VOLUME XVI. 11ZZE.....m...-...;................-.. PITTSRURGR HORNING POST. P ri '-'.'. g. , .: , .'":s;;`i.: , errr:. , ,nr -, rni ,- 4,... Etel,taln exv.pir. i) , f; 71 ,1,1 .7.2 2..5 P. Ofilta, E.?: TT... :.7.72'.! - -7. r ,, r cop.XV: Cr rl'OGn AIM arras creams, - ...:.f...--1 . .x0 T . ell:ars a ye.ir, I, , ,l7.s.6dr.srrictly in advanr.6 .:.;., 'Li 1,..., !: - /7.: - litly rc..i....rcd if not raid within the year. ..-s- . ...,,,,:ls. c , :m., Tl7o Ccr.'s—for :..ale at the counter In - :Tx:. and I , y the News D'le. BATES OF ADVERTISING. I ~ _ r ,. ,' TA - ri.:: TE'sl Once c. , In Iflkil. ' l '' . " 2-11.7j3 ' !'"'"'"` , ;'lo, 17f.e."i! I 3 trietk I tce-i.:. i •gar.. , -.r. . One inzernot...- 1 fio , 51 . ra-oinsortent....- ~.; 75 i ..... .... 1 ...,_„,..: . . IL Tares inazrtiona- ....1 1 o'3l i -00 car1e'vri0k........... ....#.l Z 5 1 to .Tro wr.-ekn.-...... ... 300 I: bb 160 1 o.' 75 11.` 1 ,r.:0 re'.q.Z2 ...... ....... 400 2ES, Q 2 Co 1 -., 100 Oac rueath..........,... 500 2 351 fio 1 si - , 1 6 .T. 70 71.-Ord.l-'ll ........ 7 051 .T. Cu. LC, 2 .. ..131 2 rA } Tir:ce mtntl...3 ....... ...I 9 03, C ,-', o CO , ::: CU: a Cd . . 5 '; ,, i . ' 2,5 nt1 1 .1.......,...1 to 00l c c.j 5 ail 5 3.5. Ire ili7o m0uth5.......,....! II a 7 P. 51 1 6JI I c5l 650 !.:1-‘,l months l l o_ CP 800 5 eel .1 el 060 r_m .qine mra , -.. ........ ..I 10 GO 10 3F., 8 t)01 63; 500 (Yr.o ytar• - • , .) (.-a 00 ""', 10 Gal 0 6f ,1 12 00 ~..,01 !Ts:ailing Card, E.'• linc.r. cr Ir=a, per aiinnm..... ..... .... 10 00 :li A , rISLEII7 44 112A500 5: Ont. r.10r..r. - 2, per annain, iczclnelve ol the pain r,) ...... II 00 Marriage notic. l / 4 .... 10 rents ; Death netioes. 05 canto. PITTSBURGH SATURDAY POST ,A NIA 11111070. W2EIrt„LV. Cri - T , . - Eir ONE DOLLAR ,PER VE4II, ON CLUBS OF TEN. Si m tosubscriptions, - - - ez per uraitrtna. cONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS 03 THE DAY, Political, Lit:rely, Agricultural, Cenumer c'a', Local, Telographie and Misetallaneons. This Paper 'acing of thel.Attelar..f SY.a, and neatly prints DC Sae white r.p.pax, In large, cle.ar type, will be found by the EnbEcriber to give bettor &lei:action than any paper punliiihes!. in .Pitt-51 - argh. Those who wish to it-be a pope: front Ilittsl,nrgh, will find t he SATURDAY POST a sofa and proLt.able invc..3int. Addrero, Jr11.111.11:S P. BARER, ecpl7 Editor and Pro rioter. is. P. ti&tia. co. 4. arras BARR& IR V E HS) BOOR AliD JOB 0E71:0E 9 PC;FE-r , nt.7=,,,D1.1.7G-0.., ( I ,orntlr of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH, TRE. undersigned - having made extensive 1. additions of the LATEST AND 11A_,NDSOMEET ET.TETI P TYPE, and Improved Machinery, to the MORNING POST JOB OFFICE, invite tlic , ii iteration of Rail Road Officer h i en:halite, traaincs3 nr r -' 2 , and the public generally, to their parlor facilities for emeonting with dispatch, on reasonable cams, all ,tid.-.3 of RAIL ROAD, Fvf . ERCANTILE, .I_, E G' A .1. , A..ND EV - tilIV OTI - Dt2. DESCRIPTION OF .1)LA.. 7 1.1.N .11-, FANCY PRINTING :. -Cur Matctil being nearly all new,. we can glee aeon ' slice of the mos-. templets f,stisfa:tien, and solicit orders Cr 007 S, PAMPHLETS, RA_TI, BOAT) BILLS AND CARDS, ;BANK IEIRCES, BLANK NOTES, ' Li - TER 11.1.'AD2, BILL HEADS, H . l.i.aS LADING, CMCULARS, EUSDTESS CARDS, PAPER DOORS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, BONDS, Ac. tiii - ^ Particular Esti.i.nli3n will riiio 1,3 paid to the printing Of Posters, Prone - a:mos, As. far Concerts, E=Dibitions and Oh - - ate. BARB 4 MYERS. ..... ___ BUSINESS CARDS. - Me Peor.!e's Shoe Mara. D. S. DF.KFFENBACH.ER &CO.,' Cheap Cash libalcre in all kinds or Fashionable BOOTS, SHOES -IND GAITEitS, For Gentlemen, Drabs, Youths and Children, an. 17 Fifth Street, near Market, ocia PITTSBURGH, PA. t G. rrr.lllll ......... .......Wr... r0.7...450'. B. a. JOIIIMON PERRIN ,',.!. JOHNSON, Preprietors of Childs & Co.'s f - aterst Elastic Fire and Water Proof Cement Roofing. • 133 THIP.D STREET. 6 1. - ).,RDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith c.s fully ezectted, and all our work warranted. LciAng material always ca hand, end for sale, with di re..-nlins for r.th. _ fx , P 2 : l 9 JOS. R. 0..A11111.T0N do CO., ENSMINEEE. 2 _S AND MACHINISTS ; cr,r,-..e., rf Fire cod Liberty strata, PettsbtrYgh, Pa. QUPERIOR STEAM ENGINES for Grist 1„,.)* and Saw Mills, Breweries, Printing Establithrsents, Manufactories, 4.57.., made to order. They also continue the tnanr.facture or their Celebrated Machinists' Tools, such as Turning Lathe; Iron Planers, Bentig and Drilling Machines, sc. Mia, Wrought Iron - Shafttng, with Prihiys, Hangers. Lez. 4c. JaSalid fool' , TilnirSON. E.Carlt.i THOliPseN.... ....... a. 0. lIILLts, JOHN TEIOIIPSON Si. CO., HOUSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND GRAINERS, No. 135 Third street. 6./13N PAINT ING executed with neatness and &snatch. Mixed Paints, Oils To:l.Atitine, Varnish, Japan and English Patent Dry ers, Viii, Aontalgaae Zinck, a very superior article; Phila delphia u.. 1 Pittsburgh White Lead always on hand and for sale,. W-.: .ire prepared to grind colors fer Painters, Dreg &s :, er others, at the sbertott notice, as eve have a Mill wrioh zri...ds by steam Painters will ears money by got tie- t': ;r colors ground with us. s, tmrrely -. (-7'• - ; . - : --7- - -•`.- ..---.(-..7._..... ~~, a GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, ft.'7o BIA.IiIIPACTURER , S PRICES. lIVD o MITE RS spiritp, the cheapc'it and teat articlea ever Lrcught to thin tits. TILERMOMET.EIII.3 AND 1:.