VOLUME XVI iIIiIIINING POST. Pri ! 711 Sur.lays E '4" J, - ,.!:1;;'S P. BAIT.R., . - ,•!sa n 7 IVrX , D LTD F 17711 svurfs, MEM rictly In advanN> D. C.-D. , : If n...t - , , aist within th., year. ,—!or sale at the eutintc,r is =BE RATES ON ADVERTISING. (1' TV t2. , t.71:1 tvtell turA. Et= 1 03 1` . 3 00' I 4 00 0 0 7 Of. I 0 Go 10 00, 1 .1. 00 13 Co 15 CO -! 7. a-r.) Uze mouth : .zo ...... T - Jrc-o mc.r.:l= l'zar rzer.t.h.; 1 . 73 moatts-. monthp... G^e e y E yzar Eandin 10 3E , fi LJ 135 , Z 37 ann-riM. 2.3 00 Canl, or EIREME eiC noticcl 00 cen PITTSBURGH SATURDAY POST A KAR/1110TU - VTEEREL. ONLY 41.15 PEPz. YEAR, CLUBS 7122, S-alovarlptloaic, c - - psr anntun. CONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS Till; DAS, Pcltlnl, Agrtcr.ltaral, Comma; .1, Local, Telegra;lair. 57.13 Pr.per cf sla., and neatly cz.. flno - -Tllit. , p.per, in Igrg , , cicw type, will be found by t tra,ta , l.l,r to gl:o tatleSe.:lion than any paper pncliallal in Pill.burgh. '21:05e N7ho to llhe :rola Pic`...,bc.rgh, will find EL:-,:trizqy POET a eLr..d pro%table laroarnent. Earer.a, JA.11.111.15 P. BARR, cepl7 ' Editor and Pro• rictor. MENEM! & AYE S' BOOE. AHD JOB OFFICE, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, TRP, undel-aigne3 having made extensive I addition , ' of tlo.? LATEST AVD lEV:DSO.= STYLE P TYPE, aid irnnroved I.l , ,c`alr.,ry, to :ho MOINDIG POST }CD - OFFICE, incite ' f.t., - 3nti.. , n of Dail Road °dicer aerenants, bn,it.S3 and Ole public generally, to the nperior for ‘114. - -tzli, on n.aaonal.lo arms, all l:mdo of .4, , 1 L go L G , !.ND DESCILIPTION Ow PLAIN ,3 - !. FANCY PRINTING Our - =. f.“ ., c1'7.1 Loin z nasty all yew, We Diva sum ;4' the racy. .;cdr.plete ..,1,c1: orders 'D307.13, F IL ROAD. BILLS A_TLID LP LIE ADS, BILL FLEA - US, LADLNG, CIP.CULAI;.S, LUS=H CARDS, rAmm BOOKS, BLED'S, MORTGAGES, BONDS, &c, ga"rarti.rulaz otit_ntiQa wll alao to raid to the printing Poatt , n, for Cor,PL , and BAr.R..k. MYERS. UTSINESS CARDS ri'.?evAc'ti t7i2aoe D. S. DIEFFENBACHER &CO., Cho: Cai.h 'Dealers in all tai.e.l.7 of Faeldonable SHOZS' INN GAITERS, Fed - fialltlArncn, Isd ra, Yonthe and Children, NO. 17 Fifth Street, near Market, ocS PITTSBURGH, PA. ......7721. J030:1 I O. P.U.11.111 PERRIN ‘z2. JOHNSON, Proprietors of Childs & Co.'s Patent E.Lastio Piro stod Water Proof Cement Roofing. ETIILPT. for ROOFING proptly oad faith fully erect 'fA. and all our wo'.. warranted. ifeofing material or. ',mad, and Mr sale, with dl f.:3• tee. .Jos. F. HAMILILTONI CO., ENGINEER.ScriTL Corner of Pi:! ar.3 Li.erty etrods, PV:sbzr;v;.., Pa. qUPERIOR STEAM ENGINES for Grist L and Saw Mills, Lrewe:ies, Printing Le." - tr.blishruents, hleritifactorio , , ac., made to .riler. They alto continua tho tnnfocture of their Celebrated stch as if:L:Ol24 Latima, Ir:u.Piiir.ore,BorthgEzdhrilling liachines, Akio, Wrouzift Lott Shafting, with Philyo, )3angers. jc-Fitl .P.:51L17.1 . T3011P605 V. , M4 7EiNET,Crp..- So x Ti1011:1PSON & CO., :JJSE PAINTERS, GLA7...i.ELIS AND L. B.AINERS,. No. 135 rai , n PAlNT j„4L7,,..ated with neatness and Llcii..en. Mizell Pahl t. 3, VaruiLh, Japan and fluglish Patent Dry. ars. Einch. a very superior article; Phis delnhia and Vittelnrah - - _ WILL ,or acl.7-. ii . are prezara.l w olod colors for Pointers, Drec thel-e, at the shorteat notice, 65 we have a Mill by steam Poiaters will ears money I , y get colon grind 7)1 4a. MITEIaY GOLD AND SILVER SP 7 2OTACLES, AT Yi 131 upac rr a s PRICES 14YDROMETERS trot articic.a ever brac , l.h - . to ttai3 dty. lIELEIL!.I:.P.V.CZTL:ELS ek:ND 8A.110=1.1 , 1t3, rt.ryir.g in prigs from $e to .180 each. POCKET COMPASSES, AND SUNVEYOR'S COMPASSES, 'ways ca hand at 43 E. BHAWE, Fra:: , :ca: Optician, 58 87.re.e. oppoes.e. Me....nat..^ Elsa Et,. C. J. 11. SAW IKANCIA. iCT - 3 ON LARD OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOIT,P,r, 140. 47 Wood street., F'lttaburgh, Pa DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- The firm a HAWORTH }MO. Et BLIOWNLEE was, on tha Ed. of !day, 1958, dissolved by mutual co mtont, by the b ,- 1.t1,1 , , , t1 of JEFIU HA ‘VOiLTII from the above It .a. of the late firm will be settled by ITANSOS.TII er. J LAU .U.S.WOHTIL in withdrawing from the above firm, kindly thanks his former patrons and also the patrons o. the LIM firm, for the very liberal patronage he has ..- heived, au I would kindly recommend them to his 1511 C-4 3 , :, BItOII'NfaLS, as they are determined to c.. 11 at low f.zurre, having a very large assortment of CM:AP WRIER and LIQUORS on hand. J.E.HII HAWORTH. A DAVID lIAWOR.TEI and JAMES BBOWNLEE have this day associated together, arid will continue on the t , af.-Inca; at . the OLD STAND, corner of Diamand and Dia =.of d airier the style of HAWORTEI & BB.OPTN LKE, v;l:ere tins hoop to rective'tbst pilronage so liberal' given to tie tLey are datermiacd to sail CIikAPER th. crlyciliJr Store in the city. ravlB OiTice of Sealer of Weights and Ileaset,res. OF THE IIM)tESIGNED , S;;_iLER OF WEIGHTS AND 3CEASURE 3 , bl.y L f.ned henceforth, in Cberi . y alley, bett , ...m Tbird i'art-ete where ordertiiziny be left- CHARLES BARYETT. HAVEN'S Elastic Steel Pens just \i • etcls - 0 , 1, and for Bale at the Stationery Store, 31.33 and 35 'Market etreet. quip; FRANKLIN A T - NtANAC FOR 1859.1 well-known and popular annual, formerly pub- liabcd by Johnston E Stockton, after a lapse of years, 'RBI again sher.ly be issued. The circalationi ma formerly will be raad. by t ,e skillful mathematician, Sanford C. Hill, woo Fil.l also prepare for its pages etch reading mat ter as will mate it an entertaining • and instructive maga nine.—Beaulea the reliable astronomical =iodations, a near and ingeniors table of time, an accurate method of drawing meridian lines, and other matters of permanent value will be added. Orden of booksellers and other dealers are solicited in E avarro of publication, as but one edition will be printed, and orders will be 11.1;11 according to priority. WM.. G. JOELNSION * CO., Publi=hers, Printers, Stationer.% and Blank Book Makers, 57-Wood street, Pittsburgh. je22 . - .---PHEESII.-4(Kt boxes good cutting Oheese:r. - received and for Bale by -= 012R11211 for sale AL IBAg O lf.--3000 osva lbsCronntry wni lhoon, awni fr o tio sts9 MIX lit Bt • ... . . . - .. „ . . ~ r••• '7 . .. ' i i • .-.• 's r . ' , ...• I. . i ' ~,: .?=.7.: ~ - -., . g,. _. . .:.., .". ' ' 4 ~ - •.• . ...,.... ' i - 1 .,, -- ~ I-. , .. • -ft :: ..e.•.‘, r. 4. q .5 . ~ - 4 -, 4 ,s ... -. . 3, 01 1 4 111111'- i i ~. ~,„ .... .... , 7_, , ./• 7 ' . O ; rt ,„ i a ~e, . , „... 4 --; ' a -: 2 :.-:, • , ) J-„ - .. , !, '' ;1 '.-.. l'.' , .. . :). ti .- 'l. 4 4 ~..'i 1:-.--- . ... ~.. 1. 7. . , K• 4. ,f -..- -.'• • ',... • i ~_ -mi •• . -:. 1 4. .' 4 ,1.- - " . 4 • - i . -61 1 / ', '!,, ". - .. ~...1. 41: . _ ~ r t ......d ... '2 CO 1 a c I _OO 1 00 1 5 ... 60 1 00 4 50 6 60 654 a 5 00 1- 00 10 00 2 35 3 Oil 3 3. .7. 65 I 0 5 c t: 50 CG:' 460! 607 861 660'' 800 600 MEE= PITTSBURGH. 8. A. JOEFBGN I=ll `~ - AND ROSIN SO-r'S HEIrBY U OLLINB PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE " POST BUILDINGS," OORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS ; AT HIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM: INSURANCE. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, At ATI:IF:N8, BPADIPARD COUNTY, PA., daub 1, 1858, as presented to the Stockholders, and made out in compliance with the State Laws of New York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, /cc. STAIMICIS. The name of the Company is the FARMERS' UNION IN SURANCE. COMPANY, located at Athens, Pa. Chartered April 13,1553, by the Lekgslattire of Pennsylvania. Chirter Perpetual. Cash Capital, which is all paid up Surplus in addition thereto 68821 . 11. Fifty-four Bonds and Mortgages, at /Six and seven II cent. Interest, amounting in the aggregate t0...V.52,815 00 Which mortgages are or valnas tile and 'productive real-estate, principally farms, recorded and first liens, worth generally double the amount and more than mort gaged for In each case, and in no case loss than fifty I; cent. more, exclusive of farm buildings, and so certified. by the _Recorders, a - acre recorded, to the and tors of the States of Ohio and 11Imola. Niattean six 'f cent. Bonds amply secured. 47,685 00 Cash on hand and in Bank 6,449 12 Cash in hands of Agents, and in C0121"?.0 of trkiismitshir, secured by bonds with sureties . Due on losses re-insured, &c.......... Bills teceivablo, via: promissory otas payable at bank and to the Oompany Interest accrued, (principally due January 1, .......... Safe and °Mee Fixtures and Faa al ture 000= FOR MB rust 1867 Amount of PTVMiIILP-3 re:Aired during the $ 85,231 30 Ara't interest received during the year... 11,442 05 Ain't lectlivad from all other source^ 2,480 00 tf.l PEliDlTErars. Expenses :or the year, including commissions, salaries, rents, rein surance, printing, advertising, taria3, and all other expenses $ 19,199 Id Dividends paid during the year 17,030 00 Lanes pall, which occurred prior to December 31, liSbd Losses pada which occurred during the year 46,661 Lossa% adjusted and not doe (Inca paid) S 12,500 00 Loez.ca Incurred and in process of acijustraent. tinsas rep.orted,ou which uo action has been Luken Lezt.ses roasted, on ground ot insur ance after fire, pro;.orty traasfer r,-d before loss, property lot: not cevcrud by the Po $ 39,407 00 Whole smog tof rieha taken during the years6,lSo,B62 00 Whole amount of Hat at data 4,881,410 00 n'ATE Or PEYNSTLVANIA, COUNTY 07 Bb.aDPOIID, Zl. C. N. Shipman, Pre.Odent, and J. E. Canileld, Secretary of the Farmers' Onion Ir.nraoce Company, being severally duly sworn, dopes° and e3y. end each for til , erelf says, that the foregoingg is a truc., 1.:11 and correct statoment of the affairs of ea:a corporan,u, end that they are the above de• scribed u;1;i - L• thereof C. 'IP3_II,.N, President. J. P. C.S.N.FIEID, See-re:wry. Sabacribel sad eccc.ra her re ms„ this 25th day of Jain a;, li. C. 11.A.IliD, Justice of the Peace. T. J. HUNTER, Agent. N i. DO Water street. Pittsburgh. T E' It TUN aellanco Mutual Ifloreara.uce Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. 01 BUILDINGS, LIMITED OR PERPETUAL, TILIROHAN- D 1.911, FURNITURE, lt 0., IN TOWN OD. COUNTRY. Oic, r•io. 3013 Walnut street. CAPITAL, 51170725 ASSETS, 81332,465 89. lovosUfl a 4 follows, viz:- 11'7". Mortgage on Improved City Property, worth dontle trie amount $120,200 CO Peausylvanin final oad Cki.'e 8 per cent. Mortgnge Loon, 330,0'..0 cost '25,600 00 County 6 per cent. Porin'e R. R.. Loan. 10.000 00 Pennsylvania listilro;:,4 Co.'s Stock.. 4,40.) 00 il‘s . ,ck of the lielhance.Niutuai Insnrecc. .. 10,160 00 Stock of County Yfra rnanr..nloo Co. . . 1,05 b 00 Scrip of Sundry Inauranco Compardea 476 00 licceiva bnaine:o paper 62,711 60 Boot Acconct , i, utu - nci Interest, et.o. 3,336 19 Ca.ah on hand and in Bank - 16y43 29 ~.4 : 4.52,4.af. La :GM TINGLEY, Icresident. SOBS. Clem Tingley, Sameal Bispham, William R. Thompson, Robert Steen, David S. Brown, i William Musser, Cornelius Stevenson, Benjamin W. Tingley, John R. Worrell, Marshall Hill, IL L Carson, Z. Lethrop, Robert Toland, Charles Leland, Moses Johnson, Jecob T. Bating, Cora:es S. 1ii,...J., ' 6.70.4. M Bowen, Janrs S. Nloodwarzi, t WM. M. Semple, Eittsb'g. mr3 B. 3.i. HINCIIMAII, Secretory. J. GUI:DINH , COFFIN, Agont, rar3 Ncrth-seat corner Third and Wood streets. MEILCPANIS 3 INSFAk'RIE OWAPINI Of Philad.elphia. w V. 1'L'.7217., Presid.. , nt .D. J. M'CA.NN, &ore-tarp. ALar:ant of CapitAl Stoct. - paid in and inv03t0d...5209,000 Ca) Surplca 11C) r_r-s - iL:cs Cargo F. 131:., id.e Ohio and and nisures against a.'ilann.ge by Fire, agsinst the ..1 the Ica and Inland ;Nay h MEIDE '; - n. V. Pettit, .7 C boat. Ln M. Vuatroy, ^.J. Yic;.;: - .r.,11, r -itti4 Oz.: J. Pattr,reou., 141 v. vt-.: WILLI V. I.'w"N''' Pr,z • D. J. a_FI , • &ter, La tab , Truitt, Bro. A A. T. Lana OFFICE, ap9 WEST BRANCH MUTUAL INSunAlti COMP AN V, LOCK HAVE4T, CLINTON MUM CHARTERED AT THE LEGISLATURE or PEN3B7I.VINIL Oish ..... 4300,000 Pre rung Na1ez—.11:12,243. PIES COMPANY WILL INSURE ON Ecildinge, Merchandise, Furniture, iu rt./WU or D133020)18 ?I_o. J. Pearce,' lion. Q. O. llarvey , I Charles A. Mayer, Hall, I oharles Crist, Peter Dickinson, T. '. Abrams, D E.. Jackman, W. White, Thomas Kitchen. 110 N. G. O. 11AltV EY, President- T. T. AlsaGlls, Preoldet.t. bt'ti:retary. RZYZRENCI,S. 32.120161 H. Lloyd, Ittr. J 8. Crawford, A. A. Winegardner, John NV. Maynard, A. Opdegrafr, L. A. Mackey, Ilon. E. Cameron, James Armstrong. A. White, Thos. Bowman D.D, William Fearon, James Quigglo, Wm. Vanderbilt, 11.,i. Wm. Bigler, 01q1C1 - 2.—NO. ti j Prrrastracin. cle2l:tf J. A. LlFellitT, Agent. FB,ANK LT N FIRE INSURANCE COAEANT, OF PELLADELPEJA. Diszcveas—Cherits W. handier, Ti,ooma Rort, Tobias Wagner Samuel Groat, Jar.:(!t. Smith, Geo. W. lichards, il ordectil D. Lowiz, E. Doric, David E. Brower, ittor. ris Pattersan. CLUB. ii. Da.r.tant, President. CFAs. G. Be..gcrza, Eem - otarj. erpetaal or limited, on every Condi:ma to make insurance, p hecription of propert^, in town and cnnntry, rates as low ore c• -, aaLitent with security. The C:rnpany have recerved a large Contingent Fund, :131c11,•:. .G.: their capitol and premittuis, safely invested, af. ford stalls protection to the awn rod. of tho Company, on Jann2.ry 15t,135/, pnb ii , ..zreeably to an Act of isaombly,vere as follows, viz: 14.0...gag0 08,128 68 Estate. 84,877 78 Temporary Loana_„, ..... ....... ...... , 83,966 emu 01 C 2-1, t 0... 64,846 81 Tetr-14.14.; . . . Since their incorporain,n, a period of twenty-one years, (hey have paid tipv ,-- .r I nf OM, Million Four Hundred Thou• cad Dollara,i rev c v t , :ereby affording evidemco of the advantages or it..3n r-c the ability and disposition to meet with prompt NO J. cl.tctltN.Eit Agent, N., - V. ‘,.1 and Third Oa. ESTERN L. COMPANY VT w, OF prrri•Buii __ OFMRGE P. ht, 7; , ,i:Der., Secretary. 017:ca No. 92 Water strt , ot, (Suety Oda Warehouses) up claim, Pittsburgh. Will insure agninat ctl kinde .AtitaßlSE.l3 , A t o me institution, mana,ied by Di:ec;. r who are poll t r . D 7rIA the community, and who ire determined, by proraptaes3 and liperality..to maintain the ohm-ix:ter which they have la:Tamed.; onertug the beat protection to than who desire to bASe Intnared. • SETS, OCTOBER Slat, 2857 6th Accounts,.. .._.. ....» biorigaiPN--••• **** ** '' albs Receivable, ..... .