Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, September 03, 1858, Image 3
LOCAL AFFAIRS. The Weather.—The'following is the range of the thermometer and barometer, as kept by GBorge R. Shaw, optician, Fifth street, on Thursday, THERMOMETER. In Bun. 9 A. M 12 M 6 P. M ...... 110.., 00... Barometer 29'.3-20 . The Rai/road Accident.—Since our issue of yester day we have heard of some other persons who were injured by tho accident on the Allegheny Valley Railroad on Wednesday evening, whose names we have not reported. We give a few additional with the injuries snstainod William W. Mail., of the firm of Leech it Muir, re siding in Allegheny, was quite seriously laj are Tha lower part of his nose and his upper lip beinf; cut nearly off. Dr. Coto dressed hie wounds. His wife was also seriously hurt, her spine being badly affected. MiEg H. Wright, of the Sixth Ward, had her arm t.rriblv lacerated in tie or three places. Mrs. Alen Kramer was also much injured ; her spine and bash being the parts effected. A Miss Wil3oh had her face badly cut, and Miss Holmes, ci Allegheny, woe similarly hurt. Mrs. Dr. Parchment, Peter Shostz, of Allegheny, Mrs. Thompson and two children, and Mrs. Lewis were all slightly bruised. Grose Outrage. On Wednesday evening a (Iceman girl named So phia Barg, who resides on the Washington road, about six miles from the city, near Beltzhoover'e tay. ern, came to Pittsburgh. About dusk she was walk lag up Smithfield street, when she was accosted by John Beatty and two other men, who entered into conversation with har; and under pretence of getting her a good place, enticed her off, plied her with liquor and succeeded in getting her intoxicated. Taey then prevailed upon her to go to Allegheny withdhem, and taking her buck of Stockton's burial ground, Beatty attempted to outrage her person. Her ecreams attracted 'Plumper" Graham and William Bowden, who obliged the bestial villain to desist_ The three men escaped, but an ,accurate description being given by the girl, Beatty and another young ran were arrested by Mayor Stackrath's polies yes terday merning. She fully identified Beatty, but could not bo positive as to the other man. He was consequently discharged, while Beatty was commit ted to jail to answer the charge. Police Itc)as.—Jcbc Le_iie, who was recently com mitted to jail for surety of the peace on oath of his wife, Elizabeth Leslie, was released yesterday, bail having been entered for his appearance at court, be. tote Alderman Wilson. Ann Con:veil, charged by Ralph Reid, Eq., with grand larceny, in stealing a silk dress and other val. liable articles from his house recently, was examined Lefore Alderman Daft yesterday, and committed to jail for trial. Benjamin Parker was before Mayor Weaver, charged on oath of his wife, Clara Parker, with as sault and battery with intent to kill. The parties reside near Oakland, and Mrs. Parker alleges that on Wednesday of last weak her husband beat her bru tally with a club, imitcting serious bruises. The valorous man was committed to jall to ans7.:r the charge. • It will be remembered that some two weeks since a woman, named Jane French, was committed iJ jail for the larceny of several pounds of butte-, by Mayor Stuekrath.- During the time that she has been in prison, a men, named Oliver Moore, took possession of the goods in her house, valued. at -$7.5. He was -arrested and taken before Alderman Lewis yester day, who committed him to tail for farther hearing. Johnstown.—The Allegkeny Mountqin Echo says 'that a number cf affrays have recently occurred in Johnstba Sunday evening a riot occurred at a drinking house, in which the assailing party Etrneh the Proprietor several times on the heaa with a hatchet. On the same evening a man was shocking ly beaten, near the Iron Bridge, by 4efee person un hIIOWD, The wounds inflicted aro said to be quite reriens. Several other affrays had occurred, in one of which the gentler sex figured conspicuously, bat from this no serious results are anticipated. We imagine that the inbab.tants of this usually quiet town has imbibed the spirit manifested by the resi dents of some of the larger places in the State. Fil , :a Can Tell . '—We have a letter before us ma. king minute inquiries about a man named William P. Moore, whose birth-place and whereabouts are sought for. Ho is supposed to have been born in this vicinity, or farther up the Monongahela. He is supposed to have gone down the river on the "Cita mois," " Osceola," " lrington," as steward, cook, or cabin boy, in 7335 or 1336, at which time he was some sixteen or seventeen years of age. Hia idea. tity is a question of very groat importance in a cult in Kentucky : involving a large amount of property. —lf any cf our old river rncn can give any intorma• tian as to the perien in question they will confer a favor by calling et this eth:.e and communicating it. Finn iVoter.ll-?uns.—C.l!. Jo eph Friel:et, of Wai• nut flail, who ;Away :3 has the earliest and best of the good things for the g,r a:if:cation af the iemer man, has just received a fine lot of the largest and best Jersey waterrne: ;hat has arrived in tho city this :;.ason. He is daily in receipt of fine peaches and snout potatoes ; and is prepared to furnish them in any quantity. Col. Fricker keeps the most popular establishment:in the city, his larder being supplied with the choicest "tsh, flesh and fowl" that can be furnished. His attendants are courteous, and al ways on hand to serve up the good things which he furnishes to his numerous patrons. Tomatoes.—A correspondent of an agricultural pa. per states that tho .r r inch;ng off of the leading shoots of the tomato pEnt soon after the fruit on the lower br. - snehes is heif grown, will largely increase the quantity of fruit. St will be found that two-thirds of the fruit is on the lower part of tr.e vines, and the loss from pruning Is therefore inconsiderable. In 0.15 way the forces of the pleat are directed chiefly to maturing the fruit. By leaving a part of the pleats untrimmed, a StleC.Z.2:l)ll of the t.uit is ob., taiEed till the frog: comes. Fire in Butler.—On last Friday night the stakile of ilessrs . . Vogley and Bell, in the rear of the Vog ley House, Butler, was discovered to be on fire, and was coon destroyed. l' was feared that the fire \l'uld communicate to the adjoining buildings, but fortunately it did not. The loss of Messrs. Vogley and 801 l is considerable, and they hsd no insurance. The firo was supposed to be the work of an harem. diary. _ _ Are Equipm.nta.—We learn that the Duquesne Grsy.3 have just received from the United States gov ernment a complete new set of arms and accoutre men's, consisting of muskets, bayonets, cartridge boxes, hits, etc. The new arms are said to be of ts , :zuliftd. workmanship, combining the latest im• prnvelmnts of grooved barrels, elevated sights, etc. 2ho Grsys will shortly torn out with the new arms on parade.. Arrsst.—We learn that a man named M'Clafferty , a resident of Clay townehip, Butler county, has been arrested and held to bail, charged with boing con cerned in the robbery of Mr. Munies store in Bat ler, noticed by us some ten days since. Other par ties are hollered to be implicated, but have not yet Leon arrested. Capt. T. F. TV - Tight.