• . - VOLUME XVI. PITTSBURGH MORNING POST. Printed =al futlaita ertri ncOrrant7: C SWAMP eznit'l) BY JARLES P. BAIU, Is tut nuts7l-Ws3l. coarn 07 WOOD AND PTIMII VITAIMO, TEB 'Dollars a year, payable strictly in advance B:r DAlara Inver:ably required if not paid within the year. .128` Si czte copies, Two Crrre—fcr sale et the counter in 'Be,/- and by the News Boys. EALTRS 05" ADVERTISING. I .77:r4.141 Twice I Onct a l , in TrEy tim 7 ' l-31 a weal a toreki soak. paper. 60 Tao insertiona..—.... 73 76 Three Ensertions_‘... 100 ....-... lOO Ewe aOO 200 150 100 75 nine week5............4 00 255 200 1 100 One m0nth..........5 GO 335 60 1 1 6 o months-- ....... . 700 4C5 5C 25. 250 Three months 060 000 460 3 00' 300 leour months 10 00 885 a 600 335 450 Sire months.- - 11 00 735 550 3 Cs' 550 S months 12 00 SGO 600 4CO 6CO Nina le 00 10 35 800 6 W 9GB Ono Tear. ... . ... 20 00 13 35 10 00 0.5 12 00 Banding. Card, .. lines er 100, per annum...._.........10 00 , CailiriaaniC d 4 PLEA-SVlr.: 02 - erquan, per annum, (exclueve of the paper,) sa 00 Marzinge notice=, 60 Cents ; Death notices, 25 cents._ PITTSBURGH SATURDAY POST A MAMMOTH WEEILLV. ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER FEAR, IN CLUBS OF TEN. ginglo Enbac.riptitma, - SZ per annum. CONTAINS ALL Tiill CURRENT NEWS OP VELE DAY, Polillml, Literary, Agricultural, Commer Local, Telegraphic and Miscellaneous. This Paper being of the LUCE?? MU, and neatly prints on flue white paper, in large, clear typo, will be found by the mho-alba to give better eatisfaction,:lhan any paper punlished in PitMbargh. Those who wish Co take a paper from Pittsburgh, will find t he SATURDAY POST a safe and profitable investment Address, JAPIEGS P. BARR Y ezpl7 Editor and Prcr.rietor. i.e. F. USE. cD. A.. 18Y1118 CD. & 11.YERS , BOOR ND JOB OFFICE, PAST iErcr=:erisrsta.s, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. THE undersigned having made extensive additions of the LATEST AND HANDSOMEST STYLE F TYPE, and improved Machinery, to the MORNING POST JOB OFFICE, invite 1. 110 a ttention of Rail Road Officer Merchants, business moll, and the public generally, to their uperior facilities fur executing with dispatch, on reasonable arms, all kinds of RAIL 0 A D IFERCANTIILE, LEGAL, AND EVY,P.Y OTIEKR DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN &-; FANCY PRINTING Ze-Our inatetril being nearly all new, we can give mum . ance of the most complete satisfaction, and solicit orders or 130038, PAMPHLETS, RAIL ROAD BT T AND CARDS, BANK :BECKS, BLANK NOTES, L.ITE. I II. ILEADS, BILL MEADS, BILLS LADING; CIRCULARS, BUSEVESS CARDS, PAPER BOOKS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, BONDS, Sc. liar Particular attention will also be paid to the printing Cf Pouters, Progr. .7=3, Lc. for Concerts, Exhibitions and °frames. BARR A MYERS. BUSINESS CARDS. The People's Shoe Store. D. S. DIEFFELiBACHER &CO., .Cheap rAqst Dealers in all hinds of Fashionable BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, For Gentlemen, Ladies, Youths and Children, 80. 17 Fifth Street, near Market, ocB PITTSBURGH, PA. t. a. MUM Jonsson.-- ....... ...8. A. JOHNSON • PERRIN A JOHNSON, Proprietors of Childs A Co.'s Patent Elastic Fire and Water Proof Cement Sooting. 133 THIRD STREET. ORDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith fully executed, and all our work warranted. Roofing material always on hand, and - for sale, with di rations for use. sepia' y JOS. F. HADILLTON a Co., ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Cbrna• of Pirg and Liberty suede, Piarburgh, Pa. VIPERIOB, STEAM ENGINES for Grist kJ and Saw Mills, Breweries, Printing Establishments, Manufactories, er., made to order. They else continue the manufacture oftheir Celebrated Machinists' Tools, such 134 T urning:Lathee, Iron Phu. era,Rode g and Drilling I )ll , rd:tines, Lc. - Also, Wrought Iron Shafting, with Pulleys, Hangers. dr- Ac 7s.Bftyd t0n7.4 TnOWrisair X.. C. Vl - 1 JOHN THOMPSON Sr. CO., I:1013SE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND GRAINERS, NO. 135 Third street. SIGN