r"s•-•=s.."-- • VOLUME XVL PITTSFURGII 11011-NING POST. rwrt:r.if 2;11.1y: BY JfilitES P. EAELP, .1 - = 7;=:1 , .-'47:32 ='•.p or WOOD 53.0 717711 5r,11-15Z3, 7. If .7,01.1.1: lo elr Sic D. ter. invailatly if net T 3I I reahin the e^r. c .c.ptc4, rre- , 3—tur ..t the r ;":ze al.: tbe • E. A T OF AD 1:1:TISING. „ 0...ce 5.1 - 4 I 31-'1 - inc-ertien in.ertitce ... 75 :hr.::: tuner:lent ..I 1 00 100 weck. ......1 75 ..... 60 .... 300 1 501 0: 75 Throe rockrock.:. 400 2 2GO 1 z 100 chie. 6CO 3'ef. , 10 1 I 1 6 o months ........ 700 4 i.` fOi 66 :50 Three months ....... 900 6 (.0c 4 50' 300 300 Tour along.' 10 00 d 65 6 00' 3 C. 3 450 live months.-- ....... 11 00 735 550 .:. EZ, 550 month, 12 CO 300 e G 0 850 :tl,lB inozll:... 16 00 10 35 800 6 00 One —.—. 20 C,:; 13 35 10 uo i 665 15. 00 Ea:nein:4 Card, six li ee or lens, pe-r .... 10 co :7'2.5137.5:L5 A= ri. - 0.14C.5.Ec One t' .re, Antrim, eremite of the p l ayer,) 21 00 ..._.:sa g e uot , c.-- , , 50 cents ; Death notfoes. card, PITTSBURGH SATURDAY POST Ai DIA:30107B WEES.R.V. ONLY (NB ?Elt YEAR, .7.4 CLUBS OF TEN. Einglo Suboziriptlona, - - -fad per aulaustr... CONTAINS ALL TILE' CURRENT NEWS C 2 TEE DAY, Felitie3l, Literary, Agricr.ltzral, 'Sommer Local, Tilegraphic and Miscellaneous. This Per being of the Ls.usasx cars, a..-d neatly printe en flue white papas, in large, clear type, will be found by tic eubecriber to give better satisfaction Vann any paper in Pittsburgh. ?hole who wish to take a vicar from Pltslairgh, willtnd the SZITUR, DAT POST a sofa and pro :table investment, Adlreca, P. Wing, .vpl7 Ellier and Pro rletOr. 0.600 .0. A. KIWIS O..SLRE & 1 7 1IYERS 5 BOOK Aril) JOB OFFICE ) norm 13 - rall..przrars, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, • PITTSBURGH. Uncle signed having made extensive additions of tau LATEST 12-7 D lIANDSOMEST STYLE TYPE, end improved Machinery, to the MORN - LNG POST Suß OFFICE, invite itenticn of Rail Road oMccr blerchunts, hesine_v ten] the public generally, to their cperior far.P.lties fur creaming with di- T atch, en reasonable arms, kinds o f RAIL - ROAD, lii E' P. C A r-; E. , A. , AND EViiII.VOTHI73.'. DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN 8 - , FANCY PRINTING SKY- Our inatet db.:jog nearly all new, we can give r.....c -atice el the lie- cumplett setiefactior, and solicit orders Or LOOES, FAMNILETS, RAIL ROAD BILLS AND CARD?, BANE 1.1D038, BLANK NOTES, 12R IIEADS, BILL U.EI DS, PILLS obucb-,,t.r.1 1 , BUSINESS CARDS, PAPER DOORS, DEEDS, LIORTCAGES, BONDS, Ar. Particular ari.ation will also to raid to the printing of Posters, Drcgrrsimcs, An. fur Concerts, Exhibitions and Jirc-zes. 8..1.1131 A AII'ERA. BUSINESS CARDS. Tile 'People's Shoe Store. D. S. DIEFFENBAUHER & CO., Cheap Cash Efealers in all kinds of Fashionable BOti r ri";) SHOES ../ND GAITEILS, For Gentlemen, Ladiec, Youths and Children, No. 17 Fifth Street, near Market, oc.S PITTSBURGII, I. 0. rzaran ......... JOECTSO3.-- ........ ...a. A. SUM= PERRIN - JOHNSON, Proprietors of Childs &Co.'s Patent fattatla Fire rind Water Proof Cement n00Z.72.7,. 11:3 STREET. ORDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith fally erect.',ed, and all our work warranted. Roofing material always on hand, end for stale, with di rucaieu_a for ace. ."1‘ cep2tly JOS. Lt.maiii.Tur; lENIGINEEEtS Li iilA.Ciailfilll3TS, Corr.a. of Paz:. and Liberty :irate, Pillzbutch, 'SUPERIOR STEAM ENGINES for Grist and Saw Mills, Breweries, Printing Eitallishments, iilnumfactories, bc., made to order. They also continue the .nrifacture of their Celebrat.d 'Machinists' Tools, each as Taring Lathes, Iron Planers,Bcring and Grilling Machines, Lc Also, Wrought Iron libz rig, with Pulleys, Hangers, l'. t.c. sea:: It. C. JOTS! THOMPSON & CO., OUSEIII PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND ; _g oit.e.m:Eits, No. 135 Third-xd7r.et. SIGN PAINT INtI. executed with neatness and deqsatc.i. Mixed Paints, Oils Turpentine, Varnish, Japan and English Patent Dry ers, Ville Montaigne Sinck, a very anperwr article; Phila delphia and Pittsburgh White Lead always on hand and for !air , . We are prepared to grind colors for Painters, Drug gists, cc others, at tho shortest notice, as we have a Mill what. h by steam Painters will save money by get, t' , 3ir colors ground with tie finrinly 1 . ,:" . ._,..!..; . ',.:•-t.- . T . , - --- , _:-,7 , ----_-1.,..- -,==-,-, j --- --/ i '=. ---'''' , F , - r , , -, ,::- . , - t - t,:i.= 7.- ._ ___....! - - • OLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, ItiAriTIPACrEUII#II.,S PRICE*. HYDROMETERS (,/ weighing spirit', the chc:•,:x.ct and Ltst art!cloa ever bt ycg•ht, to this city. Tara„,- UCE,LETKR4 AND BAEOM:TEM., ran Ing in peso from $8 to t,EJ each. POCKET COMPASSES, AND SURVEYOR'S COMPASSES, 76 en hr.r..l ct 0. E. BRADT, El b &ma. -- • - cpv-site Yir.e.or.lo Han 13. C. & .3. E. SAWYCR, r..... 1.1.-7.7 1 .1.03 OP LARD OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, No. 47 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pe.. 4011.1 4 1 EII3FA, St; CO., IT': 'XI' DYERS AD SCOURERS? raca. B Stisatlx t - x-etve, R WvOD 1,1171' ETSZST9, All kinds of Shawls, Dresses, Ribbons, and short every notice, u descrip nd on r"..sctrable tion of Sala Etnd Wterms. l oolen Goods exeap2fo cuted a: OfLee of gealleir of Weights arid - - Measures. THE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, PEAL:EII OF WEN= AND ItlrF..arrara, 114; 133 found henceforth, In Cherry alley, beri.en Third and Fourth ctreete, where orders may be left. mrialf 01LatELES BARNETT. - S. HAVEN'S Eleatic Steel• Pens just e received, and for salo a the Stationary S,tarVy ;c2J ir 63 . ta. C:3 and SI Diarket e:roet. ] - 1, FRANKLIN ALMANAC FOR 1859. —Thia well-knsw - a and popular annual, formerly pub- Johnston .4 Stockton, aftera lapse of years, will main utortly be issued. The circulation« as formerly will made by t 20 skillful mathematician, Sanford O. Rill, er as w will rocks s i o t panpnate foa initisn gpages s in c s h tr r u e tdivn mat maga.. sine, 13osides the reliable astronomical calculations, a new and Ingot:dons table of time, an accurate method of drawing raertiisu lines, and other matters of permanent value will bo added. Orders of book•sellers and other dealers are solicited in wivano of pall:at:on, EA but one edition will bo printed, and orders will be fdlednccording to priority. WM. O. JOHNSTON 4.00.,- Publi-liara Printers, Statione and Wank Book Makers, 57 Weed street, Pittaburghrs; OIIEESE.---300 boxes good crating Cheese 1 1. J received and for elle by 1928 IfENB.Y IL comma. 1 TARCH.-250 boxes Pearl Starch in store and for gale by .15213 LARD OIL.;--We have commenced manu ALA tvotaring.Lard Oil, and wait be pleased to receive or ders Tor It. We will warrant it oogqael to any Oil in the mar ket. All barrels retaraad when dadred. ; B. O. 2..ll.)3it'infreila N Weert atraTA; NION :10 bola. Onions for sale b_y__ sum El cl‘r '• •==. 1 t . . ~, 1,-t 75 , . ,-.- .-- i 4 - s', r . . - , ' . . . - , e. i.l 'l-. "1 _. -. ,-; V 'Amp , , ~. , . t:-1, r-, -. . 