qtAZITERL 0. --WI GLOW, att. ro - ,_ y Sigtroet itmraupti Allei Attsirat at Law, u DrA recertreave,Eiestdriti, bac. t&l'gtalthEald and chury docthly St a, Surgeon iLantrst, sucecfrAir t' G. LL.No. 143 Smithfield street.s3' OiTc2.. hoary from S to 1 o'cl,wk, and from 2 to 6 e'cloak. feblEdy • - 11 SCOTT, Dentira, Fourth street, five doors • wczt of If Atka. e g g- a bonne ..rem 0 c - iclook al. to C o'clock P. 11. dee/0:7 JOSEPII FLEMING, Buceesso7 to L. Wil xx c 0.., corner of Market. €ttett atid tbA tiaicond, te%,a oratantly on hand a fall aQortmeat of DRUGS, MED. Ivild? S, .7.4.1111iCLN1: CHESTS, PERMIMY, and all arti cle 3 pertaining to his basitvaa.. Physiciqn' Fr. ,, Triptioas carefully ooxpouadod at all CLOUT/. Jo9:s_ trAvrz. P. KArstro , -TOSx2.I n : EIVQaI9 P,MARSTIA.LeL Importers and " 9 '9V deilen3 in'rzenth Citid'Ainoiicar. PAPER UAFIG. ViGS. V0."37 Wood stzeot, Pittsbargh. *.U"'Stv - o . sgzaa fa thc oetebrated tiLacros or 5 r 1 . -41,- Delloourt ,fc Co, Paris. net .BOULT J. d"Sill3dAB. LI EY ATER Sc ANDERSON, (successors to Ltd Joshua It:hales A C 0.,) wholesale dealers in FOREIGN FRUITS, NUYS, SPICES, CONFECTIONARY, SUGARS, No. 39 wood stmt., opposite , the St. Otiarlca Iloti•l, Pit 2 ts. ap J. M. ILIIVILE, (MERCHANT TAILOR NO. 54 ST. CLAM STEESI (Dr. Irish's Ncs• idel2:lV jW. KERR, ARCHITECT, REMOVED from coffer of Fifth and Woo 4 to ..AIR STREET, In Philßpi:D.-eve boildlng—continued to pr.pare Plato end Spocifl us of, and to Suporint,al the Emtlar. of evrry descrrOdon o av•xaye A -.BELL AND BRASS .01.. - £SI:INtER; No. iO - SECOND street, 'Pittsburgh, Pa, to prepared to famish to order 0117.011,: grEA-AIBOAT,TAOTORY AND OTLLEE BELLS, Of from 10 to 10,000 lbs. BELIA tads to order. STOP and GAUGE °GOES of all tdrzajor Stetdabc.e.t3, - MINIZSAL IVATE,R, -PUMPS, COUNT3P RAILINGt. 4 , anti ar:gy Variety.of Braas Castings Bni3hod 10 tho ucatost manner. ' • ANTI-ATTRITION METATI FULTON'S P T 11,1nALLIO Paeanza, fa... Steam. En Rh:es. etpla I y LOUGERIDGE & MAXWELL, LiANUFACTVRISs or Look.lag-Glaasas, '.2ro F rames, and Briaill“s; •nd Maslen in Clocks, House Furnishing Geods, ac. - go. 1516 Wood otreet, above Fifth, PITTSBURGH. PA ! inh2aly I ixit., 'batlike Bruzhes made to order EDUCATIONAL. St. Francis Acaddmj for - Boys,, UNDER THE CARP OB 'l mV FDANCLSOAN BROTHERS Lorat.ta, Cambia& County, rip 111 S MSTITUTION, ,NATURALLY situated for EdnUational purposee, affords all the in ducements dist can be - desired for n Catholic Institution. It is located in the most heslthy_and picturesque portion of •he Alleghettics, distant fonr milei from Crosson Elation, the rote between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. The scholastic year commencing the - first - Monday in September, will cloaelhe 15th of Jidj , The Termit for lloard, including a thorough English Brien tific COurse4 are $lOO par annum. The Classic - andllodern Languages form an extra charge of $lO per annum. and ueo of Bedding $lO. - rot further particulars apply to the superior of the Arai damp. References can be made to the Rt. Rev. Dr. O'COLTri. ap2.o..lydkr: Vincent's Co/lege and Seminary, RADER THE CARE OF TBE BEEMDICTIRE FATHERS, near Latrobe, Weamoreland county, P. - EN THE COLLEGE ARE TAUGHT THE canal branches of English Education. In the SESILIARY, the Classics, Matireniatics, 11(story, Rhetoric!, PhiMsophy, etc., and the different branches of higher erudition necessary or useful to those aspiring to Priesthood. The terms for Board and Tuition are t,SO per year, to be paid semi-annually, strictly in advance. German and French' and other langtmge,i,Drawing, Paint ing and Music,form no extra charges, excepting souse r0...,^ )no liousition for the Ilse of instruments. ,41edicine, Washing, Books, Stationery, etc., form extra chargee. Fcr particulars apply to the Dire: tor of the Collage. The Collegiate year begins on the let of September, and ends on the 3d of July following. PATItEII G. B Diroclor of the Colls-r_ DE Y . GOODS. Retrench: Itetoeuelit I A NOTEER CRASH-IN PRICES 1-Ba xl tug determined to eell our stock, though "the Timm aro Tight," • we have made a general sweep-- ILEDIJOI'DTr.L ENTIRE STOC To II • etP.l lower prices. time to thy,Tten the t' - .E.ortment .1.