• VOLUME XVI. TSRUBC-11 POS P ri a4;• - •' every tr.c - rniry. ffunl.nwt ‘ 1..5.111.c0S P. P.A.R.8., T*l7 's !IT; Vllrr3 ET e. year, pa; able strictly In s .1 - re red 11 not la within t 3•••• :' , —.o. salo at the co: _ - ADVERT:J:3'Na. ' Once ai trues. 1: 1.7:y.1' •I a 'tt'D • .9, 75' ir.serti:4ls. ...I 1 09r ..... 1 wet.ta ..... 300 U.l i6O t u 7:1 7 - g.,'St 400 2 0.1 IGO 1 tios Cu :t 361 Lt, 1 6 7OG e.ci 60 226 ra ..... 900 L'..l] 460 300 or.P 3.1) C Cl' 5 00'Ls I"7e MODth3 / I (.9 7 ?Z., 600 0 col s.l mciaths ..... 1 . 2 0,, Cu 8 4 N.r.e 16 Dv; 10 35 e ecl 0 20 ai Tem , - ....... j 1,0 001 13 a 5 10 6f , B C t. c less, 00,rDt1=. 1 Att PL311%T.P...L.: .7 En cam, ceizimie.a C.! the pal (.0 rents:Lea:Ll Potreo.% S B SAT URDA. A 74.411111M0T11 EE Lk. D E JL.L,_ IN CLUES OP TEN agertpt INS ALL Political, Li. Oelegraphic and M. rr bsing of the L.57:22... rap , :::!, In large, cica. rider to :ice Lett': sails' Sin Pittsburgh. t. 4,0 wish to take a I.eper from 1 POST n safa and pro•itah Addrom, JATIVZ,S P. i 7 Editor and . Ls. P. 'gess- CD. 11 5 . rile IE ddi oh eri ME r a an cr El_ '1 ar j'..tt.'.r,tt. - .11 V.1 . 11:115 g - re..llD - e3, &C. for Cone. 1105. TILTSIL , ZESS I CARDS. FENBA' .3....a1tau , in all SHOES damca. L• F If tt , P r t RS for PsOi.. execc.•_-d. and all material always on . .bos. LiAmiLTON 15. 00., 7,1, of PER .11q1a.iti Al 7.0. is cacM roana , rniazoN. OP.N TEKODIPS - (!"SE PAINTERS, (...3.A.I.NEILS, N 0.136 3'ni itra c:,,,,ited with nentneas ee 0:1.. To. pontine, Varnish, Japr 61 Viiir. lentalgne - Lind:, a • asiplis, an 1 Pittsburgh White sal. V..- ;ire preparts.a. to gri' oihers. at the short zri.ids by steam Po ir ground wit • PITTSRURC-II MORNING POST. er ery tr.c-rniry. ( Hunl.nwt ) Ci 1," _k sP. 132111.13., - c . .pwoon &,\D DLY73 ..• 7 , ra73l,l4.ltrictly in advance not viicl crithln :ha ycar. ealo at the counter in - Thriez I T.m:csi 01,7 rn ''' 3 "Y'jcs eszie.l a it,tekl €7TtiP, DULLIP. I'ga YEAR, ff.o Subgeriptfamie, - - f)3 par cammue.m. CONTAINS ALL TIIE CURRENT NEWS Gi"rfff. DIY., Lltersry, Avicultzral, Commer Cr,a; T,ocal, Telegraphic and Miscellancone. This b.-Mg of the =s^ i 2? LIU, and neatly priute co to white rar..- , !,111 large, okar type, will be fond by er.l;,cri:::cr to ?ice Lett': aoliefectiop than any paper 411,13htl in Pittelrargh. The'ae wieli to t.ke a I.sper from Pittabargh, will find ATuT..n.s.Y POET a eat, and proe:table investment. JATIILSS BAUR, Editor and Pro- rleier 11.3-IFIR itlYEng , HOOK AND JOB OFFICE, Po .sa• Bt lI.,DINC3S, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBIJRG-H. T AE undersigned having made extensive additions of tI,P LATEST AND RAND,tuMEST STYLE TYPE, and improved Mad,inery,to fiat, MORNING POST JOB OFFICE, invite ty a ttention of Rail Read O.lcor ferrlar.ts, brifdOcae atcu, and the public generally, to their t.perior extvctlng dispatch, on raaaonabla ems, ail hindi RAIL TIOAID, KFARCARITILE, L ,GAL, AND Vi72.,.. ^ .Y DEsolatwao:i OF PLAIN & FANCY PRINTING `...0 .