LOCAL AFFAIRS. The Weather.—The following is the range of the thermometer and barometer, as kept by George E. Shaw, optician, Fifth street, yesterday : VISILMOIEETER. In San. In shade.. 9 A. 31— 94 0 72° 12 5.1 122° 84° tl P. Id .... 75° BuNometer 29 4.10 United States District Court The United States Circuit Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania met at ten o'clock yesterday morning, Judge Irwin presiding. The first ease taken np, nftcr the grand jurors had been called, W 2.3 that of tLe Ceited States against Henry Moore, indicted for mannfac taring eountr.rfeit coin of the United States. Moore was arrested, our readers will remember, on the 9th of April last, at his residence near Miners. villa, where a number of moulds for making the 00i11, and row..a nitric acid and metals used in the manufacture of the bogus coin were found. Some et the latter was, we believe, found on his person at the limo of his arrest. Ile has been in prison over since until yesterday. United States District Attorney, R. Biddle Rob. erts, Esq., conducted the prosecution, and Marshall Swartzwelder and H. P. Flenniken, Mtgs., appeared for the defenco. - - After the erc , panr,cling cf a jury, Mr. Roberts or erred the care briefly, and then proceeded to the exornination of witnosEes. Robert Arnold, who V. 7.3 allotted at thq, same time, charged with dealing in the counterfeit coin, was the rrincipai witness. lie testified that he had known the prisoner when he resided in Allegheny, and had I;hrchased 401139 twenty-five cr thirty dollars worth of tae coin from him while he lived there, paying him twenty-fire cents on the dollar for it. He had pur chase,'" from him afterwards, while he lived at Miners vine, fifty dollars worth. When he bought this lot Moore WEE! ' finisbing a lot of thirty dollars, which he was to dispose of the zest day. Moore denied that he had any bogus coin when witness first applied. Ar nold stated that he bought the coin for the purpose la:: traps t-, catch dit.tlera in the articie, he be izg c lor. - tico of the Peace in Reserve township. lic..rc told him that be made aalcs to others. Oa Laing erOCE-exank:cd, Arnold stated that 3i•: :..: loss “t :.hen he first catled, but he cEplained his basiLoss to M's wife end t‘Ad her to :-:.d her husband to his house. He did not get the money for some sCa months after his first application. fie sold a part of;tho coin to a man named Fife, in Allegheny City, - for which he received twenty five cents on the dollar. This was a few days previous 1.5 his (Arnold's) arrest. Ha had come $35 in coin his house, whit the police got. He also testified t•; hazing got bogus money from Mrs. Moore, before L,3 purchased any from her husband. Rebort Hague testified to having arrested Moore, and to the finding of a number-of dies for bogus halve, and quarters teoreted in the stove in his home. Officer Patterson stated that he searched Arnold's Louse. Mrs. A. ran up stairs, took something out of a el:I - hoard and pr it in her pocket. He obtained it frf.ai her and gavo it to lia.gue. It proved to be a package cf bognlecin. Officer Hamilton assisted in starching Alden's and testiiied to finding a bottle of nitric acid and a number of flasks, in which the plaster-of parts mcuids were cast. Ho also found some bogus quar ters in a drawer. Officer Hague was recallod and testified that Pat io:Ron gave him the money, and producing the coin in Court, minified to its identity. Otto Kunz, a chemist, examined the money in Court, as an expert. Ho applied tests, and pro- nounced a portion of the money counterfeit. Some f it was so heavily coated with silver that the ordi nary tests had no effect on it, but on scraping off the on-z• coa - log, it exhibited itself readily. He said bogus mangy was usually made of tin, copper and bismuth. Nitric acid, he said, was used for dissolv ing silver. John ti. :Kennedy, a watchtuakor and jeweler, also oxamized the coin. He melted one piece in the flame of "a candle in a very short time, and bent several of them with Eeoe. He thought they were composed of zinc and antimony, with a coating of silver. Ho also examined a piece of metal found in Moore's tense, which he pronounced to be the same material. Hero the testimony for tho United States rested, and Mr. Swartswelder opened briefly for the defense, asserting that tho case would rest mainly on the fail ure of the proseenWs to make cut a case. He held that the evidence of Ara , l•l was utterly worthless, and they would sha-v•,-. that ho had acknowledged to baying and selling the bcos coin. M..y.): Weaver ::as called to the stand, and testi • fled that on the evening of Arnold's arrest, ho had a conccrsition with him, in which he admitted that ho had dealt in ecunterfeit money, stating that he wished to catch some other parties. The eonversa -I.•yri was at Arnold's request, and he had hold out no inducement to him to make the acknowledgements. Some fifteen rT , tr, esses were called to testify to the (god charactcr of CI,- prisoner. Some of them had isnown him for tan years, others not so long. Ho f .flowed his occupation of puddler at a rolling mill, 1 ut few c•f tle-t-m had known him to work for from d to triclrn months previous to his arrest. Ye. Sivartz, , ,lder stated that ho bad ono or two irLICES62, not in attendance, whom ho wished to c: amine, and tho hour of adjournment having ;arty arrived, the ease was continued until ten 'clock this morning, when, after the examination of remaining witnesses and the. arguments of coon -, it will go to the jury. Pot ice Items.—Thonlar; Mattorn, who was one of tang of coffered gamblers discovered by Alder •n 'Rogan' police on Sunday, but who escaped by oing out of the window, was captured yesterday , ken before that magistrate. A fine of twenty 'lars was impend upon him, which he was a pay, and was accordingly committed to `cult. He says that his sudden exit through zw caused quite a commotion among the tanding on the side walk, " but," he added, ,nin' and got off—lest es e a s-y." -man Engers hold David Hall to answer a of assault and battery on Edward Kirkpat resterday morning. leer Moore, charged with the larceny of several lea of furniture, ct:e., belonging to Sarah Jane }reach, daring her confinement in jail, bas bean e limit:ad for trial. Squ! Occurrence.