VOLUME XVI, PITTSBURGH 'OOHING POST. Pri.tee mrrnifu ezt,p.) BY JANLES P. EAttli., COSM7I Gl' WOOD LICD 1192 E firiSall, MEW p• - ..yi.ble3trictly advaaci, 1-cquirr.,l n3t paid Within th 3 year. 1 .4 70 CZ7=9—for , 3'e -.it the counter la 1 .1.7 T:zru uATI - :•:. ‘_IP ADVEtsTISING ;3 C , I' • TA''' . I it weez. FBES2 S-o 1• ... • OJI r -4 001 f. ES= . u J ti cxiw..... :a se^~-..... . I '1 01 g 00' n 10 CI) 666 E=M!! C:Mt S illu'ut~:B.. .. .e 0r,`a~... 11 WI 7 2.51 12 WI 8 C+3l Ocii 10 251 _._t .J Lag 13 obi 011-o, tc.. - i 53, lESENEE r. r--. IMEI=I CC1.113 ; Des PITEBURC-1 - 1 SATURDAY POST riiia.sl - rdeffrig E:EM ILYa ONT:d;i OBiF 13.13 , 1AA.!..-: PER YEAR, J CLUE 3 OF ii”.-7 .t", L-1,71.9 Stite.c.rik - It!omzs, - 03 pcz e.inaz (201'sTTAINS: ALL TM,' CURE:I- 7 ,'N'.l . NEWS 01.. Tar: DAY, .T2s1 1 11•31, Lit*rarr, Ay:J.:mit:arab 07Mt.' c of 010 LELSX:t aux., and noatly prints rte 211:11.5 - E•ap7r, lorgo, type, he found by t.`ao .1:11:?zzilgz• t r bo::ter sattatztion than any papa': v2-li - lio, - 1 in iiititurgh. ":12.C.73 7±711 to tal - e from Plntrly:=Lrai. IPad SATUT_DAY. P - Y.37 a a,15 rind pro'itnbla invostniont. firallati P. .13...rrn epri Frillier gad Fro.-rlatir. EMM & AYERS' EpD OFFICE, A :POST MIZTE-I.oDilsiGiS, GOriler of Fifth ad Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. 9 1 11 E unclersignefi having made extensive I additions of tile LATEST AND HANDSOMEST STY LS TYPr, and improwd dlncliinety, to the MORNING POST :33 OPPICE,' iu lee tai :fn•nticyn ci Rail Read °facer 11.erchants, bnaineno ma ,, , and the public gen , :-rally, to their npnrier fazilitiaa for emnntlag. 7 - I=ildi.Ti , ni.:ll 7 on teas:man) erme, all kind!! of ra :E., _ 7 l OA, c A ri TELE, ' 22.'7D 1:7.7i7.2 DESORLPTION OP PLAIN & FANCY FRMITING XP - Our matotctl being nearly all new, we can give as..-x -ance of the :nett zompizte tztiefeetion, t:Eld eelleft onien BOOMS, PA3H'ULIIT3, BAIL ROAD AND CARDS, BANE liumno, BLANK NOTES, - LI - r.E.D. ELEADS, BILL HEADS, ULM LADING, CIMOITLIRS, r.r.e.T,tNEBS CARDS, PAPER BOOKS, DEEDS, Y.ORTGAGES, BONDS, AZ"- Para Naar:Von will ab*ba paid to th© printing Of Postarr, Progra-iiwica, 4.z. for Coacerta, Exhibitisna and Jircuato, BARB A DITEBS. BUSINESS CARDS The People's ;41.-..0e Store. D. S. DIEFFENBA;;HER &CO., Chap Clatth Ile:dere in yU tio_43 of Faahiorable BOOTS, SHOES AND CUITERS, Per Gentlemen, L. - Alea,Yenthe and Children, Eo. Fifth Stret, ztear Diarket, o PPIPSEURGH, PA PV.:51,L9 ......... JOHRSO2I. ..... A. JOHNSON PERB.IN JOHNSON, Prep - rioters of Childs Co.'s I?e.teraf air-etle and Water Proof Cement Raoitar, - . TrilaD STREET. IRDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith rimy execr.tE..l, and ail GUT wort. warranted. ~ . 00fing material tthcaps on Land, end f..: sale, wlth di r,..c !loan :or o:rrifrzly Jos. F. Fi:AtIILTO2I ENGINEERS &ND RIA.O INIST , Carat^ of Frrat at - ,3 LiueY. z;:rerL;, .Ftr. UPERIOR STEAM ENGINES for Grist P.:73 and azyx Breweries I•rinting Elsts'oliahmonts, tiahafameriea, nude to order. They e 411.3 continue the taLnufaature of flit ir Celobratud Tools, Vint Pa T Lathes, Iran Planers, Bortug and briliir,g Machtnea, &a. Also, Wror,a,t. iron 6bafting, with Pulloyh, Hangers ; A, InSayd MILTSON- , .1"-CtILMT TE021250N...........5. G ki JOHN TEIOMPSON EL, CO., 0/USE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND ZIRAINfaS, No. 1a.5 Third stret. SIGN PAINT IN.: ailed wuh tie4ness and 41 , ,,pa.ch. limed Paints, Cn'.3 Tclientlne,l-ITanaish, Japan and English Patent Dry er-, V nook, a very superior =dole; Phil:, and Pittsburgh White Lead always on hand and for NI a aro prepares grind colors for Painters, Drug "r other& at the -shortest notice. as we have a Mill ty =t-mm F.:linters will save money by get r colors ground with ca. GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, T MANUFACTURER'S FRICE.I3. HYDROMETERS frid:::,3, the and 1-ast 9rtit.,63 aver 11113 city. T7l-' 1. ??-10:17SIT.Ellfi, AND - C.-AMMETER:, ; prix from $33 m ta.) each- POCKET COMPASSES, AND RVEYOR'S COMPASSES, . • = c a hand at G. D. saa.we.,, Optie.art, 53 Fifth Stree. F.opposit3 Matanic. Hall a, C, -& 9. . SAIWItEit, I.t=acluf Z 1.3 OP OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, AND fi..._ l 3iN SOAPS r:.)..7 Wood street, PittabiLrgh, JOHN EIBER & CO., F I fill DYERS AND SCOURERS, '••treet, e , ' 77,01) AND L18M3.71" BrELT3I.9, Ail hinds of Sha7ls, Dresses, Ribbons, and t - 77.r7 desaiption of BILt. and Woolen Goods executed 14 and on renzenable terms. lap28:11m ilitce of Sealer of Weights and Measures. TDB OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, EEALER OF WEIGHTS A. 573 MEABURKS, 11'7 iv funnd hancefc7th, in Cherry alley, bets.za Third Gl.l 3 : ;z.r - th erreez, where ordere May be left. nrIF CHARTMA BAENITT. j - S. HAVEN'S Elastic Steel Penajust T o receov.-4, and f.): Bala st the Stationery Store, ea. 81. 83 and SG Market !street. Fp:3_; Ft; FRANKLIN ALMANAC FOR 1859. - , 171.3 well-known and popular annual, formerly pub- Jobtston & Stockton, after a lapse of, years, will : - ."...24 - 113 . be issued. The cite-413t0n. as formerly will or t :0 stiLlfrd mathematician, Sanford 1:1, , sisn prepare far its pages such reading mat. e will make It an entermtning and but:matte rdsga i.r., the relie.ble astronomical calculations, a new ingp.:-..i.oralable at time, an accurate at.etL%l of drawing meridi,a cod cr„n'a• matters of pralaneut value will be added. Orders at book•sellcrs and other dealers are solicited Is advance ut pattration, as bnt one edition will be printed, and orduo will be tilled according to priority. wnt. G. JOIDIBTON & Pnbli-he e, Priniorr, EU.tionerr, atd Blank Book ]taken, 57 W.od Meet; Pittsburgh 3e2 VIIEESE.-300 boxes good cutting Ch ees e reoalTed sad for Bile by , HENRY FL COLLIN& UTAROH..-250 boxes Pearl Starch in store 1...) and for =de by jYt: B LARD ojl .—We hi a commenced many fsztnrbn rardOil g and will be pleased to reoeive or darn far it. We win Iran:ant - it equattre any Gain the-mer to t. We fiii berrela returce4 Bbett desired._ 1t0r.1.4 J. EL SAWYER,: Now 4t7 Wood ett.e.. CANIONS.