"...to • • VOLUME XVI. •_ • PITTSBURGH MORNING POST. Pei end yizt4ith" , " ertris MiTr4ing, SHNcIaV tzuPtect) fly JIIISII.ES P. 8A.0.R, It Tall NOM! 11-NiTT cortjtrile AND rnrn Brame, Tr. Dollars a year, payable strictly in advance, Et D: liars in eariahly required if not paid within the year. C.);AL; 3, Two Ciets&---for sale at the counter In s.';:aCO and i,y tie Ness Boys. RATES OP ADVERTISING. I Thrizei Twiesi Once a; in Wkiy 1.15.52. D.. "l'ial.oela Lite:. I paper. One tusertion.-- 20' tiD 7: -e: o 78 76 i :rue insortions..... 100 • 100 one week. 1 75 60 300 " 2 CrS 150 l 03 75 ureo weeks 4GO 2ca 200 12n 100 one m0nth_............5 00 50 ISe 1 6 0 LlOtritts 700 465 60 235 Ii 60 Terce months 10 00 0 001 460 300 300 poor months ...... ..... 10 00 6 65 1 600 335 460 riTO 11 00 785 650 305 660 elm mouths 12 00 800 600 400 e6O lilac. mantra-- 16 00 10 35 SOO GB5 ti 00 , Cue . 00 18 .36 10 00 a a 12, col deeding Cord, six lines or less, per ..... 00 (I:..I:9AABLS AT manna: One square, per annum, f,exclersive of the paper,) 7.3 00 Earriage notium, 50 cents ;Death notices, 26 cents. PITTSBURGH SATURDAY POST A litAltnioTra WEEEMN. ONLY ONE BOLLIR PER YEAR, CD17.3 OP 17... N. E:agto Subszrtptlonc, 7 CM per annum. CONTAINS ALL THE OXJRRENT NEWS OF TIED LAY, Political, Literary, Agricultural, Commer • Local, Telegraphic and Miscellaneous. This Paper being of the ULM:O fnu, and neatly prints • Tina white paper, in large, clear type, will be found by the subseid. bar to giro better =defection than any paper par:dined in l'ittabnrgt.. incse who wish to take a paper from Pi :burgh, will god the EATMDAY POET-a safe and profitable investment. Addro=, Jii..U.EL'S P. 8AR.11 6 cepl7 Editor and Prorrletar. _ - as. P. teas. CD. A. ISFaes &.M.YEB,S) BOOK AND JOB °MGM , "T:7l::t.DIZsl - C3r.S, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. THE andel - signed having made extensive addition; of the LATEST AND HANDSOMEST STYLE F TYPE, and improved Machinary, to the MORNING POST ;OB OFFICE, invite the ttention of Rail Road Ofiicer ;erchants, business men, and the public generally, to their .•„",•erior fatilitiee for c - ree-a-A . ng with di patch, on rec=ahlo t. - ma, all kinds cf RAIL ROAD, ERCA T E , LEGAL, = AND 5.1111' MICR DESCRIPTION OP eLAITI & FANCY PRINTING Our ituater',ll being nearly all new, we can give aes-u -stice of the rocs; ea - zit:lets satisfaction, and sclielt erdert cr PAM - PHLET.S, Bin, ROAD BILLS AND CARDS, BANK aIIECK.S, BLANK NOTES, LP TER HEADS, BILL HEADS, LADING, ruPl - 24 - Es3 OAItDS, PAPER BOORS, DREfis, MORTGAGES, BONDS, le, sTe - a - r• Particular nrtention will also be paid to thefirlnting pi Posters, Progrz , :lanes, tc. for 'lowans, Rrhibliions and 01:c - osee. =AEA & MYERS. . . BUSINESS CARDS. The People's Shoe Store. D. S. DLEFFENBACHER Sz CO ., Cheap Cash Dealers In ell kinds of Fashionable gt i 3OTS, SHOES AM) GAITERS, For Gentlemen, Ladles, Youths and Children, iio. 17 Fifth -Street, near Illarlret, Ii PITTSBURGH, PA. ; JOHNSON S. A. JOHNSON J IE RRIN " JOHNSON, rietor; of Childs A - Co.'s ?"" E Pr las op tic. Fire and Water Proof Cement Roo - Mag." 133 THIRD STREET. ',,,RDERS for ROOFING promptly anctfaith ‘,._ 7 fully execrated, and all oar work warranted. , 'tooling- material always on hand, and for sale, With di• pfhly re. ibilis for use. ea— JOB. F. 11/1311LT02 4 & CO., E GrINEERS AND riIACIELINISTS, Cbrner of First and Liberty street; Pittsburgh, Pa. UPERIOR STEAM ENGINES for Grist • and Saw mills, Breweries,Printing Establishments, litauutactories, 4x., mauls to ordr. They also continue the manufacture of theieCelebratedMachinists' Tools, such as Turning Lathes, IronThanens, Boring and Drilling Machines, Also, Wrought Iron Shafting, with Pulleys, Rangers, kn. ;Se_ 3673:10 !Lift - SI THOMPBON- WHIST THOMPSON X.. 0. YIT T JOHN TEHOIVEIPSON SI. CO., I i __TOLTSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND Gram - ERs, N 0.135 Third street. SIGN PAINT. INO emeouted - with neatness and despatch. Mixed Paints, Oils. Turpentine; Varnish, Japan and English Patent Dry. era, Villa Montaigne Zinch, a very superior article; Phila delphia a:A Pittsburgh White Lead always on hand and for antr. We amprepered to grind colors for Painters, Drug gi.its, Or otheTs, at the shortest notice, as wo have a Mill witch grinds by steam Painters will save money by get ting their colors ground with us. pnr.s:ly GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, I ANUFACT Ultr. R S PRICES. HYDROMETERS at Welching epirita, the cheapest and best articles ever traagiat to thin city. TIEDRAIONTItiM AND BABOMETTiaB, varying in price from st 3 to $OO each. `T.OOKET COIIPASSEB, AND SiiRVEYOII , 'S COMPASSES, lwayt v i hand at MAWS, Optitian, 68 sWtIL &rut opposita Muio ELUL 13. C. al. J. il. SAWYER; 111.1.-ST:",..L•rintriiB G 7 E,f;.l) OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS i;io. 4:7 Vio.cd tiT,r4evt, Pittsburgh, Pa. _DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- Thz firm of HAWORTH BRO. is BROWNLEE was, c.n: of May, 1353, dissolved by mutual consent, by the t! of JEIIII7HAWORVI from the above firm. TL, ot., of the late firm will be settled by HAWORTH d. ,%r 4sp IEIIX IiIt.WOISTH, in withdrawing from the above Erm. kinAljthanke his farmer patrons and also the patrons of [La 19:e firm, for the very liberal patronage he has r, anfi croald ktndly recommend them to hia aue6eSare, - /i&W01. , -'212 & BROWNLEE, as they ere determined to sell ct zarea, laving a very large assortment of CHEAP tiROGF.AIIB, WHiE,3 and LIQUORS on hand. ..TEHII HAWORTH. ram HAWORTH - suul JAMES BROVirtiLEE LaTe ails d.sy•ssociated together, and sr 11 continue mu the cr.aincsi at the OLD STAND, corner of Dkunand .and 'Dia mond taiay, under the style of HAWORT.Ef BROMILKE, Whir° VIC . 7 LapS to 1- - ive that pan - onage soli - basil 4' given tz - tha Lid L.rm, 6.3 they sze determined to dell CHEAPER tutu :my other Store in tfia city. royl3 °Mee of Sealer of Weights and Measures. LII OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, I :SEALER OP WEIGHTS' AND .1171A91D 1 E4 - 1.1‘4 f."1: - ..dhenoeforth, in Cherry alley, betWeEn Third and i.utiia ,treets, where orders may be left. . ca:l3:tl CHARLES Beslirrr. IT S. HAVEN'S El aßtie Steel Pens just If 6 riceived, and for sale at the Stationery Store, iZeld Nos. 31.83 and 35 Market street. THE FRANKLIN ALMANAC FOR 1859. —This well-kJ:loin-and popular annual, formerly pub lished by Ich.oston h Stec - Mon, after a law* of years, will again shortly be-issued:.The circulations as formerly will bo mode- by . t..c. skinfuleicathematician, Sanford 0. ELM, Bs' q, who u ill also prepare for its pages each reading mat. ter as. ill eta. Bee.des the reliable astronomical c.sladations, a new and ingenious table of time, an accurate method of drawing meridian lines, and other matters of permanent salmi will be added.. Ordors of book.sellers and other dealers are solicited is advanca of publication as but one edition - will be printed, and orders will be ailed according to priority. WM. G. JOHNSTON & 00, Pabilakera, .Printers, Stationerk and Blank Book Makers, 57.Wo'ed siffiaetiPittaburgh. . bbls. choice rjeff c lne for sale Corner Market and Ylrat sta. ' 6.