—On Thursday last, John Qaigley, a aged about sixtn years, while working in a s mill belonging to his father, James A. Quigley, H.q. ; of Franklin town.Cnip, Armstrong county, met wits what has since proved a fatal accident. Ho was er.i . ?aged at the time in cutting bolts at a circular saw, hen by a sudden reversion of the saw the bil let In use was vernnebed from him and thrown back with great violence., striking him in the abdomen and knocking him down,. Ha sae found Boon after in an insensible state and convoyed home, when proper medical aid was at once procured, but with cat c.v?ii, and after enduring great suffering, he died on Sundry morning. The affliction of the father has keen gr: t, indeed, having bat a few weeks ago lost hie cite, and now out of a numerous family of chil dren, two only are left to him. Fatal Actideut.,—Oa last Wednesday evening a pasty of young pecans attended a wedding in Bola de:isburg. After the ceremony a Mr. Wertz, in corn.. puny with Miss C82W311, t danghter of Hon. David of Hollidayaburg,) started for home, in a I and when opposite Confer's Hotel, in Gayeport, the 1 - ‘•e became frightened at a light, and one of the brol-e. Mr. Wertz immediately jumped out and -_nleavorc4 catch the licyse, but did not Elle , . cead. The affrighted animal then turned and ran al• •ut a hundred yards, when Miss Caldwell jumped out, fell en her bead, and was so badly hurt that she never Ecoko, but died about two o'clock the following a;,~:~., erc7J ant el Exchange. —By reference to oar adver. tiei columns it will he seen that' the annual elec tion for members of the Board of Directors will Le held afternoon st half-past two o'clock. This intt;,:it.;.-a has been a most useful organ of our busi nes-, rJulmunity, and during - the past year our obe.-.1 en invaluable influence in matters of legisla tion citalty affecting 'Our mercantile interests.. It is therefore, that its usefulness may be pc.rpi.tm.ted, and that the members of the association 4en.,rally attend, and elect an intelligent and eff.i.iient Beard of Directors for the ensuing year. Coming.—Matt Robertson, the gentlemanly agent of the Morris and Trowbridge Minstrels wss town, Yesterday, making the necessary ar , ; ; frt. the opening of that excellent com p 4 .-::•., Masonic Hall, on Monday evening next. that they. have had a very successful sea. son. Tl,e:F are now in Detroit, where they will re thairl until Friday, give a concert in Cleveland en r4s.tr.rdii night, and arrive here Sunday morning. They r.-i!! meet with deserved success here. /7,..—Th0 alarm of fire at neon yesterday origi. nsted in r. brick house on Third street, situated in a caurt between Wood and Smithfield, occupied by a famil of colored persons, the building having taken tho grate. The engines were on the ground in a cir , .: . .rt time, hut the flames were eitinguiehed with ',v. , : calling them into requisition. Cordelia C.sppell appeared to a good audience at this establishment last even. la. in the character -of Julia, in the Hunchback. repF..zontation of this arduous role was excel lent, ci t;if t Li a other characters ware well sustained by the eco - 4, iny. She appears'agaia this evening as the "Stranger." Twenty 11.oLkiand Imported Havana and German ;;.gars will be 'sold at pads' Auction Booms this 15'ednei'=•y) morning at eleven o'clock. • Li fi ht coats neatly made. Pante and vests suited to the Feason. Sumer under wear of silk, and cot ton, silk and linen, hosiery, for men's and boy's wear, At close rams for - cash, by Carnaghan, Federal street, Allegheny eity. • _ Boisman & Co :—My wife was troubled with cough and pain in the breast for five years—the last two of which she was very low indoed. I procured some of your Compound, and after she had taken it for about five socks she was able to do all our-house work, which she bad not previously done for four years. We cheerfully, and unasked, recommend your Com pound to all who are - suffering under that terrible alsesse—Consumption. JANCO SOUTHERLAND. MIXT R. SollTEUsaumip /Anamugi Ky., July, 18b6. -, - [For the Morning Post.) OD TO Tax NATIONAL DS3IOOIIAOV OP ALLE. GMENY COUNTY : —Wassees, A ntyled Demo cratio Convention, which as moshlg3 at the Court Haase, on the 18th of August, , failed to give that satisfaction ! which Democrats have a right to expect from those who truly represent them. In this, that disregarding a time• hsumed usage of Democratic Conventions, they have re. foiel to recognize either our National or State administra• Lions, or;the platforms on which they were elected. In bringing forward new issues, not recognized in the Democratic creed, and evidencing a spirit of intolerance to wards other Democrats, who choose to differ from their views of new dogmas not essential to Democratic faith. Morrover, as the action of this Convention has gone before the conntry as the action of a Democratic Omseatirm of .dileoheny County, Fenr-ryZeicia, tied hio beau re-echoed from one end of the Union to the ether as orthodox by pa pars hostile to our cause, 19 is therefore recommended that an election be held on gatirday, the 11th inst., at the usual places of holding pri mary elections, to elect two delegates to represent each ward, borough and township, in a County Convention, to meet at the Court 11( us N on Wednesday, the 16th bast , at J lO o'clock, .1. IL, to take into consideration matters of vital importance to the Democratic cause. Reso:red, That no person shall bo qualified to bold a seat as a delegate in the County Convention, ientess he can give his approval to our National and State Administrations, and i.e nnlnfluencid, by pledge or otherwise, to the action of any other convention heretofore held. LEE A . BECKHAM, WILLIAM CLAYTON, H. LEACOCK, CHAS. H. PAULSON, T. A. HINTON, JAMES M. BOYD, GEORGE LAWMAN, AS. PATTON, Jr.., SAMUEL It'CUNE, . WM. HASLITT, E. M'Ci DE. JOHN OTTERSoN, JOHN EDGAR, JOHN HAMILTON, JOHN FITZSIMMONS, JOHN STRAUSER, ALEXANDER HAYS, ee tidafe EXEMPTS C031311T,1E. Sale of Stock*, Etc.