-- "Or.r 711E+1.6:i-11 being nearly all uew, we can give msa ance of the nwal cnrnplete datlsfaction, an-3 b&heit orders BOONE, PANIPLILETS, RAIL ROAD BILLS AND CARD;!, BANE 71BECE.S, BLANK NOTES, LI - TE,R. HEADS, BILL HEADS, BILLS LADING, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, PAPER BOOKS', DEEDS, MORTGAGES, BONDS, 4c. "it?. t:iLlor will also La pold to tho printing of Poston, Pr:,g - nntmea, to. for Cxacerta, Exhibitiono and OirCllsn9. BALER MYERS. The geople s s tie Store. D. S. DIEFFENBACRER &CO., Ob.r.tap Clint, Dfalsza in all 'ziain or Sashions.ble ENTS, SHOES AND GMTERS, Per Gcntivsca, Ladiea, icaths and Glandran, Flo. 17 Fifth Strett, near 11larIzet, , c g PITTSBURGH, PA. 3 Z. rtar,l7.l s•-.1111./07.3:313031 B. 6. JOH=OI3 'PERRIN JOHNSON, Prepriblora Childa ratent Elastic Fire an Water Proof Cement licolizag. 133 TLITED STELRET, ( - I A RDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith _l- folly execr.',d. and all our war.: warranted. niatcirtal 41wa s co hand, nt.d is with di rcct ionn for Lzsa. • c3ptly EN; GINEEFIS AND MACHINISTS, ko . e. and Li:Jelly .ttret-it, Pfitslnirgh, (. 1 U PF,IiIOII STEAM ENGINES for Grist Is) -.A 'Jaw 1'4111E., Pretceriot, trinttng Ettablishment3, t.:: - ..ail.tettrtiet, ere.. ntadh to ofct• - .r. :.so contin..ie the tr...nufa.Attro of their Celebrav,l Toule, such as l'tti - utag Lathes Iron Planers, Boring an I Drilling ,Niachines, ttc. Alto, Wrought la Shafting, rith Pulleys, Ilangerb, JOUN TEKOMPSOIV 4% CO., I!TSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND r e 'I.A.INEELS, `f bird ncrest. SIGN PAlNT itra c:,..,itea with nentnezu and do,pctcti. kfizted Paints, Tt,.pantine, Varni2h, Japan and tugli:th Patent Dry e, Vd!:. Inagdgue Zack, a very impeidor artldle; Phila nelpbm alll Pittsburgh White Lead alwaya on hand and for cab..- are pre pared to grind colors for Painters, Drug ,,hera. at the shortest notice, a 3 we have a Mill steam Pointers will nave money by gat - • th. it colors ground w.th tl3. Luirhay GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, T. IIANUFACTURER,S PRICES HYDROMETERS or a~•i~Zhing epinta, the Chr,avvit eud best articles ever L to albs city. PIIF.II.I:IOS.II.ITERS AND DAROURTERS, varying. in price from $8 to $3O each. POCKET COMPASSES, 4Ni) E 0 ' S COMPASSES, ivieJa CI) nod at G. E. MAWS, Pr,:a.2i,x2 Optic-L:lz, ES Writ greet. 64.3 oppr,gt.e 31aaunic 11311. El'. C. & S_4,l7l(Eit, ihuloreeTtLia=9 L Ali L.) OIL, C NDLES, PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS fi o. 1-7 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- , 'Me Lao of HAWORTH BRO. & BROWNLEE was, on ti.. .;f May, ISSB, dissolved by Lunn:lel consent, by the ~1 of JELIU HAWORTH from the above flrr.2 Toe •or.s of the byte firm will be settled by HAWORTH A JEHU HAWORTII, In withdrawing from tha above firm, kindly thanks his former patrons and also the patrons u. th 3 late firth, for the very liberal patronage he has r— reivc,:l., and wonid kinUlyremmmend them to his fraCC.S.93OZEI, LTAY:O!:.T. ti & iROWNLEE, as they are delermined to sell r..tures, kocing a very largo ossortmeat of CHEAP GE OCE-R1 ES, IV INES and LIQUORS on hand. iinTO HAWORTH. D i VID HAWORTH and J.,t1.9 BROWNLEE d-ty r...l3ort.ted together, and gill continue on the th OLD STLND, earner Dlamand mut Dl3- ^I: . 