&110 - NIETE1.1.., !crying in price from $5 e, $3O each. rOCILET gomr.A.ssEs, AND SURVEYOR'S COMPASSES, Isv. on hand at G. N. SHAW'S, Optiaian, 58 Fifth S.:reet. 6e2s oppasit , a MaaontoJAlL S. C. EL SAVVVER, igirmace 07 LARD OIL, CANDLES, - PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS No. 47 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- The Erni of UAWOItTIf BROWN:LET was, on. the Ziti of Ilay, 14.58, dissolved by mutual consent, by the withd - T..mi of J.Efili W111:1T'3 from the above firm. ots of the bte firm will be settled by fIAWORTE J Z.ll . CI gAwciRTH, in withcL-a-aing from the above tiro, iadly thanks his farmer patrons and also the patrons the We firm, tar the very liberal patronage he has rc ceived, nal -would tinctlyrexammer.d them to his of:cot-seer P, SBOWNLEF, as they are determined to sell at baw fig era, having n very large aziortment of CIHMAP GEOCERTES, WINES and LIQUORS on hand. JERU HAWORTH. DaYID EAWORTH end JAKES BROV - tv MEE Lave thi -1 day es3ociated together, and Will continue On the qt tho OLD STAND, corner of Diamond and Dia raorA .! I c7, under the style of HAWORT/1 & BROWNixr, tniooE4Co that patronage so Ifbivall given a. 3 they are dutermined to sell - CELEADRfi a - v. 7; a,:,- otner Store city. ' myla ol Eealer of Weights and illeasurem. 'TIRE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, .cFiLEt OF WEIGHTS AED 2fEABUBES, . _ fday be 'found henceforth, In Cherry- alloy, betAcK , n Third en .I ?cut CI :Arcata, Where orders may be left. xnrlnif - CHARLES BAR NETT. cj - S. -RAVEN'S Elastic. Steel Pens just 0 . 1 - coeval, ar.d for Eat, at the stationery Store, Nos. 81. SS and 35 Market dreet. THE FRANKLIN ALMANAC FOR 1859. —This well-known and popular annual, formerly pub tithed by Johnston E Stockton, attar a lapse of years, will again rhortly be issued. The circulation as formerly will bc made by t .o skillful mathematician ' Sanford O. EUll;* Esq., alto still also prepare fir its pages such reading mat ter as willAnalt,•. it an entertaining and instructive maga rine. I . :Whits the reliable astronomical calculations, a new and ingenious table of time, on =orate method of drawing meridiall lines, and other matters of permanent value will be added. Orders of book-telleis and other dealers are solicited in advance of publication, as but one edition will be printed, end orders will he filletlaccordlng to priority. WM G. .TOIINEPON & 00, Publighors, Priateo, Stationers, ..and piaqk Book &7 Wood street, Pittzburgh - •. Je22 • - FLOUR. -40 bbls. choice superfine for sale L 7 JAS. A. FETZER, Conacr Market and Mod•its. bbtg. ig I for tekt art _ .10161SiMe• Et a • - c j e k, s * : " " ai • 7. - $. ;!..? -4 • t • / 3 PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE / 4 POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM: INSURANCE. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE CODIPANY f At ATETENS, BEADDRn.couwx-r, PA.,../en. 4 1858, as presented to the Stockholdere, and made out In compliance with the State Live of NeW Yo r k ;'Ottio, Indiana, Illinois, dm. The name of the Company is the F.iftlifra.P.S l UNION IN. BIIRANCE COMPANY, located at Athena, Pa. Chartered April 13. 1553, by the Ledslattire of Pennsylvania. Charter Perpetual. Cash Capital, which is all paid up 4 200,000 00 Surplus In addition thereto 53,485 61 AgSZTIS. Fifty-four Bends and Mortgage!, at Oil and seven it cent. interest, amounting in the aggregate t0...5152,315 00 Which mortgagee are or valua ble and prode.ctive real estate, principally farms, recorded and drat liens, worth generally double the amount and more than mort g.,e.ccd for in each case, and In no ca,e , leas than fifty cent. more, cidll.9lVl3 of farm buildings, and co certified by the Recorders, where recorded, to the aud tors of the statea of Ohlo and Illinois. Nineteen six Vt cent. Bonds amply secured. 47,685 00 Cash on hand and in Bank 6,449 12 Cash in hands of Agents, and in course of transmission, kocnred by bonds with ...... . 18,761 n 3 Due on 10eldea re-insured, Ac 7,830 61 Bills receivable, viz: promissory Lass payable at bank and to the Company 8.240 82 Interest accrued, (principally due Januar) 1, 1858,) 1 19 40 Safe and office Fixtures and Furni ture 600 00 253,485 61 1140010 TEAR 1857. Amount cf Premiums received dating the year $ 85,251 30 Am't itttercrt rereived during the year............ 11,442 05 Am't received from all other eonrcee 2,450 00 EXPZIWITURX.4. El - pausea for the year, including conniselans, ealaries, mate, rein surance, printing, advertising, taxes and all other expeneea $ 19,199 66 Dividends pa d during tho year 17,640 GU Losses paid, which occurred prior to December 31, 1668 7,674 et Lomas par. whi, a occurred during the yr.2_ - 46,661 64 Lammas. mesa: adjusted end not due (sinco paid) $ 12,500 99 Lossm incurred and in process of adjustment 9.307 05 Losses reported, on which no action has been taken. Losses resisted, ou ground or insur ance after fire, property transfer red before loss, property lost not covered by the Polley, 12,100 00 --$ 39,407 99 Whole amen .t of risks taken during the year.45,4/9,862 00 Whole amount of risk at date, . 4,861,440 U 0 :..'T.4.1"9 OF PENISSYLVSNLL, COUNTY OF BILLDFOILD, C. N. Shipman, President, and J. E. Can deld, .Secretat y of the Farmers' Onion Insurance Company, being eeverally duly sworn, depose and say. and each for LIT self says, that the foregoing i 8 a true, . fell and correct statement of the affairs of said corporation, and that they are the above de scribed o' , cars thereof 0. N. 6' , IPAIA.I:, President. J. E. CaNFTELD, Secretary . Sobccrihed and sworn bet .re me, this 25th day of dean ery, 1858, Jl. C. P.A.I.ItD, Justice of the Peace. T. J. lIIINTER, /gent, ap17:1 . , N., Oil Water street, Pittsburgh. A_ ttE INSUR A NUE, Relialsco Mutual insurantee Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. ON BITILDINO9, LILIITBD On PREPETUAL, lIETIOIIAbi- DISE, FUR:I/TURD, &0., IN TOWN 08. COUNTRY. OfZee, moo. 308 Walnut street. CAI'ITAL, $177,926 .ASSETS, $289,463 139. Invested as follows, viz : Fir,t Mortgage on Improved City Property, worth double too amount $120,200 00 Penanylvania Railroad 00.'13 Oyer cent. Mortgage Loan, $30,000 coat 25,600 00 Allegheny Coonty 6 per cont. Paan'a IL E. Loan. 10000 00 Penni,ylvaula !railroad CO.'d Stoc° 4,00 u 00 ritock of the Reliance Mutual Insurance Co 19,150 00 Stock of County Fire Insurance Co 1,060 00 Scrip of Sundry Insurance Companlea... ....... 476 00 Eills Receive ge, business paper 62,711 60 Rook Acconute, accrued Interest, etc 3,335 19 Cach on hand and In Lank 18,043 20 Clem Tingley, William R. Thompson, David S Brown, Cornelius Btewsmson, John R. Worrell, 11. L. Carson, Robert Toland, John.on, Merles 2.. Wood, James S. Woodward, mz3 B. J. CAR mr3 North-oast cor. ilEiteliANTS' DISURANCE 0O PAN', Of Piiiiagielpiala. WM. V. PETTIT, President D. J. a - cANN, &a•'Qary. Am.:au t ST IN. 