—The following StookPand land warrants were sold on Tuesday evening by P. M. Davis, Auctioneer, at the Commercial Sales Rooms No. 54 Fifth street: 1 'share Exchange Bank 1,60 GO •` Mar. and Man. Bank 64 50 SO acre Land Warrants at, acre. Th Wood street warehouses aisles were adjourned until Tuesday evening next, when they will be die• posed of. Launch.—The now eight oared barge, "Joseph Fleming," owned by a club of young men in Alle. &lay, was set afloat yesterday afternoon. She was built by R. E. Rodgers, is a model speed and beauty, and will doubtless take her place at once among the first class boats, each a fleet of which now grain cur waters. In Town.—Mr. W. H. Clements, Vice President of the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad Company, of Cincinnati, and Alfred Gaither, General Superin tendent of the Adams Express Company, were at the Monongahela House yesterday. They ere on their way East on business of the respective cor porations which they represent. John M. Kirkpatrick.—No learn that our towns man, Mr. K., is to deliver the address before the Beaver County Agricultural Society, on the 23d Inst., and also the oration before the Latrobe Normal School, on the occasion of the annivorFary on the 17th. Shell Oystera.—Col. Pricker, at Walnut Hall, has commenced serving up to his customers fine fresh shell oysters, which ho receives daily from Philadel. phis. The Colonel has also lots of delicious peaches and New Jersey sweet potatoes of tao largest di. mens.ons. Walnut Hall is the place for good things. Karl Formea is coming to Pittsburgh with a fine company and a full orchestra, under the direction of Mr. Aushutz, and the singers from the Academy of Music. This announcamont will be hailed with pleasure by our music•loving citizens. Dead.—Mr. Paul A. Way, a well known and highly raspacted citizen of this county, residing near Sewick:ey, died yesterday morning, after a lin gering illness. He was a man with many warm friends, and fine acquirements, about thirty-five years of ago. He leaves no family. Bon. William A. Porter, of Philadelphia, was in the city yesterday, at the St. Charles Hotel, where he was visited by his numerous friends in this place. Ho has been on a tour through the northwestaxn counties of the State. Mr. George Ogden, who fine been ill for some time, is, we regret to learn, growing worse. Ho is contln , ed to his bed by a distressing disease, and serious doubts of his recovery are entertained by his friends. The Grand Jury of the United States Cirouit Court found a true bill against Bush, tho former Postmaster at Gionshaw, who is awaiting trial on a charge of robbing tho 111.—We aro informed that Rev. Dr. Black is lying seriously ill of the dysentery at his residence in Se wickley. He is much debilitated, and it is feared that ho cannot recover. To Come Off.—The challenge of the crew of the J. S. Hall has been accepted by the owners of the Rodgers. The race is for one hundre4 dollars a aide, and is to bo run over Monongahela course, shortly. Rebuilding.—We learn that the Stawartson far tuxes recently destroyed by fire, In Armstrong county, is already being rebuilt. It is anticipated that it will be completed before winter. Patent.-9 patent has been granted to Melia Simpson, of Allegheny, tJr a new machine for cut ting bolts. The Memphis bankers have thrown oat the notes of the Southern Bank of TermeHeti and the Bank of America. The Allegheny and r,fac:che_le; C , ,uncils held their regular meetings last evening. 0. DR. J. HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTETIS, for the cure of Fever and Ague, is beyond all controversy the safest and best tcmedy that could be need by the tallicted, fur all diseases of the ab.rve nature. The most violent attacks of thii drea,:fcl disease have often been prevented by the we of ibis relLble remedy. The "Bitters" have been need by the propiletor in an extensive practice, in the treatment of Fever and A gee, for a number of years, and its wou , !erful curative powers are well known both to the press and tit': put] c T - °se who desire a titer cicala renovation V their entire system, should not fail to use the " Bitters." For aka. try druggists and dealora generally, ovcryßhore, and by LIOSTETTER A SMITH, ittauctiattnrera tiad Proprietors, sea (1 Water cud V. Front streets, Ty, J. M. OLIN'S CitLEBRATED STOMACH. DIT TBES—Try then., end satisfy yourselves that they are all they are recommend t, b.. The proprietor does not pretend to say that they will cure all the diseases flesh is heir to, but leaves them to test their own merits, and the couatartly increasing demand for them is sufficient proof that they are all they aro recommended to be, and far en perh.r to any preparation of the kind ups , in the market. Their use. is always attended with the most beneficial sults in raees of Dyspepsia, loss of appetite, weakness of the stomach, indigestion, etc. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, assists digestion, and Imparts a healthy tone to the whole system. Be sure an I call for J. M. Olin's Co'ehrated Stomach Bitters, and tiro that the article peer ' chased bears the name of J. M. Olin, as manufacturer. For sale by J. hI.OLTN, sole proprietor cud manufacturer No. 257 Penn street, Pittsburgh, ha, and by druggists and danlere genecsiiy. 