on Saturday morning, Smithson visited the house. He was met by Mrs. Henry, who observed that ho kept his right hand in his pocket. She asked him if ho wee armed, which he solemnly denied, and added, " I would pot harm Ellen." Smithson then had cn interview with Eleanor in the parlor, daring which be implored her to treat him more kindly, and permit his visits. Sho told him she could not countenance him, then asked to be excused, said she had household duties to perform, and made a motion to leave the room. He insisted 'on her remaining, as he wished to converse further with her, but she turned to go out, when en e ete,, 3oo drew a pistol and fired at her while her hack was turned. The report of the pistol soon brought her mother and neighbors to the spot, the former arriving in time to catch her daughter in her arms. Medical attendance was required, and Dr. M'Cook and Dr. M'Donald were called in. They ascertained that the ball had entered the back, passed through one lung, and out through the breast. They applied bandages fcr the purpose of stopping the flow of blood, but with little avail, as the internal hemorrhage up to two o'clock on Saturday was greet. It is he opinion of the physicians that she cannot recover. In the after noon Dr. Dickson took off the bandages and tied up the laqis artery which had been cut off. He thinks there is now a possibility of her recovery. Though suffering mudlisepain, she was soneible and talked to seine of the friends who came in. The physicians, however, forbid her to exert herself much. Mayer Weaver visited the house about noon and took the affidavit of Mrs. Henry ageanet Smithson, detailing the chief facts. The girl herself, having been informed by Dr. M'Cook that she was in a crit ical condition, stated that after conversing with Smithson some than she turn d to loses the room, when ho fired at her, while her back was turned to pass out of the door. Smithson fled immediately after having fired the pistol, but was pursued by a number of parsons, who, however, lost sight of hint at the car net of Second and Market stren.e. Ho was next seen' on Wylie street, and about half past two o'clock was seen to cross the river on the comb of the darn. He was observed by officer Patterson, watchman El , der and a younger brother of the wounded girl, who were in set:rely of him. They were about to cross af ter him, when they saw him preparing to return, ev idently with a view of getting on a to tv , bent, which weadp the lock, on her stay up ifs liver. They watehed him until ho roga mod this and arrested laicce On hie way down, he alleged that the affair was entirely, aoo:dental. Ile seas scoured in the watch-house' where many anxious persona endeavor ed to get a view of him. Miss Henry is a y mng lady nee has many friends, by whom she is uei,ersally behe,ed for her good qualities. She is the daughter at Mrs. Harriet Hen ry, widow of the janitor of the First Ward school, who died four years since. Mrs. H. has since performed his duties., Eleanor is a pious, exemplary girl, being a member of the N. E. Church on Liberty stree', cud has always sustained a good character, }et wo learn that Smithson had circulated report.] about her which affected her good name. Wo are also informed that previous to the shooting, Smithson declared his in tention of doing it at the house of a neighbor. The circumstances of the case, becoming known, excited much indignation, and the cold blooded act was execrated by all. There sus F 1 general feolng against Smithson, end Lad he been overtaken at first, he would probably base met with summary punishment. Indeed, we heard one ci our oldest and mutt respected citiz;_es ant aid be one to "string him up" if captured. We sincerely hope that ilia e out lady may recov er. She will have the attention of many kind Iriende, who nil( do all in their power, and it is to be hoped her wound will not prove fa 4. We heels no doubt that whatever may be the ret of this cowardly at tack, Smithson will meet the punishment which such a cool, deliberate attempt on the life cf a weak, dependent female, deserves at the bands of the law. —Oa