-........ Oikee Parnittirer ........ —...-......-... Open Acecnnte,- ........ -.....—.. ... Premium 131115 Discounted, (barge Darsia, J. m,. Itatl r ! James NirAtiley, Andrew Ackley, Nathaniel Holmes, WI. Lang, ...."=.• P.:4:•14'.t:.:,':;;;..,:::',-.- - : ..!`, - $j. , •'.!4'";''...1 - .:' : ' - ' , '''' , - -:'. Mai PITTSBURGH . ROBERT A. LOOMIS, LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE 1 . (Successor to 11. T. C. Morgan,) ' STATIONER AND DEALER IN BOOKS, PERIODIIJAI.B INSURANCE COMPANY. AND NEwsPAPPAS, NO. 96 WATER STREET, No. 41 rlfth street, Pittsbuigh, Pa. PAT TEIBUILGH) P. CO-Partnersinip. ROBERT GALWAY, President. EX BBADIST, VICO President.THE undersigned have entered into Co 'AL Partnership, under the style of Wm. C. Johnston A Co. 1 A. limisminv .Secretary. , Ei+.747E.1. R. JOIINSTON, JP.., /OrThis Gompaly makes ereryinsarance appertaining to' a - J o . 0 . . , :0HN0T0.15. WI.I.,LLAINI G. JOE: ASTON. ormormacted-with DISE nano. Pittsburgh, September 6, lts 6 7. Also, against HULL AND CARGO RISKS on the Ohio and Misitissippi Rivers and tribrita.-los, and AIARINE RISES generally. . B. a. J01.1125T0N, as And against LOBS and Damage by live, and aaidett thi. Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Tran.p.,rtati...,. WM. G. JOHNSTON &.. i ' v"InN — ItS ' 3 l. I , V -1-'1 f • c.,, i,...1 —t it, . , .1., an_ ,o, .if anu acturete., Policies lamed at the lowest rates coesisteat with anf.iry to I. ) and JOB PRINTNRS, No. r... 7 tv...t,a air, et. i , c.n all parties. Mini end Fourth, Pittcbne,;b, Pa. -e- -- ---- - ea••••••. s-- , ..--- -4 4 200,000 00 53,485 51 $.263,146 61 18,781 t 7,33)3 51 1 19 40 $ iu8,486 61 g1it),143 a. $90,13a 68 12,100 00 i:tciumity... Justice Co., Buci Morgan A Stidtble, Puutroy,Caliwell A Co. 0.97 Wfr.'llll7. STitRET. vt% raNisLITER, Agent. $ 12 4 500 00 „ 2,160 00 ... 4,161 61; .. 240 00 -. 9,478 04 14,841 45 40,248 69 125,003 78 $317,841.75 Diawros , 3 'J.. Miller, Jr., War= t, Algroon n Spith, - 3F. AL GORDON, INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. P.obert Galway, Eamuni li'‘lltirkan, Joseph P. Gazzam, 31. D., Johu Scott, Janos Xuarshall, David Richey, James W. Hallman, Charles ilrthatuuot., Alexander Bradley, Joseph B. Leech, John Fullerton David H. Charclara, N. F. Hart, Robert H. Hartley, William Carr. .3 no. hior4 iIL CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. L'OBACCu, WILLIAM BAGALEY, Preoldec t. .030:1y SECID - EL L. MARSEELL, Sccretary. OFTATE: 84 Misr tdreet,betumn garket cull P7ers! c're,lr Safety and Licuao:4ay In Edgitt. &if-Insures EfITLL AND onr,Go RISES, on the Ohio YOU SWOT CAMPIIENI , azd Itlissicalppi Rivera and tribrlarks. W HY WILL Leuregagainst. Lose or Damage by FIBS. .11 , ' D SI.LLID, v, tleu :,cl.l, can r t a. Cue .per E,.,1 '.,ot• Also, against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation t'' , ' tight cure Ficropece ti„,, ala d a ltrut the gg..3 Q. CauLed and Transportation. C.al, produces the cue,tpc•st, neat brilliant, steady, vle„wila D11:1“:40fil. end B.fe porloblo.ii el z, eve • effer, , i" to the pub id. Led u-, Will m Ragaley, Oapt. Neal. ..;t4rltu.,, 1 dqager ..; ez.DIL,I,M , LQO , C , ll:ll,lei r al 0. , _.-1 gas; en) quite a, Samuel Rea, Bamu.llt. Kier, .. here: Law I) .:•., t ',, 1 , 1 ,t. ,Itat :43 Ls.: 0z.9.,y ,_-_,.„,, .c. , James 11. Cooper, John S. Dilworth, A trIAAIC:I e r ..„ t ) T. 0k O. HODNINS'IN, Jambs Park, Jr irruncts Sellers, ii• -78 altatt.hliel i str , et Isaac M. Pommel, William B. Rays. i - .0-A.,. Ltawdr Iu I a „',,Qllto. .:: :dr.' i , ,11 tlto,at , lrktr, in t l.; Springer liarbaugh, John Shipton, i • r, rn Cam; hero ,CI a littk Cal _ . t- I • qc.n '. t Id. if 7.1 , _ ___ _ _ Oa pt. Samuel C. Young, V:a! WA Bryant, John Caldwell. j 022 COOKING BY GAS; PHILADELPHIA TIRE AND LIFE A WORD TO 'FITE -f , AD II : - ;• INSURANCE CONIPANY FrIFE HEATED rERM IS APPROALAI I _1 IN.I, dad we c tll thd attantida L. the :-.111, a.. I. • O. 149 Chesnut Street, fact that , Opp Dade the Custom &nee. WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU- COOKING I aONI f;,G, ETC,„ RANCE, either Perpetual or Limited, on eT,ry Can be done with econom• „ without op ,romica haat, witi , • description of Property or Met chanaute, at rewonaLle rates out soot, and with despdtch—; he Pre oelne, always teas - ) la of premium. a litunlent,—' y oiling hi usgriave , a e we Vwwfs%Elg Stave, ROBERT P. KING, Proaideut. Tl. W. Ed_LDWIN, Vice Pre.i DEILCTORS. Charles Hayes, E. K. Cope, B. B. English, George W. Brown, P. B. savory, Joseph N. Paul, U. Sherman, John Clayton, S. J. Magargee, E. Wilor. . F. BLICILBUICiti, Secretary. J. G. CORPIN. Agent, I Corner Third end Wood streets. C. u N P k: u 'l' 1 ~ Ls , C J .. le N 4- . L I il , C u N 5' :: U T I 0 N , C U :-: RUTIiiIs, CON P ECT 1 O::,(JNie.; - .. C 1' 1 0 :, , C Li . I, ,E C. T I , , N , C 0 :1 , 11' C i ii 14 . C 0 -. 0 l. C T.I. SCOTT 1-10 USE, , ~. , c „ .., , ~, , ~ i 0 tr N ii Corner Irwin Street and Duquesne way, (0 i.) N I' E U .2 1 .‘ N . PITTSBUIOI7, PA. 1 ho im-t pleasant, cafe and effet.tua: 17oriii iturdedy Lew B. D. MARKER, - - - PROPRICTOR I in ". "' e. , Prepared ar.d si.ild, whet. sal, , and reiai:, by (Formerly of the "Matter Ilenee,'' Blairsville, i'a.) A% GIILL 4. ['AFT, rr H E SCOTT HOUSE 1' NOW CO 1- Cur. W0..1 nod ei..... - •h : a., PaLaburgh. Pa , Anil c..id fr., To,-,,, , i,-,. ~,.....,,,,,,. lain PUMED AND OPEN Full GU ... STS. It is II • ..LL, --_ in a central part of the city, tell cer.: - ~ uizqit, to all I:ail:cad 1',....Y i CIIAItLES .Ll'v'EliV ',STABLES.-- Depot 3 and Steamboat I..auni.e.i . a. 0 The et.d...n.lne: ilai 1.......,iii Cie ICA:J3 L,..:, The Ilona was built in I.sriC. - .Tin: ..l r_., dtra 1 , .12i • ,e- -. of the titior , _ maned Stahl. ~:., t..... ..kr . „, , ,,,14.` , ...- , :-. me uta, and fitted up it. sp:,:efli.: .',y;•-- .:e et, tire 2 - urni tr 1 - c „i .:• 1 -,-- getlier WILLI a iiurlion of i le ....a u , ,7.4.... , ; being new—and wi:l in every r, , ..^.. . '1 .1 i.:' .3 eLn..7,. P.,1,:.1. i i =,,,.„ ~„,,..k of ii „,,,,„, . 5w.. „„,, , :ci .. .,4. .. 4 _ ,.! _l_ Yinr STABLES art- ettaelaei , •'.....,, -nii,...... i jeli...), E t 7,7 , 1, . , . , yi . ~ r _________________ ... -v pr"l , ‘'r•Y 0 ` J' 11,03 • ionews, i vernsecl. in aillitu,e TIM L' SI .iii PO ti :i VN . to ti.,.. ~1:,..,..1: 1.,,,.....:, -. ...:!, .-‘ll,- ~.-: ~I,,,,,hic‘d ~. numbur ~L .1.!'41,': itUaL',..!..:.2 bili:_ , P..• ..V. 7 ._i GALLI,: 'illir: I L .LIA M C. OAL L A GHE R, Ai ,, . 1, . - - c. - . t , r-i:.• :- , ii`-.1 , •L :.:.L Li, ,, :i 61. , W 1 . 1-111•.:, It'll.", ',. , ..1 Lt. - : ...1..J I r gIe.NT hid p•..-, - uonr, . P.l.ZoL'liii.2 UK. Lino to th- , Imein....t-,s „0etii.L...„,.. . L. u pea:ore:4,, wr.., FAIM Street, Nea l G.;,, - 10 3:t 1'..1.-Lurdls Th eatre. he 113.2. hit ii trio 1 ocerro', ... .. :t p:•.'-.4. ::, V..1C1:,... The hones is new, built Lite,...,.., : r one purposes of a 1 1.:2,..8,111.AU8S can !.._'....' it 0A1L1R,E,.,., ~. • , Finn Class Restanrant and P , ,1e... , , ..,.d the proprietor hey at. C." ..! , Livery:lL...am tug Lad many yearn experience in the bashers will keep ''''•N• 6 - -- ' 1 r-2.