---10 bbls. Craiwt far orta x xgal VW Se • • • • vt t.l. '. t 4 " • /, - • • ' 1 - . _ E 35.526. Fifty-four Beads and Mortgages, at six and eeTen_cunt. interest, amounting in the aggregate to-4152,315 Which mortgagee are or valua ble and prodncva real estate, principally farms,_ recorded and first lens, worth generally double the amount and more than mort• ,zed for in each caw, and in no c :tee less than fifty fp cent. more, exclusive of farm buildings, and ~ certified by the Recorders, where recorded, to the and tore of the Stereo of Ohio and Illinois. Nineteen six cent. Bonds amply secured..._ 47,655 to Cash on hand and in Bank 6,449 lY Cash la hands of ligents,.. - Inl'ln =Fee of transmission, secured by bonds viith =Mica— Doe on locus re-Insured, . Dill 3 eneiveble, Tic: promissory totts payable at bank and to the Interest scorned, (principally due January 1, II158,). Safe and ciZcs Sixtures and Sunni rare IFO 1 0 , 75 300 13 - 100 1 - .0, 1 F , 1 5 601 2 35 250 4 60; 2 00; 200 6 05; 3 2.51 4 50 6 60! U.; 550 0 001 4 ;:, ; 050 6 001 5551 80. lo ail ts r. 41 12 00 anur, 10 00 tho 15 Cs) li notictz,ll.'s EIBMZEI PITTSBURCH, PA. EMMY IL ooLraars. PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE "« POST BUILDINGS," OORINTNE OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM: INSURANCE REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE . - FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, • At ATHENS, BRADFORD. COUNTY . , PA., Jan. 1, ISA Oa preeented to the Stockholders, and made oat in compliance n with the State Laws of Now York, Ohio, Indians,lllinois, STASI:IIMT. The name of the Company is the FARMERS' lINTON IN SURANCE COMPANY, located at Athens, Pa. Chartered April 13, 1.363, by the Legialantrecf Pennsylvania. Charter Perpetual. Cash Capital, which is all paid up Surplus in addition thereto MOO= ro THJI YELR MT Amount of Preminme received daring the year Arc% intermt received daring the year Arn't received from all other sonroee LXPENZITMEZ. Expanses fth' the year, including commis-115ns, eater ca, rents, rein surance, printing, advertising, taxes, and all other expenses 19,199 66 Divitßirda paid during th 3 year 17,093 td Loess paid, which occurred pear to December 31, 1853 Lossea paiJ which occurred during the ycar. ........... . ...... 46,15131 t 4 LIASELTITES. Laical adiested and not deo (since paid) $ 12,500 f) Lessee incurred end in protmss of adjustment_ Losses rcported,on which no action has been taken b,SuJ 67 Lomas resisted, on ground of ilantt anca after Gre, property transfer red before loss, property last not covered by the Policy, ke- $ 60,407 U 0 Whole amen t of,rials taken daring the ynar-$5,429,862 OU Vibe's Amount of.risk at-date 4,861,410 Ou ..:TATE OP PENNSYLVANIA, CODNYC 0? BRADFORD, 51 . C. N. Shipman, President, end J. R. Cantiehl,Secretary of rho Partnere' tinion'lnsr.rancs Company, being severally dul , y sworn, depose and say. and oath for hi-tself says, that the foregoing is a true, t 8134 eorreet statement of the affairs of said corporation, r.t.l that they are the above de. scribed °Tears thereof O. 1.. ST3IP.SIIN, President. J. 1,. C.S.NFIEI I). Secretary. Suliscribed and sworn before me, this 25th day of Jane. arc, 1555, 11. C. BALM), Justice of the Peace. T. J. ITLINTER, &gent, 1 , ;0. 00 Water street. Pittsburgh. EIRE IN -I JR NUE, BY HER Reliance Mutual Insarance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. ON BUILDINGS, LIMITED OR PERPETUAL, MERCIIA.N- DISE, YUR.II/TUItE, LO., IN TOWN 08. COUNTRY. °Mee, ao. 305 Walnut street. CA_F'ITAL, 2177,926 ..ASSETS, szaa,46s 69. Invezt,d an f1:1110V7G, VIZ Flret Mortgage on Improved City Property, worth .dor.ble tne amount .$1 2 0,200 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. Mortge.ge Lean, $30,000 cost 25,500 00 .I.llculiony County 6 per cent. Penn'a 11.3. Loan. 10,000 00 Penneylvaeia nallroad Co.'s Stock 4,000 00 Stock of the Reliance Mutual Insurance Co 19,150 00 Si...)ch of County Fire Insurance Co 1,050 00 Scrip of Sundry Insurance Compsulos...—.:.--- 475 00 51115 Beceira:le,bnenala papor 52,711 50 Bcol: Accounts, accrued interest, etc 3,330 19 Cosh on hand and In Rank 10,042 20 V.82,46b 89 CLEM TINGLEY, President. DERICTOE.S. Clem Tingley, Samuel Biepham, William R. Thompson, Robert Steen, David S. Brown, William Musser, Cornelius Stevenson, Benjamin V 7. Thigky, John It. Worrell, Marshall Rill, H. L. Carson Z. Lathrop, Robert Tolend, Charles Leland, rtlo..,cs Johnson, Jacob T. Bunting, Charles S. Woad, Smith Lowen, James S. Woo.Nard,l Wm. hl. Semple, Pittab'g A.'S B. ht. HINCHAAN, secretary. J. GARDIRE^. CORBIN, Agent, In r 3 North-east corner Third end Wood ,'treote. GIMPANY, Of Plit.ll;.: - )..cielpilia. W!1. V. PLTITT, Praig...nt 1). J. fitcretary. ..,,ant .i enpit...l Paid iL chi.' iLvesend...s2oooo 4 ) GJ .... 03,4.28 36 ins - ire. Cargo Mal: - . 1; olt the Ohio and !tifs,:saippl hirers e.sl tribnt2.riErs. Lusuru.s e.g.lnst damage by Fite, Also, apinst Lho SLa onG i rdsud 1.4 a v Igat cr. D F. WZ:I. rcttit, J. C. !"1A..1•-, D. J. Itick2n.an, E 1;. L. Woolittr,n, J .h-o. u J. i'...ttaraon, I,lv e:. . WILL/ :4 V. I'Ll'r ._:,(• :t 'rl. . D. J. de Seiger, Lamb , Justice Co., Trr.,itt., Bro. A Co.. I Bud:, aiorg,au & Stidfole, A. T. Lone C.., coy, Cilawoll 4 Co. PITTSBIIIiii No . WAI SA STREET. epl) EXTEIL, Agent. _ WEOT MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOCK .EUVEN, CLINTON COUNT] CHARTERED BY TUE LEGL3LA.TURE or prml.§l,...v.L.xie a,th ...... poo,oao Premium N0ie5...5132,841 TaIs`COMPANY WILL INSURE ON E. tidings, Merchandise, Furniture, ac., in town or OuiaLliry DIE 11020118: G , :: ' ,e. J. lesrce, Lion. G. C. llarr.y, 1 Charles A. Mayer .1, ~E, LI. null, Charles Cris:, i Peter Dickinson, .inrams, D li. Jackcanu, IW. Whits, Thomas Kitchen. 11UN. G. C. HAtt.‘"El, President f T. AIsA3V2, t led President. HZ.i. EITCLIAN, ,S. , s;:otary. nETZILIINt?2:.;: omenel IL Lioya, ! IDr.J, B. Prawtord s I. A. Winegardmer, John W. liddynarty. 151alegrait, L. A. Mackey, ;Loa. B Cameron, James ArmatrAng, A. White, 1%33. Bowman D.D, William Bearon, James quirigle, Wan. Vanderbelt, I lloa. Wm. Bigler, OFFICI:--.NO. k f 112.11 e'Titili.T, l'irranuaria. (1.30.31 J. A. laffilitT, Agent. 111 E FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE (jQMPANY, O NIELADELP.I:IIA , Mr..3ardss—Oliaric3 w. Dmr..cl - ..c.,:, Ear', "habitat Samuel Graut, Jacob A. Smith, Geo. W. Richards.. 'iordexi D. lewl.f, Adolphl DAL:els, David S. Browns, Mon. :13 Patteraon. CITA& N. Bmicr2B, Presidont. Cll-13. G. ilanCsan, Secretary. Continue to make insarance, perpetual or linilted, on ovary iption of property,. in town and country, at rates as low are c.. , azistent with security. The Cmipany have rederved a largo Contingent Pan; ~`.l.lteo,\.ith their capital and premiums, safely invested, at fur," ample protection to the arsarf..3. rue ALocrte of the Company. en January IE4 1851, u pub. :'. agreeably to an Act of Ae_sembly, were as follows, viz: hziortgage p 18,128 88 , 84,877 79 Temporary Loans 88,969 17 Flouts 81,889 01 C...sh, 64,846 81 Total —5 1 9. 11 4 7 P 446 Elam their inaorporalion, a period of twenty-one years, they laavo paid upward of One '.riltion Four Hundred. Thou. and Dollrra,t OSSCB by tre, thereby effordini evidence of the advantage, of iraaraßci , , n 3 .7(41 an the ability and disposition to meet with promptu , :,:s all lmbil Wm. J. SP.VINEE. WPM,Agent, non rorfli-cast cer. Wo.)d and mid eta. W ESTERN INSEII.IiNt2tI COMPANY OP PITTSBURt3 R. -GEORGE I - caldera; U. M. Clor.DoN, Secretary. Om= No. 82 Water greet, Opang Oo'a Warehonsaj up stairs, Pittsbnrg,h. Will insure against alltinl3 of - • itlf. I:AIIaI&F.TS[R . g. Home Institution, managed by Dtro..,tor., who are.well• in the community, ar.d who are datorminod, by prompt:um ana iiberaty, to maintain trot character which they hare ammed; es M o oring the best ptou to them who desire to be itumrea. - ABUTS, OCTOBER 31st, 1867. .......... ........ . 2,160 00 40,246 50 Sine Discar.eted, 125,00818 $317,641 78 It. =ler. Jr., George .17 Jackeon, Alex. " Wm. Knight, Alexander Wm. EL Smith, Beerstarii George Dania, Ex:ale; Jataes 'it•An) . ey, Andrew Ackly, Nathaniel llQliuw D.M. Long, re m% BA.: 3 0 1 S.-3000 lbaCroWft for sfe LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 96 WATER STREET, PPETOBITRIGH, PA.. ROBERT GALWAY, President. Auk. Bssnus, Vic president. P. A. Rita! - .Secretary. ea This Company makes exery insurance appertaining t, or oonnectedfflith LIPS RUES. also, against HULL AND 0.1.R00 RIBKB on the aid 3iisaisaippi Rivera and tritnatariel, and MARTNE Rig E S generally. Artd against Leas and Damage by Fira, and Penis of the Bea and Inland Navigatiatt and $ 230,000 ail . 63,485 51 Policies issued at the lowest rates cc asistec with a.it t 1 partio-.:. Eureka Insurance Company of Pennsylvania ownog, NO. 99 WATER ST, nr-Esucrliaa swcik, Due Bills--payable un C.oula:tua and lioccuol Gy tw 18,761 b) 7,886 I'd Cue; In Pittsburgh Trust Compact; Premium liates... 6 093 Rita Becelvatrle.. 16,9 0 ol • 122 shares Ezchange Bank Stock—cost 6,960 IJO IN do Mochaoice Bank Stock—cost 6,490 63 200 do Iron City Bank Stock—amount pall. 7,600 00 200 do Allegheny Bank Stnee.— do d, 6,060 00 Book Axonnta . .. 13,26) 34 , 1 19 itl $ 263,48.5 61 $ &,23t 80 . 11,112 05 . 2,480 00 $49,153 ao CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMP NV WILLIAM DAG ALE?, Pro Lll•nt SAMUEL L. MARBRELL, OFFICE: 94 Water st,: - .e.te,/}thaan an,: $40,4-35 6i' 4 - sf' -Insures HULL AND CARGO MAKS, on the Ohio end Itlississippi Rivers and tributaries. Insures against Loss or Diunaga by FIRM. Also, against the Perils of the Pas end Inland Narlgatlen and Transportation. 12,100 00 PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 149 Chesnut Street, Opp psite the Custom TILL MAKE ALL KL‘;DS OF RANGE, either Porpt.tusl description of Property Cr et reason:lido of premium. . _ . Cornor Irwin Stroot nun! u,ucluean. 'Way, B. D. ItiARKER, - - (Formerly of the "Itiztet.. 11.. z THE SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW CUM ,FLuTED AND OPEN VOI: GUESTS. It la situated In a central part of the city, being convenient to all Railroad Depots and Steamboat Landings. The Nouse was built in ldbtl, with all modern improve menls and fitted up In splendid style—the entire Furniture being now—and will in every respect be a llrst class Rotel. Dine STABLES are attached le tho rzemiees. I JelZy By' ELI YOUNG, FIPTE Si'.TREL 4,•••,•• ll,The attention of Merchants - and others Le directed to this establishment, which has been rec-ntiy fatted up the the purpose of . affording SUBRTAN• PIA!, EAT LNG ROUSE IN A C.ENTRAL LOCATIOIV, Country folks attending nrsaket are particularly invited 4. all. Everything pertaining to an EATING SALOON will tiways be found, cf the freshest the market oYords. r.p2Etlydkw eviller Main itrezt and Yetigiii,ghery Rimy, .Vezr the Rcu2r6ad Depot WEST NEWTON, PENN'A. ABOVE HOTEL. IS NOW IN (.101il• PLETE order for the reception of vieltere. it ti Lean [dune located on the banks of the Youghl4theny river, and can be reached every day from the city by the Canna'latrine Railroad. -Therooms are large, airy and well feirtashod,and the cnald be no ploamuitir place f x a few weeks summer residence its thy country. A few :anilliee can be accommo dated. Torma moderate. Address A. LOWRY, my2filf Weat Newton, Pa. 3-hu I.l.Pararoy, OnilLpb, if!,,s. B. Wright, '.40 -, rL:,.!_' . .4..i,.: , ',:*_i ..,, ;---.-:_:.::..7.'.:7::-;T PITTSBURGH, THURS OAY, SEPTEMBEiI 2e 1858 INSURANCE. PITTSBURGH MEE= Robert. Gal way - , Eazautl Joseph P. Gazzsma, , John P.cctt, Jamas Marshall, Jambs W. liatiman, Alexander Bradlay, John Pnllartori, David LI. Chumt2brz, William Garr, 4.asets..MaN 1, 1858. approved tamps b I It Y: 43 T 0 it 8. 3. 11. Elloonbarger, i 0 W. (....41, W. K. Nimlat, 1 Isaac 1.1. Pennock. Jahn A. o...te,gtkey, 1 1 W. Vv. Aiartln, C W.llitchelor, lt. T. L,..r.b,Ji . ., It. I). Cochrun, Dark! MeCaa(l.B44, T 0 JUO3 J. Benuctt, George S. S6Ill.:11 Wm. J. Anderson, .1. 11. SEIO.F.XBERGEB., Pftt.iiki• h I P.OBT. 3Th.l:TEY,Secrotary. Iny5:1113 OF PITTSBU.ROH DIT42OTOIIP Wl!limn Bagaley, Senanel Boa, James hi. Cooper, James Park, Jr., Irmo M. Pennock, Springer iflutangh, Capt. Samuel 0. Young, John Caldwell. ii. , :131;11,T 1' !.:IN b.t. hrosld6pt D111.3C1 Cliarka Ha} ea, E. B. English, I'. B. Favery, C. Sherman, K. J. Magareu, F. Mantrituni:l ; , . COE' PIN Agen t Corner ',..ht; 3 and Wool ,tre,_ HOTELS & R.14.;;,-A'AURANTS SCOTT HOUSE, rrrTfnuTIGII, CORNECOPEME RE_ITAKTRArit'T. EXCHANGE HOTEL, A. LOWELL Proprietor, THE NATiONAL SALOON, Under Fosteros New National Ttientre, PA., D. BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, HAS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and nomfortablo style, the large centre adore in the ODD FULLOWB HALL. Pl!th street, es a irdiST'OLAeS 103STAMIANT,, AND PALOON. Haying hal many years' expf deuce in the taslneas, he la prepared toeupply the beet the market affords. His liar 'alb be fttrnialied at all times with the best WINES, LIQUORS AND ALES. The en , trance to the Saloon, is In two centre of the Dell, end re freshments will be NI - Lashed at all times, DA V end N :OUT (3th.days exosptedl WASHINGTON HOUSE, COR. PENIV'A AVENUE 4 THIRD ST., wAsuiriorrorti, D. A. F. BEVERIDGE H. W. KANAGA U. S. 1110TEIA Opposite th• Penne. Dostixond Depot, HARRIELBLIEG, PA. [Jen WASIIINGTOriI 130 T L, FORMERLY 11. S. L, PITTSBURGH, PA. JANES AIPLANNON, Proprietor. THIS HOUSE IS -LOCATED ON THE corniT c! ::CNN and.WABILLNOTON lstreets, between the CENTRAL ANTI WESTERN ItALLROAD DEPOTS, and has tuidargina a thorough Improvement, remodeled and furnished, with new furniture, and is now the most con7i , nista Hotel in Pittsburgh, for Travelers b 7 Railroad, Esat or West my :ly ANSI 0 11u,0..ea4 BoRberty atrGe!Ajur.UtßENdeTthZe Passenger Depot if the Pennsylvania Railroad, which makes itlhe most convenienthouse in the city for passengers arri ving by that toad. •Whe proprietor luoing, at , considerable =perm, fitted tip, in excellent style, the,AIANSION ROUSE, would resped fully solidt a share of-public pe'zonage. There b attached a spied:WM STABLE, and extensive WAGON YARD, afford ing amps, accommodation to travelers and monsters. Hi Larder and Bar will be furnished with the best the met can nff,rd. fE‘blry r••• celsior Restaurant, 7 No. 111 WOOD Strut, ' 4 PoatAiraos, wiroLaseLs AND RETAIL MAIER IN Luz AND 14.i:OuNvizpvizt:4 The undersigned has just received from the Lectern mar het, selected with great care, SMELT, EULLTEOT, HOENE, FRESH CC E/ FIBS, EASTERN SUN VAAL SEVERAL VARIETIES OP LAKE FISH, New York Prince's Ray, Egg island, Egg Harbor, Shall Oysters. The finest ever bronOt to thin city. Every delicacy of tho season served up at the Fivt I PLSIOB. II 11 74 74 _ - B. BTEMT.IIOII. QT. CLAIR HOTEL, corner Pe lad Bt. Olair StrVett4:Pittaburgb, Ba.