- - BUt%6F;:=.E.; EL - zrs.T• ;; . uzr r azA tzwv at Law, 1-...irte,br„l-it,tos..-7,:.--,alinaith,iPld and ift,brry , -014 . - - cocli 1; • ‘c. inddle, No. 144 Limit st:Lo.t. 43•407.1i0a boom from El to 1 o'cicch, cad to 5 tblfely _ I SCOTT, Dantis - L, Fotuth traest, ut w-dst of tinthet. FAY Lcezrs f:ota 3 dolocs . 6 &clock P. 3 - OSEP3 FLEXING, suoonsor to L. Wil cox G Co., corner of Market stress and tke Diamond, kwra. cane tantlpo n Land o fall airiornxtent of DRUGS, REL.D. C111132M, PREFIIMERT, and all art', clei pertaining to Lk 11sitoe3.. mr4onnacd az all noar. _ . 107 lar-V ,3 I„ -10581" S IL I:LULL:S s:fjr P. MARSHALL & Importers and `l , • dealers :muchcnd iLL:6II,3Ii FA PER NO. Wcai e.s ci l'lttmbr.rgh. Zo e thz amanf..,-tort, 7:l'. 47 :..- DAtcrert. 6), Fens. 1, ia-1111r. .1.4:•11i0.2 I. 65.D...n4C.f. TO RIMER & ANDERSON, (sucoes3i.. , ra to JGthus rch,i€4 Q C 0.,) u-holetalo doalers in P.OREIG.N isurrs., SPICES, CONFECTION AB.Y, SUGARS, &a, e 2 Wood et•ezt, opposite the St. Crharlos Hanoi, Etta bargh. kl_;32 J. Di. LITTLE, !MERCHANT TAILOR NO. 84 ST. CLAIR STREET rdp_h - av n KET ---- u A-ROLLITECT, REMOVEID fer-• c.: Ftliz tad Wood to ...AIR hT11..E11"2, Deilding,—:,,utihriet to prepare Plar, , r-ttd Ape:Ale:Along of, tad to Sa - iAlrintettnitho 3.troctlet of eiery Zes..rlptba kullthega. A uuroN, BELL AND BRASS Jon.. r to- - .INDF_F.,'N, stcoND famot, Y t•` ,, arg . l , , preparti: tojerr.4l , 4to eider OfliTheU, trig PACrhpitY ANI) Crf Qlitiz,z,triaa iG ta 10,0400 CR:l35a: BYLL ~rder and AMIE O_ , CS.S tsT WA tires. COU 11.12:G: , ., told Gray v=rltt healthy and pktuiesqu.p..a.tiou `La 3llebhnwza Hutssi four miles from Creetou Station, ta..l dirt runt. be:woon Platladelphla on,l eit.tobere.h. The entroleAtic year cr4arnencing the flout Monday to Sep:La-16e,, will cloto tho 15th of July following. The I\XX...A tbr mod, inandiai u rboroth .`;ogitsh t oleo Ca.are, am $1 , 30 1,4 ar.unin. • The Cltaio Langui l k,A form eo ertra chore et $lO per aruaroa. Waeliing end tree of 13. e Itug $lO. For further r..r'llonlar3 to the ani - .. , 11:): or IL d d - a y Rel:rFaxv ear..l , A m.LS&. L the RI. Dr. tiams"..,.u... Vincent's COliege and Seminary, lIITAita THE OP Tar. isZIiP.DICTLNE riTauits, Near W.tamaareland uaunty, ea. TN TIIE COLLEGE ARE TAFICIIIT Tt3 cut.lB,l-braitchea cf-Du4131 Eat:cation in vhe, dv.MINAT2a", fat,ts;ric.e, Phlkv4. , ty, ttin elliScrsat bravc hiews: erulit.:Ja v , t•-• PriEztr.c. , l. ts,vaiii,a . au' z.nd othv:.• LL K, - - 'Ttia OSSIIE J r. DE I' GOOD::: Retrztaae,! Ref:neat:it A NOTH ER CRASII-IN PRICES 1-- 2 - 1 ir4 deterrak:: , l to sell our stock, thong - 11 ose Tight," we hsve rasde n general Effie en-- - ELIIDUCED THE ENTILN ETOCL. . Ito iowtr Now is the timc to Lny when the turbruhen, and ttO Prices Down! .Downl I ac gild. JOS. 110P-NX, 77 Market .0-r- ( 7,1 i1E LAST CHANGE IN FlUlath,t'..— il 1111,6.a.0, wortlA 75 cent; st 62% p,r do So do `dlyi at 60 du d. do Ert) at 131' 1 A do 1 - .114 . at 2.5 do do JOSEPH HORN 2., I.arket ctreet. ii VEL vvr i , TRIAL. A YiNU il..DSubrj) PPdO A chola, oz..tcrtniont on td , nd and foruale at ocall i_7 hiattot CIENTLEMEN'S UNDER GARM.ENTt - T,.— w-Gol, Sirs, Merino and ,inavy Ciotti= Under Shiro and D r amas---n fmlorapply reoeiced 110R1iLwn, del9 77 Market Meat. IVE Centa - per Potnid - Titednetion in the Price of BRADLEY'S T.LENS.--Wholesale Sayers and Peddlers will be famished with BRADLEY'S 7113EE-PLY KNITTING YARNS at a reduction of Five Cent] per pound, "by the bundle, after this date„ar 019 N, And Csah only. JOa. aOB-NE, 77 Market street, Agent for the Kancfeaturer VaßßOlDEliLES.—Our,excellent stock of 11.2' 'French Embralerioa, and tho low prices at which thoy are marked, offers rare laduceraonta to ladies withing to purchase the latest etyloe. MONEY 1 MONEY 11—PRICES MARK ..u) DOWN. Air Great reduction in the pries of Embroideries. Via bare mane carefully weer onr handsome ctock of FRENCE-WORLUID COLLARS, UNDER SLERVES, MIIELLN BANDS, etc., eta And fired the prices to tuft rho "hardThmte. The Ladies may rely on prima bargains at BORITE'S, tl ideate: atre,st. ILL SELL from the present time un- W El W MIIIMOUIy cheap FOR CA.Sti. Pious call and A ma p a i nu our stook. LOVE, oot2o Formerly Love 8r03., No. 74 3.lark , t st PRINTED FRENCH MERINOES, for 62 and 76 chute, worth $1 and $1,26 tho treet t-tsortanout /a the city. lILNgON'LOYiI, I s Cuttnerlylicrießrotb.eri), No 74 !Stahel strftL OgNET V.ELVET.—Bvery variety of Bon net rasterttl, alb!, Velveti aul :- - _ , ...t: I, for eale a; :ATV; Ron "; c":i 110 k- .111-CK---A3-bFANCY. DRESS SILK S.- Jur A flail seocrtaisiat, very ch.*. C. RANSON LOVA furettzly Lore Brothel zs Ii zrket g. . VERY Eoopomical Piiiiilfaser of Dross 00.- 1 45 Storwis, rdantlee, 4.; also Frolner!do and Sto p a Goods, will find it to their ad Cage to call and metal cos Neer Weir. rf F.ll and Winter L'zy Goods before puteh es tug elsewhere. O. FLANsov LOVE, 4.46 I . meets Loins Brea., No, 74 Mazlget eL —4 - QII AWLS 1 SHAWLS I—Wool, Chenille, itrocha, both long and Num th• Tmy beet in the city, and et very low urloz-s for cask. 0. 'ANSON LOVE., formerly Lova No. 74 Market street. DIQUE and MAESEILLES, Fleeced, for making r.ssortr—‘ , •nt at date? ONO. 11. 1,4, _Las a TO , PRINTERS.—The suhsoribor has now on ttutd, dna is daily re.. , 3lving, from tho tnrers, a large nasortraent of Printer's Sloe/1. • R. I. Potter's Prieto' earda, from No. 1 to 7, Saila Ohina,- , Porcel*in. Satiu tauru.LlA, and CirSß ard3, in na-)ets; Gelebra:•A coL,r,-.1 Inks; 'Card . Lay Bre,- Varnish and Sidi.; Ool.red Pi luting Pe.paii Pamphlet wtier Pe.kera Glazed and 2latsl Papers, red, green and yellow ; - Steel Bine GlPzod Ptsisre, and a tarp aszortnisnt pinlu Note, Setter, Cap, and Polo Past, blue ara white. J. R. WELDLN, 63 Woad atri.et, near VOTlrth you ask ma, Should you wo. - Alei 14.7 Where to bn,y your Slims and Gaitera : C3its for your ',Oat In apiingthas, itoet3 with heels, pod pretty nt — ailiva. Nice Patna . S . LIPPVIS for the simmer, Patent Lather Rove-gid 3loczamai Where to buy tueso cheap and goal too : 1 ithchLi answer, I would tell you, au auto the PEOPLIS SHOE sToa - E. the c't.......apy10a Store , - 1.5 Etorecf - Wit No. 17 Fifth eticvt BEDraft D SPER I Y: VA ND gv,)r.:544 S 0 ill 13 11Q. / Yalu n.,•2 sa.. zs 6,41), in b. lera.34. 014114 . 2 Vvd,. 72.'3 thruia. " gjr..n, " Praa brtntizzd la ale Ly jan GU'BLL ALO, CALL? AND CLOT . CoViIitEHOE, cdarrAlLm, Wt “1 - L, r.,,pte.e.Ehoe Sion,' No. 13 ill.k eti ett, vela 1)111/BNE1CIrKP &ZOO. 11 UPFALO SHOES.—A splendid article of .1 Ovate and Ladies Buffldo Over Shoed. AL3o, Genta , Over Shoal, ut Shoe store, No. i 7 Tint' gU'acd, uetirlfarket. L0532:11. IFFENBAC II F.B ,k C-0. EL SODA.--100 ,kegs,-jtuat rfeMdved and Cur salu by • ' mv:o d L TIAMI6TOCK- it: 00. ONLY $750 FOR A TWO STORY Dwel ling House, of foar rooms, with lot - at provand 20 feet Mont co niont.rey atreat, Allegheny city, by 110 deep to an alley. Terme, WO in hand, balance at one, two and thrse years, EL CUTHBERT sev24 Market Meet. _•.; ,:'.-•.:::.,,.,-;"'• • -.,A!:••1.4 .- , iii,',!....-:-.:':.-•of;i7f.t.'•:::.:-,::r.---;.-. "i-7771. 15=.11 tiLLDLE ROOK, 3011113` !I VA BUILDING. OPEN DAILY, from fl to .!,1 o'oloak.; also, on 'Wednesday and Elattimhey eveniuge, from May let c, lercoratribei let, from 7 to Ii o'clocui and from- November let to -Iday lot, fE.iiii 13 to 9 o'clock.. Depasite tee:dyed 01 all entls not tans than Oita D0t.14.8, al.ll a dividend of the pronta declare,' twice a year,in Jun, cod De..-e - mbiii. iiitcr.ed was declared at the rate of elk per mut per annum, on the first , :f Deoutriber,lB64r also in --- - - -,.. . t0„. ti June and Decembr , r.ll66, end in June and December, 1857 W.n.1,11-ain, Philo ..... , ........ ....C. W. gicELTS'ir. I . interest , If tot drawn Ent, is placed to the credit ' of the . 1i 1 E.. .1.. r.: a & 1-,..-icaPirsoN, depositor as principal, and beats the same interest from the first days ci Jute Ana December, compounding twice a yaw WHOLESALE GROCi.n. .