VOLMIE XVI PITTS3URGH aurguiti POST. rar,rrrinf Stavlay: EP JAMES P. BELIAR, rN 723 N0RTa471 , 2? m.arsa of TOOD AXD rms STRIZT2, D3:l4rt. yea:, E.ayablestrims• in advattca inzar - Al.lv roll:lira; if not paid within tho year. ..t 1:7 - ,oCci - v—for at nat. couril•k•r tbr , licws CATS OF ADVERTISING I ' fi . wet,' 17 i - r, rTO FT-f.. 0 3.13 creche...... 3 001 4 001 7: E. 6 OA 7 661 4 6,, 10 71 065 11 WI 7 85 12 001 SCO r month co Zl.rue month.% ?am , mor.tha:. fivo c0ncha............ I mcntbn nouiltm...- nno yure.• Eandinr; G. CiT Lin 16 001 1u 2.5 'P 00t i 3 t 1.5 , (.41 nr teM, por =MEM ?..D9 MEESE 50 cent . Dez ncticc PITTSBURGH SATURDAY POST mArrimoTn - WEEEI.V. fi Lir ONE DOLLAR ekiit YEAit, ri; CLUES OF TEN. Wing/a SubLerilltlwas, - - - fl par E.anuna. CONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS )1: Tali DAY, ?ollthal, Literary, Agricultural, Comer cl-1, Local, Telegraphic and Miscellaneous. Ti is Paper being of tho Lito7./T trzi,land neatly printe on Eno whlto paper, in large, clear type, sill be found by tho wablniber to giro bettor =defect on than any paper plmllabod In PltLabnrg.h. 7. - Lcao 'who v. - Leh to talc a paper from Plttsbragb, willttnd ‘he EA =DAY POET s cafe and pro - lame, Inroadlent. Addre.a., 9 P. BA M., ropr Ed'itor and Pro riev..Nr. Et &SE MYERS , BODE. AND JOB OFFICE, PC.rS'I• BT.7II,3DI.MdGV.S. Corner of Fifth and 17Wod Streets, PITTSBURGH. PINK nmicsig,ned having made extensive additions of the LATEST AND HANDSOMEST STYLE P and i=proved Machinery, to the MORNING POST JOB OFFICE, invite, tho itention of Rail Read Creer iter^—ants, business ateL, and the public generally, to their nporior facilitieefer executes7 - .ith dispatch, on reasonable erma, all kinde of RAIL ROAD, IifERCANTRLE, "LEGAL, AND DiTiiri Gili_dt DESCP-IPTION OF PLAIN & FANCY PRINTING az-Gra tauter: a being nearly all 2C47, give emu wace of the moci complete est.:factor, et:e. eollcit erdere BOOF-"S, PAr4FULET.B, RAE, ROA) BILLS eLND CALLIV, BANE lili:0115, BL.91:11. Ll' 'TER HEADS, BILL 'LEADS, BILL:i LADING, CIRCELARB, IfEHNESS CARDS, PAI"Rit BOORS, DEEDS, !...10.11TGAGES, BONDS, to .Esj` Particular ;ALondua will alto Le paid to the panting I), ..tere, Progrmmea, &G. for Concerto, Tfthibitione and BARR A MYERE. BUSINESS CARDS The Pet-,gle"s Aloe Store. D. S. DIEFFENBA6ELER &CO.) Cher® Cash Dealer in all liincla of Fashionable BOOTti, SHOES IND GMTERS, isor Gentlemen, La:lioa, ioutbm and rio. 17 Fifth Street., near Ustriret, ocS _ PITTSBURGH, PA PER IN JOHNSON, Proprietors of Childs Co.'s Pato= Elt, , stte Fire suit Water Proof Cem.cat 133 T.II.IRU STREET. ARDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith •;...y fully exectted, and all our work warranted. ltootha_ material always On hand, and fcr sale, with di r-tion3 for c-o. sepitly JOS. F. tialun.Tort ENGENBEi r ti Corner of nrsz and Liberty areets, Pa....th..27 ; 7'1, Pa. Q UPERIOB, STEAM ENGINES for Grist and taw Browerte2s, Pzintinz FAtablisom,uts, wade to order. They ate, contaune the u.altufauture of their C-Aubrat..l Tools, such as 'a-suing Lathe, Iron Planers, Bering and Machu:lea, &c. Also, NVrot4,4lt Iron thatdng, with Pr.,lleys, Hangers, ..BOBSIT SIIO7i.PEON 501E15; TLIOMPSON & CO., OUSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND k GRAINER.S, No. 133 Third street. ,ilG:i; PAlNT exx•uted. with neatness and despaten. Limed Paints, Oils Turpentine, Varnish, Japan and English Patent Dry ere, l!dontaigr,o Zinck, a very superior article, and Pittsburgh White Lead always on hand and for we are prepared to grind colors for Painters, Drug others. at the shortest notice, as we have a Mill tv , h irinds by rteam Painters will save money by got ir colors ground with Ili GOLD AND SILVER SP "J:CTACLES, AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. HYDROMETERS ur Tzelgt.ing oprita, the cheapen: and best article_ over Drought to this city. TELLIV3IO'3I.EIT.aS BA.P...OItETEMEt, a.- - iltag in price from SC. Le g. 30 each_ POCKET COMPASSES, AND :EURVEYOR'S COMPASSES, hi , 35,, on hand at 0 Y. SH.AWS, Prcka.«.,' Optician, GS Afth S,reet. 1%21 oppcman liasou.ic Hall. ES. C. & 3. Jai. SAWYER, _ 1./12M/ACIVEMS 07 LARD OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS r.O. 44' Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. JOHN EIDER & CO., F.l - .TV DYERS AND SCOURERS, ieno. 3 a3lmat-13. iatrizoeit, Err, C;.5 WOOD AND Isurrarr STILEITS, PITTSBURGH. PA. All kinds of Shawls, Dresses, Ribbons, and evory description of Silt and Woolen (}Dods executed a; short notice, and on reasonable terms. lap23:3m 01ice of Sealer of Weiglitts and raefauses. THE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, A - R,Ar.rR OF TVF,JGBTS AND JIBABITaBS, 'May he found. henceforth, In Cherry alley, betc.,, , u Third er.d Fourth stroota, where orlcra may be left. m CHARLES BARNETT. rl3ed S. -HAVEN'S Elastic Steel Pens just F Q received, and for Bala at the Stationery Store, Noa. 31, 33 and 85 Ilarket street.. FRANKLIN ALMANAC FOR 1859. Al -.au well-known and popular annual, formerly pub ! y Johnston Stockton, after a lapse of years, will again eb3rtly be Land. The circniationN as formerly will b e m o o by t emitted mathematician, Sanford O. Hill, who will also prepare for its page. snob reading mat ter as will make it an entertaining and instructive maga. Eine. Bald& the reliable astronomical calculations, a new and ing01:00175 Coble of time, an accurate method of drawing meridian lines, and other matters of permanent value will be added. - Orders of booksellers end other dealers are solicited is Cadtance of publication, as bat one edition will be printed, and orders will be Oiled aer.ording to priority. WM. 0. JOHNSTeI k 00., Pabliih Wood Pia 22 CHEESE. -300 boxes good cutting Cheese reoeand and for ales by J 526 EFENRY IL COLLINS ..QTAROH.-250 bores • earl Starch in store ) 4 .1 and for sale by 3528 ir Alta 0.111 —We have eammehoed. manu., Actuting Lsrd Oil, and will bo Owed to receive bi dera kr it. Wo sill warrant it egaal to any Oil in the mar et. We will I"ar ' ls ,rc~araoa i►hoa de fired. - - .--ga.47 . Vadd ctre.t zi.io 8.- U ,- clos for sale • AMR He _ 14 . _ . . ~_. . . . . . . . vo . .;gt: , , . , . ._ . ,---_- • -, t ., , . .... , .. _ + '..; . ,__ .‘ f : 110 . . ~.., . . i". ~ ~- ....", . , .......-',' f.:. i% !.".''' \.. ....." ' . , . , ... • -* ... rz - . .t ., . IL "i, - -4 x z.. ::, ..,,.. illifii, _. , . . • ~. ~.. . ... . ..ta ': - 1 S . ~. '.. ....• . . - , -, :.: ,-4 , ;.7. . i= l - : '''' f i .' • '''' .i.,. A —••- - ..`i • :',;, g r l. 1 J.., . . i '..-I. t ~ .z . '.. - „,,,, c ,-- :.....: , : . ,-... 7' • T -4 , i f --1 . 2, :•- t . • ~... 1,7 ri • .. .. . . 1 ~,.., la „.., .., 4 . _ ... 14 , . ~.,,, :... ,:. , ryt . ;Z .1, - 1 . :-. - .7 , ,, , tf - ?...I F 4 r W & ii , . . ~.. .. -,,, nA„, . . . • n. . . . . ~.,. , —7 l :`,....."'`''' . 7 4 1 51:' *'.. ~.' lr -':, .A ' NA.. . l' - • 40 • ' 4. it , o : . • \ . ' . 