LOCAL AFFAIRS. The Weather.—The following is the range of the thermometer and barometer, as kept by George E. Shaw, optician, Fifth street, on Monday : TIMI3,IIOII:ETEL In Sun cloudy. 9 A. M.- 12 M ***** elms" ..... 6 P.M Barometer 29 5.20 Jacobi, Arrival of Jacobi, the Murderer On Monday evening the Chicago officers arrived by the nine o'clock train of the Pittsburgh, 'Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, having in charge Christian Jacobi, charged with the murder of his wife in the vicinage of thi3 city, on or about the 7th of July last. The train was Met by Mayor Weaver, __Sheriff Patterson, Jailor Philips, several polioa offs. cers and citizens. The prisoner was placed in a close carriage, carefully guarded by officers, and driven spcadily to the jai'. Much curiosity was manifested to got ft:eight of him, but ho was placed safely in charge of Jailor Philips with all possible despatch, to avoid the danger from the collection of a mob. We unders;tand that his examination will not ta whomke place until Wednesday. The girl Sutler , with he fled, Is in the city, and Jacobi's children are at the Orphan Asylum. It is probable that ho will be tried at the earning October tarn of the Oyer and Termi n Cr. all Bur.lacsa. There never was a time when the =reheats and manufacturers of Pittsburgh were in sounder condi. tion than at the present time. The amount of capi tal st present unemployed is undoubtedly greater than ever before known in the history of the finan cial matters of cur city. After the experience of the last year cur business men men move cautiously. They have fair stocks of manufactured goods on hand and prefer to tell mainly for cash. This will prevent the fall business being aif large as usual, but tit will be sound, safe and healthy. There will be a - firm and steady demand for Pittsburgh articles, for the stocks iu the west are already pretty well ex hausted,. but it is not probable that large sake to single individuals will be made as in "credit times.' Things are gradually improving, and as :,treks decronte, and orders come in, the amount manufactured inc-easeg and employment it given to large numbers of workmen. We have all the ele ments of prosperity, and they are working in a natu ral and safe channel. What is now gained is a cer tain gain. The Firemen's Parade. Next Saturday, the fourth of September, has been fixed upon as the day for the annual firemen's pa rade. The captains of Iho diff.reat companies, at a meeting, held on Saturday night, fixed upon the fol l-wing route for their procession : The praco.%ien to f,..rm on Penn street, right resting on Marbiry, and proceed detia Penn to Water, along Water to Ferry, op Ferry to Liberty, op Liberty to Market, down Market to Water, along Water to Wood, up Wood to Liberty, along Liberty to Smithfield, down Smithfield tc Second, along Second to 'Hass, up Ross to Penn% sylvania avenue, along Pennsylvania avenue to com mon opposite Gurnbert ; countermarch to Pride street, up Pride to Colwell, along Colwell to Fulton, up Felton to Wylie, down Wylie to Gr.int, along Urea! to Seventh, down Seventh to Smithfield, up Smithfield to Liberty, up Liberty to Wayne, along Wayne to Penn, op Penn to O'llap, down O'Hara to Pike, along Pike to Factory, up Factory to Penn, along Penn to Baldwin, up Baldwin to Liberty, along Lib. evy to Carroll, alon g Correll to Penn, and along Penn to tr.c piano of beginning. On the announcement of the death of Miss Isabella Beck, late a toacber in th 3 Third Ward school, Pitts burgh. the Di. a ordered the schools to be closed until Wednesday. The teachers thereupon assembled and pars' tl folluwizig resolutions : 1. Redoteed, I.'ni,t in the death of Miss L Beek, we have lost one of ear most efficient and energetic teachers. 2. Resolved, That in cur intercourse with her we have at - .rays found her the kind and faithful friend, the nareeabie companion, and true christian. 3. Resolved, Thar we deeply sympathy with the friend.t: cf the deeeared in this their sad be• reaTement, and at the same time we rejoice with them in the cure hope that hie gone to a batter 4-. Rcsolvcd, Tll. t as the Directors have adjourned the school.? therefore attend the funeral ()era- 5. Beaolved, Thu: thas3 iO3.)110Li,::: Ise tiubliahed ed it the daily papery, and a copy Li' the Fame be furaiehed to the friende of the threand. L. DcatAe, Secretary, PoEice _Vetcs.—j.eph Hall was con.,naittod to an swar at Court, i,. t_.:3 Mayor, on a charge of horse stealing, made by ShePa Bandy, R... 1., of WE:Si:I -ir:oln com,t.y. _ . Alderman Lowia sent a man named lit'ClekCtly to jail for thirty day. on a charge of disorderly eon duet. Before D.r.!dton, W. Rte. vnn ,narges Jop&ph false pretPnees, all about s horse trade. The c.; . - - fo will be heard to-day. Alderman Donaldson, on Saturday, issued a war rant for the arms!: of Philip Hahn, on a charge of fraud, preferred t. , ,taldet him by J. L. Dawes. The defendant was seat by a man residing in Turtle Creek to the city to purchase paint, and received the money to pay :or the same. He got the paint from the proseeutor, but intend of paying for he had it charged to the party for whom ho bought, end ap plied the money to his - own ace—hence the proseen.- tion. --- Aldermen Rogers held Andrew Andrews to bail for an assault and battery upon Samuel Collins. Heal. o fined him for disorderly condlict on Wylie street, on Sunday. The same magistrate held, Benjamin Sarver to bail f. A. an assault and battery upon Andrew Welsch. Sarver had hnoched the prosecutor down, and given him a of black eyes, for which he will have to answer at Court. Benjamin Parker, a negro, was orated for disor derly conduct cn Union Alley, and committed to prison by Aldermen Rogers. Atmospheric Fruit Jara.—lt has been said that "therein nothing now under the sun," but there is certainly something new and useful, which cannot fail to pleaso the ladies. It is a glass fruit jar, made with a ground glass stopper, so that by the ex haustion of the air, caused by heat, it hermetically seals itself. The cover can be taken off and put on a dozen times, if necessary, so that a portion of the contents of the jar may be used, and the remainder kept for future-use. These jars are certainly the best thing for the purpose intended which has yet been invented. Glass is the proper material in which to preserve fruits, as it is not subjected to the action of acids, and one set of these jars can be used. for a life time, except they be broken through carelesness. These jars are manufactured by Messrs. E. at, G. M'Rce,'of this city, of whom they may be procured. No ftmily should neglect to procure a supply. Di,r(l of Yellow Fecer.—We regret to learn that Mr. Samuel Brisben, an estimable young man, for mosey employed in the composing room of this office, died last week at New Orleans cf yellow fever. lle was a native of this city, but removed to New Or leans about two years ago, where he was employed as a compositor on the Creecent. Independence Hall.