Suniay evening, Miss Henry cv,..s quite nom fortable, Tit the physicians were not willing to pronounce her out of danger, as inflammation, re sulting in death, may ensue. Still the mild weather of yesterday, and th. , excellent treatment she is un• der, are favorable to her early recJvery. Smithson has been committed to jail for a hearing CO-t11017014% Woods, the Lottery - Dealer On Saturday morning in the Court of Qaarmr Ses sions, before Judge M'Clure, R. Biddle Roberts, Esq., made a motion that ISEIV.O J. Woods, who has fur some time been confined in jail en a charge of deal ing in lottery policies, bo admitted to bail for his appearapee at the next term of Court. Mr. Roberts gave a history of the oats, and said he thought the amount of bail demanded by Mayor Weaver, $250", was exhorbitant in the extreme. Ho would, there fore, ask the Court to reduce the amount of bail. Judge M'Clure remeri - o-1 that,: at the ;lose of the last term of Court he had illitinctly given out that heavy bail would be ro l ol-itd in 01l prosecutions for dealing in lottery ticlzets, or similar offenses. The Court was willing and ready to talt.o good security for the appearanco of Mr. Woods, but could not re duce the amount. Mr. Roberts acid $2.50u visa a largo sum. Judge M'Clure that Mr. Woody' security , would run no risk f pri. , soor was, as the gentleman stated, anxious to be tried, a nd b e d no intention of running away. :Ma further remarks by the Court end the cast, Woods true remanded to prison, ho being utitille to give more than $lOOO bail. American Watt... Lea, --There can be no rer.A..n why American workman should not be able to du as good work even in the mere delete the me chanic arts as those Of the .1.1 country, and we daily hear of something new which thy vr. auerea , stally accomplished. At the large watch ee l jur; elry I lishment of Messrs. Heineman h Mevran, on Fifth street, opposite our cfii-e, we be,,, ,i.en a l o t of as elegant gold and sliver watt :a.: v.a over saw, the workmanship of American tne.:hmies. The move. merits are new, beautiful 0.7 i :Aror' , in their con struation, and the best judges .0 tl,c country have pronounced them faultless in neiplo and quality. They are inanufaotuted be Applet..o, Traey do Co., at Waltham, Mass., and are accurate and capital time keepers. They are also much liable to get out of order than other watc`..-. Messrs. Heineman do le.yran aro the maeufactmed's agents and ara daily selling these excellent time keepers. It is a remarkable evidence of the excellence of these watches thabthey have already been counterfeited in England for exportation to this country. The cost is not much greater than half that of the price charged for an imported article of no better qua ity. Messrs. Reineman do Mcyran are extensive dealers in watenee. clock. and jewelry of every description. They have been among the first in this city to bring on a supply of the Atlantic telegraph cable, which they manufacture into charms, watch lteye, , according to the taste of the purchaser. Their stock of goods is large and varied, and they are pre pared to supply all articles in the'r line at the cheap est market ratas. The good, which they sell may be depended upon to be in quality exactly as they re present them. Opening Nl9ht.—The Morris, Pell and Trowbridge Minstrels will open at the Masonic Hall, Fifth street, this evening. Our sit c,nw will i-eintqabor the un precedented success Anjoo.i hero by this company in Juno hot, when they drew i ail h0u.40. for four weeks in succession. The verdict of the oinusement loving public was that they are the best troupe travelling. The present company is thy same as on their previous visit and we are care theyrtave not lost any of their powers of attraction since they loft us. The company combines the hest talent in the country. Dick Sliter stands uneaquelled as a jig dancer—Johnny Pell's witticisths are always fresh and original—Mas ter Rentz has one of the faie,t voicrs we have heard —the ballads of Messrs. Prescott and Trowbridge are exquisite—and the comicalities of Lon and Billy Morris altogether irresistible. We sincerely wish them the success which their talent should so readily command—full houses and a pr.ntable stay in our city. ilsoterioue Disappearancc.