—The funeral of this lamented gentleman took place yesterday morning, from the ref his father. Be v, a olkwed t the grave by the Washington Infautry, in carriages and citi• Er Lb' dress, and also a largo number of friends. 'At a meeting of the Infantry, hal,i on Wednesday eveninu, the. usual resolutions were unanimously Standard Literature.—For the latest eastern week lies and late period calr, go to J. D. D. Clark's, No. 4 Girard Hone; corner Third and Smithfield. He has just received Harper's, Ballou's, Laslie's, Waverley and a host of other paws of the latest dans, which ho will supply to all who ca'l upon him. He has also a choice selection of stationarp and other useful ar ticle:. Contracts Awarded.—Oa the 25th of August con tracts for the grading and masonry cf the twenty two CI c.ctions of the Sunbury and Erie Railroad, be. tween Farrandeville and the mouth of the Sinnema honing, wore given out at Farrandeville. A lerge number of contractors were present, and it is said the IV, for the work were remarkably low. P. , e,erolion.—On Monday neat a banner the Gorman Turner asaocistion, of All., ghnn::. The ocremeny is, to take place at Troy We !'sic not learned who is the donor. .E.-,:ta'rtinafion.—Professor M'Lean was engag_d yesierday in re-examining the applicants for admis eirn to the High School. The examination will Le concluded tn‘day in the High Scheel building, The -cln,p meeting at Tarentuna, which has been going on for soma days past, broke up yesterday, and thare 17111 had been in attendance, returned to their hems. It has been largely attended. learn that gr. John Bissell, of tho firm of .Birsell & Co., received a gun-shot wound in the arm on Thursday, near Harmony. We could net learn the psnica'ars of tho accident. TS learn that the Allegheny Valley Railroad C 1.14,11,y intend running accommodation trains to ta, 3-rtecamp moetiog, to be held at Deer B 0 ;I ;: . d CO : —My wife was troubled with cough and pain in the breast for fire years—tiao last two of which she was very low indeed. I procured some of your Compound, and after she had taken it for about fire weeks she was ablo to do all our houso work, which she - had not previously done for four years. We cheerfully, and unasked, recommend your Com- Patrid to all who aro suffering under that terrible -,liiesse—Cottsumption Jesma BounizaLearn. Meer R. SoulsEradarD. Ky.. Jaly, 1556. • - - - A peculiar neatness of style and finish is a dis tinct featara in Clo garments for menta and boys' wes, ny...d.? at tho establishment of J. L. Carnaghan, Allegheny City. Ho engages first class workmen in every department, and alma at superiority in each branch, . . Catch Sim !—The Sheriff of Cambria county of fere a reward of $5O for the apprehension of James Wallett, and his confinement in jail In Pennsylvania. Wallett, it will be r emembered, was arrested in this city some two weeks since, end sent to the Ebbena. bug jail, on a charge cf rape. On the night of the fast of August, he escaped from prison, and has not bin oe been heard of. He is an Englishman .with in reality, twentyfour. light hair and freckled face, apparently about eighteen years of age, but, In elm& ..iii° —.75° The juveniles of the city turned out last evening, with torches, transparencies, music, etc., to celebrate the laying of the Atlantic Cable, presenting a fine ap pearonce. - - The Race Yeaterday.—The race at Collins Park yesterday was won by Felix Laverty's "Little Fanny." There were four entries for the race, via : S. Beitler enters g. g. " Sam ;" J. Dimic, s. g. " Tern Waddler F. Laverty, s. m. "Little Fanny ;" John Watson, b. g. "Donnybrook." OD THE RELIEF AFFORDED BY DR. J. LiOSTET TES'S STOMACH BITTERS in all cases of Dyspep ei.a and similar affections. bas given that valuable prepare , tiou a wide popularity among these who for years suffered from such ailments. It is excellent as a tonic, and boned dent in its effects on the system. Its history Is one almost of miracles, one to which Dr. Hostette.r can point with con fidence and credit. Inched, no remedy, perhaps, in the same period has attained such an extended popularity as the Doctor's Maus, which are ever regarded iS a certain cure for diaress of stomach. Those who have tried It speak praisingly ef its effects, and therefore, we can commend it to general use. The Bitters are free from anything calcula ted to i rove injurious to the system, or objectionable to the patient. For sale by druggists and dealers generally, everym here, and by 1108TETTEIt At slum, Manufacturers and Proprietors, 68 Water and ta Front streets J. M. OLIN'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT TERS—Try them, and satisfy yourselves that they are all they are recommended to be. The proprietor does ❑at pretend to say that they will cure all the diseases flesh is hid: to, but leaves them to test their own merits, and the constantly Increasing demand for them it sufficient proof that they are all they are recommended to be, and far ea perhs to any preparation of the kind n)w in the market. Their use is always attended with the most beneficial re. snits in cases of Dyspepsia, loss of appetite, windiness of the ahanach, indigestion, etc. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, waists digestion, and imparts a healthy tone to the whole system. Be sure and call for J. M. Olin's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, and see that the article pur chased bears the name of J. M. Olin, as manufacturer. For sale by J. M. OLIN, sale proprietor and manufacturer No. 2i17 Penn street, Pittsburgh, Pa., and by druggists end dealers ger,artlly. JOSEPH MEYER, Fancy & Plain Furniture & Chairs, Wareroonts, 424 Penn street, ABOVE THE CANAL BRIDUE, lu addition to the Familiar° business, 1 also devote attention to tiNDERTA K ISO. Hear .vad Carriages furu;sl.— , l 'S) 185 8 . 4 1, OF lucu AND BEAUTIFUL Q . &.), DRESS GOODS AND SHAWLS. CEO. R. WHITE &. CO., WILL OPEN ON bioN DAY, THE bui INST., A brilliant assortment of SILKS, in every variety THEIR STOCK OF NOVELTIES COMPRISE Robes a Deux Jupe.s, Robes a Deux Volants, Robes a lez, Venitian Robes a Deux Volants, Alousline " FRENCH PRINTED FLANNELS FOR ROBES DE CHAMBRE. Gist, the must extensive, varied, and magnificent bt.ock of SHAWLS Ever etlered by them, including styles end variettei unser paas'ed by any other house, West of the Alleghenies. 1. hey would invite particular attention to their new pat. tern WOOLEN SHAWLS, with reversible centres. Mat, their extensive stock of FRENCH NEEDLE WORK, VA LENCIA and ENGLISH THREAD LACES, all of which will ho old et the lowest prices AUTUMN TRADE, 1858 STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, 3C) .1 E L M ES 4:3- CD> 4CI IP ..e , SHAWLS IN EVERY VARIETY. COB() 'iris, I^,llJ.s L ELAINFS. %ELVFTB, ALPACA:.i, (if:it/RAMS. CL0121: :3, CA s811:11111EILEis, F ATI 'el VESTINUS. FLANNEL!, PRINTS, BLEA'D A: D 11E01 , 4 GOODS, With N completo :hit, of EMBR®IIDIERtt S, And ottitr st)ltt3 of C.l.io(i's n3op:rd to A FIRST CLASS TRADE. All of which ary ~IYEr...d for bele, chap W. G. CHITTICK & CO., 438 Market& 433 Merchant St., PHILADELPHIA. .51zr21":2aa-fr-mo-vf e lIEPOT FOR THE SALE OF COAL OIL, 12 ---f i 32 South Second Street, Lubrk,.ting Oil tur all kinds of Machinery, Binnacle or Lamp Oil, is superior to the best winter strain sperm for 4 in all kinds of LAMPS, Lk.NTERNS, IIEADLIGHTS, LC THOMAS' SUPERIOR PATENT IMPROVED LAMP 1. - tu p performs a perfect ceuEuMption of all Smoke and smell arising (rein the nee of oil, in which other lamps tire feud imperfect, thereby giving a mach more brilliant flame. For sale wboleeale and retail by ard2:23ld H. ROUSE k LT, Sole - A gen t. FIh'ST INTROL UCED JULY, 1849.