'NAL. EATING 13;01:8.3 IN A C'Z..TRAI. LOCATION!. Cr.crttry foils attc.ratiiirg rzr.r.rltet ero t.irticulariy Invitc,c: to call. Ev€rythlng p9rttrining 6.1.L00N will itiways La f...)tml, or the trcr.2l,o,:t the r; FdTrdia. 81.213:1y.14.-vir THE NITIONIL SILOoN Under liriceatew's Now National Theatre, PITTSBURGH, P A., D. BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, HAS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and comfortable style, the large centre sere in the tWU FELLOWS HALL, Fifth strea, al a FIRST CLASS RESTAPRANT and SALOuN. Having had many years' experience in the business, he is prepared to supply the beat the market affords. Hie Bar will be furnished at all times with the best Wines, Liquors and Alea The In trance I') tbi , Saloon, is in the oentre of the Hall, and reireahmente will be tarnished at all times, DAY and mom! (Sundaya excepted) apl4:l WISHINGTOA NOUSE, CUR. PENAPA AVENUE 4- THIRD ST., WASHINGTON, Y➢. U A. F. BEVERIDGE H. W. KANAGA. 0 T E. IL 9 Oppo•tt• tii• Pt5112M21.. Railroad Depot, HARRISBURG, PA. [J,IS 'WASHINGTON HOTEL, FORMERLY U. E. lIOTEI., PITTSBURGH, I'A. 'AXES SHANNON, P roprie to r. raIIIIS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON TT - 1E corner of Pi..NN and WASIIINOTOI4 Rtreots, bot Ween the OENTII.2J., AND WESTERN RAILROAD DEDOTB,and has undergone a thorough improvement, remodeled and furuished with new furniture,•and is now the most conve nient Hotel la' Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Railroad, Es3r or West. toyB.ly IVIANSION HOUSE, GEORGE APREN 14 PHOPZIITOR .No. 1 31-1 Liberty street', Just beside the Passenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which nesheri It the most convenient house In the city for passsngeraarrl ving bylhat road. ;{The proprietor having, et considerable erpense, fitted up, In excellent style, the MANSION HOUSE, would respect rally solicit a share of public patronage. There is , Cittachod a splendid KAI= and ortenSive 'WAGON'TAITD, afford ing ample accommodation to travelers and teamsters. His Larder and Bar will be furnished with the best the market can afford. fobEy GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. 4. ay Ini.E.TaillirD, MERCHANT TAILOR, Oornor of Fourth and Smithfield Streote, ESPECTFULT4Y ANNOUNCES THAT LW he has tec , -.lved We Spring Assort:l.mA of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, Of the newest styles , best quality sod'most elegant descrip• Clone, r.bich Is prepared to mat draatiare to order in the LATEST FASHIONS, 'dad with Inch a character of workmarahlp, ea casw to e ntiqy and please' the most festidione tastes, lalyl9 naPPUICott, Shorten 4E, P-iartion9 NO. 101 WOOD MEET, NEL:: S'IFTIi. ranks, Carpet OF TRUNKS, Va- Ikea, Eat and Bonnet Bores Ladies Traveling ranks, Carpet Bap, so. , keep canatsittly on bend a ler^e,„ stock. We are prepared to no a wholesale trade, and 4ay. ing facilities to ton out pod stock at reduced prices, c.:: mould incite the traria to reit and nvandrie ern. Irrro-;14 he. WINDSOR SHADES.—GoId bordered, Vain and fanny. elan, simile Trimmings, Ac., alvals on c.t and far eale cheap by d. d U. PHILLIPS, man 2d and 28 St Clslr strr.t.. DILL AND COLLBOTIO.N BOOKS-A 'large assortment alara) . s on hand, or made to order. W. S. HAVIIN; jel4 Corner Market and Second streetg A'` 'ER'S SEAL PAPERS Various 14 latea and colors eardya on hind, at W. & HAVRH'S, joist Oorner Market and Second eta. AFARM of 238 acres, near Economy, for sale by S. CIITHEIBB.T A 801; jyl7 51 Market diva. FRENCH LEMONS.-20 just received and for Gab by_MIRK & ANDSBSON, /9 23 No. 89 Wood street. griKamitv DRAWING PAPRR--In ro ILA for Engnivers, for cab:, by , J. EL WELDIN, RP W wn.4 •tr.mt. Cl Ulti - BANDS, Port Folios, Desk 'ads, VI Bankcr Om; Bon hEonalOs, and Pocket Books, for sale by_ B. HAVEN'S, .19 - •' • ' 'oo7lll3lqatatet tud Eocond streets. GUNN Y - SAO .-300 large three 'Nolte GSuipTY Baas, new and in geed order, for sale by JAB. FETZE4 my2o - Comer Pfret end Mertrof Remote. 1 11. for sc!te trir Qo ' (soft 241 n O lrliget 111411011,11i3:-) CIAESTNEM%--45 taneh; Italien!,!reettliad Ad this day, atlSFsnrijagfri 89 Wood stmt. WON, Pi Oilman Md. PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBEi 4. 1868 PROPRIIITZE SS BOOKS AND STATIONERY _ ROIiERT A. LOO7 -Ilk (suc:(34or a 'Horgan, STATIONER AND DNA Lak4 : 80011.11, Plat lODI CA LS AND Mann PERS, No. 41 Bifih str,l. Ditbibuigh, Po. t0026:1y Co-Partiaerat 5 la. T HE undersigned havo ante: cd iat Co. Partnnralitp, auger 13tylo 'Win. C. Johnston EAMITEL R. JOSINSTON, , W1.L. Q. JO SlFTteint , r 5,1857. 3. R. JOIINETC.II, JR •••• • ..... . WDf. •1. J.:l.•f.^.TnE O. .1101iNSTON & CO., CIT ATIONERS, Blank Book Manufilet urel A.„, and JOB PI:II.TMLS, No En' Third and Fourth, kittebuigh, TOBACCO AND ,EGAD'. NAT & I). RINEHART, TOBACCO. SLN OFF AND CIGARS Safety and rCt.3IIOIDAY fa Light. WIIY WILL YOU BURN OAMPIIENI: AND 'FLUID, you eat: g,,t a rhoqiiir and bet ter light.. Pore Kerosene Oil, wade from tato gas of CaLICel Coal, produces the cheapest, moat brilliant, steady, pleasant and safe portably light Lief offered to the public, and no danger et explosh,n ; more brilliant than gas; toad unite an cheap; Lenipa of the most simple and eesily 121111Z13f;01 For I 1. 0. _et G. EIODKINSON, I;uwart•....l a . ,ur.tttr , tit alre.vic in tho taark3t,siaoo from G.thlphone, w.th n II to scout it. fu27:ly COOKING BY GAS. A W o D T() THE J DI THE HEATED TERM IS APPROACH 11 , 70, and wa call the att.mttou Lad., ta fact that COOKING, IRONING, ETC., Can he done with economy, wit - hunt optzatsivo heat, with• oat coot, and with despatch—the fire ming always retry it, a moment—hy rising • MusgravePa aa.a tmo&ang To which we redpectially Invite - Foul alt. - 4fid..n, at No. Emithfleld ,iOIINIION A 13,7.0. CS. away and Oltylglata for ioala apl2:9m AVEILES S WOUTi. CoNFEcTit,b4 , 0 ONFECTION, o , r NitEUTION,OO:. T 1 u N 1 , 1 T 1 0 N TIUN, 0 T 10 N , C N C N , 0 0 N is N U 5' I / N , C u I) Ntub, CUN:YECii,IN The moat pkazaut, oafs and effttut.l ViJr,;/ is nee. Propan.d atld &old, wholt , aale arA rstal!, Ly ANOFI.L. a HAFT, Uur. Wood 1112(1 d:=:11 c. , Plastoargh, £‘l, And irold QT. CLIARLES LETERY STABLES.