-Ah.-e, U •-. .ra,.1.. constantly on hand the bast that the markets ellord. Llns 6 '':%. , 1 ,0 Procured ',. •.... a ... do;ff, Wines, Liquors and Ales, are of the beet quality. Llu wants rEl E i k . , otox,A r 1 n . i ~; er • •R ke.: r ' f.' all his old iriends oud the public generally to give him a sa ...i _ s. , ..i. A . 011.1. rl A. kJ— s -.I ipllly 1 1„ SOAP, manufacture.l 1,,... It. ~;. .:-. J. I. heoyer, re call at the Symposium. r,ieives the pretereri . . , • - - ill , 1:u r kind, ..ver offered f.,r CORI4.IIICOPLE I:II2ba'AEIC.A.Iii T. family ii .. ' its h0 , i.:11e4c5 ~,' : •.... : - o .; s sc., :- 1 .t. it Is cl ~slur BY ELI YOUNG, EiPTH STZEE.T. t , ari .:. LI.. puu1,..l 0 , •11.0: .•.1 - .1•-1 '.... 1....:. . .:....,...n......, .•sen 5 .....„,.._ . '," Thai:ldeation ...I ,- ri•Lcuta ...,. ,- -, Coop. 1:.1. , Fall ,'.,4., L,, , r.• ~ ....: ~r 1 ~ I L, .L.,.L , Li in_ v, ~di..i . iug ~-,-......:* .• an d, 0 41,- . - . .., i s .11,-..,-. I 1. ,, t.h.,, ~ s s. t ..,..., 1 ‘„ - 1.0:1 tide _,•ip 1., its, .in I •- • :- ep. ~ d . i....1.-,-T eitabIiSIIIIISCIIt, which tuf.r.. , t•be..n roc.: ly :lac,] A .z in washing can to. nooriy d.,.::at ,v. 111.1, . the clothes up for the purpani of .sflorilieK a i•CEATAN• - will require little If :Lay mt.:Aug, thin. ..744,10e . ; the.r wear TIAL EATING 110Uati IN A C.,:tv`fir-iL LOCATION' ou the wash-board 401. boiling tie, clothes ie nuneau,itary 'l.ountry felks attending murkeet are po.rtieularly invite 4 to ...14.1 title SL.% , iP In used, and brad or ealt wa,:er answers tail. ilvorything pa:Mining to on PATIZ , P3 SALOON will ' equally as web as soft_ sth. Printer, lied:inlets, Piuntere olwase be fourid, of the 1i.e.,..n05t the ...:, - ..rbet caorda. , and others, Lind it far imp. rier to uttiur ...io , stiii. Ir. spoedlly re• zutiililvdicw moves greane, tar, paint, printer"' ink any! dirt from the - ltituds, leaving the ukin uolt, and Ire, from chapping. EXCI-IANGE 1-10 TEL , To avol.t tho labor or robbing th, clothes, and the floe at , the. wash.bo rll, the I,.ilowing directl,ns eliould be followed: A. 'LOWRY, Proprietor, F,..r the washlng of swot or nen of a family, take ono pound of Soap, cut It Iwo eheol.,; - .., rend dissolve In ono ' Corner Main sired and Youghiogheny .12i-oer, ' gallon of hat water; put Ins clzt L. - 4 ltli.L., a tub containing , about ten 1.. ~,,iie of warm eats; pour 1/1 the oies,,hed l ' -ear the Rafir°2 ' l De PQ` Se:.p, and stir thoroughly. Lot i.I em coui , twanly' to thirty WEST NEWTON, PENN'4. . raffiliteg, wring cut, and rinse in \curial water once-. cold I water twice. A very dirty wrint-henti, or ix -ilia, or grease rplIE ABOVE HOTEL IS NOW IN COM• i sly:•te, may require a slight rubbing, hut otherwise the PLETE Order for the rkeptior. of visitors. It is beau- clothes will coins out clean and wl.izo, withoat rubbing or tattle located on the banks of the Youghiogheny ricer, and ' Willa , ' . Cold water may be uued In plivzo of hot, requiring can be reached every day from the city by the Gonnelleville . about doable time in soaking. AA:arced. The rooms are large, airy and well furnished,and , . Observe our Liable on each bar. the could be no pleasanter place for a few week's summer , For bah, in any quantity, at our A,erebutise, No. 47 W..,. , ‘..‘ residence In th -. country. A few lamllies can be automate- I street, and at our works, opposite tee itomed Ilouse, Penn dated. Terms moderate. Address A. Le.)WILY, 1 9:ilvanla avenue. B. U. 4. 1 11. daWYBil, my2s:tf Wrat laiwton, Pa. i apl.:l. No. 47 Wood ctreet. _HOTELS & RESTAURANTS. THE itiATIONAL SILOON, Under roster's Ilew N.-Atonal Theatre, PITTEDURC4II, • ' D. BARNARD, - - - - PROPRLETOP., lI.AS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and comfortable stile, toe Large centre store in the uDD FELLioWS !YALE. Filth e pet, us u FIRST CL,A.B3 RESTAURAIiT'AND — FALOONT :Loring had many yearn' oiacorlaccoln - thirtinsincetylua in pzerat,..4l tat.upply the ben; the atsrliot Der gill 'oe :tarnished at tali times with t,'„iL I;b:Zt VtiNl2, 04,1101t:', AND ALE& The oa tranee toAhe'Saloon, le in toe - c otro of the gall, sad ro freJlaments will be furati het at all ill:ape, DAY cud tiIt.ITIT. (Sundays enepted.) ispl4:l; WASIIINGT4vI q:114.4 PtIVAPA AvEiv el; THIRD ST,, WASEIINGTON, D.O A. F. BEVERIDGE 11. W. KANAGA. T 1 1 4 4 9 Opposite the Perma. all Toad Depot, 11ANIL9BURG, PA. [PIA WA . SILIINGTON 110 TEL, YORMERLY U. B. HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PA. JAMES BELATMON, Proprietor. THIS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE corner of P FIIN and WABILLNGTON Streeta, between the CENTRAL AND WEBTEEN italmoADDtrars, and has undergone a thorough improvement, remodeled and furnished with new furniture, and is now the /3203 t conve nient Hotel in Pittsburgh, for Travelers b4r tat or Weat. nayStly MANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AURENTZ REOPSITTOIL NO. 844 Liberty strc4d, just beside the Passenger Depot of t he Pennsylvania Kailraod, which makes it - the most convenient house in the city for passengers cirri. ring by that road. '(`he proprietor having, at considerable exp,anee, fitted np, in excellent style, the kid ISION HOUSE., would respect fully solicit a shun of public patronal3e. There i 3 attached a splendid ST.LidLE and extensive lit AGO'N YARD, allot d lug ampla acci,temetiation to triividors and teamsters. His Larder and isur will be furnished the beat the market can afford. fee .Excelsior Raztattraut, , z • 113. WOOD Strut, • I'untiatraor., Pn WHOJ , RRAT R AND RETAIL DFALRE IN LA KP AND BAST-KB:A FUJI the anderalgmed has just received from tho Eastern mar het, selected with great cure , SA ELT, HALIBUT, HADDOCK, FRESH COD 11211, EASTRB.N BUN Rea, BEVERAL YARIDTIES LAKE FISH, !Sow York Prim:mos Bay, Egg Island, Egg Harbor, Shall Oyctors. The fLnezt ever hrought to this city. Ever; delicacy of the reason served up at the MT:L.9102. RIiBTAURs IT. arelTd suaratuou. GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. MIL ' FAILLAND, MERCHANT TAILOR, Corner of Fourth and Smithfield Streets, RESPECTFULLY_ ANNOUNCES THAT tia he, received his Spring Assortx.ent of GENTLZIFIVS — DRESS GOODS, Of the newest styles, beet quality and most elegant descrlp• dons, which ho is prepared to manufacture to order in the LATEST FASHIONS, .Acla with each a character of ; workmanship, as cannot fan to Entity and please the most faatidionn tastes, [myl9 LlppLuchtt, Shorten & R,iarson, 104 1700 D STIMET, NEAR YIETH. rIVIANUFAOTURERS - OF TRUNKS, Va . lices, fat and Bonnet BoieS, Ladles Traveling franks, Carppt Bags, &c., hasp constantly Am hated a large stocit ;We. are pre;ared to do a wholesale trade, and hav ing facilities to torn ont .good Stock at reduced prices, we !mold twits 'the trade to call and examine car goods be wINDSOR-',4IIADE-Gold. bordered, pier and -homey. Also; *Sidi Trirtunings, az.; always on band at and Imill - di:Mani by - J. it IL PHLLIPS, PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBEi, 3, L6'fis PatiPaUslrt.l:BS BOCK AND STATIONERY TOBACCO AND SEGAI2,'.S. & D. RISELIART, I'V . LIT AND CIGA46 T w 1.1,11 wo rei;.ertfally ltaite y••. 