4 -44 . , - ... _ _ 4 . ~, If. -.‘ '''. • . It , -; if ' ii ~. i .... -+: 1* -..1 -' .:"! F 4; 4 4 • - 1, - . a; , r , . -t -:#, i . 4- - . 7 1.• i 4 t t tr- * 1.4. p ;11 ' .4, , , i' :i' i' q , - 4. ' i% t. . . ki. • " - F , . ,----. , , -: - ,1 it, - 4 k• 1 r . ti.„ n.„. : 44,. -4' •• - ' t ,f, 1 - g ii'- -, - ' e ll :i n , .., l i i. 4 Pa. 110 /1Y .., z-z.; -.3. ' 3- - 4' 4; 4, ;' - v. t -..., ' ® 1 -- '4, . •1. ( ' ' ' .. / '''''l._ ' ~ , 1 1 , A SSE? S . Fifty-four Bonds end Mortgages, at six and seven 'it cent. interest, amounting in the aggregate t 0— 5 .152,315 00 Which mortgages are or valua ble and productive real estate, principally farms, recorded and first liens, worth generally double the amount and more than mort. • aged for in each case, and in no ase lens than fifty 33 cent. more, exclusive of farm buildings, and .5C2 certified by the F.eeerders, weeze recorded, to the and tars at the States of Ohio and Illinois. Nineteen six tl cent. Bonds amply 47,685 00 secured Cash on hand and in Bank 6,440 12 Caeb in bands of Agents, and in eorme of transmission, secured by bonds with sureties Pus on lames re-insured, fic hills receivable, : promisa az y rota; payable at bank and to the Company Interest accrued, (principally due Januar) 1, ........ Safe and °ince Fix.tnres and Final ture • kin LI il pr wr ell es a Thal /.0,1.31-01 %.1.4.ir PITTSBURGH, PA. HENRY H. COLLINS PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARB,-AT THE eg POST BUILDINGS," CIORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM: INSURANCE REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE. COMPANY, At AItIENS, BRA.DF.)RD COUNTY, PA, Jan.l, 1858, as presented to the Steckholdera, and mado out in compliance with the State Laws of New Yark,Otrio, STATIIf RIM The name of the Company is the FARMERS' lINTON IN SURANCE COMPA,IY, located at Athens, Pa. Chartered April 13. 1853, by the Levi, ilatnre of Pennsylvania. Charter Perpetual. Cash Capital, which is all paid up 2urpins in addition thereto ---.• ---.--$ 253,445 51 INCASE FOR 7112 VEIL 1857. Amount or Premiums recoived daring the, year 85,231 3 3 Ain't tutormt received during the year . 11,442 05 Ain't received from all other eource3 2,480 00 IXSZ:MITi7_II3. Expenses for the year, including commissiisns, calaries, rents, rein surance, printing, advertising, taxes, and all other expenses $ 10,199 EX Flividsnils paid during the year 17,000 00 Lceses laid, which occurred prior to December 01, 1866 Losses pai which occurred daring the year 46,561 6-1 LIABILMI9. I., , a.Eiea adjusted Ella not clue (ainca patd)— S 12.,533 L...siea incurred and in process of wijustratat Loans reportod,OU which no action has beea taken Loevas resisted, on ground ot insur ance after fire, property transfer red before loss, property lon on covered by the Policy, ire 10,407 09 Whole amon tof risks taken during the y0ar55,4'20,862 00 Whole amount of riatt at dato 4,861,440 00 , 7„1 - D 07 PENNSYLVANIA, COL'NT7 07 BB.ADAID, Cll Shipman, Presidont, and J Canflehl, Secretary of the Fame& nion Inenranco Company, being eavarally du'y sworn, dopo3e and say. and each for hirr calf gays, that the foregoing 13 a true, full and correct statement of the affoira of maid corporation, and that they are the above de scribed o^•core thereof 0. N. S' - 'll' v-LAN, Prelident. a. E CANFIEJD, Semmtary. Subscribed sad sworn hof re me, tide Stith day of Jana ary, IaES, L. C. BLUED, Juetico of tbo Peace. T. J. lIIINTER, agent. r.47:1 No. SO Water street, Pittsburgh. taE INSURANUE, BY Tuß Reliance Mutual Insurance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. ON BULLDOGS, LOITED OR PEratTuAL;7 MERIN:UN- PISS, VU32IITORE, EC., IN TOWN 01.1. COUNTRY. Officc., Ho. 30 61 Walnut st.7oet. CAPITAL, 6177,920 .ASSETS, 3209,453 139. Invested 01 follows ' viz:— First Mortgage, on Improved City Pn9.porty, worth double toe amount $120,200 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'e 0 per cent. Mortgage Loan, $30,000 cost 25,500 00 lillegbeny County &per cent. Penn'a It. R. Loan. 10.000 00 Pennsylvania Co.'s Stuck 4,000 00 St , .,ok of tree Ur-Nance Mutual Insurance 19,150 00 Stork of County Fire Insurance Co . 1,060 OD Scrip of Sundry Inzaranca Companica 476 00 Sills Recniva to, buainea3 paper 62,711 60 Boot: Accounts., accrued hitt:rest, etc 8,336 19 Cash on hand and in Bank 10,043 20 sz2,4es 89 CLEM Tn.IGLEY, Prr..rldent. DIBSSTOES. Clem Tingley William B. Thompson, David S Brown, Cornelius Stevenson, John B. Worrell, H. L. Canon, Robert Toland, !loses Johnson, CV:larks 8:-Wood, Jumps P. Woodward, mr.3 B. 5 J. GAB nir3 North-east corn itisußAvoy colp ku atifiva,..llll 1.17 J-1 - Philtadetrob.l%. vm. V. PETTIT, frecidtrt 11 . J. I:I4,IANN, Secretary. Amount of C,,oital Stock paid in and invc.stcd...soao,Cklo 00 c: ,-piny 63,4, 35 t2G3,4.2.3 B+s Incaras Cargo Risks ou ado ane, 'Alos'.a.sippl Rivers and trinntmles. I! caret against ic,s cr tlntosge by Fire, a,wair.nt do Far:ls of tho Eca and fulnul Navigation r.tol Transport:n:lOn. W. V. Pettit, J. 0. Sioutgonnxy, John M. Prnroy, D. J. I.lcClayin, E. I:. Witinor, E. L. Woolston, John A. Ohms. B. Wright, John J. liatterson, Elwood T. Pezo.y. OFFICRBP: WILLIAM V. PETTIT, Pr eritZtnt. £. I:. WITMER, Vice Pre 3:::. D. J. MoOANN, 8.C.T11853059: In PhiLa3e.7pAici: Etciarftz, Jtr.t:ce Morgr..n d EtWolf), Po troy, Caldwell KO.sii WATER ETRL.T.T. W. POEN DEXTER, Agout. Fhiladtlpil4.l:: Beiger, Lamb 4 00., A. Z. Lane a. 0.0%, PEITSBURGII OFFICE., o 9 It WEST B N,4 NCH MUTUAI, INSURANCE COMPANY, LOOK HAVEN, CLINTON CO Pa' Y. CUARTERED lIY TIIEI LUGIBLA.TT42 09 PII2i S 9Y4t ' L.IIS Cud alpaca.. .t. 300,0,30 Prcniu 1t'atua..4132,813. Tins COMPANY WILL INSURE ON b, ildinge Ilercliandi3e, Furniture, Ac., in town or Country. DIRICTOLO: u m. J. r I Una. G. O. Ilarvey, j Charles A, ZlU7nr, hull, I Chr.rica Crisr, I Peter Vicklit2on, T. '2. Abrams, 1) K. Jacissana, W. White, EOi. G. (111.A1'..VEY, President T. T. Annsll.. s, Vice Pre:Aden% T 205. lirre=t, Fccretary. asrauznc;2l ilnianel Fl. /4105'4, J 8. Crawford, A. Z. Winegar:Mu . , John W. Maraud, 4. Updegraff, Mackey, "don. 8 03,meron, James Armstrong, A. White, Thea. Bowman D.D, William Yearon, Jamez Qn.imle ' Wm. Vailerbelt, lion. Wm: Bigler, 012101:—NO. 65 Finn ETBEE,T, Eqrresusez de2131 J. A. LIPPar” — n , agent. rr i ill?, FRANKLIN FIREINSURANCE COMPANY, 02 PUILADI2 I, ? III . I . Dmacrroms--Clorlea W. Bancter, TiMmaa hart, Tobias Wolper Bamn6.l Grant, Jacob IL Smith, Goo. W. Richards, Horded.' D. Lento, Adolphi F,. Boris, David B. Browne, Her. tin Patterson. °AV). N. DlastTran, Fn.:Went. • ' Cass. G. 13.s5=srt, eoretnty. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on ovary dcscripUon cf property, in town and country, at rates as low as are consistent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund, with their capital and premiums, safely . invested, af fOrd ample protection to the manned. Th of the Oonpany, on January Ist, 1851, as pal). d eeably to en !Let of Assembly, wore as followa, viz: Mortgage. $913,1213 Mi . :loot rstate. 