- 4 " t‘! without troubling the depositor to cell or even to present 9 his pars boat. At this rate, money will double In lees than twelve years, making in the aggregate lUGTII tarp olni-nesa ANTI IMPORTERS. OF ' TV. '="7. a Yr..eat. s, WINES AND SEGARS. ' Books containing ohs uhat - Yer,ty-low3, Rodeo and B 13 pAN-DrE affo', Lotions, furnished otitis', on'application at the office. Bias.'.4lql anti '2.3, corner of Lkbarty and i President.-GEORGE ALEIREM• Tin BBiturnEvin. ' Hopewell Hepburn, John H. lilicien'rgar, JOMEO Stiklie, N. Oration Murphy, Alexander Bradley, Lsaau M. Pennock, lobert Roth, James D Kelly, William h. Lovely, lames Ilerdmea, 11111 Bargwln, John 9 Cosgrove, - ---- Second 15, 14'1 Firth rag., AND SOLE AGENTS FOR .teeesrer's City G?ass 11 PITTSBURCH, PA. NALL6, Cs.IT - P..N YARNS, 10, OJNSTA::.TLY ON SAND.r.nr;4 DAVID IrT:A.-T:AI-i5. c tL 2512-13, I.4."CANDLESS, rammis tz, Co., F act a Weism- --- nat) WHOLESALE_ GROCERS,, !ALMS tt4 IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS MAD PITISTITILGS IiAIMFA.OTITZLS G1V1T,1261, .Dopor of Wo.--A and W::47 stre-fAs, L.fill) COMMISSION ._. i.i t'Ll. U 6 i.7._4,5g.:Lig31.t.; 1;0 Prvi dill 'tag a fill i.VillaiiSs.ii;:ii I ,iiie fe 11 v. r.ii..ti I?itt4:.argti, to Ii:iNAI, L.iN%S. . 14 xsn I.IL Vis.l-v:is atu.st: r, Pri- - tatu ace, FORWARDING AND COMMIS;iIUN • _ ( 11.013 . 4n1Ati 8 SMITH, ) COMMISSION. AND FORWAADING OUls. iiicTaiete, O. J. 110/ an, JOll - 1 ' motif Humphreys, HoilMa 1- Wright, FLOUR FA 'JuI:ORS 9 Z-DROD LICE AND GENEIXAL GOIAMISSACIN MERCHANT a 76 NORTH ti.)ltTil WATEIt It .!:,1 .1 , 11 it T Cuurr.E, tX!, Clark YcaLtt., lei , C.nleb C. g & 2Esver Cashier F. C.,hirq- bon a :.torria L. Ilalowell E. , Idrt3titcheoa t Conine, ficrinely a t.>•-, Ititt'irc'ei Itzlzett, MAtiat , w6 , rittrewabrtry k Price. W. 11. I..e.rtgley LEceruLic,, , S. !J. ilutlocl:..N. , tV E!EM:I9=I :..7.r-1 , 1 - "ER ELL COXITISSifiII Li.ERWIAT.4IS EN.13.1 bnd. ../ BUTTF:'.t, gf- , .. , • ,31 .• • can..rd - • t-:?...111, D.. ;;;•:115::: ...40".. , 561. FtOIIWITE 4 Y: 4 . LlTlLliqr2: U137.-1' L.. ;11 - 1 , -T.7i4.11 L T liLO.lO, 11.0 B ERT SON & CO-, Mann -I.;L factr-rern :A Cu:, :rusted an,:l riftim Flint 01..A.SK r it &RE,' Ta1At.011....e ZIO. 17 Wt.,otl stro,t, corner or trout, Pittsburgb. -4,3,- mi other ti.: - .d9 (.1 Glseav, "175 and Trizdow Gl2 a, at apthdly_ tr 2 3 - :, 8. .4.7-,r.-12. J. SLAZ., EDLIE StIC:IBSBOTS to Mulvany 2.4 & Ledlie, inanufacturore of Cat, Moulded and Plain Inn: and Fancy C0107,-1 CLAES:VARA and dealers in all dada cf Window Clare, Fizeke, Vitae and Bottled. Wari hope corner of '• , ,L'sd•ket a 72,1 Etr..sotF., Plifziragh. dcbSEPIZI HORNI. 77 MArketztreßt. frs L its El 4 3 Lc b. C. 4 WM. IL :37417ff. CV.; lisDa rr'. "4' E _ _ Irwin Streets, i1e:,713.L.C.. 1, Zi 4-tlll z;...t,•::),f,m,5,5, NIA I GErii a, Co., 217 E. lie FIANTis , No. SO Sit3Sltlclalti 1.1%, CI-ULUlir,lll,l/11. ) • J. B. HOUSEMAN, IauLAALNITS, No. U .."A. Second Street, ST. LOUIS, hII..MCIUIII ':a9L..ILir;.LP I .a B. B t $.,..41 1- RO. uLtioNt'S eowilEa ;Nil SAFETi iiJSE, e'1,14 rcei 'Li, ••••1.7n:1,,..1 REME=I L. A k g:. METZ@ WISES AND [-AQiu-Jas 3o 3.1120ZA.11 & WEOLES&LE WINES AND LIQUORS, AND RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, 1.55 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pek. IlltniyB on hand, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Monongahela and hectided W'hietles—aleo, Blenkl , erry, Wild Cherry, asspbe ry, Ginger 3rnndiea tap! tAy LI. DEVLIN DEVLIN & KENNEDY, Wholesale Wine and Liquor alerchants and Rectifying Distillers, No. tl,l Smithfield smeet„ Patsburgli, Pa. spa:l7 _LAKE FISH-200 packageslI E.)i arriving lN and for sale by (jr22) It YH. COLLINS. 1. 3,9 ACRES of Land for $450, half in .'W hens and the balance in ouo year, situate in Elk CJllltyly l'a., nuco. Centreville; '26 acres cleared. The soil is goal; find timber of beet quality, for sale by .i.Y2U E. DUILIBratT a SiiN, Eil Market at. ATER IVARELIOUSE.—JN O. M; PER ." KINS A GO., No. 128 'Wood etreet, have the larg ~t as 1 sui mien t of all triads of Papers ever in this market, such at 1t0 ,, k and Printing Papers; Rug and Siraw :Trapping; Let ti.r: Manilla Paper of nll elves; Cap; . L'uoit and Box Boards; Note. - En rolopes; 'fi .siiti; Bonnet Boards; and iiltized Papers; Ilartisrare Paper,iie. Villkh vie will sell at mann tacturars prices. l .ly'2l NDIA RUBBER CURRY COMBS —Also; aesorno , t,t of Dreqelng Tuck an, Long Combs, inot ht the th,tte Itut•ber Dopot of IL HILLLII . B, ell 2 , 1 sad 29 it. Clair streeL ITARPER'S MAGAZINE, 1. - oft AC& UST. .1u,6 rn Iwo en.Jtc,r J/23L90311', Building. - Y APPLES.-50 bbls. bright Dry recri - vi,la-2..1 tor atile, ap3 ORN APPLES.-15 bbis. Liholea Apple f,.res.lo Ly HENRY H. UOLLIN:e. WAS'. email White Roane, just rucaire,l and for sol o by H.R.NRY H. CCILLIN.B. TIIIIOI HY SIS,ED.-10 bas reo'd and for s.ie by 01.3/ COLLIN3._ IXI - E,W WALL PAPERS CliEAP,—Stall ,LN they culno. W. Y. Rt ARA 1121,1.. k 0.1., Si Wood ictraet. 'VEY' . GOODS FOli. SPE.ING Vie are daily from our own r.nd natant fazt,rlae, add Lions to our et 0.1., which consi , t7 pr.rt of Floe Cloths, Clab.s., Itrultur Tube vat Cloth", er..h Transparent oil CIAL.,, Trzut - ,7, - .;.rent Window Buff Hol.Linth., and Ittlaado Triamaingi !..! o.:xtra, requiring buy votis la car ilea, are Invited to ben rut examine the stoat, and Judge for tt..tm - .--lvta in razt:d ru tho quality bud. 13..e.i.ILL1E'S., tc-r2o Nc.3. 20. a,d Yj St (11.1.. r EiitioL §ZHAD —lO bbls. No. 1 Baltimore bi2iati,ju - dt autf...r ar.l- :r • L :E43, MEAN 8 3 uo., =la Water oitreetit bbIA. No. 1 Potomao ;•.,r _rt fig,ale MCA:MLESE. , , 31 - r:ANB a 00., J. 41 Coin.r Wool and Wczcz APPLES.-10 bus. eholue Dry Aualca rroerfed and f3r JAB. A. FE:Xf.1....'9.. ~ -- era '- CL.rtur Itarkst arid litrs: cetera. pINE APPLE'S.-5 0 0 received this d Eat £:O7 3 sala by • Rellailia.i. A ANDERSON, Nc4.82 Wood eirevt, mygl . • • .0rn.....ta St. Mertes Emel GASKET acking Joints, sold by ()0., . =yn Perri Wr.M etrre isil---150 pkga. White Fish, Trout, Sal- Ilion, etc. mil :HENRY H. COLLINS. IME.-100 barrels fresh Lime just reel by karsl 'BY -a vow ma. HININEY COPS of ,varioark pattt?irTti.N for X.: , lade %y tme4l la. comm. - Alsln'C rt a aso OBACCO . _ • Faentet rererfte b r a l T4V vi tii w ienet w in stan dior : tes a le co l l Sewed, elitnr First streets: ACKEREL-100 bbls. and half bbls. No .111. 8 largo, for ale by Draj Min H. OOLLINB. ~___...,Y. ~.._Y...,..::.~...::.~.. _..._._....,~..,~. DOLLAR z3A,FINCIB A 111 Ei No a Awl:VI Street j t y3 11115fTER IIMEE;I:11 • - • - DFAAOIN COLLECTIONS MADE and prompu ) Et.twtod taw ivow..l. CaOtoliat.4 to the , pit ;Iv 6, thictligh 1111.4 Lko-r,-.4l,pov,letlfo tu92l • dlr. PriTgBIIP.OH, Austin Lu.ii.79 fL.&i. D. Lot.VIY. A CST/N LOOMIS t Uu., Dealers in Protuiry Notas,;Bonda, Itlort i mas, and ail .iacnrities r.,r Mousy. Mousy I..uariod uu Uliewlas at slot L dates, iielth issurity. LiOTBd AND Daat'N Iloilo Err AND 801,1) • Po/Wha di,idring Louts t..-au f.>,l.lflll72' , AAti , i 011 bit teTDDS, and capitalists CAn furnished with I , t ood Lies at remunerative pricn, Also, attAnd t ti.o eats, Ranting and howling, 1.4 i owl tatate. 011 ion, No. Oa-POUR:Ill struut, above Wood tig. AUSTIN LOcYAIIP, Notary HOLMES & SONS, Bankers and Ex change Protoui,audl.-alers in Netus,Dratts, ccept. ancus Gold, &Icor and Bank Nutoo. h`xottango nu the Kota e.rn and WOSter2l, O.lLlExi onstantly fur sals. Oollactiocai made In all the cities throughout Lilo Unita] !Arnica. Doposits r‘s..v.ivod In pc.r funds or current paper, No. ,rs . Market street, betwoJo Thud and YourG, eta. LjEl.3. ) : I y rfilitiONlAS WOODS, Commercial Broker, and Dealer In Nutret,LOLD.l•2, Stocks, Real Estate, Lc., N 0.76 Yourth atreot, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jena tir:Qaua Machines - , feir Screw Pro peller Sloops-of-War at the U. S. avy Yi ar s of Portsmouth, N. Boston, New work, Phil adelphia., Gospoi t, and Pens's . cola. NAVY Ditl'AitrkENT, July 26, 1658. 61E ALED PROPOSALS, endorsed " Propo • tali far .9rom Machinery for Scr.w Propeller 51,,pa, War " tall be reoelred at this department until 3 o'clock. P. 11.. of the Bth of September next, tor the cocupleta con el_rUCtion of the 8 earn machinery 32,.1 uppandagas, and pin• ..lag the same Loan,, fur each of the screw sloops of-war building at the U. 2. navy-yeris at r •rtatuoutb, N. H., New York., rhUatirlphia, and (itril.Ort In accordance with toe tol.. :tiny s 'ft ll, l Ky. i /la 0 - 1111;.1,ljhk :.