1, htLeu:L-u, at No. 73 r4ittOlul.l C & BRO. per. C.~nuty Ani 01.5 itighti For KAI.. opl2:Pni ALYriti2,6' WC; FLOLJE.-2.0 eaoks Buck wheat Fluar, 60 fa iacka, ra......ivvd and for calf) MEANS a CO., doraor W:1-4!r LO 1.1 b Li Eni ~, 44 a lA. tor mile by 01.1;r2n, '.d 4 fe.:o Ow ail' A 73 EMICiiiANT moat deeirable and cilt....pw:—pcu, at Ii i'4 TerLbli'S, sq-, L AR D.—A pr_ino .So. 1 Lard, in barrels i and. for 4i,0 Ly . is 3 o,,rricrof uud ,;pads. I,`~ s.lC~ti. r S ba,„•;c Plmonto; 100 " firgio Popper, last rocalvcal and for calf, IdI~LE ii Ftloll.l.l'l'Bol-1. f ^fr..,f• EVJ ARRIVALS.—Wo are taltiiig into otore, (12; Wood stmet,) PM, EILAA...7V. of 9.11 b 2'...spor for jobbing latir,,lnnes ; Lattor, , 'op And Not, - ; i•Tent P.Aper. , , of c.v ry size, u.,xd as cr.eap ds they ceu be bongo: in ilia East, whore wo cal wholt.alo or retail, I,ry low for C:+4l. — „l.!,a, 4. Pr:RAINS fr. CO_ ' AKE FiSll.—Whito Flab., Trout, Salmon, A 4 l and Picketed constau ly en hand. a full stock, to supply the wholescle :rude h> [rny 61 HENRY H. COLLIN 6. trIRANUES.-300 bxs. owcet, just received ' , kJ and for sale by Lii t. ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street, Opp , site thy: tit. Classico Hotel. DROOMS.-10.0 doz. Ezra Corn Brooms on !mac:land for aa3a by u3p2 D. C. E .T. R. SAWYER.. DUSTER TRIMMINkIS—Drab and Grey Baster Binding and Taaacia, Jnat opened at Bo 34 .703. - HORNE'S, 77 Afarket sty et. NEW STEEL SPRING SKIRTS—Of the mart graceful shapos, on Land at HORNE'S, myB 77 Market atreat, QEED SWEE' POTATOES.-20 barrels soed Ihr&it Potatoes, raceiVed and for Bale by I'2lMll, Caraer Nic.r4.et coad FL-FAS:WeI:4. DICKLES.-6 bbls. Cucumber Pickles, re 2 ratted and for saL t J&' 2.6 A. RETZER, Ooreer Mm-ket and Vint streets. _ DERFUMEKI. —Lubin's, Bazin's, Wright'a, Glenn's and fLarri3on'a Flmtraota for the handkerchief, conatantly ou baud at RICE AND RICE FLOUR ; Corn Starch; tsilear Gloat Starch ; Hecker's Farin.h; Bakeeti Coc,:a and Brow; Fresh Cocoa Shell ILecolved c.ud lor saln at JAY - IVRY TEA STORE., f 44 Fifth gtreet yE 1. L U M COP YINU BOOKS.—These hooks possess great adcaLtagen over any others; the paper tying thick and str,ing w. 1.1 net tsar when wet. It takes a moe: perfect iinprealon and Is con7chieut torefer to. When once in use their sown:Wray Li , apparent. Enid by W. o..liitiNnTir 4 OO. r Stationers, i,i Wcral at. - - $ 900 FOR SALK-r-A two story brick o Lk )13.0, of CIS IroOlr.! , well arraag«4l, pared ' yard, with hydrant; 'bake over); Bur.o're house, &.c. The honk is in zo,d repair. painted land papered. eltnate on East (..sne, .1 . ....gh.e..,y City. Tomo ealy. CUTHBERT a SON, _ir27 bl Market etreet. iIAY STATE APPLE PARING MA CHINE.—A VERY USEF LT, AND SUPERIOR AR. TISLE—By 11,18111.0 d of the ernit, the apple PARED, CORED and 6 ICED. ...... 11th, 1e56, and February :7th, 1857, in 13nrolo For sule In any quantity, at Z4o. 73 Wood stlect, Pitts burgh. Please call and examinofor yourselves. jy29 SAMUEL FAEINESTOCIK. supply of White Ir_AKE 11811.—A. large" ail Trout, Salmon ; Herring, at l r = d li OuLGI:S. JY2B --- W OOD BTREET !PROPERTY FOR, HALE.—Art undivided third part of that valuable ff=ltuate at tho corner of ninth and V 7 -od stre e ete, feet front on Wood by 60 deep on sixth stret. One-third of the above will be gold for $4,000. One-half in hand—balance at one, two and three yearn. .fi. CUTHBERT lc BON, - - 1 ,61 Market street. IRA' OrPRESSED CANDLES.- . 500 bozos Hydraulic Prepaid Mould Candles, made expressl ,7 y D.,r Samufr use, on hand and for sale by 1 - • al-rf-1 , 1 tr--aawfuß. thii3 mt l air a lf. ' camT a L , . I=l r.:T WOOD B 2 E; JOS. FLEMING'S, Corner Diamond and Market et, PIANOS AND MUSIC. THE BALANCE OF MY SPRING STOCK -0 P - PIANO FO ' TES, FROM THE MANUFACTORY OF CHICKERING & SON'S, 00E13Wing of SLXTEdilti of their new Seven Octave and Six and n gualf Octave Plancia; havejuat been received, and uqw ready for examination at the warerooraa of the sub. borlter. fiotl6e CRIOK_MIINU ;SONS' PIANO FORTES arc not tarnished them to auy other house in this city, and all orders mtnit :.l: meted to the subscriber. JOHN Li, MELY.OII, No. 81 Wood groat, Salo Agent Chic's.ering t Sous' Pianoit, for Pittsburgh and Western Penney:Tanta • •• • PIAND6I • ..•4 ,-- 711 FULL GRAND PTANoS •"" 6 6 -6 • ^ 4 lr k PARLOR GRAND PIANOS ! 1 Ni) NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, • fwm the Mannfactrry ui OILIGEBRING & buwre.vJuat ed from tLe u,annfactory Chickeriug 6Jo3', Boston, the following desirable and elegant stock o their PIANO FORTES:— sine Full seven octave Grand Plano Forte, with superbly carved ease. Price .$BOO Pull seven octave Grand Piano Forte, elegant Rosie tv.,od case. Price $7OO ;.,e New Ferlor Grand seven octave Piano, nearly equal power to a full Grand, and occupying only the room of en ordinary square Piano. Price i,doO SQUARE PIANOS! Av. fall moved ficelewood, Louis XlNth, seven octaves, 'Lk carved Desk and Feet work. T No Rosewood seven octave—Clifford stylo. Two Rosewood. carved mouldings, seven octavo. Your fto'eewoocl, plain round corners, seven octave. Three Walnut, plain round front corners, seven octaves. Four n n CI (4. :: 10 11 Four Itosewcxxl " VII " n All of the above are of their NEW P,CIALE, and with fall iron frames, and their new Patent Action. Those Instruments have been finished specially for the neincriber, and will he riarranted to purchasers. For Edit , . . - ,t their reduced prices. JOHN IL MELLOII, No. it Wood street, dol7 dole Agent for °bickering A Sons'. ALDER.HEN CHAILLF.S LEVii6, And Lx-01licio dructice of the Peace, OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WYLIE PIIfTH SIT.KETS. e4l Lusluess connooted with this °Moe will be attended to with promptnezz. Conveyances of all kinds done with legal accuracy--such as Leeds, Mortgagee, Bonds, Powers of at t,rney, &c. 'Mice to Real &Mite examined. T. - , the members of the Bar hi tendon' hls aorvices &aeon:i -t:lL:donor to tats Depooltiour l be read in the several Courts ltd. State, and elsewhere. Ills office le one of the main r!tatious of the city, and consequently hie factlitioa in • omit , . Lusinest; , 4 that kind era very desirable. Ire V.:ly Alderniaa's OlNlee. S. 1100 N, ALDERMAN, EX c °STEM() JUSTICE OF THE eIIACE, AND POLICE 1 IL...TRATE—Office, No. 09 Grwr. a trent, nearly oppo .,its Lb- Court noose, Pittsburgh, Pa. Denclitiona, Acknow• lcd:.;heute and Prooates taken; the Records examined, Dods, Bonds, Mortgages, Willa Leases, Articles of Agree. and of Partnerahlp , Letters of Attorney, etc., etc., up at short notice; Vaxriagos Solecnuir.ed, and all bunlners In the line of his official 1.11121-3.3, promptly attnndod 4 41.. °dice hours, from 73s t. u. to 1 r. frr•in to d P M. aptly Kri:;118ONS GOING W! 3T, who desire to prircha, good farming lands, are informed that we Lave for sale 632 acres offend In BOOLIb county, lowa. Also C.V.: acres-of land In Franklin county. will be sold on cosy terms by d. OUTD DE RT et SON, 6 61 Market street. fIORKS FOR PRESERVE JARS—An _1 ni,.nae stock on hand, at th. only CORK MANI:MAC / 7 0111 in the city—No. 76 9mlthileld streot. bqh - B . OVERINGTON. _ DWELLINU HOUSE n Third street for. rout.. S. CLITLIBEKT & SON, 51 Mark.t street. :MACKE &EL.