—The cd, former. ly of " BrowrOrifotelf navingtalten this large and oommo dlons HOTEL, and haling recl_tEnd it in magnificent style, vrettld reepectftdly invite his friends and the traveling public to. give him a call. Assured, with the convenience of the - house and hb long experience in the temittess, to.is a EL gra entire eat:faction, and his charges moderate. _ M 47 WM C. 001iNELLY. Lippincott, Shorten . & Poolroo', till 104 WOOD MrsEET, NILO riMr• i ANUFACTITEEBa QB_ITRUNKS; Vi .. . - . ! licaViliat'-seitAkeitia)Boxes, Ladles Traveling I .'" ''' QtZted coustantli en hand a large atoeko We are to a wholesale trade, and Lay. !mg Ei ,... H op s to out goad eta*. at reduced prices, we liOnainvile the Oa& to sail and examine our go oda beo niegainbonseloodo! *A David Richay, klbarlea Arbutlea..t, Jcaopti S. Leech, N. P. Rut, kahart IL Hartley, J co. Ho'llll. ITEZE i:252,311 16 Capt. Mart Starling, Samuel M. Kier, John S. Dilworth, Francis '3BIIGTE, William B. llayl, John Shipton, Walla: Bryant, .142 E, own ci. Pe :1, JuJr. t, -•Pt•+ i'aoriziEyon, Ll,,irtrdllo, re ) PHOPRIETB.2.BS BOOKS AND STATIONERY ROBERT A. LOOMIS, (Suczessor to B. T gan,) STATIONER AND DEALER IN 150.11E8, PERIODICALS AND NEWSPAYEES, No. 41 Fifth street, Pittabuigh, F. CO-Pairtneirfildp. ••• • i • • THE undeNgned hr>vo enterail into Cie. Partnership, ii,.(ler the styie of Wm. C. Johnston & Co :i.iftfUEl. JOHNBTON, , iLLT AM 0 JOL'3STON. r;ite'mur..lll,l: 4 ,epterii'.ur 5,1867 . . _ . , W d 7. U. OUN S' C . TIOT.11E113,• -, 1:11tnufan r.,1 JOB PIMP, . ! 1.. • Thtrd s.r ,d „ TOBACCO AND I,;EGI/N,l tkr a a I) RINE!! \ I'l A!, 1) Cil4Aii.:s T , Pe“;C:i Safety and E,4.:tonouty hi RAgl“ WIIY IVILL AND FLUID, e 'het, : u c:,,por nntl iwt• lei ligLl. Fare K,roaeLo tn.. gaa of Cannel produc,6 the cheapeEt, in.. brltllaut, and eAte portable light ~ca - t,;, the puhltr, altd no dunzer u. we-01,H Itht tel-kgne; end quite u.l choitt 1.41tup4 ..t th 7,..tmatkag.,l c.•u atrtrztlun. y Stuithfittl.l r,tret.t.. _l3....witr • i.f A cirauter •is tlitArket, made .1111.t . 0. t! to ' , CUL! it f t:27:ly COOKING BI GAS. A \V (_)1Z1) 'l'u 'l'l LE LADI Fs. LIEATED I'ERM. Iti APPROACIL 14•, MIMES COOK I NG, IRON! N G,, ETC., • 0, - tt fi r Wiitt It.A3t, and r. 1/Ivlr.9.lt—' Mtangrave's (i 41au6.ing St 1,1., 1, , .• ctr.A. L. TM. C.,u ut y 1:61,d Oily Right, AT RES Wll • C P iZ• ' 7 .t;P C r t !: C I t • E CT 1 EU T I • T I T 1 u I N C 0 U r t ON U .:- ) C ; ) e, c U L. The most pi...maw:, oaf, end effe,:t la a, , 0. l'reparcAl and gold. whol.• , ale L.:, .5 I Cur. SVcc., , l c.ttmbargli, Fn , /la.] al Druc•ri: , e hr.2l QT. CliAitLF,;.; STABLES.— Tho anderdigted ha, henght !wine or t-_ • gether with a portioo ice stock of iliirselt alio late toe property of Jawed .Matlieu - ii, r e, to Lilo stoat. -Iflva;kneal, add added ti urolit.r PINE 1itt1i.:423, r.' P.III.AGPS, Vv r tlC, (I,iqcatt. don to tho L.C1,11110.1 . , II C dIC he bso. h Ithcirto ro:rtv6.l I,:u trim LIN nry 4t.,11,1m. it.—A and sr, y r of (LAILLIAGEI7 , can ': Cen't * . 1,1:11.•c,,, LIE CHEMICAL OLiVE eiAP, crufaufactored by B. C. h J. 1. Sawy,r, to r the preference over all other 11.1nde ever otlered for tutuily It, cd vnutagua uvor ftt : - ortps t,O 1 ot, I t t.) 11.,..0.n pound boiz,: i .131±110r. . - .ln!. 2J I Ica( t'le tiro, ~otl only 1.. cncrpl,...l in wn.3l , !ng uu"•r thin auap uu,.l in pate,' 4 . 1 r awr In washln t ; ran n , .unal - ty c!..r.poute•f v,th, iv. lli i cloinna will reqatra little if any rubbing, Iliad avoidllitz their wear on the wash-board ith. gotling Me clothes I. cumeossary whoa this Soap is used, and hard or all wnt.r nuswere equally ac well an soft. fob. I.amtcrs and others, find it far superior to oth r Scapa. It lipeet.tilp re moves grease, tar, paint, printers' Ink and dim from the hands, leaving the skin soft, and fro , trom chapping. To avoid the labor ot rubbing the clothes, end the P. 63 of the wash.board, the following directions should be followed : For the washing of eicht or ten of a family, take ono pound of Soap, cut It into shaviers, and dissolve in ono gallon of hot water; put the clothes into a tnh containing about ten gallons of warm %Ater ; pear in the dinaolved Soap, and stir thoroughly. Let tl em szvik twenty to thirty minutes, wring out, and rinse in warm water once, cold water twice. A very dirty wllst-bind, or seam, or grease spots, may require a alight rablang, hut otherwias the clothes will come oat clean and wl,ite, without rubbing or boiling. Cold water may i.o used I a pilot , : rwmiriug shunt double timo in soaking. Obaerve oar name oil each Li. F-r sale, in any quantity. at e, r warchonne, lsl,. 17 strei.t, and at our werke, epoosi, the ii.Jend (louse, I'. faV 4.1 J. IL an ap N 11 Wood mtet. BLICKW'IIEAT FLOUH.,2O sacks Buck whwt. Floor, 60 b aacki, rt! , :,!yed and for ank, !LfcCIANDLY, .MEAN; et CO., 146 V , ood atrbete. FLOUIL-25 bbl a. SupetiLne rireeo.ed a:A tur N.O :.y McCAl.23",i, MEANS rt. CO., zbai Corabr I,titit,sr .2. 4 , andßANch 14.1ELES.—A mot esirable eap T weapon, at 1.7.•)*6'N TETdLEEt, Alt.D.—A prim© article of No. 1 Lard, in barrela and iega,Jost r coi ed nod fur eale by McCANDLESB, MEANS & fa.l o.=er of Wc.0.1 and Water 6 trucAn. PICES.-- 1- 25 trans Pimento; 100" Grain Pepper, inat roceiv,l am'. for sal', 171.11. 1 .A31. •: Stolib 7811: , ;o1.! I+ , l E\V AitRIVA VLS.--\ e 1113 raking into heure,(ll,l Wool erre,t,) au V1:n . 1,...,4. bt.;:t.lt:Ltf nun rapor for Jubl.lng purf.Aes; /1,5 Laitcc, • .1f and ullti Nor'.); Envlop-, in gr,,tt rtt.ri,ty; crt ry tair.c ; and C olnap to titcy c:n ho bougnt In th, ti,ui , N here Wu wltoi.,,tvic oc 1t.0.1,0, T;Ty low (or 4_1.7.,b. • Alil flbil..—Whita Fifth, Trout, tittlir.on, A. 4 and Pickut6l Lowd, A litil AtOCk lo Bupply thoviciuleale track+. [my6 l iLENRY Li. CoLLENS. ORANGES., 9 OO bag. sweet, just received and for Bed by iIEYSIII:3 & AdNDERSON, No. SO Wood arta, Oppotite th , St. Charlog hotel._ jROOMI3.-100 doz. Extra Corn Brooms on hand and for !pale by alp 2 B. C. J. li. SAWYER. OUSTER TRIMMLNOS--Drah and Gray Banter Binding and Tmaels, Just ()paned at JO6. 77 iilarki-at NEW ,`S'I'EZ,t, SPRING SKIRTS--Of th e malt grztorod ehrpes, on hand nt if 01.1111.1'8, myB 77 Martait shoot, SEED SWEET POTATOES.