///1 ~ //al.• Ohl 1 !teburtr, re -' I . JSOLoillal -13ANR'S Tare lib William J. Aularson. ------- J alllbd Vi . .`El-Z.:MAL , John G. Booitui.n, chariea Snap, Alb:at Caltrertf.,:,:a, P. A. Madeira, JOhn B. CantAel-i .3ohn 11.11ellvr -, J. Gardiner Collin, Walter P. Mamilall, Alonzo A. Carrier, IrViiaon Miller. David Campbell. A. ki. Pollock, M. D. (Thanes A. Colton, ilenry L. liingwali, Will , rri Douglesi, - John 11. Sawyer, Praucia Fehr.. George S. Selden, George P. Gilimora, Alarander Tindle. Jam...3a S. Ikon, Theotaid Umbataetter, William B. Haven, GOOrgo R. Whita, Bemylory anti freartwer—CßAS. A. 00LT.01 , ..i. ife3 ----- BANK OF lOWA. a. J. STEVENS A; CO., BY AUTHORITY. ;ow lug - vonditlone: be 1,4 ai,ecitic into for patting tn., whule in opornticn, inns! Include all patent teed, awl trko a-. 11 requiie a r_!-ass trunk the ploprleteta of ,in) patented ari.c:e (Ji arraogemetita nand le or bbtalt the r,;:hitiery, rind tnnst rt-ate the time In which the work will ~..umplcie•],l“lll mug b, azo,puipanitxl by the usage guar. Tho nitro of [to ositatylishruout In which the wore 1, b o.lr-env:id mu•t Liofitatvd. The d.3talls of tho design and ac- - _ rangemenz cf the machinery will be left with the party whose pieta:Hilton may be excepted as combining the great est nututs. , r of ativantsge., keeping le view cost, simpitc ty ~ a ro,trocther., ten:dimes tf aucees for ntijusttner.t when in o peration, and nut being subject to derangement In the irking patty; it being the object of the department to pro tna.min_ry which can develop great power when ro. ,rnir au ns to ihsure high speed :tur as ninny depose le, while at the gia.no time they will be able to prop,' the etav ems moderate speed with great enmemy of tool, to that bog voyages may be inirforinel with one supyly of c ul. With this slew, the department will expect the bidden to guaranty the reelliti proposed to be, ancomphsluel by the. , plena, and to specify those re.9oltt under the foLow log tiotain o-t. C-t. Tito amount of horse power wnice the ongihet non boners will be able t develop Cur Lice days 00(mecUti , ely when dr: Vela up to Choir ni..zlieet otpuntty, to he menstirEd on beard tie cease' by the ludicat.pr, at the rate 0: 33,e0.1 p , undo litte,l one font high in a =Moto end to no not loss than .000 horse power, and at least SO revolutions per minute. The consumption of coals par home power per hour intuit be out: 0. The pressure in ponds per square 'nth o, the piston, noceseary to work the engiees at the above velocity, the -crew being dlseounented and the engines without a load, except the dim or shafting, mast not exceed 2y 2 pounds per square inch of piston by indicator diagram. 2.1 fit: quht,t.ip of c ul which can be stowed in the ship witteri es.cen Lr i ihe total weight of 400 tons for machlu coy, appendages, ',oilers and water in them, bunkers, tools, Ginare pieces, and coal within the length tccuplod by the engines and boilers. The boilers to be 01 Iron of the molt, tubular kind, with brass obea and with telescopic smoke pipe and, as it is intended to nee froth water in toe Lai err, a surface condenser of the moat approved kind will be re quired. The propellor with the connexions f r hoisting it will be of composition, to be propm ly proportioned for at leant 60 revolutions per minute and for the immersed amidehlp sec. Lion of the veeeeL The pumps, apparatus for ventilating, and appurtenance a cf all kinds necessary for the perfect working of the whole Co be of the most approved kinds. Thscotil buhkera, shaft s -passage, two atwartship iron hulk heads, a distilling apparatus for freafi water, from which can be made not less than 500 gallons per day, and the tools and duplicate pieces necessary and satisfactory for an efficient crtifsing - steam sloop-of-war, must be included in the-proposition, and a ii:t of them will be furnished. The, wood end carpenter work, except the boring out the deadwood for the shaft necessary to adapt the vessel for the reception of the machinery, boilers and appendage will be provided at the expense of the N.ivy Department, and it will permit the use of such facilities as It may have for hoisting the hea y machinery an board. For the accommodation of the entire steam machinery and fuel there will be allowed in the body of the ship, the entire space under the spar deck commencing at 15 feet abaft the main mast, and thence extending forward a distance of 60 foot. _ . . . .. . Within this space It let expected to carry coal for five days' steaming at, the maximum speed. In the specifications the daily consumption of fuel will be stated; also the weight of the machinery, coal, boilers, water in them, shaft, propellor and appendages, with took and spare work, all et which must not exceed 408 tons of 1,210 poanda. The distance from the after aide of the mainmast to the after side of the forward stern poet will be about So feet, and the distance between the forward and the after stern posts will be seven feet. The depth from the load water lino to the top of the keel under the propeller will bo 12 feet I inch. The proposal must be accompanied by full specifications and general drawings, having the position of the centre of gravity of the machinery, boilers, dtc-, marked on them, giving also the capacity of the Steam cylinders, pressure of steam, area of . foot and delivery valves, and of air pump and outboard delivery valves, spaco for steam above the water line of the boilers, the fire and grate furnace, also the diam eter, pitch, surface, and kind of propeller and other prin cipal points, that comparisons can readily be made. The terms of payment will be that, when one-half of the materials and labor provided for in the contract shall have been completed to the satisfaction of the department, there will ; bs made a payment of Y 3 part of the whole amount of the Contract. When the whole shall facie been completed coil ready for. erection in the ehip a farther payment of y a will be made; and when a satisfactory trial of seven con secutive days shalfhays been made,then a further payment , of N l. arid when the ship shall have performed satisfactorily at sea for a period of three months, the remaining sum shall 'be paid. The repairs necessary during tide period from dtie factive workmanship or materials will be at the expense of the contractor. It is to be underatood that if the weight and other condi tions specified in the contract be not Oomplled with, the de. pertinent is to be at libel ty to reject the whole nbchlntc l 7, the contractor to be at the expense of taking it out of the ship and refund whatever amount of the contract price tusy have teen paid. PROP CabS will also be received at the Same time and place for the steam machinery and appendages, and placing tue same on board each of the screw sloope-of-wai building at the navy yards at Boston, Philadelphia, and Poiseacpla, under the specifications and conditions above stated, , tit variations in the following particulars, vim: 1 t. Ilene power 760 at, at least, 8U revolutions per minute. Yd. .The total weight for machinery, appends , t oilers airditAtor ftr. tliezi,:hultkers,. tools, spare pieces, and coal :OWL nOt . 4teed - 1316 tons of .2.2lo,pounde each. The length : 00 0 1 PAd.t.7 the englhes and hollers - will .00mmence 14 feet :abafttta; mair.ml4,..and thence extentl.forward a distance of ,Tlle4iattlnCo frau the.aftcraide of the maintuast to the attztqldomf the fwtord stem pest will be about 76 feet. The depth from the load-water tine to the top of the keel under the propellor will be 9 feet 9 inches. Steam engine manufacturers who desire to bid, can obtain a copy of the section of any one of the vessels upon making I applicafioe to the department. ISAAC' Ttilk,'EY, - ... , iy3insed Secretary of the Nat = YRUPS.-- 4.1. X/ dm Lurs.n Syrup ; 1.4 " ,147soberry Syrup; . 7'7 6 " Viz° Apple " :_. O " Raspberry .and fox dale L.? laitu4-"'&.