- A. L. ARCLIALICIBAULT 9 S Portable Steam Hoisting and Pumping Engine, On Wheals, from Sto 80 horse power. Also, Farm En 1.0111 and Paw Mill Drivers, 3to 30 horse. Engines always Jll hand. liannfa.ctory,lsth 5. Hamilton Street, Iy:to:air-city PEULADELPIIIA. Ne. 22 Cliff Street, New York, 311NUFACTURER OF GLASS SYRINGES, HOMCEOPATRIO VIALS, GRADUATED MEASURES, NURSING BOTTLES, ETC G . . - 413 Waro for Ch,bists, Drugeists, Perfumers, Photo. gr , t here, etc. Green Glas, Glare by tno package. A liber chenonnt made to the train. Ordsra from Country Drug gigs and Dealers Boll:nod. Price Lista sent on applica tion. 1y30:3m ALLEGIIEN Y CITY LOTS FOR SALE.— tour lots a gronnd eituated on Federal street, abcve the North Commza, will be sold low and on easy terms. Apply to JASIES C RICHEY, anlo Beal E4tee and Bill Broker, 6.5 Fifth et. VOR RENT—A two story frame Dwain. JJLL House, of 6 ro-ms, sitaata on Pourth street, near Mar ket. Rent $l5O per year, and tenant pay water rent. jy3l S. Uu IHBER - V SUN, 61 Market et. LEMONS -25 bas just received and for sale by xklirllEß Et ANDEENFON, 3y24 No. SD Wood street. TWO DWELLING HOUSES FOR RENT, by S. CUTHBERT .4 SON, bl Market street. PURE PORT WINE, for medicinal pur poses, by the bottle or gallon, at HAWORTH A BROWNLRE'S, In the Dlemend. MACKEREL -25 bbla. No. 3, Large io half bbl 4. No. 8, Large. For sale by (j 12) W. H. SHITH h 00. GENT'S GAITERS for $2, at the "Peo• ple's shoe Store," No. TT Fifth street. iy3 DIFFENII&OIin 00 i's' 50 ACRES of very desirable land, at a short distance from the city, having some beautiful sites for country residences-47 acres contain coal of the vary beat quality. For sale by au7 B. CUTHBERT BON, 61 Market et. IT ° LET— A Store Soon/ oniklarket street. MANUFACTURER - OF PITTSBURUH, PA' t-22:d1 y —1 Poplin Robes a Jez, AT WHOLESALE OF NEWEST STYLES P LILL &DELP RI A A. H. C. BROCKEN, COMMERCIAL• IFIowDBBURGIB BOARD OW TRADL: Ano PIitIRCHANTS , IeXCIIANGE. Praident. 117. H. Milli:11a Vice rs.sf All DIOI EY, F. BRUNOT, Treaver , . N. 1101.1 SEE, Js Superintendent. JOSEPII SNOWDEN. Committee of Arbitration far August. ISAIAH DICKEY, V. P., C. U. PAULSON, JAMES GARDINER DAVID CAMPBELL, AUSTIN LOtv.s:..l.Y. Stage of Water Two feat water in the chnnneL ALLEGHENY CATTLE DIARKET. Ausalawr Cl2l, September 2,180.. i. The market for the pest week has been well supplied and the prices are about the same as last week. 'I he demand was entirely local. . BREVES The number offered was 1016, of which 939 were sold at priced varying from .2,8, BWiy i e. gross. SHEEP AND LAMBS The offerings amount to 1400 sheep ; 1000 sold at gross, and $2@2,25 head - the balance were cent tia9t About 348 Lambs were offered, all of which were acid $1,50(42,00 head. HOGS. 250 Hoge were offered, and 170 sold at $4,1'2(4,1,1: wt.., the balance were sent east. CA L VES. 250 bead offered at ttniiards an: railruad platt,ran, and sold at from $2 to $6 head. HORSE? s. 30 head were shipped from the lloon Yards eastward PITTSBUR.Gfi NARKET Reported Ezpreisly for the Daiiy Morning Post PI4TEISMIS 0, eeptembn 2 166 FLOUR...The market to-day is not very brisk, the sales rerchii g about 400 bbla. tr,tu store at $5,37g15,543 for super fine; $6,62©5,75 for extra do, and $8,87 to $6,12 for extra family, the bulk of it being sold at $6. HAY... 17 loads from scales at s9(gl2 tun. RYE FLOUR...Balea of a few bble at $.3,157,,14.4 SUGAR...BaIes of 8 bbds. at 9%410c A 1-,7 EaVorn yellow at 10%c. 40LASSE9...8ales 12 tails. N. 0. at sligettic. GRAE1...350 bush. Oats from store at 45c. SALT—Balea CO bble. extra at $1,15. CR ERSE—Sales 40 boxes W. R. at 7 V 2 c. "44 lb. WHISRY...SaIes light, amounting to some 95 GLIB at 26(gi27c. for rectified for cash and time. VINEGAR...ReguIar sales of Itallon's to city and ountry at Sc.gallon ; t ) all other markets 9c. Philadelphia Market. PHIADELPHIA, September 2.—The Flour market is firm: the export demand is limited, with sales of fresh gruund at 55 50 and extra at $6. Sales to the trade at $5,25 to 55,62; for supecfine, $5,87 1 4( . 0,25 for extra, and $6,50 to $7,50 for extra family and fancy. Rye Flour end Corn Meal are scarce and firm at $4. There is a good demand for Wheat at full prices; sales of 5000 bush Southern and Pennsylvania at $1.30 for choice red, $1,25@1,35 for fair and prime. and $1,40g1,43 for white. It) el 3 dull and has declined 3c V bosh; sales of old Pennsylvania at 76c. Corn is in butter demand; sales of 7,600 buck at 87c for Pennsylvania yellow in store 89c afloat, and southern do at 93c afloat. Oat, are In demand: sales of 6000 bush new Delaware and Pennql vat ia; at 42@43c. There is very little doing in Groceries cr Provisions. Whisky is doll at 27c for Ude. Cincinnati Market. CiticnrNivi, September 2. —Ftonr firm; 1900 Ws cold at $4,85455 for fair to good superfine, and $5,15®5,25 for ex tra; receipts liberal. Wheat active and 3,; blither; prime red $1,07, and white $1,15, closing buoyant. Corn and C ats un changed, and rather dull. Whisky firm; 1100 bbla said at 21%. Provisions buoyant, 1000 Ms bulk meat at 6%,®754 for dhoulders and Sider, now held at 05 , 4618 c. Money is easy. Exchange dull at %@%f coat l remium, the former the ruling rate. Foreign Market* Per Steamer Pacific j LIVERPOOL MARKETS : The cethn.ted 5e16.1 Monday were 10,000 bales. The markPt wee arm- Breidetaff3.—Flour was quiet. WI , ot buoyant C..rii Provisions steady. Sugar gal t • 15 . I .ti.tif:.• sptc dun at 3S@)°9 Consols 9d%. N•w York Ylarket Now Vous, September 2 —Cotton bm.yant. 150 u bales sold Flour firm; 16400 bbls sold; sound State $4,90@5.5. dui% salt,. 35,000 bust southern red $1.170 - 61,32; white 41,47. Corn heavy: 31,000 hu,h sld 1L es Pork ha+ ad• vanced 10c; Bales at $17,26417 6n Fll.l,ar I.moyan , and better; Muscovado 7@8!,4. Freh ‘ bt, o. Llv,rp , ol ;006-82. Bacon IN buoyant at F9y4" y fur Std.., and (',6% for Shoulders. Lins , ed is nrm. !.. , 4 are nrm and active; Buenos Ayres 27(2229 El e w York Stook Pi artet New YonE, September 2.—Storks doll. Chleag,,aed Island 73 1 4; Mich. southern N. Y. Central 79k; 51d waukee and Miabiasippi 16; Clevelan I and Tolrch, 34 Crime land grants 23; Tennessee Ts +1; Obh., l 5.56, 107. HEADACHE arises in 11.10 b: ,tiaod from disarrange meet of tLe di festive organ", which arisen trove e great variety of causes. WILSON'S PILLS have bem proved by an experience of twenty years, to to a safe raid per fact remedy for periodicalty returning beadachrs. They are used by the Faculty as a regular presci,ptiou, end are not to be classed with paten. - medicines. made simply to sell. These Pills are prepared end sold by B. L FA Id Nll - & 00., Wholesale Druggid.