1 4 . ..,,,, ..;. \: ~ .,. • ~ , -t, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FAIIMEIVS UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, At ATIRENS, Bitit.DPCJIID COUNTY, PA.., Jan- 1, 1858, as presented to the Stockholderi, and made oct to compliance with the State Laws of New York, Ohio, STATIOICNT The name of the Company is the FAIIMMY UNION TN SURANCII 'COMPANY, located at Athens, Pa." Oharterod April 18 1553, by the Legitlatare of Pennsylvania.. - Charter Perpetual. Cath Capltai, which is all paid III:it - plus in addition thereto ASLIZTO. FlSpfour,Donds snd Mortgagoe, at six end seven cent. interest, araountloa in the aggregate to-4162,316 00 Which mortgages are or valtte labs and prod .ctive ,real estate, principally farms, recorded and first liens, worth generally double the amount and more than mort. a , ,ged for In each ca..s . and in no case leas than lift; "ii cent. more, e ach:pave of farm buddinga, and ee certified by the Recorders, sync: e recorded, to the read tars of thr States of Ohio and llhnola Nine teen six V cent. Bonds amply secured 47,696 oc Cash on hand and in Bank 6,449 12 C , sh in hands of agents, and in coarse of traasmissioi , secured by bonds with sureties Doe on losses re-insured, /cc Bills receivi.ble, promissory otes payable at bank and to the Company....... Interest accrued, (principally due January 1, 16.58,).. •.—. Eafe and office Fixtures and Frani tare 50 l 01' 75 2 001 1 100 501 1 1 0 001 335 940 400 300 300 6 00i 3 35, 4 50 00; 3 61.: 050 a 001 4 0;' ago 001 so' 000 00, et. 12 00 nr..m ... 10 00 the paper,)... 1 IICK./GelS, 25 c Amount of Premiums received during the year Am't interest re , eived during the you Am't received from all other eourcee, LIPENDISTILES. Expenses for the year, including commissicios, salaries, rents, rein surance, printing, advertising, taxes, and all other expenses $ 19,199 ed Dividends paid during the year 17,000 00 Loases paid, which occurred prior to December 31, 1800 Lossm pal. which occurred during the year 46,881 54 DENS LILEILITTE3. .1..C138e9 adjusted and not dne (eincn Paid) 12,500 00 Loki..-es incurred end n process of adjustment. I..cm - sea reported,on which action bas been taten Loaves restated, on ground of Insur ance after fire, property transfer red trfore loes, property loaf net covered by the PoILT, $ 84,407 40 Whole anion tof risks taken during the year...56,4Z,862 00 Whole amount of risk at date 4,881,440 00 ZIATZ. OP PANN3YLVA,NIA, COUNTY OP Eta.t.aroaa, O. N Shipman, President, and J. E. Canfield, Secretary of the Farmers' inion Insurance Company, being sevcrrally duly sworn, depose and ,•ay. and each ter Itio roll says that the foregoing id a tro', full and correct statement of the affairs of said corporation, and that they ere the above de cribed o ,, cera thereof O. .74. 6 • IPM AN, President. J. E CA.NFIE( D, Serra:L.7y. Subnribed and scr...re me, this 25th day or Jahn. ary, 1853, IL 0. BAIRD, Justice of the Peace. T J. HI:INTER, agent, N,. GO Water Ftro.at Pittaburgh. DT TAB Roth - Alice Mutual insurainco Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. ON 811/LDIEGB, LIMITED OILPSEPETUAL, lIEROLLAN- DISH, ru-srtyrraE, 60., IN TOWN Olt 001:11ITRY. Cane, Clio. 30a walnut street. C.4_PITAL, 817704516 ASSETS, 0f113511,408 GO. invested ea follArs, viz:— Fir.lt. Mortgage on Improved City Property, worth double toe amount $120,200 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. I`..lortgage Loan, p. 3,000 cod* 25,100 00 Allegheny County 0 per cont. Ponn'a R. it. Loan. 10,000 00 Pennsylvaain Railroad Co.'s Stock_ 4,000 00 Stools of tho Reliance Mutual Insurance C 0...-. 19,160 00 Sto.,k of County Fire Insurance Co.- . 1,010 00 Scrip of Sundry Insurance Companies....-....-... 476 00 Bina Receive le, business paper 62,711 50 Book .I"...canants, accrued interest, etc.. 8,836 10 Cosh on hand and to Bank 10,413 20 $252,45.5 89 . CLEM TII;GIEY, President. D 12.247088. Clem Tinizley, ' Samuel Bispham, 17l1limn It. Thompson, Robert Steen, David 8 Brown, William Musser, Cornelius Stevenson, Benjamin W. Tinexy, John IL Worrell, flarchall LHII, 11. L. Carson; Z Lathrop, Itobert T4.-land, Charles Leland, 1-5 cses Johneoh, .Yec...Jl) T. Bunting, :Riarle.s 2. W0c4.1. Smith Bowen, James S. Woodward, Wm. 1 - i. Semple, Pittsb'g. mr3 B H. 111:siCIP4AN, asoretary. J. CARDIN E COFFIN, Agent, mr3 Ncrtil-east c.,rner Third and Wood streets. " - lIAiS INSURAUE COIPANY k _ Pllfladeiphia. Ti'!, fretident D. J..TI'CANN, Srtraary. A,L. -- ,unt of &wt . , paid zr, and in7sted...V.-TO,OOO ,Surpluti 133,428 2,b WM. V. PE? 4263,423 35 In!.• CAT X, P.b.LA vu iL(+ Oblo and :dizataalppi Rivera ar.d trlbuturitA insareaog-ainst lon or dArnego by Piro, &Leo, agalu.:t the of the E - . 0, And inland :artgation cd 'franevrcation. I:3I2E=EI Wr.a. T. J. 3,•;th M. Purtroy, D. J. ticesan, 1 , 1 P. Witnrr, B. L. WuelGtur,, John A. Marshall, Char.. B. Wright, Jn 3 J. Patt...! , re...,L, E11w, , 04 T. Pur,y. Or11C2111.!: WILLIAM V. PETTIT, Pre...11.r . r.z R. F. WITTIER, Vice Priziass.s. D. J. McCA.N.N, Secrelar.i. LEVIES:IOE6: In Yltiladelphi.c . : h Phsi.2.lslphia: 6.eiger, Lamb is Co., St-i mats, Justice & Co., Trr.ltt, Bro. a Ca., Back, Morgan A Btigolo, A. T. Line & Co., Pmnroy, (la!dwell 6 Co. PI.7.TSBISSIGH OFFICE', NO. CI WITEit BTREET. 0 9 B. W. POINDEXTER, Accent. AIUTURiL INSURANCE COMPANY, LCCn EL4TEN, CLINTON COUNTY."FF.ED THE LSGIBLATUELEI OP PENNOTLVA.NIA Cash Genial $300,000 I Frani= N0te5...5132,24.3. Trn s COMPANY WILL INSURE ON Merchandise, Furniture, Lc, in town or co unt "' DIRECTOLS: J. Pearee, I Hon. G. C. Harvey ,iCharleis A. Mayer w a B. Hall, I Charlsa Criet, Peter Dlebbasca, T. T. Abrams, D 11. Jackman., IW. White., damns) L. Lloyd, Dr. J B. Crawford, A. A. Winegardacr, Jam Maynard, A. Updegraff, L. A. ?lackey, dun. d Cameron,. James Armstrong, A. White, Thoa. Bowman D.D, William Faaron, James Qaiggle, I Wm. Tanderbett, Don Wm. Iflgler, OFFICc—NO. 8i FIFTII STRELT, Pirmsomm J. A. LIPPERT, Agent. re4.llE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Ob PEELLADEUBLi. Dmaoroxs—Gharles W. Bancker, Thomas wart, Tobias :vaguer, Samuel Grant, Jacob It Smith, Geo. W. Facherds, Aordecal D. Lewis ; Adolphl E. Borie, David S. Browns, Um. r 1 Patterson. Cam:. N. Brzomsn, Presktent. Casa. G. Begazzat, Secretary. Continue to make inscrance, perpetual or limitod, on every description of proporty, in town and country, at rates as low es are ()oar:scent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent rand, ;11ic.b, with their capital and premiums, safely invested, ar. ford ample protection to the c.ssured. Ameb: of the Company, on January Ist, 1861, 821 pate agreeably to an Ant of Assembly, were as follows, viz: SLlrtictigyi $9184.1 68 iteal Estate 84,377 78 T-rnporary Loans- ..... 88,968 17 .. - 61,889 04 64,346 31 Total ........ . . . .3.1,215708 44 alnoe their incorporation, a ceded of twenty-one years, they have paid upward of One fillitrin Pons Hundred Thou. rand Dollare,l oases by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of insaracce, as well tia the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. 3. GARDINE3 COFFIN, Attend, Cake, north-ca.% cor. Wood and Third etIL WESTERN INSURANUb COMPANY OP PITTSBURGH. OBS GE 01It31k, realdent; lr. hi. Goanes, Secretary. Orate No. 92 Water street, (Bpang & Oo'a Warehouse,) ttp stairs, Pittsburgh. Will insure against all kinds of -.E. an , l Altai= BIM. A Home Ir.etitntion managed by Di.:ect-x . who are well known in the community, and lc& are determined, by t rmpsa and liberality, to maintain the ,-;haracter which - they have assumed, 84 offering the best protection to those who desire to be insured. ASSETS, OCITOBER glet, 1857. Stock $l2l ,500 0000 2,160 4,161 67 Office 240 00 $478 GI OpenAcou'sntar. ...... ..... . Premium..... 40,248 69 Bills Discounted, —........—..-- ..... 126,003 78 George J. W, Jarai,l McAuley, - -Andrew Ackley, lilthestea 11. W. Itlaz=u, LBI ow— ta NM _ get HLNILY IL COLLINS rt l 4*AW . 'nWMA.Ot. I I O WI , P S SaikI%* .°O. "A. won•MR4VMM.P.NPR...... PUBLISHED - nAILY . BY - JAMES P. BARR, AT THE " POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT BINE DOLLARS PER ANNUM 2 INSURANCE. ----$ 269,484 61 .003112, ron,Tas TEAU 1857. _HOE INSUP"tiNCE, WEST BRANCH Tr.cuisa 11.0. N. G. C. President. Ice Pre°Went. N.lrvtary Et:PSUINCL3: T. 1- 1 Teti. I:mamas ..A.rat e r, Jr., floorge W. Jacksou s dles. !pm. Wm. , Slltgb ..AlexatuLer _ _,W131.-11: . GCOADONE - • ' , Aneartirpi- 'JI i'-'' ,. •:'',: , •''..;'7:_:';' , :;:':;...' , '.,.: :.!.,,,,.:;;-*';.,-:-.,:::.-.;.•.‘;-':::':::-: 14: PITTSBURGH R OBERT A. LOOMIS, LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE (Sucoczeor to B. T. CO It r gar_,) , STATIOITER AND DEALER IN BOKS, PERIODICALS INSURANCE COMPANY, AND N EWSPAPERS NO. 96 WATER STREET, 1 - No. 41 Fifth ctreot, Pittebm ;411. Pa. ' przvostaton, PA. li ROBERT GALWAY, President. ALL Baintir, Nri..) President. L. A. RINSIIAI32 .Bocretary. ait•Thia Company makes exeryinenirance appertaining to or connected with tin MSS 4 200,000 op 63,486 61 Also, against HULL AND CARGO RISKS on the Ohio Missisitippillivereand tributarlee, and itAlireal t,ISKJ , guierallY. d. E. .7011.11,3T019, . WIC CI. 10aIIGT.Ak. agabast Loss and Damage by Fire, and egetot.• MIDI. Li • JO II N STO N tit. CO., Perib.. 6 kthe Sea and Inland Navigation and Traneportatio a, i t L. TA TIONE Rti, Blank Bu';k Manufacturen. Poudebiesued at the lowest. rates coLsistont withatd JOB PRINTMItS, Nu 57 Wood cute! u , :nia.uu all parties. Third end Fourth. Pliteh-r6,1!. $7433,485 51 Eobert Lialwt Joseph P. Guinea, M. D., James Marshall, James W. llaihnant, Alemander Bradley, John Fullerton, David IL Chanel-err, NVilliam Carr Eureka in Aloseta.-Illay 1, 18515, . - >lsalitaty arid 1;i:oliollay 12 Light. gtocki One Bills—payable on demand and se.ired Py t.,-. i '... approved ngunea ••••••••—• . ‘76,W0 00 LIY WILL 10U BURN cAxpIi.ENE Cad" in..Pittsbnrgti Trnst Oompany 14,200 37 W 6.. tin FLUID, wOon you ca., g.t a chu .pnr ....,tb e t.. Premium piotes. 6 / 093 80 ' [4:: light. ;..uni Euroaene Oil. made Ci.ru tho gag oc Canc.cl .... 18,751 6'l 7,11139 51 Bias Boost Table.-- 122 share Exchange Bank 5t0ck—c05t.......... do Mocha - ice Bank. 800 do Iron City Bans Stock—amount paid 200 do Alleghony Bank Stock— do do Book Accounts 1 19 46 -$ &5,23130 .. 11,442 05 ... 2,40.0 CO 09,153 35 J. IL • HOENBERGER, Preildent P.OBT. FlNlZEY,Secrotnry. lay6:llu CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. wrnieN BAG ALEY, Pm3.!dny E. SAMUEL L. MARSEKLL, Secretary. OFFICE: 04 Water street, between Market and Wood strestt 4&•lnanres HULL AND CARGO L.ISKE, on the Ohio and Mizaissippi Rivers and tributaries. Icumrea against Loss or Damage by FIRM. Also, against the Perils of tha Sea and Inland Navigation i Ind Transportation. $90,1.35 80 12,100 CO PHILADELPHIA FIFE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 149 Chesnut Street, Opp.ulte the Custom Ilvt-r,e. VTILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU RANCE, either Perpetual “. Li cited, ou ev ?y description of Property or Ll,,rt.!,:ttuitt.,, at rt,aBonable rate , i of premium HOTELS & RESTAIJRANTS Corner Irwin& Street and I.Justuesno Way, B. D. MARKER, - - - PROPRIETOR, (Formerly of the "Marker IR mse," Blairsville, Be.) H E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM PLETED AND OPEN FOR GI:LISTS. It is idttiate.l In a central part of the city, being convenient to ell itailroati Depots and Steamboat Lindings. The House was built in 1856, with all modern improve. manta, and fitted up in Fplendhl st yip—the entire Furniture being new—and will in ovary rosp,ct be a first c Liss HoteL Vine dTABLE are attached to the premises. CORN CCOPILLE i3U.:STAIL7 RANT. C Br ELI YOUNG, FIFTH STMIST. The attention of Merchanra and others i 3 directed to thin-`' 0410311.shment, which Lae been recently fitted up for the parpoze Of affording a SUBSTAN. ' TEAL RATING HOUSE IN A CENTRAL LOOATION• Country folks attending market are particularly invited to call Everytiaingpertaining to an EATING SALOON will alway 3 be found, of the freshest the market affords'. op2ihlydAc.. Main street and nntyhinghtny Ned, the Roaroad Depni WEST NEWTON, PENN'A. THE ABOVE HOTEL IS NOW IN COM. .PLY.TE ord.r for the Nscoption of visitors. It le beau. tifullo located on the banns of the Yenghiogheny river, and ma be reached every day Cr‘m the city by the (boneLinville I - Ps.Shoed- The rooms are large, airy and well furniahed,and the could he no pleasanter place f...r n few' weeks summer residence in th Country. A few ,amilles can be accommo dated. Terms moderate Addrcas A. LOWRY, my2b.:tf West Newton Pa. THE NITIONAL S4LOON , Under L'onterta Now National Theatre s PITTSBURGH, PA, D. BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, I:1AS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and comfortable style, the ingo 0013 trn store in tho ODD FELLOWS HALL. Flith Street, as a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT AND 'SALOON Having had many years' exp , rience in the onsineas, ho is prepared to 'ripply the beet tine market affords. Hie Bar will be furnished at all tunes with the boat WINES, LIQUORS AND ALBS. The ou tman° to the Saloon, Is iu the centre of the Wall, and rc fhashmente will be furnished aty.li :Imes, DAY and (Sundays excepted., apl4.lly WiSHINGTOA HOUSE S COR. PENIV'A AVENUE 4- THIRD ST., WASHINGTON, D. C. A. F. BEVERIDGE PROPRIETRESS. ET. S. M. 0T Ed IL 9 WASIII.I.NGION 'HOTEL, POIMRLY 4. B. nOTEL, PITTBBURGH, rA. ILU.ES ELIELNNON, Proprietor. PHIS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE corner of Pr.NN and WASUINGTON Streets, between the CENTRAL AND WRSTERN RsviatUAD DEPOTS, and has undergone a thorough improvement, remodeled and furnished With new furniture, and Is now the most oonve client Hotel in Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Railroad, East or West. rey&ly MANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AURENTZ pnopatrzoi No, 343 Liberty street, just beside the Passenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which makes it the most convenient house in the city for passengers arri. wing by that road. ZA'The proprietor having, et oonsiderelde expense, Iltted np, In excellent style, the MANSION HOUSE, would respect fully. solicit a share of pnbllo patronage. There 1s attached a splendid ST.A.I3LN' and extensive WAGON YARD, afford ing ample accommodation to travelers and teamsters. His Lardersad 852 will be furnished with the boat the market can afford. febLy 714 iipiv Excelsior Restaurant, No. 111 wooD Street, Pmssuaes, Ph, - WHOLIBALID AND REUSE, DF 4T. ;It IN LAZE AND EASTERN KBE. The andaratgnod has Just received from the Eastern mar. rat, saLected with great cars, EMELT, RlLltstrr, EIADDoca, ISE= 00V FV3I3, Witintri IBM 7/18E1, BEVEBAL VARIETLcs OP LAKE ran, Now York Prinea•o Bay, Emir Toland, The finest eye! brought to this city. Every delioecy of the season served up at the BILORLBIOR 11.138TAIIT. apayd 8. STIKENBUOH. CTLAIE, HOTEL, corner Penn and St. 5,7 Olair streets, Pitinizargh, Pa--The nnderzigned, former lze of " &owe* Rotel," naying taken this large and oommo. & one HOTIEL, and' having refitted ft in magnificent style, world teopeetfally invite his friends and the traveling Dnbife to give him a , lammed, with the convenience of the hone° and hie long experience in the toudnesa, leapa a give entire aatisfaction, end his charges moderate. WM. 0. CONNALLY. $317,6 1 r lii*lnboltit, Shorten . 36 Psarson, NR. - 1134 WOOD 13 1 / I kBT, Nadß ZniTil. ~ . . - ' i hacunoTußsits-oF-Tionas, vs, i' '' . 4 Biest,,Eit 'owl Bonnet 13oxes; 'Wks Twain; - "' • OUP -4114 1: 1 6 404. irony conotant4 &whoa s %ego -:-•-• "I %%Ace propered to dos 'oltioloottado, and haw ItiftittLiaiii Id toro:out good sloth ot rotted grkeo, al totooldWho tho hada to tea sod Matins car coeds to loppObiftgolleadish 11M111 INSURANCE Drß.EcToss Samuel M'Olrattan, John Scott, Oharlea Arbuthnot, Joceph L. Leech, N. F. [Tart, Robert U. Hartley, , no 'dolttl ,surance Company of Pennsylvania. OBBICA NO. 99 WATER ST, lerusEuß9ll. DIREIOSORS J. H. Shoenb,rger.,G W. Caaa, W. K. Nimick, I inasc d. Pennock, John A. Cuighey, W. W. Martin, C. W. Batchelor, I H. T. Leech, Jr., B. D. Cochran, David McCandlesa, Jamce J. Bonnett, George B. Beidra. Wm. J. Anderson, COMEMO Sagaley, Samuel Rea, Jamee M. Cooper, James Park, Jr., Isaac , Pennock, Springer Harbangh, Capt. Samuel 0. Young, John Caldwell. ROBERT. P. M. W. 8.A.U.,W1N, Vi.;el'reeldent. DIU trro/313. EL R. Cope, Owrge W. grown, J,,beph Jotira Charlea Burls, E. B English, P. B. 2a7ery, U. Sherman, B. J. Mai,larg6o, BLACISL6I3ENI, tiocrewxy T. G. COFFIN. Agent, Como: Third mid N9oo.l.arecta SCOTT HOUSE, PITTSBULIGH, Fe_ EXCHANGE HOTEL, A. ILOWRIY, Proprietor, H. W. KA.NAGA Opposite the Penna. Railroad Depot, ELARRIBBIIBG, PA. Den Egg Harbor. Shell Oysters. , f :s~:. r s;4: old.' PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 186 S BOOKS AND STATIONERY Co-Partnerehlp. %lEEE undersigned have entered into Co _S. Partner - 114, nndir tho stylo of Vint C. Johnston tc 00. i3AMIIFIL P.. JOHNOTON, WILL.L9II 0. JOENSTON. Vitt+.l.,nr,th, Boptornbor 6, 1.657. W . & D. RINEHART, ' np~J_l~ 115,988 01 Coal, prodnoes the cheapest, most brillfAut, steady, pleasant 8,260 60 end e ,, to portuble light eve, offered to the public and nu 63 danger et elploelon ; mere brilliant Lulu gas; end quite an 7,600 00 cheap ; Lamp: of :au mast ainy.la .tnd ea?l'y .mmaked eon -o,ovo 00 iltrr.ztlon. FOT T. d 1 1 InDEINSON, 13.25 • 34 : No. 79 mtihoala street Beware of a Cialator nit eiro,d. in the market, made from Caruuhene, w. 1.11 a ;ittle C _al 1i tr eceni it. 1ie27:14 $256,341 15 ! A WORD TO TILE LADIES. THE HEATED TERM IS APPROACH w., csU t—s• attention of 1b.. , " 111.. fac. tha t COOKING, IRONING, ETC., 04in Le done with econom , , without or, velsive heat, wi th • out soot, and wit'u despatch—the tire being alvrnye teas} - in a moment—:.y using U9nsga•avc'o GELB tiooking SLovo, Capt. Mark Btorlio,s, ,tiatnnel M. Hier, John S. Dilworth, Fritur is Sonora, William B. Hayti. John Sttlpton, Wad tor Bryant, Jag , -,tre;"*. TOBACCO AND SEGARS. MIMMEEI TOBACCO, AND CIGARS COOKING BY GAS wLict ae reapectiuliy iu<<te ysni rattan :,,n, at No. 76 1!IL!g=Etl!II Cqunty and City nigh: CONu ECTI , N C u N E C T i v .i, U NFECTION,CON • ECTION, is I? FICTI0;:, CON YE • T CON F E C T lON,C ON,E—EOI' ON,OO NF•Et.)I2I O N l O.lN6' E.; TlO N,CONFEUT I u N n N The meet ph.laaatit, aa.t.e and e2.--.4“,1 Wor:a 14„etittdy In Prepared and eold, roca , i, ANGELL f 11.4 Cor. - .Vocd Pursburi-,b, Pa, Azd cold t. 121 LI V Eli Y STABLES - L! Thu nnderslgned han hough:::.. Irma of the above named r tab: s, to .itc&A„ tether with a onion .... sive suck cl Gurt I,zes, late the proparty f James Ninthevra, to the stock.ixitUrc.inentioned, he Lao added a number of L'INE HORSES, 1.',U001}.,:3 CARRIAGES, which were formerly empleyed hi. Livery Stable 3 iu below. Wood ctreet. /...4 he Ei , ,sa his periotiel atten tion to this basineea 7 a ccatiaaaacz (.: the pr,trona l te which he has hitharto received fru' public ia solicited. JA.OOII GARDNER, • tit. 1.) irks Livery Stabli... :J. B.—A HEARSE ..nd say numb,. r OA.RitIAtiES con siTrays be procured for Funeral:a. dew rgiLIE CHEMICAL OLIVE ERASIV SuAS, manufactured by. ,„E. &J. Rawyor, re r,:elves rho preference over all;other kinds ever offered for totally nee. Ito advantages over other Loai.:s Lt le cr eapto t see s 000 pound tiniQg iNuni , t.. , ec • I ^ocul l ,on R. eta Soap. 2a. Half the timo need <July b • eecupiod la washing when this Soap It, used in lid. Labor In washing can be nearly d.sponsel with ? so the clothes will require little if say rubbing, thus avoiding their wear on the worth-beard 4:h. bulling rho clothes is unnecessary when this Soap La used, and hard or sal , water answers equally as well an soft. sth. Pi - inters, Machinists, Pam ts- , rs and others, find It far superior to °aux Soap. It speedily re moves grease, tar, paint, printers' ink and dirt from the hands, leaving the atilt soft, and tr.), from chapping. To avoid the lalsor <.; rubbing the clothes ,ind the use of the wash-bo..rd, the ',Mowing directions should be followed: Par the washing of eight or ton of a family, take one pound of Soap, cut It into stuivi,.o, and dissolve Lu one gallon of hot water; put tne clothes into a tub containing about ten gallons of warm water; pour in the dissolved Soap, and stir thoroughly. Lot them soak twenty to thirty minutes. wring out, and rinse in warm water once, cold water twice. A very dirty wrist-bond, or seam, or grease sy.ta, may require a slight ruldilug, but otherwise the rlotnas wiji oome 002 clena and wilts , without rubbing or boiling. Gold water may be used in place of hot, requiring about double time in soaking. tf..l" - Observe our name on each bar. For We, In any quantity, at our warehonza, No. 97 Wood stroet, and at our worts ; appetite tan P....,und donee, Penn ey Ivanla avenue. 