- 25 barribi No. 3 Largo Mackerel ; " reed and for sale by 0 5 28) HENRY H. CULINS ,CLARET WI N E.— 2) CB3OB N. Johnston & Eons Medoo Claret Wine; IU " ti St, Julien Claret Wine 60 " C. O. St. Jrdian Claret Wino, in store and for tale by MILLER. & HICKETSON, ra Y 1 R. Ttd qrid 223 I:l , erty *trek d EMI() AL OLI VE 80.1.1).-1000 bosom Chemical Olive i's; sobs on hand rnd for sale by eT H fi. %WYRft. _kOON.-10 e • ,A.-10 casks Country Bacon Shoal darn, Sides on 4 Limns, just rect•ived and for Kale by J.A:, A. FETZ,..it, iN)rnro- Max!iet and 1.11,4 N LICA 0.-2 eases la, Indigo, jus r, ra ceivrd and for Bala by r.ylS MILLER ,t ILIGHETSON. - VARIED APPLES.-50 bush, Bright Dried Apple.] just I'c:calved and fur Bah) by JAS. A. FETZER, errner Market wnd Hacnnd dt 'RESIT NUTS.- 10 bales Bordeaux Almonds 2 " Paper Shell. " 60 bag Filberts; 30 " Cream Nubs 30 Pecan " 2002 bus. Ground ' 4 bl;00 Cocoa axle by " Just received and for ANDERSON. No. 89 Wood street, Opposite she St. Charles Woad. TOCIiINGS, GLOVES, MITTS, ETC. 1 .0 Suitable far ths approaching hot season on hand, by je9 JOS. H0P.11E.77 Market rtreet. LASS.-500 boxes Bxlo, 9z12 and 16x12, by (n«( EMSTIV LI COT LTNR TOB PRLNTING.— 0 Cards Freight Bills, a , r 3 Dray Receipts, Bill He!ada, Labels, Railroad Receipts, Bilis Lading, With every other doscription of Job Printing, execrated with promptness and at fair prices. J. It. wELDLN, Printer and Blud,r, Wood street, near Fourth ‘) ACRES of choice land, with good ha provementa, nor the city, for sale on easy terms by B. CUTHBERT g SON, .1,310 ul tnsrtat afrot4. 30,4 ACR S of Farming Land, radar fa Uniontown, Pa., for sale at $6 per acre. .431 8. CUTHBERT dr. EON, 61 Market et. QALLS BALLS! BALLS l—A large as ", sbrtinent of Foot, Solid and Bat Balla, Just received end for sale, wholesa:e and retail, at the India Bobber Depot. 26 and 28 St. OLair street, my 29 T. & IL PHILLIPS. VANS! FANS I I—Palm Fans by the case, 11: dozen, or single. at Mastern prlosa,with other raristies 1.1 Fancy Fans, for sale a; HORNE'S, " 1- JeB 77 Market street. f ENIONS.-100 boxes Palermo Lemons L Jost renatved and for sale by P...EYAER & ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street, Opposite St. Charles Hotel. LARD OIL. 50 barrelsFtctra No. I Lard Oil; 25 ' No. 2 Lard Oil, on hand and for sale, by [myl3] B. O. tr. J. H. SAWYER. JAVA COFFEE.—Just received a lot of strictly puro Old tiovrrumout Java Coffee. Also, La guyra and Itio Caffoo, at JAY:4ES' TEA STOJLE, Iva 3.5 1 Fifth street. DIME BLACKBERRY ,AND CHERRY BRANDY, for medicinal purposes, at nAwonna a BROWNLEE'S, in Me Diamond. WOK. ' ESTS—Made of Mahcgany an troll finished. for sale by W. S. ILAVEN, jell Stationer. BILL AND COLLECTION BOOKS-A large saaortment always oa band, or made to order. W. S. HAVIIN, Corner Market and Second streets. lA A ' YER'S SEAL PAYERS--Various eiud and c;:lors alwaya on hand. at • W. 8. HAVSN'S, Corner Mulct and Second eta, A_ FARM of 238 acres, near Economy, for esle hp B. CUTHBERT 4r. BON, 51 Market street. VRENCH LEMONS.-20 just received and IV for oak by RHYMER Sr. ANDERSON, iY 29 N 0.89 Wood dreot. tfIE.RMAN DRAWING PAPER—In rolls Nul for 800 - ravers, for sale by J. R. WEI.DIN, G um BANDS, , Port, Folios, e2ortMozi .03,D and Pocket t.B. P ka a , d, for s sale by ' • • ' • W. S. HAVEN'S, - apl9 . earner Marketand Second duvets. GuNNY SACKS;;-300" lArge three bushels Gmany Sackn, mot And iscipod JAS. ordA. er, for Ba FETZEBIe by Oa roar 1 04 1 - .4 and N.l4rtnt ffirrop.o nav icrrs.-5 barrols reaoive %,/ tt sate by WIN/GB /1-'6eiDiraLduz., No; 81) Wood street, • Oppoitto St. Otoulas WA. -• ••••• • • ::. • .:.''•-' O . 4iiiiki",•,).is:.N.-T'tA...Y,'..---....,'P::4;•2;-!:>:,•<,-.Y.i.•!:T;.f.•.•,;:1.• WESTERN UNIVERSITY. Candidates for admission will present themselves at the University Building, corner of Boas and ,Thairiond streets, an MONDAY next, at 9 o'clock. aual2w W. BABBWELL, Secretary. • - - GIRENCEI. AND ENGLISH BOARDING A: AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LAT/LIS; 148 Third street, Pittsburgh, Pa. This School, designed on the plan of French Schools in France, and modified as to the English departments on the plan of French Bchoole; in the United States ' offers to young ladies, besides a full English course,' the best opportunity of thoroughly acquiring the French language and -literature,the Principal having re sided several years in France, and being assisted by Hr. Teredoux, a native of Paris, and a graduate of tho " College Charlemagne." French and Latin cell be integral parts of the course. The Wine Arta will be taught under the imperintendence of 5.1 r. Tetedottx, a pupil - 60m the COnservitory of Paris. Arrangements have been made for young ladies who, hav ing already gone through a regular course of studies, ttill may wish to know English literature more thoroughly, acquire more facility in'apeaking the' French language, and improve in the Fine Arts. School will open on the second Monday of September. Expenses by the form of Vivo Months :--Botird $100; Tu ition $3O; Vocal Music $25; in classes $l5; Plano $25; use ot,inetruinent $5; German. and Jtalian, each $25, in clasem $lO ; Drawing, in clatiass $10; and - Water Colors' tit the Professor's price All charges payable in advance. I:or circulars and further particulars apply to the Principal. ME. CLEMENT TETEDOUX announces to the public Olt ho has taken up hie residence in Pittsburgh, and is now prepared to giVe lessons in Vocal Music. For terms and farther particulars apply to John li. Mel lor's idusic Store, No. 81 Wood et. aulLewd MR S. M. H. M ER 8' 1301 LE SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, Will re-opon on the FIRST MONDAY of September, at her rmidence, No. 249 Penn street. After the first of October, a iir iced numbsr of Boarding Scholars will be received Into family. Arrangements have been male to accomo odate day boarders, 1. desired to soantry patrons. There will be two sessions a day, from 9to 12 and' 2 to 4 o'clock. For tercas, c•rculars, etc., inquire of Church Book Store, Fifth etreot ; J. 11. Mellor, or of the Principal. au2B:2ws /, , , 7 ACARD FROM DR. JAMES M. JAR RETT, OF TUE NEW YORK LUNG INFIRM ARY.—My connection for the past eight years with the above Institution, es Chief Physician, and a twelve years' iron City Commercial College, cootie of -steady devotion to the Corea( Pulmonary Con- Pa.