84,877 78 Temporary Loans 83,980 17 85.- 81,889 In ~.......... ...... ...... . ........ 84,846-81 Total 44 212 a7 08 Since their incorporation, a puri...,d ei twenty-one year; they have paid upward of Ono af.llion Your hundred Thou. vend Dollars,l °owe by thereby affording evidence of the advantages of bast ae thosibillty and &Ivo:It:Ion to meet vilth prom; ioc-1. 11 GOFFLN, Agent, G3ce, north-;‘,-..ut Wood and Third etc. WEbTERN INSURAIN'O-71, COMPANY OP PEIT9131:1110H. GEOS,GH -resident; P. M. Elonnett, Pecretary. Orrin Ho. 02 Water street . , (3peng h Oo's - Warehouse,) up stairs, Pittsburgh. trumro against allkinds of ' e.ny LABINERTFurg. A Home Institution, managed by Diroctvr who aro well ;soma in the community, and who are determinod, by prompt:mai and. libersaity, to maintain the character which they have assumed; as offering the best protection to thaw who desire to bo insr-red. ASPETO, CHITOII.. 434 1657. Stock Atccounts,... Val ,aOO 00 —..—.. ..... 2,160 00 $ 4 . 1 _13 Office likarnitutor . 240 00 Open Am.:sate,— ... .. ...—....- ...... 9,478 04 ........... ...... 14,841 46. Premium Notes • 40,246, 69 Bills Disaennted,........., » 125,00 78 George Dare 7. Vv. Butler. Jamea Andrew - Actley; Nathluitelliolmes, D. teL Long, O. W. litaeir.ol4 .f . . 0 ',4.1 • 11 - AiioS.-30 00 lba Country %icon, SP lel Isla) PA rmm .$ 2+10,000 00 (3,48 51 e2,,3,1'35 bl 18,761 6} 7,836 11 1 10 .0 $99,153 35 $90,135 ad 12,100 00 Fla-nnel Bispbam, Robert Steen, William Masser, Benjamin W. Tingley, Morahan Hill, S. Lotlirop, Charles Leland, Jacob T. Routing, Smith Bowed, Wm. M. Semple, Pittnb'g I - ENGELMAN, Secretary. TINS COFFIN, Agent, er Third and Wood streets. 1 $317,641 - 78 Dar:masa R. Millar, Jr., • • Goorge W. Jackson, V7ra. -- Aleminder Mack, • Wm. EL Erdtb;_ B. M. GORDON, Somar--ry: for mai a ao, INSURANCE. PITTSBURGH LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 98 WATER' STREET, PITTSBURG'', PA. ROBERT GALWAY, Proaldent AUL DUDLEY, Vico Prosideat. F. A. itUtElll,ll7 Secretary. Mr This. Company makes exery insurance appertaining to or connected with LEM RISES. Also against MU, AND CARGO 1i..18103 on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivera and tributariea, and MARINE R 185.5 gencrall. And against 'Loss and Damage Fire, and ng , dc.t the - Porila of the Foil and Inland licvigata.n and Tratiq.rti.ti.i.i. Policies issued at the lowest ratul consistent with cai - i:ty i u all partial. Dlnuosons. Samuel M'Clurkan, John Scott, David Richey, Charlet! Arbuthnot, Jorieph S. Leech, N. P. Hut, itutart H. Hartley, J no. Mcgill. Robert G alu ay, Joseph P. eat/am, M. D., Junes Marshall, James W. Hallman, Alexander John Fullerton, David I:lChatabo William Carr, Eureka Insurance Company of Pennsylvania. OFFICE, NO. 99 WATER ST., PITTSBURGH. Assets--May 1, ISSB. Stock, Due Rll4—payable on demand and secured by two approved names $ 76,840 00 Omit In Pltlabnrgh Trust Company 02;180 ••"7 Premium Notes. C 2 o'O SU Rata Receivable 1.5,056 of 122 minima Exchange Bank Stock—C.osi ...... 6,910 1 3 . 1.1 t.) du Mecha.qce' Bank.Stoch.—coer . b,490 63 sag do Iron City Bank Stock—amonut paid. 7,500 00 20 . do Al!egheny Bank Stock— do du 5,0(:0 00 Welk Acc Dll nts 13,254 34 DIRECTORS. J. 11. Elhoenberger, I 13 W. Caen, W. K. Nliaick, fraftc XL Peapack, J chu A. Ctrughey,W W. .11artin, I C. W. Batchelor, R. T. Leech, Jr.. IL 1). Occhrau, David ..11ceaudiese James J. Bennett, George B.9shien. Vire/. J. Anderson, J. 11. .110ENDERGElt, Presid.zt ROUT. PINNEY, SoczotErry. , CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY O F P rr - r - tTP G BAGA.LIC:, P SAM EL L. MARBLEELL, Beeretary. 0 7FICK: 94 Plaki• ered, belw.l,.na Mayl-et anti esset! ita•- Insures HULL AND CARCO iIISEP, on the and Liadthitippi RIVOre and tributaries. insurer. against Lose or Datuage by Also, against do Perils of Clio Pea anal Lisbon d Navigation and Transportation. I=! William aagaley, liamnel Pea, Janina M. Cooper, James Park, Jr., Lmao M. Pennock. Springer Llarbangn, Capt. Samr-el C. Yonng, John Caldwell. PHILADELPHIA FIRE AHD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 149 Chesnut Street, OppJsite rho Custom 11,,1.ne. WIL_L MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU RANCE, either Porpzt&ll o: Liutttod, on s. -ry thqcription of Property or Mertf,to.l:.. E.: rt , asounble tatti of premium. R'W..aRT P. Prty,tdont. to. V 7. i;,3T,Dv, , :ico l'rettlttont Charlea Llayes, E. it. Calla, E. B English, Oborw) W. Brown, p. 13. Favor-, J ;:-,31 . ,11 S. Pr..-. 1, C. Shormcn, John Clayte,,, S. J. lliagargee, E. tVil. , r. P. Bucrr,33worx, Secrf,iar - ;. J. il. COFFIN. Agent, Cornor Thid and Wooi streets. HOTELS & 11,ESTAU RAN T 6 SCOTT HOUSE, Corner Irwin Street tt-ittl Duquesne Wc.7., PITTSDUROD, B. D. MARKER., - - - PROPRIETOR, (Formerly of the "Starker I.l..Lraville, ) HE SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM PLETED AND OPEN FOR It is nitnatol to A central part of the city, being cr is 7.:LniJili to ell Depots and Steamboat Landings. The Hansa was bran in 18L8, with rill modern Impr.,,e manta, oxidated rip in splendid styl_ , --tho entire Furniture being now—and will In every rempe:t be a first cler ItoteL Flue STABLES aro attaclud to Lb, promises. [ jokey COMPUCOPEE R.E.T1VE11..40.11f. BY ELI YOUNG, FIFTH Syzuz.T. Tho attention of ritochanti and otkrars is directed to this, establishuant, which has Loon ron:intly fitted "" • an' for tha porpoas 01 affordhig a i3UbSTAN• TXAL iwzma uotran IN A CILNTRAL LOCATION! Ootintry folks attending market aro particularly invited to C3ll. hvorythbag pertaining to an EATING SALOON will always Lo found, 01 the froaliedt the market affords. 5p:29.1.3111-w EXCHANGE HOTEL, A. LOWRYI, Proprietor, Ccrner Main rtrad and Youghiogheny River, .:ear the Rating": Depot WEST NEWTON, PENN'A. AEOVE LIOTEL 1.6 NOW IN COM• „LI pLEIT. Airdew Or the recepon of visitenii. It le bean- CifAlio' located on tivy bEinks Of the Yongblegliony river, and can be reached ocery day from the city by the Connellavllle Itagrcad. Thor:mine eia largo, airy and wall furalatied,r.nd the read be , no plaariater place for a few weeks warm:mar rwidouco in tit coantry„ A few .noilliee can be accommo dated. 'Penne moderate. Addrce_i A. LOWItY, ray2s:ll Want Newton, Pa. THE riaTIONAL SALOON, Under roater's New Natio:tut Titeatre, PITTBROF.GII, V. BARNARD, -- J PROPRIETOR, EIAS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and.narafortablo atylo, tto largo ceatre atom in tho ODD FELLOWS HALL. Filth aLreet, as a FIRST CLASS RIMTAUTIANT 'AND 4 4.1,0A1T Lias t ing had matey years' asp , rlendii In th 3 Milner.; he la prepared to supply the best tno raart.ot'afratila.. will bo furnished at all times with the beat MIRA, LIQUORS AND ALES. rho on [rates 1,3 the 2100.2t4 is in tho centre or the alai, and re freshments will be furnished at all times, DAY and NIGHT (Scmdays ezeepteli WASHINGTON HOUSE, COR.