1Y79 JOSEPH MEYER, MANUFACTURER OF Fancy et Plain Furniture & Chairs, Warerooms, 424 Penn street, ABOVE THE CANAL BRIDGE, PITTSBURGH, Pad. In addition to thiriourultare business, I also devote attention to LINDERTA_KING. Licarars and - Carriages furnich. I OLD SOLDIERS AND SAILORS OF TUE WAR OF 1812, ATTENTION—An annual mt..etiLg of the Association of Soldiers and Sailors of the War of 1812, or Second Independence, will be held on FRI DAY, the 10th of Feptember, at their tuna! place of meet ing, in the Common Council Coambor, in the city of Pitta burgh, at 2 o'clock, P. If. As business of importance will be laid before the meatiug, it is expected that due attention will be given. of the PrFsident, WILLIAM GRAHAM, Ja. ge3., kw,d THE undersigned have funned a Co-Part- Larahip under tbe style .. , 1 SUACKLI:I7, McLAIN ..t CO, for tranEacting Who!ear.le Dry Goode I UflillCB3. WILLIAM SIiAORLETT, JAMES McGAIN, HUGH JONES, JOIN AUDAY, T. T. MYLEII. _ SHACKLE:DT, McLAIN k CO., wholesale dealers in For sign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 43 Wood street, opposite Pt. Charles HoteL THE LAST CHANCE-WE NOW OFFER OUR SUBLIIER SHOES, GAITERS, ETC., Cheaper than ever, as we aro receiving a large fall stock. Ladies would do well to call immediately, as we offer great inducements. Light and Black Gaiters, french Morocco Ties, Misses' Gaiters and Slippers, and Boys' Summer Shoes, at "The People's Cheap Shoo Store," N 0.17 fifth street, near Market. (se4) DIFFE.NBACHER & CO. DIG LEAD-300 Pigs, for sal by se4 fEEINRY 11. COLLINS ACKEREL.- 300 barrels No. 3 Largo Mackerel ; 60 x i a u a 20 " No.l " " rec'd and for (sot) ' HENRY IL COLLINS. T AKE FISH--300 pkgs. White Fish, Trout, Salmon, etc., for eats by HENRY H. COLLINS. HEESE.--300 boxes good cutting Cheese NJ arriving, and for zalo by ' B $Y H. OOLLINS, ae4 VOUNDRY METAL-180 Lou soft Foun. J: dri l .4 for by (sa4) it. OOLLINS. COMMERCIAL. riairWiißlJßol-1 BOARD OH WRADits 6 kik) SZERCHANTSI EICIULAO I %. Pfesident. H. H. WILLLildt3 , Vac Presidetrgs. F. R. BRUNC/I`, Ist, IBAIAH DICECRY, dd Trauma. N. HOLMES, Ja. Superintendent. JOSEPH SNOWDEN. analnitlee of Arbitration for August. • ISAIAII DICKEY, V. P., C. U. PAULSON, JAMES GARDINER, DAVID CAMPBELL, AUSTIN LOOMIS, stage of Water. One foot dm nachos water in the channeL PITTSBURGH MARKET. Reported Expressly for the Day Morning Post PiTTIMIZGH, September 7, 1859. PLOUR—The sales to-day are quite limited, remaining at the old figures, viz :—55,87®5,60 for inibertlne; $5,62®5,75 for extra do , and $6@y6,12 for extra family from store. GEATN...Gata are still eellit gat 45c. from store. Wheat, but little doing. HAY....Regubtr Balm from scales at s9@l2 %A ton. PEACHES.—But few Eastern Peachea arrival to-day. They are held at $2,50 for Jersey, in baskets. SlLT—Bales from hlanufactureze at $1 far No. 1 and $1,16 for extra. 01L...10 NA/. Lard Oil No. 1 at Ste. BACON...SaIes of a few thousand pounds Sidas at 7c. WHISKY...SaIes of rectified at 2.7®23c. In lota, VINEGAR...ReguIar sales of Ballou's to city and country at Sc. Vi gallon ; to all other markets 9c. PhLladelphla Market. PHILADELPHIA, September 7.—The Flour market is firm, sales for export of fresh ground superfine made [join new wheat at $5,623, and some western extra at $8,50. Noth• inR doing in Bye Flour or Corn Meal; we quote at $4 'ft bbl. Wheat is steady, with leas offering; sales of 2500 hush at $1,2501,80, fair and prime Pennsylvania and southern red and $1,40 for goad white. Rye Is steady at 780800 for old and 70c for new. Corn is in limited request, but the sup. plies come forward slowly; tales of 1000 bush yellow at 88c in store. Cats are unchanged; sales of new Delaware at 48, and old Pennsylvania at 50c. Whisky is unsettled; sales of bbls at 26c for Ohio, and 250 for Pennsylvania. Now YoRX, September 7.--Ootton is very stiff; 1500 balm soid. Flour heavy; 18,500 bbia sold. Wheat dull; 35,000 bush sold; red $1,17®1,25; white $1,25gL45. Corn has de , dined; 9000 bulb sold; mixed 64(fP75: white 81@S5. Bacon steady. Bed steady at $14©14,60: Pork heavy at $17,40@ 17,50 for Meaa. Coffee firm; 8000 baga sold at 104@;1115.4 for 1110. Sugar heavy at 7@BY 4 . Rice, quiet. Linseed oil steady et 75©76. Whisky firm. Pi e w York Stock Market. Nov You, September 7.—Stacks dull. Mich. Southern 2134; N. Y. Central 89%: Milwaukee and Mlsalesippi 17; Galena and Chicago 83 1 4 Toledo and Cleveland 43,1; Ohio We 1011/i. CINCINNATI, September 7.—Flour closed dull; the sales were unimportant. Wheat very dull and demand limited; sales could cot be forced except at a material decline; the export demand has ceased. Whisky is unchanged; 1200 tibia sold. Provision% bales small; MOM Pork le held at $18,20; bulk at 0% and 7%. Bacon 8% and 814, but no sales at these rates. Money is easy with a moderate de mend; exchange Is dull a , IA cent. premium fer eastern BALII3IOIIE, September 7.—Flour is firm at $5@d,62 for Howard street and Ohio. Wheat is active and advancing; red is quoted at $1,25@1.86 and white at $1,35;: 1,55. Corn; sales of white at 80g183 and yellow at 413®£15. Whisky is Provi_lons are generally quiet. Up THE WORM DESTROYER—This medicine known all over the country as B. L. FAHNESTOOK'S VEIL bI:IFUGE welt deserves this title where worms are present In the system. It never fails to effect their spoedy removal Every family should keep it In the house. It is manufac tured and by B. L. FAHNESTOCK it 00., Wholesale Drug gist, and proprietors of WILSON'S . IGLU, N'o. 60, corner of Wool and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. See Pill advertisement on third page of this day's paper. R. T. KENNEDY W. S. KENNEDY. PEARL STEAM MILL, ALLEGHENY CITY, R. T. KENNEDY 81. BRO. WHEAT, RYE, AND CORN PURCHASED. nou 3., CORN MEAL, AND HOMLNE, MANUFACTURED AND DELIVERED IN PITTSBURGH AND ALLEGHENY. snTelydwl TERMS CASH ON DELIVERY SPECIAL NOTICES. PERMANENT OFFICE. COMPLYING WITH THE URGENT REQUEST OH HUN DREES OF THEIR PATIENTS, DRS. C. H. FITCR AND J. W. SYKES Rave concluded to remain PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBITRCILL Gnd may be consulted at their oftlee, No. 101 Penn street, OPPOSITE ST. GLUE HOTEL, Daily, except Sundays, for CONSIIIIPTION, ASTHMA, itRONOHITL9 and ALL OTHER 01E0E10 CKMPLANTS, complicated with, or caning pulmonary disease, including Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Gaatritia, Female Complaints, 4e blIS' /ITCH Ss SYKES would state that their treatment of Goasomptlon is based upon the fact that the disease exists in t/ c blood and system at large, both before and during its dtvetcpment in the lungs, and they therefore employ Mechan ical, U gianic and Medical remedies to purify the blood and strengthen the system. With these, they use MEDICAL IN HALATIONS, which they value highly, but only as Pala tires, (having no Curative effects when used alone) and Inva lids are earnestly cautioned against wasting the precious time of curability on any treatment based upon the planet. bib, but false idea that the "seat of the disease can be reached In a direct manner by Inhalation," for, as before stated, the seat of the disease is in the blood and its effects only in the lungs. 