—A man named Benson arrived in our city one day last week from the northern part of He bad letters of intro duction to some families in Allegheny, one of which ho visited, and inquired (Cr another. He started in the direction of th e bc.t,rt cf the latter, and has not been seen. He pu• up ai the St. Charles Hotel, where his baggage wt life. Information of him will be thankfully reee,v,..d. I i way Go communi cated at this office. Sentanced.—George Bash, lato Postmaster at Et na, who plead guilty to a charge of robbing the mail, was brought into the United States District Court on Saturday morning, for sentence. Ho seemed much affected, and shed tears profusely. His Honor, Judge Irwin, mado a few remarks, and sentenced him to ten years imprisonment in the Western Peni tentiary. ` lle was removed and taken to jail. Veterans.—Acoording to announcement, a meet• log of the soldiers and sailors of the war of 1812, was held on Friday, afternoon, for the purpose of el ecting officers. The following gentlemen were se lected for the ensuing year: President, William Gra ham; Vice Presidents, John M'Kee and Alexander Carnahan, Srcrotary and Treasurer, Luke Loomis; Marshal, James Peek. Charged with Larceny.—A man named George Ni ble was arrested on Saturday morning, charged with the stealing of a plush vest and a pair of boots from Mr. John Mist], the proprietor of the Eagle Hotel, Libertystreet. The vest was found on him when ar rested. Mayor Weaver , before whom he was taken, committed hint for trial: c Delegates to the National Democratic Convention. Ward and-township meetings were hold in the va• done districts of the county on Saturday, in pursue anee of the call of the Executive Committee. We give below the names of the,delegatett, so far as we have been able to obtain them: PITTSBURGH. First Ward—Hamilton Laoook, Wm. Brown, Second Ward—Win. B. Barroll, Chas. Barnett, Third Ward—Th. Umbstaetter, Geo. P. Hamilton, Fourth Ward—C. shaler, Thomas A. Hamilton, Fifth Ward—John P. Glass, Dr. Corn man. ALLEOLUANY CITY First Ward—Neill M'llwaine, Chaa. H. Paulson, Second Ward—Wm. Hazlett, Wm. Clayton, Third Ward—Leo A. Beehhatu, Edwin A RAertp, Fourth Ward—Alexander Hays, James Patton, Jr. MANCEIESTEEL—Edward B. V. Huller. Remo; E.—Samual Smith. Accident on the Steubenville and Indiana Railroad On Saturday morning the city was rife with rumors of a fearful accident on the Steubenville and Indiana Railroad. The reports varied from thirty killed to three—numerous despatches were received, and it was finally ascertained that the accident was not so terrible as at first supposed, for though quite a num ber of persons were injured more or less, no one was killed. We give the particulars and names of the wounded in our telegraphic column. The accident occurred to the train from this city which left on Friday at 2:35, P. M., at Miogo Sta tion, thirteen miles west of Steubenville. The cars jumped the track while on a bridge, which gave way, precipitating one passenger oar ten or twelve feet. The baggage car was partially thrown over, and both were badly broken. The passengers were obliged to return to Steubenville on foot utter the accident. The Steubenville Herald, of Saturday, says, as to the cause of the disaster, that it was at first supposed that the structure, from some undiscovered cause, had given way; but it is now ascertained that some of tho hind oars were displaced on reaching the end of the bridge, which, knocking out some of the main timbers, the structure had to give way. The loco. motive ar.d tender, fortunately, passed over in safe ty; the express car remained suspended en the end of the bridge, the hind truck having gone down; after it descended the baggage car, and the two pas. senger cars—not falling in ono mass, but scattered about. Only one car was shattered into pieces. The descent was about twelve feet, and the water in the creek was very low. Shooting Affair in Temperaneeville.