—A grand ball is to take place et this Hall, on next Friday evening. It is intended to be a grand affair. The stock of a city retail hardware store, com prislog almost every thing in the line, will be sold at 54 fifth street,'this morning, at ten o'clock, by P. M. Davis, auctioneer. Dealers and tilers will do wolf to attend, as the sale is positive. A pectdiar neatness of style and finish is a dis tinct feature in the garments for mon's and boys' rear, mado at the establishment of J. L. Carnaghan, AlicEheny City. Ha engages first class workmen in every department, and alma at superiority in each branch. Bowman & Co :—My wife was troubled with cough and psin in the breast for five years—the last two of which she was very low indeed. I procured some of your Compound, and after she had taken it for about floe weeks she was able to do all our house work, which she had not previously done for four • , years. We cheerfully, and unasked, recommend your Com pc.r.,-,(4. to all who are sufferiog under that terrible JAHRS SOIDTERRLARD. MARY R. SOUTEERLAND 1..:,; 7 16171.1.i . :, Ky., July, 1856. TILE RELIEF AFFORDED 131 DB- J. TIOSTI.T. TER'S" STOMACII 13ITTER3 in all rases of viroilar affections has given that valuable prepers- Lon n vide popularity among those who for years suffered DOT/ such ailments. It is excellent as a tonic, and bersfi. tient :n itd effocts on the system. Its history Is one almost of miracios, one io whiih Dr. Hostetter can point with am &lone..., and credit. Indeed, no remedy, perhaps, in the same :eriod has ottained such nn 'extended popularity as the Tortcr'a which ark ever regarded nis a certain core for distroc.rcf stomach. Those who hove triad it speak prairingly of its effects, cod therefore, we can commend it to e.-1. --otFe. The Zittera ero free from anything Wails: tt i t.. ; in;nrkus to the system, or objectionable to ih, Zgziat.3 and dealers gcnerally, everywhere, aiJ aosTL - 8 h smn.u, lianunacturern and Proprietors, Icklnr and 58 Srunt. etrEeta OLII' CEIAIIRATED sTolucli TIMS--Try tbow, and ratisfy youreelvo . l that they are al they aro recOMmantiod V, be. The proprietor dots net pretead io say that they will cure all the diseases flesh 1 THE first p_L , 111 pUtilin v........... .ODis ri,,w is heir t.. , , hit leaven theta to tzst their own inertia, and the justly accorded to the GROY.ER 1 BAKER MA oanstaFtly Mcrtaaing demand for them it sufficient proof CHINE, for family Sewing, for the following reasons:— that they are all they arc recommended to be, and far en. let. It is MORE SIMPLE and EASILY KEPT IN ORDER than any other machine. F to any preparation of tits kind 117.1 r in the market. I , 2.d.1t makes a seam which will NOT RIP or RAVEL, Their uso is tilwa3 - a attended with the MOST. beneficial re. though every third stitch is cut. salts in caves of D.YgPeptla, ion 4 .,1 appetite, weakness of the i Rd. It se ws from two ordinary spool, mid thus all trouble stoznaeli, indigestion, ate. it eseoves all morbid matter o b f e llaing thread is avoided, while the same Machine can at pleasure, by a mere change of spools, to all frein the stomach, assists digeetton, and Imparts a healthy varieties of tn, with equal facility. i tone to t h e w hol e ay,ste r m. B e ware „ I call far J . M. (aw e 4 th. The same Machine runs silk, linen thread and spool Celstrate4 Stomach Bitters, and ere that the article pun co ath. The seam is as elastic as the most elastic %brie, so .. Le.a r ed -- Ljare the name of J. 11. Olin, as manufacturer.that It is free from all LIABILITY to BREAK, in wem .l'w' sale by J. M. OLLI, sole proprietor and Manufactunr i ' rNe, IRONING, or otherwise. i i ,!. 267 Pear area" Pittsburgh, Pa, and by a ragoitaanc i eth. The stitch made by this Machine is more BRAIITI way other made, either by hand or machine. desks= paisaikr. , ill* algalS . . - -- - .,, , ''=:±•- -2 ...:' ,7 -' , .. - .>:,4 ,-, :.: -. 0 , :. .';w . ; ,. ;,. , ,1;7..•!..- , ri':::7",.". , :,.: ., K1-..::* ':-7.:At-::.. - ......Y , ::'i'''.'•--';: - ..-.,'.:.: -I:: Bleating of Conn° Tho City Councils hold their regular monthly meeting on Monday night. _ In Select Council, Mr. Bennett in the Chair, after the approval of the minutes - , Mr. Berger presented a notification from the ti as Company that the term of Win. F. Murdoch, as Trustee of the Gas Works, had expired. and . Kin caid, James B. m urrc y. Mr. Little nominated Wm. P. Murdoch; The bal Berger, Samuel M orrow to , lot sod as Mr follows Murdoch 6 Morrow 3 Murray 2 In abndo and Mr. Murdoch was declared elected. The President read a communication from the Con troller, covering a bill of costs, and also calling the attention of Councils to the fact that while the ordi nance made it the duty of a city constable to serve the notices upon delinquents in the payments of as sessments for grading and paving, there was no pro vision for paying for the service. The bill was or dered to be paid and the balance of the communica tion referred to Finance Committee, with power to act. C. C. concurred. Tht President also read a report of the Finance Committee, stating that they had released a portion of the paving assessment on the property of Wm. Black and John Klinefelter, in full for the latter, and for thrce-fifth. of the amount of the former. The bill of J. S. CIO, for costs, amounting to $16,57, had been raid. C.'C.-eoncurred. Tho Committee alio asked instructions from Coun cils as to how =Oh discount should be allowed upon new city bonds, issued at from ten to thirty years, issued to meet bonds falling due this year. The matter was, on motion of Mr. Kincaid, left to the disci-et:on of the Finance Committee. The Common Councils refused to concur by a w..te of 9 to 12, and the matter was laid over until the next meeting. An ordinance was allowing a draw-back for prompt payment of the assessment for paving, which was read three times and passed. C. C. concurred. An ordinance relative to lost coupons or bonds for the regular municipal debt of the city, empowering the Finance Committee and Controller to act upon proof of loss was passed. C. C. concurred. Dr. Pollock presented a report of the Committee on Fire Engines and Hose, together with resolutions appropriating fifty.sovon dollars additional fcr re. pairs to the Relief engine house, and three dollars for removing the steam fire engine. The report was read and accepted, and the resolution adopted. C. C. concurred. The Street Committee reported against paying the claim of W. Ereuskamp for widening Gibbons street. They also reported on ordinance for grading Wil kins street from SmaLiman to the river, which was pissed. Also an ordinance authorizing the extension of the sower on Cherry alley from Fourth to Diamond street. Postponed until the opinion of the City So licitor, relative to the constitutionality of the act of Assembly was obtained. After taking up and disposing of the business of C. C. as noted In proceedings of that body, the S. C. adjourned. In Common CGunoil, the following reoulution was pawed: Reaolved, That the Seleet and Common Council are opposed to the repeal of the tonnage tax. The S. C. concurred. Mr. M'ileary offersd a resolution asking the City Solicitor to communicate to Councils hie opinion of the constitutionality of the act authorizing the cost of sewers to be levied upon owners of property hone fitted, which was passed. S. C. nano erred. A petition and ordioance authorizing a sewer on St. Clair street were referred to Street Committee. S. C. concurred. A petition of the Good Intent Hose Company for four hundred dollars to purchase a new hose carriage, was referred to Cemmitt.te on Enginea and Huse. S. C. concurred. Petition for water mains on Third street referred t..) Water Committee. S. C. concurred. An ordinance to regulate the sale of produce in the markets, so that all fruits and vegetables shall be required to be sold by regulated weights and mea sures, wee passed. S. C. concurred. A communication ['rev' the City Solicitor and Regulator ras read, to tf..e effect that owners of property ou Washingt , n rueat were liable for the repair and maintenan.co r.t the I,A. V, elks. Read and filed. S. C. c.neut red. The Common Ceouct 13n-concurred in the pas• sege of the ordint.ncc fcr grading Spruce alley, and referred to Street C"mmittee, end appoln , ed a oom mittee of Conference, as also did Common Council. The Committee f Ce. , tot”nce roprrted in favor of action of C. C., referring tho ordinvnN , to Street Com mittee. The accounts of the Guardians of the Poor were referred to a select committee, for publication. S. C. concurred. An r.rdir•enco was offered to repeal the ordinance for a sewer on - Cherry a:ley from Fourth street to the river. It was postponed for the present, and a mo tion was adopted directing the Street Committee to endeavor to have the contract rescinded, and to di rect the contractor to suspend the wore. In S. C. laid on the table. ciernuei A. Long, as Trustee of the Gas Works, having expired the following election was had:— A. 0. Al'eandless. Russel Errett Jas. R. Reed. 5 9 And. Fulton. 