44.- No charge for conenitation. A list of questions will be sent to those wishing to consult ns by letter. ray29:duw MONONGAHELA BRIDGE, Pittsburgh, Eeptember Ed, MM. 10!). THE PRESIDENT AND MANAGERS of the Com pany, for erecting a Bridg ) over the River Monouga• hela, opposite Pittsburgh, in the conty of Allegheny, have this day eeclared a dividend of SIX PER CENT. on the Capital stock, which will be paid to the stockholders, or their legal representatives, at the Toll Howe, on an i after the 18th lastaht. (se7:BV) JOHN THAW, Treas'r. [11;?. A GREAT CHEMICAL DISCOVERY.— JULEB BAGEL'S EAII ATHENIENNE, OR Hula RENO. VATOR, is a never falling preserver, restorer and beautifier of the Hair:. With no deleterious qualities, it is a prevent ive to the decay of the Hair, renders it Loft, glossy and of the original color, when it has became gray. This valuable preparation will produce new growth of Hair, in place of that destroyed by [(pond sicknes . Bold by B. L. FAHNEB - & CO., corner Fourth end Wood streets, Druggists geßerally, and at the Laboratory of /ales, Hanel & Co., No. TOVOtiesrou street, Philadelphia. Ete7:sc l'Oo BANK OF TUB SOUTH 001:TNT - Y.—At the Atli gust term of the Supreme Courtof Rhode Island, for Washington county, the that day of January, a. 0., 1859, was limited for bringing in the bills of the Bank, with a view to a dividend of funds then on band This order is made with a view to hasten a settlement, and not to cut off bills not then presented, which must, of course, all be paid, if the Bank 11 solvent of which there is no reasonable doubt. The bills will be taken in payment of all debts. Bills pre sented, for which receipts are given, will be entitled to•in terest. Bills may be forwarded to the Receiver, at Ken• eington. Rhode Island. E. R. POTTER, uu3l:tw B &salver. OD NOTION—THE INTEREST COUPONS of the Bon Is of Lawrence County, issued to the PITTS BURGH AND ERIK! RAILROAD COMPANY due July, 1858. will be paid at the office of W. H. WILLIAMS k 00., Pittsburgh, Pa The change in place of payment to made in consequence of the failure of the Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Company, New York, where the emporia are payable By order of /Y 2 THE COMMISSIONERS. rar2ldly-1c WILL RE-OPEN ON THUR.WAY, ASEPTMII3.FR 2D, PROF. COWPER'S FASHIONABLE DANCING ACADEMY, A. 4 NEVILLE HALL, 00114 ES BOMB AND Idaiutrr BM. DAYS OP TUlTlON—Tuesdays, Thursdays and Eabdr drips Master and ?dimes Classes et 3 P. 114 Ladies Claas 4 P. nt.; Gentlemen's Olass 8 P. N. Prof. Cowper oan be seen at the Scott Comte, daily. an2o:lm NEW SHOES! NEW SHOES 11—We are now receivintroar nil* fall stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, At the 'People's Shoe Store,' N 0.17 Fifth street, comprising a great variety of styles. A large and complete assortment of Gent's wear; Ladies' Button, Congress and Lace Gaiters. A well selected stock of Misses and Children's wear, Boys' Boots, Gaiters, Shoes and Slippers. A few more soiled Shoes and Gaiters, left selling cheap. sn2B DIPPENBA.OII3OI k CO. TO LET—A Store Room on Market street an.Ulm d. W. GAZZAM. FLOUR-50 bbla. Extra Superfine ; SO " Superfine ; • 29 u Extra cal4 l Y . /UMW, just receiv ed and for gale lay JA HS A. FETZZEI, ee4 Corner Market and Fir' et streets. APPLES -10 barrels choice Jersey Apples, Jost received and for eels by JA11:88 A. YETZEZ, se" Corner Market and First street'. QWEET POTATOES-10 barrels Jersey Sweet Potatee; just received and for sale by JAB. AL YETZKB, se4 Corner Market and Rad de. WANTED --300 bushels Timothy Seed Wantf.d, by UMW! . FETUS, t• Corner Market and First streets. WATER PIPES-3000 ya rds Stone Ws. V V ter Pipes hum 2 to 6 inebts a ter, for tab) by HEINEN H. OOLLINEI. LIME, -200 barrels fresh Lime, for sale by sos /up= FL 0010LINIL Kew York Market. Cincinnati Market. Baltimore Market. SEWING MACHINES SINGER'S 4.4 12:24 z e T HE GREAT SUPERIORIT UN SINGER'S MACHINE Over all others, for the Ilse of Clothing and Seim Mannfac "'Tars. Harness Makers, Carriage Trimmers and Coach Makers, has long been known and practicallyacknolviegt& HIS NEW FAMILY MACHINE, Which is a light, compact and highly ornamental machine, (doing its work equally well with the large machines,) and must become a favorite for family 03e .931•• A full supply of the shave Machines far sale at New York prices, by R. SfRAW, 32 Market street, anl9:ly-2p Pittsburgh, Penn's. SEWING MACEIINES, THE 820 AND $4O DOUBLE LOOM STITCH SEWING MACHINES! Are now on Exhibition, nt the HOSIERY STORE OF MR. DALY, NO. 20 PIPTIL STREET, These Machines are admitted to be the beat In market for family use, making an elastic double thread stitch, which will not rip even If every fourth stitch be cut. 1.1 is the only low priced double thread Machine in market. Orders will be received and promptly filled by M. DALY, Agent, No 20 Fifth street, on the corner of Market alley, Pittsourgh, Pa. NOTIOE—hi. DALY, on, the corner of Fifth street and Market alley, is the only one of the name In business on this street. jylfiay W. C. ELLIOTT, TIIE first place in public e3timation is tlbW justly accorded to the GROVER & BAKER MA OHINK, for family Sewing, for the following reasonsl: Ist. It is MORE SIMPLE and EASILY KEPT IN ORDER than any other machine. 2d. It makes a seam which will NOT RIP or RAVEL, though every third stitch is cut. RI. It sews from two ordinary spool, and thus all trouble of winding thread is avoided, while the same Machine can be adapted, at pleasure, by a mere change of spools,.to all varieties of work. 4th. The same Machine runs silk, linen thread and spool cotton, with equal fhcility. 