13. 0. & J 11. SaWYFIEL, ap2l No. 4" Wood street. 14.4 UCK WHEAT FLO U ti.-20 sacks Buck wheat Flour, 40 eacku, j:tee r celyec aud for ealo rg 31c0ANDLE68, MISANE k PG, Con .:'.w.l &:,d wlter fltiVeta. 9 LOUit.-25 obis. Superano Flow received aad lbr at by 1111.0A:ibLS, EISANS a co., Coornrr Wand and Water atreeta. RIFLES.—A molt desirable and cheap weapon, E..: 'BYRN TEITL v, t• , f u ,4 otr4-4¢ /.41.111D.—A prime artielo of No. 1 Lard, in barrels and kags,jult received and for dale by I.IcCANDLI.:64i, ',JEANS h CO., fa 22 Corner of WeLKI and Water ntreg.a. SPICES.- 'A3 bags Pimento; " Oraha Pepper last received clad for tala Mrt-1,14ni Pr fr `- -.9 , I .v.;• E WARRIVALS.—We are taking lilt° store, (12' Wood stroot,) Hai immena crock of dno Paper for lobbing pur,:usee ; ale,, Lotter, .up and Not , ; katv lop. m gro,t carroty , ,}laulna Papor., of es, ry size, on.l es c:l , lp an they can bo bought in 1.11 , 3 East, whore we ctfor wholonade vt retbtl, cory loxt tor Cash. Jl`lo. VER6I:iS c CJ Ah.E FlSH.—White Fish, Trout, Salmon, and Pich.o-Id oonatan. ly oa haad. a full scat's io supply the whologale trade. b• jaiya' ELENRY H. COLLINS. ORANGES. -300 bas. sweet, just received and fur cale by It - BULLER & No. 39 Wood street, tayl7 Opp .ette the St. Charlea Hotel Ip ROOMS —lOO do:. Er.tra Corn Brooms 1 9 9' on hand and for sale by B C es J li. SAWYER. DUSTER TRIM INI IS—Drab and Gray Duster Binding and Tais..la, Jnat opened at JUn. anlaNE':_•, 77 Market atnet NEW STEEL SPRINU SKIRTS—Of the moat granola' Lampe; on hand at HORN m pg Ti ilar' , et street, § . I .I,IEE.Li SWEET PO ATOES.-20 barrels k13e4:1 Sweat Potatcaa, received and fur eale by J4MCS A- FILT=It, Cnrear llgrket etre st-eet .pICKLES.--ti bbls. Cucumber Pickles, re cuived and for male by JAMES A. FETZER, (023 Oarues Mark.et and Pin: 113 ER F E R .—Lubi4 l B, Wright's, llienn'.l and Liarr'.lon's Extracts for tho be.rifikerclitsf, constaztly on baud at J(M. FLUXING'S, Oorner Diamond and Ilarket et RICE AND RICE FLOUR; Corn Starch; silver Gloe, Starch ; liroker's Farina ' • Baker't Jo-con and Drome; Froth Cocoa &tell. Rooolved and .or cal° at IVEL LIIM COPYING BOOKS.—'I bees books poisesi greet advantages over any others, the paper being thick and Inn) w , ll not tear when wet . It takes a most perfect impreadon anti in convrment to refer to. When once in aka their anperiority is apparent. bold by W. 6. JOLI.N:iTO ' ~ c-a titationera, 57 Wood et. $9OO FOR SALE—A two story brick Ina., of six mum, well arranged, pared yard, with hydrant, bake oven, smote honor, am The hones is in good repair, painted and papered. diktat.° on East Laue,.allegheuy Otty. Terms easy. B. CUTHBERT 'lc SON, ir27 61 Market erred. DAY ST E APP PARING MA 011IND —A VERY USE' L IND SUPERIOR AR• TIOLE—By live to na uf to Z 12k, She app!o is PARRD, CORED and 8 ICED. i eV.euto.,, LLth, 184 d, and February 17t,b, 1867, In Europe For sale in any quantity, at No. 74 Wood ot. , eai, FlLO thug!). Pleavo oall and ozorotno for yountoiret. Jr,rd SAMUEL FM:VE.B'I'OOR. t • k ISEL—A large supply of White r &armory Burring, se-, repaired sad for solo by J.Y2z HENRY 13 COLLIvEI. WOOD STREET PROPERTY FOR BALL—An unditided third part of that 'valuable property, eltdate at the corner of sixth and W od IMMete, LSO feat front ori .Wood by 60 daep on atitts street. One.third of the shove will be - s ol d for $, , 3,000. One-bait hi_ hand—hslanito ca, one, two and three years. & CUTHBERT & SON; 1,1 - - 1 1trYWIRE ANDLE4 3, rII ea° toszaltrteketpresp,l /Pia. C . alcibui taa dl_i r ia t r - 31 P 7 - 11 - iiio bra. this day arriving, tatabk, cam Jun T CT) • Cliff: OMOHEILINO & SONEL'Alyar- - 1 1• A re to the subscriber. city,and all orders Must a rE rza? JOHN H. MEL' OR, No. 81 Wool Street, Sole Agent for uhickering & Bone' Pianos, for Pittsburgh and Western Penntrylvanla. JOH. Sk.r 4 Li. BHA) JAYNEV TEA STO2,F, 5q Ylfrh ft,:t PIANOS AND MUSIC. THE BALANCE OF SPRING STOCK - 0 i' - PIANO FORTES, FROM TEE MANUFACTORY OF CHICKERING & SON'S, BO .TON. Oonaisting of SIXTEEN of their new Seven Octave and Six and n 3.1 f Octavo Pianos; have just been received, and now ready for examination at the wareroome of the imb. ScriLer. Hotline. PIANOS! FY FULL GRAND PIANOS 1 PARLOR GRAND PIANOS 11 Lk ND NEW -wryLE SQUARE PIANOS, ~ foom the Mannia,..-c y of ell Li:MEILING E SONS'. desb,,,ble and elegant stock o BuJlow, just received from the manufactory of °Weltering theS°One Full seven octave Grand Piano Puree, with atiperbly 1714A Bo N B O W F n UR th T e E f° 8 11 :— "ing carved case. Price .$BOO One Full seven octavo Grand Piano Fort, elegant R,ose. wood case. Price .4700 Oc!e , New Parlor Grand seven octave Piano, near), equal In power to a full Grand, and occupying only the roan of an ordinary square Plano. Price $6OO SQUARE PIANOS! Two full carved Rosewood, Louis XlVth, ceven octave N w!th carved Desk and Feet work. Two Rosewood seven octave—Olifford style. Two Rosewood. carved mouldings; seven octave. Four Rosewood, plain round corners, seven octave. Three Walnut, plain round front corners, seven octaves. Four 11 " NI . 1.1 44 Four Rosewood " ii 0 t 0 All of the above are of their NEW SCALE, and with full iron frames, and their now Patent Action. These Instrumeuta have been finished svedally for the wahecliber, and will be warranted to purchasers. For eale at their reduced prices. JOH— H. AIEL.LuIt, Vo 81 Wood etroet, , lel7 t',.'nl«. n 1 1., lekeling Sor,. ALDER LIEN CHARLES W. LE f I ILDERffiAN, And Ex-1110i° Justioe of iha Peace, OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WYLIE A Firm STRE mad ll business connected with this office will be att-nded to with promptness o.ll3veyancoa of all kinds done with leiTal accuracy--anch as Leeds, alortgages, Bonds, Powers of At torney, iftc. Titles to a,al eimlnined. To the members of tht , Ear ' • :eu.turt his services m Com, misaioner to fah, Depcimiona ro. - ..d in the several Warta .d this State, and oltuwl-.. ru. LL uftoe is cne of the main Pblic, Stations of the :,onsvgnently his facilities in isse,utinit btisintv, oi th, kil t fulthly Alderniaa'R, Unice. JAAIES S. BOON, ALDERMAN, EX OFFICIO JUSTICE OF "'HE XOE, AND POLICE iIAGISTRATE--Otlice, No. 09 siraut street, uearl oppo site the Court House, Pittsburgh, Pu Depositions. !inhume. ledgments and Pro,stes oilcan; the accords examined, Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Wllie Lees', Articles of Agree ment, and of Partnership , Letters of Attorney, etc., etc , drawn op at short notice; Marriages Solemnised, and all• business in the tine of his official trifles, promptly attended to. vat. Orace hours, from 7 tM.to 1 P. ec, and frim 2 1, e P. M, ape:ly DERSONS GOING NVE:.q, who desire to purcha,e good farming lands, are informed that We Lave tlx save 632 etrul ,flqnd to lio-ne county, lows. Also Gil acres of Lund In Franklin county. Will be sold on easy terms oy B. ITUTR.P.EitT it SON, TUyIS Market street. /10.RKS FOR PRESERV• JARS—An ateneo ctoch on hand, at the ~aly CORK MANUFAC TORY in tho city—No. 76 dmithfleld street. .416 R. OVERT NTOZ)N. ADWELLING HOUSE n Third street (or rent. S. OIITHI3ERT it SON, ) 2-9 51 Market etreat. ACKE 26 barr, le No. 8 Largo Mackerel; 66 ol " reo'd and for /928) 1111NRY H. 03LLIN8. CLARET WINE.