2 2 Dr. M'Candless was declared duly elected. An ordinance appropriating $5OllO toward grading and paving the Monongahela wharf was called up, and, after a long discussion, lost by a vote of 9 to 10. Adjourned. Fire and Smoke.—The alarm of fire on Monday af ternoon was caused by the burning of the fixtures of an establishment for making paper roofing, situated on Virgin Alley above Smithfield street. The dam ago was inconsiderable, but the smoke end stench were very considerable, so much FO that all who came within a square of it wore both choked and blinded. Establishments of this kind are a nuisance and should not be permitted to exist within the city limits. The Councils should pass an ordinance for bidding the boiling of tar for such purposes within .tho city limits. A i iet of valuable stocks and interest in steamboat Metropolis will be sold this evening at the Commer cial Sales Roems, No..V Fifth street, by P. M. Day's, auctioneer. SEWING MACII I N E S.— THE fs2co AND s4o DOUBLE LOOK STITCH SEWING MACHINES!' Are now on Exhibition, at the HOSIERY STORE OF MR. DALY, NO. 20 PLI S TIE STREET, Tbcza Machines are admitted to be the beat in market for f;,mits roe, making an elastic double thread stitch, which will not rip ,von if every fourth stitch be cut. It is the only low priced double thread Machine in market. Orders fill be received and promptly filled by M. DALY, Agent, No. 20 Fifth street, on the corner of Market alley. Pittsourgh, SZI" NOTIOE---M. DALY, on the corner of Fifth street and Market alley, is the only OLlll el the name in business on this street. jyls:ly PE EPPBSIIROR BOARD OF TRADE AND SEERCTIANTS, EXCRArifibt. via ftraidcnt.l. F. R. ESUNOT, let, 1.,4611.11 DICKEY, 4 Stage of Water. Ono foot eight inches water In the channel Reported Expressly for the Daily Norman) But PLOUR...The sales amount to 276 bblz. from store at $5,60 for superfine, $6,75 for extra, and $5,87@56 for extra family. We have no sales from first hands to report. GRA1N...300 bush. Oats at 42c. from canal, and 200 bush. do. from store at 45c. FEED...Baled 2 tons Bran from mill at tlOc., and 1 tm Shorts from Mill at 70c. loads from scales at sloa_pl2 ton, and 21, als straw at $B. bids. Lard 011 No. 1 at 85c. CLIEESE...SaIes 10 boxes W. It. at 7M,7' lc. "ti . lb BACON...SaIes 8000 lbs. Shouldeis at llama at 10c-, and 6 tierces sugar cured 1101119 at 12 . V,c.. MESS PORII...SaIes 25 bbls. at $16,75 bbl. - MOLASSES...SaIes 20 bbla. N. 0. at 50c and 5 I.bk.o,,id e n Syrup at 62c. - f COFFEE...SaIes 30 sacks Rio at PEACHES—SaIes 40 baskets at $2,5002,76. WHISKY...SaIes 60 bbls. rectified in lota at 260)27c. VINEGAR...ReguIar sales of Ballou'a to city and cauutry at sc. - 41 gallon ; t) all other markets 9c. Per &earner Propeller.] 1 rvantoot, August 20 —The sales of Caton for the week have been 87,000 bales, including 1200 bides to speculators, and 4600 to exporters; the sales today, were 2'oo to 81- , 11 - latore and 2000 to exporters All qualities haNe declined ! I. The market closed steady et thin declin r. Tho quotations are as follows: Orleans fair 7%; Mobile fair Middling 63i, and Uplands fair The stock of Coitou in pot t is 688,000 bales, of which 067,000 are American. At Havre, Orleans trey ardinciire is quoted at 107 francs. Breadstnffs--The market closed dull. Wheat closed with an advancing tendency; all qualltie3 hove slightly advarir,t and prices are Id higher; sales of Ni'ustern red at be tki.(A)6.4 'ad Flour le steady; sales of Ohio at 715(4233 6d. Corn In quiet, and quotations are nominal. Provlslone—The market cicsed steady. Beef ie heavy . Bacon Is steady. Lard Is firm at 623. IrAnce—Rosin le steady at 4a 21@W 41 for comm.:, Sugar firm. Coffee dull. Rica quiet at lils &i@ltr for Carolina. Bark—Philadelphta 9a ed@9a 9d; Baltimore 7s. Llbseed 81strep3ts 8L lipirita Turpentine steady., Lo` DON MONEY MARKET, A uguat 20 —I u American th . ooll ties, there has been an average businekas wit hunt .inotautv chnuge. Cut/sobs closed to-day, at 9t1W4•913%. New Yung, August SO.—Cotton is quiet; Falea 500 bales kleut Least ; 10,500 bbls eold ; sound Wheat has declined; 10,009 bus sold; Southern wh,t. , 4,1,45; Western led $1.17C41,20. Ccrn is declinimie; 45.000 bus s, Id; mixed 65,g)82c, and white 85c. Mesa Pork 0, ns at $17,40Q17,50. Whisky drooping; ssi s at 24 1 i144'_'3,Gc Suer steady at 7:, , 4@i3c. Rico dull at 3610.. w. I ...enserd 1. LI thin at 75al . tic. Hides firm. Freights on euttate 1, , Liv r pool 5 ;id NEW YORK, August 30.—Stocks stady Chicago and Rock IP.land 7354: Illinois Central 77t.',; Illinois ,orls cross° and Milwaukee 3%; Michigan toutb.ern 215{; N. Y. Cen , ral 81:1 3 .6; Pennsylvania Caal 75 1 A: ft , wiing 440 Mil waukee and Mississippi 17X; Mi.ii , Jllo & a 84 ,7 4; (It:Jen:A nett ChicaLt MI; Michigan Central 191, 4 ; FT Iv 35 4, Lacroaee land grants 24!4. PHILILELPIIIA, August 30.—Fleur O. in. but devoid of tivity; sales 600 bbls fresh ground ht $5,50 g bbl, but sumo belders will not accept this figure; extra $5,7 sto $6,25 No change in Rye Flour or Corn Meal. Wisest in active Co. quest, and 81100 Lush told at 21.25 to $1,30 for fair and prime add, and $1,40 to 1:1,42 for white Bye dull a' SIR. for old and 70c for new. Cot bush and buy ers now only offer SSc fir y chow, Glr 1 , 050 Llcl.usurs Oats sold at 42. c. Is Oro.. rise ekm hani,e Provisions quiet; small aalea Pock at $1.,; flam., soil at 110413, bides at tPA@S , ..Xc. and Shoulders nt 7:% . . Lard firm at 12 In tibia and 13c in kegs. Whisky drill at 27. Wool in good request; 60,000 the sold at 33.: for common; up to 40 for ace. CINC:ISNA.II, Anent iJ --f lour et And uoclei.need; sales leko We at SL7S for Ellial,:a •.e I $1,7t1;,,xa for lira; receipts fair. Wheat pionts at,,nt 2c 74, hush lower Lldssed Oil has advanced to S 3 ..nd Is firm Whit) , y tae declined to 21. A and is dull. Tn,, supply a eerie I'„ deuisnd. Nothing woo done ir. It Vi deo. and t a rne o demand. Mousy is easy. Exchange Lai the east to doll Lied .!.4 coot premium. liaLrinokk, August 3U—Flour to dull; elle. ,d etreet anti Ohio $5,50. Wheat is et,ady. 001 u; e rl..e t white at 7EgLSUc., and yellow adtiatbSo. Whieky a dull of 426; the rate. being nominal. Pres - leo,a are dull, fulled tdi Mean Pork at $17,60, and bulk Shoulder. at tagddlA I. . 