6th. The seam is as elastic as the most elastic fabric, so that it is free from all LIABILITY to BREAK, in WASH ING, IRONING, or otherwise. 6th. The stitch made by this Machine is more BEAUTI FUL than any other made, either by hand or machine. OPINIONS OF TA PRESS Grover & Baker's is the best.—(Amer. Agriculturist. To all of which the Tribune says, amen.--{N. Y. Tribune It Is all that It claims to be.—{N. V. Independent. It finishes its own work ; others do not.--[Home Journal We give It the preference.--l Amer. Baptist. It weds only to be seen to be appreclated.--EPhreno Journal. Adapted for woulena, linen or cotton.--.lAmer. 111cdical Monthly. We like Grover & Bak r'e best.--{Ladies' Wreath. " Which Is tbo best?' Grover& Baker's.--.:N. Y.Dlspatch. Superior to all others.—[N. Y. Mercury. We have no hesitation in recommending Y. Ex press. It requires nu re spooling.--t N. Y. Evangelist. For family use they are unrivaled.—{N. Y. Daily News They sew a seam that will not rip —[N. Y. Condor. It performs nobly and expoditionsly.--,N. Y. Examiner Remarkable for the elasticity of seam.—[Police Gazette Well adapted to a❑ kinds of family sewing.—'N: Y. Obe The most ble-sed Invention of modern timos.—Moth Magazine. Best adapted for family u40.--i N. Y. Day Book. We do not hesitate ti recommend B.—fri. Y. Chrotilele. It save strongly and does no: Ilp.—,Life Illustrated. The prince of Inventions.—{ Prot. Churchman. It is woman's bast friond.—lN. Y. Weekly News. And two hundred more references. To Clergymen and Benevolent Societies. The GROVER .4 DAHER. SEWING MACHINE CO. will sell, for the present, to Clergymen and Benevolent Societies heir superior machine at one-half the usual retail price. W. C. ELLIOTT, Agent, No. 21 Fifth Street. COMMERCIAL PRINTING' OP EMS , / DIAORIPILON CARDS, HANDBELLS, _ BILLHEADS, POSTERS, LEGAL BLANKS. COLORED BILLS, PAPER BOOKS FOR LAWYERS, PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Execrated to the neatest manner, promptly and at ()HEAP ItIl'ES, by BARK & MYERS, MORNING POST JOB OFFICE, CORM or WOJD AND rant name TIE BEST A N 3APEST VINEGAR fa sell • at the most extensive YIN E5.,===.:11:74 kR WAREHOUSE in the r"" . " 4.44 ' f,VINEGKkt it. This bonne now sup a, and has for the last ten SCJ re, more than one-half of .iliki,;4;..: Pittsburgh grocers, and same in every other city in s introduced. A. BALLOU, 148 Water street, between Smithfield and Grant. aufclydew LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILT AND SMELTING WORKS. PARK ) M'CURDY tic CO ,, MA.NTJFACTURERS OF SHEATHING, Brasiers' and Bolt Oopper, Pressed Ooppnr Bottoms, Still Bottoms, Spatter Solder, he , also importers and dealers in Metals, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire, .fro, Constantly on hand, Tinmen's Machines and Tools. Warehonse, No. 149 First, and 120 Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Special orders of Copper cot to any desired pattern. my29:lydsw E. SIZOBON 0. B. RIPPEN. WE HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED together in the practice of the Law, under the firm of BLIKPBON & BIPPEY. Office, No. 94 Fourth Street. 1. SIMPSON, 0. H. RIPPEY LORD'S PATENT PERCH COUPLING. This is the best CARRIAGE COUPLING ever invent ed. I want every man who ever saw a Buggy, to see one with LORD'S COUPLING attached. I have one at ROB'T PATTERSON'S STABLE, on Diamond street. Before it was attached, the !aside wheel described a circle of about thirty feet, now it describes about five feat, and cannot be over. turned by short turning. For farther particulars, see the Buggy or call on the subscriber, at the Monongahela House. I want to sell State and County Bights. I purchased all the States, and have sold about ten, the balance are for sale. Any man can make a fortune out of oak State. i eelaW JOB. W. BELL. Monongahela Howe. GOOD NEWS FOR ELOUSEKEEPERS. —Owing to the increased demand for ROASTED COFFER, we have procured a NEW COFFEE blELD,where those who may wish, can have their Coffeo fresh ground at any time, without any additiocal charge. S. 34NES' TEA MEE, No. 88 Filth etreet. NEW MAP OF OUR COUNTRY—Present and prospective—embracing the United States and Territories, the Canada', New Brunswick, Nova Sootia and New Poundland; els; Mexico, Cahn, and the W. T. Islands, Central America and the Isthmus of Panama, all the New Discoveries In the Polar legion by Dr. Kane and others, end all the New Settlements, end even the Countiesof Kan sas and Nebraska, each In its proper potdtion, all on the same scale, compiled from Government Surveys and other relic. ble sources. For sale by W. S. HAVITN, Stationer and Paper Dealer, Corner of Market and Second sta. - DEFINED SUGARS.- 1166,, libts Lording' Crushed, Fine and Co-arse Pulver 20 bbeti Sugar; ta Lovering% "A" Coffee Crushed Sugar ; Y 3 a “B/11 6.11 / "0" Yellow—in store and for sale by- MILLNIt do RICKETBON, QOB Noe 2hl and 223 Llterty street. /® LARGE Map of our country, , with the . Staten, Territories and counties distinctly mark. ei . For isle by W. 8. HAlTEN,,Stationer, . sul.2 Corner Market and Second dream. TWO DWELLING ROUSES FOR RENT, by S. CUTHBERT k BON, 51 Basket street PI RE PORT WINE, for meditlinal pur poses, by the bottle or gallon, at HAWORTHA BROWNL M RE7B, in tluo ecum& VOR RENT—A two story fraine Dwelling Howe, of 6 rooms, situate on Fourth stqwt, near Mar. ket. sent $l4O per year. and tenant pay water rant. B. OUVIBEIRT & SON, EI Market at - - VEST OPENED, ATHORNE?B, 7,7 MARKiT V street—Daaglits do Eauxnroodli Skirts, /pp& Comte, kid Hoops, Clotton Fringe, Shetland Wool, Itcimst, Preant4 othir &drab foods, ati law Flow 01224 BUSINESS CARDS J. &. T. GROUTT, rAf ori.rzAs OP BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, ETC., DEALERS IN FINE OLD MONONGALEIFLA RYE WIELSES, PEACH AND APPLE BRA" , 7 ri. ALSO, RECTIFIERS ANU DISTILLERS, Corner of Smithfield wad Front Btreeto, apl4l PITTSIMECTI, r S. B. & C. P. MARKLE, DIANUFAOTURBILB OF PRINTING, JOl3, ANT" ALL RINDS F I's tl'Pl:i•_l .1 6 161 :1) 2M 2 Warehouse, No. 27 Wood Streei, PITTSBURGH, PA. v. Bags bought at markat pr REMO V JOHN MOORHEAD ha. !