- ky The nadersigfied , ; „ 3 ti of the to- ",.tj,, gether with a purlieu th:. BtlrZli .1 dkrac...•3l-L,l r -, l„.ge3E, late Hioproporty of .James Mothowil, doeocieed. 111 , 1 1 0C , 'D belOrtl a.-ntioned, in, 1 a3hlani, - .41d6.` F Nau,:.,• ? ,.; ILNE odoct,wuri, lutin.,l) a.. PCS rhird. tidoo - War,: - , tr,•at 1.4 Zlvr'3 1119 parzon..l r . ebn bue.itie,,n, voLtiooart..: ~; tie hit rectlarl Boticited. 42•,u. N. 3 —A iIk:AILS r (RIW:1 a r , I r I .IIE CH i(`.l ;, sunp, fur:tint, fors, r•• it ~. ^ J. t 3. Btrwysr, • irfus L. profs ftittd. rEr offtfr...i f. family c 4•4.. Ica 40 VIITI e It 19 CI•l11 , 1" t" uoo. nun pout d . t. • -,a .1 , • .! fa. salmon Poo:E.. 3.i. Hos; - 4 • I '444 4 - , ~.,.!d to working tt fist. thin Soap to at. At:S. :id. 1,1 r is waohing C6lll 0.. Ifs u y thl the CI, !1,3 will reqtnro if oily rabid Elj, AV 41d1uu theft wsor on the watilsboaid.. •11.11. S: allot; Ike tiv•iies is untiect.dattry hi...if this Soap la rithoi, sod hard e salt. wazsr arts wero (tiffany no well ui soft. sth. Print-r, Slluhiaiots, Painters land °tilers, find it far onporiar P, otrs, flrsodily moves growls, tar, paint, printer;' ad: and dii Iran, Li, hands, leaving the t.ado colt, and ff .!t• irsto ohapping. Ti avoid ant Ifi bra" rnl.l.lng tho .d...throft, acid the nos ill the wash Laaard, tht.f..flowirift dirstal..da al s d l id be followed For the wmhing of tight or ton of ti family, take out, pound of Fa:lp, c;:t. it Into shavir,-, and diaaolve in one gallon of hot water; nut ta, clot! into a tub c e ntm e t i ., 4 about ten gallorri of wartn watei ; pour In the disc )t?td Ecap, and stir thoroLgitiy. tt ot:. noel twenty to thirty rninuteli, wriny• oat. and tiiath it, tlrnl water once, told rater t•tv!c; , , A toy dirty wrl , i-baod, ur r! , •atn, or greme spot:), tony require 'n alight .noinog. but othr,wiae the clothes will c.ale out chat and wittout rubbing er boiling,. Cold water mr,y t. • at -,1 bot, about double tiro° la coalitilLg. rrir Oteerro Our nunin ou orn•ti ha' 9alit, in any cit.M.nt]ty, at our wt,rellocust., No. 47 Wood Etret,t, Hud ISt our works, tt , o Hound llowio, Penn ey iNauta av:nua. 11 J, N. o AtV l / 4 P!:, ap2l No. 47 lti oc i et rent. Due - K WHEAT FLOW-L-20 sacki Buck- Up %heat Rota, 60 'to sacka, he.t received and for ..3ale WAN E: , B, N. 9 d Wl., 167.0 Corner n'rod and `"'mar etreatk I LOUR.—'2S bbls. SAlDertir.o ree,3ietAl AL: and for onlo ty kicOAAILL:It!, atiSi. Y:1 a (X)., fet7.3 Corner Wcon ind Warr strenta. EMIGRANT RIFLES.—•A moat decirable and cheap weapon, at liUWh 5 TxTLEY's, F - r. t 4.9 Wn,l etrne LARD. -A prime ;Lrticlo ot' .No. 1 Lard, in barrala and kept, J aat rezoived and for bah, by AIcOANDI.I,66, MICA:O et CO , 1423 Corner of iAmd and Water atreeta. I , R,is Plruento; 100 " Graln Popper, Just reZzAvc,i and for Ltale MILLER At m I-141 Tlrn, 7,31 P , ( l. - I,ltutri F Or, e.l: EW ARRI VALS.—We aro taking into sure, (1:41 Wood street,) an iminetnle stock of fine Taper for lobbing pur,:osem ; i otter, ,:op and Note ; Eutplopal In greet variety; Diuuuln rapnr9, of ev ry size, and L.q oneap as they nth be bought In [no .1,;40, where wo offer I...helesala or rattail, v,ry low Far CAL)II. CO - 1 - - - AKE FISII.-White Fish, Trout, .Sulirion, end Pielve,el cnu,:tau ty on hood. a roll stock to supply the wholimuto trade, be j tu3 IiFOiRY 11. COLLINS. ORANGES. -300 justreceived and for Gala by AtillE4lBol\i, 8 :rod ruyl7 Opp-AP , Lh ,, St, Charlua Ilatol. - ptROOMS.-100 doz. E tc.4 Turn 13r 0011 , 13 P P on Land and for sale by alp IL O. a 3, 11. SAWVEE. IUSI'ER TRIM MIN ;S--Drab and Gray Banter Binding and Tanda, just opoped at ep.l3 J 0.6. HORNE'S, 71 Market atrPet. ikjEW — STEL SPRING SKIRTS--01 the moat graceful shapes, on hand at 1101LYV13, mv6 77: itar:rot street, ,;E ED S W.bl T POTATO ti box rola Esrziet Potato:7 , 4 rer-.7lTed and tslo by J11. , J)6 PETZ...914 r.pe, Firit DICKLE:3.-6 bbls. Cucumber. Pickles, re cerrad and mr sale by JAAIE.a te2o C..r aer .11.araet a. d First ezroot..i. DERFUMER Y. —tinbia'B, Wright's, Gienn'e and Harrison's lirarazta for the lusndtbrchief, con , 4tantly 31:111911d ut dO3. i LE3IING":", Je`2. C_srniz Diamond and Market RICE AND RICE FLOUR ; O,:rn Starch; ilver Glos4 Star:4 Lirditer'd Farina; Buten, ca and Frefflt Cecoa 114.ea17e, 4 oral 'or 11L LLU &1 COPYING-BOOKS.—These visonn grsst. islcactages Gl' of nn. others; the pap.: brine • hi...k and etro,„; %.11 not t.-4.n - when wet. It tat•zes aLn pnif,...n ltnpr,3 nun c-..aiv,liloht to refer When onee In one ttAr seperiority isappsront. F.old JOIINtiTw4 d uo otntionete,E7 wiiSt. S9VO FOR SAL 14—A two story brick h of sii r.9on;q, wall stringed, p,rod yaeu, with nyritant, hake oven, Elrote house, :'ha in zaot repair. painted and papered. Situate on East L InfAk I C!ty. TFrraa easy. 13. CUTHBERT :30N, 13::1 51 11arket street . BAYSTATE APPLE PARENG MA CEIINE.—A VERY 178EF L AIND btJPERtOR AR• TIOLR—By fire twin of the crank, the apple 13 PARED, LoRED and.: 10ED. 1 a., er-1, 11th, 1858, end Febr-Rary 17tH, 1857, In For sale In any quantity, at Ci OC4 stye 1, Pitts. bnrctt. Please call and or.amlue for yonreelrea. Jp 5A5111.13.1, PaIEINKSTOOR. WISCO \ SIN MONEY—Ziotos of all Wi consul Banks, bonght by an2B HENRY H. COLLINS. 25 Wood e;z6oa. WOOD STREET PROPERTY OR SALE.—An undivided third part of that Yalnable puiperky, situate at the corner of hixth and W od streets, hawing 1130 feet front on Wood by 60 deep on Sixth street. One•thini of the above will bo sold for 1.8,000. Ontrhalf in band—balance at one, two and thme year. . 3. COTIEGBESZdo SON, _ ..511 Market stmt.. • YDRAILLI PRESSED .CIANDLES.