•PEN.N'A AVENUE 4 THIRD ST., WASHINGTON, D.O A. F. BEVERIDGE H. W. KANAGA LT. So HOTERA9 Oppocito the Penna. Railroad Depot, EIAII/118817110, PA. [JoIS WASHINGTON HOTEL, SORKERLY U. 8. ROTEL, PITTED tiA(l.3, ESA.AANOZI, Proprietor. THis HOUSE IS LOCATED ON TILE P corner of P , 1 , 111 and WASRLN't.IiON Streits, between the CrENTA.A.L AND WrIST.E.III , .r ILLTLItOLti DEPOTS, and has undergone a thorough improvement, remodeled and furnished with new furniture, and to now the mist coav 6=04001 in Pittsbargh 7 for Travelerm by 1ta11;944 ) 41?.9! or West. Dayesay per ANSION 110IISE, GEORGE AIIRENTZ zirspathman, .No. 844 J.4iberty street, Just beeido the Passenger Depot of the Peniisy'main Railroad, which mates It the most nouns:dentine:lse in the:oity for pumenvre p. n =ri by, that mid. , e propiietor b.evlng, at considerable expense, fitted up, excellent / My-le, the BLiblillON HOVE; would reePoci fully solicit aShare.of_publia patronage. There is attached a splendid STOLE:and extensive - WACKiN YARD, afford. th MgLarder ma amommodatien to travelers and teamsters. His a ple nd Bar will be fcumisbad with the best e market febL-y can afford, c4..Excelsior Restaurant, ifo. 111 WOOD S:red, PEraeraon, Pa., zt WHOl. l galr.vl AND lINTAIL DEAL= IN LAKE AND FASTERN FISH. The undersigned has Just received from the Eastern mar bet, selected with great care, SMELT, HALIBUT, HADDOCK, FRESH (KR) FISH, EASTERN SUN FISH, SEVRILAL VARIETIES OF LAKE FISH, New York Pristeeni BayvEgg Wand, Ugg harbor, Shell Oystoro. The finest ever brought to this city. Every delicacy of the season served up at the HIEGELBIOII RESTAURANT. 8. STEINEUCE. QT. CLAIR. HOTEL, corner Penn and St. Clair streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.,--The undersigned, former ly of "Brown's Hotel," having taken thin largo and commo dious NOTEL, and having refitted it in magnificent style, would respectfully invite his friends and the traveling public , to give hi= a, call. Assured, with the convenience of the house and his long experience in the business,, ac.,e d n give entire satisfaction, and his charges moderate. • - O. CONNELLY. lapp'neon; Shorten Az; Wit - arson, NO.= WOOD =MET, NEAR b 73711. KANUFAOTUKERS OF TRUNKS, Va lices,-IliCand-Jdoroset Boxe, Ladies 'Traveling Clalpet ißeiocto.; Imp =latently hand -e 'large etocli., , Noldre; prWasdtoshi , a wholesale trade, and.bal , lug facilities to tom out good stock at reduced prices, we would invitik• I to cal end examine our gcods be , OgSpirattlik PITTSBURGH. MONDAY, AUGUST 30. 1858 OBERT A. LOOMIS, 1 t.:.) B. T. iii organ,) STATIONER D DEALER IN 13001{S, YERIODICA.LII AND 24 EAVISPAPERS, No. Al Fifth ntrc..a. Pittabui THE undereikned have entered into Co- PartuerEhlp, nudrr thu gtyle of Wau. C. Johntton & Co. B! ylllly r.. JOHNSTON, JR., f LLIA !!.1 1 JOLL3STON. ritt.6l)nrgh, Sol , tember C. , 1857. L.. Li. JOLIS2TINV, WV. 0. JOIS:InTOIT. 1./Vra. .30.111NW3021 47. CO., Talanula.:titcr:t C.) .1.1 J, bit l' s r ' 11:11 .1“d l'itt=r:f.' , I Safety altd i•.;_;l . ,lltpulay hi Lig,h - i, WIIY WILL YOU I3' , IN CAMPRENE AND FLUID, ..:,-11 .. , le, ,:, I 3 , • 1,!•.;,!1 - h:,,1 1,4! Ltl . light. rare I , _..roeur, ot I. ~1; Irlad, t .u.lth , ..- Li 01 Canr.rd 0,1, prviuc......i ild chn.peA, in.,. brilliant, ottldy, pleasant and nab ° portal, light ,c< 4.th•t! ,,, tv the public, and ug danger 0' ,14,1,,j,L; n,., J ilvii.ili,t :,r, a gad; not unite nu chslp; Lumps of Ow 111 rt s:0,.:0 ~11.! !(:ally ,-- .r.n^,... , .: , -.1 c,,- , :tructkel. I' . ^'. d... 1 y T. ~. .i: if. litoDfilINLON, :::. :',/ .7:m11111h:1d Atr-et. ros ll,wax,„r . a :oil/AOC .it ,t 1: Cho Illtirktit, Mario C it. fi.i;Tily $138,341 15 THE II EATED I E1.1.N1 IS APPROACII- Ncl. g c.L . l W C . •11 o alt,otio., tho tho MEM Ow be dun° orouorn up, ri.&iyo hunt..+ith u.ttv..x.,t, and . 4,1 g illwys 70 et.pt. Mork Sterltng, Samool M. liter, John 9. Dilworth, Franc t. 9 Bailors ; Wililam B. Iloye. John Shipton, Wolter Bryant. l'aOPt3.lETlll:: 88 BEE BOGK2 AND STATIONERY Co-Vartnerstap. TOBACCO AND S.EGA w RINEIIAI:T, Y 0 TuBACC , J, COOKING BY GAS. wo To TI I I,A I) I COOKING, IRONING, ETC., hiusgraves 04+11 tioolAng Stove, 1- .:.ctra:;y 1..; lc • y atten,,,r, at No. 7 .)11::: 1 4 • 1 E BRO. rout.ty r.;.,1 ttpl2:9 TV* 7'1;1:114 • N P E • ' i • N ; • I • ; v • I P t• 1 'l' • . , U u • E U.,!!1 ! 1 0 !' • ! T." 1 t' , C P C T I 0 , ‘l." U:, V p t; TION G 0 N 0 N , C se' 11 LT i C T I N, U 1 CM:MIEMMI Tha mast r.afc cITLA W. un it..:nt,:y tcw in use. Prepnrcal and 6CriLi, and re•en, 1.3( 121:11 - T, Want , i itLnbar.J . i , And 6. - Ad I ,y Pr k .-. 1 1 . . U.112-11LES LI% ERY un(l4lrbigno:l Las butzso. Loa ee of the :114“,, to gother with a portion t olten t nkrie utoct of liorsi•a3ntl C krr:ages, lave the property of Jztrues s!athew:l, cleco2.9LA. Iti to the stoat befoto meaticued, ho ha .460 added haul - tiller o: raiaoilcs aARiti.A.GEF, ghish c-76e0 formerly c-,al,l,jca LINI:rY it/ Third, helov Az ho dveo hin perLoual attt‘n. liar. to tt.:),bublnal., a ci..atimmuz•t , of the patrouag, which he hr.... 1 hitherto trc7. - i public to solicited. .. 4 1.008 GARDNER, t. C. !xi.; Liv ry 3tabit , !, 5.—A riEAHSI?: an .l .Itly num) •r of O.4.ItRIAGE:3 con ch:nr.va I.e procured I.r F'112.411/4. rfiLiE CHEMICAL OLIVE ERASII" E SOAP, Lannufacture4 by B. 0. b J. Sawyer, iv, rue yofereneo oror fill uticf• kinds ever oflored •r family usu. iLa r4ll , .. riatg,ii: It L. I I.'! L -.•, pl,, poundC - .Z . ,t1'3: t Cl:a. if COILLIII,.II (5,,111 . . ad. Unit the tie., need on;y .nn h this te ia s,d !a1 , 41, Cl `-the r Seal.. u hale can rpmrly v:ith, MI the ~ lotlica vvlll require MO., if ahy thus avoiding their •,,,etir Oa the wash-board. 4th. P.ailiny . th.L.clothoi la utinccoSsary when Cilia Soap la used, and hard or air water answers e.pially so well as Fioft. , s, art Liaise, Paintcre and others, ilud it far superior Co ;.itii•ir :! , , , aps. It cpealily re move« tar, palm, printer.; Mk and dirt from the Maeda, leaving the .kin molt, and Ire from chapping, avi.d.l the labor cf rubbing, the clothes, and the use of the wash.baird, the following dirocti•ine should be followed : Fer the washing of eight or ten of a family*, take ono pouud of Soap, cut It into «ha , . and dissolve in ono tallow of hot rater; put the into a tub containing about ton gallons of warm water; pour in the dissolved Soap, and etir thoroughly. Lot diem soak' twenty to thirty minutes, wring out, and in., in warm watOr once, cold water twice. A vecy dirty wrist-band, or ceani, or grease spas, may require a ehght rohl.ing, but otherwise the clothes will come out clean and white, without rubbing or boiling. Cold water may Ls treed in place of hot, requiring about double time is SOLlkiLig. 47...1- Observe our name on each bar. For sale, to any quantity, at our warehouse, No. 47 street, knit at our 01.1.(111.0 tee hound !louse, 555000. B. C. k J 11. SAWY.EII.. apCl No. 47 Wood street. p)UCKIVIIEAT FLOUR.-20 cache Back vth t SO ID nacio, rocAvea D.ad for sale ly 1 1.; ;10 A N , 1N & 00., 0.0713 or Wcod 4za.l ‘T: itor p tri•otz. Z ''/ artllt, 4 5 bb •',, . A • la. roceivw cad Balu by 1t1f.',0,174)1,1'.0,3, MEANS - foal GDracr aud Water V 1 1.111(.11{ANT meth debirable at and cheap weAK,u, at I'3SVN TM:fLEY'S, y AR.D.