- -- 10 bb ontfor glain 0.9W4.18, "„ • 4 ---- . • • - „ • REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FAR9'fl Rrs lINIONINgIIRANCIi f e OII PANY , At ATHENS, BRADYOEDLOCIENTY, PA., Jan:l4 ISA ea presented to the Stockholders, and made oat In comp is liance with the State Lam of Now York, Ohio, Indiana, arkIXICIAL , The name of the Company is the FARMERS' lIITIONAN SUSANOS COMPANY, located at Athens, Pa. Chartered April LS, ISW, by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Charter Peep , etnal. Cash Capital, a hich Ls all paid up Burpltu3 in addition thereto assns. Fifty-fear Bonds:and Mortgagm, , at six and seven cent. interest, amounting in the aggregate to.---$16X,816 Which mortgagee are or value ble and prultfctive real thltitt, : principally farms, recorded and first liens, worth generally double the amount and more than snort gaged for in each ease, - and lame case less than fifty VI ere:Minoru,' exclusive of farm buildings, and so certified by the Recorders, where recorded, to_theatid of the Statee . of Ohio and Illinois. Nineteen'six tfl cent. Bonds amply secured.. 47,68.5 00 Cash on hand and in Bank 6,449 12 Cash in bands of Agents, and in course of transmistdorr, secured by bonds with sureties-- Buo on losses re4tusured, &c Bills receivable, viz: promissory rotor; payable at bank and to the Company— Interest accrued, (principally due January 1858,)- .......... -......-. 1 19 46 safe and office Fixtures and Faini• tare Amount of Premium!' received during the year Am't interout received during the year Am't received from all other sources IXPTSDPII:6I.3I6: Expenses for the year, indicating commissions, salaries, rants, rein. erarance, printing, - .aaVertisingr taxes, and all other expenses 4 19,199 66 Dividends psid during thwyear...—. 17,000 00 Doesaz paid, which occurred prior to December 81,1866 Loma pals which occurred during the year 46,561 64 LLiBILTIM. Lcsses adjusted and not due (since paid) ..._« $ 12,500 grd Donee incurred and In process of adjustment. teases reported, on which no action has bean taken. Low es roasted; on ground of Warm. &IWO alter are, property transfer red before loss, property lost not covered by the Policy, kc $ 38,407 99 Whule amon 4of risks taken &ming the year 45,429,862 00 Whole amount or risk at data. ..... ....-...- ..... 4,881,440 00 F...TATZ Or PESZCSYLVANIS, COUNTY 0± RRADFURD, ST. C. N. ElLipman, President, and J. E. Canfield, Eecretary of the Fanners' Onion Insurance Company, being severally duty sworn, depose and edy, and each for hie reit' says, that the foregoing is a true, fall and correct statement of the affairs of said corporation, and that the; are the above de. scribed ofilexas thereof. 0. N. B Ir./lAN, President. J. E. CANFIELD, Secretary. Subscribed and ewvro before ma, this 25th day of Jana• ary, 1858, H. C. BAIRD, Justice of the Peace. T. J. MINTER, •gent, No. i)O Water etreet. Pittsburgh. Fl itE INSURANCE, BY TUB a elL acme Mutual Insurance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. ON BUILDINGS, LIMITED OR PEIIPETUAL, MEROHAN DUE, FURNITURE, AO., IN TOWN OR 00 NTR Y . Offloe, No. 308 Walnut street. • CAPITAL, $177,926 _ASSETS, 52521,463 88. InveztrA as follow, vlz : First Mortgage on Improved City Property, worth double too amount $120,200 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s ever cent.. Mortgage . Loan, $,.V,000 cost.— - 25,600 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Penn'a IL R. Luta. 10,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 5t0ck„......... 4,000 00 litc.c.k of the Reliance Mutual Insurance .... 19,160 o‘.l Stock of County Tiro Inanrance Co_ 1,060 Ou Scrip of Sundry Insurance Companies ...... ...—... 476 00 Bills Ilocetra . )lq . bruzineas paper 62,711 50 Boot Acccunta, accrued interest, etc. 8,330 19 (jail on hand and in Ban. 10,043 20 Clem Tingley, Wimem A. Thompson, ./avid 8. Brown, Cornelius Stevenson, John IL Worrell, G. L. Carson, Robert 'Poland, Moses Johuson, Charles 8. Wood, James S. Woodward, mr3 , L J. GAR mr3 North-east co MOM' IR - DANCE COMPANY, Of Philadelphia. WM. V. PETTIT, President D. J. IPOINN, Secretary. Amount of Capital Stock paid in and invested-4206,000 64) Surplus 63,428 fib g 253,428 3.1) thrum Oargo Risks on the Ohio and Mississippi }Were and tributaries. Insures against loss or damage by Fire, Also, against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Wm. V. Pettit, J. 0. Montgomery, John M. Ptimroy, D. J. McCann. E. F. Witmer, Rene tlnillon, B. L. Woo Latin, John A. .elsrahhil, Chas. B. Wright, Jahn J. Patterson, Elwood T. Pasey. In PluladJph:n': Balser, Lamb & Co., Truitt, Bro. dr. Co-, A. T. Lane C Co., PITTSBURGH OFFICE, 13. - IF:_,- MUTUAL - INSITRANcE= COMPANY, : : : • al RE OY PENNEYLVAILIA Cash avita1.......4.300,000 1 iteraitanNota.4 l . 2 P- 3 . THIS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON A. Bnildinvs, gereaandise, lurniture, 40., in town or country. DI31104011,8: lion. J Lo.J. Pearce, Hon.(. C. Hervey,lollarlee A. Mayer, John E. Rall i Charles Crist,!Peter Dickinson, T. T. Abrams, 1) K. Jackman, W. White, Thomas Kitchen. 11.0 N. G. 0. HARVEY, President. T. T. Aillidiaß, Vico President Tune. BITINEZN, Secretary. ES7/18/Ifioae: t&amnel IL Lloyd, -1 Dr. J. a. Crawford, A. A. Winegardner, John W.-Maynard, A. Updagraff, L. A. Mackey, Hon. S. Cameron, James Armstrong, A. White, Thoa. Bowman D.D, William Fearon, James Quiggle Wm. Vandarbelt, Hon. Wm. Bigler, OFFICE- 2 NO. FIFTH STREET, P1TT38117.3/1. d °MAI J. A. LIPPERT, Agent. E HE FRANKLIN vlitr, LNSLTRANOI tOOLiPANT, PIMADELPIIIA. Erasmusla—Charles W. Banch.er, Thames Hart, Tobias Wagner,Samuel Grant, Jacob R. dmith, Geo. W. Richards, Herderl D. Lewis,Adolphl E..Enrie, Ilavfd S. Brown liar rls Patterson. Cass. 37. Re.50E113, President. Cass. G. RAZUMS, Secretary. Continue to make IlleuranCe,perpetual or limitod, on every description of property, in town and country, at rates as low as are ocr..gea,t with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent .Fund, Ihichorith their capital and premiums, safely Invested, af. ford ample protectiemio the'assared. Tba, Assets of the Company ' on January Ist, 1851, as pub lished agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as follows, viz: Mortgage $918,128 68 Real ......... 