--and proprietors of B. L. FIHNFSTOCK'S VFB.ItiIIFUGE., No. 80, corner of Woo I and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. See advertisement on third page of this day's paper. lan`LS P- T. KENNEDY PEARL STEAM MILL, ALLEGHENY CITY, R. T. KENNEDY AL, BRO. WHEAT, RYE, AND CORN NJ RC BASED FLOCS, CORN MEAL, AND HOMINY, MANUFACTURED AND DELIVERED IN PITT,?BUIII3 El AND ALLEg Eti Y tia7:lstiswl J. SI. H. PRICE'S CENTRAL FLANINiI MILL, WATER STREET, ALLEGHENY, /IRE now in full operation, with Fay & CO.' improved machinery for the manufacturing of fla=h Frame; Doors, Shutters and Mouldings. Builders and Con tractors will find it to their advanta4e to call and ascertain our prices. anl9.lvilsw "LORD'S PATENT PERCH COUPLING. This is the beat CARRIAGE COUPLrNG ever Invent. ed. I want every man who ever saw a Buggy, to see one with LORD'S COUPLING attached. I have one at ROB'T PATTERSON'd STABLE, on Dlornond street.. Before it was attached, the inside wheel described a circle of about thirty feet, new it describes about five feet, and cannot be over turned by short turning. For further particulars, see the Buggy or cal. on the subscriber, at the Monongahela House. I want to sell State and County Rights. I purchased all oh) St stes, and have sold about ten, the balance are for sale. Any man can make a fortune out of one State. sel:lw JOS. W. BELL, Monongahela House E. SIMPSON . 0. U. RIPPEY. WE HAVE TIES DAY ASSOCIATED together in the practice of the Law, under the turn of SIMPdON & RIPPEY. Office, No. 94 Fourth Street NOTICE TO SHIPPERS.—On and after MONDAY, August 23d • the following rates will be charged by the Railroad between Pittsburgh and Cincin nati, on the various classes of freight: First Class, ....60c 100 tba. I Pour 60c cik barrel. Second " 44c " " 1 Whisky $1 26 " Third " .....40c `• " Cotton 150 11 Ledo F.urth " .....35c " General Frefgh General Frei WILL RE-.OPEN ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2D, PROF. COWPER'S FASHIONABLE DANCING ACADEMY, AT Ntvitax HALL, ooann FOUP.TEI /00 Lragarx 828. DAYS OB TUtTlON—Tuesdaya, Thursdays and Satnr dupe. Master and Misses Classes at BP. ; Ladles Class 4 P. IL; Gentlemen's Class 8 P. M. Prof. Cowper can be seen at the Scott Rouse, daily. art2B:lm .Q, AW YE R' S CHEMICAL OLIVE SOAP 1.7 is acknowledged by all who have need it, to be the best and moat economical Soap in use. Ono pAind will do as much washing as three of common Soap. It contains no in gredient that will injure the nerves of the most del'cate or finest goods that may be washed with it. For sale by all the principal groceries and dealers In the city. anl3 BLEACHING POWDERS-50 casks of Tennant a, Join:awn:l's and other brands Jost rec'd and for sale low by JNO. PERKINS fc 00., set 128 Wood street. BOOK PAPER-100 reams 24x38, a nice artieleinst received and for axle by JNO. M. PERKINS St CO., set 128 Wood street. WATER PIPES-3000 yards Stone Wa ter Pipes, from 2 to 6 incbee dituneter, for lisle by HENRY H. COLLINS. REFINED SUGARS.- 30 bbls Lovering's Crashed, Fine and Coarse Prilvel Azad Sugar; 20 bbls Levering's "A" Coins Crashed Sugar ; 10 23 uri " Yellow—ln store and for sale by MILLET. & RICKETSON, anfl Noe 221 and 228 Liberty street. WAGON GREASE—In oaru3 and kep,3 this day, received and for wile by HENRY H OOLLINR. $9OO will pnionase an Wand situated in the Allegheny river, opposite Sh irpcbarg, containing about ten acres. Apply to JAhLES O. 11.10113 Y, Real go tato and Bill Broker. BS Fifth et. ALLEGE Map of our country, with th e Btatea. Tex:diaries and counties distinctly mark. ed. For !ale by W. 8. HAVEN, Stationer, anl2 6.4 e d p:si, OPENED, AT HORNE'S, 77 Main= street—.Donitlass g liberwood'a Skirts, /tench Corsets, Skirt lloopo,Cotton gringo, Shetland Wool, Bonnet F r am e s, a nd othce disaiAblo goods, of low Flom ittat W. B. KENNEDY TP.00113 CIBLI UY DELIVF.IO( E. SIMPSON. 0. U. RIPPN.Y L. DEVENNY, t Agent, P. 0 a R. R. Line. J. J. 110r 7 STO.S, ht. Ag't P., Wt. W. A C. it. R SPECT AT, N PERMANENT OFFICr. COMPLYING WITH THE lIRGEZ;'P RIQUIosT HUN DREDB OF THEIR N TS, DRS. a Af. FITCH AND J. W. SYKES Have concluded to remain PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURGH, And may be conaulted at their omen, No, 191 Penis stroes. OPPOSITE ST. GLAIR HOTEL, Batty, except Suula.:.s, 1, ' . ASTHMA, BRONCHITIB and ALL C THE Li iwN IC COHPLANTB, complicated with, or caning pulmonary dia , n , te, including Catarrh, Heart Dieeaee, Affection , ' of the Liver, Pyrp , vain, cza.aritts, Female Complaints, 4-c 1,11" : :tate that their ._.;2 of i2(.ntumntiou la ba od up-a the fact that 1,1,0 d,wd_te exista tr. Gino./ and tytten at Lirya, both 1.6 - ore t:nl daring iti a'evek.pment in the lungs, and they therefore employ Mechan teal, and Medical r.,inedios to purify the blood nod etrongthen the system then, :bey use MEDICAL IN .k L.ITION which t 11.5 veie. , highly, but only as Pafliu. tire_;, (having r.. 1 ("c/a when used aions,) and Inva lid; are earnestly cautioned s,-ainst wasting the precious time of curability on coy ireatuwat bawd upon the plausi ble, but fain idea [h..' the -seat of rho di3eaKo can be reached la a direct manner by Inhalation," for, as before stated, the feat of the dited.se in the blood and its ,jtas ori:g in the lungs. k-t:7" No charge rk.r t.f it..c.tione will bo dent to tL;so wishing to consul: my 2.SMAkw OF THE ti r 0 , T. in T e 1 4 1.. , C , ; E lJ o N f e A i t s i t a he ud o u t ! U guns term of tothington county, the fir,t d,y of January, A. 0., 11159, ck,ot hunted for bringing in IL._ ...Ls ..1 the ithht, with V. 0 4, to a dividend of funds then 00 nand Thia order to made with a view to boucle a sAtl.-nieot, and nut to cut oil bills not then presented. which must. ui all be t.a.d, If the Bank to solvent of which thou. , !s no reasonable doubt. The bills will be taken lu pnytnect of all Jets. Bills prea Heated, for which receipts are given, will nn entitled to In terest. Bills may be fore7arded to the Receiver, at Ken sington. Rhode Island. E R. I'o.l.Thlt, at:l3l:4e, Receiver. —'f ttE tyrutiFA COUPot4S of the Bon's of Lawr, 1,,. County ' iciaued to the PITTS. 13Ulaill AND EIVA liAt LltuA 1 1 COMPANY, due July, will be peld a , the LI WILLIAMS & Co., Pittstugh, Pu The cLang la pb ay of payment is made in consequence of the 'allure of Lite Insurance and Tru,d C.uipaty, where lie C-upons are payable it rdoi 'PRI] COLMlrilii.ONl!lit3. OfFICL uF tIA COMPANY, Pitt,Llegh, A uguit 1858. eLEc,Tio.o—The ahuual wetting of the utoct holders of the Ptthbulgh this Corupauy, tur the pnr puae of elee ing two persona to eacve H 9 TMlllt,eo3 of /Said C ,inpalay for the t e•5l of Ihre pet.: e, will be held at th,, utile, of the Cueap.tny, ui Pittaburgb, ue the FIRST MON Lai (5 - . h day, ui i‘Et'TELIBEB. 1.107,t, tetween the huura a.l 5 O'Clk , Ce, P. M. JA.SIE; CIIRIBTY, aa2l:'Zaz Treautuer. AiVIUSEMENTS. 1559 COLIANS PARK 1859, c4RAND EXHIBITION FOR TIIE IM- P li.o EM Nr of ;ha bred of hors. 4. The follo,ong, Prrnaluali ;4.11 by hwaritti COL. Ll,B PAGE, on Wi':DNESDIY, BEE. :!.