—A prime artielo of No. 1. Lard, in b.,:rrals and kega, joi:t rocoived and for oalo Ly Moi)AVDl,:ceB, CO., 1,12.3 C•yrnor of 17,:zd and Water htreoto. -- • kriment , ; " Crain Popper. roc A,17.,1 mud r ealo S!LT. EAT. A:K?OtC ON. pi ntra.,t r.jEW Att.itlVALS.—We are taking into store, (12+ Wood street.iun imit ens. stock of tine Paper for iolanr.kg ; Letter, lap and Note ; nip lop o r, is gro vorioty ntpor,, of evory and r.s cheep am they cf_n be bort. , :,ld in tit.) Eat, %there we Lr ro ntl, Tory 1, - 47 for CaAls. M. PE.11.111N13 .5. CO 'LAKE FlSH.—Whito Fish, Trout, Salmon, ...ELA and Pickerel conatan ly on hand, a fell nook to supply Lao wholesale trade. b , iny€ , LIENRY LT. COLLINS. OR.A.NUES.-300 bxs. sweet, lust received and kr wile by ItVildkat 6 AN DERSGN, No. 69 Wood street, IlaYl7 Cip a rs , ;:a the St. Charlca llotel. 1,4 ROOMS.-100 doz. Extrs Corn Brooms on hand and for enle by 3. C k J 11. SAWYER. DUSTER TRISIMIN4S—Drab and Gray Duster Bluffing and Tassela,dest °paned at apV JOS. H 011.141, 77 tlarkot stmt. NEW STEEL SPRING sluitTs—Of the moat gzacefal Ehapcs, on band at CIOILNWEI, myS 77 Market erect, gEED SWEET POTATOES.-20 barrels Se-31 Swprt Yetabaed, renebrad and for eala by Jastc,..3 A, FETUS, i‘r :;1.1 067 - E Cr tbotte and First street. DIOKLE6.-6 bbls. Cucumber Pickles, re d ceived and tor sale by J.9..11En. 3. F 1 TZEII, fel) Corner nirket and First streets. ERFUM 111 . Baziree, ~P7 r 1 5 1 303 - fl ...";,uu'e arid Extracts for the 4 " — ": cote; corntautly or. hand a JO :3. ELF:a 1 I.N WS, Coraer Diamond and Market et. )ICE AND RICE FLOUR ; Corn Starch ; silver Won Starch ; linter's Farina; Baker's Jocoa and Drums.; Fresh Cocoa enot. ReoelTed and or sale at JAYNES' TRA STORE, Pll9th .tred ELL U M COPYING BOOKS.—These p 0.3093 great advantages 676.1' any others; the paper being thick and strong will nct tear when wet. It token a most perfect impreasion and is convenient to refer to. When once in one their superiority is apparent. Bold by W, a. JOIIDISTO' t o'., • "o 3 Stationera, 57 Wood st. $9OO FOR SALE—A two story no. 0 haus°, of elm reoms, Fait arm:god, pared pint, with hydrant, bake oven, smote house, The honso is in gr.ei repair. painted and papered. BlB:rate on East Lane, Allegheny City. Terms easy. B. CUTHBERT & SON, 61 Market street BAY STATE APPLE PARING MA.- IMINE.—A. VERY 138EF • •L 6ND 813PERIOR AR TIOLD—By five urns of tbo anal', tbe apple is PARED, GORED and 8 ICED. I 11th, 1858, and February 17th, 1857 in Europe. For sale In any quantity, at No. 74 Wood stied, Pitts. burgh. Please call and examine for yourselves. 1F29 SAIdIIEL FAHNRSTOOTS. if AKE FISH.—A large supply of White „az 'h•out, Salmon, recetvecl and for sale by iY2B HENRY II CIOLLINS. WOOD STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE.—/Ln undivided third part of that valuable property, situate at the corner of Sixth and NV al streets, holing.= Act front ou Wood by 60 deep oa !Meth area. Onathird of the above Will be sold for $B,OOO. One-half In hand.43lance at one, two and throe years. 8. 00/11BERT & SON, ;51 Market litxoet. ' lthr YD RAU L I PRESSED PLEB, flOO tozea Eyaraauo Preened Mona. (kindles, nude -e xinlzray for iismunor,.nee, on bawd awl farads , orr . _8 O. /kJ. S. SIATTAILf CIHEE3g:-300 tag age by Ont ) S PIANO FORTES, Ctutoisting of SIXTBEN of their new Seven Oetave and 131 x and r 1 3aif Octsve Pianea; have juat been received, and now ready for examination at the warerooma of the nib scriber. I=ll CIIIUI ,t SONS' PIANO FOILT.EI3 ere not farniehed by t`lern to any other house in this city, and all orders mast Cire•te.d to the subscriber. C I'o ARS ,) Woe) f) ,SYREET AND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, foom the nanufactrry of CRICISERINC4 SONS'. Lo,ToN, just received from the manufactory of Chickeri IF LTC Bone ' Boston, the following dirable and elegant stock o their PI w ANO PORTE'S : One Pnll seven octave Grand Piano Porte, with 8 - aperbly carved cave. Prico $8(h), One Pull seven octave Grand Piano Porte, elegant Rosa wood cave. Price 2700 0;,o New Par Eh) r Grand can octave Piano, near' equal ill power t a fall Grand, and occupying only the r) to of ordinary square Piano. Price StPX.I S4UARB PIANOS! Two full c..rvcd Rosewood, Louis llVth, Aevou ootarr , s, With carved Desk and Foot work Two Rosewood. carved mouldings, seven octave. Four Rosewood, plain round corners, seven octave. Three Walnut, plain round front corners, eeven octaves. Four 441 Is 14 44 64 63.4 441 Four Rosewood " " " " 61 Xi All of the above are of their NEW RCA, and with full ! , on frames, and their new Patent Action. Thaw inerruments have been finished specially for the setociiber, and wIII be, warranted to purchasers. For sale st their reduced priors. J OH,. IL MELLOR, No. 81 Wood street, ,I , .I 7 Sole Agent for Chickerlng & Sons' MMZMriffl this da ialT".(l2d PIANOS AND II SIC. THE BALANCE OF MY RING STOCK - 0 .V - FROM THE MANUFWFORY OF CHICKERING & SON'S, BO TO:qi. Notice JOHN H. MELT OR, No. 81`rood street, Chickering 4 Buns' Pianos, for Pittseurei and Western Pbnnsylvanla PIANOS!, • . , • FULL GRAND PI ANDS PARLOR GRAND PIANOS ! ! elo Rosewood seven octave--Clifford etyle ALDNRMEN CHARLES ho LE Vi ALDERMAN, And Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace, OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WYLIE FISTR STREETS All business connected with this Oleo will be attended to with promptness Conveyances of all ',rinds done with legal accuracy--euch as Leeds, Mortgagee, Bonds, Powers of .6.t -lerney, Lc. Titles to Real estate examined. To the members of the Bar to tenders hill services as Com tels-eener to take Deposition° to be read in the several Courts td thla State, and elsewhere. ilia °nice is one of the main l'eh,« Stations of the ciiy, and consequently his facilities in sre.mtnai.: busimewi of that hir.d are yore desirable. I feld:ly Alderman's °Mee. TAMES S. 1100 N, ALDERMAN, EX e OFFICIO JUSTICE OP THE PEACE, AND POLiCE MAGISTILATE—Office, No. 69 Grant street, nearly oppo alto tho Court Home, Pittsburgh, Pa. Deposition:, Acknow. leigmonts and ero.ate, taken; the Itecorde examined, Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Willa Leivies, Articles of Agree ment, and of Partneranip, Letters of Attorney, etc., etc., drawn rip at short notice; Nlarreiiies and all l.a?it,eat in the tine of his ctfir.ii proinr,tiy attended to. Office hours, from t to 1 P. ta., and from to 6 P. at. apStly DERSONS GOING WEST, wlio desire to parchme good farming hinds, are informed that we aave for qa.e 0:.;2 acres nfland In Boone county, town. Also ••-;•• noes of land in Franklin county, will be cold on cosy tarots by 8. UU'ri , BERT k SON, tny t 6 61 Market street. C;IORKS FOR PIiESERV h JARS—An int ructi.w stock on hand, at the only CORK MANUFAC TORY in the city—No. 7d Smithfield street. jyl6 H. OVERI. NOTON. ADWELLING lIOUSE cn Third street „, for rent. 8. CUT ELBERT & SON, J. 23 61 Market street. MACK REL.