PAINT ING executed with neatness and despatch. Mixed Paints, Oils Turpentine, Varnish, japan and English Patent Dry en, Yule Montaigne Zinek, a very superior article; Phila delphi, and Pittsburgh White Lead always on hand and for 8s!.:, We are prepared to grind colors for Painter); Drug gitte, cr others, at the shortest notice, as we have a Mill which grinds by steam Pahfters will save money by get their colors ground with ns. imrsfly - • . '\• • • GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. HYDROMETERS or weighing spirits, the cheapest and bit articles ever brocght to this city. TUER3.IOMIZEERS AND BAROMETERS, varying in price from $6 to $3O each. POCKET COMPASSES, AND SURVEYOR'S CO,MPASSEO, lwaya on hand at 0. E. SHAW'S, Pradicoi Optician, 58 great. ae.2.3 opposite MaconSo HeilL S. C. t.IJ. U. SANRYVER, 13161177L15-'3 CS LALD OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS o. 43 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. JOHN EIDER & CO., F NCI' DYERS AND SCOURERS, MSc. ES Eilat.7l3. treset, .cmrs:v WOOD MID LwLTT EDlSzn y PITTSBURGH, PA. All kinds of Shawls, Dresses, Ribbons, ani doacriptlon of Silk and Woolen Q oar ozezntecl ct rt'noace, and on raaccnablo terx"3. rap2smi, • Office of Sealer of Weights and Measures. THE GETIOE'OF THE UNDERSIGNED, 6EALE23 OF WEIGITI'S AND MEABUB ES, El'av be fermi hencef.rth, in Cherry alley, hetwbon Third ad Fu^rth . ctreeta, where ()Mere may be lat. - La r CHARLES BARNETT. xir S. HAVEN'S Elastic Steel, Pens just v • received, end for sale at the Btatloneri r etore, Nos. 31, 33 and Market street. rpilE FRANKLIN ALMANAC FOR 1859. It, —This well-known and popular annual,Tormerly pub. lit:lrd y.Tohnsten & Stockton, after a lapse of years, will agair,tiliortly be issued. The circulations asformerlywill Le Made by t.,e skillful mathematician, 'Sanford O. In, Esl., who will also prepare for its pages such reading-Mat ter as Will make it an entertaining and instructive maga zine. Besides the reliable astronomical calculations, a new and ingot/leas table of time, an accurate method of drawing meridian lines, and other matters of permanent value will be added. ' . Orders of booksellers and other dealers are solicited in c.ivEracp of publication, as but one edition will be.printod, CC 3 o.lleril will be tilled according to priority, . - . WM G. JOHNSTON & 00., PulAt.hera, Printers, Stationers, and Blank Book Makers, o 7 Wood street, Pittsburgh Je22 CHEESE.-300 boxes good cutting Cheese 0-1 - resolved and for sale by i 926 = HENRY H. COLLINS. T AR CH .-250 boxes Pearl Starch in store sail for sale by .925 LARD OIL.-,We have commenced mann lecturing Larcl,oll, and will be pleased to receive or oi.rg Wo_will warrant it equal to any 011 in the tor AVe' will Jill barrels re .Wrn wt.e3gAlculred , ... 13, 4 27a 41' WoOd Aimee, NIONS.--10 bbla. Onions far Este WU a, wn, - , • . . . • _ i .. . _ • . • •..,:._, .. 0 • . . - ..' . a . . . '..,...1 . . . . . _ . •-,.. - k • 41 (' -'1 - 4 '16. 's ' ' .:4 -. , . --11 :-.,.. ,' : - .44 • • ".r- -6.- - ;'!..' , .. :,.. - • :'...: , . _ . ... A _ . i . ~$ , r, 3 , . -. , 5-1 ' -.••-• . - v . -,,,, -, • - 7, a: ...., -,: . . ..,. .. , . . 4 i =4* i 1 1, ~ 4-,,, -t,.. 1 r a - ~ _.. : ~,, 4,,,,, 1 - - 14 ,- , • 1 '' " ' e . . . ' ::• .-...i REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE COMMIT, At ATHENS, ERADFORD COUtsiTY,„PA., Jan. 1, 1858, as presented to tho Stockholders, and made Obi in compliance with the State Wein! New York, Ohio, Indiana,Minoia, ko. 84ATEMINT. The name of the Company is the FARA' , 'RS' UNION IN SURANCE COMPANY, located at Athens, Pa. Chartered Apri113,1863, by theLegialatare of Pennsylvania. ChartSr PorpotnaL Cash Capital, which is all paid np 4 200,000 00 Surplus in addition thereto 63,4E16 61 ABBITS. Fitly-four Bonds and hlortgagas, at six and reran cent-interest, amounting in the argrislitte . to.