84,877 78 Temporary Loans 83,968 17 61,889113 Ocksh, 64,846 81 Total--; s` l 'g, 444 Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-one years, they have paid upward of One =lion Your Hundred novo sand Dollars,' oases by lire, thomby affording - evidence of the advantages of ins - mime, ea well es th 4 ability and dispoeition to meet with promptneze all liabilithr. .1. GABDINKti. COFFIN, Agent, poll Office. corth-i - A.st c.Jr. Wood and Third ILL WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. aIiSHGE DdRBIE, t readout; F. 2.1. Goimcx Secretary. Ornas No. 92 Water street, (Spang & Co's w arehouse,) up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will insureagainst &Indult of 1 , !at auu MARINE RISKS. A Home Instittdion, managed by Directors who are c. ceU &nein in the community, and who are determined, by promptness and liberality, to maintain tho character which they have assuinedos offering the best protection to those who deaire to be insured. - ASSETS, OCTOBER 81st, 1857 Stock Accounts,. Mortgagor-- . ... . mid ..... Office Open ...... Premium Ho Bills DLscoanted„ .... George Darsle, J. w. Butler, James AndrewAratley, bdul/del Holmes, Dal. Lc . nag, sal. W. Ricketsou, ACON.-4000 lha Country Bacon, 4% for atile kg mita Vins, WM PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE 'POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OE' WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT VINE, DOLLARS PER ANNUM: INSURANCE. - 18,781 (14 .. 7,836 61 • '2.53,486 61 moats vor. -- Tair TS.Lh 1857. $90,425 6u 12,100 00 V 262,465 ell CLEM TINGLEY, Preaident. D1R317293.4. Samuel Bispham, Hobert Steen, William Musser, Benjamin W. Tingley, Marshall Hill, Z. Lathrop, Charles Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, Wm 31. Semple, Pittsleg . ELLNCEISIAN, Secretary. 11.NRS COFFIN ? Agent, er Third and 'Wood streets. DIEZOTOICS 0/710111.9: WILLIAM V. PETTIT, President. E. F. WITMER, Vice Prelident.. D. J. Mco-thN, Secre to ry. r.ll/1311 , fa" , 3,: in Philadelphia: Steimmaft, Juertice & Co., Buck, Morgan & Stiff°lo, Pamroy, Caldwoll & Co. NO. 97 'WATER STREET. • W. POINDEXTER' Agent. WEST BRANCH LOOK HAVEN; CLLITiVN COUNTY. • OTO RMiller, Jr., George W. Jackson, Ale& Slop!, 7.' • Alersandsr Wm. EL Smith, p. M. GORDON; :.- - -..=.,i;:i; ..,:i4.-....z.-gt4Er:t7i..,.- LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 96 WATER STREET, PITTABURGII, PA. ROBERT GALWAY, President. Aux. Baamm, Vice President. Amur? : Secretary. Akr•This Company makes exeryininsranCe appertaining to cr connected with LIFE MKS. 4 200,000 00 . 63,485 61 Also, against HULL AND CARGO 11.181E8 011 the Ohio andltilasissippi Myers and tributaries, and MARINE itISIIB gonerally. And. againat Las and Damage by Fire, and against tha Peril!' of the Boa and Inland NaNigallon and Transportation. $163,485 61 Policies issue.l at Ow lowoat rates consistent with tat2ty t, all parties. DI3ZCITORI3. • Itobert Galway, Samuel MlDurkan, Joseph P. Gamow, M. D., Johu Scott, Jamoa Morahan, David Richey, James W. nail/nan o °bodes Arbut.lan.i. Alomander Bradloy, Joeoph S. Leech, John Fullerton, N. F. Hart, David 11. Chamber', Robert U.Rartley, William Carr, Juo. &WEIL s o2b CITIZENS' -INSURANCE COMPANY OY. PIT TSIIIIREIH. WILLIAM BA4ALEY, Prosidunt. 13AMIIEL L. MARSEULL, Secretary. OF1 1 20E: 04 -Wife' &Tel, betwecn l'arkel and Wood streets 443-dmisuras HULL AND °AMC" DISHB, on the OLts and MisidasippiliDrars and tributaries. Insures against Lose or Damage by FMB. Alen, against the Perils cf the doe and Inland Ciectgeticn and Transportation. William 13agalay, Samuel Rea, James H. Coo Par, James Part, Jr., Isaac M. Pennock, Springer Harbaugh, Capt. Samuel C. Young , Jelin Caldwell. PIiILADELPRIA FIRE AND LIFE $ 85,'22130 . 11,442 05 . 2,480 +3O t 99 ,16A 3p INSURANCE COMPANY, No. Al-9 Olkeenut Street, Opposite the Custom tioll2ti. WILL ItIAKII ALL KINDS OF INSU• VI/ RA.NOE; either Perpetual or Limited, on awry description of Property oi Merchaudise, at reaconahic of prenalam. _ _ _ ROBERT P. LING, President ht. W. BALD IN, Vice Pr I 1 niasemlB. eharlea Hayea, E. R. Cope, E. B. English, tleorgo W. Brown, P. B. Savery, Joseph S. Paul, C. Sherman, John OlA; ten, e. J. Magargen, E. Wtlor. P. BLACULDURHE, btriatary. J. O. GOSPiII, Agent. Jy4:ly 'ilwrd and Wand Rtreets HOTELS & RESTAURANTS BLAIRS VILLE, INDIANA COUNTY, PA , COL. ROBT. EVANS, Proprietor, il - AVING PURCHASED THIS HOUSE, ALL from its former well-known Proprietor, B. D Mar kor, San, and refitted it, I am new pr,pared to receive and accommodate vlainors. The :rims ..r, Doge and airy, end well furnished, A good table always provided. In connection with the House, there Ia ala., a Rood I : ~1- 4 . Stab!:. Terms moderate. c•IL R. EVANS, Be4;ly Proprietor. -1--- . g*' E.x.c6lsior Reidatirrint, ;:a•-• , % c, ri, 111 IFuO.D Si reel, 1/4.' ''.. • - ~ PITTUDI , I,III, 1•,., JAMES RATER, Proprietor. LAKE AND EASTERN FISH SOLD Wholesale and Retail, at the cash glue. Large a - applies of Melons, Peaches, and Sweet Potatoes received d.sily. Also, New York Prince's Day Egg fTarhoi, Shell Oysters, the Suet ever brought to this city. Every delicacy of the season constantly on bond, and served up in the most palatable style. Don't forg. t the Excelsior 11,a tnarant, No. 111 Wood street. sc.& TII SlMPOSaurti. WILLIAM C. OA LLAOHER, PROPRIETUP, Fflth &red, Nest Door t. J. P.:L . :Mary!, 1A• re TLie house is nov, built especialey For the purposes of a First Gla^n :lest:inn:int and Saloud, and the proprietor Liv ing bad nosily yoara az.perloate lu tbo business will keep constantly on hand tho host that tie: markets otford. Winos, Liquors and Ales, are of tho',at quality. Fie wants all his old trienda nod the public generally to give him call at the Symposium. Liel27.ly SCOTT HOUSE, Corakiar Ervvica Stream and Duquosna Way, PITTBBURGII, B. D. :MARKER, (Formerly of the "Mml,r 11 THE SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM PLETED AND OPEN FoR f, L. ESTs. It ig snuated In a central part of the city, being convenient to all Railroad Depots and Steamboat Landinge. The House wag built in IS6B, with all modern linprorr inenta, and fitted up in splendid stile—the entire Furniture ts3fut; new—and will In every tespo..t te af..rgt Lhasa Hotel. Pine STAIsLEd nre ,t19,13,,1 to Lilo proutisca. jerifry ELEST.AIVEIALIVT. BY ELI YOU.NtI, FIFTH STRF.E,T. The attention of Merchants r^ - d °fliers la diruAed to this't establishment, which has been recently fitted up for the parpose of affording a SUBSTAN TIAL EATING HOUSE IN A OENTItAL LOOATION! Country folks attending market are particularly invited to CalL Every-thing pertz.ining EATING SALOON will always Le found, of the fruahest the (narket affords. THE NATiONAL SALOON, Under Fos teer New National Theatre, PITTH;I.: tUU, PA., 1). BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, HAS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and comfortable style, the large centre store in the ODD BELLOWS HALL, Fifth strett, as a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT and SALOON. Haring had many years' experience in the business, he Is prepared to supply the best the market affords. His Bar Will be furnished at all times with the beat Wines, Liquors and Ales The