-- 25 barrels No. 3 Largo Muckorel ; 26 s " " " " reed and for (jy2B) HENRY 11. COLLINS. rile by d'ILARET WINE.- 21 caeca N. Johnston & Sous Medea Claret Wino; 10 " " St. Julien Claret Wine 60 " 0. C. St. Julien Claret Wine, in atom and for sale by MILLER .2 BICKETSON, taylB Non. 220 and 228 Liberty street. fIIIEMICAL OLIVE SOAP.-1000 boxes Chemical Olive Eiaelve Soap, on hand Pad for wile by Je7 B 0.1 J. U. SAWYFR 11Q ACON.—IO casks Country Bacon Shoul ders, Stdo and 1111111tl, Just .roceived and for Pala by J.A.S. A. IiETV;PiIt, 00icifir Ms:: tut and Vint rt'ra•ta. - INDIO 0.-2 eases 2rlanilla Indigo, just re ceivw and for solo by mylB DRIED APPLES.-50 bush. Bright Dried Apples }wit received and for sale by JAS. A. YETZEII, o,rner Marta pod Second FRESII NUTS.- 10 bales Bordeaux Almonds 2 " Paper Shell 44 60 bags Filberts ; 30 " Cream uts ; 30 " Noan " 2001 , bus. Ground " 6000 Cocoa .1143 by " Just received and for REYNIER & ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street, Oppoeit she St. Marten Rotel QTOuKINGS, lIITTS, ETC.- Snitablo 1 r the approaching hot Bettecou on hand by jog JOS. 1.1011 NE., 77 Market •• treet. LASS.--500 boxes Bxlo, 9a12 and 10x12 "71" foY ¢.3 1 1 ,6 by G COLLINS JOB PRINTING.- - Cards, Freight Bills, °fraction, bray Receipts, Bill Heads, Labels, Railroad Receipts, Bills Lading, With every other description of Job Printing, executes with promptness and at fair prices. .1. R. WELDDI, Printer and Bind..r, my3l Wood street, near Fourth. 12 ACRES of choice land, with good im provementa, near the city, for Oille on easy forma b , OUTELBERT h SON, Job 51 11,1171/gt afrapt 30Q ACR r_,S of Farming Land, • nea to Uniontown, Pa., for redo at $6 r acre. jy3l S. 011111131ift f & .ON, 61 Market at ALts I BALLS! BALLS I—A large as eortment of. Foot, Solid and Bat Balla, must received and for ealo, svholeawe an t retail, at the India Rubber Depot. 26 and 28 Bt. Clair street, my 29 ' J. a EL PIIELLIPS. 'VANS! FANS 1 I—Palm Fans by the ease, dozen, or oingle at Eastern prlceo,ontla other varieties ,f Fancy Fano, for eate at II 'RIVES, jab 77 Market street. LEMONS.—I.OO boxes Palermo Lemons just z ecoiveil end for sale by RHYMER ANDKHBON, No. 39 Wood street, m yl7 Opposite Bt. Mexico Hotel. LARD OIL. 50 barrels Extra No 1 Lard Oil ; 25 n No. 2 Lard 011. on hand and for sale by [myll3] B. 0 & J. H. SAWYER. A.VA COFFEE.—Just received a lot of fey idly pure Old ,foverninnit Java coffee. Also, La gays and Rio Coffa9, at ;JAYNES' TEA KORB, 1(45 35 fifth etrPet. DIME BLACKBERRY AND CHERRY BRANDY, for medicinal ptmporee, at HAWORTH it BROWNLEE'S, Jam` ln the Diamond, DOOll RESTS—Made of Mah gany and w,ll finial:led. for gale b) W. S. HAVEN, _ . Stationer. DILL AND COLLECTION BOOKS-A large assortment always on nand, or sande to order. W. S. HAVEN, earner Market and eatond streets. 1 &V ER'S SEAL PAPERS Varian ELMS and colors always on hand, at W. B. RAVEN'S, jot!. , Corner 3larlket and Second eta: FARM of 238 urea near Economy, for ..ra. sale by S. 6137/311310 Mar BOY 51 ket street IPRENCH LEMONS.-20 just received an 1: for tale by DRY3IEI a ANDERSON, jy2B - No. 89 Wood Erred. GERMAN DRAWING PAPER--In ro il for Thagrtrrors, for eale by .7. a. WELLDIN, owls - izr.m *tryst itssky,pn..tb. dIUM BAND', Part. Pollak cDesk -Pads, Bankers case; Port mid Pocket ItoOlos, for lath by • . • 8. HAVEN'S, apl.9 ' . Coiner Market a nd Second-str eets. jaIIN ' tr- 6 :,tbret3 bushels 6lit minus' Backs, wir and in vxd cider, Eiiide by fiAESTNUTS.-5 barrels Rasa, reeelv tap day, and for isaLsa m Anteasoa, Na.Bo Wood stmt. Oppoolto fn. Qbasiao Wog. 88/20 PIM Q, CUTHBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 a Market street, for the solo and pnrchc3o of Real rdstate, renting houses, attending to inshraocoawl rorMrs, obtaining loans on bonds, mortgagee, ac,; making convey ances, deeds, bonds, &c; writing letters and corresponding with parties abroad, ho. 0018 EfiLLER .% lIICICETSON - - - - - REAL ESTATE _GENTS. BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Rarzumag.—llleasre. Hanna, Garrotson & Co., ilabort Parka, Coq. JylLy WESTERN LANDS• ALEXANDER GARRETT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. 50 WATER STREET, CLEVELAND, 01110, Has for sale Lands in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan and lowa. He will exchange Land , " inWiSCO ELB ID, &c., for Pittsburgh manufactures, and also for city property. All letters of inquiry answered gratin, by addressing me 29 FII>13: c aulbly PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. A GRIST MlLL—Threa run of stones and 1 - 0 all the machinery complete, corn and cob cracker, itc., all good order, with a dwelling house, atable and two lota of ground, situate in South Pittsburgh,and will bo Bold on vary easy terms by S. OIITHBNIIT At SON, i el 7 61 Market street. t . AWRENCE COUNTY BONDS WANT ED,4I.4 in exchange for land. ap22 S. OtITLIBUCT & SON, 61 'Slarket at ASTEAM MILL in complete running or d,r, with dwgAtinl home, etc., near the city, CO, WS. C17:13.10.11LT h 'N, 61 Mirket street ES ERN LANDS of goud quadity, f *V sale or exchange for Real Estate in the city S. CUTHBERT 44 SON, 51 Yiarltet6; FAMILY RESIDENCE FUR SALE-A valuable property of lab feel front on Covington at , L.wrenceville. by lOU deep on Waelwigton street to Cherry alloy, Brick Owelling Rouse of 7 rooms well arrenged,batu room, porch, well of water and pomp, stable and coal house, kitchr n range, etc The rooms are newly painted and pa pered, shade and fruit trees, grape arbor, great variety of how-re, etc.; good p ling fence. The above offers a good opportunity to bay a c mplete and pleasant residenc, Brice low, and terms accommodating. 8. Li ..1.1.0E8T ri 5 0N, Real Estate an.. Go.daral Agents, 51 Market street. rjr.dE SIZE; of the cheap Building Lots IL for sale by S. CUT tiß 6R.0 I+. ?KM is 30 by lUa feet. Location—Near the railroad station, East Liberty. Price—From V 75 to $4OO each. Terms—One fourth in hand, remainder at six years credit. The Plan can be seen at the Seal Estate Office, 61 Market street. WU. BEAR IT IN MIND, that the East Lib erty Lots are offered at each prices, and on each easy terms, as to make a home eneily to be obtained. I3ear it ig, mind, that t 41.5 trout ou wide struita, aro of easy "beauty railroad, and or very desirable locations for family residences Bear it in mind, that tha plan of tho lets is to be seen at Jeld bl OIARKItT EnDIET. FOR SALE.-SEVENTY TiIOUSAND f dud e Prairie acd 'Bulbar Land, situated lu th rn id a and ..'dithern, Mi , neeuta, embracing the finest lot farming lands ever offsred in this market, at they are lccaten conveniently to Mills, Towns and lines of Railroad. Pamphleto containing information of value to emigranra and catalogues giving location,description and price of the land, with a brief description I the counties in which they are located, can be had on application at our °nice, and they will be coat free by mail to persona sending no their address. WILLIAM PBAZIEI3. k CO., zny:&tf Jones' Building, No. 07 Fourth street. TEN DOLLARS IN HAND, will secure a Building Lot of 26'100 feet on Mt. Washington,— Prica, sloo—slo in hand, remainder to suit purchaser. Al 80, lt Lot of 60x100 feet for $l6O---$25 in hand, balance in payments to Hull purchaser. B. CUTHBERT it. SON, i 5.23 61 Market street. C] ACRES of Land and a comfortaide Eumut„ situate near the Washington Turnpike, at about 3 miles from Jones' Ferry, will be sold on easy terms. Immediate possession. d. CA/Till - BERT Sr SON, If= 61 Market street. " LOT OF GROUND in East Liberty, near the llailrocil station I 0 by 100 feet will be sold for trio, one-Worth in hand, remainder at six years' credit. S. CUTHBERT & SON. iny29 61 Market street. GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. A. Ed 'PAELLAMID. MERCHANT TAILOR, Corner of Fourth and Smithfield Streets, RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT he has received his Spring Assortment of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, Of the newest styles, best quality and most elegant descrip tions, which he is prepared to manufacture to order in the LATEST FASHIONS, And with :rich a character of wprkmanahlp, as cannot fail to satisfy and please the most fastidious tastes, [ruylo DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- The firm of ITAWORTII BRO. t BROWNLEE wee, ou the ad of May, MS, dierolved by minuet coaemit, by the withdrawal of JEUU ILA WORTH from the above firm. The accounts of the late firm will be eettled by LLAWORTH BROWNIXE. 4g- JEHU HAWORTH, in withdrawing from the abovo firm, kindly thanks his former patrons and also the patrons 0. the late firm, for the very liberal patronage he has re ceived, and would kindly recommend them to his successors, LIAWOItTIi & EROWNLEE, as they are determined to sell at low figures, baying a very large assortment of CHEAP GROCERIES, WINES and LIQUORS on-hand. JEHU HAWORTH. .fib- DAVID HAWORTH and IA lifllB BIIOWNLEE have this day associated together, and will continue on the onsiuess at the OLD STAND, corner of Diamand and Dia, mond alley, under the style of ELAWORTEL A BP.OWNLF.E, where they hope , o receive that patronage Be liberall given to the old firm, they aro determined to Bell CaNAPEII than any other Store in the city. rayll3 NEW FABRICS IN DRESS GOODS.- A. A MASON & CO, .kotw., NO. 2+5 Fifth Street, re sow opeuing rich Dress Silks, &raps, Charnel Crt)_ Paris Brilli..nts, selection of 8 SHAWLS. (apl SEED SWEET POTATOES.-15 barrels ..7 Seed Sweat Potatoes for sato cheap to close consign aent JAS. A. FETZER, a,23, , Corner Market and First streets, /1011 POUND SYRUPS OF PHOSPHATES, Olt 011.ESII0A.L FOOD—This preparation is not in tended es a popular emedy, tut is respectfully frobmitteii co the Medical Faculty as a nutritive tonic, well suited to apply the waste of Aemencary matter during the progrosic , f chronic cases, particularly in Dyspepsia. and CubsiimP• ion. This preparation is pleasant to the eye, agreeable to :he taste, and great - tit to the stomach, and does not Wl= ,ate by protracted use. bold wholesale and retail by JOSEI-11 FLEMING, e 2.2 Corner Diamond and Martel street. fIOUNTAY BACON.-1000 lbs. Country %_/ Bacon, Jura received and for vale bs, JAMES A. FETZER, rw - 4. Corner Market and Vint streeta ROOM COR.N.-3 tons first quality roo' 4 1 and for yelp frorSl HENRY CO),LIVS. ANCY FRENCI BASKET2.—A nice esoortment jut opeaL4l, HORNE'S, 77 Market street. - WINDOW GLASS.—An assortment of Country Glace, assorted ohm} for sale by Wll3. 11. SMITH & CO., 118 Second, and 117 BL-et streets. WINDSOR SHADES.—OoId bordered, plain and fancy. Alec, shads Trimmings, always on hand at and for sale cheap by J. Ea U. Kinu - rs, rt ~ 9 28 and 28 EL Clair etreet. INDIA RUBBER HOSE.--From ingh to 10 itichea.la diameter. A large supply Just malted at the India 'tubber Depot of J. A IL PHILLIPS, mY29 28 and 28 Bt. Clair 'area. PILL PAPERS.—WaII Papers of all Vbinds for sale at redu ced pri ma, by . ..M.AILSHILLL es co., L'S•niqT 0-rept UNGLISH GLASS INKSTANDS—Cat P•V and pressed, with Wags and Bronze. Tops. jel4 W. 13 LIAITEN. Stationer. 13 I PS OF THE DIFFERENTSTATES- I lowa, Ohio,Peunsyiranla,rklebraeka and Kansas, lewonri,llentnckand Tenneeee, Virgule, etc, for Bala by Bookseller and statioae;',i MI. 6A Vl7n.rul DYE FLOUR--25 bbl's. fresh' ground Rye .11.44 hour, received and for sale by • JAMES A. FETZER, Corner Market•and.rirst 'streets. BALE LAVENDER FLOWERS, for Bale by B. L. 'I/AUNT:STOOK & 00., No. 60 co:. Wood and Youth obAoti. TRIED PEAOBEES--12 sacksithoide bright dry Peaches received and for sale by • JAB. A: pi' j Corner Market sad Pint sta. ESE. -200 boxes 19...11.; , . IL/ Epgilab _Dairy tiheasa, for &MOW f36221' " Pkaray °Gums; DEY APPLES.-50 bas , 160 bbls. Apples for sale by „1822:• , , - BMA. OQLLIZOL fIRREN APPLEB.-20 bbla. for sale 1 inet MiNitY A. oom lARISIA.N TOOTH PASI 'prepared' tax the anPrfil lion of Dr. Mahon n Den Ca lab ki 4011. ~~ 4: ''~ q ~ . .. (A CARD FROM Bit. JAMES M. JAR: RE IT, OF Till NtWYORK LUNG INFIRM All l L—My connection for tho peat eight years with the - above Institution, as Chief physician, and a twelve years' course of steady devotion to the Cure of Pulmonary Con sumption mad its kindred diseeses„ together with my un rivalled opportuni idea and ad vantage of pathological research .-aided not a little by a perfect system of Medical Inhala- Usm—has enabled mo to aarivd, at a de.cisive, direct•and sue csatifni course of treatment forthe positive and radical cure of all diseases of the Throat, Lungs, and Air•Pastages. By Inhalation, the vapor and curative properties of medicines are directly adressed to the cli4easad organs and the integu- ment Ido not advise theuse!pf Medical Inhalation of any kind, to the exclusion of general treatment; and although i consider It a useful adjuvant in the proper management of these fearful and often fatal dlieascs, yet I deem it very ne cessary that each patient shrsald hare the benefit of both general and local treatment-. ill'lte success of nay treatment lu the above diseases, and the high character of tho Institu- Lien over whi , th I have so long, had the honor to preside,sire too well known to need any eulogy or comment front me. At the solicitation of many private and professional friends, through whose philanthropic aid the above charity has been long and liberally supported, Iced after due consideration, I have concluded to make such arrangements as will bring the lie mints of my experiments and treatment within the i each of all, and not confine myself, as heretofore, to those only who entered the Infirmary or who were able to visit um at my office }loping therefore that the arrangement will give entire beast - action, lath to my professional breth ren and the public, I iv.iuld tespectfally announce in con clusion, that /can now be c +74-alledpertonally or by leiter,on ad diseases as above, mid that the medicines, the game as used In the Institution, prepared to suit each individual case. Inhaling Vapors, Medical Inhalers, Etz., dC. S will be forwarded by express to an, 'part of the United States-or the 'amides.. lax ISS —lly terms of treatment by letter are as follows viz: $1.2 per month for each patient-which .will 1 cclado medicine sufficient for one month's use; also, In. haling Vapor, nod an nhil'ing Apparettii. Pryment as fol low, : $6 to be paid to slap' , :4 Agent -Li rare ~.gt of the box of Medicine and the ~aiii .