--$162,815 00' Which mortgages are or vans- We and productive real estate, principally farms, records:d and tint liens, worth generally double the amount and more than mort gaged for in each case, and In no case lass than fifty amt. more, exclusive of farm and so certified by the Recorders, where recorded, to the and tore of the States'of Chid and Illinois. Nineteen nix Vi cent. Rands amply secured. 47,635 00 Cash on hand and in Bank.- 0,449 12 Cash In hands of dgez.te, and in cotsree of transmission, secured by bonds with sureties 18,701 00 Dne on losses, reinsured, [cc-. 1,1136 51 Bills receivable, 'viz: promissory notes payable at bank and to the C0mpany....8.246 82 Interest accrued, (principally' due January 1, 1858,).. ......... 1 19 40 Safe and office Fixtures and Faint tare ... 600 00 -$ 258,485 51 130011/11 von T/33 rasa 1857. Amount of Premiums reoßived during the year $ 85,231 33 Ain't interest remind during the year 11,442 05 Ain't received from all other sources 2,480 00 Expenses for the year„including come) miens, salitries,yeats, rein surance, printing, advertising, taxes, and all other expenses $ 19,199 Gd Dividends paid during„the -year 17,030 00 Ismft.s paid, which occurred prior to December 31,1866 7,674 66 Dosses pain which occurred during the year 46,661 64 Losses adjusted end not duo (since pedd)...—..— $ 12590 99 Lasses Incurred and in fdocess of adjustment. Loes reported, on which no Eaton has been taken... ............ 6,500 00 Lomes misted, on ground of Insur ance after fire, pror.erty transfer red before loss, property lost not covered by the Policy, &c.. 8 , 39,407 09 Whole anion •t of risks taken during the year-$ . 01.29,80 00 Whole amount of risk at data 4,881,410 00 IaTE op Pamvsnvemt, COUNTY Or BRADFORD, 81 C. N. Shipman, President, and J. B. Canfield, Secretary of Pao Farmers' Jnion Insurance Company, being severally duly sworn, depose and sal, end each for hie self rays, that the foregoing is a true, full and correct statement of the affairs of said corporation, and that they are the above de. scribed °Teen thereof. C. N. SIIIPM.A.,N, President. J. E. CANFIELD, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn before me, this 2.6 th day of Jana. cry, 1858, 11. C. BAIRD, Justice of the Peace. T. J. lIIINTEFt, Agent, No. 90 Water street, Pittsburgh. BY THE Elena:nee Mutual Insurance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. OS BUILDINGS, LIMITED 03 PZ2,PETTJAL., LIEROISAH- CAT1TAE,0177,926 -ASSETS, 92 r,21,486 so, invenq. Cs follows, viz : First Mortgage on Improved City Property, north double the amount g 20,206 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. Mortgage Loan, $30,000 cost 25,500 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Penn's It. R. Loan. 10,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s Stock 4,000 00 Stock of t! , e Reliance Mutual Invnrance Co. 19;150 00 Stock of County Fire Insurance ......... 1,050 00 Scrip of Sundry Insurance Companies...--.... 478 00 Rills Roceivalle, hi:minces paper 62,711 60 Look Accounts, accrued interest, etc- 5„838 19 Cash on hand and in Bank 18,448 20 Clem Tingley, Willbrn R. Thompson, David 8 Brown, Cornelins Stevenson, John R. Worrell, EL L. Carson, Robert Toland, Moses Johnson,. Charles S. Wood, James S. Woodward, mr3 B. J. - mr3 North-east ca MERCHANTS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Philadelpb.la. WM. V. rEraT, rrerident D. J. hrOdNlq, &cretary. Amount of Capital Stock paid in and inccatod—s2oo,ooo 00 Lupins G 3,428 o'. VW, 4 - 8 ' 0. 5 Jamul Cargo Thiaka-on the Ohio and Iliaalmippi ravers sad tributaries. Insures against loss or damage by Are, Also, against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Tvanak:;rtatiau. D111E04088: Wm. V. Pettit, J. 0. Uontgomory, John U. Pnraroy, D. J. ElcC.min E. N. Witmer Rene Ganlau, IL L. WooletA, Jolla d. !Aar:l444 Ohms. E. Wrtirla, Jr. , hn J. Phttenc,n, Efwooki T. Pur.ay. In Philadc/phid: Seigor, Lamb ts Co., Traitt, Bro. 4 Co., A. T. Lane Co., PITTSBURGH OFFICE, ap9 MuTun INSURANCE COMPANY, - ' . s • OP PPNBISYLVALPIA Huh Capita1—......5300,003 I feu N0ta.—5182,343.. rilliilS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON A.. Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, Lc, in town or country. Dl6:loT