entrance to the Saloon, is in the centre of the Hail, and refreshments will be furnished at all times, DAY and NIGHT (Sundays excepted.) ap14:11; WASHINGTON HOUSE, CUR. PENNA AVENUE 4 THIRD ST., A. F. BEVERIDGE H. W. KANAGA. U. S T E L, Opposite the Polssi..lDstfrond Depot, HABRIBBIIR,G, PA. [Jab WASHINGTOIII HOTEL, WORMERLY O. S. MITI, PIFTSBURGII, ABLE SELitt NO 14,. Proprietui. ►THIS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE AL corner of Prlrtl and WATILINGTON Streeti, between the OENTRAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD DEPOTS, and has Loder t roto. t, thoreu,-11 in.provement, remodeled and furnished with new furniture, and to now the moet wave alent Rot-A IL Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Railroad, East or What. tuythly MANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AU - RENTZ, PROF/ImSOR ~No. Likorry street, Just bide the Passenger Depot of the PaihsylWada Railroad, whictimakes It the most convenient house in the city for passengers ant. tang by that rood. ta- The proprietor huving f at considerable expense; fitted up, in excellent stYla,"the IttAliBloN - 110138E, would respect fully solicit a share of public patronage. There is-attached a splendid STABLE and extensive WAGON YdBD, afford ing ample accornmodation to travelers and teamsters. His Larder and Bar will be furnished with the best the market Can afford. fehky GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. Etz , FiLIULAND. MERCHANT TAILOR, Corner of fourth and SmitinSold Streets, .L ESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT he has received his Spring Assortment of GENTLF&LEN'S DRESS GOODS, Of the newest styles, best quality and most elegant descrip tions, which heisprepared to manufacture to order lu the LATEST FA-SHIONS, And with inch a character of workmanship, as cannot fail to satiny and please the moat fastidious tastes, Inlyl9 Uppincott, Shorten & Poarson, NO. 104 WOOD SUI.XIET, NIS&It MTH. Ittit . ANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS, Va lice% Hat and Bonnet Boxes, Ladles Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags, &c., keep constantly in hand a urge stock. We are prepared to do a wholesale trade, end hay ing facilities to' tarn out good stock at reduced prices, we would Invite the trade to cull and examine our goods be. $121,600 00 2,160 00 4,161 67 240 00 9,478 04 14,811 46 40,216 69 125,003 78 WINDSOR. SHADES.—GoId bordered, plain and fancy. Also, shade Trimmings, !to., always on hand at and for sale cheap by J. .t H. PHILLIPS, invlg 38 and 2S St. Clair strept. $817,841 78 11)11ILL AND COLLECTION BOOKS-A Larg,cria3ortinent always on hand, or made to order. • W. S. HAVBN, jel4 • Corner Market and Second streets. XFARM of 238 acmes, near Economy, for , sale by E. CUTHBERT & 802 , 4 Ju 61 MEIN* Meet. PITTSBURGH, FRIDA Y, SEPTEMBEti, 10. 1858 INSURANCE. PiI.TTSBURGII DIB3OYOI{M °apt, Mark Starling, tiamnot M.Elor, Johb granola Sonora, William B. Hain. John Shipton, traitor Bryant, a lIIIARIELER !BLOUSE, Blairsville, Pa.) WASLUNGTON. 1). BOOKS AND STATIONERY. • _ _ ROBERT A. LOOMIS, oncwriaor to D. T. C. Morgan,)ETAIONER AND DEALER IN P3ORS, PERIODICALS AND NEWSPAPERS, No. 41 Pltth atraot,Pltialugh, Pa. no2frly Co -Partnership. THE undersigned have entered into Co- Partnerahip, limier the styled Vim. 0. Johneten SAhIII.EI., It. JOHNSTON, Jlt. WILLIAM 0. JOHNSTON. Plttel.urgh, Boptumbor G, 1817. B.Jofitibl'Ort, JR Val. G. JOI.INBTOtt. Will. G. JOHNSTOIY a Co., (,):IsA'FIONIIRS, Blank Bork Manufacturers, LY and JOB PRINTERS, N. 57 Wood [area, I , 6twron Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa. e. 30 TOBACCO AND. SEG ARS. D. RINETIART, TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS safety and E'cononny In Light. wiry WILL YOU BURN CAMPHENE AND FLUID, when you can.ger a cheaper sud bet ter light. Pure Kerosene Oil, Made from the gas of Cannot Coal, prodnom the cheapest, most brilliant, steady pleasant and safe portable light ever offered to the public, and no danger of explosion; more brilliant than gas; and quite tie 'heep; Limps of the most simple and easily managed con struction. .4or toile by T. D. 6: O. lIODKINSON, No. 79 Smithfield street. 114.. Dewar° of a coulitirf, it already In the market, made from Camphene, with a littia Coal i ill to scent lt. (fetrily A WORD To THE: LADIES • TELE HEATED TERM is APPROACH- J and we eell the Ei t ten tioL LaSh a to the fact that COOKING, IRONING, ETC., Can he done with econeau, without twin 63dt - id heat, with out soot, and with despatelt—the tire being always ready in a moment—by using tuigraave.a Gas tiooking Stowe, Te whieli we req,eotfully lovaa your ettenti-a at No. 76 iiteituneld dtre-..t S. JOIINBJd & BRO. s. ; (2,:fatity and City Righta for sato apl2am AYRES' WO itla U ONBECTI3N', uNIPEOTIO.N, U Niti.OTloii 3 OUN • NOT.i.uN,oollif ECTId :t , N U T 1 u 1i C u P 'PIONOuNri,ICT 1 LI, id 1,1 i; T oN,CONVECTI • , u 14 It 1 I ) if 0u1411L0P101:4' r.n.6 nv,st picaJant, rad and effmn4l %Vora. 11i.o.dy now in uLe. Prepared and sold, wholesale and ,Mail, by ANGELL % HAFT, Oor. Wood and Siztt. s a, Pittsbnigh, Pa, and n.. J 1,7 Druz - dea cmarally. jan T. CHARLES LIVERY STABLES;— k - y The undersigned has bought the lease of the abocu named Stoblta Z„%gether with a portion of the es ten- sive stock of Morsel] and Carriages, Als,W4l ) late the property of James Mathews, deceased. In addition to the stock beforementicned, he luta 6431.) added a number of 6INE HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, whlar, were formerly employed at hie tdvery Stable:3 la Third, below Wood street. As he giv,m his personal etten don to the In:sinew, a zcritinEiaco of the pittronaxe which ha has hitherto receii - ca ft i ! yl.blic is solicitod. JACOB OiRDNER, CL Livery Stablbi N. u.--.IIII4AhER, .“4 ~t C. A Ruiecirs can wiiga bd precur:A. f r Pahixisto, d 029 011 EMICA L OLIVE L'HASIVE SOAP, manufactured l y E C. L - J. H. Sawyer, 1, ro,oiVia the pretor,nco ovor all other hinds ever offered for family use. Ito advantages u uth..r Susps .re --ht. It is cheaper to use, one pound being ~.ond to II; 1 L 1 common rosin Soap. 2d. Half the [Lae ne‘i only t. , „ - -cciptcd in wasinng when tLis Soap is nsed in On, c.f uther Soap. ad. Labor in win:filing can be nearly dispensed with, as the clothes will require tittle if ai.y robbing, thus avoiding their wear on the wash-board. 