-e.3.11..ved No. 74- Wet utro,t, beluw ‘l,ll, JOUN moonnEAn, COMMISSION M ERCHAN PIC METAL AltlD L.OO 1`41.5. NO. 74 WATER STREET, BELOW MARE.ET, mrl9 PIITSBURGH, PA PITTSBURGH STEEL \ 'WORKS dAAO JONES JNO. L. lituYD JONES, BOYD s EtAutmeo/tutn.. os CAST STEEL. ALSO, SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL. SPRINGS AND AXLES. Corer Eitoga arati Pirat Sttcolt, i 925 MOORHEAD & CO., American►, Plain it Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, IF`ot Sooting, Guttering, SpaJuilug, Eu AGENTS FOR IFOOLIS PA T ft` 141 IMITATION RUSS!A SHEET IRO Warehouse, No. 130 First street, mr2B: ly is ITIMEEI B. B. ROGERS C-f.o ILAN nrecteraßßs cot ROGEWV IMPROVED PATEN"I 4TRP,E4 CULTIVATOR TFETii ROBS AND FIRST STRELV, • L. c. HEPBURN, ATTOMN Y AT LAW AND CONVEYANC:iIi. °MOB WITH U. BIIPMUDIS Nn- kb A e~LP.sio JAMES A. FETZER., Forwarding and Commission iiien,ant, SOLI %%an e ALE OP lOW, Grain, Bacon, Lard, nutter, Sov , i-, Fruit and Produce generally, Corner of 111c..ritot sad First str434rta. PITT/3BU N.GLI, PA. Rana so—Francis G. Ennui., Esr,, William Dilworth, lir., . Cuthbert Er Son, Pittsburgh; B..yd .1 Ott, :Ismael] X wearingen, 8. Brady, Cash. M. Er. M. Bank. List Er Howell, !dangle .100., George W. Andereou, Donlo Paxton Et Co. Whetsling. tay2artrnti W. KNIGHT. WROLEFALE AND RETAII. LIST PREIIIIIR READY 114 DE LINEN AND DRESS STOCK MANUFACTORY, NO. 606 ARCH STREET, PRILL.ADELPHIA. Silk, Merino and Cottou Under Shirts and Drawers, Cra vats, Scarfs, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, to., Dressing Gowns, Shirts, Wrappers, and Dress Stocks made to order by meas urement, and warranted to give satisfaction. Jolilyd E. P. MIDDLETON Si. BaO., IMPORTERS OF WINES, BRANDIES, &C. , ALSO DEALERB IN FINE OLD AVIII;. - KACS, NO. b, NORTH FRONT STREET, J , layd PHILADELPHIA. GO AND SEE GEORGE P. WERT '' S First Premium Etilml Factory, CORNER THIRD AND MARKET STS., PITTSBURGH. THOSE WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR House with VENITI&N BLINDS, of the most or qm. alto and elaborate finish, will find it to their interests to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. My work is got nl by the best mrichanice (not appronticee.) ?ivory attention is given to the wants of customers. Prices low. All work wurrantod. No. 72 THIRD Street. Pittsburgh. [myS:lyis DAVID H. WILLELMS. ("CIVIL ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR 'kJ FOB THE BRECITION OF GAS WOItKS, for trom five gunners and upwards, and for Heating BMldinge, i uulic or private, by Steam, Hot Water or Furnaces. nyfillyts P T. H CARTVirRIGHT & VOEU fu; . (Successors to John Cartwright,) MANIJFACTURERS AND IMPO rEits of Pocket and Table Cutlery, Burgle 1 and an I Don ha Instruments, Guns, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, etc., No. St Wood street. They give special attention the maul factor. ng of Trusses, Supporters, etc. Jobbing - and tH-airiur Ith punctuality and despatch. opit HITCHCOCK, 131PCREERVit & CO. (duoutsseas TO 11071111 N, '51"02..5tr.r & C 0.,) FORWARDING AND COMMISSION lIPHOHANII3, Wholesale Dealers in Produce, Flour and Wool, No. 114 Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. BI7EBEN01111: Springer Harbaugh, Joseph E. Elder, St. Louis; Pittsburgh ; • Penton Bros., H. Childs A Co., " Cornell A Dorsey, Baltimore; Bagaley, Cosgrove A Co., " Garretithiartin,Philadelphis; McCandless, Means A Co., " James, Hent,'Santee & Co. " G. W. Smith, & Co., " Weaver A Graham, Geo. MA L. Hord, Cincinnati Keene, sterling & Co., " A. B. Fehtoa A Brea., " Yard, Gilmore & Co., " m WILLIAM CLAYTON & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR. IVIERCH AN T NO. 87 DIAMOND ALLEY, Naar Wood street, PI T TSBUP.GH, PA. air Always on band, Blackberry, Cherry, and Cognac atandioa, Old Monongahela and Rectified Wittaky, of the br.st rang 14. dalitydelt WILLIAM BACIALET, WHOLESALE GROCER Nos. IS and 20 Wood Street, j y2B: tf W. H. hiaGEE H. IvicGE E MEIIOIIAIiT TAILOR'S, Malan in Ready Made Clothing and Oentlecuen'g FutninG log Goode, corner of Federal street and Market Square Alle gheny City, Pa. jel2gly M A RBLE M ARM, V 4 9 JOEY eiffleaß 0 lIA9 A BEAOTIYQL BBLF.Critrr4 MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, Encloguren, Post 9, fie., ese. The public tire rs3pectfully invited LC, ezAmia," onr t.tack. Priem low, and vv.: warisr,ted. of Q.?— POINT BOX FACTORY.- BIISFIA 42. GUTHISIDOILF Itiwantactnra to order, BOXES suitable for Soap and Candles, Hardware and Variety Ore cl 3, etc., et, Ct. Orders nrsmnils RUMAT DLLVILL— .11.trd !S. EMMA= 0 R OBERT DALZELL WholesaleAA) Grocers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants and Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 161 Liberty stmt. Negri:l/at. PA cor2fgy. F URNITURE FOR CASII. A frill amort.•nent of Pittsburgh manufactured PIWILITURE, ernbraein„ BUREAUX, BOOK Cabs:B, WARD ROBES, And every article needed Ina well tarnished dwelling, m well as a epledid assortment of OFFICE FURNITURE, Constantly on hand and made to order. A 8 tho only terms on which Madness is done at this establishment is for OASIL Prices are made accordingly. Persons in want of anything in the above line, would be advantaged by calling at PACE:IMES & No. 103 h ;aid street , l'elow J. D. Fausterta, Jona IL harm. NEW ICE CREAM SALOON, AND LADIES' RESTAURANT, NO. 27i FIFTH STREET. The subscriber has Based, and fitted up several commodi ous rooms. nearly opposite the Exchange Bank, on Fifth street, which are now. °pea for the Brunmer Season. La , dies and gentlemen can always find an abundant supply of BREW OONEROWNABY ' ICE CREAM, wiTxa MA and all the ,refrechumnts of the season. All are requested toMatt the rooms. and test for asa. - OcP) . • - Mcalqaar• ti Tonic, cathartic, and Anti-Dyspeptio B. FAH.NESTOCK_ & CO„ A.; .)