-20 ban r eh kk•rd PoLatoes, rccdred and 1G: ealo by J.4-11r8 .1. VIIITA'R'R, Garner I'darkzt r.nd L'irt; PICKLES. -6 bbls. Cucumber Pickles, re CiAVOLI and (or sale by 3 vrtFth A. FETZLEI; to2o Cotner Market and First streets. . _ DERFUMER 17. —Lubin's, Bszin's, A. Wright's, Glenu'3 and Harriaon's Extracts for the handkerchief, constantly on hand at JOS. FLEMING'S, je?. Oornar Diamond and Market at. A) ICE ANL) NICE FLOUR ; 0 Corn Starch; Glow Starch ; Htclzer's Farina; Daer's '‘,'3::c , a and Drama; Frv3h Cocoa Shell. Rewired and .or tale at - 17 E L L U M COPYING BOO: S.—These V. hooka porsesi great edvantagra oviir an) alien; the pips being thick and atroag all not ter when wet. It tab., a mob. perfect Innareadou and is convenient to refer to. When once in me Mar enperiority to apparent. Sold W. G. JOHNSTJ -, (PP., iitationere, 67 Wood at. $9OO. F b ,02 of A . E two es , s r t d I parei ri e k d F ord, with hydrant, bake oven, smoke honae, &c. The house L 9 in gool repair, painted and papered, Situate on East Lane, AllagheJAy City. Tar ms easy. -t•-• S. CUTHBERT . SON, Si Market street. .13 AY STATE APPLE PARLINiU MA 0111.11E.—A VERY L'81•.:F. , 11 . . AND oISPERIOE. AR TIOLE—By five turns of the crank, tlni apple is PARED, CORM) and :3 -IOED. • '(.ratrihar 11th, 1166, and February 17[141857, in Enc..) , For sale in any quantity, at No. 74 Wood sti . oat, Pitts burgh. Please call and ez4mine for yourselves. irn SAMUEL FAHNESTOOK. LAW ] FISH.—A large supply of White Trout, Salmon, Herring, ko,. roCeived and for sale by JY 2B . HENRY H COLLINS. WOOD STREET PROPERTY FOR SAIX"--An tmdtvided thlhl part of that valuable ProF l l7 l _situate at the -earner of - girth and Wad streets, haling 130 feet fruit on Wood by' 60 doep on -Sixth street. One-third of the above will be sold f0r5 5 3,000.• Otte-half in hand—balance at one, two and three years.- • , • , 8. CrIMEC.BIatT - SO, • • - • - - 61' Makket street. UYDRAIT •RESSED 0. 600 bores Hydraulic PreSied - Mould "made ettVeady far liwamer TM, on hand and ger'ialtnt:y' -- $7 EL kJ. a EIAWYBIL CHEESE: -365 bza this yarrivingq,~_ an tar sils by (au* MUM. • • ••••••.‘,..4+•:.-4.-4--....A1 -.-,;.---.::,:s.'sl•;;;:i'. •:' ,, T tg ..it -, ..''.., 7 ,"7 . ,• : 7••;'- .-......,,15r;,•,5*A4';'::44,--.4•••!•4•4;;!'5.4-:•: •1 •Tf , ••••• „ • • •••.,.,;.,;,•;.,;.-4.44t. ' .' z'-'.... . •,•-•?.:: N • :' , - - .. F.:•-••••• ,' .....,--7:7•,:,,4'7,•!..74:-.., .........-. • - 4 1'29 STI?IeET !LI./ 4.1) r. 7.111 1 ht No. 76 2,I'iSON npl2.:9r. • 0 o ~ • : I' u 1.. 4 ( - A i I I II ' • re , Nl ly M a Cu JAYNES' TIM STORE, :i PIM] .I,,wt PIANOS AND MUSIC TIN MIME OF SPEW STOCK =NM PIANO FORTES, rROM THE MANUFACTORY of CHICKERING Sc SUN'S 13 , 41',T0N. Goi,detiug or 81 XI%Eli of thelf arw Eitvcn 04.t.ve atJ LY. and Octava Pianos; hava Just bt3,/ roLvivo•l, uuw rca...l . y LA' uzanainatiou at th. Warerrica2s cf thb N o t ice CHICIKERING r SONS' PIANO FOttl'i,..e tut, uutfuir,lal ni by them t 3 any other house in 116 ctty, and all orders twist 1. 0 t the subscriber. JOHN H. kIELI Glt, No. 81 Wood strc'et, 'Solo Agblit for Cbtekoring, & Sons ri4.3.10 , 1, . , J r-1 1, , r Pitts:Jul gh and Weston:. Poongilvauld. ._-.,--. P I il. Ili 1.1 Z., ! ~ i .'," 13 i ~14.4"2;v4 t tis i : Fli ~-,- FLL aRAND PIANOS' -.; —, . • : PARLOR GRAND PIANOS 11 4 ND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, room the Manalactrry 4f CJIICKEILLNG receivad from the manufactory of Chirkering Sons', Boston, the following dosirablo and elegant stock 0 their PIANO FORTES : one Fall seven octave Grand Plano Forte, with superbly carved Can. Price ~iiioo t ..11) Full seven octave Grand Piano Forte, elegant hese wood case. Price .. $7OO Ot.e Now Parlor a rand seven octave Piano, bear! 1 equal io power to a full Grand, and occupying only the room Of an ordinary square Plano, _Price $O.OO SQUARE! PIANOS I a'. fell carvo.l- Roaewood, Lords XlTth, Eleven coctareB, w!..1/ carved Doak and Feet work. T du Redwood seven octave--Olifford style. Two Rosewood. carved mouldings, seven octavo. Four Rosewood, plain round corners, seven octavo Three Walnut, plain round front corners, seven octaves. Four 4 f " 4 a. It to 614 I. Four Rosewood " 0 .. 0 61.,?) All of the above are of their NEW SOALE, and with full iron frames, and their now Patent Action. Those Instruments have been finished specially for the kubscriber, and will be warranted to purchasers. For sale et their reduced prices. JOE L+ IL mEwAin, No. 81 Wood street, dc,l7 Bole Agent for °bickering & Sons'. ALDERMEN. CHARLES W. LEWIS, ALDEREDI, And Bs-Officio Justice of the Peace, OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WYLIE AND SIMI STREET/3. 11 basilicas connected with this Once will be attended to with promptness Conveyances of all kinds done with legal accaracy--sach as Leeds, .Mortgages, Bonds, Powers of at torney, /fn. Titles to Real ntate examined. To the members of the Bar be tonaurs his cervices as Com missioner to tak , L-3positionc be read to the several Courts of this State, and elsowbere. ilia ofdee la one of the main Police Stations of the city, rin.l consc,oontly hie facilities in .tauc :asinos, of that k - irit ar son desirable. a ft , 10:1 y 46derm2E1'S 6ffice. JAMES S. 11002 , ALDERMAN, EX FEICIU JUSTICE. OF THE AND POLICE, ha. Be Urnat etreet t • nearl tho Court Eloase, Pittsburgh, Pa. Dspor.ittoh), Ackno , .v• I ,, dgmants and Prooates taken; the liec.. - .:rda exam:du cd, Duo.ta, Bond-, '4.ortp.ges, Wltlu Leaz A,,r r , :•.ut, and of Partnership, Letters of Attorues. etc., irn , n np of short . notice; Harriau,os So:erns:zed, an , : all tpusliN-1.9 ill the lino of his otith.,: prour,.t.ly att.-n.0,11 02Ice hours, from 1. 11. 10 1 P. 11., 2 P apS:ly DEESONS GOING WEST, who desire to purchat, good tanning landa, ore informed that wo for nnie &02 ti,,re2 of lend In Boone county, lowa. Alan 611: acre; of land In Franklin clunty, will be 01,1 on , •as-ly tar:na by 8. CLITILBEBT 4 don, utylb W. Market atroet- nIORKS FOR PRESERV JARS—An mesas Stock on hand, at tho only CORK !ritt Min° ToR7 In tho city—No. 76 Smithfield moat. 131.6 OVERINOTON. DWELLING HOUSE to Third street .A.for rent. S. CIITEIBERT Er SON, 1 , fil Market etreot. _ m 5 barreIs ACK 2 EE,EL ---- No. 3 Large Mackerel; 5 1 61 44 .. F 0 , " rec'd and fur ole by - (13' 28 ) HENRY H. COLLINS. eiLARET WINE.— - Li 20 cases N. Johnston & Enna Madoc Claret Wine; 1 U " " '• 8t Julien Claret Wine tin '• 0. 0 St. Jaen Claret Wino, in store and for sklo by 3.114L1F.11 k SIOILETSON, innB Nov. =i; and 223 Liberty street. d iiiEMICAL OLIVE SOAP.-1000 boxes ..J ettenioat Olive EfUlgTO Soap, on hand and for sale by 1' ,7 111011ACON.-10 casks Country Bacon Shoal .El ,R ders, ?Ides and Hams, Juu received and forsals by JAB A. 8ET7.1 , 2A, et , rtmr Muttet and Pltst rtre..ts, TNDIGO.