—About two o'clock on Sunday morning, two men, named Adam Walters and James Anderson, were lodged in jail, charted, on oath of Edward Blunden, of Temper anceville, with assault and battery with intent to kill. The statement of Mr. Walters is this : About eleven o'clock on Saturday night, as he and Ander son were sitting in his house, on the Washington road, near Tomperanceville, James Blunden and James Molds came to the door and tried to got in. Failing in this, they threw a large boulder through the window, striking a child of Mr. Welter's on the shoulders. Incensed at the unprovoked attaes, they each seized hold of shot guns, and both fired simul taneously at the assailants. Blunden receiied a few sh , d in the sids. Molds was not hurt. The injury to Li!ur,tien very slight. Walters and Anderson were arrested :ind committed by Esquire Carnahan for turther M. , ating. The affair should be ievetdigated at once, !,,r this story be correct, it h a piece of ;re,, irje.t:ice to keep these men in confinement for deft oding the house of one et them from the as-cults a; t,utsiders. A Wat,r Bas6.—A2 watchman Kennedy was on his usual round on Friday evening, he observed three !..en and a female, who appeared to bo partially in toxicated, go aboard a ccnal le..oat which was lying at the Allegheny wbarf. He pr'ocured the assistance of another officer, boarded the boat, and arrested the four. As they were going at.hore, ono of the men gave the officers the slip, and jumped into the river. They watched for his appearano for some time, but as he was not seen to come up, concluded he was drowned. They went to the Mayor's offoo and in formed the Captain of the Watch of the supposed drowning. He suggested that the men might bo alive, and sent an officer to his house, who found him there, drying his clothing after his immersion. In the morning the partio,i were t.ll then beforo the Mayor, and fined $5 each. Dead.—Wo noticed a day or t.vo since the fact of a man named Irwin attempting to take his life, dur ing confinement in the county jail by taking arsenic, and that ho would likely recover. On Saturday morning, Coroner Alexander was called upon to bold an inquest on Li. Lady. About ton o'clock ou Fri , day night ho had been seizni with vomiting and ornvulAanp, which continued until midnight, when he tied. A jury returned a verdict of death by cidc. The name of ihe deceased was James Irwin ; ha 3 , 38 ilb3llt forty4ive years of age and resided in the Frith ward, where ho had a wife and several children. wits employed at one of the rolling milk in the Fifth ward. Where to do.'—We always take pleasure in recem mending to our readers a porßer. in any line of busi ee,,, who is deserving of patronage, and it is with these feelings we would direct their attention to the savertlirameut in' another column of C. Hanson Love, No 74 Market street. He has recently returned from the eastern cities, where be has purchased from the manufacturers and at auction for not cash, large and attractive stock of tall dry goods of every description. Ile promissa to soil these articles at very low figures, and wo are .atisfled ho will keep his word. His establishment has long been a favor ite one with the ladies, as they can always get what they wish at their owu price. Call on Mr. Love in making your fall purchases of clothing, and we can testify that you will not only COll3O away satietied, hut also eavo money. Re,,idtimi a Coragtable.—A men named Andrew Gilkey was brought down from McKeesport, on Sat urday night, with a oommittment from Esquire Cochrane, f.r assault and intt,ry with intent to kill It seams that a eon of Uilkey's had been informed against ! - or malicious misehiel; a warrant was issued and officer Celli went to Gilkey's house to arrest the boy. The father resisted the arrest of hie 90n, and salted a heavy bar of iron struck at Cook with it. Ile, however, warded off the blow with his arm , an d the iron glanced off and struck a bystander on the head, inflicted an ugly wound. officer Cook inform. ed againA Gilkey and had him committed on the above charge. The 4"eather.