4.11 a. Dolling the clothes la anneceSeary when this Soap Le need, and hard or salt water tins Were equally as well as Bolt. sth. Printers, Machinists, Painters andotheca, find itfarenperior to other-Soaps_ It speedily re moves grease, tar, paint, printers' Wk. and dirt from the hands, leaving the akin soft, and free from chapping. To avoid the labor of rubbing the clothea, and the r-ze of the wash-board, the following directions ehonid be followed : For the washing of eight or ton of a family, take ono pound of Soap, cat it into shavinci, and dissolve in one gallon of hot water; put the clothes lute a tub containing about ten gallons of warm water; pour in the dissolved Soap, and stir thoroughly. Let them soak twenty to thirty minute; wring out, and rinse in warm water once, cold water twice. A very dirty wristhaud, or seam ' or grease spots, may requiro alight rubbing, but othoraise the clothes will come out clean and white, without rubbing or boiling. Cold water tray be used iu place of hot, roquiring about double time in soaking. PROPRIZTOR, Observe our name on each bar. For sale, in any quantity, at our warehonee, No. 47 Waal itreet, and at our works, opposite the Round House, Nan o)Darla avenue. b. 0. & J, 11. SAWYER, aptil No. 47 Wood street. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR.-20 maks Buoi: w beat Flour, 60 lb sacks, Just received and for auk, by iIicOANDLESS, MEANS a . 00, Corner Wood and Water etreaa. bbls. Saumfine Flour received lL and fur sale by IicAANI'LESS, =A NS CO., fb2o Corner Wood and Water street-J. UREA RANT RI FLE S.—A most desirable .4.1 g and cheap weapon, at SOWN 4 TETLEY'S, cryl ".10 110 Word stro,t. ARD.—A prime article of No. 1 Lard, in barrels and ftegs,just received and for sale by 1 5.1c0ANDLESS, "MEANS & CO., Corner of Wood and Water streets. {,i«l I, t Z P OS'S - bags Pimento: 100 " brain Pappurrlaut reK , olved nn l for multi WILLER. rr 531 god Litany trf EW ARRIVALS.—We aro taking into A litoro, (12i Wood street) an tormiin:,d stock of hue Taper for jobbing pur,)osea • elm, Lotter, eftp and Nutu ; F1:17 , 101 , 03 In great vel.hty; Manila Papers, of every also, aad lie cheap as may can he bought in the East, where we t..frui wholesale or retail, very low for Cash. ap2 JNO. PEILF.DIB CO. AKE FISIL —White Fish, Trout, Salmon, AA and Pickerel constantly on hand, a full stock to supply the wholesale trade, hr lmydt HENRY H. COLLINS. (:,ORANGES. --300 Las. sweet, juet received and for sale by REYMEIR t ANDERSON, No. 3.9 Wood otrwt, tuyl7 Oppaolte tho St. Charles Hotel. PROPILIETREBB IROOMS.-100 dos. Extra, Corn Brooms ou hand and for rale by al V 2 It. C. II J. 11. SAWYER. DUSTER TRIMMINGS---.Drab and Gray Duster Binding and Tasaela, Just opened at apl.l JOS. HORNE'S, 77 Market area. IN N E Ml:t B gr l' aceful l' ola S np P ee l !on G un S d li B ollNJB, the myB 77 Martrot 'Area, EE ) - 1; rB. ET POTATOES,--•20 • barroh Pout eB. received and Laramie by riiTZEI; , x , °arum Market and Pint gtreata. DI 4 ALLES. —6 bbls. Cucumber PicUel, re oeived and fur sale by JAama A. F.E.V.ER, twai Corner Market and Mat streets. DgRFIIMERY. —Lubin's, Bazin's, Wright's, Glenn's and ilarrlSol2o Extracts for the handkerchief, iznastantly on hand at • JO.9.ILEIWING'S, Je2 Corner Diamond and Market at. ICE AND RICE FLOUR ; Corn Starch ; tilrer Gloss starch ; Hecker's Farina; Baker's C:.•—zuka and Bronia ; Fresh Cocoa Shell Received la: sale at LL U M COPY (.1 BOOKS.—These books poises.; great advantages over any others; the paper being thick and strong will not tear when wet. It takes a most petfeot impression and is convenient to refer to. When once in use their superiority is apparent. Bold by W. 0. JouNsTuri 00., Stationers, b 7 Wood st. - - - U(, • FOR SALE—A two story'briek • tome, of six rooms, well arranged, pared yard, with hydrant, bate oven, mote home, .to. The house is in h,..ad repair. painted and papered. !Situate on East Lane, Allegheny City. Terms easy._ B. CUTHBERT & SON, Jy27 • 51 Market street. JAY STA E - APP PARING' MA CHINE.—AVERY •lIBEFUL ki , a) BUPIIRIOR AR- T/C[2 , —Es live trima of the crank, the apple is PARED, iDOEED and BLJOED. ratentel,Nosember 11th, 1860, and February 17th, 1867, in Europe. For sale in any quantity, at No. 74 Wood street, Pitta- burgh. Please call and ezairdne-foryoarselvea. ir 29 . • -13/%IIIIBL PAHNEBTOCkL• Ws ONSIN MO otes of all WiS cousin Banks, bought by • au2S HENRY S. COLLINS, 25 Wood street. AVOOD STREET PROPERTY FOR EALE.—Ati undivided third part of tint valuable property, situate at the corner of Birth and Wood streets, hsaing ISO feet front on Wood by 60 deep on dtxth street. One-third of the above will be sold for V 3,000.. One-half in hand—balance at one, two and three years. 8. OUTICEDIRT - St 130 N; 7YI 51 lifarkerstreet. IarYDRAIILIC PRESSED CANDLES.— AL.a. 600 boxes Hydraulic Pressed Mould Candles, made expressly far Summer use, on hand and for sale by • 1r.7 ft a a V i a& by -4) 0023:, :=7 U. C;Cvilltitird ._. .., _..,.. :. s ,-..:•i• ;. :• t' , •:t' ,L .' - gq...Tfi!= , r':,:!:-,:-•-: :!•!:;. •:::: •.• .. .., •:‘..!......,,,,,.......:•-2.•?..;,::.i.,5;,:,•,:::: ...,...tkni?,:Viu;',.';`,llle,7'.3:•C;•'•':i.: ;:':'.• ••• !:•:::.5.... 1 'i....,:- . ... • ::•,.!:..-.1,..-..1.:.•.;'1••••1:5•::?.-1.•:••••••::-:i,-..4-7:7i.A..•ii:::'!:::•lz-1,%.----:!i--•.,4:f.,:•:-Ii--.,..::y::: • ' • • ' ' '' ' ''' i: " . ' '''•:'-'.7:'''!-.;j:1•••,,!•'"•:-:,:-''.....:7•':-^"..-'-.7:-__:L:1:-::::..f--"i.L.-!:;2,2t:,:,{L.:..-,i.-- tiAtTai6Jllll:l".i.'S MID PtALIIIO 11 ALL R.Lttha or la WOOD STREET COOKING BY GAS jASNES' THA STORE, SS Fifth stmt ~ 7 ..,.- i „::', 1:.'.; ,- ; !.:::•Oi.,,:i;, e ' :' ' ' ' ..,?;',. `. - .t, , ..•;. '''7',.F,.,..,-41 PIANOS AND MUSIC THE BALANCE OF MY SPRING STOCK MEM lANO voitur ES, it RUM TELE !USN It V CHICKERING & bUN'S BO STOI. Ounaiating of SLXTEEN of their new Seven Octave and Six and A Half Octave Pianos; have Just bean received, and now ready for examination at the warercome of the eub- =QM oartmEßtNa & SONS' PIANO POI T 1 are not furnished by them to any other house in this city, and all orders must be directed to the subscriber. JOHN H. MELLOR., No. 81 Wood street, Sole Agent for Chickening 4 Bons' Pianos, for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania ,IArPIANOS! f , ;;I F, ill HULL GRAND PIANOS! PARLOR GRAND PIANOS 11 A ND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, foom the Mannfactrry of CHICK BRING & SONS', BOSTON Just received from the manufactory of Chickering Sons ; Boston, the following desirable and elegant stock o their PIANO .FORTES One Full seven octave Grand Piano Forte, with superbly carved case. Price • $BOO one Full seven octavo Grand Piano Forte, elegant Rose wood case. Price .$7OO One New Parlor Grand seven octave Piano, nearly equal la power to a tall Grand, and occupying only the room of au ordinary square Piano. Price $4OO SQUARE PIANOS I Two full carved Rosewood, Louis XlVth, seven octaves, with carved Desk and Poet work. Two Rosewood seven octave—Clifford style. 