—Chartered, 1855. eumption and Its kindliestes diseases, together with my un rivalled opportnnities and ad vantage of pathological research tie OST ODZST3 ATTENDING, JSNU.SE s, 1818. —sided net a little by a perfect system of Medical in/tufa iNow the largest and moot thorough Commercial School lion—has enabled mo to native at a decisive, direct and 3110- of tbo Uni ed States. Cf esful course of treatment for the positive and radical cure of ail di: eases of the 27troot, Lungs, and ..4ir•Puritzgu. By You're Men Prepared !or Actual/it:dies of the Cbutding Room. l :etiolation, the vapor and curative properties of medicines C. SMITH., A. IL, Proletsor of Book-Keepiug and I are directly adreesed W the diseased organs and the integti- Sme.me of Accounts. merit Ido not advice the use of Medical Inhalation of any A.. T. DOCITIEETT,O,ecLer Arithmetic cud Co mesclal kind. to the exclusion of general tree:tram/4 and. although I Calm Olden. c mistier It o useful adjuvant in the proper management of J. A. H ti:YDIIICK end T. C. JENR INS Teachers of stook. those fearful and often fatal dicensee, yet I deem It very na il,- ping. colsary that each patient should have the bonetit of both ALEX. COWLEY, sad W. A. MILLER, Professors of Fen- go-oral and local treatment. The success of my treatment manshlp. i io the above diseases, and the high character of the Inatitn- Single and Double Entry Book-Keeping, us used in every nen over which: I have so long.htut the honor to preslde,aro dcpcirmient of Businern. Commerci -t o -Arithmetic, l'osplii too well known to aped any eulogy or comment from me. 811 , 1iL16f.8 Writing, Dissecting Counterfeit Money, IlerCulLtilti the solidtation of many private anti professional friends, 0,1 - respondence, Conamorcial Law, are taught, nod all other I through whose philanthropic aid the above charity has been ac notes necessary for the auccens thorcuoh mine icicle loos, and liberally supported, and after clue consideration, I of a practical business man. have concluded to snake such arrengemeuts as will bring TWELVE PREMIUMS, sue b, neflts of my experiments and treatment vrlthin the Drawn all the promininv in Pittsburgh for the past three mich of all. and cot Online myself, as heretofore, to those years, also in zastern tool Western Cities, for best Writing, only who mitered the Inermary or woo were , able to visit LAD SOT ten raionevito wens, nit at my office. Ilreprog therefore that the arrangement IM.POIITANIT INFORM ATION. {N1:1 give entire satirfamion, berth to my prmearional breth staienta enter at any time—No vacation—Time unlimited om and the public, I would respectfully announce in con -Review at plorninro--draduates assisted in obtaining alt. r lost teat I can roue be c ,nsulted personally or by tettcr,on uatiohs—Tuition for Pull Commercial Course, s3s—Average a I (licenses as above, sna that the medicines, the same as time Bto 12 weeks—Beard, $2,50 per week—Stationery, $6 roe d u. the lestitutici.„ preoitrei: to suit each' individual -Entire cost, See to $7O. rn_e. Inhaling Vapors, Hed.ica: IhhaLers, tx., (Cm, will be Mini-tern' sons recoived at half price. torworded by iiMpts:::.3 1. 0 an, part of the United Status or r , or Card—Circular—specimens of Busineso send Urea- the oanatlas. fcasis—ply ter Mt of treatment by letter are sal Writing—incite two stamps, and address I as follows. per mouth for each patient which will Y. W. CENKIN. S, ieclude Medicine snillicieut for ono month's use; alto, In- Pitts/ argil, Pennsylvania. bating Vaper, aid an . Wieling Apparatus. Pt =ant ea fol lows : $6 to be rigid to Express Agent on recd. it of the boot E' of Medicine. and the haimme $0 at the expiration of the mouth, if the pad nt be mired or is entirely satisfied with the treatment. Patients, by giving a full history of their - cnco, and their symptoms in full, can be treated as well by titter as by p -retinal examination. Patients avahing them- solves of Dr. J.arc t s treaties nt nay roly noon immediate an permanent relief, re ho seldom hag to trait a case over thirty days Loiters fur oriole:0 promptly answered. For further particulars, address JAMES M. JABILENT, M.D.. No. 82) Broadway, car. Twelfth St., N. Y. P. S.—Physicians and others visiting the city are re• rpsctfarly invited to cdil at the ) udrmary, where many interesting cases can be witnessed, and where our im proved apparatus for the inhalation of medicated vapor can be seen and inspetited. Jy80:8m CIITIIBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 o Market street, for the sale and purchase of Real Elate, renting bootees, attending to lissuranco and repairs, obtaining loans on bonds, mortgages, kc,; making convey. anew, deeds, bonds, 104 writing letters and 'corresponding with parties abroad, /cc. oclB BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Itsriessora—atessrs. Hanna, Garretson . Co., Robert Parka Esq. IYII-7 REAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. 60 WATER STREET, CLEVELAND, OHIO, Has for sale Lands in Illinois, WiROOXIdi/i, Minnesota, Michigan and lowa. He will exchange Lands in Wisconsin, &c., for Pittaburgh mannfactnrec,and also for city property. All {otters of inquiry answered gratis, by addreaaing mo as ry+vt, attli:ly PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. j' , l all the machinery complete, corn and cob cracker, dc., all in good order, with a dwelling house, stable and two lota of ground, situate in South Pittsburgh, and will be sold on very easy terms by 6, ourifll KT a :SON, j oli 61 Market street. M=MI EDUCATIONAL TEA FAIL TERM OF TM INEUTIMON WILL COMILENGE ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 62n Madame AppolineTetedoaz's r, - ~/ REAL ESTATE AGENTS. WESTERN LANDS ALEXANDER GARRETT, cJRIST MlLL—Tarao rim of stones and • A.WRENCE COUNTY BONDS WANT ja A i RD, In exchange for land. anti 8. OUTEWERT Ar. 80N, 61. Market et. ASTP AM:MILL oomplzto rorm'fig or der, with dwelling house, etc., near. the city, for sale by SASCITLEBEIt7 & SON, ap2,l Zdartot street. WESTERN LANDS of : good. quality, *a sale or exchange for Real Eatayeln iho city ap22 S. OUTHBEiItrIr SOINT,S Idarketst. NIAMILY RESIDENCE TOR SALE—A valuable property of Jo feet front on Covington at., Lstrrenceville, by 100 deep on Washington street to Cherry alley; Brick Dwelling noun of Z rooma , well arranged,bath room, porch, well of water and pump, stable and coarboude, kitchen range, etc. The rooms tie newly. painted and pa pered, shade and fruit trees, grape arbor, great variety of dowers, etc.; good p . fence. Tho above offers a good opportunity to buy a o mpleto and pleasaat residence. Price low, and terms sting.accommod ITTIDDMIT & aori, Beal Estate and General Agents, Jels 61 Market street rllE SIZE of the cheap Building Lots for sale by S. CUTHBERT & BON is 80 by 100 feet. Location—Near the railroad Matte, East Liberty. Prtco—From $276 to $4OO each. Terms—One fourth in hand; remainder at six yeara credit. The Plan can be seen at the Real Estate Office, 81 Market street. 0012. REAR IT IN MIND, that the East Lib arty Lots are offered at each prices, and on such easy terms, as to make a home easily to he obtained. Bear it in mind, that they front on wide etreets, are of my access by railroad, and ere very desirable locations for family residences Bear it in mind, that the plan of the ARKE lots is to b et see ,Bear it n at 12 6 l T SEE FOR SALE.