— ...:_ 600 taxes Hydrasdks Preaaid litouktOaralleit - Inada algPres4X titratruar xme t on Wad imd for kale to it 0. Jr .J.l FL 84 efe r tga by (ss2) , Nn. l 2 WOOD srieEzr NO. 79 Smithfield etrwt. JAYNES' VOA STOLtn, 011111 EDUCATIONAL. WESTERN UNIVERSITY Tali ' , ALL TLIIM 01 , Is INSTITUTION WILL CJAIMENOE ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER bra Candidatas Car admission will present themselves at the University Building, corner of lose and Diamond street', an MONDAY next, at 9 o'clock an3l:2w W. BAKEWIiLL, Secretary. Madame AppollEte TetedouVo RENCII AND ENGLISII BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, 1411 Third street., Pittsburgh, Pa. This School, designed on the Men of French Schools in France, and modified as to the Usti eepatmentB on the plan of trench Schools, in - the I. , tatea, offers to young ladies, huskies a full English urs. , , the last opportunity of thoroughly acquiring the French language and - literature, the Principal having re- Pl.!,Pd several yoara in France, and being asviated by Mr. Tet deux, a native of Paris, and a graduate of the a College Charlemagne." French and Latin will be integral parts of the course. The Flue. Arta will be taught under the superintendence of Mr. Tetodonz, a pupil from the Conservatory of Paris. .Arrangeme.uts have been made for young ladles who, har ing already gone through a regular course of studios, still may wish to know I. , ngliah literature more thoroughly, acquire more facility In speaking the French language, and improve in the Fine Arts. Sch.)ol will open on the second Monday of September. Eapenses by the term of Viva Months:—Board $100; Tu ition $3O; Vocal Masi° $25; in classes $l5; Piano $25; uso instrument $5; German and Italian, each $25, in classes $lO ; Drawing, in classes all; Oil and %fader Colors at the Professor's price. All charges payable in advance. Fur circulars and further particulars apply to the Principal. MR. CLEMENT TETEDOLIX announces to the public that lie has taken up hls residence in Pittsburgh, and is now prHpared to give lessons in 'Vocal Music. For terms and further particulars apply to John IL Mel beer:Music Store, No. 81 Wood et. aullMwd S.R M. 11. M Y E I;S' HOME SCHOOL FOE YOUNG LADIES; A3l ÷ Will!re-epos on the MST 111,)ND tY of September, tit her residence, No. 249 Penn street. After the Brat of °cipher, e limited number of Boarding Scholars will be received into be family. Arrangements have been ma le to accom odate day boarders, l' desired to country patrons. There will be two stsslons a day, from 9to 12 and 2 to 4 o'clock. For it cao, circulars, etc., Inquire of Church Book btoretFifth r.et J. H. Mellor, or of the Principal. an2B:2ws t 7..: ~; :---- .-.W7 1 - '&%/G7 ( ' Vr, : • 5........" iron City Commercial College, /-..'., , ,:irg/a, Pa.—Chartered, 1855. UU STUDIiiFIR A TTENDI6O, JANIIIBI, 1 8 5 8 Wow the largeut and moat thorough Commercial School of th.. Uußed Stateu. Young Men Prepared fur Actual Duties of the Cbunting RCP: , 7II. JU. SMITII, A. lis , ProfesBo, of Book-Ife, , plng and BileJC(l of Account. 9. . T. DOUTIIETr, Teacher of arithmetic and Corr mercial Calm:dation. J. A. II BYDILIOK and T. C. JEN KI Nd Teachers of Book- K A LEX COWLEY, end W. A. MILLER, Professors of Pen• manship. Single and Danble Entry Book•Eeeping, as used in every aepertment.of Business. 00111U1d1Citai, Arlthmetic, Rapid LIIiiLIPEB Writing, Detecting Counterfeit Money, Mercantile Curs erg:outlaw - 11, Coromerctal Lem, are taught, and all other entje:ts necessary for the tinc..ees and thorough edncation if a ;.rattical business 0550. TWELVE Pitt:llll3MS, a all the pi.•miunu in I Ittal,urgh tar the peat three elan In Ita:,tein and W. scorn Cities, for beat Writing, Air ANN NOT FOR E'7GRAVSfbWOES,-WA INFOR A.T.1.0 N. tu.kuts outer at any time—No vacation—Time nnlimited lew at pleasure—Uraduates assisted 1n obtaining sit• oat ion s--Tuitlon tbr Full Commercial ()ours°, sls—Average t 17119 8 to 12 weeks—Beard, 1,2,50 per week—Stationery, it 6 —Futire cost, s9l , to S7U. -ons rec3iTed at half price. 1 - „r Cov , l—C,..ttlar-3pecimene of Rua11.1033 and Orn , ,. la..athi W....lag—lnc:lo. , two stampa, and addr-+•+ F. W. 7NNITANS. REAL E,.STATE AGENTS. CUTHBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 ki o Market litres; fm - the sale and pnrchaae of Real Entme, renting henseql, attending to insurance and repairs. loans en bond', mortgaces. 4‘e making convoy ane4a, lion& ,ce rr. ii it:g 1,"-a, 4 .1.1 ,orrespending Ni Alt partioa abroad, dr.. oc.lB BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Its7waiNcze —ltloaßra. Fianna, Garrotßon At Co, Robert Pi,r;is, EN. .171-14.1' WESTERN Lii.NDS ALEXANDER GARRETT, rLiti, ESTATE AGENT, NO. ..7; WATER, BTE.EIT, CLEVELAND, ODD), sale Lando in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minticaula, Michigan anti lowa. He will oxchringe Landd in WiROOlllliD. &c., for Pittsburgh unintifuctarcs, and ulao for city propel - oy. All leiterd .f unaware.] a oth, by wilrossing run to cbovn. ut114.1,i _ - PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. A. GRIST MlLL—,Three run of stones and all the machinery complete, corn and cob cracker, , ail In good order, with a dwelling house, stable and two iota of ground, annals in ii. utti LlU:Mare:4mA will be sold on vi.ry.casy termi by S. ourrinsnr dt 80N, I ell 61 !darket street. I AWRENCE COUNTY BONDS WANTT• 1,4 EL, in exchange for land. apt S. CUTHBERT A SON, 51 Market et. ASTEAM MILL in complete running or der, with dwelling heroics, etc, near. the city, for WES'fERN LANDS of good quality, fur sale, or exchange for Real Estate in tho city rp S. CUTIIIIRRT & SON, &t Marko FAMILY RESIDENCE . FOR SALE-A valuable property of 150 feet ilent on 'Covington at., Lawronceville, by 100 deep on Waahalgton street to Cherry alley, Brick Dwelling [rouse of 7 rooms well arrangod,bath room, porch, well of water and pump, stable. and Coal house, kitchen range, etc. The rooms axe newly painted and pa pnr3d, allude mid fruit trees, grape arbor, great variety of flowers, etc.; good p,ling lance. The abova offers a good pportar.ity to buy a c mplete and pleasant residenco. ri; . e lvw , and terms aec,anmodaling. S. rIII . MBERT & BON, Real Estate and General Agents, 61 Market street. fr lIHE SIZE of the cheap Building Lots 1 for sale by S. CIITLIBBET ,k SON is 30 by 100 feet. Location—Near the nailroad station, East Liberty. Price—From $275 to $4OO each. Terms—One fourth in hand remainder at Ma years credit. The Plan can be seen at the Beal Estate Office, 61 Market street. Liel2. TEAR IT IN MIND, that the East Lib ens Lots are offered at each prices, and on such easy (dna; as to make a home easily to be obtained. Bear it hn mind, that they front on wide streets, are of easy access by railr.a.d, and are very desirable locations for thirdly residences Bear it in mind, that the plan of the lute is to be seen at jel2 51 MAEBET STREET. FOR SALE.