'ewe Rosewood, carved mouldings, seven octave. Four Rosewood, plain round corners, seven octave. Three Walnut, plain round front corners, seven octaves. Four 44 44 14 6 1 Four Rosewood " 1.4 41 6 11 All of the above are of their NEW @CALE, and with full iron frames, and their new Patent Action. These Instruments have been finished specially for the subscriber, and will be warranted to purchasers. For isle at their reduced prices. JOHN IL MELLOR, No. 81 Wood street, dell dole Agent for Ohickering & Bons'. INNUNIMaI CHARLES W. LEWIS, ALDERMAN, And Ex4facio Justice of the Peace, OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WYLIE AND BLIi7II STBRETS. dill business connected with this o co will be attended to with promptness. Conveyancas of all kinds done with legal accuracy—each as Leeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Powers of At torney, Ike. Titles to Real Estate examined. To the members of the Bar be tenders his services as Com missioner to take Depositions to be read In the several (Imams of this State, and elsewhere. Ilia °Wee is one of the main Police Stations of the city, and consequently his facilities in executing business of that kind are very desirable. I fe10:1 y Alderman's °glee. JAMES S. HOON, ALDERMAN, EX OFFIOIO JUSTICE OP THE PF.ACIiI, AND POLICE MAGISTRATE—Office, No. 09 Grant street, nearly oppo site the Court House, Pittsburgh, Pa. Depositions, Acknow ledgments and Probates taken; the Records examined, Deeds, Bonda Mortgages, Wills, LE3aSEVS, Articles of Agree ment, and of Partnership, Letters of Attorney, etc., etc, drawn up at short notice; Marriage tiolerunized, find all business In the Line of his official duties, promptly attended to. C Office hours, from 7 s. id. to IP. nt., and from :2 to 0P --- - - pERSONS GOING WEST, wh , ) desire to purchase good farming lands, are informed that we base for sale 032 acres of land In Boone county, lowa. Also Oto eerie of land In Franklin county, will be sold on easy terms by 8. CUTHBERT & SON, atyls 51 Market street. erWRIIS FOR PRESERVE JARS—An im ‘,l monso stock on hand, at the only CORR MANUFAC TORY in the city—No. 76 Smithfield street. .13,15 U. OVERIN ADWELLING 1:10ITE Ln Third street fur rent. S. CUTHBERT & SON, J' _ _ MarketLl stroat_ R RENT—A three story Dwelling Rouse (A, Third street—VW per year. S. CUTHBERT s SON, rtsal Kithira Asecits. 61 itf CLABET WINE.— 29 cases N. Johustoil % surth Sledec aura Win.'; 10 " " " St. Julien Claret Wino OU .• C. 0. St. Julien Claret Wine, in store and for auto by MILLER et 11101iNTSON, mylB Noe. 022 and 223 121x , rty .treet ___ gIiIEMICAL OLIVE SOAP.--1000 boxer, 4 1 , Chemical Olive &wive h.,hl ‘,410 Ly Je7 B. C. A J. 11. SAW YEA. BACON. -10 - casks Country Bacon Shoul ders, Sidos and Ilano3, Just received and for elate by JAB. A. FETZER, nay2d Corner Market and Writ a/root& INDIA 0.-2 oases Manilla Indigo, just re 1. calved and for eialo by mylB MILLER & RIOKETSON. F RIED APPLES.— riedso bush. Bright D Apples just received and for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, Carper Market and Stscond eta LE MONS 2 5 bxs just received and for sale by REYMER A ANDERSON, Jy24 N 0.39 Wood atroot. eIH.AMOIS' SKlNS.—Another supply of `i,/ Chamois Skins, very large and fine received by JOSEPH ' FLEMING, sea Corner slarket street and Diamond. T o LET five Dwelling Housoe. S. OIITHLIKET A SON, ans 61 Market street. LASKS—A large aieortment of Traveling Flasks, of all sizes and varieties, Just received by JOSEPH FLEMING, sal Corner Diamond and Market street. ALARGE Map of our country, with the States, Territories and counties distinctly mark!: ed. For sale by W. S. HAVEN, Stationer, aul2 Corner Market and Second streets. JOB PRINTING.— Cards, Freight Bills, Circulars, Dray Receipts, Bill Heads, Labels, Railroad Receipts, With every other description at Job Printing, .x,-cri Led with promptness and at fair prices. J. R. WELDIN, Printer and Blinkr, myJl Wood street, near Fourth. 1.2 ACRES of choice land, with good int provemoute, near the city, for sale on easy terms by Jean 303 ACRE'S of Farming Land, near Uniontown, Pa., for salt, Ft f 6 p, r acre. Jy3l B. OUTELBEB.T & BUN, 61 Market at. DALLS 1 BALLS! BALLS!—A large as eortment of Foot, Solid and Bat Balla, Jnet received end for sale, wholeswe and retail, at the India Rubber Depot. • 2d and 29 St. Glair street, my2.o J. a H. PHILLIPS. QANS 1 FANS 1 I—Palm Fans by the case, AL: dozen, or single, at Uss tern prices,with other varieties of Fahey Pane, for Bale at HORNYS, jet 77 Market street. LARD OIL. 60 barrels ..ft.tra No. 1 Lard Oil; 25 " No. 2 Lard Oil, on hand and for sale, by [myl3]. B. C. & J. H. SAWYER. JAVA COFFEE.—Just received a lot of strictly pare Old Government Java Coffee. Also, La irayra and Rio Coffee, at JAYNES' TEA STORE, /86 38 Fifth street. DETRE BLAffKBERRY AND CHERRY BRANDY, for medicinal purposes, at HAWORTH di BROWNLEE'S, /e 5 in the Diamond. BOOK it, • TS—Mas e of tilt well Entailed, for Bale by W. 8. : - • EN, Jell Stationer. y AVirYER'S SEAL PAPERS Various la gimes and colors always on hand. at W. B. RAVEN'S, Jeli Corner Market and Second sta. I'RENOR LEMONS.-20 just received and for gale by 11.EYHER ANDERSON, 1728 No. 89 Wood &treat CI ER u : DRAWING PAPER—In ro I fcr Ragrarent, for mle by • J. It. 'WELDER, • Darla 98 47,04 .trart. onar Vc-crv. GUM BANDS, Port Folios, Desk Pads, Bankers Casco, Port Monaiee, and Pocket Hooka, for male by W. S. HAVEN'S, apl9 Corner Market and Beo:;ond atreota. O.IINNY SACKS.-300 large three bushels almny Backm, new and in gobd order, for isale by JAii. A. BETZER, iny2o Corner Hirst and Market atreetn. LABS.- 500 boxes Bxlo, 9x12 and 10x12, Or for gale b 7 ialgt EcTINRT IL 0111,LINFI. CIAESTNIITS.-5 barrelß Italian, reeeiv: J this day, and for sale by It V) Itßa & ANDERSON, No. EST Wood street. my9o3 Ormafte gt. shades A LMONDS -20 bales Bordeaux; 20 bags Sicily Soft Shell; 80 " " Hard " • 1 bale Paper shell. • Just received and for Bale, by - 11EVENE, & ANDERSON, No. SD Wood street, orb Ogssoglo the BS. Quarles Hotel MIME S. GOTEIBEIRT & SON, 61 market ntrw_ EDUCATIONAL. WESTERN UNIVERSITY. TILE FALL nn OP Tlll3 Lt9STITIMON WILT. OOMMENOE ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6sn Candidates fur admiadon will present themselves at the Univeraity 'Building, corner of Rose and Diamond street*, an MONDAY next, t t o'clock. art:3l:2.ty W. BAKEWgLL, Beerstary. Madanit Appolltie Tetedoux's FRENOII AND ENGLISH BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL POIt YOUNG LADIRs, 148 Third street, Pittsburgh, Pa. This School, designed on the plan of Preach Schools in Prance, and modified as to the English departments on the plan of French Schools, in the United States, offers to young ladies, bosidea a full English course, the best opportunity of thoroughly acquiring the French language and Literature, the Principal having re- HMO] several years in France, and being assisted by Mr. Tetedoux, a native of Paris, and a graduate of the " College Charlemagne." French and Latin will be integral parts of the course. The HIM Arta will be taught underthe Superintendence of Mr. Tetedoux, a pupil from the Conservatory of Paris. Arrangements have been made for young ladles who, hav ing already gone through a regular course of studies, still may wish to