7 . , Under the style of lIA,WC,RTH ti BROWNLEE, v7ll' tn 11 - .po :•recwive that pittronage 90111 '3e•ralt given 7r/I, 111 they ere determined ta.9ell CHEAPER . .qc,re in the city. kuvlB tailicce off Sealer of We!ghts and Measures. 1777 1 7 ,t iFFICE 01" THE UNDERSIGNED, LER OF 'WEIGHTS AND UWASPRES, iu Cherry &Rey, betvoack Third where orders may be left... CHARLES BARNETT. LELVEN'S Elv.s.zic Steel Pens just . cticod, and for sale at the Stationery Store, Noz. Si. 33 and 35 Market street. ALMANAC FOR 12359. aellanown and wprilar annual, formerly pub nston L Stockton, to a lapte of -years, will Vat) circulation+ as formerly will skillful mathematician, Sanford• 0. Bill, prev.ara fir its pages such reading mit. .atertr.ining and instructive maga :table al trc,noratcal CaiallAtiOn3, a new Can; an accurate method of drawing 'ter matters of permanent value will . ' . ' ....• ' .- • , .•,. i . . , • ' • ~., . ~,,.., l• ...,,,: . . , . . . • * : ~.: i, I • .- . „. $ 1 1 - M - . •••'. , -.i- t 4 4 l ''' ,, .. '4l ~,. - X. , " D. -' -;',,. . • t '7l : , .'0 • ... • 4. - .' . ';.,, - - I , ' '. '." .''' ' '''. • k: ' F. . 7- •,, -••i . ' • ',. '' ', „„: . ' ll , ". ~• ~..„: , . ..,, „.., ~.., ~,.'1: - '''' - . ... ~. ~ •• ... ~ .. ~... , . --42 , '.-.3 ' •. kl ''. • .' !.. - A 4 _ I) N 44•• •• .11 ~ ' •:: - '4.- S :- "...A , '' • •i • '. - • - ' ,_ !. .: : : •s, ! - ; --r ~:- • 300 ..... , ... .....i,04 - . „.$.••• 1 : -- . .... , ~ • ~ . .._, . ... 1w 6 J 60 00 4 GO 6 00 0 LO 604 1:2 00 10 GO •as, (cur:. Y POST DEISM nd other deafen are izolielted fa ant nee edition will be printed, - irding to prfority. a. JOHNSTON & CO.. ni, and B3ar3t Boot ALskai, oe superfine for saki JAS: N. Plank - 1 ►aarket and Sirat ete. for sigebi_ tuRLIgHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE " POST BUILDINGS," CORNER O WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS ; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM: INSURANCE. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE COIIPANY, At ATHENS, `BRADFORD' COUNTY, PA., Jan.l, 1858; as presented to the Stockholders, and made oat in compllimce with the State Laws of Now York, Ohio, Indiana, nitnoss, /to. srammts . r. The namo of the Company is tho FARMERS' TINTONO - COMPANY, located at Athena, Pa. ' Chartered April 13.1853, by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Charter Perpetual. Cash Capital, which to all paid up - 3arplMl in addition thereto A 513558. Fifty-fear Bonds and Mortgages, at six and seven cent. interest, amounting In the aggregate t0...5152,316 Which mortgages are or valua ble and productive real estate, principally farms, recorded and first liens, worth generally double the amount and more than mort- F...xed for in each case, and in no rasa less than fifty 11 cent more, exclusive of farm -buildings, and em certified by the -Recorders, w net e recorded, to thesnd tore of the States of Ohio and Illinois. Nineteen six "0 cent. lifide amply secured. 