2d. 31 ,10 10 12 HEADACHE arises in moat eases from disarrange meat of the di;f:stife organs, whiLh tires from a great variety of causes. WILSUIS • :i PILLS have be. LI proved by an experience of twenty years, t.. to a alinple, da In and perfect remedy for periodically rettiroiug headaches. They are used - by the Faculty as id regular preacripti.an and arc not to be clawed with paten'. re-rdieines, made simply to selL There Pills are prepared arid Hold by B. L HNK STOCK At CO., Wholesale Druggist—and proprietors of B. L. FAIINESTOCE'S FKRAIIFIJOE, No. 6U, corner or Wax! and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. See advertisement on third page at this day's paper. I auk E. T. KENNEDY W. B. KENNADY. PEARL STEAM MILL, FLOUR, WEN MEAL, AND HOMINY, N PITTSBURGH AND ALLE ENV FRENCH AND ENGLISII BOA_RDINt; AND DAY SOLIOOL Full YCtUNU LADIES, 148 Third street, Pittsburgh, Pa. This School, designed en the plen of French Schools in France, and modified as to the English departments on the plan of French Schoola, In the United States, offers W young ladles, besides a full English course, the Met opportunity of thoroughly acquiring the Preach language and literature, the Principal having re sided several years in France, and being assisted by Mr. Totedeux, a native of Paris, and a graduate of the College Charlemagne." French and Latin will be integral parts of the course. The Fine Arts will be taught under the superintendence of Mr. Tetedoux, a pupil from the Conservatory of Paris. Arrangements have been made for young ladles who, hav ing already gone through a regular course of studies, still may wish to know English literature more thoroughly. acquire more facility in speaking the French language, and improve in the Fine Arts. School will open on the second Monday of September. Expenses by the term of Five Months :—Board $100; Tu ition $3O; Vocal Music $25; in classes $l5; Piano $25; use of instrument $6; German and Italian, each $25, In classes $10; Drawing, in classes $10; Oil and Water Colors at the Professor's price. All charges payable in advance. For circulars and farther particulars apply to the Principal. MR. CLEMENT TETEDOUX announces to the public that he has taken up his residence in Pittsburgh, and to now prepared to give lessons in Vocal Music. For terms and farther particulars apply to John H. Mel lor's Music Store, No. 81 Wood at. aulLtlwd MR S. M. H. MYERS' ROME SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, Will re-opon on the FIRST MONDAY of September, et her residence, No. 249 Penn street. After the first of October, a limited numberof Boarding Scholars will be received Into the family. Arrangements have been made to accomu octets day boarders, IF desired to country patrons. There will be two sessions a day, from 9to 12 and 2 to 4 o'clock. For terms, circulars, etc., inquire of Church Book Store, Filth street ; J. IL Mellor, or of the Principal. an2tk2w• TNSTITOTE FOR YOUNG LADIES A. No. 928 Arch St., POttodolpOla. This Institutien, situated in one of the most delightful locations in the city, offers every facility for an accomplish ed and useful education upon moderate terms. Fall session commences September lath, 1658. For circulars, address the Principal. f au2B:lmwv MltB. 81111-111 AN. COMMERCIAL. Pre" Mali. A. H. WILLIA irCart.M.T. N. UOLLIES, Ja. Superintendent. JOSEPH SNOWDEN. Cbsimilbx of Arbitration for August. IBAIALI DICKEY, V. P., C. U. PAULSON, JAMES GARDINER DAVID CAMPBELL, AUSTIN LW H. PITTSBURGH MARKET. Pirrsambaa, August W. IKf, Foreign ffinricat■ New York' flarket New York stock ritark4,t Philadelphia Market. Canting:tail Markel Baltimore 121 n.s. 5... It. ALLEGHENY CITY, R. T. KENNEDT Si. BRO. WHEAT, RYE, AND CORN PURCHASED lIANITFACTURED AND DELIV.Z.RLD TERMS CA.81.1 ON DELIVERY dawj EDUCATIONAL. Madame Appollne Tetedoux's cz e r-,6, / (4 0 , iron City Commercial College, Pazst.argh, Pa.—Chartered, 1855. 300 STUDENTS ATTENDING, J kfilJAB y, 1858. Now the largest and most thorough Commercial School of the United States. f 1! ~f V ~ ~ S ! ~/~ fk f f J.O. SMITH, A. IL, Profassor of Book-Heoping eud iScaence of Accounta. A. T. DOU Teacher of Arithmetic and Com me r dal Oticulation. J. A. HEYDKICK and T. C. JENKINS Teachers of Book• Keeping. ALEX. COWLEY, and W. A. MILLER, Yrufessons of Pen inanahip. Single and Double Entry Book-Keeping, as used in every department of Busineas. Commercial, Arithmetic, Rapid linaineas Writing, Detecting Counterfeit Money, Mercantile Correspondence, Commercial Law, are taught, and all other subjects becemary for the success and thorough education of a prncitical business man. . . _ TWELVE PREMIDMB, Drawn all the premiums in Pittsburgh for the past three years, also in Eastern and Western Cities, for best Writing, AND NOT roa raecausio wore, IE4 • PISI PORTANT INFORMATION. Etudents enter at any time—No vacation—Time unlimited —Review at pleasure—Graduates assisted in obtaining sit uations—Tuition for Full Commercial Course, $55--Average ti $ 6O me 8 12 weeks—Board, $2,50 per week--titationery, $0 —Entire cost, $7O - W Ministers' sane received at half price. For Cidti--Cifintimens of Brudneas and Orna mental Writing—inclose two stamps, and address • P. W. JENE.I2IB 2 aas pfttantrigh. Pisuaylviale. SPECIAL NOTICES. PERMANENT OFFIC E. 0051 PLYING WITH THE VBOENT ItRQUEST F HUN DIMS OF TIMM. PATIF.NTS, DRS. C. M. .F7TCR AND J. W. SYKES Have concluded to remain PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURGH, bud may be commltad at their oflice, No. 191 Penn • OPPOSITE ST. CLAIR HOTEL, Bally, except Sundays, for CONSUNI.' , ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS and ALL OTIIE , L COMPULNTS, complleatod with, or causing pulmonary dlaeaso, Including Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affections of the Liver, I}yepepsia, Gastritis, Female Complaints, 4.c. 71701.1 c c. li - prate that their treatment of ik•nioaiptlua la (.meal npou the Met that Use mist in tl t blood and system at large, both Leff'' , and duri.io its development in the lungs, and they therefore employ Meehan. Val, Hygienic and Medical remedies to purify the blood and strengthen the system.( Pith them, they use IidEDIOAL IN ELALATIONti, which they value highly, but only as Pallia tives, (having no Curative ejects when uz,-(1 alone,) and Inva lids are eannistly cautioned a. , alust wasting the precious time of curability ue any treatment based upon the plausi ble, but falJ: idea that the -aeat of the dmease can be reached In a direct manner by Inhalation," fur. as before stated, the seat of the disease is in the blend and its greeds only in the lungs. • &,1" No charge for coninitutiun. A 11-I • : questlutis will be seat t. , th,•ee wiabittg to c.:-,Latllt f,'F/CE THE Li, e7T. WAY AND CilleAtiO ILES. 00., Pitbhurgh, A yet t, 1N59 ) f l t Ui I-AN NZIA i' I ‘414 of the t 1.1 - r„.)Y L.A.:ors iu the " burgh, Fort Wayne mug Chi cago Pailroail Company,"mill btu 111.1 I at the el t ll EIIAHD CIF TItADE, iu city Pittahurgth Yn, ou WEDNESDAY, the let (Jailer next, et 2 o'cluch, P.M. At which meetiug, the Reports di) Officera and Direct ors, of the operatiouu of the Bead fir six menthe, ending July Ist ultimo, will he presented. By order of the President. AUtiIISTUS BRADLEY, ilecretary. NoTloE—Tilk. COUPuNS of the 1.3..u..s of Lawr.uLe County, leaned to the PITTS -13ll11(111 AND Elll3I it 3,11,0 AD COMPAffy., du e j a i, la5S. will be paid at the office of ud j f Ams 0 C; . : Pittsburgh, Pa TLe change to place of P 11 ).2 , . , 5t is made iu consequence of the failure of Ohio Life Inau,en ce and Tinst o.ulpauy, Ai, where the o.npoue sr. iniyablo 13. ord., - of I •A TriE COMMISEik)NKE:-1. OFFICE OF MI 813' Itill OJAI PAN I', t Pittsburgh, August tlUtla, 1858. 1 ELECTION.—The uuhual meeting of tho Stock• a of the Pitt,butgli kias jouipttoy, for the par• pone of elek: p: tenth to Bo' vu ±a Triuttel of , a id C y for the le :u of flirt, y ofce, ulll bo boa ai Jpo culics I.f the Company, in l'itutburich, FiEtsT XION• DAY (orb day) k,l Lutyrt , ou tho hours of and b o'clock, P. u JAM Ett eliltitiTY, Trouton er. AMUSEMENTS ILSSS ..... -.COLLINS PARK ISSS, GRAND F,XHIBITION FOR THE 131- Yliov!•:SlNNTal the tAxed uf Thr, tug Preluanns w,ll b. , Award,l s7_ CoL LINts W NESDAV. %%Mb Ski , i'ENI li Eft 24 • fl Prennutu slot4Ui) 1. , the L,‘.1.88r t 1( thB fret Trotting if urxa, milt he, tr!. thr. 0 it tics, ples-se. Drivers CU weigh 146 IDs., each. Fret , to all Trottiug 14,p4, Allegt,tly colaUty. A:11E D.kl, a Preiniain et ji , u tt, the own rut the best Pacing H ores, IWe mile heats. cu as they plualio. Drivel 8 awl E.1..18c8 t, , weigh 146 tbs., ouch. Free In all Pacing Noreen. ON TIIL;itAudV. ;•El"rrAlttigß 30Ta A {h.:wit:ln of j'lti) t.r th Al,r keit tulle Leots, thr-t• to five, go ei t h-; • }demo. In it, rti and liiihtts to weigh :43 Itt 4., earl.l. Flee 1.; ell Troltiug SAM Li DAY, ;t Pronnuni of feli I tit, owner of the iil44. e.l Mule, mile beets, two w thrtei, .14;oli weights. THIRD DAY-NItIDAY, (JCT . 