- AND 41.11,00.5, No. 29 Wuod stns.:, upou--403 tit. St el.L.Arlto nat.!. /net r-,1. r sTO - &E - WATER PIPE.- rAxi pada 0 lacl; GOO 3 " Hecate tit nud for culo by I 1031 altraY li. OULLINB ITEW BOORS! NEW BOOKS! ALary Derweut, by Mrs. Ann 8. Btephens ; 114 z lealow. WU, by litin Pardue. ror 616 by LOOMIS, AgoILL, • Post Bnibthiga; it fifth street. RAMPING PAPERS.-101 1 0 reams ag nsurto! slim, Maw and rag wrapping, for sale by WM. G. JOHNSTON 411,C0, • Jo 9 • Paper Dealers, 67 Wood otreet. COPYING PRESSES, Copying - 11100k6 Brushes, Oil Paper. for sale try W. B. HAM, Corner ftutat and F01:10IIII ail bbls. Fine Flour he . , fitOrECLOPifor oale by B.WL..4DLEBB ?MIAMI Loo.; W2O Ckrriat.o:W.6olind Weser ittrwa:— IaROOMS.-1 00 dos. Extra Carpet Cora JlBroome on hand and for age bz B. 3J. H. BAWYEB. _. w~l ILE O )S RAILB.O4D Norma, I ga g. Beeseexilor Arienisgeinont. ----- UN AND ASTER biONDLY, JTfLY 5. The Pittqligh Q Pt A Xl t ir.yEie & Chic,Aot PENNSYLVANIA. CENTRAL RAILROAD t , 0:-. c an ..: 4 - . .. ......t.::.....L1e.-. ...,...—.. ~---- it ' AILROAD COMPANY, EfferifT DAILY TRAITS.' THE SLAM TRAIN loaves the Passenger Stati on tuna, tion every ITU ITS .A.MPLE ROLLING STOCK morning, (except Sunday,) at W p O o'clock, I 0 , and eiclpmeef, and Ito tlaroneh r.)ar acnom,,is net, arriving in Philadelphia at 11•410 P. Ett. pared to transport Pmaange - a and t releht Ir..in P1111..A• THE FAST LINE Dell e, except Sunday, at 1/5 P. St., iir. DELPHIA and Pt,"7l'Bl3l.Leeeli to CUlCAtete, tIT. LOUIS, IN• rising in Philadelphia at 5 co'cleos. A. ti., and stopping Only DLANAPOLIS, CINCINNATI, end ell pierce Wset and Sectis a • principal stations. meet, with a greet degree of regulerite and espeditien. ILIE' s teaI:LESS TRAIN beeves the:Station every ova at ii eu cocloce Stopkringenly at Ortemsbargs Latr °be ' a° - , t The fact that this head terms Y. terreet ant consolidated line between Pittsburgh and Chic.l,4o. fa a erdbei out guar- t o wn . e',,""' ' °pleass , ' Altoona, ..tc., connecting at - antes that its Tra i n) all' mss,' i': °) " 1 ''''`' ''" d cny ''''` ctictl riebnrg eeith the Train direct for Baltimore. and arriving in with Trains on other iteeee peiledeephia or Baltimore at 1.-00 chleock, P.M. ON AND AeTethe 1.10.• DAN MAY Will. Iteb, i - e 'Praise ACCOMMODATION TRAINS: on this reed will leave the U' , C. ee: DLPOT, Pittsburgh, TIIL' JO/MSc - se/inf. ALCOMMODATION TRAIN hates daily, (Sundays excepted, co follows. daily ,eicept ateadely,) at LIM o'clock, P. Id. stopping at PASSENGER TRAINS I IftAVB ...I ..t.o.tons, mid running ea ar us Conentaigte Plteitrargh. Creetline.Ft. Wayne FIRST ACOO3TMODATION TRAIN for Turtle sar+Ar U.S. Mall, . 7.30 A. Ye Terl P.M I ' Bridge leaves daily, (except Punday,) at 10:40, A. )1L Past Express, ...... .. 2.40 A. M. heed P M 5..V.) P. N.l SECOND AC:COSIMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, Second " 2.1. , P. M. - , i. I I 10/3 P.M 4:50 A. . Leaves daily, (except sunday,) at 4.20 P. St. REACH CHICEOSit)--First 1 , prase, at ';;00 A. Ed.; Sneed 1 TICI.TiD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, Express at 1.0 P. M. t leeves daily, (except Sunday,) at 6:20, P. If. ItEA.OII CIe.CINNATT—FIeet Exeresi s'_u ie re; Sc-r2a. 1 : :eII:TURNING TRAINS arrive in Pittsburgh as follestar';' El:sprees 7/5 A. N. i Emerceeel.:4s, P. It.; elail,3:lo se rite; Fast Line eee3 A. n.;Johbo- P.EAO it FT. LOUIS—Ft:et Lti,recr,!. , ... .1 .0 ... :-..,..0 .: I'M.. t ,ci, Ic9rriod.e..oo, 11:00 A. It.; First Turtle Crook decom peees tetel P. ti. I moiation,Cl.so.,A. Il e Second Accommodation, 12:40, P. strs; Ali 'irests 11... , ..:u L., ,, ~..,., ...1 • tau,,i at. -. ..._- . 0 I T Cold:.- , Third A oco.mmedattoth da.o, P. et. bus, Cincinnati, iee....e.ep..e. end •'l. Icei - , site, at Pert 1 Trains for Elairactile and Indiana, connect at IlLeirsville Wayne with Trallees en it eeeell cad .. z 3..: a eat. reel tc-r 1 I ntereection with Mad train kat, RITMO& train West, and Lafayette, Control Illeneh cad See se a...,1, a.i -Thrr.-_ , .. ,71. - 1 the RilliCattaGla aocemodation train &Ist and West. Trains on the 51. It it L. E. it. It., and Lima with Trah.a on .„„ . IPIXISBURtiII AND OONNELLSIVILLE TRAINS, Dayton and Miehigan P.anreed. etopping at all Stations on the Pittsburgh and Cannella. RETURNING. il tell • Reed, leave daily, (Sunday excepted,) as follows: Free: Chicago. Ft Wayne. I Ur..,-ta.-.,.. 1 nrr er;e.:',.l I :le-. .' , le TItAIN..-..7:00 A. st. i RXPRESSTRAIN-3:30 P. E- U. S. Ma11,..10,00 P.M. feWO A. M. 111:4, i'• ',1.1 C. e ee. e. . RI; FIJB.eING TRAINS from Pittsburgh and Jonnellsrllle Ist Tempo:ea, f...:0A. 51 100 P. 11.0:12 te el. 10 .0. ' le ee arrive at Pittsburgh, 8:46 A. la. and &10 P. 51. !Iti a :: - .a•J A.M 1:13 P. . Wk.. the traveling public will find it greatly to their in Those Trains males clan) conneenona ~,. it h Treme for 1.L.13 I..re e t„ in going East or West, to travel by the Ponneyivania adelphie, lleitimere New York and Swish.. neeroad, ise the accommodations now offered cannot be wars Trains tram 31. Loa's, ladiedeepolls, Cinteereste tend Colate- passed on any other ratite. As tho Rood i/ 3 ballasted with bus make close conn ec tions at (.reetithe with ad rotate :tee atone, and le entirely free from dust, wo can promise safety, Trains. At Fort Wityne, Trains Isom St. Leers, Centred Ile- I reeled end comfort to all who may favor this R oa d with their nets, Lafayette, and hatermemate placea, connect with atirm j k mtroner...... FARB: Trains. At Forest, connections Cr, wad( with Trate' to end I le le, C,,,k slB,uol To Baltimore_. from Cincinnati , Springfield and lese ten. The e U. S. Meet . • p et ,. e le tr ee,„ .. l e , eey e e dinca ,g ter ..... ....... from Pittsburgh to Creatline, being a troll 1 4 i.a_al I. e ' To Harrintrurg, 5745. awn, ie overtekea 1.1 the Sowed Rippe, eeetee e e . eeeeseei to ell libations on the Penneylvania Rail ACCOMMODATION ..citAme--Lt.v.J ...,-, /Lr.,fuL_r , 1. r re. e t and 10 rhiladelphia, Baltimore and New York. Pittsburgh, at 0:80 •A. NI., Bed Ile, le ed. , -,,, j'itlo .1. , ..,7.i. , egers parcbating tickets In care, will be cliargeel ten burgh for Neve Brighten at tt:3o A ' , J eni t......a l' L.. ~,,Lni..i w addition iu the Station rates, except from Stations BAGGAGE ORPiJiliiii . c. Illel-D-t, and D. tbel Se I t etere the Coneeany has as Agent. ( liandll Dg (eriCS.— In cabs of Leis, the Commuy will hold them- Te e e e j e e, or eeneene le teteiree, t 1 purcile.,. tI, ke tr. la l' , ".r. ; ,1;, , , ic..i.ftkgabld for pereomil baggage ouly, and for an 1 , ...ta - Ver the West, will bear to Tilled tea: the ere . ;4,, . e et we' T. , t exceeding sloe. eatherteed by the P., P. W. tC.ItIt;COP. It ti , ee I ee The Excebeer Omnibus Late has been employed to Stenbenville and Indiana Railroad Con r eo.tre, it ~...r., Passengers mai Baggage to and from the Depot, at a (.IEOBU FI PARKIN, et the Celen ;eh., e tile, euer e e ne t to exceed 25 cents for each passenger and bag- Connected with the Peoria It. It I a,: ..e. r D9•,..t.1, gaga. tai tiettle apply to .I,B2I:WART, Agent, Cot tier I lbw r e v ;eel Ct a:I t art ,- 1.. At the P. Be It. Passenger Station, IiAGGAdeI e 111 1.5 , ..t 2.. , checked feu I•ett , _ te teseies 10 on Liberty and. Grant streeta. Licketa at any other pima in this r .ty TO 00.11.51EN0E ON I•IttNDAV, May 10th, ii) t • niece until further notic... , J. J. HousroN, Gen. Fr. e' so ,1 n r't, lig-'L II W. DOSS, Peqs r A ger.t, Chi-ago JOB It. 110 PRA, huilet)ut,t,lont NEW WESTERN aorrE, TO CINCINNATI, LOUISVILIA and ST. LOUIS V I PIITSBUIttIII, WA.XN ClllCAtlk. 