- SEVENTY THOUSAND ACRES of oho! a Prairie and Timber' Land, sitaated N,rtnern lo- a and aouthern Dilunesota, embracing att. I:nest lot ,f farming [Enda over offered in this metier, no are locates conveniently to Mills, Tawas and lines of Hail/I/ad. Pamphlets containing information of value to urnigranti and edclognre giving location, descriptiotrand r (ice of the laad, with a brief description of the counties c: hloh dlr.y are la:atek ba had on application at mar riac,„ end they will b e east free by mail to persona eel:Laing s their Hebtree,... FDAZIEn & CO , my:6:u Jones' Paulding, No. 67 Feartil strct BIEN DOLLARS IN HAND, will secure a iialiding. Lot of 2.55100 feet on kit. Waakington.-.- slUo—slo In hand, remainder to snit purchaaer. Al a.:, a I..ct of 60x100 feet for $250-425 in hand, balance In pAymeats to suit purchaser. d, CUTHBERT It EON, y.c2.`d 51 Market streeL 6) ACRES of Land and a catatortal)le New., situate near the Washington Turnpike, at eJssal Irani CiLbf? Ferry, will be sold on easy terms. Immediate p,:..t.seaski, L' CUTHBERT k BON, lE+23 51 Market: Strut. ALuT OF aROIIND in Haar Liberty, Xtl3#lS the Ilailt.ad 'Annuli BO by 100 feet will by sal fp: 27t., c. - ,tia-fonrch fr. Lend_ remainder at Silt years' credii. L d 4.lllTHuDra 4 EON. yla Zl Met et area. .NoTroE.- _The Co-Partnersbip of BAG A - LE i, l r..!-JRAVE, tr C , . eapired 'bY Iltaltation;This tue drat instant. The business will bo cam:timed by:ry , BAGLLEY, at 18 andiff is ood street; who will settle np the business of the /ate firm. W; PEPCIALzY; .- JO/IN 8. COSELBAVII. Pittsburgh, July =I. 1858.—jy2.3rtf NEW FAB ICS IN DRESS GOODS.- .1.1 4 )SIA , ON CO, ' , Ora, 170. 2.5 Fifth Btre4)t ) Srocow uiug rich Dress Silk; Bertigt-i, Chato., said a spiendla ciololGoa of SPRING SHA P AI- Pri (43'1 QEED SWEET I ) DTATOES.-15 barrels Seod fiweet Potatoes - for sale choop °lois° Oonrign tnont •11 - • JAI A, VETzER, • - ap7a Oorner Itzirket and Pint Biretta OMP L OUND . SYSIIPS .. 6p - PHOOtiAVES; Olt CHEMICAL POOD.4hlti'ptebiditionf L dirt :in tended a 3 a popular, tereed,y, butis respectfully-garotted to the Medina Find ty' utittltitqr tonle; - vreil j aidasd to sue ) thtftatct - 0.; 01813 : 6 4tarY 4 1 4Hkr dridAE laPilfregrOd of filo vim, Usztiadarlyiu Pyspepeia and Ocratnun p• tion. , This prepeastlonla , !dement' teibldrisys, agrattabbVto the taste, find :p7",-- tful to the stomach, and Alm not nans , iddeby ptoOde tisaPmgold *Wet& and retail - =Da 1: .tea -11081 ea Ow= 31MAst - • S. CUTHBERT a BON, 61 IHaikert strat. < a 111d1119, ISCELLANEOITS. N U. 65 FIF - TH STREET,- 11()OFING CHEAP, DURABLE, FIRE AND WATER PROOF JOSEPH HARTMAN, (Recently Agent fur H. M. Warren & C 0.,) AIANINi'ACTURER AND DEALER WANILIEN'S FELT, OEMEN GR AVEL ELASTIC CEMENT, SATURATII) CANVAS ROOFING ROOFING MATERIALS tta_OFFIOE, No. 85 FIFTH STREET, opposite Odd Fel lows Hall. Pittsburgh, Pe. iY9 Summer Lager Beer. rrillE UNDERSIGNED BEGS.LEAVE TO g inform his friends and the public in general, that lie in in the daily receipt of this delicious Beer, froin the well known Brewery of J. N. Straub, Allegheny City, it having boon pronounced to be the best that was manufactured here for many years, °LEAR, TASTEFUL and PURE. Give me a call and try it. JOHN BOTH, ap2.l:tf At his old stand, No. 28 Diamond. 'F 0 0 K I N (I A T 111 lIF ACTU RERS' PRICES, Always uu Land, and for sale at ,-AcAitb FROM DE. JAMES M. JAR- ItEPP, OF THE NEW YOE& LUNG INFIIIM All Y.—My co:inaction for the past eight years with the obeys Institution, as Ohief Physician, and a twelve years' ( course of steady devotion to the ,nre of Pulmonary Oen. sumptien and its kindred diseases, together with my un rivalled opportunities and advantage of pathological research —aided not a little by a perfcct system of Medical inhata ricet---has enelled me to caries at a derestve, direct and nue caefol coerce of treatment far the positive and radical care of to I di.eaace of the Threat, Lungs, and Air- Pauallea. By lnlialathoi, the vapor and curative properties of medicines aro directly adreased to the eieeased organs and the integ& merit ido not advise the use of Medical Inbalattm of any kind, to the exclusion of general treatment; and although I consider it a useful. adjuvant in the proper management of thuds fearful and often fatal diseases, yet I demci it very Dae cessary that each patient, should have the benefit of both gar oral and local treatment. The success of my treatment in the above diseases, and the high character of the Institu tion over which I have so long had the honor to preside,are too well known to-need any eulogy. or comment from me. At the SOUCltatiOn bf many'private ami professional friends, through whoeta philanthropic aid the above charity has bees. long sad liberally supported, and after due consideration, I have concluded to make ouch arrangements as willbring the b nellts of my experrtnents and treatment within the reach of all, and not confine myself, as heretofore, to those only who entered the Infirmary or woo were able to visit me rainy office Hoping therefore that the arrangement will give entire eatirfaction, b.,th to my proms-40nel breth ren and the public, I wool/ respectfully n' OM,- in c 0.,. cln. , inn, that Icon tuna he c,n...rtabalpexp. , a323/ or by l'-'7O , .t .n a I 614 , easea as above, arid that .:e„ rh 6 6- F. ...• •ara ''..a.. ilwai 6:6 thn Ir...titan a pr ..... 