47,6E3 00 Cash on hand and in Bank. 6,449 Cash in hands of Agents, and iu course of transmission, secured by bonds with sureties Due on lasses re-Insured, /cc Bills receivable, via: promissory notes payable at bank and to the Oompany....— Interest warned, (principally dna JEttillar3 , 1,1858,). isle and office Fixtures and Fus ni tura utoour. POE 114 ma 1857. Amount, of Premiums received during the year $ 85,231 SO Anit interest received during the year 11,442 05 Ain't received from all other sources 2,480 00 EXPINDITIMIJ. Expenses for the year, including commissiens, aalaries, rents, rein surance, printing, advertising, taxes. and all other expenses $ 19,129 GO Dividends paid during the year...... 17,000 OJ Losses paid, which occurred prior to December 81, 1856 Losses paid which occurred during the year 46,5 el L 4 Losaei adjusted and not due (tlince paki) $ 12,500 PO Loaeee incurrdti •nd in proc.3se of atiinstruenh Loewe reported,on which uo action has been taken Losses rralstnd, on ground of insur ance after fire, property trunifer red before loss, property lost not covered by the Polley, Etc-. • $ 59,407 90 Whole amen tof risks taken daring the year.. 55,429,802 00 Whole amount of risk at 4,661,440 00 Ot PENNSYL7ASLt, COUNTY Or BBAIROaII, SI. C. N. Ship - man, President, and J. B. Canfield, Secretary of the Parl:l2re Anion Insurance Company, • being severally duly sworn, depose and nay, and each far bin Pelf nays, that the foregoing is a true, fall and correct statement of the affairs of said corporstieu, and that they are the above de scribed otters thereof C. N. S'fll'.ll.A.N, President. J. E. CANFTE'LD, Becrotary. Subs , rihed and SW6rl.l tnt , , thim 251,11 day of Janu ary. 1S&8, U. C. BAIRD, Jnatica of the Peace. T. J. HUNTER., agent, No. 4X) Watrr etreot, Pittsburgh.. FlitE INSURANUE9 BY THE Reliance Mutual Insurance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA Oil BLILDINOS, LIMITED OE PERPETUAL, IdERCUAti- DIKE, FITRIUTURE, 50., IN TOWN OR 00IINTRY. No. 308 Walnut street. Cll-'ITAL, 113177,9'26 ASSETS, ef882,186 00. I mre!tod ao follows, viz Mortgage nn Improved City Property, worth doable .ne amount $120,200 00 Pennsylvania 114.1. Irani 0028 6 per cent. M ortgago Loan, $lO,OOO cost 20,600 00 Ali:ghetto - County 0 per cent. Penn'a S.IL Loan. 10,000 00 Pennsylvania ltailroa.d Co.'s Stook 4,000 00 Mock of the Reliance Mutual I.ner.rance Co 19,150 00 6tock of County Fire Insurance Co . 1,060 00 Dcrip of Sundry Immrance Companies....-....-... 476 00 131113 Receive de, businesa psper 6'4711 60 Book Acammta, accrued interest, etc 8,336 1D Cooh on Land and in Bank 16,00 20 $4'42,4•15 89 CLEM TINGLEY, Prez'ldent. DDUCTIgia. Clem Tingley, Wlllirm R. Thompson, David 8 Brown, Cornelius Stevenson, John R. Worrell, H. L. Carson, Robert Toland, Hoses Johnson, Charles S. Wood, James B. Woodward, i e r 9 B. J. mr3 Northeast oo PISILEART COMPANY, Plelladetplan.. vc.d. V. P EMT, Prtr:der..t. D. J. M'CANII, Szrretzry. Anl. - :rakt of Capital Stock paid in and invoetol...s2oo,ooo 00 Sil;plas 133,42 S in STAI'2B 8.5 • lantes Cargo Maks calla: , 0i ,la and Rivers wad tributaries. Ir.bmres sg - singt lads or damage by Fire, Ala°, against the the Paa r.nd Inland Islay igatinn Ml= Writ. Y. Pbttit., J. C. rluntgomel . ‘ , n Pamroy, B. J. Idcua,n, R. P. Wirx , r, B. L. Woolston, J...Ln. A. :11,..,31, - .11, Otv...s. B. Wright, John J. Pattorsou, Elvgarl T. 1:0.5 , 'Y • or P10!119' V,T1LL.7.....