- -The following Is the range of the thermometer and barometer, 09 kept by tieorge E. optician, Fifth street, yesterday : TEIF.P.HOMY.TCR.. In Sun. In shade 9 A. M 91 ° - 69° 12 M 94'...... ......... 72° 6 P. 141 Baromuler, 29 3-10. Theatre.—Gov. Porter had a rod house on Satur• day evening to witness the representation of " Ln• cretia Borgia." Mr. M'Farland and Miss Cappell both did admirably. This evening,Mr. J. H. Taylor makes his first appearance here in many years, as a czar, in the character of Damon, in the tine play of "Damon and Pythias." "The Wizard Skiff, or the Massacre cf Solo," is the afterpiece. Accident.—A man whose name we could not learn, had hie leg crushed on Friday evening, by being caught between the Birmingham wharf boat and the furry boat, as it came in. Be slipped while stepping off the boat. (Vicars Wills and Alexander, who wont in pursuit of tue convicts Kingsbury and Burns, have returned, after a long search, without having found any traces of the fugitives. 211 rd. Macroady.—We acknowledge the receipt of a memoir of this lady, very neatly gotten up. We understand that she will shortly appear in this city, at Porter's Theatre. The press, in the cities where she has performed, speaks of her in terms of unqual ified praise. Bowman & Cu :—My wife %vas troubled with cough and pain in the breast fur five years—the last two of %chitin she was very low indeed. I procured some of your Compound, and after she had taken it for about five weeks she was able to do all our house work, which she had not pro iously done for four years. "He cheerfully, and unasked, recommend your Cona pc.und to all who are suffering under that terrible teease—Consumption. JAMBS SOCTIIERLAND. M&a R. SOUTELLIIILLND LATUIVILLZ, Ky., July. 16513. DR. J. HOSTETTER'S ORLEBRATE.D STOMACH BITTERS, for the cure of Fever and Agne, is beyond all controversy the safest and beet remedy that could be used by the afflicted, for all diseases of the above nature. The moot violent attacks of thi- dreodfui disease have often been prevented by the use of this reliable remedy. The "Bitters" have been used by the proprietor in an extensive practice, in the treatment of Fever and Ague, for a number of years, and its wonderful curative powers are well known both to the press and the pnbl'c. Those who desire a thor ough renovation of their entire system, should not fail to use the " Bitters." i)r sale by drnggists and dealers generally, everywhere and by 1108TETTEll d 8111TH, blannianturers and Proprietors, es -1 69 Water and 68 Front streets. O. J. M. OLIN'S CELEBRATED. STOMACH BIT TERS—Try thew, 'and satisfy yourselves that they are all they are recommended to be. The proprietor does not pretend to say that they will cure all the diseases flesh is heir to, but leaves them to test their own merits, and the constantly increasing demand for them is sufficient proof that they are all they are recommended to be, and far en perior to any preparation of the kind nns in the market. Their use is always attended with the most beneficial re sults in cases of Dyspepsia, loss of appetite, weakness of the stomach, indigestion, etc. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, assists digestion, and imparts a healthy one to the whole system. Be sure and call for J. N. Olin's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, and see that the article par. chased bears the name of J. N. Olin, as manufacturer. For sale by J. N. OLIN, sole proprietor and manufacturer Ne. WI Penn street, Pittsburgh, Pa, and by druggists and dsalen geatira.l. i Allegheny Cemetery—The Death of John Bissell, Jr.