know English literature more thoroughly, acquire more facility in speaking the. French language, and improve in the Fino Arts. School will open on the second. Monday of September. Expenses by the tern of Sive Months:—Board $100; Tu ition $3O; Vocal Music $25; in classics $l5; Piano $25; use of instrument $5; German and Italian, each $25, in.classee $10; Draining, In classes $10; Oil and Water Colors at the Professor's price. All charges payable in advance. For circulars and farther particulars apply to the Principal. MR. CLEMENT TETEDOUX announces to the public thot he has taken up his realdenceluPlttaburghi and ki now prepared to give lessons In Vocal Mask. For caw and farther particulars l apply to John fl Mel lor'd Music Store, No. 81 Wood at. authBwd MRS. M. H. MYER S' JAM SOME SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, Will re-upon on the FIRST MONDAY of September, at her residence, No. 240 Penn street. After the flrat of October, a limited number of Boarding Scholars will be received into the L.mlly. Arrangements bait been made to accoma.odate day bcarders, if desired to country patrons. There will be two sessions a day, from 9to 12 and 2 to 4 o'clock. For vrtes, circulars, etc., inquire of Church Book Store, Fifth street; .1. M. Mellor, or of the Principal. an26:20 , _ . iron City Commercial College, Pa.—Chartered, 1866.. :100 STUDENTS AT NDi Q, J ANUAR Y, 1868. Now the 'Larsen and moat thorough Commercial School of th.: United eitatee. Young Men Prepared j',,r Actual Duties of the Matting Room. C. SMITH, A. M , Pr.f6seics of Book-Beeping and Beltniem of Acconuta. A. T. DOUTITETT,'IcucLc,r Arithmetic uud eummei dal eulculatiou. J. A. REYDRIOK aid T. C. JEDIKII. , 3 Telt°ltexs of Book Keeping. ALEX. COWLEY, aud W. A. MILLER, Prufeseors of Pen manehip. Single and Limble Entry lieek-K,eeping, ae used in every department of Business. Commercial, Arithmetic, Rapid Bnsiness Writing, Detecting Counterfeit Money, Mercantile Corre.tpondence, Commercial Law, are taught, and all other sn Worts necessary for the success and thorough education of a practical business man. TWELVE PREMIUMS, brae a all the premiums in Pittsburgh for the past three yours, Ater, in Eastern and Western Cities, for best Writing, 43" AND NOT FOS mailaviD WORK, "al IMPORTANT INFORM ATION Students enter at any time—No vacation—Time ruallmited —Review at pleasure—Graduates assisted In obtaining sit uations—Tuition for Full Commercial Course, $35--Average time S to 12 weeks—Board, $2,60 per week—Stationery, $6 —Entico cost, $6O to $7O. fib Ministers' eons received at halt price. For Catd—Circulai —Specimens of Business and Orna nointAt Writinc—inclo+t, two stamps., and address F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. CUTHBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 Market street, for the sale and purchase of Real EH tat?. renting houses, attending to insurance and repairs, obtaining loans on bonds, mortgage,,ho,; making convey ances, deeds, bonds, Acc; writing letter, and corresponding with parties abroad, it,c. oclB BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real Estate and livmrance Agent, CLEVELAN ii, OHIO. Ritri&E•krio.-5.10,11r4. Hanna, Garretaou . co., Robert Parka, Haq. jylby TISTEB.N LANDS ALEXANDER GARRETT, It t. ESTATE AGENT, NO. 60 WATER STB.EET, CLEVELAND, 01110., est.., Lands to Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, nigin mid 1 , , wri Ho will exchange Lauds in Wisconsin, tre., for Pittsburgh ruanufactnres, and also for city property. Atl lo.tors of iaquiry anoeFor,l grabs, by addressing ma as PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. A GRIST MlLL—Three run of stones and all th© machinery complete, corn and cob cracker, &c., , all in good order, with a dwelling house, stable and two iota of ground, situate in South Pittsburgh, and will be eold on viry ruff term by 5, OLITHBNRI' & SON, el l 51 Market street. LA WRENCE COUNTY BONDS WANT ED, in exchange for land. S. CUTHBERT & SON, 51 Market at. _A.STEAM MILL in complete running or der, with dwelling house, etc., near the city, for sale ny S. OUTHBEBT SON, ap2l 51 Market street. WESTERN LANDS of good quality, for gale or exchange for Real Notate in the city. rtpl2 tl. CLITIIBRRIT h SON, 61 Marketet. kiAMILY RESIDENCE FOR SALE-A valuable property of 150 feet front on Covington at., Lawrenceville, by 100 deep on Watfhltigtoh street to Cherry alloy, Brick Dwelling House of 7 rooms well arranged,bath room, porch, well of water and pump, stable and coal house, kitchen range, etc. The rooms are newly painted and pa pore.], shade and fruit trees, grape arbor, great variety of flow..ta, etc.; good p d ing fence. The above offers a good opportunity to buy a mplote and pleasant residence. Prim low, and terms accommodating. S. 01JTHBERT & SON, Real Estate and General Agents, jolt, 61 Market street 91111 E SIZE of the cheap Building Leta for sale by 8. CUTHBERT & 8051 is 80 by 100 feet. In cation—Near the railroad station, East Liberty. ire—Prom $275 to $4OO each. T. rms—Ono•fonrth in band; remainder at six years credit. The Plan can be seen at the Real Estate Mice, 51 Market etre-t [Jel2. BEAR IT IN MIND, that the East Lib erty Lots are offered at each prices, and on finch easy terms, as to make a home easily to ho obtained. Bear it in mind, that they front ou wide streets, are of easy family residences. Bear It iu mind, that the plan of the lots is to be seen at Jolt L 1 &URN= STREET. IOR S A L K--SEVENTY iniouSAND ACRES of cholla Prairie and Timber Land, situated in f, criteria lowa and Southern Ilinnesota, embracing the dne it i.n. :.,f farming binds ever offered in thin market, as the.s are located conveniently to Mills, Towns and lines of itailnalicL„Panaphib p ta containing information of value to ti eml;rante Slid ca loes giving, location, description and price of the land, wi th a brief description of the counties in which they are 10, ted, can be had on application at our office, and they wil be sent free by mail to persona sending no their address. WILLIAM FUMES .t CO., in 3n6.1f . :Jones' Building, No. 67 fourth street. TEN DOLLARS IN lIAND, will secure a Building Lot of 2.6x100 feat on Mt. Washington.r. Price, sloo—slo in hand, remainder to emit purchaser. Al. so, a Lot of 60x100 feet for $260-425 in hand, balance in payments to snit purchaser. N. 011THBERT A SON, jet 6l Market street. -I.2ACRES of Land and a comfortable Hence, altainte near the Washington Turnpae, at about 8 mllee from Janet? Ferry, will be field otseaaTtertner. Immediate pcasnWou. 8.. OUTHBEP.T /s BON, A LOT OF GROUND in East;Liberty, near tholrec.d station 80 by 100 feet will be cold for $275, ono-fourth in hand, remainder at six years' credit. Sj CIUTEIBEST & SON. 51 Market Arcot. XTOTICE.—The Co-Pa#nership of BAGA AA LEY, COSGRAVE & CO. expired by limitation, on the first instant. The business will be sr ntinned by W. BAGALEY, at 16 and 20 Wood street, who will settle up the business of the late firm. W. BAGALEY, JOHN S. COSGSAVE. Pittsburgh, July 22d, 1858.