-Prti. Ir4A _ . A Pfenlilllll ut SILK) nt. ov.u:sr .t the Test Trotting Norio, mile lomta, th r • 1 , 1 rive, t,, gn sa !hey please. Drivers S od moms t., lba. ilLia Iro to all Trotting II orHt.i owned is Allegheny con u ty. SAME DAY, a Freternal of $5O to the own rot the best cull.. heath, ou as [lay please. Drive/a and Ittdarm to weigh 145 tba., each. Fr, to all Pacing [torsos. THUItn:)AY, t.F.PTI•;MItER 30in, A It, ctuium of $10t: to tt, • oo nor of :1 o ucdt Trotting llotse, hoata, three In tire. ~$) th•• I louse. Drivt r 4 and Balers to weigh 'l5 1b.., y•it VI tt•• •• • all Trotting Horses. SAME DAV, a Prymiurn i•t t t•t • owae: of the fast est Mule, male heats, two it thrt e, Ltt weights. THIRD DAI—PRIDAY, COT )811.1 I.ir., A Premium of S,IOU to the owner ‘.l the beat TfOttillg two mile boats, go as tin y pl ow'. Dr very and Riders to weigh 145 its ,(itch. Three or more en t din will be required, to cmtest for e a ch preinionil outran e lU"ti cent. Collma Dark i, a beautiful halt-unto track, very wide,with very acccuuno hating toms—it is situated rive miles from Pittsburgh. on the lid .14 convenient and easy of access, to those living East or West, who wish to visit the Exhibition by rani - owl. The Cot egoing triali of egad will in the afternoon of each day, beginning sc. 8 o'clock, P. Al . trains of care, will leave each day' f.r Purl., o'clock, run ning to the Park. f r the a.,enisimmlation of visitors, and returning, will leave the Pork at 7 o'clock, P. SI. 141121:Ili SEWING MACHINES. SIN G F ..,,, =i ,:12 Lj Rh:Al SUN . RIORITY Till, SINGER'S filAtt'll/NE 1 1 . 1..1 11/1 It • 1 1,11 . 1.4,1 .14 allll A./MAUD - LC .- tnr"'ll ftlatern, Carria;;- frunruor. and Coach •sinkarx, had look known and 1. a:kuawleEcd. HIS NEW FAMILV MACHINE, Lift hll I , ,iht. rotul.• • t and lug.l, o I ,, atiorial inaZhip P r (doing, itA wcaa N• ,11 • i o.a - bine , i,) and Lune iaCE•flift a favorite f , r fitmity VE, by A full supply of the abw , f , r dttla at 'jaw Vork price 4. by It RAW, Y 2 Ma, ket street, at,l9:ly-2p Pittsburgh, Pert lea. QEWINU THE $2O AND $4O DOUBLE LOUT 6 . r.rreh SEWING MACHI ES! Are now on Exhibition, at the HOSIER'Y STORE oF MR. DALY, NO. 20 EXPTIC STRJe.iET, These Machines are admitted to be tho beat in markft for family use, making an elastic &male thread stitch, which will not rip yen if every fourth stitch be cut. it is the only low priced double thread machine iu market, Orders ail! be received end promptly tilled by M. D kLY, A;:en 1, No 20 Fifth street, on the c. roar of Market alley, Pittsourith, Pa. ..EV" NOTICE—M DALY, on tin, corner of Fifth street and , Mark:lt alley, is the only o.:," of LLIKI name in business ea this street. J yls:ly . . TLIE first place in public estimation is now Justly accorded to the GROVER A BASER MA CUM E, for family Sewing, for the following reasons : Ist. It in MORE SI7vIPLE and ✓d.SILY REPT IN ORDER huu uny .the: machine 2d. It makes u seam which silt ::OT RIP ur RAVEL every th'rd stitch is cot. ad. It sews from two ordin,try arKol, and thus all trouble of winding thread is avoided, while the same Nlachine can be adapted, at ples,ure, by a mere change of spools, to all varieties of work. 4th. The Barna Machine rune eIIS, liueu thread and spa° cotton, with equal facility. 6th. The seam is as elastic 139 the moat elastic fabric, E 0 that it is free from all LIABILITY to BrtEAR, in WA2H• ING, 'BONING, or otherwise. dth. The stitch made by this Machine is more BBAUTI• BIM then any other made, either by hand or machine. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Grover & Baker's is the boot.—f Amer. Agrlcultnriet To all of which tr e Tribune says, amen —{N. Y. Tribune. It is all that It claims to be.—{N. Y. Independent. It finish's its own work ; others do not.—[dome Jocu nal. We give it the preference.-4 Amer. Baptist It n ads only to be eve:, W Lo apprec'srei.—,,Phreno. Journal. Adapted for woolens, bIIVI or cotton.—[Amer Medica Monthly. We like Grover & B3k.LYN best..--Jadies' Wreath. Which is the best?" Grover & Baker's— N. Y. Dispatch Superior to all others.—{N. Y. Mercury. We have uu hesitation in recommending it.—{N. Y Ez press It requires no reepooling.- - . {N. Y. Evangelist. For family use they are unrivaled.—{N. Y. Daily News They sew a seam that will not rip Y. Courier. It perfe.ms nobly and expeditiously.--N. Y. Examiner. Remarkable for the elasticity of seam.—[Police Gazette. Well adapted to all kinds of family sewin.;.-- . N. Y. Obs. Best adapted for family use.-4N. Y. Day Deok. We do not hesitate to recommend It.—lN. Y. Chronlele. It sews strongly and does not rip..--iLifo Illustrmed. The prince of inventions —ll Chnrcbman. It is woman's bast friend .i A. wkly News. We give our preference to Grover Baker's.—[Student. The most blessed invention of modern times.—t Moth. Magazine. It makes o pleasure of a toll.--(N. Y. Eve. Post. The favorite for family use.—[Brooklyn Star. We highly aprreciate their value.--(Amer. Missionary. Its great merit is in its peculiar stitch.--fyamily Circle. We attest Its simplicity and durability.—t National Meg We know of none having equal olaint.s.—potter Journal aiSOfly MITEMENT S JILL INCREASING— On account of the great reduction of prices et the PEOPLE'S MOB STORE, we a , e telling at the following cheap rates; Ladies' Black Gaiter& worth $.1,75 for $1,25 Ladies' colored Gaiters wath $1,75 far $1,25; Ladles' Bus. kina worth $l. for 78 eta.; Ladles Boots worth $1,25 for 80 eta.; Ladle.? Oongreea BOOta worth $1,50 for $1,25; G en t' s Patent Galion worth $2,75 for $2. DIPUNBAOHIa A CO, N 0.17 lliftl4 street, near Merk,et. '- w t NM / t V L ,d ELLIOTT, J. & T. GROUTT, 131PORTE.113 OP BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, ETC., DEALERS IN FINE OLD SIONONO.illY" A RYE WHISKY, PRAOS AND APPLE BR a.:\ I , V. ALSO, RECTIFIERS AN 1 I,ISTILLERS, Corner of Smithfield and Front Street's, a 14 PITTSBUROU, PA. S. B. & C. P. IVIARKLE, MANITYACTUBBRI3 PRINTING, JOB, AND ALL KINDS OP WRAPPING 9 'Warehouse, No. 27 Wood Street, PITTSBIIP,GH, PA. Rags bought at market pnc9s. rn➢ti REMOVAL. JOHN MOORHEAD has removed to No. 71 Water atreet, below Nlailiet JOHN MOORHEAD, COMMISSION MERCHANT, FOR TR➢ BLIA Of PM METAL AND BLOOMS, No. 7.1 WATER STREET, BELOW MARKET, PITTSBURGH, PA PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. ;NO. L. BOYD • WM. mootruouola PAAO JONES JONES, BOYD & CO It= CAST STEEL. ALSO, SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, SPRINGS AND AXLES. Corner Ross and First Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA fiIOORHEAD & Co., MANUFACTURER OF American, Plain it Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, t; , * a* Roofing, Guttering, Spouting, &i.e. AGENTS FUR WOOD'S PATENT IMITATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON. Warehouse, No. 136 teirst street, mr26:ly-is PITTSBURGH, PA. D. D. FP. B. ROGERS a& CO., XiLNITBAOTURZREI OP IiOGEREP IMPROVED PATENT , 'iTEFL CULTIVATOR TEETH., IMMEEI3I C 013.11138 ROBS MID FIIIST STEBETN, ,PPPI'BI-3IIRCIII. Pa WILLIAM CLAYTON & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I. I quo R ME RC H ANT S, NO. 37 DIAMOND ALLEY, N.ur Wood Street, Aiwaye on hand, Blackberry, Cherry, and