7 75 4 7 2 A&N D CI N OINN ATI, HAMILTON& DAYTON RA ILK() A DS, VIA. DISLAWAILf ou'ror Dista.w.e. only 329 3ile4 from PitiilitailA W nrinnift Tills LINE is oomposeo. of Roads of the First OLsss, and is Icsitcti through a leautifni and highly caltivatod portion of the Htate. Direct connection la made at Cilleillnutl WILL tlio OttllJ and Missive4,o Railroad, (the tract's of the O. El. 1 U. A U A M. Roada, being connected, t,,r Loalarille, Evansville, Memphis, Vit:haoarg, Natchoc, New Chit-Ans. Oomectiun laftdb at EL Lit,la the P..a!it and Mtisourl Elver r.a... , „c, fur KANSAS AND NEBRASKA, And all pants Weac. Alan connect...l at CIL:CaI . ..Li with lientuay t.ksatral IL E., fur Laxinichni, itanvtlle, Frani:tort and all pants to CentrLl Trans love P 1.1311 atrix-a 6tztiur.l uri fuiiw eyi-1 1 'llO - egg t.; ~iuc(naad with 3. Luc chang, 0 •0 riving Lit sii:46 P. M. EimpNiaamrin,ar "2:15 p. riving luara ) A. M, Can. P. 12a,„ Fare as Lou' G.l Aift y Bat all Laturrautiuu, Titr...e4r,LlLkoo, Lk) Ticket ibps.,. et ,t i'oun :area Led' Padiemgerti datirvu la ELIk fvr Ticket. vta Delaw,u, J. Li. MOORE, daft. I'. Et. W. C. i.. .1, It. 5 U. ).t. it 'The .' , l,eivelwaal, Pitzaotzirgh and Wheeling liallroatl, 4, :7; 11 Pitisbargh, CoiumbaB & Ciiitira.tid : I t - RAILILOAI) eltan.go of 'rime ON AND AFI'II..IL lk)Ta, 11558 i - rat= 1,111 le?v,:. ~Lk3y1v, “ ..3 C.'3latini s ruiows IFvr !Jr 1 - 21,EVELt.ND. DXTROI 2:35 P. 1211.1C2.U.; V. 0 with Doer, , :; ' mt..,a,C., 4109 p s } u r N - 5 ,r Lit )0, ALZ.•32'ATIO - 1..e. ON TILL ;tlVill Pa96ODLSOLI desiring tosgo I ChiL,LED, VA)lLiti b, 701,1 Chicago, viz Claveland, tul9t 241 - , fur 711 PLITSBURG LI, CO LU:.-1 BU! !CI) .V.,11'1 (ria STEUBANVILLR,) RAIL ROAD CHANGE OF TI..3IE.—Um ;lad 1.1: ,, r 3i , DA V, t , :f. 11,,y, 1658, Traina wit I,lavo of tae Coutzal Railroad, follows : For Frr.carsrllLs, C. , LCIEeCi. 1.41 - 103. 3:00 I. M. LlDLorirtoz.:s, LuutgvP_L, - , ?RIB AID A2iNC•I_ , N , TI .I:cD • 2:35 P. M t.ND WE6T. Through to Cincinnati 'aiih..'ut chAuse of M 76. Pasaangera desiring to g...) toOulun_una, CincinuaLL or any potnta beyoneCe“nnbu.e Steuhanville, c..mt ar= fur tictots via Steubenville. JA‘.lEz PAILNINIt, anyorinumdent O, P. W. It. L. W. W. BAGLEY, fßiperintandont P., 0 & O. R. U. PITTSBURGH & CONNELLSVIL LE AILK 0 AD. ®Nand after Monday, the lOLli inet. Palm eager Trains will be run Lily, (except Sundays,) front the Pennsylvania Railroad PE.44dugtr D?pot, au rouotx, l _. Rail Train leaven Pittsbux..li 7:00 e. h Express Train IooNCO Pitt , 4bragh.... .... kLidTORNINu. Mal/ Train leave; COLLLtAiLallio tx. Ezprema :0 . ) a. a. Arriving at Pittsburgh Q. 4.5 a. u. Tickets to be had at Pennsylvania Railroad Ticket Lille,. lioth Traria conuect at Connellsrille with Punting & al.'s Coaches for ...niontown, Prortourg, Curnbe,larH, ,„., at West Newton with Cosoltos her Mt. Plaa..atit, 2,)nienlet, Berlin; etc. Freights to and front Pittsburgh ant St uthins burgh anti C.onnellxville Railroad. will Liu zecoivad livered In Pittsburgh, at the italowtu L'eput," opp o itte ‘• Duquesne Depot." L'icepting such to Pig iron, Lutster, Stone, etc., which will be lo.xded or uu ißvor De pot, or at the canal Depot, as niay be arranged with Freight Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad, at Pittsburgh. hi.AORS'rONI - , Supt. Transportation Department P. A C. It. It., Gonnellsvtile, May nth, 1868. tayB New Route via River and Railroad. Li Cincinnati Railroad CIONNEOTLNG AT INDIANAPOLIS with Nu Terre haute, and Terre Ileum sad Alton itailreada, to 8L Louis and Lafayette end Indianapolis New Albany and Salem, and 'Michigan Central Roals CM() too, ROOF. IS LAND, BUILLLNOTO.., and ell intermediate potato. Through Freight Train to INDIS.NAPOLIB, TLB.RB MAUVE, LARAFIY.TT_E, and !ST.EX. Freight carried from Cincinnati or Lawrenceburg tn less time than any oilier vitae by it and at as low rates. The unly:xisad by sibliti eliipuionts can be made from. Cin cinnati to. the Went, without breaking bulk, tidutigoomottre made to d. 'GIBBONS, Agent et Cinain wit“ w.B . CUTTING, Agent at Lawrenceburg, will Madre prompt ettenfloa, and uo Ohirge for eouitumelon istsahaxrysfer drayage or aramutCoa at Lawrenzoburg. For further information, apply to 1110kLAS ILATTICAN, I (No. Water street,) Agent o - f the Company, who Is pre patod to give taItOCUII ELFIIIESP7I3 to Indianepods, Terre Haute, Lafayette, Clitsegv, Yarn, 'Jreencutle, Crawf.ordo `Odle, etharlaston, Parte, and !..tatuon. if. C. LOID, Preside::t . Jfico. uraghs Agent. mr3 FURNITURE Amitll IJAKEN < 4 i Co. „ t . their ostencive O.IIIINST and 01i61.6 Iti.6.NI2YAO- 1:013Y,No. 64 Inithileld area; e tArge a=orttasnt of v'elloy Plaitt Far ditare, which they wilf.Aell lb per cent. lower 'Cm caetotrary raga. Ttlrms, ttl,x-27:y • • WOODWELL'S 1)1 - MITRE AND i • - • etwaia, W+ h01..1. and ikrait, cnibmcing ,very itfle et Patattzu'e, 111 il.ctewoud, and for Parlor?, Ciatht*ta And Dining itt K rw t , equal ::py this ar mho 0012, ed , A,_at tower Fri very tzkle braul, and warrr.r.tdd. Clint-naatterg sn I l.lSnd vim any quantity at rilaNrrUß-E: FZUI ORA itZa, on resitialtite tar naa. 115teit and ilandsh.d et the ebottest Wanersf, , n , a, Sea. 77 Lul 7 11W Straet, littabargh, ocrli - QTAROII.-2.50 bxi Roehimter Poarl Starch r. and fa! t laNicit R. OM. r INca _ . gA - AN NA W s.—First of O Estlason u ,zy, calrod by expreal and fUr sale, by iflrraLai. f. A.I.D2REvN, Vo. , wcod Itroot. 604 Ipp Old, BUT £ll-2 bbls. Freak Roll Butter AIN received and for vale by JAB. A. IFETZI. , J'a, '0,12 ecnievr Market and Firs et* DRINTMG executed in the highest style of .11„ 'art, and at raasoneble prices, by • J. E. WELDIN, !bookseller oral Stationer, Wcod street, near Renrth. NEW 'BEDFORD ,SPERM.-,OANDLEs, . t oms " so rted pLu:44'o, b'e and O's;EpernaClamdles ;P... O. :4 1 / 4 J. .11 RA wyurt, vAn. air: • PING, B l anks, and ..Anneantisrfteret of gerulaw.h, TV I I eN, Carnal' lisski;t rain: Se . dond strenta. A WNING RODS-1 Bet Awning Rods, for „ca. sale by (Jab) aDNAY M-GOLLThIB. ;E . .,,.:. , •J,, , ,.. , :,'5,',,, iV.:Y:": . f , ..', P:; .. 11::'=:''.:: , . - ::;-.:..i:.•;;':' .?.,..:',:,,,.',.:...-:;•";:• ..::.- DRTL.CIT, MEM AN.) Tat .7 ALL BAIL WADS THE,' PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Ting GREAT CENTRAL ROUTF, conneCting ,21 , • .e Atiantio Citiss with Westerrr;North-western and Bouth-western States by a continuous Railway direct. This Road atao connects at Pittsburgh with Dail eel Steamers to all pone on the Wes' aLta at Cleve land uad Sandusky with steamers to all porta on the North w•ot-ru Lakes; mekiug the moat D 121102, OE:BAPS/0 and units ma souls by which FREIGHT can be forwarded to and from the law wear. Raton between Philadslphla &Pittsburgh, 71.1181.' CLASS.— Boots, Shoos, Rats and 1 Ca,-,s, Books, Dry thasis,(in boxes, bales and trunlm,)Drugs,(in boxeaand bales) Feathers, Furs, ke. SWOND CLASS—Domestic Shooting, Shirt ing and Ticking (in original bales), Drugs (in casks), Hardware. Leather (in rolls or boxes), Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Eastward, &0., ao. TIMID CLASS.—Anviia, Steel, Chains (in' casks), hemp, Bacon and Pork, Baited (loose or in cacka), Tobacco, manufao aired, (except Cigars or cut,) Ao. , ito. JRTIi CLASS-0)110e, Fish, Bacon, Beef and Pork, (in mike or boxes Eastward,) Lard and Lard Oil,Nalle, Soda Ash, Ger man Clay, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, to., dz. rLGUR-7513. Fl bbL until further notice. GRAIN in car totals, 35 cte.V 100 Dle. until further notice. OOTTON—V2 V bale, not exceeding fAO Ibe. weight, until further notice. ZS- In shipping Goods from any point East of Phila.:lel phid, be particular to mark packages ' , via Permsyknuto croak All Goode consigned to the Agents of this Road nt Pbtlapitla or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detentit.o. _ . . Fmnairs A MINTS—II orria, Wormley , Co., Alemphis, " Cio Lents; P. G. O'hiley & Co. Evanirrille, Ind.: Pnpioinal,ln3ll & Co., and Carter & Jewett, Loniatillo, kleldrum, birolison, Ind ; 11. W. Brown & Co.i and lriim A Co., Cincinnati; N. W. Graham & Co., Zanesville, oleo; Loch A Co., No. 64 ILliby street,Boaton; Leech & go., No. d Aator Bon" New York; No.l William street, and No. a Battery Place, New York; E. J. lineeder, Philadelphia; alagraw d Boone. Baltimore; D. A. Stewar 11 t, Pitts bUSTO Nurgh. 11.. HO, General Freight Agent. IL J. LOABAEST, eq , -3 Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. 