—jy23:tf STEW FABRICS IN DRESS GOODS.- A. A. itAL'ON A 00., Mat., NO. 25 Fifth street, Are now opening rich Dress fiilka, Demos, Oa'llea, Orgqindles, POri9 And a splewild eelection of SPB..tIG SEI.AVirLS.' (apl SEED SWEET POtATOES.-15 barrels Seed Sweet Potatoes for sale cheap toclose consign meat by JAB. A. FETZER, ap23' Corner Market and Sint street& rIONEPOUND STRUP‘of PHOSPBATES, OR OiIRSiIOAL FOOD=Ws preparation is not in tended as a popular temedy, but is respectfully submitted to the Medical Faculty as a nritcltiva tonic, well suited to supply the waste of elementary Metter during the progreas of chronic eases, particularly in D •ppea and Ckmarunp: tun,. This preparation is pleammt to the eye, agreeable to the taste, and greatful to the acimacb e and does not taint• sato by protracted use. Bold wholesale and retail by , JOSEPH FLEIMICIG, OUSlter Ditutamul and Market Meat. .~ h.: -- ~ ; -. 61 Market street. NUMI3ER 284, MISCELI4NEOI:JS. N . 65 FIFTH STREET.— ROO VI NCI- CHEAP, DURABLE, FIRE AND WATER PROOF. JOSEPH 114 - AIitTIVIAN., (Recently Agent fur H. M. Warren & AIANUFA':' •Uligit AND DPALaII iu W A 11.;.N cE I N'i. GRAVEL ROOFS, AND ELASTIC CEMENT, AND SATURATED CANVAS ROOFING, t..ND ROOFING MATERIALS. im.OPSIOP., No. 65 FIFTH STREET., oppoeite Odd Fel lows Hall. Pitteburgh; Pa. Summer *Lager Beer. FrfHE UNDERSIGNED BEGS: CRAVE TO inform his friends - and the public in general, that:ho is In the daily receipt of this delicious Beer, from the well. known Brewery of J. N. Straub, Allegheny laity, it having been pronounced to bo the best that was manufactured hero for many years, GLEAM, TASTEFUL and PUBIL Give me a call and try it. JOIN ap24:tf At Ida old stand, :ie. 20 Diamond. STOCKING AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, Always on hand, and for sale at A, CAR FROM Da, JArtlii'S . M. JAR , RETF ; OF THEINEW YORE LUNG INHEIM . ARE—My connection for the past eight years with the above Imititution, as Chief Physician, and a twelve years' course of steady devotion to the ..:nre of Pulmonary Con se:notion and its kindred diseases, together with my tur rivalled opportunities and adrantago of pathological research —aided not a little by a perfect system of Jledicai inhaler titm—las enabled me to aa.riVe at a dat'isive, direct and ono. ctsafitl course of treatment for the positive and radical cure of all diseases of the Throat, Lunge, and Air•Pasragat By 'inhalation, the vapor and curative properties of medicines fare directly adreased to the oiseased organs and the intega menti Ido not advise the use of Medical Inhalation of any kind.:to the exclusion of general Vrotnten4 and although I consider it a useful adjuvant in the proper management of those fearful-and often fatal diressesaa / deem it very nu cesstity that each patient should havellie benefit of both general and local treatment. Theenernass of my treatment in the above diseases, and.the high character of the bur'24tu• lion ever which I have so long had the honor to proaideAre too well ,known.to heed any eulogy or comment fraskme. At th'e solicitation of many private and professional friends,. through Whose Philanthropic aid the above charity has been long and liberally impported, and after due pattaideration,A have concluded to make such arrangements as will bring the binefits of my experiments and treatment vithirrthe • reach of all, and not confine myself, as heretofore, to those only Who entered the Infirmary, or who were able to Visit me at my office. Hoping therefore that thwarrangement will give entire satisfaction' both to toy. protestional broth-, ren and the public, I woil respectfully announce inc n elashin, that I can'now be c usulteripersonalty or by ietter,on ad diseases as above, and that the medicines, the same, as used In the Institution, prepared 'to suit each individual case. Inhaling Vapors, Mei:ilea; Inhalers, d-e. ca.,* will be torwarded by express to any part of the United btates Cr the Penedos. Issms—Aly terms cf treatment by letter.are as follows, viz: $l2 per month for each patient which will include medicine sufficient for one month's t&e; also, in. haling Vapor, and an inhaling Appal. etas. Pi ;meat es fol lows : $6 to be paid to sprees Agent on rece.A of the box of Medicine, and the balance $8 at the expiration of the month, if the path - nt be coed or is 'entirely estisned with the treatment. _Patients, by giving a fall history of their case, and their symptoms in full, can be treated as well by letter as by prsonal examination. - Watienta availing them selves of Dr. Jarrett's treatment may rely iic.')l3 immediate en i permanent relief. at - he fshibin has to tre - _'t a case over thirty days. Letters for ni vice teertmptly answered. For further particulars, address; ' . JAhiNS Mt JARRETT,.Iit. D., • No. 82i Broadway, cos. Twelfth tzt., N. F. c' P. S.—Physicians and others visiting the city ri...re spcctitilly invited to call at the Infirmary. where many intorbsting cases can be witnessed, and where era. Pm proved apparatus for the inhalation if mcdicated vapor , can be seen-and inspected. : iy3o:6m • MILiTASY GOODS. SUBSCRIBE4S HAVE CONSTANTS 11- LY on hand a complato stock ot MILITARY GOODS cONSTJWIN , I IN PART or PLUMES, swCws, ASHES, 11,4.3 JLS Voluutoar,T Compaaa,z rinIMMEAD FULL 44113121:1= 17 13 AT 81101 IT NOIR= : .1 1 11 : : T' :D.t JNO. B. gi , JFA_DDES SON, 95 MARKET STitEET _TASFES SIILLIN AR, MONO.NGATIELA. PLANI_NGUILLoirmiId respectfully inform the public that he has rebuilt-since .the tiro, and having, enlarged hid . ostalliShment, and 'filled it with tho n sweet and most an, ." proved -machincrYils nowiorepared to furnish flooring std plan4l boards ' scrowl sawing andresawing, doors, sash and hutters, kiln dried; framca, moishliags; box making, etc. Smith Pittsburgh, September 7,1857. [acid_ GENTS' SHOES AND GAITERS L A 1 A o*P.AP U PliOPLffB BTOR.P., No. 17 1 , 11 1 1 - 11 oT OHLIJ)RENE3' 8110.E:e. Ni IA RUBBER CURRY COJiIBS.—The beet article in nee, i,last received ns the India Rubber Depot, 26 and 28 Bt. Clair street, mY.22 ((AIL CLOTH Cif,ASH-1500 yards of ILI' one patterns and Widths, just receivgd from tkto fe.c. tory, for sale wholesale or retail, b: J. - 2d and 20 St. 6teir atrr•et boxes assorted sizes Witdow 1.„11 Glass, 054)41corratry !metal, fir Bala - m y 6 • limiquy LI. GOLLINg.. AIROOMS. -50 doz. recd arid for said by ! run I I.La."litY 00TaIINS.- 1811. 00 packages White Fish, Salmon, E t na Trout., for eqa by (my 27) iZ. H. COLLINS.. TIN. D. brORNARY:'S COL'D PRINTING' ey IN by irar24l 3. P WELDEN. PORN.-10 bake shelled Corn received and 4.„„) far sale by - fjat WiLtiflN IT. OOLLIZTO.,a POUNTRY B ACON.--IUOO lbs. Com,try. Bacon, Haim, Etotadess and Eddee,x‘ , ..trived and fog aald by ! • JAS. A.. PETZETI, casq2 . f e 't•7ll.7 Mar :et and S',-•t