---2 oases Mnil ala Indigo, just re ." ceivea and for W. by r - 418 31ILLER J ILIOIIETBON. APPLE :3.-50 bush. Bright Dried Apples Just received and for sale by JAB. A. FETZER, Onrner Irerttnt and Second eta FRESH NUTS.- 10 bales Bordeaux Almonds, 2 " Paper Shell 60 bags Filberts ; 30 " Cream Nuts; 30 " Pecan " 2000 bus. Ground 5000 Cocoa " Just received and for tale by REYUER a ANDERSON, No. 89 Wood street, Je9 Opposite she St. Charles Rotel. " TOCKINGS, GLOVES, MITTS, ETC.- k Suitable for tha approaching hot anion on hand by J" 3 __ _ JOS. HORNE. 77 Market !treat. 1 LABS.---500 boxes Bxlo, 9512 and 10,112, 7 fir rule 2:v rtlll f lIVI.IftV 11. COIL - I - NS ejOB PRINTING,— Cards, Freight Bills, Circulars, bray Receipts, Bill Heads, Labels, Railroad Receipts, Bills Lading, With every other description of Job Printing, executed with promptness and at fair prices. J . K. .Y ELDIN, Printer and Bind, r, Wood Btrect, near Fourth. 12 ACRES of choice land, with good im provements, near the city, for sale on easy terms by B. OUTILIMIT At: EON, Jelo 61 musket .treat 303 ACRE S of Farming Land, near Uniontown, Pa., for sale at $6 per acre. i y3l 8. OUTELBEJLT 1 BON, 61 Market et. PA.LLS I BALLS! BA/4,1,81—A large as sortment of Foot, Solid and Bat Balls, Just received And for Elsie, atvhole+Baie and retail, at the India Rubber Depot. 26 and 28, gt. cm* street, my 29 J. & H. PHILLIPS. 'ANSI FANS t I—Palm Fans by the case, dozen, or ainglo. at Ezatern prieea,wlth other varistleo u Fancy Fans, for pale a: HORNE'S, Je B ; 77 Market atroet. T EMONS.-1.00 boxes Palermo Lemons, 4.4. Just received and for sale by RHYMER & ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street, lily 17 Oppcalto St. Charles Hotel. J ARD OIL. 60 barrolzi Extra No 1 Latd Oil ; 25 " No. 2 Lard Oil, on hand and for rale t.y [113,713] R. 0..53.11. SAWYER. JAVA COFFEE.---Jugt received a lot of trictly inwo )1t ti,ovorum..._nt Java CotTeu. Alto, Ls gnyra Ind Rao Ooffoe, TF.J. Sttnili, i '5 8N Fifth oitrort. PURE BLACKBERRY A D CHERRY BRANDY, for medicinal pnrposee, at HAWORTH & BROWNLEE'S, JGS in the Diamond. ROOK R STS—Made of Mahogany and well finished. for es lo by W. S. HAVEN, jelh Stationer. DILL AND COLLECTION BOOKS-A large wortment alwa3 eon hand, or made to order. w. S. RAVEN, Jol4 Corner Market and Second street& LA "ER'S SEAT.PAPERS --Various sizes and enlars always on hand, at W. S. Jell "Coraar ilarket and Escond stE. AFA • M of 238 acres, near Economy, fer gale by S. Cl7lllllE= a BOY, Iyl7 fiT Market street. L'RENOH LEMONS.-20 just reoeivAtand for sale by ILBYUEB. ANDMBON, IY2B No. 89 Wood street. GERMAN DRAWING PAPER . rla 1 . 011 for Engrovera, for sale by J. ti,..wErraing, moo n; '?. "Toot V..rYry'". grium BANDS, Port, Folioff,i - Desk2'.:Pads, tUt Santos Oases, Part laws/day 'and %Packet Roolicergoy valeby , , W. 8., fitai r A2Pl33. sy ' Oortier Diesket and Pnevoid4ta (TNN •= . T S.-3 :. : easi gu a te * Ganny.SacA new and in good &aid; for byl • • - •• - •••, JAB. '4lc.' l * nom=Qatari First end 21stket itrests. AES UT'. ?feet No; oda day, and for eat z l ina ARDNEION, Iffer Oa Wood S street, so% 019sdis Ok Olordes Hotel. • .. ,•• • • :* -" _ REAL ESTATE AGENTS. OUTTIBER'r & SONT OFFICE; No. 51' Market 'street, for the sal° and parches° of 1y..,61 Metete, renting houses, attending to insurance and repairs, obtaining loans on bonds, mortgages, sc,; making convey ancee, deeds., bond.% ;ico. ; writin g lettere apd correepontling with parties abroad, ice. ocll3 BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. RISIMINOIS.-111 ea ars . Hating, Garrotson t Co., ll.obart, Parke. Egg. /Y 1.1.7 177MSTEIRN LANDS ALEXANDER GARRETT, REA!. ESTATE ADEN'S, NO. Go WATER STREET, CLEVELAND, 01310, :We Lauds in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, blichigaa and lowa. Ho will exchange Lands in Wisconsin, &G., for Pittsburgh ustnufactares,and also for city property. All it , treri, of inquiry answered gratis, by addressing me to ataltiy PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. A GRIST MlLL—Three run of stones and ZIA_ all the machinery complete, corn cud cob cracker, Av., all iu good order, with a dwelling hone, stable and two lots of groand, situate in South Pittsburgh, and will be sold on very easy terms by 5, OUTHBEILT di BON, 1 cl; 51 Market street. LAWRENCE COUNTY BONDS WANT ILA ED, in exchange for land, B. OUTEIBERT ,t SON, 61 Market at. ASTEAM MILL in complete running or dor, with dwelling house, etc, near the city, for VVESTERN LANDS of good quality, fZE sale or exchange for Keel Estate in the city S. CLJTII33I6IIT & SON. 61 Market bt. FAMI.LY RESIDENCE FUR SALE-A valuable property of 130 feet front on Covington et , Dsvrronceville. by 100 deep on Washington street to Cherry alloy, Erick Dwelling Haute of 7 rooms well arranged,batb room, porch, troll of water an&putap, stable and coal house, kitchen range, etc. The rooms are newsy painted and pa pered, shade and fruit trees, grape arbor, great variety of flowers, etc.; good p ling fence. The above offers a good opportunity to buy a c mplete and pleasant residence. Price low, and terms accommodating. S. - lIIIIBEET A BON, Real Estate and General Agents, 51 Market street. qIIIE SIZE of the cheap Building Lots a, for sale by S. CUTHBERT do SUN is 30 by 100 feet. Location—Near the railroad station, East Liberty. Price—From $273 to $4OO each. Terms—One fourth in hand; remainder at slit years credit. The Plan can be seen at the Real Estate Office, 61 Market street. [icl2. DEAR IT IN MIND, that the East Lib erty Lote aro ciferorl'at such prices, and on such easy terms, as to make a home easily to be obtained. Boar it in mind, that they front ou wide streets, are of easy access by railroad, and are very desirable loccitious for family residences Bear it in mind, that the plan of the lots is to bo seen at Jel2 NiAIIKET SfRiSET. LA ' - 'iOR SALE.— SEVENTY THOUSAND AClttiq of chci e Prairie Ad Timber Land, situated rtheru Jo - a and ~euthern Mf••uesota, embracing the ileest lot of farming lauds ever offered in this market, a s they are located conveniently to Mills, Towns and linos of ltailroai. Pamphlets containing information of vain() to et:V.4llmi, and catalogues giving 'location, description and price of the land, with a brief description of the counties in which they are located, can be h'ed ea application at our otoce, and they will be seat free by mad to persons sending us their address. WILLIAM FF.AZIBit ti; CO., iny:6:tf .Imm:of Building..-,40. G 7 Fourth street. PEN DOLLARS IN IiAND, will set3ure a 69 Butt•iit, t Lo of 2bx10.3 t,t, SIC:O—W La In“,(1, x cult purclumer. Al Ho, a Lot c: CVSIUB foci' ,for In band, bliancn in p. tuent. stilt purchadior. raisnur 27. ten 3 51 neirkot street. AC it ES of Land and a comfortal le egn,to near th, Wa,Liington Turnpike, nt a..mt 3 ini:AIA tram JLmee' Ferry, will La euld en nney term.. Immediate 1,05305;1t0n. 6. CUTHBERT .k bON, j. 23 61 Market ntrcet. A LOT OF Li .lio Li ND in Ease Liuerty,.near Ili. Cho itAllrond station 30 by 100 foot will be cold for $27., mints - oirilt in hand, remainder ta elx yenta' credit. OUTIIIIUtitT & SON. Fl liarket strul.t. ,E I IIITLEIVIEN'S DRESS GOODS. arrAzia.a.ND, MERCHANT TAILOR, Corner of Fourth and Su:Lath-80d Streets, ESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT liLtd be has received his Spring Assortment of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, Of the newest styles, bast quality and most elegant deacrip• tione, which he is prepareu to manufacture to order in the LATEST FASHIONS, Aud with such a character al workmanship, as cannot fan t satisfy sail please the most fastidious tastes, Lniyl9 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- Thu firm of HAWORTH BRO. B SttoWNLEE wag, vu 3d of :Say, 19ug, dissolved I,y mutual co.teent, by the b drawal of J.1:11U II A "flUitlti fr,m the above thm. lue ,L count: of tha late firm will be nettled by lILITORTEE ItItOWN 2E1311 11Ai9011.111, in withdrawing from the above firm, kindly thanks his former patrons and also Rt,o patrons o, the late firm, for the very liberal patronage he has re ceived, and would kindly recommend them to tO successors, HAWORTH h BROWNLEE, as they are deterthined to sell at low figures, having a very large assortment of CHEAP GROCERIES, WINES and LIQUORS on hand. 4£.1- DAVID HAWORTH and JAMES BROWNLEE have thia day we:Davie:3 together, and willsouldune on the imaineaa at the OLD STAND, corner of Eiamand and Dia mond alley, under the style of HAWORTH & BROWNLEE, where they hope to receive that patronage so liberall given to the old firm, al they eye determined to sell CREASER than any other Store in the city. mylli NEW FABRICS IN DRESS GOODS.- A. A. MASON a CO., .I(Pre., NO. 26 Fifth Street, Are cow opening rich Drltt Silks, Bersgee, Chn 01 Paris Brilliants, And A apleadid solo3tiou of 3P11.124 , 1 BHA (apt REED SWEET POTATOES.-15 barrels Seed Sweet Potatoes for sale cheap to eltuse consign ment by JAS. A. ITEMS% aP 2 : 3 Corner Market and First. areeta. fIOMPOUND SYRUPS .61. PHOSPHATES, 011 . 0117llIILLOA1 FOOD—This preparation - is not 'in. tended as a populare m ody, but is respectfully submitted to the Medical Faculty as a nutritive tonic, well suited to supply the waste 44 elementary matter during the progress If chronic cases, pirticularly in Dyspepsia and ConsumP• don. This preparation is pleasant to the eye, agreeable to the taste, and greatful to the stomach, and does not nuns onto by protracted use. Bold wholesale and retail by JOSEPH F.I.IOIING, Je22 Corner Diamond and Market street. fIOUNTRY BACON.-1000 IN. Country liatou„inert received and for sale by JAIIItS A. FETZER, triy4 Corner Market and First streets Ell ROOM CORL-3 tons fast quality roo'd .2 P . lind for aide , fmr6o HENRY Ti. 00,31 Nd. FANCY FRENCH BASKETS.—A nice assortment fast opened, 110J3NE7S, myS 77 Iferirct street. rspow GLASS.—An assortment of Country Gino, snorted sizes, for aalo by V73L IL SMITH .4. CO., utr23 118 Second, and 147 First streets. WINDSOR, SHADES.--Hold bordered, plain and fancy. Also, shade Trimmings, &c., always on band at and for sale chaap by J. AEI. PIECELLIPS, my 29 '2,6 and 22. SL Clair street. INDIA RUBBER LlOsE.—From t, inch to r a 10 Inches in diameter. A large anpply Just received at the India Rubber Depot of J. & PHILLIPI3, my 29 28 and 28 8L Cialr street. WL.LL PAPERS.—WaII Papers of all 'Oxide for sale at red , . -od pricae, by W. P. MAIISHAIL C 0 .7 ror2l •"*" ttiert EZNGLISH GLASS INKSTANDS-Out and pm—sad, with Biwa and Bronze Topa , jel4 W. S. BAVEN, Stationer. M. \PS OF THE DIFFERENT STATES lowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Nebraaka and Kansas, Daissocri, Kentucky and 't ennesee, Virgnia, ctc, for ;ale by •J"E VigLDLI, • Bookee2ler,and iiztioner, 1.49 rapt. nosy Nourth, bbls. fresh ground Rye A:6 0 0 Vora-, raocivad. undue: tale lb) JAAIEB A. FFEZER, Clothe , r Mittkat and Firmestfeatit: 1 BALE LAVENDER — FLOWERS,Icir by : ,FAHNESTOCE . 61161., •: Ael2. 6O cor. Wood and Fourth atnata. DRIED PEACHES-42 sticksAtoice.bitht dry- Peaches received and far safe by ;.;:; AB. IL L FETZIII4, • ie22 ' " a tudtet Virzi CILEI4§.V.--2cniUies . - i 27.5 -.:; 'it:lo'3l7o Dairy lolietwi; tot isle by fje221..) : FRA T IVIZ .1:L0014[448. TIR ' AP '14.V.-7,50 ,bags, 15tibbla. leg L ibru. Ae22 R IL Mlal REP. 4 140 ,-- • r- Hamm voania S 200`.111 PASTE, prepared zumuc rth caPtivtilon ot DL aniniq n DOD &u 516 IV • , -V4 • - ..:Y4.1*;.4i , : . :::.` ,. r . :i;; - 4'.',':.-ti:, y __ ~-.. B. OUTEEBEST lc SON, 61 Market street JEER' ILATTOF.TH l i g i ti NB , ‘ • NUMBER 277, MISCELLANEOUS ( eA CARD PRuM. Lia. JAMES 111. JAR RETT, Of' THE NEW YORK LUNG INFIRM ARV —My connection for the past elgiot years with the above institution, as Chief Physician and a twelve years* &parse of steady devotion to the km.re of Ptinnouar, Con• stosaptlan and its kindred disease:a, together with my un rivalled opportu ri i tics and advan lase of pathOlogical research —aided not a little by a jurrect system of ifsdical Inhala tion--has, enabled me to amivu at a thoisivo, direct and trace itsful course of treatment for the positive and radical cure of all &Passes of the Throat, Limp, and Ain-Passages. By Inhalation, the vapor and max . :lvo properties of medicines are directly adressed to the diseased organs and the integu ment Ido not advise the use of Medical Inhalation of any kind. to the exclusion of general treatment, and although 1 ~usider it a useful adjuvant in the proper management or those fearful and often fatal CiiielltiZ4l, yet I deem it very up rose:ill that each pationt shouti have the benefit of both general and local treatment. The tiIIeCESS of my treatment to the above :liaise-see., and the hith character of att. Insititu tl,io over whioh I have so long had the honor t.iptesicie,are too well known to coed any eulogy or comaent'from me. At tbe solicitation of many private and professional friends, through whose philanthropic aid the abovocharity has been long and liberally supwrtel, anti after due consideration, I have concluded to make such arrangements as will bring the h- unfits of my experiments and treatment within the reach of ail, and out confine myself, as heretofore, to those only who entered the indrmary. or weo..were able to visit me at my odic° 1.1.p.ng therefore that the arrangement will give entire sati,factien, b .th to my proaaeional breth tee and the public, 1 would respectfully announce in con .-Inalen, that 1 can now be c . rauttedpersonally or by Letter.on a l diseases as above, and that the medicines, the same as need in the Institution ; prepared to suit each individual case. inhotiny Vapor s, Mesita l Inhala'a, LCC. i ts., W/11 be for Warded by express to any part of the 1.1c161 Btates or the Panadas. lltasts—lib terms of treatment by letter are es follows vie: $l2 per month for each patient which will include medicine euilicient for One month's use; also, Ds ,istiling Vapor, and an .nhaling Apparatus. Pi =out a§ fol lows : sii to be paid to Express Agent on race it of the baler of Medicine. and the I;a4atice $6 at the expiration of the mouth, if the pad ut be cured or is entirely satisfied with the treatment. Patients, by giving a fall „history of their rt.o,e, and their symptoms In full, can be treated as well by letter as by p•rsonal examination. Patients ay:A dug them selves of Dr. Jerre t 5 treatment may rely upon immediate an • permanent reliet. sa he'seldom has to trait a case over thirty days EA.t.brs for novice promptly answer:d. For further particulars, address JAMBS LT, JARRE'L'T, M. D.. No. t 2 : Broadway, car. Twelfth St., 1 , 4 Y. P S.—Physicists and others visiting the el? aro re ep:ctfully invite.' to call at the indraisry, w ere many yt , Interesting cases can be witnessed, anti ore our im proved apparat:s for the inhalation of modicated vapor can be aeon andinspected. jy3o:6m _ ; IdILI'I'ARY ENCAMPMENT .LVL STATE OF PENN.STLVANIA. Er-SOITIM eueaßlE, Harrisburg, Juno 3, Hia It is hereby urdere4, that a " Camp of Instruct bo held at Williamsport, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, the Naisent year, and the Adjut,itit General of the. Common wealth ie directed to fix the time thereof—to take charge of the arrangements—to attend In pemon, And to issue -the necoisary ordera to the eeeral Staff, and other Military odlesra of the Commonwealth in relation to -he same. WM. F. PACKBR, Commander-in•Chtsf. Awl:rye:ix GlinztaL's OFrias, Harrisburg, Juno 3, 1858. j la obedience to the above order from 'Head-Quarters, a " Camp of Instruction" will he held at Williamsport, Ly coming county, Pennsylvania, commencing at 12 IL, on Tnenday, the. 7th day of September, 1858, To continue until SATUUDAY, the 11th day of said month, at 12 x , of said day, to be celled-Camp " Susquehanna." I. This Encampment is intended to include the uniform ed companies throughout the State, who are earnestly re. quested to be in prompt attendance. 11. The Major Generals, Brigadier Generals, and Brigade lo,pisitors of the several ..ivisions and brigades, are required to report to my Wilco as soon as possible, what companies and dept ollicers will ho in ai"oce lance from their respective commands—with the ntrinh,r of men in each company, the names of the Captain-, and their roat Wilco address. Li. The aideede-Cite,.. and nil utlicr dicers of the Grand Stall of the Commander-:n Cjief aro ordered to be in at• tondance, armed and equipped in full parade dress. IV. All comp:a-lb:a in at tendat,a, are required to bring will them all Watt iir.l camp elaipar4 ,, they may have. V. The r cry brigade. will report at "in e to mJ CCCe, Wt:Rt LOOLLOUg to the - biota 1, 'a the of ttear ronimund Via The Major General of Eleventh llivision, Gen. D. Jackman. shlll be the senior ofticrr on duty, and he Is hereby charr-ii with the immediate arrangements for said Racampment, and is ordered to report to this office for fur instructions. r of the Coaireander4n-Chicif. EDWIN 0. WILSON, Adjutzut o , noral of Poanaylvanis MILITARY GOODS. 7h I HE 6013SAYELIECERS HAVE Ce. iNSTANT -a• LS on hand a roatidoto ot,,ca MILITAR GOODS CONSIST:WI IN FAI4I C . LII tr,S, swokin,s, ' ASSELS, Volunteer Corapunlee 061 - I , :gIILD VilTri PULL 4QUIPYLP.:zI - 3 A: 83062 SILK ttN . D DITSTINO k'LACIS MADE TO ORDER ailrn.lN cu. SCON. ETTIL'ET Sirdl. !iPittnE4,;'S'ittiDiiilk. Woot4. Nif,otEt, Eltillibeargra, Lff AS JUST RECEIVE(' DIRI:CT ritom I a 1-ING LAND - WALDIZON r ui J:~< Strifilq Li 9 CORN ROES; PATENT AND oommoN ANTII.B ; "STEEL Traud, very superior Drawer Locke, very anterior Our. Lock:, Tinned and Ennamelled Sauce Yana, Basting Eipcdans, Braza Candlealacke, Brun Cocke,Brava Stair Roda,Brncesairl: nita, lleafraring Tapes, Superior Waiters, Carry Combo, TOSCBe, Coil, Fifth, Tonguea, St: etch and Brat Chalue; _ will: a variety of other goode, all of which rill ho eold atod• erste tonna. ara• JAMES MILLING_LLE, MONONGAHELA I.'LAIgN4 MILL, would respectfully inform the public that he hes rebuilt since the fife, and having enlarged his ..sfablishment, and filled it with the 113Wt•Ft and most ap proved machinery, is now prepared to tarn . - h flooring and arked boards, scrowl sawing and res.k - inc . , doors, saals and shutters, kiln dried, frames, mouldings, bolt making. 4 - . c. ciontii Pittsburgh, September 7. 1857. [o 10 GENTS' SHOES AND °NITERS C I:: A Pe PPLti., OE STOit E, No: 17 Pier Li ST 011ILDRYN2' PI I TNDIA RUBBER C[Ii•C,R 'I. Co NißS.—The beat article in %tea, in2t 1.:Kei1 . ..a at the India Ittibber Depot, 2d end 28 Bt. Clair et.T. et my 22 fitA IL OL UTLI C 15UU yards of oad ratteths and wirtt in, just roomed from tho fac tory, roi isle wbolosalo or retail, iby J. FL le. rind (GLASS. -300 boxes aeffurted Sizes Window Gilis33, good cou , .try bratot f r nalo !ry . . mY4 , •!g:: , 8 v A COLLINP. 4_,?..a00m5.-50 doz. reed and for sale by mz.:l HEN.,LY a. COLLINS. IBIS.-500 packages White Fish, Salmon, and Trout, for stile by (ruy"..l) H. U. COLLINS. INO. ICM'CIREARY'S , COL'I) PRINTING eis IN A—Sold by Irar - 1411 J. T.L. v.E.LDiN CORN. -10 bags shelled Corn received and for aplo bi lie 3 l IiPoIRY II COI LIN-6 COUNTRY BACON.-1000 lbs. Country ilacnn i tramp, Shouldera and Sides, ree,ived and for sale by MS. A. WATZRE, corr.r siert - Pt gni Fint law BOOKS—On all tho Banks and IV Brokers at 39. b. 11AVBNi tar% Printer e:.(1 Stationer. .ALAD 012L-10-bi.kets pure, just red ky and for safe by ft Vann a IVIIDE.ILS'ON, my 4 No. F 9 Wood street. OHN THUMPS° eir received and for eale, a lari itagllzh Vonitiau Red, Rochelle Ochre, Vermont Ochre, French &Ike, A1112011i! 11. - 4 -I LOUR-50 bblq. Superfine Floi . just re ceived and for sale by JAB. A. FET2E.I . .J3B Oorner Market and First streets. ARD OIL.—No. 1 'and No. 2 Lard Oil :ooludautlyort lucid and for sale by .j• 7 I „ . .; -B. C. .4 J. Fe. SAW! n. ,1131fRE MADEIR;. AND Cl' the bottl or llon, • :•i es .11:AVO & 11BONVILESIS. i n the Distneed WERE JAMAICA RUM ANDflauiLw"s' .L.: GIN, by the bottle or gallon. wimErs, „ I a& aZDOnIY O = 4 BBC) tb d • DR ED PEACHES. -/-20 Bushels choice, Bri44,,T.lo,l,eachos 104 reo6rod add for sate by JAS. A. Ulna, r Coulter , dket ifirat Areas, • COOEE.—«AO bags o Qaffee, for a stl o e by VIM 11S ttrti. erti 167 Vtrrt strm , ttl. O. - - hi , AULL'I`TES, BUTTONS, "'RING La, ETC, ETO F FIN I> ..11 A I H. PTAILLTP4. & CO. —Have just p 43 lot of ati to Lead, and• Wititing. at Infi Third-gtre imasu, for Bale 1 : 7 E mmy g 001Z00 - ~ ~=