- 2) came N. Johnston & Sons 31edoo Claret Wine; 10 " " St Julien Claret Wine fA " C. C. St. Julien Claret Wine, in store and for sale by MILLICR 6t 0.1011E1030N, myth No., 221 and 223 ieberty •treet 111EMICAL OLIVE SOAP.-1000 boxes Chemical Olive &salve Soap, on hand nd for sale by in 7 P O. &J FT aAmy Kyt ACON.-10- casks Country Bacon Shoal- E., dere, iinie3 anti Entnaiinat received and for rale by JAB e. FETZER, m 726 Cbrzior Minket and Vbvt •trmrta. INDIGU.-2 eases Manilla Indigo, just re . 11., calved and for gale by rayla MILLEFR & FRIED AP PL ES —so' bush. Bright Dried Apples Au - received and for .ale by JAS. A. 17111113 E., atr2i Corner tirmirpr or() Second its. FRESII NUTS.- 10 halm Bordeaux Aihnonde; " Paper Shell " 60 bap Pilberte ; 30 ' Cream .ate; 80 " Pecan " 200 boa. Spound 6000 Cocoa Just received and for Flu `p RNYIIIIB aNDERSON, No. 80 Wood Wept, leg Oppoeit ehe St. Charles Hotel TOcILINGS, GLOVES, MITTS, ETC.— Suitable f r the appruotving hot season on band by Jed . JOS. 1i011b1.E.17 Market -treet. LA•SS.-500 boxes Bxlo, 9x12 and 10x12 T ! h; RVI - r i 1 OJT LiNg JOB PRINTING.- Cards, Freight Bills, BW Circulars Beads, bray ReceiptsLahe Railroad Receipts, Bile Lading, With every other description of Job Printing, executed with promptness and at fair prices J. it. %ELDIN, Printer and Bind,,r, my3l Wmd street, near Fourth. 12 ACRES of choice land, with good im provements, near the city, for sale on easy tome b. B. 0UT1113413,T 4 a'UN. Jel.o •trft,,, 1 6 :..?). ACM. , S of Farming Land, flea vie-7 Union.ocru. Pa, fur sal, at $8 p r acre. 8. OUTELBBRI'& ,ON, Ed Market at IQ ALLS BALLS! BAT,LS I—A large ea u, ecirtinent of Boot, Solid and Bat Balla, just receive- , and for sale, wbolesa a on reta 1, at the India Rubber Depot. 26 and '2B Cllafr - d - reet, Egy29 LIA.Ns FANS: :—rant ov the etv , .. A: dozen,..: wngit, at prict)s,xith other vari tie el Pettey Panay Spy g e at H. , RNE'S, .leS 77 . Slnrket street. LEMONS;. -100 boxes Palermo Lemons, Just received and for ,!- by itl YM6R & ANDERSON, No. 89 Woci!l street, m3:17 topatite St. Markt% Hate( LARD OiL. EA barrels i , :xtra No 1 Lard Oil; 1) " No. 2 Lard Oil. on hand and for safe by [rayl3j ii. C i J. H. SAWYEat. AVA COFFEE.—JuAt received a lot of d btrictly Tams Old aoveruttallit Java Coffee , Alm, La .03,yra and Rio euffe: , , a: JAYN Rd' 1:6 Aa Pifth crtr.,•t "DUBE BLACKBERRY AND CHERRY k BRANDY, for medicinal purposes, at HAWORTH A BR: , WNLIIIVR, In the Diamond OOK R. • STS —Made, of Man gany and wen flbinhel. for bale b W. E. HAVEN ; Jol4 Stationer. _ BILL AND COLLECTION BOOKS-A large atalprttitent &twil l a ou tozod, or wade to order. W.& HAVEN, jeld Garner Market and See end streate. if A 'YER'S SEAL PAPERS Various risen and colors Wawa on band at. . . W. HAVEN'S, Corner qiarlet in Second et& A RCS of 238 sores, near Economy, for sale by B. CIIIIIBBIST it BON, Jyl7 0 `Market street. L - IRE NeH LEMO .1.: .for ado la iY2B CIERIIAN DRAWING PAPER—In re' ir for Etragrarirs. for sale by J. Lt. WEILDIN, • • • • se of+-1...,• ..• G t"l` B" DS, Fads,- Desk Pads, Bankezi UamoNPart ithugges,..abd Ppcket BOakei toz gale by W. 8. IL4VB I SV, split ;' r. r.; Otizwitriai and Eketuutt r im it zito uny:Sacks, pew pa 4 o.rder., for sale nitkrAs,e4.4944 croon,- :i•ce I: • l ag i 4": B°. '" 6 ' b a l2 oo ll o 4/ 0 4 dai, '6414 `satylitiL wawa ANDIUUM •at e No. IN Wood arm. NOS ClopidSs Otarbee Mad. • • , • • • • Na-24 just retrivPd and ELISIVrai a ANDatti')Nr, N o $9 Wo d meet REAL ESTATE AGENTS. CUTHBERT -& SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 „ Market street, for the sale and purchase of Real Estate, renting houses, attending to: 'maxim:tee - and topedrs, obtaining loans-on bonds, mortgagee,, to; making convoy. epees, deeds, bonds, to; writing letters and oorrasponding with parties abroad, &c.OOlB , , BELDEN SEYMOUR., Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Rannuarala.—Heger& Hanna, Garretson & Co., Robert Parks. Esq. 1511.7 WESTERN LANDS. ALEXANDER GARRETT, Male %STATE AGENT, NO. •60 WALED. ciT.ERT, OLEIVRTAND, OHIO, H for We Lands in Illinois, Wisconsin, Mintcsota, Michigan and lam He Will axchango Landslri.Wisoonsin, &0., for Pittsburgh nianufactures 7 sin All letters of inquiry 11 . thiwarri a [ma ISRERTY FOR'SALE OR RENT. A - GRIST MlLL—Three run of stones and .t.A. all the machinery complete, corn and cob cracker, &0., kc:, all to goad order, with a dwelling house, stable and two lota of ground, situate in South Pittsburgh, and will bo Sold on .very easy terms by B. trITCHBIIItP EIONs I elf 51 Market stieet. 'LAWRENCE COUNTY BONDS WANT ED, In exchango for land. ap22 . B. OUTEIBEET SON, M. Market et. ASTEAM MILL in oompleto running or der, with divellia6 - , house ' etc., near the. City, for aaln by B. 01171111EnIT BON, &Lai . 51 Market street. WESTERN LANDS of good quality, fa sale or exchange for Real Hatate in the city app S. CUTELBEST & BON, 61 Market et FAMILY RESIDENCE FUR SALE-A valuable property of /40 feet front on Covington st , L,srenceville. by 100 deep on Washington street to Cherry alley, Brick Dwelling Rouse of 7 rooms well arranged,batn room, porch, well of water sad pump, stable and coal house, kitchen range, etc The rooms are uewty painted and pa pered, shade and fruit trees, grape arbor, great variety of flowers, etc.; good p ling fence. The above offers a good opportunity to buy a o mplete and pleasant residence. Price low, and terms accommodating. S. CIABBBT Et SON, Seal Estate ono General Agents, 51 Market street. tliE SIZE of the cheap Building Lots (or sale by 8. ourunthT & sON is 30 by 11.1 u fest. Location—Near the railroa 1 station, East Liberty. Price—From-$270 to $4OO each. Terms—Ono fourth in hand , remainder at six years credit. The Plan can bo seen at the Real Estate uflce,bi Market groat. _ 11.),EA_R IT IN MIND, that the East Lib _u arty Lots are offered at ouch prices, and on ouch easy terms., a. to make a hunio obtained. Bear it in cabal, that they ;rmr, ou wide mtre to, aro of easy accA.'so by railroad, and ire very duoirs.:lle InJCW.lllii6 for fa , uily residrucci; Bear It in mind, trot the plan of the iota La to be Burn at 61 ' , l.lltiißT diBI 1.1. - SEVENTY TliOU:)::ND Prairie and Timb.r Land, sittiatud tU N rthern du n and, a:utherri riesiia, embracing th flueat lot f r..ruling lauds aver :• d tai. market, as they iire located couvennintly T.wun and Lulus ui Railroad. Fain k .taiots containing iu 0rw,1.a.0 of v..lue to emigrants and c.itulogurs eiving .catiou, description and price of the laud with a brief dose ipti a ui the counties 1.1 which they are I, atud. can i,a Lid Le appiicatiou at our ottoo, and they will be a,.