6‘ , a, .. . '6 . u. 7 1.di trty rap., by ospreys t. . part of the United atatee or' tre , madas.. fcams-21.y terms of treatment by lettor tir , m F , ..,11.3ws rig.: $l2 per month for each patient which will I c:nde medicine nefficient for one month's 1180 ; also. In. ban nz Vapor; a, cl an nlm'ing Apparattts. Pi rnsent as 101 low, $0 to be pain to ceprees Agent en race tof the box of :d:Micia , e and the Le , cl. ,ce $6 at the expiraton of the month, if the pati nt be cared or is ..titirely satisfied with the tr2at.ent Patient,. by givinq a Lull history of their ca, , , nod their sympt.me in lull, can bo treated as well by letter a.. be p rtional exammatioa. t , ationts av•idr..g them selve4 of Dr. Jerre t s treatment may rely upon immediate an permanent relief. SA he seldom has to ire t a case over thirty days Lo. tors for advice promptly answered. For further particulate, addreze JAMES JA.B.RETT, No. 82' Broadway, cor. Twelfth St., N P..i.—Physiciaus 'and others 'visiting the city aro re ,prctint:y invited to call nt the Infirmary, Where many Interesting cases can be witnessed, and where our in" proved apparatus for the inhalation of medicated vapor can be seen and inspected. jyfio.6m M .. ILITARY ENCAMPMENT STATE OF PENMYLVANIA. &LEGUME CII/Muca, 1 Harrisburg, Juno 9, 1863. f It is hereby ordered, that a "Camp of lustraction " be held at Williamsport, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, the pro2ent year, and the Adjutant General of the Common wealth is directed to tlx the time thereof—to take charge of the arraugemente—to attend in person, and to issue the nee,smary orders to the General Staff, and other Milttaty olitccra of the Commonwealth in relation to the same. WM. F. PACK PA, Commander-in•Ohlef. Anitrran. alma L'B OP 12G54 Harrisburg, June 8, 1888. L...bedienco to tho above order from lload-Quartt,rd, " comp of Inetrootion" will be held at Williamsport, Id , coining county, Pennsylvania, commencing at 12 is., on 9Puoaday, tile 7th day of September, 85 g , To continue until SATIIIIDAY, the 11th day of said month, €4 Li at , of said day, to be called Clamp "Susquehanna." 1. This ilncampment is Intended to include the uniform. ed cOmpanies throughout the State, who are earnestly re quested to be in prompt attendance. • .011. The Major Generals, Brigadier Senoras, and Brigade respecters of the iseverainivisiontrind brigades, are req. , ired to report to my, Wilco as soon aa possible, what companies and field officer: Will'be in attendance from their respective commands—with the number of men in each company, the coo lea of the ClaptaLue, and. their Peat Office address. 1 l I. The Alds.de-Canip and all ether 'officers of the Grand Staff of the Commagder-in•Chief are ordered to be in at. tendance, - armed'and'equipped in fall parade dress. IV. All compautosi• in attendance ma? required •to bring withltiem all tontfailed camp eqiiiiiage they may have. . V. The Brigade-Impeders, of every: brigade , will report at once to my office, what equipage belonging to the State is. in tile limits. of their command. ' Vb The Major General of the Eleventh Division, Gem A. IL Jackman; shalt be the senior officer' - on dnty,-and be 'is hereby charged with the immediate arrangements for said iDicampment, and is ordered to report to this office for fur ther instructone. By order of the Oommanderdn;Ohlef. EDWIN , Adjutant flonei•al of Pontthilvania MILITARY GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE CONSTANT LY on hand a complete stock of MILITARY GOODS CONSISTINO IN PART OP PLUMB, SWORDS, ,ABHEB, 6TAJt , ~AOF:B, 1 kiiiihLq Volunteer Compan les /11:11-1sIDID WITH FULL "4171P1fifiT8 LT SHORT BIOTIC'. SILK P.M) BIIPITI flI FLAGS MADE TO ORDER. 3810. B. fiI , SaDDEN . SON. illy in 95 MARKET STREET. AM S MILLING/1R MONONGAHELA 2) PLANING IIII,L, would respectfully inform the public that he has rebuilt since the fire, and having enlarged his 2stablishment, and filled it with the newest and mast ap prured nanchineiy,'is now prepared teiturnish &wring dud planed boards, scrowl-savrlug andreeandng, doorsi saah and thrittera, irtin dried,trames, mouldings, Lbx making, an. Routh Pittebmgh, September 7,1857. f eel() GENTS' SHOES AND, GAITERS L. 0 P . SI A 1.1 A 1 1) E E Si 1 A h a E P U B a' CHEAP. S' 0 PEOPLE . 6 C A SHOE STORE, A I No. 17 Elllll 81'. 1 '1 1. E• o E 11 OHILDRENB'BIIO.B2. R a. , jell 8. If.N DIA RUBBER 'CURRY-0051E8.-Th° g best article in - inst razelTO at the India Balker Depot, 28 end 23 Bt. Gish street. in722_ • - , - , J. &8. PITIT,LTP4, 11, CLOTH- , OltABll-460u lar 15 ,a; N." one natter= and widv.s, just received f. um tor, for sale wholesale, or ratan, by • • a. PiiliAirtt, .n 3 5 .22 20 snag)! At -"s ; • LASS. 00 boxes assorted' site's' W induca ' Glass, good colintry brand. r ado bpi ; myo it,!!ft 11..011IPm„ 11 Roc MIS. O' dos. reo d' and for , . • Eigti RY I O,COLLINEI.! • ISIEI rr ,SO(3 paoirages White , Fißla, Sahrion, and Trout, for sale by ( 111 Y 2 7) a. aolPits. arm - 3:b.'M'CßEAictiSolsL'irelbt - tti4o 11l B—Sold by frrir24] ' ' J. It: c.111,1:1114"" riORN:-:-10 bake shelled Qorn reajekied =and' • fi) bY: ' ) riqi gat9lll.ll , '0014, 1 ,5 1 5• .c i pl I NXItY BALCON,..tr 1 909. ice:: Clountl7 , by tico - rOztainz; slignlderiand Sides, received arid far , :; , JJA.s.:A.7,PBErat4 - -0 rovit , lk!'iker ,p 4 Vritr/BIL, rtifECK BOOKS—thi l alf, the_- _i n ks awl gi o ke n ii, t 7:, ; ,(.,i,•-.•.-.1"41491:44141i§tatA91143!4 VALLITAVPRXIIVit B 0/14,!-Ftetby. , ijet) - - - ROOFS, Y Ali,N S- JOSEPH I.IOIINE'S, 77 M*zkot street Fournier passed a fiteepless night. Ho would have gone mad with vexation, had he not been consoled with! the hope of killing _Dupont. But the result !of the combat was not what he expected, for Dupont gave him a frightful wound. "You fence well," said Fournier, as he fell. " Not badly, as you see." " Yes, but now I kno'y your game. You won't catch mo another time—as I will show you whettl am well agaiii." " You wish for another encounter!" " Parbleu I That's a Matter of course." In fact, after a few wes' nursing, Four , nier, for the second time, was face to face with his adversary. It was now his turn. He gave Dupont a home thrhst, with the com. •ment: " You.see clearly you !hold your hand too low to parry properly. After you had made your thrust, you gave mp time to stick three inches of cold iron between your ribs." " This is only the second act," cried Dupont. ‘. We'll come to the catastrophe as soon as pDssible." Fournier would have liked to conclude the the third act by the aid oC the pistol, but Da% pont claimed the military privilege, which obliges officers to fight with their swords.