% V. 4.1,...1471 E. F. WITM2R. Yut I'l , 2st:cif D. J. 1110:JANN, 5.,-creary. krr2P.3ritcri. • In Phi/ode/pi/fa': j i';ii!..l.lflphici: Seiger, Lamb h C)., htt Inmity Justice b. Co., Truitt, Bra. h Co., I Buck, Morgan & Btidfole, A. T. Late .k Cu, rtiairoy, Caldwell A Co. . P1'17..8U8.a1l OFFICE. NO, b 7 Wk - i. ER ATBRET. ap9 E. W. POI • Agont. WEST BRANCO TUTU/IL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOOK HAVEN, CLINTON COILYTY. CHARTBRED BY THE LECUBLATIIIIS OP PitaNSYLVANLA. cb,d, Ccueit . al $300,000 I Premium Notes-4132,843. THIS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON Balding, liaerckindine, Furniture, It., in town or DIPLICTOE.S Hon.Jrc. J. Pearce, Hop. G. 0. Hervey, I harles A. Mayer, .b.,Lai B. Hall, 'Charles Crict, I Peter Diekinson, T. T. Abrams, ID IL. W. Vit.11.., Thomas IC Iveen. BON. U. C. HARVEY, President. T. T. AnnA.SiS, Vice President. Thee. PLITeHIN, eecrrtary. usrialitiCES: - . Samuel IL Lloyd, Dr. .1. 8. Crawford, A. A. Winegarduer, John 'O. Maynard, A. Updegraff, L. A. Mackey, Hon. d Cameron, Jame, Armstrong, A. White, Tho 3. Bowman D.D, William Fearon, James Qaiggle, Wm. Vended:elf, Hon. Win. Bigler, OFFICN—NO. 65 FLFIII dritELT, dreraliglian delLitf J. A. LIPPDHT, Agent. TIRE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE 0011PANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. Dinscron.s—Charles W. Etancter,men Hart, Tobias Wagner,Samuel Grant, Jacob R. Sidth, Geo: W. Richard% Uordoc?i D. Lnnrin, Adolph! B. aria, David B:Drown/S i Wm , vie Patterson. Ones. H. DA.Refiln, President. Hass. G. .13.s.antrga l Secretary. Oontinneto make insurance, perpetual or Welted, on ev'Sry deguiption of property, id town and coontry, at rates as row as are consistent - with security. The C...lnpany have Me' rve4 a large - Contingent Fund, Ihich,with their capital and premium's, safely Invested, aff• ford ample protect:lcm to the essayed. tissue' the'Compeny, on January let, 1881 , ea nab. Hebei egre. - ,,ably to an Act of Aver:ably, were as follows, viz: kh.rt„...-togo t 918,19 8 63 1 . 6 , n1 Estate - 8.4817 78 Temporary Loans... .... . ............... 83,988 17 .... . el,BBB 01 t.L:di, 6480 81 ..... .$1 33 2%788 . 44 iA tine their incorp,ratiaa, ~t. t wentrone years, they have paw ~t oon Million dour dundriid Thou nand Pollara,l 4.0.1 I,y Mc, thereby nitorkillor eildenoe of the t,,..ivantagcs et tnourao...-, thd ability and dtapoeitien C. meet with promptn-9a ail .1. OA is.Dl/4 Lis OA PIN, Agent, DOU no7t?'