- yet and the Pricee Pet Dowh! Down I I 0cm.."9 dOS. HORNE. 77 Market r LAST._ IiAIN CIE IN FIG U.RE .- Bonnet Ribbons-, worth 75 cent., at 623,4 per yard. do dz, do VIA -at 50 do do do do 50 at 2734d0 do do do 27.14 at - 25 do JOSEPH HORN 77 Market street lull \f _ET T _ ..- :AT RUUCEED PRIOES. E. choice uasoruncnt on hand and for saloigt 10711 13.013.N.E5', l'ALT—kat at-rst. ..... -- 1 -- ENTLEMEN'S UNDER •GARIAENT Wool, dilk, dierlac and desvyCotion Under SLirts and Drsorerv--a fre.vh aupply received t.g. BORN dels :7 liiiirket cZroot- - 4 - I.IN - 11 Conte per Pound eduotion in the Pr... 0 of BIi.ADLEY'S Buyer& and Feddiara will be_ furnished with. BRADLEY:23 TIM-NS-PLY Ei`7marTa - Y-4.11,NS at a redaction of Five Cientsper rinlund, by the bundle, after this date, For AClash, and Caki only. JOS. HORSE, 77 Market agent Agent - for the nannfartnrqr "ffikRIBIWIDERIES.—Our excellent stook. of _mu French Embegideries, and the low :.prices at which they ere scarfed, afters rare inducements to ladles w:esdag to purchase the latest styles, MONEY I MONEY 1! —PRICES MARK ED DOWN. Jar Great 'reduction in the prle4i el Embroideries. We have gone terisfally'overnur handsome stock of F=4o/1-WOrtllla 0015.,t1diS, UNDXR SL s 1 11113L1i - 112N1.D.8 ete., eto. fixei the priaigi to suit the "Until Tiines.. The Dulles may rely on getting brzgains et octV • , Iat.LNITS, 77 .bierket ttr.v.t. W — E WILL SELL from the present time un commonly ch3v FOR OitSll. call'aud exam Inc, our stock. C. HANSON LOVA c•c22o Formerly Lot - a Broa., 74 51arka 6c EINTED FEENCII NERINOES,. for 62 aad 75 conW, worth $1 arta $1,25, -the bolt c. - ..ithrtniont In the city. C. 11.4N50.N LOVE, del (Erni erly Lace Brothers), No- 74 ;di rkei 1110 t 9NNET VELVET.—Ev ery variety of Bun jui _ r.ot. matbrial, yilke, Velvetu and :Mimi, for gale ut FIMINvs RLACK AND FANCY DRESS SILKS.- A full asf4ortite3l; very cheap. O. ILLNEON LOVE,lor:tcr4 Love Brotht,n, 1.70..74 sic:apt etscst VERY: Economical Puichaier of Dresa scads, Shawls, pie (bode, wilt find it to their advantage tautil and czatul our New Stock rf Fall and Winter Dry Gdoda before purchas lug elsewh€To. 0. HANSON LOVE, aels If fE. S merit Lore Brae.. No, 74 bleaket st. QIIAW.LS 1 811 AWLS 1 Wool, Chenille, Broths, t.e—, both long-and square, the very beet in the city, and at Yery - loei prices - for cash. " C. HANSON. LOVA fovmenly Love Bros., No. 74 Market strut. 111101 QUE and MARSEILLES, Fleeced, for 7".tleg Itesque,t. A large attiortment at tfx 6112.0. IL WRITE CO'S TO- PRINTERS.—The su.bseriber has now lon hind, and is daily receiving, from the mannfac. taxer" , a large assortment of Printer's Stock. B. W. Potter's Printar's Cards, from Na 1 to 7, Satin PorceLain Satin Enamelled, and colored. Card Bm.rds, in sheets ; !deanery's Celebrated colored Inks; Card Lay k. Bros. " News Varnish cad SiZ9 ; Colored Printing Papers : Pamphlet Cover Papers; Glaie3 and Plated Papero, red, green and yellow ; Steel Blue Gl , :tod Papers, and a largo assortment plain Note, Satter, 'Cap, cud Polo Post, blue and white. J. lt. WELDIN, 63 Wood street, near Fourth. - - IiOULD you ask me, should you AN k Ind I" 1..) Where to buy your Shoes and Gaiters Garrrossjor your :cot in springtime, Boors with heols, and - pretty BIIrICIN.3. Nice PrZXCII PLIPPrai for the rammer, Paterat Le - a:ller - Glore-1:31. - 516casins Where to briy-tlieso cheap rind good ie..): I should answar, I wOuid tell yea, Go onto the PEOPLES' BADS STORE. To -the ?plea' Cheap Shoe Store, To tke Store of - DiErENFAcumi, apl No. 17 Fifth street BEDPORD Snails! OAN_DIIS.7-- "_abores.i.o tta d sires, 4's b's and d' s, Spi•rro Condled On band and and for Laic by GAPS: 1300 bozez .1:ton Soap, in ID., 2 lb. and 3 lb, ban. s's° No. Pab: l-80 aPr ta, 25. i.ndT, 5. barn. Checaiall Olivo - Soap, in lb. 0N..) "Olitlf) 01116 " 25, 4 , " German caz 1,130 " 60. " Pare Palm Oa liar.d and icr Eale L•y -jail • Citi.M; . IIIDYFAL% CAI,P AN LCv 'OVEILSILO.ES, o•trered low; at "The Peoples' Storer Shoe ",:-. Filth street, near Market. • •• •••• DIFFZISBACIIER•