-vr of Wood and Fourth Biretta, THESE Pl - 1,146 HAVE NOW, TU A Leen before the public in this settiou the country for a period of over twenty years, and from _Le t .)t• their not being more generally known through eat the length and breadta of the land, it might, perhaps, Le it.fert,d that they are lacking in some of the great essen• Ll.' e of a family medicine, or that there are other Ma their superior, etc.; Lac each, however, is not the case, their sap. toy (rota a wart disposition or ability, on the part of the original proprietor, (Dr. W Belem) was alwayt limited to such an exte.t Ad at tial..a to reinier tt difficult to fill home orders, bu. v ith even this disadvantage wherever used they have I,ver rail to th the strongest testimony in their n.ouy in many instancesuusolicited—not gotten up exireisly wr publicity—but freely proffered to the in ,ooltor as ospressions of gratitude for the great bsnefits de rived fro a the use of these truly wonderful Pills, in proof of which a° subjoin the following:- 5V,, the subscribers, Ministers of the Gospel, and members f s Pitothurgh Anoint] COnferenc- of the Methodist Ppis c...pa, Church, having each and all of us, during the pits :ca years, had frequer t opp.ortnnities of learning mud trying the character of Dr. a. A. Wilson's Tonic, Cathartic, and Auti-lryspeptic Pills, are prepared to, and now state pleasure, in this communication, that we know them to be an ex:a:tient medicine, and, an such, recommend their use to our friends and acquaintances, not only as a specific for tfick-Headache and Dyspepsia for which they are recom tin.cin.ii, but as a safe family remedy among children, and for t',.: pre k ention and removal Bilious attacks, etc. Jai. li, SaLsom, Wm D. Lemon, Jno. L. Williams, !..,s Baker, Fiends H. Read, Harvey Bradshaw, Wesley ! , i , sro: Tit+ nell, A. Jackson, Cornelius Jackson, W. In v. , Li ille, liesea sMcCall, L, Bays, B. F. b'edwick, G. Martin, a. McUrath., J. It. P.eger, Wm. Smith, PS. Callender, P. Br: eltunier, C. D. Battle, John West, Win Tipton, (I. iindgion, John Murray, S. B. Dunlop, Dr. J. J. Jamison. groin the Corresponding Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church, signing the same.l _ _ Rev.. Rzown, Geo. Hughes, Joel Dolby, Jr., Z. Ragan, Jer Browning, Wm. Rose. Robt. Simonton, Jno. Clark, Jay. . Piper, John Burns, Daniel G. Ostron, John Beatty. roe net.ce ie not as extensive as the expreseiou in the et.eve certificate; but as far us my opportunity of testing c,rtneu of Ur. Wilson's Fills has occurred, 1 cimel fully the sentiment of their superior value. . _ lia W1L.507 feel myself a thousand times obliged to you i have La. some y dare been afflicted with the dyspep a.id, from th., good effects already produced by your tic cry Co,-,, I rtrn persuaded that the continued use of t'oesl will flnaliy effect, a thorough cure; I therefore, wish to send cue low boxes by the bearer of thin, and oblige yo:fs. ,-tc. ISRAEL SHARP. PITTSBURGH, P tr..ct of it letter from Col. Camp, an elderly gentleman of nia, who has raised a numerous family, of some medical reading, an much experience in the use of . ) in the I,- hit of using it myself, and in my fatul y ir to h :;oc first brought them into use in our • • .1 .n all occasions have found them to zl..rr,a f o tor which they were administered My I much hedieted with sick.headache, and, by using of on of the pills, has unifortnly found reh f. I teink it BUpOtfilloll3 to enumerate the different c •toplainti fo^ which I have administered these pills. Suf• it to ,;ay that, a, far as the numerous complaints Set out the wr.q.p,r have fallen ander my ne.ice, the pill has had tl., desired effect in rem..,iir.g the same; end SO far as my. 'lf hare coecerned, I can say that they leave the t:: b n r .:rd. r thou tie use Of any other cathartic t 1TT5,;, 1, 1c(•;. , AND EASTERN REPOSITORY vi JUST RECEIVED AT HIS RE- P)6IPORY, Erituated near the Two !Os „1"1. Ban. b n Pittsburgh and Lawrenceville, a :Z.i.-V . and n,ral e_wortment of Carriages, Buggies, Sul etc. Bad arrangements are such that he is constantly r , , , ,ving new and secondhand vehicles, and the public may aiwn) finding n good stock on hand. He also man u e tire, t rder, on short notice, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, I pert ii to the basins:is. With eighteen years' ~,Er., . .riouce in this liwinoss awl his well-known :a. ho it tor zi himsolt tWit he oders great inducements rchasem :444 The usttsbi.ll.dent is located on the route of the Ex oLnnit CB Lino of Coaches, pasting the door every nu2s:dew c. wEsT CO., mg 61.A.NUFACTUZZES 01? CARRIAGES, t: AV/ A YS, 3110 4 E11ES, SULKIES AND SLEIGHS. No. Li' Penn utreet, PITTSBURGH, PA. Az- AD work warrent,l to be of the beet (materials and tnyl2:lyctin 0 PAW, ry 1 8 5 8 . L .:7 1 or RICA AND BEAUTIFUL Q A c la I IA 1M telt r aP DRESS GOODS AND SHAWLS. co.E R. WHITE & CO., A brilliant acsortmeat of SILKS, in every variety. PITTSBURGH 0, hi. DOSC?3. & Co MEDICAL A. WILSON,:,; PILES t‘EPARED AND SOLD BY WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND PROPRIETOR OF B. L. FAHNESTOCK'S VERMIFUGE, rl , StiUltoll, PENN'A WILIJ..IOI B.E.E ram the Roy. 1. S. Ilabbard, Ohio, 0o: 27, 1599 medicine do rn. , itt ecreestly hope that you will adopt some plan •opp:y us with your most excellent Anti-Dyspeptic Pill. ~:, 3, ur friend mid nroll.wisber, JAMES M. CAMP (;,itia[A.GES. RIAGB MANUFACTORY JOSEPH WriITE WILL OPEN CN MONDAY, THE 6TEr INST., THEIR STOCK: OF NOVELTIES COMPRISE Robed a Deux Jupes, Robes a Deux Volants, Robes a lez, Foplin Robes a lez, Venitian Robes a Deux Volants, Mousline " FR &Well PRINTED FLANNELS FOR ROBES DE CHAMBRE. Also, the moat extenalve, varied, and magnificent stock of SHAW LS Ever c.tfered by them, including utyl-m and varieties unser pMsed by any other house, West of the Alleghenies. y would invite particular attention to their new pat :n WOOLEN SHAWLS, with reversible tett:tee: Also, tuetr ,:xtetvive stock of FRENCH NEEDLE WORK, VA. Cf A an , : KNOLL= THIEAII LACES, all of which .111 old the loaest prima. sel:2w EPOT FOR TLIE SALE OF COAL OIL, 13,4 south Second Street, PUMA bELP H 1 A . Lubricating for ail klUtitl ..I