— Dupont was wise in maintaining his right,. for Fournier's expertnessi as a pistol shot is still remembered with astonishment. He had accustomed his servant to hold between his finger a piece of money, which he sent flying with a bullet,At five and; twenty paces dis tance. And fiequently one of the hussars of his regiment, as he galloped past, smoking his pipe, was surprised th find it smashed_ be tween his lips, without shspecting that Four-. nier had amused himself by making a target of the tobacco bowl. RPAIIIXITEB, BITITONS, FRINGES, Er° , 'ETC The catastrophe, since we must style it, brought about no decisive result: they each received a trifling scratch. Then these two" wise heads, annoyed 480 negative a result agreed to recommence the struggle until one of the two should confess himself beaten, and. should renounce all-further resistance. They therefore drew up the fbllowing little treaty,. which still exists in the possession of Col onel Berger : L Whenever Messrs. qiinpont and Fournier shall happen to be within thirty leagues tills , ' tanee of each other, they shall each perform half the distance for the sake of a meeting of sword in hand: 11. If one of the two c' ontracting parties is unavoidably hindered tyt his military duties, the Tarty who is free shall travel the wholief: the distance, in order to reconcile. the neces-: sities of the service with the agencies of the present treaty : „._ 111. No cause Ali , i l b admissahle except those resulting fr if. I. - ary ebugations:. IV. The ei‘ly being •entered in good faith. it ions may` be modified with the coriAeut we', parties. ----- This treaty was t.x.eated. Whenever the two madmen were abld to meet, they fought, and the most extraordinary correspondence, in the second person, j ,,and the most familiar form of Frenchspeech, us exchanged between them. - I am invited to a dej by the officers of theßegirnent of Chalii.ehrs at Luneville (wrote • one of them). I elpect ', l to take journey there tos accept this polite; invitation. . you .. take are on leave of absence there, we will -advantage, if you like, pf my short stay to have a poko at each otiMr. Or again: DAR. Frtterrn—l 01411 be passing through Straabourg the fifth of November neat, about noon. You Will wait fr me at the Postes ; hotel des we will have a ittle fene h m ei t duelistB Sometimes the pi;omo'Z' ° ri t cm t lar course of tut a temp unt ersorary stortto' thi rd ''article of the, heir enco. Trio it , m ilit a ry MR% treaty enjoined respect for.tne NUMBER 279; THE DAILY POST. gait citorg. THE CODE OF HONOR, Duelling in the French Army. The general attentidn has been recently at tracted to a monstrous French duel. The re cord of such things inranee presents another duel quite as absurd, but far less horrible. At the beginning of , the present century, the city of Strasburg resembled Caen in pos• sessing a certain number of wrong headed gentlettien who took a pleasure in getting up disputes. Soldiers of all ranks had ample opportunities of picking quarrels, whenever they wished it, and often when they did not wish it. In seventeen hundred and ninety-6 four, a captain of hussars, name Fournier„ indulged in this amuseinentto his heart's con tent. At a later period, his merit and his courage earned for hiin the epaulettes of a general of division. its aggressive temper and his address with aims rendered his name famous in the annals of the duel. Ho _ was invariably the victor lin these unfortunate meetings, and Strasburg had to reproach him for the loss of several of her sons on the most futile motives of quarrel, and especially for having killed, on very trifling grounds, a man named Blume—generally beloved, the only support of a numerous family—whom he had challenged without anyplausible reason, and slain without the slightest pity. The death of Blume was regarded as a public misfor tune. On the day of Blunie's funeral, General Moreau gave a ball, to which were invited all the members of the high bourgeoise. It was desirous to avoid the scandalous scenes which could not fail to take place between the fel•i low townsmen, perhapEt the relatives of the unfortunate deceased, and the aggressor, who was styled his murderer. General -Moreau, theTel'ore, desired his aide-de-camp,' Captain Dupont, afterwards the general who capitu lated at Baylen, to prevent Captain Fournier from entering the room. Dupont eta tioned himself in a - corrfer of one of the ans , techambers, and immediately catching sight of him, accosted him abruptly. " What are you going to do there ?" "Ah ! That you, Dupont ? Good evening, Parl,leu! You see what I am doing ; lam come to the ball. . " Are you not ashamed to come to a ball the very day of the fun.bral of that poor un happy fellow Blume? What will his friends and relations say ?" "They may s:ty what they please ;it is all one to me. Bti , l .hoUld like to know what Imeinesc th.tt f vours?" .-r business. Everybody is abOut it." • E.,. rvbody is wrong then. I don 4 like people to poke their noses into my affairs.— And now, if you please, let me pass." " You shall not go into the ball room." " And pray why ?" Because you must take yourself off instead. The General orders you to return to your apartments." " Am I turned out of the house?" Jo ; it is merely a precaution." Are you aware of rthe consequences of turning Fournier out of ;doors ?" "I do not want to hoar any of your rhodo wan tades. Just have the goodness to take yourself off." " Listen." said Fournier, in a fury. " I cannot have my revenge 1:)11 the General, be cause he is my superior officer, but you are my equal; you have prei,umed to have your share in the insult, and you shall pay for the whole of it. We will fight." " Listen, in turn," rplied Dupont. " have long been out of ptttience with you; I am disgusted with your bullying way, and I hope to give a lesson which you will long re member."