110CERIES WINES AND LIQUORS /50 hags Bdo Coerce; 100 chesty Slack and Green Teas ; LJ bole. Crashed Sugar; " Coffee New York Syrup; " New Orli aria Mohicans ; TiOLVea New /Lice ; 10 boxes W. W. H. Grant's Tobacco; 100 " NI. SL. and Layer ; '4.1 Lass French Plums; 2 Puncheons Jamaica Bum; Santa Cruz Rum: uanand UM; niiuch Brandy; Port, Sherry, 'Malaga and Chan• i Algae Willum; Par., Old Rye and Rood/led Whisky, in store and fa_ HALO low. by HAWORTH & BR./ WNLEI4, aneceasore to Haworth, Itro..k. Ikon/mice, Cor. of the Diaisiond and Diamond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. ( . 4 U N lIRIE S.- 15 bblo. ilailtwiuk's Syrup; 25 " New York '25 " Baltimore " blade Now urleans Sugar; half cheats Young Ryon Tea; LO " Black Tea, for sale by jetls w. H. SMITH & CO ANILLA PAPER.—A larg,o lot various IV" elz,a, for sale by IV‘I. G. JOHNSTON At CO., Peer realer" ST W"Pfl Ifr. DLANTTYtION SUGAR MOLASSES -1O) bbds. fully fair and prime N 0. .Sugar; but) bbll., oak cooperage, prime N. 0. Meknes; LO " bt. Jamie S. Li Molmses, now landing - and !or !vie, by 9irLLEit & RWHETEON, ;2: r. , Nnry. rind 222 t ib•rtv street. IL L PAPER—Of best quality—for sale 0 by yin O. JOHNSTON it CO , .leZ3 Stationers. 57 Wood street. 4_ 4 'SVELOPES.—Buff. Straw, Amber and e 2. 1 White, of all duet, sold wholoaale or retail. Ly WM. G. JO.G.NISTON k CO., rn y 7 Stationera and Paper realer& 57 Wood rt. (W 1 1 ,01.)A AThil. l -100 casks Soda Ash, now if,ling and for mid by 118 MILLER k BIOK_RTSON Et'ACi S.-1U barrels fresh Egs, just reooiv ed ,ed for bale by JAMES A. FETZER, Corner Market and Viral streets. ( `NOD FISH.- t: ,? 3 drums extra largo Cud Flap ; 3 " large " " Just received an tor ealo, by MILLER & RICILETSON, mr'2s Nos. 321 and 228 Liberty street. }roll :3ALE—One Steam Engine, Cylinder 15 inches in di motor, 4% feet Stroke, with 2 Cylinder. Boilers 22 Inches In dLameter, SI) feet in length, with fire front; Fly Wheel le fret In diameter. For price and terms, Inquire of B. C. A J. H. SAWYER, jeSO No. 47 Wood street. ' j . A KID GLOVE CONGRESS GAIT- Er+.6, with end will out heels, at the People's Shoe 41—. 4 No. 17 Fifth street. DIFFENBACHER a CO. rl EN 1"S CONGRESS GAITERS CHEAP, the People's Shoe Store, No. li Fifth street. Jae DIFFENBACEIER dr. CO. T HAVE constantly on hand a large supply 11, of Pure Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes. Thx:e wlefring anything In this line, can rely upon getting a pure article at JOSEPH FLEMING'S, i.VI2 ere,or Diamond and Market aired. $1 600 WILL buy•a Dwellingliduse of 8 rooms and bath room, good cellar, and other conveniences , situate on Franklin Meet s'oo in hand balance at one and two years. IS, CUTHBERT It SON, jyls 5l. Market Street. TYPE METAL, just received and for sale, A. by'W. S .11AVEN, .Btationer and Printer„ 02.13 Corner Market and Second streets. QOAPS.—A large supply of Low'S we ELI known Brown Windsor Boap, just remind Ala Honey, Palm, Lettnca, Nymph and al= fancy &Pr con otantly on hand at 'J , 1 JOB. PLEMINO •7 Corner Diamond and s.Lisket 'greet. CIbON'S W. ST TOCJI4S AGIJIDE liT FOr Elite by elel9) . • 4 - 4 - J. It NirittDlN a t E.LIVERED EVERY MORNING.— iw Forney's Press, Pciblia Wry., g. .7 it', Timb, gerald and Tribune, and the Cincinnati Commerda.. „ are delivered in every part of the city. Trado supplied - by lea g yna'. add rem at Itltin at .1012 Masonic Hall. —_ G EN T . ' fir — W - li A It.— ,OURAP. Ci ent's Patent Leather Gaiters; 0. Gent's Patent leather Oxfords; a m tient's Calf Boots; og tioli & O. t'd Fine flipper I' 7 - 6 _ MAR. AT Tan PE arldra. -8 uoic..wroag, jul2 No. 17 Fifthictreet, DIVRENUCHER, 4 00. QT AR CANDLES.-75 a xes extra Ada- Lo =ammo Star Candles, warranted anperlor to any la tltn mar6ut, on hand and for cola by - 0;4 SAWYKII i tif_coarse and lily Jut. gagniG • C•Anar Diamond and !duke; street- 4j fl Lio B g es, of a vory a, CITA TIONEItYI 'POW tIFFIC „ USE—A large supply o gcaplo and Vansy Stationery, fbt of. nets, barau3, et4.,for dale by PAO) WW-Dibl• I'RESII TEA, hiOltE NEW TEA— The finest Tar of every name,..gradecui4 color . Tha sub scriber Ilea In store .and arriving, , moil: extensive and ciamplata a4;eirtmeur °I Tea in ehestio;fialf , 4.itests and fatal• ly boxes, all of which la offered at greatly reduced prices. Je32 Bi- - JAYNES, 88 !fifth street. AHOME IN THE COITN RY.—A new Cottage House of 6 rooms, geed Cellar, wad every cuuvoalence to make a comfortable antipbussaittrealdence; vtable, carriage hansk spring homey 250,peach trees; also, choice apples and other frost,' 2 acree el land, good quality for gardening imrposesi altnitte'-at 8 miles =from the city, near the Washington Turnpike. Terma•mory, and immedi ate pettMenioll. For sale by. - id. CUTHBERT It SON, DESIRA.I3I4t - 61.1darket titre PROPRILTY . FOR SAM" . . , _ ' A Dwelling Home and two large lots, with good im: provetantts;thitnediatepeaseasiou. Price, $lBOO. 2.Farair of 803 acres, 40 :improved, all prime land one mile from Fayette Springs, Pricer $ 6 per acre. A valtmble property at Lawrencevillat in complete order, good location, immediate poeseariOrt—s 3 6 oo - A section of choice land in Franklin county, lowa, In good location--$2,60 y.or acre. =JIBE= A SON, 1e29 . - - . r 51 Market street. PLAILK STREET', A 'Brick Dwelling .Ilonso OlLtnitik:etrelt,,tii;er Citperitefe tam at the i.c l W * Trice of $llOO. ,Alacy.tlitie'etbetWelling Hood near She Om. 'rife; 41200, -Teti:ill . easy. - CUTHBERT Itarketieu6:l bble lierrin COLLINS ae by pesoa id. 1 00P4A ;4.4A CARPETS AN. OIL CL®THE. EIOVAL.-4.'& -H. 'PHILLIPS :.have o .4a.i) LAnt fetitited creetivnt 'te t zme heir jbe ee twee w•be r thr matro gf N *3; t - an 2A d an t ha tr i 23 ,l B , ". 41: er, Fir PI ,BIAAI7PACTIazu OP VLOOB, MEMO= CARBIA" AIfDaIIdIGRADMIT OPAQUE Intrirne - '011.6313ea0 L r4 IIILOTIR` oe - tvolorm.' A ‘ leci, Winans - nronmunza & innov BRAM, efunurrdeveon ledora in IIrDIA.BILBG ri ER GOODptiS. , of all kind!, Taw° under GoodyeatliPatentr. Agents ot Bciacurattei NOW - York &Ulu Oirsipaniee, for tile sale of tbsir-L.NDIA HIIB- AB krr4,lloSiland MOM/0, LEMI3III.I3IIILT 'Ama a)sastertizatuzufactare, a superior_otnalit-r; shoe, Lace Leather, and Rivet& Agents far the OSLO PIRIC-PAOOF BIENBRAII PAINT. Dry and Nixed Paints , Varnishes, rgd Braaten, Glace and Putty. 110IISE AND Eaai si R4uln . K G AND GLA=NG, in all its branches, tope in the beet and shortest time. • rdaeas .1. itPinti,ros .o_,"vrolioe.2 l 3 and 2 Si. Clair meet; Idunufact(Ty ert Phil ::l4,4.in:con the Ohio river, Woe refits below Pittsharga_ CAPUTO, OIL GLOMS, KATT/Oil, Go., 4: THE irleUTtli , Street Carpet Store, & WH.res-pectfuliv . -0 invite- the attention - of their former customers • and thfe'psiblio generally to their present stock, just selectoo for Spring sales, embracing the very, latest styles of foreogu and lion-5 ilminfactorew eonidsting ,in part et Velvets Eted lirossels, Tapestry and Common Ingrain: also, Brinr,t.s, Damask, Twined and Plain Stair CARPETS. 0/4 CLOTHS PROM 2 TO 24 MET Willi; tinge, Hats ; Stair Rods , Canton and Cocoa Matting; LLit ? Yarn and Ra g Ca..-pots ; Venitkuo Blinds; Painted, huff arta (keen Holland Shades. It will give he pleasure to show goods to all who may tie desirous of looking or purchasing, and we are determined to offer inducements to tiny who may Diver us with a call, at the old stand, No. 87 PUOILTII Street, near Wood. mylthly W. D. & 1L liVOALLCIM. • 011, CLOTH CLOTHINU—Of all kiiids, 'black sad yellow, is: tale at the India Rubber Ikpot d lit Welt street. [doe] J. 3 11. nil, CLOTHS FOR THE FALL TRA.I)I_I. IL, We barer:minim:s, and aro daily receiving addittoL: thereto tom our own eadother csanametorlea, u Largo KOCH of .Elr..4r btu - nit - are, Carriage Trimming, Table Corer, Tra:l2. parent, C.e.en and BA and ell kinda of Oil Cloth, %tied 101 ifoneeranisidug and other purposes. Also, Tranala“.nt Window Shades, of dry and oil brash—gold bordered and other strawy and Window llhede Trimmings. Iderchente and others will had li to their advantago to ex amine our 3i:oak and prices before =king their purchicx? elaewherr. J. id. PUMA k':- , , seln 2d dud 2h St. Clair Facto:. OIL ULOTti TA1114.1 COVF.iitS—Of our owon and othor manufacturers, for rale whclee.alo anu retail, by J. & H. PILILLIPS, iY/7 28 and 28 St. Clair street. _ TRANSPARENT GREEN OIL cLOTII - yards of a superior qua.lty, just received from tue factory, and fur sale by J. z IL PaLLLIPS. jyl7 26 and 28 St. Clair str,u'. CARRIAGE OLL OLUTW.