Cognac ertli)dir3, Old Illonongnialla Rad Rectified Whisky, of the re bK t einsiUtv. daldsrdelf WILLIAM BAGALET, WHOLESALE GROCER, Nos. 1S and 20 Wood Street, jy23: tf JAMES A. FETZER, Forwarding and Con:mission Nerohant FOB ?gr. t k.LJ 0? lour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, I:utter, Seeds, Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Corner of flarket and Flrit stroots PITTSMIUGII, PA. Rcnn Francis G. Balky, Ea.'', William Dilworth, Sr.. Outhbort & Son, Pittabargh; Boyd & Ott, Helakeli & sv,arlngcm, S. Brady, Cash. M. & M. Bank. List & Howell, higngle k Co., Georg,e W. Auderacm, Donlo Paxton a Co. Wzw.Goz. my'lS-tr.tf L. C. 1-E.V.PBCIIN, ATTORNBY AT LAW ANT) CONVEYANCi 072101 11. .7]...P712.111,7 W . M. W..' EL 1 .11 IGHT, WDOLESSLE AND RDTAIL {ST PREIBUiI READY MBE LINEN DRESS STOCK MANUFACTORY, NO. 608 ARCH STREET, PIII[..,ADBLPS - 11A. ALI, Merino and Ootton Under Shirts and Drawers, Gra- VlltB, Scarfs, Gloves, Band Kerchiefs, ac., Dressing Dowse, Shirts, Wrappers, and Dress Stocks made to order by meas urement, and warranted to give satisfaction. Jel:lyd E. P. MIDDLETON & BRO., IMO/MILS 0? WINES, BRANDIES, &C., ALSO DIIALEttb IN FINE OLD WHISKYS, NO. 6, NORTH FRONT STREET, GO ALttiO SEE GEORGE P. WERTZ'S First Premium Blind Factory, OORNER THIRD AND MARKET STS., PITTSBURGH. !THOSE WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR House with VENITIAN BLINDS, of the most exqui• Bib) and elaborate finish, will find it to their interests to give use a call before purchasing elsewhere. My work is got up by the best mechanics (not apprentices.) Every attention is :ziven to the wants of customers. Prices low. AU work crarauted. N 0.72 THIRD Street, Pittsburgh. rmytklyis DAVID H. WILLIAMS, 'IVIL ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR J FOE THE ERECTION OF GAS WORKB, for from five garners and upwards, aad for Hosting Buildings, public or private, by Steam, Hot Water or Furnaces. rayßtrio PFF.TSBIIRGEI. PA. CARTWRIGHT & YOUNG, (Successors to John Cartusright,) 7 4 ,6jiANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS of Pocket and 'fable Cutlery, Sargic ri and aril Den tal Instruments, Grans, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, etc., No. 88 Wood street. They give special attention the m sun iactur. ug of Trusses, Supporters, eta. Jobbing aad Ilepairlag stn punctnallty and despatch. HITCHCOCK, Si. CO. (Shooassom To 1 5 ,1rOcurair df C 0.,) ifiIORWARDING AND COMMISSION WholEAlo Poi.lora In Produce., /floor cad Wool, No. 114 Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Hal Easzi priugor Harbaugh, Joseph IC. Eldcr, B. Loals; Pitt,burgli ; FOEItt II Bros, a Childs e. Co., Cornell a Dorsey, Baltimore; llagaley, Cosgrove .. Co., Uarret Martin,Philialelphia; ‘lcCandloae, Helios n Co., " Jame, Kent, Safliot, " ti. W. Smith, & Co,, " A env, h ten, M. Si; L. bold, CioLionoti iLeeav, :Sterling a , A. B. irento.l Zr. .• Yard, Gilmore a co., myfilftf d. WO G. d. DOSCII McCIE E & C 0 MERCFIANT TAILORS, IV. H. IIeGEE Peelers in Ready Made Clothing and Gentlemen's Furnish lug Goods, corner of Federal street and Market Sqnare Alla gheny City, Pa. J612:1y T)OINT BOX FACTORY.- BUSUA a GUTENDOELP Manufacture to order, 110X_Ei3 enitable for soup and Cand',cB, Hardware and Variety Gorda, etc., etc. gyp,. Orders premrUP ni,ed 11.0BICRT DALSZLI. . JLIUSTI 5. BIIIADIIIO ROBERT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants and Deniers in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 251 Litu , s‘ , strEct. Pittobinerb. Pa. toc`WIT. F RNIT tili.g FOR CASH. ar Ai , of Fitthimrsch manufactareti FURNITURE, embracing BUREAUX, BOOK OAISAS, WARD ROBES, And w....r) r.rticie nooded in a well furnished dwelling, as well as a spledid assortment of OFFICE, FURNITURE, Constantly on hand and mado to order. Ae the only terms on which business is done at this establishment Is for OABII. Prices are made accordingly. Persons in want of anything in the above line, would be advantaged by calling at PAOKINER h 111.W12PS, No. 103 Smithileld street, below Fifth.. J. D. PLCSIIOIII, Joan H. la wow. NEW ICE CREAMSALOON, AND LADIES' 11.EBTALIBANT, NO. 27i FIFTH STREET. The subscriber has Rased, and fitted up several comniodl• mu; rooms, nearly opposite the Exchange Bank, on Fifth street, which aro now °pea for the Bummer Beason. La • dies and gentlemen can always find an abundant supply of FRESH OONVXMONAILY, FRUITS, 108 audaa, WATIIO3, WEB, and ell the refreshments of the season. All r at 2txtfoll)! MlPited to visit tlto rooms, and test far . (te10) McCEINLEfr. PRTTSBURGH, PA PITTSBURGH ilitSIMllllllll PHILADELPHIA. mv[2.117 mvl2-1 , 7 THE GREATEST s. DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. MR. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has disaov orr i : Joe of our common protttre wergla o ramody that cur., 3 Every kind of Humor, FR TELS WORST SORO£IILA DOWN TO A COMMON PIMPLE He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, had a.)vor failed except in two caeca, (both thunder humor.) He has now in his possession over ono hundred certificates of Its value, all within twenty miles of Beaton. Two bottles aro warranted to cure a nursing sore mouth. One to three bottles will cure the worst kind of Pimples CO the face. Two or thr es bottles will clear the system of biles. Two bottles are warranted to cure the word canker in the mouth or stomach. - - . Three to live bottles are warranted to core the worst kind of Ilryelpelas. 0 e to two bottles are warranted to cure all humor Inlthe Two bottles are warranted to care running of the cam and blotches among the hair. Four to six bottles are warranted to cure oorrnpt and running Moen. One bottle will awe scaly eruption of the akin. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the woratldnd of ringworm. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the most:des perste case of rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to =re salt-Rheum. five to eight bottles will cure the worst case of scrofula. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, e nd a perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity is aken JIOXBURY, M.A.88 Pauli hien kid,—The reputation of the Medical Discovery . in curing all kind of humors, is so well established by the unanimous voice of all who have over used it, that I need not say anything on the subject, as the moat skilful physt clans and the most careful Druggists in the country are on ankr.ous in its praise. In presenting the Medical Discovery to year notice, i do it with a fall knowledge of the curative power. in relieving Mt, and caring moat of those diseases in which you ere no fortunately so liable. That moat excruciating Mimeos to or sifeztionate mother, _ NURSING BORE MOUTH, /a cored an if by a miracle; your own temper ill restor al is ita uattcral aweetneca, and year babe from abort and fretted to cairn and argent alumbent ; and the Medical Disown ry becomes a fountain of blaming to your hatband and I' the more udvanced stages of CANKER t o,.tdiad,, to the stomach, waning DYSPEPSIA, t,:,11 la nothing bat conker of the atom h ; then to the I:iteeLhA.s and