•.e SO at the expiration of the month, if the pcti nt be erred or to • ntirely sati.lied with the treateient Patients by giving a full history of their i a,. and their sympt ins in lull, can be treated as well by- I. tier as by p. rsonal examination. "atients availing them selves of Dr. Jerre t i treatment may rely upon immediate m permanent relief, •ts he seldom has to tro.t a MOO over thirty days Le.ters for advice promptly answered. For farther particulars, address JAME M.,. JARRETT, M.D. No. 62 Broadwa, cor. Twelfth bt, 14 Y. P. B.—Physiclaua and other] visiting the city are te r prctfulty invitoo to call at the iriflrmary, where many fate eatingcases can bo witnessed, and where our int, proved apparatus for the inhilation of medicated vapor can be seen anci inspected 1. jy3o:6m LLITAitY EINCAMPMENT STATE OF PEIVINTF.YLVANI4. It Is hereby ordered, that a "Cameo of instruction" ba hold at Williamsport, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, the present year, end the Adiatimt General of the Common wealth is directed to fix the time thereof—to tate charge of the arrangements—to Litton& in person, and to teens the' necessary orders to the emiral litaff, and other Military officers of the Commonwealth; iu relation to the same. WM. F. PAO&Fdt, Commander-in-Chief. atuntMrcr Garmiat's Orrion, 1 Harrisburg, June 3, 1855. S La obedience to the above order from head-Quarters, "Camp of Inetruction " will be held at Williamsport, Ly coming county, Pennsylvania, commencing at 12 it, on Tuesday, the 7th dray of September, 1858, To continue until SATURDAY, the 11th day of said month,' at 12 It, of said da . j, to be called Camp Susquehanna." 1. This Encampment is intended to include the uniform ed companies throughout the State, who aro earnestly re quested to be in pro...^.pt attendance. H. The Major Generals, Brigadier Generale, and Brigade I uspoctors of the several eivisions and brigades, are reel Aced to report to my office Re !Till) as possible, chat companies and Selo officers will ho la attendance from their respective commands—with tho nundeer of men in each company, the names of the Captains, auelithelr Poet Office addrese. II 1. The Aids-do-Camp and all other 'Ricers of the Grand Staff of the Comme.ndereniChief are ordered to be in-at tendance, armed and equipped in fell parade dross. IV. All companies in attendance are required to bring wish there all tantt and camp equipage) they may heel. V. The Brigade Inspectors, of every brigade, will report at on. to my eons, N. hat equipage belonging to the iltate is in the limits of their command Ai& Tho Major General of the Eleventh Division, Oen. D. K. Jackman, shall be the senior dicer on duty, and ho is hereby charged with thc immediate arrangements for said hincompuient, and In ordered to report to this °ince for fur ther instructions. By order of the Commander.iu-Ohiof. EDWIN 0 WILSON, laid Adjutant General of Pennsylvania. MILITARY GOODS. Fru RI SUBSCRIBERS HAVE CONSTANT. LY on hand a complete !dock oi SILK AND BUNTING FLAGS ?LADE TO , QA.D.EII. JNO. 111.I II. Iti , PADD.EAT 4L SON. 95 MARKET STREET. No. '2.1 'Wood streei, Pittsburgh, A AS JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM ht . ICILAND WALDRON & GRIFFIN'S` CORN HOES ; PAgNNIC M D COI EZON ANTILS; firiTay, _`rune, very superior Drawer Loam, very nuporior Gra. Locke, Tinned and Ennamelled Banco Nana, Batting Speons, Braga Candlesticks, Brass Ootka, Brass Stair Bode, Braces and Bits, lloasarinF Tape:- Superior Wsitera, Curry .Combe. 'recces, Coil, Vltth, Toniir.ea, Stretch and Breast Maine, wits a variety of other goode, till of which will be Hold at mod e-ate terms apla AMES-241.i Idi GIAR, MONONGAHELA tI PLAIIING 5117,1, would respectfully inform tho public abet he has rebuilt Since the fire, and having enlarged his r,tablishment, and tiled it with the newest and most Ap• proved machinery, is now prepared to fargioh flooring and Maned boards, Eicrowl sawing and resolving, deers, each and abutters, kiln dried, frames, mouldings, box making, , ilor.th Pittsburgh, Scotember 7, 1557. [sell> GENTS' SHOES AND GAITERS INDIA RUBBER CURRY' COMBS.—The A. best article in itee; • Suet recdvcd at tho India Rubber Ileiot. 26 and 28 BLlCleir etrk et. iny22 .11 IL ULOTHI ()dab/I-150U yaws of one ratterne end widt,Lv Jun received from .the fac ,ory, for sale vtholedele or retell, by a IL pi:mum 96 and 2g Pt CIRIT 07944 GLASS. -300 boxes assorted i4izea Winclow Mao, good douatry brand, fa. saleLY • ~• , m S TrEDIRY U. D . ROOMS.-50 doz. ree'd and for sa,lo by Laria lEENILY IL COLLINS. ISIL---500 packages White Fish Saxton, and Trout, for Lade by . (my 27) IT. EL qourtio. TNO. D. 111 1 61{,EAli lIZ so—Bohr y frarZti J. It. VELDIZ4: bagsC O R N .-10 shelled Corn raccived and for sale by nevi HENRY IL COI-1.117B: coOUNTRY BACON.-1000 lbs. ',Country Bacon; Hain , Shaniders and Sides, roccived and for by 1, JAB. Al YeaZint,' m 54.3 rkraer Market end •ta CHECK BOOKS-On all the Banks - and --- Broken; at r. HAVEN, ntr2.l Printer n ,d,Stationer. -"` NUMI?)ER 274 MISCELLANEOUS. EXSuuLtvZ 01161.18AE, liangsburg, June 8,1858. MILITARY GOODS 002180 FIND IN MIT OF PLUALES, • SWORDS, SAS II Ea, TASSELS, Voliniteer Companies fUEtTEMD RITH POLL EQUIPMENTS AT MORT ?POTION. SAM. VarirtikiESTOCE, GL'.7ICIIL 001131 Ali &RAU SMIIL, C ULi A 1' 7. PEOPLIVii a A BADE STORE, A 1 7 No. 17 .1117T11 ST. t. . . 04LLDRE:l53' SID:Ed lAtfAD OIL-10 baskets -pule, just reed and for sale by R.r.Yrmli. ANDERSON,. ray 4 No. --9. Wood street. - OHN THQIIPSON , &_ CO. --Have just ity• received and' for etstri, a large lot of • English Venttan Red,- Rochelle Ochre, Vermotzt (lour% - Errench Zinc, A=BlloBll Zillo White Lead, and •F9hittilyQ, at • Sae 'refs& sire I'LOUR-50 bbls. Supbxfine I'lonr just re oetved and lo sale "JA9. A.I.ETZBE, • . • • • CIO.: Market an.ti Sirs: streets. „.. 1. and No: 2 'lard :0 mists o 4 hand and for sale by . - B. O. Sc'J. EL' SAWYER. ÜBE :'DEIRA AND CAB T PIN E 4 brtile - tott or gallon, at, • HIeAWORTH BRAWARS'S, . , tbe Dauvond• PURE JAMAICA ,RUM: ANDROLLAND -. OTh, by the bottle or gallon, at _.....,....., jos ' •-- - n. GATE A BBOWrinnn m j 3, _ in the Osond. D RIED PEACHES. -2O Bushels eilligen, Bright, Dry PORCh4II PO received and for gale by" JAS. A. BETZBB, iiqi i 1•- - - oorner lifarket and First streets CFF.RR.-2 0 bags Rio Coffee, for sole bY 1 wm. U. ataxil 1 ea. -, I-- ___l____ rznl4l 11R Rotrad. nril 141 Ftrrt anerts: ___, e 171 , _ WVAY 1 1 . W144_0" EPAULETTES, BUTTONS, FILINGEZ, ETC, ETC P. M A I .1 a 11.. PIIIJ.I.TPQ -