-,,st 04.1 - Wo.l end Third eta WESTERN' iNSURANct. COMPANY OF P.Miiil.' URA - a H. OBOB.GE DAIIELY., i reridenti 2. M. ilonuou, Secretary. Oman No. S 2 Water street, (clung 6 Co'a Warehoue?,) up atalia, Pittaburgh. Will hisnre against With:WS of iv:l. an - '..ii ARINS MIMS. A Home Instittitio'n, rasnaced by lill'act r, whb are well known In' tho community, aid who i.re deti-rmined, by promptness !and Aiberatity, to maintain the ,haracter which they have swam as ottaing the best protection to thou A id, who &Wirt+ to be =wed: SHTS, oaroßEa Mat, 1.857 Stock Aotuts;-• .- .ate Sale, Mos Open Aaa.-tsnta r . Premium ...... Bills Discaantad, ....... George Darsio, J. W. Battar, James r•lrAttley, _Andrew ale Natlianlgl /C Adl b mca, 'Bl&at.'dni k.. 94 1001,00.--300011 ii Creintiry::lisofor sale .5/ to vase Mt 9, usws 400, .$ 200,000 00 .. 63,485 61 t _LI,4P 6 61 18,781. +3) 7,336 Ll 1 19 48 $ 253,485 61 $99,153 35 $90,435 6d 1_2,100 00 Samuel Bisphom, Robert Steen, William Messer, g en iq-nin W. Tingley, tAttrehell Hill, Z. Lothrop, Charles Leland, .lacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, Wm. M. Semple, PittaVg . HINOHMAN, Secretary. iINEts COFFIN, Agent, ar Third and Wood 6troaa. $121,500 Gil 2,160 00 4,161 67 240 00 9,478 04. 14,841;46. 40,248 69 ...... 125,003 78 $817,841 78 Dins Mons Millar, Jr, George W. Jackson, Wm. , - Alexander - NlmPy - P. ai 'IO*DW :Li _-.Nactaiit.,tv; INSURANCE. PIRTSBURGIE LIFE. FIRE '^'D MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. ITO. 9e WATER STREET, PITTE9BITUGH, PA. ROBERT GALWAY, President. AUX. BRADialt, IriCo Provident. F... Rnvma.nr .Becrotary. +tarn& Company =lkea 432017thenuancs appertaining to cr connected with LITE RISKS. Atm, against HULL AND OARGO RIBES on the Ohio end Mississippi Risers and tributaris, and MARINE RISES gonnrally. A^.(i against Lose and Damage by Fire, and agath it th - ?nab of the Bea and Inland Navigation and Transport:Lin n. Bollctes ined st the lowest rates ecnatitent with safety to ell pectins. DULICITOIIB. a-obert Galway, Eiamtial hi'Oltukan. Joseph P:Gaz:Am, id. D., Jahn Scott, iCII3IOB Idassheal, David Richey, Janes W. Hallman, Charles Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Joseph'S. Leech, Jahn Fullerton, N. F. Hart, David H. Ohansketa, itolrrort H. Httriloy, William Garr. Jao. Mcflill. 5025 CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTBBIIIIGH. WILLIAM BAGALEY, Preildwit. BAIdIJEL L. MAID3EICELL, Ficdretary. 0.2 e/ E: 94 Wata sir c 4, be-twc= Itarkel and Wood era..., Anrlnsnree MILL AND GAWK) RI3IIB, on the Ohio and dlisabisippi Rivers and tributaries. Insures against Loss or Damage by Also r agallust the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Tranipertatten. Dial:lo7oßa William Daguley, Capt. Alark . St.nling, Partial Rea, Samuel M. liter, Juaall4i. Cooper,. John B. Dilworth, James Park, Jr., PL1112.1i9 Salient, haat !I:Pennock. William 13.1 lays. •Bpringer Harbangh, John Shipton, Capt. !atonal O. Young, Walter Bryant, John Caldwell. Jam PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, !to. 149 Chesnut El tweet, Oppssite the Custom tiOnSe. WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU RANCE, either Perpetual or Limited, on ev