I.IDNIEIB, eNCLUK d sinking, gone feeling, and au Indifference eVell is L. Gam) of your Candi). Your stomach la RAW AND INFLAMED, ion: feed distress -a you, and you can only take oortaln ktudA, and oven of that your system does not get half the nunrishment it contains es thescrimonotus fluid of the canker nets it up; then your complexion loses Its bloom and be comes sallow or greenish, and your best day is gone. For 'FLAIL of nourishment your system becomes loose and flabby, and tho fibres of your body become relaxed. Then follow Ft train of diseases which the Medical Discovery In peculiarly >dap t-d to (1 U RE; p&lowth,rl 01 tkl,` IttArt, pain in the aide, weatueta of the s,:line and ertelil of the back, pain of the hip joint when yon rotire, irregr.tertty of the bowele, end aieo, that moot ezoru• olatiug of disecsee, the PILES flow lllaily thermal& of poor woolen are suffering from this disease and pining away a miserable life, and their next d sir neighbor does not know the Cal2Fa.. t 7,1•Jil to nmpreas your mind that genii old proverb, •• An ounce of proven. Lion is batter than a pound of cure." In the 4EDICAL DISCOVERY you have both the prevAitative and the cure, with this great en. I goon (lenty, that it wit never, ruder any circumstances, do von any injury. N i change of diet ev,4 - necce the best you wa gel and enough of It. inr-roTtoN, lon thill—Adults one table spocafal per day— Chilli-en over ten yeaes dessert spoonful—Children from five to eight years, tea spoonful. As no directions can be appli• cabins to all constitution., take sufficient to operate on tht bowels twice a day. Yours truly, DONALD KENN ELY. Price $l,OO rcr eale by Dr. GEO. 11. KEYSEII, No 140 Wood tr eet, Plttaburgb, op aew CARRIAGES CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY AND EASTERN REPOSITORY 4 JOSEPH WtilTE AS JUST RECEIVED AT lIIS RE P•181.10ItY, situated near th. , Two Mile :1.1,., between I. ittsburgh and Lawrenceville, a lid and general assortment of Carriages, Buggies, do - r-;. etc. the arrangements aro such that he is constantly r. c..vlrg new and second-hand vehicles, and the public may rely tat always finding a gcod stock on hand. He also man fwtr.ros to order, on short notice, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, A r,l 41 pertaining to the business. With eighteen yearn' tx,..,:tical experience in this business, and his well-known laCli I tt,39, he flatters himself that ho offers groat inducements to purchasers. ke^The establishment is located on the route of the itx c..!,icr Omnibus Line of Coaches, passing the door every fifteen minutes. an2fcdsw AU' C. WEST & CO., MX. lIAIPTTPAOTITSPICS or CARRIAGES, ItIWAYS, BUGGIES, SULKIES AND SLEIGHS. No. 1.17 Ponn stroet, PITTSBURGH, PA. 4th- All work warranted to be of the best]materLals and workmanship myl2:lydis JOHN W. ZiI'CARTHIF 9 Vii ILL POSTER! vtrILL ATTEND 10 THE POSTING and DISTRIBUTING of all kinds of P. IL! FOR CONCERTS LEOTITRES, EXHIBITIONS, ..to Lit commtadcatlOno--efther by mall telegraph, or other[ ~ viPo—directed to the office of the Morning Poet, will receive pro rst atUntioaa aoT COMMERCIAL PRINTING CARD?, HANDBILLS, _BILLILDADS, POSTERS, LEGAL BLANKS COLORED BILLS, PAPER BOOKS FOR LAWYERS, PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Executed In the neatest manner, promptly and at CHEAP RATES, by BARE. & IV/VERS. MORNINO POST JOB ONFJOB, 00.9-NEB ca , viOr.D AND FIYTII STBEETd GOOD NEWS FOR HOUSEKEEPERS. —Owing to the increased demand for ROASTED u ;FFER, we have procured a N' COVFNE MlLL,where thace who may wish, can h ave their Coffee fresh ground at any time, without any addittor al charge. 8. JAYNES' 'DIA STORE, No. 38 Fifth street. N El:i nd M pro A v P o,l o i, F OUR C in O g U th NT -eeu ß ol l d — s tres ean n a t Territories, the Canadas, New, Brunswick, Nova Bootie and Ni w Poundland; ale), Mexico, Cuba, and the W. I. Islands, Central America and the Isthmus of Panama, all the New Discoveries in the Polar /legions by Dr. Kane and others, and o'l the New Settlements, and even the Counties of Kan ran and Nebraska, each in its proper position, all on the same scale, compiled from Governmerat Burri.ya and other ble sources. For Sale by W. 8. HAVEN, Stationer and Paper Dealer, an 24 Corner of Market and fiecond eta. GOLD LOCKETS, IN THE GREATEST VARIETY AND OY ALL PRICES, Rave pat bt;ort received at the JEWELRY STORN of REINBMAN d BISYRAN, No. 42 Fifth street. RIFLES, SHOT GUNS, OR PISTOLS, FOR. EIRE, EY TEE DAY OR WEEK, DOWN Jr TETLEY'S, an 28 No. 136 Wt od street TACKLE, POCKET CUTLERY, A MMUNITION, GUM POT( KA BIBLES, REVOLVERS, GUN FURNITURE, And five rifling ueceasary to enjoy a day's gunning, or Fishing Tackle, can be had at CARTWRIGHT & YOUNG'S, Bus No. 86 Wood street. Alt 1 g t WORTH OF MUSIC FOR TWEN cw e." TY-FIVE CENTS—THE GENTLE ANNIE ME LOEIBT.—This little work contains all the words and Mr isio of the new and popular airs of the day. The selec t!' haa been made with grutt care, giving only those songs vihich are good and popular. All the best songs of 8. 0. Foster, are embraced in this collection. A large supply just rumived, and for sale at the Husks Store of a. JOHN H. ELELLOB, 81 Wood street. FLOUR. -40 bbls. choice superfinefor Ell, sale by A. Corner Market and Hirst aba laor E HAVE $5,000 for investment in City vv Ground Bent&—persons having such securities for sale, W ill please, address Ewa& 8t - - A B (MAN REZON—Ccinstitution; Rules j14111.s •nd Regulations of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, new ed Rion. For sale by J. B. WRLDEN, nail 63 Wood street, near Fourth. AB MUDS, :Dwlle and Davidion's Writing Fluids fo t sala by W. 8. R&M, • Etationera Na.'23, 83 and 85 an= Market dreet. anl4:ly—is R. M. CARGO & CO., Fbotographer and Ainbrotypbottl, B. W. cox. of husisbt at.eet. and Diamond, MU:burg:4 PRIO.EB TO fs' DIP ALL: myl9:tf-ap DIIOTOGRAPH.Y.—This ART RAZ BERN brought to such perfSction that pictures taken by this proms have been prononneed perfect by the sclentiflo world. They can be had In all their beauty and artirdo elegance, at WALL'S rtorussi Gemsur, on Yount' street, J ones Building. Lan2B:lw NEW DAGUEILREA.N AND AMBROTY 1 GALLERY, Mireil STREET, NA A RT y OPPGSITE TIIE POST-CM GS vz_PICTLIE.E.B taken La ell the various styles, La en) wo..ela.r, and warranted to yleme, at reasonable rates. te... nine, or de , o , ted person taken at their resideane. .plaklydaw-ta AMBRO T YPES- A BELLIITIVIIL AND DIIIIADLIg PICTURE WARRANTED, CAN BE HAD AS LOW IN Tax cowiTai, AT Removed to 21 Fifth Street. CARGO & CO.'S PHOTOGRAPHIC .A_ND A MIIROTYFE GALLERY has been removed from ti Fourth street, to No. Fifth street, near Market. lbent.reotun having been built ospecialiv for the purpose, With three large lights, arenot eurpass6d in the city tor omdort, convenience and excellence in arrangement. 