—At a meeting of the Board of Managers of the Allegheny Cemetery, held on the 9th inst., the fol lowing preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : WitErta.ss, Mr. John Bissell, Jr., late Secretary and Treasurer of this Board, having been called, since our last meeting, from time to eternity, by a sudden and awful casualty, it is proper that wo should place on record an 03treyeion of our feelings and sentiments in regsrd to this melancholy and distressing occurrence. It 15, therefore, Resolved, That white wo bow with humble submis sion to the mandato of that Groat ` Being whose agency controls and detcriu.nos every event of our lives, we desire at the same time to express the pro. found grief et the removal trim our midst, in the very prime and vigor of ikis Li ir,houd, of ono FO well fitted by the sterling qualities of his mind and heart to pertorui honorably and usefully his part en the great theatre of life. Resolved, That in the death of Mr. Bissell, the large social circle of which he was a worthy and highly esteemed member, as well as the business community in which his punctuality, probity and energy had gained him an enviable reputation, have sustained an irreparable loss. Resolved, That to his bereaved and heart stricken family and relatives wo tender our sincere sympa. thies and condolence. Resolved, Thet the shave resolutions Le published in the newspapers of the city, and that a copy signed by the President and having the corporate seal of the Company attached be presented to the family of tho deceased A.test Tuos. M. 110Wg, President '17,, Nrw N atiottal. —Uo.T. Foster arrived in the (thy on Saturday and announces that he will re-open the now National within a tow days with a tirt class CI Lillian ) • The case of llotry Moore, convicted of counter feiting, in which a motion for a new Dial was to have boon argued on tiaturday, has been postponed until Wednesday. Light coats neatly made. Yenta and veats suited to the emasom bummer under wear of silk, and cot ton, silk and linen hosiery, for men's and boy's wear, at close rates for cul, by Carnaghan, Federal street, Allegheny city. ° - - - JOSEPH MEYER, MANUFACTURER OF Fancy & Plain Furniture & Chairs, warerooms, 421 Penn Pitreet, ABoVE THE CANAL BRIDGE, PITTSBURGH, l' A . In t.JJu wu w thu J aru'd in inUSiIIO,M, 1 fthiU durote atwuth,n t.• U I" Ali I `4.1 11,4!::los and Ora ridge. Lnily—lc SEWING MACHINES. SINGER'S 'OPA 4 z OREAT SUPERIORITY OF THE SINGER'S "MACHINE Ovor all others, fur Me. nee ,d Shoe Manufac turers, Harness MakOrd, Car,ave Ttianulers and Coach Makers, leis long ho n I; dud practically a:kuowleged. HIS NEW FAMILV MACHINE, Which 11 a light, compact and Light ornamental machine, (doing its work equally well with thy large maohlneso and must I.ocduie a favorite fcr family new Ez7- A full supply the ale v a Machines for sale at Now York price', by IL IRA W, S 2 :110,1, et street, . - aal9.ly—'2.p Pittibur4h, SEW IN ti MAC I/ N E Tue. $l.O AND P 940 SEWING MACHINES! Are now on Exhibition, at the uSIE Y 8 T 0 E MR. DALY, NO. 20 FIFTH STREET, Tlmse HatLitres aro aduriltod to L 11.3 the bent ID maiket for family taro, making an elastic double tittrad stitch, which will not rip t Yeti if ovary fourth artioh t o cat It as the only low priced doable thread Matt dm, to market. Ortiors rocetved and promptly Utica by M. DALY, Agora, :Lb Flab the a•tmar of Market alloy, Pittsburgh, Pa. .*rir Ntalltg—M. DALY, en rormw of Fifth stroet Mid Market alley, is the )oUto et the inutile in butortoss on this street. jylfcly s E L l OTT, E" 4 .1 O THE first place in public estimation is nuw Justly accorded to the °ROVER A BAR ER MA. 011INE, for family Sewing, fur the following reagoun : Int. It In MORE SIMPLE and LI ASILY KEPT IN ORDER than any other machine. 2d. It makes a neam which will NOT RIP or RAVEL, though every third stitch in cut. Bd. It sewn from two ordinary npod, mud thus ell trouble of winding th . ;ead Is avoided, while the Nltlllo Machine can be adapted, at plea are, by a inure change of spoola, to all varietien of work. 4th. The same Machine tuns silk, linen thread and ep eil cotton, with equal facility. 6th. The seam iI as elastic as the al ant elastic fabric, so that It is free frau all LIABILITY to 1.111.11A11, in WA9II• ING, IRONING, or otherwise. dth. The stitch made by this Machine Is more BIiAUTI• FUL than any other made, either by band or machine. OPINIONS OF TUE PRESS.. Grover & Baker's is the best.—; Amer. Agriculturist. To all of which the Tribune stye, amen.—{N. Y. Tribune. I tie all that it claims to be.—[N. Y. Independent. RP/idles Its own work; others do uot.—[Home Journal. We give it the prefereuce.