—lt;namelled with plain or figured backs—on muslin, Twilled and Luck Good., for &no by J. etc IL PHILLIPS, IT 28 and 2.8 ilk Clair arca. OIL CLOT HS—A few pieces on mus la lin, silk, and imitate:a/ or silk, r.r sale at 26 and 28 et. Clair Street. (Jyl7) J. a IL PIIILLIi.I3. 70c. 100 tbs. ROSPITAL SIiESIIN(I-01 widths and of me best quality, for sale at the India Rubber 20 and ItB Bt. Clair street. ell J. es H. PHILLIPS. 60c. V 100 Ibit. INDIA RUBBER DOOR MATS—The best artiio In use, for sale at the Indio Amber Depot, of J. .ft H. DELLLJ.YB, ell 2d end 28 Bt. Clair arra. 60c. li 100 Di L'LOOR OIL CLOTHS,- Of car own Led eastern manafSctnre—all widths, and ou to snit any sins of rooms or hallo -4t the Oil Cloth Ware mums, No. 20 end 21 Bt. Clair street. 4)0=3 400. VA 100 to Great Chance to Mahe Money lIE BEST AND MOST CERTAIN SPEC Er JL wawa as TUE TI3IES—ONLY ONE ,-- Duh Lift PlyJi SNAJLE.--gorty t4oosand dollars fp: • worth of valtutble heal Estate, Watchea, Jewelry, • Silver and Silver Plated Ware, witha great variety : of Fancy and Staple Goods; to be disposed of in forty inou sand shares, at one dollar per share, an fellows:—Upon the payment of ono dollar, I. will send the payer a numbered re ceipt, which will entitle him to ono share in the above andi 'sided properly. When the shares shall have been Old, the shareholders shall be notined of the taut, by mall, or 'through the newspapers, and a meeting of the Shareholders shall then be held in the city of Ptiardelphia, and the Whole of the property dingsawd .11 or distributed among them; in such way as shall be determined upon b them ; each Sharehold er shall be entitled to one vote, a Committee to be selected by 'the Shareholders et acid meeting, to conduct or superin tend the disposition of the property, ea:on:sag to the direc tions of the Shareholders, and I will then deliver the pro perty to inanh parson or persons as the Shareholders may appoint to receive the same. The Seal itstate consistii of one three story brick dwelling hone e and lot, valued at $2600, and two three story brick dwelling houses and lots valued as 2700 each, iu the city of Philadelphia., clear of pll incurs uremia, and title indisputable; the .tlice property consists of this whole stock and hr tures of uipi ci the hugest Watch and Jewelry Stores to the city of Philadelphia, now, and for a long Cum past kept' by the subscriber. The stuck consist ing of very fine Gold and Silver :muting Case Lover Watch es, very fine Gold and Silver Patent Lover, Repine and other Watches, Gold Chains, Pencils, deals, Lockett., Ear Ringo, niueoues, other /tinge and 1111 E, Studs, 'Sleeve Buttont, at., Gold, Slicer alaValCt..l Zga.w. taties, Gold and Silver 'l'himblea, Silver and Silver Platsid Ware, consisting of Tea Seto, Casten, Cake Baskets, Cups, Spoons, Knives, Forks, Etc, Ac. Alto, French Clocks, Maine Boxes, Accordoons, and a great variety of other goods. The above is not one of thou schemes which are devised to en crap the unwary, but is and will be a fair sago of the entire 'property belonging to the subscriber, parsons are positi'tely assured the stock has not been purchased for the Pyrl 3 o 6 e of doception„and to palm off Common. Gilt and Plated Jewelry, for tine Gold; nonesuch will bo distributed, the moat respect. able persons are given as references, to those disposed to pur cheap shares. All orders by kited enclosing the money will be pYomptly attended to, and receipts forwarded to the ad dress •,f the sender, by return Mail. Any person sending ten dollars at one time,stiall receive eleven separate receipts, in es many separate names if desired. 9-3„ In writing for shares, please write the name of the Post Office, to which you wish the answer directed. This is the greatest chance of getting a large amount of valuable property, for a email pin, as has ever before been uttered to the public. Bend on your orders, as shares are selling rapid ly, end it Is confidently expected the distribution will soon be made. Articles allotted to persons at a distance, will be sent to hvm at their expense. 171113t041 in every Lewn and - rtils4e. All cone anicatioas must be addressed to C w OPYINt3 PRESSES, ith Screw and LTvc,r, for sale by W. S. EiA.VP:t..', Stationer and t'aper Dealer, JY 2O Corner Market and Second streets. UIkINIEI-1, EXCURSIONISTS.— Ladles who design taking a " Yleaeure Trip,".thonld provide themselves with the ___ NEW LINEN TRAVELING SKIRT ! Tha'cLovearticla can Lo precurcd at DURE YRENOI,I..BiIANDY, for medicinal purposes, by tbc*tite,3r pike, at BROWNLEE'S, in th© Dinuiond. 10 SA 04.8, A.TELERS le- sale h doso,levi; 2 . 01, eter2,43 Oda le !it'd 2 Woad st YE,-125 bush, R.Yelor sale by JAS. A FETZER, Jy2 . - .o(oer"Misruct and First stream. ralittiOraY - :SEED -- 10 bush. Good Timothy Seed for sale by JAR. A. YOTZ.E.R., RYE FLOUR.-15 bbls. just received and for sale by [mr3l HIL'IItY IL COLLIN& LIGGS:-10 bbls. fresh. Eggs just received 111„Xl and for sale by Imeina VIL COLLItqI. I'XPANSION SKIRTS--Steal Spring, and all the other celebratedgldrte, for E ale - by ap26 JOS. EloltliE t 77 tar, et etreot. LACK LACE JAITTS.—A large stook of juv excellent styles, with and without fingers, very ehem at (ap26) JOB. HORNE'S, 77 Market street. fIOTTON HOSIERL—Every variety of J Cotton Stockings and Calf Elm at the lowest prices wholesale or retail, at JOS. INANE $, ap2B 77 Market street. 11ICE,—Six domes prime Rice, just reeeivf‘ Asko' ed and for sale by MILLER hIOKETBON, Ptigl2 Nos. awl 223 Liberty greet. Lil.SH=ls-Aiiia bbls. Lake Supe rior White Fish Just received and for sale by JAB. A. FETZER, 8 Corner Market and First strei.ta V BAtIS Dried Apples; for:sale by BAGALEY, COSGRAVE &00, CO., Jra;r2.l, . (±,i Vox.:18 - abd w Wood etreet JUST received another assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, consisting of Ladies' Reel Boots and Slip pers, oenett, Boys's Youttea, and a large variety of CU. dren . leaner Shoas.l Pleagteltse us o call, at the Cheap Caah Store of' • - • .JOSLPH H. BORLAND, ,SilAtrketstreet, second door from Fifth. prices, by jiMdix“ikw HAIR DYES-Batehelor's, Christadorde, Alexander's, Flalon's, and Water's Livid flair Dye large supply constantl JO(m hand, at MPH pmtNevs, Corucr Diamond and Market etreeL OLOVERSEED.-25 sacks -just .received, la and Gar Bala by (fall' ILENBY IL OOLLIND 500 OROS. AVEN'S No. ONE PENS. Just rand 1:_ol bale by "*" W. 8. ELINTSN. 00i e_ulJasket and /Second =tuts. 1 • .• • fl DRUMS,'ICOR Kal, for eala by _ ,yfiliaitalG CO6GEAV.II. zuid '2A VI coal simws. cu.% -COQ -SIIXVE for -6slo wholeelad 44 sete4-it Im*Eitoro or 410 mi nav,_ JR, te4r: 6—OLU—ir&-,'Pc*'sB-wrY dwellingofrarare.e,;loploal. nay el.........iridgle&l34l“aditigerscus easy. re 6 ' CUTHBERT a SON. 61 MV4..'"et LAik BR .'S PRINTING to? earg4 f 'FL W ELM. 31.K8. ALLEN'S Hair Restorative, B rowiee E JE115111.1(35 Ginger, Preston 2C hierrillls Cooking. Extracts, • Eennedp's bfedlcal Edamvery, Thompson's Washing Compound, kjeon's Indellble Ink, McClung a Campbell's Starch, Boral Itpetre t • aaßgthpp ,F or dale . nf Tic 'I.:.)YAIINEMON CO., a b 23: , --L / 4- -r-' 4 444 , lBo,reariter9lSlThattentiSourtti sta. QYRUP.-10 bblB. N. O. Sj'infolor. sale; Yon calWiPmcata by (mg) Mgr IL 00141N8 J. . H. PHILLIPS L. t. BROOM.► No. 50 South Bocond street, anat.° Chumut, Philadelphia L VCANTED— ice OW Ibs. Wool Wanted et highest cull' kffeLIOCKIIt, WuBEERY a oco., Seccuiti ntreet, ead L5l iiront LAO , CRAPE COLLARR:4-4--Beantit styles * for traz, at JOSIIPII,HOIINrS, 11 1.