013 E iST A Premium el s,the to it..- owner bl the letat 'Prelting twe mth, helm, go as they' pi t rise. Dr , verq and Rd - 1m to wen4h 145 ltsf • acb. Three m name ent die will be required, to c ntest for cable premium; entree a 10 Bib cent. Collins Park is a beautiful liallemle tr veli, very wido,with c••ry acorommuilatmg tures—lt la situeled five mi:es from l'irreburgh, on the l'cueaylvotila beioct Con vettleht nod re.) of access, 11 tiles , livie,; v: R cut, who wish to c left the Exbibition by raurvel. The foregoing trial . at opeed oul u- in the aftertodo day, beginuaig a . 3 .'.hock, P . . tipecial tratuti of Sara, wd! leave each day for the Par., at 2 , /, o'clock, run wog to the Park, for the of cialtots, ttia rrturuitig, will lease the Park at 7 ifelJek, v. tti [an2l:til _FiftsT INTRO UCI1) .lULY, 1849. A. L. ARCUOLDIB&ULT'S Portable Steam Hoisting and Pumping Engine, M. V Lool4 , • r u and sa Mw L't 4,1 L., . I.lle e always un baud MaLltifact.,ly, lb( h itanillcon Szre eI. A. H. C. BROCKEN, No. '22 Cliff Street, New York, atANufAcTintElt OF GLASS SYRINGES, LIONICEo PAT HIC ViaLs, GRADUATED MEASURES, NURSING BOTTLES, ETC. ti Ws ,,, Porfultiet g, I nu qi.gi4 an by tbo packa t z.. A litt,r kil discount made trado. Jr dess trout Oa itutry Drug sad Des lure nolicitetl. ~ent ;lota Jy.30:31” - - - _ N A ENV ! E A O O . REA ~,M u a SALOON, NO. 1 Tll i3T EE T. The rublicsiber ha.l lineal, I,:d tilted up sever - 11 eumtvudi uus ruOMIA, nearly opposite the lixt :1,1114,0 Blank, WI Filth street, which art) num , ept.tt for the Summer Season. 1.11• Cie:i and gentlemou can always find en abundant supply of CONFNOTION AEI% iltU • ICE CREAM, WATEdt WKS, and all the etto ,, t,tiLiuus of the seezoa. All are respectfully requested to chit the rootna. and test rot themselves. M. NlctilN LEY. 711ANOS I PIANOS!! A Art additional stock of Plano Fortes froml 111 t1,,3 celebrated Factories of STEINWAY di &AS, NEW YORK; C., NUNNS .t CLARK, NEW YORK, Vas juet been received, and the atteution of purchasers di. rooted thereto. IL ELSBER Sole Agents fur the above celebrated Pianos, Jean No. 68 Fifth atreut. Summer Lager Beer. UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE TO a inform his friends and the public In general, that he iu in the daily receipt of this delicione Boer, from the well known Brewery of J. N. Straub, Allegheny City, it having been pronounced to be tile beet that was manufactured here Mr many years, CLEAR. TA.sl'EFl_li, and BUR& Give me a call and try It. JOIN RUTH, apll4.tf At his 01,1 etand, 1%0 2.6 MAO. - O. 65 FIFTH-jTftEE T.' RiiOFING (_,IH EAP, DURABLE, FIRE AND WATER PROOF JOSEPH HARTMAN, (Recently Agent fur H. M. Warren & MANUWA'TURER AND DEALER W A kii.,EN . B FELT, CEMM 1 , 4 `l' G AVEL ELASTIC CEMENT, SATURATED CANVAS ROOFING, ROOFING MATERIALS 12S.OFFItlE, Nu. a rava STREET, uppasito odd Fe lowa Hall. Pittsburgh, Pa. J➢ 9 MAFFITT & O L D GAS baTTERS, BRASS FOUNDERS AND FINISHERS, jai. 127 and 129 First Stszet, and Federal Street, Allegheny Gas Pipes put up, and Fixtures of the latest styles and patterns. We hale a very large !stock of Gas Fixtures cu baud, to which we call particular attention. fy2o.Bui 01.AFFITT STOC KIN G YARNS AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, Always 011 hand, and for Bale at - , ft -- -iy,,, Till, BE S T A N D , 4,v.,....,, AP ~..2 . 1_ti,,,,`-c, ,:rfri . yl7, — ,,e• - ,, CHEAPEST vrs - Ea/qt. i v sell• 7 . _ c , D , x ;; 70 T T -,......;,z ing at the mcat extensor? IN f ' Itt IVt N E 6 AR EGAR. WAILEXOUSE in the, YintEGrtni '"9"muliliisc West. Thin house now nip iniiiinismtuniss Una plies, and hat for the last ten UM • '._ ' ~..;. years, more than one-half of ~'"....,-,.7k, !- - '''''i at the Pittsdargh grocers, and intifljElr - -,, t 4 Y - 2".: , t' 66 ' the same in every other city in .-.• -.'•,,,,•:-.., wLich it he been introdtmed. A. RALLOU, 146 Water etreet, between 14mittat.1.1 and Grant. pRODUCE.- 10 b*Ls. White 114tia5; 9 Mee. Pork t r ale by TI smrrli 6 00. J --- -- UST PUBLISHED,----iirightly's Pardon's Annual Digest of the Lawi of Pennsylvania, for each Co the years 1853,1854, 1855. 1858, 1857 and 1859. tuunelY, from the 28th of May, 1353, to 28th of May, 1858 The whole completing Stroud and Brighily's Pardon's Diger t to the present date, by Frederick 0. Brightly. Esq.., for sale t.y .1. B. WEI DIN, No 83 We xtroot. °oar Fourth. S 1 5 WORTH OF MUSIC FOR TWEN TY-FIVE GENTS—THE GENTLE ANNIE MELODIST.—This little work contains all the words and Music of the new and popular airs of the day. The seep. Lion has bean made with gnat care, giving only those songs which are good and popular. All the best songs of S. G. Foster, are embraced in this collection. A large Hupp y just received, and for sale at the Music Store of anl6 JOHN H. MELLOR, 81 We;od street. EG(IB.-40 Ras. Fresh Eggs just received, and for sale byYgr/Jal, wain corner ELlutet and Jrnst streets. BRANDIES, GINS. WINES, ETC., D t EALEES IN FINE OLD ISIONONEIALILLA V7HILSKY, PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY. Also, RECTIFIERS A N DISTILLERS, Corner of Smithfield and Front Streets, apl4 PITTSEUIIOII,. PA. PRINTING, JOB, AND ALL KINDS OF WRAPPING 3 Wiarehouge, No. 21 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. itta,.. Rags bought at market priced. u.)oi ItEIIIOV.4.L. JOHN MOORIIEAD has removed to No. 74 Water street, below Market JOHN MOOREIEAD. COMMISSION MERCHANT, PIA METAL AND BLOOMS, NO. 74 WATER STREET, BELOW MARKET, mrl9 PITTSBURGLI, PA PITTSBURGH STEEL WNW. e. ASO JONHS JNO. L. Bo YD WM. M cOU'LLO :KJ LI CAST STEEL, ALSO, SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, SPRLNGS AND AXLES. Corner goas and First. •25 PITTSBURGH, PA imerican, Plain et Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, reor Rooting, Guttering, Spouting, 4r...e Warehouse, No. 130 First street, mr2O:ly•is MANIIPAOTITEERB ROGERS' IMPROVED PATIENT SPER, CULTIVATOR TEETH, MR /RESALE AND RETAIL ACLITOR MERCHANTS, NO. 87 DIAMOND ALLEY, Near Woad strret, 4X-I, Ai ways nu hand, Blackberry, Cherry, and Cognac Brean , i 3, Old Monongahela and Roctided Whisky, of the t:, Int»! . WH OLESALE GROCER 9 Forwarding and Commission Merchant, /OR Tat 5 &LH C 4. our, Grain, Baton, Lard, Dutter, deeds, Dried ffrait anti Produce generally, curraer of Itiks6ef t 13141 Virst strbata. PITTSBUttett, P A. iltliaa To-- tiaLlOiflEi.l3all.33, PA+ , William vilwortl,, , Juthbort A Sou, Plititpurgli; a Ott, tieiikell A S. Brady, Cast.. M. A M. Batik.. List .4. tiowt-'l, nal:oe A Cu. , George W. A.adors..,a, Pa.r.tou A Co H.DWA RE. AMUEL FAIINESTOWN:, No. atraet, Pittaburgh, has on band a InTga - - - - - 4 ht:ti be will sell very low for OAS El. In addition to hia ln , cL s, LLin gee, Katy. and Fork" and Bpvolin, and 5 15rµ, i.l -•.f talent uf .:srpout.sl 'lO Tools, he has recolvad a large ~i) dausagn Outtera and etutfuni; Shovels, Tong - nos and Pokers, !Sleigh Rolls, and Mira:llo.l C 1.-01) Preserving Kettles L.. C. fililPlialltfai, A ruoltiiki AT LAW AND CONYEVAM.LER W M. W. KNIGHT, WIIOLESAIJS AND RZTAIL FIRST PREIIIII READY MADE LINEN AND DRESS STOCK MANUFACTORY; NO. 606 ARCH STREET, PHILA,ADELPHIA. Silk, Merino and Cotton Under Shirts and Drawers, Cra vats, Scarfs, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Lco., Dressing Gowns, Shirts, Wrappers, and Dress Stocks wade to order by !netts arnment, and warranted to give marl efaction. JeLlyJ E. P. MIDDLETON & DllO., IMPORTERS Or WINES, BRANDIES, &C., ALSO DRALEAS IN FINE OLD WHISKY. NO. 5, NORTH FRONT STREET, jblAyd PHILADELPHIA. GO AND SEE GEORGE P. WERTZ'S First Premium Blind Factory, CORNER THIRD AND MARKET STS., PITTSBURGH. +THOSE WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR il Howie with VENTPIAN BLINDS, of the most exqui ci NiLa) and elaborate finish, will find it to their interests togive me a call before purchasing elsewhere, My work is got up up by the beet mechanics (not apprenticst) Every attenti nis ~-iveu to the wants of customers. Prices low. All work wa7ranted. N 0.72 THIRD Street, Pittsburgh. [myStlyis ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR FOR TILE ERECTION OF GAS WORKS, for from five Turners and upwards, and for Heating,Buildings, public or of irate, by steam, Hot Water or Furnaces. urv&lsis PITI'SBURGIL PA. I{ANITFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS LyA. of Pocket and Table Cutlery, Burgle )1 and an I Den ial Instruments, Guns, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, etc., No. 85 Wood street. They give special attention the manufactur• ug of Trusses, Supporters, eto. Jobbing and itepairing punctuality and despatch. ~,17 ROOFS, (Summons so Ruissuir, M'Quilas .t C 0.,) FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MPROHANTS, Wholesale Dealers in Produce, Flour und Wool, No. 114 Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. oleo. M.& L. Hord, Cincinnati Keene, Sterling & Co, A. B. Benton Et Brat, " Yard, Gilmore & Co, " uly3Ltf J9SEPH HORNE'S, 77 dfarkat Prtrret J. & T. GROUTT, lILPORTEELS oP S. B. & C. P. MARKLE, MANUFACTURBIIB OF JONES, BOYD & CO OOREIEAD & CO., MANUFACTURER OF AGENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT VIITATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON B. B. ROGERS Ss CO., Craaza Roos A.ND FIRST EifiIZETS, " .. v - P7"iBBTIRO H. P.A. WILLIAM CLAYTON A, CO., PITTSBURGH, P 4 WILLIAM BACILEV, Nos. IS and 20 Wood Street, lAMIES IrETZE3R, STOCK OF ITARLYWARE, F.W CARTWRIGHT & YOUNG, (Succuitors to John Curttorighl.,) HITCHCOCK, 111 9 CREED.1( & CO. pringer Horbaugh, Joseph IL Mu, Bt. Louis; Pittsburgh ; Fenton Bros., Cornell & Dorsey, Baltimore; L Ohilds 00., Sagaley, Cosgrave At Co" " Garret & Martin,Philadelphia; ' , id:landless, Mewls & Co., " James, Kent,'Santeo Co. " i. W. Smith, k Co., " Weaver & Graham, W. H. MaGER . MoGE E MEROBANT TAILORS, Dealers in Ready Made Clothing and Gentlemen's Furnish ing Goods, corner of Federal street and Market Square Alle I .,heny City, Pa. Jel2:ly pOINT BOX FACTORY.- , BOMA GUTENDORP Manufacture to order, BOXES anitable for Soap and Candles, OA:Aware and Variety Gonda, etc., etc. 11-1. '"3 - r.l,re rmmrstly Oiled u.0.8.K6.7 DALIII-1. I A.NIZ.9 fL RFULADENG D OBERT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale jo6 Oroaers, Commission and Nor:yarding Merchants and Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh Idanufactures, No. 251 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Pa. uov2EY• FURNITURE FOR CASH, A full sasortment o pittA B burgh mantifactareJ VILIB.NITURE, embracing UREAUX, BOOK 0.138, WARD ROBES, And every article needed In a well furnished dwelling, as well as a epledid aesortment of OFFIOR FURNITURE, nstantly on hand and made to order. As the only terms on which business is done at this establishment is for OA2II. Prices are made accordingly. Persons in want of anything in the above line, would be advantaged by calling at FA w , 14:. & No. 103 Smithfleld etreet e helm Pifth. .1 D. Acaalam, has hi. Wm. 434241 Tonic, Cathartic, and Anti-Dyspeptic B. L. FAHNESTOCK & CO., No. 60 corner of Wood and Fourth Streets, AS AN EFFICIENT, safe and convenient tonic, catbartic and antl.dyspeptlo medicine, these Pills are recommended to the public by the former propri etor, (LB. WILSON,) with a confidence such ds a long con tinned and careful trial of them in an ample practice war rants. lu their operation as is cathartic, they influence more the motory and less ihesecerning power of the bowels than any other combination in common use. AB A TONIO—They agree with the moat delicate stom ach, removing nausea, pain, and debility from that organ, and through it impart tone and vigor to the whole system. AS AN ANTI-DYBPEPTIO—They neutralize and inter rupt the formation of acids, check fermentation, and pre vent the elimination of gases from the food in the stomach, —the direct consequences of chemical action,—an action which should never exist In the human stomach. From these peculiarities in the Pills, a person taking them may expect a tree, full and natural evacuation of the bowels, without pain, nausea, local or general debility, or that die gusting sickness or costiveness—the usual effects which at tend or follow the use of other rouges. CERTIFICATES. Extract 0.) a letter from EL It Ithrnmoorth cf Co, Druggists, Memphis, Tennessee, January 7, 1858. MESSRS. B. L. FABALEISOCK & CO.—We were the that to ha oroduce Dr. R. Adams Wilson's Pills here many years ago. They were the best Pill over in this market. We use no other in our own families, and..aecttred for them a high tharacter by our recommendations. Yours, traly, G. R. BARNEBWORTH & CO. .tract of a Idler from G. W. Irwin, Nagurab. Sir: I have seen Limas • -nn- neon's Pills used for the ague with good effect; I have used them myself, and believe them to be the best Pill in use. I have no doubt they will cure many other complaints when properly used, ana I cheertully recommend them to the public. Respectfully, yours, G. W. IRWIN. From OaLoral Wa. Hopkins, late Qinal Commitsioncr. WASHINGTON, Pa. January B,lBlB—Dear Doctor: I have been using your " Anti-Dyspeptic " Pills, when occasioned required, for many years, and can truthfully say that I have never found any medicine equal to them in relieving me from affections of the stomach and head. They have never failed to relieve me from headache, and have always left my system in better condition they found it. I must confi dently recommend your Pills as a safe and highly valuable medicine. Very respectfully, etc.. DR. It. ADAMS WILSON. WM. HOPKINS. Pro-to Thos. Blacknwre, Esq., Treasurer of Allegheny Lb., Els. To i a R. A. WELSON.—Dear Sir : I have been using your Pills since 1840, and do decidedly say they are the best Pill in ceo, or that I have any knowledge of. I first used them for • sick headache," with which I suffered beyond descrip• tion ; I am happy to say, that they entirely cured me. Since thee I use them as a family medicine: if I am bilious, or anything ails me, and I require medicine, I take a Pill,aud it cures me ; they are my only medicine, and have been for the last seventeen years. THOS. BLAOKMORE. January 8, 1858. PITTSBURGH. PA ElIMI:121 MSSEMS. B. L. RAIINESTOCX a Co—l have had considerable experience In the use of the extraordinary Pill compounded Ly Dr. R. Adams Wilson, of which you are now the propri etors, and have often fait their benign influence In my own case for " nervous headache," arising from a disordered con dition of the stomach. I have likewise prescribed them for others, in cases of " hemicrania" and other forms of head. ache depending on a deranged and irritable condition of the stomach and digeative organs, of which they seem peculiar ly adapted, beiug entirely free trom any griping tendency. 1 regard them as a very valuable Pill, and one that purges without at all debilitering. Yours truly, GEO. 11. KEYSER, 140 Wood street. March h, 1868 PITTSBURG H Oul) ':{ IW4i •}i G. Al. DOSOEI & Co erag2lv DR, R. A. WILSON'S PILLS PREPARED AND BULL) B WHOLESALE DRUOUISTB, PITTBBURGH, PENN'A Hear Dr. Keyser THE GREATEST •"' 4 e \ DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. MR.. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has diseov or.':. . Ale ut oar common pasture rea:‘ly thnt. . . Every kind of Humor, 11,.0.tA THJ WORST BCROFTILA DOWN TO A Outilllo2.l P MPLII Be has tried It in over eleven huud:ad cases, and never fall-al exempt in two cas,a, (both thunder humor.) Ito has now lli hie p. - asessiou over ono hundred certificator of its value, all within twenty miles; of Beaton. bottles are warranted to care a unraln,r, acre ,south. Woo to three bottles will core the worst kind of Pimple, r. the fs.csa. Two or three bottles will clear the systam of biles. Two bottles am ws,rrstitegl to ease the werot c,..oter bt the or 'run.) to Bce betties arm :rano nteAl to cure the - Aura: kind or aryelpellta ,)- c to two bottles are warranted to corn all humid liti!tht (3) oA. Two bottles are wee rented to care run Obi( of the ears m; blotches among the hair. your to sir bottles are v.qtrreotbil to cure co, apt and Mu ill trig liken,. )oe bottle will core coaly eruption of the skin. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the worst kind f ringworm. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the reoeftles perote case of rheumatism. Three to four bottles aro warranted to cure saltitheum. Wive to eight bottles will care the worst case of scrofula. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity is taken. ILOYLDUItY, MABB totes MtlitS,—Tlie reputation of the Medical Discovery, in curing all kind of humors, is so well established by the unanimous voice of all who have ever used it, that I need not say anything on the subject, aa the most skilful physt. dons and the most careful Druggists in the country are um WIIIIIOIIE4 in its praise. In presenting the Medical Discovery to your notice, I do it with a fall knowledge of the curative power. In relieving all, and curing most of those diseases in which you are on fortunately so liable. That mod excruciating disease to an affectionate mother , NURING SORE MOUTH,: Is cured as if by a miracle; your own temper is restored id its natural sweetness, and your babe from short and fretful naps to calm and sweet slumbers ; and the Midlical Moults ry becomes a fountain of blessing to your husband and boosehold. In the more advanced stages of CANKER it extends to the stomach, causing DYSPEPSIA, which is nothing but canker of the atom h; then to the intestines and KIDNEYS, ()rooting a sinking, gone feeling, and an indlfferenc.o even to iota carte of your family. Your stomach In RAW AND INFLAMED, your food distresses you, and you can only take certain kinds, and oven of that your system does not get halt the nourishment it contains as the scrimonous fluid of the canker eats it up; then your complexion loses its bloom and be• cornea sallow or greenish, and your beat day is gone. For want of nourishment your system becomes loose and flabby, and the fibres of your body become relaxed. Then follow a train of diseases which the Medical Discovery is peculiarly adapted to CURE? Palpitation of the heart, pain in tho able, weakneaa of the opine and email of the back, pain of the hip Joint when yon retire, irregularity of the bowels, and alao, that moot ezcrn• elating of diaeasea, the PILES. How many thousands of poor women are suffering from this disoaae and pining away a miserable life, and their next door neighbor does not know the cause_ I wish to improas le your mind that good old proverb, " An ounce of proven , Lion is better than a pound of cure.' In the MEDICAL DISCOVERY you have both the preventative and the cure, with thin great and good quality, that it will never, under any circumstances ; do you any injury. No change of diet ever necessary—eat the beet you can gel and enough of it. DISHO4ION9 ion oar—Adults ono table spoonful per day— Children over tenyeaos dessert spoonful—Ohildren from five to eight years, tea spoonful. As no directions can be appli• cables to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. Yours truly DONALD KENNEDY. Price $l,OO per bottle. for sale by Dr. GEO. B. KEYSER, eep4:dsw No 140 Wood street. Pittsburgh. Pa I BEAUTIFUL HEAD RICH GLOSSY HAIR, Completely Preserved TO THE GREATEST AGE. And who that la gray would not have It restored to its former color, or bald, but would have the growth restored, or troubled with dandruff' and itching bat would have it removed, or troubled with scrofula, scald head or other eruptions, but would be cured, or with sick headache, (neuralgia,) bat would be cured. It will also remove all pimples from the face and skin. Prof. Wood's Hair &sato. ratave will do all this, see circular and the follovvihg: ANN Aims, November 6, 1856. Purr. u. J. cod—Dear fir :—I have heard much said of the wonderful effects of your Hair Restorative, but having been so often cheated by quackery and quack nostrums, hair dyes, etc., I was disposed to place your Restorative in the same category with the thousand and ono loudly trum peted quack remedies, until I met you in Lawrence county some months since, when you gave me such assurance as induced the trial of your Restorative in my family—first by my good wife, whale hair had become very thin and en tirely white, and before exhausting one of your large bot tles, her hair was restored nearly to its original beautiful brown color, and had thickened and become beautiful and glossy upon, and entirely over the head; she continues to use lt, not simply because of its beautifying effects upon the hair, but because of its healthful influenoe upon the head and mind. Others of my family and friends are using your Restorative, with the happiest effects horefore, my skepticism and doubts in reference to Its character and value are entirely removed; I can and do and most cor dially and oonlidentially recommend' Its use by all who would have their hair restored from *hiss or gray (by res. son of sickness or age,) to original color and beauty, and by all young persons who would havetheir hair beautiful and glossy. Very truly and gratefully yours, SOLOMON MANN. FILM= WOOD: It was a long time alter I :EtaW you at Bllselleld before I got the bottle of Restorative for which you gave mo an order upon your agent in Detroit, and when I got it we concluded to try it on Mrs. Mann's hair, as the surest test of Its power. It has done all that you assured me it would do• and others of my family and Mends, having witnessed its effects, arenow using and recommend. lug its use to others SS entitled to the highest consideration you claim for it. Again, very respectfully and truly, yours, 801.0 MON MANN. CUM; ILL, June 28,1852. I have used Prof. O.J. Wood's Hair Iteetorative, and have admired its wonderful effects. My hair was becoming, as I thought, prematurely gray, but by the -use of his Resters. tire It has resumed its original color, and, I have no doubt, permanently so. B. BR OM. ex-Settatar,ll.B. - O. J. WOOD • 00., Proprietors, 812 Broadway, N. T., (in the great N. Y.Wire Betublishment)and 114 Illarket street, Bt. Leads, Mo. - &law DB, GEO. H. 101710111, No, 140 Wood et, itlmdaw • And sold by ell aim Daggictie anl4:ly-413 IL i%l. CARGy' fk, GO., Photographers and, Asubrotypasts, NEW YOKE. - No. :41 kWh 'treat, SUNBEAM. GALLERY, B. W. ckr. of Market etroe nuts Diarnuad, Eiiac,bate , PRICES TO SUIT ALL. akyl3:tl-31) El 0 G It 6 NEW DAG UERRNAN A4sll) " SKY 4 , 11) diD I GALLERY, raTid blillalT,Nic 4R r. u I TEi T ;AZ E.Ol-T-01l9iCi: I{36.PICTUILKS taken la ail Caw various style*, in rin3 wadclier, and warranted to pleat's; ri.,lllloltable rater:. dick or de Dewed peetans ted:on at then - rualdetari. ap'2Crlydnw-ii pIIOTOURAPHY.-TAIS ART BAB BEEN brought to such perfection that pictures taken by this process have been pronounced perfect by the scientific world. They can be had in all their beauty and artistic elegance, at WALL'S P 1011711.1, 1.3.511.1311 Y, 13urth street, J oats Building. Leu2B lw A BEIAUTLIIIIL A.yD DURABLE PIOTURS WLRRANThD, UAZ 13ii LLAJ AS LUW AS AT A.NY 614:,12 GLASS iISiABLISELAIJNNT U TUI OvIiiNTHY, AT AV LL 'S nrth mtreet Etelittored ti 21 Filth Street. & CO.'S PkiOiOGRAPIIIC AND vI3i3.OTYPE b 601.1 removed from To Fourth scree: ' o :41 Wig.Li street, n.ar Market. Those rooms having been Limit especially for the purpore, rival three larg. lightd, are not; surpabrsed in the city for car, tort, convenience add eit,e'dunce W arrahgement. at,— Our old triends and patrons, and thole wishing en. perior likenesses, are invited to call. 10,. Reception Room and el eel:aims Lit the ground doer. ap7 A UUTiON SALES _DAILY SALES AT NO. FIFTH ST., At the new Commercial Sales ooms, No. 64, Fifth street, every weet day, are beldr,ptibli.. ;ales of goods in all variety, suited tor the trade Lind CNCIBLIMbr3 ; frotu a large stock which ie constantly repldhished with fresh consign menu, that mast be closed forthwith. AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. 31., Dry Qoods and faucy artichA,cotuprising uearly everythin. no.ided iu the line for personal and family me; table cutt• y;lm hardware; clothing; bouts and shoed; ludie3 AT 2 0't.f.0%.1.11., P. M., liunsehold nod kitchen trirniOre, new and socatl-hin,: bode and bedding; carpets; elegant iron stone China war, stuve,; cooking atenell,.; groceisks, &c. AT 7 O'CIA)CE, P. M., . . Fancy articles; watches; cloche; Jewelry; mneic l inatru ciente; guns • clotning; dry 6u0i..,; hoots and uhoes . hook stathmery, LseB I I'. M. DAVIS, Aunt,' INTEREST IN STEAMBOAT METRO FOLDS, AT AUCTION-6a TUESDAY EVENIItI A ngrvit 31st, at 7, 1 ,4 o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Rooms o 64 Fifth street, will e sal one undivided eighth part of th A Steamboat getropolis, th tier furniture, tackle, do , ei aha now lies at the hion.mgahela wharf T,rnis—Ou,-half cash, reHi lie In three and six tu.:.rith, with approved security JAKDWAIIE, 4UCTLON --On Tuas DAY MORNING, 3lst, at 10 o'clock, will be a. id, at the Commercial sates Roans, No. 64 Filth street, by order of Receiver, the stock ofli a city retail store, cninprle tog almost everythlug kept ima first class hal . ..mare rendn lisbroeut, such as 13roed .lockson'e, Spear .tt .Iscksoir's, and Lipton's superior Saws, Fire! Squares, from 0 to 10 inches; Fore, Smoothing Rabbit, Bead and Plough Pianos, Patent Smoothing and Plough PI mos, Brace and Ditts, }follow mid Shank Augers, biorttce Ifirtuor, lemming and Socket Chisels, Plane irons, Berols, Gouges; Butt, Table, Wardrobe and Coffin Hinges; Cheer, Drawer and Door I orbs. ' Hand Vises, it rasa and Iron Oastors, Hatchet u, Ham mere, Cooper and Foot Adzes,. Ivory and Boxwood Rules, Trowels, double and eingto Fitt Axes, Shovels, Spades, For kg, scythes, Hoes, Stee:yatds, etc., to which the attention of the trade is invited. an 26 1' M. T.VIS, Auctioneer. BANK STOCK.. ', AT AUCTION.—On TuEsbn y An,,,mt 31st. 1850, at 7% ,:clock, at the t:uninio. cbel e,rlps It ,oats, No. 68 Fifth street, will be sold: GO shares Nkr and Man ; bunk of Pittsburgh. GI DAVIS, einctima,ar 100 PATENT TOWEL RACKS, AT A MT/Oil-COD TIIESDAY 'MORNING, August at 11 o'clock, at the Coluhlorclel • alea Rooms, Nci. 64 fedth dtreot, will be sold, 100 Pkteat. Towel Racks. amid ' r e. M. DAVIS, Atictloneel. - - - W 001 ) STREET WAREHOUSES ANN LUTE, AT A T 0 I;OD A Y .EV NCI, eeptember 7th, at 7% o'clock, u: the Cenanercial Sales lideces,_No. 54 Ifilth st:eet, wtll he sold: rouse - valuable 1,44 of groond, situate on the westward Ade of Wood street, commencing at the distance cf 40 feet from the corner of Front street, and adjoining thel drug VrE , ZE4IOI:I9O of Fithne• stock & Co., each having a front of 20 font, and ealeullrig buck 80 feet; on which is erected tao Brick Warehouses, 8 stet WO high; each having a frOct of 20 foot, and extending buck 70 feet to an urea of 4 feet In the rear of the lots. Tos me—One-half cash, residue in 12 mouths, with interest an 27 N. hI. DAVIS, Auctioneer. STEAMBOAT b. ZANESVILLE. For "Marlette and Zanesville. The steamer EMMA GRAHAM., Capt. Mou• ROE AIRZ9, will leave for the above and all intermediate portn on every TUESDAY, at 4 o'clock, P. M. Par fre4ht or pesnaye apply th; I w‘ald. CARRIAGES. CARRIAGE DIANUFACTORY AN D EASTERN REPOSITORY. JOSEPH WHITE HAS JUST RECEIVED AT HIS RE POSITORY, situated neer the Two Mlle •• ; Run, between Pittsburgh and Lawrenceville, a :7 — ... 11 —z.e.: 7 splendid and general assortment of Carriages, Buggies, 8u - tf Ma, eta His arrangements aro such that he is constantly receiving new and second-hand Vehicles, and the public may rely on always finding a good stock on hand. Ho ales man ufactures to order, on short notice, CARRIAGES,i BUGGIES, And all pertaining to the bnainess. With eighteen yeara' practical experience hi this btleinese and his well-known facilities, he flatters himself that he dee great inducements to purchasers. At estabilahment is lo4ted on the route of the Ex celslor Omnibus Line of Coaches, pasting the door every fifteen minutes. an2s:de w Al - C. WEST & Co., ItIANUFACTUP.6IIB os CARRIAGES, HOCHAWAYS, BUGGIES, SULKIES A^.l3 SLEIGHS. No. 167 Ponn street, PITTSBURGG, PA. ZY..,1- All work warranted to ho oP the tostlmatoriala and workmanship.myl2:lydia JOHN W. 41'CARTHY, BILL POSTER)! w ILL ATTEND 1 G 0 THE POSTING} and DIBTILLBUTIN ; of all kind(' of DIMS FOR OONORRT3 Lttrxtl.P.l3, IaintIITIONB, a( All coromunicatione—cither. by mall telegraph, or other• wlso—diroctod to Eh:: °lnca of 1..h0 Morult.g Poet, v, rcr, II ptutaptatteathina alft _ _ THE SYMPOSIUM. WILLIAM C. GAL L AGHER, PROPIZIETOII, Afth Street, Next Door to the Pittsburgh Theatre The house is new, built espOclally for the ptirposea of a First Clan Restaurant and Saloon, and the proprietor hav ing had many years experience in the business will keep constantly on hand the best that the markets offord. His Wines, Liguori) and Ales, are 4f the best quality. He wants all his old friends and the public generally to give him a call at the Eyropeaium.' ARNOLDS, Dovell god Davidson's Writiog Fluid)] for sale by v. 11. HAVEN, tlty[loner, Nos. 31, 33 arid 2.4 Market street. _EXCITEMENT STILL INCREASING On account of the griat reduction of prices at the PROPLE'S 8130 E STORE, yeti- 0:0 aeilf g at tne following cheap rotes: Ladies' Black Glintwa worth $1,75 for $1,25; Ladies' colored Gaiters w rth '51,75 fsr $1,25; Ladies' Bus king worth $1 for 75 ctn.; Ladies' Boots worth $1,25 for So dz.; 'Mice? Congres3 Boots worth $1,50 for $1,25; Gent's Patent Gaiters worth $2,75 foe $2. DIFFENBAOLIEIL & CO., N 0.17 Fifth etraq, near Market LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILI Aim SMELTING WORKS. PARK, M'CTJRDY .4 - 00 s) M.A.NUFACTUREES OF SHEATHING, Braziers' and Bolt Copper, Pressed Copper Pottoma, Raised Still Bottoms, Spelter solder, Am also importers and dealers in Metals, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire, &a. Constantly on Land, Tiluzan'ti Machina*, and Tools. NVorehonse, No. 149 First, and 121) Second street, Pitts burgh, Pa. Special orders of Copper cut to any desired pattern. my2felydaw THIIRSDAY, Sptember 2cl, at 3 o'oi'k, P.IL, will bo offered for sale, on the premises. several Lots of ground of one, two and three acres, each. This pro perty is situate on the Coal am and •Upper St. Clair Turn pike, at about four milesfroin'the city, near the well-known Nursery of lkictiteek & Ainixton;aild - frout its location in the midst of moat beautiful scenery—in a healthy and pleasant neighborhood, and convenient to the city; certain ly offers Rare Inducements td persona desirous of purchas ing an acre or more of groned for a country residence. A large Academy is in progroaa!of erection on the premises. The soil is well adapted for line gardens, oicburda, etc, and springs of excellent water ex . abundant.. For further par ticulars, apply at our office, 5 Market strA e t, CUTIIIIERT A . SON, Real Estate Agents. MANILLA PAPRB. -- All'sizes - and qualities, for Bale by WM, G. JOHMSTOM & 00., Pallet 'Dealers and Stationers, aria ; • ' 6 7. WOW street. S+'S:i'di~t`~'~L+:=',:uea~,.es.. _.—.iu~,._.✓=-Fla:.."^'? I L. Itl. Auctiuzit:ar