—lAmer. Baptist. It ❑reds only to ho 11000 to be apprecieled.-IPlireno. Journal. Adapted fur woolens, linen or cotton.-lAtuer. Medical Monthly. We like Gruver & Baker ' s host.—{Ladled Wreath. " Which is the beet?" Grover & Baker's.—" N. Y. Dispatch. Superior to all others.—[N. Y. Mercury. We have uu hesitation In recommending it.—[N. Y. Ex press. It requires uo reepoollog.—(N. Y. Evangelist. For family use they aro unrivaled.—(N. Y. Daily News. They sew a seam that will not rip.—(N. Y. Courier. It performs nobly and expeditiously.—,N. Y. Examiner Remarkable for the elasticity of eitani.-- [Pollee Gazette Well adapted to all kiuda of faullly sewing.— . N. Y. Obi The most ble-nod invention of modern times.—{Motti Magazine. Best adapted fur family use.--[N. Y. Day Book. We do not hesitate to recommend Y. Chronicle. It sews strongly and does not rip.-11,1fe Illustrated. The prince of Inventions Prot. Churchman. It le woman's beet frleud.—i N. Y. Weekly News And two hundred more references. To Clergymen sod Benevolent Societies. The DROVER 44 BARER SEWING MACHINE CO. will sell, for the present, to Clergymen and Benevolent Societies their superior machine at one half the mutt, retail price. W. C. ELLIOTT, Agent., 1.113 u ly No. 21 Fifth street. AUTUMN TRADE, ISSS.i STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, AT WHOLESALE T 1 R. MI 15 Ow 4:31- 1:::1 CI TA .1 , OF NEWEST STYLES. SHAWLS IN EVERY VARIETY WARING?, COBLIRGS, AILIBLIN DELAIN VELVETS, SILKS, ..s, LIINGEIAMS. CLOVIS, GASSIBIEIIERI2, L ATINEra, VESTING& FLANNELS, PRINTS, BLEAT AND BROT•N GOODS With a complete Iwo ut EMBROIDERIES, And other styles of Goode adapted to A FIRST CLASS TRADE All of width are offered for Bale, cheap W. G. CHITTICK & CO., 438 Market & 433 Merchant Sts., PHILADELPHIA. ga¢2.7.41m-fraxto-we CHEESE. --300 boxes choice cutting Oheeee tat received and for sale loy aan ace a OOLLINB BUSINESS CARDS J. & 'l'. GROUTT, BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, ETC, DEALERS IN fINR .",LD MONONOAUI TLYI WHISKY, P EAOI3 AND APPLE BRA V. ALSO, RECTIFIERS A I DISTILLERS, Corner of Smithfield e.nd Nront Streets, apl 11 PITTSBURG U. PA. S. B. & C. P. MARKLE, PRINT/Ntl, Jk. , B, AND ALL, LUND. , {IA l'1•1:40 I =6 11— I :2° Et Warehouse, No. 27 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, P.\ itA k s bought at market price, RE1201 1 .4t.. 011 NI MOORHEAD has removed to NJ. 7 I Wutor ntroot, tmlow 51arket 1011 N 11100 REREAD. OMMISSION MERCHANT, PIC METAL AND BLOOMS, NO. 71 WATER STREET, SEI.MW MARKET, PITTSBURGH, PA ITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. 14.% AC JONES JNU. k .i9li ai u 6 11 ONES, BOYD c't , co ASupe era ani: el or CAST STEEL- Auto, SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, SPRINGS AND AXLES. Dormer ttoss sind First Stroats, iy2s PITTSBURGH, PA. m 0 0 RHEAL) & (.7, 0 . American, Plain & Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, Fur Roofing, Guttering, Spouting, dte. AGENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT MITATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON Warehouse. No. 136 First xtreat, mr26:ly-is 4.5 AI JONIr3 D. B. iftOGERS & CO LIANUITACTUREREI or ROORIOP IMPROVED PATENT 81' EEL CULTIVATOR TEET I! COUITER RGEIS AHD FIBST STIIHEITE, L. C. ILEIPBUKII, rrl)B.N iv AT LAW AND CONVEYANCin. ' '4 JAMES Ai. FETZER, ilorwarding and Commission Merchant, ur, drain, Batton, Lard, !Sutter,. Seod:;, Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Uorner of Marl Let. and First atroeta. PITTSBUtIGII, ('A. RSYIR ro—Francis G. Bat William Dilworth, Br., . Cuthbert & Son, Pittsburgh; Boyd & Ott, Heiskell & weartngen, B. Bnidy, Cast , . M. & M. Bank, List & Howell, Mangle k Go_, George W. Anderson, Braila Paxton & Co. 97bmAllim. myVkitaf WM. W. KNIGHT, I IRST PREMIUII HUY ME LINEN DRESS STOCK MANUFACTORY, NO. 806 ARCH STREET, Silk, Merino and Cottmi ::nder Shirts and Drawers, Cra• vats, Scarfd, Gloves, Ltanditcrchiefs, 4.3., Dressing Gowns, shuts, Wrappers, and Drees Btocks made to order by meas urement, and warranted to give satisfaction. Jel yd E. P. MIDDLETON & ORO., IMPORTERS OP WINES, BRANDIES, &C., ALSO DEALERS IN