• •t free by mui Lu prnbcl3 sending ant their addreea. WILLIAM FRAZI.L'!; 3 Cy., my:dad" Jones' Building, No. 67 Fourth street. TIEN DOLLARS IN HAND, will secure a 1.1. Building Lot of 25.'100 feet on Mt. Washington.— erioe, s.loo—slo in hand, remainder to suit purchaser. Si so, a Lot of 60x100 feet for $2.611--$35 in hand, I:misuse* in ps.!, ineub-to suit purchaser. B. uuraak KT BuN, e 23 61 Market street. („) ACRES of Land and a oomfortal.le Limuse, situste near the Washington Turnpike, at sbuut 8 Entice from Jones' Ferry, be sold on easy terms. Immediate poeeeealon. tl. CUTHBERT & riON, LOT OF UROUND in Beet Liberty, near AM. the Railroad elation SO by luO feet will be add for $2,7 o, om-fourth in nand, nunainder at years' credit, B. CIUXIIBEST . SUN. my2o - Market etrect. GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. Pa'PARLAND, MERCHANT TAILOR, Corner of Fourth and Smithfield L RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT he has "received hiO Spring Assortment of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, Of the newest styles, beat quality and most elegant descrip tions, which he is prepared to manufacture to order in the LATEST FASHIONS, And with such a character of workmanship, as cannot fail tannery and please the most fastidious taa&ez, trnyl9 nISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP, The Arm of ft/LW:OIITH BRO. t BROWNLEE wee, en the Rd of May, 180, dissolved by mutual oo ',sent, by the withdrawal of JRlll,lNoiCril. from the above firm. The accounts of the late arm will be settled by HAWORTH BROWNLEE. ..ear JEER! ILAWORTH, in withdrawing from the above dna, kindly thanks his former patrons and also the patrons o. the late lirm, for the very liberal patronage he bee re ceived, and would kindly recommend them to WI stiocessers, ELAWORTII k RHO W as the,y are determined to sell .t low figitiea, wing a very large assortment of WRAP WINEIi and L 19179,4,8 on hand. 3E217 tUtIVORTEL eir DAVID HAWORTH and JAMBS BROWNLEE have Thu day associated together, and will continue on the mineral at tho OLD . STAND, corner of Diamond and Dia mond alley, under the style of HAWORTH R BROWNLE.E, whore they hope loreoeive that patronage so liberall given to the old firm, en they are determined to sell OHEAPER than any other Store in the city, myL3 MEW FABRICS IN DRESS GOODS.- 4.• A. A. MASON It: CO., Awn, NO. 25 Fifth Street, ire now opening rich Dress Silks, Berages, Mathes& Qi }adios, Paris Brilliants, And a splendid telectlon of SPRING SHAWLS. (apl QEED SWEET POTATOES.-15 barrels kJ Seed Sweet Potatoes for sale - cheap to close consign went ,y JAS. A. FETZER, ap23 Corner Market and rind streets. COMPOUND SYRUPS OP PHOSPttATES, OR 01ELlatICAL WOOD—This preparation is not ire ten led as a popular emedy, but is respecanlly embmitted ,L• the Medical Faculty es a nutritvo tonic, well suited to ,upply the waste of elementary matter daring the progress chronlo oases, pirticularly In Dyspepsia and Oonsump• .ion This preparation is pleasant to the eye, agreeable to 'he taste, and greatful to the stomach, and does net nuns •ate by protracted use. Bold wholowile and retail by JosEr H FUMING, Je'l'l °orner Diamond and Market street. 110IINTRY BACON.-1000 Ibis. Country iJ liee.:oripjust received and fur aalu to: JAM A. YETZEIA, tny4 Corner Market and Yirat ifteetv COBS.-3 tons first quality rec'd t• Ara in; vale v f IliNitif 11. C. LINS. GILINCY FB.ENCH BASKET .—A niee assortment Put opened, uoiorE-1, In y 8 77 ST:art:et tr.tt WINDOW GLASS—An assortment of Gounrxy Glass, assorted sizes, tor mile by WI4L Li. SHITEI it CO., ce.45 118 Second, and 147 First axeeta. WINDSOR SILIDES..---Liold bordered, plain and fancy Also, shads ilimmlngs, Ake., always on hand at and for sale cheap by J. & H. PHILLIPS, myitio 243 and 23 31. Clair street. [NDIA RUBBER ILOSE.—From f inch to A, 10 Inches b.' diameter. A large supply just received attlie Ludic Rubber Depot of J. h H. PHILLIPS, szipZi 20 and 28 Eit. OLsir street. WALL PAPERS:—WaII Papers of all ?'lea for-aede at reduced prices, by W. P. tukaaliaLL a Co., mr.2l Iltreet UNGLISEr GLASS INKSTANDS--Cut sod pressed, withOlaits, and Bronze Tops Jel4 W. 8 OAVEN Etattaser. MI.PS OF THE DIFF &RENT STATES lowa, Oblo Nebritaka and Karma, Kentucky. and Tennnsee, Virg nia, etc, for bale ty J Bookseller and Stationer, j.lll Nrn CV•ncti np.ur Prn.-th, 114 'E FLOUR-25 bbls. fresh ground-,Rye Alb Flour Lectilved and for Bate by JA S 8 A. FETZER, /74 . Corner \larket and Phut streets IBALE - EAVENDER FLOWERS, for sale by • 0. L. FAEINESTUCE (XL, Jel2 Na 6Rotr. Wood and °math etraeth.. DRIVID BACHE S=l2 Nicks (*oleo bright dErrokases received and for Bale by - • JAS.'A. aeraca Marketiabd.Vrei eite. CEIZASEL24O-.1:101e# fW..Ri• • 225 ." Ens ue Dahj * Chasms", fox _136221.:, vrEGRIC H—OOLTINgo,:i ici. l . 4 i3Alßegials" l l l . 4 ' bliliglor - ... 6 , OT O rt.nr:Ar t gtOr • - naafis 0 14. • ' 'etal. laNa " a' Cosatieby . A c A RDFRum DR. JAMES M. JAR- MITT, OF TEN NEW YOit'er LUNG INFIRM ART connection for the past eldlit y above Institution. as Chief Physician and e e3 tw " l with e Be th el counts of steady devotion te the _urea p- a i ni ::',,: ° 0 ne - eamption and Ito kindre diszasses, together with my an; rivalled opportnnities axis suivantage of pathological research —aided not a little by a. priori tyeatm of Medical inhale tie--bas enabled me to Eari , 3 at a d cisive, direct and euo. ce fatal course of treatment for the mottles and radical cars of all di . eases Of the Throat, Lungs, and AirePainagee By Inhalation, the vapor and curative properties of medicines are directly adreseed to the dieesaed organe and this integtie meat Ido not advise the nee of Medical Inhalation of any kind, to the exclusion of general treatment; and although I consider it a useful adjuvant in the proper management of those fearful alid often fate! dieeasee, yet I deem it very ne cessary that eabh patient should' have the benefit of both ge - .era] and lo4ai tresimeuf. This anacese of my treatment ta the above dhiefieleil, and the high character of the Institu teen over whieh I have es long had the honoe, to preeide,. too well known to need any enleresseertees At the solicits ter due consideration, fibconsuded Ito make such arrengements as will bring the mild:lie of my experiments and treatment within the reach of all, and sot confine mysel4 as heretofore, to those only who entered thielntirmary or woo wore able to visit me at my office If Ting tberefere that the arrangement will give entire'satisfaction, b th to my pro:es;ienal breth ren and the public, I would respectfully announce in con clusion, that /can now be e meultecipersonally or by ietese,on al disease: as above, ..nd that the medicines, the mile is need In the Icetitution, pre;;ared to suit each individual case. Inhaling Vapors. Afedical /Maim, de., dire, will bo forwarded by eepress to an, part of the United States or the eanadne. 