-SEVENTY: THOUSAND 11.08. ES of choice Prairie and Timber Land, situated in Nmilaern love and Southern 11.11nnesota, embracing the fiamt lot of farming lands ever offered in this market, as they are located conveniently to Towns and lines of Laiircaul. Pamphlet* .containing information of value to emigrant& and. catalogues giving location, description and prico of the land, with a brief description of the counties in which they are located, caa be had on application at our office, and they will be sent free by mail tcrpersbus sending as their address. • , LT A .PBAZIER 44c 00., ray:6:tf Jones' Bandit& No. 67 Fourth street. TEN DOLLARS IN HAND, will Beware a Building Lot of 2(x100 feet on Xt. WaeWngton.-- Prico, sloo—slo in hand, remainder to suit pnrcbaaor. Al. so, a Lot of 60'100 foot for $250.421i in band, balance is payments to suit purchaser. 5. CUTHBERT I SON, je23 • 61 31arket street. . ‘)P- ACRES of Land and a comfortable naf H. - use, situate near the Washington Trrnplke, at about 3 miles from donee' Ferry, will be sold on easy terms. Immediatepos.session. B. CUTHBERT & iON, Je23 61 Market street. ALOT OF GROUND in East Liberty, near the liailroad 'station 80 by 100 feet will be !sold for one-fourth in band, remainder at six years' credit. 8. CUTHellta & 80N. my 29 61 Market street. IV — OTICE.--The Co-Partnership of BAGA .L I LEY, 008GEAVE St 00. expired by !Urination, on the first instant. She business win be a ntinned by W. BAGAUY, at 18 and 2D Wood street, who wills tiP the buena= of the late firm. W. BAGALE, • JOE'S LO. OCPBA VE. Pittelnergh, July 2d 1858.-13 ra t. NEW FABRICS IN DRESS GOODS. A. A. MASON 800, 2b Fifth 13treot, Are now opening rich - Dress Bias, Bera , C uw o-s.uldjeg' Parte BriManta, And a ap!endid rotaltion of SPRING satans. (apt QEED'SWELT POTA.TOES.-15- barzals Seed 6weet Potatoes for iside cheap" tO dose eouaigu • • JAB. A. - FETZER, nient - •• 0p.28 &moor Market. laud First otnets. -COMPOUND SYRUPS Or PHOSPAATES, CUEurCal. BCH - JD—This preparation la hot L tended sea pOpalar 1 emedy, but IS respectfully elahraitte , i' to the Iledical Eaculty as a nutritive , tonic, wall auittd to supply thews3te of elementary matter during the piogredll o ld:ironic Cased, p ,rticularly Dyammiia and Conarimp :foe. Thid preparatidn id plmaaatto the 'eye,.agretable to the taste, and valved to the.stortich, and doe a but paybs . "ago by protracted use. Bold wholesale and retail ty JOBETH *Amer Diszoced and !bad Ogect. PIWAMM KPO-it r ; .03pj_ NO. 65 FIFTH STREET.- DURABLE, FIRE AND WATER PROOF JOSEPH HARTMAN, (Recently Agent for H. M. Warren & C 0.,) GRAVEL SATURATED CANVAS ROOFING, , M.O.FiIOE, No. 65 FIFTH STREET, opposite Odd Fel lows Hall. Pittsburgh, Fa.l iY9" aUE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE TO inform hi, friends awl the public in general, that he id in the daily receipt of this deUcioue Beer, from the well known Brewery of J. N. tratlto', Allegheny City, it having been pronounced to be the beat that was manufactured here for many pars, CLEAR, TASTEFUL and PURE. Give me a call and try It. JOHN ROTH, ap24:tf At his old stand, to. 26 Diamond. STOCKING YARNS- AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, Always on hand, and for 'kale at MILITAE:Y ENCAMPMEN STATE OF FEIVIVS.YLVAIV7A. EXCLIOTIVF. CELAKEIIR, Harrisburg, June 3,1868. It is hereby ordered, that a " Camp of Instruction " ba held at Wildamsport,,Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, the present year, and the Adjatant General of the Common wealth is dir , cted to fix the time thereof-0 take cbcrgo of the arrangemaots—to attend le person, end to intno the I.CC,l2 , Sriry orders to the ~ _ --_:at wa.,IT, and other u:bcere of the 0,:romonwoo, t: in reir: la of 2.flience to filo nf.,‘ ordor fror eavfp of In3tra.fron br, comicg county, Pcnct.tylvaniu, ceinalencoig of, 'ritooday,tlte 7th day of Septew.: - . , continuo until SATIJIWAY, tn. LILL (13:f cf Ea.ci at 11 isOf said day, to be celled Camp " bump shann.:. - 1. This Encampment LI 111tOtIdell to include the companiesthrougbout the Stat. , „ whoa are eartic,xi:- o, , ,nented to be in prompt attendosc, 11. Tho Major Gertorals, Brigadier Generals, and Brigade Inspectors of the several oivision is end brigades are reqvired to report to my office as coon as posaiblo, what companies and field officers wilt be in attendance from their respective nommands—with the number of mon in esch company, the names of the Captains, and their Poat'OlSco addtoes. 111. The Aidetio.Camp and all other cfficers of the Grand Staff of the Comounidemn-Chief are ordered to be in at. tendance, attend and °Tapped, in fallparade dress. IV. "All - comp in - attendance are .required to bring wittr:thernelltentt rind camp equipago they may have. V, The Brigade Inapectors, of every brigade, willreport at Otte to my office; what equipage belonging to the State is in the limits of their command. Vu The Major General of the Eleventh Division, Oen. D. Jackman, Abell theeenior officer ou duty, and he is hereby charged with the - immediate arrangements for said lincanatunent, and 14 ordered to report to this office for ftd.- ther instructions. By order of the Gommander.in.chjeg. EDWIN O. WILSON, Joie , Adjutant General of Pennsylvania. - MILITARY GOODS. %lEEE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE; CONSTANT. -IL Ls on band a comploto stock of MILI'I2,A_RY GOODS bWORDS, P 135.7 11.17 D WIT I MULL LQul2t94V is Az SHORT NOTIOre BILIS AND BUNTING NLAGB Ni.t'rE TO °EDW. Jsioo Bo AIL'FADDBN 40 SON. mylB 95 ItittaKET SMELT. MILLINGAR, MONONGAILELA PLANING MILL, would respectfully inform the publiii" chat ho bas rebuilt since the fire, and having enlarged lila establishment, and filled it with the newest and most ap• proved raachtneryi to now prepared to furLi.:ll flooring and planed boards, serpwr sawing and resawing, doors, oath and ohuttera, kllndrioi, frames, mouldings, L'OX nalking. AM `. - f . louth Pittsburgh, September 7, 1857. pau GENTS' SEWS AND GAITERS, NDIA R I : BER CURRY COMBS.--The IL best article in' nee, Just r.-eavcd st the India Itniker Depot, 28 and 28 84 Cl 4r atr , f t my 22 IL CLOT 4 00 yards o1v8rt• ons vatterns;sad widths, Jut received from the few. tor,y,,fer rr.alo wholetale or retail, by H. pririzaps, 26 anti 29 P,t. filelretypee. GLASS. -00 boxes assorts* sizes 'in* Ohm, good couttry brand, far sale myB HIV.I.IY S. COLLINS. BROCIIS.--50 doz. rec'd and for salc by nua HENRY EL COLTANS. "H.-500 packages White Fish; 'Salmon, . and Trout, for eal , by (ruy:4l) H. iI,.COLLINS. jO. D: CULT' NI LNG Ls : 1,141%, (1011 N.-10 nhelied Corr. received EMI 1 4,./ CO: ere.er 1. 4, — II fn , -• s .-!t-,),-1,141a el - Coati try, inl9 3 f.:9, 1 • . '"7"r=e "q! -•• the i r .1 LAiD-200Tiga No. ILeadjor tale by had EMMY FL 00.11V3 .. .. ~r.~~~ t ~,,alfStelZ: c:,,,V.--3,74iq,klft'AiZi.rtr,4,V-4VOO, ;A:f. f ‘.. "'Zi" ,-1. . , ,y , "•; , ..-^P,' "44 ~,,14 7.+45 .,- ,:, - fi.F:l:-.5.1. k. „ - .; , .4 - ,v ,-,,,, ,,,, , , ~...., ,7,-,,,,_.-..,1.-,,„,„.;„, NUMBER 218„ MISCELLANEOUS ROOFING CHEAP, MANDFA:TURER AND DEALER N 'l3 FELT, OE It,E ROOFS, ELASTIC CEMENT, ROOFING I MATERIALS summerlliager Beer. JUBEPH LIORNE'F3, F. PACit uomth,L. • )rei(Ll. harrifourg, 00 NSISTIMI LR PAIIT 03 PLUMZB, BASHF.B, 'i'ASBELS, Volunteer C®nipanie■ L 0 A H D E I A E 8 , oNNAP. 9 PEOPLA A ON STOWE., No. 17 .1.1111.7.. ST, caILDRENS' 77 tdatket street. hPAULlirrra2, BUTTONS, IfBINGES, V1:04 ETJ ; R . B. kfiIUTPS