44 - Our old friends and putxons and those wishing su perior likenesses, are invited to call. gam. Reception Roma and tti.Clrnens on the ground floor. api i)ALLY SALES AT N 0.54 141'111 ST., At the new Commercial dales • 00ILID, No. 54, KM treat, every week day, are held publi, _iles of goods in ell variety, suited for the trade and consumers, from a large stock which is constantly replenished with fresh consign. Winn LS, that must be closed forthwith. AT I() O'CLOCK, A. 51., Dry (booth, and fancy articles,Comprising nearly everything L. LL,L,Li iu the line for persOn.al and family use; table cut• rely; hardware; clothing; bean and shoes; ladies ware, ac. AT 2 tt'OlAiCK, Y. 51., tlousenold and kitchen turniture, new and second-hand; I,:ds and bedding; carpets; elegant non stone China ware; swves; cooking utensils; groceries, AT 7 WeLOOll., P. ht.,2. EIIIICY articles; watches; clocks; jewelry' s ' musical bairn meats; guns; clothing; dry goods ; boob] &rot shoe. book stationery, &o. LaeBl P. AI. DAM, ducts QECOND-BAND tOOKS-ON SAD:FR - - 10 Da Y EVENING, Septombor 4tb, at 7% duloo.k, will be sold, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, No. b 4 Fifth street: A lance lot of Snood-Hand gooks, In good condition, from pirate llbrarlee—embracing a variety of standard and min c.ilaueons publications on pleasing and intereatngenbjects. ue2 t P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. QUIP CARPENTERS' TOOLS, AT AIRY TION—On FRIDAY CIic:PIING, Ceptember 3d, at o'clock, at the Commo•cial t , ,iles Rooms, 64 Fifth street, will be sold : A Chest, with a large and yalaable tysortment of Ship Carpenters' Tools. (Sc) . P. SI. DAVIS, Anat'r.ol For Marlette and Zanesville. The steamer hIMMA GRAIIAM., Capt. MOB. HOS AYBSS, Will leave for the above and all • intermediate porta on every TUESDAY, at 4 o'clock, P. M. Vor frolght or luisunge nplki oo i3,ard GRE T Y)E.ATTIFIER FOUND 14 AAST! VOR IT RESTORES PERINIAIVENTLY Gray Hair to its urigai I color; covers luxuriantly tho hat.] had; removes dandra, itching and alt scrofula, aoald head and all snip ; makes the Lair sift, healthy, and g o ; and will preserve it co y Imaginab e ago, r..moves, as if by magic, all blotches, etc. from the- face, and cures all neuralgia and nervous headache. See circular and the fol lowing: PROF. 0. J. WOOD et CO.--"Ionts: Within a few days we have received so many orders and calla for Prof. 0. J. Wood's Ilair Restorative, that today we were compelled to send to Roston L.r a quantity, (the 6 dozen Sou forty rded all being eold,) while we might order a quantity from you. Every bottle. we have sold seems to have produced three or four new customers and the a; probation, and patronage it receives tram the most substantial and worthy citizens of our vicini ty, fully convince us that it is A MOsr VALUABLE PREP? &RATION. Fend us as Boon as may, bs one gross of .i,I. 4174 and one dozen $2 size, and believe us yours very respectfully. (tligned) DANIEL LATHORY & CO. Mania Gnovz Si. Charles Co., Mo., N0v..19, 1856. PROF. 0. J. WOOD—Dear Sir: Some time last summer we were induced to use some of your Hair Restorative, and Its effects were so wonderful, we feel it our duty to yon and the afflicted, to report it.! Our little son's head for some time had been perfectly cov ered with sores, and some called it scald head. Tho hair al most entirely came off inconsequence, when a friend, seeing hie sufferings, advised us to use your Restorative, we did so with little hope of aucceos, but, to our surprise, and that of all our friends, a very few applicarione removed the disease entirely, and a now and luxuriant. crop of hair soon started out, and we can now tay that our tidy am as healthy a scalp, and as luxuriant a crop of hair as any other child. Wo can therefore, and do hereby recommend your Restorative, as a po•fect remedy for all diseases of the scalp and hair. We are, yours respectfully. allot:Oki W. HIGGINBOTHAM, SARAH A. HIGGINBOTHAM.; GAILDINEB, Maine, Bone 22,18551 PllOl,. 0. 5. WOOD—)ear Sir: I have nsed.two Potties of Professor Wood's Bair Restorative, and fhe greatest discovery of the age for root and changing--. the flair. Before using it I was a !vela or suunty. My noir has now attained in original plYor. Yon can recons• mend it to the world without-the least w ags , as my case was one of the worst kind.. Yonts ItesOrtfully, VANLEIL N. MURPHY. 0. J. WOOD & 00., Peoptizfors, 31'2 Broadway, New York, (In the great N. Y. Wiro'Bailing 13,,duldishment0 end Mt narket. street, St. Lon4s; Mo. Sold by Dr. OltO. lei. KEYS.nR„s 110 Wood etre,* and by all good DrvegOsts. - sel:3eadsw WM. IL WILLIAMS A GO NEW YORK GALLERY, No. 2.1 nth aul SUNBP,A'Ai GALLERY, S. 0 GI fa S SKY AND -ZID.6-LIBET AB AT ANY FLB T CL.AB6 EI3TABLIBMIENT W rDurtli stroat, AUCTION SALES. STEAL BOATS VLLLF. FTri7 E H E So Long Unauccessfully Sought, Dovlia, N.. 11, Feb. 2d, 1857 THE BEST AN D ~.- 1;:. Ar 04,44 't ft,: , 177..Ef* OfiltaP r EST VINEGAR la „..11. i ii ...7mF1,, - , ~... ing at the most extens IN•LI VI ,•I • •••—•••• "" ' ..._ gr e. ""rc. A il EGAIt ,W.4.10 , 1/10 a E in thet t '' * ” NtNEGAR, ipstutmesuumq West. TWA house now scp iiimpluavJw.=".. 4 II i , ip , lt : plies, and has for the last ten Fajiir:•.:; • Izt„, years, nioro than oua-half of - 4,„„'„ t ., : ,..., ffiill i g the Pittsburgh grocers, and 1 4 :2;3.ki::. ',r. - -.. the earn° in every other city in -- . which it has bean Introduced. I A. BALLOU, 146.3Vater atreet, between *tnithliald end Grant. anklydkw LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER. MILL 2,ND SMELTING WORKS. PARK, 21'CURDY 6- CO VTANUFACTIMERS OF SEUEATIIING,.. Braziers' and Bolt Copper, Pressed Copper Bottoms, Rained Still Bottoms, Spelter Solder, , also importers and dealers in Metals, Tin Plate, Shoot iron, Wire, /so. Constantly 0 , 1 ha ad, Tinmen's Machines and Tools, Warehouse, N 0.149 First, and 120 Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Spocial&dess of Copper cut to any desired pattern. inyalydsw MANILLA PAPERS. All sizes 'and qualities, for sale by WM. r 3. JOIRISTPN Paper Dealer 3 and Ptatiouerli . ST Wood star*.[. (ILOSING OUT 1 CLOSING OUT 11—Sale `l.-1 of Spring and Stammer stock of BOOTS and SHOW Goods marked down:. Men's Gaiters at $2,25 2,50 ".• 2,00 Ladies' " 1,60 4 ' 1,95 1,25 " 1.00 Boots " 1,26 " 1,50 Misses', Boys', Yotth's arid Children's telling at the same. proportion, at the Cheap Cash Store of JOSEPH H BORLAND, , 99 Market stroot, two doors from Pitth. SHELLED ALMONDS-50 . box.e-bhelled Almonds, just received aud for sale by REYIII4.II ANDE.2.3ON, No. 39 Wood streoti - • Opricayite At . rharleallotai. LMONDS--20 bales Bordeaux; „ .10 bags Sicily Soft Snell; . 80 I. 44 Hard „IC bale Paper shell: Just received and for e, by _ REIMER b ANDERSON, No. 30 Wood street, ch.r.ncree the Pt. Charles Hotel - - pi R E Sfr.---NIITS -2040 Cocoa Nuts; 60 bap Fllborte; 80 tags Pecan :outs; 80 ' 4 Walnuts; 2000 bush Ground Nuts; Cream Nute. Just received and for sale by RHYMER Es ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street, Opposite tho St. Chlrlee Hotel. 'OR RENT—A three story Dwelling Rows 1: on Third of per year & CUTHBERT it SON, Real 'Estate A cmota. 61 Market Id.. DRUGS.--, Phoephoria, lodide Potash, Gum Elhellao, Yellow oolore . ,Ebant'e liniment, • Lyonie Satbniroxi For m . in by - B. L. FAHNESTOOK a 00., an.. 10 No. 60 corner Wcod and Frrarth wttrets. rvir.iscoN SIN MONEY--ii: otos of till "is cousin Banks, bought by staff HENRY H. COLLINS, 26 Wing street.