2easts—ldy ter ate cf treatment by letter are as follows. viz: $l2 per month for end* patient which will include medicine endleient for one month's two; edeo, In haling Vapor, and an nhaling Apparatus. Pt =ant as fol lows : $l3 to be paid w thrpress Agent on race it of the box. of Medicine. and the ewe .ce $6 at the expiration of the month, if the paiti ut be cured or ie entirely imitated with the treatment Patients, by giving a full history of their ...ase,.and their eymptPms to lull, can be treated as well by letter RH be p -reonal examination. Oatlente 0)/1511113g them selves of Dr. Jerre t s treatment may rely upon immediate on permanent relief, es he seldom has to tre:t a case over thirty days rev tete for advice promptly answered. For terther pertientars, address JAMES 9.L JAllltlaT, N 0.,: 82 - i Broadway, cur. Twelfth St., N. Y. P. S.—Physlciene and others visiting the city are res ili--etfutiyi invitee to call at the Infirmary where many tote , osting cased can bo witnessed, and whore our 1;n peered apparatut for the inhalation of medicated vapor can be seen and 'inspected IVIILITARY ENCAMPMENT STATE OF FEN4VSYLVAITI4. Exi orris Onstrara, 1 Harrisburg, Jane 11,1248. It is hereby ordered, that a "Camp of inatructien " be held at Williamsport, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, the prcurnt yarr, and the Adjutant General of the Jornmon wealth le climatal to fix the time thereof—r) take cberge of the errangementa—to attend in 1n...0n, send to loan the nece •wary ordere to the snore! Staff, and other Military officers of the Commonwealth in relation to ,he same. WM.. PACE.MII.., Commandor-ireChief. Iu obedience to the abova order from Read-Qtarters, a " Camp of Illeltruczlou ' will I , e bold at Williamsport Ly comi•oz r..unty. Penroqlvaltia. commencing at 12 it., on Tuesday, Lilo 7th ,lay of 110;nel:ober, 1858, a ...uattnute antil,rda 11/ t DAY, th. 11th day of said month, at 12 al ,of said da) to be call-d `amp dusquelmana." I. Thi , Eucatatnumt is intended to include the uniform ed companies threugMmt tbo otat,, who are earnestly re quested to be in prompt att-,dencti. 1.1. The Major G me: ado, 13. - igadier Generals, and Brigade Inapoctora of the slivera• and brigaded, aro req trod. , o report to my Wilco ae soon ponable,, what companies and nail Aileen Will be in attendance from their respective commands—with the uninb-r of men in etch company, the names of the Captinn-, and their Poet Office address. 111. The aidsedatlamo and all other dicers at the Grand staff of the Commander-de Colef aro ordered to be In at• tendance, drnmd and equipped In foil parade dread IV. all compadies is atiuudaime are reqdirud to bring with them all t-mtt and camp ea uipag , e they may havo V. The Brigade ilaspectore, of awry brigade, will report at cue.. to my (Mice, abut equipage La:lensing to the etats is vie Banta of 'their command VL Che Meier fieueral of he Eleventh Division, Gen. D. K. Jackman, shall be the senior officer on Math and ho is hereby charged with th. immeditte arram.cernanta for said gocampment, and is ordered to repori t, this °faro for fur ther instruction& : By ordvrof the Coremander-in-Chief, EDWIN C WILtION, Adjutant Cleiieral of Penhsyltania. 61 Market etroot. MILITARY GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBERS ['AVE CONSTANT LY on hand a complets MILITARY GOODS WORDS ITIV931;13) WWII DULL IQUlPlirtalll 611.0EtT SCUCIa. S.TLR. AND BIINTIN I G FLAGS UAW: TO ORDER Js6q. 2..II. 9 FADDIZN 4 SON, 95 MARMET STREET. No. 74 Woof] gereet, Pattgbitrgla, TIAS JUST kEOEIVED DIRRICT FROM ILL ENGLAND-I. WALDRO & G FF h N'S G 0 101 AID GRAIN SCYTHE - , 0011 N HOES ; PATENT AN D 003IMON ANVILS; STT 1;L Traps, very superior Dr iwor Locke, very superior auk. Loons, Tinned and Enamelled Sauce Pans, Basting Spoons, BrameCandlesticks, Brea Clocks,Drese Stair Roda, Braces and Bits, Zdeasuring Tapes, Superior Waiters, Curry Combs, Traces, Coil, ?fifth, Tongued, Stretch and Breast Chains, with a variety of other goods, all of which will be sold at mod• srato terms. apL; IfAMES MI INGAR, MONONGAHELA PLANDIp MILL, would respectfully inform the public that he has rebuilt Ono° the fire, and having enlarged his ..emblishreent, and tilled it with the tioNt and most a".• proved machinery, It now prepared to furbl,h flooring and planed boards, eorovd sawing and resawing, doors, sash and shutters, kiln dried, frames, mouldings, box peaking, &c. South Pittsburgh, September 7, 1867:(solo GENTS) SHOES AND GAITERS. 1. INDIA RUBBEIi C SRRi COMBS - .—Tho beet article In iete, lust received at the India Rubber Divot, 28 and 28 at. Clair etr• at. wy22 OIL CLOTH IC 1500 yards of vari owl ' , Buenos , md wide Just reccivad Lom the fac too, for gale wholeoale or retail, by J. :r H. PHILLIPS, wlri et 11. or triLASS.-300 boxes assorted sizes Window slew, good con cry brand. f male I.lc (11 , .NR 4 13. COLLINS. /.48.0(A15.--50 doz. recd and for dale by TIEN , tY U COLLINS. pISI-1.--5 - Wileka g es White Fish, Salmon, and 'front. ft. +tale by (mr..l) U. IL COLLINS. _LNG. D. l'il'e,REAß COL'D PRINTING IN IN 2--,Sold by n 4 J B. +4 ELDLN. ORN.-10 bags shelled Corn received and for galebti 1 I I-8 I RY H COI LI C°l N TRY BACON . —10)0 lik3 Country moon. usait, ahcalderB and nide.% roo,tved and fox salt, by JAB D. liNTrtR, 111artnt 404 P;•0 "SI BOUliS—On all the ilanke and Broker n. HAVEN, Enr24 Printer a Stationer. ALAI) OIL-10 baskets pure, just reed di dud for mile by 9..PYY.11:11 Or. AN WILSON, my.i No :9 Wood street. 1 OHN PRO 11PSON & CO. —.Have just to rwerred encl for Fiala, e large lot of English Vendian ,ieti, Rochelle Othre, Vermont °mare, Branch Zinc, American Zinc, White Lead, wad i Whlidiig; at 1•0 i 1"• ..." 4,i Ham . VLOUR—P bbl;. 'Superfine Flour just re it; calved and for sale by ' JAS. A. I'ETZEJI, Corner Ma. bet. d irst.,•treets. ARD UIL.—/No. 1. and Nu. 2 Lard till corthtaJ yon baud Ind fur Hale by t B. O. dc B. &SUTER. ÜBE . .1114 DEIRA AND CLARET WINES, Di tilt) tome or gallon, at, - HAWORTH & BROWNL.BE'd, : n the Piarermoi. DERE J AptIAIO A. RUM AND HOLLAND tali; by the blAtle or ellon nt: ti e kiAWORTII &BROWNLEE% In theßlarnnnd. t PEACHES.--20 - Bushels ohoirA ..s• mot, Dry Neches jos reovived taut for Bala by JAS. 4. FETUS, =net rthirket And nrot- streets, ,~f~ ' : titiro r .20VPigelgo:i Lead. failate by Raw EL OOLLViIIi NUMBER 275 M.ISCELLiiNEOITS ADJU74.I2 0 71 /081 13.arrteburg, June 3, PM 00IIIIIBUINCt IN Fdii.t Qtl PLUAUS6, BABIIII.B, EY A ULSTIf&a, TABBELE Volwateer Oempanios SAIE4 iIIaIIESTOCK, .2N II I 1 C H E A 1' C H IL' A pr,opLlrs- BaUL STOis.ll, No. 17 FIE'TH OaLLDlitiN B' 8110E6 Jolt begeltai:' Coffee:, for 8010 by 0.% n . • An= 00., Spir3L. IST T'T•I at-roots'. BUTTONS, SIIINGI,B, FM, ETO f. R. ?EMU P?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers