l ic k it Olt ;41 t 4 L:116 orrauff . JAMES P. BABB, Editor and PiTTSSU.RCH: MONDAY MORNING AUGUS r 30, 1868 vEMOCLeiTIC STATE 50ELINATIONs POE BITPREMB SUDGBp WILLIAM A. PORTER, OF IBII3IJELYf[iz_ vas cAlsez.! comnsaioznin, WESTLEY FROST. Us FAvErra COUNTY DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET COGLE43, MXIST GIiTRICT ANDREW BURKE, City. LAYS: --- ELYIJ2I, KeKEE, Birmingham ASSLICEILT : THOMAS DONNELLY, Collins. PRIMP STEVENSON, Moon, JOHN M. IRWIN, City, ROBERT MORROW, Boos. ACGULITELB HARTIF, Allegheny assb.irs BARNES 101311), Upper EL Clafr PaOTECINOTAHT : ALVT 4 NDER MACE, Bewick.ky Ciilclll 113UMAS FARLEY, Allegheny. Crai.NlA : WILLI2..II2ALEXANDER et ty 6LLiTOB: JOHN MURRAY, S ~orb PittsbureL , DILL:TOIL 0? THE POOP. JOHN IYJYLE, Indiana. grDEMOCRATIO COMMITTEE 4.F ONIRESPC,ND ENCE fur Allegheny ciAanty. In prirsuanen of a B, solution, of the late Democratic County C. nventiur, I have appointed the following Committee: Henry McCullough, Nelson Campbell, Body Patterson, John Swan, John Sampson, Jan 03 ealithariy, N. P. Fattercpeo, Wm 51ag0.), Will Want, John Sill, Henry Ingram, Tillotson Neel, R. C. O. Sproul, Finley Cm ry, William Vilagman. The shire Committee wi'l meet at the. ST. CRISIL.E9 1.101T.t, on SATURDAY, the 4th day of September next, at eleven o'clock, i. is. DAVID D. BRUCkI, Chairman. EQUALIZING iTAYATION The reople of the two cities are beginning to turn their attention seriously to the sub ject of having the taxes equalized, as assess ed upon property in the city and country dis tricts. As the assessments are now made, great injustice is done to property holders in the cities. The country people do the larger share of the grumbling at high taxes, while the two cities pay about two-thirds of the en tire taxation of the county. It is an un doubted fact that more money is expended about the Court House and in the country dis• tricts for county purposes, than the districts outside the cities pay. This could not be complained of were the assessments of the taxes at all equal, but they are not. It two pieces of property are taken, one in the city and one in the country, of equal cash value, the taxes upon the city property are at least three times those upon the country property. A slight examination of the books in the Commissioner's office will convince any one who understands figures, that the burthen of county taxation is placed upon the property in the cities, while, in a measure, the county districts go scot free. Yet if the oitiesrequire any expenditure of the county funds for le gitimate public purposes, a hue and cry is at once raised, and the extravagance of the cities is condemned in the bitterest terms. The cities will not much longer consent to pay the lion's share of the taxes, and they should not. We shall have someting more to say upon this subject in a-few days. . Sheriff In Phllettlphin. On Thursday the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia on the Thirteefith ballot nomio nated G. C. Berrill as the Democratic candid date for sheriff. The contest was a warm one. -On the twelfth ballot, the vote stood Berril, 99, Ewing, 99, on the thirteenth Ber ril hadilo4, Ewing 96. Texai Partial returns of the election in this State leave the result of the choice of Supreme Court Judge in considerable doubt: the veto between Buckley (Democratic nominee) and Bell, (Independent). In about half the State, Bell, (not ex-Gov. Bell, leads the regu lar nominee some 1400 votes. The party candidates for other State officers have no op position. THE True Press styles the report of Mr. Thomas' Williams' speech in the Convention f ( " a burlesque." The performances of a mountebank us _ally have a tendency to the burlesque. Th True Press has a very just appreciation o the character of Mr. Wily liams' speech. MAJOR M'ILHENNY, of the Commissioners office, requests us to inform the editor of the Dispatch that, if he has got a 4 ' free pass " on the railroad he don't spend his time in travelling, but stays at home and attends to his duties, and that he never bet hie beard on the election and lost it, as the editor of the Dispatch did. THE papers are advising their readers to "look out for Wisconsin money." We must prefer to look out for money whioh is worth something THE report that the legal editor of the True Piers has invented a machine to take the noise out of thunder is contradicted. Reform in Criminal Law. Lord Campbell is about to introduce into the British Parliament, a bill dispensing with the practice of requiring a trczninrous verdict from a jury. He does not prop ose the majority principle ; but he wishes to get rid of the practice of tampering with a jury by placing one man npon it to hold out against - all the others. He desires that if, af ter certain deliber,ation by the jury, they all agree, except one or two, the verdict of those that had agreed, should bo as the ver. diet of the whole twelve, subject, howewe, to be reviewed, and if necessary, set asitle.— This would tend completely to break up the practice of packing juries, or increase• the risks, by making it necessary to bribe more than one of - the jurors. Hunt & Muter. All the late newspapers have been. seut, us from the great periodical depot in :Masonic Hall. There is nothing in the line of cheap and good reading matter which Hunt & Mi ner do not receive, as soon as published. It Is the place to get cheep papers, niagazines, and books. Likeness of Judge Portar. W. A. Gildenfenny & Co. have placed us under obligations for an admirably executed lithographic portrait of Hon. Wm. A. Perter, of the Supreme Bench of our State. It is lithographed by Sinclair, of Philadelphia, and published by T. B. Peterson & Co. Judge Porter is one of the handsomest men in the State, and this picture is a capital representa tion of him. Gildenfenny has copies of it for sale. —Rev. E. M'Evoy, pastor of St. Mary's (Catholio), Church at Rochester, N. y., die4'. on inst. Last Week Dr. lii. T. Child delivered a lee• tutu in Philadelphia upon the subject of the Atlantic Telegraph. We gather from it some interesting dates and facts, which are worth preserving. The doctor referred to Frank lin, who had commenced to reply to Heaven's question to Job, " Can't thou send the light nings, that they may go, and say unto thee, here we are?" then entered upon the philoso phy of human discoveries, and noticed the number of claimants for every important in. vention. This introduced the history of the telegraph W,od, of England, discoverei it in 17'26. W inkier, of Leipsic, in 17-46, discharged a Leyden iar through a wire, the river Pleis formin, , , a part of the circuit. Dr. Watsci, in England, in 1747, extended the experiment to four miles, and suggested the Telegraph by Electricity. Dr. Franklin, in 1746, set fro t,. spirits by an electric cur rent cent across the Schuylkil. In 1784, Lomond, of France, telegraphed to a neigh b3ring room by using pitch balls. In 1798, Betancourt established an electric telegraph between Madrid and Arangues, twenty-six miles. In 1816, Dr. John Redmond Cox, of Philadelphia, proposed to establish an eke_ trio telegraph. In 1819, Oersted, of Copen hagen, invented the electromagnetic fluid, by which telegraphing is accomplished. In 18:1 , Prof. Henry, now of Washington, form ed magnets of great power, without which it is impossible at present to telegraph, In 182,2, Baron Sehilling, of Russia, made a tel egraph by striking a bell. In in 'England, Cook and Wheatstone took out their patent, In October, of the same year, Prof. S. F. B. Morse, of New York, entered his ca veat for an electromagnetic telegraph. In 1844, the first telegraph lino was built, from Washington to Baltimore ; Congress ap propriated $30,000 for the purpose. In 1845, a line was run from New York, through Phil adelphia„to Wilmington, Delaware. In ten years the combined length of lines was great er than the globe's circumference. In 1846, .John J. Craven, of Newark, N.- .J., covered wires with guttapercha, and used them in a creek between Elizabeth City and Newark. In 1850, the first submarine cable was deposited from England to France, twen ty-four miles. Since then various other lines have been submerged, amounting to 2862 miles in all. Yellow lever In New York The New York papers state that a good deal.of excitement prevails in the vicinity of Staten Island, on account of the prevalence of yellow fever at the Quarantine station.— On Wednesday a committee reported that the fever had broken out in three localities near the hospital, and that twene3Nthree cases of well marked yellow fever had occurred, fifteen of them traceable to infection from clothing, SLe. The health officer is charged with the most criminal carelessness. St. Fraucin College, Loretto The fall and winter session of this most excellent institution will commence on the first of September. We have a personal knowledge of the high character of th's insti tution, and have no hesitation in recumending it as one of the best educational institutions in the country. Its reputation as a first (lass college rests upon a solid foundation. The excellence of the euurs, of instruction given, as well as the peculiar healthfulness of the location of the institution on the top of the Allegheny Mountains, strongly recommend it to the favorable consideration of parents and guardians. The halls and class rooms are roomy and commodious, and have recently been enlarged. The institution has now the power to confer degrees, and is in all respects equal to any college in the State. 'Flee iNtllle.ntsport Encampmcnt. The Williamsport Press states that the ground selected for the encampment, which is to be held at that place,.:September 7th, contains one hundred and thirty acres, and is on the farm of ion. IL. U. Grier, one mile west of 'Williamsport. It is generally believed that this will be the largest encampment ever held in the United States. A Queer S India Two men were arrested in Crawfordsville, Ind, on the 20th, for a novel swindling opera tion. They purchased groceries, dry goods. hardware, &c., and paid- in bills on the " Western Exchange Bank" of Indianapolis. When ignorance of the money was express ed, they produced Paddock's Bank Note Mir ror, and pointed to the quotation of the Bank —" one and three quarters per cent. dis count." Suspicion was finally aroused, they were arrested, and s'6oo of the money found on one of them. A suspicious circumstance is connected with the bills, which are dated on the 14th inst., and the Bank Note Mirror on the 15th. These numbers of the Mirror of that date, distributed to subscribers in Crawfordsville, and adjacent counties merely name the bank, hut say nothing of its value, while the copies found on the men are as above stated. When one of them ,was asked by the Prosecuting Attorney whether he had ever known an instance, when money had been quoted at particular rates, by a bank note director, and the same paid for, he de clined to answer; when asked whether he thought such an arrangement could be made, ho replied he thought it could. The men were held in $l,OOO, and officers are at work investigating the matter. Mr. Paddock must clear this ud, or his Detector will go by the board. Tweir.ty-Thirti Uorigreisioned District. On the "Oth the Conferees of the district composed of Clarion, Clearfield, Elk, Forest, Jefferson, M'Kean, Venango and Warren counties met at Brookville, and nominated Hon. James Gillis as candidate for Congress, by acclamation. Clearfield was not repre sented. Resolutions were passed, re-affirming the Cincinnati Platform; declaring that, as the people of Kansas had rejected the Le compton Constitution, there was no question to divide and distract the Democracy, and recognizing no other test of Democracy in the present campaign than the support of the ticket formed according to the usages of the party ; expressing abiding confidence in the integrity, wisdom and patriotism of the our present chief magistrate, and the present chief executive of the Commonwealth, and en dorsing the soundness of the Democratic nominees. On Tuesday, the 24th, the conferees of Clearfield, Elk, Jefferson and M'Kean met at Ridgeway, and nominated William P. Wilcox as the candidate of the Demooraoy . for the As sembly. TUE Democracy of Franklin county, at their late Mass Meeting at Chambersburg, ap pointed Conferees to the Democratic Congress ional Conference for this District, and in stracted them to suppo rt the present able con gressman, lion. Wilson Reilly ? for re-nomi nation. —The hop crop in the state of New York it 1:8 said, will not be more than two thirds as large as in former years. VAkiititiSlNGg. —Mr. .i:,01 (la la, of Uniontown, la., a wall known liemoeratio politician, died of a lingering &span@ on Wednesday of last week. Ho was about sixty years of ago. —ln the twentieth district of Ohio, John Hutchins has been nominated for Congress in place of Hon Joshua &Giddings, rho declined re nomination --Governor Packer and family are now resid in g in the executive Illi:UelOU purchased by the State, which they took possession of het week or the tiriq time It is proposed to erect a monument to Cap tain John Smith, of Jamestown, Va. If all the Johns will contrituta, the thing can be done, without calling on outsiders. —Miss Sallie St. Clair, Susan Derain, Miss Kate Lenin Ryan, and Mr. S. E. Ryan aro play ing at the Theatre Royal in Montreal. —Chapin Hall, of Warren, has been nomina ted by tha opposition as the opponent of Judge Gil.is, in the Clarion District. —The Marsh children are performing at the Cleveland Theatre. They have never as yet ap peared in this city, and it would probably be a good mcvement fer one or the other of t he ;:tts- burgh taanagere to engage them. —Goy. Chase, and Gov. Bingham (of Michi gan)lTO forret-at at the receut eommencement of Oheilta College, cal ata,le same brief " Re publican ' rim C . t.ierl Gast Bingham was in a jocular moos=, anti called Gherlin the People's College cf the Vitmt."' Which flat. ght , antic joke, acerFthin,,-, on-t,l-le -B.riLia . c,rct:a war, ht B%turday 1a —The elalrtoent: of cattle for New York last reek, from c_mounted to over twelve hun dred head. --The Firemen of Ohio are to have a State Parade at Cleveland on the 9th of September. —There were 2 deaths from yellow fever in Charleston on Thursday last. —A trial of steam engines ie to be made at Boston on Tuesday next.. Prizes of the value of $l,OOO are to be awarded. —The Convention of the diocese of West ern New York, at its reeent session, voted Bishop: De Laney $1,500 to enable him to visit Europe. —The Rev. John M'Cron., of Baltimore former ly of this city, and ex-Governor Pollock, Hon. Simon Cameron, Hon Joseph Casey, and the Rev. Dr. Stork, of Pennsylvania, aro to deliver a leo dresses at the laying of the coroner-stone of the Mission Institute at Sellingsgrove, Pa., on Wednesday of th ,, sent week. --The Agricultural Society, of Bolts °entity, Pa , Las appointed the Rev. J. Shrigley, Gen George M. Kelm and M. K. Boyer, Esq , Dele gates to the fair of the United States kgricultu ral Society, at Richmond, Va. —The brig Echo, of Baltimore, having three hundred negroes on board, was captured off the north coast of Cuba on last Monea:y, by the United States brig, Dolphin. She #as taken into the harbor of Charleston, by Lieutenant Bradford. —Hon. John Slidell, ie nominated for the Presidency, by the New Orleans Delta —A dose of camphor, is said to be an anti dote for Strychnine. Drinkers of bad whiskey, would do well to remember this. —Major Charles J. Helm, has been appointed " Comnl General of the Uuited States a , Ha vana." A good appointment. —The New York Evening Poet, is authorized to state that there is no foundation for the report that Mr. Birdsall, a naval officer at New York, had resigned that office. —The Ravel Troupe, have taken the Philadel phia Academy of Music, fur their representations and intend opening about the '_'oth of Septem br. Gabriel and Francois, aro both of the troupe, with Yrea Matthias, the elegant den sluse, and a strong ballet corps. Charlotte Cushman, is at 11,19.1V.1rtl wa ter Care for the benefit of pure air, douches and damp packing, after a more than 119 tilt: severe campaign in the United States. Ou leaving Nislvaco, she is to visit Italy fur the winter. Harn-y, i 3 now in New York City.— It i 3r to the Paciao Coast in Septem ber. —Mr. Walter Savage Landor, hag laic Lug lal,l, in consequence of 80010 difionities, and there has been a sale of his pictures. —Mr. Turpin, successor to Mr. E trues, as minister to Venezuela, h as received his inbtruo done, and is on the eve of leaving for that con try. —The land sales in Nebraska, have been post poned for one year. tteooption of Gyros W. }clad ct Great L•arrington. Cyrus W. Field had a very enthusiastic recep tion at Great Barrington on Friday. Ho was accompanied by Mr. Everett, the Engineer, who shared the honors of the occasion. Captain Hudson was unable to be present. The Rev. Dr. Field of Stockbridge, and D D. Field, President Hopkins, George R. Ives, David Leavitt, Sheldon Leavitt, J. Z. Goodrich and others were present. The company dined at the seat of Mr. D. Leavitt, and after dinner proceeded to the par2onage, and then to the Hall of the Housatonic Agricul tural society, where a large audience was as sembled. Sundry letters and despatches were among them the first new despatches over the cable, announcing peace with China. Speech as were made and the meeting prolonged till a late hour. An Ex-Banker In Sore Tribulation—Ten Thousand Dollars in the Suds. An ex banker of this city, who " went under" during the late " financial crisis," and was com pelled by " outside pressure " to " shut up shop" end endeavor to " realize assets amply " stiffi• oient to cover all hie lie-abilities, was thrown into a wild state of excitement on Tuesday last. He was in fact in a state of mind bordering upon phrenzy. It seems that he has a queer habit of having breeches washed. He sends them out to a laundress. Last Thursday the ox-banker's un whisperables went oat as usual—one pair at least—but the washerwoman, from some unex pected cause, was dilatory and did not put the bifurcates into suds as promptly as she was wont. Saturday came, and she concluded to lay the job over until the first of the week. Mon day she was interrupted, and the unmentionables were again put aside until Tuesday. That morn ing, however, she resolved to dispose of the con tract, and accordingly she prepared the instru ments. She got the water hot, the suds made, and held the " breeke " by the waistwand and was about to subject them to hydropathic treat ment, when her hand was suddenly arrested, and her heart sent struggling into her throat by a furious rapping at the door. She hesitated, stood aghat between terror and her washtub, but before she had time to collect her faculties her patron stood before her, his features distorted, his eyes blazing with frantic excitement. Surveying her an instant, he screamed rather than interrogated "Have you, Hays you—washed my breeches ? HAVE you washed my breeches ? You've ruined me, ruined me ; have you washed my"—but suddenly catch ing a glimpse of the garment still clutched by the suspended hand of the terrified laundress, he leaped forward with nervous energy, and snatch. ing them from her, he ran his own hand hastily along the waistband until he met with something that seemed to satisfy his desires, and sinking down in a chair he fairly wont into hysterics By this time the poor woman found voice and asked him " why, Mr.—, what is the matter?" "Oh woman, woman," he sobbed, " what an escape! 7 hero is ten thousand dollars in those breeches. Whore's your scissors? Get them (pick. Had you washed those breeches I would have been ruined. What an escape?" The laundress got the scissors; the seam of the waist band was ripped open in an instant, and before her astonished gaze beheld layers of bank bills— of what value she knew not, save that he repeat ed " ten thousand dollars, ten thousand dollars ! What au escape!" .This, we aro solemnly assured, is a veritable incident. The laundress who eo narrowly esca ped biting" up $lO,OOO is an honest German woman, who resides on Mill street, near Third. We had not time last night to satisfy ourselves respecting all the facts by obtaining an interview with the washerwoman, and peradvert tura there should be something unexplained, we forbear Publishing the name of the exalted but' Doff 41ippy fieyo. of• the story.-Cincinnati Com mercial, THE LA` SSI it 4 -,'l'-,S BY TELEGRAPILI From the West ST. Louis, August 28 —A dispatch from Kan sas city, dated the 261 h, per the U. B. Express to Booneville, says that Mons. Bordeau and party arrived there the night before fr...ra Pike's Peak, for the purp: of procuring outfi.B to work the newly discovered mines. They brought several ounces of gold, and confirm the exietenLe of the 111112iN, which are eituated rn Cherry Creek, one of the mart :1,11 , ..1=1trn br‘Anch,.-1 of the South Platte, in latituh thirty-nine. The military m Lettlidniun author:zed by the Secretary of War to adjust certain differences between the QartOrmsster's department and tho contractors, WILIJ furniutisi mules for the Utah expedition, met yesterday at Fort Leavenworth. Present, Major Sherman, Lien!. Crl. Roberts and lion tiain-s The bard mode 1.47 u inctfec tual attempts and i.s preliminary proo.oeding, were exee,7dingly, The cr:esti , n of precedence c tarit3 had been definitely settled last evening., The river is swelling slow fruP.l tlie high water in the UppE r MissisdippF, which. Inwevi - _-r, is IiJI4 falling rapidly. At and ah•tve Dubuque, the Illinois an , ! Nliss;diri ,till continua to reced e ; the !sitter is more ruari= difficult tzi nr.vizatti Rnw Ltad !tie', or Do. tit .‘ !nth: ..I.c:zls',cr.l Hon. P. n.trew kinrkt. Mr Editor -1 gape it will not he considered impertinent in me, by merely oolhui 3 our atten tion, ot those of your retiders to a matter, al though hot in c ur tcunty, it ie almost the adjoining CougcesAemil district. I con: icier every man in the State f.abil—or at loctst ought to feel an interest in lite quanta c he national Representatives uf [Lrld " upon this hint I Ri,vuk." .1 oboervo by a late Pittsburgh Post, that the den:a:it:icy cf .Ailcglze ny county have nordinn.ted the ILu. Aodr ,. . - tv Burke as their candidate for tbe twenty first congressional district. This Li an excellent nomination, Mr. But ke being a man of superior talent, good education, possessing a gigantic in tellect—ready and able iu debate. and if elected (which I hope he wib be) will hiivo few equain, and no superiors in C ,pgresa. If the people of Allegheny county arc true to too n:rives end know their own interesto they will triumphantly elect him as a man, who 14 highly qualltied to take charge of their grno.t commute:it and manufac turing in en I:opt:lens a mart t d htiii,;; dis trict as "old Allegheny." lifeiVilag, known Mr. Burke f,r the last t wenty seven year*nd upwards, I have always found him an affable, courienuo, and kind hearted, yet high minded and tinn3t ihi? gentleman in every sense of word. Mr. Burke is not only an honor to the City cf Pittsburgh and county of Alit gheny, but ho is a credit to the Old Keystone State. PRO Bona PUBLIC°. —A well kuown Cincinnati gambler, forty yeara of age, kn,,wra 3s"Sat': Patch " to the sporting fraternity, but whose real name woe Samuel Hill, who had been a resident of that city for a number of yeara, and whose face most have been familiar to the habitues of the western quarter of Third street, committed suicide Tcurs day afternoon, about half oast three o'clock, I.t hie private residenon, No. 184 liAr ~iro o , by shooting hitrself with a revolver through the brain, causing instantaneous death. " I CAI 4 NOW indulge in the richest foil with impu nity, whereas, previous to its Ilse, I Waß ohiigod to confine myself strictly to the plainest lied." Such is the experience of not only ono of our cus tomers, bat of hundreds of perscns here, in Phila delphia, New York, Montreal and Quebec, who have used Bcerhave'e Holland Bitters for Indigestion, Nausoa, and Acidity of the Stt much. Caution '—Be careful to ask for Bcei-Aciee'd Hoaarrd Bitrer.. Sold at $1 per bottle, or six b ,, tHes for $5, by the sole Proprietors, Benjamin Page, .1 r., A, Co., N 0.27 Wood street, between First and Second Enacts, and Drnrgists greneral'..y. OP2B. I.lANtitiy, NO. WO FOURTa VISE says of Dr. Nrl..u.Ltie prcpar4l Ly Flan lug Bros, of Pittsburgh. Now Yk. 11E., :trey 13th, 1!-.32. A child cf mine ahoy, lug icptoin •if wJnne, I g:ve it bottle uf . Dr. li'Liinds Cnle'_,rel 1 Von,lif ;go, ,vhich brought ar. y e bunch f wel nee. r umbel ing,l :11ould ul.ont thirty. "Ilia child wits very kiu. it tha rpur aloe, hut is now well And bout y. Itra. Twit, No. 18 Av,tll7, L, wrtt..r 1111.10 r a.; . ndt 10, 11.t52, dud says afro had r..t:bh.,l wuh woru.9 for lm., thou it yrar, and that X6O one 1,1(8 at - Fr. Me- Lauo'd Colt bra'o.l V,rtniftimo, ra.fr..l I.y Floraiag LII which brought away fr...to ii,r ovor thr. hurdie-.1 La:, dud Iris 1 0. eLt, 9 tl,a.tto:f to 1,0 yottrtly Leo flout difiodtlo. Mrx Euggiu I, a Genii noun: n, re.id int; to 2u-1 Itiriuo ton street, titaye, that after wing on.) vinl anu'l Celebrated Vet nalfilgo, shu pat:tell tv.o !erg , . tiktie I. T 1.13 stove certificates Ilttl fctui partied well ktil. wo is this city. If there aro any wh:3 doubt, they have the names and addre,eva, and can sanely theintelvos in quiry Sid - Purchasers will bo careful to avk for DR. I , PLANE 8 CELEBRATED VERN.' /TOE, tnanufaLtarL,l by FLEMING BROS. of Pltbibutah, Pu All other Varrnifugo3 in corn parisun are wortliestr. Dr. lU'Latio's genuine Vermifnse also lila celebrated Liver Pule, can now be bad at au re spectable drug atom. Noririm.uirse u...ahold the signatnre of 1501 anlo I.wdaw PLE:t!INti I.IIi.JS JOB PRINTER-S, Statiouctii, ItlAuk 13,4 Makers, eod Paper Dualors. %M. au24 t Wood mtre,t. OLIN'E OIL-12 hiskets of tine Oliva Oil, for 41145 uae, receitm.l tbis day, by JuSFl'll FLEMING, au24 Corner Diamond Atli Mm-ket st. PICTORIAL WINDOW SCREENS.- -A slew, beautiful and cheap article, designed f o r tb e e x. eluding of Insects, of all binds,. from pa.,sl.lg t!,tough wlu down when the sash Is raked, tie l at the same time admit ting a tree current of air. They are gut up in a- variety of beautiful scenes, an : are ortalmental as well as useful—fee sale wholesale and retail, at 23 and 28 St. glair street, by J. a 11. MILIAN, ane. Sole Agent for Manufacturers iii PittAburgh. r !z.NB ACCO.-75 bozos, assorted brands, s r- s, B's, and 10's Tobacco, now landing, and for sale by MILLET. 2 , RICISETSON, anB Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty street. SYRUPS.- 60 bbls. choice Golden Syrup ; 20 " Rastnick's First Quality Syrup ; " St. James' Sugar House Molasse+, In store and for sale by MI LER It RICE ELTSON, anti Nos. Ul and 223 Liberty scrt—t. WORTH TWENTY CENTS, and selling at TWFIV.E CENTS, white and colored Cotton Stockings, at JOSIIPH CORNETS, au= 77 Nark , t street. GO TO TILE PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, and buy your Shoes at reduced prices. A few more SOILED BEIGES and GAITERS selling CEIBA P. GENT'S GAITERS and SHOES, selling low. Gent's Patent Leather Gaiters for ¢2. Now is the time for bargains. Go and pro cure a pair. Gent's Calf Oxfords and 'Ile?, Buck and Calf Gaiters, cheap. Boy's and Youth's Bummer Shoes selling at low rates. Call soon. DIFFENBAOLIER A CO. Jyl7 No. 17 Fifth street, near Market, ALLEGHENY CITY LOTS FOR SALE.- Four lots of ground situated on Federal ntreet, at,cve the North Common, will be cold low and on eau Lerma. Apply to JAMES C. MOREY, ant° Beal Mint° and 5111 Broker, 65 Fifth at. " I VOR RENT—A two story frame Dwelling House, of 5 ro , ms, situate on Fourth street, near Mar ket. Rent $l5O per year, and tenant pay water rent. .Iy3l S. CUTHBI3IIT & SON, 51 Market et. .LEMONS -25 bss just received and for sale by B.EYSIER . ANDERSON, fy23 No. 89 Wood street. TWO DWELLING HOUSES FOR RENT, by S. CUTHBERT SON, 51 31arkret etreot. DURE PORT WINE, for medicinal pur- A, p05i.:3, by the bottle or gallon, at HAWOILTII G BROWNL)IICS, toeb lho Dhozlrr.l. MAOKEREL-25 bble. No. 3, Large ; 10 half bbl,. No. a, Large. for sale by ( Jyl2) W. st GENT'S GAITERS for $2, at the " I'e„ ple's shoe Store.," No 17 Fifth Arc-rt. Jy3l DIFWFINBACHEIt 5( ACRES of very deeirnblo land, at a xi short distance from the city, having soir e beautiful altee for country residences-17 acres contain coal of the very best quality. For sale by au7 & GIITFIBERT & SyN, t 7.1 Market et. . _ 11.ATER PIPES-3000 yards Stone Wa ter Pipe?, from 72 to 6 ioches Idinetor, for ea to by aa24 HENRY H. COLLINS. FLOUR. -40 bbls. choice superfine for sale by J.B. A. FETZEIt, le3 Corner Market auct First stn. WE HAVE $5,000 for investment in City Ground Rea ts—porsona haring arch bncurities fur sale, will please address au2s:3t WM. IL WILLIAMS CO. ARIDIAN REZON—Constitution, R u l es and Regulations of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, new edition. For sale by J. ,R. sal 63 Wood street, near Fourth. OW IS YOUR TIME—Buy Summer Sham whilst you can get there so cheep, at the yno. FLXB CHEAP BEWE BTOSII, ro. 17 Fifth street. We will =Untie to tell at reduced rates for eeversl weeks.— cause your mote' , by buying at the low, prices. Gent's Gaiters for the eacerdbeg low price of t 2. few' inore Ladies' Gaiters left at sl,2s,morth $1,75, soiled on the sales. Congress ()alters for 11,14' . Now le the time to buy cheap. - staa I DIFFZNBACUEEt & CO. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 1f - noLLAR BAVINCIS BANE, Na.ffhhVY O Fearth Street. re•spuslts 'undo with this Bank before the first day of eeptember, will draw interest from that date. an3o:3t CRAB. A. COLTON, Treasurer. rrillE first place in publie estimation is new a justly accorded to the GROVER it BARER MA ORIN 11, for fancily Sewing, for the following reasons:— let. It Is MORE SIMPLE and EASILY REPT IN ORDER than any other machine. 2d. It 'mikes cc seam which will NOT RIP or RAVEL, I.lamgh every third slit% is cut. 3d. It sows from two ordinary spool, sa t thus all trouble ut winding thread is avoided, while the same Machine can be adapted, nt pleasure, by a mere change of spools, to all varieties of work. • . . 4th. The same Machine runs silk, linen thread and spool cotton, with equal facility. 6th. The ensue is es elastic as the most elastio fabric, so Chet it is true from all LIABILITY to 113.MAIC, in WAITE. I NO, or otherwise. Bch. The stitch made by this Machine Is more BEAUTI FUL than auy other made, either by hand or machine. au3O:ly B - A N K STOCK, AT AUCTION.—On TUESDAY EVENINU, August ale. 1858. at PA „•,•1: Culutuu: Hsi rules Rooms, No. 51 Flftli street, au shores M,r and Mon Bank of Pittsburgh. nu '.O P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. 1 . 4 1 1,U Extra tSuporfine Flour, X: tat FR th!s any, suit fur ens by JAS. A. Fg2ZES, tiu:n Corner hist ket and Financed& ►(IhIMMU'PLIY SEED-50 bills. choice Timo- Ii Sera, Just received and fur sole by JAMES A FETZER, so o Cornor Ma , ket and First strests NT ENV tiOullB —Figured French Marinoes, 1,1 all wool DeLaina, Casumere, Robe A Rnille, English Yr In ts. Also, Shawls, of evory description, recd by express. 0. HANSON LOVE. ( Formerly Love Brothers,) an2o 74 Market street. n 11 UGS.— .2..„7 Phosphene, lodide Potash, oum Shellac, Yellow Ochre, Hunt's Liniment, Lyon's Kathairon. For sale by B. L. FM-In:STOCK & 00., ou3o No. GO corner Wood and Fourth etreota. MTANTED.—The highest price paid for Be..s.War, by B. L FAHNESTOCK & CO., au3) No. 60, corner Wood and Fourth streets. AUTUMN TRADE, 1858 STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, AT WHOLESALE IL, XI 70 ga Si CIF CI CO 7Z, S , OF NEWEST STYLES. Siff ES IN EVERY VARIETY. MARINOS, COBORGS, MUSLIN DELUNES VELVETS, SILKS, ALPACAS, 0124017AM5. CL3T US, CAESIMEEEItES, NATI:4I3TH, VESTINGS. FLANNELS, PRINTS, BLEA'D AND BEM , N GOODS With a complete line of S.:I3.BROIDIERIES, And other at, lea of Goode adapted to A. FIRST CLASS TRADE. All of which aro offered for ado, cheap W. G. CHITTICK & CO., 438 Market & 433 Merchant SO., PHILADELPIIIA. fr-zw,-we FREN C' II LESSONS nioxs. ALPHONSE DANSE, Prof,"sor at the W.steru Punn•ylvaala University'and the FittstuTh 11:gh erhoul, is now ready to resume his lessons to the LANGUAGE:, for private mils or in classes Apply for tonna, at reunsylv,ffla avenue, No. 188, or at R. lilt:bees Music Store, 53 611tb street. [art23:lm saw GOOD NEWS FOR HOUSEKEEPERS. —Owing to the Increase I demand for ROASTED Wirt. we have procured a NEW COFFEE 511LI.,Where those who nay wish, can have their Coffee fresh ground at any time, without any addltio al charge. 8. JAYNES"FEA STORE, No. 88 Fl'th street. L"OR SALE OR EXCLIANGE-CITY PRO l'Ela with needful Pumps and Safety Valvet—Oylinder 1::3 inch bore, 4 feet stroke, 40 power. 151oodworth Planing Mill, with right to use. 1 Circular Saw Mill; 1 'Upright Saw Mill. 1 Lath Mill, with Shafting, Pulleys, etc. Spider=, etc. for connecting the 'mac; one 2 Titled Boiler feet long. 42 Inch diameter, all in good order. Also-3 Uyllnder thdlers 22 bet long, and 30 Inches In diameter. The above Will le sold altogether or soparatoly, to suit pur elisn,ra. Aptly to JAMES C RICHRY, Root Estate and Bill Broker, No. CS Birth street. EIV MAY OF OJJ R CO U NTRY—Present and prospective—embracing the Untied States and .A.NJ Territelies, the Canada. New Branswict, Nova Booth' and Nt ry Poundland; Cuba, and tse W. I. Islands, Central America and the Isthmus of Panama, ell the New Di,: ovaries in the Polar Regloos by Dr. Kane and others, 111. i 11.1 the Now Settlements, end even the Com:Lissa San ta, and arebraska, each hi its proper position, all on the acme ecad.., compile,' from Government sure' ye and other relia ble sources. For sale by W. S. HAVEN, Stationer and Paper Dealer, ant Corner of Market and Sccond eta •ISCONSIN MONEY—Notes of all Wis comic. Banks, bought by au24 LIENILY H. COLLINS. 25 Wuod atroot. AVINO LAID OFF 23 choice lots of grouud, in the village of Mt. Lebanon, of one, two, and three acres and upward, we Will offer the same at pub lic auction on Thursday afternoon next, Sept. 2d, on the li:initiate, at 8 o'clock. For particulars at to location, terms, etc , apply, this day, at our ollice, 61 Market street. au2l B. OUTIMEBT SON. NEW SHOES! NEW SHOES 11—We are now receiving our new fail stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, At thy.'People's Shoe Store,' No. 17 Fifth street, comprising a greFt. veriety of styles. A large nad complete assortment of dent's wear; Ladies' Briton, Congress and Lace Gaiters. A wet! selected stock of Misses and Children's wear, Boys, Beet', Gaiters, Shoes and Slippers. A few more soiled Shoes and Gaiters, loft Pelting cheap. au2B DIFFENBACHER Si CO. U PER lOR RIFLE GUN, GOLD WATCH ky Es, vrouNs, CLOCKS, CLOTEIINGL ETC.—Thls (SATURDAY) evening, the 213th. at 7% o'cleck, at Di Hifta street, will he euld : A superior Rifle Gun, manufactured in this city and cost 00; 2 second hand Geld %latches, Violins, Men's Clothing, etc. (an2B) P. M. DAVIS, Aucer. j UST received a splendid assortment of FINE FASHIONABLE JEWELEY, AT REINEMAN d BIEYBANT, No 42 Fifth street B 0 YS' CLOTHING, Fur goad articles and perfect fits, AT LOW PRICES, CHESTER'S GOTHIC HALL, Corner Wood street and Diamond alley. RIFLES, SHOT GUNS, OR PISTOLS, FOR EIRE, BY TILE DAY OR WEER, TACKLE, POCKET UUTLERY, 4.IIIIIUNITION, GUNS, PISTOLS, RIFLES, REVOLVERS, GUN FURNITURE, • ,And everything necessary to enjoy a day'a gunning, or 'Elating Tackle, can be had at CA.RTWRIGHT & YOUNG'S, No. 80 Wood street - 10110TOGRAPHY.—Tais ART Hes pr.= btpught to such perfection that pictures taken by thiS process have been pronounced perfect by the scientific world. They can be had in all their beauty and artistic elegance, at WALL'S Pullin-6 GALLERY, on Fourth street, Jones' Building. fiudablw el LOSING OUT l CLOSING OUT 11—Sale of Spring and Summer stock of BOOTS and SHOES. Hoods marked down. Motes limit, rs '.rurth $3,00 Lolling at $2,26 2,50 " 2,00 Lsdies' " " ...... 1,50 " 1;16 " t• ~, 1,26 di 1 , 00 " Boots ~ ~.... 1,25 1,00 Biased, Boys', Youth's and Claildrou'et eel . gat the same proportion, at the Cheap Cash Store of JOSEPH BORLAND, an 23 93 Market street, two doors from Fifth. SHELLED ALMONDS--50 boxes Shelled Almonds, _ILIA rcceiTed and for sale by 1113Y&LEllt Zr. ANDERSON, No. 30 Wood etroa ; 0n2.7 09+xadto St: clutalca Rani. • A LINIONDS-20 bales Bordeaux • _ ~ .O bags Sicily Solt Shell; Si) " " Bard “' . . 1 bale Paper shell. '- Just received end fur sa'e, by - - . • i RHYMER .t' ANDERSON,. No. 89 Wood street; au'2l Carbides - tho St Cbarlos Botol _ _ _ IpRESII NUTS-- - 2000 Cocoa :gate; 50 bags Filberts; 30 bags Freon Nuts; 50 " Walnuts; =OO bush Ground Nuts; , Crean hints. Just received and for sale by "-- -- • HEIt&IHR ANDHRSON, - - ND. 11$1 WoOd street, " • - Opposite the SLOhsrlea HoteL bbb3. froth, rezkleadroi sale by' nab 1111NRY OOLLINB. =M=ME COMMERCIAL PRTNTING POSTERS, LEGAL BLANKS. DOWN a TETLEY'S, No. 128 Wcod street. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Evzily DE3CEIPTION CARA% HANDBILLS, ..BILLILEARSI COLORED BILLS, PAPER BOOKS FOR LAWYERS, PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Executed in the neatest manner, promptly and at CHEAP RATES, by BAUh & MYERS. MORNING POST JOB OFFICE, CORNED OP WOOD AND FIFTH STREVLS E. SIMPSON 0. IL RIPPEY. • WE .I.IAVE. THIS DAY. ASSOCIATED together in the practice of the Law, tinder the firm of SIMPSON k RIPPEY. Office, No. 94 Fourth Street. R. SIMPSON. 0. H. RIPPLY. MRS. M. H. M Y E R S' HOME SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, Will re.opon on the FIBER MONDAY of September, at her residence, No. '2.49 Penn street. After the first of October, a limited number of Boarding Scholars will be received Into the family. Arrangements have been made to accomo (slate day boarders, P desired to country patrons. There will bo two sessions a day, from 9to 12 and 2 to 4 o'clock. For terms, circulars, etc., Inquire of Church Book btore, Fifth street ; J. H. Mellor, or of the Principal. au2B:2c.* N - OTICE TO SHIPPERS.--TOn and after MONDAY, Augcst .Bd, the following rates will bo charged by the Railroad , between Pittsburgh and CilaCill - on the various classes of freight: First Ohm, 100 lbs. Flour... 60c barrel. Second " ....44.: Whisky $1 26 " Mit il ' Furth ' la Cotton General Freigh general Frei V I TIL L RE-OPEN ON TIHTR2DA SEPTEMBER 21), PROF. COWPER'S FASHIONABLE DANCING ACADEMY, AT NEVILLE HALL, CORNER FOURTH AND DIMITY tas. DAYS OF TlllTlON—Tneedays, Thursdays and Satnr cloys. Master and MISBO9 Classes e.t 3 P. la ; Ladies Clans 4 P.M; Oeutlemen'a Glass 8 P. m. Prof. Cowper can bo even at tho Scott Homo, daily. an2G.lnf RENRY (lERWIG, Manu!acturer of all sizes of Ramp and Tarred Popes, Manilla and hemp Bed Cerel, fine and common Packing Yarn, Tarred and Spun Yarn, Sash and Bell Cord, Wool Twine, Broom Tying and Serving Twine, Flax and Cotton Seine Twine, etc. A fall supply of the above articles constantly on bowl, or made to order, at the loweet cash prices. Warehouse, No. 489, corner of Penn and Walnut streets, two equares above the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad Freight Depot, Pittsburgh, Pa. au2o:3m-e o•d:b-f•oa w* INSTITU TE F 0 R YOUNG LADIES, No. 09S Arch St., Philadelphia. This Institution, situated in ono of the most delightful locations in the city, offers every facility for an accomplish ed and usefuLeducation upon moderato terms. Fall session commences September 13th, 1858. Fcr circulars, address tho Principal. rau26:lmve*l MRS. SHIPMAN. r ISt- 4 4 0E 1 13, FILES ROM TUE CITY—A A: Dwelling House end three acres of good choice land, excellent springs of water, etc, will to sold on easy terixs. an2B S. CUTHBERT # SON, +5l Market at. Vine, WISII TO S , ELL two Building Lots, of one acre each, in a good loca ion, about 4 miles from the city. Price for both iota, $4OO. Terms 3,6 in hand, balance in oue, two and three years. an2l3 B. CUTHBERT Si BON, 61 Mullet street. 500 MEN WANTED! ON COAL RIVER, At the different points from Coal's Mouth, on the Kanawha River, to Poytona, for the improvement of the Beill3o. A healthy location. Constant employmout, and Good Wages Also, a NIJAIBER OF CARPENTERS will be employed, by calling early. Steamboats run regularly to and from this place to Cincinnati. Pittsburgh, Wheeling, and the different points on the Ohio river. Address HENRY S. KUPP, Contractor, Kanawha, C. R., Vs. J. tr. El. PRICIE'd CENTRAL PLANING- MILL, WATER STREET, ALLEGE-MI.OY, ARE now in fall operation, with Fay & Co.' improved machinery for the manufacturing of Stith Frames, Bowl ' Shuttt re and Mouldings. Builders and (km tractors will find it to their advantage to call and ascertain our prices. aul9lydtw ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD. TARENTUSI CAMi 11111.7*ICTING, GOSIMENCIN,I WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25th, 1858 Regular trains will leave daily from Pittsburgh (Sundays excepted) et 7:15 A. M. and 6 P. 51 On Wednesday, the 25th Inst., an extra train will !cave Pittsburgh at 9:15 A. M. On Eatutday, the 28th inst., extra trains will leave Tit fa burgh at 1:30 ant 8:30 A. 51.; returning, leave Teton:aura for Pittsburgh at 1:30 and 7:2 I Monday morning, 30th inst. On the last day of the meeting trains leave Term:dam for Pittsburgh at 7:2) A. M , 2 end fc , lj P. 33. Excure io n ticsetts Lajood during the encampment can be had at the depot on Carson street at 8.0 cents each; also at the Methodist Book Depository, Fourth str et. Passengers obtaining tickets before taking milts in care will save ten cents. W. ItRYNOLDS, anll:ta Fnperiatendent. LiAWYEE'S CHEMICAL OLIVE SOAP is acknowledged by all who have ivied it, to be the beat and moat economical Soap in use. Cme pmnd will do as much weahing as three of common Soap. It contains uo in gradient that will injure the norved et tho most del'cote or finest goods that may be washed with it. 'For sale by all the principal groceries and dealers in the city. aul3 1 - R. WELDIN, No. 65 Wood street, near CJ • Scurib, keeps constantly on hand a large assert. meat of all ordinary patterns of BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS, and is prepared with the beet foreign and domestic material to make to order every article required by Bankers, bier• chants, or Incorporated Companies, in the best manner, and with a view of giving the utmost satisfaction In quality and price. Commercial printing of every description will be executed with the greatest care and promptness. un2l F R E S 11 Dar GENTLE ANNIE MELODIST. —63 a PRIDE—Plain, 20 cents; Elegantly bonnj, 25 cents Just received and for sale, by an 24 H. KLRBER h BRO , No. 63 Fifth street. SECOND OF TEI ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH SOHOTTISH, The moat popular Schottlah of the day. PRICE—TITIRTY'OENTS Jaet received and f,:r tale, by au23 11. KLEBCF. & Bito., No. 63 Fifth street TO LLB .f---A Store Room on Market street. an2s:lm A. W. GAZZAM. undersigned have formed a Co-Part nen:lat. under the style of SHACIILETT, McLAIN CO., for trantacting Wholeaalo Dry Goods bneinesA WILLIAM SELSORLETT, JAMES McLAIN, HUGH JONES, JOHN AUDAY, T. T. MYLER. SHAOBLETT, McLAIN & CO., wholesale dealers in For. Mork and Domestic Dry , Goods, No. 43 Wood street, opposite Charles Hotel . an.2.3:lin _.) 6 ( Iron City Commercial College, Ptitsourgh, Pa.—Chartered, 1855 300 STUDENTS ATTENDING, Jetinen; 1858. Now the Largest and most thorough Commercial School of the United States. Young Men Prepared for Actual Duties of the Counting ROOM. J. 0. SMITH, A. ?L, Professor of Book-Keeping end science of Acccranta. A. T. DORTHETT, Teacher of Arithmetic and Cornrcercial Calculation. J. A. HEYDRICK and T. C. JENKIN. S Teachers of Rook. Keeping. AIN.Y. COWLEY, and W. A. MILLER, Professors of Pen. manship. • Single and Double Entry Book-Keeping, as used in every department of Business Commercial, Arithmetic, Rapid Business Writing, Detec ti ng Counterfeit Money, Mercantile Correspondence, Commetclal Law, are taught, and all other subjects nebassary for the success and thorough educition of a practical business man. TWELVE PREMIUMS, Drawn all tho premiums in Pittaburgh for the past three years, aiso in Eastern and Western Cities, for beat Writing, AIV . AND VID? POE .MCFRAVIID 170118, 153 CL .I.BIEORTANT INYOB.II ATiON. Students enter at any time—so vacation—Time unlimited —Review at pleasure—eraduates assisted in Obtaining slt uations—Tultion for Full Commercial Course, s3s—Average time 8 to 12 weeks—Board, $2,50 per week—illationery, coat, $BO to $7O. ,Oti• Minkters' sons received at half price. For Card—Circular—Specimens of Entinesa and Oran mental Writing—inclose two stamps, and address STONE & CO. . GLASS PATENTED PRESERVING JARS, For presorsling all kinds of Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Mince Meats, Oysters, and all such perishable articles manatee - toted and for tale by.OUNINGLIAMS t CO, Nos. 109 WATER. land 140 FIRST STREETS, Pittsburgh, Pa. Thetnain secret of preserving fruit in a fresh condi tion, coosists M having it thoroughly heated when soc.led up, and in expelling all the air there may may bo in the vessel, so that when the fruit cools, it will form a vacuum. The undersigned having procured the right to manufac ture these 'Jars, respectfully call the attention of dealer, and others to them. The great superiority of atlas over any other substance for the preserratim of fruits, etc., etc. is so well known, that any:cocnizients open it are entirely unnecessary and the proprietor, feel canfldent that any one, after having once Been these Jars, will never be induced to we any other. For sale wholeenle and retail by • • •-• • - ODNINGIIAMS C 0.," iemu t ' • ~ - • N 0.109 Water street iNkTOTIC.E.,-. The Co-Partnership of -BAGA IA LEY, 00.113.11 &VC a CO. expired by limitation, on the Bret instant. The business will be ci Mini:Led by W. BAGALBY, at 18 and 20 Wood street, who will settle up the businem of the late firm. W. B_SGALEy JOHN S. 00861tAVH. Pittsburgh, July 22d. 1888.—jy23:tf VOR BENT--A three stay Ihvelling norm° Jr on Third street--WO per year. S. OT.ITEtbERT 4$ 8014 1720 Reid Eiutto Agent,. at msztes at. 1 50 lit bale L. DEVENNY, t Agent, P. O. & R. Line. J. J. HOUSTON, litAg'tP.,Ft.Si'.&C.R.B SUPPLY SUPPLY F. W. 3 ENEINE3, Pittsburgh, Pouudy itANUIg,„ IV 84 liVg: ,- .1 LA IL4 4at ta; jig. di 'A . V.41.1i, 8 Al , ' ET V IN Sli i harcE compit i fy, INOORPoiLAYLD BY ri,..1/11 LEGIBLATIZIE OF VI A ' SYLii,NI44 1835, , OFFICE, S. E. 0C.5.R.21, 7731 RD AND WALE' . PHIL BEILPRIA.. htiAalt.Vl 1it311.4402 - . CARGO, rio all parte of the yt , orhL FRISJGEIT, t 1::Lt.&) LILSUrsh:ItItS on ( 7 00 4 1,7 1:Ivor, pa4:4 O C.Autiln, e f th to es, Linn: and Land 0ml:toga& tt. FIFE i.NtiIIRANCLIB On MorchaL4tly et:orally. _ VII Store% 1) , :i"ol taa n01.,-3, &r,. _— .4&E-T/ OF THZ t0..11.F.1,2q - p, liovorobor 2, 1657._ •- - , • --- Runde, Mortgaged, end Aeal Rotate-- $ .101435040 , Philadelphia City, aLtl other Lormt 1 371011 RI, stock in Bunk, Baliroal 0e s cadhaumnenA 0 , ...t0 la' e panted J - Mild IteceivLblo i 220091 ga Utah on Cana i • 3€1,2504 fie th.nant.. in Lands of Ad-oi,t3,Proralam.4 1 ~n Marino Policies rticentlyte.med,ou uch,,... au..4.; dn9 the poixtpanY fie.h.ethAt ,I, ':..eted .... 000 Oa ~.. .. , 100 s Dii i .S!.tel'Oß jam. , :; C. grtßJ., --- Thauplifint PnUidJ.l,76. -••• • Januos Triniunir, Willinux , • Pnninton, Jeahra Se..nuud binkr.4, Hour; Jnalea B. hl , ...railund, Thow.F.2 C. timid, iobi.,rt•',.;urtuu. Jr., John B. Ben:Tio, D. T. hi c gnu, J. T. Logan., " ILkilTifi r , tr. 4 .ol..Jant, "relioa. . LYLBU—R, :'.ltem Jcr.nph 11. L 4 :41, ialmnnd6. John C. Diois, John li. PeuroEn, Goortzu C, lo.,!per, tlwcud. Dr. L. al. Itinitoo, iVilliant C. Loclw"..r, 11.usrh &pc:lcor Ohsrles Junes lir...cse, Jacob P. J1..11C3, IJE GREAT WESTERN Fire wad Marine Ilisaraneu IDogs OF PthJ 40ELPaIA. Ot/i'e in Oorripany'4 Building, No. 403 Walnut, Corner cif Street. AUTHORIZED C. pawl pxid in Surplus, ..lauary lat, IS/ $C777,G74 FIRE INSURANCE- I ,Lbnited or PerpetuaL • MARINE nisuniNgE, on West , ls, Cargo and Freights. INLAND L.NSURANCiI by RiVOTS, Canals, Lahcs and Land Carriages 07 ItEO TOES: Charier; 0. Lathrop, 141.2 Walnut street. William Darling, 19 lir Pine street. Alexander 14hrilden, Merchant, 18 North Front. hoar linglebnrat, Attorney and Counsellor. John C. Lfunier, firm of Wright, Hunter A; Co. - E. Tracy, firm of Tracy A. Co., Goldsmith's Ileal. John IL M, Curdy, arin of Jones, White A McCurdy Thomas L. Hillespie, arm of ClSlcemo L Zeller. James B. Smith, firm Of James•B. tirnitn ,t Co. lion. Henry M. Frillerl of ice 227 South Third street. John C. Vcgdes, canal corner of Seventh and Sanaos. James Weight, late earthier Dank ot . 'Tioga. Alfred Taint (lice Calro City reports'. Jona J. Slocum, office 220 South Third xtroot. C. C. LATEuz3I , , President. W. LAI:LINO, Vim President LEWIB GREGORY, Branch Onie,e 8 Wall et., N. Y. Second Vice ' JAMES WRIGHT, Spicretary and Treasurer. IL 11. RICHARDSON, Avetatant Secretary. R. W. POINDE..TEIt, Agent. 97 Water ri=3.et, Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania. AISUTB3IOO ColslPaily OF PITTSBURGH. 63 leonrtbi atreot. Taaa,r, Geo. W. ankh, A. Cotten. A. J. &mem, ~,,, ii . } - ! , ,,p1 - las, Wade Hampton. A. Carriae, Robert Patrick.- 11...1021.0, John Taggart Rod: Puttol,c7., W. i`Je.gride, I. Grit: A. C. Siiinpbui„ Ilecry Qprcz t, CiAr.riared Vial; ANL Or7Z Plt , :ifthlit-ItOD - x" •ELI MONO:I2i GAHELA riSErie. , NUE COMPANYq 0.7 PITTSBUROH. , 131 ES . ro3ident. • lIL Y AT VinJ9D, Eluer.3tAry. O.F.PaCE.I-.44e. US Water Strcat. . I:: ;-3 VlOl3 At3.11.112±1 ALL &Li pb 5:1.11U AN ARINE IzI2E. . d BSETS—mei 2071 r, 1559 Stock, Imo 13t11c, payabla on demand, ro , ,nred by tgo a pprovmlnamEa $140,000 00 Premium Notes -47,003 29 Bills Race] veld s 9,96E3 21 115 ntmea Ileclianics' Bank stock, ccat.. ..... 6,165 00 50 do _Hank of Pittsburgh do do .„.„. 2,750 00 40 do Exchanges Bank do do 2,050 00 190 do Citizens' Bank do do -..- • 6,175 00 Balance of Book Accounts -.. 8,050 39 lace Furniture - 890 88 Card'ls,Bs3 78 , DLL'2O7OR3 Jsqxes A. Mitchl2en. Gourge A. Berry, IV n. B. Holmes, Robert Da.lzell, \Vahan:ilium, 'iliomee ii. Clarke,' Wilson Miller, ;, John lirDovitt, mr22 Wm. A. Calo.welL 40.A.P.1111Eit •%r PITTSBURGH GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCV., Cupltial Roinrettontad j 53,000,000. OODIPANIELS OF BIGILEST STANDING, Char=o , red 153 , Pennsylvania and other States. FMB, MARINE AND LIPS RISSS TA.KNN, 0,9 ALL - - DESCRIPTIONS. - Flo. 33 VoUIVREI STREJE L. C.MUZB..I 4 .F.ti28.877.e6. 7 1_ 4 ; • a. ountnis. j fdof3ti..iy) THE OLDEST AND LARGEST LITHOGRAPILIO i'STABLIBIRMT IN TEE OM SCEITTCLIMAN g PRACTICAI4) LITHOGRIPLIERI Corner Third and Market Streets, DIIVPS COLLEGE BCMDING9, jy2Lly-2p BAffitUEL; PAHNESTOCK IMPORTER & DEALER IN ND i") 0 I.4ESTIC FOREIGN A • HARDWARE. o. 1 Wood fitment, bolo:moan Dianael34i alley amd Eq' otarth street, PITTSBURGH, PA; Zri - Ting subscriber in now opening a vroll selected ay.„ - mr cleat of foreign and domestic Hardware, all now,and will be sold on as good terms as any other house in this city. Ifs 47 ill always keep on hand a general assortment of dABDWARD, OTITLERY, CiAIIPENTEPS' TOOLF,:tc., 2, which he retanctfallyinvites the attentio n of iv , chaarif MAUNA VAEWT.ti, ZAP:, PHILLIPS, HITPIT Sg. CO., Commission and Forwarding Merchants WHARF BOAT PROPRIETORS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS of Illinois Central Railroad, Cairo, Illinois. Mark Gonda in all matt, to our care. JekaradieJ TERRA COTTA OR STONE WAITER . PIPES.. From two to FIX inch calibre. PRICES from 12 to 30 Cents per Foot. ALSO-11.00IIESTEIC PEARL ST I. For Setle Wt•b'esalo at Elcumulavtitrora PFices by ' ; • ELENRW rat. ceityrt:,s, 1 7 0:11 , *ARDUTEF ADD - o ra s.l o EF2CVI A NI T AND, WHOIZEIAL3 DIM= IN CELEIESE EUTTEP SEEDS, :13`ESII, , AND PRODIJOD 'CiErzEBALLy. I.To. 25 ViCiOD STEDTIT, (1e15• ./14•4114 g...kwpACTIFREEt QL ALCOHOIz q • Cologne Spirits and now/. 0 1% NOB: 167 and 170 Second Street. oplCrayqdp • eiLIafIsLEY.I.TOPS- 7 100 ve,rions. patterns for 8,10, by ;i [je3ol HENRY H.. COLLINS. 41 UT. OF T.I.E. 01TY.—Persons desirous NU , of reaping ut of the city, can purchase two frame lionses pleasantly situated on ehecaut street,Law rencertlle,geoh hotiie contains 5 rooms and cellar, a garden of fruits, lowers and shrubbery. All in complete, order. Will be sold togothir, or sepsis:lel* to snit purchasers. Apply to S. OfiTlißEitT .FE: SON, an) . 61 Narked street. 9 . N BB LS. superfine Flour just reoeived and tF for 8410 by Jes. A. M2EI4 at 22 ' Corner Market and Fltatata. ELLUM COPYING BOOKS—For sale by Jol9 J.' R. WELDIN. fIiNLY •• $7501 for a Dwelling Ironso of four rooms, a large Lot of ground, fruit treos„ete., pleas. ; antly situated in Scinth Pittsburgh, on the point of- ,Niount Mashington, immediatly opposite Smithfield street, will be sold on easy, terms, , S. OUTIIJ3.ERT '2ON, .13 , 13 - , Alarket street- k3OAP POWDER.:-50 boxes Soap 'Powder of our own manufacture, warranted truperfor to any offered for ado ill this - market, on band and for sale by felEt B.C. ,t J. EL SAW X.b.t.. VOR RENT -A large Dwell TT in &louse aL P.. 0, onso i n tot Gt otreeLiS.' CIyTHIIEIT dt SON, 1n720 ' 51, Hake* atreilt. OHEESE —250 bates best quality •W. B, 1161 cutting Cheek, received and far gale by Emu max ,eco 10;t,yak a P. Al. ~ . ..a .A.DrittA. Aqznt', cz, ecaaut, 600,000 .$21:2,80) 00 . 55,277-05 2' ; 300,000 uoucriptioua $:..3f,n0 PITTSBURGH, PE/V2r.el