-1 , 401. orpit DR. M 'LANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE ° LIVER WE beg l4ave to call the atte,n tion °lithe Trade, and more especially the Physicians of. the country, tote of the most popu lar remedies now before the public We refer to Dr. Chas, Mlalio's Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pith We do not recommend them at universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: For expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administerect with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure of _LIVER COMPLAINTS, all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICIs HEAD-ACHE, &c. In cases of preparatorrto or after taking 'Qui nine, they 41most invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. , As specifics for the above men tioned. diseabes, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose Of their Drug business, in which they have been success fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and Ythey will now give iheir undivided time and attention to their manufacture. And being de termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and com pound th4m in the most thorough manner. ;' Address all orders to FLIIiIING BROS. Pittsburgh, Pa. P. S. Dealorki and Physicians ordering from other,: than Fleming Bro.„ will do well to write their order,' distinctly, and take none and Dr. .111'Lane's, prepared by Fleming Bras. Pittsburgh, Pa. To those wishing to give them a trial, vie will forward per mall, post paid, to any part of the United States, one box of - Pills for twelve three-cent postage stamps, or ono vial of Vernslfuge for Mermen three-cent stamps. All orders from Canada must be atwompani , by twenty cents extra. MiLAIIRS VERAIIFUGE AND LIVE. PLLLB,-7.3 "C.. 313 OR Land and. for PAU , by - - If- 3 ?dlO - TOOK & CO. Corner Wood nod s.nrth etroota. Private end Confidential Medical Advice! ..4 6 i T THE BUFFALO PRIVATE HOSP.'. TAL—Established for the curs of Syphilis, Seminal Virt....%lnese and ; the Secret Infirmities of Youth and - Maturity, by Dr. AM d. OS BON, Buffalo, N, Y. Office corner of Main end Quay streets, (up !bars.) A MOST INTENTION. An instrument for the cure of Genital Debility, or Nectar. nal Emissions* mere properly known as Se-si Weakness, Ac. Can be permanently aired in from fifteen to twenty days, by the use of this instrument , when used conjointly with medicines. YOUNG MISN TARZ PARTICULAR NOTIOB, Dr. AMOS t SON take pleasure, n announcing that they have invented a moat important' este lenient for the cure of the above diseases, It has been subjected to a teat by the most eminent ptiyeiciatui in London. Paris, Philadelphia and New York; it has been declared the only useful instrument over yet invented, for the cure of Seminal Woaknees,or any disease of the genital orgnns, canoed by the secret haM of youth. Dr. AMOS .h SON, in order to satisfy the moat skeptical on to the merits of their inetrinnen4 pledge thommlves that In any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory after fair trial, the money will be refunded by returning the M. examen t in good order.. Persons wishing the above useful Instrument will observe that the price, with the acCompanying directions, securely packed and Sent by express, in ten dollars. NIiW MUDDIES AND MOE CURES. Dr. AMOS GI SON may be cenaselted from eight o'clock in the mormnie until nine at night, in every stage d symp tom or the 'Venereal Disease, Gonorrhma, Cleats; eo oondary Symptoms, Seminal Weakness, Impotence andSt .cures of tho Urethra, etc., with inviolable ocatey. =.-The treatment they adopt io the result of upward of thirty years' extensive and succeacrul practice in - London. The: most inveterate apse of Venereal Diseases (findlated in eight or nine dayr, nd cases of a slight nature in two or three days, at a mod erato expense. The cure effected without confinement or hindrance from business; obm, nodes and pains In the beat. and limbs, effectually eradicated. A GURU winnerraLe. Dr. ALMS to SON have devoted their attention exclusive ly to this peculiar class of maladies, and the relief they have consequently been enabled to render to their fellowereature a fully testified and grentfully acknowledged by cotivales contpatients and others daily arriving in town from all pant of the country, for the express purpose only of consultations Aide their exertions have been crowned with the most wig sal advantages; yet from what they have experiencsdi• ,squiring into the causes of these infectious complaint from theirlmost simple condition to that. of the most den 4erotie andanvetere.ted) they have always entertained the oesibility et their prevention and removal, and likewise In. • eriably found that the moat horrible and maul/limit fortes I disease Teti,: almost always lee traced to one of the fol. ,wing cadees i—lgnorance, neglect, or the ill affects of PIO cud Improper Treatment; therefore, Dr_ AMOS it :;011r have succeeded In discovering, in the selection of their , ernediea, a cafe, effectual, and cautions course; omitting all -ombinatioil of remedial which bear an equivocal character, .s well as those wheels premature or injudicious application* night bo productive of bad oonsequeuees in_the hands of private individuals. In short the laudible end - of their re. - nedics is thsiil=ening o f a=great mass , of human misery by he atleniatien, relief and prevention of those grievous eV gictions that are in' re.slity.the secret foe of life, and which, •, - laile they so extremely =roundup, mil aloud for our skill .ad interference for. their extermination. 001/NialY. INVALIDS. Jos. lioarays 77 3arket strai+t Penman In any partof the world may ba nooassfall, created by forwarding a correct detail of their care, with • remittance far medicines, to.. Addreea Dr. Argos It SON, corner' ein and Quay street; atiffaio. N. Yt 132:Urals, —..RIVATE DISEASES.—DR. isitoV7N'S sii/DICAL and SURGICIAL OEic Va 60 811LITTIFIRMY &roe; Pt ourght 7 L I Dll BRAWN is en OW 017 n of pi laugh, and /Lao been in practice for last ftventyfiris years. Rh btraincee bzmicontinedbostly to PANT - tetrad gical Diseases: - • CIECTIZENS AND &Mat/ULU fa need of a medical friend, should tail to arid 010 tho-mart place of If The Doctor bi a .reculeir gradtiate, his experience in' the treatment of a la a sure guarantee to the; eafferers relief; by the inzot biz remedies and....,,.nag D 1 BROWN'S EMILEDI3I3 never tail to Ora the worst form of Venereal Diseases— Imp:attics and Berofaions Affections. Mao, all dinars 'arising fromataint, which manifeete this form of a tetno*, peork:: and a great many forma of akin NeA... , 1, the origin of winch the yadentts entlroly ignorant TO persons sO afflicted, Dr. B. offers kopea of a eare and spedg movers,. =I:MAL ViRAWIfEER. Dr. Drawee remotes for this alarming trouble, br0....1 en often by thiatalitary b.abit of sensual gration. th e y o ung and weak-minded often giro way te, (to that: ova dastructien,) are the only reliable remediea known in this country—they are safer and make a speedy rostaratiOn health. Dr . B ro y l es,' remodli wirer fail to core this painful 0. ewe i n a few eilaya—ho will warrant a Cure. He also t ?ilea; Owe, Genorrhee4, Stria:am, Urethral Diechargalli S. male Weakncte, notably Suppreeslota, Diseases of the Joints, Plante' in Ano, Monona 11n - batons, Pain in thelliza mi d e, Irritation of the Bladder, together with ea &mom of an impure A letter describing the eymptoma, containing. + _tia, dt: rested to D. BROWN, No. E 0 Smithfield ft"t, r/SUSUUE% Pe., will be inimadiately ennnered. medicine sent 10 any aidravi a fel y i*ked and sevzre from o•••••- -4- risdcni• °Sic° azlPrreato Rooms No. rJO l3eilthflpid Wed, PIM' burgh, ANOTsu ER supply of Loy/ & Sores impala LondoL lonat &Apa roccirod to-day, by JOS. RLEMICIONG; falO • Cornar Diamond and Market street. OB pice e.-- Cards, Oircols.% _ - Price Liao, ' BM Lading, Lotter Heath, • Plow BID, IfibtAita Printed in rapiTior style at abort notice, by Nild G. JOHNBTON a CO., Printers, Blank. Boot Manotactarcrs end Otationsao, 550 ; , 57 Wood amt. 1 EMONS--40 boxes Palermo, in No. / or der, jnal receivefand for into t y DRYAD= a ANDERSON, No. a 9 Wood sties .1, Opp to the Et. Charles IDOL. 4;1711N itl)-(S:IIATOR.-1 - 0 grass th, for gale 14 H. A. FAILNIMPOCH h 000 1 . tc--..-Tr•o Imre., finA Vitt shoats. iyt Plat b- --- - r.2P nrah 'Or- B B _l— , =AY H. ooLzoto! i4tlllig',s-P:VP---'!fik--.- - ~it' ,4, :i 1 '1 4 4,..4,;,..-, -;:-..-;.-4-- - - - c- -- AltliP:wi * y - • ---- - -,. .t4:.....--,,:.,-4--Z= - 2:...i.:-,....'-7. '- -, ' ,, c-1 -- .' - -., -.- ~,. ..I:4_ ~..._, MEDICAL AND THE VERMIFTJGE, FEVER AND AGUE, I•TZW tBZ.TVIEN', RIELTMATIBM.